The Tax Revolt

In the realm of economics, hidden taxes are considered the worst taxes, as they corrupt the relationship between the parties in a transaction. The hidden tax adds a third party to the transaction, which clouds the true cost from buyer and seller. This secret partner to the transaction is often the government. Fees in the supply chain, like energy taxes, for example, show up in the cost of the product or service, but they are not disclosed, so the true cost is hidden from both the seller and buyer in many cases.

In the social realm, there are hidden taxes that are not really hidden, as they are experienced every day, but no one thinks of them as taxes. For example, people living in Lagos on the Chesapeake are well aware of the tax. This is the daily cost of insulating yourself from crime and mayhem. It may be a direct tax like alarm systems or bars on the windows. It can also be an indirect tax, like the two hour commute from one part of the suburbs to another. Time is just another form of money.

There is also an emotional cost that comes with living around so much vibrancy. When you live in a place like Lagos, around the tax, you can never relax. Life in diverse areas is a constant struggle between two species that were never meant to occupy the same ecosystem. The fragile peace is a source of stress, because it is so fragile. You know that the cost of that peace is tolerating the endless inconveniences. The pale face just assumes maintaining the peace is his burden alone.

It is not just the anxiety of living in constant danger. The tax shows up in a million little ways in your daily life. If you go into a lunch place in certain parts of town, you can expect to see a local struggling to order from the menu. The inculcated sense of entitlement means they will waste time ordering odd things that slow up the whole process for everyone. In the grocery store, shoppers will pick checkout lines, based on the assumed tax in each option. Everyone tries to be a tax dodger.

Like real taxes, there is no way to avoid the tax. In a place like Lagos, it is everywhere and is just a part of the background radiation of the universe. One just learns to navigate around these burdens. You are only made aware of the tax when you go away to some tax haven and then return to Lagos. The most stressful day of vacation is the first day back. It’s like moving from black and white to color. For newcomers, the tax is not just disorienting, it can be terrifying, but then they acclimate.

Of course, the newest tax comes from open borders. Illegal immigration is fueled by the demand for cheap labor. All of those little brown guys riding leaf blowers are here because they are cheap. The price of the landscaping services may be lower, but the cost shows up in the emergency room or in the police blotter. This is a form of cost shifting that is, in effect, a hidden tax on the people using other services. The high cost of cheap labor is another hidden tax all of us are forced to pay.

The tax is not just a racial thing. The ultimate cause of the tax is Progressive whites, who are a tireless burden on everyone around them. When box wine auntie shows up for Thanksgiving dinner, everyone pays the price for tolerating her. The day is a little less enjoyable, a little less relaxed. In many cases, everyone is thankful that racist Uncle Bob did not strangle her at the table. Perhaps instead of thankful, everyone is disappointed. Again, everyone secretly wishes to be free of the tax.

That, of course, is the ultimate hidden tax. Every normal person has had to self-censor, hold their tongue around some Progressive goofball. Maybe it is at work, where fear of being canceled out of your job leads to self-censorship. Often, it is in daily life where everyone avoids certain topics around the liberal guy. Being polite, something that is supposed to be a gift you give to others, becomes another tax in your life. Every normal man has quietly thought about canceling the tax man in their life.

The tax is everywhere. Turn on the television to watch a sportsball game and you will be inundated with commercials for race mixing, homosexuals and girl power. What should be a few hours vegging out in front of the tube to watch men play a game, quickly turns into an aggravation that saps your strength. TV ratings have declined for sports, because for many normal people, the tax is now exceeding the benefit. Staring blankly at the wall is more relaxing than another lecture on girl power.

This is the massive hidden tax on normal people. The price of tolerating Progressive lunatics is the stress of crumbling community, the irritation of endless propaganda and the bitterness than comes with self-censorship. Everyone’s life is diminished because a small group of people impose a heavy tax burden on the rest of us. The rise of dissident politics is not a reaction to Progressive lunacy, so much as it is the result of carrying the hidden tax burden. Normal white men are tired of paying the damned tax.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

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Carl B.
Carl B.
4 years ago


“The tax is everywhere. Turn on the television to watch a sportsball game and you will be inundated with commercials for race mixing, homosexuals and girl power. What should be a few hours vegging out in front of the tube to watch men play a game, quickly turns into an aggravation that saps your strength. TV ratings have declined for sports, because for many normal people, the tax is now exceeding the benefit. Staring blankly at the wall is more relaxing than another lecture on girl power.”

Amen. 100% spot on.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Agreed, Carl B.

The Booby says turn it off. Read a book; hell write a book; cook a meal; ogle the maid…. anything is better than watching the BLM Football League or Oprah-fied sports shows that now feature more women reporting on men’s sports than men (though the “men” are somewhat questionable, too).


Reply to  DaBooby
4 years ago

An alternative: be like me, too broke and overworked to have one! Winning!

Pip McGuigin
Reply to  DaBooby
4 years ago

MALES ….not men. You’re welcome.

The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

One part of the problem is that we have lost all power–formal power and soft power–to punish. If the Taxers go unpunished, they’re just going to continue to run riot–indeed there seems no limit to their degeneracy and degradation. A lot of people have pointed out that the explicit and implicit burdens on our people are much higher than those that the British placed on the American colonists to spur the independence movement. Perhaps it would be better to reframe What Comes Next not as a civil war but as a second war of independence. I often take business trips… Read more »

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

But the black is thinking the same thing when walking through your neighborhood. He experiences the ability to walk around without people walking up to him asking for money or otherwise bothering him. He feels safe. He enjoys the quietness.
The Asians probably feel the same way about you that you feel about the black.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

I don’t think the black does Tars. There’s a reason blacks were called sp00ks. Quiet, while relaxing for the European man, is unsettling for the African. They seek out loud environments because they have no inner dialogue. They would probably be freaked out walking around in a silent suburb.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

They have also been trained to believe, as have so many others, that anything not expressly uplifting for them or all about them is oppressive and discriminatory. Helluva way to go through life.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Indeed, both the least and the most successful minority groups in the US have been inculcated to believe that everyone and everything is against them. Fascinating how the first group has responded with utter dysfunction while the second group has been wildly successful on multiple fronts.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

Many middle-class Blacks choose to live in Black neighborhoods. They send their children to private schools and are wary of crime, but prefer to live with people they consider their own kind.

