All human systems, whether created by design or created by happenstance, start to evolve as soon as they are born. This is true of systems like a company or tools like process regulation systems. Like Frankenstein’s monster, they take on a life of their own and break loose from the creator. This usually happens quickly. As soon as something like an organization gets going, it starts changing. The people in it find defects to remedy, new things to add and so on. Evolution starts instantly.
That evolution has an impact on the people in the system or in the case tools, the users of those systems. The ability to look down the road, to see several moves ahead, seems to decline in human organizations as they evolve. Initially, the people running them are always looking ahead. That was the point of the organization. Over time, they either lose their ability to look ahead or they are replaced by people who are only interested in the short term, because that is where the rewards lie.
An example of this college athletics. Initially, student sports were just a natural result of young people and free time. Before long college teams were challenging one another to sports matches. Males like to compete, and groups of males like to compete for their tribe, so college teams playing one another was natural. The natural rivalries that existed between states added to the fun. College athletics in America is an example of a system springing up by happenstance over time.
Like all systems, college athletics began to evolve. The University of Oklahoma, for example, invested in their football program for state pride as a way to raise spirits during the Great Depression. Other colleges learned that being good at a popular sport got them attention. Notre Dame would be just another cow-college if not for the use of ringers to make their football program famous. What started as amateur fun turned into a marketing vehicle for colleges and universities.
Of course, the colleges and universities never imagined that college sports would be a multi-billion dollar entertainment industry one day. Television did not exist, at least to anything like today, so there was no way to see this outcome. By the middle of the last century, college athletics evolved into a popular American tradition that was mostly about school and state pride. The players got free tuition for playing the sport and the school got to promote their brand on the field.
Once it was a mature system though, the ability of the people running it to see down the road started to decline. The NCAA v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma is a good example. This was a case that began in 1979 over television rights. The schools wanted to strike deals for putting games in TV, while the NCAA wanted to retain the right to control those deals. The schools won the case and the flood gates of television money opened soon after, reaching the billions today.
Half a century ago, the people running college football had no idea what was going to happen once they started taking TV money. On the one hand, they could not see the proliferation of mass media culture that was coming. On the other hand, they were focused on the here and now. They did not think about how a new revenue stream would change how the system functioned. They did not think about how it would change their thinking. They just needed the cash.
This type of example is common in America. Last year the people in charge began to run around smashing things because of Covid and their own sore feelings. None of them gave a second thought to the consequences. When faced with millions out of work, they did not think about the long term impact of their remedy. They just started throwing invented money at people. We are now on a wild ride of unpredictable scarcity and inflation with no ability to look more than one move ahead.
Getting back to the college athletics example, short-term thinking within an organization takes on a life of its own. In the case of college athletics, these highly educated college presidents have a couple of generations of examples to draw from, but they are as trapped in the moment as their predecessors. They tinker with the rules to address one issue, only to create a chain reaction they never considered. This story about the advent of the transfer portal is a good example.
One reason that people in a system lose the ability and willingness to think a few moves ahead is the incentives evolve along with the system. The people in the system who show some skill at patching up immediate problems benefit. Those pointing out the potential costs down the road gets ignored. When it comes to tools like regulatory systems or software, change means immediate cost. Since human organizations tend to be intertwined with tool systems, both forces work in concert.
Take the college athletics problem. If a group of college presidents wanted to address the excesses of college athletics, they would face enormous institutional pushback over the immediate costs. Changing the regulations and subsystems that are in place to maintain things as they are would cost a lot of money. The reformers would also be in competition with demands to address immediate problems. The reformers get drowned out by the natural functioning of the system.
Reforming a system is like trying to reform evolution itself. The thousands of cumulative decisions that went into the present state cannot be turned on or off without addressing the other decisions. In time, all human systems evolve past the point where reform is possible without an existential threat. If the choice is death or reform, then the minimum reform can happen to avoid death. Even facing death, reform faces long odds, if death can be rationalized into a distant possibility.
The French Revolution is a good example here. The threat of death was both personal and abstract, but the aristocracy could not bear the thought of reform. It was not as if they did not know their system was teetering on collapse. Their best ministers had explained this reality in detail. It was simply the case where the inertia was too strong for the reformers. No one could look ahead and immanentize the eschaton, so the immediate always took precedent over the future.
This is something to keep in mind in the current crisis. Reform, if it is possible at all, will come only in the shadow of the gallows. If the political class begins to fear for their life, then maybe they begin to act to push that inevitability off into the future. Of course, 80-year old men tend not to be long-term planners. Still, if genuine fear grips the ruling classes, then maybe we see reform. That is not the way to bet. Like all systems, this one most likely is carried on by internal forces until it collapses.
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This is why Bitcoin is so important. People here need to start understanding this.
Excellent analysis Z.
“Like all systems, this one most likely is carried on by internal forces until it collapses.” But human organizations yes including the French Ancien Regime, including the USSR…we can go on…and add the Tsar in 1917…do not simply collapse. No more than Nazi Germany ‘collapsed’ in the spring of 1945.
No more than the Confederacy collapsed.
They will not ‘collapse’, something must topple them.
Even Yarvin admits this…he recently begged in a column the Deep State something someone to throw down the Cathedral …
The myths of 1989 will not die until we do I fear.
Jobs’ widow revealed as a Soros-wannabe:
Expect that Bezos’ and Gates’ exes will be as bad or worse.
It is known that Bezos’ ex has already directed a flood of money to dozens of leftwing lunatic organizations.
