At the end of last week, the lead writer for the Tucker Carlson show was fired for blasphemy, after it was discovered he was posting unapproved jokes on an on-line forum under a pseudonym. How his blasphemy was discovered is unknown, but the keepers of truth have teams of top women hunting down these people in order to keep their domains safe from unapproved thoughts. This is, of course, a familiar story that is now what the old newspaper guys would call a “standing head.”
Tucker Carlson has not commented on it, but his bosses at Fox News promise he will have an on-air struggle session Monday. Fox News, of course, “strongly condemns this horrific behavior.” By horrific, they mean saying “given how tired black people always claim to be, maybe the real crisis is their lack of sleep” on an on-line forum dedicated to snarky humor. Clearly, such words are so monstrous it is hard to believe a human being could think such things, much less say them out loud.
In all seriousness, one has to wonder what language is reserved for a school bus that rolls over on an icy road or the orphanage that catches fire. This is, allegedly, a news organization, whose job it is to report events. If edgy jokes are now classified as “horrific” then how do they convey the image of a school bus flipped over? How can anyone take seriously their descriptions when they indulge is such ridiculous emotional hyperbole like this? Teenage girls have more fortitude.
You can’t help but notice how the bold, rock-ribbed defenders of truth and civility have adopted the language of the Left. Like the old communists, Progressives now contort the language to such extremes that it is becoming a genre of humor. How long before they force Sean Hannity to call Peter Brimelow a running dog lackey? What adds to the absurdity is the people indulging in the hyperbole are the sorts of mediocrities you find staffing government offices.
We’ll have to see what Carlson has to say about it, but unless he dramatically resigns on-air, the one thing we can know for sure is that when the choice is between his friends on the Left and the people who watch his show, he will pick his friends. His man of the people act is just that, an act. Carlson is super-wealthy. If he walked away from his job, his grandchildren would never have to work a day in their lives. If he gets fired, it means fly fishing in Maine and ski trips to Aspen.
In other words, his former head writer took more risk posting edgy jokes on-line than Tucker appears willing take in defense of his writer. Unless this Neff guy is from old money, he is now going to suffer real harm. He will not only lose his income, but he will suffer internal exile for as long as the revolution rolls on. Whenever he applies for a job, he will have to atone for his crimes against the one true faith. As a practical matter, he may have to change his name in order to live.
This is the sort of stuff Tucker spends every night railing against. He has made his name condemning things like cancel culture. For him to obsequiously go along with his key writer being cancelled makes him a hypocrite and a liar. It means that in the end, his friends and neighbors in the ruling class come before the principles he claims to be fighting to advance. More important, he’s asking you to do what he lacks the testicular fortitude to do in his own domain.
He’s not alone in this. Charles Murray, the former biological realist, thinker and writer has gone down the same path as Carlson. After having got some credit for having stood against the mob, he is now throwing in with the mob. Like Tucker, Murray would rather be with his friends than defend the ideas he once claimed to champion. It will not be long before he is required to burn his own books and condemn his former collaborator Richard Herrnstein. He’ll do it with enthusiasm too.
We’ll see what Carlson says on Monday. You can be sure an army of top people are crafting a speech to keep the sheep in the fold. Most of the people watching Tucker are so desperate for a champion, they will overlook just about anything. This is what Team Trump is counting on in the November election. Opinion does not alter fact. The fact here is that one of his own was dragged out by the witch hunters, put through the ritual humiliation of cancel culture and Carlson did nothing.
This is the reality we must accept. This war the ruling class is waging on white people is not a product of a small cabal within the ruling class. It is all of them. Worse yet, the war has become a profit center for them. Would anyone be shocked if Fox News, after having cancelled one of their own, starts selling “free speech face mufflers” in the Fox News store? Maybe have Tucker pitch them on his show, right after he condemns Blake Neff for his horrific language.
In the end, this revolution will end up where all revolutions end. Everyone will be forced to choose sides and give over their life to the cause they choose. The people living in mansions will find the choice easy. Every day they are reminded of how well the revolution is treating them. For everyone else, it is more difficult, but eventually, everyone will have to become a partisan for their own cause. Everyone will have to be as loyal to his side as Tucker is to his side.
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Thank you for covering this story with the seriousness and the perspective it deserves. I’ve been reading autoadmit for more than 5 years and know the writer well. He was one of the most innocuous posters on the site and all the rhetoric attributed to Neff were threads made by other people that he simply commented in, usually with a benign joke. Tucker is going to get cancel cultured and thrown off the air, or fully neutered , before the election. It’s time for him to pick a side. He should spend the whole show bashing cancel culture, have his… Read more »
posts like these zman reaffirm that my faith in your abilities is well placed. This is a minor story that most others aren’t going to cover, but it’s a super important one. The only thing I strongly disagree with you about is your support for Jeff sessions, who I consider a bumbling fool at best or a traitor at the level of Benedict Arnold at worst (and I lean toward the latter).
A similar analogy could be made after DJT’s brain transplant, swapping Bannon’s for Jared’s.
Tucker will fold. Old money always does.
Even the stuff they dug up and quoted in the article was innocous if you read it carefully. I kept thinking, this the worst they could come up with several years of anoymous posting?? I really hope that Neff goes gonzo, but we will see. I suspect that carlson will fold like a cheap suit. maybe he will surprise me.
It’s like the “racist” nonsense they dug up on Ron Paul. A couple lame jokes in his newsletter about the ability of black teenagers to run holding a stolen TV. The bureaucrats in the so-called Libertarian Party were horrified, of course. Disgusting.
I’ve heard Tucker interviewed enough to know he has a brain of his own. Now we are going to find out if he has balls.
“”….Like the old communists, Progressive now….”””
As a proud citizen of Soviet Union for 16 years, I kindly ask, what is the difference between our communists and your progressives ? IMHO you have exactly the same process, what France had in 1789 and we had 1917.
Yeah also the revolution pretty much started in the 60s in Russia. It was the 1860s but it culminated in 1917 so we’re right on track
(Yakoff voice): “In Russia you don’t choose sides, sides choose you!”
Our Progressives are more preachy.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C.S. Lewis
We are becoming a tranny tyranny 🙂
And self-righteous. The Soviets cynically knew they were manipulating with propaganda and outright lies. Our Progressives actually believe the insane bullshit they spew.
Many communists believed in their nonsense, in fact lots of them got caught offguard when communism fell, they thought people loved it.
I’m referring particularly to women, the recurring useful idiot.
I think Jun nailed it. The initial revolutionaries were True Believers and then technocracy took over.
Soviet Union was not the only communist country in Eastern Europe.
I, for one, am sick of hearing the old farts reminisce about the good ol’ communist days. They are right in a way cause communist countries were way more nationalistic back in the day than they are right now.
Basically monarchy >>…> communism >>> globo homo capitalism
The True Believers were rounded up, post haste, just like the current ones will be. You can’t let them stick around, they’re proven revolutionaries, after all!
That’s exactly right. The first to go were the revolutionaries. Molotov is exhibit A.
Solzhenitsyn was rounded up for being “more communist than Stalin”.
Cold blooded ice eyed calculators arrived after Stalin purges. From 1917-until 1938 we had also true believers. That is why we had madness and 50 million dead. Stalin purged idealists and replaced them with technocrats. This is the real reason, why mass murdering ended and why lot of Russians honoring Stalin despite his methods.
first the “vanguard” seizes the reins , then the purge of immediate opposition (the vanquished), then the purge within the vanguard(the reactionaries), then hell is loosed upon the masses. Nothing new under the sun.
If somewhat less peachy…
yeah and more gay.
Less attractive, too. Most communists were at least thin and didn’t mar their faces with metal implants.
“IMHO you have exactly the same process, what France had in 1789 and we had 1917.”
I’ve been saying the same thing on this site, while some people here talk about desperate globalists being afraid to lose their power, cowering in fear.
