Understanding The Left

Taking some of my own advice from last week’s show, this week’s show is a bit of deep dive into the subcultures of the Left. This is one of those shows where I had to leave a ton of stuff on the cutting room floor. It is not so much that they have a rich intellectual history or have interesting things to say, but that it is hard to summarize the jumble of ideas that make up these subcultures. This is especially true of the postmodern or woke Left, which is a dog’s breakfast of ideas and concepts.

Putting it together, I was reminded of when I read Frédéric Bastiat, the 19th century French economic journalist. It occurred to me that once you disconnect from the hard reality of human relations, the train of thought must inevitably lead to ideas that are sharply at odds with reality. As with Bastiat, the intellectual traditions that underpin the modern Left work only if you forget the nature of man. Otherwise, they lack maturity and seriousness and read more like fantasy novels.

The other thing I was reminded of when studying up on this stuff is that most of it takes great care to avoid addressing the moral assertion at the core. That assumption is that it is inherently immoral for European societies to organize themselves in the best interest of the people who make up the society. This is the assumption of Marx. The French workers cannot organize in the best interest of French workers. They must organize, like all workers, in the best interests of workers everywhere.

It is not hard to locate the source of this in Marx. The interesting thing is how the tides of history made it the default assumption in the West. The two great industrial wars of the last century delegitimized nationalism. This left the two internationalist ideologies as the default ideologies. This is the source of the current crisis. The universal open society has never been tested intellectually or practically. Like the experiment with Bolshevism, it is proving to be an unworkable set of assumptions.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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Promotions: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a 15-percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link.   If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sa***@mi*********************.com.

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: The Populist Left
  • 17:00: The Libertarian Socialists
  • 32:00: The Postmodern Left
  • 52:00: The Anarchist Left

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We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
3 years ago

I had this thought while listening: So, to make a leftist cult, you take any stupid economic theory, combine it with any silly grievance claim, and go find people to harm. Voilà! You’re a Leftist!

3 years ago

Finally got a free hour to listen to the podcast, and I want to pitch in two cents about Lenin, who I think is possibly the most important (named) man who ever lived, in competition with Genghis Khan, Jesus, Archimedes, et al. The twin concept-enemies Lenin’s ghost has gradually dominated/destroyed our world with are “bourgeois objectivity” and “ideology.” They overlap in ways that soothe all left-establishment cognitive dissonance and justify all their crimes. By “bourgeois objectivity” he meant all empiricism, disinterestedness, remove, rationality, logic, law, etc. So “bourgeois objectivism” is a poor translation, at least for an American audience. We… Read more »

We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

That is amazingly useful. I am a normie-con nerd that just picked up the names of Derrida and Foucault et al. in the past couple of years. What books would you suggest to read more about this? Stephen Hicks’ book on Postmodernism draws heavily on 19th century philosophers (as well as Locke, Rousseau and the Greeks) but does put the onus for it’s articulation on four men including those named here, with the rollout occurring after Khrushchev admitted to the world what a monster Stalin had been, and the later Gulag Archipelago. At one point Hicks described Postmodernism as a… Read more »

3 years ago

Went to DMV the other day to apply for a Real ID and pay various fees and fines. About 20 years ago the DMV had developed such a bad reputation that the word DMV became a punchline for any terrible experience. Or, “She had all the charm of DMV clerk.” Aside: Interacting with DMV clerks in the bad old days, you realized that Proles with power are just as bad as Czars with power. Power corrupts. And takes the polite out of women and turns them into assholes. (On the clerks behalf, it must be admitted that their working conditions… Read more »

We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
3 years ago

In the past week I discovered 21studios and their Red Man group, and this podcast: https://www.bitchute.com/video/_7-ZBdbIRvs/ Anti-feminists with details I’d not heard before. Z-Man and everyone here is examining the motivations of the Left, and very many of the ideas hold water. Most of them can be true at once, and all of them deserve consideration as we move forward, (hopefully). Which brings me to my latest ‘extreme’ thought. I wrote this for my married daughters. It will seem Pollyannaish to many here, but they are not feminists, and are just as unprepared as we all were when the onslaught… Read more »

Reply to  We are all Kosh
3 years ago

This is the best piece of writing I have read this century, and the words are likely to be eternal. I no longer believe that we can simply talk our way out of the mess we’re in, but this message gives me hope that I may be wrong about that. Thanks for the pick-me-up.

We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Thanks, Tom. Trying to understand the best way to attack. I credit Z-Man with turning me onto the idea of morality being the key, not policy, a couple of years ago. I had read about the pair-bonding thing a year or so ago, and it’s been sitting in my brain until yesterday, when several threads turned into a bow.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

TomA: “This is the best piece of writing I have read this century.” So dramatic. You’re so extra all the time. Doesn’t it make you tired?

We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Hey Frip, I think you are the one being “extra”. I bet you’re lovely to live with. Good job! Now, snark at me! Snark at me! God I hate bullies.

Reply to  We are all Kosh
3 years ago

I copied your comment and will deliver it (at the right time) to my 3 high school kids. Thank you!

We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
Reply to  Baltbuc
3 years ago

Thanks, Baltbuc!
One of my daughters replied with an exasperated “Well, duh!”
She then pointed me to a book she read years ago and put me in my place. “Captivating” by John and Stasi Eldredge. I’m on chapter 2, it’s damned impressive. The first chapter is worth the price of admission if you have any women in your life!

3 years ago

You need to watch this radical speech about “Our Democracy”:

The true state of the union.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Meanwhile in Washington – “U.S. Marshals Service Director Donald Washington said, “US Marshals will now bring to bear our fugitive investigations expertise to ensure that individuals charged in federal warrants are brought to face justice. Respect for the rule of law is a foundational principle for our democracy and the freedoms that it provides. Unlawful acts will not go unpunished.” Really? Unlawful acts will not go unpunished? How’s that working for all the cities across America where rioters caused about $1–2 billion in insured damage between May 26 and June 8, making this initial phase of the George Floyd protests… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

America can afford to abandon its allies. Its strength makes it the go-to actor of the world, and its allies will always come scrambling back to make “friends” with her. The biggest danger in the world remains not climate change, not failed Third World states spilling over their refugees, but nuclear war. We have not dismantled our arsenals. The silos remain standing full of their deadly payloads. The MIRVs are out there, the Polaris subs cruise the oceans like sharks. We are one technical glitch away from launching a thousand blazing suns on the landscape of the Earth. On my… Read more »

Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

The threat of nuclear war is like the threat of hyperinflation. Theoretically, it could be a threat but we have gone a long time without these troubles, which logically disproves nothing, but makes the threat seem remote.

Me, I estimate that immigration is a greater threat to what I care about than nuclear war.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

One (maybe the only) hope for humanity is that when our arsenal falls into the lap of rulers even dumber than our present ones, they’ll kill billions of idiots, including themselves.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

Agree that nuclear war is high on the list of potential man-made catastrophes. I usually advocate the “system breakdown” scenario. Admittedly it’s rather vague and broadly defined, so many outcomes can be called a system breakdown. Think of it as a new Dark Age, or the collapse of a major empire (Rome) and its aftermath. If it were to happen in today’s world, the consequences would likely be quicker and much more dire (direr?) simply due to the interconnectedness of the entire world. Imagine what would happen to Africa if all outside aid stopped. Envision advanced countries’ plight if international… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Wow, another great comment. Brutal honesty, and long overdue. Yes, the witching hour is approaching rapidly, and the chickens must come home to roost. Our Marshals Service is now in the process of becoming a reborn NKVD/SS hybrid, and many a sporting white male will join the ranks of the Jackboots, look in the mirror and see a White Hat, grab their MP 40, and march out the door in lock step. All hail the 3:00 am knock on the door.

