The Age Of Covidian

Note: I have a new post up behind the green door on the fourth season of the television series Fargo. I suspect it will be my last post on the series.

An old Ronald Reagan joke from the 1980’s was that the closest thing to immortality was a government program. The first time he said it was in his 1964 speech, A Time for Choosing and it was not intended as a joke. By the 1980’s he had mellowed and the line was so obviously true it made a great punchline. In one of life’s great ironies, the conservative movement actually proved the maxim correct, by never cutting a single program in their time in control of government.

It is a good thing to keep in mind when thinking about the end game for the Covid-19 panic that is entering the ninth month, depending upon who is counting. The great and the good are telling us the prophesied second wave is upon us. Britain is back in lock down, even though all the evidence says it does not work. The Welsh are banned from buying clothes and snacks. The Scots saw their pubs closed. It’s all a big drama to prove that the prophesy was true.

You’ll note in all of this that the thing driving it is the health care industry complex and the army of armchair generals it has spawned. The politicians are simply responding to what the self-proclaimed experts have said. The fact that these experts have been wrong at every turn does not matter. In a modern liberal democracy, expertise is not about factual accuracy or respect earned through hard experience. It is having the right credentials and, most important, having the right friends in government.

There is another old-time expression that applies in this Covid drama. This one is from Eric Hoffer. “What starts out here as a mass movement ends up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation.” In the case of Covid, the panic is becoming all three. It has turned into a mystery cult for many, a jobs racket for others and a money maker for global capital, which has not allowed this crisis go to waste. Rather than a plague from the gods, Covid-19 is manna from heaven for the ruling class.

The cult side of it obvious now. The Covidians are the next turn of the wheel for the people we used to call Gaia worshipers. The whole “earth is about to burn or freeze because you refuse to walk to work” stuff never really worked as hoped. They could inflict small miseries on people, like the use of grimy canvas sacks to tote groceries home, but the cult could be safely ignored. It was also becoming a bit of joke, like being a vegan or a libertarian.

The Church of Covid is a real breakthrough for the sorts of people who need the rest of us to believe they are sacrificing for society. They get to decorate themselves like Star Bellied Sneetches with their masks and endless hand rubbing. Even better, they get to be public scolds, telling the rest of us to be safe. The best part is they get to push people around for their lack of enthusiasm for the rules. In fact, that is quickly becoming an official government position.

The communists were fond of inserting ideological enforcers into the nooks and crannies of life, to keep the rank and file in line. It was a weird admission that most people really did not believe the nonsense from the party, but people would go along with it if they thought they were being watched. Today’s ideological enforcers will be dressed up like surgeons, prowling the streets looking for anyone not sufficiently enthusiastic for the Church of Covid.

Of course, this brings us back to that old maxim about government. All of these people making money from state enforcement of Covid laws are not going to kill the job by calling off the panic. You see, Covid will be with us forever and you will be required to cover your face forever. The same people who say Amy Coney Barrett will force women to wear cloaks in public are demanding everyone cover their face in public. No one will ever accuse the Covidians of being sophisticated.

This brings us to the business side of things. For global capital and government dependent industries, Covid promises nothing but boom times. Small business has been eliminated in much of the country due to the lock downs. Those that have not be crushed will be forced to comply with a thicket of Covid rules. After all, we’re all in this together and regulatory capture is just the price we must pay to be safe.

The public health excuse has allowed the tech firms to justify their takeover of the public space. The popular YouTuber, Paul Ramsey, was suspended for questioning the one true faith. Even mild criticism of official policy is now forbidden on-line. The tech oligarchs have quickly moved from suppressing “disinformation” to crushing even mild dissent from orthodoxy. More important, censorship on-line by anonymous and unaccountable commissars is now completely normal.

This normalization of censorship has been a long-term goal of the tech oligarchs and the Church of Covid now legitimizes it. Another goal of our oligarchs has been to force science to comply with their beliefs. They gained some ground with the Gaia stuff, but Covid is proving to be the kill shot. Researchers are learning that even mild questioning of these bizarre edicts is forbidden. These researchers should investigate a career in food service, as their science careers are now done.

In retrospect, fear of carbon taxes and green initiatives seems kind of quaint compared to what has quickly become the norm in the Age of Covidian. Toting around grimy canvas sacks seems pretty nice compared to masks. Just as facts and observation had no effect on the Gaia worshipers, facts and reason will have no impact on the Covidians, so it means this will be with us until they find a new fear. We’re all Covidians now, whether we like it or not. It the religion of our rulers.

Promotions: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is a tea, but it has a mild flavor. It’s autumn here in Lagos, so it is my daily beverage now.

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Moe Noname
Moe Noname
3 years ago

“It is the religion of our rulers.”

It is great to start my day with your morning musings, but man, the truth really hurts.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

They can’t even say it’s the science with a straight face anymore. There’s a Danish mask study journals are refusing to publish because it shows masks are useless.
Think the reproducibility crisis is bad for scientific legitimacy, wait until the suppressed research crisis gets going.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Uh, Zman included this exact story in the last link in the column.

The suppressed research crisis will never happen. Big Tech has already smothered it in the crib.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Big tech is busy agonizing over the fact that Machine Learning and AI are racist for identifying simple patterns.

Reply to  BadThinker
3 years ago

BadThinker: The AI algorithms must be dumbed down to prevent AI from reaching the wrong conclusions.

Reply to  billrla
3 years ago

Pretty funny actually when you think about it a little. If you go back to the mid 80’s – everybody was worried that AI would bring us Skynet.

Now it appears that the AI algorithms will be manipulated until it comes to the conclusion that there’s no scientific reason there couldn’t 20 genders.

The human species won’t be wiped out by sentient robots – it will be wiped out because it won’t be allowed to stick it’s collective dick into the correct hole any more because otherwise the LGBTQRSTUV crowd will get offended.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The mask is the badge of the right thinker, not wearing one in public is now haram.

Alfred Doolittle Leftist Whisperer
Alfred Doolittle Leftist Whisperer
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Just trying to understand, why is the image of Von Stroheim, every lefty’s nightmare? Are you saying Lefty’s are all anti-Dentite’s? Von Stroheim is clearly a Dentite to all but Helen Keller.


He looks like a hard ass nazi, that’s why. You won’t get the same effect by using some white fat ass with a neck beard or some nerdy DR type.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

A California priest brought suit against governor Newsome for infringing on his right to hold mass. He is from a Catholic priestly order despised by the Vatican. I’ve heard the man give sermons in person: he speaks like a mild mannered theologian but has the heart of a lion. Anyway, his mother church in Arcadia was immediately placed under constant surveillance after filing the lawsuit. Health agents jumping out of bushes scaring old women in hair veils with an “ah ha!” as they exit the church. Meanwhile Los Angelenos were encouraged to celebrate some basketball thing in the streets a… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

They are not masks, they are muzzles and majority of Americans have muzzled themselves voluntarily.

Reply to  Anna
3 years ago

Its as if Americans, indeed all the West, has been waiting for something, something they could not put their finger on until….Ah! We all wear masks! THATS what we’ve been waiting for! Masks, masks for everyone, everywhere!
An ancestor of mine fought in the Revolutionary War. Is this what he risked treason for?

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Tirel
3 years ago

An ancestor of mine fought in the Revolutionary War. Is this what he risked treason for?

