One of the more challenging things for dissidents to grasp about politics within a liberal democracy is emergent behavior. This is behavior of a group that does not depend on properties of individuals, but on the relationships within the group. Right-wing people tend to reject this in favor of reductionism. Individuals act out of material self-interest, so the actions of a group must be out of self-interest. This means the actions of all groups can be reduced down to individual motivations.
The fact that this form of analysis has never been useful in combating radicalism and irrationalism never seems to matter. There is something about the mind of right-wing people that prevents them from questioning this analysis. Perhaps it is simply the product of the rational mind. People who seek to live orderly lives naturally assume order is the default state of mind. To accept the existence of the hive mind is to question a fundamental understanding of existence.
Regardless, emergent behavior is a real thing and accepting it is key to understanding and predicting the behavior of the forces of darkness. The best example is a flock of birds darting among trees at dusk. There is no lead bird calling out commands to the rest of the birds. Instead, every bird is both a leader and follower, responding to the actions of the birds around it. When a bird on the edge of the group moves toward a bit of food, the rest respond in a cascade of corresponding action.
Another useful way of thinking about it, at least within the context of political behaviors within left-wing systems, is the synchronization of metronomes. Everyone has probably seen the demonstration where they take a group of metronomes operating at different rates and sit them together. In short order they are swinging at the same rate. There is a bit of math to it, but the demonstration is enough to make the point. While not emergent behavior, it is a good way to visualize it.
We have a real world example of it this week at the Olympics. This was supposed to be the Olympics where the glories of black girl magic broke through the toxic masculinity of white supremacist culture. Instead, Naomi Osaka was bounced by a nobody in the tennis competition. Then, Simone Biles led her team to a stunning second place finish in the first phase of the gymnastics competition. She topped it off by quitting on her team in the finals and they lost to the Russians.
Inside the hive, this was not expected. They had prepped their stories celebrating black girl magic and side pieces on diversity being the strength of the team. The jock sniffers were in the pumpkin patch waiting for the great pumpkin to arrive only to have reality turn up instead. Faced with disconfirmation, they did not throw down the paper straws from their soy lattes and question the power of black girl magic. Instead, they frantically scanned their hive looking for support in their belief.
Eventually, one of them came up with a way to fit this unexpected turn of events into the narrative of black girl magic. You see, Biles was not a petulant loser who quit on her team at the biggest moment. No, she is a hero for selflessly omitting herself from the competition so the team could carry on without her. Within minutes every sports reporter was blinking this signal to the other members of the hive. By the end of the day, this was the official narrative being told on every sports show.
The reductionist looks at this and assumes there must have been word from central command that instructed everyone to get on board with the new story. At the hollowed out volcano where the deep state operates, they had a meeting, and this new narrative was created and quickly e-mailed to all sports ninnies. It is an exaggeration, but that is how many on the right assume the media operates. They believe it is carefully choreographed performance operating along rational lines.
Instead, what is the norm, as in the case of the Olympics story, is something similar to what Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter observed in their study of the Seekers, a UFO cult in the 1950’s. Faced with the undeniable disconfirmatory evidence, individuals look to the rest for support in maintaining the belief. If there is strong enough social support, they find a way to rationalize the disconfirmation within the general framework of their beliefs.
This is the natural behavior of radical groups. They have strong social relationships within the group, because it is ultimately the point of the group. The members join as a form of self-abnegation. They swap their hated sense of self with the identity of the group, which is why they are fiercely loyal to the group. It is also why they treat criticism of the group as a physical attack. From their perspective, it is an attack on their person, because their person is fully integrated into the collective.
This is why left-wing groups are immune to reality. The fact-driven right-winger can spend his life presenting his evidence and the radicals will either ignore the disconfirmation or assimilate it into the ideology, like a snake digests its meal. There is no shot caller at the top directing it. The members are not conscious of it. Those silly sports reporters covering for the Simone Biles are not even aware of what they are doing, because they have lost all self-awareness.
This is why that left-wing person in your life acts different in isolation than they do when within their hive. Their on-line behavior, for example, is aggressive in defense of the hive, while in person they are often quite meek. On-line, they have the sense of being in the collective, so they act accordingly. In person, they are the soldier isolated from his unit, thinking of nothing but getting home. It is also why the radicals are the most intensely on-line. Social media has become their virtual hive.
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Simone Biles morphed into Katie Ludecky so quickly I got whiplash. Better yet another minority has taken Simone’s place. Even better, her father is in a wheelchair. The downside? She’s a member of a successful minority. You know, the ones who stay in school, behave themselves, work hard and prosper in racist America.
“Regardless, emergent behavior is a real thing and accepting it is key to understanding and predicting the behavior of the forces of darkness. The best example is a flock of birds darting among trees at dusk. There is no lead bird calling out commands to the rest of the birds. Instead, every bird is both a leader and follower, responding to the actions of the birds around it. When a bird on the edge of the group moves toward a bit of food, the rest respond in a cascade of corresponding action.” Oh my your also an ornithologist. I think… Read more »
“The best example is a flock of birds darting among trees at dusk.”
This is called murmuration (see link). Its an incredibly beautiful example of emergent behavior z describes. Its also an object of fascination (and study) of many folks in academia.
Also called flocking behavior.
Long ago Donal Rumsfeld compared the press to a flock of sparrows. One lands on a wire and shortly the entire flock will be on the wire. One of the sparrows flies off, the rest soon follow. This is a known known to quote the man.
How long are dissidents going to remain on the fringe of affairs for? Forever? There is a momentum behind dissidents, and they are sailing with the winds of history in the right direction, but they are pitifully small in numbers. The people radio host Savage calls “sheeple” are not going to be up in arms over their social world turning upside-down. Modern civil society has a tremendous elasticity and stability in which change can progress to the point of unrecognizability. The progressives are banking on change being uninterrupted within the framework of a civil society of laws and strong customs.… Read more »
I know for me personally, I just don’t see the point of remaining in a country where I am a minority. And I don’t see the point of ever trying to compromise democratically with asians, blacks, now Indians, etc. Never going to work. not worth my time or energy
So what could politics of any kind hope to achieve
Rather my focus is on whether I find a spot in this country where whites have something of a stronghold, or do I move to Europe? That’s where I’m at.
Correct. The middle are inherently conservative. As long as they feel they have too much to lose, there will be the slow, excruciating grinding-down. They’ll submit to all manners of perversion, humiliation, and dislocation as long as somewhere there’s a decent house, a good school, a good paycheck, another rung on the social ladder. Johnny can be a girl, the old neighborhood can be overrun with nuAmericans and ferals, cities can burn, the government can slap a mask on their faces and stick a needle in their arms— it’s all tolerable. Because conservative. That inherent conservatism is the weapon being… Read more »
Sorry that was for Catxman. Not sure why it ended up here.
IMO. As society collapses the present order with try to defend its self via internal revolution. A take over by deep state agencies. Justified in the manner such things are today. Because for that and only if sufficient numbers of us are able and ready can we counter. As for who, there may be a young read already being inspired.
Yet when it is about momentuous facts, say 9-11 or the war on Iraq or the killing of Libya’s president, or the “vaccines”, the media operate exactly like many on the right assume it to operate.
And yes, status-seeking is the primary drive behind most political and “cultural” behaviour of people. Specially on the left, because the left is the winning side, and you can’t expect these people not to be on the winning side.
Except that sometimes, the messaging really does come from Central Command:
Except that sometimes, the messaging really does come from Central Command
Klownworld in a nutshell:
Meet the Dommes Who Are Demanding Their Submissives Get Vaxxed
Klown world indeed
I am a little non plussed though . The pervs already signed up for that. Some one to own them if however fancifully.
We don’t do slavery at least not officially but Aristotle was right to note that some people are just born to be slaves.
When the elites recognize that America has crumbled under the weight of woke incompetence, will someone like pelosi start blaming and pointing fingers at blacks ?
