Irrational Losers

Note: The weekly Taki post is up. The topic this week is something I hope to dive into on the podcast this week. The revolution from above will be a new favorite phrase. There is also the Sunday podcast up behind the green door.

One of the distinguishing features of conservatism is the habit of attacking its own side during conflicts with the Left. In fact, these self-criticism sessions are usually triggered by left-wing criticism of the Right or in anticipation of such criticism. Somewhere in the middle of the fight, usually when things are looking up for the good guys, conservatives will attack their own team over some small issue. The claim is that the people in error are undermining the fight against the left with their bad ideas.

A recent example is Heather MacDonald taking to the pages of a center-left platform to criticize vaccine skeptics as knuckle-dragging primitives. You see, there are people opposed to the Left who do not hold the same opinions as Heather MacDonald with regards to the vaccines, so those people must be corrected. Sure, things are going badly for the Left on the Covid issue but removing that fly from a friend’s face with a hatchet is too important to wait until after the fight.

There is no question that many people opposed to the strip-mining of what is left of our liberties over the Covid issue are wrong about a lot of things. Some think the vaccine changes your DNA. Some think the vaccines are entirely fake, part of some plot to control society. If you look hard enough, you can probably find people who think the vaccines are an alien technology developed at Area 51. Covid is a ruse to experiment on the public with this new extraterrestrial technology.

America is a big country, so you can find just about every crazy idea imaginable if you look long enough. Why does Mx. MacDonald think these people are worthy of a public tongue lashing? The stated reason is those vaccine skeptics are acting as irrationally as the people they oppose. Some of them think vaccines in general may not be all that safe and are refusing this vaccine. Imagine that? People in the middle of a heated partisan fight putting aside reason to score points against the enemy?

Presumably, Mx. MacDonald thinks these people are harming the cause in some way, so they must be silenced. The claim appears to be reason. You see, by tolerating the unreasonable on her side, it would harm her claims to being the most reasonable person in the room. Therefore, reason compels her to root around the ranks of the people opposed to the Covid madness, looking for the unreasonable. Tone police the unreasonable and then reason will triumph!

Of course, the question is, unreasonable to whom? Politics is always a partisan business, so the central questions are who? and whom? Only unreasonable people think politics can be a right answer business. In most cases, there are many possible right answers, as right is determined by preference. In a democracy, right is determined by convincing the people wielding power behind the scenes that the mobs will be sated with one approach or another. All politics is partisan.

Mx. MacDonald thinks these knuckle-dragging anti-vaxxers are making her look bad to someone, so who is it? That is the key to understanding conservative perfidy and failure over the last half century. What matters most to them is the people in the managerial class and their place in it. It is very important to someone like Mx. MacDonald to never be associated with someone like Alex Jones, who thinks vaccines are making frogs gay and lowering the sperm count of American males.

What reason tells us is that defeating the forces of darkness that have launched the revolution from above is the only concern. If that means siding with people who line their clothes with aluminum foil, so be it. Nothing can come before the destruction of radicalisms in all its forms. This is what reason demands. Otherwise, if the radicals get their way, these people fetishizing their rationality will be keeping the rest of us company in the reeducation camps.

Politics is an ugly business under ideal conditions, because people inevitably assume that the other side of the fight is filled with bad people. After all, they have the wrong opinions and refuse to change them. That means things are said that are not true and not very nice about the other side, but that’s just the nature of it. This is something the people who never stop talking about their rationality should know by now. Reasonable people understand the reality of the human condition.

In the case of the Covid war, there are people making wild claims about the vaccine, mostly to get attention for themselves. That is an argument against social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. These platforms made it easy for stupid people to get on-line and have an opinion. This drew in the sorts of people who look to exploit the mob for their own benefit. This is also the argument against democracy, as laid out in Federalist Papers 10, but here we are anyway.

The thing is, Alex Jones claiming the vaccine will alter your DNA is no nuttier than much of what is in the mass media. In fact, a ridiculous claim is far less harmful than the plausible, but inaccurate claim. Few people will think the vaccine will turn you into Big Foot, but most people will believe we need to make kids wear masks. Far more people have been harmed by official lies than by goofballs on the internet. Again, this is something the “rational conservatives” should understand.

None of this is to say that there can never be criticism of allies or even a break with people who harm the cause. This has always been the problem with outsider politics, which tends to get overrun with weirdos. The issue is timing and intent. Privately chastising an ally for screwing up is reasonable. Dismissing wackos who are harming the cause is prudent. These are exceptions to partisanship that are required in politics, but conservative have made them their purpose.

This is why conservatives always lose. The main principle of the conservative is to conserve their reputation at all costs. No cause is ever so dear as to lead them to spend a penny of their reputation on it. Put another way, for the conservative, there is never anything worth fighting for, so they are always willing to cede the battle to the other side, no matter the cost. The Left sends thugs carrying bats and knives, while the Right sends out dandies dressed like interior decorators.

The test in these matters is this. Is the world better or worse with a small group of people who think vaccines alter your DNA? The obvious answer is the world is not affected in the least by people with crackpot ideas. Is the word made better or worse by allowing the evil of progressivism triumph? The answer is obvious. People fetishizing their rationality should be able to grasp this. Instead, for generations they have come to the opposite conclusion and lost every fight.

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

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3 years ago

” People fetishizing their rationality should be able to grasp this.”

In defense of Mx. MacDonald, politics is also the art of persuasion. You want to persuade your unpersuaded dinner guest to adopt your point of view. You sound rational and relatable. Then your crazy friends in the living room start freaking out to the sounds of Heavy Metal as your whacko brother, who thinks he’s Teddy Roosevelt, comes bursting through the door from down the basement, hollering something about charging up San Juan Hill. You gaze at your dinner guest with a sheepish grin. “Heh, heh, just ignore them…”

Reply to  imbroglio
3 years ago

Too late for persuasion. These people can not be persuaded. Your voice as against the mega propaganda voices of the media, the academy, the corporations, the censorship?

Get real. These people cannot be persuaded. They must be defeated. Otherwise our future is civil war, tyranny, or secession.

Still Meaner
Still Meaner
3 years ago

Since the Grand Old Politburo are the jobber designated losers of the WCW/WWF clown show could we at least have some lovable losers instead of carpetbagger Mittens and other squishy bureauweenie nomenklatura apparatchik sellouts.
What’s a Heather MacDonald?
Is she one of the evolved enlightened “sophisticated vaccinated” (h/t-NY Times) people?

3 years ago

While cooking tonight I watched Tucker’s speech from Hungary

If anyone thinks he doesn’t read this blog, he’s crazy

The themes and many of the phrases were straight out of the comments section

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

It would be nice to think so Falcone. Maybe he comments here too. Maybe he uses the Falcone alias? 😬 or Zman or Whiskey or JohnWayne!

Welcome Tucker! You do come back now, ya hear! We’ll leave the light on for ya.

3 years ago

I received a link a couple months ago to some video claimed to be of a 1918 cartoon about the Spanish Flu called “Early Warning.” This cartoon was laughably fake, nobody was talking about vaxxing the masses during the Spanish Flu, as medical tech was so primitive at the time that the idea they could have made a vax for this flu in time is laughable. I also pointed out that in 1918 radios such as were depicted in the cartoon were not readily available yet and that the term “weaponize” was not attested anywhere until 1957. Of course I… Read more »

3 years ago

Whatever filter is blocking comments here is ridiculous.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Z’s badthinkers appreciate his lenience in letting our comments through.

His life would be easier if he just blocked us all.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

At this point, I hope he’s got three or four full-time m0ds on staff, to help with the m0deration. I just copy-pasted the current contents of this thread into an el-cheapo free word processor, and got the following results: 125250 characters (with spaces) minus 94831 characters (no spaces) means 125250 – 94831 = 30419 spaces In turn, that means there are roughly 15,000 words already posted on this thread. That’s an helluva lotta reading for any one person to do every day – in addition to the workload of writing a new essay at least five times a week, not… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Any idea what it keys on?

