The Growing Darkness

The term “dark age” came into popular usage among intellectuals during the 18th century, but the term itself was actually coined by Petrarch. He was an early Italian Renaissance scholar in the 14th century. It was originally used to describe a certain period of time, but eventually became synonymous with the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. The assumed lack of human progress, due to the lack of records and demographic decline, was a dark time for humanity.

The term began to fall out of usage as scholars gained a better understanding of the middle ages. The period described as dark, in terms of human accomplishment began to recede, eventually covering just the period immediately after Rome. Eventually the term fell out of fashion altogether, first because it was not terribly accurate and then because the usual suspects got involved. The image of dark versus light was seen as problematic, so now using the term is a microaggression.

That’s a good point to wonder if the West has not already entered a new dark age, in which superstition rules over rationality. The concept of the microaggression is something superstitious people living in a dark age would have understood. After all, a microaggression is the idea that certain words and phrases, incantations, will cause a miasma to develop around the people saying and hearing the words. This miasma or evil spirit will cause those exposed to react involuntarily and uncontrollably.

In fact, everything about political correctness and multiculturalism relies on oogily-boogily that people in the dark age of Europe would have found ridiculous. The people of Europe in the middle ages may not have had a sophisticated understanding of the natural world, but they did not think the dirt had magical qualities. Magic Dirt Theory would have struck them as laughably ridiculous. They may not have understood cognitive science, but they knew the apple does not fall far from the tree.

This twitter thread from last month is a useful example. It is primitive howling at the moon, but the source is someone claiming to be a scientist. Granted, anthropology is now just a dumping ground for girls, who could not find a husband, but the fact that such a thing exists in a college campus suggests a shadow is now hanging over at least part of the West. If you look at the twitter profile of that person, you’ll note she has her pronouns listed. These are the talismans of the modern academy.

Mx. Townsend is not some isolated example. She is a milder form of what is becoming quite common in academia. Cordelia Fine wrote a whole book denying that there are two sexes or even that sexes exist. She was carried around from campus to campus, celebrated as a great thinker. Her book is complete nonsense. It is now a race to see who can most completely deny observable reality about humans, in order to please some undefined spirits that will usher us into the age of equality.

It’s tempting to dismiss the madness we see in academia as trivial or temporary, but this has been going on for several generations now. Stephen J. Gould, for example, spent his life trying to shrink the stock of human knowledge. While his motivations can be debated, his purpose was not. This deliberate effort to pull down the shades and plunge the intellectual space into darkness has been going on for generations. We are just now seeing the shadows creep across the college campus.

A dark age is always imagined to be a period when the stock of human knowledge stagnates or even declines. Another way to think of a dark age is one in which the people are unable to manage the complexity bequeathed to them. As a result, society goes through a period of retrenchment. It devolves into something simpler that can be managed by the available human capital. A dark age is one in which the people rebuild the floor of their society, so future generations can build on it

Somewhere in the last century or maybe the prior century, people in the West began to lose the ability to control their institutions. By control, it should be understood to mean the knowledge of how they work and why they were created. It is one thing to know how to use the toilet. It is another thing to understand public sanitation and the reason it is a vital public service. People in the West no longer seem to know why their institutions exist or how they must be maintained in order to properly function.

That’s why the college campus is a good place to examine, when thinking about the crisis in the West. In theory, the people running the society of tomorrow are now being trained on the colleges of today. Yet, they are being taught things that are laughably false by people who are often suffering from mental illness. In other cases, they are taught by people who hate them and hate the West. A people who understood why these institutions were created would never have permitted this to happen.

There is another aspect of the term dark age. We often use it to describe a time when it is unacceptable to be curious about things. Everyone is forced into a conformity of thought and belief. It is associated with primitive superstition. Of course, the usual suspects always apply this to whites and Christians. Within living memory, they would portray Christians as closed-minded bigots, who were obsessed with stifling curiosity and free expression. The victims were always the usual suspects.

That’s just another part of the blood libel against the Occident and it is this blood libel that is steering the West into a dark age. In a frenzy to eradicate all that is white, they are stamping out what it means to be white. Since curiosity about the natural world is an implicitly Western trait, enforced conformity around a body of anti-knowledge is seen as the solution to whiteness. In this context, the dark age is not the result of a natural process or an accident of history, but the goal of the people who rule over us.

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4 years ago

I agree there is a certain amount of animal spirits, voodoo, oogabooga coming from the race studies people. Microaggressions, stereotype threat, institutional racism, etc… But there is an element of truth to those things. Non whites truly do experience a certain amount of subtle and unexplainable discomfort in Western societies. The source of that discomfort is that different peoples create different cultures. Those of us with a Northwest European biology feel comfortable in a range of cultures and societies. We are very open and adaptable. From Southern redneck Appalachia, Bogan Australia, uber SWPL Seattle to upper class England – we… Read more »

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

A long-winded explanation of why racial separation is NECESSARY.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Nothing in here should suggest that we don’t need race realism repatriation with respect and a long term immigration freeze. Its mandatory. Our problems are not really caused by race though. Much of the leftist B.S. we face is class based. Virtue Signaling and Status Whoring among the rich. Most of wealthy on both sides (Republican and Democrat) hate the middle with a passion and if all working and middle were dead and only poor remained they think this would cement their status and give them a lasting dopamine high. Beyond that Y/T likes living within his own branch of… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

Leftist B.S. is absolutely based in class warfare. Unfortunately, you’re not going to convince upper middle-class “rightists” on that score. These easy money, high equity, “I wannabe rich” types despise lower middle and underclass whites. They have their financial “wall.” The price of real estate in SoCal’s Laguna Hills-Aliso Viejo-Lake Forest axis, for example, provides the upper middle-class with protections the lower class whites lack. Add a dash of AA diversity in the neighborhood and local church and there’s plenty of fuel for virtue signaling. They all know the same nice Negro.

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

Excellent comment. Another interesting thing I’ve noticed is that bringing over MORE aliens doesn’t seem to alleviate their discomfort at living in a “white” society – it seems to make it worse. The non-whites in Canada are much more unhappy and angry than they were 30 years ago, despite making up 25% of the population now. In a white supermajority, they can accept, ok what these white folk are doing is a bit strange but it’s the way it is. Now they want to “dethrone” us. Of course, most whites are also batshit insane now so that hasn’t helped their… Read more »

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

What? Hey, it’s lions and lambs, livin’ together in this big beautiful world

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

I agree completely with your last two sentences: ” If you are white, that feeling is racism. If you are a POC that feeling is microaggressions, stereotype threat and institutional racism.” But I disagree that Appalachia to Bogan-ville to SWPL-land to bucktoothed inbred lithping upperclath twit society is all that different. After all, all those have a common origin, language, and ancestry diverging from no more than 400 years ago. Personally I have no discomfort in multiple white American subcultures despite having parents from China. On the other hand, I’m pretty shit at being a Chinaman (having temperament and inclination… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Since when were the Scots-Irish not buck toothed inbreds?

Blazing Apostle
Blazing Apostle
Reply to  Hampus
4 years ago

You’ll have to cypher that on your own, Hamp. We buck toothed, inbred Scots-Irish are busy doing your fighting for you, pussyboi. ha ha

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

From her tweets:

> If you think that genetic group differences between sub-Saharan Africans & Europeans means they’re different races, you have to then explain why different counties in England aren’t also races.

Notice how academics are more than willing to take arbitrary general concepts and make wild all- encompassing theories out of them and then create ridiculous standards so they don’t have to acknowledge what can easily be seen with our own eyes.

She knows she is a hack. She also knows what she needs to say in order to be accepted into the Hall of Goodthinkers.

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Genetic group differences = different races
Boundary differences in Europe = different races

How to even begin. I can’t imagine that 40 or 50 years ago this logical error would make it past an instructor in an *intro to anthropology* course. And this woman has a doctorate.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

In most cases these days a doctorate, especially those awarded to females, is not worth the paper it’s printed on.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Carl, the value/worth of a doctorate like all other areas of endeavor, depends on the field undertaken and the reputation of the granting institution/department. Sex has little to do in the long run compared to the field of study one chooses and the ranking of the department that accepts you for such study. Now I grant that we find a predominance of women in the soft “science” fields and “grievance” studies fields than men. But to imply that all women with doctorates are in those pseudo-science fields is perhaps to paint with too broad a brush. Check the field of… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Auto-ethnographic submissions complete with unearned accolades and racial/gender exclusivity for the academics able to check whichever freak box.

I’m shocked, shocked to find out there is catering going on in the academy.

Here’s your doctorate parchment sir/ma’am/mx.

Oh thank you, I’ll collect my winnings up front.

Da Booby
Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

Actually, she’s awarded her doctorate precisely BECAUSE she’s stroking the “logical error” (ideology) of her peers. Ideology has replaced science in most faculties. No one cares. So long as the lights still come on and the TV still broadcasts Madame Secretary then nothing can possibly be wrong.

