The American Drama

One of the sports leagues announced recently that they intend to get rid of the white national anthem before games and play the black national anthem. Most white people, of course, were surprised to learn there is a black national anthem. Racists were momentarily excited, thinking that maybe blacks now had their own homeland, but that was not the case. Instead, it turns out that the black national anthem is a poem written a century ago by black civil rights activists.

It is an interesting bit of history that is worth considering. The poem itself reads like a call to black unity. The celebration of their new found freedom does not indicate what they hope to do with it, but there is a prayer to God that they will keep on the righteous path to victory, whatever that means. A cynic cannot help but notice that the poem and the musical performance was really aimed at the white Progressives that saw black abolition as their Christian duty.

It is a good reminder that the history of black civil rights can probably be best explained by the phrase, “Now what?” After the Civil War, the blacks were freed, but then everyone, including the former slaves stood around asking, “Now what?” The people who did the freeing did not have an answer, so everyone else was left to sort it out. The people in the Old South, black and white, had to come up with new living arrangements and nature, as it always does, took its course.

Something similar happened after the Civil Rights movement. Legal segregation and discrimination were eliminated and then everyone was left to wonder what will come next, but the civil rights champions had no answers. After a couple of decades of inaction, the final resolution was a few statues of Martin Luther King and a federal holiday for him. The efforts at forced integration were slowly abandoned in all the meaningful areas and we were back to where we started.

The cold-hearted cynics have always said that white Progressives and their fellow travelers just see blacks as another weapon in the Cold Civil War. If they actually cared about the condition of real blacks, they would address the horrific crime levels and social pathology that immiserate blacks in America. Instead, they periodically unleash black crime waves on the bad whites, along with lectures about social justice. In other words, none of this has anything to do with blacks.

That’s certainly true, but it mistakenly asserts a consciousness of action to the Left that probably does not exist. Talk to your self-righteous lefty about the current ructions and they have no idea why they are out in the streets ululating about racism. Like a trained circus animal, they are responding to prompts and expecting certain rewards. You, the racist bad white, are supposed to get vexed with them, so they can feel the dopamine rush that comes from self-righteous indignation.

This lack of consciousness is better observed in something that is less radioactive at the moment. Disney has now added the musical Hamilton to its subscription offering, causing every Progressive in America to sign up for it. The play has become something like the old musical Cabaret. Instead of being a show about Nazis, Hamilton is a show about social justice. The sound track is something like “Horst-Wessel-Lied” for the modern Left. It’s more than a musical for them.

When you press them on why they like it so much, they cannot explain it. A paranoid conspiracy type would be forgiven for thinking that maybe there is a subliminal message in these songs. As soon as a person prone to Progressive fanaticism hears the soundtrack, he spends hours listening to it. A couple of years ago when the soundtrack was released, it became a moral signifier like an Apple product. The good lefty would ostentatiously reveal he was listening to it.

This is where you see the total lack of reason and introspection on the part of Progressives caught up in the ecstasy of these moral panics. Hamilton was not black and he was certainly not a social justice warrior. In fact, he was probably the one Founder who was the least in favor of popular government. He is an unlikely hero for people claiming to be the liberators of the oppressed and the champions of all-inclusive liberal democracy, but that’s where they are.

That brings us back to the black national anthem. Like everything else about race relations, that poem was never about blacks or their disposition. It was written to titillate the good whites in the halls of power. It was their pets obsequiously performing a ritual for them. Similarly, Hamilton is just feel-good revisionism for white liberals. A bunch of blacks perform for their white masters in a way that flatters the master. Race is just another popular theme in the Progressive Dionysia.

There is no shortage of analysis trying to explain the insane behavior of mobs pulling down statues. All of it from outside the Progressive hive misses the point, because it projects reason and consciousness of thought onto the performers. What’s happening is these people are just that, performers. They are unconsciously playing a role, like participants in a pagan ceremony. They are doing so for their Progressive audience, who cheers and sobs after each statue is toppled.

This is the real source of power of the Left. It is not that they control the institutions or control the media. Those are consequences, not causes. Their real power is they control public morality and the expression of it. All public rituals are funneled through left-wing mythology, drawing in friends and foes, all of whom play a role in the great ongoing morality tale of liberal democracy. Like pre-reformation Catholic Church, the Left controls the supply of salvation.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

And this is why Progressives fear separation – in any form – above all else. They are like the moon. They can only shine when reflecting the light of others. They are incapable of real accomplishment, of creating and running a successful society. Instead, they use their control of public morality to turn the productive Whites into their helots, while their black pets amuse them. That system collapses if even a small group of Whites either physically or mentally separate. The example of even a tiny group of Whites enjoying the psychological and material benefits of discarding the Left’s morality… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Showing our white friends that there’s a different morality is very important. Jason (No White Guilt) always pushes that tactic. When friends point out racism towards whites, a correction to calling it “anti-White” is one way to change patterns of thought.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Satanism is at the root of progressiveness, it makes perfect sense for it to be parasitical cause jews are the main proponents of it, whites are demeaned in favour of the lowest of all races.
globalists hate to see happiness in the european people, why bother enslaving europeans if they get to be content, europeans need to suffer for disobeying the rabbis, uugg…I mean Satan for 2000 years.

Jacques Lebeau
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Good advice. When dealing with a true Believer, just walk away, don`t engage, leave.When dealing with normies on the fence however, it behooves us to try and win them over, slowly , gently urging them towards the divide. Not easy, but we need as many as we can get.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jacques Lebeau
4 years ago

With Normies, I follow two main themes. Fairness Children that they are, normies are all about fairness. Hammer home the fact that Whites are the only group openly discriminated against. The only group that you can make fun of. Etc. Whites are a group too Point out we’re a people too. Whites have been trained to not think of themselves as a group, a people. Break that down – gently. Mention that all races and groups, including Whites, should be respected and protected. For many normies, that might be the first time that they think of themselves as part of… Read more »

NJ Person
NJ Person
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Agreed. There is no discussing with a True Believer.
However, I have mentioned to an independently minded first-generation immigrant that Blacks, Hispanics and Asians can form explicitly ethnic organizations. But not Whites. That person was unable to answer that one. Perhaps first-generation immigrants have not been marinated in the White Guilt ideology permeating academia and popular culture.
Another tack involves noting that in many parts of the country (e.g., here in NJ) Whites are just another minority. It is no longer 1965 and Whites can no longer afford giving slack as if they were 85% of the population.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Projection. What they fear from you is what they would do to you in a heartbeat, given half a chance. Never forget that.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I can always hear “I had to do it to him before he did it to me” behind everything they say.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

In your reply to my comment above, you said “they won’t let us.”

If that’s true, how do we get to “form White communities that look out for each other?”

I can’t tell whether you’re agreeing or disagreeing with the idea of White separation, declared or undeclared. Could you clarify that?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I’m all for White separation, both of the very small scale (community of Whites looking out for each other in a town or area) and on a much larger scale down the road, i.e. not in my lifetime. I guess my point is that it won’t be easy. Better to start small and quietly to stay under the radar. Don’t play to the other side’s strengths. They don’t have the manpower to watch everywhere. Their strength is targeting individuals who make a lot of noise. Build communities, but build them IRL and take your time. It’s my belief that our… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

We’re actually on the same page. We should have physical communities that are intentional (made up of based Whites and those adjacent/allied) and undeclared (no flags, secession, constitutions, etc.. – just neighbors & friends). Develop the sinews of community before you try to flex them.

UPIC – undeclared physical intentional community. Or simply “you pick your neighbors.”

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

see Frankenmuth, MI to see this in real life, mind you certain things are only said in private. Upscale too for those who require such…and an actually beautiful Germantown.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

It is life and death for them because they know if we separate and they can’t keep us as the boogieman then their pets will turn and kill them and they know that deep down and it scares the shit out of them…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

They also know that a community of White people who look and act normal, and who show how nice a White community can be gives other Whites an alternative. It shows them an alternate reality to what they’ve been told their entire lives. Normie Whites will look at that White community and then compare it to their own multi-culti community, and the comparison will won’t be good. That’s why Russia and Eastern Europe are so demonized in the media. But they can get away with that because normie White Americans can’t see life in those countries with their own eyes.… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

i tried watching Hamilton, but it was just awful. ripped off a lot from Loyd Weber’s “Jesus Christ Superstar” too. cannot imagine the horror of paying for this turd, and sitting through the shouting and running around aimlessly, for 2+ hours. if you have ever seen negroes pretend to debate, this is the same kind of thing, with musical theater.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

If one is not enamored with the white Hamilton, why the fornication would one take an interest in a fictionalized negro version?