The only cowering bitches I see are the so called right-wing representatives.
Exactly. Huwitey ain’t waking up.
Did we all miss how meekly the McCloskeys handed over their guns?
Yippie-Ki-Yay, McClane!
As someone who has been in almost that exact identical position- i.e. someone coming to seize my weapons because of racist district attorneys pushing racial politics into their search warrants, question for you… What SHOULD they have done? Gone out guns blazing with the army of cops that likely showed up to execute the warrant? It is incredibly easy to run your mouth until you have had the 4 am no-knock or even the day time regular knock with a dozen heavily armed men there to carry out a ‘lawful order’. This is the part that always makes me laugh… Read more »
Black people will always have access to guns. Maybe at some point some of our best friends will need to be black.
At the rate of “a few at a time,” they should be able to confiscate all of the guns in BSA by, oh, I don’t know, 4763.
You prove once again you are a fucking retard who has no understanding of “slowly then all at once”. A few at a time every day in every county in the US all day long plus your neighbors turning you in with ERPO flags for simple ownership . I get that you live in bum-fuck nowhere where you have probably not even seen a minority in decades, but for those of us living in reality in the cities/burbs we cannot hold you goofy head in the sand views anymore. You stink of WN 1.0 LARP talk and it isn’t helpful… Read more »
Vituperation is indicative of a small mind. At any rate, when one speaks of millions and millions of guns in private hands, and that number increasing constantly and at an ever increasing rate, your “a few at a time” calculus won’t put a dent in the number. Moreover, how do your neighbors know you have guns? And how many of them would actually turn you in for possession? I’m afraid your breathless Chicken Little act bears no positive relationship to reality.
I see your point, which further makes mine.
These 2A LARPers ain’t gonna do s**t. Instead of the “Million Mogadishus” that Ward Churchill wanted (remember him!?!), we’ll get a Million McCloskeys.
Thank you. I’ve been trying to tell people this for decades. We are losing our 2A state by state, magazine by magazine, round by round. There are few places left where “shall not be infringed” is even close to being intact. Soon we will be the UK, and soon enough Venezuela. I’m willing to die fighting tyranny (not just regarding guns), but it’s a futile gesture to do that alone. The call to arms that our founding fathers answered, will never happen. But I wish there were at least an equivalent of the French Resistance to join. War is horrible.… Read more »
European countries including the UK are less tyrannical than the US.
99 % conviction rates, huge prison population, militarized police, perp walks, affirmative action, cities ablaze, explicit calls for replacement: all these phenomena are part of the rich bounty of life in the US.
You try writing to or reading from a domestic British or German Z-man blog in Britain and Germany and find out how free they are.
i like th Z-man and find many of his words wise. But he creates cynicism and a desire to see it all as hopeless.
the left took 50 years to get here. We can get back but not if we are too cynical to take baby steps.
Trump deserves another term. The alternative won’t be pretty. At the least it buys 4 more years of prep time.
Patrick Henry’s famous speech belongs here. I’m tired of waiting, and getting too old for another trump 4-year mess. More time to prep ends up being more time to do nothing. The time to fight is probably right after the election.
American Conservatives 2015: Free speech is an inalienable right. Even offensive opinions should be respected. 2020: Hate speech has no place our democracy. Amazon should ban and refuse to ship controversial books. We should also shut down the post office, giving Jeff Bezos even more power to censor racism. Gone With The Wind, Huck Finn? Never heard of them. Probably racist anyway. 2025: From my cold dead hands! Take my guns, and I’ll rebel liberals! 2030: What? I’ve always opposed guns. MLK jr. was killed by a gun, libtards. White Fragility had nothing to do with it. That’s a made… Read more »
The Fudds will never rise up against the “heroic First Responders” they worship so much who get paid to kick in their doors and confiscate their guns. That’s a given.
My concern is that as gun control progresses, whites will be left defenceless against the black mobs, and the cops will go after the low-hanging fruit of the gun owners rather than going after the mob.
Naw that’s why you do what the Iraqis did and bury them somewhere and then after the fuzz is gone, dig them back up.
That’s my plan.
The Lawyer guys are Leftists, not our people.
In any case resistance is way easier said than done.
Cope hit you in mass numbers when you are at your weakest and have political cover to kill and sometimes torture you.
But I was told on this website (and everywhere else) that couldn’t happen. Gun owners were going to rise up if guns were confiscated. Grandma with her .38 was going to overpower the police and the military. How does this make any sense? I don’t understand how the conventional wisdom could have been so wrong.
Lefty believed it too. It acted as a restraint on them.
Once they figure out its BS, things will get ugly, quick.
One case of confiscation in St. Louis hardly proves gun ownership is dead or that attempted confiscation won’t eventually be met with resistance. The McCloskeys, BTW, are rich as Croesus and had everything to lose. Other whites will be far more desperate.
As I noted before the S. Louis pair are rich city liberal lawyers and I would expect them to comply as the gun was taken as evidence.
They are not rednecks , dissidents or really from the way they were handling weapons, gun people.
They were also offered a brand new free AR15 by a local gun company if they just didn’t go buy another.
Far too many people here black pill at every occasion. Just stop.
Far too many people here black pill at every occasion.
Losers tend to do that.
Sam Francis called them Beautiful Losers. Frankly I think that is generous. Not only does our side lack ideas and motivation they flee from and are terrified of actually having to believe in anything and unwilling to take any sort of responsibility for anything larger than a family. A lot of them love to complain but ask them to put up or shut up an idea, a what would you do and they scurry like roaches. I am slightly optimistic in that this insane shutdown crushing the economy with no recovery point will jar a few of the f&cknuggets on… Read more »
your commies would have invaded the white suburbs by now
corporations & banks own everything, most whites have student debts & mortgages, there’s nothing they wish to expropriate.
If they care to take something, they have subtler ways.
True to a large extent, but nothing beats raping high quality white women in the suburbs, That’s the holy grail.
this reminded me of macron wanting to bring in 200 million africans in France.
This might be their master plan, 4 africans for 1 white woman.
Macron has to know that would be the outcome
If he doesn’t, it’s no wonder they picked him for the job
Macron was picked by jews, Jacques Attali(jew) on the left, is one of the high tier globalists alongside Soros
How the hell did grandpa Munster become one of our overlords?
DIE-versity means chasing down the last white woman and colonizing her womb with non-white seed.
I think you say this as a joke or hyperbole but that is 100% the next target of this and you see it with things like the “CAREN” act trying to be passed where it becomes a crime to actually call the police on blacks.
Combine that w/ the 24×7 full court propaganda assault and you will see da white wimmenz gladly taking the rape and black insemination for a half-black baby as ‘reparations’ for their ancestor’s crimes. They are building this framework in real time so your ‘joke’ is actually reality.
ugly feminists hate pretty white women, they wanna see them raped by freaks so they propagate ideas that would get white women in trouble.
I am not joking when I say that white women are their holy grail
And I was saying maybe two years ago on various websites that white women were next in one to be demonized
Normies didn’t want to believe it but the writing was on the wall. The minute I started hearing black women starting to more loudly complain about how white women were taking their black men, I knew it was coming
Man, you must really get off on your masochistic, dystopian fantasies.
Try watching the TV news sometime instead of leave it to beaver reruns you geriatric dolt. You are an ostritch head firmly in the sand trying to escape the hellscape forming around us. Run along now Price is Right is about to start!
There is historical precedent for this. Haiti is a good example. Read about it.
Haiti is and was overwhelmingly Hutu. In America they make up, at most, 13% of the population. As much power as the Hutus have in this country, white women will never be coerced into conceiving nigglets and calling the cops on Hutus will never be criminalized.
The commies are the White Suburbs, or getting there: the proletariat in the cities, the secretariat in the better (for now) suburbs, surrounded by the Lumpenproletariat and serfs in the provinces.
