Witnessing The Revolution

Like the Democrat convention, the Republican convention is mostly about the past, in that it is packaged and marketed to people who no longer exist. The Democrats put on a show that would have been great for their coalition of a generation ago. The Republicans are doing much of the same, tailoring their pitch to white civic nationalists, feeling generous in their prosperity. It’s a lot of happy warrior stuff, even though the warriors are too old now to be happy about anything.

American politics has been increasingly backward looking since the end of the Cold War and the rise of the Baby Boomer generation of politicians. No group has been as nostalgic, especially for their own past, as the Boomers, so it makes some sense that their politics would be backward looking. Clinton was supposed to be their generation’s Kennedy, while Obama was their Martin Luther King. Of course, every Republican has been one of their favorite bogeymen from their past.

The odd thing about Baby Boomer political nostalgia is it is both a longing for a past that never really existed, but also a nostalgia for a present that never occurred. On the Left, this manifests as fond memories for the 60’s revolution, of which they played no part, but also a sadness for it never living up to the promise. Most of the Boomer politicians lived normal middle-class lives. They were never street radicals. Then there is the fact that the cultural revolution was the work of their parents.

Conservatives have a similar thing going on. For them, the past starts in the 1980’s as the peak expression of post-war America. They don’t dream of going back to the fifties, because that would be racist. Instead it is the 80’s, when there was no racism, but it was still great to be white. On the other hand, there is the sadness that the Reagan revolution never amounted to much more than the conversion of America into a continent sized economic zone with an army.

There is more to the backward focus than generational nostalgia. The dynamic that emerged after the last industrial war has reached its end. The Left-Right political dialectic that rose up in the 1950’s was a product of the Cold War. It was a power sharing arrangement within the new ruling class of the new empire. The Left would hold sway over domestic issues, while the Right would run foreign policy. Economics was where they would hold mock battles during elections.

Once the Cold War ended, that dynamic stopped making sense. It is why the neocons are so desperate to revive tensions with Russia and continue the crusade against the Muslim world. They oppose a confrontation with China, because they have no cultural connection with the East and they see financial opportunities there. The people who finance their lifestyles are getting rich in China. The old dynamic was very good for the usual suspects, so they desperately want to revive it.

Something similar is happening on the Left. The stuff we are seeing with left-wing agitation and rioting is like a weird cargo cult. They are reenactors playing roles they heard their grandparents talk about at family gatherings. Those behind it are trying to conjure a familiar bogeyman from the past. They desperately want Bull Connor to show up with fire-hoses and attack dogs. They’ll settle for idiots in homemade armor, just so they can pretend it is yesterday.

It is common to call the 1960’s a cultural revolution. Some say it was the sexual revolution or maybe the youth revolution. Still others point out that the revolution started in the 1950’s with black civil rights. The great cultural upheavals that transformed the country started soon after the war and petered out in the 1980’s. The scene then shifted to the financial and technological revolutions that took America from the industrial age into the current age. The revolution never ended.

This is something the Bolsheviks figured out before anyone else. A society that moves from one static state to another is not revolutionary. It is merely adjusting in order to preserve the old order. A revolutionary society is one in which change is constant, because the revolution never ends. Of course, everything ends, but a real revolution never ends on its own. It must be extinguished. Otherwise, every change fuels the next change, which fuels a subsequent change.

This was the case with the Bolsheviks. The revolution carried on through the war and into the Cold War. Eventually, after Stalin and then Khrushchev, the people in charge had enough revolution and they entered a period of stasis. Despite all the rhetoric, Russia became a very conservative empire in the 1970’s and remained so until it collapsed in the 80’s and 90’s. Interestingly, the radicals were also right about what would happen once the revolutionary fires were extinguished.

Unlike Russia, America has remained in a revolutionary state. In fact, once could argue that the revolution started before the great industrial wars. You could probably date it to Gettysburg or maybe the Social Gospel movement. Some argue that the Civil War was a second founding of the nation, a rework of the first, but repairing the flaws in the original founding. This would then be the birth of the revolutionary America, the genuinely revolutionary America, that exists today.

In that context, the nostalgia and tumult we are seeing today is another chapter in the story of revolutionary America. As Fidel Castro said, revolutions are a fight between the past and the future. In present day America, the future is a land of different tribes with no shared history, language or culture. The past is the America both sides of the fading ruling class celebrate in their conventions. The thing that is certain in this fight is the future always wins, which is what we are witnessing.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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3 years ago

Tuned into the RNC last night. Trump was slobbering over a Hijabi, a Sari, an African, and a Hispanic who just got sworn in as citizens. Next up Eric Trump, looking like a homeless coke addict, bragged about the lowest black/woman/Hispanic unemployment in 6 million years. Then First Black Man in Position X in Kentucky came and spoke. Then I turned it off. Sure didn’t look or sound like any Trump rally I’ve seen. You’re totally right that it’s marketed to a people who no longer exist. It’s outdone only by the DNC whose message also ignores reality. Z, you… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by b123
Reply to  b123
3 years ago

I miss that guy I voted for in 2016.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

You miss the devil created by the press. The one thing I never had any delusions about with Trump was his alleged racism. Don’t get me wrong, I am as disillusioned with him as anyone else, but I always knew he wasn’t racist or even racially aware. But what I didn’t understand at the time, but should have, is why the press was constantly calling him a white supremacist. The reason they do it is not because they believe it, at least not in a literal way. It’s because they want to have a written record that can be referenced… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

I think Trump is very racially aware, but in an abstract rather than a judgmental way. He chooses not to act on race, and consciously does not act on it. He is always sizing up people across the table from him, friend or foe. He operates by setting his opponents up to personally fall, and going overtly racial would put him at a disadvantage at doing that. This is part of his singling out individuals for his vicious criticism, but not groups. He is not our guy, but there is a lot to learn from the guy, tactically.

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. Trump’s tactics are fantastic.
I don’t expect him to be our guy, but the pandering is weak as shit. It makes him look weak and let’s not forget all the criminal gibs Kushner pushed for. No matter what happens, blacks are never going to support him. At best, they stay home. But they like Biden and are highly motivated in a way they were not in 2016.

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

so he believes in individuals are above groups. boomer, even if more based than most. then again, the dissidence, specially the seculars, believe all there is are the magic genes, and that’s not true either. relatedly, one bright spot was Rand Paul claiming there’s be no more war if Trump was reelected. and another, the defenses made of medical professionals of Trump’s covid reaction, which could have been more ordered but definitely trying to put things back together. also, the emphasis on mothers rather than just women power, and an implicit appeal to white mothers. for whatever those few bright… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

The people who wrote the Bible are still at it.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

hey, at least the official compilation is Roman.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

His “shithole countries” comment shows awareness that white countries tend to be better than non-white countries.

Last edited 3 years ago by greyenlightenment
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

“racially aware”

That’s a keeper.

It goes down much more smoothly than, “hell yes, I’m a racist, because everyone is”.

Thanks, gonna use it if I ever open my big yap and actually have an opinion again.

Non-whites, for instance, nod in agreement when I say, “People are different, we have different ways.”

They like the recognition, anybody but cucks seeking approval would.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

racially-aware may get you in trouble, though it can get by maybe, specially in higher-iq circles. but yeah, when you simply say “people are different” the others simply nod respectfully, if perhaps a bit warily. then again, that’s better than their usual uppity-ness based on taking advantage of cucking.

Last edited 3 years ago by diconez
Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Then First Black Man in Position X in Kentucky came and spoke.

‘Second Black Man in Position X’ and ‘Third Black Man in Position X’ are also accolades that have been used in biographies of various public figures. Not too sure about where it ends, ‘The Nth Black Man in Position X’… Of course, this assumes that the ordinal is the only variable. It could well be that ‘Black Man’ may be replaced with:

  1. Gay man
  2. Woman
  3. LGBT person
  4. Hispanic
Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Oh, they exist; I was over at Breitbart this morning arguing with them (fools errand, I know). Some on our side have even posited that the convention is aimed at the ocean of normie-cons who cannot help themselves and lap this stuff up.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

Was talking to my father the other day about the sorry state of blacks. Now, this is a man who 100% fully understands the genetic differences and that, barring outside intervention, culture follows biology.

But here’s his final thoughts on the matter, and I quote: “I just don’t what we (Whites) did wrong.”

It was like talking to Winston Smith after his time with O’Brien. My dad was staring at four fingers and wondering why he was seeing five.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

What whites did wrong? They gave a group with the collective average intelligence of a Labrador Retriever the wrong end of the leash.

Reply to  NordicGoats
3 years ago

Almost perfect metaphor, except that I’d cuddle a lab.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Pit Bull would be more fitting…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  NordicGoats
3 years ago

Intelligence of a black lab, disposition of a Rottweiler with a glowing ember lodged in its tukhas.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

My dad complains about blacks bringing crime in his neighborhood, then calls me racist when i say its genetic. I think we’re the minority, compared to billions like him.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

Some on our side have even posited that the convention is aimed at the ocean of normie-cons who cannot help themselves and lap this stuff up.” Is that not an accurate observation?

Last edited 3 years ago by Jim Smith
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

You can’t argue with Breitbart people. Only as a mental exercise, like a Sudoku. God created grim death to clean out bad politics like that. They’re sitting at their computers with oxygen tanks before going out to the Indian casino.

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Every article thread, Trump is being brought up to show how he supports certain non-whites.
People get it, Trump ain’t an ethno-nationalist, got any better solutions?
Repeating this shit don’t make trump anywhere as bad as the democrats.

Last edited 3 years ago by sentry
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

That’s right, he knows us angry white guys will gripe and complain but still grudgingly come back to him for the general, like a battered spouse. Personally i just find it humorous, we do live in clown world. I support Trump because 1) as a symbolic FU to the global elites and 2) he causes the “left” to overreach and expose their insanity. I believe a Biden/Kamala would be a return to the “slow boil” process. Honestly my only solutions right now are 1) link up with like minded people (even if it’s just a few), 2) find a “team”… Read more »

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

link up with like minded people (even if it’s just a few)

That few, if you’re fortunate enough to live relatively close by and in a rural area, could be the basis for a small, tight-knit community. Even if you’re in some urban hell-hole, having just a single ally is a tremendous boon – not just for the sake of venting thoughts and frustration, but because you begin to network in the real world.

Also, identify some useful skill/s and practice them.

Felix Krull
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

This article explains how the Commies build small, trust-based cell networks, well worth a read:


Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Cell structure is a mandatory social tech/op sec for Our Guys to master, especially operating “inside the wire.” Even our larger IRL communities should use this internally for decision-making and between communities to make ourselves more resistant to infiltration and limit its impact. Inevitably some guys are going to get targeted and some will inevitably collaborate. You have to plan for worst-case scenarios. Avoid being wholly centralized and always have contingency plans for bugging-out and regrouping. Invest in your communities with a dollar for now and a dollar in the “oh shit” fund strategy. For a larger-scale IRL implementation, see… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

Any reading recommendations re: cell structure?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

The CrimeThink Inc site that Felix is referencing is useful.

Since Antifa allowed to speak about “direct action” without interference, we may as well use what they’re telling their own troops.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

Again a pitch for the would-be Fifth Column, the Lone Wolf. Yes, I know that organization has its strengths but also its weaknesses too. If you’re not a joiner, you may still have a chance to drop that monkey wrench in the right place at the right time.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

What would be our identity filter? I guess that’s a worry for later when trying to unite cells for cooperative effort. Cells could have really stringent identity filters.

Last edited 3 years ago by tashtego
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Or a tremendous anti-boon as the case may be…

Randian Supremacist
Randian Supremacist
Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Yeah, I agree. I’m totally behind the “Trump, because FUCK YOU” bandwagon. FU to the elites, the rioters, and the shitlib whites who side against their own people.

What would be really interesting is if the election is super close and the Dems don’t concede. Hopefully you all will be moved out of the shitties by then. That means you too Zman.

Felix Krull
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

People get it, Trump ain’t an ethno-nationalist, got any better solutions?
Repeating this shit don’t make trump anywhere as bad as the democrats.

This is the problem in a nutshell. You’re being offered the choice between a turd and a turd with sprinkles on.

At least seen from an ethnat perspective: I’ll agree that Trump is not a bad president, but he’s not ourguy.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

“This is the problem in a nutshell. You’re being offered the choice between a turd and a turd with sprinkles on.” Libertarian reasoning in a nutshell: “The lesser of two evils is still evil.” (There’s a fallacy in there somewhere. )

Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

Your fallacy is in mistaking a different evil for a lesser one. Death by cyanide or death by arsenic, it’s still death.