Much more than physical threats, the ruling class would be aghast of a thinking, reality-aware, critical mass of citizens. 30% would be a critical mass. But people like that, even with the Internet, can be at most 1%.
The rulers have nothing to fear — certainly nothing from the citizenry.
Everyones’ heads are so far up black ass there is no hope in righting this ship Once they embraced all things black, they sealed their fate, and the country’s I was surprised at even the Gov and SoS of Georgia signing on with Stacey Abrams. A clear-thinking man would never get in bed with someone like that and let her call half the shots. That state will NEVER get back being run by clear-thinking white people. Georgia is doomed. Rather, I posit that the only things that could possibly shake up the status quo are either/both a brain drain and… Read more »
That is how Europe got its welfare state, They had to throw bones to people to not get on ships. You never know, some European countries may want to replenish their white stock, but they would have to go through a radical political change beforehand, which they very well might. I still see Europe as having a better future than us simply because they have an extra 20 years or so to right the ship, even after what they’ve done to themselves. Europe and European cities are simply nice places to be (not all of them). Dallas, on the other… Read more »
The extended sick day is what the Left/Woke/New Communists just did to US in case you missed it. They also exempted practically everyone from work, let them loot every major city, shot thousands of people, and mailed $600 a week to all their essential worker unemployed minions. Finally, they ended bail and stopped prosecuting most felonies and opened the border to allow millions of people who already hate us to waltz right in. I think what you are missing is that they do sincerely want to elevate black people to full participation in every aspect of life. And they are… Read more »
Abrams is the black, obese, allegedly female version of Pol Pot.
She would gleefully place everyone here in a starvation camp with full approval from the Davis gang.
Stacey Abrams is a Yale lawyer, and has been a member of the CFR for 15 years, joining the team just before her election in Georgia. She’s also a director at John Podesta’s Center for American Progress in DC and “a strong supporter of Israel”.
Problem is that the USA is still the top anglosphere country for the educated class. USA is fucked – but salaries vs. cost of living are still much higher compared to AUS/NZ. UK is a tyrannical Islamic island. Canada might be the worst of them all, with horrible weather, high taxes, insane housing prices, and apparently fully open borders with the 3rd world. USA will continue to attract talent from all over the world. There’s simply no other country with so much money, opportunity, and land for educated professionals. I predict you are going to see an influx of Canadians… Read more »
A financial collapse will also do it. However, total financial collapse/hyper inflation wouldn’t be a guaranteed victory for our people. It would be a free-for-all where we COULD come out with a place of our own. However, we could also end up being the scape goats of the collapse For some new black communist regime. I guess I’ll take my chances.
Trump will not understand the gravity of his winner take all situation until the cell door clinks behind him and the prison guard walks away. In that hour of silence, and quiet sobbing, he may finally understand that he wasn’t playing a game of self promotion. The stakes were far higher. And he blew it.
He lost his nerve in the last speech. He could have called on The Storm to sack the Deep State. He flinched. Julius Caesar fighting the Gauls and crossing the Rubicon he is not. He’s just another tv personality.
It’s kind of funny watching the plan-trusters at VD’s blog realize your points.
Trump is an actor, as you say. But it is fantasy to believe that a disorganized mob could really “sack the deep state”. That would end about like the last scene in Monty Python’s “Holy Grail”.
Holding that big rally in DC on Jan 6th was a tactical blunder. His fan club could have rallied anywhere else and avoided being suckered into the predictable PR fiasco at the Capitol.
That’s the flip side. It would have been worse if he DID make the call and the fat Boomertards made some farting noises and then left the city. There’s a high probably of that being the case.
No way. If Trump would have the call, tens of millions of people would have joined in from every walk of life. I think even the military would have. But the FBI, CIA, NSA and their media network broke Trump’s nerve. It cost them trillions of dollars and almost every city saw looting but they won.
I was watching all afternoon… Thinking Trump just make the call… And I’m ready… We’re ready.. we were right at the edge. What a feeling. And then he chickened out.
Try voting harder in 2024, I’m sure the silent majority will finally get the W 😉
Lolbertarian: That’s all just consensual market transactions, man. Nothing to see here. Nothing could possibly go wrong by just opening that shit up full throttle!
Problems are not solved at the same level that created them, making reform impossible.
“Like Frankenstein’s monster, they take on a life of their own and break loose from the creator.” Genesis 3 in a nutshell.
It’s the way of all things. Trees are like this, too; once they grow from sapling to maturity, they can’t be moved, and can even die from too heavy a pruning. Eventually their roots grow until they’re overextended, them they weaken, rot and finally crash down. Everything that can grow will ultimately meet it’s demise. Thoughtful pruning can delay, but never prevent the inevitable, and it appears our tree is past the point is intervention.
Chauncey Gardener lives!
Try not to laugh.
I like to watch.
I have stump grinded trees out of my yard and they still find a way to grow back. Plants are pretty amazing. Their ability to thrive and not be denied is something we could learn from. Where they get that energy and commitment and perseverance and fortitude from is beyond me. Comparing their will to live and thrive to ours is embarrassing. I suppose as far as nature is concerned, they’re the top and we’re the bottom.
“If the political class begins to fear for their life, then maybe they begin to act to push that inevitability off into the future.” – Generally, what happens throughout history is that, in a fit of hatred against their subjects, they open-fire to “teach a lesson.” So the next January 6 event (the darkest day in history) they’ll have the Capitol Police open fire, and it’ll be a Kent State event on steroids. And the Capitol police will do it because that’s what police do, both for their pension checks and because they like it (your beloved “thin blue line”… Read more »
So, we have to dislodge the p@lice and the mil@t@ry, from their pension checks and from their pay checks before the race w@r begins. Root for economic collapse. Pardon my odd spelling, but we live in a surveillance state wherein big bro is snooping around looking for key words.
