Terrorism from the Middle East got going in a serious way in the 1960’s and was allegedly spawned by the creation of Israel. Having failed to destroy Israel militarily, the Arabs set off on a policy of targeting civilians outside the Levant. The main actors at the time were Palestinians, but the rest of the Arabs, including Arab governments, eventually got into the act. Now, of course, we have these amorphous criminal organizations that exploit the global telecommunications system to recruit and direct lunatics all over the globe.
At the same time, Western involvement, and particularly US involvement, in the Muslim world has steadily increased. In the 70’s a handful of Americans worked in these countries, mostly in the oil business, but also as defense contractors. Today tens of thousands of Americans, plus equal numbers of Europeans are in these countries. That is on top of the saturation of Western culture via the internet and television. Then there is the military aspect. America has been dropping bombs on Muslims since the 80’s.
No sane person can conclude that relations between the West and Islam are on the upswing. Thirty years ago, the typical Westerner had no reason to care about the Muslims. Today, it is all we think about, because every other week a Muslim goes bonkers and kills a bunch a people. To make matters worse, the flood of Muslims into Western countries is threatening the social fabric of the West. Think about it. We now have political candidates running on explicitly anti-Islamic platforms.
What is to be done?
The first thing to do is to ban all immigration from predominantly Muslim countries. Banning Muslim immigration is impossible as you cannot implement it, but you can halt immigration from countries like Afghanistan and Iran. The United States actually runs recruiting drives in these countries via something called a diversity lottery. There is no patriotic reason to be importing these people. The West is not short of low-skilled, low-IQ people so importing more of them makes no economic sense. Importing people violently hostile to the West is suicidal and it must end.
That still leaves the problem of illegal migrants. The West used to have no qualms about rounding up illegals and sending them back, but fear of being rude to strangers has paralyzed Western governments. There is no reason to think this will change, but governments can make migration less attractive. Cutting off welfare benefits is the most obvious point of attack. Every Western country is creaking under the weight of social welfare programs. End all welfare programs to non-citizens.
Obviously, there are millions of Muslims living in the West and many have been here for a couple of generations. The Orlando shooter was born in America and his father was a naturalized citizen. America has about five million legal Muslims, while Europe has over forty-four million. Germany is 25% the size of the US and has far more Muslims. Given current fertility rates, these are dangerously high populations of people with an extremely poor history of assimilation. The West needs to think hard about encouraging reverse migration.
One way to do that is to offer cash bribes to leave. Some European countries are already doing this. It is a form of Danegeld, but sometimes that is what must be done. Many of the recent arrivals will jump at the cash bonus, figuring out that the party is over and they are better off going home. That is a big part of all of this. The West needs to make it clear that Islam is not welcome in the West. Cutting off the welfare and paying them to leave sends that message and it discourages others from making the trip to the West.
Another tool that can be used to discourage Muslim migration is a hard ban on cousin marriage. Most Muslim countries continue to marry off daughters to family members. First and second cousin marriage should be banned and heavily fined. No marriage of this type should be recognized. We have DNA tests to check this so it is cheap and easy to enforce. This is one of those things that sends a clear message, “You’re not welcome” to the Muslims.
All of this is incandescently obvious to anyone who has been paying attention. What is remarkable about the age in which we live is that the things people have known and understood for thousands of years are now suddenly heretical. This is due to the fever that has gripped our rulers, but normal people fully understand the sensibleness of limiting Muslim migration into the West. We owe Muslims nothing and are under no obligation to destroy ourselves to accommodate them.
What is not obvious is that our good intentions have done a lot of harm to the Muslim world and as a consequence invited these manufactured problems to our door. The culture and habits of the West evolved in the West. The people of Europe evolved in Europe and in the culture they created. Exporting our culture around the world to people, wholly unprepared for it, has had the same impact as exporting smallpox to the Americas. What has made the Mohammedan go crazy is the endless assault on his culture by Western culture.
