The Day At The DMV

My driving license had expired so I was forced to head down to the local motor vehicle office to get it renewed. The state offers a “service” for renewing by mail, but this requires getting a separate eye exam, filling out some forms and hoping that the postal service does its job. Having had my state tax returns lost the last two years, my confidence in that link in the chain is not very high, so I elected to do it the old fashioned way. That meant standing in lines and dealing with surly functionaries of the state.

When you enter the place, you are “greeted” by a functionary that asks you for the purpose of your visit. You are then assigned a number or directed to a kiosk. More on that in a bit. The numbers are assigned in a way that almost seems random. The person in front of me got “G23” and I was given “B80.” The idea is to make sure no one waiting truly knows who is next in the queue. Maybe they had riots in the past or perhaps people sold their place in line. Maybe there is no reason for it.

The office near me is not in the ghetto, but serves the ghetto so that means lots of vibrancy in the waiting area. One of the first things I noticed was that many of the people there were trying to pay off violations, mostly parking tickets. The angry greeter at the front desk barked at those people to get in the line for the “self-service” kiosks against the wall. He had that look of a man irritated that these people had interrupted his work, even though his work was to greet people entering the facility.

Of course, these kiosks could be located all over the malls and shopping centers around the state so people could do this task anywhere and at any time. For that matter, this could be a phone app, but that’s not how the government works. The kiosks are not for your convenience. They exist for the convenience of the government workers. In all probability they were sold to the state as a way to make life easier for the clerks, who had to haggle with citizens over unpaid fines. Given the color of the place, it is not irrational.

Of course, the lines for those machines were long as most of the machines were out of order. Then you have the fact that the diverse community is not very good at following instructions. You see this in fast food joints where they struggle to order from the menu. A system that requires someone to select from a menu of options, with no modifications, is never going to do well in the diverse community. The result is a struggle of diverse man versus machine, with outbursts and demands for service from the staff.

I spotted a Muslim women in a trash bag shuffling up to one of the counters. Two swarthy men were hovering around her. They guarded her virtue as she exposed her head for the license photo. From what I saw, they have no fears of rival males carrying her off. Everyone in the place was intently watching the scene, even the surly functionaries. For a minute, all of us were plugged into the collective consciousness, wondering why our rulers are doing this to us.

This is an example of why open borders will end in disaster. In a world without government, people will sort themselves out, one way or another. In the custodial state, everyone is dealing with the state. That means the interface has to accommodate all comers. In a world where the picture ID is critical, a people who think photos steal their soul or make Allah angry with their women is doomed to failure. The DMV can handle Mexican fruit pickers, it cannot adapt to Bronze Age barbarians.

The funny thing about the diverse community is they will sit forever, waiting for government service. Honkies get impatient with lines and expect the government to work like the private sector. The diverse are much more reasonable in this regard. Everyone had head phones so they could listen to their music while they stared at their phones, doing whatever it is they do on their phones. They came prepared to entertain themselves for the day. Maybe it is from habit or maybe it is from nature. Regardless, these are not people who will be voting libertarian.

That’s the other thing you see in a government office. Libertarianism works fine as long as your society is composed of high IQ sociopaths, who can manage on their own. Once you have people like those working for the state, and getting services from the state, libertarianism collapses. The people in the waiting area not only need rules, they need help following the rules. That’s not going to happen through voluntary association. Unless you have genocide in your heart, libertarianism cannot survive outside the lab.

The other interesting thing is that the motor vehicle office no longer issues a license. It is mailed to you. I did a little sleuthing and discovered that the selling of ID’s was a problem. No one admits it, but the rules they have in place now are clearly aimed at preventing insiders from selling your information. Allegedly, they now account for each blank that is used for a license. By mailing it, they insure the person applying for the license is at the location they claim.

This will not work so the next step will be bio-metric ID’s where you provide a thumbprint or some other biologically unique credential. All of our credentials will eventually be multi-factor authentication. That means you will present the physical ID, some sort of randomized PIN that is linked to the ID and a password. Secure facilities do this for system access. Adding a thumbprint or DNA sample is the logical next step once the costs are low enough to make it practical.

