The Death of Islam

If you lived in 11th century London around the time when Harold Godwinson was making the mistake of leaving too many troops in the north, your life was rather shabby compared to the life of a man living in Damascus or Samarra. This was the Golden Age of Islam. The Muslims were on the cutting edge of commerce, math, science and economics. If you were looking down from above, Islam looked like a winner.

Granted, the Muslim advance into Europe had been halted, but they still controlled large parts of Europe and controlled the Mediterranean. As a practical matter, just in terms of peace and prosperity, Islam looked like a superior model to what existed in Christendom and Asia. It was not just at the top either. Literacy rates, and life expectancy were much higher in the caliphate than anywhere else.

Fast forward 200 years and life in London would not have changed much. The typical peasant would have had a life similar to his ancestors under someone like William the Conqueror. To the East, however, little guys on ponies had defeated the armies of Europe and were poised to drive all the way to the Atlantic. The armies of the Batu Khan had smashed the Rus and were ready to ride to Paris.

To the south, those same guys from Asia were sacking Baghdad, burning its libraries and murdering most of the male citizens, while impregnating the females.  Historians estimate that a million citizens of Baghdad were killed in one week. The destruction was so massive, the population of the region did not recover until the 19th century. The Mongol Invasion ended the Golden Age of Islam.

By the 14th century, Islam was still dominant in what we call the Arab world, but it was not producing or even augmenting an ascendant culture and people. In fact, as the culture of the Near and Middle East collapsed, it took Islam with it, turning it into a tool for jostling between clans and tribes. The Muslims held on militarily through the 20th century, but that was largely due to the Turks and their long involvement in Europe going back to antiquity.

Even so, by the late Middle Ages, life in the typical European village was not that much better than life in the typical Muslim village. If you just looked at the top, the Ottoman Turks looked strongest, but the seeds of decline were apparent. While the West was on the cusp of great technological, cultural and financial revolutions, the Ottomans were still running a system Diocletian would have understood.

As the West moved from the Middle Ages into the Early Modern Period, it was about to rocket ahead of the rest of the world technologically, culturally and military. The typical villager in Europe was living a vastly more prosperous life than his contemporary in Baghdad or Tripoli. The religion, the culture, the demographics and even the climate all came together to produce what we know to be the modern world – in Europe.

Islam never made it out of the Middle Ages until Western prosperity overflowed its cups and brought material wealth to the Arab world. Even so, Iraq is still a Medieval society equipped with satellite dishes and mobile phones. Their culture, economics and politics remain locked in the amber of a bygone age. Even their revolutionaries sound like extras from a B-movie about the Crusades.

That’s not just a reality we in the West accept. It is a reality that every Muslim from the Arab world faces and grapples with every day. The culture that produced him lost to the culture that confronts him. No one stands in line for the latest Muslim mobile phone. There is no Muslim Silicon Valley. The armies of Allah throw rocks at the space ships and lasers of the infidel. To be a Muslim is to be a loser.

That daily reality is in his pocket when he looks at his cell phone. It is on TV where all the actors wear Western clothes. It is in his house where his sister demands to wear makeup and live on her own, dating men outside the family. Even at mosque he is reminded that he is on the losing side of the fight. He rides a Western made bus or drives a Western made car. He texts his coreligionists on an Apple iPhone, not a Mohammad Phone.

There is an argument that Islam is on the rise. As we see Muslims pouring into Europe and even America, the argument goes, Islam is like rising flood waters, about to wash away the West. That misses what’s happening at the roots of Muslim culture. Every one of those Muslims is on a journey that will end as it did for John the Savage in Brave New World.

The Muslim defines himself by his family relations. He is everyone who came before him. His culture is their culture and their culture defines him. Those Muslims on the road to Berlin can either abandon themselves and their identity in order to join their new world, or, they can embrace death. The self-detonation phenomenon is just a dramatic way of choosing the latter.

The thing is, both choices have the same implication, the death of Islam as an organizing philosophy. Just as the Muslim is faced with the reality of assimilation, Islam is faced with the same choice. Islam can cut itself lose from its past and embrace the material world of Western culture or it can blow itself up in a last final act of vengeance against the victor. Either way, Islam is dying.

