The Immorality Of Immigration

Every ruling elite has certain primary duties. These are obligations that come before anything else. Regardless of the form of government, the rulers  have to maintain things like public order. Being the tribal chief is useless if your people are in chaos. For that matter, having a tribal chief is useless if it means living in chaos. Therefore, one of the primary duties of all rulers in all times and all places is to maintain public order by enforcing laws and local customs.

There are other primary duties of the ruler, like organizing the common defense, that are universal to all forms of government. Then there are primary duties that are peculiar to a people or to a form of government. If the ruler is understood to be a god, then the ruler and his retainers have to maintain that myth.  In modern western countries, protecting property rights and enforcing contracts is counted as a primary duty of the state in order to maintain its legitimacy

One of the more destructive things to happen to America over the last half century is the sacralizing of immigration by the elites. The endless repetition of the nonsense phrase “nation of immigrants” has turned a temporary expedient a century ago into an essential element of the nation’s founding mythology. The fact that immigration is a violation of the state’s primary duty to the people is excused because the immigrant now has a superior place in the moral order.

In a country like America, one that allegedly is built on consensual government, citizenship has great value. In fact, the most valuable thing to a citizen of a representative democracy is his citizenship. The reason for this is that citizenship is an ownership stake in the country. In theory, the American government was voluntarily founded as an agreement among individuals, invested with the power to secure mutual protection and regulate the relations among its members.

If you had the option of selling your citizenship, let us say at some sort of auction, there would be no shortage of bidders. For example, there is no shortage of buyers for the EB-5 visa, which costs $500,000. That is right, you can buy citizenship from the US government. Your citizenship is something of value and therefore, the state has a duty to protect it, just as they have a duty to protect your property rights. This is a primary duty of government.

When the American government hands out citizenship to millions of foreigners every year, it is stealing the value of your citizenship and giving it to someone else. This is no different than a company diluting the value of its shares by selling additional shares. It is why open borders fanatics swear that immigration makes us all richer, despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary. They know it is essential that people believe this as even the sacred immigrant is not enough to justify theft.

The argument from open borders people is that immigration is not just holy and beneficial. It is perfectly legitimate. The trouble is, when 50% plus one vote to rob the 50% minus one, it is still theft, even if it comes after an election. This is why America is not a democracy and it is also why democracy was famously called two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. The very nature of democracy makes it an immoral form of rule because of the theft problem.

Additionally, a primary duty of the modern state is the maintenance of equality before the law. In fact, this is what makes the law legitimate. Not only do all citizens have a say in what laws are passed, but those laws apply to all citizens equally. The very nature of immigration violates this principle. Immigration steals from some citizens for the benefit of foreigners and the connected. This is true for quasi-immigration schemes like guest workers, as well as for permanent settlement.

If the primary duty of the state is to safeguard the citizens, including the value of their citizenship and maintain equality before the law, then immigration by its very nature is a direct violation of the social compact. It makes a mockery of the very idea of consensual government and sows distrust among the people. It is why all mass immigration quickly leads to a breakdown of order, because it erodes the legitimacy of the ruling authority, as the people see they are no longer willing to fulfill their basic duties.

That does not preclude all immigration. It is just that the bar is extremely high. In order to justify that which is naturally and always immoral, the offset must exceed the cost of the deed. Since this is impossible in the modern age, the open borders people have been forced to turn morality on its head, claiming the first duty of the state is to foreigners at the expense of its own citizens. It has turned America into a bust out where the value of your citizenship is stolen.

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6 years ago

A friend of mine tells the story about how his father was adamant about speaking English and not Russian. He said they were now Americans and were to speak English. I heard similar stories about my family and not speaking Czech.
The point is these people knew how lucky they were to be American citizen and acted accordingly. The current elite only want to better themselves, in days past they would have been called traitors.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

When I worked at Grumman Aerospace it was against company rules to speak a foreign language on the premises.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Immigration in the broad sense was still a terrible bargain for America . and while yes folks like you and some others have been good, broadly immigration served to dilute the culture as far back as 1850, put tons of people into the country whose political preferences are illiberal , removed comity and mainly served to fuel the aspirations of the greedy elite Worse baring atrocity of some kind you can’t fix it, political; preferences are heavily genetic That said a new functional sort of hybrid “White” culture made of Europeans can exist. It won’t be that stable or highly… Read more »

