The Wrong Stuff

A regular feature of the news, going back decades, is how the military is struggling to meet its enlistment goals. One reason for this is the Left’s antiwar past, which is a big part of their origin myth. The geezers in the cult still continue about how they protested the war in college. There is also the fact that the Left needs to believe the tide is turning their way and the people are rushing to their banner. That means the sort of white men who join the service are in decline. The result is regular stories about the lack of recruits.

The thing is though, volunteer armies do not have a great history. In the French Revolution, there were lots of people ready to fight for the revolution, but nowhere near enough to man the massive armies required to fight the rest of Europe. Wide-scale conscription was necessary to meet demand. The same was true during the Napoleonic Wars. In the 20th century, both world wars were fought with conscripts. For example, 70% of the US soldiers were drafted, despite massive public relations efforts to get men to enlist.

America has been running the world with a volunteer army for about fifty years now, but the cost has been enormous. Official spending numbers put the defense budget at about $600 billion per year, but lots of stuff is off-budget. The microprocessor has also been the great force multiplier. The United States has the most technologically advanced war machine in history and a fighting ethos to go with it. That just raises the cost of operations, relative to the overall fighting strength, in terms of manpower and material.

As a result, there is a general consensus that the current US military configuration is inadequate to continue ruling the world. This is a big part of Trump’s push to delegate some of the tasks to Europe and Asia. There really is no reason why the EU countries need any support from the US to police the Continent. The Russians have nukes, but the bear is poor, and the people are in no condition to fight a war. In Asia, the Japanese and South Koreans could do much more to help deal with Chinese aggression.

There is another problem though, one that the Europeans have, but are not willing to acknowledge. That is the lack of men willing and able to fight. This is problem American warmongers are beginning to notice in America. Right-wing Progressives are noticing that the struggle to meet enlistment goals are not just rhetorical. The military is struggling to find young men willing and able to do the work of a modern soldier. Those with the talent are wising up to the reality of this age and the rest simply have the wrong stuff.

For starters, the sorts of men excited about taking orders from a girl are not the sorts of men you want fighting your wars. That only works in Hollywood propaganda. That propaganda, however, has had an impact on the culture. As a result, a decreasing number of men are physically able to meet the minimum requirements. A boy who spent his formative years playing video games and being asked if he would prefer to wear a dress, is unlikely to have the ability to make it through basic, much less be a good soldier.

Then you have the fact that white guys are starting to figure out that the government is their enemy, so signing up to fight for the government is not in their interests. Part of it is the fact that the public has figured out that the neocon response to 9/11 was a scam. They did not care about keeping the country safe from Islam. They only cared about keeping Israel safe from Islam. Importing millions of Muslims after 9/11 did not go unnoticed. A volunteer army relies on patriotism to fill the ranks. Fighting for strangers does not cut it.

There is also the fact that whites are getting wise to what’s happening and public trust is plummeting. A volunteer army not only relies on patriotism, but it relies on civic duty. It is why we still call military service a duty. Some still call politics “public service” even though no one is so naive these days. The point is, like patriotism, civic nationalism is a social contract. Both parties have to uphold their end of the deal in order for it to work. It is why blacks lack patriotism, and they have never been willing to join the military.

The black issue is one to understand. We are constantly bombarded with propaganda about the heroic blacks in the military, but blacks have always been underrepresented in the services. Blacks, of course, are leading the charge against the national anthem. It is not just a stunt by coddled athletes. Blacks in America have never felt a sense of duty to the country, which makes perfect sense, given the nature of black identity. If you see society as dominated by the people you hate, why would you feel loyalty to society?

Then you have the much-celebrated browning of America. As of the last census, the majority of people under-18 are non-white. By the next census, it will be distinctly non-white. War fighting is a young man’s game. A military built to run on smart white guys with a sense of duty is not going to function when it has to rely on non-whites, who despise their host population. Inevitably, the military is going to start looking like a Chicano version of Stripes. No one says it, but everyone in charge sees the problem.

The response will be a greater reliance on high technology, but the cost of the robot warrior goes up faster than his effectiveness. No one bothers to notice that the space age war machine of the Unites States has been fought to a standstill by cave dwelling archaics in Afghanistan. Trillions have been spent trying to outsmart the locals and the graveyard of empires is going to win anyway. In the end, there is no replacement for human capital and there is no way to replace the premier human capital with cheap knockoffs from overseas.

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6 years ago

No one bothers to notice that the space age war machine of the Unites States has been fought to a standstill by cave dwelling archaics in Afghanistan. The issue there isn’t an inability to win, it’s an unwillingness to do what what would be necessary to win. What would be necessary would be to virtually exterminate the native Afghan population, because today’s friendly villager is the guy detonating the IED under your MRAP tomorrow. It’s a guerrilla insurgency that is indistinguishable from and often interchangeable with the ordinary population. There’s no stomach for that in Modern Western nations, even though… Read more »

Mississippi Rebel
Mississippi Rebel
Reply to  Cloudbusterj
6 years ago

I agree, to quote an ancient Roman, “Let them hate, as long as they fear.”

Reply to  Mississippi Rebel
6 years ago

I also agree. If we aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to win then just claim victory and leave. We have more important wars to be fought against the Left at home.

Reply to  Hoagie
6 years ago

We’re losing, and we are going to leave if Trump can escape the control of the military for long enough.

Reply to  Hoagie
6 years ago

True- but “win”, what, exactly?

Some bacha bazi, maybe?

(I know you’ve asked, all here have asked.)

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
Reply to  Cloudbusterj
6 years ago

But who will guard the poppy fields to ensure the opiate crisis continues? Intoxicants are forbidden in Islam. If the Taliban retakes Afghanistan, they’ll destroy the poppy fields, again.

Can’t have that…

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Mr. Frosty
6 years ago

no poppies were harmed in the making of this fenytol.

Reply to  Cloudbusterj
6 years ago

But if we exterminated the Afghans, who would raise the poppies for the deep state? And who would provide the excuse for the next trillion dollar budget?

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

Fentanyl and other synthetics. Growing poppies is so 20th century.

Reply to  Cloudbusterj
6 years ago

An enraging observation is that while our military fights muslims with exquisite delicacy and self-defeating rules of engagement, it will go full Dresden on us when the time comes.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

We kill muslims in the middle east.

We import muslims to our homelands in the west and support them in comfortable lifestyle with our tax dollars.


Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

It makes no sense. But OTH, why would immigration or strategy make sense in a country where significant numbers suddenly believe your gender is a choice?? Leftie is not working from a master plan ‘ze’ understands. Leftie is nuts, utterly nuts. But PC MAY be a master plan, to Titanic all of our asses (Frankfurt school and all that)

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Lefty whites and non-whites are 62% of the population. They are the majority now, yer darn tootin’ it’s a Plan

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

I doubt non-whitie will spare leftie whitie when they are the majority. So while there may be a plan I dont think leftie whitie has really thought this through. I think they re just cultish nutjobs. But, so are we in a way, for letting them do this w/o us raising hell.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

When the war with Iraq started most of the right wingnut people I know argued incessantly about how we needed to fight the war to defeat the Muslim terrorists. When I asked them the simple question of why then the border wasn’t being sealed tight as drum to prevent said terrorists from getting into the country – the typical response was something along the lines of : ” because we’re going to fight and defeat them over there!!” This was LONG before gender confusion was a mainstream thing – and this was ALL coming out of people who call themselves… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

That brand of progressive of whom you write probably jerked off to McCain photos.

Mark Taylor
Reply to  Cloudbusterj
6 years ago

We don’t need a Genghis Khan approach. Afghanistan, like many countries is filled with very stupid people. Our country thinks a place with very stupid people can have a democracy. It is their only idea. What it needs is a ruling elite, or a feudal system. Partition off economic sectors where the rulers have a vested interest in their allocation of idiots being productive. Ensure they have the means to keep them in line. South Africa is filled with some of the dumbest most violent people on the planet and still became a first world country through a ruling elite… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Taylor
6 years ago

They had a peaceful dynasty until 1973. The king actually used ham radio every night, calling each province, to check on incidents such as traffic accidents. (Peaceful, because Queen Victoria had sent wave after British wave of attacks in retribution for the Khyber Pass massacre, 1853.) Then the Afghan Marxist Party (USSR) overthrew the dynasty. It didn’t lead to the stability of Ba’ath national socialism. The Nasser movement stabilized the region; the ummah can function under pharoahs- strongman socialism and tribal parliaments- but it’s not ready for “democracy”. 1973 led to 1975 (Beirut), then to 1979 (Iran and Afghanistan). Ayatollah… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Mullah Omar and his Taliban were a puppet regime emplaced by Pakistan. Not a shot has been fired in Afghan that the ISI didn’t know about. Pakistan pulled a milk-and-bilk strategy of pretending to fight the fictional “al-Qaeda”, while splitting the American funds with their loyal gangs. (Al-Qaeda, “the base”, started as a list of missing and wounded fighters; it became a database of payoffs and recruiting. Bin Laden was the US weapons middleman for the mujahideen; wives complained to him that they didn’t know where their husbands were, so he started a list.) Omar was bin Laden’s maternal uncle.… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Cloudbusterj
6 years ago

What would be necessary would be to virtually exterminate the native Afghan population, because today’s friendly villager is the guy detonating the IED under your MRAP tomorrow Yup. One interesting if uncomfortable (at least to me) red pill is that genocide works. Compare South Africa to Australia; in one place the non-whites were allowed to breed to their hearts content, in the other they were moved to the most desolate desert outside Sahara. And today, whatever Australia’s problems, Down Under whitie is not about to have his land, rights, etc taken by the Aboriginals. But I agree, we re not… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

I DO NOT want whites to own another genocide Narrative.