We have more Jews. At least the USSR learned that lesson after WWII.
Sending the Jackson-Vanik Ashkepaths to America was the USSR’s most effective anti-American measure ever – the parents of Max Boot & a whole Kvetching Klown Kar of political subversives & fixers, media manipulators, banksters, Cult-Marx profs and general malcontents.
Castro’s Marielitos were nothing compared with this.
So true. They were used to poison us why I think that not until people are willing to openly attach Jews to our decline will things change. Because if this really a war, then people will have to fight to win, and that fight includes — gasp — calling out Schlomo once that happens. The whole thing does a 180 And jews will start backtracking. It might really be that simple. If 50 million whites start screaming about it, the Jews will backpedal FAST I have dealt with them quite a bit. If you let them walk over you their… Read more »
Yuri Bezmenov was probably referring to jews when he talked about subversion of USA, he knew they couldn’t help themselves
Can you imagine the earth-shaking reaction if Tucker, on live TV, were to actually name the J … uh … name the … er, the Democrats and other misguided souls? Let freedom ring!
I don’t think that Tucker will get any nearer to doing that than his prior pecking around President Kushner.
I was being ironic. Tucker is controlled opposition, as controlled by himself as by outside compulsion. He is sharp about knowing where the electrified fence is, and going up to it but never past it.
We are better off for his being seen and heard, but at most Tucker is a stimulus for some people trying to graduate from Cucksville U.
If he said the stuff we think, he’s lose his job if not his life.
I’m not implying that Tucker should abandon all discretion in his televised commentary. But he could push the boundaries, carefully and gradually on his own Long March.
There’s nothing he can do to assure his show’s continuation. Even as it stands the leftist establishment would like to see him off and may well succeed.
That describes a narcissist. Rule #1 is never apologize for anything, to them it is an admission of guilt and trigger for a reparations demand. Observe carefully how they behave wrt cluster b personality disorders and educate yourself on how not to fall into their traps.
Yep. I was reading how in Jewish law or legal theory, going way back, that a lack of a positive defense of one’s position was not a pure admission of guilt but enough weight to tip the scales
Have to deal with Judeo-Christian nonsense first. Too many revere Jews as God’s chosen. Never mind they had the Romans crucify the Son and have been under judgement since. One wonders how so many who think America is under judgement today don’t make the connection. Sure, it’s our fault for wandering off the path, but they might ask why, or under whose influence.
I dare say the Bolshevik party, particularly at the highest level, was considerably more Jewish than America’s ruling elite. Lenin, incidentally, was one quarter Jewish.
Trump is also in a way, considering the influence his daughter and Jared have over him
that means he was 3/4 goy Mensa
Donald Trump is 100% goy and if he’s not on Team Zion I’ll eat my kippah.
Stuff and nonsense. “Jewish Bolshevism” is dwarfed by Jewish infiltration and penetration of every important aspect of American Civil (and now military) society. In Russia, so tenuous was their hold, that all it took was the threat of Uncle Joe going to town – post mortem – to throw the damned kvetchers out…and into the open arms of Stupid, Dumbfuck, ‘Mericans. What is it about ‘Mericans that makes them feel so superior about having all these exotic pets pissing the graves of their forefathers? I’ve never subscribed to the damned nonsense about “pathological altruism.” The average middle-class white man and/or… Read more »
The fact remains that power in the USSR was concentrated far more intensively in the Bolshevik party than it is in US society, and that the Jews were strongly overrepresented in the highest ranks of the party. Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sverdlov and Radek are only several of the Jewish heavy hitters. That scenario has never existed in the US and doesn’t now. Are Jews a very powerful force in “America.” Of course. But Jews in the USSR were even more so.
I agree but I see the absence of prominent Jews in power as more disturbing than the Soviet experiment. Until quite recently, Organized American Jewry had become a virtuoso at pulling strings. Buttgoy ran interference and served as beards but it was virtually impossible to “name the Jew.” No more. Alas. Once again, the Trotskies will make the revolution and the Bronsteins will pay the price TL; DR: The fact the the internal security services and external espionage and counter-espionage organs in addition to legitimate institutions are either enthralled to Official Jewry or directly controlled by them is unprecedented in… Read more »
Kiss my motherfucking “Murican” ass.
His observations are largely valid. I dunno why calling them out upsets you.
“Sending the Jackson-Vanik Ashkepaths to America was the USSR’s most effective anti-American measure ever…”
Excellent insight.
The respective mechanics are very different, but the ghastly outcome will be the same. Throw in China, 1949 as well.
“Our progressives” have all our bases. They control far more of material and spiritual resources than yours ever did. “[Your] communists” needed a KGB and SMERSH! and similar organs in order to rule your people. Our people here are so broken that each man is his own Beria. Effectively, we have 300 million Berias.
Strap in, kids, and hold tight. This isn’t going to be smooth or easy.
Modern communists wear vagina-hats.
Civnats like Tucker may not be interested in White identity but non-Whites are. Whites can choose to stand together on racial grounds or take a knee as demanded by non-Whites on racial grounds. As recent cucks and Karens have discovered, “we’re on your side” and “I have a black husband” are not enough. Those who kneel choose dhimmitude and the jizya, second-class status and the “infidel tax.” Throughout the last 20 years of Zionist wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans and Euros declared they would rather die than submit to such humiliation and servitude at the hands of Muslims. But… Read more »
Great post. Very perceptive. Thanks.
Wow. Beyond words. Bravo.
Sometimes I feel like it’s no coincidence that sheep are white since so many YTs model their behavior on them.
Exile – Your usual excellent prose. I understand those who warn of ‘purity spiraling,’ but I don’t think they understand that all those subgroups are only in White minds. As simplistic as it sounds, your skin color is your uniform. Trying to claim as allies people who will betray you in a heartbeat (even as their own skin color will tag them for execution) is not a solid strategy. The special people who wield the megaphone know the skin color issue is a double edged sword but are betting they can escape it. I dearly hope they are dead wrong.
You nailed it. “Whites can choose to stand together on racial grounds or take a knee as demanded by non-Whites on racial grounds.” The Ideological and Theological are now secondary concerns. The confederacy of “Others” wants “Us” enslaved and/or dead for reasons that are Primal and Biological. Our response will prove, or disprove, our right to exist. Pray that we do honor to our ancestral legacy.
If it turns out Tucker is just another fraud selling to a niche then I think many people will be depressed. It would really mean that we’re alone.
Maybe it’s a good thing, maybe too many are using the existence of Tucker as some sort of comfort blanket, similar to what people did with Trump before he proved that he was nothing more than a carnival barker.
I can’t be the only person who is in awe of how unanimous our societies leadership is.
You’re not, I’m in awe. I’m also in awe of how quickly white people fell in line after the virus, George Floyd, etc. it’s really shocking. It used to be really hard to shock me but this year it’s just been one after another. And there are still six months to go. With an election. My head’s going to explode by 2021
Don’t blow up yet, wait till they bring out special jails for whites, black guards only.
My prediction is the future is going to be far weirder than any of us can imagine. I mean who would have predicted eveyone running around wearing face diapers a few months ago??
I can see whites getting conscripted to become slaves for a few years otherwise they can’t get hired or buy food. Pedophiles marrying kids, all sorts of lovely stuff.
I think you have got it exactly correct. They’ll implement a mandatory civil service program for non-elite white youngsters (they’ll appropriate the “pioneers” in combination with “legacy”) as a peace corps but more indoctrinated. You’ll need the honorable discharge marker on your social credit scorecard that follows you around everywhere. Depending on whom you connect with, sexually of course and otherwise, while doing your hitch will enable your later placement within society. All in service to your (((betters))) whose tikun olam and summers in Israel will exempt them from national service.
They’ll call it “National Service”.