3 years ago

As a casual listener to AJ a couple things jump out to me. First, a lot of the outrageous things he says are tongue in cheek – to make a point humorously. Like the frogs thing. Amphibians have been experiencing sixual transition in adulthood, which is a new phenomenon and the cause isn’t adequately understood by biologist who study such things. Which the assumption that some level of environmental pollution is causing it. Secondly, he has been more accurate in his observationations over the last twenty years than serious normiecon pundits such as Goldberg or Kristol or any of the… Read more »

3 years ago

As a casual listener to Alex Jones, a couple things jump out to me. First, a lot of the outrageous things he says are tongue in cheek – to make a point humorously. Like the gay frogs thing. Amphibians have been experiencing sexual transition in adulthood, which is a new phenomenon and the cause isn’t adequately understood by biologist who study such things. Which the assumption that some level of environmental pollution is causing it. Secondly, he has been more accurate in his observationations over the last twenty years than serious normiecon pundits such as Goldberg or Kristol or any… Read more »

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Alex doesn’t have to embroider much…Pfizer’s own 6 month test group shows the “vaccine” doesn’t work…
And the CDC director has said that it doesn’t work and won’t prevent the spread……We also know that the vaxx is quite dangerous, has killed 5500 people in Scotland alone, and will leave spike proteins in sensitive parts of your body forever….So Heather McDonald is just another paid off propagandist…

3 years ago

Conservativeinc does not always lose. In fact they’ve won the long war on the issue that they really care about. Which protecting their wealth and privilege.

All the social issues and the like that they leave lost on mover the years were only so much marketing bullshit to get the rubes on their side.

It’s past time to admit that the left was largely correct about them and that we were played.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Nicely said. The anti abortion people did pretty well I’d say. Abortion is at an all time low in absolute and adjusted numbers and abortion clinics much less common. Its a push but its something. If the Right were not just another brand of individualism and materialism or if such grifters were quickly banished we’d have a shot . I think if this were the case though it would probably end up “Leftists actually shot” the Left is incremental and fairly relentless, almost an admirable trait which suggests like the Borg in Star Trek you destroy the whole cube or… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  A.B Prosper
3 years ago

It was difficult for me to scan “repartitions” and for my brain not to process it as “reparations”.

The poz is in everything now, even our gray matter.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
3 years ago

The abortion issue is a prime example of coninc not doing anything. They can’t even get something symbolic done like cutting off federal funding for planned parenthood.

A sane, rational republic or democracy would pretty quickly reach a compromise similar to what most of Europe has, with abortion legal up to a hard cut off – 5 or 6 months – and then completely illegal after that.

Instead, here, both parties benefit by keeping the issue at a low boil.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Someone once said of cancer, “There is more money to be made looking for a cure, than finding a cure.” The rice bowl, or follow the money, argument, or whatever you’d like to call it, is a prime suspect in that and many spheres. Especially with any moral or political issue, they tend to be durable and popular. As such, there is ample money to be made in fund raising, speaking engagements, selling books and various other income-generating activity. Set up your non-profit corporation or other entity if you actively lobby poltically, probably in DC, and staff it to taste.… Read more »

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Give physiognomy a good amount of trust, and you will come out more times ahead — especially when evaluating people you haven’t met. My stock picking strategy was always to look up the CEO and the board to see what they look like. These are people who are strangers to me, and if I am going to trust them with my money I will do a basic physiognomy character read. And the strangest thing was how much derision this would get me from normies. They went about using all their financial models and so forth. And maybe that is a… Read more »

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

This is obvious to us today, but wasn’t quite so obvious before Trump upset the apple cart…

3 years ago

Maybe the reason conservatives always lose is because their bad leaders choose the wrong hills to fight and die on for short term reasons. People can choose to get vaxxed or not, but why all of talk radio, Fox, Newsmax and other conservative media has to go full Braveheart over that issue is odd to say the least and counter-productive to say the worst. And that’s with whom my complaint is. With all the 60- and 70%-plus majority issues out there, why must conservative media focus on an issue that is championed by a distinct minority? Especially a position that… Read more »

Reply to  Freesmith
3 years ago

Ever heard of vaccine passports? This is the road to tyranny, pal. Vaccines most certainly are a hill worth dying on.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

Vaccines most certainly are a hill worth dying on.


We’ve been prepping since forever, but even we are in the process of vastly upgrading our 2nd @mend3nt resources in anticipation of forced vaxxines.

If gl0b0h0m0 crosses that line here in the USA, then Heritage Amerikkka will ditch the Marquess of Queensberry Rules and take off the gloves.

PRO-TIP FOR GL0B0H0M0: Y’all don’t wanna be around when Heritage Amerikkka takes off the gloves.

That story don’t have a happy ending for y’all.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Freesmith
3 years ago

You’re a dead man walking, dealing with an evil you cannot comprehend. Most people, deep down , understand they’re dealing with satan now, head on. They won’t admit it, but they sense it. Guts churning in a world going mad.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Freesmith
3 years ago

Re celebrities getting the jabs: In the first place, the vaccinations likely ARE in fact ineffective (in the sense that they can’t provide immunity for more than several months; why already the calls for boosters, if that’s not true?) and they ARE unsafe, not just for current side effects, but most important (to me) is the complete abandonment of traditional time consuming safety studies. Plain skepticism would say that a lot of these people are lying about taking the jab. The “party line” of course is that Jab Good. Can you imagine a major media personality going on record and… Read more »

Reply to  Freesmith
3 years ago

These fake “vaccines”, which we now know don’t work at all and wreak havoc, are definitely a hill to die on…

3 years ago

Thank you again for allowing me to think out loud on these pages, Zman.

I realized that ID2020 may be one thing… but, that a breeding license would be the ultimate means of control.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

that’s what the vaccine passport is . once you are required to take a shot every time they say you need a booster , it is really simple to put some sterilizing agent into the shot. and just like that! overpopulation solved . If they are real cleaver, they can design it to only affect pale people. once they have the “passport” set up , the plebs will have no control over what criterial they use to say who is approved and who is not. and for whatever reason .

3 years ago

The Zman seems to have a perpetual blind spot when it comes to anything regarding genetics and evolution, which he always seems to get wrong. Now he’s bashing a “small group of people who think vaccines alter your DNA.” Here is the reality. SARS-CoV-2 sequences have been found in human genomic DNA. This was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in April: Quoting from the Introduction: “In this study, we show that SARS-CoV-2 sequences can integrate into the host cell genome by a LINE1-mediated retroposition mechanism. We provide evidence that the integrated viral sequences can… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It was copied and pasted for people like you who will probably never read an original scientific publication. But as long as you want to have a pissing contest over who knows what about reverse transcriptase and retrotransposons, why don’t you do a blog post and explain to your readers why the PNAS publication didn’t actually find SARS-CoV-2 sequences in human genomic DNA, and then explain why it’s scientifically impossible for vaccine RNA to be incorporated into human DNA. Are you up for that? We’d all love to hear your version of why it just can’t happen. Maybe you can… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Homer may not know, but this guy certainly does…

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Those two came on the radio today ( KABC) I was hoping they were going to open the phones for questions. Bob from Anaheim wants to know what’s your favorite Nashville hot chicken joint is. No such luck. I lasted 3 minutes, parked under a big shade tree, and continued reading the William L shirer book I took out of the library.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Funny. However, Malone is a well-known virologist and has published a lot of work on covid. So, I guess you can follow your experts and I will follow mine.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I’m a Z Man fan, but it’s great when he gets ratioed.

We’re an ornery and independent bunch of fellows.

I’m raising my glass to my fellow commenters whether I agree with you or not.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Noooo, Sandy. I like comity. You can disagree w/o rancor. We are family here. Someone can be wrong AND not be a SOB. Didn’t fearless leader just write about Ms. McDonald being in violation comity house rule? Save the vitriol for our enemies.

