Election Reset

We are a little over three weeks from the most consequential election in the history of the republic, according to the media. In reality, this election will probably not be all that interesting or consequential. Few elections make much of a difference, when viewed in the grand scheme of things. The great fear of democracy was that it would lead to wild swings in public policy. In reality, democracy results in a shadow elite maintaining their preferred course, regardless of the election results.

There are some exceptions. In 1960, the Illinois Democrat Party rigged their election in favor of Kennedy. If Nixon had won, there is a good chance Vietnam would not have happened as it did, which would have changed the arc of the 60’s. The anti-war movement was the energy of the cultural revolution. It also means Johnson’s Great Society would not have happened. Probably something else would have been passed, but it would not have been that program.

Another consequential election was 1976. Ford could have beat Carter, as it was a very close election. The map of that election is very interesting in comparison to what we are looking at in this coming election. If Ford had won, he would have run in 1980, instead of Reagan, and he may have run again in 1984. If not, Reagan would have been viewed as too old at that point and too much of a yesterday man. The conservative movement would never have gotten off the ground.

One possible significance of this election is that a Trump loss puts the near-dead Biden in the White House until they kill him and install Harris. Let’s be honest with ourselves about this. The people who killed Epstein and Seth Rich are not going to flinch at snuffing out Joe Biden. Harris is so obnoxious that she will be voted out in the following election, regardless of who the GOP nominates. Biden/Harris will end up being the Jimmy Carter in this replay of history.

In that regard, the Left should probably hope Trump wins. They got rid of Nixon with the Watergate frame-up and the ’76 election, but that was their high point. What followed was a long decline of post-war liberalism. From the perspective of the Left, the mid-70’s through the mid-2000’s was a long winter. Thanks to the neoconservatives in the Bush years, the conservative consensus shattered and the Left emerged from its long hibernation, but that was never a given.

As far as this election, when you strip away the massive psychological warfare campaign being waged on us, it is rather conventional. Everyone forgets that it was conventional wisdom four years ago that Trump would lose in a blowout. It’s like remembering how you felt about something long after the event. You can remember that you felt a certain way, but you cannot remember the actual feeling. The same is true for elections, it seems. We can recall the facts, but not the sense of it.

When you examine the facts of this election, it is looking a lot like the last election, but maybe more so, with regards to the polling. Look at the final polls from four years ago and the miss in key states was quite shocking. No one but Rasmussen has bothered to think much about why that happened. Odds are, the “shy Trump voter” is more of an issue this time. Four years of Trump voters being assaulted on the streets will make people much less willing to reveal themselves.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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Promotions: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link.   If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sa***@mi*********************.com.

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Election Or Referendum
  • 12:00: History
  • 22:00: The Media (Link)
  • 32:00: Polling
  • 42:00: The Battleground
  • 57:00: Closing

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Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
4 years ago

I’m still trying to understand what the hell is going on in the minds of whites who are voting democrat at this point. Take out the accelerationists, the muh vagina/nasty woman vote, and the “fellow white people” like Tim Wise, and you’re still left with a solid number of well-meaning but delusional people. I just have to assume they’ve had no experience of what diversity really means. People talk about “cucks” but those are the David French types who get off on losing; these whites remind me less of cuckoos and more of the Seabirds of Gough Islands, the birds… Read more »

Alfred Doolittle
Alfred Doolittle
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

This is evolutionary. I see several types as well- The ones who aren’t kumbayah universalist Christians, who genuinely believe all humans are God’s Children, are smarter secular types who have an understanding of biology- those types genuinely think their position on diversity makes them better than us in every way. They see themselves as riding the top of the wave of diversity, and therefore evolution, because they think that not only is it inevitable, but it’s also morally superior, and that moral superiority correlates highly with evolutionary superiority, in a world they are creating and have created, and clearly agency… Read more »

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

The left doesn’t hate instinct in service to the drive to survive so much as they hate to see this in white people. They’ve been celebrating the “Natural Man” in non-whites since Josephine Baker was dancing in a banana skirt in cabarets. It’s hard for people who haven’t been “educated” in Europe to understand how much post-War(s) Continental philosophy is driven by this logic: “World War I destroyed every belief system that came before it, and World War II destroyed any chance for belief or meaning. Therefore anyone who is happy, shows interest in the future, a drive to survive,… Read more »

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

This comports rather well with Evan Sayet’s thoughts about the liberal mind; that because no system of morality has ever eliminated poverty, strife and war, the only answer is: the problem lies in trying to be right or moral at all. The very attempt to apply standards to people results in different outcomes, and is therefore discriminatory. So if someone somewhere is happy and prosperous while someone else is not, is taken as de facto evidence of injustice. If whites are more successful than another group it can only mean they have cheated.

Last edited 4 years ago by Geo. Orwell
Alfred Doolittle
Alfred Doolittle
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

They only hate seeing it in white people if whites aren’t pozzed/globohomo. Of course anything goes in non whites- they are either noble savages quaintly reminding them of the evolutionary path of all hominids, and therefore our shared humanity, or beings so different, yet with so much potential, as to give leftists a sense of purpose in the ‘blank canvas’ they present, as long as your optimistic, which is another evolutionary mark of a good leftist. Speaking of which, who you spoke of are just one subgroup of the left. It’s true, I forgot to mention them; I left out… Read more »

Alfred Doolittle
Alfred Doolittle
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Wrote a response I would have loved to have heard feedback on and poof, into the ether it has gone. Bloody hell. I’ll try again later, because I think I made some important points.

Alfred Doolittle
Alfred Doolittle
Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

Nevermind, there it is. My apologies to Zman, I don’t know what it is about this site or the device I am using or my internet connection, but I find myself having to double and triple tap the post comment button to even get any indication the comment has posted, and of course it then informs I’ve already posted or am posting too fast. I notice these piling up in the total comments number tally even though we can’t see them, so I know I am making you work harder to deal with these boomer tech hiccups- I don’t know… Read more »

Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

Sometimes if board active the apparent multiple upvotes are other people voting up at same time. Just a refresh function.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

 I concur that there is I concur that there is something I concur that there is something goofy I concur that there is something goofy as as you can see from this example 😠

(Not a joke, the above is straight voice typing. Almost impossible to edit on my Android.)

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Alfred Doolittle
Alfred Doolittle
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 years ago

Lmao. God, I’ve been typing all this stupid shit out on my phone. What a sucker!

When I reread some of it, i go back and forth between ideas with such crappy punctuation and run on sentences, it’s not much more coherent than your above post. May as well switch to voice!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention!” Well, I am outraged, but not at the targets they demand.

Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

Except: 1) They have a TFR of nothing, and therefore have no evolutionary future of any kind. 2) They tend to live very far away from diversity and interact with it little beyond maybe a maid service or the lawn mower. Whites that live around diversity, especially the black kind, is actually a huge factor in predicting whether you are a trump voter or not. Preach like MLK, live like the KKK. It is far more predictive and valuable to just conceptualize it as a religion for bored and spoiled white cat ladies. This isn’t a mad genius four-d chess… Read more »

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

They have enough TFR to wipe us out. We’re so passive we’re not even fish, whites are plankton. Plankton absolutely have higher TFR than whales.
It doesn’t save the plankton.

You chose to avoid organizing because of risk as certain doom approached, live and die with the choice.

No one is coming to save you, they shouldn’t either; you refuse to save yourselves.

Alfred Doolittle
Alfred Doolittle
Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

You may be addressing a substantial portion of the more rank and file, but how many of these cloud people do there really need to be to rule from above, especially the more automation is introduced? The most successful, happy ones, pairbond and procreate, even if they aren’t having a dozen kids and it’s only replacement rate. That’s why they are globalists/multikult- they bring the approved diversity in highly filtered quality and limited quantity, to them- They don’t subject themselves to the pandemonium of the plebes. It’s a biological given the diversity in the elite circles will continue to be… Read more »

Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

TFR changes. Food becomes scarce women stop menstruating. These things fluctuate. Similarly, I stopped worrying about dysgenic breeding and lower IQ. Impossible to know what it will look like 50yrs out. Although i will hazard a guess that africa is looking at a huge die off within 50 yrs.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

When external aid ends. Not from a deliberate choice, rather the West will have more pressing issues at home.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

When you find yourself in downtown Minneapolis surrounded by a large group of Somalians remember the the old saying “there are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met”.

Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

 They see themselves as riding the top of the wave of … evolution,”

Quite possible, and ironically completely failing to see that they are going against evolution.

Reply to  Rhodok
4 years ago

There’s no such thing as “going against evolution,” because evolution has no goals. We’re all taught in school that evolution relies on “natural selection” also described as “survival of the fittest.” Well, let’s break down “survival of the fittest.” “Survival” is obvious — what goes on to reproduce in the next generation. But what about “fittest?” There is no more concise definition for “fittest” in evolutionary terms than “that which survives.” An animal might look like hell on wheels, an unstoppable planet-dominating force by an observer’s estimation, but if it doesn’t actually survive — say due to a sudden change… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Fitness is whatever works in a particular environment, hence it persists and eventually becomes a trait.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

So what you’re saying is what survives is what survives. Conveniently unfalsifiable, as tautologies are.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

What I’m saying is that something cannot become a trait unless it persists, and for that to happen, you must live long enough to reproduce. That isn’t a tautology, it’s an observed feature of all life forms.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Yes, it certainly is a feature of all life forms that they descend from an unbroken string of ancestors that reproduced. It seems really hard for you to understand why the fact that they survived to reproduce makes them the fittest renders survival of the fittest a tautology. Something being a tautology does not mean it is not an observable fact. Quite the opposite. A tautology cannot be anything other than observable fact, because it is saying, in effect, that a thing is itself. The problem lies in that saying that a thing is itself is no great revelation. You… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Vizzini
The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Agreed. There’s no direction to evolution. Intelligence might convey no lasting advantage. Technology could turn out to be characteristic of any intelligent species at the very end of its evolutionary span.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

You get it.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

They are proud that finally science and biology have been vanquished 😀

Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

This is 100% true…

My Comment
Reply to  Alfred Doolittle
4 years ago

Tom Wolfe wrote that all political disputes are competition over status. The tribe is the only group that can convey status on people. Men might rebel against that but women won’t

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Had conversation with one a few weeks ago. Boomer, retired union worker. Said Biden’s experience in govt will ensure he brings in correct personnel to get govt functioning again. Attempts to get deeper than that with him were failures; he literally was incapable of discussing the issue in any depth, or breadth.