If the Left is to be believed, yes. Actually, the Left believes that the American Revolution was a mistake – a HUGE MISTAKE! They believe that all modern ills stem from a surfeit of liberty – for the masses, at least – and that the best solution would be a nice – benevolent – dictatorship/despotism with themselves at the top dictating to and sponging off of the masses.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Lets stop paying taxes

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

I dunno. I think anti-white racism is still the religion of our rulers, but Covidianism is indeed promising upstart. Kind of like Mormonism.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

I’ll be interested in how long this new religion holds. While I would never dare to question the wisdom or the holiness of our beloved rulers… they have, in effect – made a lot of small business impossible. I read somewhere that in one of the big shitlib cities, 41% of black owned businesses went under and closed.
I suppose, by their reasoning… the proper thing to do next will be to exempt blacks from the Chinkypox….

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

> Those that have not be crushed will be forced to comply with a thicket of Covid rules.  Went to an auto repair shop a few months back when the mask hysteria was in full force. First thought it was strange there was no sign on the door saying masks required, then walked inside to see none of the guys wearing masks, or even acknowledging that Covid was really a thing. It was like walking into a time capsule from a year ago. On the other hand, a gym in my area was forcibly closed after defiantly staying open after… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The theme seems to be that as long as you do not embarrass the people who think they’re in charge, you can go about business as usual.

Sounds like they are really the ones in charge, then.

Reply to  onezeno
3 years ago

Most of them are just clueless performers of dirty work for their masters, while often having no idea that they even have master.

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

PAY the man!

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

that is very optimistic. The mechanic’s place is just lucky. once the regulators find out they will be closed down.

Reply to  miforest
3 years ago

The government isn’t omnipotent, and can only control society at the margin. Shutting down sources of tax revenue is generally a stupid way to run a policy, and there are very hard limits to it’s efficacy. The government can do it as a one-off, but it cannot do it to the majority for what should be very obvious reasons. It’s akin to burning up a foundation board when you discover termites. You can do it to one board, or even a couple boards, but if you do it to every board, you’re not going to have a house.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Shutting down sources of tax revenue”, akin to “the US can’t keep going into debt.”

These are true- unless a Great Reset is being planned.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Ok, but planned is not equal to executed. Again, there are limits to what the government can accomplish. It’s not some unstoppable juggernaut that can steamroll and micromanage people however it wants. There are a lot of toppled regimes (and empires) that can attest to the limits of power and the general futility of trying to impose deeply unpopular rules on people.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

dude , have you seen the last 8 months , the execution is going well beyond their wildest dreams.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

The state controlled media pointed at a low IQ irreligious culturally impoverished mocha population makes the unpopular popular

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Shutting down sources of tax revenue is generally a stupid way to run a policy

You will never go broke betting on the stupidity of Leftist policy makers.

Reply to  miforest
3 years ago

And they will find out thanks to some busybody Karen twat who will gleefully rat them out. Just check out your local “next door” site – nothing but Karen & Ken covidians. Religious zealotry at its finest and scariest.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

This is how they do it in Latin countries. The rules are there, but nobody gives a shit. Not sure how well that will work with a people filled with Karens and Cucks though.

Last edited 3 years ago by BadThinker
Reply to  BadThinker
3 years ago

C.F Lawlessness and Latin America California banned fireworks displays this year so mostly Latino population lit up the entire sky anyway with surprisingly few injuries or fires. It was awesome and beautiful and damned American too. Once law and order breaks down a bit more , Karens and Cucks will risk an encounter with masked guys with pipes or bats or worse for mouthing off as is common in the 3rd world, they’ll shut up. They really only operate because our legal system works after a fashion. Its on short time now. OB reminder not to do stupid illegal things… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

I’m starting to believe that the Covid hysteria is the straw that will break the American Camel’s back. It’s becoming more and more clear that a large portion of the population will NEVER let go of the Mask of Virtue. It’s too useful to them as a uniform. At the same time, there are those, like me, who will never tire of wanting the things gone forever. So there’s the division right there and there’s your Blue uniform and there’s your Grey one. The legal system is the Maskies weakness. Once it’s gone or corrupted there’s nothing protecting them from… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

Latinos around my area seem OK with masks. I think it carries outlaw chic myself.

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

Without the bully boy cops backing up the Karens and cucks they’d be bloody pulps on the asphalt by now.
The cops are the biggest enablers of Covid and have shown us they are our enemy. They don’t lift a finger against rioters and thugs anymore. But god help you if you nail a BLM or antifa goon, they will roll on you.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

At my trusted auto repair shop there is a sign on the entrance door:

“We are required by the state health authorities to enforce mask wearing among customers, with certain exceptions. If you do not wear a mask, we will assume that you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing one.”

3 years ago

The faster we get to the bottom, the higher it will be and the sooner we can begin the rebuild. The Covid crazy is intended to set the plebs to fighting among themselves and reduce community trust to zero. This distraction is the fog in which the elites hide and conceal their machinations. But that’s a game that two can play. Masks can neutralize Big Brothers’ omnipresent eye. Hide in the fog and strike from the fog. Oh the irony!

Last edited 3 years ago by TomA
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Ironically, it’s decreased community trust but increased family/close friend trust (for us, at least).

I could barely understand our 3rd world servants before, it’s hopeless with masks and plexiglass now.

But increased family trust is very bad for the ruling class especially as whites are now escaping diversity to just be with their families.

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

My extended family is broken further apart between the believers and skeptics. It’s upsetting.

Reply to  BadThinker
3 years ago

I’m finding sparks of light in the darkness. My wife is probably the most worried out of all the people I know and she at least acknowledges that they’re using this whole thing for nefarious purposes. The wife’s sister – who is a nurse, has come right out and said that the whole vaccine thing is complete and total BS- because by the time the vaccine arrives the disease will have run it’s course and be over. Saw a close friend over the weekend who is a firefighter and he came right out and said he thought the whole thing… Read more »

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

Another side of this mask stuff is that, while it provides semi-anonymity for any maskie willing to do violence (see Antifa/BLM), it also makes it easier for the unmasked to recognize each other. It becomes easier to regard the maskies as non-human NPCs who all look alike.

Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

Not everyone wearing a mask is Antifa, and it’s best to avoid mobs and riots where you might run into one. Masks are ubiquitous everywhere these days. I’ve been in line at the grocery store and didn’t recognized a neighbor just in front of me. But I also recommend not getting unique tattoos and them leave them exposed. And put a pebble in your shoe when you leave the house.

Last edited 3 years ago by TomA
Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 years ago

I still know only 2 people who got it, and nobody who died from it. And I know a lot of people.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

I finally met someone last month who had it. Dude’s part of my riding group and went AWOL for three months. He didn’t want to spread it us and also didn’t want to scare us by telling us he had the COVID. We all like the guy and going silent was worse, but that’s old-school Japanese stoicism for you.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

A couple of relations got deathly ill, one was out of work for weeks; but alas, both tested negative for the WuFlu, meaning that they’d gotten sick from something else.
Beyond that, a former coworker was laid up in the hospital for a few days with what was purported to be Covid. He’s been a half a burrito away from the grave for twenty years, and the fact that he walked out the hospital in good health (for him) only made the virus hype look worse to me.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

Someone I work with has been in full blown panic since this began, largely I believe to the influence of his hysterical wife. In any event, he was delighted to let everyone know he finally knew someone who died from it. He used it as an excuse to scold everyone and move conferences & appointments all under the rationale of “I know someone who got it, I do not want to wind up like them, how dare you question me.” She was 96 and had Alzheimer’s and was in a home. But “COVID” was how she was listed so how… Read more »

Reply to  Valley Lurker
3 years ago

Yes. I know a C U Next Tuesday just like this. All to eager to remind us of the ‘real’ threat posed by COVID.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

“C U Next Tuesday”. Love it.

Reply to  Valley Lurker
3 years ago

As the average life expectancy is about 82ish for women you could conclude that covid added about 13 years to her life and suggest that he tries catching it on purpose.

