In the 2016 election cycle, the majority of the American people signaled that they were done with the ideological politics that had reigned since the Cold War. While Trump did not win a majority in the general election, the election as a whole, including the primaries, made clear that the public was ready to move on. The way to view the last three election cycles is as a long struggle by the public to drag the economic elites out of their isolation and back into politics.
That is what we saw in 2024 and what we are seeing now. What is happening in Washington is both revolutionary and just the start. The cutting of government payrolls is one part of a bigger change in how America operates. The United States is about to end its empire phase and return to being a big powerful country. It is a long overdue transformation that has been made possible by the economic elites realizing things had to change if they were going to remain elites.
Left out of this is what it means for Europe. The issue of Ukraine, for example, has the Europeans on the sidelines, muttering mad ideas to one another about how they will get along as American vassal states without America. They are drawing up grand schemes for re-arming Germany and developing their own nuclear arsenal, so they can pretend Brussels is an imperial hegemon and the political classes of the European states can continue as dysfunctional flunkies.
It is strange to see the Europeans, both their media and their politicians, carry on as if nothing has changed. In the United States, the talk is about the DOGE audits and making deals with the Russians and Chinese. In Europe they are locking people up for speech crimes and looking under their bed for you-know-who, when the closest they will come to seeing him is in the mirror. Suddenly, Europe is a land of poor people wearing yesterday’s fashions.
The problem is most obvious in British politics. The Economist had a cover featuring British Prime Minister Keir Starmer as Winston Churchill. The motivation behind it is the British elites are still suffering from the 1938 disease that used to rage in the United States until the antidote of the 2024 election. If they had made Starmer look like a guest at Studio 54 it would have been less cringe. British politics is a mess of yesterday men looking for a reason to exist.
This post in the Spectator about Nigel Farage inadvertently gets at the problem faced by the Brits and all of Europe. Farage is a generational talent in terms of democratic appeal, but he is worthless as a politician because he accepts the fact that he lacks elite support, especially support from economic elites. As a result, he is always getting close to the important issues facing his people, but he always pulls up just as he is about to engage directly and candidly with them.
What you always sense with Farage is that he desperately wants an invite to the cool kid’s table, so everything he does is aimed at keeping that option open. He could give the ridiculous fops on the continent a tough time, but he never levels the same charges at the local fops, because that would mean giving up forever the chance to sit with them at the cool kid’s table. He may not like their policies, but the dream of being accepted by them still controls his actions.
It is why he is always negotiating with himself when it comes to issues like immigration or Ukraine. Nowhere on earth is there a majority in favor of immigration and in most places, even the thoroughly demoralized portion of the population wants an end to the open border’s madness. This should be a trillion-dollar bill on the ground for Farage to pick up, but he just cannot do it. He gets close, but always has a reason to leave it there, staring up at him.
What Farage lacks is the backbone that comes from elite support, especially from the economic elite. The reason for that is the indigenous economic elite of the UK was transformed into a local office of American Inc. It could act only with the permission of the bosses in the main office, who for decades were happy to leave things to the managers, both at home and abroad. The result is that the economic elites in Europe have the same managerial mindset as the managers.
The problem can be seen in the list of “British” billionaires. We must put “British” in quotes because the man topping the list is Gopi Hinduja. Number three on the list is Sir Leonard Blavatnik from Ukraine. Fifth on the list is Lakshmi Mittal. This feature of the British economic elite is shared on the continent. What passes for the European economic elite are people who gained their opposition by doing business with the Americans by the rules of the Americans.
The reason the UK is becoming a garbage island is because the “owners” have no connection to it. The servants of those “owners”, huddles in the swanky neighborhoods of London, define themselves by their opposition to the British people. The people of the British Isles got better treatment from the Vikings. The reason Farage can never get elite support is because the elites have no interest in a populist, nationalist message, so Farage reduced to being a charming rumpswab.
There are other forces at play, but all of them have their roots in the fact that Europe has been under American rule for eight decades. The reason Farage cannot be the UK Donald Trump is that Farage is not a member of the economic elite. Trump is a billionaire and sees himself as an equal to the billionaires. His perseverance over the last eight years won over the economic elite. Such a thing is not possible in the UK or on the continent, so they cannot produce their version of Donald Trump.
This does not mean things are hopeless in Europe. In fact, the United States suddenly joining the rest of the world in the 21st century is setting the stage for Europe to finally escape the 20th century as well. It will require a longer and more painful process, like what Russia experience after the Cold War. The reason is Europe will need to rebuild its institutions and develop its own elites. That can only happen when America finally kicks Europe out of the imperial nest.
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You hit on the major point. America has opened itself and all of Europe to international predation. It sold itself off to alien strangers. The path out of this is messy. Even in America entire Universities are colonized by aliens – both the classrooms and the faculty and graduate departments. Yet, Trump the great reformer’s bold plan is to increase international predation by selling Gold Cards to the highest bidder. Putting your wealth and institutions up for sale shows no signs of being taken off the table. In that sense, the nationalists, are not nationalists. Things have taken a positive… Read more »
The selling of Western Gentile institutions by the parasitic elites to the globe is going to backfire spectacularly. When there are no Western Gentiles left, the whole project crumbles, a husk of it’s former self. These people desperately want to be a part of Our World, yet their presence in ever increasing numbers is what will destroy it. Oh the irony.
they don’t actually want to be a part of our world though. They seek only the benefits of having access to us and what we’ve created.
“where da white wimmin at” almost sums it all up.
“where be da whi wimminz at?”
You need to swot up on your Ebonicz, bub.
This is not comforting at all. And this is the reason:
That is part of their plan. They want a world of rich and poor. They want much lower consumption for the masses so they can “save the planet.” Your kids will commute in their 15 minute city on public transit or a bicycle while they will continue to drive nice cars and fly around the world. This will probably backfire spectacularly as most of the things they want to preserve for themselves will likely not work as small industries.
Yes. This is their general plan.
Zorro: The selling of Western Gentile institutions by the parasitic elites to the globe is going to backfire spectacularly.
