J. D. Vance

It is tempting to judge a man by his enemies, especially if his enemies are the sorts of people who should be the enemy of the decent. Logic seems to dictate that if the worst people are opposed to someone or some idea, then there must be some merit to that person or idea. The worst people operate exclusively from self-interest. What is good for the worst is probably not good for the rest, so therefore what is bad for the worst must be good for the rest, if only that it diminishes the worst.

The great lesson of the George W. Bush years is that the worst people can hate someone who deserves to be hated. Every far-left crank in America was howling in agony about the Bush administration. Their complaints were every bit as insane as the people making them, so decent people just assumed Bush was a good guy. It turns out that sometimes the enemy of your enemy is just another enemy. Bush, of course, was a disaster, the worst President in American history.

That is something to keep in mind now that J. D. Vance has decided to run for office in his former home state of Ohio. Vance was always something of a curiosity, having gone from humble beginnings to the managerial elite, but seeming to maintain a connection with his roots in the lower class. His book Hillbilly Elegy was a hit among the chattering classes, always looking for some authenticity. It was also popular with normal people who found it and Vance to be genuine and thoughtful.

Now Vance is seeking to ride the wave of populist enthusiasm and white fright to a political career. At first this would seem logical, but just a few years ago he was an anti-Trump guy, like all the people he now criticizes. It made sense back then. He was enjoying publicity from the sorts of people he spent his entire life trying to copy. He had gotten rich thanks largely to the fact these people helped him along as he went from the Marines to Yale Law then to Silicon Valley.

He is singing a different tune these days. He is on the Trump train and talking quite sensibly and credibly about the issues that concern white people. In fact, he sounds far more sensible than Trump. As a result, the worst people have started to attack him for his alleged apostacy. The gargoyle of neoconservatism, Mona Charen, came out last March with an attack on Vance, calling him and white people jackals. That is an interesting bit of projection from a blood-thirsty warmonger.

Now we have this post in the Atlantic from Tom Nichols, or as he prefers the commoners to refer to him, “Five Time Jeopardy Champion” Tom Nichols. For those unaware, Tom Nichols is America’s leading expert on being wrong about everything to do with foreign policy. From his perch on Twitter, when he is not reminding us that he is a super genius and a five time Jeopardy champion, he tells us that we have all let him down and no longer deserve a man like Tom Nichols.

Writing often betrays the image the writer projects and this no truer than in the case of Tom Nichols. He tries to portray himself as an intellectual tough guy, but his writing style suggests he is a hysterical teenage girl. It is not hard to imagine that Atlantic post being submitted on tear-stained paper with some of the “I’s” being dotted with little frowny faces. The post is supposed to be about Vance, but it really about Nichols and his hurt feelings about the populist rebellion.

Tom Nichols, like David French, is the sort of person the Founders warned about when discussing democracy. They pointed out that democracy attracts the worst people who then appeal to the worst instincts of the people. Liberal democracy is the playground of narcissistic fanatics whose only interest is in flattering themselves with the applause of the mobs. Suddenly, all of the worst people are bearing their fangs at J.D. Vance, so normal people naturally feel disposed towards him.

Of course, another quality of liberal democracy is that it spawns false opposition like a shark grows teeth. Just ten years ago Conservative Inc. spawned any number of imitators to steal the energy of the Tea Party. We see the same thing happening with the different populist groups. The usual suspects are furiously trying to co-opt the Nick Fuentes thing with boy-band quality alternatives. American Moment is what old Cloud People think young Dirt People will find compelling.

With that in mind, it is wise to be cautious about anyone in the ring claiming to speak for the great dispossessed. That is one lesson of Trump. Politics is like a high-end brothel where even the most virtuous are going to tempted. If Lucifer were tasked with creating a political system to stock Hell with souls, he would head to Washington to get tips from the masters. He would probably lose his soul in the bargain. The point is, even the best of men is no match for the worst of systems.

That said, Vance is making the sort of noises familiar to dissidents. He is clearly familiar with the dissident subculture as he has used phrases like “red pill” when describing his political transformation over the last five years. He hangs out with Tucker Carlson, and he is bankrolled by Peter Theil. Neither man can be called a dissident, but they are not lobbing R-bombs at us. Vance defended Nick Fuentes, who has not been favorable to J.D. Vance, which suggests Vance is more than just hologram.

Politics for dissidents is always about advancing dissident ideas, so judging Vance is all about his utility in that cause. Like Trump, he is willing to drag taboo subjects into the public domain, which is always good for dissidents. Unlike Trump he seems to have a better feel for his potential base. Vance is also a younger man who can speak to younger people, who do not respond to flag waving. Unlike Trump, Vance is not a man lamenting the loss of the past, but the loss of the present.

You never know what is in a man’s heart, so Vance’s sincerity remains a question, but he will be useful. Even if Vance is a dissident at heart and sweeps to a landslide victory, nothing changes for us politically. The same parasites will be calling white people jackals and pushing cultural genocide. There is no voting your way out of the defects of democracy, but democracy can be a bus dissidents ride to the next stop. As is always the case, the Vance phenomenon is an opportunity.

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karl mchungus
karl mchungus
3 years ago

vance is the machine candidate and for that reason alone, he is disqualified from consideration (here). or should be.

Reply to  karl mchungus
3 years ago

Vance can’t possibly be worse than his main opponent Josh Mandel.

A Landmesser
A Landmesser
3 years ago

Anyone who considers Biden, Obama and Buba to have been better presidents than Bush needs a lobotomy. Bush was awful but he displays just how much better a self centered individual without morals is compared to the greed of a hilly billy with pretensions; an abused child who hates America and tries to make up for his flaws and failings through graft and pulling everyone down to his level: or the brain damaged grifter who brings new meaning to corruption and makes the chinless, spineless wonders of the ivy league look like macho men.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

You don’t have to reflexively defend Republicans in order to make the case that Bush, while a wretched President, wasn’t quite as destructive as the Kenyan who deliberately set the country against itself for little more than his own daddy issues. Nor did he preside over women’s suffrage, the unnecessary entrance into WWI, and the birth of the globalist mindset, like Wilson.

There are very cogent arguments to be made that a louse like Bush was still bested by others in the race to the bottom.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Almost agree, Lincoln has him beat.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Nobody gets on the grift and pork rollercoaster without dajew punching his ticket. Once in, you do the opposite of what you promised. Standard procedure. A den of vipers, masonic douchebags, and small bus window lickers make the laws of the land. Make America Kosher Again.

3 years ago

Why do they count our votes again? They can’t climb off that perch if they want to, and participation=Legitimacy, which they need. One does not give a mortal enemy what they need. Especially when its an infiltration, by a controlled opposition. Here is what is certain if we rally again; more reprisals. It would be best to be silent or at least obscure, as the DR is- obscure. No one can do anything with the system but the system, no one will help our people. More talk simply means more suffering. The last useful person we nodded to presided over… Read more »

3 years ago

That’s the problem on the road to Damascus, who are the true converts and who are the grifters pretending to be true converts. Sadly they don’t wear nametags.

3 years ago

Gentlemen, we find ourselves in the same situation once again.

We have a candidate, Vance, who appears to be somewhat better than the alternatives. The other side, including Brimelow at VDare, says, “a half a loaf is better than no loaf at all.” Me, I watched the Tea Party turn into tax cuts for the rich.

Perhaps I am too jaded. Nonetheless: FVck Vance! To me, he’s indistinguishable from Jeb.

Burn it all down. No compromise.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The enthusiasm for Vance reminds me of the enthusiasm for Rubio in the early 2010s.

Rubio talked up liberty, freedom, and small government (all respectable concepts, but meaningless in our current context). What he really wanted was amnesty for illegals, which became apparent later.

