Travel is one of the best ways to see the world. I’ve been lucky in my life in that I have had the luxury of traveling quite a bit on someone else’s dime. Business travel is not vacation travel, but I think it is often a better way to see the world simply because you have long stretches with nothing to do so you look around, explore, adventure. On vacation, you have “stuff’ that fills every waking moment, usually within the confines of the Potemkin vacation area.
I’ve been to Texas many times. I used to travel here often for work matters. Thirty years ago when I first visited Texas on the way to Mexico, I thought this is a place I should live. For some reason, it just seems to fit my sensibilities. Every time I’ve come here, I have had the same thought: I don’t think I’m going back. But, here I am nearing my jump into the void and I’m still just a guy who visits Texas.
The funny thing about Texas is it is remains the one place in America that is brimming with confidence. Texas is not a terribly sentimental place. They will knock down an old building for a new building without giving it a thought. In the Northeast, an army of weirdos will be there guarding the old building, even though the weirdos will have no clue why the old building was built. It’s just old so they think it has to be saved.
At the same time, those same weirdos will claw one another’s eyes out to cancel the school Christmas play. There’s the lack of confidence. In most of America, our betters conduct themselves like the ne’er do well grandchildren of a successful man. The kids compete with one another as to who is the most reverent toward the old man, but not a one of them tries to emulate him. The best they can do is have a big picture of him in their house, which he bought for them.
Texas does not have the problem yet. Texans love being Texans and they love being in Texas. There’s really nothing special about Texas. Dallas is a massive suburb that looks like every other suburb in the South, but they are proud of it and you see that everywhere you go. Texas plays Oklahoma today in the Cotton Bowl and tickets are selling for $500 on the secondary market, even though UT is terrible. It’s just a great celebration of Texas football history.
I think that confidence is why Texans are soft on immigration. They are cocksure that if you move to Texas, you will become a Texan. They are right about it too. Vietnamese refugees landed in Houston and are now Texans whose ancestors came from Vietnam. Of course, Texas has always had loads of Mexicans from the northern part of Mexico. A big part of what makes Texas tick is the blend of Southern culture and northern Mexican culture.
In Massachusetts, there’s zero cultural confidence. If America were invaded, the good thinkers of the Bay State would surrender on day one and begin taking classes in the language and culture of the invaders. That’s why the northeast seems to be leading the charge on the immigration fight. They are scared. A friend here in Texas, who is from Mass, is a rock-ribbed Trump man now and it is all over immigration.
In the South, illegal immigration is an issue, but mostly because it offends the people’s law and order instincts. It’s not seen as a threat to their way of life. In many respects, migrant workers are a part of their way of life. The South would be a very different place without the flow of migrants into the agribusinesses. Go into a poultry plant in Virginia or North Carolina and you see nothing but Hispanics. It’s been that way for generations.
The same is true of Texas. Mexican migration in and out of the state is just a part of the state’s character. The Mexicans who live here permanently came here because a part of what made them Mexican also made them Texan. The transition was easy. Of course, there are Texas families who were here before Texas was a place. The result is most Texans feel they have a good handle on how to manage Mexican immigration.
Finally, kicking around here it strikes me that the Cult hates Texas for the same reason they hated Sarah Palin. In the case of Palin, the idea that dirt people could live the feminist ideal while hanging onto dirt people culture enraged the Cult. Palin was the living negation of the One True Faith. There’s a similar thing with Texas. here, diversity is on display all over, but it’s held together with the dominant Texas culture.
The Cult believes this is impossible. For them, diversity means obliterating all culture by running it through the blender of multiculturalism. The result is the exact opposite of vibrant diversity, but the screaming and bellowing makes it impossible to point it out. A state like Texas puts the lie to the Cult’s blathering about diversity. Texas has boatloads of it without adopting any of the Cult-Marx nonsense.
Now, I’m off to eat my weight in fried food.
Native Texan here. I think that you are mostly right about our views on culture, being a Texan and immigration. But I want to point out that while there are xenophobic some nuts who hate everyone not like them (and many of them aren’t white, btw) most Texans who don’t like immigration don’t like it because many illegal immigrants come here to suck up our benefits. Walk through a Texas high school and take a survey of how many students were born south of the Rio Grande. My guess is 40% in most schools that aren’t ultra-pricey suburbs. And it… Read more »
Eros Guy, I think a cultural explosion is the desired end state.
I hope you’re right. I lived in California in the 1960s. I’ve lived near everywhere in Texas: Del Rio, Lubbock, Houston, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth. The last few years have felt like California in 1963. The massive increase in population will provoke some kind of cultural explosion. Not sure what kind, but I hope it involves more nuclear power and more dams. Texas needs power and water to live.
Well, I liked your post.
I’m old enough to remember a California a lot like that. If you get outside the pinche West Side, San Fran, Marin, and Santa Barbara, it’s my Chinese, Persian, Indian, and Mexican friends who seem to have the most of the old spirit.
And after all that, Texas beat the pants off Oklahoma.
$500 well spent for many! Hope you were there Z.
God bless Texas!
That blender by the way, as you so politely put it, the human extinction movement, they are trying to turn it into a cultural meat grinder.
As they say in Texas, Come and Take It.
I’m working my way towards that ethereal void also.
Still have a lick of letsgo in me before I leave this plain.
I hope I have the opportunity to acquit myself well and take a few of the sonofabitches with me when I do.
That’s right. Yall come on down. Just leave all the West Coast and Northeast crap back there, and everything will be fine.
Most of Texas frequented by visitors is not scenic but if you stay out of the cities, you can avoid the nanny state and live the way you want (for the most part). Most Texans including me thought nothing about the illegal aliens up to a few years ago because the idea that they could change the culture of Texas did not come to mind. This all changed recently with the implosion of California.
Not only all that, but when you move there, native Texans greet you like you’re a long lost cousin. At least they did when I spent a few years in San Antonio in the ’50s.
All true. I lived in Dallas for 9 years and one of the first thing that hits you besides the flat ugliness of the landscape, is the state pride. I’ve lived in 5 states and none of the others exhibit that pride. Most of Texas is not pretty but it doesn’t matter, it’s all loved. Not only the poor from Mexico come, many wealthy Mexicans have homes in Texas and Mexico. The high-end stores and hotels in Dallas are packed on Mexican holidays. As Lyle Lovett penned: that’s right, you’re not from Texas, Texas loves you anyway.