Lessons From The Bolsheviks

It is fascinating in a way how so much of the current crisis parallels events in Europe a century ago, despite the many differences. This is supposed to be the peak of liberal democracy, but it feels more like the dying embers of the old aristocratic order that evolved out of the 19th century in response to the French Revolution and the changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution. Then as now, the one thing agreed upon is the current order is not satisfactory. The old order has failed.

The past is never a perfect parallel to the present, but the many points of comparison between then and now is what matters. The rise of industry forcing people into cities, altering the power arrangements in European societies set off massive cultural changes that resulted in two great industrial wars and the rise of communism. The technological revolution is having the same impact on the West today. The world after the internet is a very different place from the world before it.

The interesting thing about the Bolsheviks and the communists in general is they were the only people trying to come to terms with what in the world was happening and why it was happening. The parallel to today is that it is the dissident subculture in which there is any serious thought about what is driving the ongoing crisis. Establishment efforts like Caldwell’s The Age of Entitlement, want to keep the analysis within the liberal democratic order. The fault lies with people, not the system.

Like the old commies in the industrial age, it is dissidents in the technological age who look further upstream. Like those old commies, there is a theoretical side to the analysis and a practical side, even a sense of urgency. Industry brought both new economic relationships, but also mass movements of people. Millions of Jews, for example, left the Russian empire for America. Similarly, technology has created new power relationships and set up a massive movement of people.

What studying the events of a century ago shows is that the great chain of causality is true in the long view. Russia, for example, has kept reverting back to being Russia, despite the changes in political economy. We see this quite clearly with China today, which is a high tech version of the Tang Dynasty. In the short run, massive changes to political economy can ripple back all the way to the nature of the people. The short run in the context of history can be a few lifetimes.

This is another parallel between then and now. The communists saw the great hand of fate in their history books. Their claims about political-economy were based in a historical understanding that said the arc of history bent toward socialism. The dissident knows that today is the result of the millions of decisions that have happened up to this moment on the timeline. A man is the sum of the mating choices of his ancestors and a people is the sum of all the choices that made the people.

That does not mean that the future is fixed. Nothing is inevitable other than the fact that people have always been wrong about the future. That is another great lesson for us from the communists. They were so sure about how things must end that they did not think much about being wrong about it. You see that with what passes for left-wing radicalism today. They just know that without white people utopia will descend on the land, but how that is supposed to work is never considered.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Theory & Practice
  • 12:00: Partisan Opportunists (Link)
  • 22:00: Political Organizing (link)
  • 32:00: Rules & Standards (Link)
  • 42:00: Tomorrow Belongs To No One
  • 57:00: Closing (Link) (Be Like Me)

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Go And Make Morbo Proud
Go And Make Morbo Proud
3 years ago

Counter revolutionary is the way forward during the stale reheated third rate half baked faculty lounge woketard Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 that is a useful idiots controlled by the globalists for their prison planet plan.
All governments are enemy occupied zones that hate you to the point of intoxication and they want a Final Solution to the White European question.

We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
3 years ago

A tactical point that I also believe is true: The Left doesn’t believe anything they say. They know it’s all bullshidt. I think I’ve heard Z-Man talk about the “Make Normie Say it” game of finding something stupid, and then scream that it’s moral and you should believe it, like a fag can marry a fag. Last week Z talked about the collective inbred mentality and that they actually do believe their own bull. I don’t care if that is true. Tactically, we can destroy their “moral” stance by saying they don’t believe it, they just want to hurt people.… Read more »

We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
Reply to  We are all Kosh
3 years ago

An interesting point from today’s podcast is the racial thing exists partly or in toto to keep us from organizing against the cloud people.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

I’ve probably said this before on previous occasions here but this is one of the best and most important posts. I’ve also arrived at the idea that we need to study previous revolutionaries. It follows directly from not just saying but actually realizing that a) there is NO solution within the system and b) we are on the road to extinction of something hard to distinguish from extinction. Off the top of my head the ‘cannon’ of successful revolutionaries would be (without moral preferences, only looking at whether they were successful or not); the American revolution (1776 in case some… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Odd that you would leave David Ben Gurion out of your analysis.

After all, he was The Ultimate Winner of WWII.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

The founding of Israel is important sure but not subscribing to either the ‘It iz ze Joos!’ school or the ‘we must all love and cherish Israel unconditionally’ school, it is not a world-defining event the way the six other revolutions are. They happened in large countries, France being the smallest in terms of population. Israel is still a small country even if it punches above its weight.

Bingo Bongo
Bingo Bongo
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Gandhi’s methods required the Brits to be humane and also relied on a large percentage of the Brit elite to be actively rooting for him. Palestinians were prompted to use his methods but they said it wouldn’t work with the Israelis.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bingo Bongo
3 years ago

Absolutely. You choose your strategy based on the situation and the nature of the opposition is very much part of the situation. You do not choose Gandhi’s approach if the current wielders of state power are like Pol Pot or Stalin. But, for all their insanity, the current wielders of power in the West share with the late stage British Empire a distinct reluctance to shed blood. Which means the Gandhi approach may contain valuable tools. It is also, of course, the strategy that inspired MLK and b/c southern US states in the 1950s may have been ‘racist’ but they… Read more »

This Machine Makes Good Commies
This Machine Makes Good Commies
3 years ago

The only good commie is an erased from existence commie.
They aren’t human so don’t feel any remorse when you make them good.

3 years ago

The Bolsheviks were similar to Antifa. Not very intelligent, never worked a day in their lives, some were professional college students, but they miraculously had backing and funding.

Probably the most successful one, Stalin, actually worked in his life. It was thieving and banditry, but at least it was some kind of work.

Reply to  NateG
3 years ago

Not sure where you guys come up with this “never worked a day in their lives” thing. Who the frik hasn’t worked a day in their life? Or at least a summer.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

China Joe Biden.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

never worked a day in their lives Slick Willy Algore Dubya John “Jhingis Khan” Kerry Bill Ayers Barry Soebarkah Dunham Michael LaVaughn Robinson Susan Rice Eric Holder B!tch McConnell Miss Lindsey Grahamnesty Fay Gowdy Kevin McCuntthy Dyke Pence Anthony Fraudci etc etc etc And [with the exception of Susan Rice] that’s just the shkotzim. None of these people are real. All of them were screened & filtered & selected with the utmost care, and placed into picture perfect fake careers by the Frankfurt School & the Creep State. PS: I suppose I oughtta give a special shout out to good… Read more »

3 years ago

Can someone suggest a book on the Bolshevik revolution? Or say Russia/Soviet from 1915 through WWII. One that’s not 600 pages? And one that’s doesn’t blame it all on bagels. Thanks.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Since last year I’ve been watching Stephen Kotkin interviews and speeches on Stalin. Apparently he’s the expert of experts on Stalin.

I guess I could take in the revolution years to WWII via his two-volume Stalin bios. But they’re like 900 pages each. Would I really read them? I haven’t even finished the abridged Gulag Archipeligo.

Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, 1878-1928 (2015)
Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941 (2017)

Little beeenie boy in action:


Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

” And one that’s doesn’t blame it all on bagels. Thanks.”

So you want to read revisionist history and half-truths? Got it. There should be no trouble finding a book like that since much like that regime itself airbrushing certain inconvenient elements out of photos & history is what has been going on since 1945. I would guess you’d have FAR more difficulty finding a book that actually included bagels as even mentioning them in any objectively truthful way it touching the 3rd rail and financial suicide.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Agree. No mainstream publishing house could release a book that blamed a bagel for anything. I guess what I mean, is the author has to be a legit historian. I don’t know Russian history well. So I don’t want to read a book on it by some wackjob bagel-hater who specializes in sounding convincing. Because it’s just gonna convince me of a bunch of bullshit.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

one that’s doesn’t blame it all on bagels

Then you’re looking for the work of sephardic sanheder Simon Sebag Montefiore.

Montefiore must have destroyed tens of thousands of documents in the archives [and replaced many of them with counterfeits] before Vlad the Bad was able to seize control of matters [and hopefully VtB has attempted to insure & re-insure the integrity of what remains].

