Voting in the Ghetto

For years now I have been threatening to drop off the voting rolls, but I always find some excuse to vote every election. I have skipped some minor elections and I skipped 2012, but in the latter case it was mostly out of disgust. Standing in line knowing my vote counted for nothing and knowing I was expected to vote for the rabid pussies ticket was just too much. Maybe if the line had been shorter, I would have stuck it out and voted, but I bolted and skipped the whole election.

When you live in a one party state, voting really is a waste of time. The best you can hope to do is make some trouble. I vote against all of the ballot measures, for example. They tend to fail so I suspect I am not the only one who does it. In the primary, I will vote for the most deranged Democrat on the ballot. Again, this is out of pure spite. As a white man, the Democrat Party has nothing to offer me, but I can throw sand in their gears.

Voting in the ghetto has the added feature of seeing aspects of the underclass you do not often see. Even in the poorest neighborhoods, there are civic minded people. There is a nice black woman I see around town who works the polls every year. In the ghetto, the polling places are always run by black women. It makes sense. They are the people responsible for raising the children until they are old enough to go off to prison.

The other aspect of this is they love seeing honkies voting. I walked into the polling place and the nice black ladies lit up like I was a long lost relative. At some level, they sense that the presence of the honky is a good sign. We are the canary in the coal mine. When the honky leaves, your neighborhood is forever lost. Seeing me in the neighborhood and taking the time to vote means there is still some hope for the place.

I did not see any Hispanics voting yesterday. In past elections, I would see an organizer from the party ushering in the local illegals to vote for the party candidates. That is something our rulers never can grasp. They think all of these foreign imports will vote, but that is not how it works. People vote if they have a stake in the society and think voting matters. More important, they vote for one of their own so he can represent them.

All elections are theater and American elections are theater for white people mostly. Blacks participate, but solely as furniture for the good whites. All the signaling and language is aimed at whites and blacks. Neither party has the slightest idea how to do anything but the white-man overbite in front of these “diverse communities” during election season. Pandering and free stuff is just not going to get Jose interested in voting.

The funny thing I did see at the polling station was a couple of black ladies holding Trump signs. I have never seen anyone promoting a Republican in this neighborhood so that was a first. Trump being treated like ghetto trash by the party big shots is not missed by the black ladies. Black people are vastly more in tune with the subtleties of respect than the typical honky. Black people see what is happening with Trump and they relate.

That does not mean Trump will win many black votes. It just means they have no reason to fear him. That is why I suspect Hillary is in deep trouble. Blacks will vote for her over an old Jew, but they are not turning out in big numbers for her unless the Republicans run someone scary. Trump does not scare black people. In fact, blacks seem to respect him and appreciate his showmanship. It is a small thing but politics is a game of small things.

One of the goofier things yesterday is we are now back to paper ballots. The Left has been trying to shake down Diebold and ES&S for years. These are the firms that make the computer voting gear. Since they cannot get these companies to rig the machines in favor of the party, the party has made war on the companies. At least in Maryland, the campaign has worked so we are back to paper ballots. I guess if the paper company is found to be run by a conservative, I will be voting with colored rocks next time.

The other silly bit was how the party nominates delegates to the convention. I picked from a slate of women and a slate of men. By rule, the seven delegates voted to the convention must be four biological women and three biological men. You just know where this is headed. A few more turns of the wheel and there will be a list for the one tranny, the one left handed gay ginger and so on. The Democrats are the party of lunatics and black people now.

As to the results, it is pretty clear that the public has grown tired of the primary drama and has settled on Trump and Clinton. Sanders will stagger on for another month as he has the money and nothing better to do with his time. Cruz and Kasich will be looking to drop out in a week. The Trump sweep will give him momentum for next week’s Indiana primary, which is the last stand for the Cult of Never Trump.

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8 years ago

HRC is exhibit A for my argument that our “votes” matter as much as Romans’ “votes” mattered under the Caesars. She’s so spectacularly corrupt that even the media bobbleheads can’t ignore it. Her rallies could be held in a phone booth. I live in a college town and can’t find a Hillary supporter for love or money. Even the blue-haired gyno-warriors are voting for the ancient Jew… and yet, she will be her party’s nominee. I’d vote for Trump just for that – she doesn’t know how to do anything but fling dirt, which is right in Trump’s wheelhouse. Yes,… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

Same in my college town – Princeton area crowd is 100% behind the old Jew. Once in a while, I spot a pro-HRC sticker, always an a car driven by an older, hatchet-faced woman.

Terry Baker
Terry Baker
Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

Severian, I’m enjoying your comments almost as much as Zman’s posts. You both have found an easy conversational way to express the truth.

