Racism: The Death Of A Concept

The concept of racism is a novelty of the twentieth century that in recent times has been treated as a timeless truth. In the last century, the best people decided that their fellow white people had been living in sin because they had not welcomed the descendants of former slaves into their lives, so they set about correcting it. What started as a project to better the material condition of black people and include them into general society, slowly transformed into a cult of leukophobia.

It is a good example of how a negative identity can both spread and slowly destroy the people who embrace it. The first “antiracists” were sober minded compared to the modern version, in that they simply wanted to address the practical problem of incorporating the black population into the American legal system. As a practical matter, the United States had two legal frameworks into the twentieth century, one for the white population and one for the black population.

The fact that this dual legal system existed in America is a great example of how practical necessity must always come before the ideal. America was born, in part, in the notion of equality before the law. It nearly tore itself apart in a civil war over this very same issue, but into the twentieth century the majority of Americans, of both races, were comfortable with a two-tier legal system. It was this gap between the ideal and reality through which antiracism entered.

Those first “antiracists” were opposed to this dual legal system. Soon they were opposed to the people who defended it and then opposed to the human reality that perpetuated it despite reforms in the law. The civil rights revolution in the middle of the last century went beyond eliminating the dual legal system. It was aimed at eradicating the conditions that made it possible. Those conditions, it was assumed, were in the hearts and minds of the white population.

This version of the Great Awakening was motivated by a desire to once and for all eliminate that which makes racial inequality possible. Instead of pulling up at the water’s edge of biological reality, the reformers imagined that they were smashing into the final defenses of racism and the racists who made it possible. That sin of racism discovered in the last century was anthropomorphized into an army of imaginary devils, against which the great and the good could rally.

The last generation of madness has been in pursuit of what Chief Justice John Roberts called the folly of trying to create equality from inequality. Not only are differences in individual people immutable, differences on groups of people are immutable, but that itself became one of the deadly sins of antiracism. The stubbornness of this reality just made the antiracist more determined until they embraced state sponsored violence against this imaginary evil.

Whether they understood what they were doing is unclear, but what antiracism became was a mirror of what they claimed was white racism. This started with shifting the definition of racism from “prejudice based on race” to “prejudice plus power”, which meant only whites could be racist. Since hating white people was not new, they shifted to hating whiteness, the condition that produce white people. The result was a moral code built on the hatred of white people, leukophobia.

In the final decades of the last century, American children were taught about the cultural lunacy in communist countries like Russia and China. They would struggle to accept that people could submit to reeducation camps and struggle sessions run by crazy people at war with reality. In the fullness of time, children will look at the diversity pogroms of this age the same way. Future children will struggle to believe that psychopathic con artist like Robin DiAngelo were real.

Like the madness of Mao’s Cultural Revolution or the bloody madness of Stalin’s purges, the madness of antiracism has run its course. Yesterday, Trump signed another executive order, this one rescinding Lyndon Johnson’s EO 11246, which established affirmative action in government contracting. Ten years ago, anyone suggesting this was called a white nationalist and purged from polite company. Suddenly it is in the trophy case of the most banal political activists.

What we are experiencing right now is a preference cascade. Long ago, a wiseman said that antiracism would collapse on the day a so-called conservative professed his antiracism in front of a gathering and that gathering started to chuckle and then burst into uproarious laughter as they all realized the same thing. That thing was that everyone else was sick of this nuttiness too. All sudden, it was okay to laugh at it and so everyone indulged in hysterical laughter.

This is not to suggest that we will be restoring segregation or that television actors will start casually dropping racial epithets. It simply means that the social movement built around antiracism has reached the end of the line. The quest to eliminate race as a defining feature of public discourse ended with race as the defining feature of public discourse, leaving it with nowhere to go but away. The solution to a racialized public square is a de-racialized public square.

Another way of looking at this is the old expression, shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations. This refers to the idea that wealth gained in one generation will be lost by the third. The founder starts the business, turning it over to his son who competently manages it. His son then runs it into the ground. There are a lot of variations on this same theme, but all point to the same idea. Regression to the mean is undefeated over a long enough time span.