Montefiore is the Ur-archtype of the House of Rothschild’s MI6 subsidiary.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Robert Conquest wrote a short bio of Lenin, which naturally is OOP. If you haven’t got time for reading poorly-scanned stuff in Goggle Books from a century ago, it is not a bad sketch history of a classic S.O.B. In my student days I’d get irritated when elders would recommend Orlando Figes’s “A People’s Strategy” bc there’s no way any of them had read more than 5% of it. I am aware of one person, in my immediate family, who read an entire 800-page Stalin biography (I dunno which author). But others are equally doorstop-worthy. This seems like a job… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  JimmyPageturner
3 years ago

There exist long books which are also easily read, if you care about the subject matter (but not too much). Bertram Wolfe’s ‘Three Men Who Made a Revolution’ is an oldie but goodie; it deals with Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin (I read it a long time ago; I recall it treated Leninn with kid gloves but was pretty rough on Stalin). Two Russians put out around 1985 ‘Utopia in Power’, a fun read if collectivization, mass arrests and gulags are your thing. Alan Bullock’s ‘Hitler and Stalin’ is a good read; you can skip the Hitler stuff if you want,… Read more »

Reply to  Steve W
3 years ago

Appreciate the replies. I may pick up some of those.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  JimmyPageturner
3 years ago

I don’t know whether y’all are disinformationists or simply goyische cattle dutifully regurgitating the Sunday NY Times talking points, but there is no such thing as a boring biography of Saint Joseph Djugashvili. Once you step back from the trees, and see the forest for what it is, the zoology of even the tiniest little saplings, struggling to survive beneath the giant maples & beeches & poplars, starts to make sense, and you realize that the most minute detail fits perfectly into the larger panorama. Each & every time I encounter a new [to me] historical account of Saint Joseph’s… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

“Steve W”: Wolfe… treated Leninn with kid gloves but was pretty rough on Stalin…

Uhh, yeah, ahh, do ya, ahh, do ya see just the teeny-tiniest little pattern starting to form there?

comment image

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

The red wheel series by Alex Solzenitzen. It doesn’t exclusively place blame on the bagels but it doesn’t pretend like they don’t exist either.

It’s not 600 pages, it’s 4 volumes of ~1000 pages 😀

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Excellent podcast, and I especially enjoyed how at the end you joined those events to the present. Hence, a mild criticism about an omission. Marxian utopianism claimed a withering of the state at some point. This is what drew in anarchists and nihilist in 1917. Of course, anyone who has watched their Hone Owners Association in action knows those folks are not about to relinquish power. Now imagine being stupid enough to think a stateless world would arise after freaking Lenin seized power. This explains how even today moronic libertarians think totalitarianism will lead not just to weed but additional… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Absolutely. If America survives it’ll be because we don’t have a history of autocracy. Like that video Z linked the other day, our tradition is ‘elbow room’ and self rule. So far used against us to open the gates of hell, but when it comes to imposing hell, we’ll, that’s just Un-American! Hopefully.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

The problem we have today is that we’re full of foreigners.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Yes, Russians never became a minority in Russia. Even though the resentful minorities and (((minorities))) played an oversized role in Bolshevism, when the USSR stabilized it more or less became Russian again. After it collapsed, and under Putin, Russian identity and religion bloomed again. Soviet Union is still seen as quintessentially Russian. There’s no reason to think the current insanity will ever subside because the people benefitting from it are not the same people who originally founded America or made it great. And this goes for the whole west. Why would any non white want wokeness to go away? Their… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

That’s why I more or less root for collapse. No gibs, a lot of people will move on, the latent crazy frontier mofo will re-emerge. At least I hope. As for Asians taking over, I don’t know. Not sure China is as aggressive without American capital and consumers fueling it. Indians can keep a civilization but their statecraft is suspect.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

That is actually not true that Russians were a majority in the empire circa 1900.

Russian or Ukrainian were listed the native languages of about 62% of the 1897 census serfs.

3 years ago

Good show Z, as usual. I’m somewhat interested in the Russian Revolution myself. I won’t talk about that since it already seems well debated in the comments. But your closing section is very important. We need to remember that we have our own lives to live, and should enjoy it. There’s no point being depressed and miserable. In fact, it’s what the enemy wants – they hate seeing healthy, happy, and normal white men and women. So yes, do cut out the media if that’s making you miserable. I only learn about the news through blogs or real life conversations… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

100 percent.

If I had to give the primary reason the mushy Trump drove the Left insane was that he gave Whites hope, however misplaced. Stay happy, fit and upbeat. You are so spot on about Covid. It broke GoodWhites and even sent some our way. Odd, that, but accidents of history are the point here.

Great comment.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

he gave Whites hope This. Even Sun Tzu, two & a half millennia ago, recognized the paramount importance of psychological warfare [and the chinese ain’t exactly known for being attuned to human psychology – at least not the ones we interact with in the 21st Century – but maybe things were different back in the day]. And of course everything the Frankfurt School throws at Western Civilization & Christianity is simply one form or another of demoralization pr0n. It’s all designed to break your soul, so that you can never again summon your Ancestors’ fighting spirit. Anyone here old enough… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

There it is. The Kung Flu really did break a lot of White brains, but on the upside, it’s really easy to cut those people out of your life. I use one sentence: “if not catching the Coof means I have to live like you do, I’ll take my chances with the germs.” Be happy. Live your life. It’s salt in their wounds, and they deserve it.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

To reply to you and Jack: A good example of this is an obese leftist woman I know. She’s about 5″3 and must have been 250lb pre-pandemic. Since the lockdowns started her weight must have ballooned to 350lb. She was recently telling me how “angry” she was at her “stupid” teenage daughter for attending a house party where a few people caught COVID. This is not a sane person, this is a crazy person; a lunatic. I feel bad for her daughter too. If she was really scared of COVID, or cared about her health in general she should be… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Yes to all of this. Kill your TV. Acquire new skills & do meaningful work. Be pleasant to others & cultivate a benign persona. Keep your wits about you & be alert for opportunities to make a difference. Practice scenarios in your head (and only in your head), mull them over & refine them. Think outside the box. Stay in the shadows. Don’t let them lure into the open. Survive first.

When stress arises, chop some cord work in your backyard with a long-handle axe. The practice may come in handy someday.

3 years ago

You said Lenin wasn’t jewish but there is evidence that his maternal great-great-grandfather was a jew. He wasn’t a religious jew but it does seem likely he had jewish blood. Not to criticize you, just to mention it.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I believe that it is plausible that j3w$ have a gene complex to subvert host societies. Like some beavers are programmed to build dams, we can imagine other beavers that are programmed to dismantle the dams of other beavers.

If my conjecture is correct, that subvert gene complex appears to be highly dominant over other genes. It doesn’t take much for it to assert itself. I present this idea only as conjecture.

If this is “the j3w thing,” I don’t mind.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

other beavers that are programmed to dismantle the dams of other beavers

Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder in the lesser species.

Now that would be fascinating.

Noble-Prize worthy, especially if you could identify the clusters of genes involved.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Lenin’s maternal great grandfather was a Jew

Ironically enough, that’s precisely the same genealogy as Boris Johnson.

And Johnson is an even moar powerful sanheder than John Bercow.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

It’s amazing how consistently czarist Russia is vilified in historical fiction. At some point I’ll write a steampunk where the Czarists are heroes.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

At some point I’ll write a steampunk where the Czarists are heroes.

Unfortunately, the s0d0mite Prince Felix Yusupov tag-teamed with his BFF from Oxford, the s0d0mite MI6 agent, Oswald Rayner, to assassinate Saint Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin.

And then all of Saint Grigori’s prophecies came true.

To include no moar czardom for the Romanov clan.

So in your steampunk, you’re gonna hafta do something about Yusupov & Rayner.

Hopefully something at least as juicy as what Dante did for Judas & Brutus.

3 years ago

I’m reading Hoffers The True Believer again, recommend doing so for everyone here. It’s amazingly relevant today. The anti white racist woke movement has all the hallmarks that he discusses. One that all the mass movements from Christianity through communism share is a belief in a fantastical arc of history With today being a midway point between some hazy imagined past and an equally hazy utopian future. With that perfect future being inevitable. The inevitability and nebulousness of the future are features of the belief structure of the movement that draws in true believers. We see those irrationalities as flaws… Read more »

3 years ago

Mark Levin, like Zman, quotes Eric Hoffer frequently. Mark has a important new book out, American Marxism. I know i know he wears a much smaller hat than my 10 gallon hat, yet still, his book is worth reading.

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

John, while I haven’t read Levin’s book, I am sure that it is worthwhile. He’s a very smart guy (although we can all regret the sound of his voice 🙂

I assume that his ultimate prescription is a colorblind meritocracy.

I feel like I can contradict all the arguments in his book by arguing colorblindness is literally impossible for most non-whites. Therefore, his like assuming that we can power our societies with a perpetual motion machine, which physics says is impossible.

I look forward to your thoughts.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Line…er..Sand…how about Sandy? “I assume that his ultimate prescription is a colorblind meritocracy.” Noooo, Sandy, i’d say his ultimate prescription is to stop the Marxist takeover of our government. I admire the guys sincerity, passion and love of country, and that he still holds out hope that we can be saved, although to be honest, i think it’s too late. This is not your typical partisan polemic. This is a thoughtful well researched book that references Rousseau, Hagle, Engles, Marx, Dewey, Hannah Arendt, and Zman’s Eric Hoffer. He condemns our immigration policies, diversity, CRT, BLM, the media and supports gun… Read more »

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

I can see how a Mark Levin book might be good to clue-in normies. But what’s he going to tell *us* that we don’t already know. Is there anything in the book that’s gonna get him fired from Fox? No? Then why bother. I remember watching his Fox show for the first time a few months ago on YouTube. He was interviewing the guy from that popular pawnshop tv show. Levin was pushing the old libertarian, “Up by your bootstraps. No one can keep you poor but yourself” bs. Never watched him again. Now he wants to tell the world… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago


“I can see how a Mark Levin book might be good to clue-in normies. But what’s he going to tell *us* that we don’t already know. Is there anything in the book that’s gonna get him fired from Fox? No? Then why bother.”

