More Devil’s Dictionary

A couple of months ago this post generated a ton of suggestions. It seems like a worthy project, as our rulers keep producing new words and phrases to fool us. In the fullness of time, someone is going to write a book on how marketing techniques infiltrated the minds of our rulers, like a virus, causing them to increasingly rely on cheap marketing gags to communicate to themselves and the rest of us. The result being a ruling elite that sounds like commercials for laundry soap.

With that in mind, here are some new additions to the list.

Show your support: This is always a demand from a company or organization for you to buy their stuff so they can spend the proceeds on themselves, while taking credit for some good deed. Currently, retail chains are having their cashiers harass customers into giving money to the Red Cross for hurricane relief in Houston. The end result will be a photo-op of the executives posing with the Red Cross, handing them a big check, so they can claim to be supporting the community.

Inclusivity: The rallying cry of modern terrorism. Every organization that is about to be assaulted by tackle-faced social justice warriors gets a committee on inclusivity. This a place where lunatics plot to destroy the organization. Google started one of these and is now in free fall. Node.js is the most recent to be attacked by the ISIS of the West.

Affirming: Lesbians and middle-aged cat ladies are riddled with self-doubt, because they chose a lifestyle that is at odds with human biology. This leads them to create organizations, usually within other organizations, which are designed to tell them that they made the right choice, even if nature says otherwise. Protestant churches have all become affirming as they embrace every anti-Christian lunacy.

Brave: The Progressive religion is built around the concept of the struggle. Prog loonies all imagine themselves as paladins fighting the monster called fascism. Therefore, anyone who sallies forth into the public square to preach the good word is called brave. The irony is that it is safe. Antifa is called brave, while the people they are beating with clubs are called cowards.

That is not who we are: This is one of those phrases that is not intended for the wider audience. It is almost always said by a so-called Conservative in reaction to something normal people are doing. The person saying it is trying to signal to The Hive that they are not associated with the bad thing in question. When Paul Ryan says to his voters, “This is not who we are” he literally means he is not one of the dirt people in his district.

Send a message: This is another code word that people in The Hive use in public, but it is not intended for the public. When a politician talks about “sending a message” he means to signal his virtue to the rest of The Hive. The message to the rest of us, if any, is that the person saying it should probably be hurled into the ocean before she gets us killed.

Problematic: This is a favorite of Prog loonies. It means the speech or act in question could be ruled heretical. The problem is they lack the words to condemn it and an easy escape route to run away from it.

Troubling: This is the same as problematic.

Vibrant: This is a favorite term to mean no white people. A neighborhood is vibrant when it is full of boarded up houses and gang-bangers with pit bulls.

Sustainable: This is one of those words that should be included in the humor section, but the people who coined it have no sense of humor. Anything that is labeled “sustainable’ is always something that is not sustainable. Alternatively, it may be sustainable, like organic farming, but will require a great die off of humans. Whenever you hear this word, assume the person using it fantasizes about putting you in an oven.

Accepted: This is when some outlier or fringe population forces the majority to forgo its own preferences for those of the outlier or fringe population.

Passion: This is what happens to Progressive white women in the modern era. They are suddenly gripped with passion. Like Hitler, whose passion for killing Jews was all consuming, passionate women are obsessed with killing erections. Passionate women are always wildly unattractive and ear-piercingly obnoxious.

Growth: This is always used in economic debates to signal that something is good for rich people. A pro-growth policy is one that allows the rich to hoover up more money from the middle-class. When pundits accuse a politician of promoting polices that will hurt growth, it means the billionaire who owns the pundit is vexed with the politician.

Toxic: Any argument or fact that can be screamed away, because it is obviously true, is called toxic. The users of this word believe that the magic of their incantations will make the dis-confirming thing go away. Normal men being normal in public, for example, is branded as “toxic masculinity.” White people not robbing liquor stores or shooting one another over sneakers is “toxic racism.”

Sharable: This describes something that appears to be free but is used by the true owner to harm others or steal their property. Progs call doxing, for example, a sharable strategy. Tech companies like sharable technology because it means they get to install their spyware on your phone or computer.