Last edited 3 years ago by Exile
Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

At least seen from an ethnat perspective: I’ll agree that Trump is not a bad president, but he’s not our guy.” Of course he’s not “our guy”, Felix. But that’s not the question: The question is whether he helps us at all, including just helping us keep from losing more ground. Will it really “make no difference” if Trump or Biden is President for the next four years?

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

Will it really “make no difference” if Trump or Biden is President for the next four years?

I don’t think it’ll make a difference with regards to immigration. Crushing white nations is the prime directive of the globalists and such strategic decisions are taken above the POTUS’ level, irregardless of who he is. They’re all sock puppets voiced by the same puppeteer.

Maybe it makes a difference on minor matters like infrastructure spending or health care; after all, the globalists don’t have time or resources to micromanage everything, so the sock puppet gets a few hundred billions to play president with.

Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

Yes – Trump makes Whitey go to sleep thinking someone is protecting them. Obama was the best thing for hard-Right recruiting since the Black Panthers.

Trump has not even tried to slow down the anti-White juggernaut. His veto pen is buried in his desk under a stack of Tablet mags and a couple of Playboys. His DoJ has enthusiastically prosecuted his own supporters while antifas get let out of jail.

Last edited 3 years ago by Exile
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

When there are enough of you to look like making a difference in an election.an election, “your guy” will show up. Until then, you will be wise to stop trashing people who could be persuaded to join your side, or at least are not rabid about getting rid of you.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Gespenst
3 years ago

Yes, Gespenst. So many commenters here could be exchanged for the commenters on so many libertarian lists with their huffing and puffing and peacockery about who hates Trump the most and how him getting elected “won’t change anything” and how there won’t be any difference whether Trump or Biden is elected. Reason doesn’t seem to make much of an impact.

Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

Things get interesting if Biden is elected. He is obviously deteriorating mentally and would soon be put in some kind of home. Kamala Harris, who really hates whitey, then takes over. The entire federal government, stirred up like a hornets’ nest by Trumps election, will swarm all over any wrong thinkers on command from Queen Kamala. I don’t believe the “won’t change anything” dissident righters have thought through what might be coming to them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gespenst
Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Gespenst
3 years ago

That’s the point. The DR is so few in numbers that it can be treated as a nonentity by politicians like Trump. Getting numbers, convincing people, educating people, learning to punch above our weight needs to be the goals.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

/ourguy/ is a heroic kid in wisconsin defending himself and and his community… for his trouble he is about to be crushed to a watery paste by the gears of the wretched system. We’re presently doing nothing whatsoever to help him in what will be an enormous legal battle that’s important for every one of us. we need a fundraising mechanism to start getting help to this kid, maybe even (risky) IRL activism, but at least a full court press of letter writing and disseminating the truth to normies of good will. I’d like to see Trump pardon him actually,… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymousse
3 years ago


Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Nope. Just dont bite the scheisse sandwhich if you dont want a mouthful of poop. Sometimes the way to win the game is to not even play. Trump’s “build the wall” should be Bush 1’s “read my lips, no new taxes” moment.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Lotta bitching and whining going on here about the very high quality and smoothly produced GOP TV-convention. It’s probably going to be a big factor in getting Trump re-elected. Which is a good thing, right? Right?

Last edited 3 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

This message brought to you by Lady MAGA and BasedBlacked.com. Shalom, niggas!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

Yep, there is (at least) one Lady MAGA. It’d be great if someone would do a spoof song/video. Weird Al? Bob Rivers? Are you still around?

Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

When Trump pardons one of the Charlottesville guys or parades a White adjudged guilty of self defense up on stage as he did his black felon, let me know. Until then, I refuse to legitimize the farce.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

To be fair, the Charlottesville morons flat out poisoned the chance of getting a pardon for them or anyone associated with their ideas.

Reply to  Gespenst
3 years ago

Go to hell, those men were brave in an age where courage is sorely lacking…they were naive but the right has learned the lessons from that day

Reply to  Same
3 years ago

Brave or not, what good did it do, other than give the left another bunch of bogeymen?

Being brave and dumb is still dumb.

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  b123
3 years ago

That somebody would watch these circuses it is beyond my comprehension But apparently many did and according to their accounts they look like any previous minus covid Yet the war has been raging on the streets while normies watch “conventions” gripped by fear and cowardice hopping that somehow things will turn out right and they will continue to live their lives as comfortably as they always have The lack of courage and IQ is obvious but I wish to underline another much more important parameter so to speak, the total lack of instinct for survival It has been killed for… Read more »

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

The GOP may as well be called the Token Party.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The only thing more pathetic than the modern bugmen who think themselves revolutionaries are the stupid placcid normies who let their neighborhoods get burned down and their livelihoods destroyed. Just sixty years ago ethnic communities would mobilize at just one black person entering the neighborhood. They knew, more would come, and the cascade effect would destroy their community. They also knew there were upper powers who were intentionally trying to destroy them. Reading history now, it was the racist homeowners who were bigots to the non-threatening outsiders and their fears it would destroy the community were unfounded. Then it skips… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Chet Rollins
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

My wife told a story years ago about how her neighborhood responded vigorously when a black family moved in- all the sorts of low-level terrorism a Southern town might utilize: dog crap on the porch, scratched cars, that sort of thing.

When she first told me the story decades ago, she felt shame that her neighbors had acted in that way. Now, she thinks they were right to act with a calibrated level of unlawful behavior.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

That is happening a lot across the South now. The place has become a tinderbox, and toppling Confederate statues and monuments, to the extent they still exist, probably isn’t a very healthy pastime now.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

That’s hard to believe. I’ve lived in South Carolina. Every white man believes every negro male has the potential to bring an SEC championship to his favorite college. They worship football more than Jesus.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

This is something we need to bring back. Scare them. Make them uncomfortable. But do it very surreptitiously and don’t do anything that could be construed as life-threatening. Once the Hutus start getting the big photo, they might decide that behaving like semi-civilized human beings isn’t such a bad option after all.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Why not watch the many videos of Black / Police interactions? Now, take into consideration that most of those injured or killed by the police would have survived if they had not been acting stupid, violent, resisting arrest, etc. Do you honestly think there is anything rational civilization can teach the dregs of Melanic Hominids™?

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Doing the right thing is very tough sometimes…and no one wants to get their hands dirty now..(no one on the right anyway).

3 years ago

They don’t need to have a continuous revolution – they just need people to think they’re in one.

Zoomer wahmen think they’re the first generation to have sexual liberation and to ride the carousel. Zoomer men think they’re the first generation to experiment with drug use. Everyone knows that in the before times (before the year *I* happen to be born), racism was rampant. Anti-racism is totally new!

No way the un-cool racist sexist misogynist old people ever did that stuff back in the day! They keep the revolution going in young peoples’ minds through hatred of their elders. Satanic.

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

So true. Satanic is right. The “do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” is wedded to the “year I”. Yet there is a coming home to roost aspect to all of this. Reverence and respect for elders – which is also what carries much of our shared history and culture, is difficult to cultivate when most of the elders refuse to age themselves and step into the various roles of actually being an elder and not just another competitor in the already crowded field. If oldness and all its glorious wisdom and humility is rejected out… Read more »

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Cato the Elder complained of this…

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Zoomer wahmen think they’re the first generation to have sexual liberation….”

From what I read, and that may be wrong, Zoomer women are the most anti-sex generation of human females since the days of Cotton Mather.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Spot on. It is the Year Zero and the 68’ers and the 85’ers want to party like it is 1999. There is a split screen quality to these political conventions, which really should be run in black and white as it is. On the right side of the screen, people yell the modern equivalent “Tippercanoe and Tyler, Too!” while on the left side of the screen statues of William Henry Harrison and John Tyler are toppled and their descendants assaulted and put to the torch. For laughs I visited NRO yesterday. There was a prominent story about how Hezbollah needs… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

“Multiple nations across the former US” implies that Conservatives will fight back at some point.

Color me skeptical.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

Even if the conservatives don’t fight back, and you have every reason to doubt they will, there will be multiple nations. We have them now and they are quite diverse.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Are you referring to ethnicities, or political entities? I was referring to the later.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

The former.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

The former lead to the later, so we are on course.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

While we usually look at issues of us-vs-them, which is fair enough, consider that in the future it is likely to be an everybody-vs-everybody 🙁

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Yea, especially the near future.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

There were faint signs of a pulse in Kenosha last night…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Yes, some Whites still have balls. It is a bitter irony, though, that they tend to be Boomers. Their younger critics are dribbling trouser gravy just like the cucks before them.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

The guy who shot the rioters who were attacking him in Kenosha appears to be a 17-year-old. Zoomers for the win.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Big question is his fate – assailed and jailed forever like James Fields for defending himself while White, or is self -defense still barely legal/

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by sentry
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

That’s a twist and good news.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

And charged with 1st degree murder.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

We need to be finding ways to fund Kyle Rittenhouse’ legal defense or frankly we’re all really a bunch of gassy loudmouths jacking each other off. He’s a hero AND his case is the most important precedent going.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Harsh opinion – Those with a pulse should have left years ago. Surely they recognized the signs of Marxist creep, and the fact that leftists were a growing majority? Well and good to be armed and alert, but not so good after things get spicy and the “jury of your peers” is a bunch of progressive whites. This is the big lesson-learned for me and mine – we have to constantly observe cultural reality and act accordingly. Doesn’t matter if my kith & kin have been in such & such county for 200 years – the question we should all… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by CAPT S
David Wright
Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

Left where? To the hills in the hinterlands? Kenosha is mostly white with about 8% black so what warning signs should they have heeded to?

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

As has been fleshed out many times on this blog, progressive whites are to be avoided as much as feral blacks. How is that hard to understand?

Warning signs? Plentiful for the observant man. Things like increasing faggotry and decreasing families. Rabid feminists gathered in the local Starbucks. Local voting trends and School Board decisions. The masked scowling at the unmasked. Signs aplenty.

Last edited 3 years ago by CAPT S
David Wright
Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

Oh so now I have to figure out a way of avoiding people that look like me but with different views.
I understand, do you not? There is no running from all of this. Make some kind of stand or try to fight back.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

We’re on the same side here but think we’re talking past one another. “I have to figure out a way of avoiding people that look like me but with different views.” Your sarcasm is reality; this is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Getting away from The Diversity™ is a subset of the solution but as we all know, coexisting with white progressives is an impossibility. “There is no running from this.” OK, but which hill do you want to defend first? Chicago? Portland? Kenosha? See my point? People from our side need to collocate with fellow travelers in defendable strongholds, not in areas… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

Yes its difficult to sort the White from the white. But it must be done. The extent to which varies somewhat on the goodness of said whites. Geography and demography alike have insurmountable points and passes. The subtleties only exist within the comforts of “mostly white” decadence. But in advance of some mythological collapse that forces such divides to reveal themselves in constant contrast, the burden is upon us to find our people and build up trust and reliance in advance of – and regardless of – some coming catastrophe, be it civwar 2.0 or meteor. White guys with guns… Read more »

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

We’ve come to the conclusion that that is 8% too many.
According to a young fellow (15 years old) who was helping to clean up last night’s mess, most of the scum were from Chicago and “out-of-town.”

Reply to  teachem2think
3 years ago

About a third of the population gain for Kenosha between 2000 and 2010 were negroes.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Eight percent is too high. Anything above 5% and you should start looking elsewhere.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I saw, this encapsulates my thoughts on it pretty well:


Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

The question I always ask is why defend a Community that isn’t yours… People can’t shake the brainwashing that we are all one people…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

The thing that’s always glossed over in regards to the Rooftop Koreans is that they were defending their own property, and perhaps that of their community. There’s only one business close to me that I would put in to that group, but oddly enough it’s owned by a Big Corp and I’m sure they would rather it be torched than have locals defend it.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

Yep the FBI ATF DHS and US Marshalls will punch well into overtime to surveil and eventually SWAT these white agitators when the time is right for their story. CNN will be there too so the goodwhite pron can play on a loop. Feelz good. In my “conservative” mostly white city someone spray painted “white lives matter” around a bus stop. Of course it also included some poorly sketched notsee symbols just to drive home the white=notsee for those white normies starting to feel frisky. Local mews had a package on it within the hour. The eyewitness who apparently first… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I’ve seen multiple reports of “police investigations” into KKK-covid gear being worn in East County San Diego (home of Klantee). Notoriously wignat Torrance had recent raycisms as well.