Cuz knowledge is good. Tucker ain’t gonna get fired either, but he’s useful, no?

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago


With regards to normies…

Before you can get them to come hither, to our side of the river, you must first bring them to the riverside.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Agree. But I wouldn’t read a Tucker book either. Are you familiar with Counter Currents publishing?

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

JohnWayne: But this is not a fundamentally “Marxist” versus capitalist conflict. You live in the demographic age, and this is a fundamentally tribal conflict for land and resources, with the top cloud people wanting ever more money, power, and control. Their theoretical political ideology is utterly irrelevant. Electoral politics is overrated and utterly useless for any future ethnostate. Class conflict can be mitigated by leashing the corporatists. Racial conflict can be eliminated by creating an ethnostate. While those at the top can, will, and are nurturing and using various conflicts to suit their purposes, those conflicts are genetically innate. There… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

3g4me: “As far as ocerthrowing the govt. i’m all for it (rhetorically, or course, dear leaders)” 🙄 me too. Let’s distinguish between a tactic & a strategy. The Marxist use class, gender, race, LMNOP, whatever, in order to gin up conflict. Crime, murder, riots, looting, burning – all good. This is a tactic to sow anarchy so that the Marxist can take over, which is the strategic objective. Censorship, electioneering, cancel culture, all of it, more of our freedoms are being taken away every day. Consider the Martian looking down on us with his telescope. Why does everone hate white… Read more »

Muhammad Izadi
3 years ago

Bolsheviks were being massively bankrolled from the outside.

Mysteriously, they were NEVER short of resources.

Also, Tsarist Russia was NOT on the brink of collapse. It had to be massively subverted from within and hollowed out to pave the way for the (((Bolshevik))) gangster takeover.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Muhammad Izadi
3 years ago

Bolsheviks were being massively bankrolled from the outside. Guess what you never knew until this afternoon? All this time, the Bolsheviks secretly had a competitor to the Keystone XL pipeline, which was called the “Line 3” pipeline: Susan Rice ordered to sell $2.7M stake in oil pipeline company after project moves forward https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3976701/posts [For those of you who don’t know, Susan Rice is descended from bolshevik chattel s1ave traders in South Carolina, named “Suber”, and that’s why both she and her equally midwit father had such exemplary & distinguished careers created for them out of thin air.] Anyway, the tl;dr… Read more »

Reply to  Muhammad Izadi
3 years ago

Also, Tsarist Russia was NOT on the brink of collapse.

It’s record in WWI says otherwise,

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

This is why I get so tired of the (((extra parentheses))) crowd. Basic history is not a secret. The tsarist regime had been on the brink of collapse since the late 19th century. And then there was this thing called “the Russo-Japanese War,” and as for the Bolsheviks never being short of resources, the New Economic Plan…

…I hate to break it to you, but people are generally eager to do obviously dumb, counterproductive things with no outside encouragement whatsoever. Ask anyone with an ex-wife.

Muhammad Izadi
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

That particular view necessarily assumes that the Bolshevik takeover was inevitable. It would then make every occurrence that preceded the Leninist takeover be read within an official Bolshevik context.

“Basic history is not a secret.”

Who decides what’s ‘basic history’ and what’s not?

Reply to  Muhammad Izadi
3 years ago

That particular view necessarily assumes that the Bolshevik takeover was inevitable.

It assumes or implies no such thing.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Hanlon’s Razor: “Never blame anything on malice when it can be blamed on stupidity (accident, chance, etc.)”

We all love to blame the Global Zionist Conspiracy® for civilization’s failings, real or perceived. Perhaps this has been true in certain times and places, but everywhere? Yes, they control the media, the universities, the banks, the governments, but they don’t control EVERYTHING 😀

Muhammad Izadi
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

The Tsarist military began disintegrating when Tsar Nicholas II was cornered and forced to abdicate in 1917.

For most of the war, the Russian military had kept the German High Command fiercely engaged on the Eastern front.

It was only when the home front was knocked out by the revolutionary gangsters aided by elements within the German State that the Tsarist Armed forces went into absolute meltdown.

Within a year, however, the German State itself faced massive internal (((subversion))) which ended the Second Reich and laid the foundation for Weimar Satanism.

Dino the Isaurian
Dino the Isaurian
Reply to  Muhammad Izadi
3 years ago

For most of the war, the Russian military had kept the German High Command fiercely engaged on the Eastern front.

This is just hysterically wrong.

Like claiming that Japan was on the verge of winning WWII when the Americans threw a Hail Mary with the A Bomb and pulled victory from the jaws of defeat.

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Muhammad Izadi
3 years ago

Ah yes, the Russian Dolchstoss…

Reply to  Muhammad Izadi
3 years ago


I almost laughed when I was reading your comment lol

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I’ll say it again: basic history is NOT a secret. And as for who decides what’s “basic,” well, I guess I’ll have to go with “anyone willing to take about 10 seconds to look up easily verified facts.” A rule of thumb I use is: if it takes less time to look it up than it does to type a bunch of (((extra parentheses))), it’s pretty basic.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

In fairness, didn’t Ludendorff send in Lenin in a desperate attempt to knock Russia out of the war so Germany could concentrate all resources on the western front?

It’s my understanding that everybody was either collapsed or barely hanging on at that point in the war, so sure Russia’s strength is overstated.

However, Germany’s gambit ended up blowing back on her. She got revolution, abdication, and a taste of commie degeneracy, at least for a while.

There’s a kernel of truth to it, I’d say.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

I believe Russia had one of the fastest growing economies prior to WW1.

karl mchungus
karl mchungus
Reply to  NateG
3 years ago

haha. what were they making, to produce that growth?

3 years ago

Off topic, but Ace of Spades denounced Trump today. I bring that up only to suggest that Zman’s preferred (and in my opinion, it’s a good preference) “Just stop voting” seems to be getting more popular. (Protesting on election day is such a great idea I don’t understand why it doesn’t have tons of traction)

Either the GOP will run actual traditionalists (I hate the word ‘conservative’ at this point, I use it now to as a way to call people queers), or fuck them.

Reply to  DJ3Way
3 years ago

Rejecting electoralism is good, but I don’t think rejecting Trump for doing doofus stuff is the kind of rejection that sticks. His opportunities to do non-doofus stuff were severely limited, all other possible candidates are malicious rather than bumbling, etc. There are holes there to climb back through. Trump needs to be asked if he *really* called in the Guard to slaughter the crowd at his 1/6 speech. He wasn’t the real CIC and the true regime had other plans, so the NG didn’t do it, but lately he’s been saying that even before the speech he wanted the Guard… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

So he says, maybe just bullshittin’, maybe not thinking through the implications. Or… It’s a psychological defense mechanism; the Alpha can’t allow it to be admitted that a passive-aggressive turd* like Mike Pence actually et-tu-brute’ed him. Note that the Alpha is defending both his own personal ego and also the arduously established group psychology of the Alpha’s followers – the Alpha has invested an entire lifetime of work in establishing that group psychology, and the Alpha ain’t gonna relinquish His lifetime investment without a fight. *PS: In VD’s terminology, Pence would be called a “gamma”, but VD’s terminology is definitely… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago


National Guard sounds the alarm over $521M reimbursement for Capitol deployment


Sh!tlibs are such filthy stinking pieces of sh!t that they won’t even reimburse their own bodyguards.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  DJ3Way
3 years ago

I’ve been pushing the term traditionalists for a while. I think its good

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  DJ3Way
3 years ago

Ace of Cucks The big story cumming out of Ace of Cucks today was that sanheder Billy Barr had hired fellow sanheder David Weiss to deep six the Hunter Biden investigation until after the election. http://ace.mu.nu/archives/394779.php Recall that Billy Barr’s father, the sanheder Donald Barr, had hired young would-be sanheder Jeffrey Epstein as a teacher at the exceptionally upscale & tony Dalton School for Filthy Shiksa Slutz-n-Hoz, on 89th St, during the 1973 through 1975 academic skrewl years. At the very same time, from 1973 to 1977, Donald Barr also managed to get li’l Billy into a student internship with… Read more »

Andy Texan
3 years ago

The Bolsheviks (and other radicals of the time) succeeding in convincing the army to desert and abandon the Czarist government. That is why they succeeded. Our army is a constitutional institution. Soldiers signed up to protect our constitutional nation. They did not sign up to protect the participants in the globalist conspiracy (fedgov). Serving soldiers should desert/resign and reform as local militia. When their power base melts away, our panoply of traitors will hop on their private jets and bug out.

