I’m fond of the Hoffer quote regarding how mass movements degenerate into rackets. The exact quote is, “What starts out here as a mass movement ends up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation.” Drunk driving is the greatest example of this. We have done all that can or should be done to address drunk driving, but MADD remains a multi-million dollar jobs racket for its members. What little good it does is undone by the fact it now advocates for the violation of basic civil liberties.
In his day, this probably encapsulated the possible outcomes of a mass movement living beyond its purpose. Today, there is another possible option in addition to business, racket and cult and that is mental illness. All over we are seeing causes turn into collection points for the mentally ill to advocate for issues that are best described as insane. The whole trannies in the bathroom stuff is the most obvious example. This is lunacy advocated for the sole reason of causing mayhem.
Feminism is a another good example of a cause becoming a lunatic cult. First Wave Feminism was fairly small bore in its goals and tactics. The gals wanted to vote and have the same legal rights as men. Judging from the photos in history books, the tactics back then were for the feminists protesters to make themselves as sexually unappealing as possible in order to force the guys to concede. It was a mistake to give into these demands, but it probably seemed rational at the time.
Second Wave Feminism was proof that women, lacking a man around to say no, will begin to commit suicide by destroying the culture that allows them to prosper. That it quickly degenerated into Third Wave Feminism is all the proof you need. The Wikipedia entry for Third Wave Feminism is mostly just word salad because there’s no way to provide a concise description of what amounts to a grab bag of outburst by mentally ill women. That can be taken literally.
The first time I formally learned about mental illnesses and disabilities was in my high school health class.
Along with topics like pregnancy and a healthy diet, we also touched on eating disorders, schizophrenia,addiction, and physical disabilities.
I use the phrase “touched on” deliberately – because while these topics were mentioned, we never reallytalked about them.
We watched outdated videos with singular, stereotypical (mainly white, cis, middle-class) examples of individuals living with or affected by mental illnesses and various physical disabilities. We read definitions and biomedical criteria of diagnoses in textbooks filled with glossy photographs of the same stereotypical depictions as the videos.
It took me years to merge these classroom images with the lived experiences of people I knew.
As more and more schools recognize the importance of incorporating social justice topics and consent into the classroom, it’s important to recognize how the US education system has so far not only failed to contest ableism and mental health stigma, but also fails to challenge schools’reinforcing these forms of oppression.
One thing that the New Religion inherited from the Marxists is the concept of the struggle. It is integral to their identity to believe they are in a life or death struggle with dark, mysterious forces. This is what allows the blue-haired cat ladies of modern feminism to claim they are being oppressed, because the rest of us don’t care about their eating disorder. At the individual level, it is just another log on the fire of the raging bonfire of lunacy between the ears of the typical young woman.
The trouble is, these unhinged gals are rampaging through the culture and coming to dominate the managerial class, which means their mental illness is turned into official policy. Scroll down through the list of recommendations in the linked piece and you will see this gem:
For example, classrooms can integrate books written by, about, and depicting disabled folks. Political science and history classes can and should discuss the historical and contemporary reality of violence against disabled people and individuals with mental illnesses, such as police violence against mentally ill individuals. Relatedly, classes could discuss various social justice activist movements like the Section 504 Sit-In of the 1970s.
What this is, of course, is a Factitious Disorder, which means a self-imposed condition or illness. Third Wave Feminism is about searching for pitiable people for whom the feminist can feel suffering by proxy. It’s a way for unattached, childless women to gain attention. The normal biological urges no longer have the constructive cultural channels through which to flow to their natural destination, motherhood and marriage. Instead, like a blocked river, these urges flow into unwanted areas and put society at risk.
I’m fond of pointing out that the Muslims are not wrong about everything. The sterile materialism of the West is antithetical to normal human organization, theirs and ours. They are also right about the role of women in society. I’m not talking about the over-the-top Islamic views on women we see on TV. I mean the more sober Islam where women have a defined role that is different from that of men. “Equality” does not mean “identical” and women can have an equal place in society, without having an identical role.
It’s why the way to bet is for the Muslim invasion of the West to result in the Islamification of the West or at least the rise of a mutated form of Islam in the West. Given the choice between the yapping of fruitless young woman and men with beards throwing infidels off of roofs, the latter will be much more appealing to the men of the West. Maybe it will not come to that, but a society run by broken women cannot last. Either the women get fixed or someone throws a bag over their head and a net over the rest of us for allowing it.
