A Night At The Circus

The maniacal Mike Bloomberg took the stage for the Democratic debate last night and to his credit, he made the thing interesting to watch. Up until now, these shows have been quite dull. They had the feel of a faculty meeting at a third-tier private college, where everyone pretends the issues at hand are important, but in reality, they are just going through the motions. The introduction of Bloomberg added a genuine sense of urgency to the thing, which made it entertaining.

That sense of urgency mostly served to exaggerate all of the characters on stage, as they let their hair down in an effort to steal the limelight from Bloomberg. Lizzy Warren was the school principle from Uncle Buck, desperately trying to make sure no one had any fun and treated everything with utmost seriousness. She also seemed to vibrate, as if she was receiving a mild jolt of electricity. If she had put a light bulb in her mouth, while the others were talking, it would have made perfect sense.

Similarly, Klobuchar reminded everyone why giving women the vote was a bad idea, as she ticked every box for the matronly politician. At various points she was offended, over eager, cloying and schoolmarmish. She probably had the best night of the bunch, until she got into a purse fight with Buttigieg. He mocked her for not knowing the name of the Mexican president. She responded by demanding if he was calling her dumb, which made the point in an amusing way.

The prize for most ridiculous character on the stage goes to Pete Buttigieg, who looked like a child playing dress-up. Not exactly a child, more like a robot child. That’s because he is the quintessential millennial, who prepares for everything like a test. He probably even practices how he turns to address the other people on stage. When he lectured Klobuchar about not knowing the name of the Mexican president, you just knew that in real life he is a bitchy pedantic nuisance.

Strangely, Joe Biden probably had his best night, but it is a good reminder that you get one chance to make a first impression. Even though he was coherent and lucid for the entire night, you notice that because it is rare. He is at that stage of life where his mind prefers to be in neutral and it takes effort to get the thing in gear. Once he gets it in gear, he is fine, but you never can be certain he will stay that way. You can’t help feeling a bit sad for him, as he staggers through the final days.

What made the show, of course, was Mike Bloomberg. He spent most of the night looking mildly irritated by the whole thing. It was as if he had used a crazy act in court to avoid being sent to prison, but was instead sent to the asylum. He knew he had to keep up the act, but desperately wanted to start shouting that he was not insane like the people around him. The only thing missing was a big Indian to throw a sink through one of the windows to close the show.

Bloomberg is the Democrat version of Ross Perot. He’s not really a candidate, but more of a foil for the other candidates. Last night all of them went ham on him in an effort to show they are the most virtuous of the bunch. Warren went full rage head over Bloomberg having called women “fat broads and horse-faced lesbians.” For the rest, Bloomberg was the cartoon rich guy. They took turns flinging their poo at him. For the most part, he just smirked it off, dismissing them as sideshow clowns.

That’s where we get to the Ross Perot comparison. In 1992, Perot ran as a rich guy with a common touch, trying to save the system. He hated the Bush family and he wanted to see George Bush lose. His folksy and erratic performance in the debates probably put Clinton in the White House. That seems to be the role Bloomberg is hoping to play for the Democrats. His mission is to keep Sanders from winning the nomination outright, so the party can figure out some way to stop him.

Bloomberg also lifts the veil on something we don’t get to see. For our Jewish ruling class, Bernie is the embarrassing uncle, who never amounted to much. He is a reminder of a past they would like to forget. The Jewish Bolshevik is a stereotype that has largely faded from our consciousness, because Jewish billionaires like Bloomberg have worked hard to erase it from the scenery. Jews are no longer subversive irritants like Bernie, but benevolent oligarchs like Bloomberg.

Putting that aside, Bloomberg did not score any hits on the other candidates, but they managed to dirty him up pretty good. Last night was a good example of why normal people tend to do poorly in politics. He was unprepared to play a convincing character in response to the other characters on the stage. Instead, he allowed them to define him as their favorite villain. He was the evil white man, the pervy misogynist, the soulless greed-head and the callous oligarch.

That’s probably going to force Bloomberg to shift his strategy away from attacking Trump with his billion-dollar ad campaign and instead attack Sanders. Most likely, Sanders wins Nevada and heads into South Carolina with a chance to knock out the remaining candidates. Some may linger on, but in two weeks the race will be Bloomberg and Sanders. In order to avoid looking like a fool, Bloomberg will have to go scorched earth on Bernie and his supporters.

All in all, it was a great show, maybe even the best debate ever. No, none of the performers should be allowed loose in society, much less be elected president, but it was a hilarious performance. When the robot historians are sifting through the rubble of this age, they will probably use footage of this debate as an example of just how terribly wrong things went in late empire America. “And just like that, everyone went insane” will be how they describe this age.

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4 years ago

When I was young my father like to pose questions and one was do you think a Jewish person could ever become president? Well, Dad has been dead for 25 years but if he saw today that there was a Jewish oligarch and a Jewish communist both vying for the Democratic nomination and nobody was even mentioning it but if a believing Christian was up on stage it would be disqualifying, I think he would be shocked. I frequently think about what my dad would think about modern events because he is forever stuck in 1995 and the past really… Read more »

Mike D
Mike D
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

….and now we have a President and a Vice President who are the most militant Zionists ever to head the Executive Branch and thus control foreign policy. (War policy).