The West not only needs to stop bombing the Muslims, but we also have to stop flooding their world with our culture. Western governments, especially the US, have to halt the export of Western culture to the Muslim world. Guys like Sergey Brin will fight it as he wants to control the world via Google, but maybe it is time for Sergey to take two in the hat anyway, but that is a post for another day. For now, the point is to halt the export of Western culture into Islamic countries via TV and Internet.
This also includes technology. What we fail to appreciate is how toxic Western technology is to these countries. They are not built for it. Our technology is like an infectious disease that seems harmless at first, maybe even beneficial, but then curdles into something that destroys the social fabric of these cultures. It is why we have observed initial periods of great progress, followed by a shift to tyranny and then total chaos. It is the pattern all over the Muslim world and the main driver is technology.
What happens is technology results in a material improvement in the lives of the people. They get better food, better medicine, better entertainments and better stuff. But then, this material improvement starts to disrupt the social arrangements and the ruling class uses the better technology to clamp down on dissent in very modern ways. As we see with the Turks, the result is authoritarianism. All over the Muslim world, the only stability comes either from despotism or backwardness.
Secular authoritarianism, however, sets off a counter-reaction where cultural elements begin to take on the secular authorities, the Islamic movements in the Middle East are not just religious in nature. They are counter arguments to Westernization. They are the response to tidal waves of foreign culture that are sweeping over Muslim lands. The West thinks it is helping by demanding democracy and shoving our values onto these people. Instead, we are creating fanatics who are dedicating themselves to fighting against what they see as an invasion.
Since this is going too long, let us summarize it this way. The solution to the West’s Islam problem is a version of containment. The goal is to keep the Muslims bottled up in their lands. Limit their access to the West physically, but l also limit their access culturally. Cut them off from our TV and the Internet. Let them drift back to their traditional ways, even if that means living in tents and riding camels. The Muslim Middle East needs to be a reservation for the Muslim. The only role of the West is to make sure they do not wander off the reservation.
Uncle Sam send me around to a few places in the Middle East. It seemed like a fine place for Muslims to stay. Bringing them and their nutty ideas on society here seemed like a horrible idea 25 years ago. That’s been proven true to everyone except politicians since then.
Me too. I repeatedly flew into, stayed a day or two or three, and flew out of most of those problem countries in the ’50s-’60s. You might bribe the local muslims to stay there, but getting the ones that are here to go back would take force. They come from shitholes and they know it.
Yet they seem quite determined to turn their new home towns into similar shit holes.
It’s an old story – North Africa was a rich breadbasket for the classical Roman and Gothic Empires. After the Arab Muslims showed up there was the brief “Golden Age” followed by a rapid descent into the crap-holes they are now – with just old ruins and broken irrigation channels as evidence of what was once a great civilization.
If we want to keep America safe and free from Islamic jihad – we need to start this coming election and the presidency. The choice is between the treasonous and criminally corrupt Hillary Clinton – and DT, a non-politician but a man that loves America and what she once stood for. Love him or hate him – he’s the best and only chance we have to stop the coming chaos. Hillary – owned by Saudi Arabia and the other global agents represented in Wall Street et al and the fourth estate and propaganda entity of the msn. There is now… Read more »
Some interesting ideas here, ZMan. Ann Barnhardt has some different ideas. “1. Formally declare islam a POLITICAL SYSTEM, and in no way a religion or falling under any religious protections whatsoever. 2. Criminalize islam in every form. 3. Formally recognize the islamic caliphate as a political entity. Define as Islamic Suzerainty ANY NATION that tolerates its existence or engages in any diplomatic negotiations or dialogue with any part of the Caliphate as defined above. 4. Declare war on the islamic caliphate and all of its Suzerainties. 5. Nuke Mecca and Medina to glass after generously, mercifully giving a 24 hour… Read more »
@ Buckaroo Banzai – While I don’t disagree, I think we can basically accomplish the same thing without all that messy nuclear fallout. 🙂 We simply take a very simple lesson from present China, Indonesia, Nigeria, North Korea and the old Soviet Union and apply it in our countries; make Islam illegal just like they made Christianity illegal. If banning the Bible is okay in their countries, they I say fair play to ban the Koran in ours.
Islam is against the law in Japan. Sure seems to have worked OK for them.