Vox Day thinks that Jamie White was assassinated because he was working on an Infowars expose of (((Victoria Nuland))).
Unfortunately, Vox Day doesn’t seem to offer up any further information on the (((Nuland))) angle.
Just so. And now the great savior has declared Thomas Masse, the sole member of congress not owned by AIPAC, persona non grata, because he opposes yet another massive spending bill. The worthless dollar becomes ever more worthless, because there’s an unlimited supply. I’m not naive; I do realize that most ‘business’ in AINO is nothing more the numbers manipulation, but I side with Massie over Trump any day.
Trump does what his masters tell him to. They cannot have Massie in the US Senate. It’s going to be hilarious watching the MAGA civil war over this as the Israeli Influencers kneecap the Deplorables.
Trump is always mad at the “budget hawk” guys. They contradict him unnecessarily. The numbers are fake. Demanding they be reconciled like real accounting can only make things worse. The Republican establishment uses the libertarian guys to target the fraction of the budget that “works” for the citizenry (somewhat), SS and Medicaid and such, while protecting the inflationary institution-welfare and “small business” (white replacement) type stuff. The latter is The Market™. Trump is trying to maintain all of the above while shrinking the professional-class Democrat patronage network. The fake numbers shouldn’t be used only to hurt normal people, only to… Read more »
I guess Trump really likes proving his detractors correct. I was very heartened by the huge show of support for Massie on Twitter. I hope he does run for senate and manages to defeat AIPAC’s ‘unlimited money’ threat.
Recently I read Z Man and it does seem like there is quite alot of MAGA in-between the lines. Perhaps I’m well wrong on this. Trump did a few decent things, and seems to continue to do them. But even though America’s foreign policy and economic policy may be changing, entering the 21st Century, so to speak; you’ve still got a huge non-white problem and declining general culture. Just like Europe. This is why I miss Lawrence Auster’s writing so much. He often cut to the heart of what some of the biggest problems facing the States were: immense black… Read more »
You’re not wrong. There’s definitely a triumphalist tone to many online now, and certain merkans love deriding Europe as old and washed up, even as they lay claim to European lineage.
It was perhaps forceful of me to use the term MAGA, which I ought not to have, as I don’t believe the Z is MAGA in any way – nor many of the commenters here. Triumphalist is a much better word.
I understand the respite that Trump brings. But, as I’ve said, and I know you agree to, in the long run we’re going to be dealing with more and more third world garbage.
And that counts for almost everything.
The underlying fundamentals remain horrible. Demographics will tell the tale, and it is a terrifying one.
OrangeFrog- Interesting that you mention Lawrence Auster. I was just talking to a friend (who also posts here occasionally) this morning about Auster and how much I miss him and his blunt commentary.
Was Auster ousted for his bluntness?
In the 2000s, Auster was the most radical right wing writer that I read *by far*, except for Tanstaafl,
I wasn’t aware of the JQ and Tanstaafl confronted him about it
Ostei, Auster passed away early 2013, I think. Whilst he never appeared (as far as I know) to have had a proper mainstream career, he was repeatedly targeted by all the standard leftist oddballs. Just like others who do his work. I found him valuable because of his grammatical erudition and general knowledge of the flaws of modern America (Black Run America, I think it was known as). He did have his differences with other faces in this movement, but his View from the Right blog was brilliant. I’ve linked the archives above in response to Wolf, if you’re interested.… Read more »
I don’t think he ever worked. He kind of reminds me of Jonathan Bowden but without the mental illness, or Jewishness. From what I have heard auster was sensitive about the jq
Larry was j3wish.
For those, perhaps like our host or the excellent Jared Taylor, who believe that we can strike some sort of deal with some of the chosen, Larry is one of the best examples.
I don’t think such a deal is possible, given genetic predilections and historical hatreds. But to be fair, I have no complaints with Stephen Miller.
NAJALT. I know, I know. . .
Not all Jews are “big Jews” at the heights of power and wealth nor are they all raving frizzy-haired marxists. But the Trump Jews are in the minority unfortunately.
But don’t forget that at least 40% of white gentiles are “nice white lady liberals” who will cast you out if you should ever utter a negative thing about illegals or trannies or whatnot.
You can still hit up his archives here:
Alot of the articles are still absolutely brilliant and incisive. To me, he mixed traditional theory (i.e., what should tradition be) with down-to-earth cultural commentary.
His commentary on black-on-white crimes are priceless, as are his amendments to John Derbyshire’s rules about conduct oneself around blacks.
Do tell!
RealityRules: “America has opened itself and all of Europe to international predation. It sold itself off to alien strangers. The path out of this is messy. Even in America entire Universities are colonized by aliens – both the classrooms and the faculty and graduate departments.“ The Secret Wealthy Family Who Started The Civil War: The Belmonts YOUTUBE: I used to think that I knew a thing or two about USA history, but every time I turn over one of these rocks, there’s an Happy Merchant to found beneath it. They were already in control of USA Horse Racing… Read more »
if a country allows what the uk allowed, rape gangs screwing little girls, that country is done.
it’s been going on for 20 years now. DONE
they are a laughingstock. they don’t matter.
I find it amusing that Merz wants to “ramp up the military” given the dismal state of the Bundeswehr no thanks to the devastation left by Ursula von der Leyen. Like most politicians, including Trump to some degree, they have no real clue how industry works. They think they just start throwing tax payers money around and ships, tanks and planes appear as if by magic. Clearly they have no concept of just how deindustrialized Germany and Europe have become. If they started building one right now, it would approximately two years just to produce a new Leopard 2 battle… Read more »
What amazes me is no one is talking about how German car makers are mow accelerating their push to move production to North America and Mexico. About 30% of all “German” cars now sold in North America are built in North America. This is growing quickly. Both BMW and Mercedes are expanding their facilities in Mexico. It will not be long before Germans cars are designed in Germany, but made overseas.
This should be a great shame, but it is ignored, even by the dissidents as far as I can tell.
Well, building cars is manual labor. The elites hate manual labor. They ship our work overseas, cut our pay, and then say that we need the helots to do what we won’t do. But in this particular case, the elites hate the German work ethic and they fear what Germans do when they work. This predates Mustache Man and this Anglo suspicion of the German is probably the primary cause of the 20th century.