Reply to  Terry Baker
8 years ago

His blog is called Rotten Chestnuts. Join the four.

Reply to  Terry Baker
8 years ago

Sure, he sounds good for a Torturer.

Reply to  Strelnikov
8 years ago

Thanks, Strelnikov and Terry Baker. About that stupid handle: I needed something to post under back in the early days of the innerwebz, and I’d just read the last Book of the New Sun at the time, so…. it’s pretentious as all hell, and I cringe a little bit every time I type it, but that’s the rub with tradition, I guess. I’m stuck with it. Maybe I should make my handle an unpronounceable symbol, in honor of the late Mr. Nelson.

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

Don’t get me wrong. I love that whole bizarre series. It’s so obscure I just don’t expect to suddenly see a reference.

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

I just see you over at House of Eratosthenes. You always have interesting comments

Reply to  notsothoreau
8 years ago


Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

The votes of the People of Rome stopped mattering long before the Caesars – including the first one.

The Roman Senate was so corrupt that it made our Congressional clownshow look like Sunday Church school.

The Usual Suspect
The Usual Suspect
8 years ago

I’ve said right from the start that blacks will vote for Trump. They like the over the top personality, they like the bling. Virtually all their heroes are rich rappers, athletes, actors, comedians etc. Guys like Ben Carson or Justice Thomas leave them cold. They loved Bill Clinton not because of his politics so much as his life style, free-wheeling fun guy that liked the women. Plus Trump’s got bags of money the currency of cool in the ghetto, oh and hot wives.

Reply to  The Usual Suspect
8 years ago

Yep. Trump is a badass pimping motherfucker with three different baby mamas and crazy-ass bling. He is someone that black women can aspire to sleep with, and black men can aspire to be like. Whether that will actually drive some black people to the polls to vote for him who otherwise wouldn’t vote is debateable. What isn’t debateable is that, aside from the hardcore BLM/Black Panther/Kill Whitey types, black people will mostly be just fine with a Trump presidency.

Reply to  The Usual Suspect
8 years ago

Sure, he might cut HRC’s black vote all the way down to 92%.

8 years ago

Pandering and free stuff doesn’t work on Jose? Maybe not anymore, with the level of flagrant arrogance and resulting disgust, but it surely worked on Rufus and Willis since 1965, and had been working on Jose since the early ’90s. California had gone GOP in every election since 1952 (exception ’64, thanks for that Mr. Oswald) until 1992. Now, it is a hopelessly lost wasteland, and it is solely thanks to demographic overruns.

8 years ago

Hillary Clinton is the US version of Argentina’s Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, although Bill is still alive. CFK’s designated successor lost the recent presidential election, her party is now fractured, her far-left supporters in disarray and her cronies (and she herself, perhaps) are being prosecuted one by one; HRC may suffer a similar fate and it’s long overdue. A Trump victory is a real possibility if Argentina’s recent election can be considered a bellwether.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Montefrío
8 years ago

Best storyline for Hillary going into the general (un-indicted, one presumes) would be as “valiant widow, carrying on for the people..” If only Bill would cooperate and drop dead. Though his appearance these days is pretty consistent with end stage cardiac disease.

Reply to  Saml Adams
8 years ago

If end-stage cardiac disease makes people look spacey, you have nailed it. Bubba is a mere shadow of his former self, and looks more like end-stage senility than anything. Or maybe he’s just bemused that that his ugly Old Girl may get him back into the White House just one more time?

8 years ago

[…] Voting in the Ghetto | The Z Blog Winter is coming. Reply With Quote […]

8 years ago

It truly is a joke, voting in the ghetto, which are essentially single party parallel communist entities.

How many ghetto dwellers even work in the free market economy, if we exclude government, aa and prison jobs as categories? Is it even 10%?

There were more people participating in the underground economy behind the iron curtain than blacks are participating in the above ground economy now.

8 years ago

You are so lucky. They took away our right to vote at a polling place in WA state and made us vote by mail. I hate it. And, they have this swell rule for the primaries. The top two vote getters face off in the general. So we can have Dem vs Dem. We can get to single party rule so much faster! I don’t live in Puget Sound where the real lunatics are, so I don’t get to vote for socialists too often.