Just what crime is being investigated?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

That’s it. Listen to the Imperial Political Police when they are interviewed. They always do a “both sides” thing yet never seem to arrest the actual perps, the communists who are their allies. The FBI/DOJ had little credibility with anyone left before this happened.

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

Exactly. The “hate” crime modifier is just one of many codified anti-white identity laws that exists solely as a frontlash weapon of anarcho-tyranny and patsy generating agitprop mechanism.

These clever regulations are both an electric fence around goodwhite moral superiority, keeping whiteness corralled as sheep, and as gateways in which greater federal powers can enter the “mostly white” communities should the sheep start getting all wolfie.

The crime is white identity.

MN Steel
MN Steel
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

The evil Andrew Anglin seems to have called it again. Can’t wait for the DOJ crack-down and those 180K sealed indictments to be opened.

Trust the plan.


Reply to  MN Steel
3 years ago

Andrew Anglin is (((Weev’s))) rent boy and doesn’t deserve to tie Kyle’s shoes.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Got a queasy feeling this morning watching the videos.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I’d hazzard a guess that it was mostly due to BLM rioters carrying signs that said: Packers Suck!

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Someone got tired of paying the Jogger tax. Maybe some ppl in WI would rather have the nagger than pay the naggergeld.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

Conservatives never will. White working class towns will.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I must be psychic because it was plain to me what the cuck response to Kenosha last night would be so I listened to the cuckiest of the cuckiest and tuned into Glen Beck. A direct quote: “Don’t engage in bloodshed! Take the beating! It will end this faster!” Yeah, Beck. Good luck with that one and your faux politics.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

If anyone can find a link to cuck Beck, play it between the 30m and 49m portion. It is the biggest cuck self-own and indictment I’ve experienced.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I can’t take a guy who looks like Santa Claus seriously

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I’ve noticed Beck is showing up more in my YouTube homepage. Is he getting popular again? Remember when he made the cover of Time magazine?

Jack Dobson, how come you can give us the time segment to listen to, but no link? Do you not know how to cut & paste?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

I am estimating. I don’t know where there is a link to Beck.

Feel free. I would like to hear that again if you are so inclined.

It is the second time I have listened to the grifter in recent years. The first time he was confused, today quite ready to surrender

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

A different Beck said “Soy un perdido, I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me…” This was a pop hit in 1990s, YouTube “Beck Loser” if you like quirky songs.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

These losers like Beck all want to be Ghandi, lol

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

They think they are Ghandi but in truth they are Petain, which really is unfair to him but I can’t find a better substitute.

Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Gandhi got shot.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Just look at the codename of their big bad Leftist surveillance op – “Crossfire Hurricane.”

Real hip, guys.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Ash Staub
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Isn’t that a Rolling Stones lyric?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ash Staub
3 years ago

Yes, from 1968.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

In that case, perhaps you’ll understand why I think a good HRC codename would be: toothless, bearded, hag.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

But it’s alright now, in fact it’s a gas 🙂

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

It’s a gas gas gas

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Or “Laura” for short.

Kooks in Kenosha
Kooks in Kenosha
3 years ago

The idiocy of “antiracist” pro-BLM libertarians who have taken the FBI’s “boogaloo” bait is breathtaking.

Not only are these idiots marching around supporting BLM:

But there’s also speculation that the Kenosha shooter might have been one of these “antiracist” boogaloogers:

The guy of course had the right to defend himself since he was attacked by thugs, but if he hadn’t paraded around with BLM in the first place he wouldn’t be in this situation right now. Libertarians have learned nothing from Garrett Foster.

Libertarians may very well have a lower average IQ than blacks.

Reply to  Kooks in Kenosha
3 years ago

Libertarians may very well have a lower average IQ than blacks.
That may be the case but they definitely are traitors to white people…

sam the man
sam the man
Reply to  Kooks in Kenosha
3 years ago

You know whose fault this is? The black woman who called the cops on Jacob Blake. Black women are constantly calling the cops to interject in their domestic squabbles.

Black women, stop calling the cops to deal with your violent black men on your behalf. Deal with them yourself.

Last edited 3 years ago by sam the man
Reply to  Kooks in Kenosha
3 years ago

The Kenosha County Sheriff has already announced that arrests are coming. The shooter will likely be arrested and charged with murder and a host of other charges. Even if he is acquitted, this will ruin his life. Kenosha is a Blue city in a Blue state and should be left to burn. But if these people feel compelled to go into a combat zone they need to wear fatigues, a full face mask, helmet and gloves so they can’t readily be identified. It would be far more effective to hit a few random targets from a distance and GTFO before… Read more »

Kenosha Wake Up Call
Kenosha Wake Up Call
Reply to  Guest
3 years ago
Reply to  Guest
3 years ago

Defund the police, defund the schools!

Why should we lift a finger?
They’ll bring more to this side of the river than we could in a hundred years.

3 years ago

This was the case with the Bolsheviks. The revolution carried on through the war and into the Cold War.

Indeed. Over the last week I have been reading John Reed’s Ten Days That Shook The World and the thing that struck me the most was the way the Bolshevik key players would talk non-stop about ‘The Revolution’ as though it was a flame that could never be extinguished.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Revolution flame is the promethean fire, constant rebellion against God.
This is a very old concept so in a way they are right.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Not only could it never be extinguished, it had to sweep across the globe. Hence the Comintern.

3 years ago

Society may be in constant flux but the Harvard Crimson still manage to ride highest in the tide that grifts all boats. As Heartiste often said, our present culture is prime territory for Dark Triad predators. We’ve all seen the studies that show how leadership in the managerial state correlates strongly with narcissism, sadism and pathological deceitfulness. These sharks grow fat on White Americans adrift in a sea of poz, blinded by rainbow glitter and deafened by sirens bewailing their thirsty WAP’s. Anyone who’s seen “Jaws” knows the vibe. When you’re cast adrift, you stay together, hold each other up,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Exile
Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

geat post. society selects for sociopathy

3 years ago

I don’t know a whole lot about the 50s and 60s cultural “revolution” and “civil rights” movement, but the one thing I do know is that it is probably all lies. The current narrative about the revolutions of the 50s and 60s is the good guys who were “non-violent” and staged peaceful resistance against the fascist forces of the South is as much of a lie as the current “peaceful” “civil rights” protests happening right now. The babies of today in 2070 will be reading about the peaceful summer of love of 2020 when the “good-whites” and “people of color”… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Today I look at those 1950’s pictures of White American troops forcing White American citizens to go to school with blacks, and I know it’s nothing but make believe all the way back. And the mass of people saw nothing wrong with that. Those pictures incense me. But repukes liked Ike.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

It’s funny because we are not a natural Republican constituency. The GOP has always been full of cucks and traitors. It was founded as an abolitionists party. It was the party of big business and race egalitarianism and now it’s the party of cucks and big business “libertarians”
The historic Democrat party is FAR more natural party for the dissident “right,” particularly the race conscious dissident right. The Democrats got taken over by progressive loons even worse on the race issue than the cucks in the GOP.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Its like capitalists in tophats behind the barricades: 1984

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
3 years ago

Nostalgia is a multibillion dollar industry. There are board rooms all over the world trying to figure out how to separate people from their money By selling them Reproductions of things they held near and dear or experiences with people or places that are long gone. Being on the edge of the baby bloomers spectrum 1964, I realized in my 30’sThat 1978 Ain’t coming back, and that when nostalgia crossed over to sentimentality my wallet was lighter And I wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of me. Maybe that’s the whole point of it. Distraction.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hamsumnutter
3 years ago

Hence the irrational ongoing cult-like devotion to vinyl LPs and 60s-70s muscle cars.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

A. Analog recordings are more true to life.

B. Muscle cars are pussy magnets.

What may I ask, is wrong with that?

Felix Krull
3 years ago

Another great column, you’re on a roll. <i>It is common to call the 1960’s a cultural revolution. Some say it was the sexual revolution or maybe the youth revolution. Still others point out that the revolution started in the 1950’s with black civil rights. </i> Or in the WWII, when the women started working industry jobs in large numbers. Or the twenties, when the Old World was in smoking ruins and people decided to burn down Old World culture as well and start again with dada and bauhaus, and when women started smoking and cut their hair short. In the nineteenth… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

I think we have to reject the Enlightenment, at least.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Ironically, the only reason this revolution continues is b/c of the huge power of the state. If we were to get rid of the police there’d be no one to come arrest you for doing a racism, and the country would balkanize faster.

It is the natural prerogative of the patriarchal man to enforce order in his sphere. The police took this away. Now we have the delicate white man hiding from the black man behind a (very porous) wall of blue. Remove the blue wall, and let the white man remember how to defend himself.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chad Hayden
Reply to  Chad Hayden
3 years ago

Yeah as long as the cops and the family court judges also retreat from his kitchen table. As long as State power resides between a man and his wife and children the blaq man on the street is just one more symptom of that problem. Thats why continuing to invest in the various political and other apparatuses that perpetuate state power while complaining about state power is insanity. Arguing over which brand of psychopath tyrant deserves to sit at your own table while ignoring the actual premise that it has no right to be there at all is hardly the… Read more »

3 years ago

Well, here is the test. TPTB have just discovered that the Antifa/BLM violence sends people Trump’s way, rather than away from him (duh). Will it stop on a dime? So much of what has been going on these last few years (Wuflu panics, Russiagate, impeachment, all the racial stuff) just appears so staged to me. It seems to be about, and mostly only about, removing the tick from the deep state’s neck that is Trump. If the nightly violence goes away by the first of the week, we will know how much things are being staged. If it continues, we… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

Dutch said: “If the nightly violence goes away by the first of the week, we will know how much things are being staged. If it continues, we know instead that the BLM attack dog has slipped its leash.” The problem for the democrats is that there are a lot of amateurs out there mixing it up for personal reasons. the least of which is grand theft. So I can’t see how they could just flip a switch. And as for the BLM block heads “slipping their leash “, the management will obay orders I’m sure. As for the rank and… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

The prospect of free sh*t does tend to motivate certain people and groups to slip that leash very easily.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

Indeed. Riots and looting have been all the rage for around 10,000 years.

3 years ago

I haven’t been following the conventions. I’m way more worried about which town black murderers and their white/Jewish apologists will destroy next, and whether my family is at risk.

The conventions could not be more out of touch with the reality on the ground, and it’s hard enough keeping track of the mayhem and wondering if you’re in danger than wasting time trying to follow the irrelevant theatrics on TV.

Reply to  pabulum
3 years ago

If there is more than a 50% chance of the violence coming to your town and your town not being able or not wanting to defend itself it might be time to move out of there…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

BLM tried to hit up a small town in rural PA with like 300 residents the other day…

This shit can now happen anywhere in the country. BLM could even attack a random cabin in the woods.

Reply to  gregory
3 years ago

Tried what happened?

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

It didn’t end will for BLM/Antifa. The same things have happened in other small towns. Zinc, AR; Ft. Collins, CO; some small inland town in California early in the riots — the antifa soyboys and a few joggers roll in and find a bunch of armed men and/or men willing to mix it up and no big city Dem-controlled police dept. willing to stop them and the Antifa/BLM are either very polite or running for their lives in short order. Zinc, AR is only about 100 people. Barely a wide spot in the road, but a KKK leader lives there.… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Exactly right Vizzini which was my point if he would of read all my post instead of just cherry picking the first part to try and make his point…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  gregory
3 years ago

BLM could even attack a random cabin in the woods.

For sure.

Locally, I’m seeing houses in farming communities with BLM signs in the front yard.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Yeah that is the most gutless of virtue signaling. Nary a BLM sign to be found in my mostly (for now) white working class neighborhood, but the closer you get to the Whole Foods the more BLM crap you see.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

“Black Owned”

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Good. You now have a sign-posting declared enemy in your area and you didn’t even have to research to find out who is against you and/willing to sell Your People out.

In the interim to possible future spicy times utilize your social network to isolate and locally vilify these Quislings. It is harsh but unless you are in an irredeemable wokester area you must harden your heart and try to excise this cancer.

Rumor, shunning, innuendo and the evil eye are your tools at this stage.