“You g-damn dump n—gers, look what you’ve done!”
If I had to bet, yes. The egos and temperaments involved won’t allow for anything else
Not a chance! They’re too wedded to the notion that “Black is good”. They’ll find some way to blame Whites for Black misconduct, as they always have. Slavery, systemic racism, White privilege, Jim Crow, redlining…. they’ll never run out of ‘reasons’ why it’s all Whitey’s fault!
Yeah, in today’s environment that seems plausible, but when pelosi is standing around without flowing water to bathe and wash her wigs and the freezer stopped working for her gourmet ice cream and there are a bunch of dumb coooons standing around scratching their heads, she’ll definitely lose it
Being a bit of a trouble maker myself, I’ve always wanted the opportunity to bring up for discussion among a group of The Woke, what form of White Supremacy it was that afflicted the Negroid races before they had any contact with other races? They’d probably concoct some asinine claim like the natives of Africa did indeed have advanced civilizations, but the non-Negroids stole all their wealth and knowledge, razed all the buildings and scattered any evidence that might once have existed, and either enslaved or reduced the citizenry to a stone-age level of subsistence. All this the clever work… Read more »
There is an academic book, published by an actual PhD at I believe Cornell, that makes this exact argument. It’s called “Black Athena.” Really. It’s required reading in Wakanda, I’ve heard.
For that reason alone Cornell should always be a punch line associated with Andy Bernard.
They’re not willing to blame blacks for South Africa or Zimbabwe’s problems, why would the US be any different.
Blaming blacks?
Crediting blacks, more like it. How could we get to the desired state of chaos, crime, civil unrest, bankruptcy, degeneracy and anarchy without them?
This end state is necessary in order to rebuild, from those ashes, a new Marxist utopia where we all live in peace and harmony.
Our president is the dummy. Karl Marx is the ventriloquist.
Karl Marx is the ventriloquist.
David Barnea begs to differ.
David Bernea may be a dedicated follower of fashion too. Consider the Marxist hypothesis. Let us see if we can find any policies that conflict with it. The placement of a Welcome Wagon on our southern border serving those with a long tradition of totalitarian dictatorships. Turning away freedom seeking refugees from Cuba. CRT, Herbert Marcuse. A communist. Marxists in control of our media, academia, the Democrat party. Chinese (Marxists) control of our politicians, real estate, our manufacturing. The loss of basic freedoms such as freedom of speech, free association, freedom of assembly. How is our revolution different from the… Read more »
How could i forget?
State control of elections.
There, who can find a single Kink in the argument. 😬
How could i forget?
State control of elections.
There, dare you to find a single Kink in the argument. 😬
the progs will be loading the nigs onto special trains, not to far down the road. or euthanizing them in place in the ghettoes.
Having very recently (in evolutionary time) emerged from hundreds of thousands of years of living in hunter-gatherer groups made up of our extended family and their spouses— where group agreement was the norm, and ostracism from the group meant certain death— the hive mentality— discerning what others in the group think, and hastening to express your agreement— was long the human norm. Your survival literally depended on not angering the group. Individualism— thinking for yourself, regardless of what the group thinks— is a relatively recent phenomenon, only possible in societies where one’s survival is no longer dependent on the group.… Read more »
I’ll give another example of emergent behavior: the lockdowns and masking requirements even for the vaccinated. All during Spring there was a huge push for the vaccines, the message and promise was that life would get back to normal for everyone as long as most got vaccinated. Commercials showing adults re-uniting with their mothers, who saw their grandkids again, were common. As were people going back to mass sporting events, etc. Now we have demands from “science!” and various “experts” like Fauci that well, vaccines don’t work after all, everyone has to be masked again (in the August heat) and… Read more »
I know quite a few moderate leftists, all of whom were eager to get the jab in order to facilitate things getting back to normal. I don’t think they’ll protest another lockdown, but by the same token, they won’t support it either. Given that moderate leftists are more numerous than the extremists, this will pretty much sap the current administration.
moderate leftists…are they like moderate serial killers?
The French have a culture of street protest to force the government to give them things – i.e. shorter work week, higher wages etc.
In the USA, all street protest is organized by the regime, to accomplish the goals of the regime. Dissidents protesting AGAINST the regime is absolutely 100% NOT ALLOWED.
The US Right is obsessed with individualism or at most family and getting them to discuss a common purpose much less fight for one is damned difficult. Its my biggest problem with the Rebel Right and their guns. Even if they win some Dune style kanly or a war of reduction, they have no capacity to fill that vacuum In essence they are barbarians obsessed with individual honor and with no notions of the costs of civilization. They’ll ruin it as fast as joggers would and refuse to rebuild or to take righteous authority The Mandate of Heaven Be Worthy… Read more »
An example of emergent hive behavior and randomness within it is the possibly most combined evil and stupid column I’ve ever read. Yesterday’s FT featuring Gideon Rachman, wanting Biden to keep the forever war in Afghanistan going. His rationale: (not kidding he really writes this) — “only” 100 soldiers a year would die, and that would allow Afghan girls to read and keep refugees out of Europe where the tidal wave would get victories for the right. That “only” 100 soldiers dying a year is completely politically acceptable. Its evil, and speaks evil, in that he wants mostly White young… Read more »
The liberal faces a paradox in Afghanistan: on the one hand, he is trained to “respect” Muslim culture. On the other hand, that very same culture oppresses girls and keeps them from reaching their full potential. So far, the urge to respect the culture has won out over the urge to “go grrl power” but that may be slowly changing as the victorious left in the West looks for new battles to fight. The cultural landscape in the West is stuffed with Leftist victories. When the banks started celebrating gay pride day, that was the final signifier that they had… Read more »
Its evil, and speaks evil, in that he wants mostly White young men to die so he can virtue signal.
He mostly wants to recreate Neo-Khazaria, which will stretch from Warsaw to Kabul, and from Volgograd through the Crimea and down through Jerusalem to Alexandria/Cairo.
White Christian males dying in the process is simply gore pr0n for purposes of wh@cking-off-to s/p sundown on Friday evenings.
Bonus points if he can also get gore pr0n of filthy White shiksa hoz being r@ped & bludgeoned to death by his ISIS subsidiary.
On account of sadistic psychopaths gonna sadistically psychopath.
Ol right wing fascist me would answer Mr. Rachman this way. There’s a grand tradition of Americans like you going abroad to fight fascism. The Flying Tigers in China, the Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War, Eagle Squadron in the RAF. And probably many others. Hop to it. Put your skin in the game.
[…] ZMan lays out some inconvenient truth. […]
There is the AP Style Guide. Very quickly after any event , AP provides standard terms for the media to use.
It’s high school except the nerds are popular because the jocks stopped stuffing them in lockers. The right did the same thing in the ‘00s. Herd behavior is status quo.
With that said the left is better at it, but it makes sense because they’ve been a coalition of the weak and rejected for my entire life. Maybe it was once otherwise, maybe not, but it does seem like lefty is always a guy with an axe to grind.
A satanic inversion! (Is that the phrase?)
American conservatives are the nerds, and every time they poke their heads up, they get swirlied. It has never in any of our lifetimes been otherwise.
The “conservatives” of the ’80s and ’90s were wholly dominated by feminists (hence, e.g., their pushes for censorship of everything young men enjoyed, their doing nothing about abortion, etc.) and the “conservatives” of the ’00s were fascoid left-militarist neocons.
Here’s a full list of all conservative victories over the last half century:
I’d probably call it a LARP. Zuckerberg is a surfer, Bezos is an astronaut, Biden is president, etc.
I agree, conservatives have shamefully allowed these clowns to run the show. Never give a teenager the keys to the Corvette.
Biles took a powder because she sucked. Her pole vault was a disaster. She actuallu team a favor by quitting altogether.
She may end up being a one hit wonder who just could sustain world class level performance.
In a sane world, this would be the story and everyone would just move on.