Andy Texan
Reply to  A.B Prosper
6 years ago

America in the 2nd half of the 19th century was an ’empty’ continent and could easily take in immigrants. There was only private assistance for the indigent. Immigrants wanted to fit in and were not lazy. It was not a terrible bargain. People are a resource not a burden particularly after the slaughter of the 1860’s. There is virtually no immigration today, only invasion promoted by the progressive elite.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Andy Texan
6 years ago

We still didn’t need immigrants. The fertility rate was six or more children and assuming half died as was common , three would survive to adulthood

Instead short sighted people who wanted cheap labor brought in groups of people who while European did not share the liberty driven ideals of the original founding stock

The Know Nothings were correct

Dr, Dre
Dr, Dre
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

As a young child, I heard my mother and grandmother speak Russian to each other, and I definitely knew when they were talking about me! My Babushka died when I was 8, so I rarely heard Russian spoken again, unless my mother was with some friends who spoke the language. My Dad was a total “Yankee” with all his ancestors going back to England. Everyone from his line got here in the 1600s. For two whole centuries, with no new blood, they settled New England, upstate NY and Michigan, the in one fell swoop in the 1870s headed to Northern… Read more »

Reply to  Andrew
6 years ago

I heard this story probably 10-15 years ago back when the housing boom was going strong and illegals were running around everywhere mowing lawns and swinging hammers. As I remember the story – it was about a Mexican laborer who brought his family here – and was living here “illegally” – but working and supporting himself. He was interviewed locally and basically said: ” I am lucky to be here. I am making a much better living than I could have back in Mexico – and my family is treated much better. I appreciate this place – I tell my… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

“Wanting a better life” is a perfectly valid reason to emigrate. It is not an excuse to jump the fence.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

They leave their countries, but complain about racism in our countries. Their “better life” is a conquest where the future white minority is subjected to a permanent leftist majority government. No country has ever become more rightist as a result of mass immigration.

If they want a better life, pick up a gun and start fighting the cartels. Vote out the corrupt politicians. Stop having kids out of wedlock. Latin America has moral agency.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

That may apply to us as well. I we want a better life should we pick up a gun and start killing corrupt judges and politicians? I think so. Maybe it is time to slaughter our opponents in the streets as well. We are at the point where we can only save our country by taking the law into our own hands.

Reply to  rebar
6 years ago

Shhh! Not so loud!

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

“Wanting a better life” is reason to cheat on taxes, too. See where that gets you.

Reply to  Lorenzo
6 years ago

Muggers just want a better life too.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

That’s what 2A is for. They get a “better life” for about 30 seconds.

Reply to  Lorenzo
6 years ago

“Wanting a better life” is the reason to minimize your tax bill by any legal method available. Cheating on taxes is theft, as things are currently constructed.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Cheating on taxes in a stable functional society is theft. You as a citizen when society in general works properly have an obligation to pay the cost of it. Cost shifting, tax dodges , wage arbitrage all that are fundamentally unpatriotic and unethical. Problem is right now the current society is an Anti White shit show run by looter oligarchs and Leftist nut jobs so the normal rules don’t apply. So such everyone has an obligation to take all he can grab legally. That said hard working immigrants are exactly who you don’t want as neighbors . They need to… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

Government doesn’t create a stable society – the people who make up the society create one. In a country where the government is run by a bunch of leftists who use said government as an extractive mechanism to fund their own bullshit – cheating on your taxes and keeping money out of the hands of your enemies is the most “patriotic” thing you can do.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

I highly doubt that anybody emigrates anywhere in hopes of a shittier life. That may be what they get – but it’s not what they hoped for and wanted.

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Somebody wanting a better life makes sense, and I don’t hold it against him, but that’s no reason to let him live here.

I wanted to bang Heather Graham back in the 90s. That was my idea of a better life. No sane man would blame me for wanting, but that doesn’t mean I could just go ahead without her cooperation. Sadly for me, she had better options at the time. I don’t blame her for that either.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Wilbur Hassenfus
6 years ago

Spot on.