Alles Klaar
Alles Klaar
3 years ago

It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world. We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths, But if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of Chinese and those of Americans, we’d have to pick the latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives of the Chinese people and the life of our Party. The last problem I want to talk about is of firmly seizing the preparations for military… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Alles Klaar
3 years ago

A link to that would be very nice

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago
James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
3 years ago

Well, whatever kind of healthcare “they” have, I want it here, as ours sucks.

My rule of thumb: good enough for Israel (borders, guns, ethnostate, socialized medicine) is good enough for the USA.

In the meantime, I want to see Zman run for office on his “Veterinary medicine is good enough for your grandma” platform.

Dino the Isaurian
Dino the Isaurian
Reply to  James J O'Meara
3 years ago

When it comes to the debate about “healthcare” in this country, everyone is full of shit – and self delusional. The “private” employer funded health insurance that the right loves so much is a semi- socialist system, with many of the problems that a fully socialist system has – and the added benefit of insecurity. As in if you lose your job you lose your coverage. The fact that it’s a crappy system is obvious to anyone that has to directly pay for their own insurance. People on the right defending it so vociferously reminds me of people that reflexively… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Dino the Isaurian
3 years ago

So damned if you do, damned if you don’t? Got it. And yet you offer no alternative. We can have a shit sandwich or a shit salad and like it either way. This is part of the problem at Z’s hub here. All talk, no solutions. Propose an ALTERNATE model if we are screwed either way. I have an alternate one because I’m here to do the heavy lifting for you and help. Create a society like Norway where these socialized medicine systems work well. I.E. Homogenous same culture European monoliths. Oh what’s that you say? The horse is outta… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

The solution already exists: pay cash upfront. I do this for my medical care and it is awesome. I don’t have to do referrals, argue with insurers, cajole health care providers, or get short-changed. I just show up, pay cash, and get taken care of quickly and thoroughly. No joke, telling receptionists you’re paying cash upfront means you get treated like a VIP.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Create a society like Norway

J, muh brutha.

A society like Norway cannot exist unless & until blue-eyed nordic boys plant their seed in blue-eyed nordic girls’ birth canals a day or two before those precious nordic follicles burst open and out come heavenly nordic ova to be fertilized by icy-blued eyed stone-cold-killah nordic warrior seed.

Muh brutha, with the gangsta pimp hand.



Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

First of all, neither is system is crappy. Or utopian. Both will work well enough for most people. The current system offers a bit more choice and the socialized system offers a bit more peace of mind and security.

As far as an alternative goes. The only viable path I see is getting a socialized system to include choice and the ability top off whatever the gov pays for.

But people on the right would rather fight a losing battle for muh free market than work to get some of what they claim to want.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Welp, my Woketard alma mater just mandated the jab on campus.

I guess, “my body, my choice,” only applies to women getting rid of clumps of cells.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

ZMan: This left the two internationalist ideologies as the default ideologies. TWGH: “my body, my choice” only applies to women getting rid of clumps of cells. Somewhere here there’s a logical similarity to be found, if only I could put my finger on it. The “two” internationalist ideologies are of course sanheder Karl Marx’s communism and sanhederette Elisa Rosenbaum’s objectivism. But as we now know only too well, communism is objectivism and objectivism is communism, in that all pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than other pigs. So in reality, there is only one winning political ideology:… Read more »

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

And the jab is made from abortion, too. Mandatory abortion just like mandatory sodomy in today’s woke schools, military, civil service, etc, if you want to score enough “protected class points” to ever made anything of yourself.

The libertarian “choice” and “free speech” era was only ever meant to be anti-Christian and there is no organic support for any Enlightenment ideals without this target. The true believers of Hume or Kant or whatever are today’s autistic MMORPG addicts who got rich in cryptocurrency. They’re nothing.

3 years ago

Great podcast Zman. I would love to see a deeper dive into the postmodernists, particularly the anti-Whites in detail, and also the Anti-Fa. I can see the two merging into a violent and dangerous tool of the flailing Regency. [Regencies are always dangerous for this reason].

I don’t know if Anti-Fa is not influential or not. Cops busted their heads in both LA and NYC. This might be a sucker-punch (Soros DAs charge the cops and let the Anti-Fa go) or the crackdown. Left’s Night of the Long Knives.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Antifa has been getting its asses kicked publicly of late and thus far no one has been charged with anything.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  A.B Prosper
3 years ago

I don’t get much daily news, so I’ll take your reports at face value. Isn’t it curious, perhaps, that Antifa is getting its ass kicked now that there is no need to put the other party into power? It’ll be curious to see what civil disorder begets in 2022.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

One of your best shows so far! I’ve had a lifelong interest in “extremist” political organizations and philosophies since I discovered a bundle of SWP newspapers in my grandparents’ attic. BTW, another popular term for “left libertarian” is “syndicalist.” Historically they’ve had an on-again off-again affair with those of us on the libertarian right. For example, check out the works of Scottish sci-fi writer Ken MacLeod, himself a libertarian socialist who has won a Prometheus award from the (right) Libertarian Futurist Society. I myself have written a self-published novel with a syndicalist hero. There’s a lot of cross-pollination going on.

Ben the Layabut
Ben the Layabut
Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

We are probably flagged as extremists, of what organization to be determined, merely visiting, probably posting and surely by paying*. “The Zman Dissident Liberation Front”?

*I do it by credit card. I want them to know who I am.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Ben the Layabut
3 years ago

““The Zman Dissident Liberation Front”?” LOL! You wish Walter Mitty. The reason he can even -take- CC payments is he is a non-threat to the regime. This place puts on airs that it is edgy but even Z himself will admit it’s a ‘safe corral’ at the end of the day. Right of Civ-Nattery but very left of the actual deep dark scary places of the internet none of which I will link to here. Boomer-con tier shit-posting and erudite political discussion is all this forum will ever spawn. There may be a time when even THAT is considered too… Read more »

404th Keyboard Commandos
404th Keyboard Commandos
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

When will you lead the revolution?
We are waiting.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  404th Keyboard Commandos
3 years ago

Already did. Got the 4am SWAT team, ruined work prospects, and the charges to prove it… your turn Keyboard Warrior. I’m good over here…

And just to take the piss outta you further, I never said anything about taking action as I am the poster child for NOT doing that because they can & will destroy you. (see: Jan 6th). What I was saying if you weren’t a retard and could read is that we are not a threat –exactly– for that reason. This is a talky spot, not a ‘do’ spot. More clear now brainlet?

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  404th Keyboard Commandos
3 years ago

This is a talky spot, not a ‘do’ spot. A cynic would say that talk is cheap [and whistling “Dixie” doesn’t cost even so much as $0.01]. But from the glass-is-half-full point of view, “they” wouldn’t be throwing every last fiat shekel in their possession at the code-red OMFG DefCon-1 moast important agenda item since the temple was destroyed in 70 AD – namely, the suppression & outlawing & eradication of any and all opposition talk whatsoever – unless they knew [deep in the empty black hole where their hearts ought to be] that mere talk had an underlying power… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  404th Keyboard Commandos
3 years ago

J, this is how we use mere talky-talk to defeat the enemy:

comment image

Never misunderestimate the near infinite power in mere talky-talk.


Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

People are free to explore those dark alleys of the internet or other super-dissident thought. We run a respectable joint, er, establishment 😀 here and as you said, perhaps best not to link to them. In fact, for those who plan to enter the wilderness, you might be well advised to cloak your activities as best you can.