Reply to  Homer
3 years ago

This is interesting. A few months ago I posted here that I didn’t really buy the “vaccines change your DNA” concept because, among other things, Covid isn’t known to carry a retrotranscriptase. I suggested that the only way to save the DNA modding notion would be if Covid RNA had a recognition sequence similar to that of another virus that did have such a retrotranscriptase and that got in at the same time. Viral co-infection can have interesting effects. It didn’t occur to me that it might use something the host itself made. So maybe the tinfoilers were onto something… Read more »

Reply to  Homer
3 years ago

Hi Homer, I posted a link to a letter written in response to your PNAS article in a comment down thread. Key statement from this letter (which is critical of the paper you cite): “It remains unlikely that retrotranscription and integration of the SARS-CoV-2 genome in patients happens at any notable frequency, or even at all.” – So what is happening? While PNAS is prestigious journal, its review process is a little different than most journals. Articles can be submitted for publication by academy members following review by reviewers nominated by the academy member. This means that the submitting… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Homer
3 years ago

I think the bone of contention here is whether the virus (SARS-CoV2) or the mRNA vaccines enter the DNA. That’s a pretty significant difference. It is no surprise that the virus enters DNA b/c that’s what vira (‘viruses’) do. They can’t replicate on their own. That does not meant hat the vaccine does the same. The idea behind mRNA vaccines is pretty good. It is to inject mRNA, the form of RNA that then ‘translated’ (i.e. converted) into a protein in the body. By using mRNA instead of the proteins, you don’t need to be working with actual vira in… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

What you’re saying is not entirely true but the point still stands that there is no reason to think the vaccine enters DNA and no rational reason, not counting ‘genocide conspiracies’, why ppl would want it to.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

You’re confusing a few things it’s also a matter of semantics. You are right that by altering the DNA of a few somatic (ie. none germ cells) you affect no heritability. And this is basically the idea behind gene therapy. It sounds like you’re addressing the fear that ppl will then pass ‘vaccine genes’ onto their offspring and you’re absolutely right that there is no reason to think this would happen. Or that the vaccine would alter the DNA in ALL cells. Except for the changes that may be part of why the immune system memory cells recall old antigens… Read more »

3 years ago

Zman, you jest. Alex Jones is the unreasonable one?

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

I haven’t really kept up with Jones in about thirty years, but based on the few vids I’ve seen since the covid shots became the big subject, he’s the least irrational popular commentator on them. He *sounds* nuts, but that’s his thing. The logic under the rhetoric is sound.

If we weren’t so likely to die from it, how much better a scientist Jones is than Fauci is would be funny.

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

He got rid of the alien Israeli mind rays absurdity when he dumped his two previous Jewish wives for a redneck Baptist girl. Now he’s pandering to the Jeebus luvs black peepl civnats, but that’s ok by me.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Peeps gonna peep. Me, I have a very big soft spot for Freedom of Speech. I read all the kkk0mments – even the kkkraziest of them [Z, VD, Gamer Uprising, /pol/, FR, etc etc etc] – because there ain’t no genius quite like kkkrazy genius. Heck, just a couple days ago, here chez Z, I learned the [very dark ugly] truth about every Southroner’s boyhood hero, Roger Staubach. Never woulda learned that watching Wokecasts of the WokeFL [which of course we haven’t watched in years]. And as a Southron Boy, it does make me wanna reconsider my opinion of Terry… Read more »

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

What about Staubach? I missed that.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Go back to this weekend’s essay [poasted on Friday], and do a “Control-F” to find the keyword “Staubach”.

Very, very illuminating.

In an Illuminati sort of a way.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

“What reason tells us is that defeating the forces of darkness that have launched the revolution from above is the only concern.” Exactly. The regular commentators and the host here, we don’t agree about everything. Defeat the cultural-demographic destruction of the West. We can figure out the details and small print later. Good blog post btw. And unless you have the enzyme reverse transcriptase (found in retro viruses like HIV but not otherwise known), RNA is not copied into mammalian DNA so, by current knowledge, no, mRNA vaccines do not ‘enter’ your DNA. It would be gene therapy if they… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Thank goodness no HIV researchers were involved at the Wuhan shenanigans, amirite?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

To turn mRNA into DNA that’s inserted into the cell’s chromosomes, the vaccine, not the virus, would need to have the reverse transcriptase enzyme. Going out on a limb by assuming less than total insanity, they presumably did not include that enzyme in the vaxx. Of course, assuming sanity on the part of the ppl who think these are the best of times is always a roll of the dice 🙂

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Alzaebo: Thank goodness no HIV researchers were involved at the Wuhan shenanigans, amirite? For those who aren’t aware, Alzaebo is referring to some very early work by the street-sh!tters showing the presence of HIV strands which had been artificially inserted into the SARS-COVID bioweapon. Gl0b0h0m0 yanked the street-sh!tters’ work almost immediately*, but fortunately Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier learned of it, and helped publicize the findings. *Just like Gl0b0h0m0 yanked the Johns Hopkins g00kette’s epidemiological research indicating that, when corrected for age** of the population, there was NO increase in deaths in the USA in 2020 [vis-a-vis previous years, again,… Read more »

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Whenever I get the chance I tell people who seem like they might actually care about “the troof about the coof” to look at aggregate death statistics. They can screw around with causes of death on death certificates so as to disguise deaths from other things as Covid deaths but the presence (or absence) of a pile of corpses is hard to fake. At this point you’ve also got the confounding fact that the lockdowns themselves and misdirection of the focus of virtually all medicine towards Covid undoubtedly killed people too.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

the lockdowns themselves and misdirection of the focus of virtually all medicine towards Covid undoubtedly killed people too

Even more horrifying is that the lockdowns are “killing” [i.e. breaking] people psychologically.

All by design.

Gl0b0h0m0 wants to rule over a vast seething mud-colored peasantry of psychologically-broken and medically-sterilized darwinian dead ends.

But we mustn’t kid ourselves; in their arrogance, gl0b0h0m0 was abundantly clear about their intentions all along:

We fools just didn’t take them seriously.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

Can you imagine being a school-aged child for the last two years?

Band & orchestra programs cancelled.

Sports teams & cheerleading squads cancelled.

Proms cancelled.

Graduation ceremonies cancelled.

And you’re supposed to walk around with a sanitary napkin permanently glued to your face?


Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Why thanks, Not My Usual, looking up the CDC directors, it seems near all the luminaries involved with the scam made their bones in “HIV research.”

3 years ago

As I await moderation, I will say that Disney and Apple are both vulnerable. They are doing things that seem a desperation to create profits. Both Emma Stone and Scarlett Johanssen are suing Disney over being cheated out of Box Office revenue sharing (so execs can make quarterly profit numbers likely) and Apple months after touting privacy is spying on everyone’s Iphone (to sell the data likely for cash). The FT noted that the studios basically theme parks with movies and TV as ancillary money makers. We should push the Justice Democrats, the Squad, and others to raise the Theme… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Whiskey, I’m sorry to kick the hornets’ nest, but do you think “J3w$ Republicans” would ever accept a strict immigration policy? Strict immigration is where I see almost all “based j3w$” abandoning our cause. I grant that many conservative j3w$, a very small number, want to suppress black crime but I foresee almost all of them screaming “H1tl3r!” if we tried to impose a rational immigration policy. Certainly, almost all j3w$ in the world are radical left wing, so if we had some sort of values based (civnat) immigration policy then almost all j3w$ would be prohibited from immigrating here… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

As someone who softpedals the JQ, immigration is an excellent litmus test for whether anyone ‘dissident, Jewish or not, is serious or just civnat. Stopping the demographic transformation is THE central issue.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

The JQ isn’t quite the Q, but it’s probably the second best proxy (after profession). Something like half of Jews are “based”/etc., but those aren’t the ones you’re going to meet or hear from, and they’re not the ones who decide anything. The blue-checks who are proceeding through the genocide checklist against (other) white people, and the Israeli ruling class who use Americans as livestock, are probably the worst people in the world. The rest of Jews are just regular dudes or Amish-style isolated weirdos like we aspire to be. In comparison, what percentage of, e.g., CFOs, human resource directors,… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

“Something like half of Jews are “based”/etc.”

Delusional. This is what happens when people listen to too much talk radio (Savage, Levin, Prager, Medved…)

You are like the 2000s conservatives saying Latinos are “natural conservatives.”

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

Delusional. This is what happens when people listen to too much talk radio (Savage, Levin, Prager, Medved…)


My goodness, I feel like I’m staring at a pattern there, if only I could put my finger on it.


Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Great idea re: Disney, but round wages up to $50/hr., hiring quota at least 2/3 minority, free admission as reparations to blacks, and $250 day pass admission fee for whites.
Haven’t been there since 1978 with no intention to go again. Plus, it would keep my kids and grandkids out of Wokeyland.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

I haven’t been to Disney world since 1983, when my parents paid about $20 for me (12 years old), two days admission. A 12 year old today, going during Easter week, would be on the hook for nearly $300.

Worse than that is that the company is so pozzed they’re probably only a year or two away from giving minorities, homes, and illegals priority over whites. Their commercials feature little else but blacks and coal burners.