I preferred Mitzi Kapture but you have excellent taste.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

You apparently didn’t read what I wrote. The guy was Mexican – and brought his family here. He told them to respect the country – and told them to speak English in public. He damn well knew that him and his family were going to have a better life here than in Mexico – and didn’t want to fuck it up. I said I can respect him and his urge to have a better life for his family. I didn’t say I’d let him stay here – he’d still go back. And I’d tell him to stay where he came… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

I don’t understand the downvotes. Seems clear to me. There are always special cases that can be argued for, but the rules are the rules. Play by them, don’t game them. (If you don’t like the rules, work to change them, don’t encourage people to break them). I think that is what you are saying. What’s not to agree with?

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Dutch, the issue is beyond rules and beyond the formal organization of countries. As Z pointed out, if we decide to die on the hill of ‘legal’ immigration, the Establishment will simply expand the class of ‘legal’ immigrants. It is a question of blood, and always has been.

Reply to  Ivar
6 years ago

I’m good with zero legal immigration as well. At this point, I’m in for that. But if our rules allow a legal path, I don’t fault the immigrants for following that path. Simply roadblocking the system is the same mentality that is crossing Trump up right now, as the Left extra-constitutionally crosses him up every chance they get. We need to change the rules. We have a great opportunity, right now, to do so. Trump’s ju-jitsu with the Democrats yesterday is our biggest advantage. He’s really good at that sort of thing. We have the public support, it is too… Read more »

Reply to  Ivar
6 years ago

LOL. I completely agree with it being an issue of blood. Seeing as how my blood runs about 90% English / Scottish and is descended directly from the founding stock of this country – I’d say a lot of you guys are playing on very shaky ground. Because the way I see it there’s even a lot of “white” people in this country who come from stock that hasn’t helped at all in keeping the ways of the founders. If I had to point a finger specifically – I start pointing in the direction of Popery…………………. The destruction committed by… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Too many socialist third-world European ethnics try to evade their responsibility for the current mess and hide behind the “white” label. Worse, they point fingers at others and blame them “furren darkies” for the mess. Typical leftist misdirection. Sorry, no sale. The 16 and 17th amendments were passed after the 1880-1920 immigration tidal wave. Ditto for the 19th and the Federal Reserve and the 1968 GCA. Very few darkies around to blame. If you are a “white” with a last name ending in a vowel and you support the alt-right immigration platform you need… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

“We can be nice about it”

I down vote because I disagree with this sympathetic attitude. These beaners know what they are doing. It isn’t just that they are invading (although that’s reason enough). They are hurting people.

Being ‘nice’ is what got us here. We need anything but.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

Mexico would never stand for gringos illegally migrating down South. They learned from the experience of losing Texas to Stephen Austin and friends.

!Gentrificacion para Mexico!

Reply to  Roulf
6 years ago

It’s still possible to be nice – while saying “No”.

It’s when somebody keeps insisting and continues to push and push that you have to resort to “Fuck off” and belligerence.

Unfortunately – it seems the left has pushed the “US is open to all comers” thing so far that Fuck Off and belligerence is pretty much all we’ve got left to stem the tide.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

” working and supporting himself”. What utter nonsense. His kids alone cost in the $20-30 k a year to “educate”. He makes but a nugatory contribution to the degradation of the infrastructure he degrades. He cannot, by definition, if he is illegal, be making legal SS and income tax payments- and is committing fraud on a regular basis- , some poor bastard is likely to find that the Mexican felon has been illegally using his Social Security number.(and good luck fixing that) . Your piece of shit has found it easier to support and rely on the continued corruption of… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

Thank you for putting this issue in the proper framework. And a tip o’ the hat for the use of ‘nugatory’. Haven’t seen this used in decades.

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

And he’d push for social security for his chain migration parents and grandparents even if it means much less for yours, who actually paid into the system, while he smiles in your face and speaks English to placate you. Just human nature, though. Can’t blame him. So…

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Now they spit in the parking lot. Making sure that you see them. It’s their country now, you see. Obama said so.

Reply to  Andrew
6 years ago

The first thing my immigrant mother did when she and my U.S. Army dad moved from France to the U.S. in 1962 was to take English classes. It was absurd (then) to think you could succeed in a country without speaking the language. Every January Mom registered as a resident alien at the Post Office, as required by law. She eventually took citizenship classes and passed her citizenship exam. She had to converse one on one with a judge for a few minutes, and read and write some English before getting final approval. She never spoke French at home as… Read more »

6 years ago

When the other side is perfectly willing to put the lives of children in danger simply to conduct an emotional blackmail campaign against their opponents, you’ve left the orbit of whatever we would define as “moral”.