To the credit to the conservatives, they had the discernment to reject Rubio. We must give them credit for that.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

It’s a pretty simple test.

Ask them straight up about open borders.

They will give some non-committal flopping answer while mumbling about american values AKA wide open borders for non-assimilating aliens.

Even Trump said all the right things and was still weak on borders haha.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

About Vance: don’t like his face, don’t like his oddly invisible eye lashes. Is growing out a beard really the best he could do knowing that he was going to run for Senate 12 months ago? Don’t like his choice of spouse. Have yet to see a single subcon with real sympathies for core America. Hate it that we are going to get stabbed in the back by yet another Yale Law grad. When did the last Yale Law grad helpful to our side get out of school? Alito in 1975? That was nearly half a century ago. So, yeah,… Read more »

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

The one thing the dissident right has in common with Truecons and normiecons and every other shade of right is a pathological urge to form circular firing squads. Make the perfect the enemy of the better. And completely repudiate anyone that moves in their direction, who wasn’t 100% on board from the very beginning.

Sure all of that has led to failure again and again and again and again and again.

But this time it’ll be different.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Our fatal mistake was in allowing the Marxists to take over our schools. Our kids, the entire next generation is already indoctrinated. Almost as bad was allowing 3rd world immigrants with a long history of socialism, Marxism, and military dictatorships to invade our land. They will bring that history and tradition with them.

What to do now? Emigrate, secession, or hole up, be a prepper, and fight.

Rick Johnsmeyer
Rick Johnsmeyer
3 years ago

One of the (merited) fears on the dissident right is that of infiltration by bad actors/federal agents. And to that end, I can see why Vance’s background doesn’t inspire much trust. It glows brighter than the surface of the sun. His official story seems a bit too pat and tidy – supposedly, he went from the US Marine Corps and then to Yale Law School, which is (of course) haven of spooks and deep-staters (including suspected ‘right-wing’ federal assets like Oathkeepers founder Stewart Rhodes). He went from YLS into the financial industry/’venture capital’ (aka a common pseudonym for corporate and… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Rick Johnsmeyer
3 years ago

How many marines even get a sniff from Yale law? I would think under normal circumstances the admissions committee would laugh uncontrollably at any marine that had the temerity to even apply there. And yet Vance gets in. This is more mephitic than a rotten mackerel in Denmark.

3 years ago

Please, the phyzz does not lie. I looked up this Vance, a chubby estrogen-laden feminine creature. Kirk, Shapiro, can they get any creepy looking?

Creepers, alert! That’s what my brain says with this gross Vance thing.

3 years ago

Z-man said it best on Luke Fords podcast about I cannot describe how much I despise George Bush. He really was the worst ever and he caused a lot of the lower quality of life we all now face. George W Bush led to our red pills. His immigration betrayal was the start of a new alt or dissident right, that was anybody but Bush. The left that Hated Bush were right about him, but maybe for different reasons.

3 years ago

Somewhat related, the Saker is reporting that South African civilians with private firearms have for now held off mass attacks. There was legislation pending that would have disarmed everyone but that did not pass before this. Many people in this country are going to look at the looting and attacks and see the need for even more firearms. The tactics are basically seige warfare, targeting warehouses, transport networks, ports, etc. and stripping all food and other supplies from everywhere. It is directed by someone with very good intel on what vulnerable points exist. Starvation is highly likely and Indians as… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Haven’t read Saker yet, so if this overlaps, apologies. South Africa could become roughly analogous to the Spanish Civil War if big powers get drawn into it. It would be quite enjoyable to watch both sides’ Big Dogs–China and India–bloodily spank the United States and the United Kingdom if they nose around into this powder keg. It cannot be overemphasized how much surrounding African nations hate South Africa, and how much they would like to deliver the ANC a bloody nose (it has intervened in their affairs over the years). Boer and Zulu nationalism are two of the strongest movements… Read more »

3 years ago

Black and White pills combined: Vance is the same guy he always was. A dude who wanted nothing more than to be part of the Cloud people, the managerial elite. What has changed is there is now no more room for him, and White men like him. Its the same with CRT. If it only affected dirt people it would be no problem, like weirdo men in dresses molesting little girls or boys in the Flyover country. But the combination of CRT and AA means that a hedge fund manager making say, $20 million a year can’t get his kid… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Will reply to my own comment to add, Ace of Spades links to a story that the Biden Regency is going all in on Jan 6 and plans doxxing and possibly arrests of anyone on social media who questioned the election. Yes we can all go to jail for questioning the election results. Reportedly the AG and Chris Wray wanted to push guns and “hate crimes” but Dr. Jill, Ron Klain, Kamala, Nancy, and Chuck want arrests and examples made. Not in the story but I think likely if its true (it might or might not be): arrests of Trump… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

” all the dudes who thought it would just end with fireman and cops”

That’s meme-worthy.

I’m glad it is bad enough to start hurting what I will call “Dust People.” Just as a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged, a Dissident is a TruCon who has been told he need not apply. I hope it gets far worse and starts to hit this segment hard. The Regime used to allow folks like Vance more scraps, but apparently that isn’t necessary now.

Good comment.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Exact same mindset as the stupid and cowardly white execs at my corp. They seem to think that if they just grovel that much more to Muslims, blacks, Natives, then… what? They are accepted as non racists? Their kids won’t be hated minorities? Not sure what they are hoping to achieve, but they seem to be trying for something. It’s futile anyways. There’s 25 million whites in Canada. In India alone there are 1.5 billion people and growing. You could send 25 million of them to Canada overnight, and they wouldn’t even notice anything had happened over in India. If… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I hope it happens to them. Hard. Then hard and fast. I don’t really want to be alliance with them, because they are unreliable, but you have to hurt the elite-adjacent to start to get its attention.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

It’s been this way for longer than you’d think. In the early nineties I was rejected by all the “good schools” despite perfect SAT, commie professor father, slightly famous Jewish feminist mother, and already being a semi-successful art professional. Dad had to call in a favor from a multiple-Pulitzer-prize-winning friend just to get me put into a couple real “maybe” piles. My child resumé looked a *little* like a future rejector of ruling-class legitimacy—the Ivies realized they’d made a mistake with the Beats, the GI Bill literati, etc., I guess?—so I was out. Today mere whiteness, even among Jewish-industry celebrities,… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

If your experience was typical that long ago (nearly 30 years!) and the former elite schools are that Pozzed, that would seem to imply the once solid institutions (academia) are totally rotten at the core. If this be so, then do they go down in flames (literally, perhaps) when the final reckoning comes? Yes, they act as a gateway to the Uber elite (the Deep State) that has been the real government for a century, maybe more. But they’ve dropped their standards so low, “the bird fouls its own nest” as some author once glibly put it. Mid-wits alone* probably… Read more »

Skye Blue
Skye Blue
3 years ago

Please, What is the next Step?

Reply to  Skye Blue
3 years ago

Vote for Vance if you like, or someone else of his ilk. When he betrays us, he will, get off and find a new ride.
There no voting out of our mess. Proselytize you friend family, neighbors, strangers.

Reply to  Skye Blue
3 years ago
3 years ago

His choice of spouse is revealing. He married a foreign Hindu Brahmin. If I were to bet, she is indifferent to poor whites at best, and most likely hates them and wants them dead, a combination of her natural Brahmin mindset and the learned Goodwhite mindset. His wealthy dark skinned kids absolutely want nothing to do with poor white trash. I see through Vance’s ploy. He’s positioning himself as the “caring, gentle, and kind” Trump. What this really does, is take the steam off from white anger and white identity. He’ll focus only on economic concerns, not spiritual or demographic… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Says a lot about him that he couldn’t find a good white girl.