(I know you don’t either, even with it’s record of success.)
Pushback and Quarantine are the way.

Deportation? HA! Out of the question, with the Holocaust Narrative still firmly in place. That narrative can be recycled forever.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

I agree about not owning another genocide narrative (although we re probably gonna get one anyway, facts not being leftie’s strong suit). I think deportation is sometimes necessary, especially at home. In Afghanistan, honestly WTH are we doing there? What is the end goal? Unless we deport all the Afghans to, say, Yemen and deport all the Norwegians to Afghanistan, it will remain a shithole whatever we do or dont do. And Yemen would then be a double shithole, the Yemen SH and the Afghanistan SH. But, maybe we should try to move all SHs into one place, then seal… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Not worried about genociding others. Sometimes, it’s part of or most of a good plan. Worried about Western Civ.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

What about the genocides that the zionists committed and still commit to this day in service of the rosthschilds corporate/military colony known as the terrorist state of israel? Not to mention the madness of the talmudics?


Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

The Soviets …almost…. found the solution to Afghanistan: kill all of the Afghans, level the villages, poison the wells, drive survivors to Pakistan. Then, Congressman Wilson decided the Pashtun were like Geo. Washington and just needed some good weapons like the Stinger.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Cloudbusterj
6 years ago

We’ve sent an army to Afghanistan that is logistically supplied at great distance from abroad. Instead of rotating people out on a tour of duty, we could have instead left them there for the duration of the conflict and had them live off the land. The villagers will start obeying when you threaten their livestock. It hasn’t helped that Pakistan, China and Russia are backing the Taliban. The US can’t win the war unless Iran becomes an ally rather than a co-belligerent “frenemy”.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Also worth mentioning that we are not in Afghanistan to interrupt the flow of drugs, rather quite the opposite. Opium can be spotted from the air and destroyed with napalm. The geopolitical strategy of destabilizing Iran to complete the Yinon Plan is why Iran is burdened with millions of opiate addicts.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Iran is the lynchpin of China’s Belt.

The proposed Mediterranean Union- Southern Europe, the Levant, North Africa and the Horn- is the Belt’s terminus.

I think this pot’s going to boil a bit longer.

Reply to  Cloudbusterj
6 years ago

The wars in Afghanistan AND Iraq were stupid and were so from the beginning. But that didn’t stop people from jumping onboard with both of them post-haste. Which of course begs the question of how stupid people are in this country that they would just sign up for that shit without much protest. Way back before we ever even invaded Iraq – I pissed off pretty much all of my so-called conservative friends by predicting that we were going to : A) Lose the war B) Elect a Democrat lunatic as our next President (this was long before people had… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

“Made Saddam our bitch”- simple, ‘brilliant’, well within established order and precedent. Now my mind is spinning off into all sorts of might-of-beens.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Have my sons fight and die so ben shapiro can call them racist? for nancy pelosi? for the millions of shit heads that voted for hillary? fuck no, i want it all that to burn down, not be protected. the real place to send your sons to fight, is your own front yard — and not one inch further.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Word. I believe it was Smedley Butler who opined the only time you go to war is to defend your home or the Bill Of Rights. As far as the observations of others as to the gender/sexual component of our modern military, I would offer a tired, old saying: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY. And, IMHO, the active and reserve military and “law enforcement” components in Amerika contain way too many Orcs, Orcettes, and Sellswords.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

The “Fighting Quaker” wrote a book late in life called “War is a Racket”. He was also one of the original COIN experts in the Marine Corps, when it was the primary force used to do pacification. He wasn’t theorizing.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

There’s nowhere better to get the training than being in the actual military. When the SHTF, I’m going to be glad my oldest son has spent his entire adult life either either in a war zone or training for war.

6 years ago

By the 2030s, China will be the largest economy. Ain’t no outspending that. Plus, America’s main weapon in a war, its immense industrial base, is already gone. (to China).

Funny how everything the Republicans did destroyed our military even as they abused it for Israel.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

Have you asked yourself “for whom exactly is China manufacturing goods that makes it the ‘largest economy’?”

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

PNTR = Permanent Normal Trade Relations with and for the Communist Chinese, implemented in May of 2000 by Bill Clinton and the Republican-controlled, 106th U.S. CON-gress.

Look about….the results of that treasonous legislation is everywhere. However, the longshoremen on the ports of Amerika’s Left Coast thank Bill and the 106th CON-gress.

Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

And if Albania’s economy had kept expanding like it expanded over the year 1990, we would all be ruled from Tirane by now…
The fundamentals of an economy, in short, matter. The rule of law matters. The demographics of the young matter – in China no less than here.
I am not seeing the Dragon dominating the planet. I just see a twin to the Russian Bear doing a better job covering things up.

6 years ago

Paul’s use of military imagery in the church is useful here. The military is having the same problem that the establishment churches have and it is responding in the same ways. The ultimate result is going to be the same. You start out with needing an organist and song leader. The answer is to pay people to do the job. People who might have been able to do it less ably but were never asked are discouraged and leave, and those against the use of their money do the same. The church is left with even fewer donations. So, needing… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Germany and other European nations have women leading their government defense departments. They are definitely reaching critical pussy mass.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Read somewhere that an all-female group of engineers is redesigning the London sewer system,choked with “fatbergs” caused by people either too stupid or ignorant to not pour grease down the drain. Surely the influx of diversity has nothing to do with this.
Hopefully they will have better luck than the all-female group who designed the pedestrian bridge that collapsed in Florida. That group had won civic awards and contracts for their “diversity”. Too bad they had no awards for engineering capability.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Truth is though unless they have a really dangerous power adjacent to them, no body needs a military budget more than 2.5 GDP anyway, about half what they US spends . Europe isn’t hugely below that and in truth other than the Turks, its problems can be solved with border control and maybe a militia . This peace isn’t a forever peace but a population with low fertility and even Turkey is getting there (its at replacement) is not a serious threat There is no Napoleon, Stalin or Hitler or Kara Mustafa Pasha out there only idiots who import kebab… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

Only the Dead have seen the end of War. This strategy was tried before, and it came within a hairs-breadth of total nuclear War. Ike’s Operation Chrome Dome and gutting the military save Air Force and missiles meant many near misses for global nuclear war. Truman tried that also before Korea and how did that work out? Having nukes only means … nukes only. It means every and any serious threat to the nation must be escalated to nuclear warfare. If the aggressor has nukes that is very bad indeed. Cheap defense like cheap labor is no savings. Its like… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

At least we don’t have POC leaders.


6 years ago

Then you have the fact that white guys are starting to figure out that the government is their enemy, so signing up to fight for the government is not in their interests.

I really hope you are right about that.

El Eff
El Eff
6 years ago

Three things. One, generally speaking, ZMan is correct. Two, it’s been going down for a while but the decent accelerated during the BHO administration with their doctrine of “inclusiveness” – allowing /encouraging transgender(s) and every other form of degeneracy into the military ranks and then PAYING for the cost of that degeneracy. And, while not a “force” number, when you start to name your ‘man o wars’ after homosexuals from San Francisco, well that really doesn’t lead to an image of deterrence or anything that might multiply force strength. Finally, and this last is continuously pounded upon by Michael Scheuer… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

You are overlooking the fact that girls and gays are really not interested in fighting and are terrible at it, for genetic reasons in the case of girls…So it would have to be white males obeying their orders, which I would not count on. Girls and gays also destroy unit cohesion, as the Pentagon well knows.