Reply to  Andy Texan
3 years ago

The models suggest that as few as a dozen example cases will trigger a stampede-type exodus; provided they are high enough in the hierarchy. But the first few must be in quick order, then persistently thereafter.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Andy Texan
3 years ago

I suspect there might be such a parting of the ways in a future crisis. It wouldn’t be first time (Civil War). Indeed, it would likely be early in Civil War II. At last two factions, maybe more this time. I’d sure hate to have to choose the country that no longer exists, or the country you no longer want to exist. I’m afraid that we may not get to choose such matters 🙁 My pessimism is often overdone (fortunately). A partial (but still early) retraction of my dire South Africa commentary yesterday: Perhaps things will cool down and return… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

ben i trust you. pretty sure you just a drunk, not a fed.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  SidVic
3 years ago

No longer alcohol powered, but probably retain many of the mannerisms 🙂

3 years ago

Whiskey, do you think that inflicting misery on the Dirt People is the motivation of the Cloud People? We’re all just speculating, but I guess that their motivation is to control us and have us like it. Their control makes us miserable because their rules are contrary to human nature but control is more important than misery. The most obvious examples are that the Cloud People are far more comfortable with sexual perversity, homosexuality, transsexuality, and pedophilia, than the Dirt People. The Cloud People will force their preferences on the Dirt People. They would prefer that the Dirt People like… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Dammit, this comment is a response to https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=24391#comment-257406

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Yeah, well you’re going to need an uninterrupted bloodbath in a bungled war to create the conditions for Czar Joe’s white soldiers to desert en masse a la 1917. The peasant soldiers didn’t give up until about 6 million of them had been killed. The Bolsheviks didn’t have to convince Ivan about jack shit, since he was convinced enough by seeing his leaders feed him into a meat grinder for four years. So unless Dementia Joe cooks up about 20 Tannenberg disasters with the Russians by next year or so, the fabulous Globohomo military will go all Bloody Sunday Winter… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 years ago

Maybe yes, maybe no. We’ve had a steady defeat for the last 20 years. Iraq and now Afghanistan. The guys who fought in both are very bitter. Moreover, the Czar’s army did not foist women and sacred blacks upon their soldiers while telling their soldiers they and their country were garbage, and their parents and grandparents evil should all be erased. Who respects and admires Biden? Dr. Jill? Kamala? Gen Woke Milley? That guy never served a minute in combat. When the images of our embassy and other areas being overrun come on the internet, and we have hostage crisis… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

They are punishing the deplorables These faggots hide behind their goons, eventually the goons will remember where they came from. Desperation, to jab you with their juice. They know its unraveling and they’re scared shitless. “They got the guns, but we got the numbers”,

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy bitterly remarked upon learning the cars at her private chapel belonged to her servants, “What’s the point of being rich if ordinary people have nice things too?” This is the motivation for the Greens (eat bugs peasants! die in the cold dirt people!). The motivation for destroying things that made straight White dirt people happy: comic books, video games, science fiction, Star Trek, Star Wars, the initial Marvel Movies. I suppose if they all had exclusive badges and we were forced to grovel before them some of this would go away. Old line aristocrats were the only… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

This was a welcome break from all the blackpilling stuff going around.

We need our march through the institutions, even though it is basically too late for that.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

No, we do! We need to be what the Left was, always attacking

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

At the rate things are going, perhaps, we won’t need to march through them. The old ones will collapse (or burn) due to their rot these many decades. Then, if there will be new institutions, we will have to build new ones.

3 years ago

Z-man, your observation that none of the Bolsheviks ever worked a job was telling. In more than one way. In the old pulp novel “the Diamond Bikini” by Charles Williams the sheriff complains that the protaganists uncle one Sagamore Noonan (the prototype for all the sly “good ole boy” outlaws ever since, copied a zillion times) never works, and spends all his time coming up with plots and plans. [The novel is hilarious and a very good read.] Not working allows people lots and lots of free time to organize, organize, and organize. All of our people have to work.… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Lots of upvotes. This is how the Left won. Reminds me of Pierre Bolkonsky in War and peace. Supremely rich and very bored, dabbles in everything, including subversive freemasonry, and from 5he beginning he was talking about the social contract and at the end of the novel was organizing some sort of counter government group.

Compared to Nicholi Rostov who just constantly worked

Long Live Lilliput
Long Live Lilliput
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

The Left also learned how to apply any work they did to their cause by monopolizing government, media and education. It is easier to subvert a country when you are paid to do its dirty work. As the ranks of government swelled and grew thoroughly disproportionate to the private sector, the petty tyranny of low-level mid wits could be fully realized.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

We also need people who not “work” in the conventional sense but can just be full time troublemakers. It would be nice if our old, wealthy people could take a hint from the Left. Set up think tanks and National Council of… type organizations and hire your more worthy kids and grandkids to run them. Make your pothead son or whore daughter earn their own money.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

The left is helped enormously by controlling the manufacture of fiat currency and the financial system by which it is injected into the real economy. It is THE central control node of civilization, not Congress, not the judiciary, and not the Presidency. The compliant employees in these secondary nodes (also including media and education) mostly do what they are told in exchange for a little slice of the fiat pie, proportional to how useful their service is to those who control the money supply. The totalitarian corporate left will never run out of money to fund their people as long… Read more »

3 years ago

Great podcast, but isn’t the lesson of the Bolsheviks that the only things that matter are will to power, ferocity, organization, and ruthlessness? That expertise and even understanding of how the world works does not matter in the least? They won. Their enemies who had better understanding of how the world works lost. Also, I’d take issue with the idea that in politics or ruling that ordinary people matter. All evidence suggests they don’t. That all over the West, in political, social, cultural, and business spheres what matters the most is the opinion of the Managerial Elite. The Brandon Tartikoff… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

They won. For about 20 years, circa 1917 to 1937, until Saint Joseph Djugashvili had sufficiently solidified his power base to the point that he felt safe to begin emptying The House on the Embankment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_on_the_Embankment It was designed by Boris Iofan… The building is considered to be constructivist in style. The apartments were luxurious for their time: telephones, central heating and high ceilings were standard. At the time, most Muskovites had to make do with communal apartments. The building also featured a sports hall, tennis court, kindergarten, library, laundrette and a kitchen from which meals could be ordered for… Read more »

3 years ago

I finally got to listen to the show and that was just great work, Z. And that was a great observation about shitlibs and destiny. You ponder about who tomorrow belongs to. I am a Yesterday Man, and I wonder who history belongs to? I grew up learning that the tragedy of modern history was the murder of 6 million jews by Nazi Germany. I am in my late 50’s, and I am beginning to see strong evidence that the real tragedy may have been over a hundred million Christians getting murdered by bolshevik jews…? Z, I insist on singing… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

That song only gets higher and higher! Whoever sang it was a hell of a tenor, with an intense vibrato

3 years ago

“ They just know that without white people utopia will descend on the land, but how that is supposed to work is never considered.”

It’ll work out like Africa, er, Wakanda.

Reply to  Gauss
3 years ago
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

First starting out on my own, I lived in a very sketchy neighborhood. I was worried about keeping stuff in my home, and especially boxes when I moved (the homies are quite open about taking a good look at your stuff when you move). A friend suggested worth storing stuff like my checkbook on my big, full bookshelves, and labeling boxes of valuables “math books.” I did, and never had anything of value jacked

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Age-old saying: “If you want to hide something from a [rhymes with “chigger”] put in a book.” 😀

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

My old partner used to say,”books are like Kryptonite”.

Reply to  Gauss
3 years ago

Gerard at American Digest has some treats up on his blog about South Africa right now. I liked the vid where the jogger got shot up trying to blow up a fuel truck, and is slowly bleeding to death while a fella records it all on the cell and keeps encouraging the jogger to do everyone a favour and die quickly. In another vid, a couple of nigs are down at the mall on the third wall – trying to smash out the glass fronting. The hardened glass gives out – and one of the monkeys goes tumbling out with… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Never underestimate the potential of a critical mass of race traitors which we are currently shot through with in the West. And (((fellow whites))) who have –very– deep pockets to finance these people and the pets.

By themselves they are no threat, correct. But they have learned from the past hence the full court press on all fronts including turning a large percentage of us self hating and suicidal. The playing field is extremely unlevel so this type of post concerns me re: letting your guard down to the tactical reality of the situation.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

It is for now, AP. But you have to remember that Whitey is only starting to clue in right now as we speak. Nobody’s hungry yet, and the nigs have kept most of their violent attacks small and sporadic. Even the riots have not generated any real mass atrocities. When the crisis deepens and the food shortages start? When they start committing larger crimes? Whitey is going to come off that couch loaded for bear and it will be Mutiny On The Bounty. I see our cops and politicos potentially getting shot too. They will deserve it and no bones… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

But you have to remember that Whitey is only starting to clue in right now as we speak. It was not part of their b100d, it came to them very late, with long arrears to make good, when the Sax0n began to h@te… I watched an H!ckok45 video recently, wherein The Great One was trying to sing the praises [for a sponsor] of a bo1t-action rif1e which he had been lent to test, but you could tell his heart wasn’t in it; he was effectively ridiculing the weekend warriors who show up at the range every Sunday for their bench-rest… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

The playing field is extremely unlevel so this type of post concerns me re: letting your guard down to the tactical reality of the situation.