Unfortunately, only a crisis or a catastrophe will arouse any skepticism among the public towards its elites, and a rotten system can keep the lights on for a long, long time.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I suspect they are subject to confirmation bias and a limited breath of knowledge in the field. They’ve read a few articles, or perhaps a book that outlined the “case” against race, and became acolytes (if not already so). Further study is not necessary. They remember the “salient” evidence from their limited gleaning of the field and simply repeat it as the subject/need arises. Once in a while we get someone like the good tweeting “Doctor” who steps out of her bubble and makes us aware of her foolishness. I note with some irony that Sailor responded to her with… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Slavs, Germans, Italians, and Swedes are different races and their histories show different tribes made up their original stock.

Harsh Truths
Harsh Truths
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

It is about cladistics.
Swedes, Germans and English all have common Celtic precursors, but with different admixtures of other ingredients.
Mediterranean peoples and Slavs are further afield; however, much less far afield than Indians, Chinese, Sub-Saharan Africans or Native Americans.

This is hardly rocket surgery; I am amazed that our academics can be so resistant to obvious truths.

Reply to  Harsh Truths
4 years ago

Not sure the Nordic and Teutonic races were that closely related to the Celts. The Celts were hanging around Western Europe before Rome was founded. The Nordics and Germanic tribes were in far northeast Europe at that time. Some moved west while some went down into northern India.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

The Nordic and Teutonic and the Celts are all names for various tribes of the house of Israel as they migrated into and across Europe from before the Exodus and after their rermoval from Israel proper by the Assyrians.

Fabian Forge
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

That was once generally understood. While reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s excellent book on the Boer War, I was taken up short when he called it a “race war”, since the African tribes played no part in it. But then it became clear that he meant Dutch vs British.

Reply to  Fabian Forge
4 years ago

Different tribes perhaps but I don’t think the idea of race applies to Dutch V British. The Mayflower Puritans are called British but most of them hung out in exile in Netherlands before returning to Plymouth. William of Orange, was, well, from Orange. My idea of a different race is that you would be noticed a mile down the road. When you blend in seamlessly except for the weird accent, the race argument is bunk.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

The battle for the university was lost in the late 70s. The F-Furt school had had a generation to infiltrate and alter by then. Many departments were already under their thumb. All they had to do was continue to administer the poison a bit at a time without setting off alarm bells.

It is now by far the most anti-white of our institutions. Gatekeeping committees go out if their way to fill student and faculty positions with anyone but a hetero white male.

There is no reforming this level of pozz. It needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Long ago I said they’d poison us.
Too late I saw that I’d neglected to say they’ll mainly poison our information streams.

We’ll kill ourselves, and not even know why: corrupted programming.

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The failure of movement conservatism is obvious, founded with W.F Buckley’s “God and Man at Yale”. Now, Yale is known as the “Gay Ivy” and Jews massively outnumber the ancestral Protestants that griped at the 1950s Catholic arriviste.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Blacks and browns don’t understand what they are destroying. They just view whitey as evil, so tearing down his institutions makes perfect sense. That it will lead to the destruction of all that he has created and maintained is not something that they think about, which, of course, is why they won’t be able to maintain that society. Jews understand perfectly what they are destroying, but, curiously, don’t understand its implications. I suspect that their the blood libel – which, in their minds, became a Mad Max Thunderdome situation after the “Holocaust” – blinds them to what comes afterward. I… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Many whites have lost any faith in anything beyond this life. And they can indulge any desire or want they have in this culture now, typically before the age of, what, 20 or 25? Money is the only obstacle to total debauchery and a spiritual void that eventually consumes them. By 40, what does a typical liberal resident of the West have left? Their phones? A dog? Houellebecq described these hopeless losers perfectly. The problem is that there are so many of them, and they’ve decided to take the plane down with us on it. It’s very hard to convince… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

All my faith is in everything beyond this life – Thank you Jesus! It’s why I can sit back and smile as the stupidity level continues to rise. I used to be disgusted by it all, now I’m just amused.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Amen. In the Church we sit, bemused, and watch the rest of the world go insane.

No point getting mad. Do what you have to do, create parallel communities. If you have found a conservative church that preaches the Gospel, that’s great. If you are in a prepper community, that’s great.

Anything that’s mostly white, and creates parralel societies is a good thing.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Obey the Lord, love your wife, care for your children, and God will sort out the rest.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

He really sorted it out for those Christians in the Soviet Union, didn’t he?

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Only if you’re thinking short term. Which would also be true for the rest of us too.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

He really sorted it out for those Armenians, didn’t He?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

No lifeboat for this one, no more running.

A chance to escape was the most we could reach, per the Christ in the west and the Bhudda in the east. It’s grand to know escape is possible.

But this one means to fight.
This is my home. The Lucifer can’t have it.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

(I’d rather be a Nanak of the Sikh, who came back 10 times to show his people how to fight the Abrahamic raiders.)

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Sure, Rome let in the Goths but they didn’t do it with expectation that that the Goths would destroy them. James Delingpole nailed it in Watermelons. (Notice how the Jews get a shout-out in the highlighted paragraph.) It is the 4th Century AD and the Barbarians are at the Gates of Rome. Around the Imperial capitol, the citizens of the greatest civilization the world has ever known are tearing at their togas, quite unable to agree as to what—if anything—should be done. Some, peering over the ramparts towards the hairy hordes encamped across the Tiber decide they rather like what… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

This is fantastic. Kudos.

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

Agree. Stellar. Krull for pro-consul!

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

No, it all boils down to this:

“I will be dead by the time it all crashes and burns – spark another fatty, dude.”

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I don’t think the blacks and browns are trying to tear down institutions. That would take thought and effort. They are just following their sensual desires, and voting for the party that subsidizes those desires. It’s the white liberals who want to tear it all down to purge the nonbelievers, and then they can rule over the more easily manipulated. That’s all good for them, until the percentages shift too far to the dark, and we all become Zimbabwe. That is what they either do not see, or they simply do not care how future generations will suffer, because it… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

Zimbabwe and South Africa demonstrate that there is no bottom that sparks an ah-ha moment in Africans.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

Yep, it’s the white liberals who want to destroy the West, not the brown skins. They are nothing but nihilists and lunatics at heart that are intent on burning down their own house.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“Roman historians often complain of the number of Asians and Africans in Rome. Baghdad, in its prime in the ninth century, was international in its population—Persians, Turks, Arabs, Armenians, Egyptians, Africans and Greeks mingled in its streets.”
– Sir John Glubb, The Fate of Empires.

Multiculturalism is a sign of a late-stage empire. Glubb goes on to explain how it weakens the empire and will help usher in the collapse when a crisis hits.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“in their minds became a Mad Max Thunderdome situation after the Holocaust”

What on earth makes you think this mode of belief arose AFTER the Holocaust?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

It’s the educated upper class liberal whites and Wall Streeters that are driving the destruction of the West. They are the ones who also sic the police and various goons on other whites who dare oppose their suicidal agenda. The Browns are just the hired help in this. The reason why whites are pussies is because most of them are leaderless, disorganized and infiltrated by the police. So any attempt at organized resistance is crushed almost immediately. Whites in America can lose their jobs and even their home for openly opposing the wishes of the elites. If we do resist… Read more »

4 years ago

At the pinnacle of western achievement in the mid twentieth century much science fiction of the low brow type showed many times the future as a collapsed and retrograde world. You know all this ancient knowledge still existing in libraries and in broken institutions but lost on it’s current inhabitants. Even Huxley and H.G. Wells types were predicting it. What did they assume or know ? That history shows us the cyclical nature of civilization. Maybe Christianity explains it better in the nature of pride and original sin. At any rate, those of us who have not given in to… Read more »

Andy Texan
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Canticle for Leibowitz was just such a tale from the 50’s.

Reply to  Andy Texan
4 years ago

Note that sci-fi fantasy where the jewish Leibowitz is the conscientious one who hides and protects the books and learning of western civilization, eventually being martyred and becoming a saint (!), thus enabling white man’s civilizational revival in future centuries. We couldn’t have done it without the jews, sputtered the feckless, grateful goyim. Pass me a barf bag. I’ve had enough of this kind of Orwellian ‘learning.’

Andy Texan
Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

As I recall it wasn’t Jews per se but the Church. It was a tale of Christianity.

Reply to  Andy Texan
4 years ago

My objection is that this is a tale of Christianity saved by a jew! No thanks. That kind of fantasy thinking got us into this mess. Can’t we have Christian heroes? From the description in Wikipedia: “Isaac Edward Leibowitz had been a Jewish electrical engineer working for the United States military. Surviving the war, he became dedicated to preserving knowledge by hiding books, smuggling them to safety (booklegging), memorizing, and copying them. Eventually, whether by Leibowitz’ intention or simply through the sanctification of repetition, his supporters and followers became a monastic order, the ‘Albertian Order of Leibowitz’, dedicated to preserving… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Quite so. And Z Man will never mention the major role his people played in the subversion of the West.

Reply to  Andy Texan
4 years ago

That’s it, I’m going to download Canticle today. Just what the doctor ordered.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Now I’m really triggered!

