Watching the events of the last few days, it is impossible for a sensible white person to not get angry. Blacks and now Antifa are running wild in the streets, looting and now killing people. Meanwhile, the cops stand around doing nothing, while the politicians stumble all over themselves trying to excuse what’s happening. Worse yet, they are now blaming white supremacists. It is, as the great man once said, enough to cause a normal man to hoist the black flag and start slitting throats.
The people responsible for this, of course, want you angry. Angry people lose focus and pin their anger on convenient targets. Angry people say and do things that make them easy to dismiss. No matter how much they think they are “owning the libs” right now, those angry BoomerCons on Facebook posting boogaloo rants are just playing a role laid out for them by the usual suspects. Their anger is confirmation to those leftists who define themselves in opposition to normal white people.
Instead, now is a good time to think about excluding from your life those anti-whites who you would like to punch in the face right now. Just as blacks need to be around whites, those anti-whites trying to explain why this nonsense is justified need to be around you and people like you. They need to see you unhappy in order to feel the closest thing to happy their dead souls can experience. If you really want to “own the libs” in your life right now, calmly and clearly disassociate yourself from them.
That’s hard for a lot of people to do. Generations of conditioning have designed the right-wing American to think their purpose in life is to squander their time trying to convince lefty of the errors in his ways. Just as every Mormon dreams of bringing a Jew or Muslim into the church as a convert, every conservative dreams of the day when that lefty in their life says, “You know what? You are right.” Even if that epiphany does not lead to conversion, to be right just once is the dream.
If that instinct is still with you, now is the time to put down the needle and begin the journey to political sobriety. The white people who instinctively side with the blacks against the whites, are not your people. They can never be your people, because they hate your people. Granted, what drives them is hatred of self, but it is not your job to heal them. These people are driven by the thought of your people living as hated minorities in their own lands. They cannot be saved.
That’s the thing the modern dissident must keep in the front of his mind. Every event, every crisis, every great disappointment, is a chance to bring one person on the journey this way. Wasting a second of your life trying to “own the libs” is time you could be using to help a fellow traveler on his journey over to this side of the great divide. They are just as angry as you, maybe more so, because they have not yet come to understand the reality of the great struggle that lies before us.
That may be the greatest challenge for the dissident in times like these. Those normal conservative types in your life are now feverishly trying to explain why this is not about race, despite the images and rhetoric in the media. Maybe they are focused on the how the cop should not have been so rough with the Gentle Giant. Maybe they are focusing on the white people the media so carefully shows in their coverage. Worse yet, they are now doing the “Democrats are the real racists” chant.
It’s frustrating, because they are like people who clearly see the problem, but somehow the cause of it is invisible to them, while it is brightly illuminated for you. The frustration is the same as when they tell you how Israel is our greatest ally, while at the same time condemning the neocons and the forever wars. The natural frustration you feel with these people is probably more enraging than what you feel with lefty. You know lefty is an idiot, but these people should know better.
Succumbing to that anger and calling them a stupid Boomer is just as self-defeating as yelling at that idiot liberal in your life. There’s no point in it. Instead, now is the time to shift the focus, break form and knock them off-balance. If you have read this far, those BoomerCons in your life already know where you are coming from on this and they are expecting a certain response. They may even be looking for some fellowship by letting a few racist comments slip in their discussion with you.
The thing you can’t forget is these people have spent their entire lives being trained to be the respectable conservative. It is instinct with them. If you let loose with an unvarnished explanation for what’s happening, that programming will be triggered and they will close down. Their sense of righteousness will lie between those terrible liberals they hate so much and you, the right-wing extremist they have been trained their whole life to avoid. Don’t make the mistake of playing that role.
Instead, now is a good time to use the most powerful weapon in the dissident arsenal when dealing with normie whites. That is the fact that whites will soon be a minority in this country and that their children and grandchildren will be minorities. This fact unnerves the normal white person in the same way that seeing signs for Martin Luther King Boulevard frightens the white driver. It touches them at the deepest part of who they are, the part the Left can never take away from them.
For example, now is a good time to send them an old VDare column like this one that talks about Pat Buchanan. “If we had only listened to Buchanan” and a link to something like this is the sort of thing that nudges that person onto the path that eventually leads to here. Alternatively, “Pat Buchanan was right, but everyone was worried he was a racist” is another subtle way to undermine the conditioning, by creating a contradiction in the mind of the target.
The goal of the dissident in these times is not to find fellowship in anger or offer fellowship in anger. The goal is to use scenes of blacks pulling down statues and setting fire to historic America, in order to undermine the prevailing morality. Find a way to make that normie friend in your life struggle with his anti-racism and the images he is seeing on his television. Make him think about his children and grandchildren living at the mercy of those mobs. Do him that favor.
It is a long struggle and not everyone can be saved. That angry normie in your life who has maybe let fly with a few colorful metaphors may not be ready to hear the Good News about white people just yet. Until you are sure, keep calm and keep nudging him along the path. Being angry at avatars on the television and internet does nothing to change what’s happening. As the old saying goes, think racially, act sensibly. That means being the calm voice converting one soul at a time.
For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!
Goodwhites are not “our people.”.
Treat them accordingly.
And here they are…
Lol, he’s got the neckbeard and everything!
It’s as if soy took on flesh…
This is absolutely disgusting.
Both Limbaugh and Hannity spent an inordinate amount of time today on the “horrible murder” that set off the riots. I’m done with them. They are truly useless for our side. Zman described their type very well today.
I gave up on Hannity years ago but have listened to Limbaugh practically since the beginning – when he was basically the only national on air conservative game in town. Yet with all the years on the radio and all the zillions he’s made, he hasn’t changed the downward trajectory of our society & and culture one bit. No doubt he’s changed a lot of hearts and minds, but it hasn’t made any real difference. It’s always liberal democrats that are the problem – which is generally true, as far as it goes – and that’s as far as he… Read more »
Totally agree- see my previous comments to Hun
To his good- Tucker Carlson may not have a job at Fox after his monologue but it was very good and it pointed to our so called conservatives blaming whites for everything and doing nothing
I had debated to post almost verbatim what you just posted,I was so very saddened with his over emphasis not only on the police incident but also the outreach to the breakfast club- He never defended whites murdered by police at all or even mentioned it. It is the end of a long friendship that began in 1992
Watching the events of the last few days, it is impossible for a sensible white person to not get angry.
But, I’m not. I’ve been watching this for too many years to respond with anything but an indifferent, “well, what did you expect?”.
If white people were interested in doing something for their own sake, they would have done it by now. No use giving myself additional heartburn over it.
Go back and review the events of summer 2016. If I was LE, I’d be thinking about the massacres of LE that took place in Dallas and Baton Rouge. The virus is loose again, and we can see the infection spread.
Many hearts and minds will be won simply by focusing on what actually happens and ignoring most of what is said.
Right there. I just don’t care. Z is making me think about how to use the riots to our benefit, but as to the riots themselves. Boring.
It’s the same show that I’ve seen since I was a kid. Also, I no longer care a whit about this entity known as the United States or blacks or cucks or Jews or liberal whites (outside of tactical issues, I suppose).
I just don’t care about these people. You might as well be telling me about some high school soccer game in Paraguay.
You just described my thoughts perfectly. Thank God that I’m recently retired and have moved away from a blue state/city, so I don’t have to hear co-workers and HR staff bitch anymore, while I remained silent and bit my tongue.
Unless a strong red state secessionist movement arises, I’m done trying to do anything about it. My only protest for now was to refuse to pay my semi-annual property tax, and state estimated income tax. I won’t pay them until the covid lockdown fully ends.
If you perfectly agree with Citizen, then are you using the riots, or other such events, to our benefit?
Such indifference among white males is what got us into this mess. The sad fact is that most whites don’t give fuck as long as they are making bank and will let the world burn down around them.
The Left OTOH is very motivated and they are rewarded by with getting control of the system and reducing most whites to the level of tax serfs.
Oh, I’m not indifferent. I just know when one game is over and it’s time to start trying to win the game at hand. The USA that we knew is terminal, demographics ensure that it will die. We will never get along with blacks. Half of whites are pointless and traitors.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t care deeply for those whites who care about their people and carve self-determination. I’m trying to figure out how to start us on the path a future of our own.
Let us know if/what you figure out.
Search old threads for his comments and provide feedback.
The way the elite have stacked things almost no one including Whites can make a decent living like they used to with being sneaky as hell and as such long held dreams of “fairness” are dust. Also we are a nation of grifters at heart, there are innumerable ways to make sure you get paid and other people don’t. The more the squeeze goes on, the more people will deal with it. This happens everywhere among every people even the GOPe and the soon to be gone Boomer-Cons. That said the Right does lack motivation. There really isn’t much that… Read more »
On the subject of to our benefit: The riots are the explanation for why the police officer had his knee on that guy’s neck. This is who these people are inside, and the cops act accordingly.