8 years ago
8 years ago

Oh my that is some good snark. Proper snark always puts things in proper perspective.
Zman, have you ever considered posting a very brief pithy commentary with an anachronism, like TINVOWOOT, (there is no voting our way out of this?), and see what kind of commentary it could generate?
It’s kind of like a belly dancer in a dark smoked filled venue, all those sultry pieces of gossamer clothing, the sensuous body rhythms, the sultry dark skinned raven haired seductress, how sometimes leaving much to the imagination and passions is far more tantalizing than naked raw flesh.
Just saying

8 years ago

All sounds very familiar. Here in IL, elections are complete joke, and everyone knows it.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Have there ever been two worse possible candidates for US president in recent history? It’s hard to believe that from all America has going for it, these two are the best and brightest your country can come up with. This is not a criticism of the American political process, just a comment on what seems to be a serious lack of qualified individuals who could actually run a country properly. Both of the major parties have had eight years to groom someone, come up with viable plans to correct major problems, and yet here you are. It seems at election… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Gee, Karl, I have to disagree completely. Trump is, by far, the best and most qualified candidate for President since Ronald Reagan. And in fact, the only other candidate since 1900 who was as qualified as Reagan and Trump was Eisenhower. Aside from Ron Paul and Ross Perot, the rest of the candidates over the last century have been worse than useless. Of course, I tend to view professional politicians as despicable worthless sacks of protoplasm who couldn’t run a lemonade stand, much less a country, so naturally I view any person who has succeeded in a competitive, free-market, non-political… Read more »

p.g.t beauregard
p.g.t beauregard
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Karl: Is a communist cow the best Deutschland can come up with?

Last I checked, Trump isnt advocating destroying the native population by bringing in muslims.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  p.g.t beauregard
8 years ago

@ beauregard – And how many American presidents have a PhD in physics and can speak three languages including English, German and Russian? Any idiot can obtain a law degree.

james wilson
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

A PhD in physics is as great a disqualifier for public office as I can think of. Scientists are by and large–by and very large–ruinous political cretins.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  james wilson
8 years ago

The advantage is they don’t typically think in terms of political preservation, they think in terms of logic and reasoning based on facts and evidence. Obama’s move to legalize millions of illegals is obviously to increase votes for his party. Merkle’s decision about Syrian refugees was a purely humanitarian reaction to a horrible situation. While many Germans still don’t agree with her decision, we can respect her sense of humanity. Her decision was one of compassion, not political self-gain.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Merkel’s duty is to the German people, not the poor suffering masses around the globe (whose migrations fit nicely into the designs of Muslims, compelled by the Koran to subdue and subjugate the world’s people until only Sharia prevails) who provide cover for this generation’s marchers of Islam among them, every bit the Trojan Horses of yore.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Scientist once approached science in terms of logic and reasoning based on facts and evidence, not so much anymore. And at no point in history did they approach social science on that basis. Their opinions were made worse by thinking that they were being objective. Except for the purpose of trolling, there is not much point in reading a lunatic right wing blog if one is incapable of being educated in the experience of it. Until we overcome the shock of learning our opinions are actually within the orbit of the left, no progress can be made in understanding the… Read more »

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  james wilson
8 years ago

My son is a scientist, working in the petroleum industry. He has always hated “Physics.” I asked him why and he said “Because their (physicists) manner of thinking are so theoretical impractical and weird, they might as well be philosophers. They certainly don’t remotely think like scientists.”

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

“…a purely humanitarian reaction to a horrible situation.” Are you kidding us? That might have a kernel of truth IF the “refugees” were widows, orphans and the aged, not young, military-aged welfare-seeking hoodlums who comprise the vast majority of Syrian refugees. So don’t lie to us , Karl. We can read and understand what’s going on. .

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Her decision was one of compassion? How can you be so sure? Frankly I think it’s more likely that she’s an agent of globalist interests who is actively undermining the sovereignty of her own people, under color of “humanitarianism”.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Lol, that old East German commie hag is letting in Muslims by the trainload, oh but she speaks 3 languages and has a phD in Physics!!! If you are representative of the average German it’s no wonder that your country is fucked

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Ken
8 years ago

@ Ken – America has been run by a half-Kenyan Marxist-socialist for the past 8-years who’s increased illegals and your national debt. You are now about to be run by either a rich kid who’s loved by the bling Ghetto crowd, or a pant-suit wearing criminal politician who hates America about as much as Obama. Or you could get lucky and end up with Bernie Sanders. Good luck with that.

Reply to  Ken
8 years ago

I follow the comments until they descend into darkness, then I depart.
Cool the billingsgate.

p.g.t beauregard
p.g.t beauregard
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Just goes to show you Karl, that being smart and having common sense arent the same thing. Maybe the volks of Sumte can discuss the laws of gravity with Frau Merkel if she ever comes to visit their once peaceful town.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  p.g.t beauregard
8 years ago

I’d rather live in Sumte than your border towns of El Paso, San Diego, Calexico, Brownsville, Columbus, Laredo, Nogales or McAllen.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

In fairness, Karl, if there are to be problems in Sumte, they are just now starting, whereas the pathologies in the border towns you mention have been brewing for decades.