Sidehill DOdger
Sidehill DOdger
Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

Yep, pyrrhus, a mob is not an army. Girls may be fearsome at close quarters in a riot, but that doesn’t mean the pussyhomo Army of the Future is going to be in any way effective–against another army. Of course, the right doesn’t have an army at all. The right is just a bunch of people with guns…and that is most definitely not the same thing as an army. So no matter how you slice it, we’re in trouble…

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

They are vastly more cruel when they are in control and giving orders once the opposition is captured and contained. Guys will have to get over their reluctance to engage females in the same manner as they would males if the females are an active part of the enemy forces (this includes if their only weapon is a cell phone and/or radio for detonating IEDs or for observation, coordination and control of their forces). MoldyLocks didn’t do so good agaist the guy she threw a punch at. I would say some Patriot women would be good fighters in the field.… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Wendy
6 years ago

I’ve known a few female fighters but a society that has fertile women in battle in any numbers is doomed Every fertile women who does is long term many casualties, 1, 3, 5 or more sometimes That said in war men will have no problem killing female combatants and I suspect that all women including the good ones will suffer payback for what the feminists and leftists did . Its a good reason to try and avoid this thing . A lot of women need to be turned over their mans knee and spanked a good one but they don’t… Read more »

El Eff
El Eff
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

On the women being vastly more cruel, check out two recent tweets from Thomas Wictor. I got to them through a link at “Director Blue” blog spot this AM. There’s two there through the “thread reader app” both on the genetic influence of the Aztecs on the Mexican mentality. Brutal, they (the Aztecs) were, and now through interbreeding, so are the current occupants of that territory. First one is currently his most recent post and it starts, “As many people know, my mother CeeCee was Mexican.” The second one starts, “(at)GrammaYayam164 asks . . .” This one specifically stating “more… Read more »

Reply to  El Eff
6 years ago

Women cannot bludgeon their opponents into submission so easily so their go-to tactic is mutilation. Their aim is to ensure that that particular opponent cannot hurt them ever again and, also, to terrorise other potential assailants.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

So long as the nukes work, large scale war between peer powers is a very limited possibility. Being the curious game it is the only way to win is not to play. The danger comes as the US can’t get its head out of its ass to make tritium and in a few decades no longer have nukes and a few decades after that, no nuclear powered watercraft. If the crop of dangerous morons is still in charge they may decide to use it or lose it at that point. Thus the degradation of the US armed forces is for… Read more »

Reply to  El Eff
6 years ago

Well said. If you are going to fight you must have the people trained and WANTING to fight. To kill, maim, destroy, and lay waste to everyone and any thing in their way inorder to win. No ROE. War is not a game. You can’t be surgical about anything in war. War is something to be feared and loathed and to be fought as such. War is meant to be fought by men, not women-no matter how butch they are, queers, trannys, gang members, minorities et al. Men who can be fierce, cold hearted, and are in it to win… Read more »

Reply to  morty
6 years ago

Continuous, low level conflict keeps GDPs “rising” with war inflation. The Roaring 20s came in with all the dollars returning from WW1. The 1929 Crash was a result of the boom-bust cycle of war economies.

Remember how Bernanke feared deflation?
That affordable homes for young or single-earner families are our worst problem?

This ain’t our grandaddy’s war.
We can’t stop. We dare not win.

Sidehill Dodger
Sidehill Dodger
Reply to  El Eff
6 years ago

America has not fought a war to achieve a MILITARY VICTORY since WWII That’s because we haven’t engaged in a conflict where our national interests were under serious threat since that time. If Korea had gone down under the North Korean invasion, how would that have affected us? Vietnam did go down, and the material effect of this defeat on the United States was nil. Yes, we could have fought harder–much harder in both places…at the risk of bringing on a nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union. We did not do what was necessary for military victory because these “conflicts”… Read more »

6 years ago

There isn’t anything in my life as a practical knowledge/skill self educated self made self employed Man of flyover nation that is as creepy and disgusting as The Brave New Worlds example of the tofu eating faggot. There’s not words to adequately describe this emasculated sub species of men. Seriously. All you can do is shake your head. And that there is an entire class of them who have gamed the system which elevates the Bezo’s of the Western Hemisphere to the exemplar of “manhood” and “leadership in the economy” is a statement which boggles my mind and makes my… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
6 years ago

The reverse is that it makes no sense to waste lives in costly urban warfare, for the cities held by our enemies you can “replace” small unit tactics with nukes or simply destroying a handful of critical electrical transformers.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

Cut off the cities from food/power/water for a few months, and see what happens. Make the OpFor do a Berlin Airlift to Sacramento.

Reply to  Doug
6 years ago

The Brave New Worlds example of the tofu eating faggot.

Yah, well, the Roman Catholic church in the US is discovering that as we type…..

Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg
6 years ago

I can be a little “asleep at the wheel” , but soldiers in high heels as serious business was like smelling salts to me. The decline of the western soldier since WWII (not only American) would be as profound a study as any other out there.
And referring to Afghanistan particularly as the “Graveyard of Empires” is brilliant.

Reply to  Rube Goldberg
6 years ago

“In the Graveyard of Empires” is the title of a book published back in 2009, and was a fairly common phrase among military-analyst types for the prior decade or so.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

Part of the problem is that we’ve simply worn our volunteer force out. I’ve worked with a lot of active duty cum reservists over the years and the call ups post 9/11 were simply brutal. All did multiple deployments, including one general officer, despite having professional careers. All had stories of the NCO ranks being filled with guys who were just trying to get to the retiremement age before their bodies wore out. See the same in the Navy—preventable ship driving accidents, cannibalizing boneyard F-18s to keep the current fleet flying. My family has fought every war since the Pequot… Read more »

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

The preventable ship accidents had nothing to do with a worn out volunteer force. The other point Z made comes to bear. Putting the wrong people in charge for the wrong reasons.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Matt
6 years ago

The Navy issue is a bit more multivariate. The feedback I’ve gotten (including from two ex Burke class sailors} is that the push to put women on board ship has a two fold problem. 1) you turn the ship into a “pound palace” which has morale issues but 2) the women know getting knocked up when on refit gets them out of the next sea deployment—so the remaining sailors fill the gaps. You go to sea missing critical ratings and everybody stands more watches. Then the paces of sea deployments are up which is a vicious circle—see point 2. There’s… Read more »

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

A friend’s boy stayed on the submarine while his buds went off to see the world with the Navy. He learned everything he could and now makes $400,000/year working in nuclear power. (Before the Navy he was driving forklift in a packing house alongside unfriendly Mexicans.)

Your son’s associate is another critical skill worker lost. We built these things from scratch, but pretty soon we won’t have enough people left to even keep them running.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

I got out of the National Guard when they took away our tanks and started sending guys to MP school. Hell no.

Sure enough they were guarding a prison in Iraq a year later.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

Re: “Dying of a theory” and Afghanistan as a punitive expedition. The Afghanistan War seemed to be something that was going to “work” when the special forces guys were in there. I’ve read a number of accounts that say the whole thing went to shit as soon as the regular military showed up. The bug eaters forte’ is understanding their environment and accomodating to that to get the mission done. We would have been way better off if we just left it as a special forces war fought in the shadows (if there was any war to justify in the… Read more »

6 years ago

Afganistan is Graveyard of Empires for a reason. When some country attack Afganistan, it means that Country is rotten to the core. There is nothing to fight for. And when nobody dares to stand up and say this obvious fact, it means that entire Elite is gone mad or corrupt. It is like accepting homosexuality. When army leadership is too afraid to fight back, it means that they accepted also wrong war plans, useless equipment , wrong training , wrong enemy wrong allies and so on. Currently Germany modifyng their tanks to fit for overweight women and there is nobody… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Juri
6 years ago

put those fat kraut bitches outside on the front of the tank, where they can do some good. probably would be an effective tactic against muslims…

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

I was told about an American woman working in the Mideast for Aramco.

She was described as 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide.

Every morning she had a crowd waiting outside her door. Romeos with flowers, gifts, declarations of undying love, all vying to win the hand of this great beauty and her abundant charms.

6 years ago

This is why I beg people in Our Thing who are so eager to see Civil War 2.0 to reconsider. We assume the army will break our way. But will it? Lots and lots of “adjacent-Americans” in the service, “commanded” by Millennial lesbians cosplaying as platoon leaderettes. We’ll get the effective combat arms… probably… but — and I’m sure this is just a coincidence — they’re all overseas. It’s not going to go well.

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Actually, the ex-military, which numbers in the millions, is heavily white Trump supporters, and is presumptively a lot more competent than most of the present military. The girls, gays, and diversity don’t scare anyone…

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

Does the ex-military have tanks? Artillery? Air support? Those are scary, even in the hands of girls and gays. I *really* wouldn’t bet my life on the notion that an ad-hoc militia will charge tanks… even lavender ones driven by cosplaying panzer commanderettes. (I’m betting we’ll see a test of this here pretty soon. I’m surprised riots haven’t already broken out in Germany, in which the pussified former Wehrmacht is ordered to fire on its ex-military citizens in the name of Diversity. If/when that happens, we’ll have an idea of how it might go here. I’m not optimistic).