Reply to  JustaProle
4 years ago

They’re the “blues” in blue team versus red team. I ran into a couple of those too, it’s…”quaint”. I feel like telling them “you do know that Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill have been dead for decades, right?” It’s a variation of my late grandmother voting for Team Blue because “muh FDR”

Reply to  JustaProle
4 years ago

Said Biden’s experience in govt will ensure he brings in correct personnel to get govt functioning again This is one of the key hallmarks of those who are on the other side of the divide. The complete belief that we ought to ‘get government functioning again’ tells me that these people would indeed be lost without it. I suppose for a former union man it is understandable he is stuck in this mindset. All former union men I knew had a deep belief in organization and centralization… unsurprisingly. To my mind, it is evident that vast swathes of the government… Read more »

Reply to  JustaProle
4 years ago

I’d have more respect if he said “Biden will pack the Supreme Court, and the Democrats will have uniparty rule for the next 100 years”.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

Never underestimate the power of peer pressure and social reward to nullify the middle in public. For the limo leftists around here, none of the consequences of their “faith” have actually touched them in any material way. Funny thing though, in a place that was forested with Hillary signs in ’16 (though only a handful of Biden signs today-I keep count) 42% of the votes were cast for Trump in ’16. Yet I never find anyone that I don’t know well that will admit voting for him.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

I live inside the DC Beltway, in the nicest part. These people truly do not believe that they can be negatively affected by the chaos they create. As in, they truly believe that their virtue or good-intentions or just good fortune will shield them from riots/looting/bad schools, etc. As long as Good Whites/Cloud People don’t *feel* the consequences of their beliefs, then they will happily conclude that their virtue signals will continue to protect them.

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

Happened to be in Bethesda a couple of times during the final quarter of the ’16 election. While always a different world, even compared to NY, the air of unreality was at new heights. Always found cocktail parties and social gatherings there fascinating. With the exception of the occasional real estate developer or someone of that ilk, often can never figure out what the other people actually do for a living.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

This place is truly a fantasy land. I’d guess the majority of my neighbors have graduate degrees. Their world is wholly detached from normal America. Just the way they like it.

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

>>These people truly do not believe that they can be negatively affected by the chaos they create<<

Put yourself in their shoes. What evidence exists that they are not correct?

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

irrelevant question since facts and logic doesn’t work on these people.

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

the fact is that they have suffered no ill consequences, and there is little reason to suspect they ever shall.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

History judges otherwise, Meme: Think the French aristocracy in the late 1700’s; think the Romanovs in the early 1900’s; think all those well-meaning people in Cuba who supported Castro in the mid-1900’s. There’s plenty of reason to suggest eventual ill-consequences for those inside the DC Beltway. History teaches.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

The French aristocracy created the revolution. See Bally, Talleyrand, Phillipe Egalitie, etc.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

And the American “aristocracy” has played a large role in creating the current revolution.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Correct – and as in France, they’ll be the ones leading it.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I thought it was 3 rich lawyers, one of then Robespierre.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The architects of The Terror were nobodies in 1789

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Their avoidance of evolutionary dead ends confirms their awareness of the inherent violence. Roe v Wade is their hedge against encroachment of “The wrong kind of people.” as R Buzzi G used to say.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Well … there are some cracks forming in the edifice. My Montgomery County inside the beltway neighbors freaked out a bit over the summer when the Lefty true-believers on the school board moved to reinstitute bussing, so that the diversity kids can learn in Magic Dirt schools, with their little geniuses being farmed out to the Tragic Dirt schools, all in the name of fairness. I might have quipped to my neighbor when she sheepishly lobbied me to vote for a (gasp!) republican school board candidate that she had brought this on herself and that she now deserved the full… Read more »

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

My default has always been that if I see peace, prosperity, and low crime rates I think “what went wrong?” What I mean is that I understand the human default is violent barbarism. When you find a place that’s not filthy, violent, and chaotic, something has gone “wrong”. People have taken a break from their usual behavior. It takes some very peculiar circumstances for them to do this. Having grown up back East in a series of shitty neighborhoods made me aware of this very early. Now I live outside Portland, OR and am surrounded by these Goodwhite types. I… Read more »

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

Neither could the people in a very nice little suburb of Milwaukee. They are now only one optically bad police encounter in their neighborhood from a riot. And from what I’ve seen of the Montgomery county exec, he could give Ted Wheeler a run for his money.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Well, now, things have gotten a mite hot in blue urban enclaves over the last several months, and the smell of smoke surely can be detected in those toney neighborhoods. There is a reason for a renewed white exodus from the cities.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Unfortunately the adherents of the Kadet Party in late Czarist Russia are unavailable for comment. They thought “radical chic” was a cool thing to embrace. Until they ended up shot in a basement.

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

That’s right. They don’t see themselves the same as us, they see themselves as separate.

They are sheep walking to the slaughter. However, they really do believe that they are different, and the “good ones”.

Non-whites, Jews, and elites don’t see us as separate at all. We are all to be crushed.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  B124
4 years ago

Well no, they run the slaughterhouse. We’re the Sheep. Whites are sheep, we’re weak. We deserve what we got, we deserve what we’ll get, we’re the weak ones and the others are wiping us out. < That’s Evolution. That’s real evolution. Tell me if the sight of our elites including yes the JJJ (we encouraged their rise) doesn’t evoke a basic, primal urge to eradicate. Why shouldn’t we perish? By the laws of nature, the precepts of evolutionary selection and by the very sight of our gentle sons; We really do deserve extinction. Sorry. We became sick, time to die.… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

No, you’re weak and better off dead, and no one’s gonna miss you, stupid fuck.

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

It’s a simple mater of survival. If Trump truly “drains the swamp” their plan of further enrichment through a career of parasitism is dead.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Doug
4 years ago

Speaking of living in the past, why do you think Trump will drain the swamp? The swamp that just killed the economy for non Blue, non govt? The swamp that made tens of trillions doing so? Trump is a carny barker. His bluff been called. Oh he did us a lot of good, but it was all taken away by a few deep state doctors and Blue governors. That and some well financed nogs and brats in the street. We’re worse off than before Trump, and we would have been better off with Jeb, or yes even Her. It would… Read more »

Reply to  Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

Yet according to last weeks Gallup poll, 56% of Americans think they’re “better off ” than they were 4 years ago.

Trump may be a carny barker, but the US economy is a confidence engine. Obama and Carter were peas of the same pod saying “America’s best years are gone forever”…then watched the malaise take place.

I’ll take a cheerleader like Trump, thanks.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I guess your economy is doing fine, so screw the rest? I got some down votes for saying we would have been better off with Jeb, or her. Simply put; No Trump, no COVID, no shutdown, no masks. The police could police. The Chaos we see, the COVID crackdown; none of that would have happened without Trump. OH AND THE CHURCHES WOULD BE OPEN. US economy is a “confidence engine.” Getting a strong godless Boomer vibe here. Understand; I can’t stand to set foot in a Catholic church now, but that’s because I think I believe more than they do.… Read more »

Oval White
Oval White
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Obama and Carter were peas of the same pod saying “America’s best years are gone forever”…then watched the malaise take place. I’ll take a cheerleader like Trump, thanks.

That right there is why conservatives lost. They are a fundamentally lazy people who prefer to embrace fanciful copes rather than embrace the truth and work hard to build the future. They’d rather grill and chill while the orchestra plays as the Titanic goes down.

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

These people truly do not believe that they can be negatively affected by the chaos they create.

The removal of man from an environment that exposes him to the consequences of his poor choices is one of the most catastrophic things a people can face.

By God, let it come to them. Bring that massive bird back home to roost.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

There are a lot of legacy Democrats who believe that Joe Biden is an updated Harry Truman.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

i can see why they harken back to the last century for a reference since he does look like a reanimated corpse.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Those people are beyond dumb.

Truman was a shoe salesman living paycheck to paycheck.

China Joe’s dad ran a huge Chevy dealership and gave him a new Corvette as a wedding present.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Damn, I thought Biden’s old man was a coal miner from a poor part of England. And that he overcame his poor background to graduate at the top of his law class. Oh wait, never mind. That was Neil Kinnock whose father was the coal miner. And Joe actually graduated at the bottom of his law class. Crazy Joe was a fraud long before the dementia kicked in and he started telling people that he started college at an all negro school, Delaware State. Maybe I’m a bit cynical, but I believe Chris Wallace would have mentioned these delusions statements… Read more »

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
4 years ago

If he didn’t live in a state so small you can fire a .22 across it, his career apogee would have been as an alderman grifting paving and waste disposal contracts.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

People still think that the Dems are the party of the working man. They’ve always voted Dem. Their parents always voted Dem. Their grandparents always voted Dem. Almost everyone in my lower-middle-class, upper-working-class neighborhood will vote Dem in November.

Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

these are the people who should be rescued from the “Democrat Plantation”

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

they were raised Democrat.

end of story.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

It’s the complete isolation caused by our society. I makes them vulnerable to the Media , that does the rest. I know many people who believe MSNBC

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

They suffer from the “Comfort First” imperative. Most are living the good life and do not want to rock the boat. However, when the bubble bursts and hard times return, it will be a different story entirely.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

I find the BLM signs (now, available in Halloween colors!) less offensive, less controlling, and less naive than the “We Believe” catechism.

Last edited 4 years ago by ProZNoV
Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

The Left are selfish individualists who lack in-group preference. They are materialists who are perfectly fine with anything as long as they get to keep their possessions, their wealth, and their social status. All of that matters more to them than their country or their group’s welfare because they have little investment in either as they don’t have children and live apart from you. They are nasty bigots who get a kick out of attacking you in the same way a kid might laugh at roasting ants under a magnifying glass. What’s so hard to understand about the left?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

John Lennon’s “Working Class Hero” would be apropos here.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
4 years ago

The power of the modern, consolidated media to create a virtual alternate world.

Something that is largely ignored.

4 years ago

I remember somebody saying that in 2016 Trump was really running against the media. And while not the whole truth, it was certainly a big part of it.

I think he should do that again. Enemy of the people and all that. He should attack them directly every time. “Oh, so I’m debating you now” vs Chris Wallace was a good start.

It’s a good political move, because even “conservatives” hate the “mainstream” (i.e., left-wing) media.

But it’s a political win and also a metapolitical win, because completely discrediting the scumbags in the media is important for /our/ thing.