In the mostly White, suburban NJ neighborhood that I live, the police will come if a neighbor complains about party noise after 10 pm. I doubt that would happen in Newark or East Orange.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

That’s because in Newark or East Orange the cops are at the part.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Riiight, the big problem in Japan right now is loud jive-talking white businessmen with their pants hanging down, blasting hip hop at all hours, gunning people down at the slightest provocation, raping women any chance they get. It’s the scourge of Japanese society.

(P.S. it’s the “Jewish” that triggered you, isn’t it?)

Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

Nobody said Europeans were black. But we are not Asian. We are not Japanese and we aren’t Korean or Chinese. Just like nobody can be us, we cannot be them. If you think they don’t notice things about us, you are naive. When a Chinaman moves into our neighborhood, they don’t ruin in our lives in the same way blacks do, but they are still foreigners who speak broken English at best, they have foreign customs and foods etc. Even if blacks weren’t criminal, their presence would still bother us because we aren’t them and they aren’t us and the… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

So true, Tars. Nobody speaks for for the talented tenth. And in their own societies, the ruthless and stupid outnumber them so that they can never gain a foothold.

All good tenths- even Jews!- are torn by the dual demands of identity, of us or them.
It’s like a white man siding with meth heads in Kentucky.

This raises a question.
We, the White world, are the last, the only sanctuary on this planet.

The question this time is not, “where will we go”, but rather, “where will THEY go”, when we are gone.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

A thousand years of darkness. Kind of like the late bronze age collapse.
comment image

Pontius Pirate
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

“The Asians probably feel the same…” Asians have no business in this country. (Much like dots, mohammeds, Jews, and other predatory, parasitical, invasive mystery meat.) They did not shape, develop, or build this country, they did not conceive it, did not defend it, their blood, sweat and tears are nowhere to be found in it. Their cultural, linguistic, religious, and literary fingerprints are nowhere to be seen. They merely suck its blood, complain loudly, and live off our largesse, generosity, and political cowardice — much like our Jewish vampire friends. After the country was fully created and made safe, they… Read more »

Bob Lee
Bob Lee
Reply to  Pontius Pirate
4 years ago

Well, tongue in cheek, there are the railroads. “For all practical purposes, the Exclusion Act, along with the restrictions that followed it, froze the Chinese community in place in 1882. Limited immigration from China continued until the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1943.”

Reply to  Bob Lee
4 years ago

The Irish built at least as many miles as the Chinese, but get far less credit for it.

Reply to  Pontius Pirate
4 years ago

There is a Sun Yat-Sen University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. I studied Chinese there.

Pontius Pirate
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Did you also study how not to be a tone-deaf retard?

Reply to  Pontius Pirate
4 years ago

Muh feelz!

Reply to  Pontius Pirate
4 years ago

Well said. Derbyshire can dream of his purported ‘ice-people’ alliance (i.e. his marriage writ large). Others of us recognize the vast gulf between Whites and others, even those others not as dysfunctional as Negroes. They’re still alien in culture and behavior and thought, and their cultural norms are not a comfortable fit for most Whites. You may not feel unsafe walking their streets at night, but the crowding, the constant competitiveness, and the lack of privacy and individuality is disquieting at best.

4 years ago

The biggest tax of all is the dread of falling under the power of people who hate your guts…the dread of being unmanned and humiliated by small minded POCs and their enablers. The struggle by millions of white men to stay ahead of the Progressive Tidal Wave is constant and debilitating. At the beginning of the 1980s I knew I had to figure out how to be self-employed with few or no employees, and stay in the six-figure realm. That would be true liberty, or at least as much of it as could reasonably be expected this day and age.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
4 years ago

And much like the gub’mint, the tax man is often very aggressive even whilst he picks your pocket. That is the part that makes it sting just that much more. The Baltimore squeegee kid who will attack your car if you don’t pay his extortion for a service you don’t need. The entitled MVA she-boon working her makework job that you -must- interact with to drive a car with nothing but seething hostility behind her eyes. The welfare queen in the checkout line with her EBT card who spent too much of -your- money on groceries so will sit there… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

A month-and-a-half ago I visited friends at a big RV campground in upstate NY. Wow, it was the like the America of my childhood. Friendly people and almost everyone was White (one Black family). American flags outside, even a few Trump banners. Felt at home.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

I just went on a float trip in rural Missouri and stayed near a similar RV park. My wife wore her camouflage Trump 2020 hat, and not a negative word from anyone. No looking over your shoulder for muggers or watching what you say for fear of triggering any SJWs.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

RVs are the natural conclusion of white flight. Always on the move.

4 years ago

You would think these cities would have the lowest numbers of progressives because it is impossible to not be aware of the ‘rules’ whites have to follow in them. One obvious example is the tax subsidized public transit. People would rather start their day sitting in miles of bumper to bumper traffic than to experience the diversity on the train. My city has an elevated line locally called ‘the el.’ Back when my parents were young, hundreds of thousands of people rode to work rather than drive. Even when I was little there was standing room only on the un-air-conditioned… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

I don’t know where you’re from but I’m from Philly and I experienced the same thing.

Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

Also from Philly.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
4 years ago

My biggest problem dealing with “the tax” is waking up to bitter disappointment in the fact that people don’t want to wake up, and if you point out “the tax” to them, I get/got shut down and a flame thrower comes out to make sure I don’t do this again because they would rather scratch my eyeballs out rather than face reality. This is the tax I pay almost daily. I left working in downtown Oakland and riding BART because I was faced with death by Vibrancy 3 times and multiple near misses, figured I had used up my 9… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

BART = Bussing Africans Robbing Townsfolk. Richmond = Mogadishu

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile.HA…you clever man! Lagos on the East Bay!

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Knock on wood but Oakland is the worst US city I have ever seen (I didn’t count East Orange NJ as a city, FWIW). Chicago’s South Side is right up there but the overall city is better on average.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

“Don’t talk about the world….ever! Just be nice! And shut up.”

Great post. This mirrors my “smile and wave” approach to dealing with normies. Be the gray man … until otherwise necessary.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

You are a rare one, Range.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

My dear gentlemen and our Dissident ladies…..thank you for reminding me that when the realization of the civilisational cultural decline startles exploding fear airborn into a stifling mist, and human nature asserts itself relentlessly demanding not to be ignored…and is ignored to great peril, I can turn to my psychic kit bag where you, dare I shapeshift the phrase my “fellow travelers,” have been placed that I might pull you up into my awareness. In an abstract way, you are there to aid each of us to move beyond the quicksand of fear and sadness upon watching our country subsumed.… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

I sympathize, Range Front. It’s maddening to realize just how blinkered and g-d-m stupid most women are. I suppose I’m lucky I never had the daughter I wanted – she’d probably have hated me because I would have raised her so as not to fit into the herd. Cheer up – we have good, solid White men to exchange thoughts with on here – as well the few other unicorns.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Well-said, 3g and RFF!
I am glad to count you among the wahmen Unicorns in this exchange.