3 years ago

Great post at Takis. I would add that Derb linked to both Dreher (who ran away screaming) and another guy who had the “Salazar Option.” I agree with the analysis of the latter that the Benedict Option is doomed to failure. The Woke will not rest until all non-Woke are dead and White kids are either trannies or playthings of the big shots. However the Salazar Option is also doomed to failure: ALL of the Military, Federal, State, and Local government, bureaucrats, ngos, Media, Law, and BigCorps are against us and any slow down of the Genocide Express. That does… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Your arch-nemesis, Andr3w Ang1in, has been re-poasting RT photographs of the anti-vaxx crowds in Europe, and if those poor peeps’ ancestors had endowed them with a particular Am3ndment to have been situated directly between the 1st & the 3rd am3ndments, then it would long since have been over for gl0b0h0m0. Back before COVID, when Les Gilets Jaunes were in their hey-day, I was getting on bulletin boards and advocating for the CIA/DOD to covertly smuggle arms to LGJ, and everyone was telling me that I was insane – that OMFG that would be an ACT OF WAR!!!!! But look now… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

In other news, the tards who fought to close pipelines and coal-fired power plants are now whining for federal bailouts from high energy costs:

If only we could power the modern world on the infinite supply of Wokster stupidity….

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Dirty secret of “Green” energy lobbyists:

Lots of gas fired and coal fired plants are 100% on board with “green” – solar, wind, etc.

Because when the sun don’t shine, and the wind don’t blow, guess who gets to charge premium prices for the lightning brought to your outlet?

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Green tech manufactured in China depends on coal powered electricity and toxic pollution.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

California has long offshored it’s pollution to call itself “green”.

Electricity- Coal/nukes from surrounding states.

Iphones – Metals from 3rd world countries, assembly in very, VERY dirty China

Living in Utah I have to deal with terrible air quality 3 years running because they won’t manage their damn forests..which burn up and send smoke and smog our way because they won’t manage them like Europe does (pruning and forestry).


South Park nailed California with the “Smug- Smelling our own farts” episode.

3 years ago

Anybody who thinks these vaxxines are safe is either insane or blind. On top of that, the vaccines are a tool of control and a means to establish the end – an electronic “passport” and total surveillance. That alone should be reason enough to oppose them.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

It’s darkly hilarious that a year ago people who were concerned about vaccine passports were dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Now they’re dismissed for being non compliant.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

The people have forgotten that there are occasions when your duty is to make the government’s job difficult

Now is such a time

I don’t get the widespread acquiesence.


Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Hun: On top of that, the vaccines are a tool of control and a means to establish the end – an electronic “passport” and total surveillance. To their credit, even the sh!tlibs are getting furious about Apple’s proposal to scan everyone’s iCloud data, ostensibly in search of ch!ld pr0n and/or evidence of ch!ld trafficking. Of course, part of that is due to the fact that so many sh!tlibs ackshually are ch!ld-mo1esters. But I suspect moast of it is due to the fact that even the sh!tlibs [God bless their crazy little sh!tlib hearts] realize that once an automated iCloud scanning… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Not the best source, but these folks are claiming that a large Pfizer-funded study shows the Pfizer jab does eff all:

This hoax is so tiresome.

3 years ago

And in news you won’t see on the Ziomedia, the CDC admits it’s a hoax. They never isolated the virus.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Patrick King in Alberta managed to get his case in front of one of the few remaining sane judges.

He requested the prosecution provide evidence Beer Flu had been isolated.

They couldn’t do it.

Supposedly Alberta plans to treat Beer Flu as, “it’s just the flu bro,” and drop all restrictions next week.

Fingers crossed over here.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Although even Alberta is nearly as insane as the rest of Canada, every new Florida or Sweden is welcomed.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

every new Florida or Sweden is welcomed

Verily, our Creator doth work in mysterious ways.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

A rational question is whether the vaccine does more harm than good. Given we now know the vaccine (a) doesn’t prevent transmission and (b) doesn’t prevent contraction of Covid, the answer is not at all clear. Does the vaccine mitigate the effects of Covid? Show us the proof rather than make naked assertions. I haven’t read the linked story yet, but it is intellectually dishonest to claim there is a clearcut case to be made to take the vaccine, more now than two weeks ago.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Seems to me to be an ineffective defense against a wildly overblown threat. The same, a fortiori, could be said of the Karen Kloth.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The phrase, “tempest in a teacup” comes to mind over everything covid and vax related.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

It’s a phrase I’ve used more than once in this context.

3 years ago

““Alex Jones claiming the vaccine will alter your DNA is no nuttier than much of what is in the mass media. In fact, a ridiculous claim is far less harmful than the plausible, but inaccurate claim.” Yeah, about this. While I don’t *believe* it can happen, based on the very little I know about microbiology, it’s far from the tinfoiliest thing out there. The usual way things go in human cells is that the DNA unzips, certain polymerases create RNA from the DNA (other polymerases create more DNA from the DNA). The RNA diffuses out of the nucleus to ribosomes,… Read more »

Reply to  toastedposts
3 years ago

COVID isn’t a retrovirus (probably? The CDC can’t tell you because they’ve never isolated it. Finally, new FOIA documents have surfaced, revealing the CDC has never isolated any covid-19 virus. A Canadian named Christine Massey has reportedly filed multiple FOIA requests with the CDC, requesting the following via the Freedom of Information Act: All studies and/or reports in the possession, custody or control of the CDC and/or the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) describing the purification of any “COVID-19″ virus (including B.1.1.7”, “B.1.351”, “P.1” and any other “variant”) (via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge; also… Read more »

Reply to  toastedposts
3 years ago

I didn’t know all domestic chickens- all, as in ALL- need a vaccine to counter the “leaky vaccine” experiment that was tried on Marek’s chickens, and superspread itself throughout our bird farm population.

Huh. Almost like needing “boosters” by subscription to survive the latest strains incubating in asympiomatic vaccinated people.

Better yet, since it is indeed affecting women’s reproductive organs, we’re looking at a full Children of Men for the white folk.

As to the Zman’s point, how do we approach this”reasonably”?
Heather got ‘the word’ by a rootless global mafia, it seems.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Oh wait- that means coding to produce said proteins is inheritable in the chickens, changed DNA, just like the CDC said (I think, some official organ). Inherited sterility unless we get the officially supplied antidote. If you want to breed, you’d best comply.

Maybe Heather or Chelsea or Ivanka want grandkids?

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Having read agenda 21, and noting the urgency of the government to get everyone jabbed, I prefer erroring to the side of caution and paranoia. No jab for me.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

The militant vaxers are the same people who would have supported prohibition in 1920. This issue is flipped but these are the same people who would have taken away your bottle of whiskey because they know what’s good for you. And just like the prohibition era, there needs to be a strong cohort of people who say, who the hell are you anyway? GTFO of my life. Can there be any doubt that nut bag Carrie Nation would have been one of these crazed vaxer women in 2021?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Excellent post. Succinct and completely on target.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Love the Carrie Nation reference! She was one of the most notorious schoolmarms in American history.

Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

Yeah, we need a picture of some old battle ax wearing a mask and carrying around an over sized syringe instead of a hatchet.

We are all Kosh
We are all Kosh
Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

Karen Nation.

3 years ago

The circle of acceptable ideas is getting narrower and narrower.

Although freedom of speech still technically exists, in polite company you can only go so far.

There used to be room for eccentrics to spout their craziness; now the eccentrics are being shut down (viz. Alex Jones). Eccentrics perform a vital role in mass society. They define informal limits to conversation. When the perimeter of speech is pushed back toward the politically-middle center there is a corresponding drop in men willing to speak their minds freely. It’s just too risky.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

Alas, the perimeter has been pushed back almost to the far Left. The expression of what were routine rightwing views 25 years ago can now get you destroyed.

Dan Doffs
Dan Doffs
3 years ago

Heather MacDonald has done a lot of good work vis-a-vis black crime rates and such. She appears on Tucker and is quite strong in her views and doesn’t back down. I would guess she’s opened a lot of normie eyes in her writing and tv appearances. But, I did notice the change in hairdoo and the pink glasses and pink shaded lip gloss — which make her look rather clownish. Honestly, I was shocked by her take in that article that Z references.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dan Doffs
3 years ago

Except for the pink glasses and lip gloss, she’s rather like Steve Sailer–good on the large majority of issues, but crashingly wrong on a few others.

(I do hope we never see Sailer with pink glasses and lip gloss.)

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Yep, MacDonald wouldn’t be the first otherwise sensible person to be driven over the edge by Covid. Guys like Nassim Taleb and Gregory Cochran, who are usually super-skeptical about the received wisdom, have not exactly covered themselves with glory on this issue, either.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

It’s not hard to see how Taleb got it wrong because his focus had always been on risk analysis, not data validation. Sailer getting it wrong is mind-boggling because he’s the poster boy of parsing data.