Having won a brief reprieve on the lie that children are being caged and mistreated, the immigration activists will move on to the idea that no families should be locked up at all, and that they should all be released immediately.

This is a war. Would that more people would treat it as such.

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

There is a financial gravy train for all involved and a boost in the Democrat voting rolls to boot. “Morality” has had little to nothing to do with it for a long time now.

As always, “follow the money”.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

The financial gravy train you refer to is particularly beneficial to three of our religious institutions: the Catholics, Lutherans & Methodists collectively garnered over $1 billion in payments for refugee resettlement services in the latest year for which figures are available (2016 if I remember correctly).

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

I have a dream – loaded cattle cars heading south

Slovenian Guest
Slovenian Guest
6 years ago

And there’s so much fake crying on TV that i first thought Kim Jong-un died!

Reply to  Slovenian Guest
6 years ago

We have names for many categories of government. For example, plutocracy is rule by the rich and kritarchy is rule by judges. What is the word for rule by the most emotional? Fagocracy?

Auntie Analogue
Auntie Analogue
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Rule by the most emotional? Lacrimocracy.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago


6 years ago

“The state is now in service to foreigners.”

You meant: “The state is now in service to (((foreigners))).”

You’re welcome.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

“Jews have been at the forefront in supporting movements aimed at altering the ethnic status quo in the United States in favor of immigration of non-European peoples.”

Andy Texan
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

The State is really in service to Billionaires and their puppets in government. Billionaires see themselves as a global aristocracy and borders must be ended to bring in the one world order.

Occams Toothbrush
Occams Toothbrush
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

What’s with the ((( )))????
Are you afraid to say “Jews”? What will happen to you if you do?
Is it thought to be clever to post anti-Semitic slurs in a juvenile code?

6 years ago

I’ll take the simpleton Starbucks argument, with the immigrants being the ones using the bathrooms for free. The customers (the middle class) will flee and the shareholders and executives (the elites) will eventually suffer.

“But some of those freeloaders using the bathroom are really nice people”.

David Wright
6 years ago

Agreed that is democracy even a representative republic is really flawed. It is wholly dependent on the quality of citizens and their values. Just think if women couldn’t vote, property ownership or some vested stake in the system was also required. Oh, I don’t know, like it used be in ancient times. That and vigorous enforcement of immigration laws, a moratorium on said laws for a few decades and then ethnically biased in favor of European lineage. Finally, no partaking of any government subsidies, welfare, SS for five years. I’ll take even part of that. It is a dream I… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
6 years ago

I can remember as a kid, about 12 years old (early 1970’s) being surprised and puzzled to learn that we still had immigrants entering the US. I knew history fairly well for a kid, and understood that we needed immigrants in the past when the country was a wide open frontier and we had to settle the land. I couldn’t understand why, now that the US was now settled, why we still needed immigrants. I still don’t.

6 years ago

Exploiting fresh immigrants at the dock has been an ongoing scam for almost 2 centuries. The Democrats seem desperate to make themselves into a modern Tammany Hall operation that meets immigrants at the border and immediately gets them registered to vote in exchange for some of my cash they took by force.

Immigration, like so many other things in the government, is just another grift. I like the “diluting the value of my citizenship” argument as well as misdirecting my tax dollars.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

So much ignorance. The ‘dilute’ argument is pure crap. Usually when companies raise capital diluting the share value, they get benefited i..e more capital to invest into hiring or buying equipment. So it is a trade-off, that is expected to benefit the company overall if done wisely. Immigration (legal and controlled) is similar. I really fail to see how letting in more people dilutes anybody’s citizenship.

There are lots of other valid arguments to be made against immigration – legal and illegal. But this is one of the dumbest ones I have heard.

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

When companies raise capital to invest it, they do so because they are confident they can use that capital to earn a return on that invest above a given rate. That’s what the stockholders and directors expect of management.