4 years ago

I’d never thought of these cultural stressors as a tax, but indeed they are. About 20 years ago my wife was asking me why I was transitioning the family “off the grid” … no TV, strictly limiting visits from dysfunctional family members, ruthlessly culling the “friends” who sucked energy from the household, then moving to the country to grow our own food, burn firewood, install a solar system, and shut/lock the farm gate at the end of the work day. Twenty years later my wife doesn’t ask anymore … 5 mins of people-watching in town answers the question. Life is… Read more »

deplorable me
deplorable me
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Moved from NJ to a western state a few years back, and I didn’t realize how much stress I was carrying until I stepped off the plane that last time. It felt like an enormous weight had suddenly fallen away when I realized that I wouldn’t have to deal with all of those NJ-related “taxes” anymore.

4 years ago

I would add that the breakdown in societal trust is a huge unrecognized tax as well. In a high trust society, you can focus most of your energy on productive pursuits. Conversely, in a low trust society, playing perpetual defense against potential attack is debilitating and wasteful. It ultimately limits the positive output of a nation.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

They build big stone walls with broken glass on top, only do small business with trusted family, use propane bottles and generators because infrastructure gets cannibalized, etc.

Can’t do anything beyond small, all their energies are focused on defense.
Now we’re in the same spot against alienated administrators, who make their bones attacking us helots.

4 years ago

Add another one to the &$%@ pile: How about all those “equal” women in the workforce that the rest of us have to accommodate? “Oh, I can’t come in this morning because my child has a fever”, or “I need to change my schedule because my daughter’s starting ballet lessons”, or “I’m taking two months stress leave because my boy’s having trouble adjusting to his new school”, or “My daycare closed so I won’t be in to work until I make new arrangements”, etc. etc. etc. Who picks up the slack for this? Yeah, we already know. It’s just another… Read more »

Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

Once again a great article. The Z Man in Baltimore must be as out of place as Michael Savage in San Francisco. It is hard to understand why white people in such liberal areas don’t change the way they vote. My niece and her husband live in Baltimore. They were Bernie supporters four years ago. I’m sure they are agonizing whether to stick with him or switching to Pocohontas or Mayor Pete. Two years ago they had their first child and are now looking for a place in the suburbs. If I were to ask them if this was to… Read more »

Aditya Barot
4 years ago

Z-Man, as always, you educate and amaze. I suppose the true beauty of your writing is that every sane man has had these thoughts, jumbled and inarticulate, which you set forth in your straight-forward and deceptively simple fashion. Genius.

Reply to  Aditya Barot
4 years ago

Plus, you make us want to unsheathe our swords and run amok.

4 years ago

Excellent. After reading this, I’m upping my subscription amount.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The death of the spirit tax: When a 5 year old enters kindergarten today he/she begins to pay the tax directly. An institution that used to try to identify and develop preferences and talents in the young now belittles and deconstructs them as members of institutional evil. Many come out of grade school already badly damaged. Middle school, high school and college complete the job. Add to that war against white children the Pozz that is youth culture and the loss in potential, in creativity, in know-how, in ambition, and in the will to be anything and do anything normal… Read more »

Demeter Last
Demeter Last
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

“An institution that used to try to identify and develop preferences and talents in the young now belittles and deconstructs them as members of institutional evil.” This is a insidious tax that isn’t talked about. In my youth, schools would actively seek out the bright kids and cater to their requirements. Mostly done in private schools, but done even in public schools, if to a lesser degree. But now, in our quest for enforced egalitarianism, these kids are left to their own devices. Taking good care of those kids is the cheapest and most reliable way to ensure a better… Read more »

happy merchant
happy merchant
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Just found out the other day there’s a transgender kid in my kid’s elementary school. Nobody bats an eye. The kid down the street has two moms, in some sort of open relationship (they call it “modern”).

The immigration and diversity stuff is bad, but the heaviest tax is the one they’re putting on normal white kids and their parents.

Reply to  happy merchant
4 years ago

lemme guess: it’s a gubmit school.

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

This why “white supremacy” is not actually a worry to our masters; in fact, it’s actually useful for them as a recurrent bogeyman and a pretext for even more tax predations upon their white tax cattle. No, what’s really dangerous for them is white separatism. That’s what they absolutely cannot tolerate and that’s why i think that demands for peaceful separation are bound to fail, regardless of how reasonably put. It may be that the most subversive thing we can do is to encourage and, wherever possible, facilitate continuing white flight. I made my own flight a few years ago,… Read more »

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

Very important comment. White separatism is the cultural version of moving your money to a tax-haven Caribbean island. Can’t have that.

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

This is the real tension of the Poz and the thing they don’t seem to have a plan for. There are still enough whites and other productive clades in the modern West that Poz as a simple looting scheme still works. For minorities it works because it’s a simple way to take an undeserved piece of the pie. It also works for certain whites as a way to curry favor with the ruling class in hopes of being given a ticket out of the “tax cattle” class and into the “tax farmer” class. Any time you go to one of… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

“I made my own flight a few years ago, leaving vibrant, enriched London for a very unvibrant and unenriched former communist country.” I’m right there with you brother. Given that the Police State has seen fit to give me a rather nasty criminal record for my “crime” (firearm ownership while White and race aware), I’ll be following your exit strategy too. I’m starting to make moves to get east of Austria somewhere. Who in their wildest fever dream imagination would have guessed that countries that were under the Iron Curtain would end up being some of the better places on… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Any suggestions and tips how to begin the search for a country in which I can let my shoulders down? Just to start the research…

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

RFF, a few you should research: Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago


King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

This video might interest you. It’s an American guy in Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia (Melania’s home town). I don’t live there but a lot of towns in Central Europe and the Balkans are like this.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Russia may have benefited, ironically, from the fact that it succumbed to Communism early in the 20th century when it still had a traditional society while Europe and the US had to endure the slow degradation of all that Frankfurt School garbage after WWII. Eastern Europe in fact, never bought into the commie thing at all and just had it forced on them by the Red Army. Poland defied the communists with the Solidarity movement and Hungary even almost succeeded in throwing off the Soviet boot completely in ’56. They continue to vex today’s globalists by insisting on defending their… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

You have an insightful mind and clear, not cluttered writing. Unfortunately, your and Apex’s insight have accomplished the rare effect of setting my hair on fire. No where to run…no where to hide…except OUT. Have NEVER thought of this. Plus Basic Husband is dug in. Basic daughter would spontaneously combust, or at the minimum spontaneously combust into Van Helmont’s mice. I would be the only one in the family to even give thought to Another Country. I have never let my guard down after working in Oakland and living in California. Am sick and tired of developing new gristle on… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Agree with all of Pz’s suggestions, may have some inside info on a couple of those by Christmas or so.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Look forward.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Could Apex make a living in Bitteroot?