Reply to  Valley Lurker
3 years ago

A lot of the people who died from “Covid”, whether it was really that or something else, were in the kind of condition where “strong breeze” could have been listed as the cause of death instead.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

No doubt! Your comment made me realize I do know a flip side as well, a man whose late 80s grandmother died and was classified this way and he let everyone know it was bullshit, etc. But he wasn’t the kind to thrive on the attention/ religious ecstasy it would bring him.

Last edited 3 years ago by Valley Lurker
Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

The number from the CDC is that only 6% of those dying from covid didn’t have at least one “comorbidity”. Those listed as dying from it include the guy who died after he wrecked his bike one week after testing positive.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

I am aware of a relative-several-times-removed-via marriage that died in NYC. Older and multiple comorbidities. I have also had several distant relatives in the past years die of respiratory illness of some sort. These deaths are not new, they’re just ‘scarier’ now that people have a evil spirit to blame: the demon Covid got ’em!

Reply to  BadThinker
3 years ago

The real evil spirit is social media. Just like people feel they “know” celebrities, they also feel that they know the alleged victims of Covid mentioned on Twitter or Facebook.

When your Facebook “friend”, whom you only know from playing Farmville 2, shares a status about a friend of a friend that was hospitalized with Covid, you feel like you have a connection to that case and hence you “know” someone who has Covid complications.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hun
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Yes – Social Media highjacks our Dunbar Number.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

My wife had it. Nothing spectacular. I call it the glorified creeping crud. Had body aches and pains for about 6 hours, a hacking cought for about 2 days, and then a high temperature (102 max) which she took Ibuprofen to combat for about 2 days. She’s fine now. Worst has passed. She’s 67 but no underlying conditions. We don’t know where she got it, maybe from the pumpkin patch she took the grandkids that I did not go. I have no symptoms.

Reply to  KHS71
3 years ago

The Great Pumpkin claims another victim!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

I don’t know about you, Pozy, but this Halloween I’m sitting in the Kovid patch waiting for the Great Kovid to arrive. Each year, from here on out, the Great Kovid will dispense victimhood and minor celebrity status to all the good little Karens and Kucks.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

I know some folks who got it too. Its basically flu+ not a doomsday plague. Assuming Cali stats are accurate its about 2.5% fatal killing mostly people with compromised immune system or bad respiratory systems. Its apparently racists too as it kills Blacks and Latinos at a higher percentage under the same circumstances. maybe if we call it a bigot and a hater and cancel it it will go away eh? OK seriously , it is nasty but not super deadly. The thing beyond the power grab and the crazy is the PTB’s reaction is also tempered by the fact… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

They’re probably also worried that if it’s like everything else it kills more poor Latins and blacks than wealthier ones. It’s always been the poorer POCs that are the most reliable demographic for Dems. There’s also the simple fact that any infectious disease is going be worse in urban areas than rural ones and this slightly shifts the population balance back towards the latter.

Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

I had it, if the tests are to be believed. Day and a half of very mild fever and some accompanying fatigue. Kind of like a less bad flu without the nasty vomiting and such. By the third day could function normally without complaint and was working out heavy again by day four.

Know second hand of someone that actually died… friends mother, cancer patient, 96 and in a nursing home.

It’s literally just the flu, bro.

Last edited 3 years ago by Anonymousse
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

I’ve known a couple dozen people who had it (including an 80+ year-old man with a heart condition who got after getting stents, followed by getting pneumonia), but I don’t know anyone who died from it. The hysteria just doesn’t match my lived experience, that’s for sure.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

I like this. “Lived experience” & “your truth” need to become buzz words mockingly for our side with this.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

My aunt lives in a nursing home. She’s 84, overweight, with diabetes and a pacemaker. She tested positive. They moved her to the temporary Covid quarantine wing for 10 days. She never had a symptom. Completely asymptomatic the whole time. The only thing that I can figure is that she never smoked and never had any lung problems like asthma.

Au Jus
Au Jus
Reply to  Based5.0
3 years ago

My mother is in exactly the same position right now. She’s in a nursing home, overweight, type two diabetic, and has basically been chair bound for 10 years. along with three other residents she took the positive. They moved them all into this isolation ward. She doesn’t have a phone, everyone that comes into the room looks like they’re f****** Darth Vader. They call me once a day to say she’s fine. I haven’t seen her since March when they canceled all visitation. So all this social distancing, locking down, mask wearing and my nursing home bound mother still gets… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Au Jus
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

I guess you don’t know many nursing home-bound octogenarians with at least two comorbidities, or morbidly obese diabetics.

David Wright
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

Two here. Both nephews, one a guard in a prison the other one of the sailors on the USS Roosevelt. The agony was real, no going anywhere and watching three movies a day.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

The governor here in KY is still doing daily Covid briefings. Today we crossed over 100K Covid positives. There were 14 deaths. The youngest of those was 61 years old. The second youngest was 64. All of the others were over 70. Once a person reaches their allotted “three score and ten,” every subsequent day is a blessing.
It’s just not that dangerous to younger people.

Reply to  Based5.0
3 years ago

Im in KY too. He’s really become a blatant creep with his daily briefings. I haven’t watched one, but I hear in passing what he says. His tone is that of a scorned elementary school substitute teacher, lecturing his students for not paying attention to his wise recommendations. He’s trying really hammer home the number of cases, but he never says how much testing we are doing. I work at state prison, and they make up take rapid tests. Since I had the wuflu, I get a positive hit for the anti-bodies. It counts as a case. The dude is… Read more »

3 years ago

Women have some weird obsession with the handmaid’s tale. Notice that the masks are just like niqabs. Women have achieved dominance over (white) men and they hate it. They love listening to degrading rap music. White women are inviting 3rd world savages in as fast as they can. Covid shutdowns make perfect sense for miserable people.

I’m convinced that deep down they want us to completely take control of them again. Can’t you see, they’re asking for it? The feminists are getting more and more extreme. “Please, notice me and put me in my place”.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It was a pretty big redpill, my feminist ex-gf (I was bluepilled at the time) straight up told me to do whatever I want with her, treat her like a slut, etc. Which came as a total shock to super woman respecter b124.

Women like being wide eyed and clueless, they look up to their man who looks out over the world. Unfortunately every day I see beta white guys with gf’s and have a crystal ball into their cucked, sexless, miserable future.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Le vice Anglais

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

White women have a psychological need to be dominated. 

All women do. I checked.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

With domination themes and power themes and sex and the like in mind, I actually watched the movie version of “50 Shades of Gray” awhile back. It was a hoot! Not one for chick flicks, but it was so much fun watching given how the women were reacting.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Evolution favors a situation where men are strong.
Modernity favors one where mean are weak.
This creates the deep seated need for dominant men that can’t be filled till society ends so we subconsciously destroy our rat utopia while the women read 50 Shades of Grey

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Four years ago, when I was still posting political stuff on social media (a mistake I no longer make), I posted a comment in response to the outrage storm over the Trump Access Hollywood comment along the lines of “with all these pearl clutching prudes … who bought 125 million copies of 50 Shades?” The histrionic responses that produced told me that I had really hit a nerve.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Milestone D
3 years ago

Trump speaks the cold, based truth and most people know this. I’m surprised the idiots give the quote the circulation they do, because it makes women look ugly.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

White women are inviting 3rd world savages in as fast as they can.

That is because they know those groups have a pass from the gynocentric State to do as they please.

Just look at all the jogging in Philly and LA last night.

Meanwhile, if a white guy pulls his girlfriend’s hair too hard and happens to leave a bruise after spanking her, the State-endorsed VAWA and Duluth model say his life should be destroyed.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

Much of modern life does have the feel of an escalating shi$ test of White men. Each time we back down, White women (and minorities) push up the humiliation to see if we’ll finally push back.