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I do remember. It was a big deal and it was disqualifying. And it’s so weird that the Democratic Front Runners are both Jewish and the party is so virulently anti sematic at the same time. It’s a nice visual of pulling apart at the seams

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

It’s a nice visual of psychopaths locked up together in a padded cell.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

“People talked about the problems that could arise in the Middle East if America had a Jewish vice president” Back then I remember reading an opinion piece by some Official Right Wing commentator that “the risk is that America would no longer be seen as an honest broker in the Middle-East peace process”. [italics mine] In retrospect, that was an eye-opening moment for me. I do remember staring at the magazine in incredulity, and trying to figure out if it was actual obliviousness on the part of the author, or sheer contempt for the reader — and by extension the… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Seems the west (and I’m including Europe) may have finally run out of viable political leaders. Actually, leaders of any kind which would explain why so many major companies are struggling to survive. None of them offer an iota of leadership and/or vision. Just lots of blah, blah, blah.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

If the alpha male leader is to return – basically Trump’s confidence married to actual intelligence – I’m afraid it’ll be an Islamist (in Europe) or a Hector Camacho type (in the US). I just don’t see Oswald Mosleys anywhere in sight, except on YouTube, and you know what happens to those guys.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Hi, Michel.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

You don’t see it because white men who possess those twin capacities are not allowed to rise within the current system. Nobody knew who Uncle H was either. Not until times got bad and it became harder for the elites to police the narrative. Also you sound like a cuck. Have some pride. Go lift something heaver than a keyboard sometime.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

I have been thinking that very same thing — that the pool of leaders behind us 70 year-olds is frighteningly shallow. Worrisome, to put it mildly. Ten years from now, most of us will be gone or out of the picture to run things — I pray! So strange that today’s 50 and 60 year olds are hors de combat.

Reply to  Dr. Dre
4 years ago

Why is it so strange? Good leaders probably arise when the potential leader sees some benefit to himself – or society in general – to the self sacrifice that is required to rise and stay in that position. When there’s nothing there but pain and suffering – you’ve got to be mentally or personally defective in some fashion to want that position of “leadership”. Since I became familiar with the machinations of the left wing and it’s assorted sub-genres in the 80s as a college student … I’ve been of the opinion that it was pretty much a fool’s errand… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dr. Dre
4 years ago

To echo Calsdad, what’s so strange about it. As a Gen Xer who has had a few chances to either move up the corporate ladder or to expand a personal business to higher level, I just never felt the effort/risk was worth reward. Work my ass off so I could become VP of whatever department. Who cares. What would I get? More money. Big deal. I already live how I want to live. Do I get to bang my secretary? No. I sure as hell don’t care about the corporation which won’t shut up about its diversity and would drop… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

And that is why you can’t have nice things because if people like you and me, I’m just as guilty, do not get off our asses than nothing get’s done.

Our side lacks the hunger for power and the, ugh I hate saying this “vision” for a new society. Leave me alone, poolside is a recipe for a failed state.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

That’s where you’re wrong. I wasn’t motivated to build anything when I would only be contributing to a society that hated me.

But now that I’ve found Z Man and others who helped me understand that we need to create our own community, I’m busting at the seams to figure out how to help and build that community. I’m absolutely willing to build something new for my own people.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

If you can’t build something to help that community form (or don’t have the opportunity yet), the next best thing is to build for yourself. Having people with spare resources/contacts/skills handy is the second-best way to speed along the formation process. It’s also the one that’s most accessible for people

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I’m glad I’m wrong and hope that all of us can build that better thing, Strength in numbers don’tcha know.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I’ve been “off my ass” my entire life. I’ve built my own house. I have restored or rebuilt numerous cars. I’ve dug more dirt than probably 95% of the population. I’ve poured more concrete that probably 95% of the population. I spent the first half of my working career in start up companies working long hours. The “executive management” swoops in at the last minute – IF the company is successful – and makes out quite handsomely for themselves. I’ve built up infrastructure – both physical and software and people – that enabled those company successes. What did I get… Read more »

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Dr. Dre
4 years ago

And to find out why that is, all you have to do is look in the mirror, boomer.

Reply to  Chad Bigly
4 years ago

Chad is gonna show us how it’s done. We’re waiting……..

Reply to  Chad Bigly
4 years ago

Chad, you do realize that you’ve just made Calsdad’s point? Oh the irony. Calsdad’s not the problem, you are. 🙁

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Come on Karl, give credit where credit is due. They’re meeting their diversity quotas, they maintain well run HR offices in order to police bad speech, wrongful behavior, deal with other various and sundry PC problems, while avoiding lawsuits and shakedowns.

4 years ago

I don’t think they topped the debates of 2015. Those were the best ones of all time. Trump steamrolled 17 empty suits including the woman who wrecked HP. It’s surprising that Warren stepped so seamlessly into the role of Megan Kelly with the fat broads and horse-faced lesbians line.
Mayor Pete and Warren have something in common in that they are both products of the managerial state who rode the affirmative action superhighway into nice cushy do-nothing jobs for simply existing. Her for being a fake indian and him for being a fake man.

Reply to  tarstarkusz
4 years ago

Completely agree — I happened on, I think, the first debate in 2015, and I was hooked. 17 cardboard cutouts and a carnival barker! I began shilling for the Orange Man among my normie conservative family, and they were scandalized. I’ll admit to the naivety of false hope, but the pure entertainment value was solid gold.

I didn’t watch last night, but my sense is that what distinguishes 2015 is that Trump was trying to entertain, whereas the Democrats are trying to be earnest and are hilarious only unintentionally.

4 years ago

> The only thing missing was a big Indian to throw a sink through one of the windows to close the show.

Let’s not forget the Indian smothered his lobotomized friend to put him out of his misery before escaping. We might see Bloomberg do the political equivalent in the next few weeks.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Help out us poor clueless folks and give us a hint about the big Indian sink reference. Yes, I already did an internet search.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

In the movie “One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” the big Indian throws a sink through the window and escapes the insane asylum.

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

It’s from the movie “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” with Jack Nicholson.

James J OMeara
Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

In THIS version, Bloomie esacpes: https://youtu.be/5Hdctw6P8Kc

Reply to  James J OMeara
4 years ago

Oh no, O’Meara, you didn’t.
You didn’t just go there.

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Bloomberg won’t need to smother Lobotomized Joe Biden, he doesn’t like any of those that were attacking him on stage. Despite his Lilliputian size, his billions make him Gulliver brushing off the Lilliputians’ arrows.

Cool for Cats
4 years ago

Only saw the little clip of Warren, Biden and Bernie piling on Bloomberg. What struck me most is how devastatingly OLD they all look. All ideology aside, people who look that old and that worn out, should not be running for president. Trump is old too, but he somehow retains and projects the vigor of a man who is still a man, not some collapsing heap put out to pasture. Bloomberg has never registered on my radar before, so I’ve never actually taken a good close-up look at the man, so I finally did. He looks like he was drawn… Read more »

Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago

Bernie, age 78; Bloomberg, age 78; Biden, age 77; Warren, a spring chicken at age 70. They are old. Big difference between 70 and 77 or 78, too.

