Signs Of Hope

Note: Today I will be on with professor Ed Dutton. We will be watching women’s beach volleyball together and commenting about it MST3000 style. The livestream is on the YouTube at 2PM eastern. He posts replay on Bitchute so when that link is available, it will be posted here.

I also have a post up about the classic film The French Connection. This is behind the green door for subscribers. For those who have not subscribed may Allah send a gaggle of chubby feminists to your Christmas party.

Edit: Live show can be seen here starting at 1PM Lagos time.

A wise person once said that the revolution comes when a conservative of some sort is addressing a crowd and when he starts babbling about the evils of racism, the crowd begins to snicker and then starts laughing. In other words, there will come a point when white people have caught onto the scam privately then they realize that everyone else has caught on as well. The revolution is people realizing that everyone else is thinking the same taboo things privately.

It may not be that dramatic, of course, but that is a good way to think about how attitudes change slowly then all of a sudden. We may be seeing some of the slowly part as we close out the year. The jury in the Kim Potter manslaughter trial is in its third of day of deliberations and may be headed to a hung jury. Kim Potter is the former policewoman who killed Daunte Wright during a traffic stop. She mistakenly used her service weapon rather than her taser and shot him in the chest.

The case, of course, is highly important because it happened during the Derek Chauvin trial in the same general area. Minnesota has become ground zero for proving that diversity plus proximity equals violence. They have had four high profile police shootings involving diversity. In three cases the victims were diverse and the officer white, while in one case the officer was diverse while the victim was white. The results say a lot about where we are as far as diversity.

What makes the Potter case interesting is she was not charged with intentionally killing Wright as we saw with Chauvin. There is no question as to what happened in this case as it was caught on video and Potter admits to the facts. The issue at hand is whether she should be put in prison for an honest mistake. Under normal circumstances, third degree manslaughter would be a slam dunk for the prosecutor. All of a sudden, it is not looking like the easy conviction they imagined.

The suspicion is that at least two jurors have refused to convict. That suggests we may be seeing a new type of jury nullification. Not a single person in that courtroom is unaware of the fact the Derek Chauvin was railroaded by the state and sent to prison for twenty years because he is white. Everyone in the courtroom knows the Feds have piled onto Chauvin making sure he has no chance to overturn his verdict by hitting him with trumped up civil rights charges.

Again, a reasonable person can look at the Potter case and conclude she deserves the same as a drunk driver, which is about ten years. Recklessly taking a life, regardless of your profession, requires a punishment. This is easy stuff but all of a sudden it is not so easy for this jury and the most likely reason is they follow the news. They notice that there are no more white people in TV ads. They have had to sit through diversity training at the office. Their kids are facing it at school.

The other bit of evidence that private conversations are turning away from the prevailing orthodoxy is the Rittenhouse trial. Reports from the trial suggest many of the jurors were offended by the spectacle. It was clear that one juror tried to shanghai deliberations but was bullied into submission. That jury was given every chance to convict Rittenhouse on a lesser charge. Instead of taking the easy way out they decided to send a message and acquit on all charges.

Individually these sorts of events can be explained with whatever theory you find comforting but taken together we are seeing a trend. White people are figuring out that they are the target, not some abstract baddy like Nazis and racists. When they watch a football game, they see the crowd is white, but the ads all feature black people in unrealistic settings. Maybe they notice out loud around friends and those friends laugh uncomfortably at first, but then it becomes a thing.

This does not mean that every white person in America is suddenly going to become a white nationalist or anything close to it. What it means is that we are heading into a new phase of the struggle. White people are increasingly comfortable with the idea that they are being made a scapegoat because they are white. That means the lunatics bellowing about racism are suddenly going to see their audience shrink. Attitudes are shifting slowly and that changes the battlefield.

The hopelessly pessimistic will want to dismiss this as pessimism is a form of escapism, like libertarianism. The pessimist always seeks to dismiss the positive, so he does not have to act on it. He can remain on the sidelines, smugly brooding about the end of the world, while everyone else is in the struggle. His only comfort is the libertarian, smugly assuring him that he will be proven right in the end, between rounds of smelling his own farts, of course.

The reality of this struggle is that reality has always been on the side of dissident and is on the side of the people who make civilization possible. Civilization operates in a longer time span than we would like, but the course of history is always bending to conform with biological reality. It is often hard for us to see it, but there are times, like now, when you see the signs of a turning. Like the line about bankruptcy, revolutions are slowly then all of a sudden.

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

Promotions: We have a new addition to the list. Havamal Soap Works is the maker of natural, handmade soap and bath products. If you are looking to reduce the volume of man-made chemicals in your life, all-natural personal products are a good start. If you use this link you get 15% off of your purchase.

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2 years ago

Hi there! I could have sworn I’ve visited your blog before but after looking at a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Anyways, I’m certainly pleased I came across it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back often!

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

“Recklessly taking a life, regardless of your profession, requires a punishment.”

Let’s see how that statement hold up in Alex Baldwin’s trial in connection with the fatal shooting of Halyna Hutchins. Unfortunately, she was just another white woman. Had she been a person of “diversity”, you can bet it would be a completely different situation.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

You mean as in Ashli Babbitt?

My Comment
2 years ago

I found this post a White pill. It was by a fellow White woman who posed as one of us to spy on mothers who are against CRT. The usual screeching but the White pill is the mothers are all young and seemingly normal. That is further proof that CRT may be a great aid in making normies realize what is gong on and that they have a vested interest in stopping it. It also shows normies how deranged the opposition is because the “ominous” philosophy that so alarmed the fellow White self proclaimed misandrist is so benign I tried… Read more »

My Comment
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

Here is the text of the post I Joined A Far-Right Group Of Moms. What I Witnessed Was Frightening. “I caught a gleam in the woman’s eye I didn’t like. Was there some flirtation with insurrection being suggested here?” By Phoebe Cohen, Guest Writer “Look out for the trigger words,” the woman says. She’s perched on a chair in front of the room. She’s well-dressed yet funky with elegant boots, a demure sweater and some colorful jewelry. “‘Equality,’ ‘diversity,’ ‘inclusion,’ ‘marginalization,’… These words are CRT. If you see these words in your kids’ homework, you need to speak out.” I… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

Cohen, huh? Shocking.

Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

Every. Single. Time.

Those goddamn people called “Phoebe”. Grr.

Be Responsible
Be Responsible
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

If any of her account is actually true, it’s amazing how twisted and evil people like her really are. They’re mentally ill. That being said, I don’t believe a word of it. Her comments about how she was “shocked” that these people don’t think white privilege exists is the most funny. She is doing what all leftist witches do and throw out the buzzwords the left has fabricated out of thin air without any way of proving or quantifying it. Which, of course, we all know cannot be done because it does not exist. Reading this stuff makes me angrier,… Read more »

Reply to  Be Responsible
2 years ago

To me this is 100% fake because any of the legitimate mothers in the group would have sniffed out a Leftist like this lady from a mile away and she would have been appropriately shunned very quickly.

Reply to  Vmax71
2 years ago

If one is to believe any of it, the moment they deleted the email invite from her feed…they were on to her. Not to
Mention having her son be masked….

Reply to  Vmax71
2 years ago

Didn’t you comment at Hotair a long time ago? If so then I’m glad to see you’re still kicking around.

2 years ago

There is still no hope. There is going to be a massive debt default, and the dollar will lose reserve currency status. This is the kind of pressure that breaks weak vessels. America is now a balkanized vessel that is going to break along ethnic fault lines. It’s never just one thing that gets a once powerful nation.

2 years ago

As long as television remains in the hands of the Left — the complete hands of the Left — it will remain difficult to turn off the Woke narrative that they propagate.

Television is the power source. It is the glowing colorful dancing illusion which beguiles. Everything from the shows themselves to the ads in between support progressive values. It’s like trying to count the number of shows set in the U.S. South — there aren’t very many.

When you invite in the same vampire for hours each evening, it’s going to feed on you eventually.

Reply to  Catxman
2 years ago

This is true but I’ll bet viewership is way down. I know I don’t watch network TV at all now. Slowly that is changing as well.

Reply to  DFCtomm
2 years ago

And completely usurped by the even more addictive and even worse social media. It is not as if people are tuning in and turning off. They have found a more potent form

Reply to  Catxman
2 years ago

The National, “Apartment Dwellers”, 2007:

We’ll stay in our room til somebody finds us
Do whatever the TV tells us

Fill our heads with rosy- minded

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Catxman
2 years ago

TV is almost toast now. The most popular shows on Network NCIS and the Black-U-Lizer have 1/5th the viewers of say a 1980 TV show with a 50% increase in population . This basically means the reach of TV shows is like 1/8th what it was a best and a show that low ranked would have been canceled well into he 90’s These days all the NFL can manage 16 million viewers which is 1/7th the number of subscribers of say YouTube Pewdiepie Super woke crud like say Batwoman manage 300 thousand viewers which is around 1/6th of what say… Read more »

2 years ago

Was a big fan of MST3K in the 1990s. The Mexican Santa Claus movie episode was the best ever.

2 years ago

” Recklessly taking a life, regardless of your profession, requires a punishment. ”

Even if one is, say, an Actor?

2 years ago

Anybody else notice that the corporate strategy this year is to pretend that Christmas doesn’t even exist?

In the past there was alot of “happy holidays” crap but this year they’ve completely effaced the concept of Christmas. I’ve heard “holiday tree”, “merry holidays”, and “have a good holiday”, to name a few.

Personally I don’t celebrate “holidays” so it is meaningless to me. It’s mostly middle aged white women with beta husband’s who are pushing this the hardest.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Holiday tree? what the hell are you talking about? I have never heard of that phrase in my life

I live in the leftiest of left places and the Christmas lights at Lowe’s and Home Depot were sold out a month ago. Everyone’s into it pretending like everything is great

Reply to  Vmax71
2 years ago

Jeez everyone knows this.

I have been saying it since juneteenth.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Lol! Fair enough

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Where I live, corporations are very much into Christmas marketing, to the point where I’m beginning to suspect that they are relying on old-fashioned Christian charity to make up for diminished sales. Every sales clerk I’ve interacted with for the last two weeks has wished me meet Christmas, and every store has been blasting Christmas music non stop since black Friday. YMMV.

2 years ago

It’s hard to tell what exactly is going through normies’ heads. I’ve been disappointed far too often to assume that there’s any kind of mass racial awakening going on. Whites are great at deluding themselves and coping. I’ve seen it with football. They will complain that every ad is anti white. Then comes the shoulder shrug: “but eh, whatever, I’ve always watched Green Bay on Sunday” and they make themselves forget about it. Some white blue collar guys seem to be more aware than before though. Just the energy they give off. But among the white normies, it’s more of… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I think the problem with any notion of mass awakening is memory. Ask 30 normies who Derek Chauvin is. 75 percent will have no clue or the vaguest recollection. Things like football and phones are great amnesia inducing products. We remember and the cup of iniquity fills for us, but for most normies, racial outrage is a brief spasm. And just like most spasms, it is quick and soon forgotten (and one hopes the trollop one copulated with is forgotten as well). I hate to always be a downer, but I am probably younger than most folks here, and I… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

A blackout, which has already been planned and gamed, like Event 201, and currency collapse is gonna wake alot of motherfuckers up. They’re gonna look in the mirror and realize they’re White, with a bullseye on their back Tribal, what was old will be new again.

2 years ago

Potter: guilty on all counts

In a sane society, they would havd given her a medal

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

In a sane society, she wouldn’t be a cop

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

I’ve always thought the very definition of insanity is female prison guards in charge of dangerous male convicts. Who the hell came up with that idiotic idea? I always roll my eyes and chuckle when the occasional news story comes along about some female guard falling in love with an inmate and helping him escape or smuggle contraband in to him.