I find the relationship between the feminists and Islam to be fascinating. If they had a shred of sanity, feminists would be the most anti-Muslim, anti-immigration people in the West. They would recognize that the spread of Islam spells their doom and would do everything in their power to prevent it.
Instead, they actively seek to import huge numbers of Muslims from the most backward-ass areas of the Middle East and North Africa and coddle them like lost puppies. When the Muslims rape and murder, the feminists cover it up and blame themselves. It really is insane.
It’s the mothering instinct decoupled from biological reality, which mean reality. They want to be the mother to the world, instead of actual mothers.
Or perhaps it’s something darker than motherhood, Z.
I suspect that deep in the female psyche is a yearning to be taken, and even controlled, by the unreconstructed savage.
Being honest, when you consider the sad state of too many western men who’ve surrendered utterly to Political Correctness and Third Wave Feminism, these swarthy, virile middle eastern eastern invaders look like mojo personified by comparison.
They’re pushing some evolutionary buttons for the ladies that we men can’t see.
There’s no question about this. Look around at young men in the professional classes and it’s a depressing lot.
It’s almost as if a book about bondage & discipline might become a best seller, some day.
Nahhh. Never happen.
It’s both. But the reality is starting to catch up. I’d love to hear them reconciling their beliefs over this recent event:
It must be another one of those exceptional, non-representative cases.
The ME invaders aren’t all that virile. Many of them live at home until they are 35 or so. Little boys get circumcised at age 6. They are marched around town after this is done wearing little paper party hats, holding their mother’s hand. I saw this the summer after college graduation when I lived in Istanbul and worked on an archeological dig. We “shared” the dig w/ middle-class Turkish students, so I got to know my contemporaries. They shared a real dislike for Americans and American foreign policy. The nicest and most “real” guys were the peasants from the… Read more »
No mystery here, many women are attracted to “bad boys”, the more violent the better…They are not excited by beta men, who are in fact the foundation of civilization.
I have heard some feminists protesting that all this concern in the anti-social, anti-female behaviour of male muslims and immigrants pouring into the west is merely a ‘smoke-screen’ put up by the real problem in the world today, namely western men. That is why they aren’t worried by it: these ultra-intelligent feminists can see right through that devious little game of ours to seemingly care for women.
What bar stewards we are, we western men.
Feminists don’t actually LIKE women. Most of their policy positions directly endanger and harm women. They discourage traditional family formation, thus leaving women to fend for themselves as single moms, which is one of the most surefire ways to economic hardship. They encourage women to be sexually promiscuous. That doesn’t actually work with the natural female psyche. For us, sex is much more mental and not nearly as much of a biological urge as it is for men (to married men’s everlasting sorrow, right?). Women bond when they have sex, and decoupling that breaks something fundamental in our brains leading… Read more »
Judging by recent Facebook postings, I find myself in the minutest minority of my Women’s College Class of 1967 who support and will vote for Donald Trump. The anti-Trumps seem to fall into a group that has not had children, perhaps marrying late in life and serving as stepmothers. Others seem to have failed at marriage several times. One classmate had a late-in-life child w/ a much younger husband whom she divorced, who (the girlkid) is now transitioning to be a male. The 90+ year old grandparents, if they are still alive, must be so proud. Sheesh! I would love… Read more »
I think that most of the issue is that a lot of the energy that women would have thrown into religion is now being directed towards feminism and various other -isms. The blue-haired fatso taking Tinder selfies while self-diagnosing themselves with half the DSM-V and considering whether to vote Jill Stein or “move right” to vote for Hillary are doing it to find meaning and purpose that people got out of religion a few generations ago. I’m guessing future historians will agree with Tom Wolfe that all the secular politics (I think he was talking about hippies but it applies… Read more »
Yes, and when these crazy type women were into religion, they were the busy body moralizers who drove people away from religion.
I agree, especially about lack of funds being their downfall. There is a whole lotta crazy in control right now because of easy credit (for individuals and gov’t). If we were back in a “no work, no eat” safety-netless world, the blue haired cat lady would not be able to do her schtick. She’d either be in Bedlam or be knuckling under to convention in order to keep herself fed.