They will have to enslave White and Asian men if the military hopes to keep all the fancy vehicles, weapons, and most importantly, nukes functioning.
The reason Trump brought up live nuke testing is that there are many signs and questions about the viability of the US’ nuclear arsenal, which is what truly guarantees the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
With the exception of North Korea, what other nuke capable country is testing their nukes. Those nukes being as old as ours? They know something we don’t.
I agree
The issues seems to be a lack of new tritium supplies, a substance which has a half life of about 12 years.
We shut down our last plant in 2013 and I’d guess the knowledge base required to make a new one will be gone from the US pretty soon as Gen X and the younger Boomers pull the plug.
If defense news is correct, within a decade and change the US may no longer be a nuclear power,
Where is tritium mined?
Is that the other half of the Afghan sandwich?
Its a rare isotope of hydrogen and mostly manufactured in nuclear reactors.
We can and do of course salvage and recycle the stuff but essentially every 12 years our supply drops by around half.
We stopped being able to resupply around seven years ago and if the article is correct we will have very little or none remaining by the 2030’s
I’m not as sure how much we get from imports from allies, I’m not in the loop but I think we used to get some from Canada but no more.
Tritium is made in reactors set up for production of such material. The last two are in GB and slated to be retired in a couple years.
We have a known tritium reserve and also obtain tritium from foreign sources. While tritium decays by half every 12.5 years, if you possess enough then although the stockpile halves you still are able to resupply for an easily predicted time remaining. (unless you have an accident and then right now we would need to cannibalize other warheads to buy time and build production) US nuclear weapons are designed not to work unless a very precise distribution of neutrons is present in the first stage core at a set time. This is a safety consideration give the near tragedies… Read more »
Thanks for this. According to the article, the ability to replace the tritium will probably end by 2035 or so. That is 15 years from now.
That of course assumes other problems aren’t forthcoming or a genocidal civil war doesn’t break out which is a mid probability event right now.
Tritium is currently being reprocessed from older retired nukes. This of course is sub-optimal. In the meantime, they pursue substitutes and possibly a new technique to make tritium. Tritium is an exciter which increases yield. What we have now are dial a yield nukes. You have a bomb that for example can be set to yield a few hundred kilotons to a megaton and a half or so. However, the first nukes did not use exciters like tritium. My suspicion is that if all else fails, we still can produce such weapons. We have tremendous stock piles of fissionable material… Read more »
You have a bomb that for example can be set to yield a few hundred kilotons to a megaton and a half or so. Actually, we did away with anything approaching a megaton and, with supplementation, our largest warhead today can achieve 300 kt provided all goes well. If the lowest yield is selected, aside from the new B61, it’s about 4k yield no typo. The first stage is smaller than a bowling ball with the casing and works like a powerful torch inter alia on the larger secondary sparking a geometrically greater number of particles, pressure and torch… Read more »
Maybe but clown world under the rioters leadership may not be able to produce food much less complex goods.
News watching will be mandatory
and don’t forget you have to kiss negro feet
I’ve been wild-eyed for about a year now. My hope is that everybody get’s their bearingsand settles into the task of rollng this back.
There’s no rolling back. There is a break. A break from the past. You want to roll back to the world that brought us here. That doesn’t make any sense
As William Saroyan wrote, you can never go home again. That time is past.
“The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.”
we will have to find inspiration from whites from another era
We will have to totally ditch the white era of the past 100 years
Correct. Its time to build something new.
Excuse me for sounding like a Lefty but guys its 2020 and we have an entirely new society and new tech base.
Be here now.
“Blackguard:” now there’s an obscure, 500-year-old English word that except for Monty Python, I’d probably never have heard. And its definition?
“a person, particularly a man, who behaves in a dishonorable or contemptible way.”
Sounds like your modern usage of it is perfect 🙂
I’m also awed.
The global coordination behind Coronahoax and the vast majority of people falling for it is a million times more terrifying than the virus.
The disease is real, its effects nasty though not as nasty as the powers that be want us to think at least for healthy White people. However our response is kind of logical for a dying society, People accustomed to comfort, in a society with no future, few kids and an old population are prone to react in mortal terror to something that kills people. Something to consider, sans demographic momentum or immigration, any person who does is population decline forever. They cannot be replaced and this terrifies our leaders who are facing a destabilizing society and probably total economic… Read more »
I think I’ve got an inkling of the ‘next’ crisis – they’ve been moving toward eliminating ‘germy’ cash for years now, but today, when I attempted to pay cash for groceries, I was instructed to read a notice. Supposed federal shortage of coinage means that if you pay cash it’s rounded up to the next dollar and the balance is put on your store discount card. And, if you try to get cash on a debit card purchase, there is now a fee. Even I, an accelerationist, am shocked at just how fast things are moving.
Yeah that is disturbing. How long is it going to be before they say cash is obsolete you have a month to get it to the bank
“Carlson is super-wealthy.”
A quick “gulag” of his net worth comes back with ~ $20 million as the average guess. While I consider this enough to qualify as “fuck you” money for himself and his wife and minor children, I don’t think that’s gonna put his grandkids on easy street.
It will be interesting to see what he says. I just don’t think Fox would actually keep anybody on the air (or employ in any fashion really) who actually believes what he purports to believe.
His middle name is Swanson, as in Swanson Foods. He’s old money.
I did not know that. You learn all kinds of things here. 🙂
Old money isn’t always big money. Years ago I dated a woman who was (for example) fourth-generation heir to the inventor of Monopoly. Just like with oil wells, given a few generations, the 1/5 of a 1/4 of a 1/8 and you have a little extra money, that’s nice, but basically just enough to help pay the kid’s tuition or the payments on the Buick 😀
Buckminster Fuller’s granddaughter worked as a cashier at the Noguchi Museum; Joseph Mallord William Turner (famous painter early 1800s …look him up, great stuff) .. his g-g-granddaughter was a cashier at a perfume store on Bleecker St.sometimes the apple falls far from the tree.
I know one of the last of the old Schwinn bicycle family, lives on a large family ranch but he’s broke. The grandparents build it and the kids spend it.
Thank you, sir.
Yes, I would consider that FU money to the third generation.
There’s no such thing as fuck you-money. The more money you have, the more you’ve got to lose.
That depends on how you live. The problem is getting that money comes with heavy strings, if not your literal immortal soul than tons of mandatory expenditures and ways of livng design to keep anyone not in the 1% functionally poor and in their place. Most cannot be like Sam Walton. Ultimately wealth can be a prison. Also the idea that you’d leave some money for future generations and if things went well and/or they were clever it would last is deprecated. Most of today’s super rich just use the money to meddle and have no plans to pass much… Read more »
You obviously don’t understand the concept.
One of us clearly doesn’t. The richer you are, the greater your fear of becoming poor.
I doubt Jeff Bezos worries about ever being poor again. He exchanged his ex-wife and tens of billions dollars for a nasty slut recently.
I live in a successful professional class household. We still clip coupons or sniff out the online equivalents and shop at sales whenever possible. With the exception of healthy foods, travel, outdoor gear, electronics and professional attire, we live far, far below our means because we have both been seriously poor and never wish to live like that again.
I think you’re off the mark Felix.
The 1% are not like the rest of the rich. The ultra rich, hundreds of millions low billions are also pretty immune. Most rich people , the other 95% have a few million mostly in assets and do the much higher social status expenditures end up while not strapped, not flush either. Also the worst thing in their world is decline in status and dropping from say wealthy to upper middle while not bothersome to us would crush the. Most people who wouldn’t mind won’t be allowed to get rich or if they do live quietly as grey men. The… Read more »
I wouldn’t get blackpilled on Tuck before hearing him out. He’s been on quite a roll lately. Even heroic. And I hate to think that his only principled option is to resign on-air. If he does throw Neff to the wolves, then it’ll be a major disappointment, perhaps the worst of the past 4 years. But I think he’ll find a clever way to middle-road it, and people on Our side will grumble but still tune in.