Dialogue: This is when a Prog loony screams at you and you sit and take it. You are having a dialogue! If you refuse to put up with the lecture, then you are being divisive and polarizing, which is both troubling and problematic. It means you could be suffering from toxic racism.

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Tim Newman
7 years ago

Judgemental = you’re called judgemental when you’ve correctly deemed somebody to be a fucking loon you should keep well away from.

Reply to  Tim Newman
7 years ago

I hate those people who go around saying “oh you’re judgemental”, in general they are the biggest a**holes and nutjobs around who have taken it upon themselves to police others.

They are very prevalent in upscale urban areas like Silicon Valley.

Most need a beat down.

Reply to  Rod1963
7 years ago

God gave me the faculty of judgement to protect myself from the hazards of life. I’ll be god-damned if I throw that survival tool away!

Reply to  Tim Newman
7 years ago

What’s funny about these Judge-O-Phobes is that if you complement them (on that which THEY value of course…watch out that you don’t complement them on what NORMAL people value!) they will puff up with glee that you recognize their superior nature. However…you have just JUDGED them! Because a Complement is simply a Judgement with a FAVORABLE Verdict! Therefore, when you hear some Prog railing against “Judgementalism” with much Prog Sanctimony, know that she is really BITCHING against being CRITICIZED!

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
Reply to  Tim Newman
7 years ago

Thank you for the reminder. I’ve long taken “Don’t be so judgmental” to mean “Stop calling my attention to the fact that I’m being a self-centered asshole”.

the Super-Elite
the Super-Elite
Reply to  Tim Newman
6 years ago

And here we are, 11 months later, and the president was just called “divisive” AGAIN today (well, to be truthful, some media personality AKA “analyst” called him “the most divisive president in history,” with the MSM’s typical lack of hyperbole, because the media person and his acquaintances do not like him as do most Americans, thereby making the president — not the media — “divisive.”)

7 years ago

Voter Suppression: (1) Ensuring that only people legally entitled to vote do vote. (2) Ensuring that dead people do not vote. (3) Ensuring that each person votes no more than one ballot for a particular election. (4) Requiring submittal of the same personal identification when a person votes as would be required for cashing a check.

7 years ago

I’m going to steal one from Mencken:
Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate each other.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  gwood
7 years ago

For women with a mischief to their kind, Pervert with bad advice our better mind.–John Dryden

7 years ago

Hater: Someone who commits the crime of noticing.

Reply to  cerulean
7 years ago

Actually, I think the “noticing” thing came from Steve Sailer.

7 years ago

When I hear “that’s not who we are”, I hear Obama saying it with a sneer, in response to something that is affirming of America’s exceptionalism in some way. I assume that “we”, in this case, means Barack and the mouse in his pocket.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

When Obummer said “we”, I always thought…….We? FU Barry; if you and I were ever in the same room and your Secret Service protection wasn’t, I’d beat you to a bloody pulp for insinuating that you are an actual American.

7 years ago

White Supremacist: Someone who questions the wisdom and morality of affirmative action or of destroying monuments to dead white people.

7 years ago

You missed: Cultural Enrichment = Ethnic Cleansing or Flight of the White People

7 years ago

This is good fun. To my other list (original post), I’ll add:

Diversity – we don’t mean you.
Identity – we used to institutionalize people who claimed to be Teddy Roosevelt while dressing like Ann Margret.
Anti-fascist – Marxists
Unfair Advantage – you worked too hard and/or had good parents
Awareness – it’s a fundraiser
Community – tribe
Dialogue – sit down, shut up, we’re talking and you will listen

7 years ago

Woke=full retard.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

Functionally illiterate college graduate with a high-paying job in MSM.

James LePore
7 years ago

Humanitarian: someone who loves himself above all others.
Spiritual: atheist.
Underprivileged: Democrat voters.
Women’s Studies: lesbian hate fest.
Postmodernism: fashionable gibberish.

7 years ago

Sustainability – Someone publicly claiming a virtue at someone else’s expense. My wife and I met two young men in central Oregon who were bicycling cross country from NYC to California. They were big on espousing sustainability. They were recent college graduates in philosophy and geography so naturally they had nothing else to do. They were taking this 2 month adventure with donated funds, on $6000 bikes donated to them by a California bike shop. They even had a web site to tout their brave adventure with photos of their well-attended and celebrated departure from NYC. Come to find out… Read more »

Reply to  MikeW
7 years ago

Diversity: A Pogrom against those of European ancestry.