Instead he went for the top of the line Honda Civic instead of getting even a mid-level Porsche.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Black men took them. If you’ve seen Black women, can you blame the fellas? 💩

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Yeah, the pool of black women isn’t too enticing. But yesterday I was out in a trendy area and there were some very cute black girls. There was one in a green floral sundress at the ATM where I was, and I couldn’t help but give her a smile, and this obviously warmed her up. We were both maskless too. Maybe she was meant for me and me for her, and my wife is in Oregon btw for a few more weeks.

I kid. I kid.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Yeah, and then turns around and pretends to still be caring about the poor hillbillies. A nation is made up of its people and the hillbilly subnation is no different. A Brahmin Hindu can never be a white trash Appalachian. They’re mostly Scots-Irish. So right off the bat, he’s shown that he believes in the proposition nation. He’s not even a rich white guy at UC. At least it’s understandable in those circles for white guys to be dating Brahmins and Hans (though always disappointing). How the hell did he even meet her? Couldn’t find any Scots-Irish or white girls… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Telling, no?

He probably hates his roots because the girls back home rejected him

I have learned that so much anti-white stuff stems from whites never having been successful sexually or romantically with their own kind in their teenage years and young adult years

Humans aren’t ever all too complicated. A few years of rejection in one’s formative years engenders a vengefulness and hostility to last a lifetime

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

He met her at Yale. His undergrad school was at The Ohio State U. Indians are very pushy/social climbers. I’ll bet Vance’s wife went to a New England prep school. Close friends of ours have an Indian doctor daughter-in-law, Harvard undergrad, then med school in midwest. Of course she’s bossy and very liberal. Their son, descended from an early US President, went to a lesser school, no grad school, but somehow they met. Now there are several lanky, very dark grandchildren playing on the beach at the old family summer cottage in New Hampshire. It’s the women who cut the… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I don’t see anything intrinsically wrong with Hindus — I see them as our Eurasian cousins, a people who are capable of sustaining civilization on their own, and who because of this (I believe) have birthrates that are collapsing along with our own. I notice that having a Chinese wife doesn’t seem to have affected John Derbyshire’s loyalties.

The real problem, as Derbyshire has often pointed out, is “the blecks”.

Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

Great, they can go sustain their own “Eurasian Civilization” over in India.

Their American-born kids are fanatically anti-white too.

Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

And J.D. Vance can go with her to help out his fellow Indian cousins, the true Aryans.

Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

JEB: Derbyshire’s own loyalties aside, you ought to be questioning the loyalties and sense of identity of his wife and children. Wife and daughter both voted for Obama. Daughter’s loyalties don’t appear to lie with White Americans. Having an apparently clever and loyal father really isn’t the issue; mixed race children always face conflicting loyalties and identity.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Holy moly. Did i hear right? Mrs. JD voted for O??? Daughter too? Son too? How would you know this?

Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

JEB: “I don’t see anything intrinsically wrong with Hindus…”

JEB, that is not the question. The question is if they see anything wrong with you and your group.

Your skin is your uniform in the eyes of most non-whites and your feelings about this are irrelevant.

You can feel like you are as free spirited and individualist as you please. But in most of their eyes, you are a white guy with all the attendant sins.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Yeah B the ghost of orange man bad is civnat market solutions. Thats what the bongino-cyclops-vance types are running with; ‘working class’ populism. They reveal this repeatedly as every dagger held to the ‘liberals’ is in the hand of some brown woman or real talking mexican guy on the street. They doesn’t have to show their globalist hand because most of those White communities that have been gutted are already backfilled with the UN rainbow of diversity. So its jobs jobs jobs. They are also fixated on the “labor shortage” caused by the stimmy. What they miss and have always… Read more »

Nikolai Vladivostok
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I wouldn’t be alarmed at the Indian spouse if she were beautiful (a few of them are). A hot chick is a hot chick, no socio-political explanation required.
However, she looks like Saira Rao.
Her phizz plus his tell the story: not one of us.

Greasy Ryder
Greasy Ryder
3 years ago

The Kabuki is wildly entertaining.
I suggest corporate logos on everything with sponsoring.
This latrine sponsored by Ex-FLax.
We pause this Supreme Court hearing with a word from Smithy’s Hams.
(Judges shown in race car driver suits with logos everywhere.)
Now playing poor downtrodden members of government running away from the high pressure hose of Bull Connors by the segregated fountains.
1964 called and said bet on Joe Namath.
JD Jobber? Trump will come out in a grappling caballero outfit with a folding chair and leap off the top rope.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

The enemy of my enemy, eh? Kind of like Kavanaugh. I had to support him on principle because #MeToo is so completely evil. He turned out to be a liberal dirtab, of course.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

LOL, that’s dirtbag

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
3 years ago

“…even the best of men is no match for the worst of systems.”

Totally stealing this one!

3 years ago

people like Vance have misread the Trump phenomena. You can talk about policy until you’re blue in the face and it won’t make a difference. If he was to go onto the stage at a campaign event and do an imitation of Brian Stelter – his odds of winning the primary go up.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Mockery & Shame are “Old Tools” in the political toolbox but for people like we face now that are attempting to radically warp objective reality they are straight up weapons. Fragile egos who want to project everything as Serious Bizness™ up to and including fake pandemics, fake systemic racism, fake white supremacists, etc. wither heavily under sustained derisive fire. It is the one thing that made Trump somewhat lethal in an otherwise very boomer-con milquetoast ‘merica fuck yeah! way. His egregious mockery was part of that rhetorical killshot that hadn’t been optioned against the left before and it gobsmacked them.… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

As Z once wrote, one thing the early Alt-Right types got right and did well (so, of course, they dropped it) was mockery and ridicule. Totalitarians, whether they be an FBI agent wanting to massacre babies in a nursery in the Dakotas or a Stalin acolyte in the Ukraine back in the day, can not stand being the subject of laughter. And, God knows, they can produce a lot of it. Be unrelenting in mocking these monsters.

3 years ago

Oh, come now – Bush wasn’t even the second-worst president of the past hundred years. LBJ and Woodrow Wilson were far worse, and did much deeper damage to the nation than Bush did.

Reply to  AntiDem
3 years ago

In these type of comparisons, we are always talking past each other. Why? Because we use different criteria. Define and agreed upon the criteria for “worse”, then begin the debate.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  AntiDem
3 years ago

My worst are Wilson and Clinton, because both made sneaky changes that led to disaster later on.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

The Patriot Act turned out to be a pretty sneaky way of turning the country into a surveillance state. Maybe Bush didn’t intend that, but the FISA courts are such a joke, that the result was inevitable.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

GW knew where it was heading, his dad was head of CIA and was undoubtedly pushing for it

Ron Paul was screaming about where it was heading; so if old Ron Paul knew it, GW and his fambly knew it

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  AntiDem
3 years ago

Can’t really argue with that, I’d put ol’ ‘Honest Abe’ up near the top of the pyramid he literally set the trajectory for the entire shitshow we now find ourselves in by moving from States Rights into ‘Feds Uber Alles’. Not to mention the 600,000 European descended souls sent to the great beyond for ‘muh freed slaves’ that apparently are not factored in –at all- when considering what an awful rayciss nation we are.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

And what of the responsibility of negro slave traders, slave owners. They imported them because ” work whites wouldn’t t do” IE Owners made more profits on slaves. We live with the the results. Did anyone ask then if this would be good for us later?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Rdz
3 years ago

Greed may not be the root of all evil, but it’s one helluva fertilizer for that root.

Reply to  AntiDem
3 years ago

Bush pushed for, funded, and established a massive DOMESTIC surveillance state unlike anything the world has ever seen….under the euphemistically named “Patriot Act”.