J, you gotta remember that what you see in Dee Cee is not what we’re seeing out here in flyover country.

There are well over 100 million of us Dirt People who have your back, muh bro.

With some fine, fine, fine-@ssed redneck p00ntang just waiting to push out them icy-blue-eyed nordic babies.

And ain’t nothing gonna make ’em quite as wet in anticipation as first having witnessed some seriously existential darwinian vio1ence…

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

This evening, the Obama Voters were wreaking just a little too much carnage near where “O” St SW dead ends in S Capitol St [at the 3rd base entrance to Nationals Park], so the game was suspended, and they’ll try to reschedule its resumption as part of a double header tomorrow. Nationals Park in DC has been evacuated; alleged active shooter https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3976990/posts It looks like the Nationals are owned by a sanheder named Mark Lerner. Personally, I don’t know why any White person would pay money to see any property whatsoever owned by the Frankfurt School. But then I see… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

The ultimate red pill is realizing aristotle was right about slavery. Some people were born for it. These people would live safer, longer, healthier lives under the custody of any other ethnic group than as free individuals.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  David
3 years ago

I propose a modification of Kipling’s (?) saying: “White man, lay down your burden!”

Yes, there always were and will be superior and inferior people. But there’s no requirement a free nation have any slaves, no brook any inferiors in its midst. I hope we’d have learnt that lesson by now.

Memo to future empire: When someone suggests the need for cheap, imported labor, show them to the door.

Reply to  David
3 years ago

David: It’s the Han’s turn to take over their custody. Any sane White is done with ‘the burden.’ And frankly, no sane White should give a damn whether or not they live safe or healthy lives, or any lives at all. Not our people, not our problem.

3 years ago

I was just in a ridiculous mansion in Beverly Hills 20,000 square feet type. The house manager met me at the gate and started to complain about the mask coming back at midnight Friday. He went right into the border situation. All these illegals are ruining everything! Now as were talking we were surrounded by little brown men with leaf blowers. What about these guys? Oh there ok. They’re here illegally right ? Yes. So? We just can’t let anymore in. You ever heard of Zman? No. I’m a Tucker, hannnity guy. I have no more time for any other… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Panzernutter
3 years ago

Yes for now, but now is not forever. Give that man someone to follow that speaks plainly and he will follow. There’s a 25% slice that will go along with a 5% that leads (both their side and ours has that).

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
3 years ago

Yes for now, but now is not forever.

That was a point I was trying to make in these here parts a few days ago, much to the chagrin of a certain segment of the kkk0mmentariat on this board.

The latin translation of the logical fallacy might look something like “Nihil pre hoc ergo nihil post hoc”, meaning: Just because nothing has happened before now necessarily implies that nothing will ever happen in the future.

And if that’s what our enemies are telling themselves, then let them keep singing that tune.

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

I don’t know about that, he looked pretty happy opening up his my pillow / geezer sheet set. Sleeping like a baby. Up every two hours, crying. Let’s hope. I’ve turned a few people onto Zman. Guys I’ve known for 40 years, motorcycle 1% types. Same response every time. Wait what ? ….. thanks for playing, we have some nice prizes for you backstage.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

The driving force of the Bolsheviks is the same force of the left today. Envy. The green monster. Class envy. Racial envy. Ethnic envy. The pobres who watch the Mercedes drive by, thinking “that guy has an angle in life…or knows someone.” The angle in life would be hitting an alarm at 6am and working for the next 12 hours, and not spending it on lottery tickets and drugs. The racial envy of the Shanequa, who not only possesses the material envy as described above, but looks in the mirror and says “I love my lips, I love my hair,… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

If one doesn’t want to appear “freakish”, the best thing to do is go and live where your own kind are. Those who don’t mind as much can seek employment as “go betweens”. Separation is the peaceful answer.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

You would think, wouldn’t you. But they know damn well what their standard of living would be if they did that. It makes them even more envious. Knowing that they white man is necessary…and they’re not.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Yes, I know. One can dream though….;-)

David Wright
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Sometimes Jordan Peterson has good insights. He remarked that many years ago he figured out for sure that socialists don’t so much care for the working man as much as they envy the rich.

I knew as many did the working man ruse was BS but figured it was a ploy for access to status and power. More-so just for wealth although the other things are nice too.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

The Z man has the best commentary on the internet, God bless ya , brother.

3 years ago

Great podcast. It’s refreshing to take a break from the news of the day, or even from the news and events of the last several years. I’d imagine one major difference between the Bolsheviks of yesteryear and the Bolsheviks of today is that Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, etc. were actual men in every sense of the word. The Bolsheviks of today are mostly gays, women, trannies, cat moms, and deeply emasculated men who are raising their own sons on soy milk and veggie burgers. They could all stand to learn about manhood from Putin. The tragic loss of masculinity makes the… Read more »

Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

Yep, malcontents, who create their sense of self worth from tearing down the creations of a much better people than they can ever hope to aspire to be.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

Right or wrong, the old bolshies actually expected people to show up for a job; todays bolshies pride themselves on getting as many people as possible to sit around high on drugs (thus the retread joke that the opiate of the masses is…opium).

Reply to  Melissa
3 years ago

All true, which is why they will flee in a stampede of hysteria when they loose control of their mercenary guard force and must face the cold hard reality of real men on a mission.

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The teleological aspect of the various ideologies is very interesting. Obviously, the communists had a clear vision of mankind’s inevitable utopia. The neocons too, led by Fukuyama, saw liberal democracy as the terminal point of history. But then there’s the other side. The DR is anti-utopian and has no illusions about history “ending.” We understand that man’s fallen nature precludes utopia and any resting point. History is a perpetual churn. But what about the modern AWs? We tend to think that, because they are Leftists, they must be utopians. I’m not at all sure that is the case, though. Increasingly,… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

We broke up with them, they’re mad about it, they want to bring us down with them 🙂

Certainly there have to be factions playing a long game, but my sense is it’s mostly driven by fear or reality of loss of control, attention, gibs, etc.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I think the appeal of the modern anti-White Left is actually to both sides of that coin and the seam along the rim is the division of the sexes. Women will be lured in by the sappy talk of equity and nurturing and also by their own desire to be with the tribes that seem to have the most dominant men (certainly not today’s soyboy White guy). The men will tend more toward nihilism. The cause matters less than the chance to wreck everything.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

These people are not trying to immanentize the eschaton. Quite the contrary. They are attempting to create hell on earth and are doing so with fantastic efficiency. Dystopia is their telos.

Hell On Earth is precisely their Eschaton.

[Frankly it’s all eerily similar to the prophesies of Revelations.]

3 years ago

The ZMan is correct to keep hammering on local meetups and learning to trust real people over time.

For any kind of “dissident”, the internet is a uniquely bad place to do it. We are all anonymous to each other, yet every post and every author is easily discoverable the authorities dissenters are rallying to change.

Meeting IRL seems fraught with risk; perhaps. But surely it carries far, far less potential risk than posting online.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Meeting in real life has been the only shining light in the shit pit of progress that has been the last two years. I honestly don’t know what my life would be like now if not for a handful of men who took the time and effort and yes, risk, to cross the virtual divide with me. I lived a modest, frugal, low-key dissident life on my own for a long time. The Orangemanbad era was tough to hold the line. Then china virus broke me economically, then what was left socially began to unravel for reasons we all know… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Yeah ive been reunited with some buddies i havent seen in almost 20 years thanks to a trip back to the old neighborhood. They had no social media all this time and i only found 5hem by chance encounter in a parking lot. Its been great picking up on the old times.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Screwtape: I’m so sorry to hear how rough the last few years have been on you. It’s hard to stay sane in clownworld, and I depend heavily on my husband and a few dear friends (as well as Zman and commentariat). God bless you, and may He ease your burdens.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Yes it is safer meeting like minded locals in real life. Say to form a club(woodworking, wargaming, culinary, etc) as a excuse to get together and share intel and set up a support network.

It’s clear our side needs this local groups/clubs for what is coming. When things go sideways its always better to have others you can rely on and watch your back. Going lone wolf will get a lot of whites a early grave

Just make sure the people you let in are vetted. Long time locals not some aggro guy who shows up without notice or invite.