That also means all of us will be in the government database. Our medical records, credit history, internet pornography interests, will all be tied to our official government issued citizen ID. It’s not unreasonable to think that people will have a chip implanted at birth that links to the ID and other items that require authentication for access. It’s not happening tomorrow, but you can see where it is headed when you look at things like Real ID. Like a fungus, this is slowly growing on us and will one day feel like a normal part of life.

Of course, it will still require us to stand in line to get our license renewed.

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8 years ago

“Honkies get impatient…”

Because we are paying for that circus. People waiting for free stuff are much more patient.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Drake
8 years ago

also, we have jobs and lives to go to.

8 years ago

I took my son with me to the DMV last week to get our license plates for the new car. Like all government buildings, they specialize in shades of gray for all of the Facili-tech furniture, carpet, wall colors, etc. What was odd, but humorous, was the use of large mirror-walls around 180 degrees of the large room. You know, like at a strip bar. It was very odd, and gave the facility the impression of being 3x larger (with 3x the number of people!). We took number B174, and I felt like Beetlejuice at the end of the movie… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
8 years ago

Careful there. Talk like that about one of your young’uns could get you into some sort of situation with dem der gummint types, if you know what I mean.

Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

I enjoy sending them off to school to argue with their airhead classmates/teachers…

Reply to  hokkoda
8 years ago

Re: “This kind of thing is EVERYWHERE in Government. The DMV is just one of the few places where they can’t hide it behind guarded facilities with badge entry.” I left the dreaded private sector a few months ago to work for a DoD civilian agency and your words encapsulate the work here. It took me over a week to get “full” computer/network access, and that was only because I was proactive and bugged people incessantly about it. I won’t delve too fare into the details, but the DoD cyber/IT people (you know, the one’s who are keeping you safe… Read more »

8 years ago ”Because of affirmative action, the proportions are higher. In government work, they are very high. Thus, in those encounters with strangers that involve cognitive engagement, ceteris paribus the black stranger will be less intelligent than the white. In such encounters, therefore—for example, at a government office—you will, on average, be dealt with more competently by a white than by a black. If that hostility-based magnifying effect (paragraph 8) is also in play, you will be dealt with more politely, too. “The DMV lady“ is a statistical truth, not a myth.” To the vast majority of Africans IN America, a… Read more »

Steel T Post
Steel T Post
Reply to  YIH
8 years ago

The Derb’s “Talk” is great! I had thought of “The DMV Lady” too, but you beat me by 11 minutes, 22 seconds to finding that quote at Taki. It’s an outstanding excerpt.

8 years ago

In California, they put you through all the checks and verifications, but freely allow illegal aliens to sign up. I deal with the local DMV more than I would like to for car titles and registrations. I find that the clerks have a lot of leeway on registration fees on older cars. I am friendly and make them laugh, ask them some questions about their day, and they proudly come back to me with how much they could have charged me, and how little they are actually charging. It takes forever, that “greeter” is typically the daunting part of the… Read more »

8 years ago

Yes, DMV offices are a fascinating study as virtually all citizens must cycle through them. Grocery stores are another great place to sample society.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

It is not libertarianism that, in your own words, “forced [you] to head down to the local motor vehicle office to get [your permission slip] renewed.”

Progressives and their captive slaves are much more apt to be sociopaths than individuals who adhere to the NAP and who actually make and produce or serve upon a voluntary and consensual basis.

OTOH, I tend to agree with you that the “clientele” you encountered at the DMV are not particularly well suited for liberty.

Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

They aren’t suited for liberty, but that doesn’t mean that we either enslave them or put them in cradles and nurse them like babies. We can leave them alone.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Some good ole fashioned benign neglect is in order.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Which is what Frederic Douglass advocated 150 years ago: ” Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us… If the negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall… All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone… Just let him alone… Your interference is doing him positive injury… Let him fall if he cannot stand alone! If the Negro cannot live by the line of eternal justice, so beautifully pictured to you… the fault will not be yours, it will be his… Let… Read more »

Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

Easy now. Zman loves to thump us poor, utopian libertarians about the head and shoulders. It’s quite fun, actually!

If criminals didn’t run the world, there would be no Order to our Liberty! Right?

Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

Dude, you’re a dinosaur, spell it D I N O S A U R. The only libertarian state you have any chance at all of establishing is the state of chaos. That is actually achievable, and even probable.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

I always try to go to the grocery store when I’m in another part of the country, or in a foreign land. Always entertaining.

Doug Nouts
Doug Nouts
8 years ago

Ahhh, grocery shopping. My wife and I go in the morning. I call it “shopping with the white people” . In and out in no time, no having to hear arguments about why the EBT card didn’t work. Etc, etc. if you go in the afternoon be ready.

Backwoods Engineer
8 years ago

On my last trip to the DMV, in the line ahead of me was a twenty-something female with a long weave, presumably an Obama voter. She wore a top with bare midriff and lower back. On her lower back, impossible to ignore, was a giant tattoo of a stylized dollar sign ($), with an arrow below it pointing to the machinery she presumably uses for gainful employment, if you get my drift.

Reply to  Backwoods Engineer
8 years ago

With an arrow pointing…?!
Oh. My. Gosh.

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

Yep, the ‘ol money maker! Ka ching! Bling bling bling!

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Backwoods Engineer
8 years ago

Weird coincidence. Yesterday, I saw a young woman, also w/ an elaborate weave hairdo that dangled down her back, who seemed to be wearing a very skimpy bathing suit top, with criss-cross straps across her back and visible skin/midriff. I was in the grocery store. She was on the other side of the store so I couldn’t just walk up to look at her. She was wearing shorts, too, but . . . a bathing suit in the middle of January in Middle TN? Too far away to see if there were any tattoos. 98% of blacks can’t swim, and… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Dre
8 years ago

Dat be some kinda signalling Yo!

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
8 years ago

Z Man; I share your skepticism about Libertarianism, particular their loopy idea about spontaneous order arising. I guess they think the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (i.e. the spontaneous tendency towards disorder) is overcome by good intentions – or something. But they are right about one thing, namely that IF the government were small and limited this sort of thing would have no reason to exist. However, such a government could only be possible in a high trust society, which in turn requires a transcendent moral order that everybody more or less agrees with. Yet they are proud atheists. Hence the… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
8 years ago

I certainly have a libertarian streak to my conservatism. It’s not that I think these people will properly order themselves in a truly free society. But they would become more useful and motivated if food and shelter where actually at risk with idleness and bad decisions. I frankly don’t care what they do, as long as I’m not paying the bill.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

It was not libertarians that have imposed western institutions on Africa. Libertarians have always opposed foreign aid schemes along with nation building and other globalist machinations.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago


Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Karl Hungus
8 years ago

LOL! Great movie!
Highly recommended.
At first I thought it was a satire/parody/comedy. Full of cringeworthy leftist sentiments which you’re supposed to agree with.
come to think of it, it is a satire.. too bad the producer/director/actors didn’t know that

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
8 years ago

Oh, I think they did know.
Wonderfully subversive.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
8 years ago

i recommend you read interviews with the director. the movie is anything but a lefty themed story. it’s not a parody either; it’s an allegory 🙂

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Egads, now this libertarian gets it!
I’m gonna have to rethink Everything, dammit

Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

where did he imply this?

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Z Man; FWIW, I agree about Libertarians and economics. Don’t get me wrong, I’d LIKE to be a Libertarian because I find it intellectually appealing as a man of Western Civilization, but, as you say, their frame doesn’t comport with observable reality. Plus, there are actually feedback loops in the chains of causality you outline and it is hard to see how they can operate in the Libertarian chain without the existence of a Platonic Guardian to reset the economics. OTOH, in the chain of causation you outline, given that cultures compete and are plastic, it’s pretty easy to posit… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Precisely. Call or write your Congress-critter, if you can reach them. They have good defenses for avoiding their constituents.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
8 years ago

Actually, high trust society depends on one thing: white people.

It’s a demographic mutation, just as barred owls and spotted owls are both owls.

How to work around this?

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

P.S.- I see culture, such as Christianity, as much as a symptom than a cause.
I think I’m a bit wrong in that, too.