“My vault was terrible and I made a strategic decision to help the team place as highlyas possible. Of course I am very disappointed.”
Sadly, we no longer live in a sane timeline.
That’s a good point. Notice how white people in media have taken it upon themselves to explain to the world what Biles was thinking. What’s in her head. This stuff cracks me up. But it’s also a bit sad that blacks are too stupid to see their supposed friends, white LIbs, hold them to the standard of a child without the abilities to express and fully explain herself. But it’s also informative and instructive that a more intelligent member of the species reflexively reacts to a less intelligent member as a parent reacts to a child. And in this case… Read more »
In fairness to “The Emissary of Satan” as “Rev.” Manning dubbed him, genetically he is half White, roughly double that of the average Afro-American. Based on his education (per Wiki) he obtained a JD and was for a time a practicing attorney. Those are unlikely even with a IQ=100, much less 85. Allowing the near certainty of affirmative action’s role, likely he qualifies as a member of the Talented Tenth. I’m sure I loathe his politics as much as anyone here, but he’s no dummy.
The way whites treated him is informative as to their true opinion of him. Let’s keep in mind that he was surrounded by peers from the Ivy League throughout the msm and government, all I’m supposing very intelligent themselves, and they treated him like a child. All the bonehead mistakes he made, they covered for him. If he said something stupid, they told us he was brilliant and we had misunderstood his true intent. It was the actions of a parent covering for a child, and all though it he never complained. He was happy to have whites cover for… Read more »
let me introduce you to Affirmative Action. obama was *given* a JD, he never practiced law.
An interesting hypothesis: she is laying up the basis for either a race hoax or a rape hoax against her coach down the road. All this mental anguish had to come from somewhere, and with the product endorsements out the window… a girl’s gotta make a buck somehow. You heard it from me first! Place your bets gentlemen! I am betting on a race hoax! If mental health were the issue she would have just done her best and let the chips fall. Unless she really sucked, she’d have been forgiven and everyone would just do the ‘better luck next… Read more »
I think the elephant in the room with regards to racially mixed sports heroes is that they are probably better at abusing drugs and getting away with it. More traditional, established races have more predictable metabolic responses to novel chemistry that didn’t exist until the 20th century. But when you have a novel population abusing novel chemistry, detecting a drug signal becomes far more difficult. And of course there’s the sleeping with the officials phenomenon. Racially mixed people are a novelty and that is an advantage in this field too, when the judges regularly rig the decisions based on intrigue.… Read more »
better at abusing drugs and getting away with it The rumor today is that Ritalin was banned for the Tokyo Olympics, and when Simone stopped taking her Ritalin, she went nuts. Also, I would like to know her vaxx status; getting some sort of enlarged heart and/or coagulation/thrombolysis s/p a vaxxing, in combination with going cold turkey off Ritalin, might well have driven poor l’il aunt jemima bat-sh!t phucking insane. Setting aside the satanic nightmare of the vaxxing, if we could simply start a serious discussion concerning the poisoning of American children via SSRIs [Prozac/Fluoxetine] & Amphetamines [Adderall] & Methamphetamines… Read more »
The services have been hurting for qualified people for many years. Their prime market (18-26 or so) about 70% can’t even qualify to enlist: roughly 50% are too fat or other health issues, 20% too stupid even for Infantry or Marines, about 10% too criminal (felon or illegal drugs). Speaking as someone who has taken psych meds at a few points in my life, [Greek Chorus: “It shows!” 😀 ] thankfully for relatively minor issues, and as someone who’s served in the miitary as well as important civilian posts, I can well understand why the armed forces want to be… Read more »
Fuck the olympics, football, basketball, baseball. Dismal boring shite. And fuck the horse they ride in on , jewtube, the destroyer of all that is good and sacred.
jewtube, the destroyer of all that is good and sacred
Download & install this piece of software:
Then you can kiss all your worries goodbye.
[Although you will need a large hard drive, and even then, you’ll probably have to prune out the less desirable files from time to time.]
why not just watch the video on YT?
No advertisements?
No tracking?
Moar anonymititty?
PERMANENT COPY OF THE FILE which globohomo can’t memory-hole?
Does this mean the US loss to the Russkies was not due to raycist judges?
the little negress crapping out in the olympics reminded me of this song:
this is what used to be on the radio
this is what used to be on the radio
Recorded: August 18, 1961
Released: September, 1961
Barry Soebarkah Dunham was born on August 4, 1961.
Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell was born on December 25*, 1961.
Nothing good lasts forever; the Father of Lies is constantly sowing the seeds of our undoing.
*What an helluva Christmas present for the world that was.
This is truly groundbreaking work, Zman.
And those wicked barbs! Do you prefer your hemlock neat or on ice?
Fun morning headlines featuring Putin stating that we have nukes that can take out the deep state and the Al-Qaeda (the toilet?) releasing a video crowing about the coming Civil War microwave heat up after a long cease fire. The self proclaimed Wizards of Smart destined to rule over Wokekanda for 1000 glorious years really only own the NYC/Boston/DC axis and aren’t smart enough to see the external enemies licking their chops and rubbing their hands with glee. Even the Grand Old Politburo knew that Russia and China getting too cozy is a bad thing but not the woke Red… Read more »
“Wokekanda, The Play” deserves an all-white cast, but demands an all-black one.
The play’s refrain should be a musical like “Oklahoma”, and pronounced “Wo-ke-kanda!…”
In one bit of good news on the Olympics TV ratings on NBC are down 35-40% from the Rio Games in 2016. How long is globohomo going to keep buying inflated advertising rates for a product the public is clearly losing interest in having forced on them?
Barnard: White people not only have to stop watching the sham of the Olympics, they have to stop participating. Just as in voting, participating lends implicit legitimacy to something that is perverted. The modern Olympics personify magic dirt theory, with a Nigerian dropped in Greece labeled a “Greek God” and a half Haitian proclaimed Japan’s new heroine. Most modern athlete – even White ones – are all bought and sold by corporate sponsorship. They’re not all competing for ‘love’ of their sport, and they’re certainly not what used to be considered ‘amateurs.’
I’d say that the seemingly organic desire of so many Americans to see “their” Olympic team get its nose bloodied is an example of emergent behavior on the right.
yeah, i noticed that in myself. i was thinking “i hope you lose” every time i saw an american competing in this olympics (wife is watching it, not me).
How long is globohomo going to keep buying inflated advertising rates for a product the public is clearly losing interest in having forced on them?
For as long as globohomo can continue inventing infinite fiat shekels for itself at the Federal Reserve.
Hmmmmmm. It is a viable theory Z. The leftist hivemind operates in both modes – like random flocks of bird brains on the wing, AND from grand plans hatched by super villains that hang upside down in dark, bat and spider infested caves deep within the earth. Lefty IS capable of rudimentary logic and logistics – we saw this when they left out pallets of bricks to be used by the blm simians as ammunition for their peaceful demonstrations. Alternatively: could this be a ‘chick-thing’? The kind where you STFU in hopes of avoiding an explosion of lunacy and hysteria… Read more »
Ah, to ask the eternal question, “Where are the Chateau Heartiste’s of yesteryear?”
His snappy quips on Gab are but a passing echo of his former glory.
Actually, he is on gab under “King of all Nads” moniker.
He is a great addition for the guys at Blab and he does a lot of great work there… but I wish he’d start up his own site again. Years ago he helped me set the office on fire. He had this great article entitled, The Nailin’ Railin’ where he described boon behaviour patterns and mating rituals in a predominantly black nightclub. It was truthful and lethally hilarious. I sent anonymous copies of that article to myself and several other key individuals in our office and damn near died suppressing the laughter as the office fatties and HR flunkies lost… Read more »
Y’know what? I’m gonna give myself an upvote for that, now that I think of it. 🙂
A prime example of sand in the gears. Well played.
Too familiar.
Canadian geese in this area used only stop for a quick rest. They found the living easy and now are just another invasive species.
wetbacks from the avion world.