3 years ago

Somewhat OT, it appears there is a “meeting engagement” with the Regency and demands from the media for another lockdown, masks and now forcible mandatory vaccines. After spending 5 months saying that the vaccines are safe and effective, take them and then ditch the mask, life goes back to normal with lots and lots of ads including a memorable one from Jaegermeister (dude walks into a bar, gets a shot poured by some tatted up blonde bartender, takes off the mask to show the ridiculous tan line of the mask with the tagline “Welcome Back”) … Now we have people… Read more »

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

We shall see.
“ I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical…”
Evil White Man Thomas Jefferson

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

The federal government is starting to look like it’ll be easy to push over soon. I have a friend who just retired from a federal agency this January. They’ve called him up and are now sub-contracting him for more than he was salaries for before retiring. Apparently they couldn’t find a suitable replacement. He wasn’t even in a crucial department.

I’d imagine a vaccine mandate will go worse than expected, since even a 5% workforce reduction would cause serious headaches. 20+% would be deadly. Time will tell

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

I think we’ll see impacts across industries.

A lot of the remaining comptence in the US rests on the Boomer generation, a fair share of Gen X, and a sliver of Silents that have avoided retirement or are simply irreplaceable due to their years of accumulated knowledge and experience.

It’s not going to be pretty as indoctrinated Millennials and Zers try to step up to the plate.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Going Galt basically. I’ve already seen this happening , a major company in my part of Clownifornia name redacted has lost nearly every engineer worth a damned including all the millennials they put through a special program. They have well over a hundred openings , not one applicant. None. The entire So Cal staff is down to like three, one with his foot half out the door. Problem is they pay Midwest wages for Chinese Hours in California and don’t want to hire White guys . That long with a fear of sticky wages plus the A Suite’s looter mentality… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
3 years ago

Our company can’t hire any Canadian white guys. It’s not even a discrimination issue they just aren’t applying.

I don’t know what white guys are doing these days but the ones under 50 don’t seem to be working much.

And I get it… I get a good salary but for Toronto it’s not much. If I was making much less than what I’m making now I’d probably say eff it and go on welfare.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  A.B Prosper
3 years ago


I know of one very good surgeon near retirement who was paid an extra $100k per year he was willing to forgo retirement.

Last I heard he’s paying off the house and doing the RV thing.

Its simply that bad out there labor wise and the cost of us being unwilling to train people and unwilling or unable to put a boot up the backside of the political class is going to haunt us.

Good odds future USA or whatever successor nations come after will become second or or third tier powers.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

They’ve called him up and are now sub-contracting him for more than he was salaried for before retiring. If the dude still has some life left in his body & mind, then a federal pension plus greater-than-ever salary plus an economy which doesn’t completely tank could make him a serious amount of money over the next decade or two. Or at least that would have been the case, back when things were “normal”. But classically speaking, if the double dippers kept their noses clean, then they didn’t have any problem making it to millionaire status. Which was what Dave Ramsey… Read more »

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Why not take the $$ and then sabotage it? Or half ass the work?

It’s a great way of throwing sand in the gears of the system.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

The mandates for the vax are going to get interesting. Somebody recently said, correctly I think, that, considering the jabs are offered nearly everywhere for free, that they’ve probably already hit the fraction of the populace (roughly 50% in USA) that will willingly (naively?) take the jab. Clearly the Prinicipalities and Powers are upping the ante.

3 years ago

Understanding the left is not important. There is one thing to understand that is of the upmost importance, and only one:

The left will do, say, act, react in any manner at anytime with one simply goal, advance the agenda. The left is a hive mentality. No matter what the data, circumstance, result they will react to protect the hive, even if it means their own personal demise.

Those not in the left persuasion never understand this.

ProGrassi The Next Generation
ProGrassi The Next Generation
Reply to  libdis
3 years ago

Ca. 2009-2011, when it was still slightly outre for respectable GOP to praise D.C. corporate culture, one of the James W. Ceaser articles I read on the intellectual history of Herbert Croly-style Progressivism identified the conceptual break from 19th century Left being their emphasis on 50.1% “democratic” result over all other ideological priorities — not a dry poli-sci point about being pragmatic or flexible on the issues, rather I think he was asserting their core value going back to Woodrow Wilson was to grab hold of power and never let go. If this is true — I can’t really evaluate… Read more »

3 years ago

Another great podcast; fascinating topic explored in depth that no one else on the internet will touch with a 10-foot pole. Allow me to take it to another level. The common denominator in all of the various political flavors covered in the podcast is that none of them could exist in a world in which you must compete relentlessly in order to survive. If you got up in the morning hungry and needed to work your ass off to make it through another day (while avoiding being killed), you wouldn’t have endless leisure time to debate esoteric BS with the… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Tom, first, I really liked your “You either live with it or kill it” line. Galvanizing. However, there is tension between nationalists who say, “I love my people because they are objectively the best” and those who say, “I love my people because they are my people, even if they are not the best.” This tension is reflected between the people who believe that all high-IQ/high-agency people of any race can create a tribal bond and those who believe that race is the strongest bond. Suppose you had a child or an old relative who turned out to be relatively… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

In life, you must play the hand you’ve been dealt. If that means your genetics bequeathed you a high IQ; then great, you were fortunate and got dealt a strong starting hand. Conversely, if you got the short end of the stick in the IQ department; so be it, you must play that hand nonetheless. That spectrum has nothing to do with man-made societal parasitism, which is mostly a consequence of long-term affluence. The able-bodied 20 year-old standing on the corner with a sign begging for a handout rather than taking a job to support himself is a parasite. Drop… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

“Societal parasitism is a choice, not a birth handicap.”

Thanks. That is a succinct summary of our differences. Do you agree that due to mass immigration and automation, we are approaching a time when many good white men, who are not skilled at computers/law/medicine/finance, are of no use to society? From a meritocratic perspective, they are disposable.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

No, I’m not in favor of slaughtering innocents for any reason. Forgive me for being presumptuous, but I really think you need to get out more.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

It’s the opposite, the lawyers, doctors, computer and finance jerkoffs are completely disposable. Can’t make nothin, fix nothin, build or grow nothin. Fuck em, the jab will kill em. we can get back to basics, real shit, not lies and delusion.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

No, because deliberate choices by the rulers have made them useless.

When women get free money so they don’t need a husband, when all the good jobs go overseas or to immigrants – then many of our people have been rendered useless through no fault of their own.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

TomA, your post got me thinking….

We know Juice are behind socialism and what not, which in turn creates a parasitical class.

And since they are also parasitical in nature, could creating a multi-racial parasitic class be their way of remaking the world in their image and/or forming an alliance of parasites?

We may laugh at this, but it does beg the question I think

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Falcone, many on this site will not grant you your Juice premise. I don’t mind but wanted to point it out.

Is it possible that society is evolving in such a way, that without direct intervention in the free market via immigration enforcement, that many white men will be unemployable and therefore parasitic?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

I get it

If the blog is to widen its appeal I have to tone it down

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago


Is it just me or has anyone else noticed some of the recently jabbed developing chronic sniffles and coughs at the height of summer?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I haven’t noticed anything like that. My experience has been that roughly 5% of people I know got covid with not one of them dying. I’d guess about 40% of people I know got vaccinated with no ill effects to speak of. It appears to me that the jawing on both sides is more of a propaganda war than an accurate reporting of reality.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Agreed. Couple of 66 year old anti vaccine ladies in the in-law branch who caught full on Covid pneumonia.

A few standard pneumonia treatment shots and they’re on the mend. Now, with Covid antibodies. They’re stronger and more resilient than ever.

It’s the vaccinated people who are terrified by the variants. They were told there would be no suffering after the shot(s)…now it’s endless uncertainty.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

If you want some gloom-and-doom reading, just Google “Marek’s disease” or “leaky vaccine.”