“building cars is manual labor.”
Mostly robots these days in automated factories.
Indeed. This video of BMW’s Spartanburg, SC plant show how few human beings are involved in assembling a car these days:
All the welding? Robotized and automated
Painting and priming? Robotized and automated
Human beings are here and there to inspect the robot’s work (and maintain them).
Humans also show up to do delicate assembly work robots cannot do (or it’s cheaper to hire a human).
Yes, but still an employment opportunity that beats most others. Additionally, the supply network involved needs to be added in.
The way to judge this is number of man hours per car. Today, typically 20-30. In the 90’s, 40-60. That a tremendous savings, but still not an insignificant gain from off shoring returning.
My general fear is that all these “moves” are not going to occur, but rather pledges that are 5+ years into the future for production facilities. There needs to be teeth put into these pledges such that they are not reneged upon as soon as administrations change.
Even if it was 1, they would rather some third world migrant was doing that work instead of a European man, especially if that European man was getting paid a good wage and using it to take care of his European wife and kids. I don’t know why people get so bogged down in the details sometimes. This is how it is. They don’t want Germans living a healthy middle class lifestyle through industrial labor anymore than they want us to do it. Actually, probably less. It was surely a source of constant annoyance for them that Germany became what… Read more »
Yeah, but have you seen the quality rankings lately? Mercedes is bottom of the barrel. Down to 29th position, only ahead of Chrysler.
Yes, I’ve been steering clear of Euro automakers for decades. They don’t seem to make it past the 100K miles line. Even PT Cruisers can last a century with a minimum of care.
Every part in the German car marques is now cost-reduced to the point that it is only likely to last the first two lease periods.
This result has been achieved via the use of powerful computer-aided design and simulation tools.
I had an ‘03 VW Passat and I managed to rack up 267k on the odometer before it was destroyed in a collision with a buck. That car was built like a battleship and up until its demise, I never had an issue with components rattling, or coming loose.
The only issue I had with the car was the suspension. It was too soft and I had the European springs put on it that lowered it by 3/4 of an inch all the way around. That made all the difference, after the swap, it handled perfectly.
That’s Stellantis. Another globalist conglomerate wearing a great American brand as a skin suit.
In my neck of the woods, 3+ year old Mercedes have taken the place of the Eldorado and Deuce and a Quarters.
Around here premium Germans, MB, BMW and Audi, are sure signs of a certain demographic with government and corporate DEI hires. Very few pale persons buy them anymore. It’s always the entry-level Germans too unless it’s well-worn S classes or 7 series.
I live in a small FL city. One day I was eating at the local DQ (formerly Dairy Queen) and saw a black female in her work uniform go out to a parked BMW. She didn’t go anywhere. No biggie, say I, I did the same thing too sometimes when I was on break. What piqued my interest was the cost angle: How does a young woman making minimum wage afford a BMW? My evil racist mind imagined likely scenarios. The car belonged to, or was a gift from her boyfriend the drug dealer, perhaps. When I left, I noted the… Read more »
Name three French words every black man knows:
Coupe de Ville
Chuck doesn’t work as well with CT4’s
It’s ironic that Germany is voluntarily following the 1948 Morgenthau Plan to de-industrialize, depopulate, and become almost entirely agricultural….and dragging much of Europe and the UK along with it..
I think they would like to be rid of the agricultural part too.
Audi has been building in Hungary, Italy and Spain for years.
And of course they passed on the savings of lower labor and energy costs to their customers.
– said no one at Audi ever!
The majority of automation (robots) in automotive assembly is generally limited to chassis/frame and body builds. Anything that requires complex dexterity will continue to be done by hand because humans are simply better at fine motor skills and are also cheaper than a robot for installing power cables, small snaps, clips, etc.
Look, my old Toyota truck—the best ever produced by the industry—was built in Tennessee by American “hicks”. It can be done! It’s not only design, but quality control. If German cars went downhill, then it’s one or both of these factors—not the employees on the line.
Very true. There are any number of YouTube videos showing their assembly lines. The interesting part is towards the final assembly end. All the hand work being done to the cab and dash board. Heck, my new trunk—currently in assembly is no longer on a conveyer, but rather parked side by side with a dozen other’s while workers scramble from truck to truck added the final touches.
I wish VW would at least produce camper vans here. Pretty sure light truck tariffs killed them. My parents had a couple of them. We toured America when I was a kid. Great fun.
Whilst listening to Strawberry Alarm Clock and The Mamas and the Papas, no doubt…
Nah, they definitely weren’t hippies. Blue-collar people maximizing their means.
I grew up in Microbus(es) but not camper type. For US, VW offers the ID.Buzz but reportedly not in a camper form, and its an electric vehicle (nein danke):,right.
The problem with Western pols and normies is that they still believe places like Willow Run, Michigan aka Air Force Plant 31, still exist:
At one point during WW2 100 B-24 heavy bombers were flown away over the course of two days.
That level of military industrial output has not existed in the US since the end of WW2.
A greater problem with Western pols and normies is that they believe it was heroic to design, build, and use the B-24 “Liberator”. They are addicted to murder-suicide militarism.
Yes Howard. I strongly recommend the book “Freedom’s Forge” on this topic. I doubt we could do it again.
There’s definitely a totally unfounded belief that “We did it before; we’ll do it again.” Totally ignoring the fact that there is no longer any ‘we.’ Even if I cared about buying “American” any more, I couldn’t do so. The ‘workers’ here – especially the under 40s – are all non-White. And merely putting together something actually manufactured elsewhere does not qualify as ‘industry.’ Hell, China makes 70% of ‘our’ apple juice (with a good helping of nasty chemicals). Not to mention all the steel and rivets etc. will bend – the question is whether before or after the girl… Read more »
Thank you for your inveterate optimism!
Yeah, I know I’m little Miss Sunshine. Just can’t help myself. Fwiw, my husband and I spend plenty of time smiling and laughing together.