What rate of return do you expect on a truck full of Central Americans or a boatload of Somalis? A few may pay off but on the whole I say they are diluting and devaluing my citizenship.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

That doesn’t matter to many businessmen. Social costs are irrelevant compared to the bottom line. Besides he knows full well the state will subsidize his insatiable need for cheap labor via welfare. Wal-Mart does the same thing. They pay so low, when they hire you they give you(or used to) a application for welfare. IOW Wal-Mart has shifted costs to the state. This should be illegal as hell but isn’t. Increased taxes from socialized costs? No problem, he just passes it on to the customer. That said, I live in Southern CA, outskirts of Los Angeles, which is ground zero… Read more »

6 years ago

Just can’t believe the amount and quality of output from Zman. It’s like there’s a Christmas present on my computer almost every morning. You wonder if he’s clinically hyperactive or on amphetamines. I feel like we should be paying for this stuff. The great pleasure it brings, yet it’s free. Doesn’t seem right. Wish he’d set up a donation button or something.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Z is at least partially of Russian stock. My business partner and some distant relatives are similarly configured. Intelligent, persistent, stubborn. And don’t cross them, it wouldn’t be pretty.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

It’s something I’ve thought about Europe’s suicide. There’s a resurgent Nationalism and Patriotism in Eastern Europe. Think what you will of Putin but he has made Russia a big player on the World stage. The native Birth tate has been consistently increasing. Up until Brexit, Trump and the Populist surge I always felt Europe’s future was demographic Dinducide or Detroiting, Russia’s trophy wife or islam’s prison bitch….. And I for one would Welcome our Slavic Over Lords,

Reply to  Shane
6 years ago

There’s a resurgent Nationalism and Patriotism in Eastern Europe.

In Western Europe too. In most of Continental Europe, anti-immigration, anti-EU countries are skyrocketing in the polls. They’re in government in Norway, Austria and Italy, and populist parties poll second in Denmark, Holland and France. In Sweden, hitting the booths in September, the Sweden Democrats are set to become the largest party in Sweden.

The only Western countries without strong populist parties are the Anglophones.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
6 years ago

The Anglosphere is the area most under the political control of the banksters.

Wilson McWilliams
Wilson McWilliams
Reply to  Shane
6 years ago

>>>I for one would Welcome our Slavic Over Lords

My ancestry is Swedish, and at times I feel damned ashamed of it.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Great, I am sure then that he is putting his money where his mouth his and self deporting back to Russia. Russians were NOT among the founding racial stock of this country. Since the OP obsesses over blood and soil, he can start by deporting his non- true American self back home.

Same goes for the Irish and Italians. BTW, both were considered non-white when they immigrated over to the US.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

Your stock exists because it exterminated all the original native European males several thousand years ago and kept their best looking women for themselves. Then yo mama got the same treatment in turn from invaders by way of what is now Russia, so Zman is quite at home, thanks. Talk to your mama about how this all works so it doesn’t happen to you, chump.

Reply to  james wilson
6 years ago

Sorry, cuck boy. Maybe doing yer mama has made yer brain soft, but your post is total gibberish. No Habla Ingles? Let me say real sloooowly it so that even a low-IQ type like yourself gets it

“Russians are NOT European and have no right to immigrate into the US, going by the rules favored by the alt-right. There the OP should leave this country going by his own rules”. Comprende?

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

Don’t be too butthurt. No one expect you to keep up with DNA mapping.

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

There were some Russians in the northwest and Alaska actually. Moreover, there were a ton of highly talented and productive Slavs such as poles and Czechs in the Midwest, including Nobel prize winners.

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

The dividing line for which immigrants are good for the country is not where they come from per se, but whether or not their tribe takes welfare and votes for socialism.

Reply to  DLS
6 years ago

Which is why I made the previous comment about the Popery crowd. As UpYours pointed out: The Irish and Italians weren’t exactly welcomed by the natives when they first arrived. And if MA politics are any indication: The Irish aren’t exactly freedom lovers. Teddy Kennedy’s little immigration bill is a huge piece of the puzzle as to why we are where we are today in regards to immigration. As far as Russians go: I know a number of Russians who came here as soon as they could get out of Mother Russia’s commie madness. I don’t know if it’s something… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Well said, sir. Finally, a voice of reason.