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

I just can’t believe anything, ANYTHING the US media peddles anymore. Even the whole “FBI stops Right Wingers/Antifa in Michigan” story….I can’t help but wonder how much of it is just straight up made from whole cloths Goebbels levels propaganda?

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I know it’s fake when it’s a caricature of “the right”

Rednecks in chicago yelling “this is maga country!” And throwing a noose at jussie.

Kavanaugh laughing maniacally as he proceeded to force his penis into Blasey Ford’s hand.

A dumb redneck in the woods, with a Confederate flag on his pickup truck, part of the Wolverine Warriors militia.

Just too perfect. I don’t buy it, but maybe the nice white ladies will. Whitmer is evil and stirs up revulsion from my inner core.

Reply to  B124
4 years ago

Though suspect if their little caper were successful the plotters would quickly find they wandered into a real life version of “The Ransom of Red Chief”.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

They have one of the guys on film with an anarchist flag hanging in his room

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Dicksister
4 years ago

All they need to see is White.

He could be dressed as Stalin, he’s White male.
Case closed.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

It was set up, another stupid gentile didn’t notice that its frame job at the beginning when an informant recorded the whole thing and paid by you guess it Bureau Those guys talking about stereotype conservative stuff such as lock down that hurting economy, there’s no hint to some sort of racial supremacy And have no actual evidence these anarchists capabilities to perform terrorist things But our media said they are white therefore white supremacist anyway Apparently political meeting of six white looking guys is deadly enough as ISIS beheaded journalist I know its all another false flag and Psy-op, but… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Just watching them bend over backward to avoid mentioning the juvie miscreant that was shot was carrying an illegal handgun and shot at the officer first. Have read several MSM articles over the past few days that don’t even mention that *little* detail.

4 years ago

>>Harris is so obnoxious that she will be voted out in the following election, regardless of who the GOP nominates. <<

In a sane, White county, yes. We no longer live in that place.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Once Florida or Texas flip – or maybe even Georgia or Arizona – the Dems will be able to run a chicken sandwich and win. Whether that’s 2024, I don’t know, but it’s likely not later than 2028 or 2032.

But it’ll take White Republicans a decade or two to figure out that they have no chance. They’ll keep acting the same well into the 2030s by which time, we’ll truly be screwed, and that’s when it get interesting.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Republicans winning WA, OR, CA, NV, CO, IL, NJ, VA, CT, and VT?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

In my visits to MA I wonder if the GOP ever thought to run as the anti-corporate party that would rail against turning the state into an even more crowded hell-hole where what’s left of the nature there continues to fall to the developer’s plow. My thinking is “no”.

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

Don’t blaspheme against the market god!

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

MA rates 47th among the states in fiscal health. Public sector pension liabilities are hopelessly underfunded and MassHealth (medicare) eats up close to half of the present budget. The unsustainable growth is just their way of delaying the inevitable.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Give more of NE to R, SW and mountain W to D. Something like that.

Goodwhites are fleeing the coasts, blacks will follow them, hispanics won’t be monolithically D as expected.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Instead of voting 90/10 for Democrats like blacks do, Hispanics will break 70/30, maybe 60/40 on a really exceptional day.

Reply to  c matt
4 years ago

Yep. Given their numbers, that’s a huge break for Republicans. They’ll own depressed white/hispanic states in the wake of this new great migration. That might be temporary unless demographic trends change, but it buys a little time. Or hispanics shift towards Republicans. I see evidence of it every day, but I have no idea if it’ll last.

Of course I’d rather whites get their heads out of their asses, but the End of the World isn’t guaranteed. New day, new battles.

Last edited 4 years ago by Paintersforms
Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

we will have to fight.
We likely will, facing extinction.
We will suffer far worse than was necessary had we organized as our enemies did.

As for the Hispanics they came here to be white. Like the Italians did.

Neither you know wants to be Black. Lol.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  c matt
4 years ago

Blacks are going to historically break 20/80 against trump, and possibly 25/75 (you heard it here first). Hispanics will break close to 50/50, and possibly majority-Trump (you heard that here first too). We’ll see in 3 weeks.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

That is some first rate hopium, my friend. Not happening.

Also funny to see supposed “white nationalists” getting on the based Hispanics and based blacks wagon after a few polls showed that they increased their support for Republicans by 5%.

I’ll give you a shout out after the election if you’re right, admitting my mistake.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  B124
4 years ago

It may be part of the element Hopium, B, but I don’t think it’s in any part Unobtainium. 😉

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago


Trump will win.
And then we see what the other side will do ~ and we’d better have our own counters at least mentally. This guy Trump will.not.fight. Would that it were different. Of course I’m going to vote for him, but don’t delude yourselves that elections decide anything.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Look at that map from 1976. That’s the future.

In what sense?

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

I went on 270towin.com and tried to game out a rust belt/sun belt realignment.

The overwhelming takeaway was that when Texas goes, it’s over, period.

GOP could pull off losing AZ, GA, and NC if they replace them with PA, MI, WI, NH, and MN. But when TX goes, see ya.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

this is all up in the air now because of the great covid migration. unfortunately the new Yorkers fleeing caumo’s police state will destabilize a lot of formerly red states. They never learn, and always take their voting habits with them . they are like locusts , ruing one state with leftists voting , them move to a nice red state and vote for all the things they just left

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Um, California going for the GOP? I could maybe see Whites in Washington and Oregon waking up as the brown horde invades their neighborhoods, but California.

I suspect that future presidential electoral maps will resemble this but on a national scale.


And then this:


Finishing here:


Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Interesting! Maybe cleave off coastal California from the Bay Area south and southern Arizona and New Mexico over to west Texas. What is left in the West looks like a pretty good Great White Homeland. Some, ahem population transfers may be necessary in a few areas like western Washington state and Oregon, Denver/Boulder, etc.

New England is weird and should have been a separate nation from the beginning.

Reply to  Q-ship
4 years ago

Present day New England bears no demographic resemblance to colonial New England. Only ~10% have English ancestry. The largest ethnic groups are the Irish and Italians.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Sailer Strategy + Dem=black party means the Republians could keep winning.

Sailer is a genius, SS was 2016 and dem=BP is coming true in 2020. By accident.

Unfortunately the GOP’s goal is to pacify whites until we are too small to count.

Reply to  B124
4 years ago

What is the Sailer Strategy?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

Sailer actually has a two-pronged attack. First, the GOP should focus on increasing the % of Whites voting Republican rather than pandering to POC. Second, brand the Democratic Party as the “Black” Party to drive a wedge into the Coalition of the Fringes and reduce turnout among Hispanics and Asians and maybe even turn a few to the GOP. It’s a good strategy IF it was used to get enough support in Congress to pass an immigration moratorium. Unfortunately, the GOP would 1) never follow the Sailer Strategy out of fear of being called a racist by the media and… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I could see that happening in the coming years if today’s millennial commies feel betrayed by the cause. I maintain they’re not ideologues, just angry. That anger would make them ardent fascists.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I read a book once where these SA guys were showing their communist badges to the interviewer from the year before. They laughed about it.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

the white leftists becoming white fascists is totally in keeping with historical norms.
We should welcome them; they’re fighters.

Reply to  Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

Not sure I’d want to go down that road, but it’s a possible future that has to be considered and planned for, certainly.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

If getting called raciss by sniveling media dorks is what stops the GOP every time, the obvious thing to do is what Trump does. Attack the media directly, first with rhetoric and then legislation once you gain power. There are all kinds of legal shenanigans that could be done to essentially cripple the mass media. At this point the media is a 4th branch of government and the most powerful one in terms of its ability to mobilize mobs to support or oppose things. It needs to be destroyed, not argued with. The Left is composed of a few smart… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago


Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“The GOP should focus on increasing the % of Whites voting Republican rather than pandering to POC.” Why not do both? Wait. Trump IS doing both.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

That the Republican party needs to become the party of the white working class in order to win.

It was always just a theory but Trump actually pulled it off in 2016, perhaps inadvertently.

Reply to  B124
4 years ago

He definitely intended it. In fact, it was the basis of his campaign. Then they hit him with white supremacy and he buckled.

’White Supremacy’ is a dog whistle for white working class interests.

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  B124
4 years ago

That’s not going to happen. The democrat party controls so much of the media and the institutions they can just demonize Whites and keep all minorities voting Dem, which is what they do anyway. It’s very effective. Further, the polls are showing Trump losing White support as he courts minorities, especially in the ‘burbs and among educated Whites. This probably indicates that it’s not possible for the Republicans to pick up appreciable amounts of working class White and Hispanic votes without also losing snobby Whites to the other side, which will more than offset whatever marginal gains they make among… Read more »

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

Let it die

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Dicksister
4 years ago

Good grief, who cares what happens to the GOP?
They never cared what happened to us.
At least our enemies openly hate us, the GOP betrays us.
Betraying whites is the GOPs core business. The rest is just enrichment.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  B124
4 years ago

Yes, the GOP strategy is pretty much to sell us out.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago
Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Barney
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

>>Harris is so obnoxious that she will be voted out in the following election, regardless of who the GOP nominates. <<

In a sane, White county, yes. We no longer live in that place.

Agreed. This is all based on the premise that America elected a creepy guy that fondles and sniffs children and who is obviously suffering from dementia. If America can elect Biden, there’s no reason that it can’t elect an obnoxious bitch. Hell, a majority voted for Hillary Clinton.

Last edited 4 years ago by Federalist
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

People see what they want to see. We see a psychopathic whore; AWFLs see the first woman president. Nothing is more important to a narcissist than validation.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Peabody
4 years ago

The sisterhood has and always will trump everything.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Did Trump not get a majority of of the white woman vote ?

Normal married white women worry about a future for their children, well most of them do

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Such pessimism is unnecessary. The Donks have lost the common working man, regardless of colour, creed, ethnicity, blah blah blah. You can’t run a business or raise a family in a CHAZ zone. Nor can you do that with endless lockdowns. If you are black with an IQ > 85, you know the ghetto needs more cops, not less. The left is not nudging us, they are flogging us. They have a stick, but no carrot. The result of that is usually dead horses. As our host says, Sportzball got a steel toed boot up the arse. ESPN is on… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I hope that you are right about normie, but I see little evidence of it. You are certainly correct that the Left will eventually kill the horse. They will have a dead horse on their hands. So will the rest of us.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

Who here wants to be a normie?