>>Like all systems, this one most likely is carried on by internal forces until it collapses.>> Us New Lefties were thinking this way as far back as the late sixties. (I know: most of us got co-opted.) But it only makes sense. I expect the fifth century Romans were akin to the eighteenth century French nobility in this respect. Casanova’s brilliant (and very long) autobiography (he was an early contemporary) foresaw exactly what was going to happen and he urged reform to no avail. This is why, if I were a “race realist,” I’d head for the hills and look… Read more »
Many of us see what’s coming but can’t simply “head for the hills.” It ain’t that easy.
College sports? Meh.
“In 1973, Nixon, as a personal favor for his friend Edgar Kaiser, signed the Health Maintenance Organization Act which allowed hospitals, insurance companies, clinics and even doctors to function as for-profit entities.”
Financier Edgar F. Kaiser was a “Special Assistant” to president Nixon. He was also a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Every. Single. Time…
Several players on the “Biden team” are also Trilateral members, including Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Susan Rice and Wendy Sherman. Nixon himself was a CFR member in the early 1960s. Sorry, couldn’t resist; you know how it is with “sports trivia”…
In the case of big time college athletics, in the late 1930s, University of Chicago President Robert Maynard Hutchins decided that big-time college football and the university’s commitment to academics were not a good fit. The University of Chicago abolished its football program in 1939 and withdrew from the Big Ten in 1946 Rather surprisingly, the program had been very successful; Jay Berwanger of the U of C was the first Heisman Trophy winner and the team was coached for years by Amos Alonzo Stagg. There are a few people who can take the long view!
Half of the commenters here want a revolution; half want to talk sports and movie trivia.
The opposing team is Corporatism. Their sports and movies are a diversion. Why waste effort on those instead of studying the “real game” instead? We can’t hope to score in this game if we don’t know who the opponent is, who the players and team owners are, how they are organized, or what’s in their playbook. Just file the fantasy revolution in the same bin with fantasy football.
Robert M. Hutchins of UC was also president of the “Fund for the Republic”, created in the 1950s by the liberal Ford Foundation. Many of the directors were members of the Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Every president of the Ford Foundation since 1950 has been a CFR member.
Nearly every key player on the “Biden team” is also a CFR member, including the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce, Homeland Security and CIA. How’s that for the “long view”?
Ok, we get it. You’ve got an obsession with the CFR. Can you give it a rest?
The amusing thing about the CFR, Davos, etc, is that the elites run their conspiracy out in the open. If they didn’t do these things they and their lower tier pod-people would still have it out for us; pointing out CFR membership is pointing out the obvious.
Thank you for saying it. As if any of us would have even the remotest possibility of impacting the CFR. I had an uncle who used to go on and on about the Trilateral commission. It got old. He seemed to think that his knowing about the Trilateral Commission was some kind of big insight that he discovered as if it was a new element in the Periodic table. But he was a bit of a moron. And a drunk.
We all inherited a ton of gold coins when he died though. So that was a bonus.
“The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time – it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.”
Richard Nixon
Systems are difficult to change or to remain dynamic because over time you have so many people who profit from the system. They have no desire to change the system; in fact, they actively fight against changing the system because it threatens their livelihood. The top bosses could be pushed out or certainly lose much of their power in a new system so they don’t want it. Then, there are the hordes of lower ranks who could lose their jobs and, frankly, are pretty comfortable where they are. Even if they understand that the system can’t last, there’s no incentive… Read more »
My goodness! What a lot of devoted readers Zman has. In the time it took me to read MY THEORY OF EVERYTHING and comments, part 1, you already have a bunch of comments on this post. My comment is that I had the same experience of thinking I and my late husband knew what was going on in Show Biz when I was a fashion model and he was in theater and on a soap opera in NYC. Then we did our time in LA, and realized we had never known anything of how it really worked in Hollywood. We… Read more »
I always wondered if there was some kind of unofficial Official Hollywood Rule Book where that was Rule #1: So-and-So is the It Boy or It Girl, and will be cast in every single show until he either ages out or becomes popular. I remember this phenomenon in the late 90s, when for some reason they seem to have decided to make a blandly pretty blonde girl named Gretchen Mol a star. A few years later it was a blandly pretty blonde guy, Simon something, who eventually became The Mentalist or something like that (I’m probably messing up the names,… Read more »
Well thank you for explaining Scott Bakula. I always wondered how he and his ilk succeeded.
Thanks for your post and joining here. In the future please divide your posts into smaller paragraphs, much easier to read that way. Thanks.
Sorry. Of course, you’re right. Just didn’t think of it. Thank you for the guidance.
“Like all systems, this one most likely is carried on by internal forces until it collapses”.
My guess is it goes like Hemingway state about his bankruptcy: gradually, then all at once.
The ‘gradually’ phase of our particular system is close to the end. The ‘all at once’ phase is well nigh.
Tell that to whites in South Africa. Or even California or New Mexico.
There’s no reason that this situation can’t keep going for a very long time. Sorry for the black pill, but that’s the truth. Of course, the system could collapse in a decade. Who knows.
Best to start forming our own communities. That works no matter what happens.
No point worrying about the people who don’t want to be saved. Form your own communities and have lots of kids. Redpill people who are on the fence.
To the point.
I don’t bother with dingbats from the other side. In my eyes, they’re dangerous. Best to back away and leave.