So far, crickets.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

White men reading “White Fragility”, assigned by their white boss at a mostly white male staffed technology start-up in a 80% white city discuss the powerful and important text while lunching with their white male VC investors. True story. I know very few White Men anymore. Ten. Maybe a dozen. Half of them from this blog. Real life is becoming like an “inception” of a shi$-test within a shi$-test within a shi$-test. They don’t escalate as much as they ‘descend’, into some dream state so deep the males have stopped even noticing how the laws of nature bend and contort… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I know very few White Men anymore


I’m amazed how many middle-aged white guys that should know better are totally sold out for Beer Flu.

Charles De Gaulle
Charles De Gaulle
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Le vice francais.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The thing is many men don’t want the work load required to constantly be a dominant man. The rewards are quite meager even at the best of times. A slightly strained analogy. I took care of a female Husky for a few weeks, She was a good dog well as good as the near wolves are gonna get but that breed requires a serious Alpha attitude at all times. It was exhausting. Afterwards I was thinking to myself, this is the same hand I’d need with a modern women and its enough trouble with a female dog much less a… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by abprosper
Reply to  abprosper
3 years ago

Men are not the same as they were in the 60’s. Our sperm and Testosterone counts have dropped by half since then. When we are producing males with T counts as low as those found in old women, there is something seriously wrong.
This is why most men have folded. No T to give them that added oomph to be kick ass in life.
BTW women can smell when a man has low T.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

One word: Plastics
High T is a liability in modernity so many men whose levels could be higher don’t bother though you weren’t joking about 80 year old men.
I watched a Buzzfeed video about the try guys who basically are a bunch of early 20’s guys who well try stuff. They got tested and the highest T level was an Asian guy with that of a 65 year old.
And yes women can smell T level if they aren’t on the pill, the pill reeks havoc on smell cues and frankly ought to be banned,

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

In a country where you can get arrested for merely saying the n-word* , I wish you luck with your macho endeavors. Please tell us when your arraignment is, and we’ll come visit you 🙂 This is not an endorsement of the sad state of sex roles in our nation. However, until the laws change so that a man is not at risk of civil or even criminal penalties for behavior that once would have been considered impolite at worst; when the ex gets the kids, the house, half your property and your salary, when…. well you get the idea.… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

They’ve also never actually read the book; totally obvious when you read/watch their ranting.

Men aren’t above this, though. All the antifa v. proudboys has a very “I saw this in a movie” LARP feeling to it.

At least some groups are based enough to take advantage of societal breakdown to get free stuff while they can.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

We should all cash in while we can. I’m thinking of a new internet start-up; the concept is that you register as a “victim” or “oppressor”. Oppressors post lists of items they would like, victims offer to “go shopping” for those items the next time J. Random Schwartzer gets shot by Officer Huwhite. It’s a good way for oppressors to get discount goods, while also making a small “donation” to the reparations cause. Everybody wins!

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

Is that you, Whiskey?

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

Whiskey did mention that he works in Mad Avenue marketing firms staffed by 95% women, so I’d say he’s our war correspondent reporting from the Eastern Front. Embedded- heh.

3 years ago

I had to go see my doctor the other day and I already knew he was a pod person because we had a zoom appointment a long time ago. He sat down with his mask and his face shield and said do you have any questions for me? I said no because I had already resolved not to engage with him but he couldn’t stop himself it was like he was talking about his new girlfriend he was practically giddy. I pretty much refuse to say anything he never asked me a question about myself I said all I need… Read more »

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

the very last thing you said to me was don’t eat in restaurants! so dangerous!

Yes. You may get harassed by BLM or any number of other outfits that form the perpetual stream of anal discharge know as ‘the left’.

David Wright
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

You know what, I got a hankering for a veggie omelet and bacon today. No bacon at home so what to do? I know, Gino’s special for lunch, Dr. Dave approved!

Clown country
Clown country
3 years ago

Americans used to laugh at the tyrannies and absurdities that occurred daily behind the iron curtain. But it’s all here now, all of it. And it arrived under global capitalism, not communism. A man in Arizona was arrested for “racism.” This while pox are rioting with impunity. The old “In Soviet Union…” jokes aren’t even funny anymore if they apply just as easily to us. This is also why I don’t have a drop of sympathy for police. They could do civil disobedience by refusing to arrest white people and refusing to respond to black calls. But no, their… Read more »

Reply to  Clown country
3 years ago

“Back the blue” right wingers are the dumbest people in the country…

Even if your rural PD and sheriff are ok, it is only a matter of time before soros comes and floods your district with cash to install his cronies.

smoothie king
smoothie king
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

More people have been arrested for peacefully disobeying the Branch Covidians — refusing to wear masks or sitting too closely to each other in church or going to the gym — than have been arrested in the nationwide rioting and looting.

“Back the blue” my ass! At least Michelle Malkin learned just how much the blue will back her… will other conservatives wake up?

Reply to  Clown country
3 years ago

But it’s all here now, all of it. And it arrived under global capitalism, not communism.

You’ve got to admit, CC, American tyranny has a better soundtrack. And, we get TikTok videos to remind us how lucky we are. Now back to my gameshow and this amazing Uber Eats Soylent Green buffet!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

On a lighter note, Instagram thots have been caught faking private jet rides on a set that rents for $35/hour:

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

That’s not scandal, that’s comedy!

Reply to  Clown country
3 years ago

Read “The Servile State” by Hilare Belloc. Incredible predictions about what attempts at creating socialism/communism will turn into.

3 years ago

A few months ago I was assuming that if Democrats won big, they’d declare victory and make all the covid theater go away. Now they are too committed. If they win, the medical dictatorship will only grow.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

If the dems win the great reset is coming, gun confiscation, record immigration wave, green new deal, reparations for blacks. Theyll stop using covid as the excuse and just ban you from travelling and confiscate your shit.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

You forgot meat bans. Internal combustion engines over a certain size will be banned for everyone but the military. Major interstates will have mandatory vax/test points every 25 to 50 miles.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Nobody remembers, but a pilot program in 1993 had random sampling checkpoints in 4 states on the interstates and major roads.

National Guard with M16s, sheriffs with shotguns, sniffer dogs, testing vans, searches, they had it all. You didn’t know where they’d set up next. It ran for a year. Not just us, cars too.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

We have guns and lots of them and if we are unwilling to say simply “No, I’d rather take you with me.” at that point than we deserve what we get.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

Medical Martial Law, forever.

They’ve found the golden ticket.

David Wright
3 years ago

That’s why this election really matters because if we re-elect Trump then, well, nothing I guess. It’s the old, the alternative is worse, which it really is. Anywho.

Check out Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forums predictions and plans from 2016. Thanks to Dave Cullen for doing this video:

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Hell, the Great Reset is on the cover of Time.

The goddamn North Face is pushing this trash:

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Wow. That said it all. Thanks for the link, David.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Well worth the time spent watching. Thanks for the link; I’m passing it on.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

James Corbett has a bunch stuff on this. Some of it goes back a decade.
Any one of the pieces that this search produces is worth a listen while driving.

Last edited 3 years ago by bilejones
3 years ago

I can’t write anything on this subject at my age. I might blow a gasket.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
3 years ago

Every day I drive past a rest home with a big sign on the lawn that says “Heroes Work Here.” I can’t remember who said it, but the old saying “Show me someone with heroes and I’ll show you someone in the second grade” comes to mind, as cynical as it is. Besides which, the statement makes no sense, as a heroic act is by definition one that is out of the ordinary, above and beyond the call of duty. You can’t “work” as a hero. But this thing is giving the worst kinds of people the right to behave… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

Those signs are still on display outside my Aldi. The men that stormed Omaha Beach? They’re no shelf stockers.