Edward Snowden released enough evidence to put GW Bush and half of Congress into jail for what they did on this front. Not a single person was give so much as a parking ticket.

Now it’s just considered normal to spy on everyone, all the time, without a warrant. Inevitable and predictable, because:

“First man shapes the tool, then the tool shapes the man.”

Nah. Bush was the worst.

Andy Texan
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

There are a lot or ‘worsts.’ Don’t forget wars that bankrupted the nation, gave us Obama, killed off the dollar, played paddy cake with Chicoms, etc., etc., etc. Bush greezed the skids.

Gunner Q
3 years ago

“Every far-left crank in America was howling in agony about the Bush administration. Their complaints were every bit as insane as the people making them, so decent people just assumed Bush was a good guy. It turns out that sometimes the enemy of your enemy is just another enemy.”

I remember that. Even though I had my own suspicions, the fact of Democrats cat-puking at Bushie was itself an oddly comfortable validation.

I remember when the Lefties hated Big Corporate, yelled “my body, my choice” and claimed that crime was society’s fault. Wow, those worms has turned.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

I remember all the Bushitler rhetoric. And all of those AW loons actually believed that Dubya would not leave the White House except by force of arms. I also remember all of those “Dissent Is the Highest Form of Patriotism” bumper stickers. Funny, those seem to have vanished into thin air…

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

I use to work at Politics and Prose in Cleveland park in the early 2000s. Its the bookstore that use to broadcast on CSPAN . The place was loaded with antiBush stuff. “Bush-isms” they called in and the (((owners))) and employeed all hated Bush.

I got fired for some reason.

Jack Charlton
3 years ago

Vance is scum. Not one of our guys. Although it’s fair to say his speaking out on dissident issues has utility (as does any establishment figure who takes notice and raises awareness). Take one look at the uncomfortable faces of all those middle-aged White ladies at Trump’s last rally when he said Ashli Babbitt’s name. Only after he compared it to the BLM/Antifa riots last summer did they relax, start nodding, clapping and agreeing with him. With all the MSM gaslighting, Q-tarding, mass SM banning and general misinformation going around most Republican voters have very little understanding of what’s going… Read more »

3 years ago

Another Natural Born Grifter looking to ca$h in on the Kleptocracy.

F*&k him.

3 years ago

The comically fake redneck novelist name always gave him away. Everything he knows about America, he heard in a truck commercial.

His new voice sounds like a chatbot trained on boomer Facebook, not like a convert. There’s no human reason in it at all. If he’s useful, it’s in tainting/revealing GOP “Trumpism without Trump” as inauthentic.

By playing converso so irritatingly, he’s generating some crazed outbursts (left) and creative insults (right). That’s fun.

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

This comment is good writing, irrespective of J. D. Vance. You can’t find better anywhere else on the internet.

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

“. Everything he knows about America, he heard in a truck commercial.”

Haha! Zblog, we come for the racism, we stay for the comment section!

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

To be fair, it was a damn good truck commercial:

Picked best 2013 Superbowl commercial. Dodge trucks featuring Paul Harvey: So God Made A Farmer.


G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

We need fighters.
Men willing to stand up.
Men not able to be bought.
Vance may not be that. Probably isn’t.
But even if he is only a Hawley it’s another step. We wont get what we need to protect our civilization immediately.
Building blocks to it, hopefully.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Methinks that’s just a slower skid into the ditch, because demographics. The sooner we hit bottom, the higher that bottom will be. Then there is no choice but to rebuild from scratch. And you either have what it takes or you don’t.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

As someone on Gab said, now is the time to ask for more and push these types to show how much on our side they actually are. As Greg Johnson noted, if we can get someone, anyone, to openly talk about the interests of “white people” it will be a revolutionary game changer.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

If you’re not willing to forthrightly address the demographic disaster, you are not worth a tinker’s dam’ to our side. Nothing else really matters.

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Its the “permanent moratorium on immigration, stupid! “

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

J. D. Vance came to my attention some years ago when I saw an interview of him, I think on Tom Woods. He very much struck me as trashing his family for the entertainment of the people who hate him and us. His book was “proof” that “Middle America” deserved to be hated and that the Cloud People were right to hate them and more importantly to them, deserved to be mocked. Anyone who can sell out their own people cannot be trusted with yesterday’s newspaper. If money and accolades are thicker than blood, they are certainly thicker than “ideology”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Your impression is correct.

Could he have changed? Sure.

Is that likely? No.

3 years ago

Vance’s book has an average rating of 4.5 stars (out of 5) on Amazon. But the first several “top reviews” that are shown are all 1 star reviews.

I don’t look at Amazon very much but it seems like they usually highlight the most positive reviews. Maybe they are dumping on him now because he is running for office.

If you could go back and look at his book’s Amazon page as it was a year or two ago, I wonder if the negative reviews were being promoted then.

Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

YouTube does the same thing. If you check out their “top news” section, you’ll find that it’s nothing but a sea of MSNBC editorials* with inflammatory, often false, assertions in the headlines. So many appear over their rivals, even CNN, that it’s obvious the channel has been deliberately set to trend irrespective of actual popularity. In the past, I’ve seen 6 out of 10 videos be from MSNBC with not a single one from Fox and maybe one from CNN. In the recent past, they were promoting VOA videos, which is a government-funded propaganda network whose expressed mission, unlike NPR,… Read more »

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
3 years ago

The only worthwhile thing to ask about a candidate is, “Are there any better alternatives?”, because participating in politics is largely a matter of holding your nose and hoping for the best. Nobody should be expecting any miracles or White Knights.

I’m not really familiar with J.D. Vance, but he seems to be a.) putting my issues on the front page, and b.) antagonizing my enemies. Whatever his other failings, that’s still a step up from what I’m getting now. Bonus points for provoking the wrath of a Sensitive Man of the Hanky like Tom Nichols.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 years ago

Bruno, your “Are there any better alternatives?” is persuasive.

However, we’ve been tricked so many times, I watched the Tea Party turn into tax cuts for the rich, that I am skeptical. Trump just mentioned the border and illegals to trick us. (Face it!)

My heart wants to anathematize Vance, but maybe you have better long term vision than me.

For whatever it’s worth, my bullshit detector goes off the chart with Vance. Hope than I am wrong.

Tom K
Tom K
3 years ago

I never heard of Mona Charen or Tom Nichols. Not enthused about J.D. Vance. He appears to be just another opportunist. How many others will crawl out of the woodwork to ride the bandwagon? Trump was so obtuse that he was able to stand up to ‘Woke’ criticism. There’s the rub. He was able to stand up to ‘Woke’ criticism, but he was obtuse.

Reply to  Tom K
3 years ago

Mona Charen? I thought she shuffled off years ago.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Presbyter
3 years ago

Still alive and bitching. (((She’s))) Jennifer Rubin ugly as well.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

Not in every case, but so often, physiogamy is real.

I don’t want to unfairly criticize ugly people, it’s not their fault, but there is a reason…

…there is a reason that we have these embedded psychological profiles embedded in our subconsiousnesses!

3 years ago

93,000 deaths in 2020 from illicit drug overdose warrants a news report in the associated press, or maybe one NPR discussion.

Criminals of a certain hue play stupid games and win stupid prizes during interaction with law enforcement and the whole country seems to catch on fire.