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

I was walking through a Barnes and Noble when I heard the soundtrack playing. It was so godawful I had to stop and listen to it for a minute…on the level of The Simpsons “Planet of the Apes” parody. Even funnier was when they hauled out one of the dried out and dusty historians Edmund Morgan or David McCullough to write a review of it in The New Yorker or somesuch rag. Never has the term damning with faint praise been more appropriate. It read like the jaded realization of a lifelong liberal that he might have bet the wrong… Read more »

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

That would be “Stop the Planet of the Apes, I Want To Get Off” which is a pretty subtle reference, even in the mid-1990s.

NJ Person
NJ Person
Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

David McCullough is the anti-Howard Zinn and his glorious works should be required reading if the forces of good can get control of academia.

Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

The wife wanted to go when the traveling version came to our town. I told her the only way we are going is if she won tickets to it, which of course she did.
It’s an incredibly dumbed-down version of history, basically simple rapping about the events that occurred, on a 4th grade level. The crowd seemed to slobber all over it of course. I got through it.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Stirge
4 years ago

@Stirge — what did your wife have to say about it?

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

A very important rule that too many Dissidents break is to not give the other side money. As difficult as it is avoiding any media on the other side and that’s near all of it is a key part of our strategy It won’t cost them as much money as anyone here would like but it might push them over the edge to failure in some cases. More importantly they won’t get YOUR money. The main goal is mental hygiene. Most of what they belive is iminical to ur beliefs and as such should be avoided, doubly so because manipulation,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Agreed. Paying to see Hamilton and its like is idiocy on stilts and terrible form for a Dissident.

4 years ago

“This is the real source of power of the Left. It is not that they control the institutions or control the media. Those are consequences, not causes. Their real power is they control public morality and the expression of it….” ————— Hmmmm. The universities are churning out graduates with fake degrees in subjects that are red flags for employers, or are useless to them. The NYT can’t sell a subscription, and CNN is becoming a comedy network. Legacy tech companies are hemorrhaging money while the forks are picking up steam. The governor and mayor in LA tell the people to… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Meanwhile, by a 78% vote, Russia just made illegal almost all abortions, affirmed marriage is only between a man and a woman and put “faith in God” in the Constitution.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Seems to me Russia is about 30 years ahead of the US in this process. Take heart!

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Putin is the model of a good king. Discuss.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

he’s done wonders for the russian standard of living. guffaw.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Really? Mug GDP? Its all about the Benjamins, eh? I suppose some would rather have a golden slave collar than live on their feet as men.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

I was there recently. St. Petersburg is not New York City but it isn’t Leningrad either.

Try seeing the world with your own eyes and ears rather than through Hannity & Rush.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

I see Russians that get sick of Putin-fawning and they’ll post well reasoned take-downs of the tyrant, and yet it’s hard to escape the fact that he’s the only long term ruler Russia has had that’s not running slave camps. He’s also one of the very few that’s not an absolute tool of the Jews. A low bar to be sure, but if I were Russian I’d take what I could get.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Putin tool of the jews?
Check this out
Deripaska is a jew btw

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

I caught the FTN on Putin and I’ve read a lot of Russian hardliner stuff to the effect that Putin is Jewed. I’m not convinced.

No doubt Jews still have a lot of influence in Russia and money always talks there as well, but I think Putin is trying to steer a pro-Russian course while balancing a lot of different interests, Zionist and otherwise.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You are correct, jews hold influence, but not control.
Russians impose lots of restrictions on those who hold dual citizenship, especially when it comes to politics. Jews comitting crimes & then running away to Israel ain’t a regular thing in Russia. Putin’s men gained enough experience with the runaway jewish oligarchs over the years.
Also, russian bank is nationalized, that by itself reduced a lot of the jew’s power.

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Nationalized bank = prob the real reason our Jewified country can’t stand Russia

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

No doubt, if Hillary would have won I’m certain USA would have began war with Russia.
There’s a cold war going on right now between USA & Russia(so much for Trump working for Putin). I’m amazed Putin managed to turn Merkel(of all people) against USA.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

J hatred of Russian’s goes back a long way. In Putin’s case he out -J’d them…in the 90s the oligarchs were looting the assets of the former USSR and the “Globalized Finance” was washing the money in the West. Not to mention helping them set up the corporate vehicles for said looting. Problem: then Russian President Yeltsin an unstable Drunk. The aforementioned parties found a teetotaling, quiet Deputy mayor of St. Petersburg of an unassuming manner, named Vladimir Putin. They helped get him into office. And then he stopped the looting, or at least made it Russian’s only. Russia was… Read more »

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Putin has a noticeable lack of BLM and Pride parades, as well.

So culturally impoverished.

Where’s muh Drag Queen Story Hour- now that’s freedom.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

In a very technical sense, depravity is freedom.
This is why I am an authoritarian Conservative. There are a lot of things that a healthy society cannot allow.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Yes, he is.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago


Like I soon realized after the USSR fell, that America became more like the USSR and Russia became more like America

That Russia of all places, given the history of communism and imposed atheism, is practicing traditional morality is something else. Strange how life works I guess.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Orthodoxy was always there under the surface. The Soviets weren’t as successful as they pretended in remaking Russians into homo sovieticus. Russian dissidents provide a great example for us of how you can maintain most of your culture and solidarity under the worst totalitarian conditions if you’re determined enough.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

If they can do it, so can we

Great to know !!!

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

it’s right there beneath the veneer.
How many here mouth the platitudes, or silently endure the agitprop …and chafe under it?
Do we think our neighbors are different?

4 years ago

Instead, they periodically unleash black crime waves on the bad whites

Ironically, most of the worst Whites are rural and touched not at all by Black crime, while many of the very goodest GoodWhites are urban and more likely to suffer Black crime. Of course the elite GoodWhites that actually control things live in lily-White communities with gates, private security and/or simply geographical distance from Blacks.

4 years ago

The only people operating out of pure cynicism are outright grifters like Kevin Williamson, Jonah Goldberg & Bill Kristol. The vast majority of liberals and civ-nat true believers in the colorblind nation act out of a mix of piety to the new faith and pride in their moral superiority. Even the Jews who actually do hold secret conclaves to plot against Whites** mostly believe they are doing the right thing by fighting the White Thing – because everyone in the room knows that when Whites get together, ovens happen. The Holocaust and American Slavery are the Passion and Exodus of… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

All true, but as I mentioned in my comment, GloboShlomo is well aware that separation means death for them. Like the North in 1861, GloboShlomo isn’t going to just let us walk away.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Needs to be done if only to break the dialectic that gives Northern zealots their power. They’re chasing ghosts at this point anyway and letting them go on is bringing the nation down with them. Down with witch hunters.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

They don’t have the power to stop us. They can’t even control their own cities.

Blacks and Antifa just managed to Cloward-Piven the system to such an extent that they were burning down police stations.

Considering White numbers and the size of America, Shlomo does not have the manpower or the will to enforce nationwide coerced mutliculturalism in the face of determined and pervasive White non-compliance.

What holds us back is the lack of non-compliant Whites.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

What holds us back is the lack of non-compliant Whites.
Our men, convicted, simply need to see they have no other choice than to hoist their own flag. Whether they bring a blade or gun to the fight, I care not.

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Lead and the whites will follow.
Seriously thats all thats lacking. If term whites make you nervous call it something else.
I’m down with partition now.
There is no Republic to defend, and no contiguous lands to defend either.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The effort to prevent any form of separation has been well underway for about a century. Federal entitlements, for example, probably make the Boomers wary of separation. Deep Blue cities are burrowed within the Reddest states. Ditto the inverse. As far as police, secret and otherwise, note federal law enforcement largely goes unscathed. Elimination of local police is a feature and not a bug in the minds of the Elder Puppeteers of Zion (they have got that one wrong; local police also are our enemies, not theirs, so thanks guys!). Partition is increasingly doable, though. As violence and terror escalate,… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The “problem” with local police is – they’re local. As has been brought up numerous times in conversations over the years I’ve seen about SHTF time – can “local” police be relied upon to enforce the dictates of the government – when they and their families have to go back and live amongst the people they just beat down? Makes me wonder if the goal here isn’t necessarily to get rid of the police – but get rid of the LOCAL police – and then have the ready made excuse (with all of the rioting) – to bring in either… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Wrong. The GloboHomo establishment was in complete control throughout the June riots. Don’t believe me? Consider that every White who tried to defend himself or his business was quickly pounced on and arrested. If the government had “lost control,” then it would have been a true anarchy out there. In an actual “lost control” situation, if some blacks came up to your business with lit molotov cocktails, you would be able to just shoot them, bury the bodies, and resume guarding your business without government involvement. Instead what we saw was: Blacks and Antifa (the paramilitary wings of the State)… Read more »

Reply to  Pete
4 years ago

Sounds like you’re buying the Trumper hype about Demonrats. The Democrats and Republicans are not at odds on fundamental issues like this. Their differences are cosmetic and they play good cop-bad cop with you (gotta vote Trump b/c lesser evil for instance). Look at how D’s and R’s snuggle together when out of the spotlight – the McCain and HW funerals, for instance, with the Bushes and Clintons and Obamas yukking it up together. There was some selective gas-canning and grandstanding in both the covid and riot reactions but these are examples of the System losing competency, coherence and control… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

He is right about them NOT having lost control and Antifa/BLM being the paramilitary wing of the state.