Bruno, you can afford to be indifferent because it hasn’t hit you close enough to home yet . When it comes to the suburbs, it will be a different tune normie is dancing to. I’m not angry, but I’m staying alert and getting ready. Things will get a lot worse before they get better . Now is the time to prepare , if you haven’t already.
If white people were united, this would be a minor problem. Jim Crow worked pretty good in the South. Now we see why it was necessary.
Let’s look at the bright side: now we know the answer to Fermi’s Paradox (about why we haven’t found evidence of intelligence elsewhere): every species must have its own self-haters, its own antifa.
Fellow-White People do everything they can to make sure White people don’t unite, including demonizing the idea of White solidarity b/c it leads to another you-know-what. We won’t have Jim Crow again until we become the 110th country to send Fellow-Whites packing. Without wealthy, influential monkey-wrenchers making the job harder, we can finally deal with the messes they’ve helped make re: Blacks, Women & Sh*tlibs. There are about 5x as many Blacks in America as Jews. What’s more realistic, sending all those Blacks to dirt-poor Africa where they have no existing roots and are wholly unwanted, or… Read more »
viva israel!
For every civilization that reaches the mouth of the Great Filter lies the Great Dindu.
and, pehaps the not-so-great Dachau 🙁
Exactly, doc. It’s as if some people, but apparently not yet enough, are waking up to the wisdom of our ancestors and realizing that ending segregation was dismantling Chesterton’s fence. Apartheid now!
You are correct not angry. Won’t get angry until the joggers and their allies try to bring it to me. I am old and I really just don’t give a shit anymore. Nobody is going to take my shit from me if I get a chance to defend myself. You should have a high capacity freedom dispenser close at hand.
Speaking of anger management, one happy surprise from all of this is that for once, the right is being smart and not falling into a trap. The “Boogaloo Boys” are staying home and refusing to play the designated villain (despite much goading from leftist raiders on places like 4chan). And as much as I’d like Trump to give the rioters a “whiff of grapeshot”, he’s not going to give the left and the press the pictures of streets running with the blood of blacks holding protest signs that they so desperately want. It’s a bit early to hope, but… Read more »
It is smart to let the blue mayors and governors own this. Make them clean up their own shit or live with it.
Exactly. Trump should say that the mayors and governors know their cities and states better than the federal government. If they want federal help keeping down the riots, he’s more than happy to provide it, but they have to request it first and then give the feds guidelines for use of force.
Make the blue mayors and governors make the decision to either let their cities burn (piss off whites) or put down the riots (piss off blacks and super-lib whites).
It’s nice to finally see some posters on here get what Trump is doing. He recently announced that the Army is ready for the governors that ask for it.
Perfect – makes it politically impossible for any of them to ask.
Yes, but, putting down Antifa is a Federal job, one he refuses to do. That being said, there’s nothing different from what he’s doing now compared to what he’s done (or, not done) in the past.
Locking up a few of their pawns is a complete waste. If Barr has the guts he’d try to Rico the organization to get to the organizers and money men. Big “if”.
There are others. Watching the filthy mobs in front of CNN brought a tear of joy to my eye. I was hoping they’d bar the doors so they couldn’t get out, and burn the building down.
All in good time I suppose. 🙂
Agreed. I think that the worst thing Orange Hitler could do right now would be to unleash the dogs of war. Whether intended or not, sitting back and letting the enemy immolate American cities in full view of the world is meat-and-drink for Our Thing.
…or to jump into the soft pile of leaves 😀
Clean up the riots for political gain? Easy. No bloodshed requied. Round up ten or a hundred White (or non-Black at least) Antifa agitators, charge them with conspiracy, terorism, inciting a riot, whatever. Set bonds high enough to keep them in prison. Sure, a lot of them get released by our uselss Judiciary. But if Trump took such an action, it seems to be it would be win-win. Also it’d leave the protesters with no bloody cross to carry, as well as reduce their trouble maker leadership 🙂
Good advice but we need something more accelerated. What’s the end goal, when we do convince enough to tip the scale? The country will be totally in control of the left and it’s ruling cabal by then. Get rid of liberal and white hating associations? Hell I ticked that box years ago. The few that are still around in the family just shut up. Politically it seems obvious no solution in sight. I go back as an early Pat Buchanan supporter, attended rallies, donations etc. That’s all little ole me could do. No fun being a Paleo. Still I march… Read more »
That’s my concern – are we getting too late in the game for the incremental approach? At what point does the do or die 60 yard long bomb need to be chucked? Z is a deep thinker so he’s probably got a better handle on things, but it still worries me.
Go grey, get ready, don’t engage with anyone who is reacting emotionally to the BS that they are being fed. There is nothing in it for you to engage in dialogue with those sorts of people.
Note who is actually trying to peel back the layers of the onion to see what is really going on. There is no excuse for buying what you are being sold, as everything is staged and fake. The people who are actively questioning things are the ones for us to engage with.
Don’t discount the effect these riots are having on white normie women. They are genetically evolved to protect their young and their tribe/community. This sets off serious alarm bells at the primitive mid brain level. They won’t tolerate the chaos and will persuade their cucks to follow them under the protection of strong men who can protect their interests. I’ve seen some striking change in attitude with normies the last few days. the spiteful mutants are the ones that can’t be helped and need to be selected out anyhow. They will be easier and easier to pick our as things… Read more »
I put a somewhat spicy take-down on FB last night. This runs counter to Z’s advice but I did it more so to cleave the dead weight from my FB profile. The two or so people that agree with me (one being the wife) can stay, the rest can go in the bin.
You mean “pick off” don’t you? 😀
Are you able to meet like minded people IRL? If you want to have more fun as a Paleo don’t worry so much about the larger society and tipping points.
Propaganda needs to target women. Intelligently, no spergy nonsense.
Women vote and that’s not going to change any time soon.
There is a video online of a group of pussy ass white people bowing down to a group of negroes begging for forgiveness. It made me sick to my stomach.
Those fuckers need to be the first to be swinging from lamp posts.
I could not possibly agree with this more than I do. We must accept that the white shitlibs are lost to us. In the long run, it is probably for the best anyway as their nature is treasonous. They will not balk at the thought of their children being a despised minority because a large cohort to do not intend to have children. Those few who do (or have) believe their children SHOULD be a despised minority. There is no reasoning with such a mentality. It is simply not possible and it is a waste of valuable intellectual and emotional… Read more »
There is no other racial group on the planet that has half of their population actively working towards the destruction of the entire group. In the videos that I saw over the weekend, there were a fair amount of whites participating in the festivities. Other groups support their own. It seems any attempt to try to establish communities will be hampered by constant infiltration of informers.
I’ve had great success with a simple “OK, Karen” whenever one of these dorks starts virtue signaling. Their typical response is to unfriend you on social media, avoid you in real life (they of course lack the balls to say “fuck you” to your face).
I’ve used that a few times as well. I get the claim that “Karen” is an anti-white meme now, but it is highly effective at telling the white liberal that you have no respect for them and no interest in their preaching. It really stings them, which is why they are working to turn the insult around on us.
It is an anti-white meme. But since Karen’s are anti-white ideologically, it is sensible to use that pejorative against White liberals. However, using it publicly is probably self defeating. The black who publicly rants against poorly behaving joggers gets no play in the black community. Maybe that would be a good strategy for us.
“gets no play in the black community. Maybe that would be a good strategy for us.”
it is good strategy, until it is used to justify Brown v Board yet again. exceptions don’t disprove the genetic rules. and even if you think they can be disproven with enough inculturation+improving genetics, well you go and do all that it in the black community as an crusader, missionary, whatever. but not bring back such community with you. even if the gaps are solved, don’t mix things up; which probably won’t happen fully if ever, because even then the Lord wills natural tribal attachment through subsidiarity. local action is the most apt to reflect nature. thus miscegenation should… Read more »
Never realized what sheep women are until the last couple of months. They went straight to ‘stay home, stay safe’ hectoring to anti-racist nagging without even blinking.
Trying to stop them from infecting my normie wife feels like a life or death struggle.
