The End Of The Beginning

For months now, the more cynical have suggested the lock downs will continue into the fall, as the hysteria has become something of a religion. The facts on the ground are useful to the panic party in so far as they can be used to support the idea that this plague is a curse sent from nature because of Trump. They hope the self-inflicted suffering will purge the lands of orange come November. Word now comes that they plan to cancel college football this week.

There’s no public health reason for cancelling college sports this fall or for keeping the kids of campus, which many colleges are doing. Many colleges will be on-line only this fall, meaning it will be a full year of virtual learning for their students. It was not that long ago when these very same colleges said on-line learning was terrible. Students needed personal interaction with their teachers and fellow students. Like so much that comes from the Left, that was true only while it was useful.

As far as college football, the plan was to minimize attendance at the games and make sure the players were tested on a daily basis. The only thing missing from the regime was daily dips into vats of hand sanitizer. Despite it all, the people who run big time college sports have been bullied into shutting down. This should put to rest that the people behind this stuff are motivated by money or power. They are tossing away billions and their grip on millions of people’s attention.

Sport has always been a window into what lies behind the general culture. In this case, the plight of sport reflects what is happening in society as a whole. The efforts to restart professional baseball, basketball and hockey have been a disaster, because the stripped-down versions lack essential ingredients. Like everything else about a big complicated society, sport evolved over time to work a certain way. Rebooting it without essential elements like a live audience does not work.

The people running the NBA and NHL are a reflection of the people running the country as a whole. They have the problem all outsiders have, in that they see the parts of society and can navigate through them, but they can’t see the invisible bonds that hold those parts in relation to one another. Their scheme to restart their respective sports made sense to them on paper, but to the rest of us it is like trying to impose the metric system or soccer. It’s alien and weird.

There’s also the social aspect to the popularity of sports. Football became the dominant sport because it is the best television sport. It was the one thing people could talk about at the office with no problems. It’s why so many companies encouraged their people to sport the colors of the hometown team on casual Friday. The popularity of sports like football had as much to do with their place in the social fabric as their popularity as an entertainment product. Big time sports fill a social niche.

The people in charge predicted people were suffering from a form of phantom limb syndrome and that the return of any sports would be a success. Instead, baseball, basketball and hockey are not drawing much interest. People moved on in the short time those sports were off the air. Football will most likely face the same fate if it goes dark this autumn. Sports passion is like a fire. It requires constant tending and fuel in order to keep burning. Once it goes out, it stays out.

What’s happening with sports also puts to bed the notion that the people in charge are playing 4-D chess in order to maintain their power. Keeping white people locked into sports watching was always about crowd control. Nowhere is egalitarianism and anti-racism sold harder to more white people than at a sporting event. It is the one place where multiculturalism appears to work. Take that away and normal white people are left to watch white radicals and black activists riot in the cities.

What lies ahead for sports entertainment, maybe all big-time entertainment, is what small business is facing right now. Every business has a cost structure that reflects its revenue stream. Seasonal business has seasonable const structures. Small business has low cost structures. Global sport has a cost structure that requires millions to spend billions every year. Suddenly, owning a big fancy sports arena is not such a great idea in a world where large gatherings are prohibited.

There is a general assumption that the Covid stuff comes to an end with either the defeat of Trump in November or one final tantrum in January if he wins. At that point, the practical reality of life will force this charade to come to an end. That’s true, most likely, for this phase of the process. Economic necessity will force the people in charge to relent or civil unrest will force it. Unless this is really a simulation and the base code has been altered, this cannot continue much longer.

That’s just the end of this phase. The breaking of the sports entertainment model will have far reaching consequences. Tens of millions of people will fill in the gaps left by tailgates, trips to the alma mater, weekend parties glued to the television and billions spent on sports entertainment. All of a sudden, the sort of liberal guy you used to talk to about the football team is not a guy you talk to at all. Instead of talking to the conservative guy about sports, you talk about other stuff.

Even the most basic human societies are a highly complex web of interpersonal relationships that operate within a hard to define thing we call culture. A big diverse country like America has a degree of complexity that we cannot comprehend, other than to have the wisdom to accept that reality. The people in charge have thrown sand in all the gears of the machinery, machinery that has allowed them to rise to the top of the social hierarchy. Sports will soon be the least of their problems.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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3 years ago

I, for one, am heartily sick of the sports entertainment model. If it never comes back, that is fine with me. It’s time for intelligent, politically aware whites to pull away from this propaganda machine once and for all.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Hell, I don’t even have the desire to watch an auto race any more.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hoagie
3 years ago

Increasingly, we all are spectators and at times partipants in the demolition derby of the human races 😀

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hoagie
3 years ago

Auto racing at the highest level has become little more than a high-speed safety exhibition. The danger, and thus most of the drama, has been machined out of the sport. Nowadays about the only auto racing I like is sprint car racing and, of course, the Indy 500.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago


It just took some of us a little longer to say basta.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

We “pulled away” about 40 years ago, in college, when we realized what ignorant and conceited anal orifices most of the athletes were (and probably still are). Oddly enough, the last pro-bb game we saw was with Lew Alcindor. Some time later, we started attending the hockey games! To this day, we still consider hockey — even though we never followed it afterwards — to be far more interesting and exciting than any of the other sports: it requires speed, balance, individual and team coordination, and competitive aggression. The fact that sticks flew and the gloves came off on ocassion… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

The only pro sport I’ve ever enjoyed watching is boxing. But sports entertainment provides a nice diversion to keep people’s attention away from other things, other things that frankly most people probably should ignore. That has (possibly) become apparent in the last few months. All these people getting woke and going out in the streets might very well be the same people who filled their time in the BC (before covid) era with sports.

3 years ago

I’m skeptical that we’ll ever return to normal – the Karens simply enjoy this too much.

They needed a new religion and they sure as hell found one.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

And instead of sacrificing animals or giving up meat, they sacrifice facial recognition and human contact. Sad!

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Oh, please, do not forget the life-sustaining essential medical procedures!

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Yeah, i have i realized that i smile alot to ease human interactions. Sorta like i will say something like “what are you looking at kid” to a little kid, teasing. and smile to let them know i’m joking. doesn’t go over well with a mask. Mom hustles em off right quick.

Reply to  SidVic
3 years ago

Exactly…I didn’t realize how much I casually smile to people I pass, if we make eye contact. Now I just give them a weird stare.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

If they’re wearing a mask and/or gloves, laugh at them. Snigger loudly. I had a couple of Han scurry out of my way in the grocery store today because, as always, my mask was around my neck. I guffawed. No one ever asks what I’m laughing at – they know.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

You are a very unusual woman. lol. You and RFF. Bet you have few women friends.
You are a very unusual woman. lol. You and RFF. Bet you have few women friends.
ps-if you jess, clean up internet profile or you might dox yourself.

Last edited 3 years ago by SidVic
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

You hit the nail on the head of my thoughts last night. I went out to run an errand among the sheeple and the thing I found most off-putting was in evidence, and jarring. It is how CONTENT the Corona Walkers®, aka “The Muzzled®” seemed. Muzzles worn way beyond any requirement to. With this bovine look in the eyes, as The Muzzled interact with fellow Muzzled, doing all manner of stupid things that prove the idiocy of their Muzzling as a form of disease avoidance. They stand very close, drop their mask when their muzzled mouth cannot make words understandable… Read more »

Reply to  BoomGenZ
3 years ago

Time was when you could spot a “nutter” a good way off by the way that they talked loudly to themselves, and take avoiding action. Sadly the invention of the mobile phone scuppered that. But now, we have masks, normal people take them off at the first opportunity, and nutters don’t. I don’t know if this is quite worth the hassle of having to go muzzled into Tesco’s, but at least it’s some small compensation.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

Welcome to female empowerment.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

They need checked. Men speak up!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