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

In the grand scheme of things, it’s probably not a real problem that a violent criminal is dead. However, a cop that can’t tell the difference between a gun and a taser is a real liability to the society she polices, so I don’t really have a problem with her being put in jail as a warning to other cops who may be similarly negligent. Cops ought to be held to extremely high standards when discharging their duties, and there ought to be no tolerance for one who gets confused in the course of a chase or arrest. Indeed, one… Read more »

Be Responsible
Be Responsible
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

She was a 26 year veteran, but because we have been brainwashed to believe that women can do everything that men can do, this happened. I’m not at all upset that yet another criminal black is off the street, but at the end of the day, it also shows that the whole idea of “equality” that had been force fed to us for decades is a complete farce and silly at best.

2 years ago

Potter found guilty on all counts today. She showed no emotion as the verdict was read. The holdouts caved in to get done before Christmas.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

This is exactly what John Adams said in a letter he wrote to a friend around 1820 or so. He said that “the Revolution” was not the war, with the guns and cannon and cavalry charges and the bloodshed and all that, but rather it was the change in people’s minds and hearts that was “the Revolution.”

2 years ago

The thing about the potter case is the whole thing is a lie. At the time it happened and since then, all I heard in all the stories about it was he was pulled over because of one of those fresheners was on his mirror or complaints about his car. What I never heard until very recently was that he had a warrant for a violent crime. And of course, like all the other BLM martyrs, all he had to do was not fight with the cops. Had he not fought with the cops, he would be alive regardless of… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  tarstarkas
2 years ago

And it was first and foremost she herself who ought to have known that. Her judgment is bad no matter how you slice it.

2 years ago

A funny to make you fine folks laugh: My son is out of school for the holidays, and he’s becoming kinda “redpilled” on a lot of things completely on his own. He’s a preteen, but he questions things he sees in our current milieu. He’s even noticed all the black people in all the commercials that interrupt his YouTube videos. Anyway, one of his videos was interrupted with a commercial for Santa, Inc. He texted me at work after seeing this with a message that went “Hey dad I just saw a commercial for a Christians movie where Santa retired… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago


Christians was supposed to be Christmas. But you all know that.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

I’m convinced autocorrect is totally out of control these days.

The level of autocorrection was about right on the Sony, Xiomi, and ZTE phones that I had a few years ago.

My current Samsung seems set on trying to out-anticipate my text and constantly betrays me.

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

Wasn’t the elf a Sarah Silverman lookalike?

Hence all the elf holohoax jokes on the YT trailers?

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I don’t know, I was under the assumption that her and Seth Rogan were the voice actors for it. I’ve not followed it that closely.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

One might title that little episode “The Gift of the Magi.” It’s downright O.Henry-ish in its content and messaging.

(Does he now know what “colored girl” means?)

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

No. That’s the point. He was just speaking (or texting as it were) in his pure, uncluttered with propaganda way. The pink elf was a “colored person”. It is that simple. Pink is a color. So she was “colored”. Purely innocent and, in a sane world, non-offensive. Nobody frets when people talk about the vibrant colors of flowers. That’s why it was so funny. He didn’t know that “colored” has been traditionally seen as a slur against blacks. In fact, I think if I told him that, he would laugh and in his very naive way, say something like “but… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

“Colored” was not historically a slur. It was a polite way of saying “black” which came awfully close to the n-word. Why does the nationwide organization known as the NAACP include that word in its name? It does not refer to Asians, either.

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

Some of today’s young men are interesting characters. Of course there are the ones who are brainwashed, but every now and then you find a few who say profound things, especially those under age of 20. They’ve all been trained to watch their mouths about what they say in The Era of Globohomo, but some know what’s really going on. If you can get them comfortable, the bile and distaste for it all is right under the surface and will come boiling right out. Those sure know how to use adjectives such as “queer” and “nigger”. Those are the ones… Read more »

2 years ago

Z makes in interesting argument. White people may indeed be waking up and finally realizing that they are the target, but I wouldn’t read too much into the Potter trial. If Potter gets off, it probably won’t be because she is white but because she is female and she wept on the witness stand like a five year-old getting spanked (unlike Rittenhouse, who broke down recalling the moment that the Antifa scum were pointing a gun at his head and a half-second away from killing him). It’s an undeniable fact that the criminal “justice” system gives females a fraction of… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

I agree, I definitely have to watch out about being too cynical and despair is a sin at least partly for the reasons Z states but if this woman gets off the charges I’m not convinced it’s a sign of white consciousness. I’ll need more examples.

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Why did we ever put a middle aged woman in the position of having to fight with and manhandle a 20 year old male criminal in the first place? How the hell does a 20 year veteran cop pull the wrong gun? It is likely she had been well protected for those 20 years. 2 different instances of “equality” came to front in that moment.

2 years ago

“In other words, there will come a point when white people have caught onto the scam privately then they realize that everyone else has caught on as well. The revolution is people realizing that everyone else is thinking the same taboo things privately.” Otherwise known as a preference cascade. We are starting to see this within the Hispanic community as well. Just sayin’ but I think the reason the blacks are pushing so hard on CRT and getting whatever they can get now is because their market share is pretty stable, and while whites are in decline, they are being… Read more »

Reply to  370H55V
2 years ago

CRT is being pushed by white Leftists (women in particular).

This is the problem. The AA grifters in congress and their private proxies such as the NAACP don’t want to have to share the marketplace with the uppity newcomers like BLM/CRT

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  vmax71
2 years ago

Yes. Take the Tribe and White women involved in this madness out of the picture, and it goes away.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

truer words were never said.

they should change the expression “man is a religious being” to “woman is a religious being”

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Wicca of the recent decades was started by Gerald Gardner, a one of them. Wicca is kinda of shepherded by women such as Star Hawk, aka Miriam Simon. Lots of woman such as them. The Church of Satan was started by Anton Levy. And so on… Cooking up groups & religions for them is like us getting up in the morning Wicca was particularly useful to them. It aggregated a lot of [boomerish] white women looking for something spiritual, something having white ancestral roots and which allows a more active role for women to participate. Not entirely bad as a… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  370H55V
2 years ago

The people behind CRT are not black. One of that group currently serves as the United States Attorney General; in a past life he would have been an open Chetnik. If Whites took a notion, every black man, woman and child would be dead within a matter of days and there would not be one damned thing the government, police, military or whatever could do about it. Reasonably intelligent blacks understand this. These are not the dumbasses who hung “black-owned” on their stores before they were torched last summer, but people who have a full grasp on reality. You kill… Read more »

2 years ago

Tide turning, for all the ships at sea.
Groundswell of change in awareness and opinion, landside.