Women are fascists and socialists by nature. The founding fathers understood this, and wisely refused them the right to vote. The worst of them think exclusively with their emotions, which are all too easily manipulated. Contrary to our esteemed blog host… I don’t think they will be reasoned with until they are confronted by the consequences of their voting habits, good and hard. Of course the usual weasel words apply: not all women are like that – just most of ’em. He IS correct in that it is time to part ways with Leftie. Way, way past time as a… Read more »
Chet-John-Citizen: Citizen nailed it! This is a life and death struggle for your women. The Greeks understood this 2,400 years ago as this socialist collectivism women display is a hardwired response. “The Assemblywomen is a comedy written by the Greek playwright Aristophanes in 391 BC. The play invents a scenario where the women of Athens assume control of the government and instate reforms that ban private wealth and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive.” Sounds like now in history. Human nature does not change. Citizen understands the most powerful drive moving women is subconsciously identifying the dominant… Read more »
I don’t know if we need a collapse. But what we do need is a community of our own, a community that offers an alternative to the larger society. White women will see a community that’s safe, has good schools and gives their children pride in themselves. We already see such communities in our society. Amish, Mormons, Jews, Muslims, Indians, etc. They all have their own communities that have their own rules (rules that are often quite different from the larger society) and yet their women happily accept those rules because they know that they and their children… Read more »
Ha! You’re so funny! I don’t “need” a collapse either! Yea, let’s do community first. However, I know wahmyn! It will take something collapse-like to get women scared enough to crawl back to white guys that make stuff. BH is reading out loud Earth Abides. Notice Em is a black woman who survived the pandemic and Ish stumbles into her. She aligned with an Aspie white engineering type that can think and some do/make. Just saying. George, the guy that can build and do is characterized as few thoughts or thinking. 1940 How George Stewart a Berkeley English prof characterized… Read more »
To change Women requires a bigger fear than that of being the odd one out.
Survival threatened. No back to the land skills. Food scarcity. Stuff broken. That will stuff a sock in the pie-hole of screaming harridans. Odd man out does nothing. Hitting the wall hard is reality.
I’d guess NYC’s Hasidim would be happier if they could go on their errands with an automatic rifle on hand. Probably their brethren in Israel are allowed to 😀
Wow RFF. I almost feel sorry for your basic huband. You hold highly unusual and formidable views.
Hi Sid. Thanks! If I had a tail I would wag it! The only time you need feel sorry for him is when I talk his ear off. You’ll enjoy this….since men talk less than women, I check in with him to put me on his “dance” card for a good time to chat. I rarely ask him to drop everything. When we catch up, I limit talk time to not overload him. Then I appreciate him and all he has done and how he covers my back. We are a team and I cover his back also. Best to… Read more »
Thanks for stating clearly what I have strongly suspected about the hens.
Don’t tell other wimmen. They will pick you to death (but, you already know this).
Again, thank you. Truly glad you and hubby are a team, and your backs are covered.
RFF, that’s quite the black pill. Not saying you’re wrong, just hoping we don’t have to fall quite that far for women to come around.
Yep…sorry Gauss. I just ran up like a big friendly golden retriever and dropped the skunk at your feet. I forget it’s not always what folks want. Until the dark swantz guys lose dominance and women feel truly deeply afraid for their very security, I don’t see it changing.Have hope….there will always be some good women mixed in. You guys just have to be more discerning. Take care.
Thank you, Range! There are likely a few unicorns on this blog who agree with you about the 19th Amendment.
(I am one of them.) Usually it’s the ‘deer in the headlights’ look when I say that. (But I am kind an do at least inform them what the 19th Amendment does.)
I think we may need collapse. I would favor seeing most wahmyn walk… how did you put it? “walk on their lips through broken glass on their knees” in order to get back to beg forgiveness for alpha whitey engineer to take them in.
Carrie…bless you and the horse you rode into town on. Notice I changed the common western phrase. Am thinking on your missive. The words “need collapse” is not me advocating for collapse. It just is. Collapse (in an unforeseeable form) is the carrier, the vehicle that brings the chaotic change that allows the rearranging of male/female relationship to return to the immutable fundamentals. Thanks and take care hon.
OT: Range, your piece on the Civil War was the best explanation I’ve yet seen. Loot drives wars.
Thanks Alzae! And I thought I was chasing a stick woofing. Glad you got some understanding from it. Best to you.
I was explaining Aristophanes to my wife a couple of weeks ago. I thought I was doing OK but things started to go awry when she asked
“So you think I shouldn’t be able to vote then?
Dear God…Won’t be playing poker with you! Hold them closer to your chest.
You are both correct I suppose, and I need to be more specific too. Shitlib communities WILL collapse on themselves. They already are; and it’s primarily women and their soys driving it. The question is, will they take us with them. The play ahead will be much like Canada’s when fwench socialists undermined their own economy. Turdo The Elder saw provinces that made sacrifices and controlled their spending… and being the commie fag that he was – he labelled them “Have” provinces. Provinces like Queerbec that were infested with corruption, incompetence, and irresponsibility were termed “Have-Not” provinces. So… Read more »
Well said. The only minor exception to this is maybe long married women. Now I’m fine with a repeal of the 17th, 19th , 23rd and 26th at least but if we are going to allow women’s suffrage married with kids only. I would not mind restricting the franchise and holding office to property owners married with children (no foreign adoption and no gay marriage obviously) or widowed.widower obviously. Long married women still tend to authoritarianism but its the “Conservative protect the established society” type. Combined with a hold on voting when you move and restoring the 21 years old… Read more »
This should tell you that the DR should focus a lot more propaganda efforts at women.
The average man has something of the ape or monkey about him – how else to explain that they go about repeating mass media slogans like demented parrots . As for the women they are natural born conformists . Orwell had them sussed when he wrote : “It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.” The same was true of German women in the 30’s . The normals are our people . They are… Read more »
White women simply want to stay on the good side of the tribe in power. It’s in their DNA and for good reason. Back in clan days, they would need the protection of the tribe so they could raise their children. If they were kicked out of the clan (especially if their man had died hunting or something), they and their children were as good as dead. Women always have their radar up for tribe rules so they can follow them. We know what tribe is most powerful today. Women watch TV or check Facebook for the rules. Asking… Read more »
Drove through Riot Township in my Midwestern city yesterday. (It was in the day time). It was quiet but on one corner there was a crowd of black glad little posers waiting orders to march. They were 95% white, and 90% women. No doubt the brothers are eagerly anticipating getting some of that. It will probably be kept on the down low but no doubt the rapes will be happening like at Occupy squatter camps
black clad
If you click on the little settings cog on the bottom right of your posted comment it gives you back the “Edit” function.
Gotta have your cursor over the comment, (at least in Firefox.)
Just this week had a “discussion” with wife regarding such social, “conformity”. She’s always of the mind, go along to get along. Here in this town, there is a battle between economic shutdown types and open up types. Gov has lifted shutdown, local city is attempting to circumvent with local orders. Now the battle is at street level of mask wearers vs non-mask wearers and companies taking sides by requiring such of customers. Wife of course says this will all die down and has her mask at the ready. My response was I’d never patronize such a business, now… Read more »
Here’s the thing. All of these comments about women are generally true (and they apply to a lot of men, these days, as well). But they don’t know it. Fish, water, and all that. The advantage we have is that we understand something that they do not. Don’t tell them! Use your understanding, at the right moment in the proper situation, to leverage your advantage.
They are like sheep….until their children are threatened. Ask them about their kids. If their kids live in a particular big city, send them a clip of black violence against whites in that city. (One is sure to be available.)
This is why working class white women aren’t as pozzed as upper middle class white women. Their children are much closer to POC. Upper middle class white women keep their kids in heavily white schools. With the kids safe, these women go about cementing their place in the dominant tribe, which means being liberal or, at most, a color-blind CivNat.
Familiarity does breed reality in cases of race.
Women pretty much play follow the leader And what’s been funny to me is the guys they sometimes perceive as being a “leader” but are laughable to men. But women can be fooled. Same with handsomeness. Guys they find handsome men will not. And fitting in with this are black guys. Women, most of them probably, see black guys as the leaders b/c they act all tough and are muscular so their default is to assume these are the guys who will be able to protect them, not necessarily in the immediate term but say a fight breaks out… Read more »
Men get their purpose in life from an idea. It might be a stupid idea, but it’s an idea nonetheless. Women get their purpose from the group. And the group, today, is this sick, dysfunctional culture of ours.
This is why women shouldn’t have the vote.
Karens exist because we allowed this to happen. Women are by nature easily socially conditioned. Once so conditioned they become the red guard in helping to maintain that social order. They spent 10s of thousands of years leaning to accept and embrace a new conquerors so they could better protect their offspring. In a social order defined by our tribe through our institutions of which we are in control this is a good thing. It adds stability to the society. If our institutions come under the control of the worst of our tribe and the malignant manipulations of foreigners then the innate communal… Read more »
Exactly. I made the same point above. Bitching about white women following the rules of those in charge is insane. It’s like bitching about fishing swimming. It’s what women do – and should do.
Face it, boys. We got conquered by another tribe. And women are doing what they always do when their men get beat; they suck up to the new men in charge.
“Face it, boys. We got conquered by another tribe. And women are doing what they always do when their men get beat; they suck up to the new men in charge.”
Ouch! The truth hurts! Of course, look around to see mostly soy boys, gays, trannies, pajama boys in mommy’s basement, soft men with high voices, women know they’d better suck up to the new men in charge. Literally!
You hang out with the wrong people, Shitforbrains.
While I don’t advocate it, this would explain the social/religious institution in many counties (Islamic mainly) that keep women on a vey short leash. It also explains the brutal punishment, including killing of a woman who “strays” even if she was raped against her will. Harsh traditions/taboos protect the tribe (and its genes) from any outsiders.