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

All I can say is I plan to sit out the election period in our second, more rural home. I doubt our city would erupt as the jogger population is low. But it also is a college town and quite liberal, so the antifags could stir things up as well. Come the end of October thru at least middle of November. I think this election is going to be a barn burner no matter who wins, but especially if trump pulls it off.

Last edited 3 years ago by usNthem
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

I think that would be a wise decision Brother hopefully you have some neighbors you can count on if it does kick off in your neighborhood…

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Probably a good idea and an even better one to be prepared for an extended stay if this becomes your plan.

There are some legs to the idea that we may not even know who is the next President until the new year as delays in counting, disputes, and legal appeals may postpone the decision.

Last edited 3 years ago by Penitent Man
3 years ago

The true believers at Powerline thought it was one of the great moments in the history of the Republic. For what its worth, last night’s poll dump showed Trump improving in several states. In what I thought was a very odd ad campaign, I have started getting a YouTube ad featuring Chuck Schumer essentially screaming that Senate Democrats need the help of “grassroots donors” like me to “ditch Mitch” and retake the Senate. Given the resources these people have it is an incredibly bad ad even if I was inclined to support them. My entire YouTube history is nothing but… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Barnard
Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Ergo, YouTube history is of far greater quality than 99.98 percent of all other YouTube history’s in existence.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

I don’t have a YouTube or Social History presence. I am guilty of donating some $ to Trump in 2016. The other day’s mail included gimme letters from the RNCC, Wounded Warriors, some group against Common Core, and Zioclops. Oh, and a phone call from Cornyn.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

That is at least targeted based on your donation to Trump in 2016. They will sell your name and address and any other contact info you give them to any group that will pay for it, which is another reason never to donate to a political campaign. What I saw had to be a blanket ad they paid to show after any monetized YouTube video. Campaign consultants don’t care that much about the results as long as they get paid.

3 years ago

Some argue that the Civil War was a second founding of the nation, a rework of the first, but repairing the flaws in the original founding.  Pretty sure USA was intended to be an masonic experiment from very early on, the new Atlantis, a place where the sciences that originated in Christian Europe, will be applied in order to create a luciferian world. US perpetual revolution state can be seen as taking the populations of the world and molding them like in a test lab into whatever the elite want them to be, this could be seen when looking at… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Right? Every once in a while they will put some near-retarded slug from the FBI or whatever on the tube and he will proclaim how non-political their agency is and, hey, “we are looking for the Klan as well as the communists behind these riots!” Part of it is straight up lying because their Imperial masters sponsor the Marxists, but no small part of it is due to a near-geriatric memory of what the FBI did in the past.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

>  but no small part of it is due to a near-geriatric memory of what the FBI did in the past.
Most of what is modern America can be described at third stage dementia. Some faint wisps of the past with little cognizance of the present day. Like a child witnessing his parent lose his faculties more and more, it’s just going to get more depressing.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
3 years ago

OT but interesting…an excerpt from a book recommended by commenters here – Christus Liberator An Outline Study of Africa. — [Dr.] Livingstone wrote to his daughter from the Manyuema country in 1870: “The men (carriers) sent by Dr Kirk are Mohammedans, that is, unmitigated liars. Musa and his companions are fair specimens of the lower class of Moslems. The two headmen remained at Ujiji, to feast on my goods, and get pay without work. Seven came to Bambarré, and in true Moslem style swore that they were sent by Dr. Kirk to bring me back, not to go with me,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Leftism cannot abide any status quo or else it ceases to exist, becoming conservatism instead. Its function is not to improve society but rather to perpetuate itself endlessly. This has been evident since at least the French Revolution.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

“Perpetual Revolution: The Image and Social Change presents six of these critical issues transformed by visual culture: #BlackLivesMatter, gender fluidity, climate change, terrorist propaganda, the right-wing fringe and the 2016 election, and the refugee crisis.”


Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

So true. As Z said, “Those behind [the unrest] are trying to conjure a familiar bogeyman from the past.” The media and entertainment industry always pushing excitement. Circular agitation. Every year Hollywood pumps out more “Don’t Forget what Whitey did to You” movies. MSM follows with “Don’t You See They’re Still Doing it to You!?” Lefty leadership is like the perpetually angry spastic basketball coaches. “What are you doing sitting on your couch Tyrone! You need to get out there and break shit! GO GO GO!!!”

3 years ago

You explain it well because our current situation always strikes me as so odd. Given their behavior, ideology, and the damage they’ve done, of course we should be in a full-blown cold war with China. And of course we should be warming to Russia and trying to draw them to our side of the confrontation with China – they are more at risk than we are.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

I see it in the business world. As we baby boomers get older and retire or die the level of managers just below us in their late 40’s are trying to manage the younger generation below them like they managed the baby boomers. Problem is it ain’t working well. The next generation of American workers are different and require a different mindset. The current generation of managers is nostalgic for the way America used to work. They are like Hitler ordering around competent armies of workers that no longer exist. Its not only the political world that is nostalgic for… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

That’s right lol. “I follow my own path” “I don’t want a boring life like the other people” “I want to travel the world” “I don’t want to be a cog in the corporate machine” “I want a job I’m passionate about”…

The list goes on and on. My generation needs to stfu and deal with real life – that kind of lifestyle just doesn’t exist for 90% of us.

Anyways, while the whites travel and “find themselves” the Indians and Chinese are finding themselves in university and taking over the middle class jobs.

Reply to  b123
3 years ago
Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

Followed by “A Millenial vs a Baby Boomer”

SO good

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

The next generation of American workers are different and require a different mindset. I have noticed this too. The other day, whilst listening to my boss expound on his ‘leadership’ ability, it occurred to me that his ‘hands off approach’ and his ‘laid back style’ would not result in the same fruits with a different batch of workers – say, ones from a younger generation who thought that ‘being asked to work’ was against their rights… Those who take no pride in work and wish to turn it into a social club. It was yet another reminder that whilst it… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

It’s all about emotional management.

The boss has to prove he’s on “their side” – the same way the NBA coaches have to cuck to BLM or the players will ignore them.

Young people generally have a poor social life and limited communities – not to mention Netflix that makes the corporate world appear much more thrilling than it really is.

Their expectation is that work will be their social club. Of course instead of wild hookups in the janitor’s closet, in real life most people just want to gtfo at 5.

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Their expectation is that work will be their social club. This has been one of the most unbearable things to witness. I will say that it is mostly females who wish for this to be true, and to some extent for them it is. But you’re correct, for most people work is just a way to eke out a living – nothing more. If you are fortunate enough to enjoy your work that is great, but I have never understood the obsession people have with the ‘career’ – as if nothing outside of it matters. I have gotten more satisfaction… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Their expectation is that work will be their social club.

I’ve experienced this in microcosm on expat assignments where I carry a disproportionate amount of the load.

It’s infuriating how everyone expects you to spend your off hours with the co-workers you carry all week.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Why my husband and I only rarely attend the company Christmas party. Hubby is their big time earner, but he can’t talk to any of the other office guys openly, and the increasingly far-flung other company drones include increasing lashings of mystery meat. We prefer our own company.

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Interesting when you think of how corporate life is portrayed – has always been portrayed, really. My friend’s ex-British army husband used to dream of the American corporate life. Now that he’s lived it for a few decades, he’s just as desperate for them to offer him an early retirement and GTFO. Of course, the corporate life he dreamed of wasn’t run by pajeets.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

True, a person raised in a traditional home and raised with a work ethic needs little supervision for his or her manager to look like a genius. On the other hand white people raised with unrealistic expectations mixed in with lazy joggers all managed by HR type managers does not create a innovative and productive workplace for our new business world.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

I am not sure when, but I think that most first world economies have shifted from ‘maximum production’ as their mantra to ‘maximum employment’; and there is plenty of make-work to go around.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

If you were ever employed in government or government contracts, you’d probably never notice a difference 😀

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Part of the difficulty is a lack of overall competence in supporting and entry roles. Many supervisors aren’t intelligent enough to explain things concisely and many workers lack initiative and sense of personal freedom to give something a shot. The method of “watch me to it and then you try it” gets substituted for “attend 5 seminars after which you’ll get the check mark for your box that tells us you’re qualified even though you haven’t done this job yet”. The response is to hyper-structure tasks and systems with a 6 gorillion step checklist that appeals to the feminine. I… Read more »

Reply to  John Carter
3 years ago

Also need to consider the level of competence and intelligence of those being trained. My younger kid is a reliable and willing worker, but he’s just not that bright. Something that seems intuitive to others needs to be explained to him (i.e. scan all items in the same warehouse location together instead of following how things are listed on the scanner and running back and forth).

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Part of that might be inexperience. I made goof-ups as a teenager that seem silly in retrospect. I expect more from a 45+ y/o manager.

Reply to  John Carter
3 years ago

many workers lack … sense of personal freedom

Hit the nail on the head there. The sense of personal freedom, what it means to have such a responsibility, as well as the steps needed to keep it are lost on the youth. And in fact, as COVID shows, most people in general.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Slightly off-topic, but in my experience a lot of Boomers are simply refusing to retire, which is blocking Xers and Millenials from taking that next step up the ladder.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

That observation, from my experience, is somewhat true but works this way: Boomer refuses to retire until past his expiry date, and the Gen Xers are passed over for a Millennial. It truly is a transition from mediocre to shiftless. Gen Xers had better learn and learn fast they have to go out on their own if that even is possible.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I think that is exactly correct. I have observed it more than once.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago


As a passed over Xer I concur.

Not dropping out of undergrad to get in on the dotcom boom as a founder and then acquiring a conventional corporate job was a huge life mistake on my part.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

I did my part, man! I retired at 54. I’ve cleared the path. Step up, whippersnappers!

Henry Lee
3 years ago

Now, I wish for the 50’s. A few years ago I was wishing for the 40’s so bad I thought I’d be transported there like Christopher Reeve in “Somewhere in Time.”

Reply to  Henry Lee
3 years ago

I think we’re there … the 1850s.

Reply to  Henry Lee
3 years ago

I’m an early boomer and remember very well life in the 1950s. Say what you will of that era, it looked a lot like what the people commenting here seem to want. Family life was still the centerpiece of society. The fuliginous population was segregated, controlled and reasonably well behaved. Christian morality, if not always followed, set the standard for behavior. Manliness was virtuous, not toxic. Women were feminine in the best sense of that word. Businesses were contributing participants in the communities where they operated. Workers produced real things of value and hadn’t been transformed into ciphers in cubicles… Read more »

Reply to  Gespenst
3 years ago

Fuliginous, nice word. Thanks, I’m adding that to the lexicon.

3 years ago

The tedious and stupid “patriotic.” brought literal tears to the eyes of a Boomer friend of mine.
I’m Gen X of course so I saw it for what it was, manipulative Civ Nat trash
As for Trump. I was bothered not by his Civ Nattery , I , a decently smart hippo knew he was a scorpion when he got on my back . I’ve a thick hide and frankly he’s been stinging people I hate. Its fine till I can get enough hippos together for a good old stampede.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

My boomer mom was in tears listening to the Cuban guy. It does work. I only know because she called me afterwards….Did you watch it?….No, why would I do that?………

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Your mom sounds like a nice lady. Tell her for me, that I thought the ” Cuban guy” talking about his escape from Castros Communist hell and coming to the land of opportunity to seek a better life was touching as well.

Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Carl B.
Carl B.
3 years ago

Kenosha looked like Millennial White boy vs. Millenial White boy. 2 Millennial White boy Leftists lie dead as a result. Yeah the White Ethnostate is really gonna happen.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

All kidding aside, it appears as though the hatestream media has already realized last night’s incident is not the III%, 2A, blond-haired, blue-eyed white supremacist gunning down innocent youfs like dogs martyrdom event they are clearing salivating for.

JBlake is not going to get the pop Fentanyl Floyd did because they have already released (or failed to suppress) the portion of the video showing him acting like a fool when the police arrived.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

Well, it did just get better by three 😉

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

Regarding nostalgia, I’ve had this discussion with others. Are there any new ideas in the movie industry, or just reboots of things from past generations? The biggest hits in recent years are reboots of Star Wars, Jurassic Park, etc. Hell, they’re even rebooting Bill & Ted. When movies like Star Wars or Jurassic Park first arrived on the scene, they were new, innovative, different, a step forward in technology and storytelling. Now we just reboot those old things, usually as a pale imitation with more CGI. Could you imagine filmmakers in the 1970s rebooting stuff from the 30s or 40s?… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

Good point. Lots of remakes, showing as you’ve said, a complete lack of imagination – except for added CGI and of course, joggers. What would we do w/o them?