6 years ago

Once the Founding Population found itself in minority status, the rest was inevitable. Foreigners never ask “Hey, how come my home country can’t adopt the policies that made the USA what it is?” They just want to come here and live as “XYZ” culturally while reaping the economic benefits that accrue to Americans. We’re dopes for allowing it to happen.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

The Trump GOP has staked its claim to winning elections on the basis of increasing wages (via the restriction of immigration). Paul Ryan laughably promoted the tax cuts as leading to wage gains, when the immediate reaction was stock buybacks with the repatriated foreign profits.

Unless the GOP delivers the immigration cuts, the median voter will notice that the Dems are promising free healthcare and univeristy and an effective doubling of minimum wage ($15), along with a link to productivity ($22).

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

You can see the parallels with the Brexit vote in the UK. The Leave campaign won by arguing that the UK funds to the EU would be spent on increasing the NHS budget. This has yet to happen, if it ever will. The Sharia May government isn’t helping by announcing that any foreigner is allowed to settle in the UK if the agree to work in the NHS for a certain time.

6 years ago

If I had a time machine I’d go back and pick that feckin cotton myself.

Reply to  thud
6 years ago

No, you would not. You would go somewhere else. The reason blacks were brought over to the South was because it was too damned hot for Europeans. It still is. And thank God for air-conditioned farm tractors.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Plenty of redneck HS kids didn’t know it was too hot for many years. They used to pick and haul watermelons and other fruit from the fields down here in Florida in the middle of July.

I know because I was one of them.

I’m sure today’s kids have been informed that the heat is really too much for them to bear, and migrants do the work instead. But the word hasn’t gotten out to the numerous white guys who make their living down here doing landscaping.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Pretty sure I would!

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

The single greatest difference between 18th century New England and the South was disease. Lifespan in the north 65, 41 in the South. But yes, cotton and sugar cane ruined a good thing.

6 years ago

One argument that I have used against the pro-immigration lunatics is the following. It follows a somewhat different line of attack than what you used in your article We have a government – that claims sovereignty over a very specifically defined territory on planet earth. You can demonstrate this by going to multiple places along the US – Canadian border – just by simply stepping over a line. On one side the line you are subject to US law – on the other side of the line you are subject to Canadian law. There are other places in the world… Read more »

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
6 years ago

Everything you write is painfully obvious to those of us with more than two brain cells to rub together, unlike one of my Fakebook “friends” I had the displeasure of engaging with yesterday. This whole border situation makes me very angry. I can’t really say how much, as I don’t want to leave a paper trail of said anger.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
6 years ago

That as a good post Z-man, and there have been several good comments so far today. Good on everyone. But here is the thing that we normally leave out. From my looking at the results of genetics and heredity research for the last 4 decades, I see that who you let in is very important. With the population size of the USA, I would say we don’t need to let anyone it. But if we do let people in, should they be low-IQ Africans or Germans? (just to pick a contrast) I realize that it is just an old country… Read more »

Fritz Geiger
Fritz Geiger
Reply to  Mark Stoval
6 years ago

If you mean the Middle Eastern Studies Association, you’re wrong.

6 years ago

Great post. Additionally, any citizenship that is extended to outsiders should be auctioned off, and the proceeds given to current shareholders, i.e., American citizens. Nobody should get it for free.

Unfortunately, the prog view is “It is time to deliver the final blow to the tolerance of birthright by allowing people to choose the countries where they will live,” says Jackie Stevens of @NorthwesternU. This is just warmed over Marxism — the view that bestowing benefits to our progeny is illegitimate.

6 years ago

Some great lines in there! I was thinking similar thoughts the other day, hinging around the notion that citizenship in the US in Europe has a much higher value than other places in the world, simply because one gains ownership of a basket of goodies attached to citizenship(or even simply physical presence in some cases such as ER care). One can attach a very literal percapita price tag to these citizenships. That was not the case pre 1950, virtually anywhere. Yet in places such as Malaysia they only have birthright citizenship. Even relatively “primitive” peoples understand the value of citizenship.… Read more »

6 years ago

In 1983 Denmark was under pressure to get a new law for foreigners. The law was almost written by a prof. of law that also was chairman of refugee organisation in Denmark.He wanted “human rights laws” into the danish law. He was a professor in “normative law” or how the world and humans “ought to be”. A commission was put down to advise the politicians in relation to that pressure to get a new law. The commission was lead by a former high court judge. They advised to decline many aspects of the law. The judge wrote that the human… Read more »

Reply to  Thorsted
6 years ago

Denmark is nowhere near 20% non-Western. It’s somewhere between 5-10%

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Those numbers include 50% Europeans – most of them other Scandinavians, Germans, Poles and British.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
6 years ago

I had to look them up because their is so many figures coming around and some are high because they related to the under 15.old and is a prognosis.The figures from 2014. 17% of the population have immigrant background and most is from the west. 410.000 or 7.2% of the population had non-western background.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Of the ~570K foreign born, more than half are non-white.