100% agree, YY. MGTOW is a short-term situational survival strategy, not a lifestyle option. It’s a good idea for a guy currently facing divorce-rape but you’re going to need to find a better replacement for that dented can – sooner than later. The guys appealing to incel/volcels, telling guys in 2020 to demand virgin brides under 20 b/c TradCath etc… are either wishcasting spergs or cynics playing a numbers game for Trump votes. In either case, they are not helping bring us more White babies and more happy White men & women. Everyone’s at least a little… Read more »
I saw the exchange you had in which you argued for compatibility and bonding by living life and growing a family as being superior to the romantic need for perfection and feverish devotion from the get-go. Absolutely. We’d have gone extinct if we all waited for Mr. & Mrs. perfect. We fall in and out of love (infatuation) as we fall in and out of sickness. We build a deep love (bond) through commitment, shared experience and the joyful and at times not-so-joyful responsibility of raising children.
Z mentioned this on the podcast. Marry a woman who will be a good mother.
I would prefer “you live near good schools, don’t you?”
Pretty much calls out their virtue LARPing.
Hate to play the “NABALT” card, but in my small circle of close friends even the hippiest among them have had their eyes forced open by the plandemic, and the ongoing coup against Trump. Suddenly they’re deep into Q, and realizing how badly they’ve been had by the media. I hear them saying “these fuckers…” in regard to the Fauci the Faceless, and all the lying scum in the media. Yeah, many of my generation are stuck in the ’70’s, but a whole lot are getting a belly full of truth. So don’t write ALL of us off just yet.… Read more »
Today’s article is a great example of what originally pulled me in to being a regular reader. Solid, sensable ideas directed towards the realization of a larger purpose. I need a lot of reinforcement myself to remember not to indulge in gratuitously insulting and demeaning language when in discussions with possible converts. We may not win, we may not be allowed to live in peace, that’s a very real possibility. Every possible convert matters and I think the advice here on how best to persuade is very astute.
“Every possible convert matters” That’s a great attitude to have.
I’ve got my strategy. Recently I’ve been responding to talk about the riots with normie cons by pointing out that I don’t like to see anyone in power abusing their authority, not just white cops beating up black people, but black nursing and hospital staff punching and tormenting older white people (and laughing in one video, as a man slowly strangles to death while begging for help from his black nurse and she cackles). All these Boomers are getting old enough for at least this image of being at the mercy of their enemies to break through the conditioning. Not… Read more »
If someone is posting anti-white, or even anti-racist stuff on social media, you have to come to the conclusion that, no matter how much of a good friend they are, they are not going to be convinced to join the movement. You also have to remember that they will be nowhere to be seen if you get in trouble, or even will join the rage mob. If someone is blaming Antifa, see if you can nudge them further. If someone is on ‘own the libs’ mode on social media, be wary if it’s the type of person who’ll put on… Read more »
If a White is seriously shit posting anti-White material on social media, he/she is a race traitor. How can one work with a traitor? You can’t and if you think you have, think again. You’ll be back stabbed.
If someone is posting anti racist comments on social media, they aren’t your friend. They will let you down and turn on you if the SHTF. They will always seek out the validation of the group. We are entering a stage where the SHTF is far likely more to happen
Stepping back a little, if I may, is this just the latest manufactured crisis? Since Trump was elected we’ve had 1. Kids in cages 2. Russia, Russia, Russia 3. Impeachment, Impeachment, Impeachment 4. Covid, Covid, Covid and now 5. Burn the town down, I can’t breathe.
I’m sensing a pattern here.
The one thing Q said that you can take to the bank: you are watching a movie.
Lately I’ve taken to listening to the stream of the 970 WNYM morning show out of NYC, hosted by Joe Piscopo (yes, the ex-Saturday Night Live guy). Up until a week ago, Joe was just about the most milquetoast centrist civnat you ever heard. This morning, he sounds like /pol/ – yelling about how “white privilege” is a joke, how black people need to clean up their own neighborhoods, how welfare without a work requirement just makes things worse, and how Antifa is a terrorist organization and we need to go crack skulls until it’s eradicated. The left has… Read more »
Bring middle of the roaders where? To a race realist, separatist position? Seems doubtful. Best you will get is a Boomer type “law and order” position. Same stuff I heard back during the first ones I lived through in 67-68. When the fires burned out, all they did was toss more welfare at the problem—but there was never a recognition that the races were different and incompatible in close proximity. What’s different this time? Not much it seems to me. The bad guy is still racism and police brutality, the solution is still more handouts. Yeah, we now have 50… Read more »
Yep. I was just a little kid, but I’ve read a few historical books or documents. (e.g. the Moynihan report is sobering). The only thing that’s changed since 60s is the hair styles and we’re not supposed to call them “negroes” any more 🙂
“The natural frustration you feel with these people is probably more enraging than what you feel with lefty. You know lefty is an idiot, but these people should know better.” This is why I lost friends to the Kung Flu. Real, actual friends I mean, not Facebook buddies or whatnot – in some cases, our friendship went back decades. We used to have great fun laughing at Lefty and his retarded antics… but when the Wuhan Flu came around, these people went Full Karen fast enough to give Soros wood. And now they’re out there denouncing “White supremacists.” I’m not… Read more »
In addition to the respectable conservative problem, over a third of whites under 40 are actively on the other side. Most of them simply need to be written off, as many will never wake up even when the mob attacks them. This does make the process of peaceful separation that much more complicated.
That’s the elephant in the room. Our most formidable adversary is a White person, not a minority. Our best hope is that our vibrancy overplay their hand and alienate those Whites. However, it is never a good plan to depend upon your adversary to make mistakes in a contest. Sigh.
So many of them have totally absorbed the indoctrination they have been taught in schools plus the entertainment industry making hip hop culture seem cool to them. Even personal bad experiences with diversity don’t change the minds of some of these fools. It is tough to know how many have to be written off as lost.
Or the goodwhites overplay their hand, and the vibrancy turns on them. I’m seeing a bit of that, this time around. Let’s have you and him fight it out. Maybe both sides can lose?
Exactly Dutch. White Job One right now is to get out the way and let the orcs and their would-be-masters fight over the scraps we leave behind. Unplug our minds and our money from the collapsing structure and watch it burn from our new locations at the right end of the supply chain where the food and water comes from.
+1, Exile. Quiet observation, from gray concealment on the perimeter, with energy coiled and captured, ready to go.
The Vibrants cannot overplay their hand when their white allies are brainwashed nutbags. The goodwhites are beyond redemption.
Actually, quite a few normies in my circle are getting very redpilled over this. Over guns, and over observing the composition of the rioters.
The LA riots were the redpill moment for me. This will be the redpill moment for a new generation.
Yes – I’ve had similar conversations with people, including my own brother who are close to crossing that great divide. I’ll be helping him select a first gun when this is over.
Can I make a suggestion? Buy the gun(s), but also add a quality air pistol and/or air rifle that fires pellets, particularly for those who’ve never used firearms. Pellets are cheap; air pistols/rifles are quiet. This allows a great deal of marksmanship practice – even in the middle of suburbia – at low cost. My boys have lately been shooting about 500 rounds/week, and they’ve gotten progressively better. Next progression is the .22 but those 550-round bricks have gotten pricey … if you can find them. Best of luck!
Pellet gun up close-ish?
Does the job til they meet the crowbar.
Excellent suggestion, since I know nothing of guns, they’d only get stolen anyways.
(Ladies, go for the eyes, groin, knees, thighs- crowbar optional.)
I’ve never fired one, but I would think paintball rifles would be good too. Maybe bows and arrows for the kids. Crossbow if you’re into LARP. But a Trebuchet is over the top… 🙂
Same. What struck me was those not particularly close to me felt no need to feel me out on the subject, either. Hopes of a white political bloc, which as Z wrote never will include anti-whites, could be realized.
This year’s? 1992? Watts (1965?) You’ll have to be more specific 🙁
Went to work. Was immediately chastised by pajeet faculty woman to wear my mask. The dean had sent the cuckest, most revolting, anti-racist screed i’ve ever personally received. You should see the responses of the usual suspects. “powerful message” “as a faculty of color” etc… I couldn’t quit gagging. I would would say we have descended into farce, but it is more hideous than that.
Sid, that’s minor. My former university has closed a dorm and remodeled it into a COVID quarantine center ready for the Fall resurgence on campus (they had no cases when the school shut down after Spring break). They’ve hired a former Surgeon General to organize and implement their reopening plans for Fall enrollment. Sportsball is still undecided. Love to be there to see if they implement masks for students or attempt to limit class size for appropriate distancing. Everyone is currently taking up to a 20% pay cut, since they decided to bankrupt themselves by closing down. These are supposedly… Read more »
No football this fall means NO REVENUE sports at all. No women’s sports. This is a gift too good to be true.