The concepts of racism and antiracism were created by clever people seeking to capitalize on that gap between the American ideal and reality. They got the social movement going and the next generation established it as a fixture of American political discourse. For a couple of decades, antiracism provided good jobs at good wages to college educated people with no real skills. They just had to show up and play their role, but instead they brought the movement to ruin.

One could also look at the death of racism, the political cause, and its moral claims, as part of the overall decline of the American empire. Racism and antiracism were made possible by the emergence of the American superpower after the two great industrial wars of the twentieth century. This last spasm of racism was made possible by the final victory over the other great ideology to emerge from those wars. Now that the empire is on the wane, its social movements are dying with it.

Regardless of your preferred narrative, there is no escaping the fact that the world has suddenly shifted on the issue of race. The moral center is coming to rest where it belonged all along with regards to race and that it is a private matter. One chooses to live with who they like, for any reason they like. It is not a collective matter. We are seeing the line between the private and public reappear. The first casualty is the concept of racism and its traveling partner antiracism.

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2 hours ago

The damage is already done. It needs to be undone. Millions of people need to be sent back to where they came from. In the US, in Canada, in Europe.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hun
1 hour ago

Agreed, obviously, but where will it start?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 hour ago

ICE announced they arrested 308 yesterday. That adds up to 112,000 a year. I guess we could give them a pass since it was day 1.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
51 minutes ago

Was watching Scott Adams,(don’t judge me), and he related that the flow of illegals has gone from 10,000/12,000 per day last week, to under 800 a day now. That’s creatures entering the country illegally.

I’m hoping that trend continues.

Last edited 50 minutes ago by Bartleby the Scrivner
David Wright
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
43 minutes ago

Adams said admiringly things about the fine and proper pajeets in his neighborhood were a good thing. Half of his area is populated by them according to this nitwit.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  David Wright
27 minutes ago

It is amazing how obtuse the guy can be. On the same show, he repeated the story of how being a white guy prevented him from being promoted in previous jobs.

That said, with Adams, you take the good with the bad.

Alan Schmidt
2 hours ago

The left was incrementally getting their way, but the double whammy of the managerial class locking everyone in their homes and the biomass destroying cities completely upended this. If you go that hard, you need to go all the way, and the left, to our benefit, failed to.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Alan Schmidt
2 hours ago

Agreed one hundred percent and glad I saw this before commenting. You nailed here a big portion of what would have been posted. The one mild disagreement, and it actually isn’t one, is “failed.” Yes, they came up short but it was due to prematurely acting. As I frequently write, the one real advantage we have, and it is a huge one, is that the Left is hyperkinetic and impulsive. A half generation or more and Covid and crime would have been killshots, pardon the pun. As it is, if you shoot at the king (again, pardon the pun).

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 hour ago

Yep, you best kill him. Or else.

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
2 hours ago

The Brandon administration certainly tried. It’s easy to forget now but the media and activists were positively giddy after that Color Revolution. Brandon said all the right things about locking up his opponents, turning over the whole government to Black Girl Magic, instituting a permanent COVID regime, full censorship regime, full-on lawfare, anarcho-tyranny, and DEI forever. But they didn’t just say it, the people they put into place were in there to do it. They also demanded that corporations get on board which they did. All their policies put DEI at the center from the very start. If it failed,… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
57 minutes ago

The incompetency of the spiteful mutants is a nice white pill. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer types are evil, but they are effective politicians. They are slowly being replaced by DEI morons like Hakeem Jeffries and AOC, who will spew the same nonsense, but no one will be listening.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Alan Schmidt
2 hours ago

Yep. I wrote something similar. Covid pissed people off and showed that our govt lies about everything. I’d also add that the insanity surrounding BLM pushed a lot of whites over the edge. Normie whites could no longer hide behind being “colorblind.” They had to publicly admit that just being white made them racist and deserving of punishment. That pushed a lot of them toward our side and thinking that whites might need to team up if we were to stop this nonsense. The other issue is Oct. 7 and the reaction of the brown horde. Inexplicably, Jews were stunned… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Yesterday they were able to separate themselves from whites in one context. If they continue to succeed in this project then all the proclamations that “antiracism has reached the end of the line” will look prematurely optimistic.


Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 hour ago

Interesting. That literal last-minute parting shot from “Biden” was upended yesterday, at least in theory and likely in fact for at least four years. The most interesting aspect to me is this was attempted although in the past Jewish-owned shell companies with black frontmen were used to the same effect. Wonder why the decision to be blatant? I think it shows weakness, actually.