Pelosi is 79, McConnell is 78, Grassley is 86, Nadler is 69, Schumer is 69, and Trump is 73. We are led/ruled by a gerontocracy.

Bloomberg makes a great Grinch. Steals people’s presents, then gets thanked for giving people back some of the things he stole. The Grinch was pretty foul to his little dog, too, he’d better have the dog sign an NDA.

Mike D
Mike D
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I find that the closer to old age I get myself the more that the elderly really irritate me if they are in charge of anything. Politicians especially. We need it to where the elderly are around for wise counsel, but they need to GTFO of office after reaching 70 to 72.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

“Tax Farmer.”

ZMan really has a way with words.

4 years ago

I really hope Sanders gets the nomination. The guy is a cartoonish caricature. I felt jews wincing across this great nation. Fun. Its enuf to convert one to accelerationism. Fuck-it let’s rock!

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Unlike the rest of them, Bernie can’t hide who he is, and doesn’t try to hide it very hard. I am looking forward to the Semitic melt-downs as this process proceeds.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Hearing Bernie extol the virtues of the Soviet Union will shock a lot of people. Bernie is so typical of those lefty Jews who look you right in the face and tell you that “the only people who died in the gulag were the ones who deserved it…and there really weren’t that many.” Can’t wait to see the reaction when he pulls that stunt in front of Trump.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

They’re gonna have to drug Bernie up if it’s a face to face with Trump. I just don’t think he can take it. No really. He’s too old and he shakes enough with no one is in his face. Hell, he’s catatonic whenever some idiot jumps on the stage an steals his microphone.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Michael savage was ripping Bernie to pieces the other night on hi show for being ungrateful to the Caucasian ivan’s and eddies that beat the eternal bad guy. clearly saner heads in the group recognize the poor optics going on there

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Yeah, I always figured that Jewish leaders would have blocked Sanders long before this point. He’s the equivalent of having Aunt Jemima or Favor Flav on stage.

Crazy me, I just assumed that if a Jew was going to run for president, he’d be a Tony Curtis or Kirk Douglas type.

4 years ago

Mini Mike is going to spend a small fortune re-electing Donald Trump.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

I am actually astonished that Bloomberg has repudiated everything he did and said right in New York; he could have been a contender! But I am totally disgusted by the crowing of the “Fox people” over his hypocrisy instead of saying that, yeah, he was right THEN. How could his limp-wrist excuses help him in the general election were he to win the democrat nomination? A normal man would have applauded Bloomberg of what Fauxcahontas Warren accused him …

Reply to  tonaludatus
4 years ago

Look, these days we are supposed to all believe that a horse-faced woman is a raving beauty, ‘body positivity’ movement and all that. Trump played off a similar attack, deftly, since everyone knew Rosie was ugly, stupid and abrasive. The difference is that Bloomberg is, at his core, another autist. There is savoir faire … thinking on one’s feet … and this guy. Sure, he managed to set up his toll booth between Wall Street and brokers and get rich doing it. Crowing, “I worked hard…” an autist’s blunder. I have not seen anyone mention that guy with the 5… Read more »

Reply to  tonaludatus
4 years ago

Regarding Fox, listening to Hannity yesterday harping on Bloomberg’s Stop and Frisk, didn’t Giuliani do the same? I hope so because the latter greatly reduced crime. Hannity tries to make Bloomberg look bad on something that one of our guys did, which makes me think that Hannity must believe he can convince a lot of radicals not to vote for the guy. I don’t think any radicals listen to his show.

Stop & frisk, throw em up against the wall—you betcha!

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Rush: “(some media wanker) reported that Doomberg is targeting transgender”

I’m going to love it when Hannity considers transition surgery options.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Asked the father of one of my kid’s classmates, who a retired NYPD lieutenant (Housing Division). Said under Giuliani they did stop/question/frisk, but had more latitude on the number. So mostly braced the guys they already knew were bad guys and had a pretty good hit ratio. And the others got the message and stopped carrying their pieces. Plus in those days you went to Rikers with no/high bail and a guaranteed trip upstate. Bloomberg got on the “more is better” bandwagon, so rather than leave the guys alone that they knew weren’t carrying anymore, they wanted them stopped. Over… Read more »

Reply to  tonaludatus
4 years ago

Daily Wire and Fox keep posting articles trying to get me vote for Bloomberg. How much is he paying them?

Reply to  tonaludatus
4 years ago

Yes, and someone commented previously as how he deplored the lack of leadership to step foreword to save us from this clown world. There’s plenty of folk capable to do the job, but those with integrity will not sell it for a crown, while worms like Bloomberg gladly will. This is the conundrum often spoken about, the broken political system can not repair itself through political means. The system now eliminates/deters all those who would be willing and able to repair it.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Little Mike’s ‘campaign’ is really just a bail out of the media complex – with all that ad spending.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

“Mini Mike is going to spend a small fortune re-electing Donald Trump.”

You misspelled “large”.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I was debating it until I realized how much money he has.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Yup, Bloomberg is spending the cash he finds in his couch cushions on this thing.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Yep. Bloomberg is worth $50B I understand. He spent $400M last I heard. What’s that, less than 2% of his wealth?

Let’s say you were interested in dog catcher and ran for the position in your county. You were willing to spend 2% of your wealth for the job. Signs, some radio ad’s, and you called it quits at $20k. You’d have to be a millionnaire. And that folks is a very rarified air that few—if any of us breath.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Twitter: “Bloomberg campaign has now disclosed $400 million in broadcast, radio & cable ads, $42 million on Facebook ads, $36 million on Google ads”
(Bloomberg is listed as worth $53 billion)

It’s the RUSSIANS, I tell you, the RUSSIANS

4 years ago

“[Warren] seemed to vibrate, as if she was receiving a mild jolt of electricity. If she had put a light bulb in her mouth…” ANNNND…once again I find myself wiping my beverage off my keyboard…
I’ve noticed that odd vibration when she speaks, but it was always something in the back of my mind…until now. Now I will think of it every time I see her speak, which God willing will be infrequently.