Blake Neff wrote his monologues, apparently. And his book too.
Maybe The Tuck is an empty suit.
Broadcast News come to life. I never really liked that movie but I was youngish when it came out and the female leads voice is unlistenable so it’s probably more of those things than the actual movie
His new writer will be told to never mention Susan Rosenberg, you can be sure of that. Note that Tucker does a segment on Rosenberg and all of a sudden his writer is cancelled.
good catch
excellent catch
I don’t watch Tucker so don’t know who Rosenberg was, so just did a search
and makes perfect sense
Exactly: what did Neff say/post that was so egregious? Haven’t seen it anywhere?
Don’t take these bastards’ words for anything: In a world where saying “all lives matter” will get you literally killed any allegation is immediately suspect.
Ah, that’s it of course. Z, do you think Soros or someone similar is funding the cancel mobs? They sure seem to have a lot of time on their hands.
I’ve never watched TC. I know who he is, of course. Never heard of Susan Rosenberg.
But…. uhhhh…. I can say is “Wow!”
Tucker Carlson is no Braveheart. No one would follow him into an actual visceral battle, or even a shouting match. People who think this war will be won from the comfort of a couch are anti-evolutionary in addition to being dangerously stupid.
we will see what people say and what they believe when asked to get off the couch.
the “get off the couch” will be the great culling
Under blue pill and soma? Hah! They won’t know they’re in the wood chipper until they feel their feet for the first time in ages.
I would still rather have him as VP, than Pence.
“won from the comfort of a couch”
But this is a civil war (already), and it is being fought from the couch (or dining table in my case .. gotta eat after all) It is a war of philosophies, a war of words and ideas, broadcast on the internet. The internet is our most important weapon, even more so than face-to-face verbal skirmishes.
We are winning, the couch is comfy.
True. When our hero arrives he’ll be a rough man in the streets cracking skulls and slitting throats. The rest is foreplay.
I’m with Marko. Reserve judgement until we hear what Tucker says. Either way, this is his moment. With the right stand he could propel himself to eventually becoming President.
The so-called journalist who searched through all those years of posts by Neff was himself publishing similar things as recently as 2018 when he was a campus Republican. He looks like a Paki to me, but I’m not sure what mystery meat he is. So, of course, all of his postings are swept under the rug. He is one of the “good” people because he is not a white American. It’s disgusting on many levels.
they Use foreigners as mercenaries against whites
Dinesh D’Souza went to Amren and reported on Sam Francis for the purpose of getting him fired.
Turns out that South Asians are real conservatives after all.
Karl Rove certainly thinks so – and so do his rent-boys.
In the American context at least, the reality is that the right invented cancel culture, the left merely co-opted it. The American left only started dabbling in purges in the 1990s and it didn’t really take off exponentially until Obama, but the America right, thanks to the tutorship of Buckley and others before him, has been conducting brutal purges since the 1950s and 60s.
Actually, the Left created the House Unamerican Activities Committee in the 30s to persecute supposed Nazis in America. In the 50s, Joe McCarthy and friends used HUAC to go after Commies.
That is a very good point. But one major difference was that the cucked right usually only did that to swamp creatures. They were not targeting randos. Also, the left’s cancel culture goes back way further than the Obama years. Leftists showing up and starting violence when right wingers tried getting together somewhere has been going on since at least the 80s. Much of the 60s stuff was that. Keep in mind that every video you have ever seen and every picture you have ever seen in terms of race relations, for example, is from the mainstream press. In 50… Read more »
He’s actually a really dark-skinned, fugly Persian with the supposed name of “Oliver Darcy.” Previous campus repuke, now a CNN employed doxxer.
I have to agree with them that Mr Obvious is complete crap. I’m actually subbed to him because he does find some pretty good or funny stories, but he is also a self-professed “centrist” (obviously a cuck) who finds a way to screw up everything.
The real value of anecdotes like this is that it’s evidence that we’ve entered the fast-change phase of sociopolitical collapse. Tyranny is rapidly on the rise, becoming institutionalized, and the normal mechanisms of self-correction are not only absent, but being proactively eliminated in advance. That is not an accident, it is strategic and tactical intent by the incipient tyrants. The war is already hot, it’s just that the fire is currently hidden in the smoke. Act accordingly. Don’t be in a city. Summer heat will bring much more mayhem and destruction.
If Tucker defends his writer, I may start watching the show. TV “news” is a no go zone to me.
IMO Its better for Tucker to stay on the air and keep pushing the alt light position than for him to not be on the air. Now he’s helping people move in the right direction, who otherwise would not.
Whats the upside to him getting thrown off, even if he goes down in a blaze of glory?
I get your point, but the larger issue is that if he’s only a pretender, he will only let us down harder when it really matters.
Falcone – very well said. In that sense Tucker’s just like Trump/repukes. So many claim that accelerationism is ‘worse,’ that Trump buys us time. How? In what dimension? At least with the AOC/Kamala/Abrams crowd the hatred is open. As for moving people in the right direction, sure – they’ll insist they only dislike the small percent of criminal noggers, just like they only disapprove of illegal invaders. People will always justify their moral compromises. Always.
None of us have the “time” we think we do. Our backs are against the wall and are going to be for another 25-50 years. The time is now. There is no tomorrow waiting for us when things MIGHT improve. Every day we have needs to be put to some good use. Trump is irrelevant
That’s why I wouldn’t wait too long on getting out of the city…
I am still not convinced Trump actually buys time. Seems things are pretty accelerated at the moment. A decent argument can be made that Sleepy Joe is just that – will lull things back to sleep to an extent, and that may actually buy more time.
I was thinking the same thing. However, with his money, fame and clout, he could conceivably create a new and independent platform for his views where he wouldn’t have to worry about being Borked by the race traitors.
Creating independent platforms takes far more money than you realize, and there is no guarantee this tyrannical police state wouldn’t just shut it down or use its media assets to scare away financiers (or even deplatform it from the internet) even if do make one. He could go work for RT. If he changes his opinion on China (he should … they are NOT middle America’s enemy) he could go work for them and lead a government in exile.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And particularly with everything he has going for him. Now obviously the platform wouldn’t be is bit as at Fox, but it would be big enough for him to maintain his influence.
We need political organizations. Teams of lawyers, teams of lobbyists, teams of propagandists, and probably even teams of people willing to push the enemy around (secretly) that get in their way.
Alternate platforms and civil wars are things that require organizational power right now. And we have close to none.
True. But we’ve got to start small and the sooner the better.
He could burst forth in a blaze of glory AND stay on the air. We don’t know yet.
“You go to war with the army you have, not the one you wished for.”
I tend to agree with you. Carlson is flawed, but he’s the only major media voice running counter to the death grip the Left has on the Megaphone.
The article about Tucker’s house is weird. They specify an outdoor swimming pool. Isn’t it more Lux to have an indoor swimming pool? Also, Wowza, DC is expensive. It cost a lot to stay in the cabal.
And a “gourmet kitchen” whatever that is, with “stainless steel appliances” like tens of millions of suburbanites.
Its all virtue signalling – casting his lack of poverty as morally suspect.
In neighborhoods like that, you don’t get to make an offer unless you have been fully vetted by the selling agency. That means you don’t need a mortgage for the house and you have the right credentials.
Tucker is an edgy cuck. His tokenism has always been a dead giveway, that and his crowing about MLK. As glad as I am to have Tucker (he is the best person on TV), his old bow tie is being worn under his shirt as a choker collar. Tucker should have refused to accept his resignation. Does he think his enemies are just acting like they hate him and calling for his job by calling him a white supremacist as an ongoing joke? He did this while publicly denouncing cancel culture. Nothing exposes a cuck like the subject of race.… Read more »
“Tucker should have refused to accept his resignation.” You don’t know that he did. Waiting is necessary.