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

Many movies we consider great and original are based off of novels. There is little true originality in cinema.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

New ideas? Retrofuturism? The recycling of the recycling? Part of the trouble is the industry has become increasingly geared towards a more low-common-denominator global audience. But I think a larger part of it has to do with the fact that artistic expression, at least in the west, stalled out in the 1990s and has now come to a complete halt. Why is this? This guy whose book I have linked to below had some pretty good insights. He was a Marxist (real, not cultural), a Joy Division fan, and a suicide (2017). I first read this essay a decade ago… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vegetius
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

When they did remake movies back in the 70’s or 80’s they were sometimes better than the originals. The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers…

3 years ago

Looking forward to the book and your tying these threads together.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Antifa/BLM gets blamed and BLAM-ed. Unless I misread the news account, a 17-year-old protecting property in Kenosha killed two, presumably Antifa types. His trial will be interesting; absent exceptional proof of his being the initiator, speaking personally I would have a hard time convicting him. While it would be the last thing on Earth for me to condone such violence 😎 I imagine such incidents will give many Radicals pause and ask if breaking windows and burning stuff is really worth the risk. Or it may escalate things, who knows. I say “Bring it on.” Washington, D.C. no violence, merely… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

comment image

more like the front line of the all you can eat buffet

this is what we are up against, I am not worried.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

Looks like Heather Heyer…ask James Fields how that turns out…

Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

You should be. Those fatties have the power to take your job, family & freedom. They hold the power right now.

Don’t fall into the “when the civil war comes, we’ll kick their asses” delusion. The time for that fight was in the 1960’s and 1970’s and not enough of Our Guys showed up for the war.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

I’m more of a “when national bankruptcy comes, they will no longer have the resources to project power” kind of guy. How many of then have underling university jobs? Most of those will be gone in the financial cataclysm.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Followed by the real cataclysm where they’ll disappear permanently.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

Those cows are the ass end of a big snake. It’s the head of the snake that’s killing our people.

Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

Z Man said: “Some argue that the Civil War was a second founding of the nation, a rework of the first, but repairing the flaws in the original founding. This would then be the birth of the revolutionary America, the genuinely revolutionary America, that exists today.” I’ve never been a big Abraham Lincoln worshiper. There were good reasons people in the south called him a tyrant. I recently read an article on a site called The Warden Post about a book intitled: “The Basic Symbols of the American Political Tradition.” The authors contend that, in fact there was a second founding… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

Lincoln was a corrupt monster installed by railroad barons. He’s only revered today because the Republican establishment from 1970-1920 carefully reconstructed his image as emancipating deity, complete with Lincoln Memorial (now there’s something we can get behind tearing down). The country that emerged after him was entirely different, with all pretense to liberty taking a back seat to top down corporatist management.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

What your talking about is the northern hegemony. And that’s just the way war goes. Once to north won the war the industrial powers were free to do as they pleased. Now it’s the federal reserve and globohomo.

Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

Speaking of that Mary Todd was eating carpet, that’s a fact, and Lincoln himself has the “Log Cabin Republicans” honoring him. So yep, it all started there. A homosexual couple in the White House responsible for over 600k dead people. That’s the real legacy.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

JR Wirth said: “Speaking of that Mary Todd was eating carpet, that’s a fact,…” I’ve never heard that Mary T. was a clam wrangler. I guess anything’s possible.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

Not only that, but it was 1850s carpet. Not the most hygienic era. You have to get all the way to Eleanor Roosevelt to get to a dyke of the same magnitude.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Holy s*** batman. That’s what I was thinking. Yikes!

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

What’s interesting about American history is that there’s this direct line of busy bodies going all the way back to the founding. The same busy bodies that are causing trouble today. They almost always get their way, but I think it’s different today precisely because it’s now a different county (literally, with a changed out population) than it was even in 1960. The founders, even the Anglicans, were very reformed in their outlook. They weren’t “building the kingdom.” They were trying to live, in peace, in a dangerous unforgiving world full of human scum. Then the Methodists came along and… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago


it goes all the way back to the Plymouth Pilgrims.

They literally left a prosperous and peaceful life in Holland to build Utopia in a desolate dangerous wilderness.

3 years ago

The Revolution is like a hydra, popping a head up in this country or that whenever the opportunity arises, sometimes for a good while and other times just a peek to test the waters. The global conditions are fertile ground for it, and there is no sign those conditions are changing anytime soon. That isnt to black pill, it is possible that like an addict humanity just needs to hit rock bottom is all. It isnt pretty in the gutter but sometimes thats the only way up. I like to think that in the meantime the Revolution can end at… Read more »

Reply to  Irishfarmer
3 years ago

Link to shooting vid?

I did see the “anti racist” guy get interviewed, I can tell right away he’s a paid asset or a plant. Never seen anyone talk like him.

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Heres the best angle i could find shows all three hits pretty close up not much leading up to it.


Thud Muffle
3 years ago

Boomers sure have a lot to answer for.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Thud Muffle
3 years ago

Oh really. So you have young, disenfranchised white boys shooting each other in the street instead of going after the scum politicians, educators, and Media whores who bear the greatest responsibility for the mass stupidity sweeping America today – and it’s the Boomers who “have a lot to answer for?”

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

Carl Boomer, we’ve been over this before – NABALT, but your generation sucks.

At least there are young men in the streets. They’re not hiding at home polishing their entirely ornamental gun collections and fighting the power by mailing in Trump ballots.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

“Disenfranchisements were made”. Sincerely, Boomer. Boomer hate is lazy, but kind of fun and cathartic too. As a cynical x’er I am prone to generational hate. Moments of weakness. But its nothing personal. And it comes from a good place: I just want the boomers to be better. Its tough love. Which is only fair as they want me to shut up, pay taxes, subsidize their pharma, and buy them out of the ponzi before the reaper rides in on AOC. We’ll just call it a push. Look on the bright side. Maybe those boys are just not who we… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Mr. Retired would approve. All those natural conservatives like Arjun, Nkembe, Yun & Juan Pedro III have just been temporarily derailed by the evil leftists currently controlling our awesome nation. As soon as we can offer them a “greater society” deal, they’ll be back on the conservative USA surfboard, no questions asked. Then we’ll be the big multi-culti smorgasbord we’ve all dreamed of.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Screwtapr said: “As a cynical x’er I am prone to generational hate. Moments of weakness. But its nothing personal. And it comes from a good place: I just want the boomers to be better. Its tough love.”

Hahaha! “I just want the boomers to be better.”
What a wonderfully condescending little shit you are. LOL. Really, all my boomer love. 😍

Last edited 3 years ago by Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

Z: “Something similar is happening on the Left. The stuff we are seeing with left-wing agitation and rioting is like a weird cargo cult. They are reenactors playing roles they heard their grandparents talk about at family gatherings. Those behind it are trying to conjure a familiar bogeyman from the past. They desperately want Bull Connor to show up with fire-hoses and attack dogs. They’ll settle for idiots in homemade armor, just so they can pretend it is yesterday.”

This. This is why we show up at Zman’s every day.

Last edited 3 years ago by Frip
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Oh, how I must resist the temptation to be an idiot in homemade armor. That time will come soon enough…

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Sad theatre. Stuffed muppets going through the motions…not an ounce of honesty or honor in the lot of them. The jews pull the strings to make them sing and dance. Political porn, while the country falls apart. Rome 2.0

3 years ago

oh and it was good to see young Sandmann doing alright and remaining faithful. it was also good that his truth was clearly revealed. thankfully y’all north american whites have much less annoying natives to deal with; then again, too many north sea descendants wanting to be cucks too. it’s hard, but maybe converting would help. Rome did unite whites before.

also, young Sandmann does seem to have a certain cool haircut.

3 years ago

A peek into our future: James Beard restaurant awards cancelled. From NYT: “As Black Lives Matters protests bloomed across the country, patience was growing thin over how few opportunities are given to Black chefs, including the opportunity to win Beard awards… At an emergency meeting…a foundation staff member who had seen the final voting results raised a second concern: No Black people had won in any of the 23 categories on the ballot… (Much snitching ensues to get whites removed from nominee list – Frip) The ballot would be edited to remove nominees the foundation now saw as problematic. But… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Frip
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

I saw that. Now I’m going to be flying blind on new restaurant picks over the next two years. And when it comes back half of their picks will be chicken and waffle stands. What else can be ruined? I guess the Michelin list will do. Shitty app though.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

It’s happening to New York theatre too. Musicals and plays. It’s a plus for us because restaurant and theatre problems directly perturb their liberal sophisticate patrons. They’ll see first hand how communism/BLM ruins things. This hits home. It’s the equivalent of riots coming to their own neighborhoods. Another factor is, much of the two industries are full of bitchy gay men who shake with rage over non-meritted advantage. People in both professions work extremely hard and are driven almost solely by credit and accolades. This shit ain’t gonna fly in those quarters. Look what happened to La La Land at… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Frip
3 years ago

Why watch a minute of either convention?

3 years ago

Some of you comment on here in a stream of consciousness manner, without any thought to how it reads. No paragraph separation, no thought of coherence. “My ideas..must get them out…h;lk#////!!—###3jews**8aljjjj bbbiierr lakjfa;io alk(((9+++8888 foauoiu…”

3 years ago

yes, the radicals knew that without endless senseless revolution (what else can be more senseless but abolishing all incentive to produce the wealth you need to redistribute, yet invent all sorts of control and propaganda to keep slaves hacking away anyway – to build Kalashnikovs and not much else), endless empire couldn’t exist. which is why without them radicals, the only eternal institutions that can guarantee Russian unity are those that defend the faith and traditions that keep Russian genos and ethnos together. true, it may mean losing some of the minorities, but at least Russia can grow more organically… Read more »

3 years ago

[…] ZMan is there for you. […]

3 years ago

The O.G. modernist revolutionary was Martin Luther. We are living on reverberations from that singular protesting event fracturing western Christianity into countless versions. Once “reasoned” the vice sin into a virtuous deed (and other distortions of dogma) the floodwaters of hell were released.
love God and sin boldly” is one of the phrases tagged to him.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  PJS
3 years ago
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

Wrote some great stuff on Jews by the way.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
3 years ago

I have… https://www.amazon.com/Luther-His-Progeny-Protestantism-Consequences-ebook/dp/B0727XHNWB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2M10LIJ74WNYQ&dchild=1&keywords=luther+and+his+progeny&qid=1598679571&sprefix=luther+and%2Caps%2C456&sr=8-1 I’ve seen many of Reeves YouTube videos… he’s educated and smart, but his defense of Protestant error come through. Dismissing Catholic review as most do is much like dismissing electromagnetic forces in the universe as insignificant and applying gravity as a sole solution – of which main stream physics does today… Luther spoke to the devil (his own account) and worked hard to justify his desire of flesh And sin… Sin bodly is also attributed to him… if you research what Luther started, you will find the seed of modernism and thus humanism there (I’m not sure… Read more »

3 years ago

Not sure why the author and comments don’t see the demographic future of America as an explanation for why we see Trump and RNC pandering to diverse people. It should be obvious that we will be the minority, and an all white Team Republican has no chance of winning without using conservative minded others to vote R.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

“Family Values cross the Rio Grande” for those “Natural Conservatives,” right?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

The name of the game is to win the election. You ducked that. Play the cards you are dealt. Reality is a bitch. Find ways to make non-whites to share and live the same values. Yet, the whining about the Republican Party not suiciding itself is inexplicable.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

So in other words, the exact opposite of what Trump ran and won on four years ago?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

Sad to say, but demographics is destiny. How big is the base? How long until that white base becomes inert? Expand a value base that agrees with the founding. Then you can keep your guns, and take on the swamp, it’s corruption, and return the dream called America. “They ain’t white” should not matter. I’ve seen it.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I don’t blame ppl who work in the Republican party for wanting to win. You never win by copying the other guy. An explicitly white message would pull way more non-whites than pandering does.

Trump’s message to Latinos and Asians should be, “You came here to live in a white, organized, law-abiding country” and then showcase black rioting, and the caravan’d hordes.

