
The term “standing head” is a newspaper term that goes back to the days when the papers were printed by typesetters. It means regular or recurring content, such as the headline for a feature like “Box Scores” in the sports section or “aspiring rapper” in the crime blotter. The term is used to so often that the old typesetters would have it as a block ready to use when needed. It also came to be known as a trope, stereotype, or a euphemism that was commonly used in the news.

In the modern age, the word “hacked” has become a standing head, in that it is something like a catchall answer for all sorts of things. If a celebrity gets drunk and posts N-bombs on Twitter, she claims she was hacked. If a company loses customer information, they claim it was hackers. Whenever someone does not want to take responsibility for their own mistakes, they fob it off on hackers. Hackers are the digital version of Loki the trickster.

One reason for this is that the modern media seems to select for narcissistic dullards at all levels of the system. This is not just the airheads who read the teleprompter on television during news shows. Throughout the media, the system rewards those willing to fall for the most ridiculous nonsense if it comes from authority. The more gullible and naïve, the greater the access. The more willing a “reporter” is to repeat verbatim what he has been told, the greater the access.

When some official tells a “reporter” that the problem is due to hackers, the reporter never questions it. After all, they are selected for their obsequiousness, so they never question authority. They are also too stupid to see the hacking claim is ridiculous, so even if they were feeling rebellious, they would not know what to ask. That was a big part of the Russian hacking nonsense back in 2016. Even those who play the skeptic role in the media were too dumb to see the absurdity.

It appears we have another version of that involving the Colonial Pipeline shutdown form a couple of weeks ago. The company claimed they were hacked by wily Russians, probably the same Russians who were in league with Trump. They had no choice but to pay those hackers millions in Bitcoin to get unhacked. The story was obviously rather fishy, but no one in the media questioned it. After all, hackers are the universal hobgoblins of this age, so why question it?

Now the FBI is peddling a story that is so ridiculous that it should come with a laugh track, but it is being promoted by the media. Here is a tweet from a simpleton in the White House press team. claiming the FBI got the crypto back from the hackers by using their special James Bond skills. This is a follow up tweet from the same simpleton claiming the hackers used a server in California to store their ill-gotten loot from the Colonial Pipeline hack.

The absurdity of this is a good example of the credulity of the media. We have these super-villain hackers from Russia, who foolishly leave their crypto lying around on American servers for the FBI to locate. This is right out of the bad Hollywood script department where the villain always makes a rookie error, like leaving part of the Death Star easily accessible to the enemy. In this case, we have people expert at cracking security, but use no security in their own operation.

Then we have the claim the FBI recovered the exact same Bitcoin that was paid to the hackers by the company. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of how crypto works knows this is a nonsense claim. In order to know that the FBI would have to tie the address to a person and that person to the crime. If they have proof that the person is the culprit, then they can just arrest that person. There is no need for their dramatic caper where they seize the crypto from the server stash.

Probably the most laughable bit of the story is these super villain hackers from Russia were using a Coinbase account. Again, everyone with the slightest knowledge of crypto knows Coinbase is mobbed up by US security. In order for them to remain in existence and become a publicly traded company they had to give the FBI and NSA free access to their system. Yet these super-villain hackers from Russia decided to use the NSA’s preferred crypto vendor to fence their ransom money?

Of course, people who have used crypto exchanges like Coinbase know that they use multifactor authentication. That means you need more than just a user name and password to access your account. Typically it means entering a code that is texted to the phone registered with the account. That means the FBI had the phone number and user credentials of the hackers. That only makes complete sense if the hackers were located at Langley or the Hoover building.

Everything about this story from the FBI, DOJ and the company is utter nonsense, but none of it matters. In our precious democracy, no one in the media dares utter a discouraging word about anything from official circles. Even if one of the stooges in the media got rambunctious, they are too stupid to know who to ask about the claims made in these stories. The mass media is now fully staffed with toddlers, trusting everything they are told by the people in charge.

The old Hoffer line about mass movements become rackets in America gets overused, but it is amazingly accurate. Democracy in America is just a racket, an ongoing bust out enabled by an army of hacks in the administrative state. Real hackers are never caught, because they work for the people running the system, like the pirates working for the crown during the age of sail. Meanwhile, the hacks in the system are always ready to look the other way, as long as the paycheck clears.

In fairness, calling it a racket seems unfair. Most of the people involved are simply too stupid to run a racket. Most of the people involved are like Geoff Bennett, the guy from NBC in those tweets. He is a gullible doofus who checks the right boxes on the casting form, so he gets to play White House reporter. Anyone with something on the ball is boiled off or they are cast on the other side of the dynamic. They get to make up official whoppers for the media to report. This is the hack-a-rama.

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3 years ago

>Then we have the claim the FBI recovered the exact same Bitcoin that was paid to the hackers by the company. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of how crypto works knows this is a nonsense claim. In order to know that the FBI would have to tie the address to a person and that person to the crime. If they have proof that the person is the culprit, then they can just arrest that person. There is no need for their dramatic caper where they seize the crypto from the server stash. These are not mutually inclusive; they can seize… Read more »

3 years ago

We are past hacking Liberty, we will need shortly to hack survival.

This will be done by groups larger than family. Just as being hacked to death by Hutus also done by groups larger than the family.

3 years ago

Just some funny comments from earlier: Evil Sandwich: I had a very light association with a former tech spook and his claim was that the U.S. does hack Russia and China. Given that, it’s just that Russia and China don’t publicly wet their diaper every time something goes sideways. Billra: In Russia and China, there’s no way to tell the difference between when the supply chain is working and when it’s not working. — LineIn: You’re like an African expressing an opinion on astronomy. — James: Well, no one knows how this internet stuff works, so we can just make… Read more »

3 years ago

All I want is to underscore Z’s withering cynicism.

“Everything about this story from the FBI, DOJ and the company is utter nonsense, but none of it matters. In our precious democracy, no one in the media dares utter a discouraging word about anything from official circles.”

As a boy, I can remember all the conservatives castigating the USSR, saying, “We would never tolerate what they endure! We’re Americans!”

I fart in the general direction of blowhard conservatives. I hate them.

3 years ago

I work in technology. The legacy stuff mentioned is correct. What is even more clear though is that most technologists know nothing about good security practices, *especially* people with ‘cyber security’ degrees. I have worked places that should have highly secure systems, but the password space was ‘5 characters, all capitals, with 3 numbers at the end’ as the *required* password format. And no two factor authentication. Really, your money is probably safer in BitCoin.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  BadThinker
3 years ago

My firm went from making people log in with 11 character alphanumeric passwords that had to include a capital letter, a number, and a special character to 8-digit numeric PINs because the PINs are more secure.


Reply to  BadThinker
3 years ago

How do we “hack” our way out of this mess? Is it even possible?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

On the vaxpartheid front, we now have multiple individuals in plant that have their green, “JABBED,” badge that still wear face diapers.

The two guys I know are in their early 50s, neither in great shape. One of them is surprising to me, one is not.

I think the one that surprised me is doing it because he has a teenage son with a lot of immune issues..