Read this:

Reply to  Pete
4 years ago

No, the machine was not. You’re positing an enemy of such powers that Stalin and his apparatus never possessed.

To the extent they controlled it they bought off race hustlers and BLM with something like a billion dollars aggregate in woke capital, of course that got split up among many organizations.
They’re gonna want more.
They started a fire, put it into smolder with groveling and money. That won’t last.
And where are these police smashing whites who acted in self defense?
The police got jailed for self defense, and stepped back.

4 years ago

I think Z is correct to point out that this is essentially a cultic crisis: the reason reason never works for us is that it’s the wrong medicine. Cultic problems require cultic solutions. There is old magic going on with negro worship. My absurd sister-in-law is, of course, still out of her mind in love with Hamilton. But you also know when she is telling a story about a black co-worker, because she will never fail to mention how this co-worker is so beautiful. So, yeah, like the old gods, they area class of beautiful, transcendent beings. But it’s useful… Read more »

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Well said!

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

The way it’s broken is by showing it to be impotent.
Which we do by separating ourselves from it and when they come demanding tribute we kick them into the Hades…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Quick question, Lineman: do you think the couple at that mansion in St. Louis are a good model or not? Why?

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

A good model for what? If you mean a good model for what happens when you think you can appease the beast and they won’t eat you I would say yes they are a great model…If you meant something different then I will have to wait and see what you meant…

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Lineman, There seems to be an all out push by municipalities to prosecute any whites who defend themselves. The message is clear, police will not protect you and they will be sent to collect you if you do defend yourself, even with perfect restraint. I’m sure the police don’t like doing it but it’s not like a lot of them feel the need to protect and serve a public that has turned on them and hey, it’s a paycheck. The message is clear to a lot more whites these days. OT: Interesting read, The Squad. A friend loaned it to… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Definitely interesting times Brother but what they are doing is helping our side because when people’s security starts to be threatened then they will start looking for alternatives…

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

A certain political party in 1930s Germany, while morally flawed, showed the way to gathering support through what could be called showmanship. The Nazis didn’t waste time on debating opponents, especially Commies. Their parades adopted local loyalties and customs in the service of the National Socialist cause. These glittering displays generated emotional reactions in the populace. Their rallies, small and large, were stirring to behold. Those, too, leaped past intellectual arguments to enter the national bloodstream. This isn’t a political defense of Nazism. But today’s patriots can learn a lot from it about creating a force field around the dissident… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

You forgot the Black shirts beating up opposition 🙂

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

USA has no nazi party that could overthrow the elites. Current situation is different from weimar Germany, not to mention Germany was mostly white at the time.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

No, that’s superficial. You guys tried that at Charlottesville and it failed spectacularly. NS beat out German communism because it was just as fanatical. Religions fight other religions / fire with fire. Write a detailed manifesto, make it your bible, inspire religious fervor, promise a better future, make the current regime an enemy, use symbology (as with a religion — cross, crescent) to act as a banner, rally the troops, have a charasmatic leader ready to lead the charge. That’s pretty much your plan.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Observation
4 years ago

I’m saying we have to bypass the sterile partisanship and arguments that currently define the playing field. We can neutralize the mass-media fog machine through demos that capture the imagination of viewers. (I say viewers because the visual media are what move the needle.)

Of course that isn’t enough. There need to be coherent principles behind the spectacle, and charismatic leaders capable of inspiring a growing dissident movement. Our own version of MLK and his followers before they were abducted by Reds.

Reply to  Observation
4 years ago

What do you mean “you guys” and “your plan”?

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Excellent perspective BTP. Like Lineman, I don’t care about breaking the spell. There is nothing, and no one, of value there worth redeeming by effort. It seems that I/we did not so much lose the culture, as much as we neglected ours while allowing theirs to thrive. Now, that neglect has parasitically overtaken the modern world, and the painful (eventually deadly) effects are inescapable if you wish to maintain your personal status quo. So my path forward is navigate out of the city as fast as possible, taking my family, a little wealth, and our future value with us. Let… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

The progressives have trained their violent pets to be emotionally triggered over any offense. Reason has left the building. Therefore the prog religion will probably get even wackier and crazy. Until someone rises up to nail the 95 thesis to the door. I just don’t think that is Trump. Hope that I am wrong. Trump is too close to Wall Street through Kushner and others. It will probably take a man with sympathies to our current woke revolution who just got tired of the unrest and instability it created.
A woke Napoleon type.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Napoleon was all about revolutions. If he lived today he’d be a spiteful midget activist screaming his lungs out that all black lives matter.
He’d paint himself black as well.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

I agree with you from what I have read of Napoleon. But not sure our side can ever control this religion we got now it will take some kind of authoritarian borderline nut job Napoleon type to come along feigning or actually having genuine sympathy with the Cathedral. To ultimately take it to the next level which is totalitarian but orderly. With a touch of foreign military disasters.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

right wingers control no institution, no one is backing up right wingers.
If u try to converge an institution this happens:
Collapse of entire country is best shot right wingers have.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Just Organize in small bands of men with stones is all a man can do, but that every man can do.
Unless you are facing a large and trained formation you’ll be fine with just a few.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Like the 95 Theses metaphor.

David Wright
4 years ago

A bunch of blacks perform for their white masters in a way that flatters the master.

If we could have those “They Live” glasses that could see the puppeteer’s strings it would be revelatory. So many many whites and not just the progressives perform also.It’s almost as if Satan himself is behind this but I guess he doesn’t really exist.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

GW said we were at war with Radical Islam, yet he never shut the border. If we were truly at war, the border would be shut. Ergo, we were not truly at war. If we were, it was not a war we were deeply determined to win. If progressivism and what we see around us is truly a threat to our way of life, to this country, and if people truly believe that ad are deathly afraid of it, they will fight and be deeply determined to win. We know they really believe and mean it when they lose the… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

So far the reaction from the public – is not encouraging. They seem to be mostly on board with the insanity. Hard to gauge though really – because if you rely on the media you’re getting a lie.

I totally agree with the observation about the “war on terror” (how the hell do you have a war on a strategy and tactics to begin with?) . When Bush declared the war – but then left the border open – I smelled a rat.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

“It’s almost as if Satan himself is behind this but I guess he doesn’t really exist.”
Based on whom? Sam Harris(jew)? Communists? Aldous Huxley(globalist)? Hitchens(got throat cancer for speaking rubbish)? Nietzche(demented schizo)?Who made such a great case in favour of Satan not existing?

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

There is a bit of evidence that Hamilton had some black blood, hence it’s acceptable for progs to revere him.
Honestly, they can have him. Aaron Burr did nothing wrong.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

All of which is a feature not a bug for the Left. Ambiguity allows them to recast Hamilton into a fantasy SJW. They are huge on pointing out every human wart on traditional white heroes. But give them turds like Ghandi and MLK and they’ll render them into unquestionable saints. The only bright side is eventually some subset of their freakshow will find a Prog saint unacceptable because he violates the latest/greatest iteration of their religion. Here’s to looking forward to 2028 unveiling of MLK’s rape tapes.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

They definitely pulled out all the stops for him. “Bastard brat of Scots pedlar…” was Adams condemnation of him. Some speculated he was a homosexual with Pinckney of S. Carolina.