There’s an interesting story about the Battle of Kassel during April 1945 where Tiger II tanks were literally driven straight out of the Henschel production line to confront the US military. We all know how that ended.
did you see the Tiger maintenance guide in comic book form, that was posted here (couple of years ago)?
No, but from what I’ve read from historical accounts, maintenance on any of the Tigers was a nightmare.
What?!?! German Engineers 👨🏻💻 designing a vehicle that’s incredibly complex to build and maintain?
Well I NEVER! Good day sir! 😏
German mantra: simple, rugged and reliable.
Over at Sev’s some wiseass says, along those lines, that German Engineering can be summed up as “Why use five parts when fifty will do?” 😀
Karl, Indeed it ended badly for the Germans. But their record of achievements in various fields from 1933 to 1945 stands for itself. Of course, it resulted in almost total destruction, but: I have never, in all the history books I’ve read, seen it said that the Germans were generally incompetent or lacked endeavour in that period. Praising Moustache Guy’s boys has gone out of fashion, but organizing industry at such a scale and innovating in so many ways was no mean feat. In fact, you might well say that only a white nation could do it! The Germans went… Read more »
Correct. Further, industrial production was able to be ramped up for WWII in large part due to idle, pre-existing factories that were shuttered or barely used due to the Great Depression. The idea that there was a mass expansion of factory capacity then is in part exaggeration. The Rust Belt has been a state-imposed disaster for more than a half century now. A great many factories were under-utilized/unused for about 13 years prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. This is NOT replicable today.
Great points about the under used factories prior to WW2.
The US also had a highly skilled and motivated labor force to work in those WW2 factories.
Now, there is no comparable workforce in the US because the state has spent 50 or 60 years actively destroying American industry.
Excellent stuff Karl. The issue of Euro defense infrastructure is mind boggling. Even if you could build these factories, they are obviously vulnerable to hypersonic missiles and would be blown up by the Russians Day 1 of any conflict. So they would have to be built underground and dispersed. Cost: massive. Air defense: almost completely dependent on US technology. Drone technology will take years to develop. And ISR is essential to defense and requires space/satellite technology. France has some but is way behind. This would cost a fortune alone. This is a generational process.
And yet they are likely to stage some kind of false-flag event in the attempt to draw the US into a war against Russia. When? Soon. Will Trump and Little Marco fall for it? The treacherous liar Hegseth is salivating for it. But what will the draftees do? How many young white Americans will go–actually go–into a brothers’ war for Trump?
They will have plenty of volunteers.
Impoverishing everyone by crashing the economy with tariffs and trade wars will generate plenty of volunteers for WW3.
The deranged belief that production can be ghost danced back to reality is not confined to Germany or Europe. Regardless of how professional the contemporary United States military may be, and at best it is severely diminished, the material required to fight a war is not available at scale and has not been for a long time. The Ukraine War flushed out what paper tiger militaries comprise the West; daily propaganda about Russia running out of weapons ran up against the reality of Europeans and Americans unable to produce any. It was beyond parody when the West seemed to believe… Read more »
Actually the money is not there.
In order to pay for their new military programs, Germany needs €400 billion they don’t actually have. So Germany literally side stepped the Constitutional restrictions on borrowing.
Our grand children are paying for it.
I thought the EUSSR geniuses in Brussels were going to seize the $300 billion in Russian assets frozen at Euroclear to pay for rearmament.
Further poking the Bear? Not a wise move, but anything’s possible in Brussels. Brussels is not known for it’s building full of brilliant minds. Just Eurocrats who tell each other they are.
I’m sure that Belgium has greater accomplishments to its name (granted, perhaps a very long time ago) but this was the only thing I stopped to see when I passed through Brussels in 1994:
Thanks, I should have known the money also is fantasy. So the promised funds cannot be produced and will have to be borrowed? This is the worst kind of American behavior, actually.
“As anyone who has been in the services knows first hand, six months of enlistment does not a military make.” I’ve always been a fan of required service—even if less than a year. It’s not been tried, even here in the USA. Obviously expensive, however there may be benefits to offset such. Such benefits may extend to NATO as well. For one, there is a reluctance to join on the part of a great many men simply from the novelty of the transition from civilian life. Six months between the transitional period of HS to college/first employment, is less unsettling.… Read more »
Actually we had the choice to either serve in the military or perform social services like working in hospitals, old age homes, local emergency services, etc. It was a huge benefit to the hospitals as they got free labor who did a lot of the very low level work and took that off the already short handed nurses and medical staff.
Two comments on the German military and NATO. Six months is a ridiculously short time to train. Just enough to get through basic and AIT.
I was close friends with an US Army infantry colonel who was working with NATO in Afghanistan. He said they were all worthless except the US military.
I have always considered the US and unserious country, but it turns out the Euros are worse than us!
Over at Daily Reckoning there’s what I’d term a laughably optimistic article about how the U.S. Navy is going to rennovate itself.
I wonder if Europe isn’t much closer than we think to actual, organized populist violence. The British kinda sorta tried it already, as did the “Yellow Vests” in France (where they have a long tradition of political violence). Seemingly every other day brings word of some Muzzie going on a stabbing spree in Berlin, or driving a car into a crowd, for motives that will never be known… and Berlin’s response is to outlaw AfD. The EU is about to throw that Romanian guy into prison (if they haven’t already). Once they realize that American occupation troops — the only… Read more »
I think that’s why they’re so afraid of Musk and Twitter/social media. One precipitating incident can be suppressed, but if he chooses, Musk alone can call millions of eyes to another atrocity, and from there, it can break open. The “Arab Spring” conditions are there for a revolt of Europeans, ironically (Alanis, pick up the phone) because of the “refugee crisis” brought about because of a social media driven populist revolt in the OG “Arab Spring” of 2011.
This is a great manifesto signed on to by many of the youth in Europe. All it will take is for Musk and the US to put their money and weight behind this Pan European movement.
That’ll never happen unless it’s good for the jews. In which case it’s important to ask, is it good for the Europeans?
They will revolt when things get worse. Things will get worse when they go broke trying to pay for migrants and their own defense. More pain is necessary.