Reply to  Dan Doffs
3 years ago

What I don’t get is this: the media has always had a left wing bias, but during the Trump years, the hysteria and over-the-top lying was off the charts. As such, why anyone would believe anything spouted by leftards and the msm – especially about covtardedness, is beyond me. I mean you have to have a baseline that everything from the left/msm is a outright lie or highly exaggerated, period.

Reply to  Dan Doffs
3 years ago

So she’s telling her neighbors in the gated enclave, “we don’t want those people jogging through, casing our nice houses.”

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Dan Doffs
3 years ago

On November 23rd of this year, Heather MacDonald will turn 65. She is never married, with no known children, and is a self-proclaimed atheist. A cynic might hypothesize that she promotes the ideas & agendas which benefit her [such as government-supplied police forces to protect her from kneegr0w crime], and that she is, at best, completely oblivious to any ideas or agendas which don’t concern her [such as the propagation of the White race & its Christian religion via classical PIV* intercourse between a young fertile White male and a young fertile White female, neither of whom have been sterilized… Read more »

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
3 years ago

“Alex Jones claiming the vaccine will alter your DNA is no nuttier than much of what is in the mass media. In fact, a ridiculous claim is far less harmful than the plausible, but inaccurate claim.” True and important, though most people (seem like they) don’t get it. Buckley famously said he’d rather be ruled by the first 500 names in the Boston phone book (remember them?) than the faculty of Harvard. Point being that common sense was better than “smarts”. Sort of like owning the “stupid party” label. I recently thought of an updated version, after one of those… Read more »

Sid 6.7
Sid 6.7
3 years ago

“[W]e describe evidence that SARS-CoV-2 RNAs can be reverse transcribed in human cells by reverse transcriptase (RT) from LINE-1 elements or by HIV-1 RT, and that these DNA sequences can be integrated into the cell genome and subsequently be transcribed.” —

Sometimes you just try too hard to be reasonable.

Reply to  Sid 6.7
3 years ago

“It remains unlikely that retrotranscription and integration of the SARS-CoV-2 genome in patients happens at any notable frequency, or even at all.” –

Credit to PNAS that they are letting the scientists duke it out in the comments (rather than having them reject each others papers, then fight it out on twitter).

Sid 6.7
Sid 6.7
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

Point being, it’s not just some Alex Jones-tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Dandies… Never heard of them. Living in a mud hut, but got to have dem clothes.

Conspicuous consumption… In Africa, of course.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

really just a way to try to have a little human dignity ina very tough life .

3 years ago

Z-man’s said this again and again in so many ways. Second verse, same as the first. Leave your virtues at the door, go inside, beat the shit out of your enemies. Win at all cost. When leaving, pick up your virtues at the door. Continue on with your life. Your virtues remain intact and will serve you and your people well in the future. As for anyone else, they were never meant for them anyway.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Great comment. Allow me to add some nuance. Virtue is important in the big picture sense of leading a life well lived, i.e. it’s comes into play most of the time and over the long haul. But if your hiking in the woods and a bear attacks you, virtue has no useful purpose in the instant. You are fighting for your life and you do what you must. A time will come when most people comprehend the existential nature of the societal cancer that is killing us in slow motion at present. When that happens, people WILL fight back tangibly… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I can only add “reciprocity.” Virtue is only virtuous when it is shared with those who reciprocate. Otherwise, gloves are off and we win at all costs. This is “who we are.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Virtue is wasted on the savage. And increasingly, it is savages who control society.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

You wanna be nice and lose and maybe dead or mean and win and alive?

Don Quixote, “Love and war are all one . . . It is lawful to use sleights and stratagems to . . . attain the wished end.”

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

I said something similar in 2016 to an important older gentleman in our thing who recently died.

He was irritated by how crass the Alt Right memes were. I told him that the memes were incredibly successful at winning young men to our side. “Do you want to be dignified or do you want to win?”

(You don’t need to point out to me that the Alt Right didn’t win, but I trust my point stands.)

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Their bitching about this stuff is ironic. The “Establishment” were the first to politicize Covid and they did it right from the beginning, before the lock-downs even started. Nancy Pelosi said we be racist if we didn’t go shopping and out to eat in Chinatown. Hug an Asian. “Wuhan Flu” be racist. “Protests are killing grandma,” then the next day, widespread mass riots were “mostly peaceful” and “essential to health.” There have been many other examples. This is all their fault. Why would anyone believe a word they say?

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

It’s a clique to point this out, but the pictures from the Obama birthday bash shows that no one was wearing a mask.

Just like with the BML riots, where few wore masks, the authorities say nothing and shut down those who notice.

You’d think, if the authorities really believed what they say about Covid, then they would be hysterical over the risk to which their beloved Obama and BML rioters were exposed.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

My current general impression is that authorities know they wear “no clothes”. Locally here, the fight seems to be visceral—they fight to enact/enforce rules to simply demonstrate and maintain their power. To cede control at this point is to be defeated, and admit to such.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

If you really want to give yourself liver failure, you can play my favorite drinking game, called “If They Were Serious.” First you think of some big public issue. Then you make a list of what a real, serious government that took its mandate seriously would do. Then you make a list of all the things the “government” clowns of Clown World are doing. Then you compare the lists, drinking one beer for each item on the “currently doing” list that’s completely irrelevant to the issue, and one shot for every item that is completely opposite of what any sane,… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

I’ve been making the same comment for months.

If face diapers worked and Beer Flu was super deadly there should be incineration points or vats of rubbing alcohol to drop masks in.

There aren’t.

If Beer Flu wete super persistent and deadly a single mask tossed on a trail in the woods would lead to a superspreader event.

Lamest psyop ever.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Lamest psyop ever.

And yet it worked.

The ghost of John Taylor Gatto is SMDHing in his grave.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

If the Left is unwilling to force illegals allowed into the country to be vaccinated (word might get out and the invasion slowed), or to require proof of vaccination to vote (blacks), the answer is pretty clear they are not serious at all.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

We had a dead seal on the beach earlier this summer. Looked like a great white got to it’s hindquarters. But had half a mind to stuff a few of the discarded masks on the roadsides down it’s gullet, take a snap of the “seal killed by masks” and flip it to social media. Just to give the self righteous out here a moral dilemma. I

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Of all the un-serious things of the leadership class, I wish BLM were actually a serious organization. If they were in the least bit serious, it would make last summer seem like a picnic.
The cops deserve all the hate they get and deserve zero support from the right. When they aren’t flipping SUVs driven by pregnant middle class women:

they are refusing to defend the law abiding citizen from the underclass law breakers.

Anarcho-tyranny at its finest.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The Arkansas story sounds like the necessary outcome of Jordan versus New London.,_CT#Jordan_v._New_London

Gl0b0h0m0 wants stoopid cops for two reasons:

1) St00pid cops don’t ask questions, and always do as they’re told.

2) St00pid cops aren’t smart enough to investigate Gl0b0h0m0 itself.

BTW, this includes all levels of law enforcement.

During the entire Mueller/Comey/Rosenstein/Strzok/Page/Weissman/McCabe fiasco, I didn’t see any evidence of anyone possessing an IQ higher than about 115-120.

Whereas in a serious nation, you’d expect IQs more like 140 at that level of power & prestige & influence.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The biggest disease threat at an Obama party is Aids, not Covid.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

and Michelle’s BBC.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
3 years ago

We talk a lot about not accepting the left’s moral framework. For the mRNA shots, we should also not accept calling them “vaccines” or calling those opposed “anti-vaxxers.” Many who are opposed to these shots are not opposed to vaccines. This is something different. The “not-vaccine”, or the “clot shot” or “frankenshot” are better names for it.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

“Frankinshot” makes me thing of some Pfizer exec in that Al Franken picture, groping the sleeping journalist.
But yes, the partisan approach is to to attack their golden calf. The not-vaxx doesn’t alter the test subject’s dna? Ok, prove that assertion with long-term clinical trials. Oh, yeah, they dont exist.
Gee, how did that multi-billion global corporation get us to pay for their first-round clinical trials? I thought drugs were supposed to be proven safe before being allowed to the public, guess those ppl pushing the Clot Shot want to repeal the new deal consumer protection laws.