Those trends show that people are aware and are realizing that they outnumber those who try to manipulate via news, or “news”.
Revelations are on the way, likely timed to coincide with more public displays of awareness. To continue the initial geographic theme, there will be landslides burying Dems, media fellow-travelers and campus phonies.

In the meantime, patience.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

We live in very odd times. Gazillionaire Elon Musk of Tesla fame is interviewed by The Babylon Bee. For those who weren’t familiar, this is a satire news site; their motto “Fake news you can trust.” So far as I know, the Musk interview is on the level. It’s been reported in (more) mainstream press.
I’ve only watched the trailer. But arguably, we now have a parody web site mounting a reasonably serious interview with (nearly) the world’s wealthiest man. Meanwhile, the mainstream media has become an ugly parody of itself.

2 years ago

That is good news. There was a headline on instapundit about the tearing down of statues and whatnot and noting that this is how a conquered nation is treated. That’s normie country over there so that’s pretty good. The other thing people always like to talk about is, you know, the fall of Rome and the comparisons but the Romans were taking over by the Germanic people not by amerindians and Africans this is a whole different ball game. These people are not up to the challenge. The Chinese on the other hand, they’re an issue but we have real… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

The Chinese have no interest in conquering far away lands and settling their people there. They want raw materials from these places to use at home.

The built the Great Wall and Forbidden City to keep outsiders OUT.

Reply to  vmax71
2 years ago

Chinese are settling their people all over the place.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

Just look at what has happened to the western coast of North America, with Vancouver as a particular standout in terms of Chinese colonization.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

With all due respect when there’s 2 billion of them even a fraction of those number if they leave the end up dotting all corners of the earth. Same for India . They Come to these places in North America in order to get rich not for concepts like freedom or any nonsense like that. If that incentive to get rich goes away they will not be coming anymore.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I believe that migration was driven by the relatively wealthy Chinese looking for escape hatches from the clutches of the CCP. Vancouver in particular was a natural place for Commonwealth citizens of Hong-Kong to land ahead of the UK surrendering it.

Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

There’s a reason it’s called Hongkouver

Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

China has now caught the same disease as Japan. Don’t look for their birth rates to recover no matter how the party begs. They’ve got just a bit of excess population left, but when that’s gone they won’t be colonizing anyone. All that will be left is to bribe the local strong men to do their bidding.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  DFCtomm
2 years ago

The Asian demographic crysis is pretty overblown. People love to ignore the looming scenario of mads death and starvation in Africa when the West can’t feed it anymore.

2 years ago

“ …For those who have not subscribed may Allah send a gaggle of chubby feminists to your Christmas party.”



Where do I send the blank cheque…😭

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
2 years ago

Perhaps another sign of hope, as strange as this will sound: the latest Spider-Man movie, staring mostly White males, is set to become one of the largest grossing movies of all time. This follows several high profile diversity flops for Marvel Studios. This could indicate that White audiences are deliberately seeking out their own kind in entertainment products to a much higher degree than in the past while also shunning anything viewed as derogatory against our group. The same phenomenon is seen with most other minority groups. Asians powered Crazy Rich Asians to profitability. Blacks did the same for Black… Read more »

Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

Here, the County went into mask mode again. However, great pains were taken to explain that these masking requirements would *not* be enforced via fines, County Health, or Sheriff—and that they were only for indoor areas where the 6 foot distancing requirement was not practical. (Schools are still on their own, but will be defying Governor’s latest edit if they mask up.)

In short, a nothing burger. Now we will see whether the general non-masking of the population increases or decreases (as was the tend prior). I will report back.

Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

The success of that spider-man movie is all about pre-woke era nostalgia.

If it wasn’t for Sony, Disney would’ve made that movie woke. Got to hand it the east asians for keeping the tribe’s tendencies in check.

Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

China does not pay to see diversity led films.

If the major studios actually had to make money instead of getting funded from god knows where (probably the massive bail out bills) there would be little no presence of that in the big films.

Although you get stuff like the last ipman which was heavily anti-white with Chinese leads.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

“Although you get stuff like the last ipman which was heavily anti-white with Chinese leads.”

i’m not sure if ipman movies are anti-white race or if they’re simply anti-USA imperialism movies. I’ve seen half an hour of that movie(i was in a bus & that movie was on) & it portrayed the chinese lead fighting a high-ranked chinese-hating US marine. It’s stupid chinese propaganda, I know, but so were the Rambo sequels for the american side.

Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

Maybe. The earlier ones certainly weren’t.

Even the second with the anti-colonial stuff and the Boxer seemed a little more cartoonish, using the bad guy as a cut out.

The last I ended up turning off as it just got out of hand.

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

That is a hopeful sign! Some people just need an good example to follow.

2 years ago

I get the hypochondria now.
It’s subliminated anxiety.

They did all that was asked, and now are surrounded by surly, ungrateful strangers.

It can’t be the strangers’ fault, because we are one race, the human race.

Was it because they lost God? Hardly.
They believed, too fiercely, all their priests told them. The Woke are the most zealous of believers. Yet their prayers and supplications are for naught.

I pray for them, too. I pray daily that Brandon croaks on camera, and that they suddenly have the Lady President they so richly deserve.

