Their Summer Of Discontent

One of the stranger parts of the summer of left-wing violence is that no one has bothered to think too much about why the people are rioting. Sure, the official Left says it is an organic uprising over something or other. The official Right says these people are communists doing communisms. That’s the same old tired sloganeering we hear from the political class all the time. Neither claim gets to the question of why these people are out in the streets every night in certain cities.

Initially, the Black Lives Matter stuff was just the semi-organized Democratic Party street activism we have come to expect before an election. BLM was organized by the Obama administration on the college campuses. Then it bled into the legacy racial grievance rackets. The statue toppling after George Floyd overdosed in police custody was mostly paid for by the party trying to whip up black support. Then it gave way to the anarchy we are seeing in places like Seattle and Portland.

That’s an aspect that gets very little attention. The violence we are seeing is in mostly white cities by mostly white people. Minneapolis is 19% black. Seattle is 7% black and Portland is 6% black. Kenosha is 10% black and close to 80% white! Note that super-black cities like Baltimore, St. Louis and Detroit have had no riots. Los Angeles, which just had a police shooting, could not get a decent riot going. They tried, but they lack the white kids with back packs needed to do it.

The truth behind these riots is that they have nothing to do with local issues or legitimate grievances. They are simply a happening that is drawing in the disaffected white youth that provides bodies for Antifa. Get up close to an Antifa crowd and what is striking is how unimpressive they are individually. The males are skinny and awkward, while the females are loud and ridiculous. These are young whites who have no place in the neo-liberal order, so they end up in Antifa.

What being in the anarchist underground gives them is the same thing you see in other types of anti-social subcultures. They get a sense of purpose, but also a community in which they have a clearly understood place. They go out and protests or riot with their mates and then have that to bond over afterward. It is not all that different from the hooliganism you see around European soccer. The difference is the Antifa kids come from the middle-class, rather than the working class.

Now, calling them kids is not entirely accurate. The guy who murdered the Trump fan in Portland is a middle-aged man. Still, he is a good example of a larger phenomenon that is fueling anarchism and also fueled the alt-right to some degree. This is a guy who has no place to go in life. There’s no role for a low-normal intelligence white guy with a taste for action. He’s probably too dumb for the military and there is no working-class community for him, so he drifted into anarchism.

The cities that are experiencing the anarchist unrest should be models for the modern liberal democratic order. They have very low crime. They are prosperous, bourgeois urban areas based on the new economy. The young people have access to college and jobs, while living in carefully curated hipster areas. Portland is what east coast cities aspire to, in terms of demographics and urban renewal. The whole point of gentrification has been to look more like Seattle than The Bronx.

The problem is these cities are entirely synthetic. Walk around hipster parts of these model cities and they seem very nice, but they also feel like the suburban town centers developers create for their housing developments. You can’t put your finger on it, but something is missing. Granted, visitors can’t truly judge these things, but the constant civil unrest by the younger people suggests they are not happy with the paradise in the wilderness either. Progressive Whitopia is not working.

Related is the flight out of places like San Francisco and New York. The plague is being blamed for it. The man-made panic shutting down these cities is forcing people to find greener pastures. Note, however, that the people who flocked to these urban oases for the culture, lifestyle and urban living are unwilling to fight for it. Instead of taking to the streets demanding more from their mayors, they are just packing the Subaru and heading for the suburbs. It was all fake and temporary for them.

What we may be seeing this summer has nothing to do with the tired clichés from the worn-out political establishment. Instead it is one of the consequences of trying to turn America into a Potemkin village. Replacing social capital with likes on social media and pointless employment in the new economy is not working. The generation that created it is committing suicide at record numbers. The generation that is faced with living it would rather watch it all burn than participate in it.

A truth of the human condition is men need purpose and fraternity. Maybe it is the military and family life. Maybe it is a frat at college and then a career. Maybe it is the job site and the local pub. Women need community and companionship. The nuclear family was created for them. The liberal democratic world order does none of these things for people. Living atomized, pointless lives among constantly shifting groups of strangers is a recipe for disaster, not paradise.

What’s now happening on the Left is a reflection of what has been happening in the white working and middle-classes. Progressive politicians cheer it on, because at some level, they wish they could be in the streets too. The mayor of Portland is living a pointless existence and he knows it. The difference is these anarchists get to express their unhappiness outside. Working class whites are ignored and the white middle class is threatened into remaining quiet.

Note: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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4 years ago

Another factor in the riots is that massive numbers of criminals were released from prison early as part of the governments idiotic Covid hysteria. To communities that were already dealing with massive underemployment from the lockdowns.

A lot of the rioters are such criminals – as seen in the Rittenhouse Incident.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Yep. When Kyle cut loose with his AR15, hits three people and they’re all criminals… I’d be leery of saying these are all spoiled rich kids. There’s plenty of druggies and street trash in their numbers. The societal disenfranchisement definitely is a part of it… but far more concerning (to me at least) is the skill with which these kids are being organized and played. The lefty mayors seem to be hapless idiots being dragged along in the wake. When the revolution comes, we need to ID the puppet masters and take them out first. We can mop up the… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

That’s part of the alluring danger for the young white losers. Now they can brag about how they teamed up with felons and badasses to fight the power.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Everyone has to be able to answer the question: How do I know I’m alive?
“I build PowerPoint decks evaluating the latest marketing initiative for the southeast region,” is not, it turns out, an answer to that question.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Spot on. Hard to believe, but in my lifetime we’ve gone from JFK—who challenged us to go to the moon, to Trump/Biden.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Neither is slinging fair-trade, organic yirga cheffe soy-milk macchiato down at the local Bongo Brothers Coffee Bar.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

indeed. without faith, all works are dead.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago


Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

A feeling of importance and a sense that they are making history.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Its the green-yellow-red makeup and strategy of Antifa. Yellows are who Z is saying are rich middle class kids exercising their bored ids. The reds are the muscle, the ones bringing and using guns and molotovs, and they are quite likely to have priors, like the three who FAFO’D at Kenosha.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

erm well those three aren’t really white, unless ashkenazis are white. but yeah, you do need a lot of disaffected white obama lovers to staff antifa, otherwise you’d just have looters jogging around. also, big black cities already had their riots years and decades ago, after achieving white retreat they don’t need to destroy so much. nor do their big black city police departments need to be defunded and stop shooting criminals, they already have done that. still, they have their minor permanent hell, for example they are trying to take down Saint Louis of France’s awesome equestrian statue in… Read more »

Reply to  diconez
4 years ago

Didn’t say white, i said rich middle class kids. I know they aint all white. But the dudes with the baseball bats and glocks are pretty much all white. And i heard only one of the three (not the guy with the gat) was a hebrew homie.

Reply to  diconez
4 years ago

no one with -kreutz in their last name is jewish. i know you morons have been DYING to find a jewish angle in this SUPERE white bread crypto christian ultracalvinist mess, but it aint there dude. this is what it looks liek when theres a movement WITHOUT jews at the helm

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

The “Fight the power” punk ethos has been an infection for decades.
I play tabletop roleplaying games from time to time and everywhere I turn its punk this, punk that. Diesel Punk,. Jade Punk, Bronzepunk, Steam Punk (500 variations) Dungeon Punk . On and On. I’ll give a pass on Cyberpunk as it was created in the 80’s but the rest of this drek can crawl back he in the slimely hole it came out of.
I’m about ready for Righteous Authority where the PC’s job is to follow orders from good leaders,

Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg
Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

hence the continued popularity of Tolkien who was trad-catholic. I suppose there’s a conspiracy theory making him out to be an agent of the Saturnian Jesuit Order or some crazy shit.

Mostly Peaceful
Mostly Peaceful
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

This was the revolution.

Its over.

The Left won by forfeit.

Go polish your AR.

Frankly, there’s no reason to take away the AR with ammo, even in the Tumbrels you will never shoot it.

Goodbye, Patriots.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mostly Peaceful
4 years ago

Get outta here, weakling.

Peter Parker
Peter Parker
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Are you mad bro? Because it’s the truth. The Left won because the Right didn’t fight back and you know it.