Easier said than done. How do we create communities with others from the DR? Do you know some of the others that read this blog? I only know one IRL. Many of us have jobs where we’re very cautious about it being known we’re here, so how do we network?
They always think it a good thing too, meaning the collapse happens with all the new rules in your favor.
Thanks for this. I find that this is the default position of so many people because they can’t imagine it can last because of how broken it is. I am guessing Soviet citizens in the early 20s didn’t think it can last, several decades later they were proven wrong. Preppers are sort of the top of the heap on this. Not all of them mind you, but a sizeable majority are the “Any day now” variety. This is leaking into normies heavily now because we live in odd times. Since things have been stable for decades they simply don’t have… Read more »
We’re both right, but we both need to remember that history isn’t a straight line.
My white pill is that just a tad over a century ago, Whites stood astride the world. We’re were so beyond the rest of world technologically and organizationally, we were almost like aliens.
No one could have imagined that we could be defeated by non-Whites.
Our situation might look hopeless at the moment, but things change. Just keep plugging away and hope that opportunities present themselves.
whites will still be successful, only a little less so because they will be hamstrung by having a black ball and chain to drag around.
Just a little bit of advice guys. Find a backup electrical supply. Brown outs and black outs…haha…ok, pun intended…will become more frequent. Texas last winter? East Coast last week? More to come.
Water, food, ammo, propane, bourbon.
It’s only a matter of time until the Ruskies start hacking our utility and banking systems, just like they did the gas pipeline.
I’m stocking up on water purification tabs and emergency food.
It’s not “the Ruskies” that will be to blame for our coming collapse, though I’m sure that’s one of the excuses that will be used early and often.
JohnWayne: Climate wreaks havoc on those who try to prepare for the unexpected. Here in the DFW area I can’t store much of anything in the garage due to the June-Sep heat. So no safe place to store even an emergency few gallons of gas for a generator, stabilizer added or not. All food and water must be kept climate controlled. Even when I checked into putting an older fridge in the garage I found it would cost more to run than it was worth because of the heat. Add in a poorly-built mcmansion with minimal storage space, and it… Read more »
Well 3g, you found out what the bourbon is for. 😉
I ended up putting a mini-split in the garage. It was expensive, but hey! The money’s not worth much these days.
3g4me: Few points. Gas has a shorter shelf life than propane, even if you use stabilizers and buy pure gas – w/o ethanol. There are foods, canned, dehydrated for example, that can be stored for a long time. Do you have a cool dark basement? Start a garden. Raise chickens. 3, 4 chickens you’ll get eggs every day. BPA free plastic water storage containers. Calculate how much bleach to add. How large is your property? Maybe feasible to dig a well? Nearby creek, far from any industry? Filter & boil. Connect a rain barrel to your gutters. Bourbon. The higher… Read more »
Gas storage- This guidance has worked well for me
John Wayne: Thank you for all your hints. I do actually scan numerous ‘survival’ or ‘prepper’ websites, so understand the ideas and theories, but lack the location or resources to do all I’d wish. No basements in DFW because of the clay soil. No chickens in my woke ‘burb. We yearn to ‘bug out’ to a rural area and are trying to acquire sufficient resources to do so as soon as possible. Until then, I do what I can – and gripe online!
Oh, and for both JohnWayne and Moss:
Damn, mistyped –
Thanks 3g4me. Useful info.
A dual-fuel (propane and gasoline) generator with enough power to (maybe) run your ac and fridge a few hours per day runs about $1k (outside of hurricane season, in the 8-10kw range). A 100-120 gallon propane tank runs about $500. Propane is heat expansive so you’ll need to adjust for storage, but it can keep the lights on for a few days, and propane is a lesser-demand “panic buy” than pump gas.
Why would you want to run a fridge for a few hours a day?
Dig a wine cellar / basement
The natural coolness of the earth is perfect for storing lots of things. How people do it in Europe, and has worked for them for millennia.
It won’t be long now. The odd angry shots are being fired as we speak.
I speculate for fun, who will fire the angry shot that would set off the fun and games. At first I thought Kyle Rittenhouse. Then I thought maybe the ape that shot Ashli Babbit might have.
Regardless, our aristocrats are stupid, weak, and craven. Disposing of them will be incredibly easy when the time comes. Do we have the men that will be needed to replace them?
The fire rises…
“…do we have the men to replace them?…”
Be careful what you wish for. Consider the French revolution and what happened during the “reign of terror”. It was the “woke” mob of the day that took charge, chopping heads and butchering conservatives by the thousands, only to be followed by dictatorship of Napoleon.
How bad was the dictatorship of Napoleon? I think that I could live with a Napoleon…or a Franco…or a Pinochet. I wouldn’t want to live under the tyranny of Gates or Soros or Buffett or any of the smart money around today. How about Barron I, the first king of America.
He was at war with foreign powers for the entirety of his reign, his protectionism ratcheted up the cost of living for citizens while reducing the foreign market for exports, and lots of men in the primes of their lives were killed or maimed. It wasn’t as terrifying as the revolutionary period, but it was deadlier. Governance was fairer and taxes were lower, but there were lots of foreigners all over the place. It’s a pretty mixed bag, and wasn’t great for anyone, except Talleyrand.
Napoleon caused lots of deaths and destruction (mostly because the aristocracy of Europe despised him). In one sense, he was a disaster for the common Frenchman.
Then again, have you ever been to Napoleon’s Tomb? To this day the French don’t apologize for Napoleon as do, say, the English for Imperialism.