2 years ago

Was listening to the Revolutions podcast – I covered most of the English Civil War and the French Revolution. The thing that struck me, aside from how much time it takes to put things in context, is how much nobody knew what was going on. Charles, for example, kept leaving where he was supposed to be and would show up in weird places, thinking the troops there would be loyal, and finding that they were not. He wasn’t stupid, but he did think that they’d be loyal because, well, they are. He couldn’t see how the whole thing was usually… Read more »

2 years ago

My wife and her brother own a construction company and so we watch a ton of HD TV. It has to be where they test fire the wokest ads first. Vibrants wearing flannel pj’s , drinking coco, walking out of a snow covered house in the forest to an Audi or Mercedes with a bow on it…followed by a golden retriever. We all know blacks don’t own retrievers! In any event you all have a great Christmas….at least nobody is shooting at us yet. “Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these… Read more »

norham Foul
norham Foul
Reply to  mountaindogsix
2 years ago

“My wife and her brother own a construction company and so we watch a ton of HD TV.” Nice! I need that construction job!

Reply to  mountaindogsix
2 years ago

I assume you meant HGTV. Is there is single show on that channel hosted by black people? I thought the extent of their diversity is that Joanna Gaines is half Filipino.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Joanna is half Korean, half White. She is a Waco graduate and has—obviously—inherited a sharp mind from that mixture—East Asian and White. Doubtful a Filipino mixture would have provided such.

She and fellow graduate, Chip (White) are devote Christians with *5* children. If only all fully White couples were of such stock….

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  mountaindogsix
2 years ago

“I want to decorate that chaplain.”

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  mountaindogsix
2 years ago

Almighty Father, in Your infinite wisdom, bless our struggle and help us to find happiness and contentment in greasing the threads of our tanks with the guts of our lilly-livered Woke enemies and so make for ourselves and our posterity a truly Merry Christmas


Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Dear lord
Make me a worthy minister of death. I pray for war
I pledge to keep hell stocked with fresh souls. ( ripped off from full metal jacket) lmfao
Merry Christmas y’all

Reply to  mountaindogsix
2 years ago

Did Patton really recite that prayer? His thoughts about being the instrument of justice were certainly a lot different in his writing at the end of the war due to what he saw.

Reply to  mountaindogsix
2 years ago

Literal truth. Speaking as a canine professional (52 years, 28 in the Los Angeles area) with working retrievers…. out of about 2000 clients, only TWO were black (both black guy, white wife) and one of ’em you really had to squint… nordic-light skin, red hair (albeit kinky), five whitebread-lookin’ kids.

One of those kids had gone to a “historically black college” because he wanted to have “the black experience”. He gave it up after a year, sorely disappointed.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“His only comfort is the libertarian, smugly assuring him that he will be proven right in the end, between rounds of smelling his own farts, of course.”

You shouldn’t advertise smelling farts, even in jest. Farts lead to Global Warming, which leads to virus pandemics, which leads to electing people with Dementia, which leads to runaway inflation, which leads to disruption of the supply chain, which leads to the end of the world.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

The inhalation prevents accumulation in the atmosphere. Duh! Gawd, open a science book. In fact, I have long proposed that global warming activists should be posted at the rear of every cow in the world to prevent the escape of harmful methane.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

We of the Woke Brigade have no need to open a science book. We are The Science!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I was in the car all day yesterday on my way to the red part of the blue Murder Mitten. Life here is mostly normal…there aren’t even signs up requesting people to wear face diapers. Wicked Witch Whitmer has vanished like a tears in a monsoon. I guess the checks from Pfizer didn’t clear. Or maybe she’s decided to chill and spend the long winter by the fire bundled up with Nessel and Benson. Meanwhile, back in the ’90s, Virgin Mobile had all the camping ads beat with Christmashannahkwanzakuh: What happens to Tiny Tim at the end of the… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Whitmer is probably hiding from the FBI, in case they try to fake another kidnapping.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

That’s rich… what Virgin Mobile’s ad neglects to mention in the crush of so much parody is that they were charging $60/hour roaming fee. (Yes, really. At least through 2014.)

Was on a service they acquired, which is how I learned about this hidden fee. Took me 3 years and an FCC complaint to get my self-owned phone out of their clutches. Never did get my number back.

Good to know they’ve always been that stupid.

2 years ago

It is nice to see some optimism, and I see signs, too. I get more approval and less pushback when I talk about Whites realizing they need to look out for their interests just the same way other races and ethnicities do, but there’s still a powerful strain that gets really upset and tells me that identity politics is evil, meritocracy, they have a dream, content of character not color of skin, Hispanics are natural conservatives, NABALT, etc. I remind them that that is the strategy that has been losing for 70 years now, because heritage Whites are the only… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

You ought to go here and read not only the article but also the comments:

2 years ago

Two white pills in a row! It must been the Christmas spirit abroad in the Zuniverse.

Reality will bite eventually. There are signs of a turn here and there, most notably the Rittenhouse verdict, as well as contrary signs, e.g. the jogger verdict in Georgia. The most hopeful sign is that I hear people saying the quiet parts out loud, both among the Wacky Woke and the Normies. That helps clarify things for everyone.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

The Regime will fall. After that the country will break up or go Congo, ie total implosion or authoritarian regime with White testo in charge.

2 years ago

The B125 justice system that we need to follow:

White and did something neutral/pro white: Innocent
White and did something anti-white/is an anti white person: Guilty
Non-white: Guilty, in all cases

So, Kim Potter is innocent. This incident proves that women shouldn’t be cops, but according to the B125 justice code she’s clearly innocent.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I like it!

Too bad the current regime is following the terrible inverse of your excellent precepts!

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Once they start keeping white people out of juries because of this, it will be easy to point out the distinct lack of “jury of one’s peers” and further de-legitimize the regime.

The Booby
The Booby
2 years ago

“White people are increasingly comfortable with the idea that they are being made a scapegoat because they are white. That means the lunatics bellowing about racism are suddenly going to see their audience shrink. Attitudes are shifting slowly and that changes the battlefield.” Perhaps, but all this should have been obvious to anyone 30 years ago, at least to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Even though Trump was a loudmouth do-nothing, we have to at least give him some love for exposing the fact that increasing numbers have had enough, and for demonstrating that the woke black… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  The Booby
2 years ago

agreed. voting for the gop is just sustaining the system that you wants to kill you. it’s insane, but hopefully the gop will die as part of the white awakening.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I’m in the UK and at the moment things don’t seem to be terrible.
Met a Canadian today when I went shopping who couldn’t believe you “could go anywhere you wanted”.
Maybe it’s because I live in a rural county but no requests for “ze papieren”. Some people wear masks but most staff in the shops don’t. There’s no enforcement whatsoever in terms of mask wearing. No cops anywhere or any sign of officialdom.