Reply to  Sleepy
4 years ago

I think it’s practiced. She may have done it a few times before when she was upset or righteous, and then one of her minions said she should do it all the time. The pointing and vibrating is catnip to older Democrat women.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

even her “spontaneity” is practiced and poll-tested, what a harridan crone (or maybe the other way around?)

Reply to  Sleepy
4 years ago

Her thing is just the schoolroom “pick me, pick me, I have something important to say” thing going on, hand gestures and all. Remember that gal in the front row who would never stand down?

Reply to  Sleepy
4 years ago

Another coffee spitter: “She probably had the best night of the bunch, until she got into a purse fight with Buttigieg.” She could have really clobbered him by sticking up for Mondale, and saying Buttigieg should hope to be half the man he was.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

“I knew Walter Mondale. He was a friend of mine. You are no Walter Mondale.”

Reply to  Sleepy
4 years ago

Loose ground wire. I could fix that.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Sleepy
4 years ago

There was/is a woman in Congress who used to do that vibrating thing. I can’t remember for sure who she was/is, but I keep thinking Maxine Waters for some reason. She might still do it, in point of fact, but if so, I wouldn’t know; I stopped watching that stupid sideshow circus sh*t years ago when it finally dawned on me that the inmates were literally running the asylum. The “debate” sounds mildly entertaining by our host’s account. I’m almost sorry I didn’t waste any time watching it. Almost. I think I’d personally be more entertained watching flat earther quacks… Read more »

4 years ago

It’s not just you guys. Up here in Canada, we learned that all it takes to shut down Canada is 20 drunk Indians to shut the country down. They set up their teepees on the train tracks, and now people can’t get heating fuel, farmers cant move grain, and the nation is at the mercy of about 20 red noggers who are “protesting”.

Prime Minister Pink Socks is on the job though!!! All hope is not lost!!!!

Good grief… it won’t be long now. All hail our robot overlords…🤪

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

That’s why God invented the Winchester ’73.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Ports and railroads shutting down from Halifax to Vancouver.
Truth is more bizarre than fiction

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I’m sorry. Holding the rest of the nation hostage like that is an act of war. A real Canadian leader would respond in kind.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

How much is Trudeau paying them?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Where is Phil Sheridan when you need him?

4 years ago

I have no idea how SNL could top the real debate.

Mike D
Mike D
Reply to  MikeCLT
4 years ago

Yep. SNL should just play it as it is. No need to pay any actors to act out this comedy.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  MikeCLT
4 years ago

When Phil Hartmann was alive and riffing with Dana Carey and Kevin Neeland it would have been all over. They literally can take the funniest things and make them not funny these days. Pointless to watch.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  MikeCLT
4 years ago

Hard being The Onion too these days…

4 years ago

Seriously, this post should win a Pulitzer Prize. I laughed until I cried, upon realizing that it was dead-on accurate and I now fear that the full decline of the species is imminent. My God, half of our population is going to vote for one of these deviant imbeciles.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

That’s because half of the population is made up of deviant imbeciles…That’s why we need separation from them…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

The dumbing down of the educational system is paying off in Spades.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

53% actually… maybe 54% if Bernie takes it.

4 years ago

Any man who says “fat broads and horse-faced lesbians” in public has my vote. Bloomberg 2020!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Did he actually say that? Maybe Bloom is our Nixon-in-China moment. Only a Jewish Democrat can return us to a non-PC age.

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Obviously he has spent too much time with pussy-hat wearing Democrat women…

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I see more fat lesbians and horse faced broads . . . just sayin’

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Yeah apparently he’s had his moments lol

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Ever seen the movie “Serial”? It was a farce staring Martin Mull. It makes fun of the aging Jewish-Hippie culture of San Fran-Marin in the late ’70s. It came out the year I moved to the Bay Area as a young man. It was a pretty good spoof of the times. I saw it again about a year ago. I felt as if I were watching a documentary about a long lost paradise. Watching the debate I had that same nostalgic feeling…not for what we’ve lost but because this is their last performance. Four years from now (maybe 8), that… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Strangely, I was thinking of the movie “The Last Waltz.” It’s the final scene of boomers on center stage. In a few years it’ll be a lot different as the bitter harvest of what they’ve wrought comes into full view.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

They show that during spring/fall fundraising on our local PBS station. It’s not at all bad, but how much money can you raise off a concert film that the boomers probably saw during its first run in the cinemas?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

That was a wholly under appreciated classic…as was Martin Mull in general.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

One thing that stuck with me was Klobuchar turning to Butt-plug and asking “do you think I’m dumb?” It was the only time, and only for one second, that I sympathized with Butt-plug. I had a similar incident in the office kitchenette with an office bitch-on-wheels. This is what women like that do. I literally said “oh God, here we go.” when she said that. You already feel the wheels turning in your head about how you will spin this with HR. Another thing about Butt-plug I noticed is that clearly his focus group told him not to shave because… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

One last thing. I noticed that Butt-plug went after Bernie on his health records. There are so many zingers that you can no longer use in 2020. It would have been great if Bernie turned to him and said, “hey, I’m not the one living the high risk lifestyle here, will you release your HIV results?”

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I was hoping someone would ask Buttgig if he had ever led a Boy Scout troop.

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
4 years ago

Yeah, if this were 1974 they could have ended the show the way Blazing Saddles did.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Blazing Saddles: “You brute, you brute, you brute…”

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

They’ve even got Bloomie as the perfect guy to go back and get a shitload of dimes.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

“I can’t decide if it’s stupidity or ignorance”
has always worked for me,

4 years ago

The only way they can supress Bernie is if a bunch of the other candidates drop out quickly. He has a core of support that will not move.

Getting that endorsement from AOC though might help shore up his perceived weaknesses with minority groups and make him impossible to stop in the primary.