In their souls, men aspire to great things, to be, or be led by, a great man. “Most men live lives of quiet desperation “…indeed.
Napoleon brought out the best in men, even if it destroyed them, and the survivors (and their progeny) love him for it.
Stalin is far more likely than Jefferson or anyone else we may want. No matter how bad the Wokesters may be, things can always get worse.
Count on it TT. After the shooting stops and the major culls have taken place… we will have to dig out of the hole we spent over 50 years digging for ourselves.
They will not be good times for soys, vibrants, and wahmen. It will be a time for hard, dangerous men. It will not be fun for anyone.
Judging by the ever-increasing scowls on the faces of the vibrants here (I’m sure in Alberta too), your scenario might not be too far off. They see no difference between racist and un-racist whites, we are all racist oppressors. The goodwhites will feel the heat first.
Negroes don’t have the psychological wherewithal to feel much other than the desire to satiate one’s grosser urges. And they assuredly don’t have the ability to make fine distinctions between white race traitors and the rest of us. It’s so much more simple to just hate us all.
In the spirit of what you’ve written, I note that Black Lives Matter has now officially taken the side of the Palestinians in the current Intifada.
Am I jumping the gun when I imagine BLM and Antifa smashing up synagogues this summer? Did Uncle Schlomo finally overplay his poker hand?
So, “who will fire the angry shot that [will] set off the fun and games”? Man, there are just so many easy guesses, along with a few possible black swans that none of us have considered.
I break with the dissidents that dismiss the prospect of the looming second civil war because there are two many factions, and they are too dispersed to make formal battle lines and areas of conflict impossible. Blacks are too chaotic and too stupid to fight a structured war on their own. I believe we will see the next civil war take shape in slowly escalating local brushfires. The jews may be the first mass casualties as they have been key figures in ginning up race conflicts and exploiting them. Growing numbers of whites and blacks are beginning to see that,… Read more »
And joining them are plenty of Jew-hating dissident right. Strange bedfellows indeed. I bet that some of the readership are thrilled that the poor oppressed Palestinians are giving “Schlomo” the beat-down in American cities. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?
No. We have a blog and prostate issues.
“The ability to look down the road, to see several moves ahead, seems to decline in human organizations as they evolve.-When faced with millions out of work, they did not think about the long term impact of their remedy. They just started throwing invented money at people. ” Not enough money? Enpixelate more. Crisis remedied. The government decided that daylight-savings time could boost productivity so they ordered clocks changed biannually. If that actually makes sense, along with increasing the money supply, why not make more hours. Make the day 48 hours long. Then we’d have twice as much time to… Read more »
Outstanding example of how a successful innovation eventually becomes an ossified system obsessed with simple survival.
The concise version of this post is . . . the collapse is the cure.
Normie will never get off the couch until the Starbucks has burned down and the barrista can no longer mix his latte as he likes it. How far we have fallen.
The lack of calories is the only hope of motivating the sleeping. Many will choose to wither away on the couch waiting for Door Dash. Many won’t wait.
Recent conversation on Jab Passports and grocery store admission requirements. That moment when “papers required to shop” becomes the law, it will be game on.
We’ve been conditioned to provide papers in other areas (traveling in particular) but nothing focuses resistance like a child’s growling stomach.
The transfer portal issue is interesting. These players are recruited under the impression they will all be stars. It used to be some would have to spend two or three seasons as backups before they got their shot, and some never really did as they were replaced by younger players recruited after them. Up until this year players who transferred had to sit out an entire season which reduced the number willing to do it. Now if a player doesn’t get a shot to play immediately he wants to bolt for another school. This is a one time only rule,… Read more »
It is a fun thing to study. The system before liberal transfer policy forced programs to recruit and develop. Now the coaches have less incentive to develop. They can shop for player developed by others. Something similar happened with college basketball when the NBA started poaching their talent. Development and training came to a halt for most programs.
It’s a microcosm of our society. Player development is analogous to social capital. In the case of sports, development is being converted to immediate cash and the athletes pay the price.
State college football and basketball coaches are often paid more than the governors. This is the reverse of common sense. When a college coaching opening is available, it should be advertised and the position given to the candidate that is willing to pay the school the most money to coach the team. Since almost every male in the country thinks that he knows more than the coach at his favorite school, there should be many applicants. But some applicants would have a higher likelihood of success than other. They and their friends could organize, purchase the position and then, if… Read more »
Getting rid of these programs is a MUCH better idea. Whatever they might have been in years past, they are just a racket today. Hell, what percentage of these athletes belong anywhere near a college?
I agree, but I don’t give much of my chances of convincing the average Buckeye to tear down the House that Hayes built.
A very low percentage. The whole concept of the stoodint-afflete is preposterous. 90 percent of college basketball players don’t give a dam’ about getting an education, and probably 75 percent are too stupid to do legitimate college level coursework, anyway. They are simply basketball mercenaries using their scholarships as a springboard to a professional basketball career. Whether they’re playing for State or Tech is almost irrelevant to them. They’re just looking for the best platform to showcase their skills before scouts.