Karl, when I first read Ann’s recommended course of action, I thought it was a bit over-the-top. But on re-reading it, I think it is a sound and wise suggestion. I don’t think simply banning their Koran would accomplish much, especially in this day and age of widespread print and electronic media. I would add to Ann’s it a crime to call Islam a “Religion of Peace” for that is the biggest lie and most blatant example of Taqqiya promoted by them and the media today. RoP my ass!
“This is due to the fever that has gripped our rulers” I find this very interesting indeed. Where did this fever come from? I would say it wasn’t ordinary people, who arguably have the most to fear from being displaced and made unemployed by people who resolutely aren’t like them, so it came from ‘higher up.’ But the higher up number is small. It had to come from a handful of people who shouted loudest. Perhaps it was toxic combination of ‘bien pensants’ including do-gooders, ideologues, commies, academics, journalists and various political hangers-on as well as the intellectual failure of… Read more »
arab oil money. How else to account for the actions of most of our ruling class? Now they are liable to blackmail and have to go along with the moslem agenda no matter how badly they piss on the citizens to do it.
Not just the politicians, colleges get a lot of arab oil money, too. And the news media is in dire need of money, how much to “influence” them – or hostile foreigners just buy them up outright.
Is it just me or does this remind anyone else of the Prime Directive? In the “What’s happening on that planet is terrible, of course, and with our technology we could help them but they’re Just Not Ready to join the Federation.”
@ Tim – In just about every country where the west has intervened (with the exception of India) and provided infrastructure and improvements, once the whites left, so did the intelligence to keep it running. If we want to turn the Middle East back into a stone age civilization, all we have to do is stop selling them our technology. In a few years, it would all go the way South Africa is heading.
The last time we clashed with a savage, suicidal, fanatical enemy it took two nuclear devices to solve the problem.
Here is another opinion well worth reading
Ron, I disovered Lawrence Auster about a year ago and he was a billiant thinker and writer.
It’s too bad he’s no longer with us. His site is archived and all his stuff is well worth reading.
Thanks for the reference! 🙂
Speaking of cousin marriage etc., an old-school Soviet-style disinformation campaign would work wonders, too. Watching Trump play the media like a fiddle shows how easy (and cheap!) it can be. Trump says something “outrageous;” the media rush in to editorialize…. but in so doing, they have to report what he actually said, which is of course something incandescently obvious that the vast majority of Americans agrees with. All you’d really need is a sufficiently big name — Brad Pitt, say. Pay Brad to “go crazy” and start badmouthing Muslims… simply by quoting the juicier bits of the Koran and a… Read more »
It isn’t just technology you have to rein in. What about planes, trains, and automobiles? And the nukes and rockets they can get from the Norks, Russkies, Chinks, or even the French? Reach out and touch someone, maybe? Take away their cell phone and satellite tv and you may have wholesale slaughter of the sheep of the land due to un-vented rage and no more raping of those sweet European honeys.
Nope, I think Pandora’s (or the Genie if you will) box has been opened and it is too late to put all the nasty’s back.
The thought of some poor muzzer imploding when faced with some western ‘culture’ lets say ….The Kardashians, cheered me up on a day filled with Brexit misery…ta!
Sadly they’re not imploding, they’re exploding… … straight on Brussels airport.
Interpret section 501(c)(3) of the tax code, such that organizations could only be recognized as qualifying religions if they allowed full freedom of association. Any indications or actions restricting the full freedom of individuals to leave without consequence would disqualify the organization for special tax treatment under this section.
Well once again, Zman right on the money….For me though (infidel that I am) I would more heavily weight “Religion” in general…. Islam being the more extreme flavor…. A perfect example of using something contrary to its intended application….Once upon a time before “science” and long before “scientific method” it served a valuable purpose..being able to explain the unexplainable and kept people in line, cause daddy was aways watching….. After “science” for those with adequate intelligence, it served as a valuable tradition from the past and moral compass and yet no less a soothing healing balm in times of need…… Read more »
Sorry “Z” but your solutions, much like those for gun control, don’t really solve the problem. If you bribe them, they just come back (Germany and France already tried this back in 2009). Not doing business with them isn’t going to happen either. Global organizations don’t care about jihads because, Muslims around the world want to buy Coke, Pepsi, Nikes and iPhones. Have you noticed there haven’t been any attacks at work sites in Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan? It’s because even Muslims understand they need power and water plants, Smartphones and the infrastructure to run it all. As long as… Read more »
Unfortunately you are probably right. We may get there before being overwhelmed – but it will take far more slaughter and maybe a nuclear 911 to generate sufficient political willpower.