This one in particular they bragged about:
And described:
Z writes, “Faced with the undeniable disconfirmatory evidence, individuals look to the rest for support in maintaining the belief.” This makes me think of QAnon. How much disconfirming evidence must accumulate before they stop believing that a secret cadre of “white hats” within the government is going to reinstate Trump? The My Pillow guy extended the date of Trump’s reinstatement till some time in August. I wonder if this next disconfirmation will be enough to change the faith of the Qtard in my family. QAnon believers correctly diagnose that their country has been taken from them but because they do… Read more »
I wonder how many really believe any of it. My observation is most see it as a fun goof, much like Obama’s birth certificate was ten years ago. The Left amplified QAnon for the same reason it promotes every race hoax.
The two QAnons that I know really believe it. Really. Both of them see the left as monstrously evil and understanding such evil requires an explanation of religious proportions. In their minds, the best explanation for what the left has done to our country must be that the perpetrators are pedophiles who snuff children.
One of them is a devout Christian extremist (I mean that as a compliment) and so QAnon fits well into his faith with Trump as Christ figure.
I would at least tend to agree with them that certain elements of the left are indeed monstrously evil.
Just because Qanon is a Fed doesn’t disprove their satanic trade in children.
Clearly, there is some acceptance of pedophilia in the elites. Epstein, Franklin scandal and Hastert (Republicans), and Podesta, but what percentage of the elite knows or partakes?
I don’t see pedophilia as the organizing principle of our enemies, although our enemies are vastly more accepting of pedophilia than traditional whites.
Ace linked to the social media account of one of Biden’s swearing-in-day gropees. She admitted that he pinched her nipple while waiting for a photo (she appeared to be 6 or 7 at the time). She then deleted that statement, and when pressed on it said she didn’t want to lose all her friends. That should have been the lead story in every newscast this week. The POTUS has been accused of groping a very young girl, and there’s video proof of the veracity of that claim. You can see her wince and pull away at the moment he goes… Read more »
Cool shade, but Q never promoted Trump as “Christ figure”, just one part of the plan.
No-one other than Christ was ever promoted as a “Christ figure”
Joe Sobran was the first and most thoughtful user of “The Hive”. that I’m aware of, to describe the radical left. Any-one no of a prior practitioner?
I, too, recall and have recalled [ in citations around the blogosphere] Joe Sobran’s use of the Hive metaphor. As far as I’ve seen, he was the first. We stand on the shoulders of giants….
Rush was another who would point out half a dozen or more reporters/anchors mouthing almost exactly the same lines during their broadcasts. I think a famous one was Bush the younger and “gravitas”.
This is also the reason why the left wing is unstoppable in a liberal democracy. They have to create their own unforced error to be reigned in by a backlash. It looks to me in the past couple weeks that taking the vaccine has become a sacrament. The target is moving fast by the tea leaves say that they’re going to do everything in their power to get those hicks in jacked up F350s to take the vaccine…at all costs. The red state boogey men are trying to kill them by staying unvaxxed. For realz. This as the Republican party,… Read more »
is this behavior restricted to the left? not to my mind. it’s instinctual.
The right wing is about kicking up dust and then acceptance of the madness.
My best analogy for this is:
The GOP/Conservatives are the pawl on the ratchet of the Left’s come-along. Their function is to prevent any slippage while the Left prepares for another lurch forward.
What the rest of “The right wing” is is up for grabs.
I compare them to remoras
Great analogy. The problem for them is the pawl is worn out from too much use, and may fail.
Bilejones: Had to look up “pawl,” but added to my husband’s explaining a ‘come along’ to me about a month ago, this makes perfect sense. I really do learn something new here every day!
Expand your thought process: this may not be a political thing, but a biological one. Women fall for this lunacy in droves and they seem to be at the forefront driving it. When it comes to the chinkypox – the issue is literally infested with methodology typically seen in Xirl Science. The actors such as the dancing fattie nurses in the ER are mostly women. Women’s sport is now an exercise in lunacy – so much so that they are wondering why their female fighters are getting killed by trannies. Another reason the left wing is unstoppable is because their… Read more »
Many women really do need an open handed backhand, like a tennis stroke, across the face. It’s a genetic need. But your life would be ruined if you did that, so they run wild. All you can say is “take that attitude to Riyadh and see where it gets you.” “The actors such as the dancing fattie nurses in the ER are mostly women.” – The cat/child ratio of these women is off the charts. And it’s likely that a cat amoeba went to their brains from cleaning the litter box. That’s the real COVID. Cats belong in barns and… Read more »
Sean Connery agrees with Mr. Wirth.
this works too: [from the mvoie “Public Enemy”]
The first vibrator is credited to physician George Taylor in 1869. The vibrator’s original purpose was to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety in women, known as hysteria.
You know what is missing from their lives.
Physician George Taylor was known for how much he enjoyed his research.
The main reason the left is unstoppable and we’re not is we guard nothing. The universities, for example. When they were controlled by people other than leftist radicals, nobody was willing to guard against the leftist radical. But then once the leftist radicals got in charge, they viciously rooted out all dissent. You even see this in alleged right wing social media like Gab. Torba brags about how everyone is welcome. Normal people will not issue ultimatums to corporations who use their size to crush dissent. Imagine if every normal person who has an account with Citibank said “restore the… Read more »
Tars: Just like a fasces, a hive is stronger because it’s unified. The right (of any stripe) is too diverse and individualistic. Too many petty divisions and not enough eyes on the prize of White identity, independence, and posterity.
Remember the Bush years when anyone who wasn’t for war was helping terrorists kill Americans?
Same old shit, down to the opposition party cucking.
Big difference is the warmongers are looking inward this time.
And depending how far and hard they try to push it, Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse is saying this may be the proverbial hill upon which to wage the final battle…
usNthem: Sundance will not ever countenance addressing the issues of race or the Juice. He disappeared the few comments I made back in 2016; haven’t wasted time on him since and don’t plan to start again now.
The mantra on treehouse is “walk towards the fire”.. no not that fire…. .and no not that fire either..
Sundance is a goofball, not sure why you are wasting time there…
They may be very stoppable. They’ve told people for months: get the vaccine, take the mask off, life goes back to normal. Now, they are admitting the vaccine does not work, masks always on, a lockdown that never ends. That’s going to create a revolt. A massive one. People can put up with almost anything, for a short time, as long elites follow along and suffer along with them (think of the King and Queen in London during the Blitz). When elites carve out exceptions, and the quality of life goes down markedly from prior upward trends that is when… Read more »
Can confirm about the media part. I worked in TV news for quite some time during the late-90s (on the technical side). What I can tell you for a fact is that the on-air types, and all of their support staff, are simply not that bright. In high school, they were the “popular” kids. They crave the attention and validation that comes from being on air, being noticed. It is their only concern. In college, they major in easy fields like “communications” and “journalism”. Take a glance at any of their desks and the reading material you see is People… Read more »
Can confirm. Coordination is not needed when behavior is innate. I had a semi-literate moron once demand not a word of his script be altered. I ran it past my boss, who agreed with me that it would be a hilarious inside joke. It was, but the dude’s hair was perfect and a network picked him up.
An additional detail: no cliché, however banal, will not be used by the entire collective once heard. My boss and I also manufactured a few nonsensical buzzwords that were eagerly adopted. He also does something different for a living now.
The script they read , on air, with the happy mongoloid face, comes from on high. They all say the same shit, fresh from Langley.