He already accepted the resignation. The whole story is not about his wrong-think, it is about parading the scalp they already got.
Not true, tarstarkas. Fox News has “accepted the resignation” but Tucker has yet to say anything about it. From the triumphant tone of the SJW’s at Fox News saying that “Tucker will address it on his show” on Monday…I’m worried. As I have said, this is Tucker’s moment, for good or for ill. He can rise to the occasion in glory, or blow it all ignominiously.;
Well said, tars. I don’t care if many Mexicans are ‘nice people,’ or your childhood buddy Jatevon worked hard in school, or that Asians are purportedly law abiding. Champion your own, period. Help your own, not just first, but last and always. You want to be a man of principles who judges individuals based on character, fine, but in the end you’ll have helped those who won’t lift a finger when the mob comes for you.
The time to ask “what about my based Black friend” or other NAXALTs is after Whites have full sovereignty and power to decide racial policy again, not before.
How many people on the Left go out of their way to remind their side “Not all Whites..?”
Cucking is a much bigger concern for the Right than purity-spiraling. Give me a truly committed minority of Whites over a tepid big-tent majority.
Full disclaimer: I am not American nor I live in the US nor my English is perfect, but I know Carlson well. I don’t see any advantage of Carlson resigning. He is super-wealthy, he is not as brave as we would like, he doesn’t go far enough, he has friends in the Left, he may be a hypocrite. However, he still says things that nobody else says and he reaches much more people that all the blogs of the dissident right together. He reaches the normies. The best is enemy of the good. If we had 10 TV anchors saying… Read more »
Points well taken, but what is of utmost importance is this:
if Tucker stays on and continues to articulate the “alternative” position, builds it up, he also can then have the power to tear it down and totally delegitimize it.
Tucker isn’t the alternate position. He is the mainstream one from a few decades ago.
This is necessary as a gateway to Our Thing which is a lot rougher or at least needs to be.
I largely agree with imnobody00. I do not have a TV, so therefore I have little exposure to Tucker Carlson and thus these views perhaps should be taken with a grain of salt. People with views outside of the those of the ruling classes need to be realistic and not look for purity in words and actions. So a useful so-called “cuck” (Carlson?) should be supported. We are in such trouble right now that even Noam Chomsky looks better than the Fortune 500 CEOs. From a brief look at the charge sheet of the Carlson’s writer (Neff), it seems that his offences… Read more »
If I were Tucker I might be tempted to start my show with a strong reprimand of Neff’s actions. But – I would read off several of the latest anti-white rants by NYT columnists, etc., replacing the references to White with black as thought they were Neff’s. After the third quote, i would stop, look confused (as though someone handed me the wrong script) and then -reread them in original form, identifying the original source/speaker. Then “By comparison, this is what Neff said: . . . ” He can then say “I think all those statements are bad (blah blah… Read more »
“No enemies to the Left” is a “grass is always greener” myth that can lead to bad decisions on our part. The main reason why the Left gets what it wants and the Right doesn’t is that the legitimate right does not have its hands on the levers of power. Its alleged “representation” is entirely controlled and co-opted. We have no institutional influence, as Neff’s firing demonstrates. Lefties have plenty of internal disagreements but the kosher sandwich crowd has its hands on the levers and the bottlenecks. Nothing quells internal dissent like power. History teaches time and again that moderates,… Read more »
In my other post about Tucker I was going to add a line about how we would need there to be other voices in the mainstream like Tucker’s before we could advise him to do anything suicidal. Indeed this may be just a trap his bosses are setting for him to see if he takes the bait. Oddly enough, while defending even seemingly innocuous racial humor is probably still outside of what is appropriate at the moment, there are other DR ideas that it might be time to start talking about or hinting at. One obvious such idea would be… Read more »
If he cucks, they’ll tear him to pieces. His only option is to double-down or more.
I kept searching for the blasphemies but I guess the most egregious are the ones Z mentions here. That’s it? An asian lasik joke, a black person quip?
It’s as if one was accused of making fun of retarded children with terminal cancer and calling for their evictions from hospitals.
“Never apologize.” To apologize is to invite death. Tucker may understand this. May.
He should. He had a guy on Friday bragging about how he refused to apologize and weathered the storm. Tucker was glowing about it.
Of course, the guy’s name is Chadwick Moore, is gay and pretty much a standard issue liberal. With a name like Chadwick it is safe to assume he has a nice allowance from the family trust.
The crazy thing about this Tucker Carlson/Chadwick Moore clip is that they spent most of their time talking about what regular people should do if the Twitter cancel mob comes for them. Moore is essentially a professional gay Trump supporter. That’s nice if he said something blasphemous and didn’t apologize but thats not applicable to a regular guy whose job doesn’t involve writing a Breitbart column and appearing on Tucker Carlson’s show. Carlson said something about “going ballistic” with HR and not making it easy for them to fire you. How the hell is that supposed to work? After the… Read more »
Read “SJWs Always Lie,” by Vox Day. Whatever other problems Vox may have, the book is an excellent manual for answering your question.
What does he say?
I guess it does no good to apologize but a normal person has a lot to lose if he speaks out to begin with.
VoxDay isn’t wrong with his analysis. But, other than having your facts lined up and hitting back with counter charges, he pretty much admits you’re going to lose is HR is woke.
Exactly right.
YT needs to understand that issuing an apology in good faith to people acting in bad faith only provides them with extra nails for YT’s public crucifixion.
Not specifically on topic for today, but yes for what we often cover. This from a web site that I am an old fan of. They seem to not have authors I liked long ago (Bill Bonner) but I’m glad to see they get editorials from paleo-conservatives like Gary North.I wish the “gloom and doom” press well, but they face stiff competition from mainstream media today 😀 I thought this excerpt unusally well-written and deals with much of what we debate here. “Due to a combination of COVID-19 spreading in densely populated areas, business failures, urban riots and failing… Read more »
“Great restaurants” are a big deal to people too lazy or incompetent to cook. People without creativity and internal resources need to buy manufactured entertainment. Cities are full of folks like that.
Now that the restaurants all use Mexican cooks, how good can any of them be? It’s a joke. All the crap tastes the same. Everything is over salted, over seasoned. But go to Europe where they actually have artists of the palette, and that’s different league altogether
I’ve got to agree with you on that–although there are plenty of mediocre eateries in Europe as well.
All the crap tastes the same because 99% of restaurants buy all of it from distributors like Gordon Foods or Sysco.
The very few genuine farm-to-table restaurants are treasures that should be supported, though they can be hard to find.
I agree 100%. I have always said the one thing I liked about millennials (I am Gen X) is their push for farmers markets and locally grown foods and farm to table.
Indeed. Reminds me on one of our favorite “Italian” restaurants in my now Hispanic majority city. Year by year, the back room staff got more and more Hispanic, but the food, decor, and ambiance remained more or less Italian. What are you going to do? One day the served me my favorite dish and they used some sort of white cheese—not ricotta or mozzarella. I asked what this was, and they replied that’s the cheese they always use. They had no idea of cheese differences. For that matter, they had no idea as to how to make the dish, nor… Read more »
I know the cheese you mean
It’s almost a cream cheese they use in mexican foods. You will see it being sold in cake-shaped forms in the dairy aisle. I forget the name.
Queso fresco.
In Canada it’s all Indian people. From McDonalds to high end restaurants.
The food is always bland, overcooked, sloppily put together, and made without passion. (This is happening in all our industries and nations btw. Aliens poorly doing some stuff that whites used to do).
The only “excuse” I have for eating out is that I get lazy. But I’m working on it. Even simple chicken recipes I make are 100x better than the crap at restaurants.
What your post deals with is exactly what we are dealing with right now, should we sell our L.A. home and rent it out (i.e. keep our L.A. footprint should we ever want to return) or sell it and bail.