What really stings is how absolutely pathetic individuals on the Left are. Barely able to hide their lack of grasp of reality, unfit, unhealthy, utterly depraved. Yet here we are, California is about to decriminalise homosexual pedophilia and NOBODY is doing a DAMN thing because cowardice.

Ludvig Von Bach
Ludvig Von Bach
Reply to  Peter Parker
4 years ago

Not cowardice. Tactics. There’s still room to retreat. Pull your kids from school, leave the state, etc. Obviously its sick to pass such a law but what should we do? Burn the courthouse down? Then we will be as big a bunch of clowns as the current crop. also with the legal system still in place we will be sued arrested etc… No. We must wait until a war can actually get kicked off and all such legalities are put to the side. When we take to the streets it will be for all the marbles. We know that violence… Read more »

Reply to  Mostly Peaceful
4 years ago

yes, we could be “mostly peaceful” too, but not yet. gotta build the momentum, with legit peaceful demonstration and community, legit propaganda and humor, legit art and aesthetics, legit faith and philosophy, and legit martyrdom if called for occasionally. i agree, polishing the ar while blogging will stop someday. but can’t waste ammo senselessly until then either.

Last edited 4 years ago by diconez
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Glenfilthie, the most spoiled, richest trustfund brats I have known were druggie street trash. On the Left Coast, the white rasta wearing rags and sleeping off his shrooms trip on a bus stop bench has a 25% chance of having a 7 figure trust fund, and a 75% chance his mother’s husband makes 6+ figures a year. And they have the criminal records as well.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

The impression I get is that there’s a sort of “tiered” lifeplan for trustafarians. The smartest ones get money from Daddy to start real businesses, or careers in politics or corporate management. Then you have much larger groups who live on allowances while playing at various things. Their “job titles” are things like blogger, artist, writer, musician, “activist” (my personal favorite), and who could forget “community organizer”. What they really do is drink and take a lot of drugs, collect STDs, occasionally produce bad art or music, and commit low level crimes which the DAs in their Blue hive cities… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by pozymandias
William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Au contraire, whenever a Californian moves to Washington, the average IQ in both states falls.

Reply to  William Williams
4 years ago

Think you may have that backwards. I’d say it RISES in both places…

Nancy Sparks
Nancy Sparks
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I think that many of them are paid….not rich at all. Somebody pays for their transportation.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

the vanguard is genteel, the shock troops not so much. yes, it’s communists doing communisms as usual. good thing is, the snake is killed by crushing the head.

Vince Wilson
Vince Wilson
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Many of them are paid professionals and they travel all over the country to riot and murder. They are a criminal class.

Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg
Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Ted Wheeler, mayor or Portland is most definitely an exemplar of America’s moneyed aristocracy. His family has a whole town named after them on the Oregon Coast. He joined the financial class and serves their interests to the hilt.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Good point. Beyond the shrieking, cock-starved White Millennial women psychopaths, there is a huge feral, criminal and violent contingent.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Presumably, the cock-starved bints get a good seeing to from the feral thugs, thus annoying thirsty male feminists therefore perpetuating further anger and resentment.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

There are some things a feral pedophile won’t even do.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Bint is a word sorely lacking in American English.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I believe that “bint” is an Arabic word that came back to Britain with soldiers who had served in Egypt. I think it refers to a female camel.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago


Not all shrieking, cock-starved White Millennial women psychopaths are like that.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

Ha ha. Way to take the piss out.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

The criminals were not released because of hysteria. They were released deliberately. Same thing was done in post-Communist countries early after their revolutions. The goal is to create chaos and something for regular people to focus on, while the “elites” and various well connected assholes loot the country and solidify power. So far it’s working quite well.

Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

Hillare Belloc noted that the elites like chaos because they do well in chaotic situations – chaos serves their interests.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Elites can encourage and profit from the chaos when they have divorced themselves from the rest of us. A very good reason why not to let an elite class develop.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

What on earth can you mean? An elite class inevitably develops from the mere fact that one man is six foot tall and another five.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Michel’s iron law of oligarchy

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

Putin is kinda short…

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Every society has an elite. Even one-man-one-vote democracies have influencers and demagogues.

A healthy society has a healthy elite with a concept of noblesse oblige and a selection and/or weeding process that makes continuing membership meritocratic.

We have a degenerate elite that needs replacement.

A majority in every society simply will not willfully and consistently engage in the detailed wonkery of true self-government. You can argue whether it’s a good thing or bad, but you can only lead the horses to water, not make them drink.

Last edited 4 years ago by Exile
Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

Exactly, the whole point is distraction. That is why there is now discussion around the 32 flavors of gender, and other equally inane subjects. It is Wiemar redux, same garbage 100 years later.

Wiemar problems require Wiemar solutions

Reply to  StanP
4 years ago

Ain’t it Weimar? Then again, maybe Wiemar solutions can be a tad gentler than Weimar solutions.

Frank Tucker
Frank Tucker
Reply to  StanP
4 years ago

Antifa is financed by rich jews and that is why Barr refuses to go after them.

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

Castro let out the dregs of his society during the Mariel boatlift. “You want Cubans, you got’em, good and hard.”
The communist DemocRats in power of the Super-Blue states are doing the same thing, with Covid as an excuse.

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  Hun
4 years ago

Ah, but I do seem to recall Castro draining his Cuban prison swamp of criminals via the Mariel boatlift to Florida. Seems like a pattern, but what do I know.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Seem to be two elements. You have your criminals–the fact that Rittenhouse bagged one child rapist, a violent domestic felon and a run-of-mill thief in his “Kenosha Hat Trick” proves that half of the demographic. But if you look at the profiles Andy Ngo publishes every day, you’ve got a big cohort of middle class children who have suddenly found out that crappy “studies” degrees and a lifetime of participation trophies doesn’t translate into the lifestyle they aspire to. Suddenly you are 30, stuck at Starbucks and still living with four other people. And you’ve never been told that YOU… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Yep, umc millenial here. Basically watched all my white high school friends piss away thousands of dollars on arts degrees – then travel around Europe to “find themselves”.

The asian/indian strivers are absolutely taking over middle class grind. And honestly alot of it Is white unforced errors/parenting.

Last edited 4 years ago by b123
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Not to excuse the uber-slacker mentality, but it’s as much society getting what it’s willing to pay for as anything else. There’s a lot of millennial fruit been left to rot on the vine.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Our youth has been told there’s really nothing to believe in so they really believe in nothing. We’ve transmitted our philosophical and spiritual dead end to young people who are prepared to actually live it out. They say Schopenhauer would extol the virtues of suicide before enjoying a luxurious meal. But young people don’t have the prior generation’s vestigial morality and sense of meaning to counterbalance… they’re actually enacting the nihilism we’ve offered them. Mom said sexual inhibitions were silly and old fashioned but was faithful to her husband and happily married… daughter is camwhoring on onlyfans. Dad said life… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymousse
4 years ago

That happened and it was terrible, but knowing better we now have to do better. Which is a tall task, but we have the chance to re-found what was destroyed, so there’s a silver lining.

The Booby
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

b123 you are spot-on. The 800 lb gorilla in the room is growing uselessness of post-WWII white brats. Yes, yes, the Booby knows there are exceptions, so save him your objections. But anyone who’s been in a position of hiring or being served knows the uncomfortable reality. Frankly, when the Booby needs a dentist or an optometrist he looks for a Dr. Wong, Dr. Singh, or Dr. Kim. The Booby wants the Asian brown girl serving him at the drive thru, not the white pampered princess who thinks she’s too intellectual and creative to lower herself to serving the public.… Read more »

Reply to  The Booby
4 years ago

Stop being shitty parents. Things will start getting better before you know it, but yeah we’re in for a rough ride for a while as things work themselves out.

Reply to  The Booby
4 years ago

Disagree with BfB. The Chic-fil-a employment model is a wonderful thing, especially outside of vibrant environs.
And if some sawbones is going to cut on me, he better be 45+, white, and have a well-worn gold wedding band.
Move to where your people are to rediscover what your people are actually like, rather than those urbanite bugmen uncomfortably wearing a White skinsuit.

Reply to  The Booby
4 years ago

Who programs the minds of the “growing uselessness of post-WWII white brats?”