All in all, Hamilton definitely knew what he was deliberately doing–inducing the existing oligarchy to marry their fortunes to the new Constitution. He was an elitist through and through. The fact morons like Miranda think he was some sort of egalitarian is risible.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

My understanding is that both John and Abigail Adams disliked Alexander Hamilton intensely and feared that he would engineer a military coup. Hamilton had shown considerable ability as a military leader in the Continental Army and had led a successful attack on a redoubt in the Yorktown fortifications that meant Yorktown’s continued defense became unfeasible. Harboring suspicions that a capable military commander would wish to become president is not an unfounded fear.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

He was fully ready to start hanging bootleggers during the Whiskey Rebellion and probably would have done so had not Washington taken the field with him when they marched on Pittsburgh. After his political career fell apart around him, he sniffed around at making a fresh start by heading West and trying to pry Mexico away from Spain–the exact same thing his executioner Burr was accused of doing by Jefferson.

Hamilton possessed a first rate mind and was brave but was also incredibly reckless which led to him doing boneheaded mistakes, one of which cost him his life at Weehawken.

Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

How’d Hamilton die?
I always assumed the Founders led uneventful lives after the Revolution, tending their cabbages and such.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

In a duel with Aaron Burr

Reply to  Basil Ransom
4 years ago

First rate mind?

Wanted a King for life Washington and a Central Bank?

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Hamilton almost certainly had no black blood. He was described as having red or reddish brown hair, a fair or ruddy complexion, and blue eyes. Hamilton doesn’t remotely look black in contemporary portraits. But, as Z Man said, rumors were frequently spread about the ancestry of public figures by their enemies. Hamilton, having been born of a woman of loose morals and an uncertain father in a land teeming with slaves, was an easy target.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

Others described Hamilton’s complexion as peaches and cream.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

You know who else had reddish hair?

Malcolm Little and John Elroy Sanford. In fact, according to Little, they comprised two of the three “Reds” in the Harlem underworld for a time.

Malcolm Little was known as “Detroit Red” and John Elroy Sanford was known as “Chicago Red.”

The third Red was known as “St. Louis Red” who served multiple prison sentences for armed robbery.

Of course, “Detroit Red” was also incarcerated where he found Allah.

“Chicago Red” was Freddie G.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Maybe you’re being facetious but nobody would mistake Redd Foxx or Malcolm X for Alexander Hamilton.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

“Maybe you’re being facetious…” Ya think?

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

Malcolm had a good dose of White blood – check out the Myth20 podcast they did with LaFond on Malcolm X. Good stuff.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

OT but given the talk of blacks and jews, some sportsball hilarity:

4 years ago

WHITE PILL AHEAD            I live in the general Lincoln Park area of Chicago. Our local “republican” party was founded and maintained by the democrats. Its recent chief was a fat chick exhibiting tats, piercings, dyed blue hair and Star Trek dressage complete with spock ears for daily wear. A typical placed puppet and informant.   Today, I received a notice of a mass meet up by the new head of the local republican party. This young fellow led an Identity Evropa chapter at my alma mater, U. Michigan A^2 and somehow avoided having his life destroyed there, which is… Read more »

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Good to know. Thanks.

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Good to hear.

Admiral Akbar
Admiral Akbar
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

“this young fellow led an Identity Evropa chapter at my alma mater, U. Michigan A^2 and somehow avoided having his life destroyed there, which is amazing” Somehow… Be smart. If it sounds too good to be true, it may very well be. You’ll know a real leader when he’s not part of a stereotypical white power group, which is how the mainstream media will label this, and when he has a new ideology clearly anathema to the ruling order (and after he’s been put through the ringer and refuses to yield, demonstrating his loyalty to the cause). I’d advise you… Read more »

Reply to  Admiral Akbar
4 years ago

Yes do let yourself be discouraged by this fellow, who sees Feds everywhere, remain completely isolated and passive. He’s very well informed the good Admiral on the operations of the Feds, so do listen to him and cancel your plans.. And just lay down and die. Do nothing, take the whitepill and throw it away, or AA here implies you’ll be sent to jail. Let your blessed whitepill today become a blackpill.. Or you’ll be doxxed and possibly jailed. You can trust the good Admiral, he can somehow tell you that these people you know are really Feds. Even though… Read more »

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Congrats on finding a trusted friend, and don’t let anyone come between you.

Or blackpill you with discouraging talk.

4 years ago

The notion that the Left controls public morality is — or, at least, can be — quite the white pill. In my more optimistic moments, I think 75-90% of this nonsense can end peacefully with a simple “no.” No, Alexander Hamilton wasn’t Black. No, there’s no such thing as “systemic racism” — there is only behavior, most of which is perfectly reasonable given how hard a small minority has tried to make themselves obnoxious to everyone and everything over the last 75 years. No, I refuse to apologize for my “white privilege,” which is really just the great good fortune… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

I agree with all that you wrote but the people who control the academy and the media will impoverish or imprison us if we say, “No!”

In other words, most traditional white Americans are prepared to support any leader who says, “No!”, but there is an overwhelming contrary force, which is our real enemy. If we say “no” our real enemies crush us. What do you think?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

In my more optimistic minutes, I really don’t think so. In Leszek Kolakowski’s wonderful phrase, Leftists are “irritated butterflies.” If they don’t get an immediate dopamine hit from it, they flutter off to something else. So long as you keep it calm and civil — just a plain “no” vs. an angry “f*ck you!” — they’ll drift off to something else. [At the risk of bringing up old grief, and speaking of irritated butterflies, remember what happened when Vox Day accused Z Man of plagiarism (or whatever it was) a year or so back? The “Vile Faceless Minions” were over… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

This is why USA will collapse, if u remove all sane people from your institutions then country will meet USSR end.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

“This is why USA will collapse…”
All things end exept your deeds. The United States of America has stamped it’s indelible mark on the entire world. And that will never change. We are forever.
comment image

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

“USA has stamped it’s indelible mark on the entire world. And that will never change.”
Let’s hope you are wrong, otherwise globo liberalism will destroy us all.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

“Let’s hope you are wrong, otherwise globo liberalism will destroy us all.”

Relax pal, you where all going to be destroyed anyway. If not “globo liberalism” or maybe globo communism then globo whatever.
Not to mention: fire, flood, tornadoes, hurricanes, hypercanes, supervalcanos, asteroids and of course, PANDEMICS!!!!

Top 10 Things That Can Destroy Earth

Remember friend, life is what happens to you when you’re busy making plans.
comment image

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

He’s trolling sentry, ignore. As for the world…we have no need of it, our elites need the ‘hegemony’ to enrich themselves from contracts, wars, not to mention attending conferences and feeling important. Unlike other ’empires’ ..hell, this is a list… We don’t admit we are, the dishonesty especially to the average American is catching up. We have no need of it, we have all the border security and natural resources as well as markets here in the Continental USA. Our Hegemonic class can be found concentrated in areas around DC, such as Bethesda Maryland..where they just went out and knelt… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Line in Sand: [first congrats on standing on SF bridge, or wherever it was.] Answer: If there’s a large and not intimidated We then no..the enemy does not crush us. The trick is to have the We, the means to the desired End before they have a target. Don’t do anything of import on the internet, or media. Sure they can make life miserable for a bakery, but lets remember the bakery had a ton of donations from all over. Americans are a very fair minded and generous to a fault people. This is the appeal to normie, he may… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Unfortunately there is such a thing as sytemic stupidity, and the prog alternative to so unbearable a condition as that is–privilege of others, privilege of all but the 2% who actually have manged to award privilege to themselves.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Kunstler said that the other victim of desegregation was the parallel Black economy, wherein they served and depended on each other.