J. D. Vance is one to watch, but as Zman states it is definitely not the time to throw a party. It will have to get many times worse before things truly begin to change.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

First: “The gargoyle of neoconservatism, Mona Charen,” Best. Line. Ever. As to Vance, I do not trust him. If you really look into his work, it is at best patronizing and at worst critical of the White working class. His early instincts to go after Trump really were motivated by his relatively mild loathing of the people who supported Trump. Maybe it was due to the widespread belief Trump would lose and early opposition might be profitable. As you wrote here: “(t)he great lesson of the George W. Bush years is that the worst people can hate someone who deserves… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Jack Dobson: Let Vance ditch his subcon wife and favor his biological people. Even if one believed Vance to be sincere in his political ‘conversion,’ his marriage to someone of a race and religion utterly alien to his own people and land and history is, in my opinion, far more telling. How better to reject one’s history and forebears than to ‘gift’ one’s offspring with a hybrid genetic ancestry ? Whose interests is Vance more likely to favor, White American dirt people or ‘hardworking and clever’ subcon immigrants? At best, Vance will have a foot in both camps.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

The not raciss because brown future and live in the present because personal biology has forever deviated from the past are a recurring theme in those who also just happen to be walking up to the podium instead of say starting a community centric business in Canton. Almost as if “conservative” creds have merged with prog creds of 20 years ago when my friends boasted of how they were having their precious one and done spawn learning Mandarin instead of mexican. Savvy!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Even if Vance had not gotten Curry Fever, I would find him phony as a three-dollar bill featuring Bull Connor. Exhibit A is what he wrote and said right up until yesterday. The Pajeet missus is just confirmation of the obvious.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Z said to so well on Gab:

Bottom line, Vance is never going to tell his wife that her Indian village can’t settle in your town.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Wouldn’t the mind-changing aspect of that depend on who he promoted to replace McConnell?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  KP
3 years ago

Good question.

Not really. Even to question the divinity of the patron saint of betrayal would be a cardinal sin. Vance won’t do that.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I’m sure Sen. McConnell is probably the avatar that Vance pictures himself following, esp with the Asian wife.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

G.W. Bush? Let’s see. Obama? Carter?

John Wilkes Booth did nothing wrong
John Wilkes Booth did nothing wrong
Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

P’shaw. On a domestic and global scale W was worse than those two by a mile.
Though I’d be tempted to vote for Wilson, whose actions indirectly brought about you-know-who and the you-know-what. Plus the Federal Reserve and Income Tax.

Even then, Lincoln has all beat.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem

I concur about Wilson. And then FDR. Then the Shrub, then Obama, Lincoln in fifth. Those bottom three are interchangeable.

Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
3 years ago

Throw LBJ in there too. Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, then some combination of W/BHO/Carter. It was all over by the time the first 4 had their way with this nation.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Lincoln. FDR. These two are miles ahead of anyone else in the “Worst President” category.

Presidents for $500

Answer: This president caused 600,000 American deaths and oversaw the dismantling and death of the republic.

Question: Who is Abraham Lincoln.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Presidents for $1,000

Answer: This President promised “America First” but bragged about moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Question: Who is Orange Man.

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

hard to argue when you put it that way…

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

W. Bush was certainly demoralizing.

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Lyndon Baines Johnson

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

I never read the pulp novel where Vance drags his own people through the tobacco chew laden mud of the trailer park, and then has pity on them after leaving town. There’s two things about him that I don’t like. He married a systems pajeet woman (who clerked for John Roberts by the way, I wonder if she was the one saying he was in town when he was on Epstein’s jet). He clearly wants to dilute all those white trash genes inside of him as quickly as possible. He’ll be a David French who actually had intercourse with his… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

What do you make of Tucker Carlson’s fellating of him?

Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

Tucker looks to be buffaloed by Vances shtick, He says all the right things that would impress him. Please be aware that Tucker is a member of the upper crust so he can’t see what is fake about Vance

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Hear, hear.

Remember, Tucker bought the more far-fetched claims about Covid initially. I cut the cord a few months back, and understand he has tried to make amends, but that shows his mindset.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I never heard of him before Z brought him up, but unless he’s seriously stepped up his rhetorical game lately (talking about “structural inequality” when the subject is actually deliberate White dispossession are the words of a weasel) it’s hard to see how he’s useful. And his choice of spouse, who also clerked for Kavanaugh, is a deal killer.

3 years ago

I guess I need to get out more. I grew up in Ohio and have never heard of J. D. Vance; so I won’t comment on him directly. And my opinion of DC politicians (both actual & aspiring) can’t get any lower, so I won’t go there either. I will perk up and take notice when a candidate comes along who will simply say . . . the Republican Party must die because the asshole that stabs you in the back is a thousand times worse than the asshole that punches you in the face. And then follow that up… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 years ago

The “cult of personality” cannot triumph over the System arrayed against whites nowadays. One of the many pitfalls for the DR is placing hope in flawed vessels – Trump being the prime example. The countermeasure against a System is another, better system, not some eloquent redneck upon whom everyone can project hopes and dreams.

Vance, if he wins, will just be swallowed up by the beast. One man isn’t going to change our reality. One man building a system of resistance might.

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

“The countermeasure against a System is another, better system”


White Pill for the day:

Most disturbing datapoint I’ve seen in awhile: two-thirds of Southern Republicans now say the South should break away from the Union, up from 50 percent in January. https://t.co/IALe5x7HzF pic.twitter.com/OWx23L9pLc
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) July 14, 2021


The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Ex-Arms
3 years ago

An interesting point in that poll also found that almost 50% of Northwest pacific Democrats also wanted to break away. We hate each other and have different views of society. Peaceful dissolution is the only sane choice, and it’s becoming more possible by the day.

3 years ago

Assume tptb won’t allow the 2022 elections to take place. If Republicans want to stay at the trough, they shouldn’t repeat Trump’s blunder and they should fight for it as if their lives depend on it. As for myself, I’ll vote if I think there’s a chance to make a difference (old habits, etc.), but I’m pretty much over this democracy thing.

Backwoods Engineer
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

I will be voting local, county, and state races ONLY in ’22. I will leave the FedGov posts BLANK. Local, local, local. We cannot control the FedGov beast, and I won’t participate in their evil any more.

3 years ago

It sounds like Vance is better than the establishment choice, Josh Mandel, who previously lost a race in 2012. I don’t trust him at all, but it is one Senate seat and given the quality of Republicans in the Senate, if Vance only finked on us 50% of the time, he would end up in the top 5.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

It will be interesting to see two Marines duke it out in Ohio — Vance and Mandel. Mandel is a horrible little opportunist; he was backed by a wealthy CLE family related to his now-ex-wife. He had dropped out of his last race (forget what it was for) because the wife was ill. Next thing you find out is that they are getting divorced. My choice (I used to live in OH and was an election official in my county in the ’90s) is for the Timken (married name) woman (can’t remember her first name). She’s a solid, pro-Trump, smahht… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Dre
3 years ago

Voting in any election is a fool’s game. Picking the ‘best of the worst’ gets you lousy people who don’t give a damn about you and yours. Continuing to vote, even locally, is the triumph of habit over reason, and tacitly legitimizes the system that’s fleecing you and wants your children dead.

3 years ago

What is the cost of upholding ones dissident principles? If there is little cost in terms of hits to cloud status, ones legitimacy to our causes should be highly suspect. I’ve said many times before a man who strives to acquire and maintain status according to cloud values will always be serving the cloud. Until he is willing to risk and subsequently forfeit that status to elevate the causes of his people he is merely an opportunist or populist or preserving his self-interest. Thats fine unless he is selling himself as a dirt man worthy of our investment. We allowed… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

There are those who have done a calculation, have decided that all is lost, to get while the getting’s good, and to dine on that rotting carcass before all that’s left is bone. Try, and try again, and try again…and then quit. don’t be a dang fool about it.

Know when to hold’m, when to fold’m. Know when to walk away, and when to run.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

Exhibit A: the Federal Reserve and its pals in the financial sector. The frenzied looting is all you need to know.