3 years ago

maybe alex jones is wrong, vaccines are safe, they don’t kill you over time & maybe they don’t inflict any physical harm, with a few exceptions here & there, it’s all fine & dandy, but that’s not the part that worries me. digital id & sterilization is what it’s all about, a world in which very few white kids exist, a world where they end up completely under the control of a zionist technocratic-globalist dictatorship sounds worse than what alex jones is preaching, to me at least. Anyhow, it’ll be interesting to see if huge import of migrants will make… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

It should be pretty clear that the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan is definitely in play with the ridiculous jab double-standards being applied to Heritage Americans that want to enter Canada or go on a cruise versus the illegal immivaders that are getting red carpet busing and flights all over the US thanks to the illegitimate DC regime.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Regarding Z’s Taki column and whether the revolution will end in bloodshed, who knows, but it is a fact that the morality tale underpinning of this revolution have no brakes to stop that from happening. The revolution is based on the idea that all groups are equally capable and, therefore, all groups should achieve equally. Obviously, that slams into the reality of the human condition as Z put it. There’s nothing in the fundamental beliefs of this revolution to allow differences in outcomes to exist. It would mean admitting that the revolution is wrong. They have no wiggle room. Normally,… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

> The revolution is based on the idea that all groups are equally capable and, therefore, all groups should achieve equally. This is just a sales pitch used to recruit a segment of the population. You can be sure that the real revolutionaries do not believe in equality, nor equality of outcome. They consider themselves chosen. They are competing for total ownership and control. There are a range of sales pitches to cover most all demographic groups. You got your share and care, your 1776 libertarian let free enterprise ring. Etc. Coke and Pepsi and Dr Pepper; all ADM high… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

> The real question is whether this group can control the revolutionaries? Can they deftly change the ideals of the revolution enough to keep the revolutionaries under control? I doubt the masterminds can retain full control of their pet revolutionaries because many of the latter are true believers and the ideals of the revolution are bound to come into conflict with the interests of the true elite. Additionally, the revolutionaries are generally low quality people. We’re already seeing examples of poor execution and the social capital is quickly being spent. It won’t be long until the masses have zero trust… Read more »

George 1
George 1
3 years ago

Well Ms. MacDonald can have the not-vax herself. If fact she can take it and have 10 buster shots a month for all I care. The point is there is quite a bit of evidence that the not-vax is not good. I will take the word of Dr. Malone, who invented the mRNA brew. He says that mass vaxing people with a non-sterilizing vaccine while the infection is in the environment is very dangerous. We are seeing evidence of ADE already. So whether this not-vax alters your DNA or not is a side issue. Does it do what the pushers… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  George 1
3 years ago

It’s a livestock shot, which is telling since that’s pretty much how we’re viewed. Z and others have brought this up before (including in today’s post) but the people pushing the vax hate you. Maybe the vax does nothing or maybe (doubtful) it’s a benefit, but it’s hard to not consider the source on this when so many unknowns are in play.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I’m not familiar with Alex Jones. I read enough fringe opinion as it is (viz, the present forum 😀 ) But seriously, allow me to briefly address his claim that the jabs may alter DNA. I’m just a layman, but I believe that it is at least POSSIBLE that that could be true! Consider the following arguments: some viruses are known to be able to insert part of their data into human DNA. In fact, it’s estimated that a significant fraction of the human genome are fragments of ancient viruses. Since the mRNA jabs are, in simplest terms, a fragment… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

We’re in the middle of the largest clinical trial in history. I’ve read a decent amount on the vaccine. A lot of stuff out there is nonsense. But what’s not nonsense is that it simply hasn’t had enough time to confirm whether or not it has long-term side effects. There’s a reason you do usually wait awhile before offering a drug or vaccine to the general public. I understand why they made it available quickly to the elderly or for those with comorbidities, but for the general population, they should have waited to see what the clinical trials were showing.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I believe I qualify as “elderly”: 75.

My perception of the risk to me from this flu was that it was minimal, that wearing a mask could do more harm than good, that I’d be well-advised to avoid crowds (I always do anyway) and that under no circumstances would I permit myself to be injected with unproven substances that could likely prove more dangerous to me than a case of the flu. During the course of this year, I’ve doubled down on those beliefs and see nothing shaking my confidence in them.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

One of the most remarkable things about the whole Covid business is the utter hysteria surrounding it. Take some of the statements about the vaccine and replace the words “un vaccinated” with “kulaks” or “wreckers” or “capitalist roaders” and you can easily see how stuff like the Holodomor or the Cultural Revolution happened. Some people` have worked themselves into a genuine hysteria over this. It’s crazier than anything Alex Jones ever came up with, by far…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

Yes. And over what? By historical epidemiological standards, the Fauci Flu is really quite minor, and up until ca. 1990, society would have taken basic, common sense steps to address the situation rather than self-immolate. Only mass hysteria, doubtless abetted by the feminization of society, can account for what we’re seeing.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The origins of the great reset are well established by papers published over the past few decades. The scientific research into corona and other virus, mRNA gene therapy and the like are decades old. You can read their papers and patents. The whole line of research has been financed by Bill Gates, Karl Schwab, the WHO, etc. Tried and true responses to ‘pandemics’ from the past have been abandoned for jab the world/shut down the economy insanity. To what end we all wonder? Well Alex Jones and others have pieced the puzzle together and it looks like a concerted effort… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

There is much more against the “vexxine” than a remote possibility of DNA modification. I’ve never really considered that possibility given how I’m told the mRNA technology works and there seems little disagreement among even the scientific community detractors of that process. What we are seeing now wrt adverse effects seem to follow predictions about the vexxine’s production of spike proteins and the antibodies produced thereby. As stated, there seem to be benefit’s and costs. If the benefits outweigh the costs, one is foolish to not choose the jab. My concern has been for many years, who makes that determination—the… Read more »

Jackie Pratt
Jackie Pratt
3 years ago


” “Some of them think vaccines in general may not be all that safe and are refusing this vaccine. Imagine that? People in the middle of a heated partisan fight putting aside reason to score points against the enemy?

How is that ‘putting aside reason ‘? If the ‘reasonable- sounding’ stories about the problems with the vaccines are just that (reasonable sounding), then reason is not being put aside.
McDonald has cucked.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Jackie Pratt
3 years ago

If the Sputnik V was offered here I would probably take it. I would love to tell my MSNBC viewing neighbors and associates in my deep blue area that “I just think Putin does things right. I trust his competence allot more than what we’ve got going on.”

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Putin, unlike the oligarchs and politicians running the West, doesn’t openly despise wide swaths of the population, therefore his concoction is more trustworthy.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Well, I’d probably trust Putin more than I would trust our PTB right now, plus Sputnik is an adenovirus vaccine, not mRNA, just like J&J, so there’s that. Whether or not it works or not I don’t know, but I am pretty sure that it was at least designed to work, as opposed to simply making ash*t-ton of money of Big Pharma. Putin is a former KGB thug, but at least he doesn’t seem to hate his own people, like some “leaders” one could name

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

This is exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about, and I agree with you. Isn’t Big Pharma eeeeevil? I could swear I heard that somewhere…. ah yes, it was from “every single fucking Liberal in America, for as long as I’ve been alive, right up until the morning of January 20, 2021.” And now, just like that, Big Pharma is great! Can’t wait to get those Big Pharma shots! Those have to be made mandatory asap! Or the other side: Isn’t “government health care” bad? I could swear I head that somewhere… ah yes, it was from “everyone on… Read more »

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

TBH, I’m still pretty skeptical of government health care – that creepy “Protect the NHS” thing over in Britain is beyond belief.

But yeah, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and the Left was more right than wrong about Big Pharma, I’ll grit my teeth and admit it…

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

It really reminds me of the left’s reactions to molotov-ribbentropp. You can literally divide the vituperous “anti” opinion from the glowing friendship by a matter of hours. Nothing has truthvalue for these people, only the Party Line is or can be True.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

The 180 on Big Pharma is utterly bizarre, especially when you hear it from the granola/natural remedy crowd.

3 years ago

The elites: – lied from the beginning about the COVID situation, first it was racist to admit it exists, masks don’t work, virus isn’t made in a lab, etc….. – openly celebrate the destruction of white communities, our declining numbers, and our ultimate replacement and demise. – teach our children that they are genetically evil just because they look a certain way – promote open borders and crime. Legalize drugs and homelessness. Flood the poorest white communities with opiates. – send all jobs overseas; the ones that can’t be outsourced are filled with low wage scab labour, either H1B or… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The plant for my MIC firm now has a ginormous, “NOW HIRING” banner on the top of the main entrance. This banner is easily visible from the four-lane thoroughfare that passes by the plant.