Reply to  John Carter
3 years ago

Why do you need the word, “white?” Values make a friendship, not skin color or country of origin. Remember it was “ Keep those filthy Dagos and Micks out of our country.” Even though I make this message, it does not mean that I believe in allowing illegal immigration, or an immigration program that does not fully assimilate immigrants. The old system called the melting pot seem to be working just fine, and that to me wasn’t the problem that got us here today as much As economic and political subterfuge beginning in about 1913.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I guess the down votes like the Fed and the communist infiltration into the USA after Soviets took Russia.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

It’s a nice thought, but not going to work. The Irish and Italians assimilated, and they were willing and capable of doing so. That’s not going to happen now and the future is a bitter multiethnic society. Think Austro-Hungarian empire.

Reply to  Major Hoople
3 years ago

Why are the D’s scared? Lemon said the riots are helping Trump. But long term you are probably right unless DJT gets 4 more years and is willing and able to do major damage.

Reply to  John Carter
3 years ago

Classic old White civnat projection. No, the Latinos and Asians did not come to live in a law-abiding White country. They came to get theirs while looting a former White country that is in its death throes.

Last edited 3 years ago by 3g4me
John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

The point isn’t what they actually came for. The comment thread was about winning elections, and my point is if GOP wants to win then that line of attack would get more minorities than pandering.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Do believe that we can vote our way out of our future as a despised minority?

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Certainly you cannot. That’s why we need to have things in common about freedom and liberty and culture with humans who are already here or who will be coming here and who will vote like us. We can circle the wagons and say whites only or you must be like whites and surely we will lose. Sorry for punctuation and other errors, but trying to tap in the discussion box on my cell phone requires some kind of magic before I can get the cursor to become active.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Is this parody?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Useless comment.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

The best way to have “things in common” is to have common blood

Reply to  John Carter
3 years ago

So just Saxons in America? Can’t win on that.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

you must be like whites Be like Whites/Anglos is exactly what my Italian grandparents were told, and the America that accepted them had every right to tell them that and/or to not accept them at all. My Dad wasn’t allowed to speak Italian at home from the time he started school. Everything had to be in English. They raised him to be a White American, not an Italian. If my grandparents hadn’t been willing to be like Whites/Anglos, then it would have been right for them to leave, like about a third of immigrants during that period (turn of the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Good comment, similar ethnic background here, and I agree pretty much with everything written. You forgot some thing about earlier generations and more current ones: more current generations have been kept on the Democrat party plantation and the whole culture has been slowly destroyed since the 1930s by cultural Marxism through that gift to America Known as the Frankfurt school. People here are forgetting that and they see non-whites as being incorrigible but they never stood a chance to become Americans since the decay brought on by Hegelian ideas that have helped the left control the narratives. And control everything… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Yet more projection. There’s no one here (who’s been here for more than a day or two like yourself) who isn’t well aware of the Frankfurt school. This isn’t ‘communism vs. freedumb 101.’ You are utterly ignoring the role of genetics and race in formation of character, both individual and group, as well as sheer numbers. So you go form your multikult civnat paradise and show up all the notsees here.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Pure gibberish and, again, a losing proposition for the here and now. You give little to no credit to the type of government and economic system that we inherited. If you could possibly remove the fly from the ointment you would see all talk of race evaporate—by your type and the other side (BLM, etc). I submit to you that people care more about financial and physical security than race, and race is the purposeful divider employed by evil and greedy psychopaths, and you have sadly fallen into that trap; so you will never try to lead people to the… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I’ve read here for a few years. I like much of the author’s content, but I disagree when he dwells on race and retreat.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

And that — giving non-Whites a chance — would be great, if this were still 1965 or 1970 and there was still time and demographic dominance to turn things around. But there’s not. That window has passed. In the case of hispanics, there are too many of them, too insulated, too allied with self-destructive White leftists, blacks and asian interest groups trying to get a piece of what Whitey has. The high Spanish Central and South Americans are more or less White people and would be just fine, if we hadn’t allowed them to overwhelm us and hadn’t treated them… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

The election, if we know the true numbers of those who voted for Trump, will prove one of us correct. Our immigration system and all local politics have been greatly distorted and skewed away from assimilating immigrants from any nation to first becoming American and holding American values, and second from being able through assimilating to improve their lot in life, which would have the effect of freeing them from the permanent underclass that the Democrats have in mind, And thereby creating potentially new Republican voters. Success had a way of making successful immigrants a little bit more likely to… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

through assimilating to improve their lot in life

Yeah, Sarah Jeong, the Korean immigrant hired to the editorial board of the New York Times and who thinks Whites are “goblins who should live underground,” she obviously didn’t have to assimilate any American values and they weren’t necessary for improving her lot in life. Do you think more success would make her a little more likely to be conservative? I don’t know what more we can do for her, though, aside from elect her President.

I think that’s Ilhan Omar’s problem, too. Too downtrodden and unsuccessful.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

No, you won’t change the “elites.” But I wasn’t talking about them either.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I fully agree that breaking the country up is the only option.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

You certainly cannot vote your way out of this mess by excluding others who wish to share our values. It is that simple. If you immigrated to this country and we’re at first a democrat because they promised a helping hand, but you worked hard and became successful, use in time may become a Republican and share values that we all seem to hold. Why turned them off and make them think we’re all a bunch of insulated xenophobes? We are at 60% and shrinking. I get more pissed off at my parents generation and the early part of the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Retired
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I feel like I’m reading something out of 1965. Retired, you might be more convincing if you could point to any place or time in world history where becoming a minority in their own country has worked out well for the heritage population, and where the heritage population has been able to talk the invaders into adopting the heritage values. And I’ll just stop you right there, before you tell me about early waves of European immigration to the US, because they were A) very brief compared to the current waves, B) from countries that were part of the same… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Good comment, so thank you.

We depopulated ourselves, globalist forces piled on to replace us.

Preach the Gospel, or at least the American gospel. What choice do we have? Run on xenophobia? Race? … and lose. Or, work for a new unity.

Don’t know what winning formula the DR has, and objecting and nostalgia isn’t a winner.

Ethnostates? Fine but it won’t happen.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

So, no good examples, huh?

I see no evidence that ethnostates won’t happen. They happened throughout Eastern Europe when the Soviet Union fell. When the American Empire falls, and it will, I see no reason why the same thing won’t happen.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Yes, it may happen, but we are talking here about how to win an election; the idea of white ethnosates will appeal to how many millions of people? And you better put your shooting earmuffs on because you’ll want to drown out all of the laughter by the Commies who are rubbing their hands together if the RNC were to campaign on white, white, white.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

but we are talking here about how to win an election Are we? A core part of the Zman’s message is that electoral politics are a waste of the DR’s time. you’ll want to drown out all of the laughter by the Commies who are rubbing their hands together if the RNC were to campaign on white, white, white. Oh, no! Not that! I want to be a good conservative and lose with the respectful approval of the commies, like we usually do! The point isn’t to campaign at all. What part of “we are not voting our way out… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Then hand over the reins of power to narcissistic psychopaths, then turn in your guns or die, and get ready for section 8 housing in the suburbs. Instead of fighting politically and sending a loud message that we aren’t playing along.

You are being told to surrender, or flee to a white enclave, only to have FedGov focus on your AO with extreme prejudice. They don’t need no stinking constitution.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Vizzini said: “A core part of the Zman’s message is that electoral politics are a waste of the DR’s time.” Largely correct but not exact: I believe Zman said the above with an added clause, “except for recruitment purposes.” Which makes sense if that’s what you want to do; there is value in it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Just a friendly reminder that from the 2016 election until the mid-terms the Rs held the Presidency and both Houses. That should have resulted in some wins, no?

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Yes, but they are corrupt. Only a huge mandate or violence will turn that around.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

No. Trump—besides being undermined by the Deep State, the FBI, the intelligence agencies, the DOJ, the MSM, etc.—had to fight off the cream of the scum in the Republican Party such as McCain, Corker, Romney, Flake and plenty of others. I hope for Trump to come into his own during the next four years.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

No, I cannot cite examples because those states were not organized by a document that could handle factions—you know, all of that stuff in The Federalist Papers.

Leftists looked for and found ways to destroy the Constitution and the rule of law.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I think the idea that our founding documents could handle factions has been proven conclusively false. Factions were one of Madison’s greatest fears and the document he penned wasn’t up to the task of constraining them.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

It has done well. You are giving a pass to bad actors who weaken it daily—all while we slept and let the poison drip.

My Civ Nat friends talk Trump tough but they won’t cut the cord, so they stupidly contribute to the Left’s war chest.

The Constitution didn’t fail. Who, or what failed? “It’s them non-whites! That’s the problem!” Huh? They are pawns!

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Interesting point. If an ethnostate is unrealizable, what SHOULD we be aiming for? I’d think an improved on version of brazil would be the best hope. How to improve it?

Probably people should be thinking in terms of managing those less than dreamy contingencies, I expect that’s what the ruling class is aiming for (read: that’s probably what will actually happen).

Last edited 3 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
3 years ago

First, if we do not try to forge a broader conservative base, and you know what I mean by broader, then Balkanization May result. Perhaps Trump is the perfect leader to make “the others” take a look at America as we saw it. Second, Many of the commenters here did not know how to answer my question, which was what do you do to solve the problem? Mr Smith had to cite Z Mans passive etnothstate—while quietly recruiting. Why is it that so few people here failed to simplyState that? And what are they doing to recruit guys like me,… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I guess the down votes don’t like those white Europeans from southern Europe who immigrated here, invented electricity and the radio, and then became loyal Americans. Tough crowd here, that’s for sure.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

You’ve gotten nothing but downvotes from me, and my husband’s heritage is half southern Italian (not Sicilian). There were plenty of good reasons the original locals didn’t like their towns swamped by peasant Italians. Deal with it.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Don’t feel bad: small mindedness is universal because Italians don’t consider Sicilians to be Italians.

You still haven’t posed one good solution to the problem of how we can win. And eugenics isn’t a winning idea.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

You still haven’t posed one good solution to the problem of how we can win.” 3g4me has not, but Zman has: The solution must be based upon the concept of passive ethno-nationalism.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Don’t you love the newbies coming in and telling us how we should be doing things without ever reading any of Zs earlier works and waiting to comment until they have a little more worldview…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

I am a bit angry with myself for even trying to respond. He’s the personification of why I won’t debate normies. We talk directly past each other. He’s living in his bubble and won’t be dissuaded by facts or history. Millions just like him. They’re lost, and we can’t risk ourselves to try to persuade or save them. Just shake the dust off your feet . . .

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

What is the winning solution?

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

Jim, what is your take on this? How is it a winning solution if the government is tyrannical?

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Read the linked post by Zman, Retired. The idea is asserted to be the only solution to the “large society problem.” It is a brilliant insight by Zman. Read the linked post by him, and then read the essay that he links to about the large society problem.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

Link? Where, please?

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Absurd to suggest that Retired is a normie, if you mention a white ethnostate to a REAL normie he either 1) is totally unaware of demographics and thinks we already have one indefinitely or 2) recoils in horror and starts rocking back and forth mumbling the comfort word “RACIST!” Retired seems to want the same ideal situation but simply see it as unforeseeable. That’s a radically different thing. I might add he’s also way ahead of a lot of full 1488 blackpillers who want nothing less than a 100% ethnostate from sea to sea… but also think it’s impossible. Only… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymousse
3 years ago

Well, you show intelligence and discernment. You could “recruit” better than some of the chorus here.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

They’re smart guys too, I just think people are carried away by righteous indignation and sensible shock at what is happening. It’s obvious what we are doing now with multiculti open borders and constant anti white messaging is a disaster… so people overcorrect into thinking the correct answer must be the exact opposite of all this. Emotionally understandable but maybe not quite right. Racial solidarity has limits. I love my people and I want them to flourish in their own lands… but I don’t want to be guillotined by jacobins or starved by stalin any more than I want to… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Anonymousse
3 years ago

The killers are all ready to get back to killing since white rule has been defeated at the ballot box. Short of us violently seizing power, one can only hope enough former blue voters change their minds now that they have seen what their votes produced.

Me? I believe in decapitating international as well as domestic actors who control and manipulate, but I’m not qualified for the job.