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

Indeed. The rotting carcass is White America so when getting fat on long pork of our people I’d expect those smart calculating guys to know that they should at least pick the bones of our boys from their teeth before selling me on how their opportunism is working toward some future for our people.

3 years ago

My sense of things is that a confluence of events is pushing back against blackness The South Africa thing, the black fatigue overall and being more widely discussed, the Richard Sherman thing, the idiots missing their penalty kicks, and now God throwing lightening to destroy the George Floyd memorial The political mood, as they say, is building up into a big wave that will come crashing down on the blacks. And $5 Europe is next. I bet we see a mass uprising there against the African. All the stupid whites who bought a ticket for the big black party of… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

The lesson of current events in South Africa is that it’s a harbinger of our future as well. In terms of ongoing murders & mayhem, Chicago is worse than South Africa right now. It’s only a matter of time until that spreads to other large rust belt cities with weak & corrupt mayors. The pace of decline is quickening. Seek safe haven now.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Why are the republicans so focused on the (anti-communist!”) Cuban protesters while completely ignoring the chaos and devastation in South Africa? Is it the fear of being called the R word or just another golden opportunity to import more Central Americans?

Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

The window of permissible opinions is now so small that GOP leaders have practically nothing else to talk about. That’s why Mitch McConnell was out complaining about the Afghanistan withdrawal the other day when practically nobody else in his party really cares about the issue. Same with making Juneteenth a federal holiday, which only 7% of republican voters supported. These people are so concerned about landing gigs in corporate America post congressional service that they would never risk voicing the actual concerns of their voters.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

Because the people in charge, even the controlled opposition, are fundamentally disconnected from reality. They are sundowning and think they are re-living the early 1980’s.

Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

Probably both but it’s also Boomer nostalgia: Look, Communism is falling in Cuba! It’s 1989 again! And look at us, we Republicans are on the right side of this! We’ve got a piece of Castro’s skull to sell you, just like those pieces of Die Mauer back in ’89! Soon Cuba will throw off stodgy, old fashioned 1950s Communism and join the rest of the hemisphere – in adopting the flamboyantly gay Woke and Diverse Corporatist Communism of the 2020s! Truly it’s a joyous day comrades.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

TomA: Had a couple of tradesmen out yesterday. Both White men aged 45-60 experienced in their fields. Took 4-6 weeks for me, a prior customer, to get an appointment with either. Both are ‘preparing’ for uncertainty, to varying extents. Neither one of them had heard of the BLM protest that stopped traffic a few miles from my ‘safe suburban home’ a few months ago. Neither one had heard of the woman a few miles from my home who was murdered by a visiting black a few months before that. The news blackout truly does have an effect, not merely on… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

For $15K you can find a medium-sized used RV in decent shape (or towable mobile home if you have a good sized pickup). Stock it with non-perishable food & 2 propane tanks. Have it at the ready for immediate departure. Pre-scout a safe haven redoubt at least 100 miles from the nearest big city and plan to use secondary roads to get there (no interstates if feasible). Keep retreating toward the Rockies as needed. Ammo makes great barter currency, so bring all you got.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

TomA: the lesson of Yugoslavia is the opposite: do not move when the feces encounters the fan, unless you are directly behind the fan in deep blue territory, which you should have already gotten out of.
Roadblocks and checkpoints are the first and easiest thing for our enemies to do, and your end will be horrific if they catch you.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Don’t know about Yugoslavia, but my expectation is that every able-bodied LEO will be tied up in riot control duty, and most cities have numerous exit arteries, so roadblocks are unlikely to be much of a deterrent. And if people start fleeing the cities in Texas en masse, God help any LEO that tries to stand in their way.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Can confirm. My propane generator has been on back order since freaking December.

Well diggers are hot commodities, too. One recently relayed a funny anecdote: most of the urban transplants getting them are unaware that if the electricity goes out, electricity-dependent pumps go out. Baby steps, I guess.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Jack: While I’m assuming from your comment you are already aware of this, for the edification of others who might not know:


Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

South Africa is in dire straits, no doubt. Just for discussion, here’s the 2011 Census (per Wikipedia) (rounded figures): African* 80% White 9% “Coloured” (mulatto?) 9% Indian/Asian/Other 3% So I’m kind of skeptical that India and China are going to lob nukes at each other, or even invade, for those tiny ethnic minorities. For those who know nothing of SA, “African” sounds like a monolithic bloc but it’s anything but. There are Zulu, Xhosa, Bantu and more. Traditionally they’ve hated each other’s guts and have no trouble killing each other when the opportunity arises. You might recall the 1994 Rwanda… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Big difference between the US and SA is the make-up of the population. Whites a tiny minority now, mostly the farmers hanging on, not in the cities, which whites left 20 yrs ago if they had any sense. Our black population, 13%, mostly concentrated in urban ghettos where they send teenagers out to shoot other kids. They can loot a Neiman-Marcus once before the store shuts and moves out to where the paying customers live. Food warehouses not so easy to hijack in US, unlike SA. It ain’t gonna happen here like that.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I wouldn’t want to be anything but a straight, white, Christian, American man right now. Today’s devil is tomorrow’s savior. Just have to hold the line.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I used to think the catalyst would be a major European country turning into an Islamic republic in the next 20 years (my money is in Germany). I’m not sure the US makes it 20 years though.

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

Numerica won’t make it another 10 years. And if I had the $ to back that up, I would not personally take that to the bank because then it’s mere digits in their system and not yours – I’d use it to buy land, food, etc. Believe me, there is a tangible sense of fear or uncertainty behind all the madness – even the Branch Covidians are, in a way, transferring their hind brain warning them that things are falling apart and projecting it on the scamdemic.

3 years ago

If there is no voting our way out of this, then what is the answer? And what is the proper course of action for the typical person?

Reply to  WJ0216
3 years ago

I am not nearly as politically astute as Z, it’s not and has never been my bag, but I think he may be onto to something. Right now it may be simply about raising the consciousness of whites to think about our own collective and self interest. Thus if Vance can play a role in that, even if he ends up finking on everyone, then we stand to benefit because it gets the ball rolling toward what ultimately needs to happen, which is whites not only thinking but more importantly acting in our own self and collective interest. Both here… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Years ago when someone asked that tub of lard Chris Christie if he was running for President, he responded that “When you see me lose 100 pounds, then you’ll know.”

High level politics is an extremely visual medium, and the President’s job is 99.9% being a figurehead and playing a part for the cameras.

Vance better hit the gym, hard, if he wants to get a seat at the table.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I’m from Appalachia, and still live in Rust Belt North-Eastern Kentucky. I find it amusing that Vance acted like he was another corn bread eating hillbilly when he wrote that book to entertain Yankee Liberals.

However, as the so-called Real Deal, we still laugh at how some buckeye asshole from Middletown, Ohio, liked to tell people in his new found class about what White Niggers we really are down here. We really do despise those Hamilton County people. They got to keep their steel mill and they decided to demolish ours, after 146 years of continuous production.

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

My father grew up in Mountain City Tennessee and had 11 brothers & sisters, which means I have half a hundred cousins still living in that region. Spent my summer vacations there as a child and learned more in those summers than anything I picked during my other days growing up in Cleveland. Mountain folk are survivors, first & foremost; and that is a trait that will very likely come in handy soon.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I’m noticing how the children of our natives, who moved to places like Cleveland and New York City, are coming back here. It seems that their families marginal existence up there has become untenable, and they’re coming back here to live with their grand parents, aunts, and uncles.
One may be from Appalachia and may have moved to the far flung corners of America, but usually there’s someone back home to fall back on when you hit really hard times.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Middletown is in Butler County 😉
I never got the extreme hatred for Hamilton County types, until I had to argue with them all the time on social media. It pains me to say it but Southwest Ohio is, alas, normie-con central.