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

The ex-military has people who have more experience in personal and specialized weapons (stuff you paid for yourself) and tactics (all that reading and practicing that you have been doing since you got out of the military).
You don’t charge tanks and armored vehicles, etc. You attack the supply / logistics / infastructure used to support those weapons of war and miltary operations.

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Wendy
6 years ago

“You attack the supply / logistics / infastructure used to support those weapons of war and miltary operations.”

How do you organize, communicate, plan, etc. without being found out? Where do you train? Maybe you can pull it off once or twice successfully. But, sooner or later any large scale organization will give itself away. And then come the laser-guided missiles and drones. Thousands of them. The insurgents will be systematically vilified to such a degree being slandered as a Nazi, racist, sexist hater will seem mild by comparison. How are you going to fight the propaganda war?

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Dupont Circle
6 years ago

“Dupont Circle” your name says it all. For those not in the know, this is fag central of the Sodom on Potomac DC area.

Take your black-pill defeatist bullshit back to HuffPo. We have -already- lost the propaganda war. So what?

You organize, coordinate, and plan the way all good 4th gen insurgents have. LOCALLY. Local. Local. Local.

Are you a paid shill? You come off like one. Tanks, planes, drones, etc. need to ‘eat’. Be that fuel for the platform or ‘fuel’ for the pilot in the form of food.

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

What does sexual orientation have to do with my questions? Your handle is silly by the way. How old are you?

Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

A.P. Your name cracks me up everytime. Ridiculous. But funny. But yeah, pretty silly. You’d better be a badass in real life.

Johnny Connor
Johnny Connor
Reply to  Dupont Circle
6 years ago

Apparently you don’t frequent the sites that have been covering this for awhile now, esp the one you’re on now. This information is readily available, apply yourself and answer your own questions.

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Johnny Connor
6 years ago

Other than insults I’ve never seen or heard anything. You all seem to be watching Hollywood movies or playing video games. I’ve been around for quite a while myself..

I’d expect there’ll be a few McVeighs and Breiviks but I don’t believe any concerted effort will arise. Sorry. I do believe this kind of talk is counter productive though.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  Wendy
6 years ago

No one will be following you into combat and relying on you for tactical advice. Just saying.

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Burner Prime
6 years ago

If you mean me I don’t expect so. I knew a man who was shot during the Hungarian uprising, 1956. They were squashed like bugs. The surveillance/military state has advanced way beyond that primitive level.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  Dupont Circle
6 years ago

One of the smartest comments here. Those who have been part of SHTF civil wars (No American has any clue what that’s like) know that chances are slim some kind of rebellion will work or anyone in these forums has the capacity to wield power or command armed legions. The real power brokers command divisions of troops and deadly hardware, and wanna be rebels will get first villainized then squashed like bugs. Little cockroaches. If the US devolved into a civil war I’d say 90% of the commenters here will perish. Glassy-eyed nationalists will face a brutal end. Soldiers will… Read more »

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Burner Prime
6 years ago

I appreciate your comment. Would white soldiers kill white men on orders by non-white officers/commander-in-chief?

Reply to  Burner Prime
6 years ago

Burner Prime. Thanks man. Good pep talk.

Sorry for the sarcasm. Seriously though, all we have is our guts to fight to the bitter end, in hope of victory. Why do some of you have to quash even that hope. As things look now, violence seems to be our last refuge. What good does it do for morale…for our movement, to insist we’d surely lose.

Fuck it though. Reality is reality. You and Severian and others go on and speak your truth.

Dupont asks a good question. Would military whites really turn on fellow whites?

Sir Lord Baltimore
Sir Lord Baltimore
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Hell yes the military would turn on their fellow whites. They know where there paychecks and internet porn come from. Think back to the Indian Wars. My question. How were Geronimo and his renegade band of Apaches laid low?…..By using Apache defectors as scouts and trackers. In the event of Civil War 2.0 whites will most certainly slaughter other whites for three hots and a cot. Just sayin

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Wendy
6 years ago

Dupont, Apex, Wendy, others, This is an interesting discussion. It has two elements; the loyalty of the military. And how the military would fare against white rebel patriots. As to the first, loyalty, it is impossible to guess. Following orders is SO ingrained and many are going to do just that. There is a reason the military doesnt like mavericks. Except for tactically, they dont want you to think for yourself. Look at Adm McRaven who showered ‘Her’ with praise. I d say it s a bit of a wildcard, the military. As to the second, it is in a… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Now you’re scaring me.
“…Wehrmacht is ordered to fire on its ex-military citizens in the name of Diversity.”

Not kidding, that actually raised the hair on the back of my neck. Muslims would flock to the recruiting office.

Update: just saw John Haase’s comment below. Aww shit. Shitshitshitshitshit.

The Diversity Army. Soon recruiting Crips and Cartel in the US; hardcore unemployables need a job, right?

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

It would be ambush, sniping, supply line cutting, and guerilla warfare to destroy the water, electric, and pipeline systems..Very hard to stop. Not to mention capturing enemy weapons…

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

First off, the most of the lavender mafia and butch lezzies in the green machine are in staff or supply units. They are little more than Wal-Mart clerks. They are not soldiers. You cannot turn these creatures into CQB specialists without lots of intensive training in which most will quit. They joined the military for a paycheck, nothing else. As tankers? That takes many month to make a crew a competent unit even if they want to be tankers. Secondly tanks are basically worthless in urban conflicts. Put a Abrams on our streets and most would crush the underground water… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Rod. Interesting. Good stuff.

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

I’ve had the shit scared out of me by obsolete T-72s, so you are right. But tanks have very limited applications and are worthless in an insurgency except to support infantry.

The M-1 consumes vast quantities of fuel and require constant maintenance. Almost as important, they don’t have a “crap-hatch” like the old M-60. So eventually the crew has to get out and make themselves targets for snipers.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

You make an important point. White racists think just because they own some hardware they will prevail over the left wingers in a head to head. But they will face a rude awakening (and an early grave) for several reasons. The least is that many hard-core left-wing radicals have nice HW too and train with their decked out ARs. Second and even bigger, the massive number of blacks and Hispanics (30%+ of the enlisted ranks) ALSO have combat training. So in the combat ranks, tanks, artillery, infantry, the POC population is close to 50%. And if the left controls the… Read more »

Reply to  Burner Prime
6 years ago

So. Like. Maybe. While there’s still a chance of white Generals seeing what you say is true…they come together with Trump for a white overthrow? Maybe that’s possible. yes? I need to go to bed.

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

I swear most people don’t pay attention at all.

We’ve been fighting in Afghanistan for how many years now?

How many years was it that the US military fought in Iraq before we finally pulled out? BTW – I call the Iraq war a loss – not a win for the US.

Did the US win the war in Vietnam?

Now show me on the doll where all of that US air support, artillery, and tanks – won any of those wars…………….

Seriously – why doesn’t this lesson sink in when the examples are right in front of people’s faces?

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Respectfully, I just don’t think you are absorbing the nature of what would happen in this horrible conjecture …. Did the Taliban charge M1A tanks, Bradleys or hardened facilities? Did Moctada al Sadr’s people? How about Fallujah?? This latter was fought in a tight, urban wasteland — door to door. They knew something our military (of which I was a part) forgot — flow to the enemy’s points of weakness. And still expect to lose a lot of folks. No one in their right mind would charge an Abrams tank … have you ever stood next to one of them,… Read more »

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Where the Hell do you get the idea that most Alt-Righters are eager for a Civil War, Severian? Most that I know think that it’s a last resort, better than simply being subjugated and genocided, but still a horror. Quit spending so much time over at Stormfront.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
6 years ago

Look upthread. Any number of discussions here seem to assume that any serious political violence will be over before it starts, because “we” have the guns. I don’t think “most” alt-righters are eager for a civil war, but I do think very few people have thought about the probable outcome of even *mild* political violence… which is why “we” are so blase about it. (PS I take being called a Stormfront reader as an insult).

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Most right wing gun enthusiasts wouldn’t fight back against tyranny because it would get them in trouble with their wives.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

No the right does not “have the guns”, the US military does and that is manned by 30-40% POC, depending on branch and job. Following derp right nationalists is the road to disaster.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
6 years ago

AltZero. The Zblog is pretty much the only rightwing forum I frequent, and eager talk of armed conflict/civil war is common here. Almost a part of the scenery really. I’m not criticising it. It’s understandable. We’ve got to have our hopeful scenarios.

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

In the actual combat arms, not so much, My son is career army, most of his career 101st Airborne Air Assault. He has never had a female commander or subordinate. It’s also mostly White guys — with just a few Blacks and others sprinkled in.