The one that didn’t is a Latino immigrant who thinks the only real news is CNN and the BBC.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

It’s almost funny how normies still think the news is unbiased. I was arguing about the Fauci-China link with a normie lady friend 3 or 4 months ago. She was saying “That’s insane. Stop watching Fox News”. I said, “How are YOU so confident. Because CNN?” She goes, “No, the ASSOCIATED PRESS directly! You can’t get more neutral than THAT!”

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Living rooms all across America. 6:00 news.

He’s soooo handsome! Nicely pressed suit, perfect coiffure, Ivy League education, so loquacious, and he is on TV. All the important people are on TV, no? And, he writes books! Best sellers. All the important people are on TV, no? He wouldn’t lie to me, would he? Pssst…Rumors say he’s gay but that he’s dating a cute little blond starlet. You think it’s true?

My Comment
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

When someone starts yammering on about Fox News I immediately know that I am dealing with genuine useful idiot. They have been told that everyone who doesn’t spout the approved Narratives watches fox News and that all other news is unbiased and accurate. I enjoy telling them that I have never watched fox news but can tell they have and ask them which shows they watch so I can check them out. They usually stammer that they never watch Fox so I ask them how they know that Fox is saying X? They never fully recover from that and I… Read more »

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
3 years ago

Since the script is right out of Hollywood (Woke Division), the resulting pitch meeting would be a good target for the satire of that guy on YT who does those “pitch meeting” satires. He’s probably a shitlib himself, though. So, you have a caper script for me? Yes sir, it’s got those Russian hackers everyone’s afraid of. Oh, Russian hackers are TIGHT! And this time, they’re blackmailing a pipeline company. Uh, why? Don’t know. So, how are going show it on screen? Well, no one knows how this internet stuff works, so we can just make up what we need,… Read more »

Reply to  James J O'Meara
3 years ago

This is the kind of thing Saturday Night Live was created to do. The giant Thanksgiving Day Parade prog balloon of holy self-righteousness is just waiting for someone to pop it. But the “bad boy” rebel jesters of the world cower in its shadow.

Ordinary Joe
Ordinary Joe
Reply to  James J O'Meara
3 years ago

James, that is pretty good and quite funny.

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Reply to  James J O'Meara
3 years ago

I could envision this little scenario being played out on that You Tube channel. I laughed. Gotta say, that is one of the funniest channels on YT. (BTW, is “Channel” the right word for these things? )

3 years ago

I’m hardly one to defend the FBI, but the argument that this case is comprehensive proof of their dishonesty and incompetence is a bit of a stretch. First, it’s not exactly inconceivable, or necessarily unethical for the bureau to put out false information to the press during an ongoing investigation. LEOs are notoriously tight lipped, and occasionally offer fake leads as a strategy to making the culprit think they’ve pulled off their crime, with the hope of getting them to relax and make a mistake. Second, “the claim the FBI recovered the exact same Bitcoin that was paid to the… Read more »

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Don’t really care Drew. You and Z both tell a good story. Let’s just say you’re both right.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Drew is correct.

Why any criminal who isn’t a drug addict (who isn’t looking past the next fix) would use blockchain escapes me.

It’s literally a ledger of everyone who touches it.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. I will continue relying on cash. Switch to silver and gold coins if/when inflation gets too bad. 🙂

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

I’m far from a tech genius but even I know how to transfer crypto from an exchange (coinbase) to a thumb drive, which I then toss into my sock drawer. Exactly how is anyone going to “recover” that ?

Reply to  roberto
3 years ago

Because what matters is the P2P ledger, not your thumb drive. The ledger serves as the clearing house for transfers (similar to how the federal reserve used to clear checks before electronic clearance systems). The ledger is not a single unit on a central server, but rather multiple copies on lots of machines. It is updated much like a torrent is downloaded, and a transaction clears once enough peer files on the network are updated. This process can be reversed by sending out a new ledger entry that says so, and other peers accept that entry into their copy of… Read more »

3 years ago

“ That means the FBI had the phone number and user credentials of the hackers. That only makes complete sense if the hackers were located at Langley or the Hoover building.“


3 years ago

I agree with Z’s larger point that the Russia-did-it angle has no support, but the analysis of how btc transfers are visible is way off the mark; Z could have saved some credibility here by sticking to what he knows. Any layman can see exactly which btc addresses coin flows into. An exchange like coinbase, though, *could* generate new addresses for each receipt and not tell anyone; I think kraken actually does this.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“Here is where you are missing the mark.” Classy. I’ll have to remember that phrase next time I’m in an argument at the bar and want to say, “Listen dumbass.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Lord what a sissy you are. You’d be better off elsewhere. Maybe find a safe space with a rainbow triangle affixed to the door.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Listen dumbass, I wasn’t taking a shot a Z. I love his phrases. His line is a good way to disagree with someone in diplomatic fashion.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Its just an op.
Its about kicking the commoners in the wallet for Memorial Day.

Frankly since they got their money back so fast …I question the ah hacking skills. Lol.

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Why do you think ant money went anywhere?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

If the “hackers” were smart they would have demanded a less trackable crypto like Monero. Bitcoin is most definintely NOT a private cryptocurrency.

I’m of the opinion that one angle of this false flag “hack” was to help discredit bitcoin.

Reply to  Rando
3 years ago

I still think its about kicking the peasants in the stomach for Memorial Day.

We’ll have more data as we have more Holidays.
Christmas should be interesting.

Reply to  Rando
3 years ago

I’ve been thinking about this lately. I have several crypto accounts and usually they put you on an email list for their crypto newsletter. These things are all written by the type of hipster libertarians Z and all right thinking people want to savagely beat. The latest trope these gaypedo swine have been pushing is “crypto (especially Bitcoin) is energy intensive and thus BAD in the sight of St. Greta of Thunberg”. Some crypto though is GOOD, maybe, if it’s Green enough – and we’ll tell you peasants when that is. Then again, one recent FUD piece I read called… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

M1 is up about 400% yoy and there is no hyperinflation. I find everything else you wrote to be spot on, but the price increases we are seeing yoy are not meaningful when you extend your time horizon to a longer term chart. Even on a yoy basis they are uninspiring. Oil is $70/bbl a third of the way into June which is about half of where we were at this time in 2008. The media machine is espousing inflation and everyone notices all of their other primed messages, but are we giving them a pass on their inflation meme?… Read more »

3 years ago

Normally Whats public is to distract from what isn’t, so they can go do whatever is actually important.

For example Blackrock is buying up entire neighborhoods, 20% above market price to outbid the Dodos Americanus .