Now that I’m mulling it over, there is a very non-zero chance that Vance believes his public persona is the real deal.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

LOL, it’s easy to mix Hamilton County in with Butler County; since they’re so close to each other, it’s hard to differentiate them. Hence my mistake.

One of my drunk uncles used to say this about people from Cincinnati:
“I never met anyone from Cincinnati who wasn’t an asshole.”

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Vance said something like “Trump hurts the people I like, immigrants , muslims etc.” He tweeted that in 16 so I can cut him some slack I suppose. But if, as our blogger states, voting is pointless then it’s not worth the fuss.

Reply to  WJ0216
3 years ago

It’s not plausible that he suddenly started hating immigrants (including his own wife) and muslims. Grifter. End of story

Reply to  WJ0216
3 years ago

Stay out of a falling tree’s way and hope it’s good for making lumber.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
3 years ago

We need to continually mock Conservative Inc and Civnat types and make them look idiotic and uncool. I like the treatment Bill Mitchell gets on Gab, for example or what the Groypers did to Kirk and Crenshaw. They need to be seen as cringe.

3 years ago

I was born there in ohio. Our grandmother’s neighborhoods are warzones where people are murdered every week. Our grandfather’s jobs have moved to asia. Even the farmland areas are seeing more “diversity” as government housing continues to forge ahead like a weapon against white culture.

Reply to  David
3 years ago

I’ve driven through Southern Ohio many times. I’m old enough to remember how those places had good times 50 years ago, and they have declined to a pretty sad state in what’s supposed to be a 1st world country.

Cincinnati seems to get the lion’s share of everything nowadays, but remember this: any place with a minimum of Woke still has a chance. One day those destitute and relatively normal places will become the survivors, while the diverse places will burn to the ground. Those days are coming, and how the mighty will fall.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

I suspect a lot of “clean-up” is going to have to be done in smaller communities that had recent colonization, if you get my meaning 🤐. Roadside litter, of course 😎

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  David
3 years ago

They dropped 10,000 Somalians in Lewiston, Maine, and old mill town. It’s coming to the heartland too. They won’t stop. Maine actually had a good governor, LePage, a few years back that got caught telling the truth, which is a big No No. in 2016 he said of the opioid epidemic, “These aren’t the people who take drugs. These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty. These type of guys. They come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they sell their heroin, then they go back home. Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The main problem with Vance is he doesn’t have the rhetorical instincts of Trump, nor the ability to light a fire in the beaten down working classes. Trump was so successful not only because of his policy views, but because he could spark an energy in his supporters that could rip through the current system. If his core ideals were more in line with being an any means necessary to stop the collapse instead of his mind being trapped with boomer platitudes from his youth, there’s no doubt in my mind he could have transformed the sclerotic government into a… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Huey Long: a fire-breathing populist preaching against inequality and standing up for his own people.

I’m surprising he wasn’t assassinated by a Jew. Oh wait.

Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

I meant to say “it’s surprising” or “I’m surprised.”

Me not two smart too day.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Just at Trump’s sincerity was oversold, his rhetorical and political skills were undersold. If someone came forward with his skills–WHO MEANT IT–I might consider voting. Ain’t gonna happen, though.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I have family members who still believe that Trump and Jesus play golf together.

3 years ago

All good points. I think Vance is scum. Also, the proper response to pro-White concessions is to demand more concessions. Learn from our enemies: Never be happy with what is offered. Always raise the bar and demand more.

Reply to  HamburgerToday
3 years ago

I think Vance has already proven what he is- a charlatan trying to grub out as many shekels as he can, while he has a voice and a shtick people may care to be entertained by.
It will be fascinating to see what he does up unto the point he crashes and burns. Times are getting fascinating, and the time span of a current politician’s latest scheme is rapidly approaching one divided by infinity.

3 years ago

“Unlike Trump, Vance is not a man lamenting the loss of the past, but the loss of the present.” This is something that seems so simple, yet is such a profound insight. Its hard to lament the past when you are currently living in filth and utter chaos. Trump never really campaigned with a message or a vision concerned with the issues of the present day. To “Make America Great AGAIN” is simply to reach into the past and transport it into the present. Conservatism always has an eye to the past, while the Progressive stares with cocaine intensity into… Read more »

Reply to  Reynard
3 years ago

Good point. We should describe the present catastrophe and point a way out. The left with its looming climate destruction and the right with its looming social destruction are eschatologies that are only compelling to people with the right world views. Anybody can see, otoh, that the disaster we’re living through is real and only the crazies are willing to pretend this is fine.

Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago

“We should describe the present catastrophe and point a way out.” Exactly. Its what the opposition should always do. If you are competing with a firm that makes widgets, and their widgets are being recalled for all sorts of reasons, you don’t need to talk about how much better your widgets are, you simply need to point out all the defects of the competitors widgets. Your stock will increase as a result. The Left always identifies itself as the opposition, like an angsty teenager, so it always campaigns like this, and its base is primed for it. The Right had… Read more »

Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago

Suggested campaign slogan: “Stop the Madness.” When asked “what is the madness?”, just spread your arms wide and look at the questioner like xzhey is the biggest idiot you’ve ever seen. Make the Left play some f*****g *defense* for once — ” YOU tell ME why this isn’t madness, Moonbeam, and why it shouldn’t be stopped.” That should be the only lesson from the Trump years: the Left wins because they never stop attacking. They carry on as if their views are the only ones a good person could ever possibly hold, even if – make that especially if –… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

“Stop the madness” is brilliant, definitely on the right track. “YOU tell ME why this isn’t madness, Moonbeam, and why it shouldn’t be stopped.” Exactly. The right needs to constantly shift the burden of proof. The Right is always starting on the back foot. Might as well step into their stride and use their force against them. “So this is what you call a HEALTHY society?” “Darling, I don’t think you know what healthy even looks like” “You’re telling me, you actually think we should be PROUD of this nation? [prattle off a bunch of stats] You think we’re doing… Read more »

Reply to  Reynard
3 years ago

They don’t call ’em “the stupid party” for nothing. Good quarterbacks love getting blitzed. Back when I watched football, I, like everyone else who was paying attention, noticed that only idiots blitzed guys like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. Not saying it didn’t happen; it did; a lot; but that’s the point — Brady and Manning ate coaches who blitzed them for lunch. So long as it’s possible to get the ball out before even the fastest human could possibly get there — as New England’s entire playbook was specifically designed to do — a big blitz is an engraved… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

I like “Stop the Madness” a lot. It’s not only accurate but it’s a bit of a cliche, which helps. And of course it just begs the question. And it lets the hearer fill in their own personal bugaboos. I’ll start tossing it in to the meme pool to whatever limited effect I might have.

David Wright
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Well said sir. ABC

Liberty Mike
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

“Stop the madness” is, itself, delusional as it is premised upon the proposition that electoral politics matters.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Another poignant comment, as always. The football analogy was perfect.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Yep. They want to keep you on the defense or goad a fearful reaction. I’d call it genius except that it’s in the word ‘conservative’.

Play offense, but on your terms. Pepe, It’s OK to be White, etc., were the seeds of a new, winning, strategy. Heady days, the mid 10’s. But winning is scary and all, I guess.