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

For the few people with bad immune systems and other health issues where it can be highly dangerous or those without choices, them I have compassion for .

Otherwise for the fearful timid sheeple my compassion cup runneth empty. All the information was there and even with the censorship. “its untested” and “doesn’t work like regular vaccines.” which are not censored should have told them to avoid it.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
3 years ago

The Party Line until as little as about 3 weeks ago was “the vaccines are the key to getting back to normal”. As far as I can tell it’s now “the vaccines don’t protect well enough but you still need one (and now you’ll have to wear a face diaper again even with the vaccine.)”. Who knows what it’ll be by Wednesday. I actually think this endless fluidity was anticipated by the “Controllers” who knew the stuff about how safe and well tested the vaccines were was BS. I also think this is probably Fauci’s real role. They stand up… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

I’ve had similar thoughts.

Beer Flu is a dud virus for all but the extremely vulnerable.

It’s equally possible the jabs will turn out to be a dud bioweapon.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Why I call it the Blair Witch Project of pandemics.

All hype and meta but no there there

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

On the other hand, the hysterical push to jab Heritage Americans while allowing illegal immivaders to run around jab-free tends to support the idea there are one or two darker agendas in play…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Actually there was an evil power that eventually killed all the young adults that were hiking in the woods.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago


Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

This is a common claim in internet land. I label it 100% BS. Sure, this pandemic has been exploited for dubious political and business reasons from the start. But why is it so hard to believe that there’s a real virus running around making people ill? The virus was sequenced early in 2020. There are databases (Genbank is just one) allowing researchers to upload and download gene sequences. How do you think the (mRNA) vax makers got the coding to encode the S-spike protein, which is the active ingredient in “the jab”? SARS-CoV-2 bears a remarkable family resemblance to viruses… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Most of the people I know haven’t had problems. I also know people who’ve missed work, a young guy who’s been in the hospital twice, and a guy who had a heart attack and died.

Is any of it related to the shot? I don’t know. Could it be taking advantage of free vacation, or completely unrelated illnesses? I can’t rule any of that out.

Jury’s still out, but I’ll be happy if my extreme prejudice against the shot turns out to be paranoid fantasy, though.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

We should study Antifa a lot more. We have a lot to learn from them. Imagine if we had an RWDS (right wing death squads) “movement” with no club or membership, just a like-minded lifestyle brand, which is kind of what Antifa is. We joke about how there are no white nationalists or KKK members left in America and that is because they all got sued to death or sent to prison on RICO charges. While I really don’t support either the KKK or “white nationalism,” I can see how they could benefit from the lack of structure which protects… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Why wouldn’t you support white nationalism?

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

To the extent “white nationalism” is valid, it is only valid in the US. When you support things like “white nationalism,” you end up supporting abominations like the EU. Richard Spencer just happens to be a big EU supporter based entirely on the concept white nationalism. I absolutely do not believe all white people worldwide should come together as a unified political force. But even in the US, white people just don’t have the sense of self with white anywhere inside that sense of self. I do and I have for as long as I can remember, but I also… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Ah. I see. You’re in favor of sticking with the devil that we know. The one that is killing us.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

How’s the EU working out for white people in Europe?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Tars makes a good point. Black is Beautiful went hand-in-hand with black nationalism. White pride is sorely neglected. The best thing going is White History Month, and that was started by a black man!

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

White nationalism and the EU?
Are you on acid?

The EU is one of the biggest anti-white pro mass immigration Globohomo entities on the planet.

Its structure is entirely oriented around the destruction of native Europeans, and has been for many decades.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  tristan
3 years ago

Precisely. There’s no greater organized force opposed to white nationalism than the EU. Unless, that is, it’s AINO.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

To Tars: regarding a ““movement” with no club or membership”. Antifa only exists because the TPTB allow them to exist. Dems/deep state see antifa as an tool to threaten opposition (normal society, political opposition). The fact that so many deep state folk were on record repeating the talking point that antifa isn’t an organization really gives the game away in terms of their loyalty (see, for example, Chris Wray congressional testimony in link below). Deep state running cover for antifa is an indictment of rot in federal institutions and how ineffectual Republican opposition to progressive power is at this time.… Read more »

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The “tankie” strategy is to ruthlessly stomp out any street theater protests simply because conservatives don’t live anywhere near any streets and don’t have that option. Rural and suburban people are conservative. Densely packed cities with lots of deviant sexual opportunities in a small area are liberal hives and the street protest is their ritual, not ours. It should be crushed. No one deserves to be a second class citizen simply because they don’t live in a city. And civil service hiring should be based on districts just like political elections, just so Boston and New York don’t rule everyone… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Anonymous Fake
3 years ago

It wasn’t suburban sprawl that pushed conservatives out of cities. Now, what factors might it have been, that caused Whites to exit major urban areas? Now let me think, there were those Supreme court decisions in 1948 and 1954, and that Civil Rights thingy in 1964…

3 years ago

Leftist ideologies, festering in the swamp of resentment, hurt feelings, and wishful thinking, feed on themselves, in that as an emotion-based idea set, each new feeling generated by the real world comes back to bite the liberal in the ass, upsetting him further and making him double down on his worldview. New facts are disregarded, as “proven” woke theories seek confirmation evidence rather than objective testing. The changes to woke ideology that occur are minuscule, mostly nibbling around the edges, propagated by cable news networks that are the cheerleaders for this sort of nonsense. When the Jewish Anti-Defamation League appears… Read more »

Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

Honestly, after listening to today’s podcast, the main thought that came to mind is that these guys just don’t have enough work to do. They just seem really bored. Perhaps breaking up monopolies and banning production above a certain amount of scale would be way more useful than any other policy just so these guys have something productive to do.

3 years ago

Great show today. What is striking to me is the Leftist aversion to facts and verified statistics. Facts don’t matter….until they do. For example, the much touted narrative that 93% of protests last summer were peaceful is the go to slogan to counteract any criticism of BLM. Now, digging into the data shows that on average their were 6 violent protests a day for 88 days straight. But pointing out that out of 16,100 PHD Physicists, only 100 are black women doesn’t show a trend, or evidence of racial differences. To the Progressive-Leftist, this is merely another sign of systemic… Read more »

Reply to  ArthurinCali
3 years ago

Understanding the left is like trying to understand a woman

Never going to happen

Yes, we can sorta understand much of what they do and much of what motivates them, but there are always things we can’t figure out.

I leave it at that and pretty much put the left on ignore. Unlike with a woman, the left is not even worth the time and energy

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ArthurinCali
3 years ago

Here’s an example of Leftist fact-denial as the CDC stops counting “breakthrough” Beer Flu cases:


3 years ago

That assumption is that it is inherently immoral for European societies to organize themselves in the best interest of the people who make up the society.

This is the central political theme of the post WWII years.

The next unaddressed issue is: Who decreed this to be so?

Reply to  bilejones
3 years ago

It was decreed by pretty much everyone in upper echelons who got so freaked out over nationalism and the resultant bloodshed in Europe they were determined to not it happen again. And here we are. I remember the initial logic behind multiculturalism, at least from the more pragmatic of salesmen. The idea was if we bring people here from everywhere then we would both gain an understanding of the place and people of their origin and have them serve as something of a shield from attack from the place them come from — on the premise that, for example, China… Read more »

3 years ago

“Old men provide the screed and the seed (ideas/complaints and resources),

Young men provide the lead and the bleed. “

It’s as true for left wing movements as for right wing ones.

As things get more testy in the US, the old saw about “If the young only knew, if the old only could” seems relevant.