The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Awesome, yet hugely blackpilling find.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

A sane society would never allow single family homes to be treated primarily as an investment product where we now have major financial entities buying 10s of thousands of houses a year. Single family homes are for raising kids and creating long term stability in communities. As the link you posted states, this an attack on the middle and lower classes with the intent of turning them into permanent renters, peasants in a new feudal system. Of course, this also dovetails with Resident Joe’s stated plans section 8 every White community in America. This story below is from the UK… Read more »

Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

Why do you think they will be white at all? Why the Hell does Blackrock rent to whites? Blackrock doesn’t need the money, BTW. Blackrock and the elites most assuredly do not need the money, or the headaches. They have the Federal Reserve for money. What they do need is whiteness erased. And I must confess; I don’t care about the financial prosperity of others, even with my skin color, if all they care about is Money. Or their own families exclusively, but not others. You have no chance alone, nor will the HOA defend you 😂. “ Single family… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

You raise an interesting point. What follows is mostly a dream, but hear me out. Imagine a subdivision, a community, maybe even a town where any rental properties are illegal. Let that sink in for a moment. Guess what? No Section 8. No absentee landlords. No tentants wrecking the neighborhood. Impossible you say? Maybe not. I think one is Celebration, Florida, originally a Disney community. If I recall, at least originally, their CCR (covenant) required owner to occupy the home at least 9 months of the year. My own HOA, also in FL, prohibits rentals unless the owner occupies the… Read more »

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

That’s been going on since at least the ’08 housing crash. Matt Taibbi covered it extensively at the time, but it didn’t get any attention because he published in lefty journals. It’s how our former Sec’y of the Treasury went from being Goldman-Sachs-Bankster rich to being super-rich. Not for nothing, it was Trump who put BlackRock and Fink in charge of the “Recovery.”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Larry Fink won’t withstand a nanosecond of scrutiny. It was always a puzzle as to why Goy Powell was allowed to be chair of the Fed, until he in turn allowed this evil Tribesman to be the point man on snapping up securities and bonds. I was very lightly into a small Blackrock Fund, always shaky and with a high return. Since Powell put Fink into place at the start of the pandemic, the value has doubled. I would advise people to sell their houses and downsize outside of urban settings, but those houses’ value keep rising (the real reason… Read more »

She Was A Constitution Nut
She Was A Constitution Nut
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

I have a conspiracy theory about what may be going on there, assuming that the reports about BlackRock are true. ============ The millions of migrants, i.e. replacement people, who are pouring into the USA need millions of homes, but they won’t have the good credit ratings needed to obtain loans on generous terms, so that they can buy homes at prices which they can afford. We know that the “federal” government stands ready to subsidize “BIPOC” farmers and restauranteurs with billions of dollars obtained by that government through taxation and borrowing. It’s clear, therefore, that that criminal organization would not… Read more »

Reply to  She Was A Constitution Nut
3 years ago

Thank you, that is what I was getting at.

Its not a conspiracy theory either, its the pretty much published (in pieces) plan.

The author at link is wrong, it isn’t feudalism its the great replacement.

We’re not to be serfs.
We’re to be evicted Kerns dying on the wayside ala Ireland 1847.

3 years ago

Dodo’s last words; LEAVE ME ALONE 😭

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

No one is dumber than “leave me alone” conservatives and libertarians. Dumber than blacks. No one is more deluded about the nature of the world than these fools.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The DC regime is so incompetent they can’t even maintain a security cordon around the Chosen One, Heels Up Harris:


You just love to see it.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I think its Susan Rice to the extent The Blob invests power in any one person.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Top comment: “This administration is so incompetent, they have to plant reporters pretending to be reporters!”

3 years ago

[…] ZMan peeks at modern mythology. […]

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 years ago

“Democracy in America is just a racket, an ongoing bust out enabled by an army of hacks in the administrative state.”

Z, put that in a book of your best apothegms. Mencken did that a couple of times.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

n. A terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim.
n. A short, pithy, instructive saying; a terse remark, conveying some important truth; a sententious precept or maxim. Also spelled apophthegm.
n. Synonyms Aphorism, Axiom, Maxim, etc. See aphorism.

3 years ago

It’s interesting that Z sees everyone in the media and the FBI as idiots, but at the same time thinks it’s totally out of the question that some hackers might have done something dumb. Because once that possibility is acknowledged his entire hand-waving argument falls apart, and the Colonial Pipeline story becomes perfectly plausible.

Robert Corliss
Robert Corliss
Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

Sure, if you permit a highly-specious assumption to enter into your argument, then yeah, it changes your conclusion. If we’re told that an armless dwarf won the NBA slam dunk competition, are you the type of person who’ll question those who doubt its likelihood by saying, “What if an armless dwarf *did* win the slam dunk contest: then it’s a lot more plausible, isn’t it? Isn’t it?

Reply to  Robert Corliss
3 years ago

JEB questIons nothing—especially COVID-19 dogma as promoted by the CDC and WHO.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

“especially COVID-19 dogma as promoted by the CDC and WHO.” I’m not gonna get into what is and isn’t real about Covid19 “propaganda”. Just want to say I had it for 2 weeks back in November. My chest still feels a little tight and I still cough. I don’t cough a lot, but I never had a cough before my Covid19. I’m not a Covid hysteric. Just saying, there is something odd about Covid19. DisRight: “If you’re not old and you’re in fair health, it’s just the flu or a bad cold.” OK, then why am I still experiencing effects… Read more »

Roentgen Ray
Roentgen Ray
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Frip, what you are experiencing is called “Long Haul Covid”. It is not necessarily unique to SARS-Cov-2 virus and can occur with other viruses. It is a real syndrome and is treatable with Ivermectin or HCQ. My best friend, who was my best man at my wedding and I at his, got Covid back in the winter and just never felt fully recovered even weeks after getting over the initial infection. He called me, since I am a physician, and I told him he needs to get on short term Ivermenctin therapy. I told him to go to the America’s… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Heh, I caught something like this on a ski trip to Chile in mid-2017. I figure 90 minutes on a damp, chilly ski bus back to Santiago with a bunch of Brazilians did it.

I had a cough I couldn’t shake for months, and this bug ramped up again at the end of 2017 when I was traveling for Christmas.

Eventually, I shook it off when spring rolled around.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Ray. Very much appreciated. Thank you.

As a coincidence while reading your comment and talking about Covid19. I was listening to Dog Paddle by Modest Mouse. The song starts and ends with him couphing. More like weezing and gasping for breath. Somehow he makes it part of the rhythm of the song. Or maybe he just took a bong hit and it all just kinda worked out. The song has some good improvised nonsense vocals. “I can’t swim, so I dog paddle. I eat ketchup and burger inside it feels like murder”.


Roentgen Ray
Roentgen Ray
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Listened to the Modest Mouse tune just a bit ago.

Reminds me of college days 35 years ago when I went to a Monday night pro wrestling card in Ft. Worth. My pals and I polished off a bottle of Kentucky Deluxe rot gut whisky we snuck in and cheered for the villains and then celebrated with a lot of Swisher Sweet plastic tips.

The next morning, my voice sounded a lot like the lead singer’s did in the video you linked.

I haven’t thought of that in a long time…Thanks, man!

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

A friend had the flu in 2016 and since then has had pneumonia which he never had before. He doesn’t go around warning people about Covid-16. That’s the diff.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Ray, fun story. Kentucky Deluxe is an awesome name by the way.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

A friend and co-worker had the Chinese flu this past March. He’s not on board with the national psychotic break, so he found the Frontline Doctor’s website and had a cyber consultation. They overnghted him Ivermectin and he went from feeling pretty rough to mostly well in 48 hours.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

The mistake Z mentions would be a colossal one. Highly unlikely.

Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

You don’t need this example of the Colonial Pipeline story to know how corrupt the Stasi is. The evidence is overwhelming in many other recent examples (see 2016 campaign OP against Trump and subsequent coup attempt). The FBI morphed into a de facto criminal enterprise several decades ago and no one should trust them in the least. Yes, there may still be a few honest agents around in the hinterland field offices, but all the head honchos are made-men. That they have publicly come forward to crow about their “success” in this caper is clearly a PSYOP of some sort,… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidians at Waco, J Edgar wearing his dress….masonic cult shitheads, the whole lot.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

Name checks out

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Speaking of hacks, the DC regime has just formed a blue-ribbon committee to study supply chain disruptions and offer solutions:


These tards really do believe that goods are magically summoned via money printing.

Hey tards, this is what happens when you shut down the global economy for no reason. Your middle school student council project won’t fix shit.

I’m convinced the only reason the dollar hasn’t collapsed is that every other major economy is printing at least as fast as the US.

Even so, it’s only a matter of time.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Alarm Bells; they are indeed studying supply chain disruptions.

Thats to kill us, not help us.

Ireland 1847 is instructive.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago


The bright side is they are likely to mangle the semiconductor, electronics, and chemical pipelines to a point that makes it impossible roll out their digital contol spider web.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Hence supply chain disruptions.

Dead people who die of starvation don’t need a web of control.

The only supply chain disruption needed is to let the US Dollar meet price discovery. At that point 2 critical interrelated systems break;

1. Food distribution system- it cannot function without money.

2. Gasoline distribution- without which the food and any other truck borne essentials cannot move.

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Fein. Can you recommend a good article or book on the 1847 Potato party?

Contrarius Maximus
Contrarius Maximus
3 years ago

If hacking is so easy to do why hasn’t the USA done it to Russia and bragged about it on CNN?

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Contrarius Maximus
3 years ago

I had a very light association with a former tech spook and his claim was “they do”. Given that, it’s just that Russia and China don’t publicly wet their diaper every time something goes sideways.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

In Russia and China, there’s no way to tell the difference betweeen when the the supply chain is working and when it’s not working.

Reply to  Contrarius Maximus
3 years ago

Back in the early days of widespread public internet access (90s) hacking was ubiquitous (in minecraft, of course.) As a code monkey I can tell you that the private sector got their sh*t together well before the government for all sorts of reasons.

Reply to  Contrarius Maximus
3 years ago

We do and a lot of it but it’s never spoken of. We even “hack” our “allies”. And yeah we hacked big time as well, because even the big DoD contractors are sloppy as s**t when it comes to InforSec. Or in some cases a executive or general doesn’t think the rules applies to them and send classified info via Exchange on a unclass line say from Langley to the Pentagon not realizing there are taps on those lines. In the private sector it’s a matter of the wounds being self-inflicted. Industrial outfits that instead of making sure their SCADA… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

But when there are standards there can be accountability.

No, oh not that.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Ha! Next thing you’ll be claiming is that a recent Secretary of State transmitted classified documents over an unsecure email server 😀

3 years ago

That’s all the FBI did. They got a warrant and confiscated the funds. ZeroHedge had the documents showing exactly what the FBI did. This wasn’t some super-hacker move by the FBI.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  WOPR
3 years ago

Gold dollar against a wooden nickle says they just framed someone (either intentionally or through ignorance, or just bamboozling a magistrate judge who didn’t understand any of it) and stole their crypto. “The guilty will be punished, regardless of their innocence.”

Reply to  WOPR
3 years ago

If you think that the FBI can get a warrant and confiscate the BTC funds, then you don’t understand enough about blockchain to comment.

You’re like an African expressing an opinion on astronomy.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
3 years ago

I’m just curious: Were there ever any “good journalists”? I mean, the original print media was bought and paid for by the people with money to push whatever narrative they wanted to. I know that the concept of “ethics” in journalism (an oxymoron similar to “ethics” for lawyers) developed and was incorporated into the educational curriculum for journalists. But, when have journalists actually changed anything? At their best, they merely served as hatchet men for people with money/power. I’m sure many of you will say that so-and-so was a good journalist and did fill-in-the-blank. You might select Woodward and Bernstein… Read more »

outwit, outlast, outplay
outwit, outlast, outplay
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
3 years ago


Reply to  outwit, outlast, outplay
3 years ago

You mean the guys who used 370mm telephoto lens on LA beaches last summer to make it look like Woodstock-by-the-surf in order to amp up coof rules.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
3 years ago

“With the exception of some people that are actually doing investigative journalism (and getting no coverage in this age of infinite information), there are only talking heads whose purpose is to keep the herd distracted. Change my mind.” The ‘change my mind’ game doesn’t work when it comes frontloaded with exceptions. Joseph Farah of WND.com exposed Obama’s birth certificate forgery. Nobody cared, however. There’s Andy Ngo in Portland today, he’s a Lefty but done good reporting on Antifa at great risk to his own safety. Not a partisan hack; I suspect he’s particularly hated because he’s an “off the reservation”… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

“The ‘change my mind’ game doesn’t work when it comes frontloaded with exceptions.”

Well, I’m not really sure that investigative journalists are actually “good journalists”. While I understand that painting an entire group of people with a single brush is not fair to a small percentage, are investigative journalists anything other than narcs that take enjoyment out of taking someone down with more power than they have?

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

“Buckhead” and the execrable Charles Johnson did the grunt work in revealing the Killian memos as forgeries.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

“Charles Johnson”, there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. It’s interesting because a Stephen Den Beste, a writer from the same era, chose to walk away* while Johnson did everything but (I think) hit the gay-porn circuit to draw the cranks back in.

*(Den Beste was probably the most eloquent writer at the time in favor of the Iraq Attaq, but he died before having to dine on the mountain of crow that many others did, including, alas, myself).

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
3 years ago

Whitney Webb was reporting on “Event 201” (where the WEF; Gates Foundation; and Johns Hopkins’ Heath Security center war-gamed a global coronavirus pandemic in Oct. 2019.) And yet no major media outlet seems interested.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Ex- (and future) Eagles singer Don Henley certainly had the news industry pegged in his 1981 hit “Dirty Laundry”:

In fairness to the announcers, writers and so on, for the most part, they are paid shills, they know that they’ll do what they’re told or their ass is out in the street, most likely unemployable for the rest of their lives.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Morrissey’s taken some great shots at the media over the years.

“Reader Meet Author”

You don’t know a thing about their lives
They live where you wouldn’t dare to drive
You shake as you think of how they sleep
But you write as if you all lie side by side

“Spent The Day In Bed”

Stop watching the news!
Because the news contrives to frighten you
To make you feel small and alone
To make you feel that your mind isn’t your own

3 years ago

Karl Denninger also noticed this:


Severian at Rotten Chestnuts (two links in a post would probably get me sent to moderation so its rottenchestnuts dot com) did a post yesterday called “If They Were Clever” not about this incident in general, but about our ruling class’s lies and propaganda in general.

Well, they’re not clever.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Thanks for the linkage!