Yes the social capital could survive when everyone was subject to the same threat-risk-reward of the development model and the team culture was valued as an integral part of its quest for success. Being displaced (or potentially) as a Senior by a hot freshman recruit was indeed a big deal, but that also served as an internal motivating factor to keep up your game. That freshman could supplant a “program” player who had paid his dues but that hot freshman would soon enough also face that same challenge during his tenure. Competition between groups needs competition within groups to matriculate… Read more »
I wonder if the inevitable Title IX lawsuits will finally force college football programs to be come de jure what they already are de facto: Just the NFL’s minor leagues. Back in the days I used to joke about my “libertarian” position on college football. Since you always hear stories about big time programs offering scholarships to kids who are still in junior high, I joked that the NFL should simply hold a nationwide draft like baseball does, with kids straight out of high school. Then assign them to whatever program fits their “potential.” A first round draft pick goes… Read more »
I used to defend college sports. But that now feels like defending 1984 America against current year Progress; its irrelevant. One thing progress has done is to converge everything into the same corrupting force. College Sports is a minor league option market scam for media and pro leagues. But “Academia” is a leveraged loan scam lubing the propagandizing of our children against us. The entire enterprise is rubbish. Short of burning it all down it should be stripped to the bare minimum of academics and research. The reat can be accommodated by clubs and leagues by the “private free market”.… Read more »
LOL….isn’t all of this just another example of time preference at work? A lust for immediate gratification seems to be a key coding in those gravitating to politics and sport. But then again, the two are pretty much one and the same, eh?
“Whereas the additive genetic effect
and common environmental effects are of minor importance, a major dominant genetic effect is present. These results indicate a notable degree of genetic influence on economic time preferences.” [Philipp Hubler∗
15th March 2017, Heritability of time preference: Evidence form German Twin Data]
My pet Negros play your pet Negros for fun and profit. Maybe as the Mexicanization of California spreads out into AINO, the Aztec twist of sacrificing the losing team will be restored. Plenty of opportunity for new player development if that happens.
Stimulus checks are the bread and sportsball is the circus. Reform is impossible; collapse is inevitable. AINO is a dead empire walking.
Re-organization is inevitable. The question is what effect we can have on the outcome. It is still possible to sway public opinion. The more errors the “other side” makes, the farther downfield we can move the ball.
The ratings for black sportsball and corporate “news” are dropping like a stone. The “lockdown” and “mask mandates” policies have backfired. The corruption and bogus “science” is more obvious than ever before. No fan of Trump, but his rallies were huge and the sentiment needed to fix this crap is out there…
Trump was popular because he promised gullible rural folks that all their problems could be solved voting. If they were the sort to put personal effort into improving things, they’d have been too busy to attend rallies.
One side effect of no-fault transfer is that the players now have almost all the power, and the coaches very little. Hence, if a coach dares to impose discipline on his players or offends them in any way, they can simply transfer out. Or, in some cases, they will try to get the coach fired. Creighton’s Doug McDermott almost lost his job because he used the word “plantation” when criticizing his players. Coaches have been emasculated. And basketball without discipline becomes an unwatchable thing. The quality of basketball at the collegiate level is about to decline dramatically.
Another example of the fact: you don’t make investments in things you can’t own.
I played basketball for a commuter school that wasn’t in the Power 5 because the bigger schools really weren’t interested in a 6-4 white point guard, except as a “preferred walk-on,” which meant I paid my own way. They also weren’t enamored with my desire to go to engineering school and not be funneled into one of the crib “athletic” majors that even an 85 IQ guy could pass and stay eligible. Their reasoning was that playing basketball at their school was a full-time, year-round job (constant workouts, film sessions and off-season “unorganized” team activities) that overtook school. And every… Read more »
Excellent post. I would offer one caveat to it, though. While it’s true that most of the better mid-major players will jump to Power Six schools, or the AAC, A10, etc., you will also see some players from big schools who weren’t getting any PT transfer to the mid-majors. I agree that, on the whole, no-fault transfer helps the power programs and hurts the smaller ones, but that phenomenon may not be quite as dramatic as we think.
College football is a racket where libtard administrations profit in the billions by destroying the bodies of their “athletes” for very little cost. My neighbor played football for Mizzou. I see him hobble down his driveway every morning to get the mail. He is in his early 40s and has had his hip replaced, and is awaiting two knee replacements. All for a few tens of thousands in saved tuition and a little glory, while the university makes millions for its bloated bureaucracy and crap studies departments.
College sports are useful microcosm. The hyper liberal colleges operate bloodsports, played by blacks, while keeping the cash At the same time they bemoan middle-class whites trying to hang onto their communities. The same college presidents then blame those whites for the school not hiring black coaches.
Don’t forget that they’re all uber-feminists, too! I had a buddy who went to undergrad at the University of Iowa, home of the famous Pink Visitors’ Locker Room. He told me that, predictable as sunrise, that was the outrage du jour at the start of every football season (you’ve probably heard of it; ESPN used to drop the same story every fall, if the Hawkeyes looked like they might crack the top 25). My buddy’s running joke was to point to the injured list and the campus crime blotter and say “so…. that’s your problem with the football program?” It… Read more »
If Jerry Sandusky couldn’t shake the worship of college feetsball, nothing ever will…
In the post-St. George deluge, colleges are now scrambling like mad to hire black coaches. I predict that in less than 10 years the majority of college head football and basketball coaches will be black. And that won’t be because of a sudden outbreak of competency among black coaches.
Same with inner city policing. Fine with me if they both become all black. Two less things for me to pay any attention to.
And black coaches will recruit exclusively black players. In doing so, sportsball may turn whites against sportsball in spite of ourselves. They will create a self-fulfilling ghetto.
It will be interesting to see what happens to football over the next 10-20 years. Youth participation rates have been dropping rapidly, as more parents don’t want their kids to end up like that for a very short time in the spotlight. I have thought the first domino will be smaller colleges in the lower levels will start to drop their programs. The University of Hartford recently announced they are going down to NCAA Division III for all sports. Some others in Division I may decide they can’t afford to keep up financially and try to drop it. The problem… Read more »
I believe the NFL will turn into a more violent version of the NBA. Whites will be smart enough to see the negative cost/benefit of a possible few million earned in the NFL vs. a lifetime of brain damage and other disabilities. It’s a return to slavery, with the only difference being a small percentage of the slaves will earn a lot of money that by their 60s, if they are still alive, will not remember they have.