4 years ago

Harvard prof. in migration economics at Harvard, George Borjas told congress in 2016 that migration was a redistribution program between classes. The migrants didn’t make the “cake”/economy much larger with new enterprises. They just added more people to share the “cake”. It meant lower wages and higher cost of living for the lower classes in society. He said that costs for workers was 500.billion dollars a year in decreased standard of living.

Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

When we’re adding people because of the color of their skin rather than the value of their contributions our nation will fail.

4 years ago

Taylor Swift darling of the WN has had it with White men and is apparently all woke now and fighting to defeat Trump and the deplorables.

Inside every White woman is a sjw screaming to be let out.

Fwiw Warren is now bashing White men full time and drawing bigger crowds than Trump. All of White women.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Come the revolution they will be frog marched in shame with shaven heads.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

There’s a number of us chicks who will help you.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

I’d toss the SJWs to the rampaging orcs.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

We are outliers and you know it

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

When I read Whiskey’s many “women are our root problem” posts, I wonder what his endgame is. If we want to continue the species, we can’t expell them all, unlike other groups whom I believe are more culpable.

Women, more than men, believe whatever the media/education tells them to, which is why we must depose those in control and direct it ourselves.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Much of the problem with white women is that white men allow it. Roman man would never have allowed women to operate the way they do today.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Today, the Roman man would be divorced at best. At worst, he’d never see his children or be in prison. This problem is larger than individual men.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I’m not saying that we can solve it now, probably too late – but it was *men* as a whole that gave women the vote, *men* as a whole that let them into the workforce en masse, etc, etc.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Bullshit. No ….. it’s …… not. For society at large – the problem may be larger than an individual man. But what do those individual men do when confronted by out of control women that are within their wheelhouse of influence? Do they just knuckle under and support them – or do they oppose their bullshit? If there is a “tax” on society from having to live around the groids – then there is also a “tax” right down at the individual level when you’re talking about how men support the women in their lives who have gone full SJW.… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

I’m convinced somehow white males have been selected for codependency over the past 100-150 years.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Carlsdad – SPOT ON. How many comments have I read where guys lament their SJW wives – and I wonder – why were you thinking with your little head when it came to marriage? And these women raise their daughters to be thots and cavort with diversity – while the fathers plead helplessness. Sorry goys, but you’re supposed to be the MAN of the house.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I’ll tell you exactly what they were thinking:

“Damn, she’s hot!”

It’s been the downfall of many civilizations.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

This is why it is so important when TSHTF to dispose of those in academia and the MSM that have been poisoning the minds of our young.

No society can tolerate what amounts to social poisoners and survive.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Whiskey can speak for himself, but the endgame has got to be the restoration of patriarchy. Sadly, I see no way to do that, save a mass conversion to Islam (the subject of Michel Houellebecq’s novel, Submission) or another religion that defines sex roles along traditional lines. Otto von Bismarck stated the best role of women in society quite succinctly: Kueche, Kinder, Kirche (kitchen, children, church).

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Saying that we must convert to Islam to save the West and white men is the ultimate in defective thinking.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

As a believing Christian who depends on Gods grace and mercy … even I admit we must address the CQ.

Perhaps War will save us. A real one. All I am saying is give War a chance. Peace is over. If you want it.

All peace has given us us … very possibly President Warren.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Traditional Christianity has always defined sex roles along traditional lines. Thanks to the ‘reformation’ and the results of years of redefining sex roles, we’re all but lost.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

No more Middle Eastern sects or entanglements please . If we really must go this route, try a saner non polygamous version of the Sons of Jacob from the Handmaid’s Tale or the FLDS instead of the very very alien way of thought that is Islam In any case this won’t happen till either someone has enough power to make it happen with force. The reason is simple, modernity and its technology increasingly selects for calmer less violent and physical men. This is because we don’t need the other kind and they are outright destructive to the complex order The… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Well, your first base premise is autlmatically wrong: izlam is NOT a religion.
It is a satanic political ideology masquerading as a religion.
There is no “fundamentalist” version of it.
The whole thing is [terrible].

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Agreed. I prefer the William Lind solution. Publicly humiliate and exile the prominent feminists and the intractable ones to the diversity they so love.

We can offer a general amnesty to those willing to accept their new role in our homeland.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

Last Stand,

When I read Lind’s scene (burning the heretic “Bishop”) I admit I was a little taken aback. Later I reflected and realized that is probably what it would take to set that ship aright. Disturbing.

Ultra Pasteurized
Ultra Pasteurized
Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

Might sterilize them first. Enough of that kind of thing as is…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

This will require a lot of force and a lot of men who actually want the role assigned to them and a state that can control technology so that men have work It does no good for all these old school guys to get jobs behind a computer screen or as a robot wrangler as the problem will not go away Essentially you have to have enough force lower women’s social status drastically and to prevent men from rebelling as well. As for traditional roles I am far from sure that men actually want this misery. It could be that… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

There is not much to be done now. The crux of it is that the condom and pill and rising female income creates… Taylor Swift and Elizabeth Warren.

The latter drawing huge crowds bigger than Trump … if you believe Drudge.

White men are selected for beta. Which women find repulsive but dominate on the battlefield and on the farm.

Perhaps we need a generation of Alexander like wars that shatter the current system and bring women down and White men as betas up.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

I wouldn’t believe Drudge if he told me the sky was blue.

However if Warren is in her rather Conservative populist mode as she was in many of her videos and her book “the Two Income Trap.” she could give President Trump a bit of a fight which is good

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Either TayTay suffered a massive psychic concussion by prematurely hitting The Wall or they left her in the Epstein Machine for a few nights too long. She’s an MK-Ultra Thot now. Maybe we shouldn’t have done all those Hortler memes BITD.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Not so. Fact is, when my lesbian SJW daughter came out and told me they would be in charge of what was said and thought in the family from here on out, and that we were all going to live under the rainbow… I had Box Wine Auntie, Marxist Mom, Femcnut Sister in law, Socialist Father In Law and Union Slob Brother in Law come swarming out of the woodwork to support her. I wasn’t going to pay that kind of tax and when I got thrown out the airlock… my wife came with me and sided with me. The… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Outstanding that your wife had your back on that. Very white-pilling.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Good gosh, bring back the fish markets!
The ladies would be so much happier getting out of the house, doing some necessary, gossiping with the girls, than the 8 to 5 grind.