This truly has become a religion so I’m not sure how you turn it off. CDC excess deaths – presumably the cleanest number we can use – show that the country was barely above the threshold in late July, i.e. by now the country likely doesn’t have any excess deaths. Total excess deaths for the year a bit above 100k, so the flu times two. Even using the exaggerated Covid numbers, Virginia’s 7-day death average is six per day – and falling. An average of six deaths per day in a state of 8.5 million, i.e. if that figure kept… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Excess deaths must also be compared to *fewer* deaths (and their ascribed causes and broken down by age) in future months/years. In that manner we obtain an estimate of how many years of life have been taken by the scamdemic.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Do you have a link to the 100,000 excess death total? Multiple searches on my end turn up a lot of BS from the usual suspects. Whatever the number is, it has to be taken into account that some of it will be caused by the fact that panic porn caused some to eschew emergency medical service for life-threatening but treatable issues. The increase in suicides will also account for some of that number. Of course it’s fair enough to point out that traffic fatalities are down.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

If Biden wins, the masks will be gone within a year. Months into his presidency they will find a black woman doctor to declare that the disease has receded and that we must return to face to face community building.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

The Karen types are definitely enjoying this new religion. However, I think in general, way too many people of all stripes have bought into the coronatard hysteria hook, line & sinker. I just can’t see all those dweebs giving up their GD masks or “social distancing” anytime soon. On a sports related note, pretty much the only thing I watch anymore is golf. But even that without fans is weird. There’s no real drama or vibe. The Masters is supposed to be held in November and I believe they’ve indicated there’ll be no fans – oh, I mean “patrons” allowed.… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

For years I’ve hated the word community (ponderously pronounced as Kommoonihteee). Now I have added ‘social distancing,’ ‘together,’ and especially ‘safe.’ Once the gloves are off, ‘safe’ and ‘kind’ will be killing words for me.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

The PGA Championship this past weekend was pretty darn good, but would have been great with galleries.
Hey, at least the players are relatively conservative and aren’t kneeling before each tee shot. Of course some of the sponsors sneak in their woke messages now and then.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

Things can never return to normal, because precedent has been set. The government—State and Federal—have used executive authority and by and large have been supported by the Courts in doing so. Cessation of mask wearing and resumption of assembly will only serve to make us forget what trashing the Constitution took. Not that anyone posting here was under any illusions prior to this scamdemic. 🙁

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Not only that, but businesses are now divided into two classes, essential and non-essential. When the entrepreneur goes to the bank for a business loan, there will be one rate for essential businesses, and another for non-essential enterprises of the sort that may be shut down at a moments notice by executive diktat. Likewise with commercial landlords and rent agreements, local authorities and business rates (taxes), and no doubt suppliers, commercial equipment providers and any other part of the business “ecosystem” that you care to think of.

Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

Good catch. Just on the local radio today was a business person that could not secure his loan by the Feds in the initial days of the first bail out since he was slighted by the banks distributing the funds—he was small potatoes.

Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

One of the many reasons some countries remain or become shitholes is that it’s very hard to develop an economy if the smart and industrious fraction of your population has no reason to believe that their hard work and investment will benefit them. In a few months the US has gone from being a nation with perhaps the world’s most confident business and investment climate to one similar to places like Venezuela where everyone knows that one’s “private property” exists only at the whim of the apparatchiks. Basically, the Karen Komrades flushed 200 years of economic confidence in a few… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

We are a dying empire, a dying nation. Such things bullies are cowards who will submit to any indignity to just go on another day. Do remind yourself that none of the problems in the US can be solved except by diktat. We degraded to the point where the President is the one who has to pass emergency budgets by executive order to prevent a complete economic collapse. This is a slap in the face of our system to say the least not to mention pathetic. Ultimately the only way our guys can get things to our view of normal… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

The phrase, “If men were angels…”, comes to mind often for me. You’ve touched on the essence of my recurring dilemma. We are all fallen. Can anyone of us receive such power and not be corrupted?

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Of course not. Its not a hard question to deal with though.
If you want to win though all you have to do is a set a very few moral parameters and simply do what it takes to win within those parameters.
Its not more complex than this.
That ideology I’m always going in about. Its meant to contain those rules. Include them.

Last edited 3 years ago by abprosper
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

If when the DR gets power we may not have a religion to back us, far too many on our side me included aren’t very religious. One thing we will have is a guarantee that the political participation of women or at the least unmarried and childless ones will be limited.

3 years ago

I have posted here before about the place professional and college sports used to hold in my life and that of my family. Speaking just for me and my house, the fall-off of interest is remarkable. What was once intense interest and involvement is now nil. From season tickets, gear, buying both hometown newspapers at lunch hour just to read the sports pages to zilch. From attending to not just NOT reading the sports-related news nor following standings to ZFG (for those that rant about the use of acronyms but do not take the time to search them, that means… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  BoomGenZ
3 years ago

Welcome to the club.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

Glad to be in. The reason I pipe up is that I see a lot of these “I never liked/followed/played sports” posts out there, when the talk is about pro/college sports. So nerds are filled with all kinds of schadenfreude seeing the big bad jocks go down, after all those times in middle and high school, blah-blah. From my perspective, sports was a crucial tool used to raise healthy kids. All of mine took part in organized sports, I coached multiple sports, and so on. I don’t have anything whatsoever against sports per se. Me and my kids all still… Read more »

Reply to  BoomGenZ
3 years ago

I too enjoy sports- mostly the white ones like baseball, (sort of) hockey and lacrosse. I can still play golf, but my Wednesday Night Hockey (TM) is postponed until further notice. It bugs me that all this is gone because of the Bleepin flu. Also, no college sports, which eliminates a big part of what’s good about living in a college town. I know despair is a sin, but I feel so helpless about all of this.

Reply to  BoomGenZ
3 years ago

From my perspective, sports was a crucial tool used to raise healthy kids. 
Yea I would agree if you raised your kids in the city but out here in the country we didn’t have time to waste playing games…We had ranches and farms to run along with hunting, fishing, shooting, camping and a whole host of other things…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

Not all sports are bouncy ball kids games. Every kid you love should be trained in an effective combat sport. This is in the best classical tradition going back to the greeks and makes even more sense with the world as it is today.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  BoomGenZ
3 years ago

>My two sons were into running fantasy leagues. No mas. Among the family, including the in laws, it’s like the entire sports world disappeared. What was once the opening salvo of conversations at gatherings just never gets started. Now it is about your new garden, repairs on your boat, working from home, and among our group, the stupidity of sheeple and Corona Walkers®. Both sides of my extended family have not started a Fantasy League. Mind you, this was almost a religious ceremony with them, and usually was the topic of 80% of their conversations. I got peer pressured into… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
3 years ago

All of a sudden, the sort of liberal guy you used to talk to about the football team is not a guy you talk to at all. Instead of talking to the conservative guy about sports, you talk about other stuff. Sports aside from its bread and circuses aspect has always served as a social lubricant between people who have little in common. This included spectator sports and participation weekend warriors. Since both are off the table differences and hostilities are now more apparent. Multicultural environments have become pressure cookers. Some try to hold their tongue and search for cooperative… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Yves Vannes
3 years ago

Multi-culti societies likely always end up at this point. You can’t avoid it. At some point, everything become politicized because everything is a battleground for protecting your group. You can’t let any area go unchallenged because another group can use it to get ahead.

The Progressives are right to call out fence-sitting CivNat Whites. They were always hiding behind their “I’m colorblind” BS. Pick a side, you pansies.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

CivNat Whites. Sometimes you don’t get to pick your enemies, sometimes they pick you.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

You know what’s really going to suck for the colorblind civnats is when they are facing the brown hoard and their NABALT shoots them in the back of the head and becomes the hero to his brothers and then rapes and kills their families…Kind of like what is happening in SA…You would think white people would be smart enough to learn from others deadly mistakes but alas the brainwashing is too great…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Yves Vannes
3 years ago

The current pandemic [of government sponsored hysteria] offers a novel opportunity to the novel coronavirus. Since we are supposed to be socially distancing, this gives those averse to race- and other- mixing, to avoid unwanted people, places and things. Of course, our own gatherings are similarly restricted, whether by health guidelines or laws, but we now have a “legitimate” reason to shy from certain peoples. This should be a valid reason, at least until the Civil Rights Act is amended to prohibit discirmiantion based on epidemiological status 🙂

Fentanyl Floyd
Fentanyl Floyd
3 years ago

Good, I’m glad sportsball has been unwittingly destroyed. Video games are the opiate of the American First zoomer, but sportsball is the opiate of the America First boomer.
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Liberty Mike
Reply to  Fentanyl Floyd
3 years ago

Thank you.