The totalitarian impulse running wild throughout Europe stems directly from this fear. The same was happening in the States until the economic elite got frightened and abandoned their American EU clones.
Glad I read Sevs blog or I would have missed the Alanis reference; and Elon, more stabbie muzzie pics please.
I guess the problem is, with what will they revolt? Unless arms are being funnelled surreptitiously to the Euro masses they will be reduced to wielding stones, torches and pitchforks. And while that may have been supportable in 1381 and 1789, I’m afraid it’s just not on in 2025.
I’m talking about something akin to the fall of the Communist regimes in the Warsaw Pact in 1989-1990 rather than some kind of armed revolution. After all, the pipe hittin’ Communists of that era held all the guns too.
Alanis Morissette’s 1995 chart-topper “Ironic” is itself, after a fashion ironic, because not a single of the several themes in the song fit the “correct” (literary) definition of irony. It’s still a good song, and the whiny bitch was one of the better female pop stars of the 90s (IMO).
The entire political structure of Europe is in place to tamp down organized populist violence and defy the will of the people. This has been the case since Operation Gladio but it’s become much more explicit the past 15 years, starting with the Greek financial crisis. The tools and systems the Eurocrats put into place to deal with those pesky unruly Greeks are now being used on Germans, French, Hungarians, Romanians, Danes, and anyone else who dares step out of line, on anything, from finances to homosexuality to immigration. But, now we are talking about war, it’s getting serious.
The primary purpose of NATO now, I suspect, is to put down rebellion among Europeans. The Warsaw Pact had nothing on these evil clowns.
There is certainly that. But as we know, destabilizing Russia is NATO’s other primary charge.
Brexit showed the acid divide between globalist-Brussels elites and the once-enfranchised Brit people.
America likewise succeeded at color-revolution in Ireland, Our Betters slavering to wipe out Irish culture.
It’s popped up over and over again, the first I remember is France rejecting the EU constitution in a 2005 treaty, then the Netherlands doing it a few days later. What happened afterwards? They just revised a bunch of old treaties with all the stuff from the rejected Constitution and claimed that was totally legit and now inforce. All they needed was John Roberts calling it a tax. The point is, the EU was invented to supersede the will of the European people and that always has been a source of tension and always will as long as it exists.
The UK is finished. William’s kids are no better than even money to take the throne. They are just as likely to convert and be named Sultan. I agree that Eastern Europe is a different story.
The British have been the historic thorn in the side of Europe for centuries. But they are about to come to an ignominious end. Germany will inevitably gravitate back to its historic trading partners in the east, a history that stretches back to the 14th century. With the opening up of trade all the way to China, the Persian Gulf, and India via land routes, the British will have come to a dead end with very little to trade. Germany and central Europe will flourish.
Nothing to trade? The British have cornered the global canned Spotted Dick market.
Ha ha! And you can’t get a proper Toad n’ the Hole outside of Ol’ Blighty, either. Procter & Gamble has supposedly been trying to muscle in on that market, but so far, no dice.
That’s the way of the world. Trump’s daughter converted and became a Jewess.
Didn’t Trumpster want to set her up with Tom Brady? Kushner. . .what a downgrade.
Unless something drastic and unexpected happens, the UK and most of Western Europe will become Magna Turkia (or Turkey; whatever it’s called now.) Tourism-friendly, somewhat livable, and somewhat prosperous, but unmistakably Muslim with lots of flat bread and tinny speakers.
And AINO is already Brazil el norte. Hardly something to feel superior about. I’ll take a good doner kebab over a taco any day and twice on Sundays.
I wonder if Europe isn’t much closer than we think to actual, organized populist violence. Yes. Europe is waiting for a spark. Among the many reasons for its psychotic fixation on Putin and Russia is the need for a diversion for the army of angry young indigenous Europeans, who are responding with a resounding “no” to calls for them to defend the status quo. The Eurocrats had no problem selling out their own, and in turn their own is waiting to put the blade to their throats. I think that came close to happening in the States, too, hence the… Read more »
That is the only language they can understand. Unless and until they have a strong fear of the populace, absolutely nothing will change(other than getting worse). The longer it is put off, the more intense their language will have to be. Already it is close to impossible to move around without being filmed and identified.
Which is why the old and new (techno) elite hasten to finish their AI panoptic projects.
I think not. Europeans are a tired, defeated people. (The western and northern ones, anyway.) There might be pockets of orneriness but that will be the extent of it. The Yellow Vests and the marches for Tommy Robinson is all we’re getting. At least the Chinese students in 1989 had the good sense to occupy a national monument for weeks to be mowed down by their own government, which turned China and the CCP into a pariah state. (In fact, it did reform the CCP in the long term.) Unfortunately it will take that kind of tragedy to get Europe… Read more »
Muezzin loudspeakers blare from Big Ben—
Do you have any idea of the average age of the commenter here? And you call Europeans “tired and “defeated”? My millenial son mocks all the boomers and GenXers here (yes, definitely including moi) as old and out of touch. Why everyone thinks he’s part of the kool kids klub just mystifies me. Merkans under the age of 45 are all black, brown, yellow, and tranz. Not what I’d call ‘energetic” and “winning.”
While we have the same rot Europe does, and a bad immigration situation, it is not as thorough, and could be reversible. There is no Tom Homan in Europe, for example. No Stephen Miller. No JD Vance. There aren’t millions of center-right men posing with firearms and ATVs and voting for the Party that says “F You” to the establishment. And I can pretty much say what I want without being visited by the POLIS.
And “Tommy Robinson” is a zio-front grifter anyway.