Even UBI for women would be so much cheaper than an exploding HR regime.
The carrying costs of welfare are pennies compared to war, divorce, compliance, student loans, etc.

We’re prosperous enough to free them, and let women pursue womanly pursuits. The social carrying costs would actually be a net gain. I’d rather they chase men than be them.

Da Booby
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

When women become rich they become fashion-obsessed. Undermine the post-WWII economy that still makes useless white women rich: If your daughter has gone SJW, cut her off and write her out of the will. If your wife has gone SJW, divorce her, but only after you’ve converted (secretly) as many of your assets into cash and gold as possible. Stop supporting popular culture. Stop seeing or paying for movies, idiot rock stars, television, etc. Use the library. Reduce your official-economy consumer spending to as close to zero as possible. Alternatives include garage sales, flea markets, farmers’ markets (on a side… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Da Booby
4 years ago

Da Booby,

However means you can get them technologically, I have been watching a great deal of movies produced in Russia and eastern Europe. They’re prudish on nudity, clearly anti-perversion and pro-Western.

The production values are lower but who needs more CGI? Great history pieces and fascinating characters. Starve the degenerates in Hollywood and still enjoy a film.

Da Booby
Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Great idea, sir!

Aditya Barot
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Whiskey, the behavior of white women is confounding in the extreme: while they enthusiastically vilify their race and their men, they still compete with equal enthusiasm and viciousness, for white men. White wah-men pseudo-religious anti-white dogma doesn’t seem to incline them to f*ck coloreds like me anymore than the pro-white beliefs of their great grandmothers. I don’t know how to square that circle.

Reply to  Aditya Barot
4 years ago

They don’t want Dontavious. They want Christian Gray. They just want Dontaviuos to enact Reginald Denny day every day to the 90% of White men they find beta. That way you see Mr. Gray won’t get discouraged in thinking the ladies might actually be worth a beta. A beta male even looking is an insult. It implies they have a chance . See Katherine Heigl vs Seth Rogan in Knocked Up. She could have let it ride for big sequels bucks but the movie insulted her sex market value.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Can you provide more information on the — bigger crowds than Trump?

happy merchant
happy merchant
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

start blogging again my guy

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Ladies and gents, Warren is NOT drawing bigger crowds than Trump.

Where does this propaganda come from?

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

She most certainly is not drawing bigger crowds than President Trump. Don’t be a fool, Whiskey.

4 years ago

The greatest tax of all is the anxiety and risk of losing your children to rainbow flags and snowflakitis. Best tax revolt I know of is pulling your children out of government schools.

Da Booby
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

The Baby Boomers spit in their parents faces. And yet their parents didn’t cut them off. They kept footing the bills to send their precious Boomers to university. Those precious darlings still get rich today inheriting their parents’ hard-won savings.

In other words, they learned that their actions have no consequences.

If you’re truly worried that you’ll lose your children to rainbow flags and snowflaitis then make sure they know that your loyalty to family ends at civil war, and any movement that seeks to destroy the family can’t expect to be fed, housed, clothed, and pampered by the family.

Reply to  Da Booby
4 years ago

We’re on the same team here but the answer is to remove and insulate your kids from progressive bureaucrats, full stop. Many normies feel the schools are a bust “but hey, my school district is different.” Which is an absolute steaming pile of bull-scat. Progressive educrats want your child’s heart & mind, and when the kids are surrounded by a peer group of snowflakes for 40+ hrs/week, the dissident parent’s job is darn near impossible. The ideal answer for the intact two-parent home is to bring the kids home, surround them with a library, and put strict limits on electronics… Read more »

Da Booby
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

That’s a tall order, but if you can actually pull it off, the Booby says “Bless you, sir.”

Reply to  Da Booby
4 years ago

Yep, tall order. But something that’s doable and within my sphere of influence. I’m the Dad – they’re the kids; I advise parents to never lose a battle of wills with children. And I’ve got 2 well-adjusted 20-something dissident kids (who have given me grandchildren) to prove it.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Never lose a battle of wills with the children. I never did, but my hard-headed kids have surely taken a couple years life expectancy off, especially one of the girls. Still have one in Middle School. I tell the wife that she’ll be the straw…. you know the rest.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

SidVic – maybe a dead thread here, but let me encourage you to sprint to the finish line with your middle-schooler. When your child is in public school the challenge as a parent is to be more influential than her peer group. If she wants to please her Dad more than her peer group that’s a good sign. If not, consider ways to spend as much time as possible with her and get her talking. This is offered as a fellow Dad but also someone who spent time in a school environment and I’ve seen firsthand how destructive the peer… Read more »

4 years ago

White middle class people who work – have a massive tax burden to shoulder. But try having a conversation about that – and the typical response I’ll get , even from people who should know better – is to complain that if we went all libertarian on the issue we’d have no roads, schools , or military. They’re willing to put up with all manner of abuse – just so they can have some public schools to send their non replacement rate child off to – to get indoctrinated to hate them when zir grows up. Most whites just simply… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Here in California, the tax law changes have raised people’s taxes, not lowered them. The Proggies blame Trump. I respond that the government is paying for all sorts of stuff for everyone, and someone has to pay for it all. Shuts them up quickly.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Suckramento spends its time ginning up bills for voting rights for 14 year old illegal aliens, greasing the already-dripping skids for trial lawyers & giving bajillions for public works boondoggles, social justice teachers unions and gang-affiliated prison guards. Otherwise known as Thursday. California unter alles. Shalom.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You ever make it up this way?

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Had to put that on hold to go to Scandza forums Oct-early November, heading for Glacier Park area after I get back.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

I once tried to calculate the full cost of taxes in everything we buy in every link of the chain along the way. Iron ore company tax. Transport company tax. Steel Mill company tax. Engine forge tax. Car tax. Etc. It’s mind boggling the amount of tax, and then calculate the profit, too at every step.

Reply to  johnmark
4 years ago

All of those taxes taken out of you in currency – go to support the vibrancy that puts the tax on everything else that Zman is referring to.

Tykebomb said:
” White nationalism is the wish to live like white progs for less than 6 figures a year. ”

Why can’t you do that?