Not always wise to believe what you consume from the media.

Reply to  Angarrack
2 years ago

I wish.

Where I am its mask city – about 98% wearing in shops.

Its worse than when it was mandatory and a lot more on the street wearing maybe 50-60%.

Gods its pissing me off. The ease to which people have taken to it is stupefying.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Same. I live in a US Midwest city, and just got back from the grocery store. About 95% were masked. I made eye-contact and exchanged smiles with a woman who was also unmasked. If I had any game, I would have said something clever.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

In Long Island a few days ago, I waltzed in to a 7-11, got The Glare from the customers, while the unmasked, grouchy Paki cashier nearly chewed his lips off behind his beard, he was trying so hard not to laugh.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Booby
2 years ago

” … the USSA has now gone full-on commie and the UK is … .” That depends on what part of the USSA you are in. Where I am (Deep South), our state AND local authorities have largely ignored the whole covid thing. Our black sheriff went on local TV to say that it was not his men’s job to fool with sickness and that they would not be doing so. And they haven’t. Black sheriff in the state next door said and did the same. Our governor shut things down for two weeks to flatten the curve and that… Read more »

The Booby
The Booby
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Interesting account. Thanks.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

This has been like the bankruptcy line, first slow, then all of a sudden. We will not recognize this country, due to population shifts (this is outside non-White immigration/births) within five years. I think it probably is a good thing but whether it makes a difference is another matter.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Writing in from the People’s Republic of NJ here, southern portion, which is in many spots quite conservative. Fuck the New York annex up north. I am not vaxxed, & will not be. My wife, who works at an Ivy across the Delaware, did get vaxxed due to increasing pressure at work, and against my proffered objections; but as I am retired, and her salary pays for the Big Stuff, I understand. But my stepson, who works for a quasi-governmental entity, had little choice, as it was no jab, no job. His wife also got the jab, due I suspect… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

Lotta good biker bars in south jersey, country music on the jukebox. Merry Christmas, Jeffersonian.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
2 years ago

And a Merry Christmas to you, too, Dennis.

We live across from Philly in a heavily Blue Tick suburb, three synagogues within a mile. A couple months ago we went Down South about 20-30 miles, and stopped into a hopping Italian place for lunch. NOBODY was masked, EVERYBODY looked happy. What a contrast to the scuttling, masked-up NPCs around our town. A lift to the spirits, it was.

2 years ago

White pills abound and are non-trivial. MSM will not report it, but firearm and ammunition sales are through-the-roof despite supply chain restrictions. Both private inventories are now so huge and dispersed (and now often well-hidden) that the Feds have no real prospect of denting this resource even with a robust confiscation program. This means that a hot civil war (if it comes to that) will quickly become a bloody nightmare nearly impossible to contain once ignited. This is why they put so much effort into indoctrination and intimidation. And most importantly, it’s why they fear the bolt from the blue.… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Ballpark between 35 and 40 % of ALL firearms in the world, including military and civilian, are in the hands of private Americans. 20 years of GIs and Marines running around kicking in doors didn’t even dent gun ownership in Iraq and ‘ghan, which have FAR fewer guns per capita. Disarm America?? That’s a great idea lol All you have to do is overturn, not the Second Amendment, but the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

That’s because the CIA and State Dept factions of the Deep State have an endless pipeline of free AKs and ammo from factories in Bulgaria to their ISIS, Kurd, and Taliban proxies.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Well, they had better be self-aiming, self-firing, self-maintaining weapons b/c without manpower, they are no threat. And FedGov has very little manpower, even expressed as a raw number. And of the manpower that it does have, how much is reliable? Even thy don’t know, which is what had Nancy Pee wigging out during the terrifying “insurrection” in January.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

It’s not insanity, it’s fear (which admittedly makes people do counter productive things). They’ve run out of options for “soft” control—and they can not lose control and survive.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

There is a lot of criticism of armed citizens, sometimes on here, that states basically, “so what, no one will ever use their guns, the gov’t is too powerful, blah, blah.” I’m not so sure. Biden pointed out that he has the nukes and the air force, but so what. Those will never be used. It’s the doxing, getting people fired, cutting people off credit, and unequal prosecutions that are their superpowers. But if it turned hot, the state would not stand a chance, but for the inability of our side to organize.

2 years ago

I’m not sure if it’s good policy to punish cops for honest mistakes. The nature of the job— where your life depends on making split-second decisions on inadequate knowledge— ensures that such things will happen. If we penalize cops for honest errors, who’s going to want to do the job? One could argue that the real mistake occurred during the selection process: clearly, Kim Potter was not suited to be a cop, and should never have been hired. Even moreso the Somali cop who shot the White lady: all his acquaintances described him as twitchy and paranoid. But his hiring… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Once upon a time, most PDs recruited largely from ex-military and the offspring of prior law enforcement families. Even in the days of affirmative action, screening was intense for new minorities allowed in. Then we began electing actual idiots and crooks as mayors in large metropolitan areas, and after a few decades of extreme malfeasance, every big city PD became corrupted and infiltrated with incompetents. This is why you don’t want to be in a large city when the collapse begins.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Black female police chiefs! What could be more American than that!

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

A name like Keechant!

Very old school American indeed.

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Handicapped, transsexual police chiefs, of course!

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

“If we penalize cops for honest errors, who’s going to want to do the job?”

As far as I can tell, the police are just in the way.