Nuff said.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Maybe all this will finally force him to change his ways?” Maybe, but nah.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

The left’s carrot, for any shallow thinker that’s interested, is FREE STUFF.

Reply to  Rich
4 years ago

Given that Whites allowed “free markets” to cut their effective wages in half over 40 years or so, who is the stupid one again?
For many people no amount of work they do will get you anything but behind , its understandable they go for State solutions.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

If the Left whites change their ways get ready for Swastikas.
No you won’t enjoy it, but there are worse things.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

The refusal of Biden and Harris to answer the Supreme Court packing question makes it clear they intend to pack the Court if they win the presidency and both houses of Congress. This will also require doing away with the filibuster, which they have also indicated they will do. Try voting your way out of that once it happens.

4 years ago

I’m not a shy Trump voter. I’ve had a large Trump sign on my property for several weeks. Plus I get to annoy my liberal neighbors.

If Biden wins, the FBI/CIA/KGB types will double down on their skullduggery. Those dissidents who want acceleration may get more of it than they bargained for.

Last edited 4 years ago by Epaminondas
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

The oppression increases either way.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

There will be acceleration regardless of who wins. With a Trump victory, the gas pedal will just go down harder.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

My problem with Trump is he talks tough, acts clever. The tough talk excites his voters, which terrified PTB. So when they couldn’t get him, they went after all of us – and he went right along, destroying the work of decades economically with the COVID scam. Then when the Riots began he barked ~ then did nothing. He’s a barker; but now we’re in a fight that he was and is the frontman for – and we’re left to face the music. Leaderless. There is no worse crime than to summon your army to the field then abandon them… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

Any member of the DR who relies on a politician or a party is a fool. Ultimately, we are all that matters. Pols and parties provide us only with oblique help or hindrance.

4 years ago

Well, for us, there is little difference in who wins. But for the clintons and their associates (incl obama) there is a lot riding on this election. A biden win will mean that they get away scot free… hence the commotion (so I believe)

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Rhodok
4 years ago

They were always going to get away scot free. With all the “bombshell” revelations regarding Comey, Brennan et al, there is nary a peep regarding anyone losing a job, pension or going to jail.
i wish what you say was true, but I don’t think there’s any chance that if Trump wins, heads will roll.
but then again, I guess we can dream.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
4 years ago

Even in the very unlikely event of a Trump victory, there will be no indictments. There were never going to be any indictments.

Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

right now we should be thinking survival , the hope for justice is laughably naïve at this point.

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

I hate to be rude about this, but the right showed itself to be monstrously incompetent at winning the future. So, what makes anyone think they’ll do the survival thing any better? Take a look at South Africa. That’s your future White males — living in extreme poverty, behind walls, or in fringe (near destitute) communities that could be destroyed at any moment by the national government. Of course, it didn’t have to be that way, but the right was too stupid and too lazy to have it any other, so that’s what they’ll get.

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

I said Nothing about the right. the GOPe has fought trump as much as the democrats have. Trump is not part of their big club and they find him a huge disruption to their planning. The rest of the GOPe is subservient to the dems. hence the “uni-party” that is often mentioned

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

Another telling point: Unless I’m mistaken, In 20th Century Africa, most handovers of power from European-white-dominated governments to the er, natives, were done voluntarily and peacefully.

Reply to  Rhodok
4 years ago

I think a Trump win matters. With Trump… at least the Dissidents will be heard. With Biden?
As our host so eloquently put it – this may be the wake up call the establishment needs to let them know the Dirt People ain’t happy… and they can do something about it.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

We will be allowed to vote, that we will do anything beyond that is risible. Your plan is not unsound – the Ruling Class may indeed increase our welfare.

That’s it.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Ok, after listening to the podcast, I get why Z is calling this to be a relatively “normal” election, from the standpoint of where Trump more of less stands in the more credible polling – about where he should be – which I suppose is good news. The question in my mind is if he does win another close one, or it gets tied up in the courts for some length of time, how much more insane are the establishment and leftards in general going to get? Could this be the spark that ignites….something.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago


Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Rhodok
4 years ago

Trump will hang on maybe if he wins. But he has no cards to play beyond elections, and lawyers. Trump was always counterflooding. Its time, not rescue. Truth is we’re too passive to be saved, too busy smack talking on line (a privilege that will remain, its a brilliant release valve. Online is political masturbation. Relief, but nothing will come of it). The hardest truth is that yes they’re coming for us all, and we remain a vast horde of heavily armed cowards. We just can only pray the Dems make a mistake. All the real decisions, all the real… Read more »

Reply to  Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

I beg to differ. The passivity you perceive is not acquiescence, but wise restraint. When the tyranny arises, there will be a ruthless Jackboot reaction that targets the population broadly, not just the propagandized enemies. Read your history. And when the time to act arrives, the Jackboot corp will be bypassed and the fight must be directed at the top of the power pyramid. The elites want the plebs to fight among themselves. Do not play along. Smarter is better.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

How does that quote go?

“First, they came for us all at once, and I was surprised?”

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Delusional cope. There is no boomer rebellion coming. Read your history. Revolutions are fought by the young, and the left has captured that entire generation, along with the institutions. Thus, the massive street activism of BLM and antifa which dwarfs your own. That means several generations of leftist rule, at best with current demographic trends. The right are always waiting for Superman to come and save them rather than do the work themselves, but he’s not coming.

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

Conventional wars and rebellions are fought by young men because that is what works in that type of scenario. And that is the road to failure in this modern era. It simply pits plebs against each other in pseudo red vs blue conflict that decimates both sides. One man with focus can do far more than a battalion cast into the meat grinder. And it doesn’t have to be Superman. Look up Simo “Simuna” Häyhä.

My Comment
Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

You are right that revolutions are fought by the young. It is amusing to read older commenters pretending that the same people who let the left win every cultural battle are going to suddenly become Rambo. Ain’t going to happen

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

Charlottesville was a turning point…you’ll see

Reply to  Rhodok
4 years ago

this could not be further from the truth. The EXTREMES they have gone to to try to prevent another trump term are a tell. they have completely dropped the mask , destroyed the economy , and exposed the controlled opposition of the GOP for what they really are. that’s not something they would do if they didn’t have to . as ineffective as he is , they greatly fear him . I don’t know why, but they Clearly do.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

One of the more sensible theories about why the Establishment hates Trump is that he might be threatening their entire corrupt revenue stream.

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

No, they don’t fear him. They hate him as a stand if for those whom they imagine vote for him: normal Whites and men. In the past, they could pretend they were championing equality or what not. But it was always a means to signal their superiority over those whom they secretly hate along identity lines. Trump is just the whipping boy in this dynamic. But now it has grown to the point where the mask is slipping and the Left is revealing their true motives: hatred of you for being you. Thus, Kamala Harris’s racism in that VP debate… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

Please point out where I wrote, “fear,” in my original post.

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

It was implicit in the comment. Don’t be obtuse, if you can help it.

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

Well said

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

That and their child molestation gig.

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  Rhodok
4 years ago

You can tell Trump is going to lose by the fact that his supporters are already making excuses for why Biden won’t be that bad for them, or at least not any different from Trump. This is why there isn’t going to be a civil war. The right is beaten, and they know it. Sad, but true.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

Congrats on being hired for that internship. You’re off to a promising start.

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

How about those of you downvoting Tablet Finder try providing a coherent explanation as to why he is wrong?

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It’s alright. They can’t handle the truth, so they deflect. I understand, so I’m not offended. It’s all a cope to make life a bit easier to process, as uncomfortable as it might be for some here to admit that. It’s common for defeated people to imagine a savior is on the horizon. Early Christians who suffered under Roman oppression had the return of Christ to warm the spirits. Jews had the Golem. Various native tribes thought magic would protect them. These are the same people who’ve been fantasizing about Qanon for years. But Qanon just got banned from Facebook… Read more »

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

So fing well said…

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Charlottesville was the turning point…sure we ‘lost’ but did we really? We were ready to die that day and alot of white men saw it. But time will tell

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

What supposed Trump supporters are you talking/listening to?

Reply to  Rhodok
4 years ago

No love for banning critical race theory, 300 miles of wall, reducing H1b visas and even legal and illegal immigration, hundreds of federal judges and maybe 3 supreme court picks? All of this is certainly better than nothing for us. A second trump term id expect to be more aggressive.

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  David
4 years ago

Everything the poster said here was true, and Trump does deserve credit for these things. However, none of it will save us in the end. The democrats are already signalling they will pack the courts. With permanent control of the government, due to demographic change, there will be nothing to stop them, so Trump’s accomplishment here won’t count for much in the long run. In regards to the wall, that’s a very small fraction of the total border while this president simultaneously bragged that he wanted “record numbers of legal immigrants.” If anything, that demographic is even less likely to… Read more »

One of Many Georges
One of Many Georges
4 years ago

The “Biden up by 16” opinion “poll” reminds me of the great quote by Peter Hitchens:

“Opinion polls are a device for influencing public opinion, not a device for measuring it. Crack that, and it all makes sense.”

Last edited 4 years ago by One of Many Georges
Reply to  One of Many Georges
4 years ago

“The polls are over sampling Democrats!” Was Mitt Romney’s favorite cope circa October 2012

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

They were. He was just to weak to stand up to media pressure, and he hated anyone to his right. GOP liberals do not know how to defeat Democrat liberals. But the media knows how to neuter the Stupid Party cucks.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

And the polls today continue oversampling, possibly even more so than 2016, as part of the ongoing Marxist psychological warfare campaign against America.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Maybe I’m harping on you too much, but you’re just dead wrong here. Perhaps it’s merely a signifier of advanced age, but pretty much no one above the age of 30 considered Romney a serious contender. Whatever copes he spouted forth we’re just what he had to say to play the game.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Romney and McCain both made a point to pull their punches against Barry O’Bama; McCain in particular is a guy who should have lost every state.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

I remember Romney winning the first debate with Obama pretty handily and then backing off on the two subsequent ones.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

Get it together, Sandmich! The name is “Barry Soetero“. 🙂

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Nobody wanted to vote for that asshole Romney, least of all GOP voters. Ditto for the previous corrupt asshole McCain. Then came Trump. Think on that.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

I’d recommend separating your preferred outcome from the most likely one.