(That’s the back-story for Tom Kratman’s novel “Caliphate”. Free on Amazon Kindle now.)
There have been several attempts to take out the Mosul Damn. In fact, we have been guarding that thing while trying to fix it. It’s why we have secretly installed special forces in Iraq. That damn is built on a faulty foundation and must be constantly maintained or the foundation will collapse and take the damn with it. If that happens, a million people die. ISIS has tried multiple times to take it out and halt the maintenance projects.
A lack of success is not an indication of a lack of effort.
Fair point. But what I’m referring to are the replacement facilities the US destroyed during various bombing raids and those recently damaged due to the latest conflicts. Power plants, water stations, transmitter towers, etc. There are dozens of US and European companies and contractors shipping tons of equipment and rebuilding what was destroyed – much of which is being done by western employees, not local talent. All courtesy of western technology, western engineering and global corporations all quite happy to do so for the all mighty dollar/Euro. I suspect like many western do-gooders in Africa, they thought by bringing medicine,… Read more »
You are far more courageous than I, Z. I have been thinking about reservations for a long time but haven’t been able to say it, even under a pseudonym.
I really like the ban on cousin marriage.
We live in a strange age. Every human society has its taboos and pretty lies. Ours has made most of observable reality a taboo and the lies are all ugly. The thing about immigration is that I’m actually OK with moderate amounts. There’s no doubt that many of the Mexicans who have settled in the US over the last few decades are a net positive. They came here to be Americans because Mexico sucked. Some portion turned out to be losers and dead weight, but that’s always the case. The thing is, we want to set the walls high so… Read more »
Isolation (stronger than containment and inclusive of it) is probably the only humane solution remaining.
Wretchard used the write frequently that if we didn’t deal with the Islam problem realistically, the Rousseauist loons (this is my translation of his terms into yours, not his words) would eventually find themselves backed into a corner and lash out genocidally out of fear and desperation. IMO, the day after the genocide, they would begin the process of shifting blame on to the conservatives and christianists.
A return to the US immigration policy that was torpedoed by Ted Kennedy in 1965 would be a good start. After all, as with every new immigration deal with the Left, they reneged on their end. So, the deal is off. Or is that being too adult?
If they would stay in the isolated community you prescribe, I would have no problem. Back in the good old days of the Ottomans, though, they were constantly trying to expand.
Between when the last vestiges of the Ottoman Empire finally collapsed in 1918 to when Israel was founded in 1948, we actually had a short respite from Muslim shenanigans. Let’s not confuse that brief, thirty year period with the ~1,370 years of Islamic terror that happened outside that tiny slice of time.
A knowledge of history is a burden, isn’t it?
A surprisingly lonely one, it seems.
About why islam is at war with us; It is not because of our meddling in the mid east. That is just one of their latest EXCUSES. The dirty pricks like being predators. And they generally don’t like working and earning money; Remember the Barbary pirates and Thomas Jefferson? Their stinking ‘holybooks’ keep pushing that attitude into them. The only truly good muslim would be one who had never gone to mosque, read any of those ‘scriptures’ or kept company with other muslims.
Then they wouldn’t be called a “mooslim” would they? They would just be a middle easterner or some appellation from one country or another like an Iraqi or Egyptian, etc.
The evil US government has bombed the pillow of Islam. Good luck putting all the feathers back in.
Makes to much sense,So it will never happen. With the current thinking i have told my children to remember my saying that one day Muslims in the U.S. will become a big problem.