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Another classic read in this field, “Anthem (a dystopian fiction novella by Ayn Rand, written in 1937)”.

John Smith
John Smith
4 years ago

“Somewhere in the last century or maybe the prior century, people in the West began to lose the ability to control their institutions. By control, it should be understood to mean the knowledge of how they work and why they were created. It is one thing to know how to use the toilet. It is another thing to understand public sanitation and the reason it is a vital public service. People in the West no longer seem to know why their institutions exist or how they must be maintained in order to properly function.” —————————————- I hear this a lot… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Whites have been on top for 500 years. That’s a very long time, certainly long enough to forget what it took to get to the top and stay there. What’s happening now is a natural cycle. We just happen to be around for the decline phase.

The only question is whether the future looks like the fall of Rome, where various white groups started over to build a new world, or Rhodesia (and currently South Africa), where whites are either exterminated or driven to such small numbers that they no longer can fight back.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Nonsense. Blacks can’t run a civilized country. Many of the browns can’t either – or, at best, they can only do so when more viable competitors are absent. I disagree with out esteemed blog host when he says you can hand off a working civilization to blacks and they can maintain it. Maybe so… but only for awhile. Baltimore, New Orleans, and other black cities are falling back to ruin, as are the ‘liberated’ African countries. The old nickel, “Give a white man a pile of bricks, and he will build a house. Give a black man a house –… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

The erudite Borepatch distills race reality with his typical clarity of thought:

Whites can create societies that encourage wealth creation and innovation. Other races can now emulate that… but only in artificially compensated intellectual environments. When you need brilliance and innovation from the guy out in the garage…You have pretty much whites to rely on and that’s it.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Obviously blacks can’t run a civilized country. Blacks can barely manage to run a pick-up basketball game on a court that they could never dream of building. That’s why I used the example of Rhodesia.

My point is that whites can rebuild from anything IF we’re still around to rebuild. This is why I’m becoming more and more in favor in accelerating the decline. The sooner it comes, the higher the percentage of whites will be around

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago


At first glance it’s a fearful thought… but better a collapse of Western civilization in 2020 than in 2070.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Anybody here think the upcoming generation of whites will be able to keep the USA running at its present level?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The future looks yellow.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Speaking as a person of Chinese ancestry: God, I hope not.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I am worried about our low birthrates since the 60s. It seems like the whites have fallen for the fake population crisis while those in the southern hemisphere and in Islamic lands have ignored it.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

It’s not quite that. White people tend to like more space when they can get it. If they can’t, they need heavy regulation of the commons as you see in Europe. We are a woodsy people. Given our society, the US has been overcrowded since the baby boom ended, say 1971 and our TFR reflects that. When it comes to people less is more anyway Globally society has grown more urban over the decades and a society where 80% of the people are in urban/suburban areas will always have a low fertility This is natural with children being a luxury… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Oh, dear, I think you are in for a disappointment. 1. Dark ages were DARK. This was not just some cultural change where folk decided they preferred wattle & daub, and thatch roofs over stone and fired clay tile roofs. Or nasty, effluent-spoiled water to cool, clean, clear water. Economic ties are broken. Mass/factory/centrally produced wares no longer available. Great die-offs to go along with mass impoverishment. Very little cultural or economic surplus that makes learning do-able or useful. The fall is hard, fast, and lower than you would imagine, as home and small scale craft/industry know-how was abandoned to… Read more »

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

The scariest thing about a hard and fast fall is your second bullet point. The modern world will likely never rise again. The technology and infrastructure we have was developed from a base of easily accessible resources. Easily mined and relatively pure mineral deposits, oil that just flows up from a shallow hole in the ground, etc… Those are gone. Acquiring those resources now requires equipment and infrastructure that was built using that initial windfall. A hundred guys with shovels could build a Texas oil field in 1910. Now you need a deep sea oil rig. That just can’t be… Read more »

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

Also Fred Hoyle’s perspective. A civilization gets off its planet on its first try… or it doesn’t get off at all.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  William Williams
4 years ago

There are no habitable worlds anywhere near Earth and any of the ones that we might try to live in our solar system are more fragile than this blue world of ours if we want to be space safe we will be best off with an asteroid shield that is proof against CME’s and a society with EMP proof tech that is highly resilient and stable over the long haul. As we do that we have to find a way to control computers, nukes robotics, chemical manufacture, gene engineering and pollution . If we can. we can survive This is… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

AB, you have a gift for making the not so obvious, obvious. Thanks. It’s a pipe dream to fly off into space when we’ve “consumed” this world, or for that matter to even image we can use it up. A distraction from the real work at hand that folks don’t want to consider since it is “hard”—and we are a lazy bunch when our stomachs are not empty. As I’ve said before, we want to travel off into space on multi-generational journeys of exploration and colonization, and yet we’ve not even succeeded in mastering survival in a closed ecosystem system… Read more »

Reply to  Jay
4 years ago

Yeah, this is a point I have made over and over. If we ever lose technology beyond a certain point, we will never get it back.
Worse than the oil situation is the coal situation. The easy coal has all been mined and burned.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

People from 500 AD to 1000 AD were healthier than people till well into the 19th century in fact and healthier than in Rome by far. We have the bones and teeth to prove it. It wasn’t until the last 100 years or so that life started to be decent and in only the last 50 was it good. And it only got here because of constant struggle and near open economic warfare with such delights as the Army bombing strikers in 1909. You don’t work 14 hour days without benefits because people pushed in President for Life Roosevelt and… Read more »

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

So… if the US collapses… the rest of the world will too.


Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

If we survive. IF.

Panicked? I see confident- victory is in their grasp. The strong horse is rearing, flashing its hooves.

We don’t need them for anything, true, only for their expertise in running their own weird systems.

But! They seem to feel the same way about us. The level of comfort they wanted has been achieved, and the monkeys can be trained to prune the orchards- as Karl Marx predicted.

It’s like that lady talking last week, going to divorce him so she could get the house and the money.

Boy, do she, and they, have a surprise coming.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“Nowadays, EVERYONE is educated and literate.” John, let’s not overstate the case. The above is patently false to anyone following/involve in education. Not to put too fine a point on the matter, I’d say we passed peak education and literacy at the turn of the 20th century. What we have today—across all races—is a population of “credential” folk, but arguably less capable than most any modern generation before. That’s not to say some racial groupings are not in better shape than others, nor that we don’t have fantastic advances in technology and the sciences, just that the reservoir of talent… Read more »

4 years ago

Just look at the costumed lunatics playing extinction rebellion theater, or whatever it is they call it. They’re no different from a bunch of Bushmen dancing around a fire to insure a good hunt.


Reply to  jwm
4 years ago

Both Hugh Smith (of two minds website) and our own Saml Adams call it the Cargo Cult Economy.

Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Reply to  jwm
4 years ago

That might be an insult to the Bushmen…

4 years ago

I see all of the craziness around us as a simple cry for meaningfulness, a frantic search for a reason to exist. People seem to have lost the thread of family, community, and simply getting oneself in synch with the seasons of nature and of man. Not to go all zen, but maybe just watching a fine sunset from the front porch of your own home, with your neighbors arrayed around you and your family in your home behind you, which is stocked with what you need and a pillow to rest your head, is as good as it gets.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Their family, community, and religion have been systematically stripped out of their lives. Public education enforces that isolation and offers the state as the alternative.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Our culture has strip mined all meaning out of life in search of economic efficiency. People try their best to create artificial communities , but these will and always do fail. Witness, for example, the falseness of the protestant megachurch “small groups”. Actual human connection is lost, replaced by getting together with people once a week to watch a video from some other megachurch pastor.

When your god is Mammon, you will forever be empty.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Neighbors? When all your neighbors are different races, you don’t really talk to them much.

Family? Mom’s side of the family or Dad’s?

Yourself? We are always taught to want more and more.

The average white has even forgotten what hes missing.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Yes, Dutch. Is what drove Captain Ahab mad.

2 dangers.

A monotheistic aspiration to a universal truth, which leads to a culture of fanaticism and self deceit.


An atheistic descent into nihilism which leads to a culture or purposelessness and angst.

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

“In theory, the people running the society of tomorrow are now being trained on the colleges of today. Yet, they are being taught things that are laughably false by people who are often suffering from mental illness.” And this is what keeps me awake at night. We have to be thinking ~20 years before major calamities become a regular occurrence due to incompetence and lunacy. It would be one thing if this simply ruined the humanities in the West — that’s been the price tag, more or less, until now. But it’s going to saturate our lived environment very soon,… Read more »

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

“Listening to people argue is like watching “Fight Club” without the knowledge that there’s only one character.” Great line.

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

Great post. I don’t think most folks understand how fragile civilization truly is. And the paradox is that the pending destruction is caused by those with a worldview that “man is inherently good.”