We might get enough for at least a pamphlet here.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  David_Wright
7 years ago

Or ceremoniously banned from Google.

7 years ago

“Acting white”–showing manners, giving deference to others when appropriate, failing to give deference to others when appropriate, exercising social skills, being considerate of others, keeping your voice down, using good grammar and pronunciation, valuing intelligence and knowledge, respecting polite culture, achieving big things, saving money, and keeping the damn radio in your car turned down, especially at three in the morning.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Not parking in a turn lane during rush hour to talk on the phone because it’s illegal to drive and do so.

7 years ago

Un-presidential: Any president lacking a (D) next to their name that does something for the benefit of the nation and not for any particular (non-white) race or political group.

Reply to  P_Ang
7 years ago

Oh, and Hate Group: More than one individual who is not a Democrat politician, member of the liberal media, and is not agreeing 100% with liberal religious ideology. (Not to be confused with Enemy: Constitutional republican disagreeing with any alt-right precept and/or being mean at a convention.) White Supremacist: 1.) Anyone who believes all men are created equal. 2.) Anyone who reminds a liberal of any color (LoaC) that blacks owned slaves. 3.) Anyone who reminds a LoaC that Democrats were the primary slave owners and members of the KKK. 4.) Anyone who reminds a LoaC that only 8% of… Read more »

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  P_Ang
7 years ago

Gravitas: the gift of having a pleasing baritone voice and never straying from what is on the teleprompter.

7 years ago

Toxic Masculinity – Men actually acting like men and not acting like progressive women. Just look at schools, where normal boy behavior is something to be punished, suppressed, and/or medicated.

7 years ago

“Troubling” is the word used by senators and congressmen, when support of the subject at hand, which makes perfect sense in the real world, conflicts with their narrow and personal self-interest.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Troubling – Facts we don’t like but can’t refute so we declare them to be scary and/or mean.

7 years ago

Teachable = Reinforce Indoctrination

james wilson
james wilson
7 years ago

Agree to disagree: the device a prog uses to end an argument he is losing. This is one step before Toxic, which is made to ensure there is no argument.

7 years ago

A breath of fresh air in print. I need to teach my kids the newspeak as they get older so they understand when they are hearing it.

I loved, “Assume the person using it fantasizes about putting you in an oven”. I’m pretty sure most of the prog-nutters in my country are starting to think this way.

Michael Young in Canada
Michael Young in Canada
Reply to  Uncanucked
7 years ago

Only in the GTA… those of us that live further north quietly live our lives and prepare for the invasions more permanent than the one over the summer.

7 years ago

Yes, many times at the register they ask if you can show your support for *** with an extra buck or whatever. Sometimes I just say, you’re the one that made money on this transaction, donate a small portion for it. And yes, your fearless leaders will take all the credit and smile their pearlies as they take total credit while giving the cause that giant check.

Breitbart has a window splash on entering site to help Texas. It will be good for them I am sure.

7 years ago

It’s for the children: The teacher’s pension fund is underfunded and the teachers union’s war chest is overflowing.

Black Flag Jackson
Black Flag Jackson
7 years ago

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) = A leftist group which relies almost solely on governmental largesse to survive.

Related: Non-Profit Organization = A for-profit group with a good tax lawyer.

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
7 years ago

social justice = the demolition of traditional legal procedures for the sake of producing outcomes desired by George Soros. social democracy = the demolition of traditional voting procedures for the sake of producing outcomes desired by George Soros. economic justice = the pilfering of the middle class until the complete and final liquidation of that class, in accordance with the wishes of George Soros. living constitution = making the Constitution of the United States the friend of random foreigners, invaders, terrorists, investors, and sociopaths, while suppressing the speech, the ordinary economic activity, the religion, the inherited sense of community, the… Read more »