It is almost as if the C-suite and HR morons can’t figure out that competent, hard-working people aren’t eager to wear face panties for 8+ hours a day and get pumped full of the gene juice.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Or listen to anti white sermons from arrogant and spiteful little coloured pricks all day. I’ll be well off for early retirement with that compounding interest but it’ll take a few more decades at least. Assuming the system doesn’t collapse lol.

At my office though, the white people are quite eager to get vaccinated and make being vaxxed part of their personality. The non whites are quiet about it, either they’re quietly going unvaxxed or they don’t care either way.

C suite are morons through and through.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

historically – haven’t the c-suite been smarter than the average worker. That’s an interesting conundrum you mention in how they are morons

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

We don’t need to know the actual truth to know that every last word out of their mouths is a lie, including “the” and “and.”

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
3 years ago

“The answer is obvious. People fetishizing their rationality should be able to grasp this. Instead, for generations they have come to the opposite conclusion and lost every fight.”

No, they didn’t come to any conclusion and lost every fight. They are told what to say and paid to throw the fight. Heather MacDonald and others of her ilk make a very comfortable living doing that.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
3 years ago

When she changed her hairdo and began getting professional make-up for her TV appearances, I knew something was up.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Yep, you can’t hold her unfashionable views AND be a star on the boob tube

One or the other

She made her choice.

Needless to say I was never on her bandwagon, and among my earlier posts here was my take not to get too excited over; she was an also-ran with nothing highly original or thoughtful to offer. But she may have had her usefulness in getting normie to our side, but looks like that was wishful thinking.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

“Boob tube” is UK for our “tube top.” I would much rather view that content than what’s on TV. 😎

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

The Pro-vax aggression from on high was evident last December, when they started making claims that pregnant women should take it as it was being rolled out with zero long term studies. This is the height of irresponsibility. This quickly became a classist flashpoint. The coastal “elites” (who are far from elite) are always looking for an issue in which they can compare themselves to the inland “mouth breathers.” This was the perfect virtue signaling issue that goes far beyond the virus. This goes to the “We believe in The Science” part of their Nicene creed. To refuse the vaccine,… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

“To refuse the vaccine, you’re in reality a terrible selfish person.”

This stance, delivered by anyone other than those in my close circle, effectively has me thinking: “Why would I want to take some hastily prepped, mystery jab to keep this sissy safe”. Quite honestly, such people may as well be dead to me – I am sick of the guilt tripping and moralizing.

The relentless pushing and propagandizing behind it has been phenomenal.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

If the worst case scenarios for ADE materialize, I don’t think I’m going to miss the fearmongering flunatic fascists.

On the upside, there are going to be tons of cool cars and houses around that one can just pick up for free.

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

There does only seem to be three possibilities (alas, they are not mutually exclusive):
1) Vax does nothing (optimistic)
2) Unvaxxed kill the vaxxed (ADE)
3) Vaxxed kill the unvaxxed (Marek) with the added benefit of everyone needing the vax forever.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

My money is on the not-vaxx doing nothing but line the pockets of some cloud people and kill a couple dozen thousand dirt people (which no one will hear about).

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Beer Flu has proven to be such an utter dud I’m beginning to suspect the jabs will merely be a slightly lesser dud and we’ll limp along with the current level of adverse reactions for years.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

That feeling when you realize our world would be significantly better off if a large chunk of the people you encounter daily would just drop dead…

3 years ago

It is discomforting when some of the more wild claims of the mRNA vax side effects turn out to be plausible. There is indeed a danger that the vaccine can encode the spike protein into DNA, at least if this vaccine journal is to be believed. See page 62. “Permanent Incorporation of Spike Protein Gene into human DNA It has been claimed that mRNA-based vaccines are safer than DNA-vectored vaccines that work by incorporating the genetic code for the target antigenic protein into a DNA virus, because the RNA cannot become inadvertently incorporated into the human genome. However, it… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  JKA
3 years ago

This is why it’s perfectly rational to take a pass on the vaccine. First, it’s a cold that happens to take out the old and fat at a disproportionate level, but not much beyond the common flu (which disappeared from society for now). This isn’t smallpox. Second, if your government has proven its incompetence on issues A through X, why would we assume their competence on issues Y and Z? This is important because they gave the pharma companies immunity from their vaccine products. So we depend on government scientists, who probably now have to be 30% African bone-rollers, to… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

If you’re a reasonably healthy person in good physical condition, which includes almost all young people, you should have no fear of covid. Rely on your own immune system. If not, you should assess the risks of serious illness via the jab versus serious illness via the virus. Not an easy choice for many.

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

If you’re a reasonably healthy person in good physical condition, which includes almost all young people,

This does not describe a good portion of the young people I see walking around.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

It really is incredible how all these supposedly educated, intelligent, skeptical people that question the corporations and government in every other respect are falling all over themselves to line up for the jab and spread the jab gospel far and wide.

Same energy as Jonestown.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

The liability shield is not only Big Pharma. Vaccine makers are protected by a specific law. Under the PREP Act of 2005, as long as a product is Emergency Use Authorization AND/OR a declaration of emergency (e.g. pandemic) remains in effect, there is near-total immunity to liability for the entire spectrum of service providers, I’d guess that shield extends from the truck driver who hauls the vaccines from the manufacturer, to the scarcely-trained clerk at the drug store or the drive-through that administers the jabs.

3 years ago

First, the article by Heather McDonald is probably just a simple case of opportunism greed. The editors at Science & Tech likely went looking for a shill at Conservative Inc. in order to craft a anti-vaxxer putdown piece that “appears” bipartisan. And my guess is that she whored herself out for a quick buck, and neither idealistic principle nor rationality had anything to do with it. I wonder what she charges for a BJ, or if you get a discount for taking the jab. But to the more important issue addressed in today’s post. Conservative Inc. is not going to… Read more »

3 years ago

Where is Mac Donald’s inconsistency? She’s made a living, maybe, apologizing for the corrupt police state, the same guys that heroically defended the US Capitol and will soon be slapping cuffs on un-masked grocery shoppers while guys in hoodies and ski masks are running wild carjacking and stealing cell phones.

3 years ago

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I’ll ally with anybody (within reason) if they are promoting my agenda. When they are no longer aligned in my direction, I’ll cut them off and find a new ally. I was at some of the anti lockdown / anti vax protests. There really were a mix of people. – There were the tinfoil hatters handing out all kinds of pamphlets and buttons, ranging from information about how the vaccine turns you into Big Foot, to the dangers of international Zionism (Joos), to 5G nanoparticles. – There were the granola, hippy Boomers… Read more »

3 years ago

From what I understand of it, the mRNA tech does reprogram cells— like a virus will. That doesn’t mean it alters every cell in your body. Some people will take a kernel of truth and run away with it, others will hear it and assume you’re making an unreasonable statement. C’est la vie. I’m interested to know about vaccine shedding. If the wonder shot only reprograms cells to produce part of the virus (the spike protein), I’d think it wouldn’t be an issue except, perhaps, for the vaxxed or unvaxxed massively exposed. If it reprograms cells to produce an entire… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The vaxx was initially sold as staying very close to the injection site but now even The Experts(tm) have admitted it goes all over the body, including the brain and lungs. There are other little details like that which the officials will admit. I’d say you’re underselling the risk of these things. There are plenty of credible smart people ringing the alarm bells and one doesn’t need to be a microbiologist to understand the concepts. But forget all that, the most important thing is that this is a new technology that hasn’t been extensively tested on humans and the animal… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Yes, and a traditional vaccine would introduce dead or attenuated virus that won’t in theory make you sick but still allow your immune system to develop antibodies.

Why the mRNA tech, I wonder. What is it about a coronavirus that a traditional vaccine was never developed? Do they mutate too quickly, or are they so common your immune system would go nuclear? And how would this tech, which sounds to me to be mimicking a virus, be an improvement?

Idk, rhetorical questions. Something about it all doesn’t sit right.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Your salient last paragraph here is pretty much how I see it. Pols look compassionate (Look! We battled Covid and survived!), big business gets the dosh.

John Smith’s freedoms get shat on. Oh well.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Pretty insane, but I agree that’s one of likeliest explanations.

Science! for profit.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I think that the purpose of the vaccine was to get the populace back to work before the Country was bankrupted by the panic. The government and experts couldn’t simply tell everyone to stop worrying, that the actual risk was far lower than initally believed because that would suggest they were wrong, one thing weak leaders cannot possibly ever admit to. Their problem is that having whipped up mass hysteria they now find they have no way of calming things down. On the whole watching the great and good floundering, and clearly out of their depth is most gratifying, not… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Have to admit though, I lean towards Cull the Herd simply because reality has outdone my worst-case scenarios the last 18 months or so.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

ADE has been a recurring problem with vaccines for corona viruses in the past.