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

I would argue hat the other side does not believe that man is inherently good. I think they believe that man is inherently awful and evil, but can be made to be good, but only by external force. We, on the other hand, believe that man is inherently good and capable, but is fallen and does awful things. Through self discipline and consideration of others, we learn how to show our good side and put our evil tendencies behind us.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

OK – correction to my last: The flawed worldview isn’t that man is necessarily good, but that he’s inherently perfectible, or that the “right” environment can mold him into an eminently fine being. History has shown that man is manifestly capable but NOT inherently virtuous. Every parent who has raised children knows this intuitively. Any parent or leader recognizes the need to constantly emphasize and nurture virtue, while depravity needs no teacher.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

In terms of coming back from the next dark age, more than bridges and other infrastructure will have been lost. Oil used to bubble up to the surface here and there. We learned that it could be useful, and thus motivated were able to find and exploit it in less-and-less obvious places. When fracking technology, directional and undersea drilling, and sufficient understanding of geology to locate oil by studying seismic waves are necessary to finding and extracting most oil, meaning now and in the future, even white people wouldn’t be able to do it again starting from scratch. You need… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Excellent points. Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse for whites. That said, material goods aren’t the only thing in life. All around, you can see signs of a spiritual sickness in whites. We act like a man who has lost his way and is trying to find his way home. The rate of suicide among white men is horrendous. White women are not happy. Our children bury their heads in their phones and digital reality rather embrace the actual beauty of life. I mentioned before that I’ve known a couple of trust fund kids, except that they weren’t… Read more »

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Agree. I think industrialists properly shunned the tree huggers, but then allowed their pendulum to swing hard over to unsustainable strip-mining of resources. It’s happened in every industry, from depleted energy sources to depleted soils to depleted fish stocks. Coming back from the dark age will require huge paradigm shifts, from the way we do agriculture to the way we create/use energy. Rather than outsource this to a “not-yet” reformation I’m working on a “right now” solution on my farm.

4 years ago

During most of our species’ evolutionary history, we lived in an environment of extreme hardship and existential threat. In those days, being stupid, more often than not, got you dead before you could reproduce, and as a result, we got stronger, smarter, and more robust. Now-a-days, being extra stupid no longer gets you dead, it gets you promoted to Dean of your Department. And nothing will change until the environment once again demands better of us.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

When the environment demands better of us, that is where the white has always done best, because of a long term time horizon and a true spirit of cooperation. Other cultures, for whatever reason, tend towards the selfish, and resort to theft and plundering of their own. Whites have traditionally mastered the art of cooperation for mutual benefit. Has it been bred and coached out of us? We may soon find out.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

During most of our species’ evolutionary history, we lived in an environment of extreme hardship and existential threat.

True; but I think that the degree of destruction of civilization necessary to bring us back to a state where selection again favors the more intelligent individuals is not possible in our future. A change of power back away from women might be possible, so there is that.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

All civilization is dysgenic because it collectivizes survival. Taxing the fit to subsidize the unfit is the opposite of Darwinism and yields the opposite result, making each generation lazier, weaker, and stupider than the last.

Dark ages cull the imbeciles so that the next great civilization can rise and flourish. We must either succumb to the barbarians or become the barbarians.

Our imbeciles are still breeding like rabbits, so our decline has a ways to go.

Reply to  DaveA
4 years ago

Scale, subsidiarity and localism matter in this. A family or clan fit enough to care for its own weaker members doesn’t burden the tribe or nation with its baggage in the same way that a scaled-up, top-down national welfare system does. The system tends to equilibrium on a grassroots level and accounts for deadbeats and the hopeless closest to home, where the knowledge of character can inform charitable allocations. Darwinian selection will always conflict with family and social cohesion and I don’t care to live in a Randian society where the weak are left to die. Keeping charity closest to… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

There is a middle ground between being left in the street to die and being given a free ride. We need to find that. The main goal is to assure that there is survival of the fittest from generation to generation. But since by definition, we all die off each generation, what good does literally being the “fittest” gain you? Answer, progeny—a passing down of your genome. We need to ensure that the unfit do not pass down their genes to another generation that will burden society more than contribute. That requires some tough choices which I’m not sure this… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Ed Dutton’s work on the eugenics of capital punishment points the way. Eliminate the serious offenders early – no more “juvenile justice” for stuff like murder & rape & ramp up penalties across the board. Sterilize those we don’t hang. Temporarily or permanently sterilize baby mommas who burden the system. And start transitioning to a system of clan responsibility rather than top-down welfare (but that’s for a further future). I’ve resisted eugenics for years but the Han and other competitors aren’t, That said, the main driver for my shift on eugenics is the ongoing degeneracy of our communities.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

A small point about eight centuries of regular European public execution–murderers weren’t being executed. Relatives and friends dealt with them first. The state was eliminating, among others, those youngish men who were a hazard to the general quality of life. Impulse control.

Reply to  DaveA
4 years ago

“All Civilization is dysgenic” is far too broad a brush. Human social grouping and job specialization (Civilization) *enables* survival. It’s only when civilization reaches a point that there are a large proportion of people who no longer have a productive role that it becomes dysgenic. Rome fell, partially due to the massive idleness of the once-working classes due to slave labor.

The sacrifice of the weak is not a recipe for civilizational success – it’s a recipe for a people with brutality of the American Indians and the same level of advancement.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

English history from Rome’s departure to today in a nutshell.

James Antwerp
James Antwerp
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Not really; there’s a good book on this : “A Farewll to Alms”.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  James Antwerp
4 years ago

Didn’t that book show that most white English today are descended from well-to-do farmers of the middle ages and later the upper classes and wealthy merchants. Also, Dutton, the Jolly Heretic, shows that the wealthy classes had double the fertility of the poorer classes.

The Industrial Revolution changed that pattern.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen, correct. Several hundred years of English Parish records recording births and wills to offspring. One showing numbers of surviving children (fitness measure) and the other showing wealth (proxy for IQ and associated traits). Very compelling study.

4 years ago

From the thread: “If you think that genetic group differences between sub-Saharan Africans & Europeans means they’re different races, you have to then explain why different counties in England aren’t also races…”. No we don’t. A toddler can tell the qualitative difference in the distinctions between labradors vs. poodles and those between white vs. black labradors. Any layperson who’s read even only the first few chapters of Cochrane’s “10,000 Year Revolution” can debunk this nonsense, but this zombie fallacy keeps rising from the grave because human homogeneity is as much a creature of belief as the zombie. Like voodoo and… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Could explain why some male homosexuals actually have a culture called ‘bug hunting’…

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

To prevent lead poisoning, first you find and take out the bullet.

4 years ago

Universities were founded as seminaries. They were meant to educate the childless monks in the proper religion of the age.

Now the monks are women.

4 years ago

Are we living in the late stages of the Soviet Union or the early stages of a Progressive theocracy? I go back and forth. Fake News and Fake Science are the daily dish.

Reply to  Max
4 years ago

Both- you are referring today to the Red-Green alliance, Leftists and Islam recognising each other. Abraham’s two sons. Revising history is what they DO. Islam finally fell with the Ottoman Empire, 1924?, but a new religion, Communism, had been developed by the same scribes who had developed Islam. The trick was, they took out the “God” bits, a ploy suitable to the scientism of the age. It is still a messianic faith of apocalypse and purification: no work, no want, no war in the Kingdom on Earth. Both were created one goal: to tear down the temples of the Romano-Christians… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Interesting that those setting the table for a “scientific” end of tribalism of any sort, are the tightest tribe of all. Do as I say, not as I do.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Thanks, Dutch, inversion.
Inversion in all things, flipping everything upside down. Even if it was already flipped not 5 minutes before. Lakov philosophy.

A strangely contagious mindset.
Such a rapid spread.
What are these daft bastards thinking?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

*red faced*
Okay, Max, I admit it. I had read your comment wrong, had ‘Islamic theocracy’ on the mind.

Sorry, folks. No sleep lately. All-nighters.
Then I make the darn-fool mistake of checking Z’s latest instead of going to bed at dawn.

Aditya Barot
4 years ago

With increasing female domination of the public space and the broader culture, masculine traits of curiosity, objectivity, and what the Derb would call “stone-kicking,” i.e. empiricism, as rapidly receding. It further appears that white women are leading the anti-white brigade as a form of “shit-test.” Sub-consciously, white women are yearning for a Bogart or a Gary Cooper to smack them across the face – hard – and restore order and sanity. The un-cucking and re-balling of the American male will happen. The damage is extensive but not irreversible. Who knows, perhaps constant exposure to lesser creatures crowing about their “victory”… Read more »

Reply to  Aditya Barot
4 years ago

Please excuse poor grammar. I keep telling you-nobody wants a smack across the face! Subconsciously or otherwise. But you don’t listen! Women don’t have all that much power. Men still dominating all institutions. Women have more power than they used to, but still not dominating. Fact! Look at statistics. Women in gov, business, military, etc. You should concentrate on the MEN who oppose you or maybe just the PEOPLE, but easier to blame entire opposite sex. You really need to think outside the shit test theory/hypergamy box. It’s like a religious tenet to you guys, repeated ad nauseam. Who died… Read more »

Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

Thanks, Dorcas.

Women never had power before in this way.
Too much, too soon, we expected them to run before they could walk.