7 years ago

Add “struggle” to the list. That’s when people who are on a mental glide path to oblivion, because of the intense focus on their own problems and situations, decide to cop out and blame some element of the broader culture or other group for their predicament.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Agree re ‘sustainable’ being ridiculous, particularly in my part of the world. There, actually sustainable living (using only local resources) year-round = a 10′ x 15′ log house with a sod roof set directly over the 10′ x 15′ barn. Why over, you ask_? Animal warmth goes up and animal excrement runs down, that’s why. Of course, the trustifarians who prattle on about sustainability have no actual idea what living without a cell phone would be like much less living without fossil fuels. So I’d say that prattling is based more on ignorance than malice. To advocate sustainability out of… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

‘fossil fuels’ is a misnomer. Turns out Oil is NOT created by dead things, or even of organic origin.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Brigadon
7 years ago

It is composed of algae from ancient oceans, but let’s keep that on the down-low, lest the climate freaks try to get algae on the endangered list and ban its use.

Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

I guess that’s the evil oil companies shipping algae up to Titan to ensure the petrochemical rains there..
Grow a brain.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago
Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

Bile; If you are advocating for a non-biotic origin for terrestrial hydrocarbons (hard to tell, exactly), you may well be right. And there is increasing evidence, such as you cite very briefly in passing, that you are. There are always a stubborn few geologists and geochemists who dare to question the conventional wisdom of the day and are later proved spectacularly right. The history of the Theory of Continental Drift is People’s Exhibit A in this regard. The geology I studied in the ’60s was turned upside down when Continental Drift was vindicated some years later. Now I’d be hard… Read more »

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago
Karl MacHungus
Karl MacHungus
Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

uh, no. oil is a natural byproduct of Earth’s internal processes.

Reply to  Karl MacHungus
7 years ago

“The Black blood of the Earth!”
“You mean Oil.”
“No, I mean black blood of the Earth!”

Reply to  Brigadon
7 years ago


7 years ago

Sort of unrelated or meta related. It’s another great post but my eye was drawn to the bottom: This post has already been linked to 1827 times! Think about each one of these posts. Thousands of links. If even 0.1% links to someone unfamiliar with these ideas, think about that impact. Two people a day are infected. They go out and start subtly changing how they speak and think. Maybe they return. Maybe in time they get the courage to link it to someone else. Think of the accumulated impact of that over time. Even at a ridiculously low 0.1%.… Read more »

7 years ago

“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.
When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.
George Orwell

Read more at:

7 years ago

Giving Back to the Community: A business or individual who is coerced to give money or services to others directly instead of through taxation.

Reply to  Allen
7 years ago

I never gave back to the community because I never got anything from the community. Let the takers give something back.

7 years ago

Voter Suppression – Preventing Democratic constituents who are ineligible to vote from voting.

Reply to  MikeW
7 years ago

Voter Suppression – preventing undocumented citizens from voting

GOP Congressman Calls Illegal Aliens “Undocumented Citizens”, Trusts Obama Administration

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

Would a bank robbery be “an undocumented withdrawal”?

Reply to  MikeW
7 years ago

Bank employees ought to ask daytime robbers, “Sir, would you like a receipt with your withdrawal?”

Black Flag Jackson
Black Flag Jackson
7 years ago

Disparate Impact: Rational responses to minority behavior (good, bad, or neutral) is always morally wrong and financially hazardous.

7 years ago

I call it linguistic distortion. Take a word or phrase that’s been around forever and whose meaning is a clear as day, and, overnight, change the meaning into something that is the opposite of what the whole world has understood and accepted since the beginning of time.

Take “reasonable,” which has always meant what it said, but now means “complelety devoid of reason.”

7 years ago

“Cisnormative”–the assumption that someone who wants to assume the identity of either the opposite gender, or something else entirely that does not fit into the male-female dichotomy at all, just might have something slightly wrong with them in some teeny-tiny way.

7 years ago

“White privilege”– the act of being white, having been white, or might be white at any time and any place, no matter if you are alone or with others, and whether or not you are in the presence of people who are not white.

7 years ago

“Hater”–not hating the things that liberals hate.

7 years ago

Misogynistic–being a pale penis person.

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
7 years ago

Toxic: Any argument or fact that “cannot” be screamed away, because it is obviously true, is called toxic.

Nice work as usual. Will link at my own blog.