I first noticed the extent of the hive minds when I was on Facebook. Within a day a required slogan would appear and everyone on the left would spout it as timeless wisdom. ISIS is not Islamic. Trump is Putin’s puppet. Hands up, don’t shoot. Culture of rape. One second it isn’t there and the next they are all saying it. However to really understand this you have to factor in social media and the news media. The alert for new things to think was far less efficient before social media. Now not only do you know immediately what to… Read more »
I started seeing it with my aunt who worked corporate. She along with every other woman her age would wake at 6 am and get ready and drink coffee while those morning shows played in the background. I lived with her for a while and couldn’t stand it. That stupid babbling from Katie couric or whoever it was. That fake happiness. Imagery of suns rising. Everyone laughing. Those morning shows may have been the precursor to social media and served much the same role in terms of programming the corporate hive mind. And they remind me a lot of Barney,… Read more »
Sounds like the childless female managers at any office. They laugh too loud. They talk at you like children. They’re super duper strong and independent. They’re really happy and they love their life! But they’re a little too happy. Inside their eyes is an empty void of crippling depression. I’m assuming most are on SSRIs. In a way I do feel bad for them, because they’re just doing what society told them to do. They might not even know they’re miserable. Don’t know too much about them because I avoid that kind of person like the plague. (FWIW, it seems… Read more »
What I’m loving is that all these women, supposedly so strong and fiercely independent, masters of their own lives and destinies, not ever going to be told how to live and what to do by a man
Then here along comes a man in authority and commands they put on a mask.
And what do they do? They put on that mask faster than a snap of the fingers
they all want a daddy with a strong pimp hand.
Well, maybe. I recall one investment book author (probably Bonner/Wiggins) said, of the USA granting women the vote, something like: Wyoming was the first State to give women the vote (1869) and pointed out that women there had guns and knew how to use them 🙂
No question about it, muck raking females culminating in suffrage catalyzed the collapse we are living through. Majority of women are super-progressive (supported whole heartedly by their cucked husbands). DemonRats are the female party. Case closed.
Kind of like if you observe a flock of geese. One starts honking and it sets off a chain reaction where the rest join in, for reason or no reason.
What about those super cut videos of dozens of local news anchors reading the same lines? I don’t think 100 monkeys can explain it and it’s not like News 6 Kansas is watching Action 12 Jacksonville for cues and then copying down the story word for word. Last year there was that particularly egregious native ad for Amazon that was delivered verbatim all over the country but these cases aren’t always obviously paid for ads. And then there’s the talking points. You’ll see every talking head on the same day start saying the exact same sequence of short words. “Pandemic… Read more »
I want to “reclaim my time” so saith every democratic legislator on that committee
They actually do watch each other. Way more than most people would imagine. It’s a pop-culture mindset. More importantly though, they are re-writing off the same news feeds. Where do you think they get all that info from? AP, CNN, Reuters, etc. all have affiliate stations across the globe. Go to your local station’s website and you should be able to find out which news feeds they are affiliated with. THAT is where they get their information. Most of the time, they simply take that feed article and do some basic re-writes before releasing it. It’s not like they are… Read more »
There’s a scroll unrolling just under the camera lens. They are literally reading their lines out loud.
It takes practice to do it smoothly; watch closely for the tiny jump of the eyes as they read and recite at the same time.
“Research” is time spent in Makeup with the cosmetician.
If I were still active in the university, I might delve into a research project along those lines. For all I know, it’s been done already. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle: there isn’t really some Evil Brain in his island volcano secret hideaway, who faxes out the slogans for next week, to major media heads the globe round. Nor is it likely that a random phrase is generated and catches on. Yet, I’d lean to the latter option. This is just another form of the popular meme concept, an idea that spreads from one to another, often… Read more »
It’s interesting that in this case, the game of phone tag actually results in no variation on the message.
KGB: Good point. Are kids even allowed to play that anymore? Even my younger son chides me when I’m so gauche as to say “telephone” instead of “phone” or “cellphone.”
The explanation for the local news anchors all reading the same lines is that there are only 5 or 6 companies that own all the local network affiliates in the United States. The one I saw included stations owned by Sinclair. The parent company sends out the copy and they read it on air.
Sometimes these are obviously top down in areas that are not news scripts for anchors to read.
Its the same way the media distributes its talking points to its subsidiary news org. Indeed the parallel is obvious as to the actors reading the lines, its just not obvious who the writers are. The acceptance that this is so coordinated and so widespread is tricky for some:
…”a petulant loser who quit on her team at the biggest moment”…
Zs turning of a phrase is breathtaking.
Everything fit into one, tight package.
She sounds like a disciple of The KANG, Lebrun James.
They should sponsor a line of crying towels.
Thanks for the link to the metronome paper. A good example of the complex physics of a relatively simple system, that can be easily appreciated, and also reproduced. That’s a good bit of solid, practical, easily testable science, right there.
Save me the ‘Quadruple Manifold M x N String Theory for Quantum-Gravito-Magneto Fields’ stuff/
Haven’t followed the Olympics in decades, but when I heard about these 2 pulling out for non injuries, I could only assume the corporate media would in unison be lauding them as heroines for emphasizing their mental weakness. Any and all questioning of their heroism would only give them bonus points, vaulting them into the coveted status of victimhood. “Not just quitters but victims!” Plus they win the extra prize of being non-white, so they’ll get the credit of being oppressed by racism for the trifecta!
The hivemind is like an aggregation of ego. As the ego exists as both the individual identity and some ethereal projection of how the group in question perceives that image. As such, the intragroup relations are a scum egos within the status hierarchy. It is interesting to plumb the biology behind the order vs disorder and other attributes like conscientiousness that might prime one toward natural conservative or lefty, but technology seems to have greatly indulged the lefty mind by moving so much of our daily interactions into the ether. Social media is entirely the purview of ego-investment. We have… Read more »
Why all of the push for green energy from the left makes me laugh.
their entire virtual existence depends on cheap and widely available energy to power all of those devices and broadband. Yet they keep pushing for expensive and limited green energy, oblivious to the fact that it means the end to their virtual existence.
Perhaps you forgot about their secret ingredient that will make it all come to pass: Magical Thinking.
When I am tinkering with a project that requires attention I still like to have a background podcast or Youtube video on to pass time. Random weird stuff is best. I came across something called Warhammer 40K channel. A sci-fi universe apparently popular mostly in the UK. They have created a very intricate universe that is perfect for half-paying attention to while you are running a bandsaw. Anyway, in this future there are near mindless killing creatures based on Tolkein Orcs (I think they are called Orks). The thing that made me stop and laugh was that in this techno-future… Read more »
Wakanda? They have vibranium.
If racist white hicks would just turn in their pickup trucks and appreciate other cultures maybe we’d actually make progress towards 0 emission energy source like Wakanda has.
And also need to appreciate superior, vibrant and diverse cultures like India, to learn how to make a sewage system
I remember reading a piece about captured Imperial Japanese soldiers in WWII. a relatively rare occurrence usually involving the soldier being captured in an unconscious state of mind due to extreme wounding, fatigue or starvation. The default for most was mass suicide (i.e. “Bonzai” charges) or feigning death in order to make a final suicidal attack on approaching enemy soldiers. In response, American troops often avoided the threat by simply not taking prisoners and exacerbated the killed vs. captured ratios frequently seen in Pacific Theater. What was interesting about the piece was the accounts of how the majority of that… Read more »
It’s why the levers controlling the flow of information have to be seized. No, I don’t know exactly how that’s to be done — it’s going to messy and probably violent — but if there’s one thing we need to hammer out in very specific terms, it’s how we’re going to accomplish putting a kink in the firehose. Work on those plans needs to commence post haste.