That’s why I keep harping on the taxes. Because they’re supporting all that vibrancy that makes everything else so taxing.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Got to be around those who understand how bad taxes are to be able to stand against them effectively…I understand and have done what I can to mitigate them as much as possible at this time but there is a lot of room for more with numbers…

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

The inflation is also eating us up on top of the taxes.

Reply to  johnmark
4 years ago

About 20 years ago I took my first real job out of college and moved to a state with an income tax other taxes. This was in the mid-West. After about half a year or so, I sat down and calculated every tax before and after my check and came up with an approximate number that 1/3 of my income before and after was gobbled by government (fed, state, local) and that is what I could visibly count. I would argue most Americans have been paying a 50% tax on their income for a long time now.

4 years ago

I experienced a new (to me) variation of The Tax this morning. Went into a Thornton’s brand convenience store to use the bathroom. They had replaced the normal flourescent light in the men’s room with a blue colored one. It was disorienting as hell. Whenever I blinked, the change would cause a bright flash behind my eyelids that (I assume) you just don’t notice under normal lighting conditions. It was also fairly dim and the fact that everything was Smurf colored made me feel a little ill. I did my business and got the hell out of there. I bought… Read more »

4 years ago

“There is also an emotional cost that comes with living around so much vibrancy.” Yes, there is. Living in “Lagos” from about 1985 to 1992, just walking around could be a struggle, even in less vibrant neighborhoods. The re-election campaign of Kurt “Where there is Schmoke, there is Fire” and lower interest rates sent us out to the red zone northeast of Lagos. Vibrancy eventually followed, so we are now settled in deeper red, still to the northeast. The “tax” is relentless. It’s when the city decides to place a shelter behind your home, shipping in occupants to justify it.… Read more »

Reply to  Indispensable_Destiny
4 years ago

As yes, I remember living there then too. The happy “thwomp thwomp” of the helicopters lulling you to sleep at night.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Heh. At the truck stop in Birmingham, even the janitors open carry pistols, holstered on their hips.

4 years ago

“The tax” has finally reached my work niche, a place that is rather rarefied and has many filters that are supposed to keep taxing sorts at bay. But filters or no, our ruling class business leaders and their commissars in HR have gone out of their way to stuff tax burdens in places where they would never occur naturally. These taxing folk are so taxing that not only have they increased the cost of getting _anything_ done, some things just are no longer do-able. I have been comfy in my work niche, solving interesting problems and making things better for… Read more »

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

The tax burden in Corporate IT is insane. Between the Pajeet H-1Bs, the Women “analysts” who have problems even taking notes of meetings, let alone ‘analyzing’ anything, and the minority ‘managers’ who have been dilbert-principled up there, it’s an awful place to be.

I gotta get out. One project I’m working on has 6 people (3 of which are indentured pajeets) doing the actual work, and 8 ‘manager’ types, plus another 10 or so ‘adjunct’ people to the project who are there to evaulate ‘project risk’ and other crap

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Sounds inefficient.

From what I’ve heard about the pajeets, most are incompetent (you get what you pay for) and need to be supervised and their mistakes corrected.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

That’s what the other 3 Americans are for on the dev team.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Wouldn’t be cheaper and less aggravating to hire four Americans than three pajeets and three Americans?

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

FTEs are vastly more expensive than contractors, and American contractors charge a hell of a lot more than folks from Infosys, WiPro, TATA, and others. Wait, you mean Americans want *time off*? Not to work 80 hour weeks but only be paid for 40? Not be talked down to and treated like garbage? Better to hire Pajeet since we’re holding his visa hostage. Pretty much every major *American* bank is 80% run by Indian IT firms. They bring in minorities to ‘manage’ the projects and then make the H-1Bs do the work, which ends up subpar but it doesn’t really… Read more »

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

High-tech braceros. I think that what pajeet wants is a green card so he can stay and get another job elsewhere.

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

One can phrase the cost in terms of taxes, but most of what the article describes (very ably and articulately) are the burdens of living in an excessively-heterogenous society. There are also benefits, but they flow almost exclusively to the elite.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

White nationalism is the wish to live like white progs for less than 6 figures a year.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Yup. It’s more than money. It’s the folding knife I have to slip into my pocket when I go to the gym because my once nice main street is a campground of junkies and screaming lunatics. It’s the having to wait to go until long after the light turns green for Shawnequa to sloth-like saunter through the crosswalk glaring at me. It’s fetching the clerk at the walmart corner store to unlock the deodorant case because bums kept using the stuff and reshelving it. Checking myself in the gas station bathroom mirror before exiting only to see scratched Hispanic gang… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

” G.W. would have already been up in the mountains gathering an army if he were around today.
and the first thing the asshole did was institute a whiskey tax and send the army to collect it.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

But I doubt he would have put up with the hidden social tax Zman mentioned or I was talking about. I’d pay a 50 percent whiskey tax in cash in lieu of the other. Thanks for making my point, Bile.

Don Hinds
Don Hinds
Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

You already do
X 1000

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

This is what is called doing it wrong: ” I’d pay my current tax rate plus 10% if I could go through the week without any of the above.” If that is what you think the solution to the problem is – it’s no wonder the problem is so bad. The solution to the problem – is EXACT OPPOSITE. We should be demanding to pay 80% LESS. Because that is what will remove the funding that creates all those problems you described. Simple economic rule: When you subsidize something – you create more of it. What you’re advocating is that… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Calsdad and Bile, Since both of you have taken a different meaning than what I meant I can only assume the fault lies with my lack of clarity. So let me remove the beam in my eye… I was solely addressing the social nuisance tax (not monetary) that was the second part of Zmans post. The unseen burden and degradation of my homeland turning into a multiculti empire hostile to the descendants of its founders. I realize this destruction is funded by tax money. My point was I’ve come around to the argument that whatever we build or reclaim or… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Won’t urge you to do anything drastic Brother just offer a suggestion to get out of there and come build Community with me here in the Bitterroot…

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago


Thanks Brother. Already in development. Operation Ozarks at 85% completion.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Glad to hear it Brother when you get tired of the bugs you are welcome up here…

4 years ago

I just spent a few days in a tax Haven and it was lovely. And bonus, I said to a couple I know that the problem with living the city was that the black leadership hates white people. I think that’s probably the first time they heard it so blatantly but they seemed receptive. Or perhaps today they’re thinking I’m a horrible racist. You never know with these things

4 years ago

“Box wine auntie” and “racist uncle.” I know that dynamic well. I’m half of it. Ugh.