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

And how long will your withdrawn community last when the Bolsheviks take over. So you would never team up with a black guy even if he agreed with your values and votes no on tyranny? Cut off your nose to spite your face? Further, you and the gal that you replied to think this is your own private venue. Those damn natives thought so too once upon a time, but we took the land, so that argument is puerile. I have read here for years, made a comment about winning, and Z’s chorus all decided they didn’t like winning and… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I love how this is always thrown out. It’s simultaneously a false equivalence (all immigrants are equivalent), and a false dichotomy (Southern European Whites were extremely different from Nothern European Whites.) They were indeed different, but there are degrees of different. The cultures that brought us Plato and Michelangelo have a lot more in common with the culture of Locke and Luther than they have different. We had literally millennia of civilizational integration in Europe going for us. As I mentioned in another post, the ways that they were different did indeed cause major problems. But Southern Europeans are orders… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I could go down this road but it isn’t important.

What do you think about white crime, poverty, and drug abuse in rural areas? I moved where it is almost all white and was surprised by what I have learned.

We should focus on good vs evil rather than race and ethnicity, if it’s not too late. Evil has exacerbated race and ethnicity as causes.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

“Find ways to make deer climb trees, Whitey.”

If those are the cards I’m getting, I’m walking away from this table.

Not playing a rigged game is the winning play.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Sure, just explain to all the Han and pajeet and Mohammedans and Mixtecs that we’re all ‘murricans and we can all win by following the rules. That’s sure to do the trick. We’ll put that on your tombstone.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

So, you mean to tell me that a shrinking white population with an all white message is really going to carry the day? You also conveniently lumped together all Mexicans and Muslims when certainly there are those who already are on our side. Do I need to tell you the names of Muslim authors who are attacking radical Islam?You guys are so quick to use the term Civ Nat and all kinds of other derisive terms just to live in a stupid bubble. We cannot turn back the clock to win the country was 70% or more white.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Oh, dear.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Please tell me your solution. Be specific. Thank you.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Start moving into all-White enclaves, first, and throw sand into the gears of the federal government legally, which is to say to ostracize children/grandchildren who join the military, get on any government program available to you, do everything possible to pay minimal taxes. Those are passive and good ways to start out.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

All white enclaves have white Marxists and Karen’s. Population growth strangely translates to government and regulatory growth. White enclaves would have to keep people out. Feds under Biden puppeteers will air drop Syrians, etc. See Minnesota. You make lots of good comments. This isn’t one of them.

What problem would you have if your nonwhite neighbors played golf, shot skeet, went to church, and voted like you and with you?

Look at all of the white people doing damage to our way of life. Bad ideas make bad people.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

And bad genetics make bad people. And race trumps muh principles every time. So glad to hear you are willing to trust your grandchildren’s future to your Muslim friends having your back.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Shame on you, woman!

You sound like Margaret Sanger.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Margaret Sanger wasn’t wrong about everything. Equating people with the typical conservative bogeymen won’t work here.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

She was wrong. In fact, she is the Left’s modern matriarch. Abortion for thee you black, Hispanic, and Italian scum, but not for us! Is that it? Ah, the Muslims love this as they wait in the wings pumping out more babies and probably don’t believe in abortion. Now, surely you have spotted a chink in my argument since I mentioned Muslims. In the end, they will be a much bigger threat to us than others that we have talked about. If some vote for Trump, I will take it; but those may end up turning from Islam. Good go… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Shame on you, old man, for not siding with your own people. You may be too old to pay the ultimate diversity tax, but your children and grandchildren will, and they’ll curse your name.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Exactly right I hope he gets a taste of it though just so he can realize what a fool he was but to be honest those so entrenched will never wake up even if it smacks them upside the head…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

Do you know a single decent black man or a woman? What are the odds that if you go to Portland or Seattle or Chicago that you’re not gonna get smacked upside the head by some lunatic white kid? You see where I’m getting at? You have to understand that if you believe in God you do believe that it is possible for people of any skin color to identify with the good.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I do side with my own people but not exclusively with my own people. What is the matter with you? You side only with whites and refuse to believe that people of other races religions or homelands could not possibly have similar values with regard to how we should be governed. That is just completely lame. Furthermore, taking your statement that I should side with my people, that confuses me. I don’t know if you mean I should go out and fire bomb buildings with white punks or not. I don’t know if I should become a male Karen and… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

“And race trumps muh principles every time.”

EVERY time? So we’re going to go ahead and say in the french revolution (to take an egregious and particularly important example) race trumped principles and it worked out great given a homogeneous population?

C’mon man!

Can we insist that race is important to the “Race doesn’t exist” crowd without drunkenly falling off the other side of the wall and landing onto ONLY race is important?

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

You obviously don’t live around significant numbers of non-Whites if you think they’re going to turn into good Conservatives.

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

Read what I wrote about rural white area. Better yet, move there. You will see.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I live in poor, rural Appalachia. The people out here are largely fine people, abandoned by elites that shut down their mines and moved all their factories overseas.

Appalachia is the poorest part of the US but has a crime rate below the national average.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Probably. I’ve noticed that we praise our own without saying anything about the multiple marriages and divorce. It really gets confusing when they try to tell me about their family. Glad you moved there: they can shoot distance and live off the land—family idiosyncrasies aside.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

If I could move back I would(with all their problems) but I got alit of friends who stayed (shale boom) and good for them. They have families and property now

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

What problem would you have if your nonwhite neighbors played golf, shot skeet, went to church, and voted like you and with you? The problem I would have is that they are not my people. That doesn’t make them bad. It just makes them not my people. I’ve worked for a couple multi-national corporations, traveled all over the world. Everywhere I go, every time a lot of people of different races and cultures gather together, know what happens? They gravitate to their little groups. I’m that guy that would often sit down at the table with the APAC (Asia-Pacific) guys… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Amen to that Vizzini and anyone trying to force you to change needs a permanent adjustment…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

My, how the conversation has gone from winning an election to trying to force people into living among POC.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Fine. But why the outcry over watching blacks possibly tipping the election to Trump? Winning this election is the last chance. If we do win and justice can be meted out to the Russia crowd and to those who have rioted and killed innocent citizens, we can reverse course. If nothing like that comes from a Trump victory, then more than whites will suffer.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Well spoken Vizzini. You just made one mistake; you said, “I don’t have to have a rational, logical explanation for that.” Maybe not, but you did so, and did so well, with all your preceding words.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

You may not consider that a good comment but it is what I would do. It is a direct response to what you asked. I live in a White enclave without a Marxist among the people around me. It isn’t hard to do. Incidentally, I am voting for Trump and hope he wins. That’s not because I think he will do anything substantive but because the State will not accept his re-election and will set off what has to happen to preserve our people. With any luck, it will involve a secession of the city-states from the rest of us… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Incidentally, what do you plan to do personally if the State either refuses to recognize Trump’s re-election or blatantly steals the election? Just interested whether you will Ghost Dance harder to bring back the Constitution or if you will respond substantively. People need to think hard and long about it.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Are you ex-mil? I’m not so I train as much as possible. I do not know how it will play out, so presently I plan on defending property and life, then town/neighbors and state. If military comes then it would be surrender or suicide-by-mil. Our sheriff is on our side and that should not change so I don’t see having to surrender weapon or suicide by cop. If your scenario happens, the gig is up. Of course Civ Nat is dead too then. How does a passive ethnostate built on rights accomplish anything then? Never could visualize what Mr. Z… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Let’s play soros’ advocate for a minute…

So the plan is:

1) self marginalize from power, self ghettoize, make shrinking minority group noxious and unhelpful to existing power structures

2) ???

3) White ethnostate!

Hmm… I’m not opposed to your step 3 but what’s step 2 supposed to be? Because if you don’t know step 2, your step 1 seems to be headed toward something else entirely

Last edited 3 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Please tell me how your solution is going to work this time when it has failed since at least the 1990’s.

Minority outreach, particularly with Hispanics, has been a staple of GOP strategy since HW.

To reach these voters the GOP is lurching ever leftward along with the country itself.

Your “solution” is suicide. More anti-White garbage, more Progressive values.

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

Traditional solutions haven’t worked because the Left has made them impossible to work and they have divided in order to conquer. How is it anti-white progressive reaching if blacks, browns, and others say they have had enough of the globalist uniparty robs them while putting them and their loved ones in danger? What if they join us and give Trump a huge mandate? It buys time and throws sand into the gears of the uniparty. We will see, but if they don’t think like you or I it may be due to 50, or more years of Democrat power seeking… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

You don’t know what his solutions are but you have read here a long time…LMAO…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

The author, but rarely the comments. So, tell me how you will protect your community? Remember the Kulaks? Why don’t you welcome seeing black men and women standing up to and exposing Biden and the Democrats? Doesn’t it make you think that they believe in American ideals? Does it give you hope that they might be BECOMING more white—which people here, today, said they expect from non-whites? Or, is your mind set on the notion that you are better? Smarter? More deserving?— so no thank you, don’t do me any favors by voting for Trump. Yes, for now, for me,… Read more »

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

We cannot turn back the clock to win the country was 70% or more white.

Absolutely correct. That’s why they say we can’t vote our way out of this. Eventually it will go beyond the ballot box and white Americans will either have to bend the knee to whatever minority becomes dominant or maintain themselves through the shedding of blood. In the meantime political activity should orient toward whites cohering in a self-conscious group with own interests.

Reply to  John Carter
3 years ago

C’mon. They’re asking D’Souza, Elder, Tim Scott, the Cuban immigrant entrepreneur to “bend the knee.” I talked to an American Indian who won’t bend the knee.

Sell America and assimilate properly. A long moratorium on new immigration would be nice.

Give me a winning realistic plan.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Plan: build white communities, have children. Teach them well. The future belongs to those who show up to use Z Man’s pithy phrase. At the end of the day that Indian friend won’t cross his people. He knows his kinsmen won’t tolerate any nonsense, but whites tolerate all kind of nonsense. You can’t respect a person or group who is so permissive. Neither can they respect themselves. It’d be nice to form alliances of convenience with other ethnic groups, but we can only do so from a position of strength when you have ethnic solidarity. The point of the matter… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by John Carter
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

No one owes you anything, because you are not part of the White community by choice.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago


I am self sufficient. Until you folks help to elect Harris by not engaging in politics.

Then, poof! It’s all gone.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

You cannot appeal to minorities by pushing an immigration moratorium.

How do you say “what about my cousin/uncle/aunt/parents in 120 different languages?”

You are a perfect example of how the kosher sandwich one-party system wants Republicans to Finklethink.

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

Just because I know that you cannot sell the moratorium doesn’t mean that I don’t want one. By the way, you ever talked to a Mex-American about the subject? I have and you might discover something.

And please refrain from the (((they))) thingy with me. Some are great while others are absolutely killing us.

I love Jesus Christ and could not do a single thing without his help daily.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

A lot of mexicans ARE white. Sailer remarks on this often but it’s not a familiar thing to those who don’t actually deal with them. Basically all the wealthy and powerful ones are, so in effect the important bad ones we have are another species of elite white shitlibs working against the badwhites. They’re sort of used to playing the socially conscious role to maintain their power over disorganized brown hordes (the usual 2% gambit) which is probably a thing most of us will end up doing worse come to worse. That mentality is currently foreign to us badwhites used… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymousse
3 years ago

I tried to avoid Muslims in this conversation since they are apostates from hell, with exceptions as authors on Breitbart and Frontpage.

You described Jorge Ramos well in the first part.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
3 years ago

If they just read Milton Friedman they’d be 2A, back the blue, patriots in no time!

Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Just give those non-whites a copy of the Constitution and Atlas Shrugged.

Problem solved!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

I’m imagining that Steve Buscemi meme. “How do you do, fellow Americans!”

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

First line edit: Who be Ja’dontavious Galt?

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
3 years ago


Reply to  b123
3 years ago

Read your comment to Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams, or even Larry elder. I consider the commenters here to be highly intelligent people but some of the thinking that goes on here is absolutely short sighted and narrow.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Have you heard the term NAXALT, or in this case NABALT?

Outliers have no impact on the weight of collective behavior.

Were you around when OJ was acquitted? All sorts of respectable blacks that we thought were our allies rejoiced, revealing their real loyalties.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Poor assimilation programs (salad bowl rather than melting pot, lol), multiculturalism and multilingualism, brought to us by Democrats and Marxists. Continuing…equal outcomes rather than equal opportunity, you have the recipe for your NABALT. Whites and Asians might be more equipped; problem is we are about to be outnumbered. I watched LA County Bd of Sups get screamed at for allowing illegal immigrants. Those doing the yelling were Mexicans and Blacks.

cant turn back the demographic clock. The old GOP is dead. The ideal of America isn’t yet dead, and the anarchists are making Civ Nat more appealing.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

“making Civ Nat more appealing”

I appreciate your comments and I hope you stick around.