Which lands you somewhere about 5% of the population.

The reason you so often see exaggerated numbers, is a mirror phenomenon to the lefties underplaying them: sites like Breitbart and counterjihadi sites make money off disaster porn, they’re basically selling the Europe Is Doomed-narrative, so they boost the numbers as much as the MSM tries to hide them.

Reply to  Thorsted
6 years ago

Putting “human rights” into law is a bad decision. It really fucked up the French Revolution. We’re lucky our mistake was in the Declaration of Independence. Whenever someone, Lincoln comes to mind, uses the Declaration as a justification for political action saying that it is the organic law of America, people end up dead, either here, or overseas, but always Americans.

6 years ago

In fact, the most valuable thing to a citizen of a representative democracy is his citizenship. For example, there is no shortage of buyers for the EB-5 visa, which costs $500,000. A very neglected aspect of immigration, particularly in Europe: an African living in Africa is, let’s say, a couple of thousand dollars worth all told. Move him to Europe, and suddenly he can afford a comfortable house with all modern amenities, schooling for his children, healthcare, and a range of secondary welfare benefits. Also, he can suddenly afford a whole range of consumer goods previously way beyond his means.… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Felix_Krull
6 years ago

At some point we are going to be paying these people to leave. It gives me no pleasure to say it, but it would be easier than forcibly denaturalizing millions which risks years of civil unrest, at best.

I understand the Soros Foundations have a endowment valued at 20 billion. That could pay 4 million invaders into Europe 5,000 dollars to leave and never come back. Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos also have large fortunes and foundations that could be expropriated for patriotic ends.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

At some point we are going to be paying these people to leave.

Absolutely. And the pay-up bit is very important. The tax payers voted for the traitors who opened the gates, they need to be punished lest they don’t learn the lesson.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Felix_Krull
6 years ago

In WW2 we sold war bonds, regaining our self-determination means we must sell “repatriation bonds”. This would be a good way for Hungary and Poland to get out of Brussels’ dog house. Time will tell if their populations will consent to giving up EU development funds in exchange for those funds being rerouted to paying invaders to go back.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

Put a bouny on illegal aliens and let free enterprise take care of the problem. First comment anywhere.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

Who the hell is this “we”? What happens if I use sweat and blood and ashes as my currency?

The real issue with de-legitimizing the government is that people seek stability. When the idiots in charge manage to destroy all their credibility the masses will swarm to the next Marat, Robespierre, etc.
Or the moustache, that would do nicely.

We need to kick apart the bubble wrapped culture of therapy and have ourselves a productive little k/t extinction event , where effeminate idiocy features heaviest in the fossil record.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  LFMayor
6 years ago

Sure thing Uncle Ted…

james wilson
james wilson
6 years ago

I wonder when the Z-flow is going to run dry, but it never does. It is hard to imagine the end of the US because it is all we know and because a thousand years of history was conducted in so short a time. But the flywheel of vices and virtues that formed a remarkable nation have inevitably eroded and defects of it’s character, like defects of the face, grow with age and are incurable. The best people try to keep this apparition on life support and the worst try to end it. They don’t have any idea what they… Read more »

Edward McCameron
Edward McCameron
6 years ago

Figgered I’d better just make this a general comment. Without johns, there are no hookers. Jail time for hiring illegals. And can we get some ME majors to invent mechanical harvesters for more crops? Seriously, we don’t have migrants digging taters, I live near the farm where the mechanical tater harvester was invented. Combines handle grains. How hard could it be for a couple of smart ME guys to team with some Agronomy majors to mechanize everything else? Maybe some CSci boys as well, so we can do for berries and tree fruits. And how is it that we can’t… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Edward McCameron
6 years ago

Closed borders is apparently the N Asian decision. Japan, S Korea, China take no permanent immigrants (to speak of) despite having so-called bad demographics. Why_?

