The Managerial Man

Every era produces men, who come to symbolize the age or at least some important aspect of the age. Otto von Bismarck, for example, is the embodiment of 19th century European empire building and national conservatism. Ronald Reagan was the full expression of the New Deal ideal that launched the American empire and reordered America in the 20th century. It was not an accident that he was the president to close the Cold War era and start the age of cosmopolitan globalism.

Similarly, a person can come to symbolize some movement or feature of a particular historical epoch. Ernest Hemingway, for example, is the face of the Lost Generation, the cohort of writers and artists who lived through the Great War as young people. Jean-Paul Sartre is what people think of when they hear about existentialism. Whether or not the person is the full embodiment of that movement is not important. They simply possess the important qualities associated with it.

What we may be seeing in the Democratic primary is the pushing aside of the old ideal that still rattles on in the form of Sanders and Biden. Both men are artifacts of the late New Deal period that came to a close in the 1980’s. Sanders still talks about politics as if most men work in factories and coal mines. Joe Biden is running like the friend of the working class, even though his party now hates the working class. These are men of the bygone era, not men of today.

They are being pushed aside by what may be the fullest expression managerial capitalism that accelerated into dominance forty years ago. Pete Buttigieg is both symbolic of his generation and of the class he inhabits. At 38, he is the quintessential millennial, having come of age at the turn of the century. He was 18 years old when everyone was wondering if the Y2K people were right. Of course, he is also a product of the managerial system that now runs society,

Like all managerial types, Buttigieg is a box ticker. He is not a man who actually does things in the world. Rather, he participates in things, gains a credential for having participated in them and uses the credential to advance his career. He was valedictorian of his high school and “won first prize in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum’s Profiles in Courage essay contest.” Then it was off to Harvard and then Oxford for a Rhodes scholarship in Philosophy.

After accumulating all of the credentials he could from his college experience, he went off to work entry level positions in politics and the media, in order to build his resume and network of contacts. Then it was off to McKinsey & Company, one of the major training centers for managerial class strivers. In anticipation of a political career, he joined the Navy reserve for an uneventful turn as an intelligence officer. He finally landed as the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Buttigieg has the nearly perfect managerial man resume. The only thing that tarnishes it is he may have accidentally done something useful while in the service, like empty a trash barrel or remember to turn off the coffee pot. Otherwise, his is a resume littered with participation medals. From youth to middle age, Pete Buttigieg has avoided doing anything that involves risk or sacrifice. Instead, his life has been like ascending a gentle slope to a position he has always known is waiting for him.

He exists because a system that has evolved over the last half century now selects for men like him. That system’s only purpose is to perpetuate itself, so it selects for people who will never challenge it or even question it. Instead, it populates itself with people, who have internalized the logic of the system to the point where it is habit. The hive mind of the managerial class is the sum of these automatons incapable of existing outside the managerial system.

He is also symbolic of his generation. The generation of Americans, who grew up in the Clinton years and reached adulthood at the turn of the century, are probably the most entitled and effete cohort ever produced. They grew up in the easy years after the Cold War and never faced anything resembling hard times. They came into the world expecting things to turn out well for them. They were also raised by women in a highly feminized educational system and took on those qualities.

The fact that Pete Buttigieg is a genetic dead end is probably the most symbolic aspect of his character. The oriental empires of the ancient age liked to employ eunuchs in sensitive roles. These were men without ambition, as it were, so they were never going to be a threat to the people at the top. The promotion of and popularity of homosexuals in the managerial empire adds a touch of Orientalism and irony to a system that is otherwise sterile and pointless.

It is easy for normal people to dismiss Buttigieg, but he is both a symbol of his age and the system that produced him. He is the full expression of the managerial class that has come to dominate the American empire. His rise is the polls at the expense of the yesterday men like Biden and Sanders is an important moment. The fact that he is every bit as sterile and pointless as the system that produced him could perhaps make him the fullest expression of the Managerial Man.

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4 years ago

I saw his resume on Gab. As a Yesterday’s Working Man all I can do is scoff at it. At my age I’ve met men that have Done Things. Such men invariably have gone through the wringer at least a few times. That kid has been tossed softballs all his life and no bones about it. He spent his life as The Token Faggot just as Obama was always The Token Nigger. As Hillary was supposed to be The Token Wahman.

Tokens aren’t going to save America.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

“No cash value”. Tokens exist so people will feel okay about squandering real value for trivial trinkets and fleeting flashes of feelz. In that regard these tokens are serving their purpose quite well.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

When I entered the workforce in the mid-70’s, I was surrounded by accomplished men. These were people that had actually done things and the leaders were drawn, mostly, from that cadre of doers. There were a few “thinkers”, but these were guys that were practically visionary in their ideas. It was a glorious world in which to live. Within a decade or so, the workplace had been populated by womyn. Most could talk a good line. Then the government pushed preferential advancement of these womyn and he workplace was cheapened. After that, it was all sweet talking “pretty boys” that… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Buttigieg is America’s Macron.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

It’s spelled m-o-r-o-n.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

Macron isn’t stupid. Evil, traitorous, vapid, yes. Stupid, no. The same with Buttigieg. He’s an empty suit, but he was smart enough to see the path as a very young man and to jump through some high-IQ hoops.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Indeed, Buttigieg is a good sociopath. Perfect figurehead for the Deep State.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Macron, Buttman, Theroux, Varadkar

All the same person

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I was thinking Casto’s bastard son J. Trudeau – but Macron fits too

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Good comment! I had the same reaction upon reading Zman’s post.

joey junger
joey junger
4 years ago

I’ve often thought that the mainstreaming of homosexuality (and then the hardcore sell on transsexualism) was based in a desire of the elite to remove the threat of violent revolt (whether consciously or not) by real men. If you’re part of the global managerial elite, you know (as you’ve said) that you have a glass jaw and that you only have as much power as real men let you have (tolerating this crap because they’re busy with their actual lives and jobs and families, and not with intriguing). The solution to this problem, the way to end all this toxic… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

Spot on.

Look at the founders of Google – dried out twig males. Dorsey of Twitter is a twisted little runt. Bezos looks like a freak born out of a test tube. And yeah look at all the House goons – all of them look like creeps.\

Being mostly a blue collar types I never saw men like them in real life. To me they like the last vestiges of a race where all the genetic vitality has been bred out of them.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

It seems like any late-stage elite creates incredibly feminized males. Z probably knows more about it, since he’s familiar with French history, but all those men with ultra-powdered faces and wigs and fey mannerisms couldn’t have existed a few centuries earlier, much less called shots.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

” … all those men with ultra-powdered faces and wigs and fey mannerisms couldn’t have existed a few centuries earlier, much less called shots.”

In England too. There were many in the Restoration era (Charles II) who were contemptuous of gentlemen riding in carriages rather than on horseback. It would not have been so in the time of Elizabeth.