3 years ago

[…] ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended. […]

3 years ago

A bit off topic, but Z-man’s mention of the “one-eyed man being king of the blind” reminded me of George Carlin’s politically correct version of “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”: “In the land of the visually impaired, the partially sighted is fully empowered.”

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is insane and claims to have this ESP nobody else has.


I always liked this story.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

In one of those old radio shows (Mystery Theater or some such), an explorer in arctic falls into a hole and lands in a subterranean kingdom of blind people. They nurse him back to health. He still has his vision of course, and this creates many troubles with his hosts. They want to remove his eyes. Somehow he avoids that. Of course, he falls in love with a beautiful but blind woman. Eventually he escapes and is found by rescuers. After recounting his story he says something dramatic like “Now all I can see is her face.” He had gone… Read more »

3 years ago

“A one-eyed man is king of the blind.” LOLOLOLo

3 years ago

Connecting dots. What should be apparent to most people is that the politicians that we are electing to high office are worse than just incompetent & corrupt; their mere existence creates an illusion that the system is still working, if imperfectly, and all will be well when we magically elect the “right” savior president “next time.” No need to roll up your sleeves just yet and do the icky “work” necessary to solve the root problem. There’s still time for another mid-morning latte. But why are we electing & selecting the worse of us to serve in our federal government?… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

TomA: It’s not just normie who’s locked into a delusion. Plenty of people here still believe that voting (for the local school board, for example) is sure to rid ‘their’ government schools of CRT and make them safe and wholesome once again (??!!!). They really think they will make a difference, and that the really decent and capable people will be willing to play the dominance and pil-pul type games the people who rule by committee play. Beneath it all is still a belief that there is something they can repair, or salvage, by voting. Allegiance to a dead nation… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Rare indeed is the Z-Man reader who any longer believes in voting. Indeed, the very rejection of electoral politics is one of the founding principles of the DR.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I reject voting because it is the last vestige of “power” that I—as an individual—have. To not vote is to withdraw my consent from this shitshow. It’s not much, nor do I fool myself in honking it will make a change. But somehow I feel a bit better having accepted my disenfranchisement and not “playing the game” which I have done for my entire adult life. It also frees up the mind to truly consider what alternatives mat lie ahead for me.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Compsci: Well said. There is very little any of us can do individually, but as you say we can withdraw our consent. Not voting, not watching tv, not buying certain products, not getting the vaxx, deliberately remaining utterly unaware about most popular, blackened culture. I will not submit.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

The real delusion is thinking that you can get what you dream for by commissioning someone else to bring it to life for you. If you want your child educated a certain way, you must ultimately be willing to educate your child yourself.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Some people are not good at home schooling, but there are still alternatives to public education. Of course, that takes time and sacrifice. In a society here children are considered burdensome and not necessarily (also known as Godless), this is not a high priority for many.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

When stupid is grounded in DNA, there are no magic words that will fix that. And the cavalry is not coming over the hill to save us. The optimum course now is to use your will power & resources to make yourself robust & survive the coming collapse. A day will come when the battlefield favors direct action by those of us who live to be productive rather than parasitic. And as was demonstrated on Jan 6th, dying needlessly on the barricade today is not a victory. They want the alphas to kill each off so none will be available… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Here’s the latest black pill (pardon the pun 🙂 ) about Balmer pubic skools:


Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Consider these numbers in the context of rampant current-year grade inflation. These people could not maintain, much less build, a 10th century European civilization.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

The City Council in my town capitulated to the housing developers, to build far more housing than we have infrastructure to support, although the new developments were universally opposed.

I don’t think the City Council capitulated for “another dollop of government gravy.” Rather, it was for the financing of the campaigns of the City Council members by the developers.

Unchecked big business is as bad as “big government.”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The people that voted in those corrupt City Council members were the ones that got bribed with a “dollop of government gravy.” And yes, developers bribe city officials for the simple reason that it works. The cycle of bribery is systemic. And if you think “law & order” is going to fix that, you only need to look to South Africa for a Black Pill. It was literally the act of arresting a former president for corruption that ignited the current rioting & destruction.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Tom replies, and I agree, that “The people that voted in those corrupt City Council members” are ultimately to blame. I’m sure that the Council members assumed that most of the people would forget this great betrayal before the next election. And anyway, the private money will determine who is on the ballot and advertised to the voting public. I take this as an indictment of extending the franchise to everyone. While I still see great value in representative government, it is ironic that there must be an elitist and authoritarian element that tells many people, “No, you’re not entitled… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The Founders had it right originally. Only men of substance with skin in the game got the right to choose their leaders. And even that is not infallible, so dueling is a nice check & balance on the outlier that occasionally makes it to the top. And never forget that Brutus is a name that still echoes down through history for a reason.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

“… homogeneous society is the best protection from a sellout at the top, …”

I told a relative (who didn’t want to hear it) “having a ruling class of your own ethnicity doesn’t guarantee that they won’t rape you to death, but having a ruling class of foreign ethnicity guarantees that they will.”

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Speaking as someone with no military background and I don’t even know anyone who’s been in it: this recent behavior by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been instructive. Perhaps they have always been this way– I didn’t know. Also, no offense to any FBI/NSA subroutine script working overtime to read this, but… The vaunted 11-aircraft-carrier world’s greatest fighting machine seems almost ready to tip over on its side like ED-209 taking the stairs. The NY Post Persian trad-Catholic guy wrote a sci-fi article about President Harris circa 2025 getting the “3am phone call” to surrender to… Read more »

Reply to  FamousAmos
3 years ago

The top brass have always known who buttered their bread & acted accordingly. Obama ruthlessly purged the officer corps leaving only servile yes men or vetted commited leftists. Trump was a fool to not understand that.
Milli what’s his name is one of many who dream of six million Wacos.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Democracy attracts the worst people who cater to the worst features of the masses.

M. Murcek
3 years ago

Utopia, of course, means “nowhere.” That’s something none of the heaven-on-earth crowd seems to know…

3 years ago

Practical knowledge, ability to read a manual and passion has got many of us with IQ in the high 120’s a pretty good life. This is still possible today. It’s almost easier now due to the fact that most of these young lads have no passion and can’t put down the the smart phone. It should be like shooting fish in the proverbial barrel. That’s good news for anyone who is serious about having a family and willing to put the work in. I often think about this when we talk about race realism. Jews, East Asians, us, little brown… Read more »

Reply to  Panzernutter
3 years ago

An IQ in the “high 120’s” puts you in the upper 5% of the population—really the White population. Minorities, Black and Brown, much rarer. So that leaves at least 95% of people out of the running. Those folk could have a fertility rate of 5, and Whites will still be a minority in a generation or so.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 years ago

If Edward Dutton is right, and Western IQs are 15 points lower than around 1900, then we’re coping with these massive changes with a reduced capacity to find solutions.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

I think he’s hiding the decline somehow. Judging by our culture (including politics), we’re fifteen points lower than we were in the 1990s, and the ’90s already felt dumb. Going from Lolita and Gravity’s Rainbow to Infinite Jest and The Corrections was falling off a cliff, and now there’s nothing like any of them. The top ten movies *by popularity* in 1960 are more artistically sophisticated than the top ten critics’ picks of 1990, and almost nothing released now is better than drive-in monster movie trash. If you write mildly middlebrow songs like Burt Bacharach’s #1 ’60s hits today, you’re… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

In fairness, perhaps the native IQ is still there, but people on average are just lazier. Let’s face it, for most it’s more fun to take another bong hit and play another game or watch the next episode, rather than spend time exercising one’s brain to learn a new skill, read a book, research an interest. Much less to mow the lawn or change your car’s oil.

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

The drop in IQ is not entirely or even mostly genetic. Instead our reliance on technology is making us lazier, with shorter time horizons and ultimately dumber on our own. A couple of examples from my own life. When I was mid twenties I had dozens of telephone numbers memorized and could recall them without a second thought. And so could everyone I knew. Meeting a new girl and you’d memorize the number on hearing it once. Now, no one remembers any phone numbers – they don’t have to – most can barely remember their own number. At the same… Read more »

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

Collapse is everywhere: condominiums in Florida, neural pathways in Joe Biden’s head; Biden’s kind of a wonderful symbol for the decay of an old order delusional enough to think it can keep staggering on when all of its helpmates are the political equivalent of surly Haitian nurses. One time Dementia Joe’s gonna ask AOC to change his diaper a little too rudely and she’s going to smother him with a pillow.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

Alternatively, it would appear that many DR types, at least those that visit this site, lie on the right side of the bell curve. If average IQ has diminished, it means there will be less competition to lead and shape during the aftermath of the coming reckoning.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Yes, but lead what—The Marching Morons?

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

The marching morons already make up the bulk of our existence. And today they’re easily led into becoming quivering Covidians and anti-white foot soldiers.

I’d still rather have the whip hand than not.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Agree. Food for thought.