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

I wish your commenting system wasn’t WP. I’ve been one of your 17 readers for years and would love to share my thrilling insights.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

All the FBI had to do was subpoena Coinbase, which would have been fully cooperative. This reminds me of all the people who committed tax evasion using UBS and were caught. They chose a bank that happened to have a major footprint in the US and thus was a hostage to US laws. The whole point of doing that is that the bank should have no presence here. I couldn’t imagine a foreigner of any kind using Coinbase for something like this.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

The FBI is hoping they can locate potential criminals reading certain news stories. Using that logic, I guess I’m a suspect in the Capitol “insurrection,” various murders and other violent crimes across the USA, not to mention suspicious insider trading in AMC and various other stocks 😀


3 years ago

I don’t own a TV. I don’t expose myself to the news. I don’t rub feces in my eyes & ears as a matter of habit. I don’t even bother ridiculing the idiots in the news media because I have better things to do with my time. I feel ashamed that I live in a world in which so many members of my species roll around in this shit everyday and then think well of themselves as “educated” in current affairs. What are you going to “do” with your newly acquired “information”? Change the world or just pick the dingle-berries… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The Power Structure is running a racket, alright. And right now the purpose of the racket is to convince the idiotic masses that AINO is an angelic entity beset by demoniac forces from Gog. However, AINO is not only immaculate, it is also invincible.

Methinks it doth protest too much.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Oh, the Father of Lies and his minions are obviously in control of the AINO power structure.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out who the Antichrist is.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

A culture, a people, an identity- a flag, rather than an entity.

(Both technically and figuratively, none of the gods are entities, just as none of Aesop’s story characters are a specific individual.

The Hebrew story style was pretty much universal in those times; if somebody told a story about Owl, they meant owls in general. Just as “Adam” does not mean all Mankind, but ancestors only of the Semitic tribes.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Since I digress wildly offtopic anyways, let me offer my profound thanks to one of our Z-commentors for this: “We’ll have to package our thing into a narrative that meets the checklist of psychological needs that the Zman lists in the article.” I’m too far behind in keeping up with all the wonderful comments, and can’t find a name to thank in person- but you have helped me solve for a great vexation. Blame Geese for this, as his earlier mention of the Anti-Christ led me to consider further the chicken-or-egg question of the physical nature of the gods, and… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Wew, lads. Sorry, Geese. The short answer is: YHWH. The contagion concentrated in, but far, far from isolated to, the people who wrote Revelations, the Plan. The spirit generated by and attractive to our ruling class. We’re in the active reign of that vision, and its physical manifestation. The World Wars feeding phase was far harsher, though, as were the eras before that worse still. None of this fits a calender or even human timescale. Think more of an ecology changing, advancing and receding. The primitive version only allows us to grasp some basics, as would a child or aborigine.… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

I had no problem swallowing the “hackers did it” with the pipeline last month. But when the story broke yesterday that the FBI got the money back, I said “Bullshit!”

When they are not lying, they’re incompetent.

But then I always go to the line “Never attribute that to stupidity which is adequately explained my malice” (the inverse is just way too convenient for them)
If there is an obvious motive for some evil purpose, I always assume they are acting with malice.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Maybe there was a noose dangling from a dongle down at the pipeline HQ. As NASCAR found out, the crack FBI slipknot swat team are the best around at counting the coils in the rope around our necks.

Thud Muffle
3 years ago

When the Weinerwagger said he’d been hacked the claim lost all its credibility with me.

3 years ago

Janet Yellen, who should audition for a part in the next David Lynch movie, has been upset since her post at the Fed over low oil prices and the glut caused by a fracking industry that has slid down the tubes, creating an unhappy situation for the nation’s sacred banking sector. Regardless of the realities of the situation, if there are any, higher oil prices have been a godsend to companies needing to work on their debt obligations. The “hack” hasn’t made the banks unhappy.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

The reflexive Russia thing is an easy sell since a lot of old timers remember the days of the “Russian Business Network” and, in a bit of ironic “all-you-people-look-the-same-to-me”, often conflated them with highly disproportionate number of hacks that came from Romania. It’s still lazy though. The initial reports of the Exchange server hacks (themselves probably derived from the Solar Winds hack) pointed to command and control servers in China, but somehow the government decided it was just wily Russians using CnC servers in China, not the Chinese themselves. Part of it is “Russia Russia Russia” to be sure, but… Read more »

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Evil – It’s funny – although I grew up in the age of ‘communism’ and USSR bad, after having lived in a few ‘communist’ countries I learned to see them as people subjected to a hostile and/or incompetent government, just as we suffer today. I’ve been reading an old book, one of the early TEOTWAKI ones (Lucifer’s Hammer) written in 1977, and the first third was a real slog – America in the 1970s (it was bad enough the first time) and “Russia is our enemy.” At least that was before the worst of PC – while the authors have… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Disagree. Hammer was engaging, had novel ideas, and interesting twists (even for someone accustomed to the genre). I though it was pretty interesting that Pournelle & Niven had already realized the “not your cabin anymore, buddy” problem 1/2 a century ago, and Boomer Doomers and libertarians are still thinking their hideyhole will work. Maybe it’s a factor of you having lived it; the “contemporaneous times” exposition and siting in the cultural milieu is probably interesting to me as presenting new information (having not lived through it), whereas for you it’s “yeah, duh.” So, I’d recommend it.

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
3 years ago

Rebel – Yes, I also noted and found interesting that they introduced what are now standard tropes in that genre (Not Your Cabin Anymore, Towns Closed to Outsiders, Women as Sexual Barter, etc.). I think part of what I disliked about the beginning wasn’t just the rehash of the ’70s, but that it was set in California. All the wannabes and poseurs and newmoney types.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Also, the wife’s favorite part of Hammer is that the best thing that anyone grabbed on the way out of dodge was the woman grabbing one nice outfit and her makeup kit. The only thing rarer than potable water after a big disaster is femininity.

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
3 years ago

Rebel – And here I’ll disagree. I saw that as the final, simple summation of that tv documentary guy’s wife, the one he was killing himself to support in the style to which she’d become accustomed. On the one hand she was afraid and asked him to stay home; on the other she packs makeup for an end-of-the-world emergency. She wasn’t an evil character, just fairly stupid and conformist and status-seeking – like most women. The more feminine women in the book are the ones who reassess their future and become supportive partners to their men, and they are painted… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

There’s a deeper point there, and I might just be not recalling the details enough (it’s been a while since I read that book). But my take on that aspect of the story is that beauty, especially feminine beauty, is a sublime and eternal ideal. Even after the people in the book have been violently and completely broken of modernism and its values, the genuine article of feminine beauty was still a lasting and significant value. Thus, the message there is that God really does love and encourage beauty (and truth and justice), and our people’s pursuit and lionizing of… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I guess everyone forgot about Ali Watson, a reporter on the DC scene that was caught banging sources for info.

I doubt she’s the only one.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

At least she put some effort into her work.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Man, I wish I had some info right about now…

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago


comment image

I guess, but I wouldn’t give her *good* information.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Oh, wait, I think that’s the wrong one. Darn you DuckDuckGo!

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

No, it is the right one. The name’s Ali Watkins, not Watson.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

uhhhh nvm. I know nothing

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

There is some measure of integrity in being an actual whore rather than just a metaphorical one. One of the few ways that the news media could begin to reestablish credibility is if they openly advertise that their reporters will fuck for a good news tip or lead. At least this would be truthful, and that’s a start.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Male and female media journalists are more interested in their physique than an accurate story.
Is my hair brushed well?
How does my makeup look?
Is my tie the right color?
Good journalism mostly died with the newspaper industry and has been replaced by the on line Huffington Post.
What remains of any decent journalism is coming from the right and from dissident content.