Loyalty to their own people, I’d say.

Plus, it’s pretty obvious that robots obviate the need for low skilled workers, even in Ag, as you say.

Makes you ‘wonder’ what’s going on in the West.

active pooter
6 years ago

america is not a democracy because congress promises what the voters want and then do not deliver… in the early 2000s the gop gained control of all 3 branches by promising smaller gov’t and school vouchers….did they deliver? No…why not? because they get paid by big business to NOT deliver on populist promises…is that democracy? NO. in 2008 the dems gained control of all 3 branches by promising single payer healthcare….did they deliver? No…why not? because they get paid by big business to NOT deliver on populist promises…is that democracy? NO. in 2016 the gop gained control of all 3… Read more »

6 years ago

Another thing: Zman in effect makes the case that true civic nationalism / constitutional conservatism REQUIRES maintaining the integrity of the border. Should we really let the David Frenches of the world get away with arguing the reverse?

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

solution: tell any country that is sending illegals here, we will flood their country with weapons and training for their own American style revolution. take over every country this way.

El Eff
El Eff
6 years ago

Excellent post ZMan. Ace of Spades, today, linked to a post over on PJMedia written by Raymond Ibrahim entitled “The Folly of Multiculturalism” – dated June 19 2018. Compliments this article and is worth the time of those who “imbibe” here – some of whom, I’m sure, do so in a genuine effort to understand WTF is going on!!

James Guest
James Guest
6 years ago

I’ve read the phrase “nation of immigrants” gradually spread after JFK authored a book titled, A Nation of Immigrants. No one even spoke of such nonsense before then.

Auntie Analogue
Auntie Analogue
6 years ago

“The trouble is, we don’t live in a democracy.” Z-Man: BINGO! In fact, we no longer live in a representative republic either. Our supposed “representatives” who have the sole constitutional power to make law, – ignore us ordinary Americans as they along with the $ellout judiciary openly, brazenly rig the system against us, as you concluded your essay, “for the benefit of a few.” There is no way for us ordinary Americans to vote our way out of this ongoing Perpetual Mass Immigration disaster, and there is no way the rigged system will allow for the formation of a third… Read more »

J Clivas
6 years ago

“nation of immigrants” might sound good, but today’s “nation” is not what it was a century

6 years ago

I’m reading a book on the Incas right now. They maintained strict control over their society. Normally I would find that unappealing….

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
6 years ago

“Therefore, one of the primary duties of all rulers in all times and all places is to maintain public order…” Meanwhile, back here on planet Earth, what the rulers actually do, is look out for their own interests just like the rest of us do. The so-called “duties” are just a load of crap put out by their propagandists, to keep us peons believing in that old time Government Religion. The peons can’t actually get rid of the bums who do not perform their duties, which is why those duties are just a figment of our imagination. But it is… Read more »

6 years ago

>”In all times and all places, the people in charge have certain primary duties, obligations that come before anything else they like to do.”

Zu jedem Zeit
An jedem Ort
Bleibt das Tun
Der Menschen das gleiche

6 years ago

Looks like the white American code monkeys love them illegal aliens

Next time, any white code monkeys start whining about H1B’s, I will make sure to rub this article in their faces

Reese T. Gifford
Reese T. Gifford
6 years ago

You guys need to read Nikoke Hannah Jones

America needs more diversity

It is appallingly white

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Reese T. Gifford
6 years ago

If The US is too white, perhaps you should move to a less white area, Africa would fill the bill, no?

Reply to  Reese T. Gifford
6 years ago

Trans orbital lobotomies await for all supporters, too. We will send an army of shamblers back, much as Basil the Second returned the Bulgars to their home.

David Wright
Reply to  Reese T. Gifford
6 years ago

Just another troll from Tiny Duck.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  David Wright
6 years ago

At least he is somewhat amusing.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Reese T. Gifford
6 years ago

If its so White why are you here? Zimbabwe is calling, go now and be happy among people of color.

That said I’d be happy to make the nation purely White just to keep the POC’s from suffering, They leave, we keep the land and both of us win

We call out nation “The United States” they call there’s “America” and that America is no longer appallingly White as you put it

We Whites can suffer alone.