Penitent Man: I was just opining to my husband that, in many ways, this hive mind emergent thinking reminded me of the most evilist man ever’s characterization of debating with the Juice. Not merely the illogic and irrationality and emotional arguing, but the sense that their very identity is at stake, not merely their opinion. And then even when a few might finally admit to being wrong, upon the next meeting they denied such admission ever happened. I think that most people (and I don’t characterize Z’s commentariat as most people) take succor from friends and associates reinforcing their opinion… Read more »
3g4me, Perhaps this stasis of absurd behavior and thinking can only exist in a pampered, laurel-resting, indulgent time. Reality eventually asserts itself and the brutish-nasty-short paradigm that has made up the bulk of our species time on earth ever begs to reassert itself. This dalliance with insanity is only hastening its return. It sucks, but I think that the soft-fall-hard-success memes is how this plays out. And good on you for laughing. I’ve found myself more and more amused lately and laughing harder at things that once annoyed me. Genuine schadenfreud mirth is my default third happiest state now (after… Read more »
Take care of yourself, Penitent Man. I’m afraid I never did get the hang of being a motorcycle passenger, let alone rider – but yes, age most definitely gets us all. Trying very hard to get back into shape after over a year sitting on my backside, and it’s a lot harder now than it was even a few years ago.
I was roller blading down a residential street in the late 90s when some little punk whipped a small rock at me after I’d passed him. He actually managed to dink me in the back of the head. It didn’t hurt but I wanted to double back and give him a rollicking. Unfortunately, for a split second my brain reverted to ice skating mode and I tried to stop on a dime, which caused me to tumble head over tea kettle in the road. I wasn’t physically damaged at all and I as I sat up I couldn’t help but… Read more »
WTF does WW2 have to do with anything?
Agree on all your points. We all love to poke fun at the Left’s latest gaffe. But what I’m hearing now, and in many posts, sounds like an unwritten belief that everything about the Left is daft and to be dismissed out of hand (They have no rational beliefs at all? Really?) and its corollary, that the [Dissident] Right is immune from irrationality and can do no wrong. I wish it were so, but we too are human, and subject to the same weaknesses as our enemies.
I get the point, that it is the bourgeois objectivism being criticized here as insufficient to an understanding, but there are still rationalizations here to explain the irrational. Metronomes fall into synchronization because nature seeks order and the path of least resistance, so it is expected that metronomes will all line up because it makes the movement of each the easier. Their path of least resistance. So here we are using an example of natural order to explain the irrational hive mind. How is that different than bourgeois objectivism? Rather than using one reason to explain them, say the pursuit… Read more »
12-Gauge BBB shot?
12-Gauge BBB shot?
It worked on the Passenger Pigeon:
Passenger pigeons were shot with such ease that many did not consider them to be a game bird, as an amateur hunter could easily bring down six with one shotgun blast; a particularly good shot with both barrels of a shotgun at a roost could kill 61 birds.
I guess the big question for us would be: lead shot or steel shot?
All the sh!tlib John Kerry waterfowl types [with their $40,000 sterling silver heavily engraved english/italian shotguns] would turn up their noses at Dirt People lead shot.
This is another Pulitzer worthy post that you will not find anywhere else on the internet or otherwise. Sometimes hard-truth is a freight train moving at maximum speed. Deny it at your own risk. Now let’s talk about how to make actionable use of this knowledge. Herd animals also possess a form of emergent behavior; they often form into packs and move in unison. And many a herd can be spooked into a stampede rather easily, and a stampede can be directed (engineered) to go in a specific direction. And there are many options when it comes to direction; as… Read more »
We can lead them into a dead end
That should be our strategy. Put up a resistance here, open a door there, have the borg like a big blob seek its path of least resistance as we lead it into a dead end. Then we burn it
“We can lead them into a dead end” is spot on.
Brings this scene to mind:
Ha ha
Yep, that’s the plan pretty much
The herd hasn’t anything to panic over yet, though they have pre-panicked in fear of panicking. Examples include Trump, and 1/6, but also in the higher reaches, the inflation crisis which may finally make the can too heavy to kick. Your analogy carried even further shows the inflexibility of the system since they will always break “one way” (Gabbers were writing sarcastic headlines for the Olympic failures before the official narrative was settled, and heck that’s almost the entire shtick of the Babylon Bee) and thus can easily talk themselves in to going over a cliff (witness the news that… Read more »
Turn their own weapon against them. They’re already doing it by themselves, but we can nudge them along.
If, say, university tenures were distributed according to the overall size of your ethnic group, you’d have to fire six million Jews. You could bribe POC allies with the Mickey Mouse-chairs, and win back the chairs that matter.
American conservatives by definition have an affinity for the ideal of ‘rugged individualism’. A big part of what we were trying to conserve was the freedom to be self sufficient and have agency over our lives. That suggests that many American conservatives have a much weaker inclination towards effective group action founded in emergent behavior responses as outlined in today’s essay. There are neurophysiological studies that identify structural differences in the brain that correlate to some significant degree with political orientation. I don’t know if they have tried to correlate those differences with people who exhibit emergent behaviors to a… Read more »
Word for the day: “orthogonal”.
While the Internet in general has made me dumber, sites like this have certainly broadened my vocabulary and provided plenty of recommendations for outside book reading.
Within minutes every sports reporter was blinking this signal to the other members of the hive. By the end of the day, this was the official narrative being told on every sports show.
Can confirm this extends to Denmark, where the interest in gymnastics is zero and in American gymnastics, zero-point-zero. The media is struggling valiantly to make us care even about our own Olympic teams.
Yet we get these non-sequitur articles about how brave and stunning this random foreign nobody is for quitting her team.
The only time backing out is noble is when someone else can take your place who will perform better.
Stating the obvious, but awareness of emergent behavior on this side of the divide is also important.
Examples off the top of my head from my friends, family and self: 4D chess, God-emperor, plan trusters, kraken, ammo / gun hoarding, home schooling, trad Catholic, preppers, voting harder…
Some of these behaviors are beneficial, others are less so.
Why do you think that is important?
Self-awareness and course-correction if needed.
Was there anything positive about plan-trusting / Q-following?
As you mentioned in your “Five Rings” recording, knowing both your own skills and that of competing organizations allows you to exploit the strengths and weaknesses of each. I hope… But black pill for the day, my attempts at reading classical philosophy & history or organizing in real life will not stop Globohomo from firing me in September for not getting the jab. I am forced to react to the lefts emergent behavior. Knowing my own prejudices and reactions to stress is equally as important as knowing what the Borg will do. Please keep writing such great editorials and thank… Read more »
They want documentation. Find some.
If you do get fired for refusing the jab, why not consider shopping for an attorney that would take your case? You might have one. Become a Jehovah’s Witness for a while, perhaps, if necessary. Attorneys are always on the lookout for a class-action suit. I’ve had first hand experience so shopping, even if I only came out mostly even in the deal (about $5,000). I didn’t have to pay mine a dime, and neither would you.
We were just speaking about how to use their weapons against them, weren’t we? 🙂
“4D chess, God-emperor, plan trusters, kraken”
“ammo / gun hoarding”
Can’t be the worst thing… but will the owner use it when faced down by armor clad goons?
“trad Catholic”
God is great.
“home schooling”
No silver bullet. But absolutely a great idea for many. If they cannot, at least don’t have people who hate you teach your kids.
Can’t see the harm. The very people who mocked my tin storage were the same clamoring outside the supermarket for said items. Wear that mask, or no entry, bigot!
“voting harder”
Well, we know what that’ll do.
I think Moe’s point was more that these are examples of emergent or herd-directed behaviors (all panics are emergent behavior). Our side or those adjacent also exhibit these behaviors. Why, when, and how to trigger or direct these behaviors are important questions to answer if we are to ever have a leadership.
Hadn’t been following the Olympics. Was faithful watcher up through era of Bruce Jenner’s decathlon win. The Carter boycott pretty much left me time to realize I had better ways to spend my time (forever abandoned NFL then, too. Went into the service and began the process of growing up and facing reality. Alas, that’s no longer and option now, either. It does look like the hive’s maniac obsession with Ms. Biles and their anointing her as a new vehicle to carry forth their narrative, a la George Floyd, was simply too much for her to bear. Looks to me… Read more »
She was feted as the very embodiment of the New Model American. The entire establishment slobbered over her for years. If she couldn’t handle that…
> It does look like the hive’s maniac obsession with Ms. Biles and their anointing her as a new vehicle to carry forth their narrative, a la George Floyd, was simply too much for her to bear
Learned yesterday Biles’ brother was charged with murdering three people. Truly the magic never ceases.