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

If the state is going to sanction the actions of a group of armed citizens (whether LEOs, military, etc.), those bearing officially sanctioned arms need to be held to an extremely high standards of conduct. Cops ought to be thoroughly trained to tell the difference between a taser and a gun, no excuses. We’re lucky that it’s only a violent criminal that’s dead, but would we excusing this cop if she did this to a white teenager who was goofing off but panicked and ran when confronted by a cop? Or if this occurred during a routine traffic stop where… Read more »

2 years ago

What Z says may be ture, but in Wokeville where I live, the narrative continues. . We’re Rachel Maddow’s genderless children and Liz Warren’s obedient pets. We’re under a mask mandate that’s never been lifted, even in the gyms, and may never be lifted if many folks here have their way since masking “protects me from you and you from me.” We’re in voluntary semi-lockdown. Churches are still zooming Sunday services. Public buildings, from town halls to libraries, are either closed or if they’re open, it’s for a few hours a day, to a few people at a time. Many… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

which state?

comment checker

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Well howdy neighbor!
I indicated in a previous comment the enablers are who this Saxon hates.
The local accountability list is long.
I note every yard sign.

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

“I note every yard sign.”

This. My list grows long.
I ponder what to do with said list.

On the ‘fun and bright side’: bringing a busload of homeless over and pitching tents on their front lawn. On the ‘not so bright side’… well, use your imagination.

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

I was amused (but not surprised) to find that the public library I my county seat is a cell of Covidian panic in the midst of a county that has been going along like there’s no pandemic for more than a year.

My daughter stopped by there recently. The door was locked,l. No one was allowed in without an escort, full masking in effect. No staying to browse and hang out. I had almost forgotten there are places like that around me.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Vizzininn
2 years ago

Here in mostly Free Florida, my local library in East Buttplug, the county “seat”, has been open more or less normally for many months. So far as I know most public buildings including government, don’t even require masking anymore, probably not since mid-2020. I rarely go to the main branch, but did some weeks back. Like libraries is large cities, it’s a favored hangout for homeless to use the internet. We have a relatively small population of those here in EPB, and they seem relatively well cared for and don’t reek.

Reply to  Vizzininn
2 years ago

It all makes sense when you realize that LIS majors (that’s “Library and Information Science, for the uninitiated) are obnoxious pussyhatting SWJ even by ivory tower standards. Find someone with an advanced degree in it — which, you know, they ALL have now — and you will be looking at someone that even Gender Studies PhDs think is extreme.

Contemplate that on the Tree of Woe, next time you’re wondering why your tiny all-White burg is for some reason holding Drag Queen Story Hour with some Congolese queen in the starring role.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

You ain’t seen NUTTIN’ yet. Check DIS out:

Watch the whole thing.

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Sounds like you live near me in Western MA

The Booby
The Booby
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

“Churches are still zooming Sunday services.”

Then you should quit your church. And tell your gutless pastor/priest exactly why.

I don’t know why anyone continues with their churches anyway. Where I live it’s the white Christian women who are falling over themselves to be fashionably woke, and show off their designer COVID burqas. Meanwhile, there’s now a woke pope, while the head of the Anglican Church tells everyone to beware of global warming. You don’t need a church to be a Christian, if that’s what you want. All you need is a bible and the ability to read for yourself.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Booby
2 years ago

Would that that were true, but it’s not. You cannot be a Christian buy yourself. It’s a community religion: members of one body. Branches of one vine. It’s there in the Bible you refer to.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Sorry, Booby. You are always very insightful, but I have to disagree here, though I agree solitary prayer is also a great thing.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:20.

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

You must be in my neighborhood! I am in Z’s Lagos on the Chesapeake, but I happen to be in the wildest, neon blue cat-lady academia zone of the city. The masks are celebrated and worshipped. I see packs of self-appointed park guardians with lots of little tots all bundled in face diapers. No, they love love love them some BLM signs, boasting about being boosted and (get this) sequestering their visiting guests until a negative PCR test can assure them that they can come out of their bedroom to celebrate Christmas with the family. No lie. Nope, the insanity… Read more »

Reply to  kestrel
2 years ago

Bet you a dollar something like this is how the whole burka thingie started over there in Buggerystan.

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  kestrel
2 years ago

Speaking of Neon-Blue Catladies, I happened to be at a retail establishment which advertises products of the “one-federal-reserve-note” variety. Behind me in line was such a specimen. The blue pigtails and bangs were no doubt designed to obfuscate the fact that the lady in question was in her prime during the Beatles heyday. The items she placed on the conveyor were kitty litter, a small, blue-tinsel christmas tree, and 8 cans of cat food. And oh btw, her mask had a nose and cat whiskers. It would be funny were it not tragicomic.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

“Attitudes are shifting slowly and that changes the battlefield” this is why you never extrapolate current trends linearly; every action causes a reaction, thus changing the situation (a little). incremental changes accrue until a threshold is crossed, and then BOOM! systemic collapse. human desire is like water behind a dam, waiting waiting waiting for a little crack to develop. well, the cracks are all over the dam face now, and they aren’t little. the progs and muds are radicalizing the whites, and providing the impetus for a true white identity forming. and it won’t include all the crazies and karens… Read more »

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

White identity coalescing around the purebloods. The Lord works in mysterious ways, or he has a sense of humor. I love it.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

i truly feel hunted here in cali, but am moving to florida next week 🙂

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I think of it as being in a target rich environment.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Cali’s going to tip with hispanics turning. I know that’s not the solution, but it’s the beginning. It will be an exciting place to be.

Meanwhile I think we’re witnessing peak Florida, analogous to California in the 60s.

But it’s your calculation to make 🙂

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I’m not so sure. I live in Missouri, which was a 50/50 swing state for at least a century before the last few elections. We have been getting redder and redder, including Trump by 15 points in 2020. I see Florida as even more promising, because our blacks are their hispanics.

There is a stock market saying that the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. I believe Cali can remain crazy longer than you can remain alive.

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I’m not so sure about Cali tipping. The Hispanics are ‘conservative’ culturally, but they will ALWAYS vote lefty for more gibs. Also, as long as there are (((white))) agitators, there will be problems. What I DO see happening eventually is that there will be massive balkanization and a great culling of anyone darker than your average Pedro or Juan. Blacks in Clownifornia should take note at how Blacks are treated in Mexico. Because that is what is coming for them.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I did the same last year, in the midst of Covid hysteria. I bailed out of Austin (used to be a great city) and landed in north Florida. Just be advised, if you’re moving to a large city,
or anywhere in south Florida, it’s very diverse and the white folks are just as batshit crazy as anywhere

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  DaDZ
2 years ago

Because they are carpetbaggers. Period. Trust me; I KNOW Florida.