Forced to perform, they did, and had recognizable status opportunities and roles to fulfill.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The superior functionality of Blacks and their separate society under Jim Crow compared with today has been sadly memory-holed. If the “talented tenth” would keep their talents in-house instead of LARPing as diversity PhD’s in White society, Blacks could maintain a functional society. But they need draconian social controls and other harsh measures that they would never tolerate being imposed by other races vs. their own – separatism is more vital for Black progress in the real sense than for us, but since the 1950’s it’s always been easier to demand the dindu-geld and Good Whites have always been there… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Agree, Exile. While things like the Black Wall Street in Tulsa are obviously greatly exaggerated, it is true that the best they ever did was under segregation, and I suspect for exactly the reason you propose.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Talk to black guys about control measures in Black Day Care for Black kids.
Whoa. Way worse than the nuns. could convert Karen’s with such tales.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

“No, I refuse to apologize for my “white privilege,” which is really just the great good fortune (I acknowledge that part) to be born into a group with a high average IQ, into a nice stable two-parent home, …” Severian, I get what you’re saying, I just refuse to even acknowledge the validity of the concept. My White *privilege* was to get into grad school and work my way through while attending class and spending at *least* an hour or more everyday on the books for every hour of lecture. Damn it, that’s not good fortune—that’s work, hard work. I bet… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The mob is mindless but never without purpose. It destroys to purify for the coming of a new redemption. Any vestige of the old no matter how obscure is seen as a mote in the eye of the new gods, a speck of evil that threatens their final passage to their imagined utopia. There is no “other means” fix for this. Hamilton. I saw it. It could have played in by great-grandfather’s day. It is an inverted minstrel show. In my great-grandfather’s day the audience would have been in-the-know. The buffoons on stage ape around mimicking clownishly White civilization. Some… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Inversion, contextualized. Very much this “Vaudeville becomes Sacrament” all around us.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Thankfully I’ve not seen “Hamilton” nor can I place any of the music.  Your comment that it’s like an “ inverted minstrel show “, brought to mind,”Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp“ which as a kid, had me in stitches on Saturday mornings. The humour was in the incongruence of apes acting human.  It’s very insightful of you to note, that our ancestors would have chortled in merriment, at the sight of negroes putting on the airs of statesmen, in a musical minstrel show, as real Ethiopians and Blackamoors.   I expect that breaking out into fits of laughter during a presentation… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

If it is their purpose it has not sprung out of nature but out of conditioning

A hurricane serves an actual natural function and purpose, allowing new life to grow

This human hurricane, this flood of zombies, has no such natural purpose, insofar as redemption is a construct and not something inherent in all men.

This is a man-made plague

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

“Amistad” was like that for me. “Glory” as well. Even Uncle Mel did this with the token Black in “The Patriot” – simply incredible. The King’s Speech had a numinous negro as well, IIRC.

Like watching a fish try to play piano.

I’ve worked at creating a fictional Black leader that reflects what we know of them but it’s in the context of a Black society that is based on very different values and priorities.

It has to be in order to ring true. The Enlightenment is an unusual and in many ways unrealistic fit for Whites, much less Blacks.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The “Horst Wessel” of the American Revolution was a mixed race, probably escaped slave and Amerind and probably Black named Crispus Attucks. What that tells us is that US history is complex and issues involving race and status i are hardly new. To what you said about the Enlightenment is very true. Its simply a bad idea but its a key part of our social fabric and technological infrastructure we don’t have a repalcment for. There is no rollback to Christendom 1.0 available and while the progs do have an alternative, its not only stupid but unworkable for oh so… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I’d bet that Crispus Attucks instigated the Boston Massacre by chimping out and we’re left pretending like it was some noble act for liberty.

66 Jazz
66 Jazz
4 years ago

Damn, Z, when I can laugh my ass off within the first paragraph of one of your essays, I know it’s going to be gold.

You are one fine sociological observer! Keep them coming!

4 years ago

First, sometimes being an SJW automata can be fatal, as in dancing in the dark on I-5 in Seattle. Second, the meme war is about recruiting more parasitic sheeple into the fold in order to control government in perpetuity. Third, it’s not working on everyone, as in record firearm sales these past few months. One side is whining and tearing down statues. And the other is arming and practicing their aim at the range. That is reality.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Speaking of firearms ammo right now is like gold in that it’s hard to find and really expensive…I wish people would realize that there is a war coming and you need to be on ground that has the best chance for victory… People need to be making that a number one priority over everything else otherwise you might be caught with your pants down…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Prices for fmj, target-grade ammo are around double what they have been at the end of 2019. Lots of online retailers have zero .223 ammo in stock. Shocking. Firearms manufacturers also. Daniel Defense had a couple weeks when everything they listed on their website was out of stock. I had them email me when one of their guns was back in stock – got the email, bought it that minute. Checked back 16 hours later: out of stock. There are two options. A) the people controlling the blacks are smart and won’t let things escalate to the point where things… Read more »

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Ammo prices are going to get a lot worse before they get better so if you can find any and you need it better stock up…That’s coming from an insider in that industry…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I just checked a couple of sites I regularly buy from – sgammo & Natchez shooter supply and neither have jack squat in pretty much any caliber. I’d say if you’re not stocked up it looks pretty damn troubling.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

I can still get it where I am but it’s price is way higher than normal…

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Consider, if you are completely without a long arm, a cheap rifle such as a mosin-nagant. Better an old bolt-action with 400 rnds. of ammo than a waiting list for an AR and ammo you cannot afford. Take it to the woods, desert, quarry… whathaveya… and practice.

Just remember it isn’t a gun for waving around close quarters negotiating with a mob. It’s for reaching out.

Better a man who can hit his target with an antique than one that misses but makes a lot of noise. Practice. Then practice some more. Then go practice again.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

I used to hunt and all that and know how to shoot a gun pretty well

But I never had to really think of guns as defensive necessities

That said, what would you say is an adequate supply of ammo, say on a per gun basis? Is there a general rule of thumb? Maybe enough to last you X number of Days for Y number of hours per day of projected fighting?

Thanks !

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

No table will cover that but if you are rusty buy 200-300 ball to brush up, then stock at least a couple hundred rounds per weapon.

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago

Thank you !

If that is sort of the rule of thumb (200-300) I know where I stand at least and when I might be going overboard. I may go for 500-1,000 just to be sure. Can’t hurt.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Look honestly if you have $1900 plus hotel funds to spare: train with these guys. Add 300-500 rounds for a 5 day course. Spend.The.Money. Better than military training. Write it off as ‘education’ – it is. I do. Do 250 for pistol. Then either .270 rifle or Tactical Carbine depending on your platform and desired training. This is Jeff Cooper’s school, he’s passed but they all trained under him. I have done 2/3 above courses. Seals, Delta, EOD, MARSOC all train there but their bread and butter is Joe Citizen [often affluent] with the cash to spend on training.… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago

Or spend it with our guys like

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

I am not a gun guy so grain of salt. Broadly and I am repeating their advice the CCW guys suggest dry fire practice as often as possible and try and shoot 50 rounds, twice per month. Assuming a three year prep this is 3600 . plus I’d suggest another 1400 rounds for SHTF If you can manage more rounds great but make sure your weapon is well cared for, clean and you have parts. If you can afford this, so be it. dry fire practice as often As for a buying strategy assuming a monthly trip to the store,… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Consider what your standard issue is for a GI in the sandbox. Mission specific yes, but typically, 6 30-rnd mag’s with one 30-rnd mag in the rifle. That’s 210 rounds right there. There are any number of pouches available for grab and go without screwing with a molly vest and such. They’ll typically hold 3-12 mag’s with a carry sling. Mag’s are still available, but less cheaply than awhile ago (I used to buy at $6, but now see $10-$12 most common): Don’t buy from the cheapest vender necessarily. Primary Arms (and others) won’t sell Chinese junk. I don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Awesome info. Can’t thank you enough. And same for you up there abprosper !!!!!

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Now don’t forget that while 210 is the basic load that’s after becoming proficient at the rifle then periodically training and zeroing, annual qualification at least.

Also…if in vehicle, take MORE.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Shotguns are an underrated weapon as well. Ammo almost never goes dry in the stores and you can load from bird (to defuse a situation with emphasis) to slug for accuracy up to 100 yards for most shooters. Nobody recovers well from 12 gauge slug poisoning. Buck for intermediate up to 25 to 50 yards and five rounds of that is the equivalent of putting 35-45 .38 caliber rounds in the air in seconds. Is it a “battle rifle”? No, but who will you be fighting and does it beat the carbine you wish you had or could afford? Yes.… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

ammo shortages aka powder panics have happened repeatedly since 2008 when Obama was elected. Why is anyone still getting caught short?

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago

Even back in the obomba days you could find most of what you needed/wanted – might be pricey but it was still available. I remember .22 was very hard to come by. I still have a box of 50 that cost $19! Now, it’s seemingly tough to find anything in bulk, and it’s expensive to boot.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Yes but the worst Obama panic was 2008-09. A desert, regardless of price…none to be had.
After Newtown another one..but it wasn’t a desert. Just pricey.

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago

Why are people still in cities it’s because people are mostly reactive instead of proactive…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago


Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

With a population of 325 million people its not possible, at least without some crazy policy choices for everyone to move to a small town, rural area of even suburbia especially as most jobs are in cities. Also while its not our cuppa tea, many many younger people find cities to be fun places to live full of opportunities to do and be different. Even if somehow the DR was to get power and manage to repatriate 50 million people, we’d still be looking at a population near to 300 million and heavily urban. Like it or not our guys… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I’m not talking about Normie Ab I’m talking about our guys…The cities as they are at the moment are a drain on our guys physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, and collectively…We will have to be able to run the cities but they will have to be our cities not the enemies…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Most of us are suburban since most of us need to work for a living and there is basically no work that is not near urban areas,
This sucks for most of us but its something we can change when/if we get power.