Winners got pushed out of the political process for the time being. They’re still there. The day will come.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

And yet she didn’t go to jail

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

How much of a firebrand should he be? “When I was a kid (or my father was a kid…)” A man in a dress was not appointed to a Cabinet post. Miss Nevada wasn’t actually a Mr. Schools actually educated children, instead of just being baby sitters or schools for future thugs. [XXX Hot and Spicy] Whites had the right to their own communities, apartment buildings and schools. Employers were allowed to hire whom they wanted, usually by talent, not by government quotas. Even the Blacks were better off under segregation! Instead of a dog whistle, perhaps the time will… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Best movie ever! (Yes, I know)


Reply to  Reynard
3 years ago

Yes its a valuable distinction. I am trying to be less knee-jerk with my assessments of people who are waking up to the dystopian present. While the utility of framing around the present ills is solid, especially as opposed to just more nostalgic platitudes, there is also a tendency in recent red pill claimants to the class-action of White destruction to get all twitterpated over blackity black overreach and covid forcing kids home but when pressed seem content with the long march overall. Just not the last year or two. I don’t know how to gauge whether its “okay to… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Screwtape: Wholeheartedly agree. I’m ultra cynical and far less trusting than I was decades ago. I tend to find recent converts highly suspect, just because if it took this long for them to experience discomfort, that means they’re perfectly fine with degenerate/disgusting things that I found offensive and unsettling years ago. At the same time, I realize we all come to ‘wisdom’ on our own path and at our own pace. To clarify, I suppose I am trying to be more circumspect in my assessment of people’s motives . . . however . . . that is merely for accepting… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Yeah 3g I too often slip into the holiness of my own dissidence even tho I will accuse others of doing the same to me. So I am working on not being such a twat. Mixed results. I will ping hard for honesty and congruence, however, because we all have to forge our communities in that space between ‘perfect is the enemy of the good’ and what is real versus with is Truth. Aka there are sides, good and evil; there is God and there are gods in the clouds. Men who step onto the podiums instead of into the… Read more »

Reply to  Reynard
3 years ago

I think there are a few things that could be brought up without “going all raciss” right away. 1. Basic law and order is failing in many cities. The mayors, DAs, and city councils in these places are corrupt, far Left organizations that must be excised entirely like the cancer they are. 2. The process of educating and training people for productive lives is horrendously off track. College is at once hugely expensive, essential for good employment, and yet strangely useless all at once. This is an opener for a gentle introduction to one of our more obvious but more… Read more »

3 years ago

I’ll preface this by saying I don’t know this guy or have done my due diligence and fact checking – but I will! Point of order, though. 3 years ago I stood with Israel. I regarded any criticisms of Jews to be antisemitism. I thought Lefty meant well, and that when we quarelled, it was because I wasn’t presenting my facts right. I wasn’t ready to give up on black people either. Perhaps I am being naive, but can people change? Especially these days, where the mask has slipped, and a guy can’t even watch a game of football without… Read more »

3 years ago

Gotta get this in early.

But the internet is now crawling with people and writers ragging on David French. He has become everyone’s favorite whipping boy

You got the ball rolling, Zman. Very prescient.

David Wright
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

What, no love for Sloppy?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

It is just starting for David French, too. He and Douhat and their black face acts were deployed as Hail Marys to try to save Critical Race Theory, which is going down faster than David French on a Boy Scout. The NYT eventually will discard CRT, claim it was Republican-supported, and point to French and Douhat as among those who led them astray and gave the wrong impression about its support.

Cucks never learn, even the well-paid whores among them.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I don’t think any of them will discard CRT, in fact they’re doubling down, and every article they publish is a poster child’s example of the most rank and foul gas lighting imaginable against CRT opponents. They won’t discard global warming or mandatory vaccination, either. They may be all powerful, but also rather stupid and definitely obtuse, considering they’re living in a country where they don’t own the majority of the 450+ million firearms.. It’s just a manner of time before they do something, somewhere, that will blow the reactor lid off this country and spew its poison to the… Read more »

David Wright
3 years ago

There was a time I could muster some enthusiasm but no more. As you say often we are not going to settle any of this at the ballot box.

For now I am watching that shit show in South Africa and taking notes.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

If the U.S. involves itself and takes the side of the blecks, I don’t know what I’ll do.

David Wright
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Well then get ready to be disappointed.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

The Government will respond to it as a humanitarian crisis once starvation kicks in and throw gibs upon gibs, thereby just making things worse. Whites will probably start fleeing to the countryside and consolidating the farmland and try to be as autonomous as possible. The media will portray them as hoarding food while the country starves, and the SA military will go in. The West will not come in militarily unless the SA Whites successful defeat the SA army. Then things will get very interesting. Will white U.S. special forces be willing to slaughter their fellow whites? The answer, of… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The US Special Forces would confront a myriad of problems, not the least of which would be constant State Department interference. The Black South African government is popular only in the United States and United Kingdom. Other African nations distrust it, Our Greatest Ally continues to have friends among the Boers, and the black tribal divisions are enormous (the second largest political party after ANC, Inkatha, is tribal-based and has made serious noises about Zulu separation of late). It would be like Somalia except the United States would be defending the looters and murderers while being hit from sides it… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Great comment.

Our special forces are still very solid even if the rest of the military is not, but I forgot about the Somalia disaster.

Imagine Black Hawk Down 2, this time with American Whites are cheering their own military getting slaughtered.

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I guess you haven’t been paying attention. White farmers and their families in the country-side have been getting murdered just about every week for years now. There is nowhere for whites to flee to inside the country.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Given the track record of the US Military since WWII, if the USA intervenes on the side of the dark people in South Africa, it would be signing their death warrant.

So maybe we should hope that happens?

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

Modern military intervention amounts to weapons dealings to warlords, drone strikes on low bidders, and trafficking in narcotics and human chattel.

A handful of SF guys and some CIA sluts can make a lot happen. But indeed, “we are here to help” is a universal harbinger of doom at this point. Send in rainbow six!

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

“Send in rainbow six!”

At least they won’t need a re-branding to let everyone know they’re celebrating ‘Pride’.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I have come to think of US foreign policy, state department, military, and foreign interventions the way Nick Carraway described Tom & Daisy Buchanan: “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made” So assume if they intervene in South Africa, they will leave it a mess. Same with Cuba. But also, as these institutions have turned their gaze upon “white supremacist terrorists”, assume they… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Falcone: How does one become an arms runner for $100?

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

South Africa is interesting to watch, but remember that the news is myopic and sensationalized. All politics are local, and it’s a huge mistake to equate South African politics to anything in the US.

Was there more death/destruction in the US during 6 months of BLM, or in SA in 3 days of whatever is going on there? We’ll never know.

At least SA is sending in the troops to restore order, something the US never tried.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

You may wish to refer to my post elsewhere laying out the demographics of South Africa. Pray tell, how do you think ethnic integration works in their police or armed forces? When the Whites ran things, they would send in (say) Zulu police to confront a Xhosa mess, or vice versa. There were strictly segregated townships and homelands. Well, all that’s been gone since 1995 or so. I’ll admit I don’t know the specifics post-Apartheid. But for sure, there are clear ethnic divisions and they’ll be reflected in the force make-up. The tribes do not play nicely together. This has… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

South Africa is instructive in that the whites were the “Brahmin” class, overseeing with a very heavy hand a very divided tribal underclass. There are at least ten clearly defined black tribes in South Africa; they don’t all play nice together. So it’s a mistake to frame South Africa as “Back vs White”, as some are wont to do. It’s more instructive to see just how easily a ruling minority can lose control to the masses, even if it’s to everyone’s detriment. That seems to be the direction both Team R and Team D want in this country. It will… Read more »

3 years ago

” It is not hard to imagine that Atlantic post being submitted on tear-stained paper with some of the “I’s” being dotted with little frowny faces.”

Quality, lad. Quality.

It’s nice to have a chuckle, since over here in Angle-Land I have just popped to lunch after having to deal with Indian contractors. A good laugh before beginning round two of the blame game with Mr Rajasthan.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I agree 😄
“He tries to portray himself as an intellectual tough guy, but his writing style suggests he is a hysterical teenage girl.”
This perfectly describes 90% of the Leftist “journalism”