I’m reading On Revolution by Hannah Arendt. She describes the turn in the French Revolution that led to The Terror as being when discussion in the Convention went from being about governance in a detached manner to one where the focus was on compassion for the plight of the poor in Paris. It was this compassion that gave Robespierre license to engage in wholesale slaughter of his political opponents, all done under the cover of highly moral rhetoric. She then uses the writings of Melville and Dostoevsky to illustrate how the quest for moral purity in life and politics can… Read more »
What was your first clue? They have been behaving this way for 150 years!!
My first clue about what? About smartass dicks on comment threads?
Well done.
re: “I’m reading On Revolution by Hannah Arendt.” teapartydoc
You have selected a cultural Marxist for your schooling in Hannah Arendt: see Arendt and Adorno:
Political and Philosophical Investigations (Stanford University Press, 2012). If you want to understand Robespierre you would be well advised to read Robespierre: The Voice of Virtue
by Otto J. Scott (https://www.amazon.com/Robespierre-Virtue-Otto-J-Scott/dp/1412818222). The Liberals hate this book as it demonstrates that there was no high morals in the French Revolution only petty revenge.
Dan Kurt
I’m currently sojourning through about seventy books or more that I’ve acquired about the French Revolution. I’ve gotten through about fifteen of them. Some, like Schama’s Citizens, are pretty thick and some, like Lefebvre’s comes in two volumes and I haven’t come across the second anywhere. If I happen across the above I will buy it. I don’t limit my reading on this to non-Marxist authors because I am mainly interested in information. The nice thing about this period is that the degree of analysis that has been done has pretty much debunked the Marxist interpretation. The love affair that… Read more »
Read about the Vendee genocide. Here is a good staring point
Nice brief article. I just bought two books on it last week.
While I can’t say I have studied this topic much, I did watch a short series of videos produced by Ann Barnhardt. A four part video on the Vendee Genocide that might be enlightening for you at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaMLoLtFn6s
My late husband used to say that the nuns were bitter because they weren’t allowed to have children. I have begun to believe that a lot of young women have that desire for a family, but it’s unfocused. They’ve been told to go and have careers instead. It’s another subject that our society can’t have an honest discussion about.
Agreed. My late Aunt was a Roman Catholic nun,was an Economics professor,and voted straight Democrat her entire long life. Holiday dinners featured lively discussions between my rational,clear-thinking Dad and Sister Jane Mary,with my brother and I quietly soaking it all in. Dad was the one who introduced me to the works of Ayn Rand,who helped me realize not all women writers are batshit crazy. Far too many young women are caught up in this Amazonia Death Cult,and we are all reaping its utterly negative rewards. One more point about Muslims-take a look at how Muslim nations treat animals,particularly dogs. Mohammed… Read more »
I am on a primarily British Facebook group for English Springer Spaniels.. I’ve wondered at some level if Muslim hatred of dogs played a small part in Brexit. Those folks love their dogs!
To make it worse, there are unrealistic expectations of beauty. Pretty girls, at their short peak of perfection, are preserved forever by media. I suspect many women (and men) are overwhelmed by these expectations and don’t get in the game. Look at the old family photos and your great grandmothers were probably (as my Mom used to say) more functional than decorative. Yet the unreal expectations of beauty have been floating around since photography became widespread. The great beauties of former times were often as screwed up as modern women. These faux mental illnesses used to be the province of… Read more »
You know, I was looking at old family photos and my father mentioned his grandmother was very very beautiful when she was younger. So I looked at her, and she was pretty, but she was pretty the way a normal girl at your local high school might be pretty, not the way women on billboards are. In the past, you didn’t have one in a thousand level hot women on billboards, in magazines and on television. The prettiest girl in your high school was probably the prettiest girl the average person would ever see. This has to be warping people.… Read more »
That’s a good point. I’ve seen it suggested that the rise of musical recording and its stars, both individuals and groups, caused a severe decline in musical performance as recreation for the common American.
The advent of the high quality recording decimated the home piano industry and the careers of a lot of competent but not great performing artists. Wander around small old cities in the Northeast and you’ll find abandoned music halls and theaters. A mid size city used to be able to support a theater with some local performers and traveling troupes coming through. When those people have to compete with the best in their field, available instantly and for cheap via the internet, television and radio, it doesn’t work.