3 years ago

The Covidians are the next turn of the wheel for the people we used to call Gaia worshipers.

i believe this to be true, globalism is more similar to the bronze age civilizations than the late hellenic era. During that period men were cutting off their balls to become priests and women were worshiping nature and snakes, astrology was rampant, heck, the jewish kaballah(which is promoted by babylonian superstar whores like madonna) might even originate from babylon, israelites are basically the untouchable priestly aristocracy from back then.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Hopefully we’ll collapse like the bronze age. Give peopy something real to worry about.

Reply to  Dicksister
3 years ago

Its already starting which is why the panic is so intense, Not one developed society has fertile citizens which means less and less people to rule and the only people left to bring in are unproductive, violent foreigners who will run there own affairs thank you very much Something will collapse the system, likely starving migrants from the Middle East and Africa serving as the Sea People. If somehow we get through that, the collapse will be catabolic and over a few centuries population will decline to a sustainable level. that of at most 1900. It won’t be nice but… Read more »

Milestone D
Milestone D
3 years ago

Even if there were proof that masks work, I’d still resist because masking is now primarily about signaling support, or at least obedience, to the credentialed expert class. That same class is in no rush to end the COVID lockdowns because for them, it’s been a wonderful year! Work from home! Uber Eats! Amazon Prime! Public shaming of heretics! What’s not to love? Seriously … most people in my DC neighborhood are working from home and love, love, love it. They openly acknowledge how much they enjoy the current arrangement. There’s a lot of truth to the comment made somewhere… Read more »

Reply to  Milestone D
3 years ago

If you are upper middle class, suburban, married, middle aged or Boomer, and childless or with teenage+ children, it is a great time. You work from home and grill in the backyard.

For young and single people, it sucks. For people with young children, it sucks. It’s also going to stunt children’s growth. For working class and poor people, it sucks. For people in dense urban areas, it’s harsh.

The upper middle class are so selfish and short sighted because eventually they will get the shaft too. Just not yet.

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

If you aren’t needed at the office you too are nonessential.

Like everything else it’s incremental. Give just enough to get what you want, take it away later. Only 15 days to flatten the curve!

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Theres no reason a 3rd worlder couldn’t do my job… I’m working from home I don’t see why couldn’t do it from India or the philipines. Just put them in intensive english class for 6 months.

As I said the upper middle class will eventually get crushed too, they are so short sighted. White working class was crushed over 30 years, middle class in 10 and when they come for the upper middle it will take 6 months.

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

Right I was seconding that. I wonder how many realize it?

(rhetorical you, sorry didn’t mean it personally)

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

If you aren’t needed at the office you too are nonessential.

Except those are generally the folks who are loving this, as B124 pointed out above.

They aren’t going to fire themselves.

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

I live in a rural area of central Argentina and my neighbors (on the same three acre property) are my 40 yr old son, his 31 yr old wife and my grandchildren (six, five and two). We have some of the covid nonsense here, but it is most definitely not stunting the tykes’ growth: quite the contrary. The little ones are free to be kids! They spend much of their time outdoors in the natural world, barefoot, fascinated with the horses and chickens, butterflies and birds and foxes, learning about trees and plants, getting healthily dirty in the sun… I’ll… Read more »

Reply to  Montefrío
3 years ago

Sounds very beautiful.

I am an anglo myself, however I understand the push to the frontier – to get away from other anglos! The Karen is just a busy body anglo and theyve come out in full force with covid.

Would you recommend a young person move there? I heard argentina is slowly getting invaded by Indians and Haitians.

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

I’ve been here for nearly 17 years and am very, very happy in spite of our idiotic central gov, given that their edicts affect us here very little. I too am a 100% NW European descended geezer (74), but bilingual (as is my son), pretty much a sine que non for anyone with interest in living here. I suspect it’s too late for foreign young people to come here. It’s Chile that has the Hatians and Indians, and we have no blacks where I live, not within over a hundred miles. It is highly likely it’ll stay that way. We… Read more »

Reply to  Montefrío
3 years ago

sounds great. I think in the end you guys will inherit the earth. take care and good luck.

Reply to  miforest
3 years ago

Thank you very much! Sometimes I think we just might! But I wish the same to you and yours: may we all inherit an Earth better than we have now!

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

All good points. My bosses, all over-eager flag officer careerists, are bored with COVID, and are pushing to drag the mid-mgt back to the office, mostly b/c they like working and want their serfs close at hand. My boss has explicitly criticized work-from-home policies, though he views them through the lens of the Boomer enjoying afternoon BBQs while technically logged into his work computer. But the vast majority of our work-from-home people *at my office* (as opposed to my neighborhood) are struggling to manage childcare issues, caused almost entirely by local government’s wholly uncooperative school closures. (We’re all in this… Read more »

Reply to  Milestone D
3 years ago

It makes Karen hr and karen middle managers feel useless, because they just sit around all day with no one to bitch at, no lunches to organize. They don’t feel powerful and strong with wfh.

If there were strict regulations on outsourcing, I’d be all for it.

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

I am lucky in this regard. In the childcare we have for my kid, none of the parents send their kids in masks. I think we had a Karen complain because they sent home a reminder about the exceptions last week. None of the kids are wearing masks this week.

Last edited 3 years ago by BadThinker
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

Im young and working class. I’ve been having a blast with the shutdown, mask mandates aside. My income is the highest it’s been, my net wealth is the highest it’s been, and I spend less time in traffic. I get that this sucks for some, but my observation is that minorities and morons are the hardest hit. Age doesn’t seem to be much of a factor. I don’t think most people blind the shut down of the public sphere because it turned into a sewer some time ago.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

The last Canadian numbers showed black and “south asian” unemployment to be over double white unemployment. They’re also getting, and dying from, covid at much higher rates. We are basically throwing billions down the drain cuz some 90 IQ arabs eat with their hands and keep spreading it.

I am doing fine as well as upper middle class. But it is worrying to think about elite plans and what happens when the money runs out.

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

Print more!

Seriously, though, they can really only do one two things. Either they revert to a sensible set of rules and management, or they double down and get overthrown.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Was talking with someone last night who mentioned that herd immunity and thus a vaccine wouldn’t work because Covid seems to be changing enough that we lose immunity. So I asked why we have all of these measures in place. If it can’t be stopped, what’s the point. You only slow its progress, you don’t stop it so you might was well just live your life. If we can’t stop it, when will all this end, I asked. They said maybe never. I stared at this person in disbelief. They seemed fine with it. I asked, so I’m supposed to… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

These people happily enjoy their bunker down mentality. Finally some meaning in life dealing with a plague that really isn’t one. Effing larpers.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Meaning. Generally, the modern population of sheep are afraid of their life having no meaning. Ultimately, they are afraid of death. Covidian Membership is a warm blanket for those cold, biting winds of reality.

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

they shoul be in church, jesus can help them more than Gate/Fauchi

Reply to  miforest
3 years ago

Modern people do anything to fill the void except turn to God. Drugs, travel, sex, food, just doesn’t cut it. It’s so simple, yet most people reject it. I’m convinced at least half the people at any given church don’t really believe in the God part, they just recognize that it’s the only way out of clown world.

Reply to  B124
3 years ago

No one can tell you what God is. Religion can be a great primer, but all the great saints reached a point where they laid down the methodology, and surrendered. They let God take the last step on a journey that never really happened – because the realization of God is that you have never, at any moment, been separate or apart from Him. That’s only what thought tells you.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

endless hand rubbing.