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Rifle ammo and ammo in general always runs short in a crisis. But still seems available. You need to buy bulk. My rule of thumb is 1000 rounds for each SHTF rifle, minimum—which you don’t use for anything else. Also, if you are thinking ahead, make sure you have the magazine storage as well. At least a six to 12 mag’s for each such rifle. AR-15 mags dry up as fast as ammo, and are subject to government bans as well. Basic concepts in these matters is simple: You won’t get to reload magazines in a firefight, you won’t be… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Well when they get it back in stock I bet the price changes…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I caught some static from preppers elsewhere recently who were saying that reloading was overrated, equipment was not worth it vs. just hoarding ammo at cheap prices & storing smartly.

Strong disagree. Anything that reduces waste and attrition of valuable commodities should be prioritized. The reloading equipment itself has exchange value even beyond the ammo savings.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Brother people are people and most can’t think for themselves so they either parrot what they heard or they are just ignorant…

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

My witty brother observed that the Seattle Mayor had declared that CHOP was like the summer of love. Fate, being cruel and perverse, killed Summer and badly injured Love (the names of the victims).

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I sincerely hope dah brutha gets off. Give him a medal too.
We can’t get rid of our traitors fast enough.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

The range is a great place to make friends, I mean the sort of friends who are friends in need.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Out of boredom, I read the Wikipedia entry for Liberia. Unique so far as I know of African nations, unlike most (all?) others that had periods of domination by the white devil slave-master European colonization, here is one that is nearly two centuries old founded with freed US (and other) ex-slaves, planned and aided by the Goodwhites of the day. How has this experiment turned out? I didn’t check any rankings with other Afrian countries, but let’s just say that people are not exactly busting down the doors to emigrate there 😀 Fertility rate is nearly 6 per woman! Jeez.… Read more »

4 years ago

The creators of Hamilton, intentionally or not, succeeded in getting conservatives riled up ,and is why we’re still talking about it many years later. When only liberals support something, you get a cult classic. When cons oppose it and liberal support it, you get a staple of culture. The entertainment industry has known for a long time that provoking conservatives into outrage is the best way to boost sales. That is why it is stupidity to talk about it because we’re taking the bait. We’re doing free marketing for the left.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

We should take the bait by larping as leftists and claiming Hamilton is racist — black men performing for a rich white crowd.Totally racist. Watch them ban it.

4 years ago

“All public rituals are funneled through left-wing mythology”
why couldn’t the germans win any of the world wars?

Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

They got in their own way first time around. Hitler got greedy and attacked Poland the 2nd. IMO.

Welcome Separation
Welcome Separation
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Or maybe Hitler’s genealogy points to the reason?

Reply to  Welcome Separation
4 years ago

I don’t touch german names because I’d have to consider half of PA dutch might be jewish, which is obviously not the case. Hell I could be jewish by that standard! And if so, nobody in my family knows it 🙂 You can drive yourself nuts with that stuff.

4 years ago

Hamilton? Last I heard, he was a Jew.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

On the other hand, there are Jews who say he is the appropriate model for our new nationalism.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I was thinking of our new pal Hazony, but ok.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

it happened to my uncle. best thing for him, really; his income went up 30% in a year.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

If you consistently work with Jews to accomplish Jewish goals at the expense of your own people, do your genes matter more than your disloyalty?

Churchill wasn’t Jewish, nor was LBJ. George W. Bush, Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney and Ron DeSantis aren’t Jewish, and neither are the Cuomos.

Team Zion is as Team Zion does.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Team Zion also includes El Rushbo, the Hanitizer, “Justice” Jeanine, Laura “Just Shut-up” Ingraham, and, until proof to the contrary is furnished, Tucker Carlson.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

You might be right, but I’ve yet to hear Semitic philia from Tucker. The same cannot be said of Derbyshire, although his Jew love seems to be on the decline of late. Most with roots in Conservatism, Inc., are Zionphiles. Derb’s gratuitous insult of THE CULTURE OF CRITIQUE was based, he admitted, on good experiences with Jews when he lived in the UK. Old habits are hard to break. My litmus test is whether someone criticizes the treasonous actions of the generals of late along with the dramatic decline of the U.S. military. Again, save Tucker, everyone on your list… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot to like about Tucker; provided, however, we should not overlook several entries on the other side of the ledger:

(1) Zealous civnattery;

(2) Failure to OVERTLY acknowledge race-realism; and

(3) Where he stands on the JQ

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

I’ve sometimes wished Tucker would complete his turn to the dark side, but when I really think about it, I realize it would be a bad thing for us. There’s no one else out there — with an audience his size — who’s even nibbling around the edges the way he does. I suspect that most of us got where we are incrementally. I know I did. If he dropped a Z-man-esque truth bomb regarding race on his show tonight it would be met with much protestation by goodwhites who haven’t been stripped of their race-related brain washing. He’d be… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Yes, there is much wisdom in your words.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

There are decent mainstream Republicans of which Tucker is one.
In any case no one on TV is permitted to pull to our side openly. We are after all Dissidents.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Exactly, do we want Tucker on TV or do we want him to vanish and become a nobody
I think he knows far more than he lets on, and thats why in the end his days are numbered

Reply to  Liberty Mike
4 years ago

I imagine his stand on (3) is he doesn’t want to get fired and made unable to work in media anywhere, ever again. He has a family to support as well.

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago

Tucker’s wife is an heiress to the Swanson fortune so I suspect money isn’t as much of an issue as you might think.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Tucker will play the game or not work anywhere in media, and who wants to be their wife’s kept man?

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

You should read the Derb’s review of C of C
He has made a strategic decision not to piss off the tribe because he wanted to continue working in the media game , fair enough IMO he still does good work and we should support him in any way possible

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Nominally he is cited as an Episcopalian by birth. Most often, he is considered a deist in his later life. That’s more or less how I thought of him and any other number of the Founders.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Yeah, I don’t know what he was. I’m just yanking chains this morning.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

I’m quite sure the whole musical will be dropped because a mulatto is playing Hamilton. Cultural appropriation amirite? Right after Idris Elba gets booted for playing Heimdall. Expecting that to happen in 3, 2, 1… uhm… 1. Is this mic working? 2, 1…

vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
vxxc 💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Let us be resolved to re-do conspiracy by Branagh with all black actors, change not one word of dialogue, make it 1942, Jews as targets, all black actors.
That would be inspirational, provocative, and probably get a huge black and popular wignat box office take.
It wouldn’t even be costly.
2d and 3d Tier actors come cheap, and the usual suspects would be fainting with fear.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Pretty much. When I initially heard of the play “Hamilton” and that it was played by an all Black cast, I immediately knew it was poz’d and there was no need to see it, nor read more about it. There could be nothing of benefit in it for me or mine. Kind of ignored it until the new VP Pence took his family to see it and was called out by actors on the stage. Then it caused quite a stir in the MSM and with the “conservative” talking heads. All I remember thinking was, “How stupid can you be”?… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I do want to thank the Potentates of Poz for the way they’ve turned everything up to 11 this year. It allows me to waste a lot less time evaluating “cultural” things. In the case of this play, there were a lot of indications that it was shit but knowing that the cast verbally accosted the VP allows me to click “next” that much faster. Nowadays if Pedowood is going to do a remake of, say Snow White, you can immediately predict that the titular role will be played by a chubby black girl, the evil Queen will be an… Read more »

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Caribbean-born Scot. Emigrated to New York. King’s College (Columbia University) educated merchant. Joined the Continental Army, became a money man after the war. If memory serves.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

and a differential operator

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

That theory reminds me of how They always try to associate themselves with important historical figures. I read a 10k word essay about Lincoln’s Jewishness on one of their websites that basically amounted to “he knew some Jews”.

4 years ago

Will there even be an NFL season? Every day a new baseball player tests positive, and David Price and (I think) Mike Trout are sitting the 60 game season out. If that’s baseball, what would the NFL be like? Particularly as governors lock things down to generate A. More riots B. a worse economy to get Trump. The NFL is not golf, it depends on spectators for the sports televised energy. I can see it (good riddance) going the way of ride sharing, dine in restaurants, and cruise ships. Foreign things from a foreign past. In other news, NBC wants… Read more »

NJ Person
NJ Person
4 years ago

It would seem that the relationship of (1) the control of the media and institutions and (2) that of morality is complicated. One key aspect would be the deft use of photography by the left. Why did Merkel open Germany to a million migrants? A photograph. Why are many of the left here arguing for open borders? Photos of “kids in cages”. Why are normally sane and intelligent white people supporting BLM? A video of George Floyd. Of course the media and institutions do not show photos and videos of blacks attacking whites.