Muhammad Izadi
3 years ago

If politics were a computer/cell phone, the *Left* would have been its default setting. As the late Jonathan Bowden once said, ‘What the Left has done in successfully morphing into endorsing and trying to manage a form of Left-wing capitalism, because all of the modern Western societies are largely Left-wing capitalist societies now, what they’ve done is that they’ve retreated to their core values and said that the form of the society that you adopt — naked state ownership and proprietarianism — is out, but coercion of business in order for it to adopt the correct values, if it isn’t… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The reason their planks make no sense is because it is coalition of various individual causes and special interests. But each one is too small to have wide appeal. So the movements all look like movement by committee largely, because they are. Feminists get together with environmentalists and unionists and each small group promises to support the platform so long as their special interest is maintained in the platform.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

I think why it also makes no sense is because these are a people with no concept of an afterlife so they feel compelled to create heaven on earth. That to me has always been the core, fundamental difference. rather than merely accept the good and the bad that comes with existence, understanding that there is always only so much one you can do to improve the limited time here while spiritually longing for something better, they rebel against it and natural law. They hate Mother Nature and want to kill her. A form of hubris in the pure sense… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

They never seem to notice that when they try to create “heaven on Earth” they always create Hell on Earth. Even at the small scale. Just look at Slabtown. It’s pretty fascinating. It’s a shanty town which, through circumstance specific to its history works like a commune with very little law and order. Rape and other crime, drug use, extreme poverty, death on the doorstep and of course, lots of SSI checks. The anti-government vanguard all live off of government cheese. Look at Libya. They allegedly were practicing anarcho-syndicalism and the economy and productivity utterly collapsed. Once their non-leader leader… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

They never seem to notice that when they try to create “heaven on Earth” they always create Hell on Earth.

Unless maybe you’ve misunderestimated their capacity for sadistic psychopathy, and Hell on earth is precisely what they crave [at least for us].

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Hadn’t heard of it. There are at least a couple Slabtowns, none of which I’d especially care to visit. In my 30s, I visited the equivalent in Copenhagen, “Freetown Christiania.” I felt safe the entire time I was there (they give guided tours.)

Wiki it if you want details. Suffice to say, that as squatter camps go (at least the hovels I’ve seen in third world or USA) it’s a high-class affair, you can’t do much better than take over a disused military base in (one of) the world’s best social welfare states.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Don’t under-estimate the Left (or any political movement.) I recall, perhaps from a college history class, the following claim, which I believe is correct: During FDR’s time as President, the Democrats had a radical faction, as they do today. The Socialists, or Communists perhaps, back then, had many radical proposals they’d implement. The point is that many of these WERE implemented, but it was done piecemeal. That is precisely why we got Social Security, “make-work” projects like the TVA and WPA and I’m sure many more I’ve never heard of, agriculture price and production controls, and so on. I won’t… Read more »

3 years ago

The frase “Hitler´s Revenge” was used by architectural critique, Sibyl Moholy-Nagy in 1968;

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Who in he!! could with a name like that?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

I know nothing of this Sibyl. However, there was once a very prominent Hungarian-Finkel abstract artist by the name of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. I’m assuming wife/husband here.

3 years ago

Excellent. It’s a great concept for a show and I can see why so much had to be left out. Any one of those groups is worth at least a show of their own by themselves. You did alright with the time constraints too, Z. It’s something we all need to do more of too – dissecting these guys dispassionately, objectively and scientifically. When we react to them emotionally, we get on the crazy train with them and in no time at all we start thinking with our emotions and they start doing their talking for us and that always… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

If only The Founders had just turned in their guns… The whole ‘just turn in weapon X’ thing is often quite amusing to me. Here in The Isles, gun ownership in most cases is limited rather heavily. So knives are the big one; must get people to give in their knives… If only Alfred of Wessex has handed in his knives… Now, I won’t say who commits the immense bulk of knife crime, as you boys know it is disproportionately blond, blue-eyed Norwegians, but our police often declare knife ‘amnesties’. They’ll just have a big bin (with some cops round… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Knives are some of the easiest things to make. Even in prisons, they are abundantly available. YouTube has videos of prison “collections”. Once they “collect” all the knives, they’ll have to begin to license the use and purchase of spoons, bar stock, files, etc. It never ends, because the purpose is not to prevent violence via lack of implementation.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

And then we’ll move on to combat Hammer Violence.

We actually should address the hammer issue prior to rifles:

So no more Mexican sub-contractors on job sites, Juan and Jose will be out of a job.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

There’s an interesting book by Bill James, the baseball guy, about a serial axe murderer in the 1900s and 1910s called ‘The Man from the Train.’ It turns out that during that time there was a mini-epidemic of axe murders in the US, not just by the subject of the book but also the New Orleans Axe Murderer and others. Bill James is kinda leftish politically but even he observes that school shootings (1990s-2010s) didn’t begin with the advent of high-capacity magazines or automatic weapons (submachine gun 1917 or so; pump-action shotguns w extended magazines about 20 yrs earlier) nor… Read more »

Cher Rollins
Cher Rollins
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

There is a massive cohort of people who are just begging an Alpha to look into their eyes and tell them to f*ck off. They are following so-called strong horses that are just weak scolds with a media apparatus. They will follow the stronger horse if he arrives and their previous beliefs will dissipate like a dream.

Sounds like your mother just needs a few additional doses to get cured.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Don’t get even. Get ahead.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Glen, I always appreciate your family updates. Funny and sad. Tangerine has an excellent comment that suggests that political differences are biological. https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=24545#comment-259458 The idea that politics is rooted in genetics makes sense to me because when I argue with a leftist the vast differences I feel between us seem like they go all the way to our hardware. On the other hand, there are many families, yours and mine, which include the hard left and the hard right. The commonness of this situation appears to argue against the “politics is biology” idea. Even in my own life, I was… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

My hypothesis explain part of the variation within families (like mine where everyone but me is a shitlib, although that appears to be changing) is recognition of rootlessness. We are all rootless cosmopolitans, with contributions from (1) the mobility imposed upon the highly credentialed, (2) descent from itinerant lowest class of original Americans (those who had no land but had to move around to find work), and (3) descent from the 1880-1900 immigration pulse of which the majority never properly assimilated. The Democrat Party isn’t just a coalition of the fringes, but a coalition of the unrooted, of those who… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

I dunno what causes it, LITS. Part of me wants to say it’s a generational thing but there are so many kids having their minds ruined right in school now.

I kinda sorta turned things around with mom. She finally texted an apology and I nearly fell out of my chair. Pop has had so many red pills crammed up his arse lately that he is starting to notice things too. I don’t think he will live long enough to become a dissident… but he is well on his way.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

On the other hand, there are many families, yours and mine, which include the hard left and the hard right. The commonness of this situation appears to argue against the “politics is biology” idea. As an outstanding first-order approximation, Mendel’s theory of dominant & recessive genes goes a long way towards offering a compelling explanation here: For generations within a particular family, recessive genes for sh!tlibbery would have been over-ruled by dominant genes for sh!tlordery, but suddenly, out of the blue, two recessive genes for sh!tlibbery aligned with one another, and nine months later, voila, out popped a newborn sh!tlib… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

The only thing worse than a shitlib appearing in the family would be in those cultures where some of the populations’ ancestors had some, er, “commerce” with the Africans centuries ago (e.g Portugal). While it’s usually a dominant gene, it can happen that two very pale parents got dealt an Ace of Spades, so to speak 🙂

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

As an Italian prone to hotheadedness, that is something I had to learn, and my Irish and Dutch and Spanish wife born of a quieter more cunning people that was always her go-to, natural move.