The left decided a few weeks ago that wearing a mask would symbolize which side you are on. You were scolded for failing the test.
Glad to hear it. I have not worn a mask a single time in Arizona, where I live and practice medicine. I did wear one while working in California in March before I realized that Gell-Mann’s hypothesis applies even to original pandemics. (Love the poster here who called it a plandemic.) My clinic follows the CDC guidelines, which we have posted. For low-risk patients (negative on screening questions and temp check), it is recommended that neither the patient nor the provider needs to wear any PPE. There’s another wrinkle for medical personnel, where the recommendations are less ‘strict’ or ‘punitive’… Read more »
Great post and a great reminder. Its a troll response but I am now an unironic believer in repealing the 19th amendment. 90%+ of the virtue signaling I saw on my normiebook account was suburban affluent white women. Even the supposed conservatives. They parrot every antifa, BLM, and anti-white meme. They lapped up every fake news story and talked about the police like they were featured on an NWA album as opposed to the $60k earning analyst who makes PowerPoints during the day and drives a hybrid SUV that they really are. My girlfriend was starting to post those memes… Read more »
My wife is almost entirely on our side, the excluded residual being that second X chromosome. She has two particular life-long friends who having been hiding under the bed since March surfacing only now to condemn racism. I have long since cut off contact with the husbands, both of who had also been my friends for forty or more years, but she still suffers fools and their shit. Lately she’s telling me that she’s thinking about letting them lapse. When she unfriended by brother I was very supportive, even though it means we’re not invited to the family home… Read more »
Women need to have conversations with friends where they all heap support on each other, or at least pretend to. The extent to which they need this is not well understood by men. If they don’t get this semi-regularly they won’t be happy. She will have to find new friends through clubs, church groups, etc.
I once heard a water treatment operator say he has more in common with a man who wears leaves over the crown jewels than his wife. Ha! Space aliens to each other.
The Z chromosome!
There is some validity to the idea that if you haven’t alienated friends and family, you may not be radical enough. Mother against daughter, father against son or whatever that Jewish Carpenter said 🙂
Z’s patient determination is what keeps me reading! It took me a long time learning to cultivate the same sort of patience in converting others. “The black flash mob phenomenon is grudgingly covered, if at all, and only locally.The national media have been insisting on the theme of the allegedly brutal Minneapolis police department. They said nothing as black-on-white robberies rose in downtown Minneapolis late last year, along with savage assaults on passersby.” Heather MacDonald, for example, still attributes black dysfunction to the breakdown of the black family. But it would be absurd to attack her for… Read more »
The normie idiocy is wearing thin, but yeah I showed some normie comment (“black people are worth defending, white people not so much”) to a relation and although it was infuriating I realized I didn’t sound much different than them 15 years ago.
Well put. A movement or a community requires people. If we aren’t at least trying to attract people, then we aren’t serious about advancing our cause.
“It took a long time for me to learn not to reflexively attack or dismiss others for not being in the same place as I am yetbecause that makes no more sense than me attacking myself of ten years ago for not understanding what I know now.”
Wow. That is good, good stuff.
OT: News from NRO that Sweden’s covid-19 death rate is TEN TIMES THE DEATH RATE OF NEIGHBORING NORWAY.
Let’s see, 435 out of one million Swedes means 0.0435% versus Norway’s 0.0044%.
Sweden must be on the point of societal breakdown for sure.
If they are, it is due to the huge number of migrants, excuse me, “refugees” they accepted in recent years 🙁
I would bet their diversity is over-represented in the IFRs.
Driving back from lunch I heard even Limbaugh going cucky on this issue. He is having group interview with several black morning talk show hosts. I realize Rush is a civnat boomercon but he was not reliably that way and he had some flashes of independence. I guess dying is making him think of his legacy.
Yep. Rush is thinking about the news cycle and obituaries after his death. He very much noticed the carrot in front of him as he watched the favorable coverage of McCain and Bush after they died. You have to love our Dissident writers. Impossible to imagine Derbyshire, Brimelow, Zman etc. ever pulling this “deathbed” redemption faggotry.
Which means Rush didn’t really believe what he preached. I guess I rely too much on my Baptist upbringing which taught if you attempt to live a moral, righteous life, at best you will be disliked and thought weird, at worst you will be martyred.
Observe, analyze, predict, & prepare. Things change slowly until they change very fast. Regular LEOs are inept because most are now fat women and minorities, but the coming Jackboot corp will be bloody ruthless. Sheeple will willingly line up for slaughter, but the rest of us need to fight back. But be smart about it. Simple, secret, solo, and spontaneous. Find a safe haven, go dark, be patient; then focus. The number of bad guys is really quite small and the problem is narrow. Your enemy is not your neighbor.
Simple, secret, solo, spontaneous. We are all told to publicly emote, complain, and accuse. Whatever our broader culture is coaching you to do, do the opposite, for your own good.
It serves no real purpose to punch out a wild-eyed SJW pretending to be a rioter. Move up the pyramid to the power-player that’s paying her a few bucks to go rave in the street. Now, you might can do so good.
…unless your enemy is your neighbor.
One of your strongest posts, Zman, in the purity of its logic and its grasp of reality. Many of my childhood friends are upper class liberals. We’ve kept in touch and stayed interested in each other over the years, but from the beginning of Corona I’ve refrained from communicating with them. Just before it hit, I had had an unpleasant experience with some of them: a “political” exchange where my charity for old time’s sake was not reciprocated, and was abused. (I had a generous exchange in this forum about it with the great Felix Krull, for which I remain… Read more »
Just wanted to sympathize with you. My relationship with my decades-long best friend is the same. He’s liberal and anti-white but in every other respect an admirable and upstanding guy.
We are members of two different irreconcilable religions.
ChrisZ, If you have any children, then think about what your so-called friends’ future would mean for them . . . and then ask yourself, can you really call someone like that a friend? I did precisely that back in ’08 and jettisoned someone who had been a good friend for about 25 years. Cut her dead. My sons matter more. You need to harden your heart, or your progeny will pay the price.
Speaking from deep blue country, I support the Z-Man’s approach of avoidance of and emotional detachment from the delusional white anti-white bird brains. It is a matter of social hygiene. Just get rid of the TV. We live in an upside-down country where politicians shut down “non-essential” businesses and their street thugs burn them down. Perhaps we can take some satisfaction from the assaults on the CNN and Nike establishments.
The great aha dream when people you love and care about say “You know what? You are right.” Hell, it is dream enough to imagine hearing an invitation to converse.
So get the literal and metaphorical bug out bag ready and if/when the time comes say I’m going in 10, come if you choose to. No looking back. What will be lost I guess was lost long ago. From seeing the events and reactions of the last few days what is already lost is incalculable.
Yup. In one sense, the physical and mental bug-out bags having been packed, you get the luxury of deciding who you get to invite along, when it is time to go. That most people are speaking and acting based on the fake world that has been provided to them, they will have no basis for knowing what to do. See you on the other side, with luck.
This is the best thing you have written and that is after a series of insightful and excellent posts. This struck me as particularly powerful: “The white people who instinctively side with the blacks against the whites, are not your people. They can never be your people, because they hate your people. Granted, what drives them is hatred of self, but it is not your job to heal them. These people are driven by the thought of your people living as hated minorities in their own lands. They cannot be saved.” There has been so much time and effort… Read more »
The last moment I had using Twitter was when I realized that I was arguing with a leftist over some YouTube idiot who wore a swastika armband to a rally for some reason. It was in that moment that I saw that the stupidity has a very strong undertow, and political social media is designed around that undertow. It’s not quite as powerful in real life due to the lack of anonymity, but it’s equally worthless. The liberals in my life who I value as friends or family members remain valued for what they bring. We don’t talk politics. It’s… Read more »
“realize it is the moral and proper thing to do.”
Amen, amen, amen!
Antifa: End ‘whiteness’ as a race, stop funding police departments
Every single time.
I’ve mentioned previously that I am A-OK with their plan to eliminate police.
I’m not trapped in here with them. They’re trapped in here with me.
The good news is that the number of rioters is samll even with hordes of good whites to bolster their ranks.
You don’t see Hispanics joining them it’s just blacks, mud sharks, mulattoes and mystery meat. Most crowd are into the 500 range maybe a thousand at most.
They clearly want these riots to continue. As to why my guess is to hurt Trump who is now hiding in the WH looking very weak.and wreck what is left of our economy.
This is war and we don’t get it.
I fogot to add that the police in most cities have been told not to arrest the rioters and just let them do their thing. At least here in Los Angeles county it’s been the rule.
This is why the rioting has not stopped. The authorities from Trump on down do not want the rioting to stop,
You’ve been places and know things. You have stories to tell. “This is war and we don’t get it.”
Amen, Brother. Well…not easy.