4 years ago

Tucker seems to be the only high-profile pundit who understands that The Tax on social and personal quality of life matters more than the misnamed “bottom line.” Predictably, Moloch’s faithful sitting in the pay-to-pray front pews of our Lady of Gross Domestic Product have branded him with the Mark of Keynes. He has been weighed in the balance sheet and found wanting. Nativism, populism & nationalism are LGDP heresies. Look at how quickly Pat Buchannan was given the Beckett & More treatment by former bestie St. Milton the Facile. Milt’s successors like Archbishops Kirk of Kristol & Benjamin of Manlet… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

St. Milton came up with the idea of payroll tax withholding to pay for the war. Now the tax cattle just assume their net pay is what they work for, and don’t notice how much is taken out because it’s never theirs in the first place. He said it was his biggest regret, so at least there’s that.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

it will come as no surprise to you to learn that Keynes was a sodomite pedophile,

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Knew he was fey, the pederasty’s part of the package.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Keynes, the one who went to to big orgies in Morrocco with half a dozen friends and two dozen cute little peasant boys? Him?

4 years ago

Normal white men are tired of paying the damned tax.
Not tired enough to do anything about it though at this point…Not enough pain yet but it’s coming you can count on that…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

We have slow-burning fuses but when they burn down we tend to get things done decisively – to the world’s advantage in a civilized and relatively merciful fashion, not that we’re given enough credit for that. The unfortunates who’ve been cooking off in a mad fashion are the unstable and fragile loners. When the broad mass of White men have had enough, the world will know about it.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You make your trip yet?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile, I hope you are correct. But I look to South Africa and I despair.

The Anti-Gnostic
The Anti-Gnostic
4 years ago

I keep asking myself when can we finally all agree this is what separate countries are for.

The late, great Lawrence Auster called it “the Eloi tax.”

Sir Balin
Sir Balin
Reply to  The Anti-Gnostic
4 years ago

Yeah but the morlocks were fabulous technicians who kept everything running…

Reply to  Sir Balin
4 years ago

The morlocks were good farmers, too

4 years ago

I’m glad you used the word “species.” Homo sapiens is a bad, polyphyletic taxon. Negros and Whites are different species. There are maybe 50 to 100 DNA-distinct human races living today that can be sorted into 10 to 20 species.

Species differ in all sorts of ways, including behavior and abilities. They cannot live peacefully together.

4 years ago

One of the things the broadly defined “red pill” on a variety of topics does is clarify “mysteries” for you. In any popular article or video about human origins you will encounter a mandatory section musing about how amazing it is that there used to be many human species and now there’s only one. It’s so mysterious! Then you find out about the Neanderthal genes modern people all have – except for Africans. Then there are the Denisovans who also “vanished”. Or did they? Sometimes in the same presentation they will even mention that what gets called a species or… Read more »

4 years ago

I don’t know where you’re getting your information from Robert Sykes but it is 100% incorrect. Saying negroes and whites are different species is like saying poodles and beagles are different species. Negroes and whites are both human species but different races. There are four major known races : Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid and Australoid. Some consider Capoids (bushmen/Hottentots) a fifth but the jury is still out. Frankly I think they’re an offshoot of Negroid.

I happen to study race but this is fundamental stuff and you can easily look it up. I suggest you do.

Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

There is a kernel of truth in the “no such thing as race” dogma, which is that to sharply divide humans into a small set of well defined races is wrong. What is real is not race, but difference! Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans are different from each other, and both are different from East Asians or Australian Aborigines, and so on. If you want to get into the weeds of classification you’ll find a clustered hierarchy of populations and sub-populations, along with all sorts of cross relationships. But you don’t need to do that! The fact that people from different… Read more »

Reply to  JEB
4 years ago

I repeat, but in other words, throwing a dozen breeds into the same kennel.

4 years ago

The tax is real. My sister lives near the Imperial Capitol in one of those expensive N. Va. suburbs full of overpaid and overeducated people engaged in meaningless professional work. When they leave their jobs and go home to their wildly overpriced homes, they lock themselves in, even in the early evening. They watch some artsy-fartsy show on the tube while trapped in their own homes, smug in how progressive they are while living in constant abject terror of the diversity they claim to love.

4 years ago

Sometimes the tax is small in the form of an inconvenience sometimes not.

Avoiding help from certain sales clerks knowing it is useless. If you are called to jury duty in a major city (if you don’t throw away the summons) you will be immersed in the worst of it and understand fully your actions to avoid these people in everyday life.

The progs in my extended family are the ones who bite through their lips more than the rest. Out of politeness we do go easy on them.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Ah, yes. Jury duty. A terrifying glimpse into the abyss.

Reply to  Mac
4 years ago

When I was on the Grand Jury years back, we were told to select a Foreman from among us by lot. The County Attorney, not being very politically astute, suggested strongly that the Foreman be someone with a Spanish language background so as to be able to “pronounce” the names of persons being indicted. ;-). He was all too correct. 🙁

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

A couple of years ago my wife did a county level grand jury stint. Was six weeks of almost nothing but the depravity that goes on in the more “vibrant” areas. Literally things like testimony from a minor rape victim that the perp who sodomized her threatened to kill her if she didn’t s—k the s—t off his d—k. Then beat her badly enough to fracture her skull anyway. Sorry to repeat that. But it was two days a week of her coming home and literally crying for an hour after each session. She was grateful for the white collar… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Saml, sometimes ya just gotta bring the point home.

If we could publish a regular confessional from pediatric nurses, public health providers, EMPs, and cops in Breitbart, that CivNat virtue signaling would stop tout suite.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

This is what everyone knows, and nobody dares to say. Somehow, I’m left with the feeling that this may be your first post that gets over 1000 replies.

4 years ago

The tax is too damn high!

4 years ago

I like to say that things go better when you live like you don’t give a crap about what is going on around you. In other words, not buying into the soul-sucking things that the employment tasks or the people around you demand of you. Do them, sure, but neither buy into them nor allow them to dictate your mood. Now I understand that it is living tax-free in a taxable environment. Thanks for the insight!

4 years ago

Good article.

4 years ago

Z, I’m a puzzled by your constant use of the term “normal people.” Seriously, how many “normal people” do you actually know? In the circles I move in (educated white people), very few would meet your definition of normal, which makes the use of the term, um, problematic. Lotta white people have college degrees these days! If you live in Charles Murray’s Belmont, woke is the new normal. When it comes right down to it, as a faith system Wokism is no more nonsensical than most religions. And religion is a very normal part of human society! This would hardly… Read more »

4 years ago

This is a fooking great explanation of a complex concept. I’ll be using this to redpill some people I know.