Reply to  The Booby
4 years ago

You will get more likes w/o “the Booby”.

Reply to  The Booby
4 years ago

People who prefer immigrant labor to Americans are part of the problem. You don’t get to expect much from Whites on the cheap and that $10-15 you are paying isn’t jack all in ost of the country. You are right to expect a full days work from those you hire but if wages can’t even pay for 4x an efficiency apartment and it an adult, they aren’t enough. Nothing wrong with the Mommy and Daddy subsidy for the teens or even the college boy pick up money job but if you want independent adults, its going to make goods cost… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

The middle class loser kids are largely satisfied to be simply participating in the whole thing. The free t-shirt and their on-site selfies are a big deal for them. But they are more likely to hold back. The losers with no self-control or rational thinking are the ones who go all “hold my beer, watch this”, in the midst of the chaos.

Ludvig Von Bach
Ludvig Von Bach
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Spot on take! You get it. But truly truly truly. None of this is organic. None of it. The media doesn’t cover trends. It creates them. It made these kids disaffected. As it is now attempting to make all of us nuts with the Pandemic hoax as well as commercials and television shows that make zero sense. Bill Gates and his buddies want what? All of us useless eaters dead. How will he do it? Through bribing the medical establishment media and political class to force inoculations on the population as well as driving folks to suicide through lockdowns and… Read more »

4 years ago

You can’t put your finger on it, but something is missing. You may have answered you own question: the people who flocked to these urban oases for the culture, lifestyle and urban living are unwilling to fight for it. During my many walks around London, I have visited all sorts of places at all sorts of times. In the most affluent areas, I would pop in to investigate a coffee shop and read my book. Upon looking round I could see many groups of people together and the most obvious phenomenon was that most of the group were on their… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Yes, the problem is their community is virtual and ephemeral. Digital locusts, more or less.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Back in the nineties I told an intelligent acquaintance that I feared the new internet technology would merely be the highway to a Digital Dark Age. We’ve arrived. There are pockets of civilization here and there, but not the kind of cohesive civilized communities we once took for granted. “Atomized” is a good description.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

I think this has something to do with birth rates and childlessness. Most of these people in urban enclaves are childless, single folks, and thereby have less incentive or need to live in and maintain a community. In my 20s I was one of the types living on the North Side in Chicago, married, but enjoying the care free life. Friends from the local pub were a sort of community, but were overwhelmingly transient and selfish. Many single 30 or 40 somethings who have no purpose other than to drink a the pub after work, and of course take care… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 years ago

A heart-warming response. Unfortunately, the Bishops and Pastors are experiencing the same problems that one sees in any highly scaled organization; namely, at some point one rises too high to be kissing the ass of the community and must start kissing the ass of the higher tier movers and shakers. Avoiding this problem of scale is something every community has to do, but rarely does. Keep it local, keep it loyal.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 years ago

Bishops are very much like DC politicians. They are so far removed from their “flock” they have no clue, and live in their own little bubble.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 years ago

Yeah – the bishops are not from their towns. They are transplanted from Buffalo to South Carolina to Wisconsin to New York. The priests aren’t from the local city and don’t have family in the next town over. And even if they did, they are only going to be in a parish for a few years, so…

Again, the idea is that loyalty is attacked on the local level and reinforced at the top, trans-national level.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

In a time of economic astringency, as we are in right now, people with profitable and steady jobs will often sell out their souls to maintain that gig, more so than usual.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

The phone-hand was one of the most obvious drivers of social decay that I noticed years ago. Having been a single man in the era of peak Tinder/bumble, while also being totally offline, I can say that the collapse was pretty easy to see coming. Like trying to start a business with a heroin addict. Dehumanization passed off as “experience” – and that being the dragon to be chased, while simulcasted into the feelz borg, has fundamentally altered the most basic of human interactions. ¡Science! Has already well established that a phone merely being present on the table results in… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

The conviction you speak of is not just to a place but to a people.The first 50 years of progress was to destroy the idea of the “our people”. This is entirely true. This is also why I read the history of my country, even though now I rarely argue about it. The scholarship surrounding the history of The English is large enough and diverse enough to allow us to infer certain things about what our people were and what they were not. Having such a sense of one’s own history is a very strong antidote to modern dogmas, I… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Very true. We have a duty to know who we are, from where we came. The native tribes were broken not just because the land beneath them changed but because the things that carried their most basic bonds were broken – language, rituals, ceremony, rites, and traditions. Thus their stories were lost to the wind. We all need to become familiar with our roots once again. And then practice those things that carry them. Storytelling on its own accord is a skill that has atrophied in our people. All this talk of narratives, yet it is rarely about ours. We… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Our narratives became like water to the fish, just there and all around us. Now we need to actively latch on to them, conserve them, and share them with our own.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Chicken-egg. I see it as a feedback loop. People retreat into online and phone-social interaction because their IRL neighbors and interactions are lame, shallow or hostile. Which makes everyone even more shallow, disconnected and anti-social. Repeat until atomized. Reconnecting people is the remedy – work both sides of that solution. Get them off their phones and give them good neighbors to live real meatspace lives with. I’ll cite NAJALT’s Haidt and Kuntsler alike on this – live around people with the same “moral tastes” you have and live in pro-social spaces that encourage community interaction and shared space with other… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

People don’t believe in their own agency. Don’t go searching for the right community for you, create the one you want, right where you are. Most of your life is lived in your own head, so get your head to a place that is meaningful and fulfilling, be it in worship, community, or both. It will not be laid on your doorstep or found in a catalog or internet search, it will be built by you. You can do it.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Christianity also responsible for the destruction of Ancient Greece/Egypt knowledge
Theodosius declared no other rituals and customs allowed except desert chosen people theory
Justinian just stops funding Plato Academy for not being Abrahamic

Renaissance and industrial revolution base on Plato not a Jesus
But even today white people believing Jesus as much voting
Future historians will record how superior race become inferior and destroyed by the enemy because they read the bible instead of Plato

4 years ago

Anyone else remember how there was always that one kid that wanted to do bad stuff? And how others would join in when they noticed the first kid could get away with it?

That’s where we are now. The teacher could stop the bad kid at any time, but she doesn’t want to.

4 years ago

Why haven’t Gaige Grosskreutz or Michael Reinoehl been arrested yet? Even if they are ever arrested, will they just be let go with a wink and a nod like John Weed’s killers were?

It’s impossible to overstate how despicably evil our law enforcement and courts are at every level—local, state, federal. Honestly, were the Stasi, Securitate or Savak any worse?

Reply to  Hennesey
4 years ago

Barr’s defenders are quickly running out of excuses

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It is patently obvious our mentally retarded KGB are grifters and Barr couldn’t do a damned thing if he wanted. Hell, the kompromat on him must be off the charts. Here’s how to tell when things get real: you start to learn Cloud People are turning up dead. I’ll celebrate with the feral hipsters when that happens.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Converso Bill is just there to keep the Q-tier MAGApedes hitting their hopium pipes.

His DOJ just put “antifa-hunter” – our most notable counter-doxxer, in jail for “cyber-stalking” the poor little anarchist murder-trolls.

Last edited 4 years ago by Exile
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Judeo-Bolshevik Barr has outed himself and his grubby, retarded (((KGB))) with his reactions to the domestic terrorism. It is likely his ((((Dad’s))) bestie, (((Jeff Epstein))), got quite a few shots of that tub of lard rawdogging teenie boppers of various genders. Damn shame what happened to him in a federal prison, though.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Would any of this have been fundamentally different if, say, Jeb Bush were president right now, or Hillary? Will it be much different if Biden wins instead of Trump? It appears that this situation has been decades in coming, and no mere political posturing would have changed it much, one way or the other. Let me know when it is Pinochet time, otherwise we will just keep riding that freight train to hell.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I think, for whatever reason, the unexpected election of Trump forced the Retard KGB to have to reveal its hand and grotesque face. The only reason I’m voting for Trump this time is to further force their hand. I have thought at various points he would lose and/or his election will not be recognized. Now I think he probably will win and the margin could be large enough to make a steal impossible. The State still will have to do something; assassination is possible if they feel D.C. will not be reduced to rubble. I write this a lot but… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

IMO Trump is now controlled opposition. No matter what Biden, Harris, Obama, and Hillary think (the first two want the gig and its bennies, the second two want personal and public revenge), TPTB can use Trump as the focus of, and as their sparring partner for, all the issues and chaos they are stirring up. Trump makes their fomenting a class war much easier, and the Uniparty, the deep state, and the fourth branch of the gov’t have effectively ring-fenced him. But I, too like their hand to be forced in a public fashion.