Most NFL and NBA players blow through their career earnings, with the help of family and “friends” within a few years of ending their careers. At some point the money will start to decline. Boxing was the most popular sport in the country in the first half of the 20th Century, now it is almost nothing. Football appears to be on a similar trajectory. The NBA is trying to develop international appeal, particularly in China to make up for a total collapse of their American fan base. The NFL has had very little success developing an international market. People tend… Read more »
It’s the opposite of surprising that jobs that involve literally getting your brains beat out for a living eventually devolve toward participation of those with the least to lose.
Over the short- and maybe medium-haul, I predict football will become blacker and basketball whiter. My reasoning is this. Black mammies care far less about their sons than white parents. And if one of the mammies’ seven Ja’Quariuses has even the remotest potential to be the next Lawrence Taylor and make plenty ducats, she’s dam’ sure not going to scruple over him getting his brains scrambled on the gridiron. White parents will be far more cautious about letting their sons play football. Instead, Caleb and Brayden will be encouraged to play basketball and baseball.
Fascinating how the “I love SCIENCE!” crowd ignores decades of CTE studies because they were brainwashed as college kids to love their alma matter.
Mostly just black men, so I guess nobody cares. Not when Benjamin’s and “school pride” is on the line.
They love science that leads to policies that harm white people.
DLS you touched on a really important lesson from all higher level organized sports in America, down to the grade-school level. It’s all a scam, costing parents millions and their children’s bodies future base functionality.
One small experience our family had with baseball. It was not enough to get together and practice fundamentals and enjoy a Saturday game. No, we were pushed to thinking about mid-week coaching, traveling teams, etc. All bullshit.
Even coaching/refereeing used to be done by civic minded dads. Now that has become another venue for competition and one-upsmanship among the credentialled.
I am the last person on earth to defend academia in any respect, and I’m sure not doing so now. That said, college football players are hardly victims. They know the risks, and they are well compensated for those risks. (Four years of college plus room and board is typically worth six figures these days, and that’s not even considering the dramatically improved earning power should the player use his noodle and actually graduate.) You puts down your chips and you takes your chances.
A lot of those college players are functionally retarded and a high school education is completely lost on them to say nothing of college. Now that being said, I’ve seen people state that these players are hardly downtrodden, and that they still get compensation of a wink-wink-nudge-nudge fashion that far exceeds their actual worth.
Six figures for a degree most of them will never use in exchange for brain damage and permanent disabilities is not much of a deal. I realize they are agreeing to the bargain, so not much sympathy is due. It’s just funny how liberals who claim to love blacks are always the ones using them for power and profit. Reversing that sentence reveals the game: Liberals claim to love blacks to cover up that they are using them for power and profit.
The AWRs push black sportsball because they know black success in sports was one of the keys to inculcating Hutuphilia in this country. And the AWRs really do worship the Hutus. It’s not just some sort of a con. They hate whites and adore their opposites.
In a stable society 80 year old men plant trees the shade of which they will never sit under. We haven’t been that in awhile.
We’re leaving a niche opening for a society that is more “fit” in an evolutionary sense then ours. The populations that get displaced by expanding species rarely do well. A study of ecology can be illumination on the human condition,
Indians will take over North America. China will be strong in Asia but East Asians are bad at operating in a non-homogenous environment. As Z has mentioned, the J’s are actually dying off. Whites are not great in diverse environments and are also too weak to deal with the blacks, insane liberals, and other minority issues. I suspect Europe may end up closing its borders to non-whites in the future. If so, expect a large number of educated North Americans to head back. Rural and prole whites will stay as the rump of Heritage America, perhaps mixing with lower class… Read more »
> Whites are not great in diverse environments and are also too weak to deal with the blacks, insane liberals, and other minority issues.
The saving grace is blacks tend to avoid rural settings. Also, every small town has their insane liberal but as long as they can keep them out of the school system, containment is possible.
It’s also a plus that federal enforcement of the poz in the country is much more difficult, which is why there’s going to be a harder push to depopulate the countryside.
Indians aren’t as smart as we think they are. Right now we’re seeing in the US what’s skimmed off the top of a very large population. Meanwhile, back home, they haven’t managed not shitting in the streets.
There will be regression to the mean, and a diluting of the average Indian IQ as more lower class/caste Indians migrate, if the official enthusiasm for mass Indian immigration continues.
Still 100 million or more smart fraction Indians.
They should get to work on not living in filth, then.
It will be a mix of Indians (on top as they don’t have qualms with tribalism), other eastern asians, and clusters of other high IQ people like Nigerians. If you follow the now infamous Antonio Garcia Martinez he makes a joke how in his team at Facebook he was the only American citizen, despite all the b*tching about muh diversity. He has a pic of his team that are all Asians but himself. There are some R&D teams at Intel where being Nigerian gives you an edge, and most IT teams are famous for their cricket teams and fondness for… Read more »
“clusters of other high IQ people like Nigerians.”
Dude. The solution is well-known and has been implemented in many southern neighborhoods within living memory. It merely involves a little unpleasantness and re-definition of what kind of people we are.
The minute the frames shifts from, “I’m a nice guy,” to “I am defending my neighborhood,” everything changes.