3 years ago

this has me thinking about something that is slightly off topic. The left doesn’t want imbeciles in charge of things or at least not until they don’t have to worry about elections anymore. Schumer is 70 years old and it makes me wonder if he might indefinitely like Robert Byrd because he’s afraid of who might replace him. The only chosen in the NY congressional delegation is Nadler (who’s older than Schumer) and Zeldin (who’s a repub). The idea thatAOC, Mondaire Jones, Jamaal Bowman, Ritchie Torres or even Hakeem Jeffries replacing him is probably something he can’t stomach.

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

why can’t Hillary replace Schumer??
surely she deserves it as some sort of consolation price, no?
Besides, she has prior experience as a senator.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

I heard that Chuck Schumer has credible information that could lead to the arrest and conviction of Hillary Clinton….
OK, twice in two days is enough.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Having hung around reporters in my youth, I can confirm that there definitely seemed to be a weeding out process. I didn’t work with them, but I heard the office stories. Anyone to right of Lenin was already feeling the cultural heat – and this was a long time ago. Can’t imagine what it’s like now. They also knew that their chances of moving up were very low. There was also the fact that the young reporters with anything on the ball started to realize that journalism was a dying industry and a low-paid one at that, so they started… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Most of the ones in the national press are trust fund morons who have never done any meaningful work in their lives. They don’t need adequate pay to cover their living expenses because they are getting covered by mommy and daddy. Their devotion to the cause and need for attention keep them in the job. Plus their willingness to repeat whatever idiotic line their feed by the deep state.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Yeah, a lot of them came from upper-middle class to wealthy families and went to big name, expensive colleges.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Like this prime example of Americana?
Matthew Katzman from Bethesda MD

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The press blames all of their problems on their customers. No matter how many readers they drive away, their answer to their ever dwindling readership is to become more left wing. It has been this way for as long as I can remember.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Pity the poor journalist sleeping in his car. They never were the sharpest knife in the harbour 😀 thus they choose the easy major (should have chosen business admin, damn!) Now doomed to a life stocking shelves at the local Wal*Mart.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Ben, they wouldn’t dirty their hands with plebeian Whites at Walmart. They’d work for Target. Much better virtue signaling/humble bragging status.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

…and a Starbucks onsite! At least they can avoid the worst of the white trash at Wally World 😀

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Or the ones Geraldo specializes in, technically known as “starf**kers” (that’s an actual quote from one of them who was banging him.)

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 years ago

The MIC and the Security software folks have now invented the world’s largest self-licking ice cream cone.

More hacks > more security software sales > bigger budget upgrades > employee shortage > more H1B imports > more incompetence > more hacks > more Russia Russia Russia > more need for cyber security experts……..an infinite “do loop”

If you didn’t know any better, you’d think it was planned this way……

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

Well, the FBI has form, as the Brits say. They have been setting up patsies to do “terrorism” (or at least to hold “terrorist thoughts”) to gin up arrests to prove to all and sundry just how vigilant they are in “protecting” us, and how much we need to respect them for their efforts. Now that there is a self-licking ice cream cone if ever I saw one.

So why not build on that scam and generate a new field of action while serving other “higher” interests at the same time?

3 years ago

As with anything technology related, the contents of those tweets linked above had a signal-to-noise ratio of about zero.

I’d suspect someone in the alphabet community was able to redirect the funds to their own account with Coinbase, having been insiders to the hack or simply having an informer. Maybe we’ll find out later that someone was offered immunity in exchange for returning the loot.

The warrant to “seize” the coins was simply crossing the t’s to make the seizure legitimate.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jackmaninov
3 years ago

At least we can smile with some satisfaction at the government snoops that are paid to monitor this and similar blogs, no doubt appaled by what they read, but stunned by at least occasional doses of truth their brains are unaccustomed to process 😀

Hey you cheapshit bastards, at least send some money in to keep us on the air. How are you going to keep our files current if Zman folds?

Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those readers didn’t get inadvertently red pilled reading this stuff. Facebook had a problem a few years back with its fact-checkers going nuts after reading conspiracy materials (prob why they hire far left ideologues now — fanatics can’t be talked down). This may be a contributing factor to the regime’s paranoia—they don’t know who they can trust anymore.

Reply to  Jackmaninov
3 years ago

They only gave back half the money, so I’m entirely certain that the FBI has found a new and very lucrative sideline- and it’s all-American, no foreigners involved!

3 years ago

Z, I’ll agree on your first part that “hacked” is the go to defense for any “celebrity” caught in a Kinsley Gaffe (inadvertently revealing a truth or opinion they didn’t want to be revealed). See: Hunter Biden laptop, numerous Twitter or Facebook posts mined and dredged up, etc. As for “If a company loses customer information, they claim it was hackers.”, I’m more likely to believe hackers DID do the deed. If you work down at the bits and bytes level of IT, you see some absolutely horrendous security breaches if you work anywhere long enough. Many of them are… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

Yeah but spicy food

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

My Lovely Mrs. can cook her own spicy food for us, thankyouveddymuch.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago


I agree that the “Us Brave and Smart Folks from the FBI Got ‘Em” angle is bunk.

Part of the reason older systems stay around is frankly, they work. And they were paid off years ago. And nobody these days wants to work on a batch processing system when you can design Awesome Apps for Apple!

Of course, now that nobody teaches COBOL or batch processing . . . . . . . . .

(Ask me the story about the C# programmer who couldn’t figure out the concept of how to open, read, and process a flat file)

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The FBI got the same Bitcoin…

They’re right, I don’t know anything about Crypto or Blockchain.

Its like Time Travel!!!
Sure, time doesn’t move, space does but if you’re in the GOV you have access to special tools and…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

Between roughly 1986-1996, I worked on U.S. Government contract where dial-up diagnostic ports were routinely left unsecured. This was for staff’s convenience to be able to diagnose and (hopefully) fix problems from home. To be fair, there was little to no chance of actual data being comromised (it was “unclassified” government project, and we had no access to government’s systems), and any random hacker wouldn’t have gotten fair without knowing a few passwords, ID numbers, types of equiment etc. But the point is that, in principle, any person with knowledge could have knocked down sizeable portions of a major government… Read more »

3 years ago

I mean you can look at the average Globocorp and scale up to the FBI & upper gov. Managers are all white woman Karens with few skills who really don’t know much about IT, project management, or anything nitty gritty. They are constantly shuffling departments around (with horrible planning) and always micromanage. They lie to your face non stop and think they’re cunning geniuses. The rest of the corporation is largely diversity hires, mystery meat. And these people have almost no skills. Most probably faked a resume and got hired because they’re dark. They can click a button when Karen… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

From my experience staff in your average US Corporate IT department now works out to be:

Roughly 50% Indian (H-1B or citizen onshore, or offshore in India back office. Some places it’s up to 2/3rds of the department)
Roughly 25% Whites, which often can include Eastern Europeans (Russian)
Roughly 15 – 20% Other Asians (Chinese, Filipino, Thai, Vietnamese)
Remainder beloved Diversity.