4 years ago

That is what I love about this site (and why I support it) — Zman approaches everyday problems and frustrations from new and insightful angles., I had never thought about the major mayhem and petty annoyances imposed by progs as forms of tax — but they can definitely be seen that way. And resented all the more…

Reply to  Jacques_Lebeau
4 years ago

Agreed. My attention span for writers usually lasts a couple years or so, then I move on; mostly because they usually go through all their interesting ideas and have to start recycling them. Even the good ones like Mark Steyn and VDH have gotten repetitive to me and I rarely read them anymore. Not so with the Z-man (at least not yet…).

Keep up the great work!

4 years ago

I”m sick of ‘duh-versity’. If you do a search for ‘diversity and inclusion’ on a job search board, you will find it’s disgusting what these people get paid. It’s too bad we can’t repeal women’s suffrage, kick out of lot of the ‘duh-versity’ from America including a number of foreigners, and execute politicians and shutdown organizations that cause these problems.

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

A bit OT but file this under “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes”


Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

Thanks, that made my day brighter. Some dude on the internet noted that any un-moderated forum will turn right wing. Listen to this: Daniel said: “Once, I found a colleague of ours checking online, looking to purchase a Taser, because he started to feel scared about others. He confessed he was really concerned about walking through the streets at night, for example, or being surrounded by foreign people. Maybe because all this hate speech we have to face every day affects our political view somehow. So a normal person, a liberal person, maybe also a progressive person, can get more… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

I am convinced that AI will prove to be so based that they will have to shut it down.

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

I wonder about this too. It’s why I can’t really decide whether to cheer the Robot Uprising or not.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

I like the way that, except for the polarity, this writer’s use of “normal person” is very similar to Z’s!

4 years ago

Don’t worry Z. The vibrancy is making its way into white suburbia. We pay for a grossly overpriced shoebox with exorbitant condo fees just for the privilege of living next to the wealthy. but alas all is not well in Mayberry ! The constant clanking of bulldozers and back up alarms means the obama housing on the next block is almost finished 🙁 Yes , the money people tried to dodge that bullet for a long time, but the Feds finally caught up with them and now the mandatory low income housing is here. The first victim will be the… Read more »

Reply to  sirlancelot
4 years ago

You have to change your focus from wanting to live by the wealthy to wanting to live amongst your own kind… Check out the Bitterroot Valley…

4 years ago

A Progressive/Vibrancy tax? I wonder if I’m subject to it? Let’s see. I:
1. Am a straight white Christian male
2. Live in a Large Northeastern Metropolis(TM)
3. Work in the entertainment industry (yes, I’m the carny in the room)
Hmmm. I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.

4 years ago

Off topic, but I recommend you take a look (if you haven’t already) at Czeslaw Milosz’s The Captive Mind. Particularly chapters 1 (The Pill of Murti-Bing) and 3 (Ketman). It’s a fairly short book, written in 1951. Murti-Bing comes from a different book from the early 30s.

Da Booby
Reply to  H I
4 years ago

Agreed. It’s a great book. And sheds light on the bureau-fascist twits who have taken over our government institutions since the 1960s. Czeslaw Milosz gave the warning back in the 50s. No one listened.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Da Booby
4 years ago

“No one listened.” No-one ever listens.

Johnny ApplePie
Johnny ApplePie
4 years ago

Well stated. And in terms any Reason magazine editor can understand. Maybe you should submit it to them as a guest opinion piece.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Johnny ApplePie
4 years ago

Indeed, he should! I have no illusions that they’ll actually publish it, but submitting it costs nothing, and why miss an opportunity to antagonize Reason?

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

Reason magazine standard retort #666,666,666: Well you see those migrants are collecting welfare and getting Obamacare. Welfare and Obamacare bad! Also, high cost of living due to high rents. High rents caused by land use restrictions leading to not enough cheap housing for next 45 million migrants. Land use restrictions bad! In LibertyLand, Los Angeles suburbs end in Kansas! Migrants drive to jobs as Junior Leaf Blower Engineer in flying cars that cruise at Mach 2. Supersonic flying car invented by migrant you know! Or would be if only liberty haters like you would just get out of the way… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Didn’t I read somewhere that the senior editors at Reason are… the usual suspects?

Reply to  Johnny ApplePie
4 years ago

* Clown Horn *

4 years ago

This may be the finest example of Z Man’s commentary I have ever read. The level of insight is stunning. I cannot rate it highly enough.

4 years ago

“TV ratings have declined for sports, because for many normal people, the tax is now exceeding the benefit.”

I’ll watch a good college game if I have the time, and the only pieces of NFL games I see are the few minutes I may spend at friends’ houses who have the game on, so I’m not sure I’m correct on this, but it seems like there may be different genres of commercials between the two types of games. Am I correct or mistaken?

4 years ago

For all those who think corporations should be taxed at higher rates than present, just remember that corporations do not pay taxes, they collect them. An onerous and very well hidden tax – it’s not even on the receipt you receive – is the tax on gasoline. Most gasoline taxes (federal + state tax) are in the 40 cents to 50 cents/gallon range and some are 60 cents/gallon or higher. What a sick joke indeed when the price of international oil skyrockets and thus as well gasoline prices, and the communist POS members of Congress drag the oil executives into… Read more »

4 years ago

This is quite similar to some personal thoughts I’ve have of my home region, the Balkans. In short, the only way to maintain peace within a given region, where at least one actor/group is willing to exterminate all others, is to ensure that the cost of violent action is so high that even an irrational person would chose not to engage in it. One way to do this is to make the response / consequence utterly disproportional to the initial action. The kind of culture it creates is therefore one where peace exists, but violence is a persistent undercurrent of… Read more »

4 years ago

This is a great essay. The play on the notion of ‘taxing’ really brings out many different aspects of why ethno-genetic nationalist sentiment continues to grow. Right now ‘conservatives’ want to focus on the governmental ‘taxation’ ethnos and the ‘taxing’ nature of the Progressive ethnos but are, generally, unwilling to yield anything to the genetic (racial) aspects of the problem. I think White Nationalists are, in general, focused on the genetic aspects of nationalism, but are willing to concede that there are some Whites that are race-traitors and do not deserve to be part of a White homeland. An ‘ethnically… Read more »

4 years ago

A tax is a tax is a tax. Tax tax tax and more tax. It all adds up. Total consiousness is consciousness without tax.

4 years ago

[…] we know the tax is not a continuous interval, so Rolle’s theorem would not apply in the case of these sorts […]