Optics, baby
This is good advice, Z Man. I would add that there’s also huge value in talking to people who have disengaged from social media. It’s important not to get discouraged from social media, because too much consumption might lead us to conclude normies are stuck in a “dems are the real racists” bubble. But social media is a hive mind: it misleadingly amplifies a small cohort of virtue signalers, filtering out all those who have given up on the narrative, giving us the impression that those who reject the narrative don’t exist. But they’re out there! For every… Read more »
I operate more simply, because simple is better, IMHO. People who are buying what is being sold to them are not worthy of any sort of engagement. Those who are questioning what is really going on here are the people I want to talk to.
The only news I read is Hate Twitter.
There are tons of factoids and quips, tons of ’em.
Read, not talk. No time.)
the thing i can’t figure out, is why are the dems and their handlers doing this now? this is guaranteed to get Trump elected with a huge mandate, so why do it? and it will obviously be held against the dems despite the msm blowing smoke like crazy. cui bono?
Trump has been such a loser through this what is the point of voting for him? A huge mandate to do what, continue listening to his daughter and son in law?
I think this is about the slow civil war raging on the Left. The old guard, old white and Jewish guard, is giving no ground to the new guard, the new non-white guard. The hard Left is showing they control the streets. They know Trump is a feckless pussy. If he wins, it makes recruiting a bit easier. Otherwise, no big deal. The old guard, on the other hand, wants the White House for all the usual reasons. They have something to lose. Given that Trump has been useless thus far, this probably damages him. It is another reminder that… Read more »
This will be internal struggle for the Dems for a long time to come. Jews and whites on one side wanting power for traditional reasons. Blacks and Hispanics wanting power to inflict racial justice. Indians (and Asians to a smaller extent) trying to become new Jews of the party. Jews and Goodwhites want to run a country fairly similar to what they grew up with, just with Badwhites on a leash. Blacks and Hispanics, however, want a very different-looking country. Indians just want to make a buck. They’ll still hold together because of their mutual hatred/fear of Badwhites,… Read more »
My take is that, now, every various element is simply going all Mogadishu. Grab what they can and what they want, be it power, money, or a set of Air Jordans. There is a vacuum that has been created, by events more than a master plan, and no one knows how to react, so they are just grabbing stuff off the shelves now. Free shit army, indeed.
Trump’s response or lack thereof may have been a final fatal straw for re-election – from dithering on the National Guard to Tweeting about his poll numbers and politicking as Minneapolis burned, to hiding in the White House bunker as joggers staged a War of 1812 re-enactment in Washington.
We Wuz Cheddars, bruv!!
The idea has been floated before that Trump’s tired of this reality show and wants to be cancelled before his next 4-season contract. It’s looking more plausible to me today than it was last Tuesday. He couldn’t do much worse if he was trying.
Or…he’s playing a version of letting you and him fight it out. The yous and hims being state and local Dem governments, the Antifa guys, the goodwhites, and the vibrants. In the meantime, Trump’s people Hoover up the cellphone data, arrest records, cctv records, who put the pallets of bricks in the cities, and, importantly, the money. Trump takes stuff personally, and he’s a vengeful SOB, and I can see him doing all this. We’ll see.
I’ve already posted twice (in this thread, I think!) thinking much the same. The data’s gotta be there, even local or State authorities must have grounds to investigate (if not a Democrat-held city or State.) [I’m making it sound like a war zone! It is sort of…] As I posted above, a master stroke would be to arrest just Goodwhite organizers, throw the book at them. No racism charges would be needed 😀
Exile; Lots of magical thinking on this thread by a number of folks about what P Trump can do about riots in blue cities run by Prog fools. Just for starters, The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the US Military from being involved in local law enforcement. Second, unless a state’s national guard is formally federalized, the state’s governor is in command of it, not the Pentagon. Trump’s tweet about MN was an implicit (and largely hollow) threat to federalize the MN National Guard, putting it under his (very distant) command. But then he’d own the mess and not the… Read more »
Posse Com has been effectively circumvented for the Drug War for decades. Where there’s a will, there’s a way – like I say downthread, if this requires a Constitutional crisis, let it be now over something like this and the public support for “extra-Constitutional” measures would be massive right now. People are far too invested in making excuses for why Trump and government in general can’t do X b/c reasons. Look at how anarcho-tyranny operates and tell me all this process-worship doesn’t help Them camouflage the fact that this system serves Jews first, Shabbos-goys second and orcs third. … Read more »
Personally, I think Trump is doing the right things here. He has the laws you mentioned above about command and control of the various forces on his side and hanging back and letting the cities burn in the hands of weak mayors and governors will show the shitlib whites just what kind of “leadership” they have voted for. If this is his strategy it’s an extension of what he did with the lockdowns. Let the blue state governors wreck their economies while red areas ignore the rules and keep functioning. Trump may pretend when playing “TV-Trump” that we’re all… Read more »
When this quiets down we will see all sides competing in The Great Giveaway. It will make the programs of Johnson’s Great Society seem like a piddling. From here on out all recovery spending will be geared toward almost exclusively Blacks. It will dwarf everything else except for Wall Street’s regular infusions. The white working and middle class will get a pittance no matter what the lock down did to their place and prospects. Whites are in for a nonstop and very rough ride. Most will pray loudly to the expected pieties hoping a public display of servitude may… Read more »
White Supremacy is another name for da Gibs.
Riot Insurance disbursements only equal 28%. Most of it goes to administration, just like the Mafia passing it up the chain.
This is the pretext to come after us, the kulaks.
Covid was the beta test.
I doubt Trump has the polical acumen to pull this off, or even if he did, that the Deep State wouldn’t saboutage the effort. But if he could go after the (probable) Antifa and other organizers of these riots and press major criminal charges, no bail, and/or could subdue the streets without too many fatalities, it would gain him many votes come November. Hell, he could just arrest a bunch of White radicals and escape any claim of “racism”. Win-win. Are you listening, White House?
Probably because they know that they were going to lose the election anyway, so it’s a trial run for the inevitable “Resistance” riots that will follow a Bad Orange Man re-election.
Welcome to the summer of 1859, kids. (And no, not in the moronic DR3 sense)
I was thinking Summer of 1788.
The Sans-Cullotes are certainly out in force.
gonna party like it’s 1859
Check out Blab, Karl. Many of the Dissidents there are effed right off with Trump, because he isn’t doing enough. They don’t seem clear on what they expect him to do though.
I think many of them want Trump to hoist the black flag and start slitting throats for them, so they don’t have to get their own hands dirty. I personally don’t think this conflict will be resolved like that but whadda I know?
I think we will all end up having to fight or make big sacrifices in the days ahead. A country can’t run this way.
We expect him to act like the law & order guy he pretended to be in 2016. Give every governor carte blanche to call up security forces & put federal resources at their disposal. Either sic the FBI on Antifa or better yet, pull them and the DoJ back to Washington so they don’t get in the way of local enforcers who are more interested in saving their cities than playing politics. Instruct military commanders to assist governors and give them a long discretionary leash. The NYPD is the most effective force in America for this stuff because… Read more »
That’s just it, though E. Are we in a position to weather that chit storm? I personally don’t think so. Yet. Consider the chit storm that erupted on Twatter from The Usual Suspects when he threatened to have looters shot. Taylor Swift has every bubble gumming twat in the nation screaming for the Orange Man’s blood. Maybe we’re saying the same thing different ways, but this is what I would do: Give the local chit libs all support they ask for – but the condition is that they have to ask for it, and they have… Read more »
John, you said “They don’t seem clear on what they expect him to do though.” I made that clear. I shouldn’t have to “get my hands dirty” – we have a government that’s supposed to do law enforcement. And if we did “get our hands dirty,” Orange Wussy is going to lead the Tweet-storm to put us in jail like James Fields. Where are we going to get the power to impose the conditions you’re talking about. We’re in no position to tell shitlibs what they “have to” do. You need to decide on a consistent approach –… Read more »
“We expect him to act like the law & order guy he pretended to be in 2016.”
Trump did not expect to win. He thought that running for President would be fun and generate publicity for his other ventures. He is the proverbial dog that caught the mail truck and doesn’t know what to do with it.
I seem to recall that the last time a GOP incumbent faced mass rioting, he lost re-election.
Who was that? Last two I remember was Bush 1 and Ford. Ford of course pardoned Nixon, and folks were still pretty pissed at Rep’s for the Watergate scandal. Bush 1 raised taxes and got us into an unsatisfying sand war. But riots? I’m thinking you must be thinking Dem’s in 68 in Chicago.
Specifically I was think of George HW in 1992, with the riots made famous by that Sublime song.
I don’t remember riots, but regardless he would seem to have been taken out by Ross Perot—who appealed (IMO) more to the working blue class voter than either Clinton or Bush. And history has proven him right, NAFTA screwed us, hurt the peons in MX, and drove the IA invasion off the charts.
My memory is not that good here, so I’ll concede to your analysis.
LA riots where Bush essentially said “I can’t believe that jury saw that tape and voted to acquit.” Thanks for the gas-can, POTUS. Let LA burn.