In that case, get ready for Milwaukee to look lile Chicago in the 60’s.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

I hate to be a downer, but if there is one thing the dems do well , it’s to gather round their “guy”. to with Hillary /Obama, sanders/Hillary. at the end they are all in the same mob, and no matter who is the capo , they all get their share of the loot. Bernie is just negotiating the buyout price. there will be peace in Milwaukee. If any of the Bernie bro’s have a different idea they will get to experience the effectiveness of tasers and professional grade pepper spray. They will see that the police who stood idly… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

There may be violence at the Milwaukee DNC, but it will be of a different nature than Chicago ’68. There just aren’t that many intelligent “protesters” these days available for this sort of activity. I don’t know who the Mayor of that city is, but I just saw Chicago’s female mayor decrying President Trump’s pardon of former Gov Blago. A sadder comparison of what our urban political leadership has come to is not available; tough Irish Mayor Daley was outraged that HIS city was beset with a bunch of rioters at HIS convention. The current mayor of Chicago is a… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

They will see that the police who stood idly buy

I know it’s a typo, but somewhat appropriate.

4 years ago

Bloomberg will run as an independent moderate if he does not get the nomination in a brokered convention. The Democrats’ best chance to win 2020 is to try to deny Trump the 270 electors required to win the election, whereupon the President is selected by the vote of the majority of state delegations in the House of Representatives. Right now I believe the Republicans hold the majority of the delegations in 26 states. Look for Democrats to spend heavily in House races that will flip states from majority Republican to majority Democrat. Also, look for the Democratic machine to bribe,… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

If 80,000 votes in only FIVE COUNTIES (4 in FL, 1 in MI) had broke the other way, President Pantsuit would’ve won in 2016.

Bloomberg is not going to make the same mistake. He’ll fund 80,001 limos to drag bums to the polls first.

This depresses me to no end.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Not sure if you read my comment. Bloomberg is not in this to win the Democrat nomination. Bloomberg has no mass appeal west of the Hudson. He can’t win a general election.

If Bloomberg runs as an independent all he has to do to deny Trump an electoral college victory is to win a single, large swing state like PA, OH, MI, or FL. No candidate will get the 270 required to win and the election will be decided by the House. Bloomberg has a decent chance of buying the Presidency in the House.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

My god. You’re right. That’s even worse. I don’t know if I should thank you or curse you. Heh.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

That’s the point, Bloomberg has to win a State which would not necessarily have gone Rep or Dem. The question is how?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

He’ll set up a bar and buffet tent exactly 101 feet from every polling place in the US. All the Hennessy you can drink for an “I voted” sticker.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

so conspiratorial , so cynical, and absolutely spot on.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Not gonna happen. Perot got 19% of the popular vote and zero electoral votes. Bloomberg won’t even approach that.

4 years ago

My very first vote for Prez was in 1996, and I voted for Perot. I didn’t really have any ideological reason for doing so, other than he visited my campus and I really liked his speech. (I remember it was an overflow crowd.) I also saw Bob Dole and Bubba that year as well. Dole had that stupid pen in his hand, and his supporters were yammering about a 15% flat tax. Bubba was smooth as f**k, but totally political, and Perot seemed like an actual human being…eccentric, but definitely a human. Perot was also on his second act, like… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

“On Wings of Eagles” – great book about how Ross P. assembled a team of mercs to rescue his employee’s hiding in Iran after the fall of the Shah. The state department told him in no uncertain terms he’d go to prison if he tried it. He was ALL IN, regardless. (they escaped before the mission went in hot) For that alone, I loved Ross Perot. I ask myself if my boss would risk prison to get me out of a bad spot in a shithole country, and the answer is a resounding “hell no – that’s what insurance is… Read more »

Mike D
Mike D
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

He also funded efforts to rescue forgotten POWs in Vietnam. None other than Bush Sr. tried to stop him. This is why he hated Bush with a virulent passion.

Perot was a good and decent man. One of the last true patriots.

Reply to  Mike D
4 years ago

One might also remark just for interest, how Perot pledged $40M of his own funds to run a “first rate presidential campaign”. Now with inflation it takes at least $400M to get a crack at the nomination. 😉

Dr. Reo Symes
Dr. Reo Symes
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Compared to With Wings As Eagles by John Selmer Dix (M.A.), On Eagles Wings is little more than foul grunting.

Just make sure you get the edition with the yellow cover. That’s the one you want. That’s the straight Dix.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Perot did seem like a real human being. He was direct and got right to the real issues, like the federal debt, trade policy, and made use of homemade charts, and liked to remind us that “it’s our country.” His opponents meanwhile appeared in slick, professional commercials showing how much they care or how much they want to bring about a bright future for America, or other vague things, designed to give us warm fuzzy feelings.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

And don’t forget Perot’s famous debate line about the sucking sound of jobs leaving the USA due to NAFTA. He knew, the other two toadies were paid off. And the American middle class was hollowed out.

Enjoy your “side hustles” folk.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

A smaller Wall Street firm had a trick where they would hire people for peanuts, but promise them a monster pension plan that would vest in 20 years. Then they would find a way to fire the people 18 or 19 years in, while the owners diddled around with the money. Perot’s firm bought them out, and cleaned up that racket right quick, once they figured out what was going on.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

I used to hate perot because he put bubba in office , and bubba corrupted the system to and extent that is breathtaking in its scale. but given what I have learned about the Bush family since them , I now profoundly appreciate what he did. HW (Bush the evil) and W (Bush the stupid) were just as corrupt , but more nuanced way. He was absolutely correct about the disaster NAFTA turned out to be.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Easy on Dole’s pen. He was a war hero who carried the pen because he was hurt in battle and couldn’t open his hand. Otherwise, good post. Agree he was a terrible candidate.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

Dole was almost cut in half by a German MG42 machine gun crossing an Italian farmer’s field. As I understand it, that erstwhile pen in his hand was therapeutic.

Reply to  Boarwild
4 years ago

The pen in the right hand kept people from trying to shake that injured hand. Instead he would do the backwards left hand handshake.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

I supported Perot both times.Why? Because he wasn’t a slick fraud like Clinton or a swamp creature and globalist like Bush Sr. Neither of which would talk about real issues like trade policy, federal debt, etc. All they did was spew glibness and snark.