How may millions of whites had to uproot themselves? Leave friends and family and careers behind because of this mess? All you hear is how bad it is for poor people from Mexico and how hard it must be for them to separate from their families back home
Cry me a river
I am suspicious of the term “millions”, here’s why. Folks who move are of two ilk basically, those who work and those who are retired. If you work, you simply can’t quit your employment easily and take off. Suburbia, or rural areas simply don’t supply the employment opportunities these folk require.
I suspect these estimates are from surveys. Let’s see how the population figures fall over the next decade. Not that they are not already treating that way in big Blue States and Cities.
Suburbia is hell for a young person. If they’re lucky enough to have friends in the area they sit in the basement smoking weed and playing videogames all day. Alot just have no social life. The vibrancy risk is worth it for young people with no kids. My guess is that we will see a mass of families (30 somethings) move out of the city though. Don’t know much about rural areas, I’d imagine that they’re pretty cozy if you have good social networks and a decent job. But a) there are no jobs in rural areas and b) in… Read more »
This post knocks it out of the park, revealing how conservatism is and always has been nothing but concessions, surrender and retreat. Civic nationalism, of which Carlson is the most prominent avatar, really is a dead end. I have to thank people like Z Man and some of the TRS guys for making me re-evaluate our impulse to surrender to leftism at every turn. Striker, for example, recently questioned our impulse to reject higher education, formal culture (the arts and humanities), urbanity and other bastions of leftism by arguing that by continually rejecting these and ceding them to the left,… Read more »
Excellent comment. I disagree with a bit of it, but the overall condemnation of retreat as a survival strategy is dead on. Charles Murray’s recent behavior shows where that always leads, and he initially tried with half-measures such as his full-throated defense of HRC, for God’s sake. Not good enough, he learned.
That’s fair, and I’m not even sure I have it all figured out yet or necessarily agree with every nuance in the emerging “stay and fight” stance. But the “stay and fight” intellectual position is a lot more satisfying and fulfilling than the tired old “give up and regroup” “principles” of conservatism. For example, you can made a good argument that young people, especially young women, should avoid college not because it’s “leftist” but because they should wait until after they get married and have kids. There’s no reason a couple can’t get married right out of high school and… Read more »
Academia is imploding now, and it is an opportune time to infiltrate (usually as an adjunct since that is about the only position available for the foreseeable future; the issue is whether enough income can be generated). I’m mostly with you on academia and just cited Murray as to illustrate the intensity and barriers to dissent let alone entry. Murray’s greatest mistake was giving an inch because he was secure, and he more or less has discredited his own work. While adjuncts rarely move on to tenure, it is possible. Paper trails are required to do so, so a little… Read more »
Agree strongly with your point on urban living: there are plenty of people for whom deteriorating urban safety is the overarching issue and the only safe place (for now) to raise kids or look after elders is in the suburbs or countryside. I think it was Sailer’s writings that first clued me in to the power that the white working class formerly held in cities. In college we’re taught a somewhat false narrative (which only furthers our imperative to reclaim universities lest we lose our real history) that white people inherently hated cities and used “generational wealth” to flee to… Read more »
Those were great comments Conservative Retreat.
You may want to check out ” The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing” by E Michael Jones.
This is a short Ih:15minute podcast where Tim Kelly interviews Dr. Jones about that book .
Cheers !
Lurker, thanks very much! Gonna listen right now and grab a copy of the book too.
The Helton link was quite good, but the bottom line is black violence and not governmental policy per se actually drove Whites out of southwestern Philly. We could do a Venn Diagram of violence/the fear thereof and redlining working class neighborhoods to determine what caused Whites to flee. There would be some overlap but the former circle would be vastly larger than the latter. The pattern essentially was the White working class, bolstered by unions, were the power center until Black predators were brought into the mix to block bust (the link did mention this). When that ran its course,… Read more »
Eric Striker? He’s a mixed bag when he’s speaking outside of politics and fringe culture. I remember reading two particular articles on National-Justice, one on so-called “Jewish science” and another on the military. In the former, all that time spent skipping high school science and smoking weed behind the bleachers was obvious. In the latter, he pulled all the same inane conflations lefties commit – being anti-war and anti-military.
That said, he talks like he’s got an actual sack, so whatever. Hey man, we all got to get redpilled somewhere. You could do worse than this crazy dude.
I was pro-war and pro-military for decades and all it did was make Israel stronger and get White American kids killed and maimed using White American tax dollars.
It also resulted in green cards for millions of Benedict Akbar Muslims who betrayed their own countries and kin for shekels and whose kids now compete with the children of those White soldiers for jobs and college admissions.
How many Iraqi, Afghani and Syrian refugees and collaborators are flooding Israel right now?
Brevity is the soul of wit, my dude
Not everything can fit in a twitter post; this is why we have blogs and essays and books.
Last I checked the name of this website was “The Z Blog,” and ZMan takes that whole “host and sole proprietor” thing pretty seriously.
Then let us thank the proprietor for giving us a space to make such a well argued, well laid out, and contrary position.
You know, CR is saying “do what the Jews do”- urban admin is their niche, they take the commanding heights.
Not clicking “read more” is always an option if you don’t like long comments, Meme.
CR, I caught Striker’s comments on academia and urbanity. I agree with him that we should not be “anti-intellectual” but let’s keep in mind that you don’t need an Ivy PhD to know what you’re talking about. Ideology and philosophy are very important and its critical that some of Our Guys bring big brains and solid research and thinking to the table on these subjects. As for urbanity, I’ve posted on this on our members site and also brought it up in comments with Striker on TRS. Our take is “every guy needs to make his own decisions based on… Read more »
Hyperbole, the inflated language and imagery of advertising to which we have been conditioned for decades, is now the only acceptable form of public discourse. No one has to think. The middle school magic words and the non-stop visual examples of beautiful people performing sanctioned acts are expected to fill in all of the moral weight needed to make a point or to buy the product. Carlson will risk very little to save the help. He will say enough to maybe save himself. However he does it he will first accept most of the moral landscape of the anti-whites and he… Read more »
Yep, everyone sounds like.a Jew attorney. Everything is horrific, and obscene, and I am deeply troubled, and I am outraged, and it’s reprehensible. Blah blah blah
why I never liked Steven Miller. He uses those same over the top words, and in turn his immigration platform never had any heartfelt qualities that would give them power to move people. Just artificiality and hyperbole
Whites haven’t always been sheep. We used to be independent-minded and downright rebellious. This drone-like docility is something very unusual if not unprecedented.
The elites put a lot of effort into ruining european people, have to give them credit, they had demonic help though.
I get the notion of choosing sides, I just happen to think our conflict has more than two. I’m not sure what our purity test looks like but I tend to think Tucker’s pulpit (mansions notwithstanding) brings more allies to our side than any other, including Trump. I don’t begrudge Tucker’s success and don’t know if his lead-writer’s character is worthy of defense. I’m not even a Tucker apologist (I’ve only read a few of his monologues) but sense that he’s closer to our side than the Marxist rabble he mocks.. Maybe this post is setting us up for the… Read more »
I don’t want to come off as aggressively rude, but I will be succinct. How many sides can there be? I mean you either join the negro and Antifa mobs or you don’t.