Usually not discovered until long term trials in animals. Such a problem scuttled a promising vaccine for the original SARS.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

My understanding is there have never been corona virus vaccines because there are too many of them and they mutate too fast. These jabs aren’t traditional vaccines, it’d be much more honest to call them treatments. The jab pushers don’t even claim the shots prevent infection, they just lesson symptoms. Some of the shots are attenuated virus, such as Sinovac and Sputnik I believe, which for me really suggests there’s something to the claim that there is no virus. If coronavirus vaccines have never worked because they mutate so fast, what’s different about this one? And why are we in… Read more »

Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago

These vaccines are always chasing last year’s problems

Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago

In March, Fauci won a $1,000,000 prize from Israel for defending science.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

I agree it’s possible that there is some harmful component of the vaccine. Either on purpose (conspiracy), or by accident (negligence). For normies though, I try and stay away from the conspiratorial aspects and focus on more concrete things. I might say something like “these companies told us that Oxy is ‘safe and not addictive’ back in the 90s. Why would I trust them now?” Or bring up thalidomide. I also talk about how I don’t trust a rushed vaccine, or mention that things were supposed to go back to normal after they got vaccinated – why are there new… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Approval for Drugs and vaccines take from five to ten years for long term trials. Many fail those long term trials after initially looking promising.

So is all of the bul—it? Or is fast tracking this vaccine recklessly asking for problems?

One or the other is true, so which is it,

Gunner Q
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

“Some people will take a kernel of truth and run away with it, others will hear it and assume you’re making an unreasonable statement.” Such is the inevitable consequence when a person MUST have an opinion about such a specialized knowledge field as the intersection of experimental genetics with immunology. Fortunately, the question *in context* is simple. Does the government get to forcibly inject you with something you don’t understand? A government that believes there are too many humans alive on the planet and those who don’t trust it should be starved of food and human contact? To ask THAT… Read more »

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

“Fortunately, the question *in context* is simple. Does the government get to forcibly inject you with something you don’t understand?”

That’s it in a nutshell. And a government that has proven incompetent for too long a time now, at that.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

If you accept the lab release conjecture, the original virus is almost certainly a synthetic virus, a product of gain of function or other types of investigation. Prior (published) research included making the SARS (or related) virus more infectious to humans, and to resist certain types of treatment. The preceding is established fact, years of published academic research including at Wuhan (WIV). Beyond that, it of necessity rapidly descends into the murk of unknowns and we only have circumstantial evidence. At the very least, SARS-CoV-2 (if a lab product) is almost certainly a nasty engineered research project that slipped the… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

That reflects the lack of seriousness too. For “The Worst Virus Ever”, the nation responsible for propagating it has faced zero consequences.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Right. My dark side says Covid, which is uncontrollable, was the setup to get people to take the wonder shot, which is controllable, and would have the advantage of the vaxxed self-selecting.

The villain in me talks. I listen but hope he’s wrong 🙂

Andy Texan
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Clear evidence (circumstantial but overwhelming) is that the Covid was the feint to administer the jab to the entire globe. Why should they want to do that?

3 years ago

Heather MacDonald walks on water up here in Canada as far as the legacy media slobs are concerned. Most of your conservative journalists up here are rejects from the pro-team over at the NRO.

They are similar to the Sirens encountered by Jason and the Argonauts. The best way to handle them is to stuff your ears with cotton, tie yourself to the mast, and try to shut them out. If you make the mistake and listen to them you will go mad, and try and hurl yourself into the sea to drown yourself and escape the shrieking lunacy… 🙂

3 years ago

One thing is certain:

If the vaccine is eventually proven to change DNA, the narrative will quickly switch to

1. Well, yes, it changes DNA, but not in any meaningful amount

2. Well, yes, it changes DNA a meaningful amount, but it’s actually BETTER DNA now

3. Any further complaints about your changed DNA is racist.

3 years ago

does anyone find the blue check MDs to be a fun trolling target?

3 years ago

From the Taki column: “The dominant theory for why revolutions always end in a bloodbath…” This gets said a lot — a whole lot. But is it true? Sure, revolutions *sometimes* end in bloodbaths, but *always*? Really? There was a revolution in Portugal in the ’70s. It didn’t end in a bloodbath. There were a few revolutions in Brazil in the late 19th and early through mid 20th centuries and none of them were spectacularly bloody. I am by no means a student of the history of revolution, but I bet there are dozens of counter examples to the “always… Read more »

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

True revolutions don’t always end in bloodbaths, but that is most certainly the way to bet, especially if the Left is involved.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Bloodbath revolutions require willing executioners, to use a phrase, in addition to the resentful intellectuals. Usually this requires a mass of peasantry who sees for the first time in generations the ability to move up in life by being the willing killers. Stalin and Lenin and the Committee did not get their hands dirty if I remember correctly. It is not enough for just resentful intellectuals like Bill Ayers and Patrice Cullors and Ibrahim X. Kendi to exist. There needs to be a critical mass of would be killers eager to enlist. So far the Regime has anti-Fa and BLM… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Stalin was the equivalent of a mafia wise guy before the revolution. Bank robber, assassin, terrorist. He most certainly did get his hand dirty. And it should be instructive to the effete revolutionaries that he wound up on top – of a pile of bodies of the intelecstools

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

“…there is never anything worth fighting for, so they are always willing to cede the battle to the other side, no matter the cost. The Left sends thugs carrying bats and knives, while the Right sends out dandies dressed like interior decorators…”.

Insert photo of my very own US Senator Lindsay Graham here—–>

Andy Texan
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Or my Senator John Wayne McCornyn.

3 years ago

A great example of Z’s point from this weekend: Rod Dreher ran away screaming from Derb and VDare.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

This is a classic, along the same lines of the article he wrote about when he talked to a reactionary who he admitted was probably right about everything, and quickly purged the conversation from his memory because, while the reactionary was probably correct, his thoughts were BAD.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Crikey. I’m pretty sure that Dreher’s backbone jumped out of my monitor a number of times, looking for a new home.

Great example, indeed. If one must be such a coward, can one just not do it in private? Mind you, in this most inverted of times, cowardice is probably celebrated as a virtue.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The message must be bad, not because, well, because the message is bad, but because the messenger is bad.

An evil clockmaker can’t even be correct once, twice a day.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Dreher has pulled this crap before. For him to act like he barely knows Derb’s writing and hasn’t read him at all since Dreher left National Review 20 years ago is ridiculous. I believe Dreher joined the pile on against Derb for “The Talk” also. There is no way he didn’t know about Unz Review. He has admitted to reading Steve Sailer’s stuff. I have made comments about VDare and Peter Brimelow in his comment section before, he knows what the site is about and that it isn’t “white nationalist.” The idea that this loser would be able to offer… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Well isn’t that his schtick? Offer no resistance to globohomo and try to have Christian communities? This is a subject I’m very interested in. I’m an Orthodox Christian (as is Dreher) and we have preserved monasticism and the life of the Faith since the beginning. But what’s missing is the martial aspect that conquered and maintained vast empires. What happened to all that? Did it ever exist or did Christendom conquer Europe despite the Church? Even the based clergy and laymen never talk about it; only monasticism.

Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago

Dreher had an insane, hysterical post about Covid in February at The American Conservative and from what I can tell hasn’t mentioned it on their website since. His comments section ripped into him for it. I wonder if they banned him from writing posts about it after that. I wonder if his readership was starting to decline and that is part of the reason for the Orban fangirl posting.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Every time I am tempted to agree with something he writes, Dreher is soon courteous enough to remind me what a piece of crap he is

David Wright
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

I know our side uses the physiognomy line a lot but look at photos of Dreher, French and even Williamson and tell me you are surprised by anything from these limp noodles.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Bwahaha. You’re right. Just took a peek, and I’d rate these lads like the sort who would gladly watch their children beaten because rayccissssms.

I don’t know if you read the linked article, but it was pretty funny when it detailed excerpts from Dreher’s account of how blacks threatened to kick his ‘jew ass’. Not even sure if he is one – but it’s comedy gold nonetheless.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

The spaghetti armed man has his place*. I recently saw a picture of the Olympic track winner in some event. He was built like a human version of a greyhound.

*Fortunately in Africa in this case 💩