She never got mad, she just got even

So I learned a few tricks from her. Now she gets mad and I get even.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

100%. Their greatest fear – really their only fear when it comes down to it — is being outgrouped. They absolutely cannot play defense, since they rely totally on The Hive. The trick is not going straight ad hominem, because then they get to dismiss you as a “hater.” That’s why the NPC meme and “ok, Karen” work so well. They are convinced that they are the calm, reasonable, factual ones, since everyone in The Hive agrees with them. “OK, Karen” doesn’t give them a chance to trot out any of their canned homilies, and makes them look like shrieking… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

My mother is not an idiot; she has a sharp tongue and she gets away with it by limiting her discussions and wittily dismissing opposing commentary before it’s made. You’re describing Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder to a “T”. I’ve got a rather ribald kkk0mment in m0d right now [which Z & the m0ds might decide not to publish], but it concerned the absolute horror which is the venom of the post-menopausal woman. If you’re still rather young, then you have no idea how bad things are gonna become – the venom is just gonna get moar & moar vicious and… Read more »

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

When I was a younger man her BS drove me nuts. I’m not kidding either, life in the hive was getting nuttier every passing day and I figured it was me at odds with the world. All this stuff was new then. Nobody had words like ‘red pill’ and ‘SJW’ or ‘chitlib’. The jargon and buzzwords came about after enough guys like me went through the progressive left meat grinder so guys like you and our esteemed blog host could see patterns and make sense of it. I started by reading the manosphere guys and the NRx fellas. A lot… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

G-filthie, that was an outstanding poast. Pretty much picture perfect. And I imagine it rather succinctly describes the life’s journey of millions [arguably tens of millions?] of dudes in the DR. I can’t go down those roads and wouldn’t even if I could. “For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” https://www.bartleby.com/108/40/10.html#S51 PS: I don’t know anything about your age or your health or your current social situation, but I do know that there are MILLIONS of still-fertile White chicks out there who… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Will listen as time permits – but suspect it will serve to underscore this statement:
“..Intellectual traditions that underpin the modern Left work only if you forget the nature of man. Otherwise, they lack maturity and seriousness and read more like fantasy novels”…

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Readers are getting too esoteric for my understanding. What the hell is a “roundhead”? What does HBD stand for?

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Could be either:

Huge Breasted Dame


Human Bio-Diversity

I think.

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Din C. Nuttin: Google is not your friend, but do your own homework.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I stand corrected. Shudda looked up “roundhead” before complaining. European history obviously not my forte.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

UVA mascot — what mascot? Isn’t the university dumping that, along with any mention of Thomas Jefferson, ASAP? BTW, one of my ancestors, a nephew of Roundhead Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, signed the Death Warrant of King Charles I in 1649. He eventually fled the country along with a couple of other fellow regicides and was hidden in New England. The king’s agents looked and looked, but no one ever ratted him out: his name was Edward Whalley. One of the main drags in New Haven is named Whalley Avenue, and the cave where he hid for a while is… Read more »

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Roundheads: Puritans, the Elect who brought their hatred of their countrymen and the lingering English Civil War with them.
Eventually, that war repeated itself as the War of Northern Aggression.

HBD: the race issue.
It’s probable that the English and American civil wars were as much a “race” (between white substrains) issue as a class issue.

Today’s exploration of “the Left” can possibly be seen through that lens; the question is, are we seeing social variants? A taxonomy of spiteful mutations?

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Some kind soul has produced a reading list on HBD to cure your ignorance.

I found it on the side bar of an obscure blog by some shady character called z-man.

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Folks, it was just an honest question. I knew I shoulda kept it ultra short. to “Puritans”, and “race issues”.

3 years ago

I think it’s a mistake to examine the Left purely by their professed ideologies. Those are transitory, but yet the Left remains consistent in their personalities through time — hysterical, Machiavellian, individualistic, iconoclastic, fanatical. Examine those involved in both the French Revolution and the October Revolution. The motivations and histories were very different for those conflicts, but notice how the Leftists in both cases were bloodthirsty fanatics. You might say that some similar ideological tradition motivated those people, but really that’s all downstream from biology. Both revolutions, and how the Left acts in current day USA, shared similar characteristics because… Read more »

Reply to  Tangerine
3 years ago

Interesting analysis. There certainly seems to be common traits among lefties across time. Perhaps it is more simple than that to define. Men perpetually ask: “What do women want?” Alas, women never seem to tell us. It would appear that that is the wrong question. Instead, ask what a woman doesn’t want. The answer is: “Everything I have right now”. This feminine perspective mirrors the “dog’s breakfast” of leftist dreams and wishes. What does the left not want? Everything they have right now. Things like: Order, prosperity, abundance, freedom, and so on. Look at any policies proposed or implemented by… Read more »

Reply to  Crispin
3 years ago

Some years ago, a guy got hammered by the girls for commenting that once a month, women want to change everything for a week- then the other three weeks, they want the guys to put it all back.

He was countering the “men only think with their *bleep*” with “women are controlled even harder by their biology.”

True, but if I had to put up with the Curse every month, I wouldn’t be discontented, I’d be downright postal. Nothing left alive.

Reply to  Tangerine
3 years ago

Tangerine: Spiteful genetic mutations, i.e. Spandrell’s “bio-leninism,” explains a great deal. Yesterday I had the opportunity to tell a young, attractive, un-tattooed young White woman that it took thousands of years of selective mating to get her looking as she did, and to be proud of it and not f&&k it up. People need to learn that genetics is actually a thing, and not a particularly new one at that. Mendell and his peas, animal husbandry, etc. – all has been jettisoned by the mutants and the shape-shifting money men behind them.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

3g4me or someone else, could you give a simple definition of “bio-Leninism?”

I confess I’ve read about it a number of times but came away with the impression that, like the term “cultural Marxism,” it conceals more than it reveals. I could be wrong.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

As I understand ‘bioleninism’, the basic idea is that it is an alliance between the groups naturally low status (weak men, ugly women, minorities, sexual perverts) to wage war on those with natural high status (masculine men, beautiful women). Sort of a war on the inherent inequality of the human condition and on the Darwinian principles that determine that men will be more attracted to beautiful women and women more to masculine men. That’s also explains why the left hates all things beautiful, from architecture and art to humans and achievements. IOW it reconfigures leninism from an economic to a… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Interesting. This is my first exposure to the defining of “bio-Leninism.” Your depiction bears a strong resemblance to Nietzsche’s “slave morality,” a values system the weak and powerless create as a practical and wishful-thinking bulwark against the real or perceived oppressor. He argued this was a repudiation, actually an inversion, of the values of the Master or Aristocracy’s morality. His criticism most often targeted religions, but equally could apply to any similar moral/ethical/legal system. Could we say that Bolshevism is little different from monotheism, except that God has been replaced by the Central Committee? He was no fan of democracy… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I use Jack Russel Terriers as an example of genetic selection. The Reverend Jack Russell, , a real one,not like Sharpton et al, decided in the 18c aughts to produce the perfect dog for fox hunting, worrying them out of their dens etc. after less than 20 generations he had the nasty yippy little shit’s that we know today. The punch line is the the Ur example, his Eureka! I have it! moment was a dog he called Trump. Needless to say, it was a Bitch.

Reply to  Tangerine
3 years ago

Great comment Tangerine. I have some related thoughts at https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=24545#comment-259481.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Tangerine
3 years ago

“We know from studies that Right and Left brains differ in how they process information. The difference is genetic in origin, which means that unless those genes are removed from the population, there will always be the potential for the Left to rise again and destroy society, perhaps using a new ideology as justification” This fits well with two very disparate but empirically strong works of note. Glubb’s ‘Fate of Empires’ is about civilizational cycles and how affluence leads to decadence and decline. If we assume that affluence allows more genetically weak individuals to survive childhood, that would explain why… Read more »

3 years ago

It seems to be that the the West, as a thing created by and for Whites, must surely be “guilty” of structural racism. We literally designed it to create the best outcomes for our people, so it isn’t a surprise that such a system does not create the most-preferred outcomes for blacks or anyone else. If that’s the definition of structural racism, well, ok then.