2 hours ago

Freedom of association will do nothing to prevent what’s coming…because instead of hostile people rubbing shoulders with each other, you’ll have stratified hostile populations side by side. Race war will break out as soon as the blacks start going hungry. Something similar is happening in South Africa right now. Heavily armed White enclaves are setting up, surrounded by seas of black savages. How long they hold is anybody’s guess.

Hate to say it but the only lasting peace and tranquility that is possible…is apartheid.

Reply to  Filthie
2 hours ago

The only lasting peace and tranquility that is possible is geographical separation.

Reply to  Hun
2 hours ago

The only lasting peace and tranquility that is possible is the grave. For your enemies.

Reply to  BigDaddyAmin
57 minutes ago

Nonsense. Historically blacks have been servants and slaves… and criminals. Previous to the mid 20th century, blacks traded labour for food and lodging. Properly trained and domesticated, blacks supervised other blacks for their masters, forcing them to be productive and useful. In point of fact… our white ancestors – contrary to the myths of Hollywood – were far too busy to waste their time torturing and oppressing the blacks for fun and amusement. As long as Whitey got his money, as long as his slaves were working hard and happy… all was well with Whitey too. If blacks became a… Read more »

Pip McGuigin
Reply to  Filthie
35 minutes ago

and trust them.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  BigDaddyAmin
26 minutes ago


Reply to  Filthie
2 hours ago

If Dr. Wooter Bousen – microbiologist former military of South Africa – had completed his “black bomb” as he was trying to before apartheid fell, we might not have had to deal with any of this.

Reply to  Steve
1 hour ago

Wooter? Woot! Woot! lol

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Filthie
1 hour ago


The only small positive I can point out is that in North America we are not outnumbered 10 to 1 the way the Europeans in South Africa are.

Last edited 54 minutes ago by The Wild Geese Howard
1 hour ago

Any racial “healing” will not be complete or even considered serious until Derek Chavin and the McMichaels are freed and recompensed for the travesties of justice that saw them convicted and incarcerated while criminal devils Floyd and Arbery were canonized.

Reparations need to be paid, but today’s shrieking grifters have it all backwards. It is we, the long-suffering Whites, who are owed an enormous debt for having to deal with the malignant dysfunction of the negro.

Per Fred Reed, blacks are a failed race, under permanent custodial care. I, for one, lost patience ages ago with our recalcitrant problem children.

2 hours ago

The black female FEMA employee who went door-to-door after a disaster and ignored houses with Trump signs might have been the high water mark of affirmative action in government and the Great Awokening. The government did a good job of sweeping it under the rug but she went on a live stream and said that this was a policy that went way above her. That doesn’t surprise me at all and I also wouldn’t be surprised if it was a policy that came out of Mayorkas’ office.

Reply to  Mycale
2 hours ago

A man who by the way, did not receive a pardon.

1 hour ago

In 1960, you could fit the entire population of folks in the US who were neither White or Black in Phoenix AZ currently. The CRA ran on the inertia of sympathy for a long time, but with 92% of the global pop eligible now, this train is out of tracks. The arguments and rationalizations for its existence in the first place was absurd.

Reply to  ArthurinCali
8 minutes ago

Truly, a different nation in ’60. I remember it fondly.

Now, I can’t even stand to live in the place.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 minute ago

This. People had sympathy for the descendants of former slaves. Nobody has any sympathy for the south Asian invaders, their scamming ways, and their body odor.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 hours ago

Somewhat agree. But I’d argue that some other reasons that the focus on race and racism is being cut off at the knees is that whites were beginning to push back – and Jews realized that they were on Team Whitey, like it or not. Yes, the whole racism version of the Great Awakening is like any other religious movement. It runs its course and burns out of energy, in part because it crashes against the rocks of reality. But all of us noticed that antiracists likely went a bridge too far in 2020 and 2021 when they pushed normie… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
30 minutes ago

The people who claimed everything changed October 7–the aftermath and response, really–have been vindicated. Jewish power and influence seemed able to withstand anything but that was a misperception. I don’t think the genie goes back into the bottle even though there will be attempts, particularly from Trump I suspect.