I like to refer to them as “ornamental”. Good to look at but not good for much else. I think it should be required reading for feminists to read the biographies of the feminists from the 60s and 70s. Those were not happy women and there were some with clear mental problems. The first gen feminists tended to be wives and mothers.
The West, American especially, has an insane standard for women. We tell them not to have sex till their married, and then we tell them don’t even start to consider it until you’re 30. That’s never going to work.
“I’m fond of pointing out that the Muslims are not wrong about everything. The sterile materialism of the West is antithetical to normal human organization, theirs and ours. They are also right about the role of women in society.” This is one of the main themes of Michel Houellebecq’s novel Submission, about an Islamist political party seizing control of France in the 2020s. I’ll resist the temptation to discuss the book more and be accused of revealing spoilers, but I can say, as someone who does not read much contemporary fiction, that the book is extremely entertaining – part political… Read more »
Your contention, Mr Z, that the west will adopt a form of Islam is interesting if you start to think that society (God, that is such an overused word) would benefit from a new religion. I would prefer it to be something else but the history of religion is the ones who have the weapons tend to get the religion they want. You don’t have to go far to see who has the weapons now: the muslims and the muslim-appeasers in power can both lay their hands on weapons. Christianity should be the way forward in many ways, but there… Read more »
I have Arab friends and I greatly admire the male-female arrangements. Their females are terribly attracted to the Western model of femininity. They like the fashion aspects and the legal freedoms, but they like being women and they want their men to be men.
Feminism is cancer.
Islam is great. Its only problem is Arabs.
WTF! The problem is the Koran. Read it. Then compare it to the Bible or any other religion and then tell me the source of “their” problem.
Islam is filth. Some Muslims are fine people, despite it, as they ignore many parts of the religion.
Bring back the Crusades !
On this topic I frequently look back to Isaiah 3:11-12.
Woe to the wicked!
Disaster is upon them!
They will be paid back
for what their hands have done.
Youths oppress my people,
women rule over them.
My people, your guides lead you astray;
they turn you from the path.
>Z: I’m fond of pointing out that the Muslims are not wrong about everything.
Their leaders inculcate them into following their traditions, which is the concept known as “what has been proven to work for a society over a very long period of time”.
Our present leaders are bent demonstrating why our traditions were formed the way they were, and what happens to us when we abandon them.
This is a failure of thinking, and a failure of parenting on our part.
Political science and history classes can and should discuss the historical and contemporary reality of violence against disabled people and individuals with mental illnesses, such as police violence against mentally ill individuals.
Don’t tell me they need ANOTHER excuse to talk about the Stonewall riots!
In addition to MADD attempting to continue the cash flow despite their single issue being as addressed as well as it’s going to be, a classic case is the March of Dimes. It was started to fund the search for a Polio vaccine. Now that Polio is almost no more* you’d think they’d close up the old market stall and go home. But no_! Now they’re repurposed to ‘end birth defects. This is brilliant because AFIK about the bio-informatics involved, there will always be birth defects in this fallen world. *Polio persists in rural Muslim territories due to suspicion of… Read more »
The mother of my children, now 69, has become one of those women described by Mr Z. She is on an extended visit (2 1/2 months) to our son and tells him she might move here. She refuses to speak to me or even greet me because she has an undefined and self-diagnosed “PTSD”. We were divorced 30 years ago when she began with the feminist nonsense. Physically as white as they come, she is now a santería adept and uses an African name for her email. She is a food nazi as well. My Latina dtr-in-law is already fed… Read more »
I have long posited that a lot of this crap is “navel gazing” due to the level of security that society has provided … Western Society. What people lack is a need to be occupied with survival and have a need to belong. I happened upon this reference, which admittedly I have not yet read but intend to. Sebastian Junger has written a book called “Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging” as related to veterans of American wars. http://havokjournal.com/culture/veteran-favorite-sebastian-junger-talks-tribe-west-point/ A telling quote “The question for Western society isn’t so much why tribal life might be so appealing,” said Junger, “but why… Read more »
Spandrell actually had a modest proposal that the alt-right adopt Islam.
Take a look at the ifeminists:
Read, or re-read, The Kreutzer Sonata