Its a lesson I learned the hard way in 2012z

4 years ago

Like MLK, I have a dream. Trump wins and goes full Pinochet / Sulla on the Deep State. The 82nd Airborne and 2nd Marine Division are moved up to DC, surround the FBI, CIA, ATF, Pentagon, and other deep state headquarters, apprehends everyone in charge and takes them for helicopter rides.
I know it’s a silly dream, that’s why I’m working on moving out to the country and buying even more ammo.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Not to impose on your dream, but to clarify – those are 1 way rides?

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

Not for the crews.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Assumed (tho not stated)

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

Only if Hell doesn’t have an Affirmative Fair Housing Act.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

My thinking on that is that if Trump were serious in going after the Deep State then Wray would have been canned already. Which tells me they may have something on him. He does seem somewhat detached as of late, muzzled.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Eh, if they really have something on Trump why is lunatic Pelosi grandstanding about a 25th Amendment process that will never get past the Senate or VP’s approval this close to the election?

Would she be crowing about this if internal polling showed an easy Biden win?

Last edited 4 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Good question, very good in fact

All I know is Trump hasn’t been “pro active” in dealing with the Deep State, and that guy Wray. I don’t know why e hasn’t and so makes me wonder and speculate as to what is going on up there.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

They have Trump on Trump.
Trump is not a warrior, he’s not a killer. If a war starts it will be because the Dems overreach, or lose control of their pets; AND we miraculously find our balls.

If Trump was going to do anything other than tweet, talk, and refer it to his lawyers he would have by now.

We have no Commander, we have a Carny Barker. All Bark, no Bite.

We need a Biter.

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Trump’s best election strategy would be run against Harris and just ignore Joe Biden. Make the following points: Harris is barely even an American. Neither of her parents were citizens when she was born. Perhaps she isn’t even a natural-born citizen, as the Constitution requires the president to be. She was raised in Berkely, California and Montreal, Canada before returning to California. She has no understanding of, nor interest in, the people in flyover country. Harris is not “black” at all. She is an arrogant Indian brahmin and her arrogance shows through even in the campaign. Her presidential campaign collapsed… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I don’t understand why Trump isn’t running more hard-hitting ads showing creepy Joe fondling little girls, his mental decline, and yes, how Harris would be the de facto president on day one. With DVRing, maybe I just don’t watch as many ads as I used to.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

Probably because Rove is running his campaign and playing it nice and safe

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Rove? The Architect of Loser?
MFG. No wonder the cuckery.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Yep, I heard Team Trump brought Rove on. This was probably at the beginning of the year I heard this. Don’t know the current team.

Felix Krull
4 years ago

Great section on the media.

There’s a variant of the Gell-Mann effect: today, thanks to the internet, we see and understand how fake media is, but we automatically assume that the media worked largely as advertised, back in the day, when the internet didn’t look over their shoulders. Nope, sorry, it was ALWAYS bullshit. All of it.

Call it the Gell-Mann-Krull effect – if for no other reason than the cool name.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I interacted with the DC media back in the day. The media folk back then were your classic White liberal type. They didn’t like the Dirt people and wanted to rub their nose in diversity, but they didn’t want to completely overhaul the country, even if they were too stupid to realize that what they were pushing was going to lead to that result. They like living in a White country and wanted to rule that country. The wanted to run 1985 America. The new crop of media folk want to do more than rub our noses in diversity; they… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The new crop of media folk want to do more than rub our noses in diversity; they want vengeance. They hate 1985 America. They want something completely new.

Good point.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

One thing my professor, a very wise Dutchman, told me that always stuck with me. Basically, all countries use propaganda but America is just better at it. The students were aghast (this was Reagan era and they didn’t want to believe it could be true).

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

It helps when one believes in their own bullSheet

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I couldn’t agree more. The number one thing to keep in mind when looking at any historical event is to keep in mind the lying media was always lying. Take the lesson of Charlottesville and apply it backwards. Emmit Till was the Michael Brown and Travon Martin of his day. The “non-violent” “freedom riders” were as non-violent as the non-violent anti-racist Antifa. Charlottesville is a pretty amazing example of this. Every single person who attended Charlottesville had a high definition video camera with them and scores if not hundreds of those people had sizeable social media followers . Despite Charlottesville… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by tarstarkas
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

My gosh, that made the past bloom and bloom again in my mind.

In many ways, the times were shockingly savage- yet it was all ignored, or made to seem normal, fringe eddies in the Long Grill of the postwar peace.

(I mean, Samoan surfers in San Bernadino carrying pliers to pull out a tooth after doing a “curbie”, breaking an arm or fingers against a curb with a 2×4– we don’t even remember those guys against the union Mob assaults, black pimps and streetwalkers, Cuban bloody hits, Lefty bombings and United Slaves…and riots every where MLK appeared!)

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

LOL. I sometimes will be sitting having a beer at a pub and with old friends, and the shit that used to be a daily occurrence just boggles the mind. The violence, the savagery of everything. But it seemed normal. And then I talk to these millennials, and it’s like their lives have been so sheltered. That may explain the appeal of busting up the city as antifa.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

A good portion of them just use it as an excuse to do antisocial stuff without any of the usual consequences.

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
4 years ago

OT: As if restaurants didn’t have enough troubles right now, Yelp is going to flag restaurants as racist in their app.


So when a coven of cackling rude loud demanding non-tipping black witches are not treated with the proper deference by a barely-getting-by white waitress with good hair, the establishment will receive the Scarlet R.

I intend to seek out and patronize the offending restaurants, since there likely will be less vibrancy about.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Charles St. Charles
4 years ago

I said the same thing about Google Maps’ recent roll out of a “jogger-owned business,” tag.

So, I would immediately know where to never spend money.

Thanks guys!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Even factoring in the lock down, the energy level of this election is dramatically lower than 2016. Trump supporters are a bit disappointed in him and don’t feel the same animosity toward Biden (though they would toward Harris if they paid attention). Biden supporters still hate Trump but are lukewarm about their candidate at be best. There’s also the sense that not much is really going to change regardless of who wins. Trump isn’t going to build the wall. Biden’s a leftover Dem who won’t rock the boat much. I also think that the country is coming to grips with… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I have been assuming there is no way Trump can win due to the ballot harvesting the Biden campaign will do. He doesn’t seem to be outperfoming his support in 2016 either. His margins in key states were so thin in 2016 Trump needed to perform better there to make up for increased fraud and demographic changes.

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

He spent 4 years talking about “lowest black, Hispanic, asian, and women” unemployment at his rallies filled with angry white men. How humiliating.

Now that the election is near, he goes anti-anti white again, banning CRT. Just like he talked about ending anchor babies before 2018.

Now, in term of facts, he has been good for white people- changes to refugee admissions, lowering immigration, lowering opioid overdoses.

He may win through the courts, around the mail in ballots. Probably not. If he loses it will be because he listened to Kushner and not Bannon.

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
Reply to  B124
4 years ago

“If he loses it will be because he listened to Kushner and not Bannon”

Save some of the blame for all the Covid cultists on this side of the aisle. They told seniors their lives didn’t matter, so now grandma is voting for Biden. After the election, you’ll still have to wear those masks and you’ll still have lockdowns, only the entire weight of the federal government will be enforcing them. Nice going there geniuses. Maybe you should have prioritized winning over fake machismo and “owning the libs.”

Reply to  B124
4 years ago

I have bad news for you. The only category of immigration that’s been reduced is refugee resettlement. Oddly enough, the “FY19 immigration yearbook” statistics should be out by now, given that we’re in FY21 but for some reason that’s not the case.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  B124
4 years ago

Trump has been as good to us as he was capable of being.
The problem being he was completely incapable of defending us or our gains.
We lost freedom of religion, assembly, public safety, free speech – under Trump.
I will vote for him again, but expect no reversals of the fortunes of 2020. The man cannot fight.

He never learned how.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Absolutely. Biden is nobody’s first choice among Dems, except maybe those very aging working-class White guys who pay zero attention to what politicians actually say and continue to act like it’s 1965. (I’m related to one of them.) I’d even argue that the hatred for Trump doesn’t glow as hot for many White Dems. (Not sure blacks or Hispanics ever did hate Trump.) They still hate him personally – especially, liberal Upper Midwesterns who truly can’t stand his NYC personality – but Trump simply hasn’t been the dictator they predicted as much as they try to convince themselves. Assuming a… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“He isn’t presidential!” Love that one when they throw it out, since he isn’t as cool as a gay Kenyan.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The Real Clear Politics aggregate has Trump performing 0.6 points better in the top battleground states now compared with 2016. This probably predicts a similar Electoral College scenario to 2016. I could see an EC total anywhere from 330 or so for Trump to the same total for Biden. Biden will win the popular vote, of course, but that doesn’t matter.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Q-ship
4 years ago

Hillary didn’t win the popular vote in 2016. Think vote fraud in the dark-blue states (and others, come to think of it).

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Again, Cook County (Chicago) claimed 3M for Her, while the NSA- yes, that NSA, the National Security Agency- counted 12M for Him.

Obama’s friends in the media remember the key to any Big Lie is repetition, repetition, repetition.

(Plus there’s that little matter of 5M fraudulent votes in California alone, so factcheck Jim Smith: true

Reply to  Q-ship
4 years ago

“National Popular Vote Interstate Compact”

Learn to love it, because if Trump pulls up another Electoral college upset, I can guarantee you enough states will sign onto this end-run around the electoral college to where small states never need to bother voting again.

(“Small states” = all states not TX, CA, or NY)

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I know its the age of LARPING so working the system is what is in vogue and the right choice now. Heck a Trump victory might put an end to that at the supreme court level. However the US is already in an economic collapse spiral we won’t pull out of and way too many people are think Civil War is inevitable to put much a stop to that. Get yourself ready and make some dangerous friends because we are a few years out from the time when everybody on all sizes spontaneously realizes the Hutu were behaving sensibly given… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
4 years ago


” In reality, this election will probably not be all that interesting or consequential.”

Couldn’t agree less with that statement.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

I don’t think it’s as consequential as it’s made out to be, but it may be the last time we genuinely get to vote for a president rather than a slate of party-approved apparatchiks.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

A crazy miss by Zman, who nonetheless deserves our ongoing respect for what he does.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

The Swamp will still be in place, the Anti-White Racism will still be in place.

I found it comforting that he said that, a sober assessment.