Severian, I’m not sure if you were aware but late last summer time here in the UK, a youth (yes, youth – no colour) stabbed three little girls and killed them. It was an act of evil. He was actually sentenced to 52 years (I’d have hanged him, myself). And, so goes the familiar story these days, he was “known to police”. Anyhow, the point was that spontaneously, in many parts of the country white men (of a certain background) made their anger known. This happened in many towns and counties of Angloland. Whilst the violence was not organized, I… Read more »
The Southport murders, yes? I’m glad to see that the young man received justice. I follow the UK tabloid press. Credit where due: the UK’s justice system moves many times faster than ours, whether for serious crimes (the stabby incident aforementioned) or relatively minor stuff, like WrongThink: An excellent example is UK’s harsh (by our standards) censorship. For those not aware, you can be visited by the police for a “non-crime hate incident” which I admit I don’t know what that is. If it’s not a crime, why are the cops wasting their time? A Brit who posts the wrong… Read more »
Severian: “I wonder if Europe isn’t much closer than we think to actual, organized populist violence.“ A lot of people believe that’s why The Council of the Sanhedrin decided Trump [rather than Biden] would be the President in 2025; that The Council realized the lid was about to blow [catastrophically] off the top of the kettle, and The Council needed to back off, so as to calm down the more hot-headed factions amongst the Goyim. The Council could have just as easily told Phuckerberg to keep printing & signing infinite fake ballots, and stuffing them in infinite fake ballot boxes,… Read more »
I think with the British, especially what used to be the English upper class, there is an old cultural force holding them back from a Trumpish figure, and it’s the same reason why they never got a Napoleon or Hitler or even a DeGaulle, and why they would never vote for an alpha like Trump. The native Brits don’t like cocksure despots; they prefer modesty, prudence, and deference married to erudition and wit and a fondness for things always being a little bit shitty. Anyone who visited a higher-end hotel in London in the 1980s knows what I’m talking about.… Read more »
It pains me to write this. I love the English and have been to England numerous times. But for every Morgoth there are 99 Rory Stewarts.
Would love to see Morgoth get his hands on Rory Stewart, what a total cuck
I’m hoping your numbers are wrong, or might change
Oh and just to add, the main reason a cuck like RS hates Trump, is because his wife was making nice money from USAID $1 million+ apparently
Lot of people like RS in the UK and Europe
“Anyone who visited a higher-end hotel in London in the 1980s knows what I’m talking about.”
You want to watch the ’70s British comedy series, “Fawlty Towers.”
The London hotel scene from National Lampoon’s European Vacation is pretty much spot-on.
They have an inbred suspicion of the Self-Made Man and a tremendous need for social consensus. This works when the Upper Class is vital, confers approval on talented upstarts, enforces standards and forges consensus. When the Aristocracy decays and the monarchy has been broken, it doesn’t work. Machiavelli discusses this in Discourses on Livy.
“They have an inbred suspicion of the Self-Made Man”
Absolutely. That’s why if you’re heir to a title, your stately house will be falling to pieces, and your furniture will be shabby and a century old. The nouveau riche are just so crass, my dear.
This is correct. The class system is still alive and well. They will grudgingly admire Americans but think we’re “Cowboys”. I lived there in the late 60’s and the nation was still whole, though teetering from communist (socialist) takeover of the unions. Now I’m afraid the EU and immervation have done for them.
Come to think of it, the classic American Western never really caught on in the UK, did it? The Wops, the Spaniards, heck even the Frogs and Krauts had a soft spot for the Cowboy, but not the Limeys, so far as I can tell.
Yes sir, we’re the “Big”colony and they don’t like being overshadowed. The continentals say hey Texas! with a big grin.
The UK is a special case. The rich there are foreigners and hedge-fund managers. When London becomes Delhi, they’ll just move. Farage represents the “Benny Hill” generation which is slowly fading away. The young have Tommy Robinson types. But they’re completely shut out of politics. Meanwhile the King has a music podcast and celebrates Ramadan. The local Elite have obviously surrendered. The UK is finished. Continental Europe is very different. In France, Spain, Germany and Italy, the Elites are actually locals. So the Right has more traction and conservatism is growing among young men. The women are clearly the major… Read more »
“When London becomes Delhi, they’ll just move.”
They already are. That’s why it’s so difficult to sell a decent property in London right now — there are no takers. Something is seriously wrong with your economy if it’s running on real estate speculation in the greater London area. It’s the foreigners who have been driving up property prices in London and thus keeping the pound strong. Now that’s gone. And Starmer is being portrayed as Churchill. It beggars belief.
How is it inapt to characterize Starmer as a new Churchill? Winston was a chubby, alcoholic, moralizing, bloodythirsty, deceitful fool. He herded the British people toward the cliffs of their own destruction. Now comes Two-Tier Keir to finish the job.
He kept the tottering empire going for a little longer and that’s why he was twice offered a dukedom (which he refused both times).
Or, he accelerated its demise, which is not altogether bad. The self-righteous project to Britishize the nations of the world was toxic for the British people, and probably fatally so.
It seems completely insane that the British people are still so damned proud of resisting the Germans during WW2, while watching their nation being overrun by brown and black savages today. The Brits literally gave their women to these cretans while applauding Churchill. I simply cannot wrap my head around this. And by extension, the Europeans say they fear a Russian invasion, yet invite the African/Muslim hordes into their nations to ravage their women and children. Europeans are not worth defending because they will not defend themselves.
who do you think the Eloi are based on?
Merkans are no better – always so proud of Dad/Grandad/Uncle who fought in WWII. So they chose violent, rapey, alien savages instead of the ‘horror’ of speaking German. We did the same thing, and are further along in the population replacement agenda. And while some of it was homegrown we funded and pushed Europe’s diversity lunacy hard. Yes, Macron and Starmer are embarrassments, but we had a senile lying moron as our own supreme leader, and our congresscritters are just as bad as their MPs.
They would do so–creditably–if their own governments were not the major impediment. But that can’t last much longer. Somethin’s gotta give and sometin’s gonna give.
All true. But I’m not sure we ‘Murkins are any better.
Hopefully they’ll discover “other means.”
Saw another piece yesterday about the polarization of Western youth: males returning to tradition, Christianity and (real) conservatism, females stampeding Left.
No getting around it.
Farage is fat and happy. he went further than he ever thought possible, and is genuinely content to let things roll on.
If I’m not mistaken, he’s also survived both a very sus plane and car crash. Maybe he got the message.
Yes, if I remember correctly, somebody unscrewed all the lug nuts on his car.
Well Boris certainly did.