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

The Rat/Mouse Utopia experiment comes to mind…

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

Charlemagne would have burned their palaces and enslaved their women.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

“Bezos looks like a freak born out of a test tube.”

And Butt gag resembles a late-stage fetus, born prematurely who never quite caught up.

Okay, it’s low-class to deride someone’s appearance. In his case, I don’t care.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Two geriatrics, one senile the other the walking dead; a harpy from hell; a guy who’s going to have to spend $100/vote; and a nonentity. They are all in this position because the oligarchs are terrified of having to unleash the brown horde onto the stage. After this election those floodgates will have to open. Within 5 years we’ll all seem like a bunch of moderates.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

If they win in 5 years the U.S. won’t exist. Go look up a bill in the House called “The Way Forward Act”. If we get a Dem Senate or POTUS that thing will pass and the country will die.

And we whites will be hunted down by the brown horde and whites working for the FedGov.

Forget about all the DR bullshit of starting white communities and waiting out the bad people for 50 years like our thought leaders want. Damn fools are still living in 1985 like Sailer and his snark posse.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

This is why I oppose accelerationism and Bernie fever on the DR. Yeah, I get it, vote in the Jewish Communist and let him make it so bad that whitey will be forced over to our side. Trump may not be good for much but he does give us 4 more years to organize, move around, do all that prepper shit, lose that weight, and tighten those groups at the range. As I see it ANY of the Dems puts us in a reactive mode fighting all their new initiatives. There’s no 50 Year Plan, comrades. “if present trends continue”… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Speaking of the range, how does someone without any experience in 2A culture go about learning? Do ranges have rifles you can learn on? ARs are quite expensive…

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

You can rent lots of different guns at various gun stores that have their own ranges. It’s not too expensive. I’ve tried several AR variants that way as well as an Israeli Tavor bullpup that I couldn’t have afforded to buy. Of course you can always rent pistols. Not all store-based ranges will allow you to try rifles on them though.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The problem we have now is that the center-right can still get elected in this country. What we need is a truly incompetent democrat party (check) that wins overwhelmingly (the senate map looks REALLY bad). It then needs to cook for a couple of election cycles.

Once the center-right hasn’t even tasted power in eight years, i.e. losing majorities in all three federal branches, its gonna get hot.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Real estate bubbles from the 1980-2008 indirectly created the millennial manager muppet. “Good school district” was a popular meme for snobby whites who considered racism to be beneath them, so they used their children as human shields in protecting their neighborhoods from the diversity. “Tiger mom” schooling associated well with expensive housing that kept the wrong people out. But a generation later, the study robot drones are coming into power, and the housing bubble linked to school reputation is fading away. The diversity has flooded in so much, and it has so much contempt for using housing as a speculative… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

“‘Tiger mom’ schooling associated well with expensive housing that kept the wrong people out.”

Was that a white thing? I’ve only heard that term used for overbearing mongoloid-American mothers.

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Yes, plenty of upper middle class white women were tiger moms in their own way by making sure their kids excelled at activities and in school that would be their ticket to maintaining the lifestyle that their parents had established for them. Ballet, fencing, sailing, tennis, swimming plus tutoring for high SAT scores plus “excellent’ public or private schools, all these will get you into an Ivy League school and help you maintain your parents’ standard of living for your own family. I grew up in this world and saw it myself, although my mother worked full time and didn’t… Read more »

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

Just put them out in the backyard and let nature take its course.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  Bernie
4 years ago

This doesn’t work because it rubs out genuinely good schools that aren’t proxies for real estate speculation. Prep school culture drags down the “study robot” culture, but it takes down the whole country with it, compared to more interventionist regimes that don’t allow the mixing of usury, housing, and schooling. Of all places, moderate Muslim countries seem to get it all right. Their climate often forces life in an oasis, where urban planning is taken more seriously than American sprawl, and the oil industry encouraged the primacy of engineering schools with a more objective sense of merit than the liberal… Read more »

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
4 years ago

Lady, that’s something not mentioned enough. For all that we mock GenY2k as “snowflakes” in fact many of them worked very hard at crafting their “permanent record” of otherwise useless achievements which matter only as credentials. Kids don’t eat Adderall like Skittles for the pleasurable buzz. It’s a drug that allows you to “zone out” while doing grind work. Most Millennials I know took the stuff to compete in exactly the contest you describe – endless homework, extracirriculars, prep courses, even padding out with political activism, devoting your entire childhood to muh College Admissions, while the Asian and Jewish kids… Read more »

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Millennials were the first generation drugged and beaten for bad school performance. Boomers were spoiled brats, and largely reacting badly against their own upbringing. Somehow they made things even worse. The key takeaway is that the high pressure prep schooling was never for the economic benefit of millennials hoping to secure a career based on high value skills. It was for boomers hoping to prop up their housing values during the bubble. Skills are for politically incorrect nations without red tape, not the West. Now we have a generation, at least among the middle class, that didn’t have happy childhoods,… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Not just propping up the housing bubble, but their own status. Which is also a bubble. The housing, just like good schools, and the trading-up that goes with both, are just status signals of the conspicuous consuming aspirational boomer class. Their kids were also mere signaling objects of this status seeking. Which Is why they are not so interested in kids themselves. And are feeling the nihilism that follows the collapse of the purchasing power of participation ribbons. Hence all the anger and anxiety. Its also why a lot of them are rejecting the big house in the burbs full… Read more »

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Avoiding the wrong minorities is the most important status symbol there is, on top of the more basic benefits like not being mugged every once in a while. Housing costs are the modern “moat” against the diversity. In cynical, urban areas, there is ethnic machine politics used to keep the wrong people out. Chinatowns and barrios have their own methods for segregation that don’t involve fertility destroying real estate schemes. Urban whites and millennials are learning these ways, and they hold up better than the boomer burb. Or even university, in most cases. Maybe in a generation the 18th century… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

“Housing costs are the modern “moat” against the diversity.” TLDR: The wealth moat keeps out the problematic diversity, but allows in enough non-violent diversity over which the shitlibs can virtue signal. Anonymous Reactionary’s statement is SO INCREDIBLY TRUE. I see this directly in my own family and circle of acquaintances and friends. There are so damn many foreigners in our land now that enough consistently make it through the wealth filter that shitlib neighborhoods all have at least a sprinkling of diversity with the problematic well-filtered out by the wealth requirement. The presence of the filtered diversity allows shitlibs to… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Screw, I’m working on something in a similar vein. What we used to call “keeping up with the Joneses” is a defining characteristic for the post-war generations, at least Boomers & Xers, in my experience, and it’s particularly American. There’s a fairly unique combination of forces and influences that formed the Boomer/Xer culture in America – being the only major post-war power not wrecked by war, television, Madison Avenue, car culture, Chosen-level national esteem b/c punched muh Nazis, leader of muh free world, etc… The world-view difference between pre-1980’s Europe and America was much greater than it is today where… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile, interesting. I agree. I often come back to the root of status as well. We need to right that ship; how status accrues. Capable white men of good character with real world skills should be high status. Must not allow limp wrist cucks and the gynocracy to control the frame. Thanks for including x’rs too. Boomers are easy pickens but if there is one thing us genx learned from the boomers is the status striving and signaling. I have many friends with precious one and done kid attending special private schools where the teachers “all have at least a… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