Women were given the full franchise- too much, too soon- so they could be used to malicious ends by others.

And we let it happen, we are credulous fools, full of ourselves. We let our own be used by another.

I say unmask the other, and understand our girls. We’ve let go our greatest prize, time to win them back to us. They loved us once.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

You’re welcome.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

PS- THE greatest prize, in all the universe that we know. There is a reason all want to have, or to be, a Caucasian woman.

What could be more worth fighting the world, than this?

Aditya Barot
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Brother, it is precisely this attitude that is describe, somewhat crudely, as putting pussy on a pedestal. Low IQ nogs and untermensch Arabs and Pakis treat white women like shit and in return women hold rallies for them and open their hearts and legs for them. I’m not suggesting that you behave like subhuman garbage. But let’s bring these gals back to reality and remind them that good white men are really the reason this world has any joy, beauty, and comfort. You need to make yourselves great in their sight once again. And they’ll do that if your mission… Read more »

Reply to  Aditya Barot
4 years ago

The most recent statistics I could find (2015) show that white men “marry out” slightly more than white women, so why are women the problem?
“Among white newlyweds, there is no notable gender gap in intermarriage – 12% of men and 10% of women had married someone of a different race or ethnicity in 2015.”

Aditya Barot
Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

Marriage is just one indicator. Examine the female involvement in organizations and movement explicitly devoted to white genocide viz. the organized push towards eliminating the institutions and cultures of European peoples and their displacement and replacement in their own lands.

Reply to  Aditya Barot
4 years ago

Well, I bet if I had the names of those organizations, I could find plenty of men heading them up and on their boards. For example, of two that I just searched from a list of pro-immigrant organizations, one has eleven men to eight women on the board, the other has a male general director. Try it for yourself. These are not women only organizations or movements.

Aditya Barot
Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

I think you’re being intentionally obtuse. The point is not that women are operating in a vacuum nor that men aren’t collaborators and traitors; the point is that with increasing female participation in society, there is an exponential increase in the number of collaborators and traitors and corresponding increase of female influence which leads to ever greater pozz.

Dig it?

Reply to  Aditya Barot
4 years ago

No. I don’t think women present a special problem unto themselves. I don’t think women are dominating the public space and broader culture. We’re annoying, I’ll give you that, but men are still running most of the show. So why is it women that want smacking?

Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

You shouldn’t have the right to vote. Then again, most men shouldn’t either. So take comfort in that. Women simply refuse to use their intelligence when it comes to politics, even though they might shop, drive, keep house, parent, and/or run their careers with great intelligence and ability. One of the mysteries of the fallen nature of Man.

Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

Because you initiate divorce 70% of the time and the Courts cater to your viciousness. Duh, duh Dorcas.

Reply to  Lugh
4 years ago

Factor in higher rates of infidelity, physical, mental, and substance abuse, non-support, and abandonment for men, then throw in double-duty for working wives. The fact that married men live longer than single men and single women live longer than married women is telling. Women didn’t single handedly craft divorce law. No-fault divorce was widely popular back in the day as a more humane and amicable way of ending a marriage.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

Dorcas, I’ll agree with you that white men are to blame for the state of white men. Indeed, I’ve argued many times around here that white men have – to a degree – failed white women. By their nature, women want to follow the rules of the dominant tribe; it’s why women are always looking for social cues from the media. As Jews, gays and liberal whites started taking over the media and even churches, regular white men stood by and refused to collectively say, “No! I will not accept this.” If we had put our foot down and demanded… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Enfranchised white women are to blame for the state of white men, just as unenfranchised women were once responsible for a better state of white men. When Tocqueville was asked what single thing was most responsible for the admirable state of America, he paused and thought before saying that it was due to the excellence of their women.

Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

If women are a “civilizing influence”, then why has every instance of matriarchy been found in a primitive barbarian tribe?

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

No time or inclination for a thoughtful, well written answer, we’re copying and pasting today. Basically, because there were/are no matriarchies. The primitive matriarchy is a myth or at the least a big question mark. “Most anthropologists hold that there are no known anthropological societies that are unambiguously matriarchal, but some authors believe exceptions may exist or may have…Matriarchies may also be confused with matrilineal, matrilocal, and matrifocal societies. A few people consider any non-patriarchal system to be matriarchal, thus including genderally equalitarian systems (Peggy Reeves Sanday favors redefining and reintroducing the word matriarchy, especially in reference to contemporary matrilineal… Read more »

Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

Women have the right to vote, that seems to be enough to gain and maintain political power. From that, everything (bad) seems to follow.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Women are mostly voting men into office, apparently. Women do not maintain political power equivalent to men in the executive, legislative or judicial branches. Women make up 20.6% of Congress as of 2018.
“About 33 percent of state and federal court judges in the U.S. are women.”
I don’t call that power.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

The power of the individual female is in forming better men. The power of the female collective is in lowering the quality of thought in men.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Magic powers?

Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

Power I speak about is not simply women holding an office, or some other position of authority, and from there dictating policy and action. The power of the vote is one that helps to put folk receptive to your needs and ideas into political office. They may be women—or men. Case in point, our Canadian cousins put a women into office wrapped in a man’s skin, Trudeau. Women, or perhaps better said, the female nature, never had a better representative.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

The women of Canada have repented the error of their ways and don’t think Trudeau represents their interests. “The same poll said that 63 percent of women don’t feel like they are better off living as women in Canada since Trudeau has been elected.” “Of 1,003 Canadians Ipsos surveyed for Global News, 35 percent of women said they would vote Conservative, compared to 30 percent for the Liberals and 26 percent for the NDP.” And I must point out that Trudeau not only fails to represent women, but is also not, in fact, a woman. So maybe disgruntled… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

Most people who read and write on this site entered a point in life where they realized everything they thought they knew about politics and culture was shockingly wrong. In my experience most people would rather avoid that process, and do. Your choice.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

I always thought women contribute most in the home, creating families and raising children. My thinking on this hasn’t changed by reading this blog. Voting doesn’t matter, we learn from reading this site, except at the local level. Therefore, women voting should not be an issue for anyone here.

Reply to  Dorcas
4 years ago

Dorcas. Your rebuttal fails to address my point. Women and feminized men put Trudeau into office. The damage is now done. That folk—women in this case—now regret that action is irrelevant. There is no reason to expect that the same thinking will not prevail when the next “Trudeau” stands for election. The thinking that I take exception to is found as a general trait among women—and now all too often among feminized men. Such thinking is a women’s *strength*, not their weakness when applied outside the political sphere. I bow to it in all social/familial relationship matters when brought to… Read more »

Reply to  Aditya Barot
4 years ago

I just re-read Glubb today so I’ll keep quoting him.
“An increase in the influence of women in public life has often been associated with national decline.”
He cites the Roman and Arab Empires as examples of women taking over shortly before the collapse.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Hmm, maybe they had influence behind the scenes, but “Freeborn Roman women were considered citizens throughout the Republic and Empire, but did not vote, hold political office, or serve in the military.”
So how did they take over? I seriously doubt that they did or that their influence in Roman society and political life was great enough to tank an empire. They probably just added to the general decadence, rather than played a pivotal role.

Reply to  Aditya Barot
4 years ago

The behavior of women are a symptom not the disease, they are the canary in the coal mine warning us that something really has gone wrong. The same with the invasion of the browns. They are a SOS signal. If you are looking whom to blame look at who are the shot callers and their associates in the U.S. and West. Those are the people we need to confront not some 30+ spinsiter who has no hopes of becoming a mother. Yes white men are acting like castrati because they aren’t willing to pay the price their ancestors did in… Read more »

4 years ago

That’s some serious xirl science right there. I’ll take this post as an opportunity to reinforce a point I make here quite often, which is that the left wins because they are committed in a way that the right is not. They may be mentally imbalanced and ill, but they are committed. By any reasonable standard, Cathryn Townsend is a lovely young woman. Her Twitter picture is downright beautiful. Properly motivated, she would have no trouble finding a dedicated, caring husband with whom to start a family and pursue happiness. Instead, it appears she spent the last 10-15 years pursuing… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

FWIW, I don’t think she does know this – how many cultists know deep down that the cult is a lie? Religious fanaticism is a motivation that’s hard to match and fighting monomaniacs carries the risk of becoming one. Witness the dilemma of the J-woke, forced to Notice, unable to look away or forget what they’ve seen, surrounded by examples of mendacity and subversion so numerous that to name even a sample makes you look mad, or actually drives you mad. It’s important that the D-Right police its ranks for nutters, but let’s not forget that many of them are… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“Witness the dilemma of the J-woke, forced to Notice, unable to look away or forget what they’ve seen, surrounded by examples of mendacity and subversion so numerous that to name even a sample makes you look mad, or actually drives you mad.”

Indeed, one of the hallmarks of the intelligent psychopath is his ability to leave the normal, nonmalignant person scratching his head and muttering, “Am *I* the crazy one?” Or in this case, muttering “AM I a Nazi?”