Interesting, an Army soldier too. Also the names listed in the prosecution shows the thin layer of White people that work to continually keep Cleveland from falling completely into the Baltimore-Detroit abyss.
“the thin layer of White people that work to continually keep Cleveland from falling completely into the Baltimore-Detroit abyss.”
So you agree then with the name change to “Cleveland Guardians”? Excuse me, but your racism’s showing. You sicken me.
Good day to you, sir. /s
Back thirty-some years ago I was working on a Beltway Bandit (government contract) job, one of the temps was a pleasant-to-behold former Redskins cheerleader Alas, during her tenure there, her brother’s name appeared in the Post, another murder victim in that violent city.
Chet: I left a comment at Sailer (doubtful to be approved) castigating him for his pity party post for Biles. She was taken in and supported by a White family so she could continue training when she was young. Would you ever read that now? Has she ever publicly thanked them? Not that I’ve seen – it’s all BLM and GOAT. If she had any character and was genuinely feeling unwell, she ought not to have accepted a place om the team. This is all fear of losing, just like the mulatto Osaka. Perfect exemplar of Numerica and its future.
Sailer is a total failure.
As CC/Greg Johnson.
I would even include in this list Derbyshire (and every nationalist writer which had fall into coronhysteric)
(except Curtis Yarvin, which write really interesting papers)
PS : I wrote “nationalist” because “conservative”, in itself is a word for “guarantee to lose every time”. What in hell should we “conserve” in this clown world.
Plus, “conservatism” is a full-defensive strategy, and every sport coach know it ALWAYS go to defeat.
I forgot about Bruce Jenner. Any relation to Caitlyn?
There are definitely people in charge, standing behind a lot of what is wrong these days. But they are not micromanaging. A little nudge here and there, with the help of institutions they finance, is all they need.
I remember being on a thread countering the arguments of leftists where everyone was ganging up on me, the moderators were fine with that, they were all having that collective mindset. Once I turned it around and became convincing in my arguments, the moderators kicked me out for hate speech. If we were to extrapolate that to the real world then I’d say we’ll find a symbiosis between the common leftists & the arbiters of the society. Day to day leftists repeat the globalist talking points & try to enforce them, if they fail or start to lose faith in… Read more »
Good point re: coping and pleasure. Not to make this about the fairer sex but seems to me that in a culture that has adopted the feminine social-sexual order as its primary model for social engagement, irrational and disassociative behaviors would be promoted as “normal”. So those arbiters and guardrails are constantly providing buffers for the sheeple to avoid the ego threats of truth and reason and corral them back into the comforts of self-delusion. In the old PUA days the “rationalization hamster” was a way to teach men how to understand the myriad of incongruence between womens words and… Read more »
But I don’t want to convert to Islam, which apparently is the only masculine, patriarchal system not corrupted by Globohomo.
In the fight between global POZ and regional Islam I’m not sure I’d take the bet on Islam. Religion is a reflection the people, so sure the Taliban and inbred middle-eastern tribes can pull it off, they’d act that way anyway, but anyone else would be doomed to repeat the same mistakes they’re making now.
Islam has not been corruptes by globohomo because it is globohomo corruption. Imagine, if you would, Jeffrey Epstein walking along a street in rural bonkadonkastan and coming upon a group of muhammadins “breaking in” a “dancing boy,” whereupon they lock eyes, recognizing their shared fundamental nature; “oi vey, we share so much, you know?!” They are all kiddy diddlers seeking extravagant wealth and power and the death of Christendom.
Your comments seem to have much in common with Nietzsche’s concept of what he terms master vs. slave morality. (I’ll admit I probably claim a relation, because I read his catalogue these past several months.) Much of his criticism, of course is of Judaism and later Christianity. But it could be extended beyond those. Weakness, dependency, working in a group, or the group united against a real or perceived strong man or outside threat. That sounds a lot like female psychology or traditional roles. And those are precisely what Nietzsche’s “slaves” or the weak of a culture, felt, and sought… Read more »
Many iconic moments in sports have come with athletes competing at less than 100% physically and still performing well enough to win. Off the top of my head I can think of examples of Pete Sampras, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods all pushing through injury or illness (in Jordan’s case it was a massive hangover, but still) to great results. In gymnastics, the example is Kerri Strug, a little known performer in 1996, performing a vault well enough to win the team gold on a badly sprained ankle. My wife was showing me some examples of hive mind regarding this… Read more »
I recall Karl Heinz Ruminegge coming off the bench for Germany 🇩🇪 (had pulled a hamstring in prior match) in the 1982 WC semifinal against France to help them win it. One of the best WC games of all time imho.
And of course there is the immortal Karate Kid. Mr. Miyagi would never have pulled him
There are so many other examples, nearly every year after the Super Bowl it comes out that a key player on one of the teams was playing through a significant injury. One year Kevin McHale played the final two rounds of the NBA playoffs with a fractured bone in his foot. Detroit Pistons goon Bill Laimbeer was knew about the injury and would step on his foot on purpose. The story didn’t come until after he retired. Sports used to be a celebration of greatness, this should further the demise of public interest in it.
Is it possible that Biles and other black athletes are throwing the games on purpose out of spite for the US? Is Nike paying her to throw it (with money from the CCP)? Is Biles expected to burn the flag on the podium and wanted to avoid that so she quit? Was she doping and about to get tested? It’s a horrible look for blacks on the global stage and the media narrative is making it even worse. I don’t think most black people would support her attitude either. Something doesn’t add up here. Same with Osaka. Maybe I’m too… Read more »
Ok let’s not overthink this. Sonny Liston maybe but this? No.
Funny. Do people really believe that America is at the mercy of either the CCP or the Russians?
Or she could simply be a world class choker.
That was actually the first thing that came to my mind. Did she throw it out of spite for the U.S.? The trauma of being so great an athlete yet having to represent such a corrupt, racist country! Perhaps dropping out on account of mental anguish (having to represent such a corrupt, racist country!) would be (to her mind) more impactful than facing away from the American flag when accepting her medal. Competitive optics. Or maybe she is a prima donna. Or a coward. Maybe she isn’t as good as the other athletes after all and quit before she was… Read more »
Could be but my guess is simply that their little brains can’t handle the pressure of all the world’s eyes on them They cracked Black people pushing for greater and greater black representation in everything are really setting their brothers and sister up for a massive fall. Because they won’t be able to handle it, and when it’s apparent to everyone then the jig is up What then? At least for us, we should also be pushing for blacks to be over represented in everything. It ensures a faster and perhaps harder fall. We should also start promoting the claim… Read more »
It seems more likely that in a world where winners are shunned and the more you are a victim (especially self imposed) the more attention one gets that she simply is reacting to the fact that she would get more attention for chocking and whining about some slight issue than actually winning a medal.
Cute pun in there 🙂 Unintentional perhaps? In any event, I think you unfairly tar the image of Afro-Americans. They know, or at least many of us do, that athletics is supposed to be their strongest point. It’s certainly a black mark for anyone to fail, but even in their darkest hour, we must be niggardly with our praise if they’ve not earned it.
Super-conspiracy and exclusively ant-like behavior are both overly simplified explanations. Emphasizing the emergent aspects of situations is a useful corrective, but it also has its own shortcomings. Sometimes it’s not very useful. For example, internet censorship is an extremely important and salient phenomenon, but it is not emergent. It comes from very well-defined institutions, and its enforcers has a clear and conscious agenda.