We’re getting down to the fundamental issue: With non-whites, what is deeper, race or Civ Nat values?

While there is no scientific answer, most observations show that even assimilated non-whites feel a deeper loyalty to their race than to any universal values. If that’s true, we waste our resources when we try to persuade them.

Almost all non-whites would rather live in a dysfunctional society that their race dominates, rather than a more prosperous Civ Nat society, unless they are colonizing ours.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Well, Italians and Irish used to be very clannish also. I don’t believe that is the case any longer since subsequent generations have blended in to the country. The dysfunctionality that you are referring to is a byproduct of the evil that has been working to corrode the American way for over 100 years. What do people want? They want to Improve their economic lot in life, they want security, and there’s only one political party that promotes that. If that political party, by which I mean the republican party, were to be the party of just the wealthy, or… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Respectable reply! All I can say it that I don’t want to bet the future of my people on the hope that non-whites will become non-clannish, like the Irish and Italians did. Non-whites are very different than whites with respect to apprehending universal values.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago


We have work to do.

God made some people better than others; Jesus told us to help and covert them. Enlighten them. Strange that God would do this, but who am I to argue with him. Loving others is a bitch, until you really don’t have a choice.

This blog preaches community. Drop the exclusions. We’re not talking about winning hearts and minds in Vietnam. If America wasn’t intended for non-Northern Europeans, it’s a bit too late to advocate that.

Make it unpopular to be a loser. Commies and their agents are losers.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Throughout the Bible God recognizes the existence and legitimacy of nations, and nations are blood & soil. Nowhere does he even imply that helping other people means diluting nations.

Wanting to live in a White nation doesn’t mean hating the people of other nations. It also doesn’t mean inviting them all into mine.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Help equals charity and improving life outcomes through education. Not Welfare. As far as living in a white nation, hasn’t that ship sailed already? “Have 2 children” was all the rage in the late 60’s. We listened and now we are paying. Breed baby breed, just don’t complain when the vacuum gets filled.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Everyone on earth “wants to improve their lot in life.” At our expense.

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

Good one! You can thank the globalists for that. Still, people are in a complete frenzy over a single proposition I make here today. You know, the one in the DOI.

Nietzsche would hate me because my Christianity guides me. We need it to guide others as well, which the founders alluded as well. Otherwise, we might as well head for South America.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Why is it our job to anything for other peoples?

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

I kinda think educating people in the truth is doing something for someone. Or helping a poor family so that the gov won’t make them dependent. The best victory for America is to take away the power to tax, except for defense and other federal necessities. But that would require a virtuous society working together with intact families and with a strong local system of private charity to help people who cannot help themselves. You will always have the poor unless you believe Margaret Sanger and PP.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I guess the down votes cannot accept any successful allies unless they are white.

Not a winner.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Retired, please rise above the downvotes, keep commenting and carry your flag. Steel sharpens steel.

Nonetheless, race is deeper than values. Almost every non-white who claims to share your values will betray you for the dominance of their race.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

We are being betrayed by whites—greedy in some cases, pathetically uneducated in other cases. Honestly, growing up with other types of people was not a problem until the slow drip of poison divided us, and when the evil godless president came to fundamentally transform by weaponizing tyranny against a bogeyman called “whiteness.”

Give a huge assist to critical theory in indoctrination factories.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

growing up with other types of people was not a problem

Until I was a gradeschooler, this was a nearly 90% White country. Growing up with other types of people wasn’t even a thing. And in most of the country, even until my adulthood it wasn’t.

All those jobs that are now taken up by Somalis, Hispanics, Koreans and Indians? That was a rarity in most of the country. Those jobs were held by White kids.

Proportions matter. One ghost pepper in your chili is fine. Fifty is too much.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Don’t disagree. Too bad our teachers didn’t mention Kalergi and those other dimwits, Cloward-Piven. We got Shanghai’d.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Line, he’s peddling the same old civnattery that you and so many others here outgrew long ago. He’s hardly offering steel, but rather old, tired, useless tropes. He’s just rooting for his miscegenated grandkids. Stop wasting your time.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

My kids are with whites. You lost your ability to reason here. Ok, I hope Trump loses because no black, brown, or yellow voted for him.

Expecting apologies now from the chorus. We can all form a community together. Until Harris uses the military to exterminate us. But, by gum, we held to our principles!

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I still have an imperial flag hanging on a pole outside my house (Betsy Ross) I just can’t bere to bring it down…my ole civnattery. The propaganda is deep, I actually believe by my civnat little rebellions I bring others to /ourguy/ while I know I’m fooling myself

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Every one of us has read all of them. We grew out of it.

You are the one who is being short-sighted. You can’t look past your fear of being called racist to see the dismal track record of colorblind civic nationalism since the 1960’s.

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

You just gave up. Surrendered. Made a bogus claim. Civ Nat worked at one time. But you cannot understand why it may no longer work. Yet you all read the literature and now reduce it to race. That’s lazy. I think you would be totally sad, if not depressed, if Trump won 30% of the black vote and a good percentage of the Hispanic vote, and won a huge electoral victory, with those same classes of people committing themselves to working for the American dream because they learned something awful about the left the last couple of years. I really… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

“It should be obvious that your day is done and your homelands are lost, Whitey. Just accept it. Change happens.”

This is why “vote GOP b/c lesser evil” is fatal. Rage against the dying of the White – don’t just lay back and take the pillow like they want you to.

Break out of this kosher-sandwich lose-lose death spiral. Our children deserve better and so do we.

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

I really have to ask you in all honesty if you’ve ever met an Indian, an American Indian, an Asian, Hispanic or Mexican, or a black person, who is not like us.? They are on the news shows, sports, and you meet them in every day life. Why would I turn my back on their love and support just because they ain’t white?

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Edit: they are also in the military and in law-enforcement. This is so obvious but yet many here don’t count them as allies or as good people. Trump is re-creating the old republican party, but it must be done carefully so as to not alienate those who may find commonality with us. The rhinos will be co-opted, seen as frauds, and will be unceremoniously dumped.

Last edited 3 years ago by Retired
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Not being snarky, have you or a relative been in the military or law enforcement in the last five or so years? Both are more pozzed than the public schools.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Yes. Are they pozzed because they are not white, or are they pozzed because Obama put a bunch of left-wing military officers in position to preach transsexualism and etiquette rather than how to fight wars?

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

While the military is ostensibly desegregated, the reality was that most non-Whites voluntarily went for support roles. The serious combat units were disproportionately, if not uniformly, White and disproportionately Southern. My son had black and hispanic soldiers under him in the 101st Airborne, but it was surprising how few there were compared to the overall racial makeup of the armed forces. And there were no women at all in the enlisted ranks of 101st at that point (up til 2018). One of the reasons my son left the 101st was because he saw that women would soon be forced on… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Yep! It sucks. If Trump wins and doesn’t clean house, then I know it’s over. Since you have carried on with me without insult (I think) perhaps you might understand why I have chosen the dreaded Civ Nat route. Nobody else here has proposed anything that would offer hope and some kind of coexistence under a less corrupt federal government. I sense that people just give up hope and they want to retreat. I prefer to fight and stick it to the bastards. Exterminate them, in fact.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Since you have carried on with me without insult (I think) That’s been my intent. If there was any insult mixed in there it was unintentional. I can get really cranky on my bad days, but I’m trying to be better about that. I think your particular solution hasn’t a prayer of working. It is stuff that I have been hearing since I was a teenager, and which has been a feature of conservative politics since the 1800s. Unfortunately, conservatism spent so many decades not conserving anything that it is now dead. There’s no “nat” to “civ.” Our only hope… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

You are on fire today Brother and I’m glad you are feeling better…

Reply to  Lineman
3 years ago

You should learn to carry a discussion like he does.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Excellent comment. You have done a fine job presenting the argument. I gave up on the Conservative Movement when NR and others turned on Trump. I then decided to be a nationalist, so I must be a white nationalist. A black person who wants MAGA is a black nationalist, as I see it. I see no problem with being a nationalist and have been all along. We might be in a slightly different position than Scandinavia because they have always been white while the US has a history of race mixture, but in recent years the tap was left open… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Trump had 4 years to “clean house.” What’s going to be different in term 2 other than a more hostile House & Senate?

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

4 years but little party support, endless investigations, and a non objective press to conduct investigations and expose lies. Don’t know why he didn’t fire everyone he could. Being an outsider may have something to do with it.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

The only thing true about the melting pot is that it evaporates ones credibility; what remains is brown sludge. The habitual preemptive forfeiture of the frame is a false virtue that needs to be culled from our gene pool. Prior forfeitures resulting in dire demographic destinies do not accrue more virtue to this position. The burden is not upon us to accommodate or court the others with our values and culture. This is the strategy of the uniparty politik which is antithetical to a future for our people. Our burden is courage. Courage to act in our own self-interest. What… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Are you at all familiar with Trump’s voter registration/political donation history?

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

It hurts when you say they aren’t going anywhere- EXCEPT TO KEEP FLOODING OUR LANDS- because it’s true. You break it, you buy it (unless you’re jewish).

Retired, you do get to the heart of the matter, ye heartless drover.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Because it isn’t the heart of the matter.

Now let’s look at you. I began with a comment about whites being in an awful demographic position, and no one comments on that except to beg for a White state.

I support the idea of getting electoral help from people of color as a means to winning against an evil group, but everyone simply denigrates on the basis of race.

Yes, the heart of the matter for many of you is race. Not governance, elections, not defeating evil.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Turn your back on their love? Are you ghey?

Reply to  Chad Hayden
3 years ago

Brainless comment. I guess that you are not white since you cannot string together a reasonable and thoughtful response.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

Most of them. The overwhelming majority, in fact.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

This is gaslighting. I live in Los Angeles, FFS. Z lives in Baltimore. Where do you live?

We all know exceptional outliers. They don’t make up for the vast majority of their co-ethnics.

You need to spend 6 months reading Steve Sailer, American Rennaisance and VDARE to get even a basic understanding of what we’re talking about.

Last edited 3 years ago by Exile
Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

I lived close to you for 60 years. Left there and have a safe house in a veritable scorpion’s nest where Antifa or BLM won’t dare to tread. I do occasionally read those authors and I respect Jared Taylor because he is honest and he makes a good case for whites. I also realize that whites have done massive amounts of work towards building civilizations which have provided comfort, health, and wealth for many people. You keep wanting to draw me into a scientific argument about race and I think it’s too late to even try to win the support… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

 I know who the real enemy is. That’s the fundamental point of disagreement, right there. We don’t think you do. You are fighting yesterday’s battle, which has already been lost. Me: The globalist enemy set off a demographic bomb in the US. It has already detonated. You: “Well, let’s turn that bomb back on them.” Me: “It’s already detonated. Bombs don’t work like that. You can’t put them back together.” You: “This bomb isn’t so bad, it’s really quite nice, if you look at it just right. Very sparkly! Parts of it could have been our bomb!” Me: “It blew… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago


The bomb makers are concerned.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I was just trying to be funny, so apologies that the metaphor is way strained.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

It’s fine.

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

If you respected Jared Taylor you would not be making the comments you do.

If your civ-nat utopia were possible, you would still be living in Los Angeles, not your alleged “scorpion’s nest.”

And your investment in this thread looks like shilling to me.

Reply to  Exile
3 years ago

I agree with Taylor since we whites are being hunted. I live where I do because I wanted a place that was safe for family. Your supposition about minorities in LA never has affected me, but now that the politicians have given them the green light to steal legally, I left in rebellion against the one party system in CA. The minority never became so emboldened until leftists took control in CA. There is no hypocrisy there. Your shilling claim is false. I simply want to win this election and think there is a good chance. Being a Civ Nat,… Read more »

Reply to  Retired
3 years ago

I did have the thought that maybe Trump is trying to make a play for the GOP to be the chief uniparty beneficiary. Same sheet music but different musicians kinda thing.

Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

Maybe. Right now I’ll settle for Trump if it will keep the levers of power away from genocidal maniacs.

The next 4 years for Trump must be on indictments. Rule of law.

Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

Agree. It is what it is.