Even better – the endless hand rubbing can be disguised as endless hand washing.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Lady Macbeth Syndrome…

3 years ago

In the case of Covid, the panic is becoming all three. It has turned into … a jobs racket for others No doubt. I now count the things that have sprang up near me due to the shamdemic as well as other Covid based make-work. These include: Pop-up cycle lanes demarcated by specially made markers. Road widening for Covid, replete with temporary signage and new road markings. Mass advertising now predominantly using Covid to sell all manner of things. Plastic desk dividers, hand sanitizer and masks – now bought in bulk. Comical ‘one way systems’ found in offices and supermarkets.… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

Here in France we are likely to have another “confinement” (a/k/a lockdown) which may well finish off what’s left of the French economy. This situation is rapidly approaching Xhosa cattle killing cult levels of irrationality.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

Painfully obvious that the only reason for all things Covid is that it gives politicians something to do. It’s like they have found a new toy.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Had a discussion with a retired friend of mine who is a dumb leftist and lives in the Villages of central Florida. One of his acquaintances went to a Trump rally in Florida and was seen on TV by the local Branch Covidians not wearing a mask, the poor fellow was reported to all the geezer clubs that they belonged too in the villages as being a leper.
We cannot function as a society with these religious nut jobs running around.

3 years ago

I’ve posted here before how I am a fly on the wall for internal C-level conferences with megabank and Fortune 100 entities.   Some of you mask wearers are about to get hit good and hard by the downstream effects of this virus religion. You are redundant, you just don’t know it yet.   When the parachute money runs out, presupposing you receive any, and you no longer are considered employable, we are going to see your true characters emerge. Was the lockdown and face diapering, and your ability to put food on the table, literally, worth that one life… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ChicagoRodent
3 years ago

So, depop for the Great Reset is coming.

Let me guess – the first cull are the white guys who grow food and keep the lights on.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Across the board by business unit. The opportunities were already there, now they’ve had six months to hammer out how to undertake the surgery with the lowest cost to themselves, the brain. They are still coasting with decent revenues vice expenses, but there is “no horizon in sight” and thus painful decisions must be exercised. And Z is right, these people when they talk are not that bright. The jargon impresses but the reasoning is base self-serving. BZZZZT! -musca domestica

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Dont take that vaccine… I’ll take my chances in the covid camp over injecting myself with that shit. Either causes infertility or death.

Why do they need to do this, idk, the fertility rate from my high school class is like 0,1 we are already extincting ourselves.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B124
3 years ago

Either causes infertility or death.

I think tracking nanites and DNA mutation are also possibilities.

I will be forced to choose soon since I am supposed to travel for work.

I’d like to retire and live on my trading, but it looks like they are going to wreck the USD and markets soon.

Why do they need to do this

Too many of us in St. Tropez and the Grenadines, gotta speed up the depop.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Why can’t they use my depop strategy? Blockade Africa. Nothing goes in or out. Check back in two years.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
3 years ago

I was at the livestock auction today. To protect the guilty, let’s say it was the District of Columbia Livestock Auction. It was glorious. No signs. Not a mask in sight. Busy auction arena, no social distancing. People who raise livestock for a living aren’t easily, um, cowed.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

So too at the shooting range. Half the reason I go there is, I know nobody’s going to bug me about those fucking things. (That special tone of voice used for “Sir, excuse me, sir?” is totally absent among an armed population). The other half is… well… you know.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I’m cowed. We just knew we’re dang right for one another as she bowed chewing her cud. I have a big lawn. She has gracious appetite. Leave us alone. MOOO-ooo_oo!!

Tom K
Tom K
3 years ago

The irony is that some measures probably are effective, but masks, not so much. Hand-washing with soap is probably the leading measure that could slow down or even halt the spread for instance. But evidence of hand-washing isn’t obvious. Masks are a symbol of compliance with the dictates of the tikkun olamites, which is the reason they’ve become such a bone of contention and popular among the wokerati. The good thinkers will always wear their masks because they’re onboard with whatever our rulers dictate. If next year it’s some kind of internal passport in the form of an Apple watch… Read more »

Reply to  Tom K
3 years ago

If the unit price of a disposable mask were $3, no one would wear one. Which shows the preposterousness of it all.

Reply to  Tom K
3 years ago

Correct, sheep. And it wouldn’t be half as sad if they admitted such to themselves, however they simply redouble their efforts to bring you into the fold. A person without a mask is less a threat to them, than an embarrassment. A reminder that not all will bend the knee at the bequest of our “betters”. As long as one mask less-person resists, they are threatened.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Tom K
3 years ago

Another thing besides hand washing with soap and water is vitamin D. There’s solid evidence that it offers protection against Covid. But it’s not good just for that, it has a range of beneficial effects. I’ve been taking 8000 i.u. of vitamin D daily for more than five years.

But hey, if I get kidney stones, you’ll be the first to know.

3 years ago

I am concerned that our rulers real religion is radical depopulation .

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
3 years ago

The Branch Covidians writ large. FWIW, watching the news coming out of America is depressing. The Japanese media do an admirable job of putting lipstick on a pig and coating it in sugar, but from the outside it looks like a hot civil war is brewing.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 years ago

If so it will be the only civil war fought exclusively on Friday and Saturday nights. At one point in time I had a relation who ran through the really bad part of town to exercise on a Sunday morning (don’t ask). I remarked that I was amazed he made it out of alive to which he responded that no one was out and about and he guessed that they were sleeping off their stupor.

3 years ago

This brings us to the business side of things. For global capital and government dependent industries, Covid promises nothing but boom times. Next up, vaccines and pharma solutions to bacterial infections of the face and mouth from mask use…doing for the children, of course. After that, PSAs for people who are facially scarred by flesh eating bacteria caused by not complying with CDC’s face washing and mask washing guidelines, using only FDA approved Acme® Foot And Mouth Disease Products. Then, a whole new world of fashion will open up to the horrid, deformed monsters, with sensitivity training in every organization,… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

bacterial infections of the face and mouth from mask use…

My dental hygienist pointed out she’s already seeing “mask mouth” in her patients.

a whole new world of fashion will open up

We’re having a Halloween face diaper contest at my division in a large, GlobHom corporation.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Pretty sure Zman was ahead of the curve on this one several months ago when he predicted that masks would transition from unthinkable to fashion/style accessories in very short order.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

The thing that pushed mask wearing over the finish line was the Governor. He changed his emergency edit from “recommended” to “at the discretion” of local government. Almost immediately, the large city mayors made it mandatory and where not, it made no difference because the county governments made it mandatory. At that point the folks refusing the mask were the odd balls (in numbers) and were refused entry/service as the cities/counties suspended their business licenses and/or issued fines. Remember when those crazy people protested government licensing? And folks laughed at them being unreasonable to a simple process to assure health… Read more »

3 years ago

Really thought coronavirus truther in chief would push back harder when the numbers allowed. He has, just not as hard as I wish he would so far. Seems like he’s pivoted to beating the virus instead of outright discrediting the hysteria.

It’s a marathon I guess. Still think it’ll only last a few years, not decades like the war on terror.

Last edited 3 years ago by Paintersforms
3 years ago

“Even better, they get to be public scolds, telling the rest of us to be safe. The best part is they get to push people around for their lack of enthusiasm for the rules.”  I think it’s time for a re-introduction of the ol’ Knuckle Sandwich. Right in the mask. I bet that would make Karen & Ken and the Branch Covidians re-think their aggressive actions. [Didn’t Mike Tyson say something like: “Everyone has a plan. Until they get punched hard in the face“] As for masks: Mask filter capability cheapo china disposable blue mask = 3.0 microns N95 US… Read more »

Reply to  Crispin
3 years ago

Doesn’t it travel via droplets, which are caught by the mask? I’m not saying masks help a lot; I’m saying they may help a little. Virus has to ride on something wider than its own measurements.