The Sunni-Shia war that is centered in Syria is perhaps the way forward so Islam can evolve and become a workable mode of thought in a modern technological world. Like the Thirty years War, maybe old Islam is burning itself out and what comes next is a lighter, personal version of Islam. The Thirty Years War left large chunks of central Europe depopulated and others reduced to cannibalism so these transformations carry a heavy price.

Islam is collapsing and it could very well take the rest of us with it. The central challenge to leaders of the West is how to manage this civilizational collapse, which primarily means containing it. The past year has been about piety contests over who can invite the most Muslims in for settlement. The coming decade will be about who can keep the most Muslims out of the West.


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8 years ago

I’ll believe that Islam is dying out when the number of Moslem-majority countries starts declining. There was no Golden Age of Islam, in the same sense of Golden Age of Greece or Rome or Golden Age of Western Civilization. The Golden Age of Islam is a myth. Islam is a culture subjugator, culture stealer, culture annihilator. There is precious little to show for themselves after 1400 years that they didn’t steal from a culture they swallowed whole. I often hear that Islam discovered the concept of zero. Not true. Zero is a Hindu concept. Same goes for many of the… Read more »

johnny wendigo
johnny wendigo
Reply to  Kathleen
8 years ago

Exactly, there was no muslim golden age as there was no golden age of Romans and Greeks as every Greek, Romans or mud-slime had twenty slaves to carry their disgusting lazy asses…Take slavery away and they all instantly collapsed…Petroleum has replaced slaves recently but it’s only for short term…Price of oil go down now and watch the mud-slimes collapse along with it…Obama just gave 200 billions to the Iranians…How long will that make them last? As long as the Saudi scum, not very long!

8 years ago

Dear zman, you seem to be stuck in a paradigm. You’re saying that the very fact that their culture uses modern technology but doesn’t manufacture it means Islam is weak. It might mean their culture is next to useless but not that it’s weak. You seem to conflate their pathetic economic state (which means only that their economy is weak and unlikely to get better) with the state of Islam. That’s like saying that Christianity is weak in the Philippines simply because they’re poor (but devout). It makes no sense, sorry. The muslims in Pakistan and in Arab countries are… Read more »

R. Right
R. Right
8 years ago

“Literacy rates, and life expectancy were much higher in the caliphate than anywhere else.”

This was due to the inherited achievements of the advanced civilizations they conquered (the Byzantine Middle East and Africa, Persia, and Aryan India), not because of any “Golden Age” of Islam. After several generations, these societies began the long decline.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
8 years ago

Persian and Byzantine civilization were advanced for their time, but they still operated at the pace of an ox-cart. The Arabs could be successful parasites because the communities they were taking over were pretty simple to operate. Not even a Muslim could louse them up so badly they’d freeze up. That’s not the case with the Western world. Like Taggart Transcontinental, the modern western world is a delicate piece of machinery. Just think of everything that has to work correctly to keep you sitting at your computer in your heated apartment. And think of how quickly it can all evaporate… Read more »

With the thoughts you'd be thinkin
With the thoughts you'd be thinkin
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
8 years ago

As well as the rest of the world, at least if America, Canada and Australia and other agricultural exporters are conquered. We’ve seen what would happen in the fates of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Sort of related “The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle-East” by Timur Kuran describes the process of how the inability to adapt Islamic law ended up crippling the Islamic world.

el baboso
8 years ago

Historically the Arabs have been very successful parasites. If they conquer Europe, they can spend a long time sucking it dry. They spent 600 years or so feeding on Byzantine and Persian civilization before the Mongols and the Turks knocked their dicks in the dirt. (And they converted the Mongols that stayed and the Turks to Islam.) As some commenter at another blog I have long since forgotten the name of pointed out, a lot of the guys who contributed to the brilliance of Islamic civilization might have been named something along the lines of Abdullah al Iskandria, but their… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Maybe you haven’t been paying attention to Muslim birthrates in Europe. They continue to be young men, they have so many children and there’s no real slowdown.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

The Arabs– well, the Muslim ones at least– are definitely weaker than they look, thanks to 1400 years of Islam-fostered cousin marriage, resulting in an IQ of 85 or so, give or take a few points depending on the specific country you are looking at. Unfortunately, the inbreeding has also bestowed upon them a low, savage cunning; so while they are genetically weak, you absolutely cannot turn your backs on them. Every few hundred years they attempt to fix their gene pool the only way they know how: invading infidel lands, and raping and/or enslaving their women. Unfortunately, that moment… Read more »