While I agree that it isn’t in our interests to involve ourselves in Moslem countries, it isn’t Western culture that has made the Mohammeds crazy, it’s the Koran. Have you read it? I recommend reading it. It’s important to know thy enemy. Moslems have been slaughtering infidels for 1400 years, long before they had any inkling of a Western Culture to hate and attack. The history of Islam is long and bloody, nothing has changed. They attack us now because they sense our cultural weakness and are going in for the kill. This is the Third Jihad. Political Islam is… Read more »
What seems lost in the discussion is that the “only” reason the west has been involved in the ME is OIL. Otherwise, why would anyone in his right mind want anything to do with that armpit of the world. A big part of Obozo’s plan to weaken America in his drive for fundamental transformation is to keep it dependent on oil from the ME. That is why he blocked the Keystone Pipeline. I hope and pray that Trump will open the spigots in the US for “ENERGY” research, development and production. I have always felt that we need a twenty… Read more »
Oil has nothing to do with it. It is the pygmy dwarf scarf princesses that live under the silk driven soil that mix up the paisley potato sauce that come in three flavors. After the matadors worn out the hammer the jaded frost bitten jack-o-lanterns return to the doorway entrenched in bombastic elegance and sideways sustenance. Even the hairline fracture behind the façade exposes the incendiary relevance of the whooping crane’s solitary flight. Alas for the unicorn in its forgotten treasury; nevermore to whisper in salty credence.
Ok, ok Pieces, so it started with the spice trade. I’m talking about “modern times” here.
Oh yeah, and the Christians never killed anybody! What makes you think there wasn’t any Western Culture 1400 years ago? Where do you think Western Culture came from, Apple Computer? For your information Islam is a part of Western Culture! It’s called Occidental. The other culture, the Eastern Culture, is called Oriental. That’s the way it works, you see. On one side you’ve got Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. On the other you’ve got Hinduism and Buddhism. Now the Hindus and the Buddhist have not been killing each other for thousands of years, but in the West when they weren’t killing… Read more »
Islam is not a part of Western culture. It sprang from Arabia in the 7th century, which is in the Middle EAST. Occidental encompasses countries of the WEST. Apparently you’re unfamiliar with Islamic history. Show me where Christians today, in the name of their God, are slaughtering people. And Islam is on no ones side but Islams.
You have no idea what you’re talking about! I already explained you’ve got the Occidental and the Oriental. That’s three religions that sprang from what we call the First Testament and two that Vedas and Upanishads. This is a simple generalization but you know what I am saying. And Christians today do in fact slaughter people. How many wars are we Christians engaged in right now? And don’t tell me “they started it” because it is you that has no familiarity with Islamic history! Just ask yourself “where did they get all those weapons?” Go on, riddle me that one… Read more »
Oh, so you ”splained” it already! My bad! You’re drunk. There is no slaughter by Christians, IN THE NAME OF THEIR RELIGIOUS TEXTS or in the NAME of their GOD, today, anywhere in the world. Prove it. Cite it. You can’t. Where are the bodies from Christian terrorism? In what countries? Yet all around the world, every week, another Moslem kills more infidels. And I am very familiar with Islamic history, don’t you worry. Where did they get those weapons? Are you joking? If you think the West has supplied weapons to Islamists for 1400 years, you have a very… Read more »
I think anybody with an iota of religious knowledge would agree that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are more alike than they are different. When you go about saying “Islam kills in the name of God” but “Christianity does not” you are ignoring the stained glass windows that adorn the cathedrals of Europe with images of crosses and swords. You are ignoring how Ann Frank and her family were slaughtered by the baptized Dutch and Germans. You are not doing Christianity a service with your behavior. You are essentially just as insane as a radical jihadist. What do you hope to… Read more »
If you knew anything at all about Islamic ideology, you wouldn’t be saying that, but you obviously don’t know much. The God of Judaism & Christianity is not even the same God as Allah of Islam. You can say it til you’re blue in the face but it doesn’t make it so. Christianity went through a reformation hundreds of years ago. Islam is virtually unchanged since the 7th century and is a totalitarian political system using religion as a shield to advance its cause. Again, I asked you previously, where are the killings today, as in TODAY, done by Christians… Read more »
The God of Judaism & Christianity is not even the same God? All I can say is Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic religions! As far as being the same God we’re not even sure if you and your pastor share the same idea about whom or what God is. I can only appreciate that you think about God and so my hat’s off to you. My point, dear Kathleen, is you are espousing “us versus them” and I am saying “us” is no better than “them”. And your supporting arguments do not reinforce your premise! The Reformation was… Read more »
This has been an entirely pointless exercise because you have fallen for the Big Lie of Islam: that it is “just like all the other major religions”. You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried. You have been duped. Fortunately you can do something about it by actually learning about Islam and how and why it is different than any other religion. These websites contain a wealth of information.