Reply to  Hennesey
4 years ago

How could it possible in a DR comment section to find someone which dare compare Savak to STASI???
Savak persecuted evil ISIS-like, and communists (and consequently, ANTIFA).
It’s like comparing poison and medecine.

Reply to  FrenchRoyalist
4 years ago

In Ryszard Kapuscinki’s Shah of Shahs, I recall that a method of torture allegedly used by Savak was to put people in bags filled with starving cats.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

That’s on par with electric floors & masturbation machines – or Iraqis pulling babies in Kuwait out of incubators. Both Judaism and Islam place great store in the power of the word and storytelling. They come from fabulist traditions and have always made great war propaganda – see the Old Testament as well re: Amalekites and other unfortunates. Take these kind of stories with much skepticism. I suspect Savak’s awful reputation is half-deserved but half fanatastic.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I had a Prof who was a dissident in the Shah’s Iran…He had a TON of Savak stories but this is a new one on me.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Oh please. And they put bags over their heads with starving rats in them! And Iraqi troops took babies out of incubators and threw them aside! She saw it with her own eyes! (This reminds me of the Corvette I almost bought when I was a teenager; someone had died and rotted in it, but I didn’t care!)

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Is there any doubt, based on what we know, that Daddy Bush and his Man-Wife were pedos and being blackmailed?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I dunno, the “Israel is our greatest ally” crew is closing in on joke status today, but back in the early 90s they were the 51st state.

Fabian Forge
Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

A joke back then was that Israel didn’t want to be the 51st state because then they’d be down to just 2 Senators….

Reply to  Hennesey
4 years ago

The DAs in Progressive cities are chomping at the bit for the opportunity to prosecute any do-gooder that has the audacity to intercede and take out these vermin. You will be featured on the front page of the NY Times and Washington Post, and made a poster boy of the Right. There is nothing lower than a dirty DA, and yet that has now become commonplace. The inmates are running the asylum.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

If someone is hellbent on going full Bladeruner, they should skip the rest of the trash and go for those at the top of the heap like these left-wing DA’s and, even better if opportunity presents, their funders.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

This is worse than being in a war, where prisoners are held until the war is over and then returned. There is no Geneva Convention protecting us from liberal DAs.

Last edited 4 years ago by DLS
Reply to  Hennesey
4 years ago

The only thing the Enforcement squad protects is each other, and the only thing it defends is its pension money.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hennesey
4 years ago

The Kenosha DA needs to go down hard. And if his successor sustains the charges against Rittenhouse, he needs to go down, too. When the so-called “forces of law and order” are actively on the side of villains against the lawful, they are evil and deserve no mercy. The social contract has been irrevocably broken.

Frank Tucker
Frank Tucker
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Kyle should be okay, has big guns on his side. But James Fields will rot in jail forever.

Jail the Bastards
Jail the Bastards
Reply to  Hennesey
4 years ago

Another day has come and gone and Grosskreutz and Reinoehl are still free.

Reply to  Jail the Bastards
4 years ago

This would all be different if we had a Republican President…

Milestone D
Milestone D
4 years ago

Greetings from Inside the Beltway! Living here, I’ve noticed how pathetic most of the kids living here are, especially the boys. My take on it was that they are desperate for guidance and a sense of purpose. Occasionally these kids would show up at our house to hang out with the step-daughter and a few minutes of expressed interest in them (for example, why I have a record player instead of just digital audio) would produce the same basic result as reading a storybooks does with a group of 3 year olds. That is, it was obvious that none of… Read more »

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

Good call. Community starts with family – you’re not going to have a good community if it’s full of bad or indifferent parents. Society is a fractal thing – as the family goes, so goes the larger whole. One of the hardest things for the dissident Right is having to essentially parent a lot of the young guys who didn’t have this growing up. I’ve had some discussion with James LaFond on this and he’s right in noting that it’s tough forming a tribe with broken individuals. But it’s up to us to help those damaged brothers and sisters get… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

And in that effort to build each other up we find the meaning and purpose to fill our own voids. The hyper individualism and insta-consumption orientation of modern culture has memory-holed the ancient (and biblical) wisdom that our own satisfaction in life is largely a function of turning our focus away from our own problems to those of others. This is the basis for the feedback loop. And also why it holds infinite resources. One of the essential functions of a community of people focused on the needs of other members of the community was to prevent the trappings of… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

That’s one thing I like about Normapollo’s stuff on YouTube. He’s really emphasized the idea that people develop, orient and reinforce their sense of sanity and normalcy by observing the group around them – we are profoundly social.

Contra Rand & the libertarians, disconnected individualism is an emergency/temporary mode for humans, basically Yellow-to-Red Alert status.

Green default mode status is when you’re plugged into a group, they have your back and you know your role.

Here’s a good start on NA’s stuff – check out his whole channel (our site guys have already heard me shill this dude):

Last edited 4 years ago by Exile
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

Greetings Milestone D, from one who grew up just outside the Beltway. Your description of a kid’s life echos strongly with me. I’d argue that things weren’t much better even five decades back! I felt that sense of alienation or exclusion you speak of. Perhaps I’m not typical, but even as a teen, I got the feeling that the Washington area was populated by counterfeit people. Even back then, it was a highly mobile community and it was unusual to have neighbors for more than a few years before they moved away.

Raymond R
4 years ago

I think that living “atomized, pointless lives” is a good description of where a solely materialistic society leads. Perhaps Alexandr Solzhenitsyn was on to something important in 1978

Reply to  Raymond R
4 years ago

Now throw in coronatard, masks and social distancing and the atomization is exponentially increased.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Remember the old days? Movie and a meal? Face to face in the midst of a bunch of other people, no masks, no phones, and polite, courteous, civil behavior? Me, too. Not coming back soon, I’m afraid.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Growing up in a rural area and near nature helps create a sense of purpose. Assuming that technology has not separated us from the necessities of chores and meaningful work. There is something about growing food or tending to animals that create a sense of what man is supposed to be. Places like Portland or New York rob us of that sense of purpose, as does modern technology. A friend of mine raised by a old German farmer said to me. “ My father could fix anything on the farm because he had too, I can fix some things on… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I work in finance, so my life is in front of a computer. But I get much more satisfaction taking care of my lawn. Same as your point, but on a small suburban scale.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Although I never lived on it, the “family farm” a few generations back in my ancestry was, at last report (1980s) not growing a thing, so was presumably in the crop program where the government pays them to grow nothing. Very likely, those who still live on the farm don’t know how to fix (or do) a single thing any more 🙁

4 years ago

Shooter Michael Reinoehl is definitely a spiteful mutant outsider. The real kicker here is that guys like this are being supported by the law – not directly by the cops but by the suits above them, particularly prosecutors and mayors. Reinoehl should have been locked up at the time he assassinated Danielson. “Reinoehl’s posts indicate he attended many protests in Portland that began three months ago after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis under the knee of a police officer. On July 5 at one of the demonstrations, Reinoehl was cited at 2:10 a.m. in the 700… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Exile
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

But, but, LAW AND ORDER!

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

he’ll be burned, soon. no one is going to step up and help this psycho. from looking at his orc like visage, i would bet money he has aryan brotherhood like past history.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

One thing I’ve learned in all this is that literally ALL the chaos came down to having a completely Leftist dominated local political infrastructure. The mayors and governors call off the cops, the DAs won’t prosecute the thugs, and then if they do the courts won’t convict them. At the same time they aggressively prosecute people like Rittenhouse or the McCloskeys who try to defend themselves. I feel bad for having ignored all those local elections for offices I never thought about and ballot measures hardly anyone voted on one way or another. People blaming Trump for doing nothing often… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Some of us are old enough to remember when Bush the Elder put the Rodney King cops under double jeopardy because they didn’t get the verdict they wanted the first time.