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

Amazing how these demon droplets, which can travel for yards and linger for days, somehow cannot go above, below, or around the sides of all the plexiglass safety dividers. Isn’t science fucking AWESOME?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

linger for days

Complete media BS based on crooked, fixed ‘studies.’

There are zero quality studies that show Beer Flu is anymore resistant to sunlight and warm weather than any other virus.

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

The flip side to that is that expelling large droplets through the mesh of a mask, breaks them into multiple smaller droplets, the kind that stay suspended in the air longer.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Unless the mask is sealed against one’s face the larger droplets will just leak out the sides, top, and bottom.

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

That’s still somewhat under discussion/study. It is possible that the disease can atomize in which pretty much individual virus particles are expelled and dry (not die) and float pretty endlessly. In which case, the masks are only partially effective since they can’t filter virus particles.

This kind of “vaporization” is what the bio weapons people work hard at so that their “disease bombs” are effective.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

The basic rule is that for small enough things gravity is essentially meaningless. They move with air currents and can remain suspended indefinitely or reach the very top of the atmosphere. Fortunately, many viruses disintegrate when the droplets they are in vanish. Since these droplets are tiny and have a huge surface area to volume ratio this can occur in seconds. Some of the worst viruses like HIV are even more fragile and seem to basically fall apart even from small temperature changes.

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

Agree, may help- it’s that mandatory thing that gets my goat. In Asia it’s done from politeness, by somebody with a cold, not by ‘government’.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
3 years ago

If masks worked they wouldn’t be so cheap

It’s preposterous on its face that a 20 cent piece of cotton could save one’s life. Nothing of real value and efficacy is ever cheap.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

If face masks are such amazing Beer Flu collectors, why no disposal incinerators or vats of rubbing alcohol?

Isn’t that like leaving level IV biowaste all over?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I know lol. These super flu sponges are littered around everywhere now. We don’t see the hazmat teams out cleaning the streets. It’s all just laughable.

What it boils down to is that it’s a very cheap way to comply with a dictate. It’s not much of a burden. Raise the cost of a disposable mask to $3 or $5 and watch the riots begin.

3 years ago

A business acquaintance of mine has a granddaughter whose boyfriend plays football and is thus subject to mandatory testing. He tested positive for COVID — completely asymptomatic, and the granddaughter tested positive too, also completely asymptomatic, so with all the contact tracing, the business acquaintance of mine was put in quarantine. Fortunately for him he is in an essential industry so the quarantine has no teeth. He’s an older gentleman and completely unconcerned. He and I did some business yesterday and shook hands. Obviously I’m going to die now! You might want to back away from your monitors or phones… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

No doubt similar accouts are legion. Nevertheless, I’ve closed the curtains and assumed the fetal postion under my home office desk – an abundance of caution dontyaknow

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Virus is merely packetized RNA. The photons from your skreenz are launching these packets directly into your eyeballs. Abandon hope all ye who view.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

A bit OT but not about media bias: ZeroHedge claims “…there were several thousand people in the afflicted area of West Philadelphia, looting stores and carrying off everything from food to big-screen TVs.” Meanwhile, my local news feed ( carries not a single mention on the entire first page. Philly Inquirer’s headline says “Peaceful protests” were followed by “looting and skirmishes” (Surely there’s no possible relation between those, you see). Riots are, presumably, entirely justificable because of “police abuse* against Black people”. This proves, if naught else, that the AP Style Book is still in control at the Inquirer. *Apparently… Read more »

The Poor Boys
The Poor Boys
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

The white pill is that, just as in the Soviet Union and East Germany, a dissident counterculture is emerging to work around the fraudulent media. The woke still suck off MSNBC and NPR, but increasingly anyone who is even slightly dissatisfied with official narratives simply shares news and reality by word of mouth without even bothering to look at a newspaper or TV screen or website from these legacy media. I learned everything I needed to know about the rioters from raw firsthand video footage without once checking an official news story. So any official glossing over the violence has… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by The Poor Boys
Reply to  The Poor Boys
3 years ago

The official news sources, again just as the news sources in the former Soviet Bloc, are anti-knowledge. You literally become dumber by accepting anything they say without raw video and on-scene corroboration. They’re really not worth the time anymore.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I do feel that my life has actually been improved a bit by the media’s brilliant destruction of their own credibility this past year. I now just look at the captions they have on each “breaking story” without needing to read or watch anything. I’m not interested in the story of course, just in finding out what the stupid people are likely to be acting on for the next few days. If there’s any hint of something interesting actually happening I go to YouTube or Bitchute to see if there’s anything real there. The internet has certainly made the Samizdat… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

The internet has certainly made the Samizdat process vastly more efficient than it was in the USSR.

Thank you for reminding me of that. So many people are black-pilled over internet censorship, without noting the explosion in alt-literature it has made available.

3 years ago

Will the Covidians subsume the Diversity Pagans or will there be two competing churches?

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

The Pantheon will include both.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  skeptic16
3 years ago

Agreed, but suspect Diversity Pagans R Us will have the right of way

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
3 years ago

I think my favorite part is watching the Diversity, especially Joggers, completely ignore the mask mandates, one-way lines, etc. As if it weren’t entirely obvious before now that Knee-grows simply don’t have to obey any laws they don’t feel like obeying, well… there it is.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

It’s more animism than any sort of church. We must appease the evil spirits floating around!

3 years ago

no masques will sit on my face

Reply to  jou
3 years ago

The Masque of the Red Death

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Actually an extremely relevant story. Poe points up the futility and folly of trying to interdict pestilence and cheat death.

3 years ago

Next crisis will be all oceans filled and sewers clogged with face diapers

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Reminds me of the weeks I spent in Madagascar. Except there were no sewers. All hail to the zebu.

3 years ago

It’s time to take a page from Heartiste and “agree and amplify.” Masks are for pikers. What’s needed are full-on burkas. These fools want a new religion and a reset? OK, bitches, welcome to the real Republic of Gilead. It’s not a cautionary tale; but a game plan. Start calling the women by their correct name. It’s not Karen; but Ofxxxx. At the end of the day, mockery is the best way to vomit up the black pill.

3 years ago

I agree that the Covidians are interested in using the issue for greater, permanent social control.

Nonetheless, it is not our biggest problem. I wish you “freedom!” guys would give just a fraction of your outrage to our biggest problem: massive immigration, our demographic replacement.

I know, you’d rather bluster about not wearing a mask.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by brad42
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Good first steps include white men getting white women under control. The collapse of the educational system will be a huge help.

Miscegenation must be opposed and discouraged in the harshest terms, as well as outgroup adoption.

Government policies to incentivize family formation are a must. No more infinite gibs for single moms.

Family law and courts also need severe reform, in ways that incentivize families staying together and are far less punitive for males.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I used to love making fun of the pictures of adopted colored children that white families would keep in their houses. For only 10 cents a day you could claim to be sponsoring a child in the third world while virtue-signaling to your dinner guests how much better of a person you are than them. My dad actually sat us down and told us we had a new brother one day during dinner while proudly pointing out the picture now adorning every meal. I was young and mostly perplexed at the time but it contributed to current understandings. I met… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by JescoWhite
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Because, we can choose to not wear a mask. But it’s difficult work to patrol the border and stop IA’s—and I’ve done that as well. What would you have us do to prevent your top priorities?

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

At the very least, join Numbers USA and send all the faxes you can. Donate to them as well.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

What unifies a mystical cult and an armchair health official is that they both have”Special knowledge.” You can’t just read a few books and have this special knowledge. It has to be conferred upon you with certain degrees. And not just any degrees, but ones from the right universities. And even then the actualization of this knowledge is someone being put in charge of people and programs. Just as you couldn’t cross the bishop in medieval times (who happened to live in opulence) you can’t question these people either. Special knowledge doesn’t grow on trees.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The true believers are grinding down the governor of South Dakota:

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Noem has rebuilt her entire career around resisting Covid madness. I don’t see her ever backing down. A poll is getting released later today on her job approval rating and approval of her response to Covid. I was glad I answered that number when they called me for it, first time I have been willing to take a political survey in years. I am hoping she will be above 50% on both. The panic hype hasn’t been quite as effective in South Dakota but you can see it is wearing on people as the case numbers have been rising.