Understandable response. For simplicity then, let’s go ahead and agree to two sides, Side A and Side B. Side A may be divided into constituent parts, e.g. A1, A2, A3, etc. For simplicity let’s call everyone on this site a perfect A1. Does that make A3 my enemy? Is A4 on the side of Antifa because he buys Starbucks coffee or watches the NFL? Or to answer your question … if Tucker goes along with the firing of his head writer, does that mean he’s joined the Antifa mob? Would you agree that nuance is important? Might we have impure… Read more »
I get that, but my sense is that there are only two sides. Yes, there may be derivations of a theme, or subsets within a side, but at the end of the day either your gun is pointed at Us or at Them There are many reasons people are on this side, or subsets. There are lovers of western civilization and culture, there are tradesman fearing losing their jobs to illegals, there are Christians who don’t want to see the churches in flames, there are guys who are sick over the loss of basic due process. And there is always… Read more »
I’d like to upvote and amplify what you and CAPT S said and also point out that a lot of these seeming contradictions arise from our failure, as people who can live only in one moment at a time, to consider that revolutions happen in space and time. In physics you can draw a particle’s “worldline” and it can sometimes clarify problems in relativity or particle physics. This is usually drawn with space on the x-axis and time on the Y. Since we can’t really draw 4D graphs the convention is to collapse all of 3D space to that one… Read more »
Have you noticed that splitting hairs is a white man problem?
Yeah, that’s basically true, but that is our nature. I realize the blacks do not have the problem. But should we become like them to defeat them? Maybe we have to as much as it stinks, just for the time being. That mens we beat them at their own game, and it will totally demoralize them. Then we can go back to being complicated white people
This “complicated white people’ issue is simply due to too much wealth. We didn’t used to be this complicated until we could afford to be. This too will change.
atheists do the same to christians, they throw new testament quotes at me, to make me feel guilty about not having liberal views, in their small minds they believe they expose my hypocrisy & bigotry, they literally think their pathetic mind games prove anything.
Liberals are demented humans halfway to hell, their words should not be debated, listened or contemplated.
Just troll them, I tell them to organize gay parades in Afghanistan if they think christians are bad.
Christians are bad to authorize gay parades
(I’m not in the bedroom-cop policy, everyone should fuck as they like, I’m just against any “right” in favor of minorities. Homosex should be discret as it was during thousands of years)
Its a civilized man problem. Giving up civilzation and all its bullshit restrictions is how we win but its a comfy cage and no one wants to go from what we have to a new dark age.
It’s part/parcel of having an above 80 IQ. There’s a place for simplicity but much of the real world is complex … that’s why books on ethics are 1000-page tomes.
Splitting hairs, placing abstract values over self interest, compassion for competing tribes and fairness are all white problems and only white
Depends how polarized things get and/or how how hair-splitting we wish to be. For example, in Jim Crow times, there clearly were successful, responsible Blacks, as there are today. But when segregation was mandated, the better blacks acted as a stabilizer to the all-black community. This of course has been mostly absent since 1960s at least. What relevance does this have? Now imagine a scenario where there is an actual movement towards racial separation. Such conservative Blacks (call them “Uncle Toms” — their own people sure will calling them that or worse.) would at once be our storngest “allies”, in… Read more »
This is almost certainly how it has to be. I’ve said here before that I think this will come down to a triangular configuration of black, white, and hispanic nationalists working together to defeat the parasite/globalist faction. It will be a bit confusing because some whites, (((whites))), blacks, and hispanics, will be nationalists while others fall in with the parasitic globalist elite. The various nationalist groups also would actually have some common values. Some of the mythical black and hispanic Republicans are actually not that mythical. Think of Colion Noir. Note that I’m not saying that these guys are more… Read more »
Great responses from you and Ben.
I prefer a different analogy to the two-sides paradigm. We are evolving into two distinct sub-species, one that is inherently productive by nature (old school evolution) and another that devolved into acquired parasitism. The former thrives in an environment emphasizing freedom, and the latter can only survive in an environment of authoritarianism.
If only we could become separate species. At the least, that would solve the issues of interbreeding. Unfortunately deriving a new species takes at least a few million years. I don’t think we have that long 🙁
Dutton recently divided/described the current population into two groups; those who 200 years ago would be considered normal and representative of the Darwinian concept of “fittest” and those (only now living) whom Woodley has described as spiteful mutants—those of the species that would not have survived without the modern welfare state providing protection and support for them. Dutton further states in essence that this group of people by and large suffer from genetic mutation load that 200 years ago was naturally selected out of the population, but alas has been allowed to populate and expand within the normal society. OK,… Read more »
I will find Tucker’s inevitable disavowal of this guy discouraging, but I can’t think that Tucker saying “F you!” and resigning will produce a better result for our side of the great divide. The quote about “Hypocrisy is a tribute vice pays to virtue” comes to mind here. And we have to be continuously aware that Lefty wields a very powerful weapon … virtually no one can withstand the R-word allegation, so until the time that such an allegation isn’t the reputation equivalent of a nuclear weapon, I don’t see how our side can afford to be so cavalier in how and… Read more »
Double edged sword
if Tucker becomes the standard bearer for our side, he can also completely undermine our side should he choose. Say he wakes up one day and starts crying to the camera about how wrong he’s been. Or whatever.
at that point, all the white guy fence sitters are back on the other side and are laughing at Tucker and us. “Why did I ever take you guys seriously lol. Your guy there is crying on tv What losers Going to watch a football game now Bye”
Great point.
First thing I learned here in the group is that there are no “supermen”. I appreciate the guidance all my mentors have provided me along my journey—but alas I’ve yet to find one that (at this point in time) has lead me to my final destination.
In short, when they no longer know the path, I seek others further along the way to that destination to guide me.
Good point. I’ve never been in a position to wield such authority, nor would I want to be, but it’s a grim fact that in military and other high-risk matters, sometimes you must balance sacrificing one to save ten, or ten to save a hundred, etc. It sucks to have to choose “slightly less damned” but sometimes it is a forced move. Add to this those who sit in your judgment after the fact, looking for the tiniest flaw so they can flay you to signal their own virtue, and you just add to the mental burden certain leaders must… Read more »
I suppose one last, glorious, live segment where Carlson finally comes out on the JQ would be too much to ask.
The censor would hit the ‘cut’ switch and jump to a miscegenationist commercial. Tucker would disappear into the black hole. “Nice family you got there, wouldn’t want to lose it.”
While the odds that Tucker cucks are five to one (if even that), I will hear him out tomorrow night. His mansion and family were swarmed by Marxists but he continued to broadcast in the same vein afterwards. So that garners him a little sympathy from me. Given I fully expect Tucker to cuck, tomorrow probably will be the last time I watch Fox, which actually is more insidious than CNN and MSNBC because it lulls people to sleep. If Tucker refused to comply and migrated to OAN it would be a gift to us. Again, I don’t expect that… Read more »
Here are my odds, albeit with qualifiers A. 100% cuck = 10% B. 0% cuck = 0% C. 75% cuck + 25% stick up for Neff = 70% D. 25% cuck + 75% stick up for Neff = 20% A. Throws Neff under the bus in the vein of “I knew Neff for years and NEVER knew him to be a person who would say such atrocious, abhorrent things. I’m shocked and saddened. I had considered him a friend. His personal opinions do not reflect mine or the network’s. His firing is justified and moral”. Then he taps his notecards… Read more »
Of those four, C, of course. He may be given the latitude to criticize Fox a wee bit more, but just a tad.
Nicely laid out, Falcone, but you missed the most obvious and desirable choice, as has everyone else here. Tucker can cite and quote any number of murderously vicious—including genocidal—anti-white hate-statements from well-known spokesmen on the Left who hold MSM positions or similar megaphones. When they make those statements of hatred and murder against whites, who complains? Where is the blowback? Is there ANY blowback? No. “Until those voices are noted and condemned, there is no reason to punish the mild humor of my friend and writer Mr. Neff, who is exercising his 1st Amendment right to criticize the dangerous and… Read more »
Thanks Jim. Love it !!
Yes, I missed that, depending on how he goes with it, that’s a mix of B and D.
So at least have presented an outline that can be amended 😉
I don’t much care what Mr. Carlson says on Monday. Or what his reaction “proves” about his goddamn character. I care about the importance of him and his platform to the cause. Fix your minds on the essential: We need him to remain and keep saying what he’s been saying.