That’s a great question. Quick theories: North America was colonized to make money. Status signaling is piety in a society that revolves around money. No gothic cathedrals to build but you can glorify God by doing well. God won’t be glorified if others don’t know you’re doing well. Re: boomers. Get rich or the Russians will nuke you. That was the cold war strategy. Xers seem to think the boomer way is the way it’s done, but they’re half-hearted about it. They know it kind of sucks, but they don’t find it so objectionable to toss it. Europe I don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago


Do not include Xers with Boomers. Totally different mindsets and worlds. There is a big difference between those that came of age in 50’s, 60’s and 70’s v. 80’s and 90’s. Xers also had to climb the hill of student loans, inflated housing markets, affirmative action, etc. . . . while listening to endless Boomer virtue signaling. That is why “cynicism” is associated with Xers.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

The X-ers never amounted to much, I’m sad to say. We inherited all the absurdity but always thought it was normal, or our own fault or something.

We were all going home from school to locked houses, experiencing a divorce every couple years, shagging like maniacs. Then we went to work where, literally, my first promotion was given to an H1B _so that_ they could justify his H1B (if they paid him the pittance they were paying me, well, he wouldn’t qualify for the program, see?)

We didn’t rebel against it because we thought we were failing.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Anonymous Reactionary said: “Boomers were spoiled brats, and largely reacting badly against their own upbringing. Somehow they made things even worse.”
Honest to f**king god man. Get over the Boomer crap. I was born in 1953, and raised in a working class neighborhood. I had two older half brothers and trust me, we weren’t spolied. No offence pal, but generalizing is lazy thinking.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Yeah, and I knew classmates who committed suicide over stressful schooling, and others who became drug addicts that I blame on getting forced to take study drugs as children. Even athletes in school risk their fertility and sexual health due to “supplement” abuse they have to do to perform well on the field. For zoomers, this includes girls having to compete with transsexuals.

Boomers never went through this! Their schooling wasn’t necessary for segregation or speculation, so it avoided the degeneracy. They never shot up their schools, either.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

“generalizing is lazy thinking…”

And writing NAxALT after every sentence is bad writing. We shouldn’t have to do it just to preserve Boomer feelz. Or would Boomers simply prefer not to hear criticism at all?

Boomers commenting on a blog about HBD and rayciss social policies still ask for special exceptions b/c they know a Boomer who doesn’t fit the stereotype that’s perfectly good for 2/3+ of them.

There are three ways the Boomer Veto works out – we write NAxALT’s in every comment, we don’t criticize Boomers at all b/c feelz, or we say what we like.

Official Bolanga Tester
Official Bolanga Tester
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile said: “And writing NAxALT after every sentence is bad writing.”
NAxALT! Hahahaha! Fine. You want the set around and hate millions of descent, hard working people you’ll never meet and know nothing about, go for it. I’ll be here in my apartment, tip typing away with a smile of my face, thinking about all you boomer despisers pumping gallons of stress hormones into your brains and ripping big holes in your arteries. Enjoy! 😀

Reply to  Official Bolanga Tester
4 years ago


Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Kindergarten Cop (3/5) Best Movie Quote – Stop Whining!

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

For emphasis: the whole point of HBD is to study group generalizations while acknowledging that, like all generalizations outside of pure mathematics, there will be exceptions.

You can question the accuracy or utility of a generalization, but you can’t object to the act of generalization.

If you aren’t tall enough for this ride, you have to wait till you grow a bit more.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

LineInTheSand said: ” … but you can’t object to the act of generalization.” Yes I can and I do.

“Overgeneralization: What It Is, Why It’s Dangerous and How to Avoid It.”
I’m sure there’s plenty more web sites that can help straighten out your faulty thinking.
PS. Ride this, wiseacre

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile-we have had this NAxALT boomer discussion before and I completely agree with you. Say the truth and let the chips fall where they may. To all my fellow boomers; we f***ked it for our children good and hard while most of us had it very easy. Growing up I primarily lived in both poor black and white areas so I realized as a generation we were assholes just after I came out of my faux hippie phase and into my graduate school phase. We are now in the territory where it is an unforgivable sin to be white and… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

Just want to say Thank you for doing that for your kids instead of being selfish with your money…They will remember it always…

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

Yes, say the “truth”, but support it with facts, data, and references. I can’t remember a group generalization made here wrt Boomers that has been supported by any data which may be looked at for rebuttal. What I usually see are unsupported generalizations that all reading are expected to accept as evidence based. Retorts such as OBT’s are then decried as NAxALT when it is in fact a logical and sufficient rebuttal to such gratuitous assertions. I’d not go so far as critique your “arguments” as weak as others have, because in reality an argument has yet to be made… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Stop it, Compsci. We tolerate Boomers here, but don’t get uppity.

Carlton Ritz
Carlton Ritz
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile and AR need to stagger over to Taki’s Mag and read Jim Goad’s piece on perceived Boomer privilege. Might do you some good.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Carlton Ritz
4 years ago

Carlton Ritz said: “Exile and AR need to stagger over to Taki’s Mag and read Jim Goad’s piece on perceived Boomer privilege. Might do you some good.”

Excellent! Jim’s always right on the money.
“The Myth of Boomer Privilege”

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

He didn’t deny boomer privilege. He simply whined that he did personally support any of the things that came out of Boomer land. And blaming him is simply wrong. Look, the Boomers came out of a prosperous and homogeneous America. That was a pretty privileged time. Since then, in general, it’s only been about what they want. Yeah, they couldn’t be bothered to stay together and have several kids. It’s all about how this next age decade is the new 30. And instead of stepping aside, they’ve continued hanging on because that second job is needed to supplement their retirement… Read more »

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
4 years ago

The only thing that sucks—and the point of the article—is blaming everyone in a broad generalization, e.g., Boomer privilege. When I say I “paid my way through college” (I did)—and I do so often—such a statement is immediately followed with the explanation that the government fucked up the educational system so much and how, that it is not working for other generations, and how that is causing all sorts of troubles for them and society in general. It is never to blame such folks for the troubles that befall them. I am parent to two Millennials. I do not call… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci, my daughter is a Millennial and she says most of them are snowflakes. Again, it doesn’t matter that NAXALT. If most of them are, then the exceptions don’t matter for defining that generation. If 60% of your army runs away at every battle. Your army is cowardly regardless of the rest who fight. You know how I meant the use of the phrase about college. And you can see a lot of Boomers use it to disparage younger people who complain about college cost. Just look at Insty anytime college loans come up. It’s not lazy to notice general… Read more »

Reply to  Carlton Ritz
4 years ago

Ritz. Goad isn’t going to persuade me on much. He’s a crank-contrarian in Fred Reed’s niche, not really Our Guy. My take on Boomers doesn’t come from ignorance, guys. I’m well aware that many Boomers don’t fit the stereotype. I’ve already said so, but the special pleading continues.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I’m Gen-X and I’ll admit my generation has done little to nothing to stem the tide. It doesn’t matter I wasn’t like my cohort.