Do you honestly believe Obama wouldn’t have found a federal charge to ring up a right winger under?

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Fight Club!

there are a very high percentage of ANTIFA that is one or more of:

  1. criminal
  2. sex pervert
  3. tranny
  4. psychotic
  5. neurotic
  6. ugly
  7. weird DNA
  8. depressed

this is ecstatic frenzy of the faithful, as they worship.

they are all failures, and can;t even get govt jobs. would bet a lot of these people have genetic abnormalities. true cannon fodder.

so why are they all coming out now? china is in a panic about trump. these are their cadres. and they are being burned. put them into agricultural prison camps, replacing mexican crop pickers. plenty of precedent for it…

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Weird DNA?

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

auties, aspies, paranoids, schizos, low IQ;
all DNA related neurological impairments.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
4 years ago

plus “broken Y” syndrome or whatever it is called

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

“fragile X” syndrome

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
4 years ago

I get to visit a certain factory that I can’t name quite regularly. The bizarre thing about the place is how many obviously autistic young white men there are. These are mixed in with Mexicans and a few (very few now) of the old redneck blue collar types. It’s a VERY strange mixture. I suspect that most of the “Trekkies” as I call them, are the products of Gen-X slutmoms who had kids too late. The rates of gene abnormalities alone though can’t explain it all. There absolutely must be environmental factors adding to the problems, perhaps even causing most… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

“Spiteful Mutants”. Micheal Woodley

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Ed Dutton nailed it with “spiteful mutants.”

Reply to  Major Hoople
4 years ago

or morlocks
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by sentry
Reply to  sentry
4 years ago

Your image link is busted.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

They are coming out now because 1) they are being funded by Soros and similar backers and 2) because they know they have institutional cover from DA’s, mayors, governors and media to wreak havoc and be treated as heroes in the bargain. These guys are always nibbling away on the fringes but someone held the door open for them and ushered them onstage once the Groyd Riots kicked off. Look at the Dayton shooting from last year with Connor Betts, antifa in good standing and supporter of the “Socialist Rifle Association.” That kid was another real treasure on par… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Exile
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

For political purposes they are all Marxists. But I think it really is just a nihilistic howl of despair and rage now that rage against the machine has become the machine. Which is another way of saying that it’s just the death rattle of the failed Keep Portland Weird campaign. The point of Portland after Drugstore Cowboy and grunge was to serve as a magnet for weirdness. Sanctuary for refugees from Seattle when it became too expensive. But then the Californians began moving in in the late 90s. Same thing happened in Austin, now home to Spotify’s new bitch, Joe… Read more »

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

If you call them “Marxist” then you miss the point. Economics and class have almost nothing to do with this.

They are anti-white, even if they are of European descent, inflamed by those who control the media and culture.

Of course, a high percentage are chosen.

Last edited 4 years ago by LineInTheSand
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Yes, they are anti-white. Virulently so. But the theoretical underpinning of their AWR traces to Frankfurt School Marxism and the poststructuralism that succeeded it. Chances are few of the rioters have ever heard of Adorno or Barthes but they follow in their footsteps all the same.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

All that is going on today could be explained with no reference to Cultural Marxism. People who cling to Marxist explanations are just turning away from the primal anti-white fervor that wells within the souls of non-whites.

They are desperately trying to fit anti-white animus into a spurious Cold War narrative.

Explanations that are based on Marxism or Cultural Marxism are literally irrelevant.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

But we’re obviously not talking just or maybe even primarily about non-whites. Clearly, the Hutus don’t need ideological justification for their hatred of whites; they can look to history for that. For everybody else, including whites, however, anti-white animus must be implanted in their minds and psyches, and 50-plus years of Cult-Marx indoctrination has done precisely that.

Frank Tucker
Frank Tucker
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Uh, no. You could not be more wrong. Today’s Antifa is the same small hat brigade the Germans had to deal with 80 years ago.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Listening to all that shitty rap ,geared for mongoloids….turned them into mongoloids.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

I doubt it’d be possible to get much labor out of them (or me, for the matter 😀 ) Forced servitude doesn’t work very well, never did, never will. If it had, it would’ve been more widely used in world history. But slightly less enslaved forms of servitude worked better: serfdom, rigid caste systems, or its modern equivalent the highly taxed worker. Probably the best use and disposition of the useless will be as fertilizer.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

they would love being government serfs! now as to whether they would ever be a net plus to society? eh, it’s worth a certain amount to avoid the necessity of widespread euthanasia.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Big government has nothing to do with this.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Forced servitude doesn’t work very well, never did, never will. If it had, it would’ve been more widely used in world history.

Forced servitude was used more or less globally throughout all of history. The steam engine is what killed forced servitude. Boilers, gears, pistons and piles of coal are easier to deal with.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

You left out “small hat” lineage.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

The “kids” are, to a one, the end-product detritus of Progressivism. No one out there throwing Molotov cocktails and braying for the end of capitalism is from a stable nuclear family.
Without their gender confusion, they would have nothing, save for the overwrought ideals of a bygone era whose objectives were already met.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

You forgot demonically possessed

David Wright
4 years ago

Yeah, universal basic income will surely fix all of this.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Defunding the police will be a vast improvement too…😆👍

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Is there any place where that actually happened? I recall reading about places where they were considering/talking about/agitating for defunding the local police force but did any city actually DO it? Just curious if it actually happened anywhere.

Reply to  Bill Mullins
4 years ago

Here, it did not happen—even though I suspect we talked about it as much as anywhere else, had the prerequisite improperly shot felons and riot, and the town government is Leftist. Indeed, the police’ renewed recent budget is $2M more than last year’s. Not nearly enough to correct current staffing shortages, but not the defunding spoken about.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bill Mullins
4 years ago

Not absolute defunding, but certainly a drastic reduction in funding. I know that happened in Austin, pretty sure in Minny and Seattle, too.

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Those damned Southern Democrats ruined the optics of using fire hoses and water cannons to quell unrest.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

When I’m feeling especially bitter, angry, and cynical (like now) I sometimes think that maybe I should support most of the Left’s agenda after all. It’ll be a huge disaster of course but should also lead to the Great Purge of a lot of useless carbon blobs.

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

I prefer to think of them as”unwanted tissue masses”.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

UBI is inevitable. Now that it has been demonstrated that massive government spending won’t cause hyperinflation, it’s not not going to happen.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

The US is able to get away with this only as long as it possesses the world’s reserve currency.

David Wright
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Of course, and the biggest swinging dick on the planet. You just never know when all that ends. The government is not planning accordingly to help us, so we should.

Last edited 4 years ago by David_Wright
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Judging by recent events at Sandia National Labs we may be writing off the US’ nuclear arsenal sooner rather than later.

Bill Mullins
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Satisfy a curious old man. What exactly are you referring to? I did a quick search for news about Sandia Labs and couldn’t find anything more sinister than blatantly anti-white classes being held. Shite like that is almost de riguer these days.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

There is also the tritium issue,
We can no longer make tritium for triggers and while we can salvage the existing supply, the half life is 12 years.
Within 40 years or so (as of 2017) we will also no longer have nuclear fuel for ships.
The US is simply not going to recover from this mess without an extraordinarily strong leader and while I do think President Trump is good, AFAICT he is not “that guy”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

Dupe deleted.


Yes, I agree that something would have to replace the USD as the reserve currency and there really isn’t a viable candidate at this time, thankfully for us.

Last edited 4 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

For the dollar not to be the reserve currency, something has to come along to replace it…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Correct. We probably are a generation or so before the dollar no longer is the reserve currency. In the meantime, army ants gotta eat.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The dollar remains the reserve currency as long as you can enforce a dollar monopoly on oil trade.

Even if nuclear gets serious, oil will still be one of the most valuable commodities in the world, it can be used for an almost unlimited number of borderline miraculous purposes.

As Ahmejinedad wisely noted: “Oil is too precious a substance to be burned for its mere energy content.”

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

The right way to look at the dollar is not as a fiat currency, but specie money based in oil.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Smart points.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

For sure.