Your post has just made my day.

Reply to  Fentanyl Floyd
3 years ago

May that viewer come to reflect upon the meaning of “14.”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

And “13” and “50” in the first panel.

Reply to  Adalbert
3 years ago

The 13 and the 50 represent the % of negroes in the population and the % of violent crimes they commit. I also noted the “420”. But what is the 14?

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago
If I recall, National Review had some rant about how evil it was, indirectly.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” COUNT THE # OF WORDS. You have just consumed another DR red pill. You’re welcome.

Reply to  Maus
3 years ago

Thanks, I should have known that.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Fentanyl Floyd
3 years ago

Video games are the opiate of the American First zoomer No worries on that. The usual suspects are pouring extreme amounts of poz into vidya as well. There will be no refuge for any white males that isn’t completely poisoned by anti-white messaging. It is getting harder & harder to find any video game developers that don’t throw current year propaganda in your face just like movies, TV, sports. The str0nk empowered wahmen protagonist, the lesbo BIPOC muslim who the vast majority of teen / twentysomething males (primary vidya demographics) can certainly relate to… The good news is, by pushing… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Apex Predator
3 years ago

I have many a relative who are still terrified of the Virus, and this morning I tuned into NPR around 7:10am CST and there were various women crying about the Virus. So I immediately turned it off. (Actually switched to the Z Blog Power Hour.)
Point is, only a vaccine will stop the madness. It will not be the election or general revolt. Half the country is content to cry and isolate, are more still are content to muddle through it, if not be amused by it.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

To stop the COVID craze the goal is not to have an effective vaccine but rather a vaccine we will call effective.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  tonaludatus
3 years ago

Is not the common cold a coronavirus or some variant thereof?

Is there a vaccine for the common cold?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

Yes, coronaviruses are a whole family of viruses, human and otherwise. According to Wkipedia, there has not been a vaccine against human coronaviruses. I think there is one or move vaccines for animals. We’ve already had one knowledgeable person weigh in today. I find it interesting, if dismaying, that he claims the vaccines only give limited protection in animals. This squares with predictions so far for human immunity to COVID-19, whether from vaccine or natural immunity.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Damn, that’s cynical. That plan will only fly with a (D) in the White House.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Cynical, but prescient. Z’s prediction has been my prediction all along. We can cite experience with the more common flu “vaccine”. Taking into account the failure rate of both the vaccine itself and the rate of inoculation, one arguably can state a less than 50% success rate in a good year. Coronachan will be with us forever, the only change we will see is a die down of panic porn when the narrative no longer suits those seeking power and control. As Barry Goldwater said of the Vietnam war, we should “declare victory and go home”. That’s exactly what will… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

My guess is that the wind-down plan will be to release some sort of vaccine that has been designed to favor safety over efficacy especially because of the known problems with antibody retention. In other words, even a 100% effective vaccine that wears off in a few weeks or months isn’t worth much more than a 75% one and if the 75% one is much safer they will go with that. The point will be threefold: Create a new industry centered around vaccine manufacture, vaccine virtue signalling, and “vaccine privilege”. Imagine the mask rules being modified so that you can… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

A placebo for the planet. Well hell, why not?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

This is in line with what I’m envisioning. That would give them cover to roll out health passports, for which you just know they’re champing at the bit. I can’t see them being as brazen as actually using something like saline. They’ll absolutely create it from a novel substance that will give the Science! crowd a tingle down there.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It would be ok if it was only saline but I doubt our “betters” will let the opportunity go by to mass inoculate 300 million of the unwashed with the special sauce they certainly been working on for years.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Well saline or not they will still give you the chip/MotB

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

A cunning plan! I like it.

Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

Thanks, Baldrick!

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Sadly we’re in that uncomfortable twilight zone between all out Communism and a merely dishonest and oppressive media ruled oligarchy. Once you get to Real Communism you can just inject people with saline, Pravda CNN then announces that the “vaccine” is 127% effective (it goes back in time and cures people before they got the virus) and then everybody who says they saw the medics taping “vaccine” stickers over the word “saline” gets sent to haul logs over the ice road in Siberia Canada. Even electing Comrade Joe won’t bring in True Communism fast enough so I think they’re going… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

This seems to be the necessary approach to quiet the hysteria.

Andy Texan
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

My plan it to jail the corporate CEO’s of the press, make reporting on COVID a felony and cease all testing. That would also stop the bullshit. When no one is reporting it or being tested then people no longer care

Reply to  tonaludatus
3 years ago

This is my thought, too. A vaccine will be announced to great fanfare, no matter its efficaciousness, particularly if Sundown Joe staggers across the finish line. And just as they twist the stats to inflate the danger of Wuhan flu, they will torture the same stats to show how effective the vaccine is.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

No way will the MSN allow a “vaccine” to be trotted out before Nov. 3. Forgive muh election conspiracy, but our ruling class would rather see 40K more seniors & diabetics die than see Trump take credit for a vaccine.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

You could add at least one more 0 to that number.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tonaludatus
3 years ago

Even the much maligned Dr. Fauci just said that he didn’t think a vaccine would 60-70% effective. And the vaccine doesn/t even exist yet.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  tonaludatus
3 years ago

Here’s an article from zero hedge talking about a group of doctors that are tired of the drug hydroxychloroquine being demonized, and are willing to do something about it.

“Big Pharma’s ‘Narrative’ Is Failing.”

Oh, and about the sports thing. If the universe was one solid mass of infinitly dense indifference, it still wouldn’t match my indifference to sports.

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Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  tonaludatus
3 years ago

…with a side effect that unduly enriches a few drug purveyors and Fauci & Friends.

Reply to  tonaludatus
3 years ago

And that people will take. Something like 70% of people would refuse the virus out of an entirely justifable fear that a rushed vaccine would be dangerous if not deadly.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I’ve heard that one of the result’s of the interruption of “normal” access to doctors has been a reduction in baby’s vaccinations: Now 16 per DCD recommendations by age 6 months.

I also hear that there’s a reduction in SIDS deaths and cases of autism.

Pharma bought their immunity from the political filth for a reason.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Bill Sardi on Lew Rockwell? Guy made a lot of sense. Also fewer heart attacks because of people taking vitamin C if memory serves.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

There is a huge, worldwide (or at least across the Western world), coordinated campaign to make the future covid vaccine mandatory.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The flu vaccine doesn’t really work either and many people are lining up to get it.

Look at the chart:

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Flu vaccine is based upon the previous year’s flu strain. By the time the vaccine is available, flu season is well underway. I believe that’s why so many folks suffer flu after getting the jab. It’s not the shot, it’s all the surfaces and people you encounter to get the shot.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

I’m not sure I care what the exact mechanism is, all I know is that for me personally I get sicker than a dog for 10-14 days when I get the jab.

No jab, no illness.

The other thing that bothers me about the flu vaccine is how they brag about using Australia as a model for the annual US vaccine.

That is pure garbage science on the authorities’ part. There are myriad reasons why Australia is not even close to being a good model for the US.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

There are at least a couple of COVID-19 strains identified last I paid attention a few months ago. How many more mutate, who knows. Kickers now seem to be whether immunity persists, and whether one can develop a vaccine using a part of the virus *not* susceptible to the known mutation point. I admit to being beyond my depth here. Just food for thought.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Z Man said: “They must first come up with a vaccine first, something that I think is unlikely.”

Do you think they actully care if the vaccine is effective? Look at the opioid crisis. They don’t give a crap how many people they kill, as long as the moneys good.

Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

I’m not sure the end of the madness is dependent on anything. I’m guessing the Coronafest goes the way of most fads – one day you just realize nobody is wearing masks anymore and life has mostly gone back to normal. I’d say it’s more dependent on people’s attention spans than it is on any actual events on the ground.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 years ago

If it was dependent upon the average attention span, Coronageddon would have lasted about a week.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 years ago

I’m just glad the war on health isn’t as strong as the war on terror was out of the gate. Truthers might be a minority at this point but it isn’t nearly as lonely as it was in ‘02.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

My Dad passed away a few years ago. He would have ignored this shit completely and simply traveled to other states if he wasn’t allowed to play golf. Unfortunately, my Mom is now bored and alone. She watches way to much news and has become completely paranoid. When I tell her that her grandkids have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than dying of covid, she simply doesn’t believe me (even when I remind her I’ve had graduate-level statistics).

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

Propaganda works.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

I have found the same thing with many no-longer-young women. Oprah and the View are their sources of truth. Full stop.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

If the vaccine will be made available while Trump is still President, then the narrative will be: “If we can’t trust this president, how can we trust this vaccine?”; “Is Trump trying to chip everyone?”; “We still need a lockdown ….” Etc. HCQ+Z-pac+Zinc as well as nebulized Budesonide are safe and effective and, compared to any newly-developed drug, cheap. My respect for physicians — and not just professional sports and its brainwashed afletes — has taken a nosedive during the last 6 months. And I remain unsure as to what I disrespect more: their lack of medical knowledge or their… Read more »

Reply to  TeachEm2Think
3 years ago

The AMA could have done themselves a lot of good by suing all the dipshit Governors for practicing medicine without a license.
Meanwhile I’ve re-discovered these guys, for a more reality based view,

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

It’s ok when we practice without a license 😀

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

It’s ok when we’re winning and they’re losing. Truth is the first casualty in war and all that.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

I’ve been wondering where our supposedly litigious society has been for the last six months myself. I can easily see several trillion in damages being assessed from the lockdowns. Of course, our crooked governors’ pockets aren’t deep enough to pay that much but the media companies have enough to at least begin to pay back the debt and one could easily widen the circle of culpability to bankrupt the entire ruling class.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Well, it would have made for nice headlines, at least. But the AMA has no standing (it is not a government agency charged with enforcing medical practice laws). Each individual state board of medicine has that authority. Those boards are the ones that should have taken action, although ironically, it is usually enforced by the attorney general (at least once it gets out of the agency proceedings and into a court), who is part of the executive branch along with the governor. So the governor would essentially be suing himself.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

They aren’t sticking me, nor do I relish being around people shedding whatever vaccine detritus. Let the fearful self-segregate and waste away. I’ve lived the Swedish model for the last five months. So far so good.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Ah right. You mean the pre-planned vaccine that will be required in order for us all to do our banking, make grocery purchases, etc?
That vaccine?
The one that probably includes a sterilization element to it that Bill Gates “accidentally” used in Africa already?
Yeah, cuz a vaccine is a great idea.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Good Drinking Game: Randomly turn on NPR anytime during the day and take a shot whenever a story mentions gays, women’s oppression in western countries, trans, black lives matter, did I mention gays….

Actually, you’d be dead from alcohol poisoning in 20 minutes. Disregard.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

In retrospect, the Republican proposals to abolish NPR (back in Reagan years) were a good idea. It turns out that the bluegrass, jazz and classical music don’t make up for the “public affairs” programming 🙂

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Used to be an NPR junkie. Haven’t listened in a decade, after a report that tea-partiers were destroying New Hampshire democracy. That snapped me out of it quick.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Public media in general should have been abolished long, long ago.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

The bottom quarter-hour of NPR is nothing but Intersectionality News & Diversity Report. They have to put all that shite in the news hour because of paymasters and 20-something new hires. But the top 15 minutes is more sober, because I guess they are reluctant to offend what remains of the Old Left which pines for Cronkite.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

The estrogen at NPR is so pervasive that you listen long enough, you will start to ovulate in synch with Steve Inskeep.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

The women all uptalk, and the guys all sound like fags

3 years ago

The biggest paradox about the cancellation of college football (and likely hoops too) is that while the advocates of killing the season claim student-athlete safety is the primary driver, the student athletes are far more likely to be safer in the controlled environment on a campus rather than at home. With no season, that means no TV money, no ticket income and much-reduced merchandise sales. The big schools in the Power 5 can survive a year of this, but if there is no spring season (no reason to believe that one will happen), but the smaller Group of 5 schools… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

The same thing is going on with religion. My pastor shared some stats with us. People are now staying home on Sundays. They would rather garden and Watch Netflix. They were just going through the motions all along. No surprise. I wonder how much of it has to do with pastors canonizing St. George over the last few months. It makes sense that so many people are picking tomatoes and saying, “wait a minute, I’m not at church and I’m perfectly happy. And I don’t have to hear that negro stuff.”

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I was driving through a small town, and the sign at the Catholic Church said ‘St. Corona pray for us’. I have no idea what the point was (just a joke I think) but sure was funny.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Approve your message not because I’m a Godless athiest doomed to enternal damnation 🙂 but because you make an excellent point on the brainwashing machine churches (among other institutions) have become. Christians, you’ll be better off starting your own fellowships. Unless you need the rituals, study your books and meet in private. That is exactly what the first Christians did. Same risk of swapping germs (actually less, since you’ll probably be a smallar group) and probably much better signal-to-noise if you devote your time to reading, discussion, etc.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Christianity doesn’t require a church. Matthew 18:20 of course.
However a Christian society does which is not as good.
Also while you didn’t intend it as such, gardening is very telling. White people aren’t naturally Christians. That’s a desert thing. We are naturally more Pagan. On a gut level for a lot of us picking tomatoes is far more holy than listening to stories about someone elses native land

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

Buy a statue of St. Francis of Assisi for the garden. Mother church wants you back 🙂

c matt
c matt
Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

I’ll see your 18:20 and raise you a 16:18.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I gave up on the Catholic church long ago.

Yeah, I’m gonna sit there and listen to some pedo tell me how to live a better, more moral life, just before he tells me that God needs my money, so I should send it all to the pedo now.

3 years ago

In these troubled times few things bring as much joy as a video of pantifa colliding violently with reality, usually in the form of someones fist but increasingly the end of a barrel. The self clowning of pro athletes is one of those things. I gave up sports in the 90s. However in the last few years i have returned. Oh, i dont watch the games- but every monday during football season i eagerly look up the TV ratings and when they have declined i get that old rush, that subtle euphoria that all is right in your world when… Read more »

Reply to  Michael
3 years ago

I appreciate your creation of a new pun: “pantifa.”
Well done, sir.

Come to think of it, maybe we could even add to it and call it “Plantifa.”
(I like to add the “L” in there, to illustrate the strategy of all this.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Carrie
Reply to  Carrie
3 years ago

Plantifa does a good job of capturing the way Cloudies groom the deranged and give them bus tickets, some porn money and baby oil to gather in the the latest hotspot of anti-white activism. But for summing the essence of the never date, swipe left loser who makes up the ranks of antifa all must bow before Stalin, who gave us “useful idiot”.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Michael
3 years ago

Plaxico Burress, Vontaze Burfect, Monsanto Pope and Lusaka Polite–the brain trust.

Enjoy the Show
Enjoy the Show
3 years ago

While there’s no public health reason for closing schools or colleges this fall, I’m glad they’re all getting closed because the left is getting anxious about what this will mean for indoctrination: How much you wanna bet the right will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and demand all this crap be opened back up? While the left is certainly milking the pandemic to flex their anarcho-tyranny—like letting blacks shoot each other up at house and block parties while keeping churches shuttered^—their anxiety and waffling suggests they’re not exactly following a plan. This is quite contrary to the brainless… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Enjoy the Show
3 years ago

Liberals are already getting on the no government school bandwagon with ‘pods’. It’s basically a homeschooling co-op with a hip new name.
Makes one wonder how many libs we could covertly convert to our causes if we just had sleek marketing and gave them an ability to virtue signal.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The problem with virtue signaling is that the signal is always more important than the virtue. As a famous carpenter once said, whenever you do something for the praise of men, the praise you receive is your reward. Virtue signalers are terrible allies because they are exclusively motivated by public validation, so they will always conform to the standards with loudest megaphone, and will always practice piety instead of principle. It’s best to leave them out of it altogether.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

You don’t want them. They’d just ruin it. All they do is ruin and move on to something else.