Carlton Ritz
Carlton Ritz
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile. Grouping any individuals into an artificial category based on the year of their birth is just plain stupid. I can’t understand why that is hard for anyone to grasp. Dumping on any age group is counterproductive . It puts off those who might otherwise be on our side.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

“NAXALT!” shouted the X. Dude, we get it. Exceptions to general trends exist. Those exceptions don’t invalidate the trend.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Only generalize with race and ethnicity. Don’t attack white boomers… That’s not cool.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

hey OBT, NABLT, not all boomers are like that!

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

AR, exactly who is beating Millennials for poor school performance? Back up your statement with some facts, please. Corporal punishment is declining both at schools and at home.
“Remarkably, however, a powerful trend toward abandoning corporal punishment is already under way. There has been a dramatic reduction in its use over the past two generations—an unprecedented change in a pattern that likely had been fixed for millennia. In the United States, for example, 94 percent of parents endorsed hitting kids in 1968, but only one-half approved by 1999.”

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  Bernie
4 years ago

Reflexively contrarian strivers, the ones who become future elites, ignored that trend and doubled down on authoritarian parenting. Forget spanking, it was more like paddling or whipping.

“You weren’t even there, man.”

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

No, I wasn’t, but statistics don’t support widespread use of corporal punishment. It’s illegal in schools for all but 19 states, declining where it’s legal, and may require parental consent. I don’t doubt some parents abuse their children, but it’s not a generational trend.
“The number of maltreated children in the U.S. has fallen steadily in the last two decades, according to a report this week from the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire.”

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Bernie
4 years ago

You were absolutely not the first generation spanked for bad grades, that is eternal.

The first generation drugged to comply in school? Yes.

> thank Feminism. They drug maleness as a toxin.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary

Given the fact that children are adopted by homosexuals and reared (hurr hurr) to be transsexuals and most people don’t care, maybe it’s a possibility that things really are different now.

Maybe people just don’t care about children anymore. Mass obesity, a modern evolutionary novelty, might explain it, as people instinctively feel well fed and feel like the tribe is also fat and growing, even if the opposite is reality.

In leaner and harder countries, without ivory towers, children are more prized.

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

“Maybe people just don’t care about children anymore.”

If I hadn’t witnessed it with my own eyes (in my own family), I would never have believed that many women would celebrate, or at least protect, partial birth abortion.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

So many womem have been conditioned to hate themselves, their kids, and their role, because of female solipsism. I am convinced there is a biological component too. Missing hormomes from not being pregnant by 16-18 and every fews years after seems to be a big problem.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago


Women are the more savage sex. It was the Victorians who imagined them to be something other than that, to their eternal dishonor. If they have… certain things, then they can be wonderful, but if not, then not.

A lot of cultures have myths about how women ran things in the before times, and how the beginning of civilization was some fellows putting an end to such shenanigans. The stories were all true.

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

When people stop believing government promises of taxpayer provided pensions for all, they’ll prize their children, who will be the ones who determine how they live and die in their dotage.

Reply to  Bernie
4 years ago

Millenials arent in school anymore…

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Most Asian Men not of the Warrior classes ARE natural eunuchs.
Also quite feminine, devious cunts.

WE DID NOT DO THAT, they’ve been bred that way for millennia.

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

One of Taleb’s more robust assertions is that no one has ever proven a link between education and economics – a well-educated population isn’t necessarily prosperous.

Those of us who (unlike Taleb) recognize that IQ is real can easily connect those dots. IQ is correlated to success and prosperity and education is a very approximate proxy for IQ. I’d rather have a nation of 100 IQ autodidacts than a “well-educated” nation averaging 90.

The secret’s in the ingredients, not the preparation.

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Housing is still in bubble territory. When interest rates rise, RE will go down a lot. Lower interest rates only means cheap borrowing for a short amount of time because people tend to buy a payment and not the price. So you end up with ridiculous prices, prices that can only be sustained either by a general rise in prices including wages, or low interest in perpetuity. I’m old enough to remember my parents purchasing a home in 1981 when the fed’s target rate was North of 20%!

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

First home we bought, 13%. However, albeit I’m not an economist, it would seem low interest is here to stay since the government can’t pay the interest on the national debt should such rise. The alternative would need to be massive inflation, robbing us all. Of course, then those foreigners floating all our debt would catch wise and dump it. Right now we are the only game in town for them since as corrupt as our system is, it’s better than theirs—for now. 🙁

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

ZIRP is here to stay…

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Re: “housing as a speculative asset” I always found it odd to hear my peers talk about the need to diversify investments across high-med-low risk stocks and bonds and then how great it was to pour most of two incomes into a 4000+ sq. ft. McMansion that you didn’t have enough furniture (or people) to fill. Then again the Chosen have always been keen on real estate speculation and their ideas have a mysterious way of becoming popular. It’s also odd to see such a self-consciously high-tech society pour trillions of investment dollars into glorified boxes with HVAC systems. Where… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Deregulation preceded Banksterism.

4 years ago

After reading this I almost feel proud to be a boomer.
Others have called little Petey the deep state candidate but your assessment is more spot on.
It is still hard to imagine that this priissy little thing is running on his resume and bullshit mayors job of a small nothing city.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Z is quite correct in who the Butt boy is and how he got there. The big question, other than his unquestioned fealty to the Status Quo, is why run him?

I wondered about that then it dawned on me that the poofter is, quite incredibly, the closest they’ve got to a normal person.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

If a half black communist muslim from prep schools and affirmative action teleprompter academies couldn’t cleanse the white future of her past sins, an ivy achiever icon of why gay marriage was the right side of history surely will.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

He’s the sort of homosexual that liberals love to throw in the faces of those who have a more realistic understanding of homosexuals as a group. “Mayor Pete is just like you except he happens to love a man.”


Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

There were some great memes on gab about mayor pete engaging in more typical homosexual behaviors.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Agreed. The path of managerialism is much as Zman described it. The only difference between college for boomers and for those of later generations is that prior to the mid-1980s the liberal arts still cultivated critical thinking. But that was swamped by post-modernism and affirmative action: dumber students and a dumbed-down curriculum that denied objective truth. The political class has so debased itself that Obama finally broke the camel’s back. If a jumped-up, AA mulatto, one-term senator can be POTUS; then why not the gay mayor of a second-class, rust-belt city? Because it’s now apparent that the office doesn’t matter… Read more »

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Obama was in politics because he was being groomed for the job a decade ahead. Smart Dem’s knew the winning ticket would be a minority—women or a male POC—not too Black and not too Feminist. However, they were still of the old school which stated that you needed some political experience to gain street cred’s. Obama was, as Biden said, articulate and half Black. Not to scary for the average White voter. Trump of course pushed the envelope. He proved you don’t need any political experience, just a massive TV audience following and an outsider impression. In short, it’s hard… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Mayor Pete is a minor W. Bush.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

I think if he continues to do well there will be pressure to have him as VP on the ticket. I pray that that happens as I cannot see blacks voting for an open homosexual candidate with a husband no less.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

He is definitely a deep state candidate. You don’t start getting the media attention he did without his overseers orchestrating it. One week nobody had heard of him and a week later he is all over the screens and front pages. That wasn’t some kind of grassroots rise from South Bend. None of the other candidates rubbished him for being too young or inexperienced as they were told not to. He was packaged for the corporate donors and given all the resources he needs. He may not be the Dem Nom this time but we are going to hear a… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve noticed that Buttigieg and (surprisingly) Klobuchar are now the favorites of my Gentry lib acquaintances who just want to put Trump out of sight but don’t want to overturn an economy that greatly benefits them. They all seem obsessed with online questionnaires that assess the suitability of one candidate or another for their tastes. I imagine there’s some way to game the questionnaires to generate or inflate “enthusiasm” for a given campaign. It would be a low key way for the “political masters” to winnow the field and direct donations. I can’t imagine Klobuchar having such traction among Gentry… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 years ago

There will be quite a few Gentry Libs VOTE for Trump and bitch about him the nanosecond they leave the booth.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Buttigieg also serves other purposes. Buttigieg represents the culmination of progressive Puritan Christianity seperated from the New Testament doctrines of that Christianity.
Progressivism with the zeal of the Apostle Paul only changing what the Apostle Paul taught is the new religion.
Buttigieg confidently declares the Apostle Paul wrong when he wrote in the book of Romans about homosexuality.
And any Christian believing the Apostle Paul over Buttigieg he declares them a heretic.
The Millenial generation.
They sure are a confident lot.
Buttigieg knows better than Paul.
The millennials know better than all of human history.
We will see about that.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Here’s the entire nuptial celebration, if you’re interested. Jesus wept. Not from happiness, either.

Reply to  Bernie
4 years ago

The only thing missing was the SCJs or their symbolic presence.

4 years ago

Nice post. Though Biden is more of the GloboHomo Man on the take than anything else. The notion that he’s for the working class is quickly dispelled when he goes on about the virtues of open borders, globalization, kissing China’s rear end, etc. “Lunch Box Joe” is basically a media creation meant to sell a man who has spent his entire life on the government teat selling himself to corporate interests. Sanders is a out and out communist right out the 1930’s when Communism was popular among our educated classes. And yeah Buttplugs is the ultimate empty suit, Much like… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Speaking of the Vindman brothers, the Lefty outrage at their reassignments is delicious. I can only think wistfully on the days when enemies of the king like these would actually be executed

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

And a tax audit might be fun.
All that Ukrainian aid money was fairly widely spread.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Yea I think the deep state is in control of the IRS so I just don’t see that happening…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Spot on. There is one aspect of the Managerial Class that portends for a violent future. Men like Reagan, Trump, hell, even Bush and Buckley, either were born into or gravitated into a rigid class system, but there were expectations of them to benefit those below them or those they left behind. It was noblesse oblige writ large. Lifeforms, because to call them “men” is false, like Buttiigieg have no sense of obligation at all. They are entitlement writ large, even worse than their Boomer counterparts in that regard. They have no actual interactions with the masses and the people… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

“Lifeforms.” That’s great. I’ll remember that.

The men of the disconnected elite of pre-revolutionary France and Russia served in the military. Buttplug enlisted in the Naval Reserve, guaranteeing that he would never charge over a hill with his rifle blazing. He was commissioned an officer and planned to serve as a rear-echelon desk jockey in Naval Intelligence but ended up facing a certain amount of danger as a driver. Tulsie Gabbard, a young woman, faced more danger as a military policewoman. Thanks, feminism.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

The fact that Anal Pete, (((Vindman))) and Gabbard were officers in our “best military in the world” ought to give clear thinkers nightmares if we get into a shooting war with an opponent more capable than hapless Iraqis or Afghan mujahedeen that the neocons keep trying to provoke.

Fags, fatties and females. In uniform or out, they’re leading us right off the cliff.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
4 years ago

Fags, fatties, and females. 🙂

Reply to  Pickle Rick
4 years ago

I was watching a war movie the other night and a farmer was complaining about a enemy soldier wanting his wife to another enemy soldier and the soldier said you shouldn’t have lost then… People just don’t realize what can happen and would rather live in blissful ignorance than prepare in any way…

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

”I read the group most repelled by Buttigieg are his fellow Millennials. They know him and want no part of him.”


JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

One thing I’ve noticed about established entities, whether governments, companies over one generation old, etc., is that the older and more established they are, the more gays they have. It’s a sign that the place is aging badly. Sure, you have outlier dynamic companies in niche industries that are full of them, but for the most part, a place with gay middle managers is a failing place. Look at Apple. It’s not what it was. It’s stuffed full of money based on its legacy but you just know it’s over the hill. A Bootygig presidency would be the ultimate symbol… Read more »

4 years ago

Much as I hated the attempt at multi generational political dynasties from Bush (Old Bush, W Bush, Low-T Bush, Mesito Bush) and Clinton (Bill, Hillary, and Hubble spawn Chelsea) at least they thought in terms of how to hold it all together to have an empire to hand down to their progeny.

Electing infertile cat ladies and homosexual men is a giant finger to the future generations.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
4 years ago

Good post Z, and it distilled my thinking regarding most politicians.
They offer no value. None. Zip, zero nadda. If most politicians, regardless of the letter before their name, disappeared overnight, life would go on with nary a blip.
Building a house, growing food, providing medical attention; these are all things that everyone needs. Yet the credentialed pol offers none of it.
I’m not sure what the future holds, but eventually I think that the vast majority of dirt people will eventually mock and ignore politicians.

4 years ago

Does anyone else think Buttigieg looks like a Who from Whoville?

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

He looks like son Barney Frank never had.