8 years ago

Many modern Muslims may well resent the fact that nearly everything they own, down to their socks and their printed Korans, comes from the technology of the West they despise as of Satan. For the true believer, that only breeds resentment, not the desire to give up Islam and assimilate into modernity. Include that in your calculations – along with Europe’s leftists seeking to fundamentally transform the morally spent continent through mass importation of these resentful, unassimilable Muslims and their Allah-given right to breed at will with Europe’s women and enslave its men – and there’s a good chance that… Read more »

johnny wendigo
johnny wendigo
Reply to  Joe
8 years ago

The approaching richly deserved extermination of all Zeropeans
by their beloved islamic “guests” will be an extremely pleasant spectacle to watch…In contrast, look at Juste un Trou D’Eau importing of a mere 25,000 mud slimes…nothing really…All of them are first only women and children with a qualified husband waiting in the wing…Unemployment of muslims in Europe is near 100%, while in Canada it’s 100% EMPLOYMENT! In the region here they ALL have a job, no wonder, they are doctors or engineers(a doctor in the umma is paid $50 a month, here it’s $20,000!)

Jedi Sentinel
Jedi Sentinel
Reply to  johnny wendigo
7 years ago

Lots of terrorist doctors and engineers in ISIS in case you are blind to that fact. It is a myth to believe Muslims will stop being terrorists once they all have jobs.

Qui Creva
Qui Creva
7 years ago

Wonderful, cogent analysis. Not at all what Muslims want to hear, but what they need to admit. Islam is an anachronism that modern humanity simply cannot and will not tolerate for long. The rigid rules that brought order to 7th century Arabia, at the price of personal freedom, just have no place in the modern world. Successful societies of today are founded upon the principles of inalienable, Universal human rights. Muslims must either accept these principles as the price of prosperity and progress, or reject them and isolate themselves. Whatever choice they make, Islam loses in the long run. The… Read more »

8 years ago

[…] Z Man has a very good post explaining that Islam, despite a military resurgence, is actually in its death throes — but like many a patient terminally ill with a contagious disease, the last phases of its […]

Jake Badlands
Jake Badlands
8 years ago

Mr. Z,

What about places like Malmo or Molenbeek or Rotherham?

They’ve had some success in the short term turning parts of Europe into subsidized ghettoes. One could look at the history of the black ghetto in America and expect the Muslims to do similar.

Which, granted, is not “winning.” But neither is it going away.

Reply to  Jake Badlands
8 years ago

Rotherham may be a cultural sh*thole with lots of islam’s finest adherents, but it isn’t all muslim by a long chalk. There are plenty of whites living there who know what’s going on. It’s just that the people who run the town don’t want to upset the muslims.

Weirdly, a lot of the whites however still vote for that town council…

Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

Based on birthrates though, they’ll outbreed the whites and eventually completely own it.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

They still have very high birthrates in Arab countries. Last time I saw the statistics on the average age, it was clear that theirs is not an aging population. It’s anything but.
And a muslim Arab society full of young people will be a bigger mess than one full of middle aged people

8 years ago

If you squint your eyes just a tiny bit, sounds like your writing about the human extinction movement aka the cultural Marxist’s.

Maybe that is why the stupid motherfuckers are so desperate to import as many musloids into the west as they can.

8 years ago

In one sense you are right, Z, but in another sense the problem still doesn’t go away. I have long said that islam is a death cult but while it may be a suicide cult in some ways it is also very determined to take lot of non-muslims with them. There is a good reason that many of Islam’s religious zealots demand that their young people don’t watch television or listen to music (I recall one ‘spiritual leader’ who called for muslim young men not to play football — the world variety — as it would apparently distract them from… Read more »

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

Didn’t Harold take an arrow in the eye? Kill the king and the battle is lost? ( Memory from 60 years ago.)

Dan Kurt

8 years ago

[…] Now continue reading all of this at the Z Blog. […]

8 years ago

Not sure I agree. What if ISIS succeeds? What if they get their Calliphate, take over Europe and much of the Middle East?

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  joe_mama
8 years ago

Apparently I did not read the same column you did.