Considering this nobody has been doing the chatting circuit lately, it’s good to remember what a PoS he was.
I’ve visited LA and several other large cities. For many parts of them, burning to the ground would be an improvement 🙁
I’ve lived in LA on and off for years – there are only maybe a dozen neighborhoods that wouldn’t be better used for crop rotation.
What song?
“April 29th, 1992”
What a bunch of disgraceful wiggers.
I’d post a link but this new comment system doesn’t want to let me.
post-redpill, I still quite enjoy the final verse unironically.
Rodney King riots in L.A.
Ah, yes. That was the riot in which one of the EBMUD employees drove into or got surrounded by the riot in Richmond and lost an eye. Now you know how I woke up!
Those riots, I remember. I simply never associated them with Bush 1. President usually is second to the State gov in suppressing.
By gum, that’s right.
1992. We’ve seen this before, but didn’t recognise what we saw.
(I remember the endless chain of refugees, dirty, hungry, exhausted people in their cars fleeing up the Grapevine.)
Then Maxine Waters sold South Central to rich Koreans, and everyone lived happily ever after.
It was a slum clearance project.
Cui Bono? The usual suspects. They are arranging an election where either Trump wins, and they get another four years of fanning the emotional flames of the stupid and the gullible, or an obvious dementia case wins, with all the chaos that would create. By stirring all sorts of pots in the meantime (pandemic, Russians, BLM), things will be messy no matter who wins. Which means, from their point of view, it’s a win no matter what, and they continue to play their destructive games. The rank-and-file Libs are as much victims and manipulated as anyone else in this. But… Read more »
Unlike the Minneapolis mayor (?) who claimed that White supremacists were stirring up the riots, I suspect that if the Bidet wins in November, that it could really happen. When you think about it, a time to really worry will be if large groups of Whites are rioting in America’s cities 🙁
Certainly not “guaranteed.” The GOP tries to present themselves as the Law and Order party, but Trump is hiding in the White House basement while the country burns to the ground.
For Trump to gain an advantage from this, he would have to be out there doing something productive. Show he’s engaged, at least. Maybe appear nightly on TV with some plans, or at least state over and over that Democrat state and city governance caused these issues.
A normie said to me at the pool the other day (retirement community) that he’s going to vote against Trump ‘just to get out of all the mess that accompanies him’.
I pointed out that the same ‘mess’ will be applied to any politician with an R next to his name. The media has big cans of scandal that they can spray around, tagging politicians they don’t like. Then they point at ‘the writing on the wall’ as evidence that the fellow has got to go.
Uh-uh! Didn’t you hear the Democat Mayor (Gov.?) saying how it is white supremacists leading the riots? I give him points for “false flag” or whatever this kind of propaganda is called! Clearly white Antifa or similar involved but the other side? Dubious.
Some wisdom from the past:
As the Roman Empire crumbled, good men got comfy.
There was a retreat from the public sphere to the private one. “Political quietism” increased. The sentiment expressed by Cicero was common, “If we cannot enjoy the Republic, it is stupid not to enjoy our private affairs.”
Re the ongoing riots. It’ll be interesting to see what if anything Trump does. “Nothing” I’d guess. Are pallets of bricks magically appearing in cities? Yes. Still no word on whether the law is investigating these suspicious activities. All they have to do is show that rioters used the bricks and… There must be surveilance footage to identify what co. delivers the bricks. Where are the subpeonas of construction material suppliers? They could easily trace who ordered the bricks, then there is grounds for further investigations. Conspracy to riot at the least, they could put dozens, maybe hundeds of people… Read more »
Trump’s people don’t telegraph or announce their moves. They are investigating all this stuff, with intent to expose and prosecute, or they are not. We won’t know until later. If they are working it, the last thing they want to do is tip everyone off before they figure out who the big, behind-the-scenes players are, and how to take them down. We’ll see.
“We won’t know until later” What you say is especially true since there has been no indication that the FBI has gathered any info about anything up until now. If there are any charges at all in the future, they will be RICO charges. So if Barr is really going to investigate antifa for racketeering the investigation probably has to start from scratch and will involve months of surveillance.
There’s probably plenty of evidence from surveillance cameras during the riots to trace out exactly who is behind all this stuff. I imagine that one could also investigate some of the medical “experts” and media people for conspiring to destroy the economy and sabotage the elections through the virus panic. Of course a lot of the same types of people, if not the exact same actual people, will turn out to be neck-deep in both. At this point, Trump’s people should have enough evidence to send a good many elite people to Guantanamo for life. I’m sure if they want… Read more »
Thanks for the article Z. ” Divorcing” longtime friends is no easy task. Perhaps our leftie friends are the spouse that was the last to know. We’ve moved on a long time ago , but our liberal friends remain delusional like everything is still the same. As far as the president is concerned think his strategy is working perfectly. Why wade into that shitfest when he can let the governor’s screw up their states even further. ( if that’s possible ). Had to laugh . The mayor of Boston says we need a protest march to honor the… Read more »
Gods I must be evil
I am loving this
I am angry. Anger is an entirely natural emotional response that arises at the approach of impending evil. It either resolves into hope that the evil can be overcome or despair that it cannot and must be suffered. What Zman’s call for sober, almost Stoic restraint ordered to enlightening this or that normiecon fails to address is the sense of futility in the face of inevitable demographic replacement. That futility is antithetical to hope. I’ve stopped asking “Why?” I just want the idiots who make me angry to get it good and hard, as Mencken prescribed. If they can’t wake… Read more »
My struggle with fence-sitting whites is that they’re always a bit late to the party, and then tend to leave early. I’ve seen a few of them over the years react to the likes of Y2K, the Great Recession, and now pseudo-pandemic and feral blacks. A great many of them are my fair-weather allies for the short-term, i.e. as long as the crisis is in the news cycle. Weeks later, though, they’re back to their cuck lifestyle. I’m through with nodding heads that say they agree with me … that’s not an ally worth my time or trust. I’m… Read more »
Cable cutting is an early litmus test of whether someone is really willing to go against the culture. All you can do is make this decision as explicit as possible to these people.
John Galt’s creator used the term “withdrawing consent” or perhaps refusing to give one’s consent, was sometimes the only or the best response to the surrounding madness. Based on your report, I’d say you are withdrawing your consent in a positive way.
“They cannot be saved.”
For all those unwilling to debase themselves like the suicidal whites above, nudge them with this reality:
This ain’t about Antifa or communism!
A friend shared an interesting story out of DC yesterday: the antiwhites burned St. John’s Church, but when one impulsive antiwhite started attacking a nearby synagogue, the rest of them panicked and reined him in. “No, that’s a synagogue!” The attacker hung his head in shame and retreated. Curious how our betters are allowing some things to be put to the sword, but other things are absolutely off limits… And yes, Z is right that this is waking up some normiecons, who we should continue nudging. After all his Arbery delusions, even Matt Walsh was forced to wake… Read more »
That graffiti should be left there for a few years, just as a reminder.
I feel totally in sync with this column right now because this is exactly how I have handled this. One Lefty in my life I did say they are they’re going to blame it on white supremacist just wait and I have not gone back to say see I told you. I just let that sink in. And I feel good I’m done with with all these people’s blindness. And there’s a real peace that comes with it I’m in a good mood
Good teaching story. Thanks! One of my parents must have been a volcano. You remind me to let my boiling mud pots lower to simmer. You and I both recently have been jettisoning the old lefty nutter girlfriends. 2 went down in the last 6 months. One to go. She plays by the rules and doesn’t talk about anything testy…a rare trait for a Boomer Karen. She just likes me and doesn’t poke to watch St Helens blow. I know the day will come when she wades into the fever swamp. I keep her around just to see what and… Read more »
I don’t know if this works according to Z’s excellent instruction on persuasion, but I’ve been having fun with this comment I’m proud to say I made up myself: “Now that the all sports we used to watch are off the TV because of the lockdown, at least we get to be entertained by watching the real-time race riots” I’m thinking about adding: “How long do you think it will be where the Philadelphia race rioters are going to contest the New York race rioters? Who do you think would win? Or we could have a couple of rioting teams… Read more »
I got 20 bucks on the New York Wildings to beat the Baltimore Lagos.
Washington Blackskins?
Jogga, please. They won’t even make the playoffs.
Yesterday my town got cleaned out starting at lunchtime. Cars of youth pulled up (in newish vehicles) and helped themselves to everything but the parking meters. Helicopters hovered all day, but it took about 10 hours for the cops to move in and the NG to appear. These same liberal towns had been willing to crack down in 1992. But looking back on the sixties, there were BSU guys who took over dorms at the Ivys. UCLA had a shooting over the direction of the new black studies dept. There were well-defined theoretical differences between the Black Panthers and a… Read more »
United Slaves, the actual bombers.
Good point- Black Power was built out, then co-opted, just as “drug gangs” are.