Reply to  Enjoy the Show
3 years ago

“Same applies to the riots and looting—avoid the FBI’s call to “boogaloo”…”

This, emphatically. The feds will round up the occasional Marinus van der Lubbe. The media already makes sure to put all the Marinus van der Lubbe look-a-likes that do bad things front and center – any crazy eyed white guy, mug shots for all to see.
The only ones that don’t see what is being done have the IQ of Marinus van der Lubbe.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Enjoy the Show
3 years ago

We live in odd times, where feral Blacks and radical White youth allies march peacefully which is ok, but often assault, damange, riot, destroy, burn, maim and sometimes kill, which is not really such a good idea. I wonder if it’s occured to such radicals that images of burning cities doesn’t really help to win over the undecided? How many normal people are going to think it’s a wise move to grant a voice to people who burn down their own neighborhoods and loot other areas?

Peaceful Protestor
Peaceful Protestor
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

“march peacefully which is ok”
Not a single march has been legitimate or peaceful. Not one. Even if the marchers aren’t actively smashing, tearing down, punching, shooting, carjacking, extorting or looting, they’re still chanting and screaming for white blood.

Please don’t give these people any legitimacy. They have no right to march. None. They are all violent in their deeds and words alike.

BLM by its very nature is antiwhite terrorism. A single BLM banner is terrorism.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peaceful Protestor
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Peaceful Protestor
3 years ago

I don’t suport BLM in any way. I do, however, defend their right to free speech, etc. Our country has a long tradition, still almost unique in the world, of imposing very few limits on private thought and expression. Consider: You have freedom to call them “antiwhite terroists,” and indeed maybe they are. But they are free to speak, etc. in a legal matter. Of course, if they riot and commit other violence, then yes the full punishment of the law should fall upon them. If you are so ready to limit the rights of other citizens, what right do… Read more »

3 years ago

There are some keywords to get to those that are of a like mind. At one employer, I recall a conversation where the notion of an accurate scale arose. I mentioned that my scale was graduated in a number of measures, including grains and Troy ounces. He looked at me a bit cock-eyed and then I found a group of like minded folks. It happened at other places, also. I don’t watch sports, I don’t talk sports, I don’t read sports. If the conversation goes there, I politely walk away It looks like those Burn Loot Murder and antifa goons… Read more »

3 years ago

NHL is more pozzed than some people realize. They have posted around the 2 arenas that are hosting games the retarded slogan “We Skate for Black Lives” and players are wearing BLM t shirts to practice and to some press conferences. They have had some players kneel and allowed dumbass Dumba to give a pathetic BLM speech before play resumed. All this for a league that has about 5 black players and even fewer black fans. I’m done with these anuses too.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Wackadoo
3 years ago

My knowledge of ice hocket is limited to one Capitals game. Movie suggestion: 1982’s The Cutting Edge, a romantic comedy with enough hockey interest to keep the men interested (Moira Kelly’s ass similarly) 😀

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
3 years ago

Your analogy of throwing sand int an extremely complex gearbox is good one
The only way to make it work again is to fully take it apart , clean it, replace/repair damaged parts and put it back together
Mechanics to the job are empowered females You are the one to drive the car afterwards

Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
3 years ago

It’s amazing how many women are out rioting in places experiencing rioting. They are the most unhinged too.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago
Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

As I said before that lasts until police actually push back. It is really easy to be brave when you aren’t having your ass beat, being tear gassed, and hit with rubber bullets. Or worse, live ammo, in which case you will see ALL the grad students, POCs, and wahmen scatter faster than you can say sucking chest wound.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

I can explain that. The “feminine” has been rising for a few decades. Have you ever gotten married or participated closely in planning a wedding? The sane men back way the Hell out and all the women involved think it’s all about them, individually. Bride: “it’s my awesome day! I get what I want, to the total exclusion of everyone else”. Mother of the bride: “my daughter is getting married, this is about what I want (ahem!, for ‘her’). Bridesmaids: “my god this bridesmaids dress is fucking hideous, why did she pick these?” Mother of the groom: “these bitches are… Read more »

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
3 years ago

The end of the sports obsession is going to be one of the few good things to come out of the whole 2020 sh*tshow. When the history of this era is written, the overt politicization of sports is going to go down as a major miscalculation by the Left – wait and see. They could have kept normies anesthetized until it was too late, but the thought of normal hetero white guys were enjoying themselves was just too much. The college football thing in particular is a big deal – the SEC is an ersatz religion in the South, and… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

A Southern State changed their flag to allow the football poz to continue. A cocaine addiction seems a walk in the park compared to weaning southerners off sports.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I lived in South Carolina for a few years. Their “support the troops” enthusiasm is nothing compared to their zeal for college football. I concluded that there is a choice of 5 religions in SC: Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, USC and Clemson. You can pick any two and at least one must be USC or Clemson.

Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Same in FL in the old days, you be a Gator fan, or root for the Semi-hole Half Assed Injuns at the girls school up north. U of M still sucked under Saban’s dad. Hadn’t thought up the strategy of recruiting through juvie parole officers yet.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

I always the that the FSU Seminole Indian mascot looked like a drag queen.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Pronounced Klimpson, I’m told…

David Wright
3 years ago

Maybe the death will come when disinterest reaches critical mass. How many millions now don’t watch tv realizing that their interest just kept waning until one day they ask what are they doing?

Still, what becomes of America if television viewing and sports addiction crash? People think this is the perfect opportunity to wake people up and effect the change we want in this country. It would be nice but how much things change, not so sure.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

”Still, what becomes of America if television viewing and sports addiction crash?”
porn & video games, this is not 60s-70s where all you’ve got is sports

Last edited 3 years ago by sentry
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Some people are waking up to that too:

bruce charlton
bruce charlton
3 years ago

@ZMAN – Good (and honest!) analysis – as usual. I guess you are aware of the UN 2030 Agenda and (the same thing) The Great Reset plans of the World Economic Forum (the Davos people)? What’s happening seems wholly consistent with these explicit plans. This isn’t a secret, they are keenly tellling us what’s coming – the difficulty is in believing that They really are serious about this stuff. Well, apparently They *are* serious, and They are going ahead with it – more and more obviously with each passing week – although obviously Not for the pseudo-humanitarian and environmentalist reasons… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  bruce charlton
3 years ago

The fact that they are intentionally destroying the institutions they used to use to keep the sheep distracted – sports/entertainment, travel/tourism, bars and restaurants, recreational shopping centers, etc. – is concerning. What are their post Covid plans – 24/7 struggle sessions lead by Big Sister AOC broadcast on the big screens of all the gulags coast to coast?

3 years ago

Sportsball (particularly the NFL) was in trouble before the pandemic. The attraction among my Gen-X co-hort was waning. The truth is that fantasy sports leagues and gambling kept the show afloat for the past couple of years. I’m sure the gamblers go back, but I am not sure about the fantasy leagues. As for actual attendance, I expect a significant drop.

Personally, I am thrilled. I stopped watching many years ago and now I don’t have to pretend.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
3 years ago

I would say gambling, either directly on games or through fantasy, is the major remaining driver in adult interest in pro sports. There are very few people left who are passionately following the home team just for the love of the game.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

I’m not sure why in hindsight, but the last time I went to an NFL game (free tickets, still not worth it) I was shocked that the big gambling concerns had huge ads throughout the stadium. I figured then (years ago) that they were now the tail wagging the dog.