James LePore
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Almost everything all these highly credentialed politicians around the world touch they make worse. Obama and Merkel are just two examples of many. Trump is not one of them. He is the last hope of the Dirt People. I’d love to see a counterpart arise in every country in Europe..

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Trump’s wife Melania, speaks at least five languages. And she’s run a business as have all of Trump’s grown children. We have an educated idiot in the White House now.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  notsothoreau
8 years ago

“Credentialed” not “educated”! There is a world of difference, especially since affirmative action has reduced the value of education. Obama = first affirmative action POTUS; elected purely based upon race.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

You only need to speak one language in this world, Karl and that’s English, as you well know! What’s the primary second language every Euro kid wants to learn? Pssst, it ain’t French!

And a PhD in physics qualifies one to do what? Take selfies with members of the Muslim horde? Credentials are no substitute for business experience, common sense and leadership. What exactly has good Doktor led, besides a migration of 7th Century Third Worlders into Germany?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Jimmy Carter had a degree in physics.

Wayne Parker
Wayne Parker
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Sadly, you’re correct. The entire field of US presidential candidates this last year has been pathetic. In fact, Trump’s success in the polls is a direct result of the very disappointing pool of choices offered to the American voter in 2016. The Republican field consisted of nothing more than bland, vapid and blatantly careerist politicians with one notable physician and a rich, spoiled and not-too-bright billionaire thrown in to spice things up. Trump would normally be a bad choice and everyone, including his supporters in moments of intellectual honesty, admit it. He’s not the successful entrepreneur his hard-core fans would… Read more »

Reply to  Wayne Parker
8 years ago

Just this last year? So you had no problem with Obama, McCain or Romney?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Karl, as an aside, the Erdogan, Boehmermann, Merkel controversy reminded me of a DDR era political joke.

Honecker und Mielke unterhalten sich über ihre Hobbys.
Honecker: “Ich sammle alle Witze, die über mich im Umlauf sind.”
Mielke: “Mensch Erich, da haben wir ja fast das gleiche Hobby. Ich sammle nämlich alle, die sie in Umlauf bringen…”

Everything old is new again

Being an Ossi, Merkel must have heard this joke and many like it.. I wonder if she is capable of seeing the irony of her position.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Lorenzo
8 years ago

Hast du das Graffiti auf dem Schweizer Zug in Zurich gesehen? Da steht “Erdogan + Ziegen = grosse Liebe!” Schoen bunt gemalt!

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

I like that. The Swiss can get by with that sort of thing because Erdogan can’t open a political valve and flood Switzerland with violence prone and unemployable invaders.

Alas for Germany, and I say that as someone who lived and worked there for 14+ years and grew to like the country and the people I met there.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Lorenzo
8 years ago

I hope she makes the right decision about Böhmermann or it may be one more nail in her political coffin.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

I can’t guess what a right decision might be. If Böhmermann isn’t punished somehow, Erdogan can open the immigrant valve and burden Germany further with migrants. If he is punished, German citizens will be increasingly annoyed at being pushed around by a foreign near-dictator.

The Ossis especially have memories of being overrun by rapey foreign men which may well account for PEGIDA’s strength in the the former East.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

“the best and most qualified candidate” wants nothing to do with politics.

All we can hope for is “the best and most qualified political animal”.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

While I agree completely, I think that question could be asked of pretty much all democratic states. I’m not sure if it was one of the Founders or Roy Rodgers, but someone said that the only people who’d *want* to be elected officials should never, ever be allowed to. And rest assured, when I’m dictator that’s going to be my first dictate. I’m going all Greek polis on y’all — all citizens’ names go in a hat, shake it a few times, and pick out your officials. Like jury duty, but no exceptions except mental incompetence. The standard of governance… Read more »

james wilson
Reply to  Severian
8 years ago


Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

We are doing an experiment to see if we can be governed by someone that isn’t a career politician. That is in fact what the Founding Fathers of this country wanted. Trump is very capable of handling big projects. He is having to learn how to be a politician. He may prove to be one of the best yet.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Bush-Kerry? McCain-Obama? Romney-Obama? seems like a pretty solid trifecta of downright lousy, rotten, clueless and stupid candidates for POTUS. HRC of the Clinton Crime Family is a foul, corrupt scourge unto herself. But the Donald at least has experience running things and hiring people, so, blowhard that he is, that’s part of the schtick. At least he should be smart enough to hire people who will do a decent job and not be part of the same old Establishment crowd.