Oil has incalculable value as an ingredient in the production of just about every modern product you can think of.

I don’t think the Greenies realized how much of their Prius, solar cells, and wind farms require oil.

Peter Parker
Peter Parker
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Oil is easy to calculate how much it’s worth. Put a gallon of fuel in a car, drive it until it runs out, then push it back to the starting point. All of a sudden you’re willing to pay a lot more for a gallon of gas 🙂

Felix Krull
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Social Credit Score.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

A collapse in global trade could cause that too. This could be a chicken or an egg (global trade collapses due to outside events, war, synchronous economic crashes (which has happened before in regions), etc OR, trade collapses because people will no longer accept dollars).

Bill Mullins
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Yeah! Like the Ruble. Or the Yuan. Or how about the Euro or Pound? They’re both trading above unity to the U.S. Dollar.

Peter Parker
Peter Parker
Reply to  Bill Mullins
4 years ago

Want to know what the Chinese are going to replace the Yuan with…….

the Two

I’ll see myself out

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Not necessarily true. The existing system could collapse into something more primitive. I’m not hoping for that, just saying it’s possible. I guess you could argue that gold and silver or trade goods could become the new “currency.” It wouldn’t be the first time in history, far from it. Credit cards, mortgages and international funds transfers and all this other financial wizardry are wonderful, but there is no law that they must exist in the future.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

True. Zimbabwe is a good example. What, you think folk there were trading in trillion dollar Zimbabwe notes? They now transact in Euro’s, Rand, and US currency. (Can’t say how their new issued money is doing. It’s been awhile)

Bill Mullins
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I thought some place in Europe – Sweden?? – implemented what amounts to a UBI. Am I totally mistaken?

Reply to  Bill Mullins
4 years ago

Finland tried it experimentally and stopped it. Their UBI was given in exchange for all other welfare. That is how most UBI proposed plans used to be. Not sure any longer. One can google on the Finland experiment for the pro’s and con’s.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Nope. Not how MMT works. The seller is the buyer of our debt, so good luck waiting for that to fail because “muh irresponsible debt load.” If I continue to be paid $1 million a day for shaking my left hand with my right hand, when do you think “reality” stops me?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

MMT is psychology-first market economics. Soros in his economic writing calls this “reflexivity.” Dig down and it essentially means they can keep the market going until enough of the public panics, confidence collapses and people start running on the banks to have shekels to hold rather than letting them float in the fantasy-cloud. They realized the mistake with the Big Short crash was letting Lehman fail and panicking everyone with Realtalk about the economy. Now they just give us the QE hopium drip and have guys like Mnuchin & Trump sing us back to sleep crooning over muh Big Line… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Exile
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

The fed recently announced they’re going to pursue a policy of inflation because they say there’s not enough of it!

Translation: we know what’s coming, and we’re going to own it and try to manage it so people don’t realize we’re losing control.

I’m sure it’ll end well.

Last edited 4 years ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Perhaps even more important, the a Fed Res said they were modifying/abandoning the employment aims for their policy. Whether this ups the unemployment number or not we will see.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

The Fed guys seem to be stuck on Keynes which no longer works which is Conquests First Law in action or maybe its Sinclair, you can’t teach someone something his job requires he not know. They are going to have a great deal of difficulty making serious inflation outside of food and ammo. The US system concentrates money in a very few hands and thus kills the velocity of money. The usual solutions are null and void to do debt, unemployment, lack of retail and low fertility/population aging. Also expecting people to borrow is stupid. There is no demand for… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

There is hyperinflation already. Its just in the asset market rather than everyday things like food. Have you seen what equities are doing lately?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I fear the only thing UBI will do is support those disenchanted rioters between riots.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

You could remove UBI from anyone convicted of an offense as was suggested recently for welfare.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

The Yang Gang will ride to the rescue just like the Magnificent Seven.

Reply to  David Wright
4 years ago

UBI is a terrible idea but sooner or later its going to come to civil collapse, economic control or UBI?

Pick your poison.

4 years ago

Fulton Sheen talked about this several decades ago in the context of communism in America. The driving force behind this unrest is despair, as you said. I prefer the stronger word of despair over unhappiness though. But that might help explain why more white people are lashing out than black: black people arent feeling that despair, or at least not in the same way. Ive studied philosophy from both theist and atheist perspectives. There is an inherent despair to an atheist worldview. Atheists often take this as a badge of pride, that they are strong enough to stare into the… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Irishfarmer
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Irishfarmer
4 years ago

Excellent post. I fall into the atheist/existentialist category myself. I adopted this because to me it’s the most intellectually honest. By definition, we cannot know the root causes beyond a certain point. I’m not willing to accept fables from thousands of years ago as “truths” not to be questioned. Studied yes maybe, for nearly all human thought has the possibility of wisdom and truth, but one must be cautious to sort out the obvious or probable falsehoods. Vastly simplified, existentialism says that there is no inherent meaning in existence, that a person will only find the meaning in his life… Read more »

Reply to  Irishfarmer
4 years ago

The Prog mindset is forever in grievance and anger mode. It is what sustains them. They’ve gotten to the point where there really is no concrete, discernible “ask” that they want to see happen that fixes things, because there never was one. Theirs is a temper tantrum akin to that of a child that simply can’t cope. As any responsible adult will tell you, nothing short of aggressive punishment will shake them out of it—until next time.

Reply to  Irishfarmer
4 years ago

But, of course, the “solutions” they agitate for are the very things causing their problems in the first place. Worshiping minorities, particularly blacks and forever espousing ‘diversity is our strength’ and how they have to ‘team up with minorities against the white power structure….’ and of course, ever more immigration and globalism. They really believe they can be part of a worldwide labor movement to defeat capital. And their supposed highest virtue is anti-racism. This horrible “ideology” (not really) has internal resistance to any counter-narrative. If you try to point out that globalism allows corporations to shop around for the… Read more »

4 years ago

Modern city life is meaningless. Most of the white people there have a highly inflated and arrogant view of themselves. Big city man looking down on the plebs. But their life is the same shit as everyone elses’: Netflix, tinder, doordash, etc. Alot of the previous attraction of big city living is gone – clubs are closing down, rent is astronomical, Chinese/groids taking over large chunks. I guess muh ethnic food is about it. This trend was happening before covid/fentanyl floyd. Not that rural areas don’t have their own problems, though. As a society we are all kinds of fucked… Read more »

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

I spent several months in NYC for a company project. I totally did not get the charm. Yeah, they have a pizza place and Irish pub on every corner, but they are all the same. No different than my small city, but just more locations. And I would watch with amazement as people in high rises would ride with their dogs down the elevator, through the lobby, and out to the one tree in the middle of the sidewalk, and then make the return trip back to their tiny apartment. A 30 minute ordeal so their dog could take a… Read more »

4 years ago

“The violence we are seeing is in mostly white cities by mostly white people.”
Even in cities that saw black looting, like Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York and Chicago—they had to raise their drawbridges to their Loop Castle twice—it seems like the blacks only opportunistically followed in the footsteps of Whites/Jews.

It takes a critical mass of Whites/Jews working in the local NGOs, nonprofits, lawyers guilds, and other parasitic organizations to get a city roiling. But Kenosha shows that if this critical mass of White/Jewish parasites isn’t locally present, they’re now willing to bus them in—they’re evolving.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  DonDon
4 years ago

Yes, people have to realize what they espouse routinely is actually true: blacks are low IQ and really have to have the ground prepared to do their dance routines. Burning buses is the key to pacification.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Nobody prepared the ground in Minneapolis, which is what ignited everything else.

Reply to  DonDon
4 years ago

Exactly. The violence is led by Fellow White people.

Kyle shot 3 people and 2 were Fellow Whites – according to Jews themselves, at least. Some are of course trying to obfuscate this.

Jews are about 3% of the U.S. population.


Does “high IQ and urbanity” explain this, ala Nathan Cofnas?

Or is Dr. MacDonald onto something with the culture of critique and divide-and-conquer the host population theory?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I vote for “divide and conquer”. It’s as old as Sun Tzu.

Frank Tucker
Frank Tucker
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

If your friend got kicked out of a bar 109 times, what would you think?