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

All of the Cluster-B disorders leave the people around them scratching their heads. And we seem to have a far larger number of people who are Cluster-B than ever before…

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

So I went and Googled the images of Cathryn Townsend. I get a creepy vibe from the visage. One of my crazy pet theories is that a face tells a story, and that one, right there, is not a good story, at all.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Heartiste had a series on physiognomy.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

She is told that this is what you do to succeed in our modern world. Her own parents, family and friends probably reinforce this idea, being fellow-slaves themselves. And since she’s alone, she needs to keep at her job so she can make ends meet. Before she knows it, she’ll be way past her prime, unmarried, poor and unhappy. But she won’t be able to step off the financial treadmill lest she perish, so she’ll work, alone and unhappy, removed from nature, beauty and truth, till she drops dead. That’s the modern formula offered to western women.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

That’s the reality for a lot of men today as well – especially the younger ones. We’re all trapped in an infernal synthetic machine-culture with nothing but sharp edges and angular lines. We pile up money but little value. I like Fifth Political Theory most for its focus on human needs and the prioritization of creating a healthy culture (parallel to or separate from the Hive) from which the rest of the political project grows.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

My divorced, child-less, dog mom, extremely liberal sister literally hates small children. They enrage her. It’s frightening and sad. If she could, she would perform (white) abortions with religious passion.

4 years ago

“Stephen Jay Gould was born in Queens, New York on September 10, 1941. His father Leonard was a court stenographer and a World War II veteran in the United States Navy. His mother Eleanor was an artist, whose parents were Jewish immigrants living and working in the city’s Garment District. Gould and his younger brother Peter were raised in Bayside, a middle class neighborhood in the northeastern section of Queens. He attended P.S. 26 elementary school and graduated from Jamaica High School.”

Sometimes Wikipedia tells you more than they realize. Or intend.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

More on Stephen Jay Gould: “While attending Antioch College in the early 1960s, Gould was active in the civil rights movement and often campaigned for social justice. When he attended the University of Leeds as a visiting undergraduate, he organized weekly demonstrations outside a Bradford dance hall which refused to admit black people. Gould continued these demonstrations until the policy was revoked. Throughout his career and writings, he spoke out against cultural oppression in all its forms, especially what he saw as the pseudoscience used in the service of racism and sexism.” Makes perfect sense that this guy is revered… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Once you are redpilled to all the delusional elements of what has been going on out there, there is no way back. One can only come to terms with what you know and see. That’s our burden.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

“…to have this American Jew persecute the locals until they allowed blacks to have access to the lovely young British ladies in the Bradford dance hall.”

Now that, fellas, is how a lady does a body-slam. A knockout in the second round!

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Sometimes Wikipedia tells you more than they realize. Or intend.

About 5-6 years ago, I noticed a trend where every goddamn celebrity in history had been prominently labelled “Jewish”, if they had any Jewish heritage within six generations, as in the “Jewish-Danish” physicist Niels Bohr.

These days, you’ll be lucky if you find a clue in bio section as to whether someone is a Hebe.

We’re winning this war, gentlemen.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Just waiting for when it actually does become a war. Will be joining the military after university to gain some..err..useful skills. Goodbye pen, hello sword.

4 years ago

Nothing to add except: Unless you’ve been on campus recently, it’s far worse than even you imagine. I just recently paged through the course offerings of one of the places I used to teach: Indigenous this, African that, Gender the other thing. Nothing but gays, girls, vibrants, and trannies. Even classes like “Colonial America” should’ve been subtitled “Why Johnny Tremain was really a disabled lesbian trans-woman of color.”

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Well, the target market for all of that ain’t us, brother. Give them credit for selling what their customers want to buy. Oh, wait, you mean education isn’t supposed to be like that?

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

A few years ago I was paging through the sexual harassment pages for my own alma mater and I realized that according to university policy, there was no acceptable way to engage in romantic or sexual relations with a disabled person. No exceptions were made for a disabled person of sound mind — say a one-legged war veteran, for instance. It was assumed that even they were incapable of consent. You (I mean other readers, not Severian, I know he knows the score) may think I am exaggerating, but I swear I am not. That was the literal reading of… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

This nonsense will not stop until we quit attempting to get everyone into college and have the government pay for it. The “courses/studies” you reference are simply created to allow subpar intellects an excuse for being in college. HBD science tells us that there are only a limited number of folks willing and able to master a rigorous course of study—in college or in high school.

Most people I interact with seem to readily admit such in the abstract, but when it comes to their offspring they seem to all live in “Lake Wobegon”. In there lies the rub.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
4 years ago

“Stephen J. Gould, for example, spent his life trying to shrink the stock of human knowledge. While his motivations can be debated, his purpose was not.”

I’m pretty sure his (((motivations))) can be ascertained. Sorry for the obvious digression to the mean argument, and not to dismiss his achievements, but every single time. Patterns impose themselves on the human mind despite social conditioning. It’s spotting the difference between a lion’s brush-colored mane and brush.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

The Zman’s discretion is one of his most valuable tactics to learn. We all know immediately what he subtly refers to: the Noticing.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago


Noted. Sometimes it is difficult not to shout “Lookout, ambush!”

Fine when you are with a gaggle of recruits… not when in the company of salty combat vets.

I spend most of my day, every day, with those unable to Notice or willfully blinding themselves with contorted logic explaining away their Noticing. It is difficult to shift gears when I arrive here again.

Thanks for the reminder.

4 years ago

It’s good how you attack the problem by defining terms. I’ve often thought of the historical motivations in labeling the Dark Age vs the Age of Enlightenment. Regardless of the microaggrieved, the light (i.e. Truth & Reality) vs dark (i.e. Superstition & Illusion) is a necessary distinction and exceptionally accurate metaphor. The fact that we even have the word “microaggression” in our lexicon plants us firmly in an age of illusion. What’s common to any dark age is rampant hubris, thinking that every previous generation was primitive. Can’t remember the source but I once read about some expert F18 pilots… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

When speaking to the skilled, I find they nearly always have men around in their childhood. They seem to have simply soaked it up, as did girls from women.

We’ve lost the skills because of our broken chain, our broken families. No place to lay roots or a tree that will branch. We can’t invent what grandad built from scratch.

I know this, because I have no practical skills, none, and am constantly reminded.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Ah, but skills are learned, and you have hands, a brain, and some time left. Choose some skill to master, or at least gain competency, and go for it (I am currently learning how to cure meats for long term storage, because when the balloon goes up, I will really miss meat and milk).

BTW, you are a provocative story teller, that forces us to hunt for the nuggets in the tale, as you rhetorically hide them in plain sight. I suspect a gift as well as a practiced skill, but I enjoy your “just-so” stories (w/apologies to Kipling).

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Ditto on Dutch’s comment: the beginning of wisdom is knowing what you don’t know. Align your learning with your interests – learn and do what you enjoy – then work on connecting with others with skills. Never a better time in history to learn skills … used to be it was the luck of the draw on whether one got a skilled father or mentor … the plethora of books, e-libraries, and online videos helps solve a lot of that. Your assessment is right about broken families though. The only thing we can do about it is turn things around,… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

That may be true – but I think I would modify that to say that having men around in their childhood probably just set the spark. My father taught me basic carpentry skills, and I build tree forts and helped him build a deck. In my adulthood I added a 2nd floor to my house and built a large barn. So I took those basics and expanded on them exponentially. My father taught me the basics of working on cars – doing brake jobs, diagnosing problems – etc. . I expanded on that and learned body work, suspension modification –… Read more »

4 years ago


I blame Zman for the hearing a “honk-honk!” inside my head whenever I see a linked article from Reason or one of its writers mentioned by name. Especially Nick Gillespie / Goth Fonzie.

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

I think it’s probably his *best* bit of rhetoric he’s ever created. You simply cannot take them seriously, ever, if you always hear a clown horn when you see Reason Magazine.

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

I’ve always wondered if Z’s use of the clown horn inspired someone to dream up the clown world meme.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
4 years ago

The prog penchant for constantly shifting language, titles, or simply creating new terms from thin air had the desired effect of making good little civnats constantly being behind the power curve on being good in polite company. “Wow, we dont say negro anymore, Bigot… the preferred term is African American…” Now the P.C. rules have morphed one step further in that only certain people of that group can use the officially approved words. More chaos. The great thing about the social justice vanguard throwing it into hyperdrive is that they are now leaving their own behind in the wake… and… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

In a decade old Opie and Anthony segment, guest (((Mexican))) comic Louis CK offhandedly said, “Lies are magic. They change other people’s reality in an instant.” I’m not sure if it was his smug, breezy tone, but it disturbed me, and it has explanatory value in real world with regard to how we got here. “Soon, I began to hate them…..”

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

Every 3 year old knows this. It takes a lot to train it out of them. We don’t do a great job of this anymore.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

)))3 year olds((( don’t have 2,500 years of accumulated and honed deception skills passed down to them like a treasured family heirloom. Nor do 3 year olds control all of the major media outlets in the USA save one. I’d prefer it tho.