In a stable society 80 year old men plant trees the shade of which they will never sit under. I have three large red oaks which provide an almost solid canopy. One of those trees I planted a year after we built the house in 97. It was a tiny, one gallon “charley brown” tree that was barely taller than the container it came in and I didn’t even stake it. I was shy of my 47th birthday. That tree is now taller than my house. The other two I bought and had planted as (IIRC) 10 gallon trees. Got… Read more »
I found a little red oak seedling planted by a squirrel in a state park mow zone. I dug it up and brought it home. Planted it in the backyard. It had three little leaves at the time.
It is now 16 yrs later and is flowering for the first time this spring. It is taller than the house and provides some really nice shade to sit under.
And the people who built Notre Dame knew they would never see the finished building.
Nobody does it like that anymore.
Lovely. I have always wanted to build my own house, and in the next five years I wouldn’t bet against it. On trees, I took a cutting from the branch of a willow from a local pond a couple of months back. Put it in a bottle with a bit of water and it rooted at around the same time as my second lad was born. It’s in a pot at the moment, but it’s growing like crazy (probably too big for the pot now). That’s the great thing about trees, both hard and soft, the cuttings are easy to… Read more »
I did not actually build the house, per se, but we had it built to our specifications. It is in that sense that I say that I “built” my house. As I intended for this house to be the last place I ever lived, I made sure to senior friendly. All the doorways are wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair. The shower the master bath has a very low step-over. There is only a low step up to the threshold of the front door and less than 6″ at the back.door – i.e. easily and inexpensively ramped if… Read more »
We’re already seeing some of the downstream consequences of the covid hysteria, but the big bad ones have yet to fully reveal themselves. Unfortunately, they will be soon enough. Too bad inertia didn’t hold sway over the scamdemic – but trump had to go one way or the other and damn the torpedos. So here we are and it’s time to hold on tight.
The governments have been found to be illegitimate. Blue states are now scrambling to re-open as enough people simply stopped following the insane lockdown rules. If you set a bunch of rules that nobody follows, you are a joke. Regardless of what the polls say Canadians and blue state people are now going out. The good diverse people never followed any rules to start with and are continuing to operate business and parties under the table, as are rural people. Throngs of people flood the parks and streets every day. Highways are pretty full. They bullied a few churches into… Read more »
“Blue states are now scrambling to re-open as enough people simply stopped following the insane lockdown rules.”
Speaking for the California experience, it’s not people getting tired of the lockdowns. It’s people getting vaxxed then assuming the rules no longer apply to them.
The whimpering, teary-eyed relief with which Covidians get jabbed with the Pfizer Of Youth must be seen to be believed.
The jab is the mode of baptism for their materialistic, Luciferian religion.
You can see evidence everywhere of the people in charge creating a problem every time they try to solve one, and not just in the economy. I’m noticing, for the first time ever, news headlines online that talk about Palestinian casualties, especially the children (this dead baby technique worked wonders for the refugee rackets in Europe). My guess is that the change is due to all the Ilhan Omar-types the rulers have let in (not just to the country, but to the media and political ecosystem). Their hope was that these people would make life miserable for normal whites, which… Read more »
Hahah we have roving bands of Muslims going around Toronto and beating up 80 year old Jews. I don’t particularly care for either group, but diversity is our strength, and I’m glad the J’s are enjoying their share too.
OK. But officially who is being blamed for these attacks? I imagine that whites must, somehow, have been apportioned the blame?
B125: I look at the Daily Mail online’s pictures of Jews and Muslims fighting in New York, and it reminds me of photos of Turks fighting Kurds in Germany. Import alien enemies and import their grudges and wars. May they all erase one another.
> Notre Dame would be just another cow-college if not for the use of ringers to make their football program famous.
Notre Dame also famously broke with the Catholic Church in the 1960’s in return for institutional respect, and many other Catholic Colleges followed suit. They literally sold their souls for a seat at the table.
Oh, and Rudy was a self-aggrandizing little weenie.
But Sean Astin (whose actual.father was Desi Arnaz Jr.) made an entertaining film. We Whites tend to root for the underdog. The story of a no-talent wannabe who spends his time as a human blocking/tackling dummy appeals to beta (and gamma and delta and omega) males and even to romantic females. That it is pure fairy tale is irrelevant.
Re Sean Astin’s father. It seems even worse than that:
“Astin was born in Santa Monica, California, the son of actress Patty Duke (1946–2016) and Michael Tell. However, at the time, it was erroneously reported that entertainer Desi Arnaz Jr. was his biological father. During that time, Duke also had a sexual relationship with Michael Tell, a writer, music promoter and publisher of the newspaper The Las Vegas Israelite.”
Las Vegas Israelite, man.
Damn! I did NOT know.that. I knew that John Astin had adopted Patty Duke’s illegitimate son but I never read about that Tell guy. It takes a special kind of guy to raise another man’s son as.your own. I did it but only because my wife and I were infertile so adoption was the only way we could be parents. My son was 9 1/2 when we adopted him. We.took.our daughter home from a maternity hospital in Tokyo. I could not love either of them more.if they had been born to me!
“Place at the table!” I recently watched “the program”, a ‘90s era film about a D1 football program and the various power struggles and shadowy elements at work in holding a team together from year to year. Its not a good movie per se, though it has its moments. Like the quote above, when a roided-out former third string player earns his starting position as defensive end by gaining 25 pounds of pure muscle over the summer and is in an obvious state of perpetual aggressive roid-rage. When the assistant coaches question Lattimer’s sudden rise to dominance the head coach,… Read more »