4 years ago

Great article. Trump is a bit of a charlatan. He inherited hundreds of millions and had mixed success. His main skill is self promotion. But he actually did some real things like putting up buildings, dealing with NY bureaucrats in a cut-throat environment, managing a business, creating a successful TV program. Checklist Pete, Senile Joe, and Breadline Bernie, have never done an honest days work in their lives. Pocahontas at least taught some classes, but in a safe, tenured environment, while gaming the racial spoils system. Bloomberg is the only one on the left who has actually accomplished anything, but… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

I met Bloomberg at some tech show back in, I think, the early ’90s, hanging around his booth showing off the Bloomberg terminal. If I knew then what I know now, I would have followed him into the bathroom and drowned him in a toilet bowl.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

A “death swirly?” LOL. But every time the “Who would you kill from history?” game is played we go back further and further. (FWIW, for me it would be Wilson.) Yet the theme of modern Christian literature (e.g.,Tolkien and Lewis) is that “what might have been” is unknowable and therefore irrelevant. I’m a work-in-progress.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

George Will is a pud, but he had a great line about Wilson: The Pulitzer Prize–winning columnist George Will made a startling assertion when he took the podium last year at a banquet sponsored by the Cato Institute, the libertarian think tank in Washington, D.C. “I firmly believe that the most important decision taken anywhere in the 20th century was where to locate the Princeton graduate college,” Will declared. The university’s president, Woodrow Wilson, then a high-minded political scientist who’d yet to run for public office, insisted that the new residential college be integrated into the main campus. But after… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

We all want our suspicions confirmed. 🙂

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Old saying

Amateurs kill Hitler

Professionals kill Wilson/Gavrillo Priceps

Masters kill Voltaire

Romantics kill the Puritans

Red Forman
Red Forman
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago


4 years ago

How astonishing. The most consequential nation on the planet, yet so incapable of producing leaders, leaders with a coherent plan, a vision. What’s lacking is a crisis. Pericles, Washington, Lincoln, Churchill, they all had their crisis. Buttigeig? A little gay guy, another DIE acolyte? Come now.

Things aren’t bad enough yet – we don’t have a crisis. Perhaps when we’re all shaking in our foxholes, some Churchillian will pop his head up and lead us. Or maybe not. Depends on who’s in that foxhole with you. You may find yourself sharing your foxhole with a Buttigieg.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

“The most consequential nation on the planet, yet so incapable of producing leaders, …” One problem is that the intergenerational transfer of knowledge has been broken, not just for us, but also for the elites. The Jewish revolt against the WASPs in the Ivy League led to the destruction of that university system as a production center for competent ruling elites. (Who staffs the admissions offices now?) They still produce ruling elites, just not of OUR nation. Diversity in the ruled or working classes is simply called empire. Diversity in the ruling class is civilizational death. Beyond personally enriching themselves… Read more »

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

They are the necrotic outgrowth of a rotting political system that only selects the worst people imaginable.

That’s all it can produce anymore.

4 years ago

Homo Sovieticus was the tongue-in-cheek term for the perfect Soviet man, the man born and bred to Bolshevism. Mayor Pete is a type specimen for Homo Homoglobus, the species best adapted to the non-Euclidian hothouse of Current Clown World – high-income, with feminine habits and levels of shopping, hyperconsumer hedonists living entirely in the present, childless, polyamorous and perverse, with appallingly high levels of openness and novelty-seeking. The Ascent of Hand-in-Hand Man will be a short one, but the party will be fabulous while it lasts. Dissidents could get a lot of work done while Rome flames. Bernie-Butti 2020 –… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“with feminine … levels of shopping”

Whoa there, good buddy. I’m gonna have to ask you to take 20% off of that one. It is impossible for a man to own too many guns, or knives, or books, or tools. A similar argument can be made for GoreTex, and boots.

And they’re NOT “dolls” – they’re action figures!

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

@Mike_C –

You’re mistaken. Gear and guns are investment goods and therefore not really shopping. And any piece of camping gear that cuts weight by any amount OR increases functionality in any way whatever are properly considered necessary upgrades. Not the same thing at all, when you think about it.

4 years ago

“The fact that Pete Buttigieg is a genetic dead end is probably the most symbolic aspect of his character.” He represents the ultimate expression of degeneracy – civilizational death. He is Feminism’s end product: Nothing. It’s no wonder Pete is in so tight with Deep State – he’s sympatico with the progressive movement’s shock troops. Check out the mug shots after Trump rally protester arrests. They are not from happy stable families. On the surface he seems the least crazy and people just assume the most competent. His supporters are probably the wealthiest cohort on average – and they’re extremely… Read more »

4 years ago

Just got around to listening to the pod.
You made the point on a couple of occasions that shirt-lifters, yids and other assorted malefactors have power because men/whites “gave it to them”. That’s inaccurate. They took it.Passivity, not misguided action is the issue.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

@bilejones, I think you’re right. But I’ve been thinking about the mechanism that might exist to correct that passivity. Obviously, the inclusive and open thinking we’re inculcated to creates this problem, because it creates space for the most clannish and tribal to exploit. But that observation leads to results we may not like. It suggests that a certain amount of bigotry – I work against these people simply because I don’t like them and strongly prefer my own – is optimal. You can’t fight passivity with a general conclusion to be not so passive, you have to fight it with… Read more »

4 years ago

And managers are not leaders. No one follows them into battle. Their agency is purely a contrived status that exists only because people need to earn money in order to survive. When money loses value, so will the apparatchiks. Yes-men are societal entropy fueled by affluence and large bureaucracy. Buttigieg is a creation of the Deep State, just like Obama. His only virtue is that he can get us to collapse almost as fast as Bernie.

4 years ago

You indirectly bring up the “smarts” binary: ‘street’ or ‘book.’ Look to today’s White House for a combination of both, but heavy on ‘street.’ That’s why he’s a leader–and why Buttplug will never achieve that status.

By the way, Buttplug and the Bush chilluns have a lot of parallels.

Reply to  dad29
4 years ago

Even in theNavy Intel Buttplug was viewed as a joke – hence his position as a driver and coffee boy for the real intel peeps.

Butts is pretty much a educated idiot and his Navy superiors saw that the moment he opened his mouth.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

Bootygig reminds me of a spoof political ad video from 10 years ago. It’s the same vibe that Beto gives off, but more gay.

4 years ago

Lyndon Johnson followed a similar path for his age. He began in simple circumstances, went to a teacher’s college, actually taught school for a time, and began ticking off all those New Deal boxes to plunge into politics, get appointed a Lt. Commander in the Naval Reserve (for one year), acquire important contacts, and skim off money to advance his career and buy crucial media companies. He was marinated in corruption and career-climbing from the beginning. And it finally destroyed his reputation. Anal Pete will be with us for a long time, though I don’t think he has a chance… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

you forgot the part where 300 dead Mexicans voted for LBJ in the ’49 Senate election.
True story, and LBJ’s team were proud of what they had done, and bragged about it. Photos of the 300 fake ballots exist.

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

“he fact that he is every bit as sterile and pointless as the system that produced him could perhaps make him the fullest expression of the Managerial Man.”