Reply to  NJ Person
4 years ago

Pictures have been bad for us

They sold blacks to whites mainly through visual means. They can be made to appear “just like us” but with a tan

Imagine if those pics also activated the sense of smell, those olfactory nerves

Propaganda efforts would have failed before leaving the production studio

Reply to  NJ Person
4 years ago

No, but they do discuss Nike slave labor.
They also market the hell out of Nike.
And people buy Nike.
I think control of the Zeit Geist, ie what’s fashionable dominates the Herd’s tastes.
What can overcome this? Reality.
Sadly reality will have to bite a great many of our people to sink in, mind you it does work.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I keep coming back to Russia. (no, they did not beat Hillary) As a nation the Russians are very white, Christian, traditional, moral, family oriented, and the women are very feminine. If white people have a place that will survive the nigs and other non-whites I think it might be Russia. That is if the USA don’t nuke them first. I have always been interested in the humans on Earth advancing and reaching for the stars. But that would mean we need an average IQ to go up to 125 maybe. At least not drop any. At present the HBD… Read more »

4 years ago

Now that I’m down with Partition and The Ethnostate concept… does anyone else object to me suggesting: Organize Mannerbund Men Squads and for tips head over to Western Rifles Association?

Admiral Akbar
Admiral Akbar
Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago


Reply to  Admiral Akbar
4 years ago

Or what? You’ll spam me?
Jesus you’re an idiot.
I put up a clear software bot trap and you bite?

It ain’t the Feds, it’s (((you))). I ain’t a fed, you ain’t a fed. You’re the SPLC or some other idiot.
Or a bot.

You need us Disorganized don’t you?
For those impressed by the enemy’s intelligence, read up.
And then organize.
Thank you, the enemy has made my case for me.

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago

Let’s do it the traditional 10 men pyramid structure:

Four Feds
Three ADL
One Sucker.

Reply to  Bilejones
4 years ago

LOL yes I get it Mr Jones. But I have better things to do than be frightened off by those idiots. The funny thing is I only was answering someone else’s concern that _WRSA_ got taken down, and I just posted that it was back up, all of a sudden frenzied accusations of FED!! start popping up. The new guys then keyed in on the new HateWord _Organize_ over and over… so I realized its bot driven. Funny, you can talk as much racial, Jewish animus as you want here, and yes other people can and do talk prepper, guns,… Read more »

4 years ago

The Zman is a bit dissatisfied with JQ theory as narrow, I have to agree as it doesn’t address other revoutions, say, as in China, the Mayans, Khmer, etc.

I’d say this piece addresses that somewhat. Our would-be Masters, a “local” problem, are as un-conscious as is anyone else.

Keep going, Zman. This is about the only place that explores the underlying group social mechanisms. I think most other philosophies over-stress individualism.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Insofar as J are a semi-permanent subversive element to whites, it stands to reason that these other civilizations that went though revolutions had their own subversives?

Food for thought I guess. I don’t know. But I would not be surprised if every strong or sizable civilization had its version of the J.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

That won’t be an issue forever. Jewish birthrates are very low and intermarriage very high. Within the next gereration, you may see POC overthrow Jews in the West. It’s already happening. Eliot Engle, 16 term congressman, just lost his seat to a black man. It’s happening. Maybe that’s why the ruling class is going nuts. They see the writing on the wall and are desperately trying to save themselves from the consequences of their own ideology, even if they have to throw the whole country under the bus to save themselves.

Reply to  Mayo
4 years ago

They absolutely are executing the movie script from Diehard of blowing up the building on the way out. They are far more than the J; Progs are mostly whites and post-christian protestants.
The differences are one has a place to run, the other does not, the former is planning always to run, the latter only now dimly senses their fate.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Z actually did discuss on a podcast the ethnic nature of the Khmer genocide – the Khmer’s genocide of the non Khmer’s and called it communism.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Has the cup been rattled to fix the comments, I’ll throw in a Hamilton or two 😉

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

This is the problem with “open source” software. The one guy who can fix the problem is appeasing his girlfriend who is mad at him because he spends too much time at work.

Hate Microsoft all that you want, but they have an army of programmers who are paid to fix problems like this.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

What do you mean by fix the comments? If you just want your avatar to show up and your membership status to show, erase the name and email text boxes and reenter them (you can use the dropdown completion for the widget). Ideally, the persistent login would be nice. However, I have found that your avatar and membership will be respected until you close the browser you are using. YMMV, of course; but, it works for me.

I don’t mean to be dismissive. But I was a software guy for many years and I understand workarounds.

4 years ago

Great insights here. Most of these progressives have had the light switch in their brains switched to “off”. It is pretty amazing to see how capable they are of believing incoherent nonsense. I agree blacks are used not for some utilitarian end but for some moral end. When John Brown got a black man killed at Harper’s Ferry or that Bro threatened to beat a black man in front of his kids for taking down BLM stickers he isnt being hypocritical per se. He is being completely consistent with his do gooderism for which blacks are just an incidental factor.… Read more »

Reply to  Irishfarmer
4 years ago

Urban life has warped them

What happens if your entire life is spent on concrete

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Do you really believe that “entire life is spent on concrete” is the underlying issue?

What about Somalia? Liberia? Haiti?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

for white people it is, sure I know people from NYC whose lives have been spent on concrete and in steel buildings, never breathing in the smells of mown grass or among cows and pigs or just fishing out on the water. Nature brings balance and wisdom. Observing dogs at play or interactions on a farm give someone a groundedness that is a bulwark against these kinds of peculiar impossible fights of fancy. Also why it is people who don’t spend much time around blacks who’ve the more extreme fantasies. Insofar as blacks are an urban thing, the reverse also… Read more »

Reply to  Irishfarmer
4 years ago

We’ll never get any ethno state or even a moments peace unless we sub rosa of course ORGANIZE.

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago


This guy talks endless about organizing and guns, not about partition or practically any other subject unless it’s just a boilerplate comment about XYZ. He tailors his comments depending on the subject, always bringing them back to organizing and guns. What do you think is going on here?

Reply to  Observation
4 years ago

He is persistent though😂

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

^^I was today. With the word ORGANIZE^ And I was Gelfite Fishing..and caught one. I was wondering why the sudden onrush of FED FED FED …and I figured out it must be some (((trigger))) word. It’s ORGANIZE. So beware all, the word organize summons the SPLC bots, like Creek a couple of days ago…when I say him tell Exile how disappointed he was in the High IQ Right Wing like AMREN because they ‘didn’t form an alliance with the Jews’ I had to LOL. If you look up or down in the comments, you’ll see me trolling with organize, men,… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago

When you diss on Building Communities but you harp on organize that’s a tell…Your way leads to infiltration and giving them a target…So if you’re not a fibbie quit doing their work for them…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Can you read? I am in favor of building communities. I before did mock that they’d need to be defended, so why not defend where you live, but I’m not against building communities. I’m more in favor of it now than before, as the Republic gives way. >My way doesn’t lead to infiltration, there’s nothing to infiltrate. My specified way is do nothing, say nothing illegal, then there’s nothing that can be done. Also specified that no one who only knows each other online should meet, let me add reveal identities. Basically there’s nothing to be done here but exchange… Read more »

Reply to  Observation
4 years ago

What’s going on? Fishing. Well Gelfite Fish I was fishing..For you. So it is the word ORGANIZE that sets off the SPLC’s software robots. Or whoever or WTF you are… Yes I DO talk about ORGANIZING and say ORGANIZE a lot..because that’s our only weakness, we have everything else. We have mass, men, materials and a nation and people fed up with (((your crap))). After repeated sudden attacks of FED from people not seen here before, it hit me that something I was saying was (((triggering))) a sharp response. And it’s always HE’S A FED. No dear, I’m a VET.… Read more »

4 years ago

You said: All of it from outside the Progressive hive misses the point, because it projects reason and consciousness of thought onto the performers.

I am hardly inside the Progressive hive and I have no illusions that the mob has any reason or consciousness of thought. I am reminded of what we said when I was young: Loose shoes, a tight pu$$y, and a warm place to shit. That is the depth of their rationality. I hope I do not offend the delicate sensibilities of the participants here.