3 years ago

“Who needs whitey when you’ve got tech?” lol. I hope I’m right that this thing intends to implode. It would be a real bummer to miss that mark. An unproductive future full stupid, dying, useless eaters doesn’t seem like something that could last. If people revert to what they are, what the hell is America? OT, do boomers get bashed so we don’t have to talk about Jews? Do Jews get bashed so we don’t have to talk about women? Do women get bashed so we don’t have to talk about Satan? Just throwing that out there. Maybe my own… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

A group gets bashed because it’s easier to do that than deal with complexity. The truth is that everyone that operates within the current system perpetuates it, although to degrees varying by participant. All systems will eventually crash on themselves, and reforms only delay the inevitable, not prevent it. Political systems are like trees in a forest. They grow huge, die, decay, break and decompose. They start by killing off competition and end by feeding their competition as they decay. It is the cycle of life, it is inevitable, and blame games are thus a waste of time.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

I’ve been watching a few Mt. St. Helens docs this week. The destruction of 1980 was massive, but the regeneration since then is amazing. The Imperial Capital is just begging for a pyroclastic flow right about now. Then we let the lillies of the field do their thing.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Somewhere in my mom’s garage there are jars of St. Helen’s ash we collected as kids. As a kid I was fascinated by Harry Truman, the 84 year old man who refused to evacuate, instead favoring the glorious front row seat at Spirit Lake Lodge where he was caretaker. Here was a man that had ¡science! Giving him a golden ticket out of certain death. Nah, “This is my home, my mountain; there is nowhere else I want to be.” His character became as large as the lava dome measured by the nightly news, every day too big not to… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

My parents tried to convince my grandpa to evacuate when TMI looked ready to melt down. He said, “I was born here, and I’ll die here.”

The next year he ran for township supervisor and helped get farmland preservation going. Don’t think he was a particularly exceptional specimen of his generation.

He’s been the model I’ve tried to live up to, successfully or not. It’s amazing how venal and cowardly Americans have become in such a short time.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Harry was amazing and we need more like him. It’s interesting to watch how later documentaries try to paint him as a typical modern day science-denier for refusing to leave, when, as you said, he understood what might happen and simply preferred to die where he’d lived.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Complexity is just a lot of simultaneous simplicity imo. If that’s true, it should be possible to parse the chain of causality and get to the bottom of it. Point being to understand the problem, laying blame to make a lesson of it so it’s not repeated.

At any rate, it doesn’t matter whose fault whatever mess is. What matters is what you do about it. Simply pointing fingers is indeed a waste of time. Hence concluding at Satan, that very intimate enemy.

Daydream logic is fun, though 🙂

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Here’s a perspective on the arc of history thing: “Smart folk at MIT predicted in 1972 that society would collapse by 2040. Called the ‘Limits to Growth’ study, they used computer simulations from a program called World1 that looked at various data points from 1900 through to 2060. Fast-forward 49 years and a new research paper suggests the smart folk at MIT were on point. Gaya Herrington, Sustainability and Dynamic System Analysis Lead at KPMG, undertook the task of proving or disproving MIT’s claims and used the same world simulation program (hers is called World3) to see how things have… Read more »

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

I don’t think It’ll take even that long.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

“Nothing is inevitable other than the fact that people have always been wrong about the future” Z

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

If we’ve learned one thing from COVID-19 and Climate Change modeling it is that models predict what you “tell” them to predict. In other words, certain assumptions of what variable are important, how much they are important, and how they interact is programmed into the model. Then to top it off, the variables are often measured by the same folk, then fed into the model.

Predicting the future via such is akin in many cases to practicing voodoo.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

There is a certain stupidity in consulting the past to predict the future. There is vastly more stupidity in ignoring the past when predicting the future. There is yet more folly in lying about the past in order to predict the future.

Prediction is hard. Merely observing that, absent an act of God or man, past decisions will have future consequences isn’t so much a prediction as a it is a truth. Moreover, plenty of past observations have been used to correctly predict or control the future. Indeed, this is the essence of practical science.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Drew. As the complexity of the model increases, the difficulty of doing what you say you want to do increases. If nothing else, simply due to error injected.

That’s were most models break down, you ask more than they are capable of. Complexity is the key and computers are not the answer.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

I have some experience with building computer models. The problem with all but the simplest ones is over-parameterization. There will be numerous parameters that are known to affect the outcome. When you ask “what data do we have for pa5?” (pulled-from-ass #5) You will find that “none” is the most common answer. Then it’s all “just use the average of all the other ones” or “take it from that (single, never replicated) study that Akerson, et. al. did in ’79” The methods are surprisingly ad hoc and half-assed. Other models, like the ones they used to justify the Covid lockdowns,… Read more »

3 years ago

“ They just know that without white people utopia will descend on the land, but how that is supposed to work is never considered. ” Big disagree. They know exactly what they expect. When White people, and thus Christendom, are gone from the planet they will have complete freedom to practice Tikun Olam (or whatever). There will be the race of people with human souls and then the literal mud people that they rule over absolutely. The mud “people” are not spiritually more than animals and can do no better than follow the Noahide laws. Own nothing and be happy!… Read more »

Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago

That all may be true, but without whites as a host, the Juice will be rudderless and crash into the rocks They made believe they know what’s going to happen, but they’re deluding themselves. Self delusion is a big part of who they are and their eternal Achilles heel. In keeping with the theme of today, we should seek ways to exploit that weakness. Maybe start egging them on. In fact, if white people start egging them on we’d probably hasten their imminent demise Tell them how great they are, how brilliant and special, the chosen few, how the world… Read more »

Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago

“When White people, and thus Christendom, are gone from the planet they will have complete freedom to practice Tikun Olam (or whatever). There will be the race of people with human souls and then the literal mud people that they rule over absolutely.” Everything’s so fucking insane, as a group they’re just as as imbecilic as the yazidi & the bedouin, no one takes their beliefs seriously, yet this particular death cult of hand rubbing sand people gets all the support it needs from western civilization to achieve its goals(they call them prophecies). It’s amazing how twisted the world we… Read more »

Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago

Look up Brother Augustine on youtube. His real name is Michael Witcoff, a Jewish convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. He makes the same claims.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Excellent point on the arc of history. Nothing is certain. I got so tired of the Obama people saying this stuff. The left is full of crap.
We hopefully can be wiser.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 years ago

To paraphrase the great thinker Walter from “The Big Lebowski”, at least communism was an ethos. Dialectical materialism and labor theory of value (hell, even Adam Smith believed in LTV) were at least rooted in Western thinking and logic, despite their errors. Of course, as Camus pointed out (and Zman echoed) in his great critique of communism, it’s dependent on some magical transformation from socialism that’s similar to a religious event like the Second Coming. In contrast, this CRT crap is just witchcraft that explicitly rejects Western logic as a tool of white supremacy. There are no falsifiable premises. There’s… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

The feature of this that normie and his principles have no purchase either. The distillation of the faux intellectual principles of leftism into “kill whitey”, be it from entropy or idiocracy of its carriers – or something else entirely, means that whites will also no longer have cover for participating in their own demise. The slow dance in the burning barn will have to come to an end. Accelerating the logical conclusions of Bolshie utopian constructs into simply overly decorated edicts of white genocide should create a cascade of separation within whites. The suicidal, true believers, and status clinging useful… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

even Adam Smith believed in LTV

Not really, that’s a complete distortion of his concept, which was that people valued money base on their own labor that could be replaced with it. That’s pretty close to subjective valuation. And completely different than Marx’s idea that value came from human labor.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
3 years ago

The IRA had a pretty good system for ensuring they didn’t get set up by the cops or the British during any deals they conducted. Say Billy O’Callaghan says he wants to sell 1,000 widgets to Michael Connolly for five million pounds. “Okay,” Michael says. “I’m going to give you my cousin to go ‘hang out’ with your friends in an undisclosed location, and you’re going to give me one of your cousins to come ‘drink beers’ with my friends in an undisclosed pub. Then you and I are going to make a deal. And if I end up in… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

I think it was last Friday when people were speaking on here of a meetup. I’m in the UK, so it’d be hard for me anyhow, but many were concerned of infiltration. I had thought along the same lines as you, if the event is large enough, just encourage families to turn up too. Of course, it’s not perfect, but I reckon you’d know the chaps with the family were pretty solid. Seemed to work for the Patriotic Alternative at their events in the UK. I think the BNP also did it, although these things tend to go unreported because… Read more »

3 years ago

“Russia, for example, has kept reverting back to being Russia…We see this quite clearly with China today, which is a high tech version of the Tang Dynasty.”

Same with South Africa, which reverted back into…3rd world garbage Africa

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Yes. The white people carved a thriving prosperous country out of empty land but because some black people exist somewhere on that continent it’s claimed as racist. It’s ridiculous. And we all need to pray for the Afrikaners

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

When you have a 70 IQ, nothing is ridiculous.

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

During the apartheid years blacks from the rest of Africa poured into SA. The black SA population increased healthily over the years. Those genocidal Boers!