All of which indicates to me that he will be the Democratic candidate for this year’s election and that every institutional, administrative, informational and financial organ will be looking to propel him into the White House.

Felix Krull
4 years ago

The fact that Pete Buttigieg is a genetic dead end is probably the most symbolic aspect of his character….These were men without ambition, as it were, so they were never going to be a threat to the people at the top.

Also, the globalists prefer front men with no offspring, because they don’t mind selling out future generations.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Wasn’t it the case a couple years ago that most of the European heads of state had no children?

Felix Krull
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Still is – or at least an amazing number of them haven’t, especially if you look inside Brussels, where the real power is wielded.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Boris Johnson makes up for it.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

May, Macron, Merkel.

4 years ago

Buttigieg strikes me as a strong challenger to Trump, for a eunuch anyhow. His only weakness is among black and hispanic males. The crazy cat ladies love him. The silver lining is that these managerial eunuchs don’t reproduce. Unfortunately, they reproduce by proxy via the educational system. Any hope of delaying decline will rely on addressing that problem.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

They reproduce more often than you’d think. Other than that I agree w your analysis and would only add this; he is not only dangerous to Trump but the worst that could happen to us b/c he is the omega male, the traitor-as-sexual-strategy. He naturally hate ‘jocks’, ie straight masculine white males. He will SWAMP us with vibrant competition.

Unless you want to go for accelerationism, which I don’t, I think we re gaining traction but also need time, this guy is our worst nitemare.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

Burn the schools. That addresses many problems.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Mayor Pete has Black problems.

I do declare, all Blacks really want is Nigger-ing to be legal. Immunity from consequences. It’s the weekend and the hunt is on.

Is that so much to ask?


“all Blacks really want is Nigger-ing to be legal”

Not according to Earl Butz (q.v.). The magnificently-named Butz says it’s three things, one of which is “loose shoes”. The other two things are left as an exercise for the reader, owing to the family-friendly nature of this blog.

Hahaha. Though honestly I think most men enjoy those two things. Except for Mayor Pete who doesn’t want the first one. (Whew, back on topic at the end of my digression!)

4 years ago

Can someone please explain Jim Goad to me? It seems to me he just bitches about stuff without any clear principles underlying whatever ticked him off. In this week’s The Week that Perished the following two items are back to back: MUSLIM FATHER IN ENGLAND WOULD RATHER GO TO JAIL THAN HAVE HIS SON LEARN ABOUT TRANS ACCEPTANCE IN SCHOOL … He says he is willing to be jailed to protect his son from growing up gender-confused. If only indigenous Britons were as principled over the fact that people named “Jabar” and “Amin” are now living in Britain, they might… Read more »

Mike Ricci
Mike Ricci
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Goad is just sarcastically mocking everyone involved. It doesn’t have to make perfect sense.

Reply to  Mike Ricci
4 years ago

That is ultimately just nihilistic. I don’t have the patience for that kind of pointless smart-assery anymore.

Miss Sippy
Miss Sippy
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

He’s not smart.

Notice how this type of person really enjoys writing off white countries which often are less diverse than the US.

The vitriol always aimed at European countries, not African,Asian or Latin American.
Is it some vestige of civnat belief,this constant peacocking against other Western countries?

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

I don’t know of anyone who ever got here via Goad. And I don’t know of anyone who got here who pays much attention to him once they do.

Some dissident podcasts have had him on but this was never an exercise in giving him a platform. Rather these are attempts to poach his audience.

4 years ago

Off topic thought for the day.

Patient Zero for this novel Corona Virus fell ill on December 1st 2019.

Why was Johns Hopkins running a Seminar about it 6 weeks earlier?

And Mr Zman sir, you might make this just one more place in Lagos to avoid,

Track progress here

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

One important point, gays are NOT eunuchs. Making that mistake will get you cuckolded. If they were, sultans and others wouldn’t have needed eunuchs.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Good description of the modern er, ah managerial make Z.

Buttereig sort of being a Dem Marco Rubio, but more authentic, less charisma.

(Yes Marco, we can tell).

4 years ago

“civilian but former Naval intelligence officer” Pete are literally CIA his homosexuality shows his true nature, a natural born fifth column very young Kissinger with so eunuch type Another candidate are Bernie the Zionist whom pretend as socialist Elizabeth who very white looking girl, but claim to be “minority” Biden the puppet Yang the Chinese man who doesn’t belong to stage And of course, Trump the self-deluded Boomer Bloomberg who don’t give you anything why you should vote for him this is State of American Politics 2020 America doesn’t look like America anymore Actually it doesn’t look like Brazil nor… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

If this Buttigeig fellow is going to become the Democrat candidate to run against Mr. Trump then, realistically, what are his chances? I expect that he will sweep the NWL and AWFUL votes because white wahman adore and worship homos.

But what about the blacks? Zman has stated on more than one occasion that blacks, particularly black men, won’t vote for a homo. Will that change? Can he win without the black vote?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

My area of the country is so gay, and so full of fag hags that he would get a boost, but you still have 3000 miles between the I5 corridor and I95 corridor. I’m not sure if the megachurch people would be ready for this. I know black women generally say “that sh*t ain’t right,” which is one of the few endearing qualities about them. My area will go for Bernie over Bootygig because of the war mongering issue. If you pay attention Bootygig is more militant than Hillary Clinton, and that’s saying something. Should he become President (the country… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Dunno what his appeal will be to the Black Church Ladies. Biden’s was going to be the claim that he only ever molested white girls,

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

I agree w your analysis. The penny suddenly dropped on me about why Trump talked about releasing blacks from prison. He recognizes that Buttigeig is far more dangerous, especially w women, than geriatrics or fake Indians but that his weakness w blacks suddenly leaves an opening for who would be the ‘black candidate’. And this could matter if the race is tight b/c a lot of women fall for Buttigeig’s sweet boy gig.

4 years ago

This is a really good explanation of why our elites are such rubbish. It isn’t exactly that the elites attempt to perpetuate themselves, it’s that perpetuating themselves is a pointless exercise. Having no vitality or virtue or purpose, they’ve chosen a more or less random set of abilities to reward. It’s working about as well as you’d expect.