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  DonDon
4 years ago

Chicagoland is a nice case study in how this is perpetuated and funded. Recall in June BLM openly threatened and then rioted in the suburbs. But of course they went to the nice, upper-middle class west suburbs (Downers Grove, Naperville, Aurora (sort of), etc). They sure as hell did not go to the uber-wealthy (((North Shore))) suburbs like Highland Park, Deerfield, Winnetka, etc. Likely because the “protesters” were either from there, or being funded by the (((limousine liberals))) from there.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 years ago

Notice, also, they are burning down Christian churches but studiously avoiding the Satanic temples. Barr does nothing to the perps because he and his KGB of the mentally retarded support the terror.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Just ask Epstein, no wait, he hung himself when the cameras shut off….from his bed, 2 ft off the ground.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

BRILLIANT. It is degeneracy punching upwards. The riots are, in fact, the equivalent of a lethal dose synthetic heroin downed with a fifth of Jack. One other element: people need religion, some sort of spiritual connection to the larger world. These riots are nothing short of an old-time tent revival on the Kansas prairie. My guess is the working class and middle class endure long past these upper middle class whites who are throwing themselves into the volcano at breathtaking speed. In fact, the Portlanders and Brooklynites are the Nuevo White Trash hellbent on being found dead in their rectangular… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I’ve long been aware of an odd local (Portland) type. This is the trashy, ill educated, tatted-up Leftoid living on Oregon’s generous welfare benefits and the wages from a shitty job serving coffee. They are basically the Left’s answer to trailer trash except they do things opposite-style. Instead of meth, it’s weed, often augmented with heroin. Instead of carrying a rusty revolver they’ve got a bunch of melee weapons they, thankfully, don’t really know how to use. Country music? Nope, it’s whatever shit their hipster friend’s band recorded (on cassette tape). Pickup truck? No, it’s a $35 ’91 Ford Escort… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

A lot of the hispter ambience is just a shallow attempt to copy the cohesive working-class ethnic neighborhoods with small houses, local businesses, and old, but functional, buildings.
What’s missing are the children, the local church, and people who actually know everyone on their block.
The specialty cheese shop is a poor substitute for Mario’s convenience store, with Mario being the guy who helped replace your roof.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

One of the things about these hipster businesses is that, to be frank, they are just so ghey.
East London ‘Cereal Cafe’:
comment image

Victorian butchers:
comment image

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Ghey and infantile. When I was a child I could not wait to be a “grown up”. It seems now that much of progress in all its hipness is to either prevent growing up altogether or to ease the pain of responsible adulthood with all matters of perpetuating adolescence. From adult jammies to adult coloring books at adult summer camps; “mental health” days and “self-care; finger foods and cartoons. Childhood is something that can be consumed well past the point where 20 years ago such things would have one labeled retarded, err “special”. Everyone is special needs now, the wheels… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

People aren’t taught how to be adults anymore, and figuring it out on your own is painful and time-consuming, so many stay stuck in childhood.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

People were not taught how to be adult, they witnessed it in their parents, or when necessary, with others. There were at one time serious consecquences for not being adult.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

We agree but say it differently.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Thanks Family Courts!!!

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Fruit loops selling Fruit Loops.

Last edited 4 years ago by Chief
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

Gotta love the smug, cocked-head expressions: “Is your mind blown by our creativity? Yes, we thought so.”

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I hear they split up and the other one opened a “Scotch Tape Store”.

Nadda Boomer
Nadda Boomer
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

You stole that from an original SNL skit. Now go back to your Bass-O-Matic and enjoy a glass of churned bass while your grandkids play with a bag of broken glass from E. Buzz Miller.

Reply to  Nadda Boomer
4 years ago

That’s when SNL was funny. Good days. 😉

Reply to  Nadda Boomer
4 years ago

Took me half hour to stop laughing (I’m old enough to remember all those). Don’t do that again!

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

double-ended strap-on couple.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 years ago

They have misunderstood that artisanal does not equal kitsch. Their entire hipster culture is kitsch.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

The nostalgic city community you describe has been very hard to find since: Shelley v. Kraemer (1948), Brown vs. Board of Education (1954), Civil Rights Act (1964), Fair Housing Act (1968) and many other laws/decisions I’m not aware of. 🙁 While I like Starbucks, it is a relevant case of the commoditization of our society you cite. Coffee shops were not new, but what Starbucks did was to bring a (generic) version of the Old World cafe to America. It was quite successful, to say the least. But what was missing? Every Starbucks is the same, worldwide. But Klaus’s Kaffee… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

It’s something I don’t get. Why in hell does it seem to be the case that the suburbs cannot build and sustain good restaurants? Why so many chains? A place like Brio or something is fine, I guess, but how can it be that nobody wants to put a good, one-off Italian restaurant in the ‘burbs? What magic is associated with Buffalo Wild Wings that nobody else can crack the mysterious code of lots of TVs showing sportsball, serving burgers and beer?

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

I live in an area with several great locally owned Italian restaurants (one of which is owned by a German, but I digress), but the Olive Gardens are always PACKED (or at least “were” pre-WuFlu) which I’ve always find puzzling. Actually now that I think of it one of the most well known Italian restaurants in the area closed up last year when the owner retired since I suppose he couldn’t find a buyer.
Anyway, if I had to guess it’s the culmination of a lot of ill tides.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

Predictability. Joe’s sorts bar might be really good or really bad. It might have too few TVs or gross wings or stale beer. BWW has slightly above average consistency, making the experience of it consistent and predictable. Thus, the paradox of a transient society: as people become more transient, stores and service become more homogenous. People need stability, so if they aren’t stable and rooted in their own life, then corporations have to be stable for them.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

The corporate lawyers can navigate the the building, zoning, and code enforcement shitheads. Mom and Pop can’t, they’d be broke before they opened up.

4 years ago

Ted Wheeler grew up upper middle class at least, went to Stanford and then Ivy League schools post grad and has worked Fortune 500 jobs before going into politics. In addition to having the people he is pandering to hate him, he and his wife are in the middle of a divorce and his mother died in June. If he is remembered historically, it will be as a total failure and laughingstock. Is the only thing keeping him from resigning is that his life will become completely pointless and without meaning?

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

What kind of job will he be able to get when his current term ends? Based on their current trajectory, the woke workforce of the average globohomo corporation won’t want anything to do with him. Maybe he can work at a hedge fund.

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

He’ll find employment in the Social Justice Clergy, working for some NGO. The Rads dont like him, but SWPL wokeness will accept him.

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
4 years ago

Gobble Gobble One of Us We Accept You

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

He doesn’t need a job, the family money will take care of him. He’ll write a book about how wise he is, and how if people paid more attention to him, everything would be ducky.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Who knows what the truth really is, but this campaign profile from when he first ran makes it sound like Ted’s father gave a lot more money away than he gave to his heirs. If he only inherited just over a million and is getting hammered in a divorce, he might not have enough to live the kind of lifestyle he wants without getting another job after he leaves office.

Last edited 4 years ago by Barnard
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

and now, ladies, gentlemen, and those of you who are confused… I now present President-elect for 2028 of the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Color* Tedrietty** “Wheels and Heels” Wheeler!

* “America” was racist of course
** Please use xir post-op name only, thank you.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

He came knocking on my door years back when he first campaigned, unsuccessfully, for the mayor’s job. He asked if I would put a sign on my lawn with him on a bike (wheeler – get it?). I found him goofy and unimpressive so it’s no surprise to me he’s presiding over the destruction of a once good city.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Peabody
4 years ago

Goofy men are usually obnoxious twats in private.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Peabody
4 years ago

Most politicians are goofy and unimpressive at the local level in my experience. If you knew any of these people in high school or college, who were vocal about getting into politics, you know what I’m talking about. And once you’ve met them as youth, nothing surprises you about them when they can’t do anything substantive (other than F something up or progressive nonsense) during their time in office. Or they wind up a hack consultant who really gets off on cocktail parties. They’re all very close to the bad television show caricatures of politicians for very real reasons.