1 hour ago

The problem isn’t racism, but that ‘clever group of college educated people with no skills’ who constantly complain about it and try to divide everyone.

Reply to  NateG
43 minutes ago

Do you believe that if we could get rid of ‘clever group of college educated people with no skills’ that there would be no huge divisions and hostilities between races?

1 hour ago

Bad ideas never DIE. In his EO disbanding DIEA (I didn’t even know they had already added another letter to it), Trump also required federal employees to report attempts to rename DIE or advance it surreptitiously through coded language.

So, I think the power of the accusation of racism will recede for now, its practitioners will reemerge from under their rocks to fight another day.

It’ll be important for Trump to codify his EO’s in the law in such a way that future Presidents cannot undo things.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hokkoda
1 hour ago

The dilemma for these monsters is whether to attempt a court challenge and risk the USSC declaring anti-racism kaput and perhaps even a cause of action for whites. I’m really interested in what the courts will do, particularly if the Trump DOJ starts suing corporations and colleges over retaining DEI.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 hour ago

Allen pretty well covered it earlier, but the Left prematurely acted and went too far with Covid and criminality/mass migration. Those would have been killshots, pardon the pun, for “whiteness” in another half a generation. But the Left is hyperkinetic and impulsive, and this weakness is the one great advantage we have over them. Once people were locked into their homes for no legitimate reason and borders were thrown wide open, the equalitarian madness that underpinned much of oppression was discredited fully. Robin DeAngelo most likely double masked, unaware that her lucrative grift would die along with the Covid panic,… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 hour ago

Nazi themed water parks. I never have any of the good ideas. I just don’t think big enough

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 minutes ago

‘Sprrring-time for Hitler und Germany!’

Classic opera.

2 hours ago

I don’t think the racism/antiracism schtick is totally going to go gently into that good night. I see that lawn jockey sharpten is demanding boycotts of businesses who ditch their dei policies – but it may be the last death rattle. I doubt we’ll ever see “Whites only” signs again…

Reply to  usNthem
1 hour ago

I also disagree that the identity politics scam is ‘over’. It is still Plan A in government, corporations, media, NGOs, and the schools and colleges. The Racist and Feminist scams ain’t just gonna disappear because Donald Trump.

As long as women rule over you — and they do — identity politics will remain. Because most of this prog-nonsense comes from the female mind and will.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  ray
15 minutes ago

As long as women rule over you — and they do — identity politics will remain. Because most of this prog-nonsense comes from the female mind and will.
This! With the exception of Z and the commenters here, this problem is either not recognized or ignored by most men. There’s a bible verse that goes something like, “Women rule over them and children are their oppressors.” The women part is self-evident, but have you noticed that violent black criminals are getting younger and younger these days? 12 year-old carjackers are not uncommon anymore!

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  I.M. Brute
3 minutes ago

> have you noticed that violent black criminals are getting younger and younger these days? 12 year-old carjackers are not uncommon anymore!

This country seriously needs to revive the “school to prison pipeline”. And introduce capital punishment for minors. I’m not joking. If you are committing armed carjacking at 12 there is no “rehabilitation”. Elimination is the humane approach.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 hour ago

I have a slightly different view based on what we seen in the world of religion that last few days. On inauguration day we observed Franklin Graham representing conservative protestant christianity pray before Trump and Vance and mentioned the name of Jesus Christ, this christianity represented by Graham is largely Christian Zionist and friendly to the usual suspects. Yesterday we also saw the traditional protestant christianity in America in the form of the Episcopal service lecture President Trump and Vice President Vance sitting in the pew on the rights of sodomites. This version of christianity is also friendly to the… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
31 minutes ago

The Christian/Jewish partnership has always been a one-way street, which the Jews have exploited for far too long. You never hear Jews say “our Judeo-Christian values.”

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
1 hour ago

Ibram X. Kendi, the “antiracist activist” who made the rounds with his book a few years ago clarified things very well scolding all whites as racist. His claim that whites are forever guilty of racism and have to spend their entire lives and every moment to overcome their racism is a big wakeup call. Kendi, along with Robin DiAngelo have been a big reason why young children are taught to be ashamed of their ancestors and that no matter what, being white means you’re guilty for the rest of your life. There will be blowback for this. Learning that there’s… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by Wolf Barney
Mow Noname
Mow Noname
1 hour ago

As much as I agree with Mr. Z-Man, the practical effect of rescinding the Johnson “affirmative action” executive order is most likely going to be limited.