8 years ago

” . . . internet pornography interests, . . . ” The wife has warned me about going to Fender Guitar’s website, then to Guitar Center’s. Driver’s licenses are renewed at my local tax collector’s office, along with registration and tag actions. In contravention of the usual tales, the employees are courteous, helpful, even downright friendly. There is always some delay but usually because people don’t have the right papers, not because the staff is intentionally slow. Yes, I know, hard to believe but true. The county building inspector office is the same way, pleasant people to deal with who… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
8 years ago

The last time I renewed my drivers license was in 1990. By 1994 Bill Clinton had enacted the reforms that made it mandatory to supply your Social Security Number, which was something I refuse to do. I don’t want to make it any easier for the hundreds of State and Federal databases to amass data about me and correlate it easily. I prefer to not be tracked in everything I do. I drove for another 15 years, sans license, and for a few years sans insurance. When my last car was on its deathbed I dumped it, and have been… Read more »

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
8 years ago

Mr Bidnez: Don’t fool yourself, many stockgrowers despise the stock tracking, which is solely for the benefit of the packer interests, pharma and the usual blossoming gubmint. Premise ID, the same.
FYI, the DMV employees would have been loaded on a pot and trucked off LONG ago for cutter and canner prices……. as in culling to a distant sale barn where hopefully, no one knows who you are.

8 years ago

New Zealand got rid of drivers license renewal until age 65 about 15 years ago.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

In the US, airplane pilots licenses last forever, but you must get a medical certificate every few years.
you already proven you know how to fly, you only need to have a doctor sign off on your health to do so.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
8 years ago

You have to keep renewing a driver’s license because almost no one knows how to drive. Operate the vehicle, reasonably well, although not in an emergency, but actually drive in a thoughtful and aware manner, no.

8 years ago

Self-government is for the self-mastered.

8 years ago

Just went through it, and by the sound of your experience, you either live in Massachusetts or your state is a clone of Mass. process. Less than half of the people getting served spoke English.

8 years ago

I was at a Midwestern Social Security office today and there was no shortage of Muslims getting their golden ticket.Obama’s revenge.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  trangbang68
8 years ago

they will be getting a return ticket soon.

James LePore
8 years ago

Every revolutionary evaporates and leaves behind the slime of a new bureaucracy. Kafka

8 years ago

One of my favorites was taking my then 11 year old to the Post Office to get his passport pictures taken and application filed. (yes, in the nice zip codes they do that). A nice young black postal employee went to take his picture, stopped, and told him to stop “chinking” his eyes up. He was puzzled. She said “You know slanting your eyes up like a Chink” and put the camera down to pull the outer edges of her eyes back. He finally figured it out. When he smiled a little, his eyes “Chink” . Interesting discussion on the… Read more »

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
8 years ago

“the diverse community is not very good at following instructions. You see this in fast food joints where they struggle to order from the menu.” Blacks and Latinos are the worst at fast food places, but there are few things that I dread more than getting behind a white prole who’s buying even a single item at, say, a drug store. Half the time they’re mumbling to the cashier, discussing the price of what they’re buying, inquiring about the cost of something behind the counter that they have no intention of purchasing, and when it comes time to pay they’re… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Zman, what is your take on Anonymous Conservative’s theory on r/K selection?

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

No, it validates it.
Evolution is fluid and opportunistic- conditions change, thus various strategems become more or less successful. Further changing the conditions…

8 years ago

When I have to visit a New Jersey DMV, I go to one as far from urban centers as possible.

Reply to  Drake
8 years ago

DMV, being a gov’t entity employs “diversity” at higher rates than neighborhood demographics would indicate. Mine is in a well-off, very liberal area of NJ* (literally, you have to visit local Target or Walmart to see any blacks), but all people who staffed that particular DMV were large black females. One, who was renewing my license, had a huge tattoo, on her impressively ample cleavage. I am absolutely sure, she’d have been asked to cover up a bit had she worked in private sector. *the more liberal the place, the less “diverse” it is. We have a huge number of… Read more »

James LePore
8 years ago

Chip validation! (I thought I was alone un the wilderness).

8 years ago

I’m a small-l libertarian. I believe tat there is a role for gov’t in our lives, but it needs to be a LOT smaller.