But then, I’m always dialed to “Eleventy! Extinction Level Event!!”, so I could use a bit of sobering.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Just upvoted Alza, just for the sobering comment, lol.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

I too have to disagree with that assessment. I’ve seen too many twatter clips on line both from activists and from members of the last administration who have worked in various departments and this time around there is a “something” in the air, so to speak. Too many of them are not only openly calling for “something to be done” with their political opposition once they have control back, but several of these people – almost exclusively non-white of course – are laying the groundwork for how to actually accomplish it. That and we all know that this crowd has… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
4 years ago

Those millions of guns and hundreds of millions of rounds of ammo were purchased for just this contingency.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

My Dear Sir absprosper, as regards the contingency- We may only hope so. Because with zero organization hope is all we have. I have some contingent experience, I assure you its not a day at the range. In truth I think you’ll find we’re the enemies weapons depot, common enough in war. The Taliban, Stonewall Jackson, Micheal Collins, Mao all profited greatly from their well stocked, ill led opponents, as did ISIS. In our case we’re not led at all. Nor are we “well regulated” ~ most people miss that part. That meant well organized, trained, supplied. A unit in… Read more »

Reply to  Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

If it happens it won’t be Army vs Army but 4th Gen stuff , Asymmetrical warfare where on man lie Kyle or a few men can make a huge difference. Aufgstaktiks all the way down. In any case our ability to organize isn’t that bad, Even a tiny town like Klamath Falls Oregon was able to put 2000 men on the ground , that was nearly 10% of its population, maybe more depending on how many minors. There have been others too. What there isn’t is a national ideology. That means a lack of clear victory conditions beyond “we each… Read more »

4 years ago

The blackpilling is insufferable and defeatist. Young men are affected by this defeatism. We need them motivated and fighting the good fight, regardless of the prospects. Blackpillers don’t care about white people. Not really. It’s just a parade of narcissistic losers.
I have noticed a whole lotta late boomers through mid X are taking Eddie Van Halen’s death a lot harder than might have been expected. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Absolutely. Black pillers are a scourge. You can be blackpilled at heart and not try to bring everyone else down.
Low morale is a killer in a fight.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Blackpillers can go to Hell.

Just miserable people blaming noggers and JJJ for their own bad choices (or bad parents).

We’re going to make it and be much stronger for it, may God have mercy on our enemies-
because we can’t afford mercy.
Maybe God can.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

This 53 year old has already gone through his fear of death phase. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for maybe two years, and this ended a few yers ago. So now I’m back to feeling young and the world ahead of me. I will pay attention to politics just as much as it doesn’t interfere with my own life. And if I have to relocate, then so be it. I am 100% done with these pieces of shit.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

consider taking a look at a faith life if you don’t have one . I am trad catholic and derive great comfort from it.I am a decade older than you , so I’ve been there

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

I hear ya. I have faith deep deep down, which has always carried me through. But much of it was because my son — this is only between us friends — is stuck with a girl who is in her 40s, and I don’t see them making me any grandkids. He is young 30s. He knows how I feel. Probably why I sometimes get on young guys’ collective ass about not making babies, because it’s personal to me. So I would feel a lot better knowing my name doesn’t die with him. It’s a point of deep frustration and angst.… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Bribe her to keep family name or at least pass it on to the child. They doing that nowadays. I’m a little grumpy that I produced the only boy in extended family set to carry on family name (riches of girls) and they haven’t chipped in or shown him inordinate interest. They have begun to sniff about now that he looking good (national merit chad i keep bragging about). to little too late boomers.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

This is a rare time I completely disagree with you, not in the narrow sense the election results are meaningless as to policy–they have not meant jack shit for decades–but as to what they will represent. This will mark the end of free and fair elections in the United States. The 2016 contest would have (and kind of did) but the Left had no inkling they would lose. Here are the most likely results in order of probability. Results are not know election night, and possibly never are known. The Left engages in massive fraud and everything is dragged into… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’m surprised that you didn’t make more of the voter fraud peril as to how will affect Trump’s chances. Did I miss that?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Good points. But there have been elections since the JFK theft where the fingers weren’t on the scale or at didn’t seem to be. Rigged elections are about to become a permanent feature. Civic nationalist mythology indeed is dying rapidly. People will be cool with a police state as long as they have some wealth and aren’t oppressed outright. Not certain either of those things will last, though.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I think the police state will have more of a depressive effect. It goes unsaid, but the reality of life is that the reward America offers is not worth the effort to obtain it if you have any self-respect. So say you get rich, well that means you have to intertwine your existence with Jewry and political correctness and black worship. That’s a big disincentive. Who is going to want to bust their asses if that is the prize? Similarly, who is going to want to bust their ass if it means you make money but have minimal freedom and… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Perhaps for you and me, but the sociopaths out there? I suspect they will be happy to do whatever it takes in our “new” America.

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

Yep, the thought of having to spend my life navigating ((JJJ)) world and black world makes me want to shoot myself

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

That’s not how it works by and large. People will still kill themselves to maintain scintilla distinction apart from the unwashed masses. Social status means everything to a significant percentage of folks in the US.

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Oh I’m sure, but for me and I’m sure most white men, they’d rather be dead than have to spend their days backslapping guys like Epstein and taking blacks seriously and having them at your house and so forth

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago
Last edited 4 years ago by Judge Smails
Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

For me when much younger, when I didn’t have a pot to P in and lived off ramen noodles, it was Vuarnet sunglasses. All the kewl kidz wore the outrageously-priced Vuarnets and thus I had to own them.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Get ready for the Left to implement, “the Mark of the Beast,” via social credit, financial incentives, and biosecurity tyranny.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

If they can cut off your bank account a la Mark Collett-

In a cashless world, you starve in a battered car with no gas.

Been there. I lived in that car, and was banned from banks for seven years. You really don’t want to be waving your arms in the fog at the truck gate yelling, “hey! Lump your load for 30 bucks!”, along with a dozen other bums.

(Three months before, I’d practically been sleeping in 3-piece suits. My world was brass, glass, and marble.)

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

When I first moved to L.A. I did something similar, with a meth head before I even knew what meth was, but we’d scrape money together and go from cheap hooker motel to cheap hooker motel on Sepulveda. This was for maybe one year. I don’t see how I did it looking back, but don’t want to be back in that place. Great stories though.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Rigged elections have been around since Tammany Hall.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Wherever there is power, or money, or prestige, people will cheat in proportion of how much there is to gain to get it. The Presidency is the ultimate confluence of all three.

The US Federal annual budget is literally TRILLIONS.

Sure, they’ll be rigging/cheating on a massive scale. But team R wants to get it’s beak wet at that massive well just as badly as team D. They’ll fight just as hard for it.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Personal hypothesis is they are pumping the public polls to create a “Biden is inevitable” sentiment–though the internal polling is likely much different. So, should they lose, the color revolution gets turned on under the guise that “election fraud must have stolen the election”, but unlike 2016 they are prepared this time. The tech tyrants are ready to shut down any counter argument in social and regular media, the lawyers are in place and the mobs have been running dress rehearsals for months. “It puts the Biden in or else it gets the riots again”

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

yeah, this seems to be the case

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Look at RealClearPolitics, 2020 Trump is outperforming 2016 Trump in the polls in swing states.

The national polls are BS. Trump -16 nationally but just -2 in Florida?

Trump is doing just fine. But he is still the underdog, even in 2016 it was highly improbable that he would win.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

This is definitely happening already. “Bad” results won’t be acknowledged. This actually is the best result for those who want national dissolution to accelerate.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

“It puts the Biden in or else it gets the riots again”

I’m appropriating this quote. You’ll receive proper attribution but no bro-yalties.

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
4 years ago

Will youtube monetize broyalties?

Thinking of a new career as an influencer, if I can get this thong mankini to fit.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

No offense meant if I don’t subscribe to your OnlyFans..

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Trump wins popular and electoral votes. Left sets hair on fire. Streets, fed and state governments, and courts resemble something between killing fields and WWE.
Stock up now on food, water, and tp, at least

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Spot on. While we were hoping for more time to prepare, the pros had more time to actually prepare.

4 years ago

This election – for Democrats – is about trying to stop the bleeding. If Sanders had won, Trump would be facing a true Marxist candidate, and Democrats would have been wiped out when they’re still trying to recover from the Obamacare defeats. Biden’s candidacy is not about winning the White House. Trump will most likely win re-election. Biden’s candidacy is about stopping, or at least mitigating, the down-ballot losses. That’s why Democrats are talking about their nutty 25th Amendment bill this week. They are in desperate need of an “issue” to get their base out to vote for Congressional seats…but… Read more »

4 years ago

In 2024, it won’t matter who the Dems nominate or who the Repubs nominate. The influx of Latin Americans and Asians during the Biden/Harris administration will be so large that it will permanently tip presidential elections to the Dems.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

And (in deference to one your characters) th th th that’s all folks!

Last edited 4 years ago by Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

Come to Toronto, and that is the plan for the USA. We are on pace for 100 million “Canadians”, and under Biden you will be on pace for 1 billion “Americans”.

Standard of living is dropping like a rock here, but the Asians Indians and Arabs don’t care. Chinese students are increasingly GTFOing unless they land a good job here. They don’t like our diversity.

As long as it also hurts whitey, they don’t care if the country becomes a shit hole.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I may have to disagree with Z a little bit on the senior vote. The percentages of seniors that voted for Trump in the swing states in 2016 I think was much higher than Hillary. Therefore I think more of them have passed away. I do not think Trump will gain any significant percentage of the 2016 Hillary voters and if anything the young people of college age are more likely to register and vote this time around. So the question becomes how will the new immigrants and younger people vote? I see Trump losing. Maybe not in a landslide… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Z’s analysis of Trump getting MN, Florida and New Hampshire while losing MI and PA to fraud (if nothing else) seems well reasoned. I suppose a wild card there is that the left goes all-in on fraud thus invalidating the election process in those areas, while still losing the national election; that could be amusing.

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

The fraud operation in Minnesota is on par with Michigan and Pennsylvania. He would have to hit over 52% of legit vote in Minnesota to win.

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

There’s no reason to think WI or MI don’t have the same fraud mechanisms in place. Blue govs, blue ghetto inner cities.

Minnesota is a great example of weaponized demographic changes – without the direct importation of somalians it would now be a red state. Dems were way ahead of the curve on this, as it started years ago.