But those “very well defined institutions” are acting in reaction to real and perceived actions of one another. It is why we keep seeing these cascading events where one guy is isolated and then all of the other institutions ban the guy one after another. What often happens, is the first entity creates a positional good out of banning some heretic. The rest rush to acquire this positional good. Further, the decision to censure by an entity like Facebook is a collective decision that results from a dynamic within the organization. The decision itself is not made by one person,… Read more »
The decision happens partly because of the group’s internal dynamic. There is also pressure applied by outside forces, and this pressure itself is not a spontaneously emerged social force. In this case, in my opinion, the ADL is one of the ultimate movers. It consciously works according to plans, and very heavily influences the social media giants. Of course, their plans are sensitive to real and perceived circumstances, I’m not implying superhuman power and foresight.
I admit I’m not carefully reading the news lately but I believe it’s been revealed that part of the censuring process often involves taking orders from the administration, even before they were installed as the official administration. It’s a blurring of emergent compliance and directed agency.
Sane people with a ounce of self-awareness would find something to distract from an obvious embarrassment. Note the sports announcers are not deviating from Black Girl Magic to focus on actual American victories, like swimming, to distract from failed magic. The sole reason is because they are white males who are supposed to be relegated to the past. In post-national American sports, the only true Americans are blacks and lesbians. Notice too the Covid emergent behavior, where the CDC says Vaccinated should wear masks again because they are spreading COVID as much as the non-vaccinated, while saying at the same… Read more »
It is scary. On the plus side, when visiting the local mega supermarket here today, for the first time in a year, a huge number of people were unmasked. I had not thought this would happen.
Naturally, the unmasked fell into a certain sort of category. And the masked were mainly women and duskies from lands yet yonder.
Didn’t the American and Australian favorites in the 400m freestyle get rekt by a lightly-regarded 18 year-old Tunisian?
Zman, you have said the opposite with regards to the articles about the fire extinguisher during the “insurrection” as well as the rapid switch to all black / mixed race commercials after the death of St. Floyd. You said that people sat around a table and thought up a lie, and had pre made commercials ready to go. Can you elaborate on this discrepancy in articles? I personally think that there is some kind of outside faction, or war going on that we don’t know about. CIA, China, Israel, who knows what’s really happening. None of this woke craziness is… Read more »
Yes, but I find a lot of conservatives don’t like getting into serious talk about half visible subjects that are magnets for kooks (freemasonry, the occult, intelligence/military) which is understandable. But man it’s still there, that all seeing eye is still staring at you in a sense. Is it meaningless or not?
I see no reason why both systems cannot be employed simultaneously. Albeit, perhaps for some events gathering round a table and planning is far more effective than relying on the emergent; and vice versa.
The fact that there may be exceptions to general rules is not a new discovery. Sure, there are people who make up false stories like the fire extinguisher nonsense. Someone thought up the “Biles is a hero for quitting” rationale. The reason these spread like wildfire is not because “some kind of outside faction” is spreading the tale. It is because of the relationships within the media hive. The accepted truth is the emergent property.
We can point to many examples of conscious coordination/conspiracy, directives being issued and obeyed, etc. And cataloging all that is worthwhile, just so we don’t forget. But the fact of conspiracy doesn’t explain the *content* of conspiracy, how it’s decided that today everyone switches to “climate justice” or “insurrection” or that Alex Jones is as of Wednesday officially moved from “beloved conspiracy buffoon” to “enemy of the state.” Conservatives point to academic and NGO publications, and to pundits—because they’re accessible to conservatives, and because intellectual provenance is interesting to nerds. But check the sales/views on all that crap. Almost nobody… Read more »
Agreed 100%. “The Megaphone” determines what “the accepted truth” is. Blacks are victims, Biden won the election, the Epiphany protest was a violent coup, Rittenhouse is a crazed gun nut.
I don’t call the shots (nor would you want me to), but if only Mr. Z-Man’s writing could be amplified and seen by the semi literate masses. If only…
Until then, I’ll enjoy the virtual Samizdat.
I hadn’t realized the Olympics were even happening until something came up on the stuff YT pushes about Simon (misspelling intentional) “bravely” walking off the team. I watched a video of the screw ups that lead up to this inexplicable action. First, she flew clear off the mat during her floor exercise routine. That is a major deduction – as bad as falling. Second, she boffed a vault and took a huge step out of the landing. Both were instances of lack of control. Elite level gymnastics is entirely about control, both physical and mental. After the second poor showing… Read more »
Sick society is right. When I was growing up, “hero’s” were those who stood up when faced with adversity—whether they overcame or not. Now quitters are celebrated and their acts of cowardice—or at least psychological confusion—are called heroism. How Orwellian.
I don’t know Biles from Adam, but I found her relentless marketing tiresome. If she is a SJW petulant child like Osaka or Lebron, she can go jump in a lake. But it sounds like she may have developed the gymnast version of the yips. If that is true, she should just say so, and I would have some sympathy. I had the yips in golf, and I would jerk the putter right at contact. Steve Sax used to throw the ball into the stands when making short throws from second base. Rick Ankiel gave up pitching because he kept… Read more »
There are both pre organized and “naturally” spontaneous responses, B125. Commercials have to be planned because they need to be produced but what Zman is referring to is the unplanned automatic response so frequently demonstrated by leftists. Like the birds or a school of fish they know automatically which way to go, what to say and who to praise or to blame.
Haven’t you noticed the “spontaneity” at how they all use the same words to describe the same thing. I watch CNN from 6-7AM daily just to get the leftist talking points for the day.
I don’t think they are completely mutually exclusive. If someone knows how the hive works they can use it to advance their purposes
The woke craziness is perfectly normal if it’s understood there are lots of broken people in this world. It’s come to light now but was always hiding in plain sight. All the drugs, the prescriptions, the barrage of media messages, the demonization of greatness (whites) in schools, the ever changing rules of the game. It’s open to discussion whether all of this has been intentional, but either way the end result is we have lots of people who for all intents and purposes have been exposed to the techniques of mental and psychological torture. It started in the labs and… Read more »
It’s been said before that emergent behavior can explain how many poll workers, election officials, attorneys general and governors ensured “fixes” to the November election, with or without central coordination.
When the goal is well defined by the Queen then it is not necessary to elaborate on the details of every mission. The hive knows and can improvise.
I won’t watch the Olympic Games unless I can get a foreign feed, as I refuse to listen to the Globohomo broadcast. The last time I actually did watch I found myself supporting the White athletes from countries less infected with Poz over the paper Americans of color. I especially enjoyed watching the Russian hockey team a few years ago, banned from competing as Russians, win the gold and then sing the Russian anthem themselves in defiance of Globohomo. There’s been only one successful rightist movement that mimicked the emergent behavior of the left’s hive mind- Mustache Guy’s, but that… Read more »
Of course the emergent behavior of termites, say, builds termite middens. Our enemies work together to break stuff. Yes, they think they’re going to build back better, but South Africa as the ultimate test case suggests they can’t. Still, they can ignore their failures when they’re too abject for them to pretend they’re successes, for the reasons you point out here. That said, there are dominant “birds” influencing where the rest migrate. When Russiagate collapsed, they literally had a meeting and said “We need to shift the focus to white supremacy.” It was done consciously, though the heroin addicts chucking… Read more »
Side note: what could be more perfectly American than a 100% Media creation (seriously, who cares about gymnastics?) being set up for glory, then quitting in a huff and still getting lauded to the skies? Ladies and gentlemen, the Evil Empire! I’m truly coming to believe we owe Osama an apology.
“I’m truly coming to believe we owe Osama an apology.”
Was that the tennis player?
No, the camel jockey.
All the instant hand wringing about SB was nauseating.
Freud was right: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
SB is a quitter. There’s no shame in losing if you give it your all. There is no glory in quitting.
Keri Strug won a gold vaulting with a broken ankle. SB quit because she had the “sads”.
Now there are dozens of articles telling us that’s an “unfair comparison”. Emergent behavior, indeed.
Actually I think she quit to stick a knife in NBC. One of the fat ugly guys who make the deals and count the money put the make on her and p***ed her off. “C’mon cutie, you’re 24, you know how this game is played. Honk my horn and that Amazon commercial is yours”