Mark Taylor
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

The military is still filled mostly with white guys who laugh through the silly inclusive presentations sent down from the pentagon. Gays, women, and otherkin are not going to make a big impact though their willingness to join. They like the idea of joining- for someone else. As of now they are just a few wrenches in the machine. Most people know that if there were to be a more combat intense conflict all the women would get pregnant and dissapear and the faggotry pipeline would dry up. Even now a set of orders to Afghanistan seems the most potent… Read more »

Sidehill Dodger
Sidehill Dodger
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

“This is why I beg people in Our Thing who are so eager to see Civil War 2.0 to reconsider. We assume the army will break our way. But will it?” Start with history. Look at Civil War 1.0. The U.S. Army as such remained the Army of the U.S. government. However, many individuals left the U.S. Army and joined the new Army of the Confederate States. Among those individuals were nearly all the good officers, who were from the South to begin with, because military tradition was important in the South. The primary motivation for changing sides was the… Read more »

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  Sidehill Dodger
6 years ago

Sidehill Dodger, a bit wordy, but you have the essentials right. The US armed forces will not “break our way” they will exterminate any armed rebellion, especially if there’s an existential threat to the current order. They might use kid gloves early on (like the FBI handled the Oregon Bundy ranchers) while there’s little threat, but with 100% certainty if any serious threat emerges they will take off the gloves and butcher white rebellions, giving zero quarter. The military consists of a large percentage of POC, not to mention millions of black and Hispanic vets who will not stand by… Read more »

Reply to  Burner Prime
6 years ago

You sound like a member of some US government bureaucracy paid to do psyops. Stop advocating violence. Like a lot of people on here, you don’t sound like you have any experience in the military. Civil war 1.0 was fought under entirely different rules and assumptions than Civil War 2.0 is being fought even now, though it’s in its early stages. People thought completely differently back then about most things. One thing is for sure, distance between the factions in this country is increasing. You talk about technology and how this or that faction will be “vaporized” as a result… Read more »

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  PRCD
6 years ago

“Stop advocating violence.”
To say I advocate violence is a purely imbecilic statement, and I hesitated to even respond other than to point out this is exactly how left-wingers and women argue. It is orthogonal to the points argued and bears no basis in fact.

George o' the North
George o' the North
6 years ago

I think that obesity is a central issue here. Not just in reducing the number of military-qualified guys. But also in reducing the general self-respect of people. When you go outside and see all the fatties, you think, “is this a country to be proud of? A civilization to be proud of?” A self-respecting people would be more likely to stand up for themselves. And more able to. Also, more in-shape guys AND girls would probably lead to more and better marriages, and more kids. Chateau Heartiste made the insightful point that more married women means more conservative women, therefore… Read more »

Reply to  George o' the North
6 years ago

Yeah, George, the spike in numbers of fatties is the pits, all the more so since, it was *Establishment propaganda* which helped obesity skyrocket in recent decades.
See Nina Teicholz’s book The Big Fat Surprise, and Ian Leslie’s “The Sugar Conspiracy” (in the 7 April 2016 edition of The Guardian).

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Jaqship
6 years ago

When I was a child the “fat kid” was an anomaly. Now… but of course a single McDonalds hamburger, a small envelope of fries and a 10oz Coke was both a treat and a full meal. Even my parents, who were well off, knew that a steady diet of that shit, whether you could afford it or not was not good for you.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  George o' the North
6 years ago

The fattness and overall lack of fitness for service is due to low T in all these little pansies.

6 years ago

Once I’d have been happy for my boy to take the Queens shilling as generations of my family fought in the Kings Livderpool regt but now… boy isn’t going to die nation building for savages nor defend an imported class of thieving traitors, we will defend our own.

Paul Bonneau
6 years ago

The neocons will just have to trim back their desire to dominate the world. They still have economic manipulations and the CIA, though. Until the debt-addled economy crashes…

John Haase
John Haase
6 years ago

Same thing in Europe. Since mandatory army service has been abandoned a few years ago the former „peoples army“ (probably somewhere between 10 and 20 million German men have some military training) has quickly deteriorated into the standard moonbat racket that state institutions are today, where ideological ends are far more important than the supposed function of the institution. The German minister of defense, a woman, does not appear to even know what an army is and therefore has turned it into just another employer. There is no ethos left whatsoever, apart from some elite units I suppose. It is… Read more »

A reader
A reader
Reply to  John Haase
6 years ago

A co-worker once told me how his end-of-DDR era unit, after constant troubles with basic supplies, went on strike. I laughed, and I laughed: a unit of Wehrmacht on strike! Then I remembered – wrong Wehrmacht.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  John Haase
6 years ago

Europe has a shorter tradition of “civilian control of the military”. Coup threats were common into the 1980s. The EU leaders have the institutional memory to recall what a powerful army disconnected from the leadership will do (see Pinochet, Augusto). Keeping the military small, fat, and weak will work until they can be replaced with the Sons of Kalergi. Actual forces can be maintained in Eastern Europe and Turkey. This is the insidiousness of NATO, for the only think that will save Western Europe is military occupation by the Russians followed by a purge of the Third World settlers.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

NATO is not there to defend Europe, but to keep Europe from defending itself…

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
6 years ago

The “real” military now still lives in special operations command components …. though, yes, our progressive friends are intent on cracking that one, too. But I think even our lunatic leaders realize they need a cadre of capable, well trained men and real killers at hand. Bill Clinton’s program (actually, it was Hillary’s) to transform the military into their progressive wonderland was nearly brought to full realization under Obama. While the non-elite units contain many dedicated and capable personnel, that organization overall has been crippled by progressive dictates and leftist-contaminated leaders. Score another one for progress.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

The tendency to let ‘experts’ and ‘specialists’ (not in the military vocabulary sense of private but of being actually specialist) is seen in the military as well as civilian life it seems. Spec ops guys do a disproportionate part of the fighting and the regulars have less and less to do. Maybe the military of the future is something like national guards for occupation, order maintenance, etc and special ops for most of the fighting and not a whole lot to do for regulars inbetween??

6 years ago

The Russians have 16k nukes, but no interest in another empire. But the Brits and France also have nukes, so there is plenty of defense against a conventional war. NATO is a scam for the deep state.
Conventional war between peers is obsolete anyway, the carriers would be sunk, and the weapons are far too powerful.

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

AQ Khan, nuke proliferator, stole the blueprints when working at a Dutch nuclear power plant and took them back to Pakistan.
El-Baradai was director at the IAEA, the agency that limits nuclear proliferation, so six more nations got the tech.

The Muslim infiltration of Europe was recon, before the refugee onslaught.
I see a wave of doctors, lawyers, and nuclear engineers, don’t you?

6 years ago

If that analysis is right (and I see no reason to question it) yikes.
It’s Rome, replacing conscription at home with foreign mercenaries bearing no abiding love for the Empire, just for the bennies they could milk from it.

And we know how that turned out.

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
6 years ago

From Hillary Clinton herself, proof the Syrian war was for helping Israel:

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794498

Date: 11/30/2015 RELEASE IN FULL

“The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.”

Reply to  Ex-Pralite Monk
6 years ago

Double-dealer is a double-crosser.
Iran got a deal too.

Funny how her husband gave “peaceful nuclear power” to North Korea, who supplies enriched plutonium to Iran.

When will these people work in the best interest of the United States?

6 years ago

A volunteer army relies on patriotism to fill the ranks. Fighting for strangers does not cut it.

Yes. Also recall that the Vietnam war was fought NOT to prevent Communism in SE Asia, but rather to protect the SE Asian market for US exports. (I spent a very short time discussing this with a major industrialist before I simply exploded in his face…)

Don’t pretend for a second that LBJ was an anti-Communist.

Reply to  dad29
6 years ago

LBJ was probably the most ignorant man ever to sit in the White House. Though Obama was undoubtedly close…and the dumbest.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

On the contrary, LBJ was one of the most cunning politicos this country has ever known. You can’t really maneuver as LBJ did through his long political career in the House & Senate by being ignorant. Can’t say that I admire the man, but he wasn’t a dummy. Have to agree about Obama, who mostly let others do the work, thank God!

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Obama was the most empty suit ever to be POTUS. He had mastered the art of ‘sounding adult/responsible/moderate’ from a podium or on TV but I think literally nothing, aside from a little SJW noise, was going on between those Dumbo ears of his.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

His feral cunning as a ward heeler is impressive. After using early software in 1991 to lead the “housing discrimination” lawsuits in Boston (making way for the CRA expansion and billion-dollar payouts), he was given charge of 30 aging hippies in Arkansas. He ‘organized’ that 30 into 300,000, and changed the name from “Arkansas” to “American Community Organizers for Reform Now”, or ACORN. He and Bill Ayers then stole $150 million from a dead Republican’s charity fund in the Annenburg Challenge, so was tapped to become an Illinois congressman. That brought him to the attention of 11 Silicon Valley bubble… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Hmm, maybe I underestimate him? That’s possible. He just seems an empty figurehead to me

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

it wasn’t obama doing any of that. he is lazy, dull, and prone to using drugs. mostly he just looks at gay porn.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

F*k me, he was just following orders, the pretty-mask-for-hire.