3 years ago

Going through the college issues right at the moment. In one instance have had very pointed discussions that, as a “full payer” at a private school, fail to see the value of all on-line classes and intent is to not send my child back for the fall semester. They seemed genuinely surprised that the milk cow suddenly went on strike. As things have developed, it looks like about a quarter of the incoming freshman have opted to defer—and believe this is skewed to the “payers” which is now causing a panic. This is the first time that the iron hand… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

One can hope. But having spent some time in the academy, my suspicion is that the university system will continue their decline. That is to say, their online outreach will produce even less effective instruction, but will continue to pass out phony degrees in meaningless courses of “study”. Credentialism has been the name of the game for decades now. This will be more apparent in the weaker courses of study, less so in STEM—which online courses will not make a dent in. Some colleges and universities will of course go under, but the only thing that will break their back… Read more »

3 years ago

Strange times indeed, and the future is a big unknown when you teeter on a precipice. Last week, a former big time pro football veteran, and now local sports talk radio host, went on a public rage rant denouncing this country as endemically racist and the worst scourge since Attila the Hun. You’d think every suburban neighborhood was holding a biweekly lynching according to his theory of our current culture. When old white jocks jump the shark, end times can’t be far off.

Last edited 3 years ago by TomA
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

You’d think every suburban neighborhood was holding a biweekly lynching according to his theory of our current culture.

One can dream…

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Wait… so was said radio host and former footballer a Jogger or YT?

Last edited 3 years ago by Carrie
Reply to  Carrie
3 years ago

He is white, of Germanic heritage, and very well known in these parts. One of the last people I would ever have expected to go full SJW. And he was spitting intense passion into the microphone during his 5 minute rant on the radio. It was shocking, even to a jaded old fart like me. I’m done with AM radio now too.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

His name?

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

The White Patriarchy created the only society that has ever given women equal rights,
Every black woman in America should be thankful she’s not in a country run by blacks.

Last edited 3 years ago by bilejones
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

That’s a deeply racist and sexist comment. Everybody in America should be thankful he/she/it’s not in a country run by blacks.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

It’s run by blacks now. Indirectly.

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I guess I’d call in and ask him why he’s just talking about this NOW?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

“In other news, it was revealed today that Black homicide rates are about four times the rest of the country’s, that 92% of Blacks killed are by other Blacks. Reports of police killing them without cause have been vastly overstated, sources admitted.”
…No, I didn’t hear the announcement either 🙂

3 years ago

Well put, Zman. We’ve all heard about how sports used to be an escape to a politics-vacant territory in American culture. Also how sports portrayed itself as an example of a society where racial harmony, cooperation, and friendship prevailed (the NFL network was good at this between 2009 and 2015). But this post suggests that sports provides a stage on which people can find something to talk about despite profound disagreement elsewhere in their lives, despite differences in class and race. It also absorbs male competitive instincts that might otherwise get out of control. It pacifies political passions, and helps… Read more »

3 years ago

Maybe slightly off-topic, but maybe still related: Has anyone else noticed that the “D”s have not yet declared a running mate to go with their Alzheimer’s / Dementia patient? (My apologies to all other Alzheimer’s & Dementia patients…) As I was chatting with my Mom yesterday, we were hypothesizing (I think rightly) that it’s already August, and still no announcement about Lunchbucket Joe’s running mate. We suspect that some time around the middle of next month (or maybe even later), they will announce the Veep slot as probably a Shemequia Williams [or other]. It was amusing. When my Mom corrected… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Carrie
3 years ago

Given Biden’s iffy presence, that campaign would really profit from a VP pick who could pound the countryside in support of the candidate. However, he boxed himself in to picking someone truly awful so they’ll probably wait for the very last moment.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Joe will be delighted to find out who he’s picked.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
3 years ago

Insight after insight after insight. Zguy does this consistently. Example: The people running the country have the problem all outsiders have. But of course: The elites who run America do not share our culture; they are “outsiders.” Heresy to our rulers and their media! But here? It’s a casual, obvious, pedestrian truth. I love this place.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
3 years ago

Speaking of sports, the sport of looting is going strong in downtown Chicago. Stores on Michigan Ave, the “Magnificent Mile,” were emptied last night in what looks like, according to the videos, a fun and raucous time. It doesn’t look at all like the media narrative of people terrified of being shot by police.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

If I were living in one of those buildings overlooking the “fun”, would be scouring Ebay for all the old lawn darts I could get my hands on.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

Flaming lawn darts for the win.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

News said like 100 arrested. What’s the use? Isn’t Chicago one of those places where Communist Radicals presumed-innocent suspects don’t even have to post bail, in fact they’ll probably let you go for anything less than murder? I’m still waiting to read a news report where a rioter was charged with felonies. I know there’s been hundreds of arrests this year; just by the law of averages youl’d think there would be a few case of hard charges, but not that I’m aware of.

3 years ago

No way does this crap stop in New Jersey before the election. I’ve talked to the owner of my local gym a few times. He doubts he’ll be reopened this year. The day his landlord insists on a rent payment, he’ll have to declare bankruptcy.

3 years ago

While I couldn’t care less about the NBA or (sadly now) MLB, I have been watching some hockey, mostly because I love hockey, but also because it hasn’t been quite as pozzed as the rest. I’ve noticed one interesting thing: There probably hasn’t been a time before now that teams have entered the playoffs completely rested.

Normally, by the time playoffs come around, the remaining teams are completely beaten down by an entire season of hard play. This time is different and the play is actually quite good.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Outdoorspro
3 years ago

The play is good, but still, it’s weird.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Maybe they should add a laugh track to the sporting events.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Already heard tell that they are adding crowd (cheering?) FX. Is this true? I don’t watch any sports so I wouldn’t know.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Yes, and it sounds like static.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

I’d add a whole CGI action movie taking place in the stands. If you get bored with the game you can watch Hans Gruber execute another CGI hostage.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

You mean, sort of like when I post here? 😀

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

A virtual LOL for that rejoinder.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

So maybe you need to work on that instead of be proud of it… Staying on track would help instead of always in the weeds…I don’t know if half the time you’re trying to be funny or just derail the comment thread…If you’re solid then you really need to work on that…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

I might even consider reading some of them if he’d ditch the girly emoticons

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

No. Repeated attempts have proven that dog don’t hunt.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Guilty as charged. At least will consider the opinions.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I hear you in FM (no static).

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The one great thing about most soccer leagues is that their regular season is their only season. Every game matters, and there is no second playoff season where the 8th seed team can knock off the 1st place team because the 1st place team was worn out from being excellent in the regular season.

Of course, many leagues have messed this up with sideshow tournaments for individual trophies during the regular season, England’s FA Cup being but one example.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Although the leagues also use a point system, so depending on how things go, a season can effectively be over with two months to go. See, e.g., Liverpool.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
3 years ago

NHL is more pozzed than some people realize. They have posted around the 2 arenas that are hosting games the retarded slogan “We Skate for Black Lives” and players are wearing BLM t shirts to practice and to some press conferences. They have had some players kneel and allowed dumbass Dumba to give a pathetic BLM speech before play resumed. All this for a league that has about 5 black players and even fewer black fans. I’m done with these anuses too.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Wackadoo
3 years ago

Zedano Chara and Patrice Bergeron of the Bruins have demonstrated that they, too, can skate to the left.
They have also opined that the puck is not black enough.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

Why does Chara, a rich white non-American at the end of his career even care? Is he a true believer or just dumb?