Last edited 4 years ago by Valley Lurker
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

and then hopefully being tarred with ballpark ketchup and mustard, covered in chicken feathers and beaten with bats by the whole team.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

Wheeler probably knows his snuffability will increase if out of office.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I know nothing about Wheeler, but as to political and big name figures in my area—they all land on their feet if they toe the line. Yes, it is often hard to tell what if any skills they possess outside their current (usually) political office. But it is a consistent observation of mine, that if for some reason, they wind up out of office, some sinecure somewhere opens up to employ them. Only exception is if they are on the tail end of life and are truly retiring. I’ve not seen a downside for these sycophants in playing the game.

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

Did you see the crank that might replace him? One look and it’s to make you consider switching “Back Of The Hand” to “Front Of The Knuckles”:

Frank Tucker
Frank Tucker
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

I thought he was a fag. For sure.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
4 years ago

It is still incredibly bizarre to me that after the Prog ditched blacks, moved on to their tranny, Muslim, and Hispanic toys, that they have decided to dig back into the bottom of the toy chest to play with their black action figures again. Why? Some of it is of course to goose the black vote in November. But the deeper reason, however inchoate or unconscious, is that they know after three generations that the gulf between blacks and everyone else cannot be explained as anything but being rooted in nature, biology, DNA, reality, whatever you want to call it… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

It is the equivalent of using White Southern and Midwestern boys as cannon fodder for Israel. These blacks have gone past their expiry date and have been deemed expendable by the Deep State that serves the Cloud People. Low IQ people just require a few Target store gibs to go full chimp opera.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

We do live in odd times, when Black support of Trump is 3 to 4 times what would be normally expected, if the polls can be believed.

Frank Tucker
Frank Tucker
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

IDK….we kept hearing that….and then the black vote stayed the same for the midterms.

4 years ago

Look at these WHITE rioting crowds. Do you see a Chinese or Indian face there? Chinese and Indian young people got their STEM degrees and are otherwise preoccupied making their hundreds of thousands annual salaries. While EVERY white coming to the surface of Antifa crowd is either a preschool teacher or social studies graduate or snowboard instructor and such. They are misfits in today’s revolutionary economy.
“Bad times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times”

Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

They don’t want a typical 9-5 job – they want a job they’re PASSIONATE about and make a difference. They also want to travelthe world!

However, yeah, as I said in my above comment, alot of umc kids are fucked.

Asian kids are bitter too – they watched the white kids party and travel and have sex in college. Now it’s time for payback as more and more enter the workforce.

Reply to  b123
4 years ago

For the longest time, I’ve bristled at the Progressive graduation speakers (BIRM) whose sole message is to go out treat the world like a playground.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  b123
4 years ago

Best quote that sticks out in my mind, “Following your dreams is a great way to make $30,000 a year.”

Reply to  Valley Lurker
4 years ago

6 figures isn’t worth working for Satan.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Anna
4 years ago

there are quite a few hyper-virulent indians and other mud people (usually females) in the woke movement.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Searching for answers as to why these misfit, ugly, weirdos are destroying cities is one thing, but more frightening to me is why the institutions and corporations are fully on board with the radical BLM-critical race theory program. The recent story about Sandia Corporation and their dissident employee Casey Peterson is a glimpse into what’s probably coming for everyone who works for a large corporation.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Chaos helps the ruling class. Observe the financial performance of Amazon during all this with the financial performance of your local pub. If you’re Walmart, chaos has been excellent.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

uh, no, they like stability. that is why their use of chaos is so interesting; it is actually hurting them badly.

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

that was cause of mandatory covid lock-downs that at one point shutdown 1/2=1/4 of all small businesses.. These protests, as bad as they are, do not have even a fraction of the impact as those lock-downs.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

More than chaos, what we’re seeing is the extirpation of small business for the benefit of corporations, which engross the market share formerly possessed by small business.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

The corporate behavior is completely rational. They side with the radical left because that is where the threats come from. Even though they are openly siding with their enemies, the civnat chamber of commerce, normie republicans will blindly defend them on libertarian impulses. For the first time ever, corporations have neutralized all their critics.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

no, 100% wrong. they side with the hard left because they share the same world view.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Corporations will blindly ride the strongest horse, and justify it with whatever words are needed to paint a rosy picture around it. The job of the corporation is survival and prosperity of the corporation.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

They are on board because America is a Frankenfascist state. The Frankfurters and their epigoni (largely French) provided the theoretical basis for multiculti and anti-white racism. This ideology was transported to the US and came to fruition as the New Left in the 60s. In time, the ideology became the master narrative of the government, corporations and institutions, which now reinforce one another in the service of anti-white racism. The elite grow stronger and their white targets become more vulnerable.

4 years ago

Instead of talking about football young people now talk about riots and racial progress. Antifa groups around the country should adopt mascots and setup some kind of scoring structure to keep track of each group’s accomplishments so different regional fans can root for their favorite team.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  KunioKun
4 years ago

Your argument is not as facetious as it might seem. Team sports are a form of ritualized combat, and in fact probably serve some psychological ends as such. In some ancient civilizations, a symbolic match was sometimes used to settle a dispute between two groups. Both sides had the honor to abide by the outcome, and it was recognized that a compromise was a better solution than a bloody fight to the death between the two bands.

4 years ago

Placebos work. The theology may be suspect, but join a church anyway. Organized religion serve a valuable purpose – community, companionship, friendship, support – all necessary for healthy flourishing – and sure beats going it alone. Atoms like to form molecules, like to for organs, like to form organisms.

Reply to  WLM
4 years ago

Pozville. Yeah I could probably wander the city and maybe find a place that isn’t completely divorced from reality, but the instant some AWFL shows up and starts crying about kids in cages it’s all over; it’s not church anymore, it’s live-action Facebook.

Reply to  WLM
4 years ago

Placebos works sometimes.

If you’re going to take a placebo, take a good one. The fact is that most churches are completely pozzed or compromised. I will never push my faith at anyone… but if you are going to go to church for a good time…? I think you’re missing the point and wasting your time.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

lot of chicks there.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

There are a few wretches trying to redeem themselves that you might score with, Karl. But as it is elsewhere, the best women are not on the market – they are already happily married to men of worth.
You’d probably be better of poaching and pooching elsewhere. 😉

Jim Haples
Jim Haples
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

“If you’re going to take a placebo, take a good one.” nice

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
Reply to  WLM
4 years ago

It seems to work for the Unitarian Universalists. 🙂

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

One of the stranger parts of the summer of left-wing violence is that no one has bothered to think too much about why the people are rioting.” Without downplaying Zman’s explanation, another part of the answer is, it’s exciting and it’s fun. There are also lots of chicks, so being out there might get you laid. Like war, rioting is primarily a young man’s game but sans the risk. Especially where police and other authorities don’t interfere (you have to be a colossal asshole to get yourself seriously hurt or killed while participating in these riots).

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

If you need some comic relief look up videos on Bitchute and YT of these idiots setting themselves on fire with their molotovs.

4 years ago

Z, very perceptive observation. Yes, our country, especially our youth is trying to fill a void where its soul used to be. I know this will upset some people on both sides of the divide, but if you read scripture you will see that the only thing that can fill that void is the God of our creation. Ever wonder why so many people get so angry about the gospel message? You would think they could take it or leave it, but the gospel seems to provoke a much stronger response from people than when they are confronted by other religious messages. Why is… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Amstaff
4 years ago

Grant you your point on how religion can irritate us unbelievers. I don’t have a perfect answer, but as a secularist/agnostic/athiest (there, I said it!) I think the best answer is that Christianity (or virtually any other religion I know of) asks, nay, demands that others believe (sometimes at pain of death) in things that are contrary to what is known about how the real world operates. I’ve said this before and it’s probably not an orginal thought: Look at all the discord, bickering, injury and death that religions have caused up to the present. Yet most of the disputes… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Thank you for the response and your perspective. You are correct that there are spiritual things that don’t make sense in the context of this physical world. The explanation for this is that there is a spiritual world also and the things that happen there have a direct impact on our physical world. A good example of this is Satan getting permission from God to test Job (Job 6:1-12). Another is when an angel sent in response to Daniel’s prayers was delayed 21 days by the prince of the Persian kingdom, a demon (see Daniel 10). There is a war going on in this spiritual… Read more »