I’m gonna have to agree and amplify on this one.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

That works for me

Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Yeah. There is in fact no way around it. White civilization serves the interests of it’s creators. And why not? It’s only now, with Wokeism, that this has become a problem. The ‘agree and amplify’ could be a great strategy here: as people come to realise that what they need for their basic survival is ‘structural racism’ (e.g. running water, electricity, police force, guns, chopping boards, plastic, science…) there are only two options: Double down in a desperate bid to ‘not be racist’. Or: Get some backbone and finally admit they don’t give two hoots for blacks and the insurmountable… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

> Get some backbone and finally admit they don’t give two hoots for blacks and the insurmountable issues they cause.

Offering to pay for their trip back to Africa to be in black society is also a winner. That’s a form of reparations that would be perfectly just.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I’m about to ask a terribly ignorant question regarding ‘sending them back’: didn’t Lincoln seriously consider this? Was this not related to the creation of the successful, highly influential and non-violent state of Liberia?

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago
Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Short answer. No. 1.The logistics wouldn’t have worked. Moving 3 million people by sea halfway across the world with mid 19th century technology is kind of impossible. 2. Lincoln used this idea to keep Northern Democrats in his fragile war coalition and his armies, as a bit of smoke and mirrors to keep the war going. It was just like most leftist politicians in that he never intended to do it, but the conservatives of the time, just like always, fell for it like suckers. 3. Lincoln had a radical faction in his party that exercised a lot of power,… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Liberia was founded in the early 19thC. When Madison (the 4th President) freed his slaves they asked to be sold rather than be sent to Liberia.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Reply to RoBG: Can’t remember where I saw this. But, yes, most freed slaves preferred to stay in US vs. return to Africa.

My impression was that some in the abolitionist North (including possibly Lincoln) had hoped, possibly, for wide spread volunteered repatriation of slaves to Africa. But this was more of an idea rather than a solid plan.

My impression was that people that supported repatriation of slaves to Africa had not considered (or possibly thought through) the possibility of freed slaves not volunteering to return to their homelands.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

When talking about large numbers of incompatible people, most resign themselves that it is impossible to reverse what has happened by the traitors in western governments. Yet in the 20th century (1923) Greece and Turkey swapped 1.6 million people to try and ensure more ethnically homogeneous nations.


It was considered far better than a constant ethnic series of conflicts on both territories.

Reply to  tristan
3 years ago

India and Pakistan did likewise in a rather bloody way at the time of Pakistan’s formation. It’s an instructive precedent because the people (Hindus/Muslims) violently hated one another and yet were of the same basic genetic stock. This is similar to the Red/Blue divide among Whites today and a case can be made that a similar partition is occurring even now. If Whites were the only people involved, this might be a fairly simple if expensive proposition as millions relocate to where their politics are most dominant. The wildcard is the various minorities. The tendency will be for the minorities… Read more »

Reply to  tristan
3 years ago

I can’t seem to reply to the below comment. However, I wanted to make a general observation that I have seen before that Europeans talk in terms of deportation/repatriation and in the US the framing mostly seems to be partitioning (like India).

Even though some modern countries in Europe are newer than the US.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  tristan
3 years ago

Sending ethnically foreign recent arrivals back is far preferable to having them and the old stock slaughtering each other like in the former Yugoslavia or Rwanda. This is the sane option. But it requires sane societies.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tristan
3 years ago

There exists one more, um, “drastic” option to settle irreconcilable differences among incompatible populations, but it’s a last resort, very messy, and we shan’t discuss it further right now 🙂

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Was at my local higher-end grocery store this AM and the Biden/CDC word that masks were to be re-instated had gotten through to all sorts of POC and wizened elderly couples who were dutifully wearing them, even though it was 94F outside in the parking lot. Wonder if that was because those folks had not yet received the COVID-19 vax, although the it’s been available since January. Or is it just because they have faith that the government means them no harm. Confusing response, isn’t it?

Gunner Q
Reply to  Dr. Dre
3 years ago

I’ve reached the conclusion, at the lower-end groceries, that the Vaxxed are the people still courteously wearing masks and the Deplorables are the people choosing to breath free.

Those who get the Vaxx in order to be free, do not understand even the concept of freedom. I bet they aren’t even surprised that they have to mask back up and get tested as if they’d never knelt to tyrants in the first place.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

That’s a good point, looking out for your own interests is now bigotry. But only if you’re Y8. Very Orwellian how ‘anti-racism’ now means the most rabid form of racism against one race.

Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Relatedly, I wonder what system would create the most preferred outcome for blacks?

What even is their preferred outcome? And how would it differ from the advantages they have now in the west?

Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

My way of seeing it has always of the obstacle course. Say whites are dogs and society is built to challenge the skillset and abilities of this animal, and it selects for the best performers.

Blacks are like cats. They enter the course and where it asks them to pull a sled or burrow under a fence they instead want to climb a tree or chase a butterfly, and so they get left behind and fail.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Your segment on the post-modernists, whom I think are the central intellectual ‘engine’ behind modern leftism, confused me at first but later you seemed to arrive at what is also my impression: the post-modernists believe, or claim, two things; there is no objective reality. And, there are only power-relations between people. The first sounds insane and it is insane. But it is insane in a convoluted way, I think by blurring the line between the state of mind, psychological reality and then objective or physical reality. And the post-modernists were very bright people, sort of discontended geniuses who got lost… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Bunch of deviant gas-lighters, those Postmodernists.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

The French pomos were often communist party members (it was the style at the time), and they knew their Marx well enough to ambivalently embrace/reject him, but their strongest previous-generation influences were literal Nazis like Heidegger and de Man, not the Frankfurt commies, whose work is aimed at America(ns) and didn’t bounce back to Europe until the ’80s or so, and didn’t *really* hit until just now (as “Islamo-leftism” or whatever). The one maybe notable Frankfurt-to-pomo connection is Louis Althusser. His Marxism resembled the Frankfurters’, though I don’t remember him ever crediting them, and he was a local rhetorical and… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

Sounds like you know a lot more about post-modernism than I do. I’ve only scratched the surface but that’s enough to realize that they are venomously disturbed.

3 years ago

I sometimes amuse myself by imagining what the #woke are like in that weird Castle Wolfenstein world where the other guys won at Stalingrad. Whole libraries worth of books explaining, in the densest academic prose, that Hitler wasn’t really a Nazi, and that real nationalism has never been tried. People being what they are, the triumphant disciples of Mustache Guy undoubtedly would’ve gone full SJW faster than the triumphant disciples of Karl Marx.