4 years ago

Stephen J. Gould, for example, spent his life trying to shrink the stock of human knowledge.

Indeed, and Mr. Gould was the foremost proponent of his generation of the theory of evolution. People on the DR who insist on strict adherence to the materialist theory of evolution as promoted by Gould, Dawkins and their fellow travelers should stop and take a good long think about whether they’ve been misled about that, just as they have about nearly everything else leftist academia has promoted.

4 years ago

I just re-read Bill Bryson’s book called “A Short History of Nearly Everything”. (I had read it before when I was a normie.) Bryson did not mean this of course, but I see it as a paeon to whites, who clearly dominated the sciences and our modern world basically sprung from their curiosities. If you want to feel good about our people, read this. Let’s not lose it.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Bryon can be a funny guy, but he’s a typical liberal Boomer. Hates Trump and all that. His most admired person: Angela Merkel. Pretty much says it all.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Really?? Yikes. I knew he had boomer written all over him…he actually wrote a book about being a boomer. Perhaps he can write a quirky pop-history book about the immigration pipeline.

4 years ago

One way to play the pronoun game is to throw it back in their faces.

Add something like this to your profile




Just use it to label how you would be like to addressed.

I’m satisfied with Sir Outis

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Herr Professor Doctor Karl-Johann Horst von Schnitzengruppen. Ich habe die Ehre! 🙂

Just for fun, throw “von” somewhere in your name when you introduce yourself over here. Makes people look at you twice.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

I’d love to but it’s kind of clunky with a Scottish surname.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

It’s not even a joke in Deutschland. We were always taught to say “Doktor” as many times as the person was titled. A chemist PhD. named Johann Gottfried who was an M.D. and had also been granted an honorary doctorate would be “Herr Doktor Doktor Doktor Gottfried.” Mostly just in correspondence, though. Zum Beispiel, “Sehr Geehrter Herr Doktor Doktor Doktor Gottfried.” Was zum Teufel! Some people still say, Herr Magister to me even though I only have my MA.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

@ PM – Oh I don’t know…Angus von Crieff does have a certain ring to it!

@ JJ – Herr Ingenieur is still a formal address to senior engineers with some of the older, more formal types. Thankfully I’m not that Prussian!

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

I for one appreciate more and more the formality I learned in Germany. I can’t tell you how annoying it is becoming at my age to have bank tellers call me by my first name or check out personnel call me “sweetheart”or “honey” in the cashier’s line. Although I do confess to finding such familiarity very alluring from fifty-something, gravelly voiced, bar maids. Nothing sexier than a worldly women at my age. 😉

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

With particularly august persons, we do that sort of thing in the States as well.

To wit: the Twice Honorable Jon Corzine, who served our society as a both Governor and Senator.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Given my German heritage (well I am an American mutt) but I’m German enough to maybe get away with von Outis

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

This reminds me a something that happened to my company years ago. It was very early internet, we had a new online signup for information about home decor we were pushing. One of the sign up’s was from a Ms. P L N –where p stands for a female body part, L stands for something you do with your tongue and N was a derrogatory racial name. Lickedy split, the request went right through the computer system and mail went out addressed to Ms. P L N. Next thing I knew, Ms P L N was yelling racist and Jesse… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

That reminded me of something:

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Last time I bought a British Airways ticket online, the form’s prefix for the customer’s name included not only the usual choices of Mr./Mrs./Ms. but Sir and Lord. I wish I had awarded myself a knighthood or joined the aristocracy. Who knows, I might have gotten better service in economy class.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

Heh. Online registration for scientific conferences usually requires one to select one’s salutation from among: Mr/Ms/Dr which is reasonable I suppose (though I’m personally not a fan of people who insist on being called “doctor” outside of their specific professional role).

Anyway, editoralizing aside, a recent conference had the following bewildering array of choices (in order listed): Mr/Ms/Associate Dean/Col/Cpt/Dean/Dr/Gen/Hon/Judge/Lady/Lord/Lt/LTC/Miss/Mrs/Professor/Rev/Sgt. Note well this was NOT a military-oriented conference.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

In a former life, one of the senior engineers made of point of always being called doctor so-and-so because he had a PhD in engineering. In a meeting I asked him, “So, how many patients lives have you saved as a doctor”. He said “I’m not that kind of doctor” to which I replied, “Exactly!”

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Try that in an American University and see what happens outside of the Med School. My major professor used to rip his PhD students (post doc) a new one whenever they put on such “airs”.

It also is not in line with the newspaper style manual which states only MD’s are commonly ref’d to as “Doctor” in news articles. If you are referenced as “Doctor”, you’ll immediately have PhD ref’d as a qualifier.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Tell a chiropractor he’s not a doctor and watch him boil – I made this a point whenever one of them tried to big league me back when I worked in that dingy corner of law.

Reply to  Outis
4 years ago

I tried this with varying results with the new grand-daughter (the first, I’m sure to have other stories to tell in the future). Daughter in-law asked me how this new family member should refer to me. (I believe she was still calling me Mr. xxxx at that time as well.) There are a myriad of ways/names I’ve been exposed to through others, like “Gopper”, or “Gramps”, or “Boom-pa”,or “Opa”—all which I find distasteful. Not being ready to assume the mantle of old age reverence and mis-pronunciation, I responded “Sir” in my best Dickensian accent. Grand-daughter (now speaking) calls me “Grandpa-Sir”.… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Cute, so sweet! Congratulations on your new grand-daughter. 🙂

4 years ago

“…There is another aspect of the term dark age. We often use it to describe a time when it is unacceptable to be curious about things. Everyone is forced into a conformity of thought and belief. …. ..” The present day “dark age” is no different than the political / social climate that existed in Russia during the rule of Lenin or Stalin; in Germany during Hitler’s rule; in China during Mao’s rule; in Cuba today and during Fidel’s rule; in N.Korea today and during the rule of rocket boy’s father, etc.etc. It is nothing more or less than totalitarian… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
4 years ago

Please learn about the real Hitler, and why this 5-foot 5″ guy with a limp was a superstar, loved and adored by the millions he, for a time, saved. His People, murdered and savaged in the millions as well, by fools who harkened to the whispers of demons. I know you’ve not seen the pictures and counterpoints of this Christian ally, this defender of the Third Holy Roman Empire, just as the great Tsar Nicholas was Christ’s Vicar on Earth with an economy and reforms to match. The rest? 90% of their advisors and backers were of the same tribe.… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
4 years ago

An addendum!
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the centers of Christianity in Japan.

jaye Ryan
jaye Ryan
Reply to  JohnTyler
4 years ago

I would get some other first hand accounts of what life was like in National Socialist Germany after the terrible times of the Weimar Republic were ended, mass inflation, mass undemployment, Communist terror were all ended. If you can’t bring it upon yourself to listen to what German Germans had to say about this brief golden age, listen to what a half Black African, half White German had to say: “Destined to Witness – Growing up Black in Nazi Germany” by Hans Massaquoi. It’s similar to listening to honest Black Americans from good families describing what life was like say… Read more »

joey junger
joey junger
4 years ago

I wonder then, in this dark time, who is keeping the flame lit and illuminating the manuscripts and maintaining the knowledge? Where are the monasteries, I guess, is the question. As much as people dump on Rod Dreher, his Benedict Option seems sound, and the fact that he has created a school where the teachers are mostly sane white people who are having families shows that he not only has an idea, he is executing it. Of course, that’s a high-school and not a college, but a high-school that stresses a classical education is going to beat the kind of… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

In truly hard times, the flame is often kept lit at the margins, away from the center of things and the center of attention. In our surveillance culture, the margins (and the Benedict Option) may be more important than ever.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

You are underestimating the level of seething hate our hostile foreign elite have for us. During the 2016 election in anticipation of a Hillary win, Harvard Law Prof. (((Mark Tushnet))) wrote: “For liberals, the question now is how to deal with the losers in the culture wars. That’s mostly a question of tactics. My own judgment is that taking a hard line (“You lost, live with it”) is better than trying to accommodate the losers, who – remember – defended, and are defending, positions that liberals regard as having no normative pull at all. Trying to be nice to the… Read more »

4 years ago

The classical world was weakened when Rome collapsed, but it continued on with the Byzantine Empire at the center and the Gothic states around the Mediterranean. The Roman aqueducts were still maintained (but not expanded) at least. So things were getting a little dimmer. Then the Muslims invaded North Africa and went pirating in the Med – the economy collapsed and the lights went out.

Our lights are starting to dim and we’re waiting for the big blow to turn off the lights.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Well, the Italian Peninsula went from ~12 million at Rome’s height to ~3 million by the 6th century or so. Plague and lots of wars tend to do that. The Muslim pirates basically prevented southern Italy and Spain from making much progress for hundreds of years after that…

4 years ago

Dissidents love to write about how lesser peoples don’t understand why something exists or what its purpose was, or why it was built the way it was. This is especially true of the academy in our age. They don’t understand why it exists or why it functioned the way that it did. This is largely true of education in general. The magical thinking around education is widespread and almost an article of faith. It has even entered the cultural lexicon in the form of needing to be educated, even in the most trivial of matters. Like if you notice HBD… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

What was historical apprenticeship but education by another name? Or are you talking about ‘higher’ education?