I should’ve thought of that, because he is shallow, lazy, filled with low cunning, not smarts. Like his former boss Hillary.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

F*k, McHungus, Obama was a renta-boy.

He let old white golfers at Punhaou pay to suck his d*ck. He did the same in politics.

His frequent golf trips were always routed to a course beside a gay Democrat donor’s home, where they could talk in private.

William Middleton
William Middleton
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

ZMan – Have you written any pieces about Obama’s legacy. During his regime, there were people running around calling him a secret Communist. But he turned out to be just an inconsequential President. I’m sure he wanted to go further Left but he didn’t seem to bothered by it.

Reply to  William Middleton
6 years ago

He did it out of sight, capturing the enforcement arms for the Party. A radical faction (the DSA), captures the Parliament, then the Throne; they now salt the Church, the Ministries, and the Army. They hold a gun to the banks and merchants. This has all happened before. (Congress 2006; Obama 2008; Media/University, the Cabinet, the Pentagon) Side note: most all of the anti-Trump conspirators are married, yet most of the women have different last names than their husbands. That hides the working connections between them. If a career marriage is part-and-parcel of this cabal, then they’ve been at this… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

is there any more extesive writing about this?? If not, it needs to be fleshed out, and in some format disseminated. Basic Intel Opns.

Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

Shoot- can’t remember the links where the wives with different names were discussed in extensive detail. It mapped several careers across decades, illustrating that the co-conspirators are a small, tightly knit cabal.

The full org chart and crosslink web are out there.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

LBJ was a zionist stooge and puppet, nothing more, nothing less.


6 years ago

I joined the Marines in the 80s. Still had lots of Vietnam Vets in and some real senior guys who fought in Korea. They were hard men. In Boot Camp and Infantry School they would openly challange the manhood of anyone who didn’t keep up.

Race relations were better then than now. Volunteering for Marine infantry, recon, combat arms jobs was what crazy middle class white kids did. Poor Whites and Blacks signed up for tech jobs that would make them money in the real world.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

This is very true. Race relations used to be much better. In the military, most blacks either hung out with whites or at a minimum partied with them. Only about 30% of blacks were racist and refused to associate with whites. Everyone, black white or brown watched Cosby, What’s Happening, Good Times, Fresh Prince, etc. Today you can’t even look each other in the eye. I blame the start on race baiters and agitators like Jesse Jackson, Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton. Then Rodney King happened and exposed racist cops. Then the globalists starting with Bush (maybe Clinton) allowed the invading… Read more »

Andy Texan
6 years ago

I would disagree that the Jewish neo-cons (and others) invaded Iraq for Israel’s security. I believe they did it to advance one-world-ism. If a throwback dictator like Saddam Hussein could be removed (and the Arab world democratized) then the new world order would advance a step. At that time, most conservatives agreed and did not know any better. Including me.

Reply to  Andy Texan
6 years ago

Please. A bunch of Saudis (15/19) and other Sunni muslims murder ~3K Americans (New Yorker’s, if you prefer). Then, instead of going after the perps we follow Richard Perle’s plan (commissioned many years prior by Benny Netanyahu) to invade Iraq. Now we actually have Generals saying Americans should be willing to die for Israel and they wonder why we don’t get top recruits? We could shut down half the bases in Europe and probably a third elsewhere and still have an elite force. And save money. The Banksters and the Open Borders crowd would, of course object.

Reply to  Andy Texan
6 years ago

Why do you think we’re still in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Is the primary motivation still the advancement of one-world-ism? Or is it about enriching the defense industry? These explanations seem insufficient.

(I supported both wars for about ten years.)

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Well, it’s complex. On the surface it’s a one worlderism. Hence why the neocons were so strong on the interventions in the Balkans.But the point is, Its a philosophy to go to war over any perceived human rights violation or whatever. It’s a formula to go to war in the Middle East at the drop of a pin. “This is what we do.” This is How America always behaves, it’s like setting precedent. But it just so happens that most of the big expensive wars have been in the Middle East for some reason which is not a coincidence.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
6 years ago

Aka a ruse

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
6 years ago

Political truths and objectives tend to be simple. Added levels of complexity are window dressing constructed for deception purposes. Or to broaden their coalition in someway for some reason.The political objectives of intelligent people reflect the dreams to desires of their narrow background class. Eg white working class, Jewish middle class, etc. There are joiners, this sort of peoples Z talked about previously, who I have a low self-esteem and go from movement to movement, Or opportunists, like the WASP neocons for example who exploit an existing power struggle to further their career, but the architects of the political philosophies… Read more »

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  Andy Texan
6 years ago

So I went to this little cafeteria out in the bad area of town, which is near the outskirts of a military base around 2008 or so. They’re all these military guys eating there with a sergeant. I approach them and started telling them about the book by meatshimer and Walt. The Sergeant jumped up and intervened and said that has all been debunked! It seems like there was not a person above IQ 90 among them. From the way they talked. Never did they come to that cafeteria again. I never saw them there again!

6 years ago

McCain’s last tweet was a shoutout to a fallen soldier in Iraq who was on his *9th* deployment. That really just says it all.

6 years ago

And that’s how empires end. Rome, England, and now us. Once the republic was abandoned over a century ago, this was an inevitable result. There was an interesting work, callled “Republic, or Empire.” It was written in 1898 during the debate over our taking the Philippines from Spain, by a Republican speaker of the house, Thomas Brackett Reed. So, here we are.

Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

I am not well versed in history, but I will submit to your recollection, whether liberty has been destroyed most often by the licentiousness of the people, or by the tyranny of rulers. I imagine, sir, you will find the balance on the side of tyranny. Happy will you be if you miss the fate of those nations, who, omitting to resist their oppressors, or negligently suffering their liberty to be wrested from them, have groaned under intolerable despotism! Most of the human race are now in this deplorable condition; and those nations who have gone in search of grandeur,… Read more »

6 years ago

Until recently, I worked with new US Army recruits. Nothing was and is more disgusting to me than to have 17-19 year old males, unable to do even 3 push-ups ! When I was growing up my friends and I were playing organized sports, Little League baseball and high school sports. When we weren’t doing that we were riding our bicycles 10 miles round trip to find an unused, baseball diamond. In the winter we were freezing our asses off playing sandlot football in the snow and ice. In your travels observe how many of today’s youth are playing sandlot… Read more »

6 years ago

The backbone of the US military is the NCO cadre, and the best of that class of warrior is not currently in the armed forces, but instead are largely middle class white males leading normal lives in the backwaters of Red State America. Although their ranks are dwindling, they still number in the hundreds of thousands and would be a formidable resource if a serious fight were to arise (either foreign or domestic). Our biggest threat is poor leadership. If things get real in Europe and the men there have to fight for their lives, my guess is those women… Read more »

6 years ago

At least one of the recent ship “collisions” was the result of a female OOD who was not on speaking terms with the senior female officer in CIC. Of course that didn’t show up on CNN any more than does the Navy’s actual pregnant-at-sea rate. Young guy thinking of enlisting has second thoughts when realizing that at some point he’s going to have a lesbian telling him what to do.

Mark Taylor
6 years ago

A lot of people seem to want to give up on the military and I can’t argue too much against their reasons why. It’s headed south and their are better opportunities for white men then signing onto an organization that increasingly attempts to repel them. However the long march of the left across the institutions was successful because they increasingly went into hostile territory and chipped away at them. We may need to change our motivation from patriotism to insurgency. We don’t hold a lot of ground anymore due to the left’s success at infiltration. We need to be willing… Read more »

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  Mark Taylor
6 years ago

“change our motivation from patriotism to insurgency”. You’re going to lose that battle.

Reply to  Mark Taylor
6 years ago

To fix the military we need to fix Congress who makes all the insane social engineering rules the branches have to follow and funds organizations like DACOWITS that push women into combat roles and tell the brass to gender norm the test results so they pass. Fixing congress at this stage is impossible. How do you think the Army got female Rangers? They were given all sorts of special set asides to make them pass. Same in the Marine Corp officer course. All coming down from Congress. Those that went along got nice promotions. Mattis is good, but he’s PC/MC… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

You won’t “fix Congress” – without first fixing all the idiots who vote for them.

This is why I keep saying over and over and over again: the real game is on the ground convincing all the idiots around you to stop electing dimwits to Congress.