He was always a traitor. His main argument for Brexit was: “no more dirty Polack immigrants; bring ‘compatible’ Pakis instead.”. This is exactly what happened. Of course he is happy.
Felix pointed out long ago that Farage’s main purpose was to gatekeep and destroy the British National Party, which was in fact becoming a thing at one point. Farage truly wants to be a Cool Kid and has no core, and this made him a valuable asset for those who saw him as a useful Judas goat. Americans suffer from the same cognitive dissonance, of course, but their economic elites became frightened and took their foot off the gas slightly. This has not happened in Britain and may not happen even though it remains far better situated demographically than the… Read more »
Jack, I believe that Felix’s contention was indeed correct. The BNP, which was really quite a fringe outfit at one time, pulled in around one million votes in the 2000s. This was around the time that the party’s then leader, Nick Griffin, went on the BBC show Question Time, in what even other leftists admitted was just one big roast. In any case, I remarked to my father the other day that I haven’t voted for so long, as I don’t think any of them are worth it. Griffin’s BNP was the only one, in my time, that I would… Read more »
Thanks. I did not have enough information to evaluate Felix’s thesis, but it at least seemed plausible to me at the time. In recent months, given Farage’s obvious sabotage of even soft British nationalism, it has become obviously true. Even if Farage is acting merely, out of ego and being guided in a certain direction, he has become controlled opposition.
Jack, I suspect that privately, over a pint, Farage would find common ground with all of us here. But I’m afraid that publicly he seems to me to have become more moderate, probably because of the reasons Z mentions. Farage was of course far more presentable than Nick Griffin of the BNP, the latter being linked not just to violence but violent groups. Of course Farage got called a racist, which as we all know is par for the course, but he seemed pretty clean cut as far as rightist politicians go. He also had charisma. Which was something that… Read more »
Men like Powell are exceedingly rare anytime, anywhere, but his abandonment should have been the canary in the coalmine. Pat Buchanan was somewhat similar here, although the better analogy was Sam Francis even if he remained confined solely to the thought and communications realms. Francis was a genius and also marginalized in a way at least as harsh as what happened to Powell. In fairness to Farage, he was the public face of Brexit, which was a monumental achievement primarily for, in my opinion, its exposure of the totalitarian impulses that had gained currency. He is indeed a charming man… Read more »
‘In the 2016 election cycle, the majority of the American people signaled that they were done with the ideological politics that had reigned since the Cold War’ You’re declaring victory in a war that barely has begun. A few blows against the easiest target — trans athletes — and so forth is not victory. Plucking low-hanging fruits. :O) The high voltage of U.S. politics is its sacred cow, the feminist movement, which still dominates your schools, colleges, media, corporations, courts. churches and (yes) government. Armed and funded to the teeth. Nobody in the Glorious Trump Administration has even MENTIONED that… Read more »
Right you are. A man by the name of Baskerville has written about this same thing.
Thanks for mentioning Baskerville, he’s been in the game a long time. Gotta good substack… I will also recommend Janice Fiamengo and Tom Golden as long-time advocates. Substack authors as well. Fiamengo writes fine essays.
First name? There are at least six Baskervilles, thanks.
“The problem is most obvious in British politics. The Economist had a cover featuring British Prime Minister Keir Starmer as Winston Churchill. The motivation behind it is the British elites are still suffering from the 1938 disease that used to rage in the United States until the antidote of the 2024 election.” The problem with Britain has been that the elite lives in the imperial past, when Britain was a world-straddling empire and where it once took five months before it condescended to respond to an American missive. Even now I think that at the end of each annual Tory… Read more »
Farage has shown his true colors. The Met Police are investigating suspended chair Rupert Lowe for “threats” against the Goldman Sachs Sri Lankan co-chair of the Reform Party. Yes you read that correctly.
Surprised there is no mention of Lowe here. Farage is finished after this. He is in bed now with the same people as Cameron and the rest. He got his seat at the table.
Edit: Here’s Academic Agent explaining the situation this morning:
Reform had all of the hallmarks of a state sanctioned safety valve for the disgruntled section of the population. The British general public are electorally illiterate and will continue to vote Lib/Lab/Con.
Mark Carney is the next Prime Minister of Canada. What strikes me as odd is he reportedly has never served in any elected office. He does have an impressive resume, if by “impressive” you mean a credentialed WEF elite type. One blogger has called him a globalist’s globalist. Harvard AND Oxford. Prior Governor of the Bank of Canada AND the Bank of England straight afterwards. And he worked at Goldman Sachs among many other stops on the route to the top. Amazingly, he’s apparently not Jewish although few details are given about maternal side, but “Three of his four grandparents were… Read more »
Western Europe is lost. That isn’t to say that there isn’t anything that will slow the slide or reverse it. However men can’t generate enough votes to get real populist in power even if there were any. Europeans are deathly afraid of being called nazis and pride themselves on being civil. They also pride themselves on not being civil to bigots who want the heritage population to remain dominant. Some euro men will whine about rape but European women hate the whiners not the invader rapists. As Romania shows, the East still has some fighting spirit. Whether it will last… Read more »
They have kickball, beer, wine, spirits, and porn. A few still have the Jesus delusion, too, with which to comfort their rootless, ridiculous selves. Garbage primates most of them are.
The right-wing Romanians I see talking about it online are disgusted with right-wing Americans for thinking that outlawing right-wing electoral victory is a big deal. They buy the premise that any “populist” right—any right the people support and the regime doesn’t—is per se illegitimate and presumably Russian. If arresting them all is what it takes to make the people stop voting like American idiots, that’s completely normal and nothing is happening. The zacusca tastes no different today.
Our fantasies of the Based East are total bullshit.
Getting stirred up about Romanian politics is a bit like getting stirred up about Ukrainian politics; We don’t understand what’s going on, and it’s none of our affair anyway.
That having been said, outlawing a candidate with 41% popular support is a bit like telling me I can’t vote for Trump. FTS.
Europe should be able to recover someday because it’s still full of white people. But if they do get their fighting spirit back let’s hope they don’t waste it fighting each other again. However, back during the Cold war too many of them thought the USSR was the moral equivalent of America. I regret that we had to save those folks.