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

When the French colonized their version of California (but six times the size) it held two million locals.
Alas, pluming, sewers, agriculture and other whitey stuff multiplied that population exponentially until the Frogs had to go. 43 million and countiing now.

The lesson of South Africa–build it and they will come. The lesson not yet learned–don’t let them come.

3 years ago

Give the Bolshies this: They at least had a vision, and that vision was tied to real, tangible things. Bolshies loved steel, concrete, pollution — their aesthetic was instantly recognizable, and although it’s ugly, in context it said “Progress!” The “products” made in Soviet factories were all crap, but… they were real products. Under the Reds you had shoes, whereas under the Tsar you didn’t. Moreover, the Bolshies cared whether you had shoes or not; the Tsar didn’t. In other words, the problem is one of “kinks in the system,” comrade, not with the system itself, at least as the… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Second time as farce, right? If we somehow cloned Comrade Lenin, and he promised that a vote for him would send that demisexual genderfluid organism out to the Wyoming wilds, to build People’s Heavy Tractor Factory #305 with hand tools, I’d seriously have to think it over.

You make a good point.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Not a fan of big industry either and have a distrust of them without supervision. However, big industry/business in the USA is not the same as in the 50’s and 60’s. I remember pollution. Folks here probably don’t.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Well the pollution haze is still there. It just drifted about 5000 miles east.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Under the Reds you had shoes, whereas under the Tsar you didn’t. Moreover, the Bolshies cared whether you had shoes or not; the Tsar didn’t.

Comparing how Russia did in WWII vs WWI it’s hard to see the Soviets as complete incompetent buffoons.

Russia has been a shit assed backward cluster fudge since the Mongol conquest. The soviets bringing it to near parity with Germany in twenty years really is a kind of miracle.

3 years ago

“ Then as now, the one thing agreed upon is the current order is not satisfactory. The old order has failed.”

I wonder if we aren’t the victims of our own success. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times…” I don’t particularly like my place in this cycle…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Why not? Means you’re the strong man in this cycle

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

No, we’re the weak men creating bad times. The strong men who created good times died many decades ago.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Right, so the strong men have to come back

They may even be here already. Now. Today. Warming up.

May have to squint though to see them

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Some famous writer I can’t recall said something along the lines of “the measure of a writer is not in the quality of his finished work but in the quality of what ends up on the cutting room floor”. Maybe it was old Remington “whiskey” Hemingway. Anyhow, the good times seem to have eliminated the entire editorial staff. We are all Hemmingway’s now apparently. Only the algorithms in the clouds know better. Its easy to overlook how the harsh reality of these shifts in the ‘order’ is in the contrast, what is left behind; the quality of the culled. In… Read more »

3 years ago

Yeah the practical angle is a big one. The idea of having a policy of stopping or tackling robocalls would be a great one. So would one that revised parking restrictions or made sure roadworks were completed on time. So would one that actually put a half decent police force on the street to tackle actual crimes – or, better yet, charged the public with far more responsibility when dealing with crooks. Imagine, trusting a shop keeper to drag a trouble maker or thief out off his premises and give him a cosh to shins. Brilliant. One Turkish kebab shop… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

The largest part of it, I think, is that “our democracy” is “representative,” all right… except that “our” representatives represent an entirely different constituency. For instance, I knew a guy who ran for, and won, some dinky mickey-mouse office in town. It was one of those ones that never even have a candidate on most ballots, water commissioner or something — you know, it might’ve been important back when our town was a real town, and not just an outlying annex of an outlying burb of a gimongous metropolis, where all the political decisions that matter are made. Anyway, this… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

If every 18 year old, upon graduation from school, would watch and internalize the message of this video, there could possibly be some meaningful change in how human societies are ordered.

But perhaps humans are just herd animals. The controllers understand this and use that knowledge to manipulate the masses for their benefit. The world we are currently experiencing is likely the normal state of things. The Heritage America that we knew was an anomaly in human history.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The newspaper. The comics, crossword puzzle, swatting flies, and making paper airplanes with my grandson.

Read books. Good books. It takes a lot of thought, research and effort to write a book.

Books come in two varieties, fiction and nonfiction. Newspapers are all mostly fiction.

Want to know the measure of a man? What books has he read?

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

JohnWayne: I vehemently disagree. I’ve read plenty of books (although I’m not a man). Not to knock historical understanding, but we have far too many theorizers. To paraphrase Severian’s earlier comment, I want to see something tangible, something that works. Thinkers are fine, but doers are essential, and we have fewer all the time. And nostalgia over newspaper comics is fine, in your own mind. But the past is a different country. A dead one. And it’s not coming back. And I’m more concerned about the future . . . for my posterity.

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

3g4me: You miss understand my comment about comic strips & swatting flies. I was just trying to make a point about how useless newspapers are in informing ppl, and how they are mostly propaganda peddlers. Our fearless leader here, Zman, is a thinker, no? Of course we need men of action too, but we have to act smart. What’s the difference between Marxism & Capitalism? What is a standard deviation? Do I need a 10 kv generator or a 14kv? Who was Charles Darwin? Should I get vaccinated? Why did we fight the civil war? Why did the confederate states… Read more »

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

Sorry sorry.

Kilo watts, not kilo volts!

Also “misunderstood.”

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Coworker of mine got the jab(s) and wore his mask faithfully. He went home sick Monday afternoon and is expected to be out for a while. They sanitized his work area shortly after he left.

Hooray for masks and jabs.

Reply to  Maniac
3 years ago

I’ve said many times that COVID might end up being the most massive own goal of all times. I still don’t know anyone who has come down with the Dread Coof. I know a few people who say they have, or, at least, that they tested positive, but even the people I “know” online who say they’ve had it say that, at worst, it’s a bad flu. But it seems like everyone has seen, with his own eyes, someone who got the jab and was laid out by it. I’ve started using that tactic in my social life: “Man, if… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

It’s really been the same with me. At this point, I know many who have ‘had’ Covid, but I have not actually seen any sick people. Not one. No dead bodies in the street either. The most recent to have caught it had two tests that came back negative, then one that came back positive. And then she was ill. That’s all we can really say, she felt a bit under the weather… but was it The Chinese Flu? Who knows. My second son was born during the peak of the ‘Covid stupids’ and even at the hospital, nothing. Nothing.… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Congratulations on the birth of your second son. May he and his people thrive.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

It’s the magic amulet that makes you invisible to white man’s bullets.

Your fellow barbarians might be dropping all around you to cannonfire and musketballs, but you survived the battle, so your amulet’s strong magic protected you.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Some posts over at Gab got me thinking of my own anecdotes. I’ve had one acquaintance almost killed by the WuFlu, and is crippled for life in some ways (and yes, feel free to make generalized assumptions about his health on a good day) and I’ve had one acquaintance almost killed by the Vax (ditto). Likewise I’d say that across the company I work for the people out sick from Vax versus WuFlu is evenly split, at least as far as days off go. To talk to my health professional relations the WuFlu is/was pretty bad, though they have what… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

I have an interesting parallel with health practicioners. I see a pulmonist. As would be expected, his practice would routinely see patients with serious ailments. His office is perhaps one of the few places where, yes, you really do need to be masked. Fortunately my health issue is currently minor. On two separate occasions, he has asked me if I got the jab. Not that I should, or that I shouldn’t. Only did I?

I think he’s a keeper 🙂

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Severian, the Yankees-Red Sox game was cancelled due to positive Yankee Covid tests. The spinners are, after a day, forced to admit that a “majority” of those six players were vaccinated. They couldn’t simply say five of the six players testing positive are “vaccinated”. The spin on this is intense as always but increasingly stupid and clumsy. Then they went on to say it the “probablility” is that the infection came from an unvaccinated player. Sure it is. Bad bad unvaccinated player! The comments on the Boston Glob online are generally obedient ass kissers and paid trolls. Those that are… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
3 years ago

The idiocy is just amazing. I always refused to wear a mask. At first my excuse was “I have a disability.” That worked great for not wearing it, but it did little to raise awareness of how stupid the whole mask thing was and is. When the “vax” started rolling out, though… A great success. I’d say “I don’t need a mask, I’m vaccinated” (n.b. to careless readers: this is a lie). Then Karen would yell “but you still can catch or transmit it”” And I’d say “Really? So the two things that literally *define* the word ‘vaccine,’ it doesn’t… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Maniac
3 years ago

Chances of catching it any way except inhaling particles borders on zero.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I’ll answer that. Who has power? Who matters? Who is important?

Its not voters. Z-man did the Parable of Bob, and it was instructive. What matters is the views and power of the Managerial Class. Who LIKE dysfunction. What drives the Managerial Class to fury is ordinary people having a good life. They can only be happy when ordinary people are miserable. And grovel before them. This is likely the product of them never working and finding satisfaction therein. Thus they can only be happy making the lower class suffer, and grovel.