4 years ago

When Hamilton came out I was working in San Fran with lots of coastal California Republicans whose creed could best be described as, “Give us all the social liberalism, but with lower taxes and wars for Israel.”

They were ecstatic over Hamilton. They believed that had finally found the way to get blacks to love the USA: rewrite history so that all the Founding Fathers were rappers. Ingenious!

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

God rot the Republican party.

4 years ago

The left is nothing if not Pavlovian. Kind of reminds me of a time when I was a kid in Iowa. We went to a turkey farm and there were hundreds of them in the field. I stood on the fence and gobbled at them – in unison, they’d return the sound and as a group move closer and closer. It really was an amazing thing… Re Hamilton, I saw something yesterday about some party pooper dropping a turd in the punch bowl about Al having ties to slavery. There must be some reflexive teeth gnashing and pearl clutching going… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Pavlov? The name rings a bell… 😀

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

exactly, school system is how they turned kids into indoctrinated kneelers, especially college(internet has plenty of before & after pics with girls who went to college)

4 years ago

The Stone Mountain BPP march were actors hired locally, per Atlanta Journal.
The actual BPP has not endorsed them, and thinks they may be Fibs. 🤣

James Regina
James Regina
4 years ago

The Likes are all registering zero…why aren’t the likes registering?

My Comment
4 years ago

Hamilton has had quite the run. First loving it was a signifier of your wokeness. Now hating it for “singing slave owners” is a signifier of your wokeness.

4 years ago

The other Evil O word: _Organize_ I know a lot of people here have legitimate fears of getting fired if found out. So I respect that, but there are ways to organize sub rosa person to person to form small groups of men. The like minded can and will find each other. Do so with those you know, those you didn’t meet online. Don’t do so online, or with those you met online. I’m sure most of you are real, but don’t take the chance. Don’t take fruitless chances that can get you fired. As far as fears of being… Read more »

4 years ago

Well today was interesting.
Organize. The enemy has made my case for organizing here today on these very pages.
It’s very clear the word organize triggers a nearly automatic response of FED !! Even when I specifically say I’m Gelfite Fishing.
Well my dears, it’s never good to be disorganized, that’s all I’m saying. Especially when you’re atomized as the right is…but the overall size of the ‘right’ meaning sane people, and whites who don’t want to die is quite large.

4 years ago

“This is the real source of power of the Left. It is not that they control the institutions or control the media. Those are consequences, not causes. Their real power is they control public morality and the expression of it. All public rituals are funneled through left-wing mythology, drawing in friends and foes, all of whom play a role in the great ongoing morality tale of liberal democracy. Like pre-reformation Catholic Church, the Left controls the supply of salvation.” That’s how it’ll be as long as people make reason into a god. Reason is a mental faculty. It’s a powerful… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Well money helps.

  • Absent benefits and administering said benefits there would be no Democratic Party, the rump of a former GOP, its questionable we’d even have a government.
Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

If public morality is mere performativity, what is its relationship to reality?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Public morality means nothing, it’s superficial, virtue signaling has no value, I actually find it embarrassing & it denotes a lack of self awarness.

4 years ago

so the Reformation was the trigger that first redistributed and gave the Left a hint of the supply of salvation, which they then used to pull down the rest of institutions. which is why an obscurantist absolute trad Church may be the only real rival to the Prog Dionysia. white aesthetics also needs a return to tradition and holiness, funneled through strength. under the cover of “let’s make it cool and urban”, Jews and their allies have been subverting white heroes for decades, since Elvis more or less. in Hamilton’s case, they specifically chose the most traditionalist founder and made… Read more »

Reply to  diconez
4 years ago

If we have to employ a strict Christianity to get people in line, I am for it, but my natural tendencies are toward a type of paganism or rather an immense appreciation and wonderment with nature I asked a Christian once. He was saying Jesus is all powerful. So I asked, if there was never a sun would or could Jesus exist? So what/who is more powerful? Obviously the sun is a major factor in our lives, and to discount that becomes a little silly. Even if it does not about to a type of worship and just becomes wonderment… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Jesus existed as God before he was given birth as a man. Point is he sustains the sun, without Jesus there is no sun for pagans to worship.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

It was the strict christianity whackjobs in Massachusetts whose spawn are inflicting their new religion on the US today.
All that’s changed is their god.

Reply to  diconez
4 years ago

Why do we want the men er males on the left back?
I’m asking because you want if I understand you to pull them back from the Left vortex?
why? They’re men, they chose against us, against their own.
> The women will follow who’s strongest, always.

4 years ago

>Disney has now added the musical Hamilton to its subscription offering, causing every Progressive in America to sign up for it.
Now there’s a #cancelHamilton movement. It’s almost makes me think that it’s a false flag op of the Right. It’s getting to be hard to tell. Either way, it’s fun to watch.

Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

Pretend to be a leftist and claim Hamilton is racist because it’s blacks pretending to be white and dancing to please a white crowd. Watch it get canceled. Seriously. What more evidence do you need of the vacuousness of the left-wing cancel culture ideology?

Reply to  Encore
4 years ago

There is no doubt some black guy out there already saying as much

To any farrakhan type black, it’s obvious that Hamilton is just a glorified minstrel show

But they are slow on the uptake, most blacks are

Reply to  Encore
4 years ago

It actually is Blacks dancing for their masters, no pretend needed.

4 years ago

“This is the real source of power of the Left. It is not that they control the institutions or control the media. Those are consequences, not causes.” No, this statement is confused. The Left controls what constitutes public morality these days precisely because it controls all of the platforms through which morality is expressed or imposed. We got to where we are exactly because the Left controls all important social institutions now. This is the whole purpose of the Gramscian takeover of society. It is a cultural revolution from within, institution by institution right under the noses of the unsuspecting… Read more »

4 years ago

OT, a white pill dropped:

A teacher, calling in to the Progressive flagship, the Thom Hartmann show, said she’s not going back to enlighten our youth until ‘they have a vaccine’.

But, grrls! Whatever will women do with kids, without the public education industry?

Heh. Talk about a dose of reality.

It might even give them something useful to do.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Here the discussion is—and I kid you not—the teachers in k-12 (many, not all obviously) don’t want to go back into the classroom, but are also arguing to be paid if schools remain closed due to their personal health concerns or if they boycott classes out of their health concerns. BTW, I heard the average age of the public school teachers is estimate at around 50, so a case of adverse co-morbidities would seem needed to be made for such individuals. That national medical authorities are indicating little risk from grade schoolers as disease vectors in not being discussed. I’ll… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Closing the schools is a mistake for the Left, as is killing off Sports.
The long term implications of forced home schooling are terrible for the Left.
Not much better; working from home isn’t good for them either…
No HR and no cameras in the home.

4 years ago

Hmm. Testing…1,2,3…





Lets see if any Gelfilte fish bite..

Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago

Whoops… forgot

Western Rifles…

Admiral Akbar
Admiral Akbar
Reply to  vxxc
4 years ago


Another link to “Western Rifle Shooters“. Ban this guy. It’s so obvious.

Lets see if any Gelfilte fish bite..”

So obvious.

Reply to  Admiral Akbar
4 years ago

LEFTY. It’s so (((obvious))).
Funny you bit even though I specifically said I was Gelfite Fishing.
For you, dipshit.

It’s the word ORGANIZE, isn’t it?

Why Admiral it’s a ((trap)) would the FEDS tell an atomized opposition to Organize?
Especially when that opposition is enormous in size already with unlimited potential, and the last BS card you have to play is to keep us fragmented and suspicious of each other?

4 years ago

Horst Wessel Lied sounds like “My country tiss a thee”. I think Horst might have some copy right issues. Maybe that’s why the commies shot him, good ole American spirit!

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Matrix
4 years ago

i was wondering if Zman meant “Horst Wessel light”?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Sounds like something I would have wanted to drink a bottle of when I was stationed in Germany 🙂

Reply to  Matrix
4 years ago
Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Z Man said: “Like pre-reformation Catholic Church, the Left controls the supply of salvation.” Bingo! The church of woke. Prof. Michael Polanyi in his book “Science, Faith, and Society ” talked about “Moral inversion.” Describing the mindset of communists and nazis he said: “In such men, the traditional forms for holding moral ideals had been shattered and their moral passions diverted into the only channels which a strictly mechanistic conception of man and society left open to them. We may call this the process of moral inversion. The morally inverted person has not merely performed a philosophic substitution of moral… Read more »

Oficial Bologna Tester
Oficial Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Z Man. Hope you don’t mind. I opend up my and made a quote to pass around. I’ll take it down if your not pleased 😀

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