inquiryintoislam.com ; politicalislam.com ; gatesofvienna.net ; counterjihadreport.com ; thereligionofpeace.com ; clarion project.org ; sneakyislam.com
Okay, I concede. You’re better than them. I was wrong, you were right. You are better than them in every way. Your religion is better than theirs. You probably smell better than them too! And after we’ve died the anthropologists of the future will look at all the bones and say your bones were better than theirs. And, as you are surely aware, you’re heaven will be better than theirs. There will be FOX news and countless websites pinpointing everything that needs to be known to highlight how much better you were than them for all of eternity! Congratulations, you’ve… Read more »
It’s so much better to mock people than to learn the truth, isn’t it? Looks like the truth about Islam doesn’t fit your worldview. Congratulations, you remain ignorant of Islam!
Oh, BTW, did you just see the news? Attack at Istanbul airport, 28 dead, more than 60 injured. Now who could have perpetrated that attack??? Must be those damn Christians again! Or, could it be, wait for it…..the “religion of peace”?
Updated, 50 dead. You might want to take a look at those websites I told you about.
Maybe just 36, could go up, though.
Now that is rich! Lumping Islam with Judaism and Christianity?? Are you crazy? Where did you do your very “soft” studies, or research? Good grief. You know nothing about these religions if you make such a claim. You pose some academic partition that has nothing to do with reality. Go back to your ivory tower. You will be much safer there.
It’s not just Moslems that get bombed by US. Remember Clinton bombing Christian Serbs to aid Bosnian Moslems?
[…] What To Do About Islam | The Z Blog Winter is coming. Reply With Quote […]
Islam could be banned on the same legal basis the Nazi party was, and still is banned in Germany for example, as in it endangers the basic free and democratic order of society. It would also make Muslims think twice before migrating west if the asylum process required the conversion to some flavor of Christianity, as a purely practical measure but also a gesture of good faith. Because someone who doesn’t like bacon will never become a productive member of society, we shouldn’t pretend otherwise. Instead of asking what color the White House is, the citizen test should be a… Read more »
I had only recently begun reading this blog, and have found you to be insightful, entertaining, and right.
With this article, you have thrown away all worthy esteem. Men of principle and gravity are what this land most lacks. Realpolitik pap, P.C.-Lite, hare-brained half-measures, and general candy-assery we have in surfeit already.
Good day.
[…] […]
We are approaching this problem the wrong way. What needs to be done is what has been done for thousands of years! You don’t stop immigration, you PROMOTE it! We Americans need to get off our asses and emigrate to the Middle East and raise families. The generations that follow will honor their mixed heritage. You may find what I’m saying impractical because you believe you’re too good for that part of the world but believe me, you are WRONG! You’re no better than them! What the Middle East really needs is some goddamn snow. Those people would learn how… Read more »
Ha ha ha! Nice one. You want to live in a litter box … be my guest. What a loon. And good luck.
The Palestinians happened to be the more public and flamboyant terrorists of the 60s and 70s but terrorism was everywhere to a varying degree; IRA, Baader-Meinhof, Weathermen… The powers couldn’t have a conventional war anymore because of nukes so instead of WW3 we got airplane hijackings. What let this all fester is that it was popular; the only reason nobody talks about Arafat anymore is that he’s dead but in 1974 he showed up in NYC and spoke to the UN. The US intervened diplomatically to let him escape alive out of Beirut in the 1980s. If he’d been arrested… Read more »