I say it’s 50/50 in a fair election. Unless Trump has an ace up his sleeve, he will lose the rust belt due to fraud while carrying Florida.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

That’s the thing: Trump will win in a large enough landslide to overpower most Dem vote fraud operations. Perhaps not in California or New York, but certainly in the swing-states where it will count.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

The people who killed Epstein and Seth Rich are not going to flinch at snuffing out Joe Biden.” Epstein probably isn’t dead. He was running a Mossad operation and was rescued by same. The body taken out wasn’t Epstein (and may not have even been a human body; might have been a Madame Tussad wax stand-in). No DNA test was ever done on “the body” (which was only “identified” by Jeffrey’s brother). He’ll never be seen again, but that’s because plastic surgery has made him invisible. Crazy conspiracy, right?

Last edited 4 years ago by Jim Smith
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Kayleigh McEnany, possibly Trump’s best hire, just went on the offensive and said Pelosi should be removed for abuse of power.

She’s absolutely correct.

4 years ago

PA is a large state and I live in only one corner of it, but the corner I occupy was LOADED with “unrest” and not just in the ghetto and not just in center city. There were dozens of riots all over the city. A cop was deliberately run over with a car. Entire neighborhoods were burned down. Crime has skyrocketed here. Our jails are empty. People out on double non-bail are committing serious crimes. We were one of the first places locked down and we are still under lockdown. The schools are still closed. A lot of the colleges… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Folks, “Tarsville” is coming to a city near you if it hasn’t already arrived. Here, in my small portion of the West, the situation is similar—except few riots. However, everyday the noose tightens. Economy declines, more general crime, more weird shenanigans by the minority controlled City, County, and School district. It seems you can’t be too stupid to run and win election, just too light a shade of color.

Last edited 4 years ago by CompscI
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Will your area go for Trump or Biden?

Reply to  Rich
4 years ago

In the city, only Democrats win. But, this is a state wide election and so my vote will actually count and it’s a swing state so it will count even more.
But I think the surrounding suburbs will go for Trump. As you move away from the large cities, with the exception of college towns, it’s a vast sea of red.

4 years ago

you don’t think this election pits one generation (white traditional America) versus the ascendant?

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Falcone – they aren’t ascendent.
We’re passive.
There’s a difference.

4 years ago

Elections can have dramatic consequences: what if Lincoln had lost in 1860(no Civil War) or 1864(CSA Independence), or what if Wilson had lost in 1916(Germany wins WWI and therefore no WWII and no Hitler).

Reply to  TammyFan
4 years ago

Maybe a smidge optimistic on the last one, I don’t see those aging medieval empires of Europe surviving against a Soviet onslaught.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

No US in WW1; and no Soviet Empire to be built by …America.
oh yes, before WW2. Instead the USSR would have been under Imperial German control ~ which is how they got it in the first place.

Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
4 years ago

How hard would it be to learn Hungarian? Or to teach a toddler Hungarian? Like the Anglo Saxons that fled Cunte and ended up at the Hungarian court, it seems like eastern europe might be it.

Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

I stink at languages. Russian, Slovakian, Polish all seem like hard languages to learn, but I should probably pick one.

Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

Put yourself in the Magyar’s shoes: why would they let us POZ carriers in?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Paul Ramsey looked into a few years ago. I don’t know exactly what he found out, but they do not want Americans with no connection to the country moving into Hungary. I can’t blame them.

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

Ramz is back in Arkansas now; there’s your answer

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

“And what’s with all this “bro” shit? These guys don’t want to be your “bro” and I don’t blame them.”

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I’ve met Magyar! Big, dirty blonde and very light brown hair, light, light green eyes, similar to true Roma Gypsies (small, duskier, with curly hair).

They made me guess, and it took a while, but I got it. I was carrying a phrasebook of 26 EE languages, I hope I won’t need it soon.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I mean if you can pay your own way, and willing to completely learn the language and culture- I don’t know how big of a problem it is. If you are German or Anglo Saxon like most white Americans, you probably even share a similar halogroup/ancestry to many Hungarians. The second biggest group in Hungry is I1-M253, which is what I am. I’m guessing the fact that Habsburgs ruled the area from Charles V/Ferdinand I to 1918 means Germanic genetics left a legacy. Plus anyone moving is likely to deeply reactionary, and probably have the genetics for right wing political… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

Eastern European languages are hard. I studied Russian (in Moscow) for about 14 months before throwing up my hands in despair. (But I’m in my sixties and middling in my ability to learn languages.) Hungarian is even harder. But a young person with sufficient motivation could probably learn enough to get by. If there is hope, it lies in the east.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Hungarian is not in the Indo-European language family, unlike the Slavic languages, so it’s going to be more difficult for English speakers.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Noun conjugations like in Germanic languages are what kill for me: just too much info to keep in the noggin without going all-in on the language and half-forgetting English.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

If you are immersed in it, you will learn Hungarian in a few months — enough to get by

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I tried picking up a little Bulgarian prior to visiting…I didn’t find it too terrible.

Romanian isn’t bad either since it is a Romance language that shares some things with the other Romance languages.

Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

Like the Anglo Saxons that fled Cunte

Was this intentional? Either way, I had a chuckle.

With regards to your other point, and I suspect other commenters may have beaten me to it: why would these people want us over there? Sure, in small numbers and with mastery of the language we may fit in – but in droves? Not so sure.

Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

My grandfather is from Bologna Italy but his family tree includes Hungarians from way back. They settled in parts of that area. I guess I could always use my family tree as a way to escape to Hungary, a beautiful place. If not, Italy it is.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Budapest really is one of the world’s great cities. Highly recommend people visit if the chance arises.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I love that area. All the green, the rivers. Austria is beautiful too. As is the northeast of Italy. Oh man. Just thinking about makes me homesick. I guess love of that land is baked into my DNA and it feels like a home I’ve never had but calling me back.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

Agree on Austria, the skiing just over the border from Garmisch and around Innsbruck is great.

Even better is Northwestern Italy, in the Valle d’Aosta, which has been far and away my all-time best skiing experience.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

You guys are making me drool.

The dream is two months out making money, then, whatever city I’m in, throw a dart, buy a ticket- and go.

Reykjavik, here I come!

Antwerp, I hear ya!

And Austria- omg, Austria at Christmas. I heard those Alpine towns look exactly like the Christmas cards. Except they hang their trees upside down from the rafters, so the boughs spread and the scent fills the haus.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I have family in Milan area (by Legnano) and we would drive from Como over the alps into Zurich, which is surprisingly heavily Turkish.

But in those alps are scenes of beauty better than any postcard. Almost criminally beautiful.

Last edited 4 years ago by Falcone
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

And Austria- omg, Austria at Christmas.

I was in Innsbruck around that time of year. The Xmas markets were great, you could buy a huge bread bowl of soup for 7 or 8 euro after a long day skiing.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

My delightful friend Tom in the Beltway was “an Irishman from Hungary”. His ancestors had been taken there as slaves 400 years before. Maybe that’s our ticket?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I think the Celts originated from that area near Bolzano and Austria. And Hungary just down the road really a few hours.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Bob the Builder
4 years ago

Hungarian tends to be one of the most difficult languages simply because it shares very little with any other language.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

So much meaning packed into that little bit of entymology. An entire history, unknown, yet- hope beyond hope- they survived, a living record.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

There are theories tying it (and Basque) to Neanderthal languages – that’s how different they are, even from each other. The other thousands of languages all have obvious relatives.

4 years ago

I do recall getting up the morning after the election in 2016 and pulling out my phone to see how badly Trump lost and if he maybe carried Ohio and then thinking “Wuh?!?”

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

Not me. I stayed up until 3 a.m. I couldn’t sleep until the wooden stake was driven into the witch’s heart.

Last edited 4 years ago by DLS
Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

I watched until MI flipped.

Waking up to a red PA was a very pleasant and welcome surprise.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

4:00 am here. Great fun. Wonderful night.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

You bet. We had a little party, even, and I fell asleep on the couch.

My dear, wonderful oldest sister lived long enough to see it- we were at her place- it meant the world to her, a lifelong FDR Democrat (born in 1935).

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

I believed the polls so I didn’t even pretend to hope.
Something else forgotten is the number of conservatives who either didn’t vote, or voted while holding their nose the last time. Just listened to some Trump on Rush, I had forgotten how much of a verbal bomb-thrower that dude is (Trump, not Rush). He didn’t even wait for one bomb to go off before he started chucking more out the side. He’s good for entertainment if nothing else.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

In happier news, Broadway is closed until next summer due to Beer Flu:


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes progtards.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Yeah I’m still at a little bit of a loss as to the logic of the left’s plan of burning down their cities and trashing their own economies to get at Trump.

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

The law of unintended consequences. Unless you’ve seen evidence the leftists are deep thinkers?

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

they are exerting control . they are willing to have collateral damage.

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

My theory The gentrifiers are tomorrow’s conservatives. Liberal today, conservative when they get older. Think everyone kind of gets that at that age level. They’re getting older. There was a cohort of the boomers who also played the hippy game but then did a 180 when they got to be 30 something’s. I see something similar playing out with millennials. These gentrifiers are the successful ones of their generation. In Los Angeles, the beauty of downtown was how cheap it was. You could rent an old industrial space for next to nothing. It was a mecca for artists. Then it… Read more »

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

It is called the Curley effect.
Curley was the Mayor of Boston who pioneered the 1960s decades earlier than Cloward-Piven, turning the Boston Irish into project living welfare sponsored criminals.
Its not even collateral damage, its all part of the plan.
The usual suspects get rich too, putting up 3d world housing, then they get rich again generations later “gentrifying” the wreckage. I’m Irish, but sorry this was quite pioneered in Boston. Mind you the genocidal aspect is all JJJ,


Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

All the more hilarious when you look at NYC’s Wuflu numbers. They’ve been nonexistent since late spring. Covid is over in the city but TPTB are determined to continue the beatings.

4 years ago

One difference this year from 2016 is that I have not heard a single person talk about the 3rd parties. The super-cucks in the libertardian party have not made any of their usual noises, or at least it hasn’t gotten to me. But I have been absolutely bombarded with democrat commercials and a PA ringing liberty bell ringing for democracy and early voting before every YT video, my blocking software mysteriously not working anymore. I would guess that there are a lot of people in greater Philadelphia area that would normally vote Democrat who are either not going to vote… Read more »

4 years ago

The “left” is now going after right wing boogeymen that don’t exist – Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys, etc.

I think this is a good thing.