Someday might be a long time coming for Germany because native, high IQ Germans are having very few kids, while the lower IQ and mostly uneducated immigrants will eventually become the majority…Meanwhile, Germany’s stupid and corrupt leaders continue to drive business away at every turn…
Indeed, the entire leadership of the EU and UK seems determined to destroy their existing nations and create a 3d world hellhole comparable to the middle East, and populated by many of the same ethnicities….
There is a viral video now on the internet from Ukraine. It shows the camera view of an FPV drone deftly maneuvering on a battlefield while pursuing a squad of soldiers running across a field. As the sound of the drone alerts the men to its presence, they disperse randomly and zigzag apart running as fast as they can. The last image from this drone is a shot of a soldier’s buttocks about 6 inches away. There are now thousands of skilled operators of this type of drone, which are easy to build and ubiquitous. Now add cheap AI facial… Read more »
Every new wunderwaffe inevitably meets its countermeasure.
Imagine a future where we are ruled by AI and government service is a kiosk…
because it’s too dangerous for politicians to appear in public except in sealed armored cars.
Worse: home anti-drone defense systems.
Worse yet: When drone warlords rule, it’s too dangerous to go out on the streets unless you belong to that block’s tribe.
The End: Drone Autonomy, all bipeds are hostiles.
Malware infected combat mechs join the fray.
Frankly, you can quotation marks around many “American” billionaires as well. It looks like the eurotards along with the uktards are doing their best to sabotage the peace talks by attacking Moscow with a drone swarm – unbelievable. Hopefully, Trump can bitchslap some sense into them before it’s too late…
Hopefully, but I doubt it. The Euro Pols are too far gone, but I don’t think the peoples are. But the Pols are going to do something desperate. Sooner, probably, rather than later.
europe’s behavior has me wondering if they are looking to “The Mouse That Roared” for a plan to get the US to take them over?!
Good reference.
If I were president, I would invade the Yookay in the first week.
And South Africa the second.
Well, only long enough to load the transport ships, and screw the ANC bureaucrats who won’t appove the emigration papers.
Dare not to retreat. Apartheid is no Freiheit when you lack the courage to stand your ground.
Really? We can’t even control our own demographics and have a treasonous core within our population that comprises at least a third of the population.
The Second Reconquista. I think you’ve shown us a picture of the future…and a seed of wild hope for our homeland.
I was picking up what you were putting down. Trump 1.0 was someone who wanted to be accepted (let Hillarity go) and got years of lawfare pointed at him. He had deep enuf pockets to withstand it and became vengeful. I’ve no idea about the net wealth of Farage (google sez $4 million). Money talks I suppose…
Farage is ~ my age. Brits of our generation were raised to be affable and clubbable so they could go to the City and make money. I’m American, but I’ve met hundreds of Brits in finance just like him. Guys like this just don’t lead revolutions. He did a lot of good but his race has been run. He was a generational talent, but can’t transcend his generation.
I don’t know his background — but presumably something like Eton/Harrow/Rugby, then Oxbridge, and then a stint in the City?
The Economist??? Once upon a time a paid subscriber. I gave up on them close to 20 years ago. I wouldn’t line my bird cage with it these days.
Much as I detest the EU, the common currency and other agreements make it possible for the US to exit NATO. Sign bilateral agreements to allow US military planes and ships to land/dock/refuel. The end of the tariff imbalance removes the Marshall Plan, effective 4/2. That will further the goal of getting the US out of these entanglements. Tariff reciprocity will also end the subsidy of their suicidal climate change policies and social welfare programs. Suddenly, the balance sheet is tilted against European misadventures. The result might actually be a stronger, self-sufficient, Europe. Their worst policies are subsidized by American… Read more »
I’m a resident of the garbage Island and started reading this article with the expectation that I would find fault with some of the observations made because Zed man is too far away to have an accurate insight into the political scene in the UK. However, I cannot find fault with any of the points made in the article, this is absolutely spot on – a very accurate summation of the political/establishment regime in the UK.
I’m a dual citizen and I really considered letting my UK passport expire. Haven’t had the heart to do it.
Its always worth renewing it. You never know when it may come in handy.
What is happening in Washington is both revolutionary and just the start kryptos doesn’t think so. What’s interesting about this time is the amount of cool stuff I would never have been exposed to like jaque ellule and Augusto del Noch; according to kryptos, these two seem to think the overall set up to society is explicitly anti Christian and anti family: ellule from the perspective of “technique” or efficiency and noch from the perspective of annihilating the past and tradition and especially the family . So that no matter who is in office nothing can really change. Both progressives… Read more »
Thanks for the link.
More like, Wither, Europe…
Now that we’ve addressed the European question, whither Canada?
Trump said it today, and I think he means it: “51st State!”
So, we wanted to end the war in Ukraine, and start one with Canada…
Realistically, he might offer them the Crimean option.
The West would go for liberation, and the East might come for the gibs.
p.s.- Greenland votes tomorrow on what is called “their most historic vote.”
p.s.s.- what if we end up with a divided 2 North Americas, in the end?
Split vertically this time, instead of laterally.
*glares across the Mississippi, shakes fist*
A better title: Wither Europe!
“The United States is about to end its empire phase and return to being a big powerful country.”
To quote Pat Buchanan, “A Republic, Not an Empire.”
You so rarely mention Nigel, I never get to share my extreme-, ultra-, radical-, far-right take on him with the boys. So, here:
Farage of England, Poilievre of Canada, and Vance of America are the same local character, sufficiently professional to sound right—right enough to hold the corner of power they’ve been given—but their only true feeling/value is genocidal hatred of loser whites, and that’s the only cause they have ever or ever will advance.
They’re the three worst people in the world (of politics).
Europe is hopeless because they are already surrendering monkey with no fighting spirit
Han-Chinese defeated many times by West, but they are not broken
fighting sprit mean fuck others moral compass, I will get what I want
Han-Chinese have that mentality, That’s why Han-Chinese going to conquer the world
Fuck Black cock sucking Pro-Jewish European man