Is Sanders like Perot? No!!! he’s playing Santa Claus to a bunch of kids but he does seem to believe what he is peddlingt. Whereas the other candidates exude a level of phoniness that is just out of this world.

4 years ago

To be honest, I’m just waiting for someone to say “Don’t get your panties in a bunch!” to Mayor Pete.

Reply to  ChrisZ
4 years ago

I mentioned in an earlier comment that Klobuchar could have done this subtly when he attacked Mondale. She could have said Mondale was a Democratic hero, and you should hope to be half the man he was.

4 years ago

Wait and see, when one of these clowns gets nominated, the Leftie story will be, “I don’t agree with anything he/she/it stands for, but I am just voting for him/her/it to get Trump out”. While they will claim to disown anything their person stands for, they will continue to ascribe and attach all of Trump’s faults and issues to his voters, claiming that the rest of us are just odious Mini-Trumps. They want it both ways, as necessary, the traditional Leftie situationalism.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

No matter who wins the Dem nomination, some group or other is going to get their panties in a wad. The likely scenario is their remaining home on election day. Alienation has consequences, as Hillary saw.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

So exactly what most GOP’ers with a college degree, who don’t live in a trailer park did with Trump you mean?

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

Keep reading the NY Times. You’ll remain as uninformed as the rest of that Never-Trump crowd.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

A majority of college educated people voted for Trump? Weird. You must be reading the Clowns Twitter feed for your facts…

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

Please tell me about your black boyfriend, Normie, I’m all ears.

Bottom? Or bottom…submissive?

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

Well, from my small circle of college educated friends, yes the majority did vote for Trump. I’ll admit, perhaps a higher portion of non-college educated did as well, but an amazing amount did. So did I. In thIs group are doctors, educators, engineers, etc. In fact, their support is stronger than ever for the man, which is shown by their admission that they did vote for Trump, albeit with trepidation, and next time will with unreserved commitment. Don’t conflate the types of college educated folk I speak of, they are a fairly strong bunch of conservatives, which is possibly a… Read more »

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

college edumacated people, you mean H1B fodder? The only thing these four eyed cucked dweebs are good for is training their H1B replacements. While these cubicle monkeys are on dates with their H1B boyfriends, their wives are banging the Amazon delivery man.

another fred
another fred
4 years ago

“He is at that stage of life where his mind prefers to be in neutral and it takes effort to get the thing in gear.”

I’m stealing that.

Reply to  another fred
4 years ago

Good line. As a guy who in a previous life was an auto tech I could run with that, but I’ve learned to manage my autism.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  another fred
4 years ago

You re no doubt the first person in history who wants to steal Joe Biden’s mind

4 years ago

Bloomberg and his type are not “benevolent oligarchs”. They are simply oligarchs, who then serve to boss everyone else around with their “walking around money”, as they assume the role of “servant master”. The idea is they know so much better than the rest of us about everything, that they need to push us all in the right directions, “for our own good”. There is a Talmudic overlay to all of it.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Mini-Mike, Micro Manager.

He’s just doing his duty, trying to Repair the World. Get over it, u h8r.

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Heh! And a happy “tikkun olam” to you, Mike!

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

There was a very good reason that the top tax bracket was 90% under Roosevelt.

I’m coming too the conclusion that any income in stocks or cash or anything needs to be taxed at 100% over 500K (inflation adjusted annually of course) or 25X the minimum wage.

This way the rich will have the eat the same policy dog food as the rest of us.

As for foreign oligarchs., no entry allowed . And sure Vegas will complain. Tough. High stakes idiots can go gamble in Macau and charities and endowments can get smaller amounts from more people.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Yes. Allowing an individual’s wealth to grow massively unchecked is like allowing one guy to have nuclear weapons. You can’t allow individuals to have such disproportionate power or they will rule you.

One reason we can’t close our borders is because enough incredibly rich people have decided that they want them open and there is no power adequate to challenge them.

If is a billionaire cannot accept a 100% tax on profits above a certain amount, we’re probably better off not having them.

4 years ago

How does someone in the top 15 richest people in the world not spring for a debate coach and maybe some people to prep him?

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

That’s Bloomberg after the debate coach and prep. The guy is way out on the spectrum.

His handlers are probably sensing a victory on this one, given what they have to work with.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

Bloomberg is a plutocratic monopolist. As such, he has been so long surrounded by quivering Yes Men and paid-for toadies that he maybe forgot what it’s like outside his bubble. He blundered into the real world last night. It will be interesting to see if he learned anything from the experience.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

Trump is a showman with good teeth. Bloomberg is a billionaire jewish guy with coffee stained teeth.
I noticed Bloomberg said to the “ me too” crowd last night that his organization fired men the same day that they were accused.
How merciful of him.
I look forward to the day he gets the same mercy from us.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

“I noticed Bloomberg said to the “ me too” crowd last night that his organization fired men the same day that they were accused.”

Think of having a chief law enforcement officer with this attitude directing the FBI, all federal prosecutors, the CIA and NSA. Imagine anti-gun fanatic Bloomberg issuing orders to the ATF, orders which the apparatchiks in that agency are slavering to carry out.

No. Just no.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I honestly cannot fathom what purpose Bloomberg was supposed to serve. Preserve the primacy of gentry white/Jewish liberals in Democratic politics, maybe? Dunno. But as you wrote first impressions matter and Bloomberg came across so badly it is hard to see him remaining a viable candidate. There were a few brief flashes of seriousness from Bloomberg near the end, but his honesty about the inherent failures of communism probably hurt more than helped him. He has the money to hang in there, but probably not the tolerance to do so. I haven’t seen it mentioned, but Bloomberg also showed his… Read more »

4 years ago

Z: Putting that aside, Bloomberg did not score any hits on the other candidates, but they managed to dirty him up pretty good. HB: Have to disagree with the blog host there. Bloomberg, whatever you think of him – was the adult in the room last night. The fact that he will not stand behind his previous, mostly factual statements and positions – is a symptom of the political universe, current year. Look, Trump is going hard at this game right now – everything is ‘the firsts martian female blah-blah’ – yippee! Bloomie got that ‘C Word’ into the conversation… Read more »

Reply to  HomerB
4 years ago

Bloomberg was channeling Groucho Marx:
“I have my principles, and if you don’t like those, I have others.”