Because the legacy media/ megaphone is ignoring this XO. Absent Trump actively suing private companies and, more importantly FIRING government employees associated with implementing anti-white discrimination, it will be business as usual until the Republicans throw the mid-terms.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mow Noname
1 hour ago

At the federal level, it wouldn’t matter that much anytime soon, because it doesn’t change what’s in the hearts and minds of the people doing the hiring. EXCEPT, concurrently, there is a federal hiring freeze. Hopefully it stays in place for 4 years (or 8 or 12, a guy can dream) instead of only 6 weeks or so like last time.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

This is why, as I said earlier, these people need to be reassigned. Trump is the Executive – change their job descriptions to be hole diggers, and transfer them to Greenland (once acquired) to break ice.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
50 minutes ago

The dismantling of the DEI offices is important as well. I am not an expert on the structure of federal departments, but it wouldn;t be surprising to me if a lot of this work was being run out of those offices. Getting rid of true believers is going to be really difficult – people are already passing around how NASA tried to rename their DEI department to get around the inevitable (although, with a competency typical of these departments, they left a paper trail a mile long), and the EO addressed that. For now these DEI people are on paid… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mycale
10 minutes ago

The paid leave, in actual practice, changes very little. They were already “working” from home.

2 hours ago

Trump has been doing better than I had imagined. But this will pass, sooner or later. Then what? The Civil Rights movement was a PR and judicial coup, just as the Bolshevik coup was a briefly violent one. These coups share something in common: they were organized, bankrolled and broadcast by the same group. This group has its own immutable qualities, above all a pathologically adversarial relationship with the rest of humanity. Which means that so long as as this group wields power and influence among and over us, we are in danger of more coups. Any action that does… Read more »

Reply to  Vegetius
38 minutes ago

The war against progressivism is perpetual, but we are finally winning some battles. Once more unto the breach, dear friends.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  Vegetius
5 minutes ago

I’m old enough to remember LBJ trying to push his “War On Poverty” agenda. All the TV spots, and Life Magazine articles featured tow-headed, freckle-faced hillbilly kids deep in the Appalachian hollers. Not a black face to be seen anywhere!

Last edited 4 minutes ago by I.M. Brute
40 minutes ago

This is fantastic news Z-Man. Clearly it is the rescinding of an executive order. This buys us time. I looked around for a link I was sent last week but could not find. It makes the point that you made about how a Cloud Person getting assassinated by an immigrant being a catalyst for halting immigration. Well, it happened with the anti-white pogrom. The link was of the Twitter feed of an elite White man. His name is Sean Maguire. He has a Phd in astro-physics from CalTech and is a major researcher at Sequoia Ventures. He was doing a… Read more »

Last edited 39 minutes ago by RealityRules
Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
1 hour ago

While I applaud Trump’s Executive Order closing all DIE admins, I notice it says those employees will be placed on paid leave.

To have the proper effect, those employees should be reeducated through hard labor.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
36 minutes ago

“Reeducated through hard labor”, i.e. being forced to work in the private sector.

Derecha Disidente
Derecha Disidente
2 hours ago

It feels to me as though we’re settling into a “status quo ante” on race, along the lines of when we were kids, circa 1982. It wasn’t that race didn’t matter, but we certainly didn’t think about.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
1 hour ago

True, but will the corporations and universities give it up? This is where lawfare needs to step in. Our side needs to file lawsuit after lawsuit. Keep the pressure on.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

The corporations will give it up quickly once federal contracts are at risk, I think, and the Academy will follow suit when the former stops endowing lavish no-show jobs.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

No. The schools, corporations, and colleges will not give up on identity politics or woke.

It isn’t blacks and mexicans and dot-injuns that keep woke alive, it’s white women. And that is a problem that rightie men cannot face, much less solve.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Don’t hold your breath.

The University of Michigan and its $30 million of DIE hires own a summer camp in a 95+% white area.

Their official, unwritten policy is to actively encourage the, “right,” sort of staff, students, and alums to visit.