The solution is bottom up – not top down.

Reply to  Mark Taylor
6 years ago

If you can’t even convince people to stop funding their enemies – then calls for insurgency are just a little bit premature and quite frankly probably downright retarded. Go try and have a conversation with the average person who claims to be on the right and ask them where their head is at in regards to cutting taxes drastically, eliminating the Federal income tax, welfare, multiple federal agencies – etc. Arguing for insurgency among even the majority of Trump voters borders on retarded because they SUPPORT all the pieces of the power structure that oppresses them. This type of argument… Read more »

Mark Taylor
Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Fight what battle? Your entire rant is about quitting and doing nothing. You sound like the typical loser who accomplishes nothing.

Reply to  Mark Taylor
6 years ago

Thanks for making my point.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Its why the dissident right is not the answer for the white man or heritage America.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

I agree. We are simply not the same people who fought for our freedom in 1776. We could become such people again, but it would require massive religious reforms. Our system of government is for a moral and religious people. We are neither.

Start going to church, reading your Bible, and praying. Otherwise, forget it.

6 years ago

O/T from Israel Shamir’s great article at Unz…..Uri Avnery was one of the best of his kind. But he was not a liberal, nor a non-racist, neither a leftist by a long shot. As Ron Unz made a point in his widely read piece on Jews and Nazis, he was a living example of a Jew informed by Nazi Germany. He was brought up there; and upon arrival to Palestine, he joined a fascist terrorist group that courted Nazi Germany. He wrote in fascist newspapers, he actively participated in ethnic cleansing, and he freely admitted that. His attitude to Arabs… Read more »

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

Israel Shamir is a strange dude with a peculiar angle on things. Not that I always disagree with him. I’ve been reading Avnery forever. A great man. Unfair and grossly simplified article.

6 years ago

Imho the best option for a young white man who wants to live the warrior life, is to get training in the military, then go to black water.

Reply to  Tom
6 years ago

Mercenaries are even more expendable than rank-and-file military since no government has to acknowledge them. “Use up the mercs, they cost nothing (politically).”

Blackwater is training Chinese troops by the way. They’re mercs. A contract is a contract. Loyalty to nation doesn’t figure into it.

6 years ago

The football-to-army pipline has also been broken.

Minnetonka Mean Grrls vs Austin Autistics, this weekend! Goooo, Spergs!

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

As I’ve said before, the growing white disenchantment with football is one of the best things that has happened in the United States for a while. When future historians dissect why the Left failed in their attempt to destroy the US, the BLM Anthem Protests are going to be more important than people think. It shoved our current situation right in the normies faces. Channeling white pride and aggression into football was one of the great triumphs of the managerial state in the 20th Century, and the SJW’s blew it all to Hell, because they couldn’t stand to see the… Read more »

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

Hopefully, serial television will be next. It’s amazing the number of decent, hard-working white normies for whom TV series serve as an opiate, the political content of which is virtually 100% left-wing.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
6 years ago

Right you are, Babe. It’s annoying to read about audiences “binge watching” a series or a show described as “bingeworthy.” Another weapon of our overlords to keep the citizens placid while feeding them propaganda with the video drug.

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

You bet, Toddy.
And, it “helps” that Obama crapped all over cops in his 2016 Dallas pro-BLM speech, and that the whole Establishment is either supportive of, or covering for, the NYT’s retention of Sarah “extinction” Jeong.

6 years ago

China has its own problems. Running out of smart people, running out of Han, running out of smart Han people, as detailed in VDARE today. Uighurs, Tibetans, and various other minorities are not going to power the Chinese Dream and Xi knows it. Plus Xi and China are terribly exposed in South Africa. Suppose Malema topples fat old rich Ramphosa and starts a general killing spree of not just Whites but Chinese also? Xi is screwed if he does not move as his many enemies would sure to leak to the Chinese people his failure (no collective leadership means nowhere… Read more »

6 years ago

At this point, the main reason for a young white man to put a few years in the military is to learn warfighting skills for that theoretical future day.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
6 years ago

I am doing a lecture series on Alexander and the Hellenistic period, and it seems many large armies back then were mercenary armies, so the idea of fighting for pay, not patriotism, is perfectly viable. Greeks fought as mercenaries as far away as Persia and Egypt. I suppose when martial things are a way of life, people tend to market the skills they have. One always reads about Israeli mercenaries, here, there and everywhere in Africa. I was talking to a woman who has some administrative position at one of the military academies, and she complained that any black or… Read more »

J Clivas
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
6 years ago

Except that mercenaries have an annoying habit of defecting to the other side.

6 years ago

There’s an excellent book discussing the problems throughout every Western Military by an Israeli Military Historian Martin Van Crevald “pussycats”. Hits on a lot of topics worth considering, some mentioned here but being from an actual Ethno State doesnt consider the factor of being expected to serve but detested and mocked by the elite and the media Narrative.

Reply to  Shane
6 years ago

Martin van Creveld is a treasure. I’m ashamed to say I’ve never read one of his books but the essays he posts at his website can be very interesting reading.

Reply to  Corn
6 years ago

Rise and fall of the state is a must read by mvc

6 years ago

Damn you, Z!
I have been trying to convince my daughter to join the Navy when she graduates HS this year.
Now you have got me all confused!

6 years ago

There is always the nuke shortcut. Unthinkable until it isn’t.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Whiskey
6 years ago

Against whom? A non-nuclear country? Means every country more functional than Somalia will now be scrambling to get nukes and arguments against this will be ignored. Against progs at home? I dont think nuking Berkeley sounds like a winning move. Against a nuclear power? What do you think they would then do? Nukes aren’t very powerful in practice b/c you cant really use them to attain positive outcomes. (Hiroshima is not an argument against this, it motivated Stalin like crazy to get his own nukes and if Japan had had them back then, they would have filled their last bomber… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Yeah, Simba, nukes are only really good for a Samson Option.

Demeter Last
Demeter Last
6 years ago

I have some knowledge of how the military engages with today’s youths (under 18). By and large, the programs I’m familiar with are good and useful for both girls and boys. There’s an emphasis on personal responsibility, and (locally) a Christian overtone. Discipline is enforced, but youthful forgetfulness tolerated and worked around. The programs made available to the kids are quite amazing, and very cheap for the price. The nature of the programs I’ve witnessed will select for a certain subset of kids. They trend very male, but I’ve interacted with girls in the program barely older than my own… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s interesting to witness sophisticate Right elites like Roger Kimball and Victor Hanson defend Trump. Our intuition equates them with the NR, Weekly Standard, Kristol types. But they’ve managed not to be. They’re what the Kristols COULD be if the Kristols of the world were true to their proclaimed cause…hating Lefty. Roger Kimball has to attend the proverbial Washington cocktail parties too. The difference is he’s got the balls to not give a shit what the pretty ladies and their cucks think as he speaks well of Trump.

6 years ago

I would like to post this entire post to my blog. May I?

6 years ago

Oh, fuck. Now this:

“The US sent $471,000,000 of foreign aid to South Africa in 2017.”

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
6 years ago

Zman, this is one of your better posts. Additionally, the ballooning federal debt is also going to start cutting into the defense establishment. I suspect our interventionist foreign policy will largely end by the mid 20’s.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Maybe the wrong hormone. I think the subject matter of this post is intimately related to the gradual drops in testosterone levels.

6 years ago

I was in the USAF in the ’73-89. I had the opportunity to work with and for women. Taking orders from one is like taking orders from any other officer. So your premise is wrong. Also, many young men & women will step up to protect America when called. 9/11 proved that. Heroes All!

6 years ago

It’s hard to “win” when you are reluctant to utterly destroy the enemy. I’m for leaving Afghanistan alone, I’m aware of the fact that the greedy Globalists have selfish motives for trying to subdue it militarily. But if someone were to kill everyone who lived there, there would be no one left to resist, right? It’s a political problem, not a military problem.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
6 years ago

“blacks lack patriotism and they have never been willing to join the military”. Two days in a row you stepped on your dick. Most of the arguments in this essay are exactly correct, but that statement about blacks shows you know almost nothing about the US armed forces. Take from those who’ve been there, the population of blacks in the armed forces is huge. In actual numerical fact they comprise 17% for males and 30% for females (all forces). This statement is categorically false and factually incorrect: “have always been under represented in the services.” So in actual fact they… Read more »

Reply to  Burner Prime
6 years ago

You won’t find blacks in combat units, they really can’t hack it and are only there for a paycheck. You generally find them in administration and logistics where they keep easy hours and don’t have to bust their asses. And it’s a rarity to find blacks competent enough to be electronic , fire-control and EM techs as very few have the aptitude for it. Blacks just don’t to do tech. It’s seen as a white man’s thing. The Army takes more of them in because their standards are much lower than the Air Force and Navy/Marine Corps. Basically their intake… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

SIF. (Since you’re big on acronyms, that means your comment was sad, interesting, funny.)