Reply to  B124
4 years ago

They are trying to blame the busted Michigan Governor kidnapping caper on “right-wing-extremists”. It took about 5 minutes to find the Twitter feed of one of them sitting in front of an anarchist flag.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

And that “kidnap plot”!

That was a piece of fiction, a short story I read on the Internet a few months ago.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alzaebo
4 years ago

Ford would not have been able to run in 1980. The 22nd Amendment limits a president to two full terms or one term and two years. Ford served about two years and five months of Nixon’s second term.

Reply to  frayburn
4 years ago

This is why TPTB will wait until January 2023 before sending Biden out to pasture.

My understanding is that, if necessary, Heels-Up could serve as a type of regent under the 25th Amendment without actually taking the office prior to that.

As long as ‘Mala does not officially assume the office until 1/2 the term is done, she can run again in 2024 and 2028. 10 whole years of her!

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Not sure why this was down-voted as that’s the exact sort of scheme the left would pull: they don’t have to take Biden out since they can just permanently sideline him and pretend someone else is in charge. It might not even me Kamala, it might be whoever the Chief of Staff is. The challenge for them will probably be in keeping Biden alive.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

No, they have to take him out. The President still has the role of being head of government and interfacing with the rest of the world. Memewar isn’t wrong is saying they can’t work through that, but the conclusion is wedded in the usual “Jews run da world and we must name” schtick that never makes much sense in he scale of governance referred to.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

That’s Coma-la, you bigot!

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I can’t really see her winning an election in 2024, I don’t know much about her but I watched the “debate” with Pence. she seems strange to me, no matter what Pence said she had this strange fake smile, and her voice was annoying, to my Irish ears most American accents sound ok, but Kamala for some reason sounded terrible, I don’t know why she seems like a psychopath to me, (most politicians are) but she’s not good at hiding it. she got 3% in the Dem primary and could be President in 2022, crazy She’s only in the Senate… Read more »

Reply to  (((They))) Live
4 years ago

Demographics are why she can win.

See California and the second governorship of Jerry Brown for a perfect example.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  (((They))) Live
4 years ago

Well she’s in the Senate because she shagged Willie Brown White.

Had Monica Lewinsky STFU and not blabbed to Jonah Goldberg’s Mom she’d be Senator Lewinsky.

Willie Brown is a CA democratic power broker, Kamala his cast off mistress. Kamala married JJJ, she’s Bindy enough for google, Black enough to fool the others for a time, here we are.

Tablet Finder
Tablet Finder
4 years ago

“Harris is so obnoxious that she will be voted out in the following election, regardless of who the GOP nominates.” Wishful thinking. The demographics aren’t there anymore for a republican victory. Claiming otherwise is either a cope or a deliberate attempt to lure conservatives into a lull until the demographic clock runs out. All the experts in this country thought there was no way Venezuela would re-elect Chavez. They did and those “experts” were wrong. The demographics had shifted permanently to his side by the time of the election. That’s why all those rich Venezuelans fled. They saw the writing… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

We may also get wars against Russia and China. Watching the woke US military try to face down Russia or China in a real war is going to be hilarious. Just look at how effective the small Russian expeditionary force was in Syria in 2015 and extrapolate from that. Recall the Donald Cook incident where one Russian aircraft shut down the entire ship with its electronic warfare package. On top of that, expensive tanks, fighters, and ships are already useless against swarms of cheap kamikaze drones. Then, you have man-portable weapons like the RPG-29 Vampir that are capable of defeating… Read more »

Reply to  Tablet Finder
4 years ago

2020 is the last gasp.

By 2024 it will be over, demographically, for whites at the federal level.

Do you have links to demographic change in VZ? Did the Indians outbreed the Europeans over time? How about Colombia and the rest of South America. I’d be interested to find out.

4 years ago
Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

Actually it may well be Mr Buffet through his fetching son’s trust fund.,, of course this is from Tablet Mag. It is written in the language of the enemy, so I will not utter it here.

In the common tongue it says… Tablet Mag, “Is Warren Buffet behind BLM”?

Also an interesting aside on an org called Bend The Arc; a JJJ organization that is bending all the JJJ congregations to the will of Obama. Sure. Sure.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

-For the Future; a Pre-History of the 2020 Elections. For the benefit of future archeologists; While all non leftists were dixing around with tax codes, UBI, theory etc The Left built a prison. But the prisoners were unhappy, so they elected a carny barker as Tribune. A coup was then attempted against the carny barker, it failed but the carny barker revealed he was all bark, no bite. Presently we are now one month from the legitimacy ritual called “ elections” and the Coup plotters-academics and lawyers all-have published their scheme for Full On Color Revolution, this too is unlikely… Read more »

Reply to  Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

It really took everything they had to run interference for this long. Could they do it for another four years? They could try, but as we see with the Feds new found zeal for busting child-trafficking gangs the frozen molasses in the Fed bureaucrat container would still slowly flow towards our side.

4 years ago

Dang Z. This take is discouraging – what’s it gonna take to get the revolution going? I want to see deep state heads rolling.

Reply to  usNthem
4 years ago

Not going to happen. Eventually things will come apart, but it won’t be because of us, it will be because what the Left are trying to do can’t be done.

James O'Meara
James O'Meara
4 years ago

“Let’s be honest with ourselves about this. The people who killed Epstein and Seth Rich are not going to flinch at snuffing out Joe Biden.”
If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.” — M. Corleone

4 years ago

For what it worth, here is a vid making normicons happy. It is liberal white woman that has walked away from dems because reality intruded upon her little bubble. She has a long way to go but she did say that she would like nothing better than to find good guy, marry, and move to texas (cali, currently). I suspect that a young handsome dissident guy (with good job) could have her doing roman salutes inside a month. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flp7gKg5G4E&feature=emb_logo

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

There is a huge market for normal white men with a normal career. Put on a little muscle, do the bare minimum for fashion and grooming, and you’ll do well, at least in the LTR game. The sad part is that increased obesity, drugging, and soyification of white men means that there is a shortage of us. Watch how fast white women would want to start settling down if all white men started following Bronze Age Pervert. Tips for manly white men: a) don’t fall into despair/drug abuse b) don’t let a caramel coloured beauty seduce you. They move faster… Read more »

Reply to  B124
4 years ago

lol, you sound like a hyper-practical guy. Besides avoiding the killing pitfalls; I would only add to get a game plan. I see too many of these guys floating along. It worked for me 20 yrs ago. These days have lower tolerances for error and fucking around than I faced.
Even a bad plan that is vigorously pursued is better than no plan at all.

Last edited 4 years ago by SidVic
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Like what?

Reply to  B124
4 years ago

B, Well therein lies the problem. I lack confidence in my practical knowledge to suggest specifics. But with that caveat will anyways. 1 son: national merit scholar 130+ iq, have encouraged phd level training. He currently in middle-road physics program on full scholarship (no debt) will go to top graduate program in something. A trade, especially specializing. I met a guy that did specialty welding on nuclear facilities. Roofing, learning to repair or install slate? Underwater welding (fucking dangerous). A plan could involve living like monk and working ass off as welder to get the grub stake to buy farm… Read more »

4 years ago

Does anyone think that they chose Biden to serve as the ultimate humiliation should Trump lose? The idea has entered my head more than once. Because Trump was mocking so many establishment people, Romney for example who “lost like a dog.” Calling Hillary crooked. Etc. Because if Biden wins, the media will quickly start their whispering campaign that Trump lost to a dementia patient. ha ha ha !!! He will go down in history as the Ultimate Loser.

Reply to  Falcone
4 years ago

They chose Biden as one last sop to the good-Whites before completely abandoning them in the party. That and there was no good replacement White. All had too much baggage for their largest demographic cohort.

Reply to  CompscI
4 years ago

But you don’t think if Trump loses that people won’t be mocking him for losing to a dementia patient? Ok, maybe it wasn’t planned out to that extent, but that will be a lingering joke for years.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
4 years ago

Don’t recall an election where the lineup on the left consisted of so many CCP proxies. Sooner or later, that’s going to bite them. Who doesn’t wonder who He Jinli screwed to get the nomination.

4 years ago

Since I mentioned an ethnic group that must not be named and am waiting for approval, I will say in summary the election IS a referendum. On a broader policy question: Are Whites (White men really) guilty of blood guilt for racism and thus worthy of endless punishment until eliminated. And conversely are blacks sacred and spiritual and are our natural rules and aristocracy.
So far, Biden is winning hugely on that question. And Trump losing massively.

4 years ago

Z, I respectfully disagree. The left will go on a full scale immigration and citizenship effort and will do what Obola was doing. Throw them all in Red States. Forget the time frame for waiting for citizenship. They will minimize down to a year, and have all the votes they need. There will never be another R in the White House. The senate and house will be subsumed. The US will become what California has become. As an East Coaster, this is not easy for you to intuitively feel, but as a lifelong Californian i saw it happen here. The… Read more »

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
4 years ago
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 years ago


Last edited 4 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Spin geraht
Spin geraht
4 years ago

Thirty pieces of silver
For the Z man.

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
4 years ago

Ask yourselves; what does the Right or the DR – anything right – offer young men? We know what the Left offers; EVERYTHING and you kick ass to get it; violence is a draw for young men. It also gets you the Tang if you win. Doing violence to take what you want; What’s YOURS is a big incentive for young men. Its primal, it sells. Now what does the Right or the DR offer? Nothing. Indeed you must “be passive” and just sit round having a reasonable conversation, with other reasonable, middle aged folks. In exchange for which you… Read more »

paladin YYZ
4 years ago

im of the opinion that this election comes down to whether or not you want war abroad or war at home.
you want war in the streets…? vote Biden
you want war in iran….? vote trump

Wind In The Willows
Wind In The Willows
Reply to  paladin YYZ
4 years ago

Trump has had years to go to war with Iran. Instead he whacked out Solemani- the “war” with Iran is over. Basically we quit on a high note.

4 years ago

I disagree completely. This election is and always has been a referendum. A true one. On the dual questions: Are Whites blood-guilty of “racism” and thus due only endless punishment until they can be eliminated by direct action; and the flip side of are black people our natural rulers, repositories of infinite spiritual, moral, intellectual, and physical wisdom and authority, and able to deal out to Whitey whatever and whenever they want without hindrance from petty things like Law. The answer resoundingly to both questions is YES! And it is a majority of White women who are pushing this to… Read more »

4 years ago

[…] ZMan does his weekly podcast. […]