Because of course it is.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Yeah, Trump needs to keep the pedal to the metal regarding these XO’s to be absolutely sure they’re being carried out to the letter – and ignoring the guaranteed cacophonous bleating and lying of the libs*** media and lackeys.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
1 hour ago

Yes. Will we know its cousin racism is real, though? It likely will be put on the backburner as well.

Solid stuff of late, Z.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
22 minutes ago

there is no escaping the fact that the world has suddenly shifted on the issue of race.”

Perhaps in the USA, and belatedly even later in Europe. The rest of the world never bought into this nonsense. Two Japanese prime ministers remarked (at different times) how African-Americans pulled down the average IQ of the USA.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
41 minutes ago

I know you guys rag on us Boomers. Fair enough. We had some advantages. But we also were the first victims of antiracism and antisexism. And we weren’t prepared for it because we were told the system was “fair.” I was talking with a Boomer friend of mine the other day about jobs we lost to incompetents because of affirmative action. For me it was five I know of.

1 hour ago

I am of a mind where I disbelieve everything anymore. Was there really racism or was it more about people keeping to themselves and fraternizing with people like themselves because that’s who they are most comfortable with? That’s not racism, that’s just human nature. Likewise with the Jews. We all know their history, but they seem to have positioned themselves well in the societies they were in. How racist or anti-semitic can those societies be if Jews are allowed to advance into comfortable positions? My late mother came here in the early 1950s. She always had warm things to say… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by TempoNick
The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
Reply to  TempoNick
53 minutes ago

You’ve put your finger on an important point: “hate” and its fans. The simple and observable fact is that those who are consumed with “anti-racism” are so emotionally and intellectually shallow and retarded that they simply do not have the capacity to see or recognize anything beyond some shallow, one-dimensional “thought.” For them, there is no continuum of emotion or thought; rather, there are two emotions and only two: love and “hate” (and they use “hate” exclusively, not knowing that the word “hatred” even exists, let alone when and how to use it, but I digress). I need not explain… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Infant Pheonomenon
34 minutes ago

Prosperity and security certainly acted as the foundation, but the relentless propaganda led to the binary love/hate interpretation of relationships. The collapse of state-sanctioned media monopolies largely is responsible for the recent sea change in opinions on race and perceptions related to it. At the time of the collapse of the USSR, the emergence of now-antiquated internet message boards and the State’s inability to squelch them completely supposedly played a large role. I don’t know enough to offer an opinion there, but that is what is playing out right here right now.

1 hour ago

Impressive, very nice. Now do sexual deviance.

Or whatever that meme is lol.

3 minutes ago

“The quest to eliminate race as a defining feature of public discourse ended with race as the defining feature of public discourse, leaving it with nowhere to go but away. “ The battle is not yet won. As with any number of such initial actions in a war, the effect may only be adequately evaluated in hindsight. Seems today’s Z-man missive emphasizes one of the problems with wokism and DEI—reality denial—while failing take fully into account two other driving forces behind wokism and DEI—grifters and racial economics/SES. Grifters of *all* races will vigorously resist elimination of DEI as it is their… Read more »

Last edited 1 minute ago by Compsci
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
13 minutes ago

AA/DIE is fundamentally incompatible with the GR (after a certain point). AA/DIE seemed like not much of a sacrifice to GGs, Silents, Boomers, because they lived in a 90% white country. So what if some negros got AA jobs, simple math said the rest of us were going to have jobs too, still be in leadership, and the negros relatively few enough not to do much harm. A harmless little virtue signal it seemed to be. But with each succeeding generation, AINO got less white. Until we get all the way to Gen Z, in which whites aren’t a majority… Read more »

Last edited 12 minutes ago by Jeffrey Zoar
40 minutes ago

Consider what law is. It is an explicit set of standards for behavioral proscription. A set of ‘you will do this’ and ‘you will not do that’. The purpose is conflict prevention and resolution. The invention of written law is often attributed to the Babylonian Hammurabi. It took a while for the notion to propagate amongst the settled civilizations. So how did humans resolve interpersonal conflict before the written laws of settled civilization? (1) Conflicts were mediated by authority figures enforcing the mores of their societies. Mores can be thought of as sets of behavioral standards (culture or memetics) and… Read more »

1 hour ago

[…] ZMan does a deep dive. […]

Daryl Poe
Daryl Poe
2 hours ago