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

That question depends on how quickly the German nuclear weapon project becomes a reality in the alternate timeline. While the Communists and the bagels embedded in the Manhattan Project were salivating at the prospect of nuking Berlin, if the Germans, with the competing demands for a multi-front war and a bombing campaign not complicating matters, and a Werner von Braun not Paperclipped to White Sands, had developed a German nuclear weapon, you’d see a Cold War with the Germans instead of the Soviets. Having a nuke in your pocket with a V4 ICBM delivery system with a swastika emblem painted… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 years ago

Heh. At some point in the past month or so I was reading Richard Rhode’s book about the atomic bomb. There is a sizeable chunk of one chapter where the author follows the musings of great minds like John von Neumann, Edward Teller, Leo Szilard &c and wonders why so many talented bagels came from the same region at the same time. Naturally, the quite significant bagel presence at Los Alamos is detailed well; but in a good way, so therefore not ‘anti-semitic’. What I remember thinking is that these boys had no real loyalty to America at all, but… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 years ago

The Germans were likely never going to develop nuclear bombs not possessing vast stores of uranium and vast resources required initially in 1944-45 to process it and refine it for even the “gun-type” uranium bomb, much less the plutonium implosion bomb. Plutonium (more efficient and the only bomb that could be put on a missile, the uranium one required purified uranium bullet fired at a purified target to create criticality) undergoes something like 17 different phase states after refining. Not kidding. The Mustache man lacked the manpower, resources, and those with knowledge of high energy physics who were mostly wearing… Read more »

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

@ Whiskey- In the real history, yes, all true. But in a timeline where the Soviets collapse in 1941-42 the resources could be marshaled (uranium from the former Soviet territories) as well as material resources that otherwise would have been sucked into the Ostfront meat grinder. With a Soviet collapse, Western Allied strategic bombing that crippled much German war industry could be stopped with massive transfer of anti aircraft weapons and fighters redeployed from the East, or the Nazi version of Los Alamos could simply have been located where the real Russian one was, far to the east of Moscow,… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

If Russia had collapsed there would have been no invasion of Europe. D-Day was a tighter shave than most realize. With no Eastern Front it would have been impossible. Without the Red Army, the only way for the Allies to win that war would have been to get the Manhattan Project finished in a hurry, mass produce implosion bombs and nuke the bejezus out of the Germans. That COULD have worked but I doubt the US would have done it, especially if the Brits had already thrown in the towel. OTOH, a victorious Third Reich would have eventually mellowed, much… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s unknowable today what would have happened if the Russians had collapsed, But I don’t personally see the US slogging its way to Berlin or even the Rhine with shermans, mustangs and B-17s if the vast German armies had been freed up from combat operations against the Russians. It cost the Russians over 10 million military deaths to get to Berlin over the body of 70% of the German army or thereabouts. Assuming more effective American tactics, would America have accepted say 4 million dead G.I.s to vanquish the same forces (what they did face plus most of what the… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Whether there was the will to fight Germany alone is a different question from the ability to fight Germany alone. American industry was the greatest power in world at the time of WWII. Germany never could produce what armaments it needed to fight off a concerted American effort, if the will was there. We also had double the German population to work with as well.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

How do you blockade continental Europe?
Blockade it from what?

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Germany was doomed as soon as America entered the War. What the German military required was short wars where they could then re equip and retrain. They lacked the manpower and infrastructure to sustain a war of attrition. After Barbarossa, they lost half their combat strength of 1941. These men and their 18 month training were never replaced. The German war machine was incredibly complex, and required incredibly trained men to operate it. Had the Allies faced Germany not fighting in the Russian Front (likely not probable — there would have been resistance and considerable garrison troops) the fighting would… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I guess I should’ve known better, mentioning the Great What If? on the internet (the other Great What If?, I mean, not the one where the good guys won at Gettysburg). I just find it amusing, imagining a Cold War with the US vs. the Nazis (this is the plot of an entertaining novel, Fatherland, by Robert Harris). All the hippies and proto-wokesters who went nuts for Stalin, and then for Sartre and Marcuse and Foucault and the rest when they couldn’t keep their faith in Stalin, amuses me. Goebbels was a left-deviationist, you see, who barely escaped getting the… Read more »

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Well, to circle back to Z’s topic for Thursday, one could argue that the Chinese today are pretty much practicing National Socialism. Except for the stupid parts like “telling the Jews you want them dead” or “invading Russia while simultaneously fighting a war with Britain and America”

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 years ago

Yeah, Z, sorry for the unintended thread jack. I was just attempting a lame Friday joke about the jock sniffer nature of SJWs – if Mustache Guy had won, all the #woke would be calling anyone who disagreed with them a “communist” and an “anti racist.”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

There’s a great SF novel[la]
Which, much like Dick’s “The Man in the High Castle,” envisions an “alternative history”. In “Jubilee” [spoiler alert!], of course there’s a time machine, conveniently located in Pennsylvania. Some jerk goes back in time to watch the victory at Gettysburg as a spectator, makes a minor goof, and you know the rest…. 🙁

Alternative History (science) fiction is often entertaining. Let’s face it, today’s reality sucks and you can make up your own fantasies! Postmodernism says it’s OK 😀

The Great Leap Forward
The Great Leap Forward
3 years ago

Burning down Western Civ by any means necessary and bending reality to the will of the finest from the faculty lounge is the leftoid mentality.
Jacobin terror is waiting for those who don’t wish to be part of the hive borg.
Go along get along and muh rights from constatooshun are long gone.
Freedom isn’t free and the Tree of Liberty is parched.

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
3 years ago

“As with Bastiat, the intellectual traditions that underpin the modern Left work only if you forget the nature of man.”

I guess the million fiatski question for me is: Do the Enlightenment assumptions underpinning the “founding documents” also forget the “nature of man”? The “proposition that all men are created equal” clause that’s engraved on the heart of eery Jaffaite conservative certainly does. But does the Constitution itself? I don’t know, but it hasn’t done much to guard the people against the depredations of tyrants.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s really quite serendipitous that the two groups that gave the crown the most trouble-roundheads and borderers-all moved to America. This gave the crown the ability to dominate the continent by being less hindered by internal strife. All we got was a postponement of the inevitable.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

And like King Dermot MacMurrough of Leinster, the Northern Roundheads brought in mercenaries to defeat their ancient enemy.

And like MacMurrough, the Northern Roundheads have condemned their people to foreign rule.

Reply to  Enoch Cade
3 years ago

If you have a diverse population, you have no choice. You have to say that all men are created equal, otherwise there will be conflict.

The more diverse the population becomes, the more apparent the lie is, and consequently, the increased potential for conflict.

Also, there is diversity and then there is diversity. There is the Italian – Irish sort of diversity, and then there is the Eskimo – Pigmy sort. Cultural and genetic distance matters.

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

“If you have a diverse population, you have no choice. You have to say that all men are created equal, otherwise there will be conflict.” Absolutely. And I would add permanent underclasses. That’s why the lefties, most righties, and the ruling class will never, ever acknowledge HBD. Core ideas on the dissident right come dangerously close to approving a Indian-type caste system, with high-IQ at the top and in charge, and low-IQ on the bottom and out of the way. This arrangement is intolerable to most modern whites. As a nationalist, I would aver that this is not a caste… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

However, I would add that such a “caste” system is already in effect and getting worse. This is inevitable in a 1st world, high tech society. It differs from an Indian caste system (which is often what people think of) in that one is not relegated to any particular caste by “accident” of birth. Regardless of race, HBD science would teach us that there are those who are the lucky recipients in the genetic lottery and can rise above their lowly “birth”. The talk of “blank slate” equality is just that, talk. It keeps the masses in line—by pitting them… Read more »

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

“otherwise there will be conflict.” There is always and forever conflict. Words on paper do not change this. Indeed, perhaps they worsen it, as it is a lie that does not conform to reality of the real world. Deception creates misunderstanding, misunderstanding engenders conflict. So why then were the words “all men are created equal” used in the Declaration of Independence? The language was a moral vehicle used to help build an American coalition capable of fighting the English monarchy in the Revolutionary War. These words were a practical tool to help polarize a new nation and construct a coalition… Read more »

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

So why then were the words “all men are created equal” used in the Declaration of Independence?

IMO it was a specious argument aimed to persuade people in Europe that the American rebellion wasn’t just a peasant’s revolt but an even more high minded replay of the English Civil war of the 1630s.

IOW a marketing pitch.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

Aye, for the old days when (in upper Midwest at least), the joke was a “mixed marriage” was a German with a Swedish family, or hoping that a Lutheran and a Methodist could keep peace in the household 😀