Take that as you will.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

How automatic traffic lights used to work versus how they work today, with computerization and code written by resident H-1bs. Stopped by a red light every block at 7 AM on a Sunday morning with almost zero traffic. Waiting up to two and a half minutes for a left turn signal. And I hate curry.

3 years ago

First it was a fossil fuel pipeline, then it was a beef company.

Yeah, I suspect we’re going to get the Green New Deal whether we like it or not.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Maniac
3 years ago

The watermelons are clearly in control.

Reply to  Maniac
3 years ago

Manica: Absolutely – cohencidences, or as my son responded, “Things which make you go ‘hmmmn.” I don’t really know whether we’ll have a long, hot summer of rioting – too much excess vibrancy could damage Cameltoe’s image, but I honestly do expect shenanigans with the grid in various locales. Whitey uses too much elektricity and AC is rayciss. But the damn electronic/solar generator (simple to use, silent, and no gas to store and stabilize) large enough to handle the initial power surge required by a window AC or full-size fridge averages $1200-$2000 and the whole-house one is far more than… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I got four free solar home quotes for my hovel last December. It’s borderline economical. I don’t qualify for the tax credit, which would cut costs by about 25%. I am still skeptical. These systems usually come with perhaps a 20 year waranty, about the same as the payment plan. I’ve seen life expectancies anywhere from that on down to just ten years or even less. The panels also fail gradually in power generating ability. Add a battery storage system and your woes are multipled 😀 Not discussed, and this is mostly speculation: If you are the firm selling these… Read more »

3 years ago

Or, the Russian government was pissed that their ransom scheme targeted a highly vulnerable US center of gravity without authorization. The attack, whoever was responsible, uncovered a massive strategic vulnerability in the US energy supply chain. Typically, nation-states don’t go after that because they want to save it for use in an actual war. (which also explains why so many people think it was an inside job by FBI or CIA)

The punishment was the ransom was returned in a face saving way.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago


We need to watch Putin even closer! Hell, he probably IS a space alien.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I can say I’m glad that Putin practices Judo and so temper control.
I would have been taunted into fight by now.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I thought that was implied, but yes, I concur.

Have a great weekend, Z.

David Wright
3 years ago

With all the dolts, imbeciles and low IQ grifters in power or those working with them, why hasn’t our side started to run the tables on these guys? Is having total control of the apparatus all that matters? Some kind of idiotic leviathan too large and intricate to usurp.

Throw me a bone here, it’s all too much anymore.

Sand wasp
Sand wasp
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

The problem is that most people on our side of the divide are allergic to gaining and using power. Most just want to be left alone. Others see the necessary steps to gaining and maintaining power as being immoral. It is the fatal flaw of the right and it tells me that “our side” probably won’t be able to turn this around Our civilization was built through conquest and a lot of really ugly things that “our side” couldn’t stomach. All the men of action and power are on the left. Perhaps they are more closely alike to our ancestors… Read more »

Reply to  Sand wasp
3 years ago

Most upper middle class conservatives genuinely just want to grill and chill. They’re also more likely to give into social pressure. Hard to have dinner parties if your wife and all her friends shun you for your views (Citizen??) From what I understand the toughest frontier people got obese and are now dying from despair and opioids. There’s not necessarily a place for a tough, rugged white guy anymore. Instead of creating a place for themselves alot instead just give up and slowly and quietly kill themselves. Their grandmas or parents voted Trump. What else are they gonna do? Those… Read more »

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Yes, but the frontier people would not have ever gotten to North America without the ambitious elite who chartered the voyages to the new world and financed the ships.

Those kind of men in modern times are on the left because that is where the prestige and power are.

That is the kind of men that matter now of where we are going as a civilization.

Reply to  Sand Wasp
3 years ago

Yes, a good elite are important. “Ours” are insane (though the days of the WASP-only elite are long gone).

There are a few solutions to this, but in general it’s at too grand of a scale.

I’m not too worried about the future thought. Connect and grow with like minded people, have lots of kids and do you best to homeschool them.

There’s not much else you can do (short of a french revolution – but that’s not a topic to put in writing).

Reply to  Sand Wasp
3 years ago

The “frontier people”? What frontier? The place was already inhabited and had been for thousands of years. The frontier existed only in terms of culture, technology and susceptibility to disease. There was once a frontier between Sweden and Russia too, but nobody ever talks about that. Popular historians marvel at the agonies suffered by the 19th-century Lewis & Clark expedition trudging across a bounteous landscape that was also inhabited by socially sophisticated people, kind of a tourist event with ominous intentions. Since nobody in the world at that time had plumbing or refrigeration the Yankee adventurers gave up little but… Read more »

Reply to  Sand wasp
3 years ago

Yes. We are allergic to power, want to be left alone. Also allergic to risk.

So we are alone, there is no we, we will die alone. Choices have consequences.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

With all due respect Fein, we are not allergic to risk. Why would an old dude like me risk money and time trying to build a place for my family among like minded people? I can just sit on my ass and watch sports all. I think what is missed is not that we want to be left alone by everyone, we want to be left alone by the G. Planting trees, growing crops, meeting neighbors, fixing equipment, and what do you know, not a bit of it overseen by a government official,. How does that even happen?! Nah, I… Read more »

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

“Want to be left alone by the government”

The captains of history don’t want to be left alone by the government, they want to BE the government.

Also risking money and time is very different from being willing to risk your neck.

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

“I just want to be left alone by the government”

Ultimately that is the survival strategy of the dodo bird.

I can work for a time, but is incapable of dealing with a force that refuses to leave you alone.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

Do you see improvements?

We want to be left alone by the G.

Do you see any evidence they can or will?

Planting orchids and raising kids…

Fire and sword end that in a few moments.

You don’t want to risk VIOLENCE and WAR to clarify the matter, yet it marches on you.

This is why I say you’ll die alone. Because the steadfast redneck refusal to band together for the common defense.

So yes – you’ll be left alone – until they come.

Its a great life, except for the last part.

Enjoy it.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

Part of the issue is K-selection and kids. If you’re having kids, you’re going to avoid high risk political involvement for 2 decades – most of your young adulthood. I’ll be in my 50’s before I can stick my neck out again. The saving grace that I see is that it’s a long term versus short term strategy, but a successful long term strategy. The Enemy is eating their seed corn – the center, center-left, and normie left are using up their women of childbearing age in muh career go-grrlism, and having 1/2 or 1 kids. “Fur mommy,” look it… Read more »

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

Rebel, I appreciate your optimism, but why do you think the lefties are pumping in immigrants so fast and in such high numbers? To offset (or better) the very TFR imbalance you speak to. I’m sad to say their ‘artificial insemination technique’ is simply an open border; bypassing gestation and birth. They drop them in your town, and then they predominantly vote ‘D’. And they have no problem running 2-3 TFR for a generation or two. Way better than the ‘one and done’ wing of their coalition. So, in 15-20 years, most of your church isn’t speaking English, and with… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

Replying to Howard: Immigrants do not stay. Historically, even in boom times in the US (1890s, 1910s, 1980s), more than 50% of immigrants end up returning to their home country, with their families. Now in lean times (1970s), return rates were more like 70%. Then in outright bad times times, the mid-depression 1930’s, immigrants had something like a 85-90% return rate (often times, locally 100%). If that bares out and we actually have a full-on hyperinflationary-to-deflationary crash depression like 1930’s Weimar or USA, their 100 million “paper americans” to our 180 million becomes 10 million to our 180 million. It… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Sand wasp
3 years ago

I’m reminded of the ancient folk tale:

Applied to politics, we can well say the Scorpion is the Left and the Frog is us honest, trusting conservatives.