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Both, really. I don’t think modern education, even K-12 is even remotely like apprenticeships. But I also think the problem stems from the higher education portion, which is how K-12 teachers are trained.

4 years ago

Doing a quick test of using Discus to comment.

That’s good now I can spelt my name correctly.

If you use that twitter thing, you can follow me here:

Identify as Sir

4 years ago

Learned belief, at odds with the Realization of Truth

Reply to  Pursuvant
4 years ago

“The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would become as the Great Old Ones, freed and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside, and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy. And then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the Earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.”

HP Lovecraft, “The Call of Cthulhu”

4 years ago

Curiosity about other cultures and ways of life IS implicitly white. We grew up in it and just assume that the rest of the world is exactly the same. They aren’t. The brown and black world will go somewhere (preferably white) to escape the savagery of their homelands and live beyond 30, not because they are interested but in order to survive. Otherwise the swarthy folk wouldn’t give a shit about how we live. This white curiosity is fine and we tip our hats at missionaries and explorers who have have been thrown into the cannibal’s pot or contracted yellow… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago


This was a great post. The death of the West is a most important topic and you did it well.

The thread that followed was filled with inciteful posts. It reminds me of why I like this site better than any others on the far right.

Bravo to all.

4 years ago

We need not go into another Dark Age, it’s not set in stone because the people pushing it are basically educated idiots in positions of power. It’s sad that most heritage whites and the DR has accepted box car rides to the incinerator rather than resist these lunatic whites living in bubble world. It was about a century ago when whites fought and died to get a decent wage, working conditions and a 8 hour work day. Today whites just bend over ask for more abuse across the board. We let the lunatics “educate” or indoctrinate our children for 12… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

For now we’re fighting by shaking people awake and teaching ourselves to organize under cultural fire. The dissident right is a pretty new thing, and we’re reviving a culture of Noticing that was virtually extinct a few decades ago, consisting of few fringe guys exchanging xerox’d newsletters in campus basements and swap meets. The internet and the hubris of the opposition in openly declaring us dead too early are the current errors we’re learning to exploit. They’ll make more in the future and our tactics and focus will shift accordingly.

4 years ago

Want to have some fun? Go look at the home pages of American universities.

Reply to  billrla
4 years ago

Better yet, search their websites for keywords such as “diversity”, “opportunity”, “justice”, “environment”, “minority”. Then search for words such as “merit”, “scholarship”, “achievement”, “science”, “awards”.

Add the hits for these two categories. Compare. This will tell you where their emphasis and interests lie. Choose wisely, your children’s future depends upon your choice.

4 years ago

Just to add to the pessimism:
Petrarch’s Dark Age was not the result of the combination of (1) shift in the demographics and (2) shift of power to women. So a few centuries later that same people could pick up the pieces and rediscover the Roman Civilization. Is this still a possibility for the future?

4 years ago

You bring up Cordelia fine, I did a podcast with red ice radio on that book.

On top of receiving grants to write that book, after it was published she was given a cash prize equal to around 33,000 dollars by a “science” organization in the UK.

Her book could best be summed up in one phrase “Straw-man”

4 years ago

The whole phenomenon reminds me of the Imperium of Man in the Warhammer 40K table-top RPG. To any WH40K fans reading, please don’t blowtorch me. Once upon a time, Man knew how to build spaceships, tanks, fighters and bombers capable of atmospheric and space combat, laser and plasma weapons, and all manner of things. Through a series of centuries long unfortunate events, the knowledge of HOW to build and innovate things was lost. They still have what are called Standard Template Constructs, machines that build other things, but only know how to build Constructs from sets of terribly rare blueprints.… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  S18-1000
4 years ago


I came across a couple of War Hammer 40k books in a thrift store once and read them. Not my cup of tea but they were interesting. I actually understood the point of your post. You may be on to something. My Dad used to slap the TV when we lost signal and intone several spicy prayers at it hoping to get it to work. What will Mr. Bongo do when we are a thing of the past and his fridge goes on the fritz?

4 years ago

What growing darkness?

Zman, I’m ashamed to admit I missed it yesterday, but you’ve saved us, you’ve saved us all!

You found him. You found him!

The African Einstein— MR. BONGO!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I’m sure the Black Einstein is sitting in this class:

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

One of the standard explanations for the fall of the Roman Empire is that the structure of the government itself was meant for a city-state, and was applied, as it grew to a massive space of people and places across the Mediterranean. You would think that with jet travel and internet, the government would be functioning better than ever, after all we’re practically an online city-state. You can even instantly e-mail your politician. Yet the opposite is true. As a government or even large corporation ages, it centralizes. All decisions become command and control from a narrower and narrower subset… Read more »

4 years ago

>The Growing Darkness<

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until mid December.

4 years ago

‘Enforced conformity around a body of anti-knowledge is seen as the solution to whiteness’. Bull’s-eye!

4 years ago

Recovery from the Dark Ages was slow. See chapter 3 Charles Murray’s “Human Accomplishment”. He describes life in Antonine Rome and Roman Briton to Samuel Johnson’s 18th century London, to the disadvantage of London.

4 years ago

After reading a number of comments I am struck that everyone is so close to the actual motive force behind the present cultural decline but unable to see it clearly. I am of course speaking of the ‘r vs K reproductive theory’ that was quite well known only a few years ago. I think if you check it out (there’s a web site) you’ll agree!

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  legion
4 years ago


You’ll find this place to be quite versatile and intelligent. I’m, admittedly, at times at a loss to follow and often floored by the input of many of these folks. Stick around. You’ll get a dose of r/k, JQ, CQ, centrifugal-culture analysis, and a bachelor’s degree in ancient civilizational studies.

Reply to  legion
4 years ago

Z does this often. I’ve not done so recently, but Ice People vs. Sun People and Derb’s Northern Alliance are two big themes I believe in. As an RK guy you’re among informed friends here.

4 years ago

What would be the practical difference, in terms of What Is To Be Done, between anti-UsualSuspect-ism, and counter-UsualSuspect-ism?

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

At this time, practically and tactically speaking, I don’t think there’s much difference. The camps tend to split more in terms of what is to be done once we have power. I don’t think very many of us around here still believe that counter-signaling against either anti-Semitism or counter-Semitism makes a difference to how our enemies treat us. There’s some disagreement as to whether hard A-S drives off potential recruits, and whether we should allow “based Jews” in the ranks (ala Paul Gottfried, Gilad Atzmon, Israel Shamir), but we effectively work in arms-length loose alliance with them regardless. For those… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I don’t think there is any, either.

And this is reflected in the fact that between people like Z and actually existing hitters a sort of white version of the kosher sandwich is forming.

Mark Matis
Mark Matis
4 years ago

Nothing more than the tribe in action, using tactics from their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin!

4 years ago

“Somewhere in the last century or maybe the prior century, people in the West began to lose the ability to control their institutions. By control, it should be understood to mean the knowledge of how they work and why they were created. It is one thing to know how to use the toilet. It is another thing to understand public sanitation and the reason it is a vital public service. People in the West no longer seem to know why their institutions exist or how they must be maintained in order to properly function.” And that explains it all. Too… Read more »

4 years ago

Growing up in the extreme rural areas of the USA, mostly as a free range child, I was not required to form predefined racial, or religious dogmas to form decisions of human beings. Humans are humans, birds are birds, canines are canines, equines are equines. Although public sector school systems still held deeply ingrained policies of racism, even after the Kennedy assassination, after the forced integration in schools. Politically, it seems that putting cultural “skin color ” “racism” , instead of who is best skilled at what particular job in government, and not what party they are affiliated with, is… Read more »

jaye ryan
jaye ryan
4 years ago

Yes, this was very good. Good observations. But, the next question is the big one: once we know the West is sinking in to a dark age, what can or should a healthy, sane, practical Western man do? What to do? Other Westerners have “noticed” this dark age, especially after the collapse of the old European orders in World War I. Lots of Western people looked to classical civilization, to Asian civilizations particularly Egypt, Persia and India. Our God(s) had failed us so some of our best people looked to other, older Gods and some found that these “other Gods”… Read more »

4 years ago

Many people on the right side of the divide understand why the institutions were developed. They just don’t care. The left doesn’t care why the institutions were developed, they just want to use the to achieve their goals.

4 years ago

How about the growing Dark Light?

Besides Dark Enlightenment and Yarvin et al on the higher end it’s beginning to peep in shafts all over including popular culture.

* Man in High Castle effect
* Nazis don’t look crazy anymore. Evil yes, crazy no.
*Counterpart; Summary- Human nature wins, mixing worlds catastrophe. The summary argument by Yanek to Management; “It took 40 years for the DDR to admit its experiment had failed. How long will it take you? Admit it- the experiment has failed.”
*All the light on Roy Cohn cuz Trump- Rehabilitation of Roy Cohn already underway.