3 years ago

I’ve had it with you rotten kids. You simply won’t behave.

That’s it. You’re grounded!

Love, Mommy

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

How I see socialism

“Ok, we got you your health care, you got your $1,000 a month so you are all set with your food, and the shelter is paid for, so we’re good, right? You can handle it from here? We’re just making sure because mommy and daddy will be leaving for vacation and have other things to do”

3 years ago

I work at a rather large prison. We had a supposed Bat Flu outbreak a couple months ago. I got it, along with my wife. The prison had 52 “cases” they claim. Ok. Not one required anything more than temp checks. All I had were chills and a headache that lasted maybe 3 days. My wife, she only had a headache. I was put off work for two weeks, so I used the opportunity to cut trees and work in my yard….all while supposedly infected. In my experience, and from my point of view, this thing is extremely weak. All… Read more »

Reply to  Stargazer
3 years ago

Rogue! You must contract it again, this time severely. You are warned. Next illness fir you or her, say it. Covid! We are all in this together!

Reply to  ChicagoRodent
3 years ago

“Alone together! You must feel as isolated and worthless as we rootless cosmopolitans feel normally!”

These people have no sense of belonging. They thirst for it desperately like a panicked drowning man will grasp anything in reach. Religion, family, culture: they have had everything that once gave meaning and purpose stolen from them or destroyed and replaced.

3 years ago

Covid-20, Covid-21…

got yer HealthPass, bruv? No, no, that one’s not certified for this state.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Oh fuckin a bud, I see ya don’t have yer healthPass with ya. Gonna have ta ask ya ta step out of the car, eh

3 years ago

It seems everything is the fault of “liberal democracy”.

Maybe the problem is the dismantling of voting restrictions…

Nationalist Christian
Nationalist Christian
3 years ago

You never fucking miss. I was literally just told that my class (in the Army, at AIT) has to quarantine AGAIN because someone somehow came down with it this morning. And lucky me, I get to be one of five random people to get that dowel rod shoved into my brain AGAIN.
I was supposed to be heading to my unit November 30. They set my report date at January 7, and if this four-day isolation turns into a two-week quarantine, it’ll be pushed back even farther.
I haven’t been home all fucking year.

My Comment
3 years ago

It would be bizarre if it is the covid tyranny that finally causes the US to break apart into mask and lockdown and no mask and lockdown zones.

Alas, that probably won’t happen because our version of resistance will probably just use it as an excuse to go shopping for more guns and larp about fighting back

3 years ago

Branch Covidians! Let’s hope they soon get around to the bit where they all poison themselves.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Mikep
3 years ago

Actually they died in a fire in Waco. Started by the incompetent government managing the situation of course.
Which still works as an analogy. The response to Covid is an extreme one led by our incompetent government which will burn down the economy trying to arrest a flu virus that if they let it alone would go away on its own.

3 years ago

Already in Italy and Spain, there are riots against any more lockdowns. There are massive protests in usually orderly, obedient Berlin against any more lockdowns. Gavin Newsom has outlawed Thanksgiving here in California. No I am NOT kidding. In the UK, police are promising to kick down doors and arrest anyone celebrating Christmas. Christmas. Yeah, the Puritans abolished it. They hated it, figuring it was both Catholic and Pagan and ordinary people enjoyed it. They made ordinary people so miserable that right after Cromwell died the Royal Family was invited back. This just in … young people like the opposite… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

The communists were fond of inserting ideological enforcers into the nooks and crannies of life, to keep the rank and file in line. It was a weird admission that most people really did not believe the nonsense from the party, but people would go along with it if they thought they were being watched. Today’s ideological enforcers will be dressed up like surgeons, prowling the streets looking for anyone not sufficiently enthusiastic for the Church of Covid. Today’s enforcers have much more insidious technologies than their ideological heirs to make the masses toe the line. The creepiest means, and for… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

This was actually a plot point in the Martha Washington comic books.

In a near future US the Surgeon General is an insane android that leads the Health Police in surpressing widespread urban Insurrection.

His motto?

Disease is a CRIME.

3 years ago

The more cuntified our institutions become, the more this sort of thing becomes commonplace. Stop the cuntification and bring back liberty.

3 years ago

“My life was in danger !!! but putting a few sheets of toilet paper over my mouth saved my life !!!”

said no one ever

3 years ago

Sentry notes that the Semitic priests in the Egyptian bureaucracy used their queer feminine wiles of rumors, gossip, spies, sex, and poisons to counter their masculine Aryan lords. Well, the Romanian showed me the round inoculation scar on his arm, same as my own. Vaccination regimes were adopted in all the white countries, West or East. They distracted us with low-level “wars” that went nowhere with the right hand-while conducting a secretive domestic war with their left. No one notes the millions dead or disabled over the decades by these vaccination programs. A million with simian virus from polio vaccination,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

I’m not an anti-vacciner. I’ve had all my shots, but am sympathetic to such fears. What turned me off was the published number of recommended vaccinations for young children, under 5 (IIRC)—now to include social diseases. Literally dozens.

I suspect you’re correct, Covid vaccine will kill the remaining State laws allowing us to decline.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Thank you for considering the slow poison scenario. I respect both your education and moderation.

Had Hillary succeeded in igniting a conflagration between the US and Russia over Syria and Iran, it would’ve been the end of the White world as a power.

(Syria and Iran are not originally Abrahamic. Neither were Egypt and Turkey, yet they are now protected as secured territory.

Those who serve are offered rich renumeration, avarice, and protection, as well.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Pretty much the same. I had my shots and my kids had theirs, but some more slowly than advocated, and it still wasn’t nearly as many as they advocate today. They want to give 6 month old babies massive doses of chemicals based on their purported expertise. And Europe, for decades, used far fewer than we did and they weren’t dying en masse. It all has to do with increasing spread of third-world populations and their accompanying diseases and filth and superstitions.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Jerusalem as the world capitol of both government and religion, united as one.

Who Bubba O'Reilly Makes For ...
Who Bubba O'Reilly Makes For ...
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

(((They))) insist it is all about (((them.))) Figures to a one we know.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Stop looking for one man, children. In their writing style, the Everyman is a people. This is the lesson of Esau. We were Esau, the older, stronger brother- yet by guile, Jacob stole the birthright. We, the invaders from the north, were unconquerable. We had megalithic science and giant-scale architecture back into the Ice Age. We were as gods to them. So they inverted the story, thinking they could become Us. But they have no Beauty in them. Their achievements are but twisted caricatures of the Art we create. The gods of each people are a Zeitgeist, the Spirit that… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
3 years ago

The whole “earth is about to burn or freeze because you refuse to walk to work” stuff never really worked as hoped. They could inflict small miseries on people, like the use of grimy canvas sacks to tote groceries home, but the cult could be safely ignored. It was also becoming a bit of joke, like being a vegan or a libertarian.

As a child, I always hoped for the Roadrunner episode where he pulled out a revolver and blew the damn coyote’s head off. We are living in Looney Tune’s Groundhog Day.

3 years ago

What needs to happen is people need to practice civil disobedience with this crap, refuse to wear a mask or distance and don’t back down, most people in today’s society (at least whites) are very averse to conflict and will back down if you offer a little resistance. This is the only way this is going to stop, people saying enough is enough and if enough people do that, they can’t enforce this crap.