That said, my voter registration is big-L Libertarian, for a good reason. My mailbox has a LOT more room in it for vacation deals and pizza coupons, because it’s not filled with appeals for cash from either Rs or Ds and their respective minions nd hangers-on.

Reply to  bud
8 years ago

You may believe that government has a role in your life, but please do not assume that you have a right to impose your belief on me.

8 years ago

Hi, I’m Leslie. I had my friend help me hack into my spouse’s hotmail , facebook,Skype ,WhatsApp,call logs, and phone text messages when I suspected he was cheating. All he asked for was a phone number. You can contact him at (ch*************@gm***.com).870-513-0365. If u need help, tell him Leslie reffered u to him and he’ll help. Good luck.

Tim form Nashua
Tim form Nashua
8 years ago

Z Man, have you watched the movie Zootopia? All the DMV employees are sloths.

8 years ago

“Libertarianism works fine as long as your society is composed of high IQ sociopaths”

qotFd. God, I wish I had wrote that.

8 years ago

Re: G23 and B80.
At the risk of appearing too serious, the different numbering is likely just categorizing people according to why they’re at the DMV. E.g., renewing a vehicle registration, obtaining a CDL, trying to title a used vehicle bought with no title, etc. That way, on the wait-list you’re only behind people who have a similar reason for being there.
I presume that had you not allowed the license to expire you might have renewed it without having to be personally present? What lesson do we learn from that, eh? 🙂

8 years ago

The comments about the diverse people is spot on. Long ago, I had a job at a quasi-government office, in Indiana. Most of the people we served were diverse. Being subject to government regulations, we had to get social security and driver’s license numbers from our clients. The diverse people never questioned the request for their SS of DL #. The occasional non-diverse person would get upset about the request for their SS and DL #. “What do you need that for? Why do you want it?” etc. It wasn’t long before I concluded the diverse people were so used… Read more »

8 years ago

Sounds exactly like the Massachusetts DMV experience. That is not a happy thought. I can honestly say that I’ve never (successfully) been helped by a Negro DMV clerk. I used to try, but I finally figured out that they really, really hate Whites and will go out of their way to not help them. So I go to the rural or suburban offices and if the ‘Take a Ticket’ lottery results in a window with a black face then I tear the ticket up and try again. I had to take my aunt to the DMV to attempt to get… Read more »

8 years ago

“a chip implanted at birth” – sounds familiar. Biblical, even. Revelations, I think.

Reply to  jdallen
8 years ago

No, it references the Mark of the Beast “666” in the Book of Revelation (last book of the New Testament). Not RevelationS. Sorry to nitpick on that but people always make that mistake.

Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

Yeah, I always get that wrong. I always consider it, then decide, well, he had more than one revelation, so it should be plural.

But you’re correct. It is nitpicking.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
8 years ago

Paraphrasing here:

“You cannot buy nor sell without the mark [of you-know-who]”.

Reply to  Fuel Filter
8 years ago

Her brea . . . , no, no, that’s not it; gimme a minute.

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
8 years ago

I take it that Z lives on the East coast…In AZ, your license expires at age 65, and then renewed 5 years at a time after that. The process is fast, the people competent. A libertarian got elected Secretary of State a while back….
In my former State of Illinois you could avoid most of these problems by going in after lunch late in the week, whereas Monday was a nightmare. but Illinois was still not half as bad as what was described in this post.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

In California you can get DL’s from vending machines at gas stations.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Here’s my experience. Georgia. Last May.

7 years ago

When people say hackers are not reliable i laugh at them. I was introduced to this hacker when i had marital issues with my husband,he helped me hack into his emails. Him and his team are professional hackers and they offer other services such as clearing bad driving and criminal records, background checks, monitoring locations. They offer same day services too, and of course he provides proof of legitimacy. If you need a hacker contact my friend via his email- ho**********@gm***.com. Him and his team saved my life literally, at least i owe him publicity. If he doesn’t respond tell… Read more »

8 years ago

“internet pornography interests,”

uh oh

8 years ago

So they are still doing that “civil servant shuffle” I think Tim Conway learned it watching DMV tyoes

8 years ago

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