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Good reference. For some reason I was reminded of a other Grouchoism: “I’d never join a club that would accept me as a member”

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

No doubt, a nice touch of old Vaudeville – kind of like the facial comedy of Eddie Cantor, No, make that Buster Keaton, definitely Buster Keaton. I got a good laugh when Eddie Munster that is running for Student Council President bragged, or blurted, “I wrote an essay…” Oh, boy, an “essay”. He is just so well prepared! And what made this smarmy manlet Petie, er, Eddie, think that going after the non candidate Klobuchar — would burnish his appeal to women? I thought women liked ole Pete because he came off as ‘nice’. So much for nice – just… Read more »

Reply to  HomerB
4 years ago

The “two-percent tax”?
Don’t we already have that? Sounds dodgy to me.

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

My bad, I was referring to Squanto’s “two cents” tax.

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Mike, I see what you did there 😮

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I might simply have been suffering from poor reading comprehension. And you can’t disprove that!

4 years ago

This is why I’ve never bought the “lead poisoning from the water pipes” theory of Roman decline. Give a society a few generations’ worth of peace and prosperity, and soon enough you’ll have its “leadership” declaring themselves the incarnation of Amon-Ra and marrying their sisters. Heck, with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the mix, we’ve even got our own Incitatus (rim shot!). As far as I’m concerned, the Chinese can’t invade fast enough. Maybe if we ask real nice, they’ll bring back foot binding.

Cool for Cats
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

“the Chinese can’t invade fast enough.”

What channel are you watching? Dude, the Chinese are invading RIGHT NOW.

And they’re doing really damn well, too.

Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago

~480K student visas issued to CCP last year. Seems like every other day there’s a story of either a Chinese national or or ethnic Chinese being accused of espionage.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Yep. This is best summed up by that old meme/adage/quote , “The capitalists will sell us the rope by which to hang them.” Your Chinese students are a source of much needed revenue for cash hungry, tuition milking Universities—few other students, especially native minorities, can afford to pay full tuition, but the Chinese do. That’s big bucks. The CCP “Confucius Institutes”, which have sprung up all over our major Universities, also contribute millions to those Institutions. Even now, when our intelligence agencies have pointed to these students’ involvement in espionage—aided by the Confucius Institutes, many Universities refuse to close them… Read more »

Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago

A small, private liberal arts college near me has 30% Chinese enrollment. The college president has plans to increase that to 50% because $$$$$$$.

It used to be we brought over foreigners, trained them in something useful (mostly at our expense), then sent them back to make their own countries better. Administrator to professor ratio was low. Now the entire system is just a cash cow not only for useless professorial marxist filth monkeys, but for the UNBELIEVABLY bloated administration which employees their otherwise useless graduates.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

At last, at long last- somebody else noticed that the Lead Lawsuit Octopus began with “chirrun in the projects so hungry, they eat paint chips and become violent, unable to learn with no breakfast”

So many ripples, all from one stupid maneuver.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Murdoch Murdoch did a funny video about a Chinese invasion. There are some upsides.


Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Except we will all be dead. The Chinese have no use for gwailo and will exterminate us the first chance they get except for white women whom they;ll rape to death. I’d rather see the country fire off a bunch of nukes at those human locusts and go out in a nuclear fire than let them have this country. Seriously they are a bane on humanity. I know the HBD nut jobs here worship them because of their IQ(which is vastly overstated given all the “progress” they made has been via IP theft). But so what. There is more to… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Can we do a practice run on Yiddistan?

A far greater threat.

4 years ago

Thanks for the summary, Z. There is no way I could have had the patience to watch that farce.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Actually I wrote yesterday that Bloomberg is a force along with Bernie. I no longer think so. Biden might yet scramble the field in South Carolina. Butt Plug could also come out of this thing a winner.
Bloomberg is used to holding court in places like Davos
Ain’t gonna work in the Democratic insane asylum.

4 years ago

Just to clarify your point-“When the robot historians are sifting through the rubble of this age”-in 10 years or so.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

This planet is not big enough for both the Democratic Party and the United States of America. Just like no body is big enough for both the cancer and the patient to thrive. That’s what I came away with. But as entertainment it could be worse.

4 years ago

No one would consider Bloomie anywhere near “normal”, he’s a petty tyrant, control freak and absolutely despises ordinary white and black Americans and who doesn’t think they have even a right to defend themselves.

Not normal at If he was a working stiff, he’d be the creepy little guy with no friends.

4 years ago

So do I vote for Bernie or do I vote for Bloomie?

And major kudos for this epic, indeed legendary, prediction:
“Maybe this will be the epitaph of our civilization overall – Western civilization: it rode in as a knight in armor on a mighty steed and rode out on a tiny tricycle followed by midgets on miniature horses.”

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Thanks, I’m glad someone enjoyed reading that as much as I did writing it!

4 years ago

I was a little surprised at the moderation for that debate, or lack thereof. I am beginning to think that if anyone in the DNC-Media nexus ever did have a plan, it has been shredded.

Cool for Cats
4 years ago

Granted anyone who’s running for president wants to win, and if you’re a Party member you want your Party to win. That’s just normal. But the rabid, maniacal urge they all express to defeat Trump, to remove Trump, to get rid of Trump personally at any cost, is frankly beyond me. I could understand it if Trump had actually accomplished anything, had delivered on a single campaign promise. But he has delivered nothing. He is Obama’s third term, or maybe GWB’s ninth term. Nothing nothing nothing, far as the eye can see. Oh, maybe some judges, who will all turn… Read more »

Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago

You’ve asked the “Unpardonable Question.” The same one I try to bring up all the time re: Trump the President vs. Trump Before. More troops to the ME. More than 748K *discretionary* visas issued to illegal aliens – literally many hundreds of times more than Obama issued. Look it up for yourselves: https://tinyurl.com/wqyvyjx. Defunding E-verify in every budget. His (latest) DOJ swampie going after the “We Build the Wall” folks. (Like every other Trump dictate, this was reversed by a district court judge. For once, in favor of border security.)