It’s just our nature.

Reply to  Sand wasp
3 years ago

What it takes to acquire power in a zero-sum, defect-defect, inverted world of manufactured anti-reality is incompatible with those who still desire “normal” civilization. Opportunistically dark triad or extreme self-interest isn’t enough. You have to embrace anti-reality. Sips at first. But at some point you have to drink deeply. Power we speak of is vested in those who administer and curate alt-reality – or downstream of that, those useful idiots who are taken up by its black magic and do its bidding for crumbs of power like social status. Anti-reality is full of purity tests, “logic” and language traps, and… Read more »

Gunner Q
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

“What it takes to acquire power in a zero-sum, defect-defect, inverted world of manufactured anti-reality is incompatible with those who still desire “normal” civilization.”

Quoted for truth. It’s like watching divorced women get duped by Nigerian princes. I can see the grift working… repeatedly… and if I squint very hard then I can follow the psychology… but kissing a skank-ho’s ego in order to scam dollars out of her purse would be an out-of-body experience for a guy who can’t sit on a bus bench without getting shrieked at.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Very well put. Excuse a little tdlr (because it’s not): only clowns can rule clown world.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Aaaand, still no one has a remedy, save the black pills. I’ll take the good ideas from this blog and continue to implement them to have something for my heirs.
The best thing I have done is find a like minded community that minds their own business, unless you ask for help. Then they all are more than helpful.

Reply to  Sand wasp
3 years ago

Our side(DR) doesn’t have a lot of fighty peeps. That seems to be bred out them,. I do know a lot of the folks who do have a bit of fight in them do stuff in meat space – which is about the only safe space for our side. Anything online should be considered compromised.

Right now there isn’t much we can do because most whites are very fragmented politically and along class lines. In addition the government has become very anti-white and intrusive which makes organizing next to impossible outside of the local level.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Part of it might be the panopticon nature of current society?
Somewhat on topic, when the Android “stagefright” vulnerability came out I waited for someone, anyone, to exploit it, to turn all unpatched ‘droid phones (which is always almost all of them) into their own zombie force. Imagine every Android phone suddenly blaring out the glories of the Chinese communist party! And yet, nothing. A whole planet worth of people and not one of them even thought to do it as a troll.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Reward your friends.

Punish your enemies.

Nancy Pelosi et al understands this and doesn’t apologize for it.

Republicans give up the store trying to “heal the country” and “get along”. Mostly though, it’s that Republicans don’t believe the BS they push actually got them elected, much less that any “serious” person would want them to act on it.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

“No more Stalins, no more Hitlers.” Anyone who grabbed the controls of the machine would find that they don’t function. When Tump did it freaked him out. He vacillated between telling the people the score, putting in panicked calls to the “experts,” and grasping at the dummy wheel again and again in case it’s real this time. We learned for sure that none of that works, that politics per se—what we’re allowed to think of as “power”—is fake. So, what do? Nothing obvious. Make known, softly, that you’re available. Know what’s real and point it out. Be right—so the world… Read more »

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

That’s one reason why I’m optimistic- even though I’m still on a rather apocalyptic tear. It was the Cubans who convinced me- the ones going back to Cuba with their American Social Security in hand, the ones showing me Christmas pictures of big happy families. You can get pretty much all you need there- it’s all black market, or the Castros would’ve stolen it for resale. And who needs a car, really, on a tropical island? Medical supplies, well, you see where medicine here is going, so phooey. They still have a functional 1906 economy, though, not AD 486. The… Read more »

3 years ago

So what WAS the Colonial Pipeline “hack”? I’m going back and forth between ” an innovative new way to pass bribes ” and “they put Diversity in the control room and the inevitable happened.”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

It was a pretext. Whether to do a number on Russia, fuel production/consumption, or on crytocurrency, it is hard to tell. Someone within Colonial, Coinbase or certainly Russia could humiliate the feds in a nanosecond but have elected not to do so, so maybe it is another scam.

Regardless,this kind of laughably transparent propaganda is a hallmark of totalitarianism. Expect more of it.

Also, Z: I can add a third character flaw to private sector propagandists: they are stunningly lazy.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

That has been my question also, what really caused the pipeline to shutdown? Oil prices had been dropping before this happened was it as simple as someone cooked this up to make money on oil? There is video of Hawley asking the CEO of Colonial why they couldn’t operate the pipeline manually since it is 70 years old and was obviously operated manually before current tech existed. His response was that they were able to operate portions of it manually but everyone who knew how the whole thing worked is either retired or dead. They told him it would be… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

So then bring in the old ones — is their wisdom inaccessible just because they’re not on the company payroll anymore?
If cyberattacks are to become commonplace in the globalist melodrama, doesn’t it behoove people to understand how to do things con la mano?
They don’t want people to know how to run shit manually anymore, that’s why.

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

Lanky – I’ve read about similar circumstances in a LOT of industries. People are so utterly dependent on computers today that even one generation old tech is utterly alien to them, and since most of them are not White American they cannot reverse engineer anything. Add in entire industries offshored, and there’s a reason why we could not possibly pull of a moonshot or building the Empire State Building or the Hoover Dam today. We are not the same country, and those people are gone. Their descendants are deracinated, degenerate, and slated for death. Buy/download and preserve old (and I… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

3g I do worry about my baby son and my (not total) lack of survival skills. Hey, at least I’m good with a crossbow now!

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Google Colonial pipeline leak.
Infrastructure shakedown.
Tobacco, asbestos, et al.
Now meat and petroleum.

Bustout farmland and small real estate complete and we all live by another’s leave.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

“So what WAS the Colonial Pipeline “hack”?”

Saddam has WMD! Saddam has WMD!

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Sev this is a color Revolution, occupation and consolidation of power phase; and the enemy has A LOT OF WORK TO DO in this regard. This is just one confusion to your enemies (we are their enemies) operation of many, many more to come. The distrust being sowed is part of it. Its not that difficult to understand; Ukraine, Syria, Iraq…just our turn. Its like violence- only baffling the first time. If there’s a second time. IF. Of course the immediate tactical effects are kicking the commons in the wallet for memorial day, distraction from Wuhan, and yes somebody’s getting… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Easy: solar and wind farms and pixie dust plants are impregnable fortresses. Oil and gas infrastructure: totally vulnerable.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Good question. In general most companies will never admit they got blackmailed unless it’s so bad they can’t cover it up. Whatever happened it shut off their pipeline and caused a lot of important people to a dump a grumpy. The MSM is was their payroll system that got hacked. That is not a show stopper. But I doubt it. Someone either got into the SCADA system(which controls the pipeline) or locked people out of it. Although I read there was a leak in their pipeline and that was the real problem. But I can’t find any proof of that.… Read more »