Gawddammitalltohell. Maybe you young ones are right, and us old ones need to be turned into food paste. I saw that too: “WTF? Lookit all the white people involved with this jackassery???” Well of COURSE they were staged, you silly old bugger!!! Look closely at those white people: the ones taking part are mostly street people, crackheads, and the usual ANTIFAg fart suckers. In the photo ops showing greater detail and more respectable whites… the vibrants are in much smaller numbers and are properly house trained. Fuggin lame stream media!!! Thanks for the catch on that one,… Read more »
Keep in mind that Antifa is simply the new KKK. The KKK was the public revival of a defunct terroristic secret society of sixty years prior, all dressed up as a Wilson-era Progressive project to do their version of what we now call doxxing and intimidation. Nominally set up to “keep the black man down”, it was a white male group with enough public support to protect its own membership from too much criticism, even as it burned and terrorized people of its own choosing, for its own reasons, and daring anyone to do anything about it. Exchange white shrouds… Read more »
I think the KKK still exists, but you might as well just join the FBI and collect a salary and benefits in the meantime 🙂
As satisfying as seeing Soros die would be, it’s his money that is the root of the problem; and confiscating that to deprive the street theater of actors would probably prove futile. Better to deprive the fire of the oxygen of attention. Actors crave an audience, after all is said and done.
Here’s another aspect of the new normal: every group/company/concern now has to publicly take the sanctimonious side and crow about it.
We’ve all seen the Covid page at every conceivable website. Now they all have to feature some crap about racial justice. Two sites I used to visit regularly, one about Shakespeare and one about rugby, have both had their last visits from me. Today they feature the usual outraged cant and cuckery.
The left has always wanted to get rid of the private sphere in its every manifestation.
Corporate America is owned by the AWRs. They have coopted capitalism.
Liberals are best ignored, but your standard boomercon who lives in a mostly white neighborhood knows why he is there. My dad and I have a variant on this conversation almost weekly, and I always try to subtly remind him that there’s a reason why both of us left the darker parts of the L.A. metro once the opportunity arose. Yes, in all of our ideal worlds we’re all the same, but the truth is that certain groups of people lower quality of life, and that nice couple at church are probably the exception to the rule. I think every… Read more »
So I guess texting “die nigg ers die!” to my family members was a mistake. My bad.
I’m enamored with the nuevo term, “joggers”. I’m using it almost reflexively now. Normies hear it and look at me with puzzled expression. This heightens the effect for me. If they are serious, I explain. Otherwise, just let them think I’ve lost it. 😉
The mention of Pat Buchanan, Vdare, and HL Mencken all in one post is heartwarming. I did not know you younger fellows realized we were fighting the left and the non-whites a long, long time ago. Yes, the far right anarcho-capitalists were happy to be allied with Pat and others like Lester Maddox, David Duke, Ross Perot, or the great one Ron Paul. The blacks and the left-wing crazies have been committing aggression against me for decades on end. It is time for revenge. They say that revenge is a dish best served cold; so let us… Read more »
I recently pissed off one uber liberal cousin by saying “The good news is I respect some Democrats. The bad news is it was Lester Maddox.” 😀
I have met the man, and he remembered me three years later. Lester had a gift shop in Underground Atlanta while he was governor of Georgia (this was 1972) and would show up to sign the axe handles that they sold. I bought one for my father, who appreciated it. Maddox signed it and then shook hands with me and my girlfriend. Three years later I toured the state capitol as part of a college course. Jimmy Carter was governor and Lester was the lieutenant governor. We ran into him in the hall. He went down the line, shaking hands.… Read more »
Wow! Two other people in this thread who knew Lester Maddox. I am flabbergasted.
Being prime geek in extremely technical jobs helped when I was professionally engaged. Over the years, I became less socially entangled with those not in tune with my proclivities. I have been fortunate, in that I was able to find a place that even physically isolates me from the braying crowd of race sycophants. I will argue on social media platforms as a form of entertainment. It is the most fun to demonstrate a knowledge of the rhetorical fallacies in their arguments. You can turn them into spitting, sputtering idiots with only a little effort. If and when they… Read more »
But what if that person on the Left is your own close flesh & blood and you can’t bear to write them off? I will have to perservere but do so more strategically, choose my battles more carefully. Anger got the better of me for sure yesterday, talking about Derek Chauvin, who I think deserves his day in court without the howling mob. It’s funny the image thing, the photograph, just as I’m reading “Amusing Ourselves to Death” by Neil Postman, how much it affects our thinking. We swim in that sea & can’t imagine the truly literate society of… Read more »
OK, Boomer.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. ;-). Boomer here, I agree with you. But also understand this ain’t gonna happen. It’s a understanding that took me decades to inculcate.
No problem, man. Another guilty as hell Boomer. And it took me a long time too but in discrete stages/ identifiable turning points. Waco in 1994 to understand the true nature of our ruling regime, Obama’s 2nd term for racial/ethnic awareness. Having grown up in the South, you’d think I would intuitively understand the latter, but nope, mainstream media saturates every corner of modern life going all the way back to the Eisenhower years. Something one of my grammar school teachers said caused me to correct her (!!!) because I had read it in the back of a… Read more »
FWIW, I’ve noticed that my Leftie relatives don’t hate themselves or their Whiteness, they are simply motivated by fairness.
I come from a family of BadWhites. I strongly suspect the Goodwhite/Badwhite divide has a genetic component to it.
Id be curious to know what other’s experience is.
I don’t know think the right is taking for granted that Chauvin murdered Floyd. They just realize the details don’t matter either way. The state autopsy showed Floyd didn’t die from any injury caused by Chauvin kneeling on him but, again, that doesn’t really matter to anyone. It probably won’t matter to the judge. Don’t write off your flesh and blood. But don’t ever lose your tempter either; and don’t give in to their baiting to get you to “play the role”. Your habit should be to keep quiet when they needle you, or go on an anti-white tirade… Read more »
Wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Chauvin is acquitted. And rightly so.
Henry you have the patience of Job
I do not.
Should our side even be on “social media”? When I’ve asked this question at other places, the answer is “We can’t just leave the field to the enemy.” type stuff, but if you can’t win any real victory on that field, why be there in the first place?
Seems like if white people left Facebook, Twitter, Whatever…, those things then lose all their ability to influence anything.
What’s the proposed alternative? Honest question. Our own online bunkers, IRL?
Our own online bunkers turns into “F**k your optics, I’m going in” pretty quickly.
Its doing the Fed’s work for them.
Does there really need to be an alternative? Didn’t we get along just fine, if not better before Facebook, Twitter, etc?
Yes, absolutely! For better or worse (obviously, it’s worse), that’s where the Normals are. You don’t have to win, simply disrupt. Send “plausibly deniable” signals, e.g. a picture of a Jogger jogging out of Target with a high-end tv, with the caption “I stand for social justice” or something. The goal is to pull them up short, to confound expectations just a little bit. (That’s why “OK Karen” works so well as an all-purpose reply, too. Both Lefty and Normie expect you to at least defend yourself, if not buckle immediately. In PUA terms, this is called “controlling the frame.”… Read more »
There’s a case to be made for letting the not-US have their own social media forums. Dissenting views (like ours) are not welcome. And all but the most determined Polyanna can’t escape the barrrage of real world events that showcase the very issues we used to raise, until we were shown the door. Last week it was 200 “young people” in Daytona FL blocking the street, lying on cars, and shooting each other (5 injured.) The past week, it’s been the ever-popular “Black man dies after being arrested by white officer” (never mind that the officer may not even have… Read more »
Was just thinking this yesterday.
Apply Manosphere concepts to political arguments and you win. Leftists are just shrieking women at their core (both woman and soyboy).
With the understanding that I’m here as a commenter and enjoying all the other writers/thinkers … who has time for Facebook and Twitter? Seriously, what business do productive people have with those platforms?
Z had a good post or podcast about not bothering with the usual back-and-forth on Twitter. Instead, use social media to fish for people who appear to have a functioning brain. Then send them links to blogs or sites which they might find interesting.
I’d argue it’s a waste of time. I gave up on FecesBook 1 1/2 years ago. I’ve tried twitter twice, and it’s too schizophrenic for me. I limit my, er, “wisdom” to limited forums such as here, or maybe ZeroHedge. I occasionally post on Yahoo news, but they quickly run to 2000 comments so not much chance of even reading pithy comments, much less a dialogue. That’s one thing I like with La Cosa Zeta 😀 is that it is at least for now, small enough that even my vitriolic views haven’t been banned. Yet.
I agree: why give them free information where they can track us and our conversations (on FB, Twitter, mostly)? I have chosen not to post on FB specifically, for many months now. All we have to do is get ar res ted once, and our FB pages are fair game. Why provide the free & easy information? Make them work for it. When I get frustrated or angry about…. well… so many choices these days!, I do something constructive, like go for a run, do some gardening, call a (small number of) friend(s), or heck, even my Mom (a boomer)… Read more »