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Perhaps, as is the case with so many, it is a case of the path of least resistance.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

A good friend of mine was disgusted with Sidney Crosby’s recent statements in support of BLM. I said that he’s surely just paying the Danegeld necessary to keep his endorsement deals. Chara’s probably in the same boat.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Your not really paying the daneguild with statements like that you’re submitting and showing your neck to the enemy…They don’t understand they are marked for death anyways so might as well die on your feet than on your knees…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

Yes, the stupid virtue signaling will not save them. It really is too bad more people don’t understand this, but they will. Of course at that point it’ll be far too late.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

But the Dane they are paying is not the BLM crowd, rather it is the corporate BLM sponsor. As long as they do not upset the sponsor, all is well.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Wackadoo
3 years ago

In the same way we’re very aware of demographic change, I believe pro sports is as well. There’s a big emphasis on marketing their brand. The NHL probably believes they need to appeal to the growing people of color segment of the population. This is another example where magical thinking about race leads you down the wrong path. People of Color will never support the NHL in big numbers. Appealing to the white audience is where the NHL should focus its’ efforts, and supporting BLM is where they kill their brand.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

That form of suicide didn’t stop NASCAR from doing the same thing.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I live inside the Imperial Capital beltway. The key to understanding why these organizations are bent of self-destruction is understanding the social circles their leadership travels in. If you live here and want to be part of the in-crowd, you have to promote certain policies, advocate certain positions, the alternative to these people is unimaginable. If you are a senior executive at NASCAR, you are not hanging out with NASCAR fans. You’re socializing with the ruling class, or at least their aspirants, and the social stigma of publicly supporting the Dirt People far exceeds to rational considerations of the organization.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Milestone D
3 years ago

I believe it.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Wackadoo
3 years ago

An insight into the NHL’s way of thinking before the insanity really hit the fan was having Green Day be their house band for the year. Nothing says you hate bad whites more than signing up those loser Marxists from Berkeley.

Reply to  Valley Lurker
3 years ago

The insight has been the league’s 30 year attempt to disassociate from Don Cherry.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Excellent point. Really go hand-in-hand.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Wackadoo
3 years ago

NHL is more pozzed than some people realize.

The NHL is searching high and low for the black, gay Gretzky so they can hand him captaincy of an O6 team, say the Bruins, and fix the playoffs so he can ‘lead’ them to 10 straight Stanley Cups.

Andy Texan
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

When Bobby Orr had to retire due to his knees, my interest in hockey dimmed substantially. Bobby Orr, Phil Esposito. Those were the day.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Andy Texan
3 years ago

Don’t forget Gordie Howe.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
3 years ago

I am waaaay beyond “couldnt care less” when it comes to the NBA and its leading America-hater, LeBron James. That is the link to the rationale stated by then Comissioner of Baseball, Kenesaw Mountain Landis. The subject was clear: national morale. The reasoning could have been applied to early Corona lockdowns. Contrast the above, nationalist sentiments with this: “Lakers’ LeBron James says he won’t play games without fans amid coronavirus concerns” IMO, it was Chinese plant LeBron James that knifed this country in the back. With his bleating about his many complaints, made it a point to ensure the… Read more »

Reply to  BoomGenZ
3 years ago

Somewhat off topic. Yesterday I saw a greasy looking little Indian (dot) guy at the train station wearing a Lebron James “23” jersey. I kept thinking to myself, sorry Pravin, that’s not going to save you when TSHTF. The blacks will hate you for wearing “their” outfit and you won’t win any sympathy from white haters like me who already disliked you.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
3 years ago

Here’s a great hockey/Covid story from (((Rebel News))). One of Rebel’s rabble-rousing reporters heard a rumor that the mayor of Brampton, ON was playing beer league hockey games after decreeing that the rest of the city must cancel all sporting events — athletes are only allowed to “practice” and only then with a permit. He showed up to the municipal rink and sure enough, in walks the mayor to play. He scurried out without commenting. Great catch by these guys.

3 years ago

Word now comes that they plan to cancel college football this week.

The corruption of university admission standards to admit ghetto Blacks who have no business anywhere near a college campus so they can play ‘sportsball’ is one of biggest and most ignored scandals of recent decades — stopped watching years ago.

Reply to  eah
3 years ago

It’s both funny and sick that the typical MAGA dad—as shown in that Stonetoss comic someone posted—is cheering these college sportsblacks at home at the same time as those very same sportsblacks are gang raping MAGA dad’s daughter in college.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  eah
3 years ago

It’s an irony that many of America’s old universities ended up surrounded by ghettoes, so I understand. At least this is reported true for some of the Ivy League: Yale, Cornell. Sadly, the murder of the 18-year-old co-ed late in 2019 in NYC comes to mind. I’ve visited (or been familiar) with universities in DC and Richmond and seedy neighborhood often was the rule. Even Tampa’s University of South Florida campus, while not a slum on par with a metropolis, is located in an area named “Suitcase City” due to the frequent evictions. I don’t have figures at hand, but… Read more »

3 years ago

I’m thinking about it from the other end of the line. What happens when you take away the possibility of getting out of the hood via sports? Thousands of young black men only make it to college through sports scholarships every year. But, I do like the idea of colleges being sued for discrimination for not offering up sportsball tournaments. The one thing about the Corona Panic is that it shows you how many people are bedbug crazy, it’s funny as hell too.

Reply to  Allen
3 years ago

The number of black guys who are airlifted out of our teeming ghettos into college and pro sports is already statistically insignificant.

If anything, one major problem for blacks in America has been conservatives retailing the idea that sports, music and entertainment can be tickets out of the ghetto, when in reality there just aren’t enough positions in these fields to matter.

Last edited 3 years ago by Blacked
Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Blacked
3 years ago

Yes, when it comes to “making it” your average black guy might as well just buy a lottery ticket, the odd are actually probably better, and you don’t have to pretend to be a “scholar-athelete”. Of course, everyone, black, white, or otherwise, thinks that he’s going to be the exception. I had a very good friend in HS who honestly thought that he was going to become a famous actor because he had a supporting role in out Senior HS play, and he was far from being stupid. He wound up as a sound engineer running a video store on… Read more »

Reply to  Blacked
3 years ago

Even when they make it to the pros, they usually end up bankrupt in a few years after their careers end. Sometimes during their career. Imagine the same will happen if reparations are ever a reality.

3 years ago

Civil unrest will force those in charge to end the process? Maybe. Maybe not. There hasn’t been much civil unrest so far. I mean, by white normies. The bits that we’ve seen have been entirely ineffectual. The elites seem to have an endgame. Steal the election for Biden/Whoever or Whoever/Whoever and then back to business as usual with a few sops to “keeping us safe” from the virus.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  MBlanc46
3 years ago

I’m sure that’s what they are planning, but historically, this sh*t has been a lot easier to turn on than to turn off.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

Very true. Rumint over at American Partisan says Austin and Seattle are moving from Euro Riot to actual insurrection with guns galore full auto and suppressors from China. Its on DDOS protexction right now so just check the main page or hit up WRSA for the links Having read the article I will say the Natural News “rumor” that California Governor Newsom is storing weapons for insurgents for succession is almost certainly bosh. He’s not that ambitious , just a doctrinaire Liberal and note a terrible one at that. That said Antifa while probably can’t take over even this… Read more »

Reply to  MBlanc46
3 years ago

Civil unrest doesn’t work for our side as Conservatives whether for good or ill these days see violence as “all or nothing” outside of self and community defense.

3 years ago

Watching the PGA Championship yesterday with no fans was odd. I know the reason is it was in California, but they should be able to have some spectators with no grandstands for letting them sit together for long periods of time. The PGA has announced no fans through the end of September already.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Having nothing to do with sports. I just got a message in Firefox that the “master password” is now called the “primary password.” Following was some explanation that the change was to be in keeping with new sensitivities. The Pozz has arrived here too, Orwell called it Newspeak. I’ve been a Firefox user for many years. So far as I know, I never used the Master Password. I guess this means that I am a GoodUser, one who did not unconsciously approve the historical racism and oppression of his language 😀

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Shoot some emails over to support telling them you are having trouble with your “master password”. Just for fun. I’ve gone back to using “Rhodesia” drives some people nuts.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
3 years ago

Everyone should follow Zman’s link at “people running the country” Note that the blog posting was only four years ago. Four short years! And the (typically insightful) post got a total of 58 comments. Only 58 (six of which were from Zman himself)! Today? That essay would garner a discussion in excess of 300 comments. Upgrade your bandwidth, Zguy! You’re gonna need it. (And finish the book, would ya? We’ll make you a zilllionaire from all the royalties.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago


Reply to 
 4 years ago
My guess is Jews will not exist in Europe by 2050. Americans have no tolerance for Jew-hating so I suspect we figure out how to keep the Muslims out, which is not all that difficult. So, American will become the new Israel.”

Not every prediction is gold.