Mister M
7 years ago

“Passion” and “Dialogue” – bwwahahaha

7 years ago

Why I stopped giving to the Club For Growth.

7 years ago

You have issues: means that I disagree with what you say but can’t think of a good argument to refute it.

7 years ago

“Ask”= FORCE.
When the Washicrat Prog Elite speak of “Asking” the ‘Rich’ to “Pay Their Fair Share”(TM) …they will NOT be printing a line on your tax form “ASKING” for a little more. Vee Haf Veys of making you PAY, Dear Komrads….

7 years ago

I always liked the term, “Toxic Feminism”. Except that, of course, it is a redundant tautology (snicker)

Ryan T
Ryan T
7 years ago

the link to that church was amusing… their “celebration of diversity” was all whites… the cat ladies with looks of righteousness, the men all have the thousand yard stare.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
7 years ago

Thank you, Ambrose.

7 years ago

Tolerant: means that saying things that upset the hive will not be tolerated Multi-faith: means that the other faiths do or say whatever they’ve been told to by the Muslims. Real : whatever we say is real is true. Embracing: group hug – not you bigot! Community relations: always turning a blind eye and excusing whatever our duskier brethren are getting up to. Equality: an aspiration that involves giving otherwise unemployable grievance studies graduates well paid jobs with minimum skills or work required (also see diversity). Scientist: someone with a sociology degree that works for an environmental pressure group. Green:… Read more »

7 years ago

stakeholder: usually used in the context of “public consultations” (see cigarette plain packaging consultation in the UK as an example) where it means that the third party entities that are sucking on the public teat (aka “the Experts”) and who would lose their funding if the public goes against them on this issue, get listened to and the public is ignored.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Thoughts & Prayers: A meaningless toss-away phrase that sounds good to a debased culture, used to fake spiritual piety and to fake that *you care*. Unless one believes in voodoo, magic, etc., public “thoughts” expressed for the benefit of others are a waste of time and mental effort. They’re yet more outwardly expressed internal dialog all about you: They do nothing for anyone else. Unless one believes in a powerful supernatural being who can hear your prayers and can act on them, invoking prayers is likewise useless virtue signaling. However, to suppose that such a being might be motivated by… Read more »

7 years ago

“Social Justice”
The selective punishment of persons in the here and now, not for any crime they have committed, but because they REMIND progs of some alleged past SINNER.

7 years ago

How about Progs using the “…Our American Values!” line? I immediately see that Goodfellas MEME with Liotta laughing his ass off!

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

Biology deniers looking in the rear view mirror will see a return to normalcy, traditional marriage and childbearing in the end without a shoulder to cry on.
The frosty wombs of winter will comfort one another with worn out rhetoric and hollow feminist slogans, knowing there is no one to mourn them.

7 years ago

“Racist microaggressor”–admitting or referring to any element of your whiteness in mixed company, or completely ignoring and failing to acknowledge your whiteness in mixed company. Participating or being present in a mixed racial group, or avoiding a mixed racial group.

Amateur Brain Surgeon
Amateur Brain Surgeon
7 years ago

Over 150K men die ever day but I am supposed to fork over Fiddy Dolla to the Red Cross because Harvey?

Doing that is as worthwhile as wearing a “i voted” sticker after offering your pinch of incense to the latest American Caesar.

Reply to  Amateur Brain Surgeon
7 years ago

After the Haitian earthquake, the Red Cross took in 500 million in new donations and built 6 houses. The Clintons were in that up to their elbows. I wonder what Chelsea is planning now?

Amateur Brain Surgeon
Amateur Brain Surgeon
Reply to  gwood
7 years ago

Yep. never let a crisis go to waste. Naive man is easily emotionally manipulated by any media that uses children, the crippled, pets etc in its reporting.

And it goes across all segments of society, including sports where the eminently punchable Tom Rinaldi produces a “report” that begins with some piano softly playing in the background as he talks abut golfer so and so whose Dad is a demented tosspot who used to beat poor what’s-his-face with the kid’s kitten.

Reply to  gwood
7 years ago

Red Cross is tied in with local united ways, which are tied in with local progressive minded businesses and media. Interviews ad nauseum on local news on how to give to Red Cross. Would not give a dime to those crooks.