4 years ago

A few random observations. First, Bloomberg is going nowhere. The FT printed what had to be the ugliest picture of any candidate anywhere. Shot from below looking up, Bloomberg looked like a freak with a face transplant. Page 2 of the Weekend Edition. Its all gay, all Buttgig. Second, not only is Buttgig the odds on favorite for the nomination but the Presidency. The Deep/Derp state road tested rigging elections in Iowa (Bernie really won decisively and likely Buttgig was not even second or third) and will likely simply put him in November the same way. They likely won’t even… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

requires thought.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Whiskey, nice to see you man but you Black Pill far too much. Americans cannot be made to pay super high taxes, you can’t get above 20% GDP no matter what they’ll quit working/slow down or cheat as they;always have .Door to door gun seizures would provoke succession if not a civil war. Virginia is nearly ready right now for that or bugaloo and the desire would spread far faster than any actions the Left could take. Also to do something that radical would require a huge crazy Democratic majority which isn’t going to happen. Now as to the Bernie… Read more »

4 years ago

Theodore Dalrymple on Richard II: The book about him suggested that there was much criticism of Richard at the time, but that it never got to the root of the problem, which was the very nature of the medieval political system. His critics thought only that he failed as an individual, not that corruption and misrule were inherent in the very feudal system of which he was at the summit. This was a system in which the only remedy for incompetence or worse was overthrow, usually accompanied by murder. Can someone point out a political system for which the remedy… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

The PTB; They might like Bloomberg but Bloomberg is a doer, that’s not very attractive to those seeking an interagency consensus sort of fellow.

The Interagency Consensus; sort of an informal cabinet government of millions.


What difference does it make? We’ll just send them an extra helping of gibs to ensure their demographic edge.


Don’t help? I’m sure we have some spare locusts around here that we could send over.

Huh? Oh. Never mind.

Plan B. Send Chinese advisors, a few CONEX loads of woks and cooking oil, and the locust problem AND the eternal famine problem are solved. Locusts are very nutritious.

Plan C. Send Chinese advisors with coronavirus. Enact absolute travel ban. Overpopulation problem solved in a few months.

4 years ago

He’s Gen-X. But other than that, a pretty good description of him. But a major obstacle he has is blacks. It probably remains to be seen how women in general will react to him. Despite all the feminist posturing, women like strong men. It’s hard to imagine he is going to build a lot of excitement outside of the woke core. It’s not just his being gay either. He is as bland and unexciting as the managerial state itself. He isn’t even fun to hate.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Gen-X is 1965-1984. Millennials were born between 1985 and 2004. Though, to be fair, there really isn’t agreement on who exactly is Gen-X. IMHO, generations should be relatively consistent or they are not really generational cohorts. There were not many 17yos having children in 1982. Almost everyone agrees that Boomers were born between 1945 and 1964 and the Silent gen was 1925-1944 and greatest gen was 1905-1924. It makes no sense to use a HS graduation period as a generational cohort. Generations should be getting longer, not shorter because the average age of a woman’s first child is getting older… Read more »

Mike Ricci
Mike Ricci
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

That would mean AOC is not a millennial as she came of age around 2010.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Yeah we came of age just as the empire was running out of gas. 9/11, 20 years of the war on terror, ‘08 crash, 8 years of Obama.

You know, a bunch of softies cruising through the easy times.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

GenX is really a compressed generation. Most of them are kids from the silent generation. By 1980, the Boomer kids started showing up. So, while maybe not the 20 year generation rule, calling someone born in 1982 a Millennial isn’t out of bounds.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Thats borderline end gen x, early millenial. Its a weird line because the early Ms didnt have ubiquitous internet, cell phones, like later ones. ive seen x end in 75 to 85 depending on who you ask.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Yes. I remember the Sears catalog. Had a party line at home until age 6. Had dial up internet in high school. Didn’t see internet until middle school. Grew up in easy times like Z said, into the craziness of the 21st century. Definitely not feminized education until college. It was like living in two worlds. Interesting time to be born, riding the crest of a wave. A little X, a little millennial without being either, even though generally lumped in with millennials so I run with it.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

It probably remains to be seen how women in general will react to him. I think he is one of the most dangerous in the donkey field for Trump. A lot women are going to respond well to him b/c he looks and acts like a sweet boy, which is a legitimate way to get action if you have the phenotype and behavior down. More generally male homosexuality is probably a parasitic sexual strategy which works like this: back in the neolithic day, gay guy never challenged alpha boy and his gung ho buffalo hunters in the tribe. He took… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Cockolding does not explain more modern societies—all of which seem to posses gays, but keep their women under tight rein. Germ theory (Cochran), Genetic Interests (Dutton), and in womb hormonal abnormality are a few of the alternative speculations. We’ll see who wins out.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

These other things could certainly also play in. But most of our instincts go back to pre-modern times, especially very basic instincts. I think dislike of gays could be a combination of all these things.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

It seems to me that you have spent a little too much time thing (or perhaps the word is fantasizing) about this.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

It seems to me you’d be wrong about that.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

I’m waiting for Biden to assault a voter who dares question him… google “lying, dog faced pony soldier.”

I can only surmise the origin of that quote is 1950s TV Westerns.


It’s what he called Corn Pop during their confrontation.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Meanwhile O/T – Wall construction continues.

4 years ago

Too late, but I’ll bring it up tomorrow.

“men, who come to symbolize the age”

Example A:

This must be the fakest, gayest oppo ever.
Right on cue, of course- are they even trying anymore?

And the “replies”! So much bot AI, my phone is about to achieve sentience.

Update: now I get it. They’re giving themselves something to talk about. Told ya I was slow.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Faker than Mrs. Krull’s orgasms and gayer than Liberace singing “It’s Raining Men” with a chorus line of naked boy scouts doing high kicks.

Identical flags, masks and caps, straight from Central Casting. How much do you want to bet not a single one of these gentlemen will be doxxed?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I guess I’m dumb. I find Patriot Front inspiring. Their leader Tom is an impressive guy.

The argument against this kind of activism is that it allows the members to be doxxed and have their young lives ruined. I get it. That’s why I wouldn’t join them.

Yet the young, disaffected white men I know instinctively want a mannerbund and to reclaim public space. Someone has to be the vanguard.

It’s probably a bad idea but I still smile.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

The USG has spent and inordinate amount if time trying to infiltrate and destroy organizations like this which has left all of us a little paranoid that all of them are fronts for the Feds There are a lot of reasons for that effort by those same Feds they are in fact a threat to that order but mostly because its easy. Its far easier to infiltrate a social club than a genuine mafia and if someone gets outed even if you can’t roll them up. nothing will come of it. Think of the elation n the face of the… Read more »

4 years ago

Reading this reminds me of the Roman cursus honorium.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Peter
4 years ago

Cursus mediocres.

4 years ago

Buttplug the future ? Tiz frightening !

4 years ago

You certainly managed a telling critique versus Buttplug.

Neither Sanders nor Biden have managed a new idea since when they were young in the 1970s. That is very much the case with Sanders, with Gropin’ Joe managing to sleeze with the times.

You still believe in incremental as opposed to waterfall or Seneca Collapse?

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

4 years ago

[…] You don’t have to be a spook to do a spook’s job. For those who spend enough time in that world, it simply becomes a matter of habit. […]

4 years ago

[…] More fun examples: […]

4 years ago

[…] You don’t have to be a spook to do a spook’s job. For those who spend enough time in that world, it simply becomes a matter of habit. […]

4 years ago

Your reference to Orientalism and the eunuchs so widely utilized in those milieus was very incisive. Great piece!