Last edited 3 years ago by ronehjr
Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  ronehjr
3 years ago

Someone on Gab mentioned that Jews always play poker with a joker card in their hand, which seems apt.
They remind me in a way of the Chinese and gambling: they think they’re smart enough to beat systems that are designed to make them lose (in this case importing people which cannot stand them and want them dead, all in an effort to win some temporary victory over what are, really, just political opponents).

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
3 years ago

Masks should be required for all competitors in baseball, football, basketball, wrestling, swimming, pole jumping, and dwarf throwing. Police must be authorized to enter the playing fields or pools during the action to make arrests or issue tickets. Sports competitors under the age of two may be exempt from the rule.

Reductio ad absurdum is our weapon of choice!

3 years ago
3 years ago

This guy is offering any journalist or Politico $1000000 to prove that this nonsense is real. I bet no one gets it

3 years ago

The whole situation looks like the rulers are serious about reshaping the world to their vision. They are first intent on destroying utterly the world as it exists. nothing else seems to make any sense.

3 years ago

The thing that amazes me is how fast the spell that organized sports held on our society went away.
There has been nary a whimper out there.
Beyond the Poz this may of course be do to the fact that our economy is collapsing with risks of mass homelessness and the Left dipping feet into the violent revolution waters. This tends to concentrate the mind and purchase decisions tend to become “more food, more ammo. pay rent.” and not NFL woke trash.

Ash Staub
3 years ago

“All of a sudden, the sort of liberal guy you used to talk to about the football team is not a guy you talk to at all. Instead of talking to the conservative guy about sports, you talk about other stuff.” I’m sanguine about this. As much as I like football, it’s a simulated community for many. Especially in the south; I spent a few years in Baton Rouge and that’s the only thing uniting a lot of these people. It fulfills their interpersonal and social needs, but distracts them from the things that have an actual material effect on… Read more »

3 years ago

except the elites don’t need 4d-chess to control us, mr Zman, they beat us handily at normal chess already, with enough average for-profit lies that amount to one big materialist establishment. for example, you keep falling for their simulation base code lie? nah, it’s our civilizational genes that are getting to the end of their Spenglerian life-cycle, because we rejected God’s command to go forth and multiply, and became enlightened and high-IQ to death. Asians to follow, they just have more human capital to waste before that happens. take away sports anyway, most white boys born this century play fortnite… Read more »

3 years ago

Revenge of the nerds. True outsiders like foreigners, but also spergs and other sorts lacking social skills. Curiously women too, in spite of their reputed intuition.

At any rate the lot are incompetent, but they can still make one hell of a mess.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
3 years ago

Bread and circuses kept the proles off the backs of the Roman elite for several centuries but it was not until well into the decline that the Church finally had the power to ban the swords and sandals in the ring. Americans are so retarded I’m not 100% sure if I agree with Zman that this is a slide into irrelevance for sports. (I hope I’m wrong). However, when you begin to think how much identity people invest into their college football team, their NFL team, I don’t see it just fading away since what do people have left to… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Basil Ransom
3 years ago

I’m probably reading it backwards. This thought occurs: We are discussing here the decline in popularity of mass appeal sports. Well, group sport serves many purposes. In the days before it was big business and political podium, it was primarily recreation, But it is also a form of ritualized combat, usually but not always prohibiting actual injury or death to players.* Are we slowly returning to the “real thing”, street brawls? Battles between towns? I have no objection if free men (usually it’s men) want to voluntarily battle even at risk of inury or death as long as it’s voluntary.… Read more »

c matt
c matt
3 years ago

Rebooting it without essential elements like a live audience does not work.

Adding in the BoweL Movement pieties did not help either.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
3 years ago

If blackball shits the bed cause of jewflu, good. Fuck em, they can drive their Bentleys down to the food bank and kneel for a McNugget.

3 years ago

LOL he’s so “based.”
comment image

It’s as if conservatives want to shove their kids and their families into the maw of Moloch.

I get the desire to want things to go back to “normal”—vegetating in front of the TV as the country browns—but that’s no longer possible. There’s no going back folks.

3 years ago

The people running the NBA and NHL are a reflection of the people running the country as a whole. They have the problem all outsiders have. I read that and immediately thought of this.

3 years ago

Just wait til the schools reopen and the yoots go all BLM on Karen’s kiddies, with trans-cheerleaders…

Who needs sports when we have the local arena! I can hardly wait for the annual Games.

3 years ago

Just because “Z” mentioned the stands: I LoL’d. (And I don’t know if it’s real or a PS.)

Westerly Winds
Westerly Winds
3 years ago
LOL cops have never yet shot any innocent black kids. In fact that’s a contradiction in terms. They’ve shot plenty of innocent white kids though.

Lavrentiy Beria
Lavrentiy Beria
Reply to  Westerly Winds
3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by Lavrentiy Beria
Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The Big Ten has cancelled its football season. Let us see if college hoops also goes down the tubes.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

If college sports are canceled, the africans won’t have squat to fall back on. What good are they if the money dries up? Just more melanin enriched dimwits with useless degrees. What will probably happen, is the “black community” plus the usual suspects will demand the national leagues hire at least some of those bozos, even though they didn’t give a full display of what they are or aren’t capable of.

Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Jim Smith
Jim Smith
3 years ago

Another truth, obvious yet filled with insight: “Like so much that comes from the Left, that was true only while it was useful.” This is illustrative: The Left is built upon lies. Lies are its foundation, they give it traction. Fortunately, lies work really well, especially in the realms of politics and power. Thus our plight as human beings.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

As an aside to the metric slam, even pumpers of the system, when they’re being honest, will admit that the Celsius temperature scale is unrelatable crap.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

What’s the crack about it? In Fahrenheit, 0 is really cold and 100 is really hot. In Celsius, 0 is kinda cold and 100 is dead.

Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Fahrenheit makes sense on a human scale imo. 32 sounds cold but survivable, and you don’t want to get anywhere near 212. In terms of STEM, kelvin made the most sense to me. Celsius should make sense but still comes across as arbitrary for whatever reason imo. Probably because it’s based on water now that I think about it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Paintersforms
Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Celsius is based on water (at “sea level”) while Fahrenheit is based on people, and I’m not a pot of water. Both are arbitrary but one is still more relatable than the other.
Agree on kelvin. If it was all about having a solid frame of reference (like the metric weight and length measures, which granted were found after the fact) then we would be using that (for as unrelatable as it is).

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

LOL Fahrenheit system is Absurdia IRL. Celsius is based on very logical and simple bricks (ice and boiled water) You are surrounded by Celsius and Metric (aka french btw) systems. That’s just a question of time before you surrender. (btw, a sport system with No promotion/relegation system Neither pyramidal system Waaay too much game before real stakes Which allows team to quit a city for another one(!!!) worship blackness …deserve to die (yes, real football, normal football, British football – you know, that game were the ball can be played only with FOOT- is also, now, rotten with blackness worshipping… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  FrenchRoyalist
3 years ago

It could have been boiled or frozen anything, it’s arbitrary and different for the sake of being arbitrary and different and has nothing in common with the metric length and weight measures and the issues those sought to correct. It’s the temperature equivalent of “metric time”. Not that it won’t win out, there’s plenty of bad ideas that win out.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Metric Time, lol. Not enough people know the story of that particular gift to the world.

The Committee for Public Safety did more than just chop off heads, kids.

Reply to  FrenchRoyalist
3 years ago

How far is it from the goal line to the penalty spot in Association Football?

Reply to  FrenchRoyalist
3 years ago

Metric is the stupid person’s idea of a smart idea.

Classic illustration of why bureaucrats redefining ancient and organically developed things with a fresh sheet of paper and the belief in their own brilliance is a terrible idea.

Why not go back to 10 month years while we’re at it (sure is snowy this august!) 10 degree circles (this time kick the ball at 1.25 degrees!). 10 hour days (enjoy your .416667 hour lunch break!).

Factors? What even are those? Something made up by ignorant Americans I bet. I HAVE TEN FINGERS AND I F’ING LOVE SCIENCE!!

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

We should have adopted Jefferson’s decimal based system for measurement before the French got their malodorous paws on it.