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
4 years ago

Donald Trump is the Ross Perot candidate that actually had the audacity to win. Every opponent of his is an OrangeManBad NPC.

Reply to  Tim from Nashua
4 years ago

Not at all. Perot was an Eagle Scout (back when that was a real accomplishment, and not just another credential), served in the military, and worked as a salesman. I divide the Trump era into “Private Citizen/Candidate Trump” vs. “President Trump.” Or MAGA Trump vs. Swamp Trump, if you prefer.

james wilson
james wilson
4 years ago

The bloom is not off the berg. I didn’t watch the “debate”. Most people won’t. Bberg has plenty of time left to do his thing and the field is amusingly poor. All he has to do is keep spending money and sit there and blink. When he gets the nomination he’ll promise student loan forgiveness or some other thing to draw the kiddies back in.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Yeah but that may be what dooms him: the fact that non-lefties prefer him. Who is Pancho Villa going to vote for? Probably the candidate that reminds him the most of whatever commie Jew that runs his home-country.

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

“Most people won’t.”

Well, it sounds like 33 million did tune in, however briefly. We can only hope that exposure of this Star Wars bar-scene group on stage may accomplish more than all the pundits combined.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  S. Bishop
4 years ago

The Bernie Bros are convinced their boy can walk on water but at the end of the day more Rats than not will calculate that Bberg has some chance of beating Trump and Sanders none.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

That may be so. Bloomberg may be the best of the worse and given the nod. But I doubt if he’ll take the Sander’s acolytes with him. They’ll stay home and that will give the edge to Trump. This is Sander’s year, nothing but Sanders will be acceptable to those who still think politics is a straight game. And when they catch wise, they’ll stay home. They’re young and ideological, not pragmatic. All or nothing.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

I’m curious just what is in store for the candidate roster. He is one ruthless SOB—know people that have worked BLP. Wonder what surprises he has in store for Lizzie and the gang.

4 years ago

Bloomberg encapsulates everything wrong with the USA 2019. A low charisma NYC Billionaire who hates working class people trying to buy an election. So he can do what? Force his globalism, warmongering, and social liberalism on us. Because Trump and Bernie are too “dangerous”. Incredibly, people who should know better are rooting for him or describing him as a “moderate”. i don’t see anything “Moderate” about Open borders, bad trade deals, or wars in the Middle East. And if you’re worried about “Authoritarianism” then go look at how Mini-mike behaved as NYC Mayor.

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

I wish one of the candidates was called “Gibbs”.

Vote for Gibbs. Gibbs 2020.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

It doesn’t matter which 1 of these Mongoloids become the chosen 1. If they get in the “white” house, they’ll just be Israel’s Nigger, like Trump, and the guy before him, and the guy before him, ad nauseum, to Rosevelt who sent the japs a please attack Pearl Harbor card.

4 years ago

Now I’m sorry I missed it. I hear there weren’t any foreign policy questions. Is that true?

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

They lump anything west of the Hudson dealing with us rubes in fly-over country, as foreign policy. Pretty soon they’ll be sending us our very own ambassador to field any upstart questions.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  S. Bishop
4 years ago

Maybe that means we will qualify for foreign aid, and be considered a minority if we go east.

4 years ago

How appropriate to provide a link to the Big Indian -Sink scene from “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” since the whole debate was similar to all the characters sitting around nodding in agreement with Nurse Cratchet.

4 years ago

I listened to a string of Klobuchar clips and she is smarter than I expected. However, I cannot stand to listen to her.

I’ve wondered this before about men finding women’s voices, especially when those voices are argumentative, simply intolerable.

Is it possible that there is a wise woman who could lead us well but I would vote against her because she is so irritating?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

No and hopefully yes.

4 years ago

Awesome post ! Didn’t see the debate, but you painted a hilarious picture of it 🙂

” ” The only thing missing was a big Indian to throw a sink through one of the windows to close the show. ” ”

” ” They took turns flinging their poo at him. For the most part, he just smirked it off, dismissing them as sideshow clowns.” ”

“.“And just like that, everyone went insane” ”

Thank you for the laugh . It’s a great way to start the day !

4 years ago

A good show, for sure, but not indicative of much. It delights the base to have Bloomberg there as a whipping boy. Much like it delighted some of the GOP base when Jeb and the Univision Vanguard were made the objects of ridicule instead of axiomatic praise, the upshot was little more than window dressing. What’s most unlikely is that Sanders is an actual true believer who is a genuine threat. Like Trump, he is almost assured to be a business as usual character with rhetorical flourishes designed to keep a portion of his base excited for next betrayal.

Ned Fort
Ned Fort
4 years ago

If you look at twittter and other media it seems as thought Warren has really gotten a boost. I would not be surprised if she is the next president.

People are already saying she would kill Trump in a debate

Reply to  Ned Fort
4 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Ned Fort
4 years ago

I agree. She’d literally kill him with those tiny fists she’s always waving around, on the ends of those twig wrists.

In fact, I’ve seen smaller women than her kick 250-lb guys (in 60 lbs of body armor, yet) through plate glass windows. Thank you, modern woke action movies!

Seriously, what’s with Warren and the fists? It’s not only bizarre, but actually pitiable to see.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Ned Fort
4 years ago

Now THAT is what I call satire!

Reply to  Ned Fort
4 years ago

Hey Duck.

Pre politics Dr. Warren could have given President Trump a run for his money. The current iteration, not at all.

Being a Senator made her good ideas and solid intellect go bye bye, maybe it went when she sold her soul or she just got old, who knows but she acting like a crazy democrat rather than the populist author of the excellent Two Income Trap.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Ned Fort
4 years ago

Why do they send all the bum trolls to this blog?? At least up your game, soy boys.