Reply to  Burner Prime
6 years ago

I have to say in the late 80s – early 90s, blacks were over-represented in the active duty Marine Corps. They are about 12% of the U.S. population – and probably double that in the Marines when I was in.

More so support units than combat.

6 years ago

It’s apparently an article of faith that America has done so much militarily for Israel. I keep waiting for itti happen.

6 years ago

Z: “Blacks in America have never felt a sense of duty to the country, which makes perfect sense, given the nature of black identity.” When I got to “which makes perfect sense, given…” I KNEW you weren’t going to say “given our history of enslaving them.” “Whites only”. “Fire hoses”. Etc. You could’ve at least nodded in that direction. Damn it, the Dissident Right gives no quarter. Hard core crackers to a man.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

The Civil War ended 153 years ago. The Civil Rights Act was passed 54 years ago. We have had welfare and affirmative action ever since. Time to grow up and get over it.

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

“Hard core crackers to a man”

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Heh! Z nailed it. He won’t play by the Left’s rules.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

He has no choice if it comes to it. He will play by the rules of those in power whether left or right. Bet on it.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Most blacks instinctively separate from whites. No one forces them to speak with a black accent, regardless of in what part of the country they grew up. No one forces them to give their children ridiculous non-Western names.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

It has been a major failure of Cuck Inc. to condemn self-segregating behavior by blacks, the left never makes this mistake as they are confident in their ability as white/Jewish/Asian middlemen to make multikult work. The success of the Wakanda film indicates a deep desire by blacks for a nation-state of their own, which if ever realized would do more for the Right than anything by Buckley and his ilk.

Chad Thundercock
Chad Thundercock
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Feel free to return to Africa. otherwise quit your fucking whining.

Reply to  Chad Thundercock
6 years ago

Since “we all come from Africa” (not), we can all of the useful idiots back!

6 years ago

Protect Israel my ass. Israel can and do protect themselves. They have a COMMTIITED military that knows if they fail they all die. Get off your jew hatred bullshit. They don’t need us.

George Lesenby
George Lesenby
Reply to  Jay
6 years ago

Project for a New American Century.

Reply to  Jay
6 years ago

They didn’t do so well against Hezbollah last time it came to straight up fighting. However, Israel has a huge advantage in high tech weaponry and air power. They seem to be sliding toward the same reliance on technology as ourselves.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

They fought a deliberately limited war killing lots of hezb and crushing Lebanon…nary a shot from hezb since so yes not a push over but a result.

Reply to  thud
6 years ago

Olmert shut the IDF down when they wanted to finish the job; President Olmert is in prison a year later.

It still cost Iran $5 billion. The IDF destroyed their front line network of fortified bunkers and tunnels on the territorial border.

Reply to  Jay
6 years ago

So you don’t object if we stop sending Israel 3+ billion per year in foreign aid?

Patrick Little had a hilariously inspired idea: Offer the money that we would give to Israel to blacks as reparations. Of course, reparations are illegitimate, but the blacks would vote for the gibsmedats. A dissident white candidate could ride that wave.

J Clivas
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Any “reparation” that blacks (think they) deserve has already been paid — in blood — by the thousands of white Union soldiers killed in the Civil War.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  J Clivas
6 years ago

and the 10’s of thousands of white people murdered by beastly negroes, since the civil war.

Reply to  J Clivas
6 years ago

All because Southern plantation owners insisted to protect slavery.

Reply to  Anti-Gnostic
6 years ago

Did the plantation owners murder 50,000 southern civilians like Dishonest Abe?

Reply to  Anti-Gnostic
6 years ago

Don’t forget that the jews in the colonies were VERY involved in the slave trade:

HISTORY: Jewish Slavetrade Documentary

Less than 1% of Southerners owned slaves btw; American Indians in the East Cost did buy and own black slaves though.


Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Reparations that are collectable only on the continent of Africa, after the free trip over.

Mountain Cracker
Reply to  zoomy
6 years ago

No reparations without repatriation!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Entirely besides the money issue: people very conveniently forget that Israeli spies have been caught numerous times pilfering US state secrets.

It all very conveniently gets swept under the rug. Which I see as a sign of how corrupted our political class is – because when they do that they’re essentially acting as foreign agents.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago


israel and it’s rothschilds agents have ALWAYS acted against non-zionist/talmudic people’s and their interests…research “The Talmud Unmasked” or see what maimonides said about non-jews:

The Laws Against Non Jews In 2 Mins

Did God Create Non-Jews to Be Slaves to Jewish Masters?

israel is a nest of perfidious vipers..’nuff said!!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Stop being israel’s/zionists/talmudics whore either economically or militarily!

Yes, it’s that simple!

Mountain Cracker
Reply to  Northgunner
6 years ago

And remove bases and defense from every European country that allows mass goat fuh…er…”refugees” in. Move them from Germany to Poland or Hungary.

Reply to  Jay
6 years ago

Apart from its air force, Israel’s military is terrible, and has been embarrassed in its last couple of adventures against the likes of Hezbollah and Hamas…And Israel is well aware of that.

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

Neither. Israel sent unsupported tanks against entrechments and lost most. But learned a valuable lesson. Their arty is first rate. Service in the military is a ticket upwards assuming one survives.

Reply to  Whiskey
6 years ago

I’m glad they figured out that unsupported tanks is a bad idea. That’s only been known since WWII. I read an appraisal of the conflict by a US Army officer. His main points were that Hezbollah upped their game from a guerrilla force into a quasi-small unit force that could handle small, stand-up fights. Meanwhile, the Israeli army was soft from years of border maintenance. Equipment wasn’t well maintained. Soldiers didn’t know how to actually fight. One soldier mention that Hezbollah wasn’t running away when shot at but actually fighting back. Add on that the head of the Israeli military… Read more »

Sidehill Dodger
Sidehill Dodger
Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

How good does your infantry really have to be if you are a nuclear power? I agree that the quality of Israel’s Army has gone down drastically over the last 20 years, but why does this matter? Israel’s neighbors are well aware that if they attack Israel and start to win, then Israel will have no reason to refrain from slagging their population centers. That’s why the actual violence against Israel comes from non-state “entities”–including their own Moslem subjects. There is no credible external military threat to Israel. Even a nuclear-armed Iran would only mean that Iran can play the… Read more »

Jeffrey n White
Jeffrey n White
Reply to  Sidehill Dodger
6 years ago

IRAN Is mad. They sent child soldiers in mass waves against an entrenched Iraqi
army during the iraq/Iran war in the. 1980’s.

Reply to  Sidehill Dodger
6 years ago

What if they simply recapture territory lost in 1967? Let’s say they announce that as their aim once the shooting starts. You think Israel can simply nuke them? Or let’s say Israel is losing and decide to nuke a few Arab cities. They still lose the war and now no one is going to take the refugees.

Relying on nukes for territorial integrity is a risky proposition. It puts you into an all or nothing stance. How much are you willing to lose before you pull the trigger; one yard, a mile, two miles?

Reply to  Jay
6 years ago

True. But if we’re stupid enough to die on their behalf instead of them, think they won’t accept it?

David Wheeler
Reply to  Jay
6 years ago

Keep on pushin’ shat fer yer Talmudic-usury-ziocon masters, Jay-bob — ignorant twat

Reply to  Jay
6 years ago

Israel does good when it has to kill a bunch of Palestinians in a camp or go up against Arab armies in the 1970’s. There’s no way in hell that Israel was ever going to invade Iraq and destroy the country. That took the US military. And if Israel doesn’t “need us” – then why do they continue to receive massive amounts of US taxpayer’s dollars? Despite Israel being a relatively prosperous country – it continues to be funded by extracting money from the pockets of US taxpayers to the tune of billions of dollars. Why? As I have to… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago


Ever since JFK’s murder, America has been under quiet foreign occupation and domination by the fifth column that is zionism/talmudics and domestic jews that have NO love for this country!

America needs to declare it’s independence from israel and kick out all such fifth column vermin asap!!


Reply to  Jay
6 years ago

shlomo says, “You’re a good goy!!…here’s a couple of shekls..keep it up!” If you’ve never heard of or cared to see what the “Greater Israel Plan” or “Yinon Plan” is; you’ve been indoctrinated very well by the zionists/talmudics. israel was born of terrorism (the bombing of the King David Hotel), nurtured on terrorism (Cairo bombings in 1957 and assassinations before, during and after) and matured on terrorism (attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 and the attack on 9/11 via the mossad/domestic helpers/concealment). With “friends” like israel, we DON’T need any enemies!! israel is and has ALWAYS been nothing more… Read more »