Reply to  DaDZ
2 years ago

Your comment on S. Florida is noted. But Is there a large city that isn’t a mix of diversity and white batshit?

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

For my fellow Angelinos, complaining about how Los Angeles is such a sewer:

I really, really want you to give northwest Philadelphia a try. You would chunk your friggin’ boxers.

Enjoy the mosquitos, Von Hungus. Forgot your skeeter spray?
Dead Man Walking!

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Take the Germans out of Germantown and…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

You’ll love it. Our climate is just like yours — for about three months in the winter. 😡

2 years ago

From my sister: back during the George Floyd orgy of kneeling, one of my woke neice’s kids asked my neice why they were kneeling. “To show support for our Black friends, sweetie”. To which she innocently replied, “But we don’t have any Black friends, Mommie….” And yes: cognitive dissonance is very real. You can feed people bullshit, and they may look around them and realize that it’s best to nod and agree. But reality continues to intrude. And finally, to boomerang on them: they realize there’s a reason the media goes to such lengths to avoid mentioning the race of… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

It’s also amusing, in a schadenfreude sort of way, when two leftist politicos, one of them a U.S. Congress person, get carjacked in the same day. 🤣

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Yes: very satisfying

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“The reality of this struggle is that reality has always been on the side of dissident and is on the side of the people who make civilization possible. Civilization operates in a longer time span than we would like, but the course of history is always bending to conform with biological reality.” Beautifully written and absolutely true. The cynic in me expects enough pro-White jury nullifications, which also are on the horizon, will lead to attempts to either abolish trial-by-jury outright (this has been attempted in England to some degree already without success–yet). The shrinking optimist still burrowed somewhere inside… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The Floydists and their Soros DA’s see the crime boom as a complete success. They’re creating a demand for increased police powers.

It really is a race before the hog trap is sprung. Those National Guard won’t be changing bedpans for long, if whites don’t deliver the Bitchslap Heard ‘Round the World.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

All true. The Soros DA’s are a double-edged sword, though. People have started to ask “who is Soros?” That’s good because it points the masses in the right direction if they are willing to follow it.

2 years ago

Here is the jury list with descriptions from local Minneapolis media. It is a good bet juror #1 is one of the holdouts to convict. “He told the court he doesn’t believe the criminal justice system works equally for everyone.” Very well put Juror #1, no it certainly does not.

2 years ago

Among the bunch of guys I work out with, “”white privilege” has become a joke phrase.

Reply to  Drake
2 years ago

When I employees do something dumb, or “the hard way” by not using the appropriate tool, I tell them to use your white privilege.

It didn’t take long for them to figure out that was my way of saying don’t be a dumbass

Reply to  Drake
2 years ago

The problem is even joking normalizes the phrase.

Its why they used Comedy so heavily in the 90s. It just seeps in as a legitimate concept.

Try using Black Privilege it works as well and re-enforces its existence.

Reply to  Drake
2 years ago

Whenever I hear that phrase, I respond, “I agree, it is a privilege to be white.”

2 years ago

“The revolution is people realizing that everyone else is thinking the same taboo things privately.”

“Merry Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Ceaușescu.”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Gespenst
2 years ago

Your sense of humor is shot 😛

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Tisk tisk. Pun is the Death of Humor, Ben.


Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
2 years ago

“It is history that teaches us to hope” – General Robert E. Lee

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Enoch Cade
2 years ago

“Our strategy for dealing with straight White males is simple: We will cut them off – then kill them.” –

Major General Mark A. Milley, U.S. Army

Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

“I have not yet begun to fight.” — John Paul Jones, White man of note.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

“The ultimate effect of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.”
— Herbert Spencer

“It’s difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on not understanding it.”
— Upton Sinclair

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

and a great bass guitarist!

Reply to  Enoch Cade
2 years ago

That Gen Lee sounds awesome. Is there any type of public monument I could go pay my respects to?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

There’s one here in my hometown, and it’s 70 feet tall and carved of Carrera marble. Stands smack-dab in the middle of the main street in this Deep South city of about 600,000. Gen Lee and three other generals.

2 years ago

Your intro reminded me of the following: when my longest was in high school, a public school in a moonbat, latte town, he took an after school class on racism- free cookies and soda, and I’m guessing there was a cute gal somewhere in the mix. The guy who ran it was one of the grade school principals in the district – a commie’s commie. When he was telling the kiddos about the ‘68 Olympics, and Tommie Smith and John Carlos and the Black Power Salute the guy stated to cry- my son’s response was to start laughing- a deep… Read more »

Reply to  Ganderson
2 years ago

Youngest, not longest. On that subject I have no knowledge.

Reply to  Ganderson
2 years ago

“And, OT on the day before Xmas eve – despite all I’m reading about the Coronamonomania going away, the panic is being dialed up to 11 here in Western MA. A bunch of Karens in the legislature are pressuring our clown college governor to re-institute a statewide mask mandate. My bet is he folds.” Back from where I used to live (Silly-Nois), the Fish-Eyed Fool what “runs” Chicago has decided to go “Full Karen” (You NEVER go Full Karen!):… “To put it simply, if you have been living vaccine-free, your time is up. If you wish to live life… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

My feelings about Chicago can be summed up with a 7 second Saving Private Ryan clip:

Reply to  Ganderson
2 years ago

The Castille shooting was a bitch: there again, the cop that shot him should never have been a cop.

And it contains a valuable lesson for all us concealed carriers: be VERY CAREFUL when you get stopped. Keep your hands in view, and let the cop direct your every movement.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
2 years ago

About those ads: I’ve been backpacking and camping for 30 years. Never once have I ever seen a black guy. Never. Yet blacks appear in advertisements for outdoor companies all the time. If not black guys, then a white lesbian with her black girlfriend. But there is hope: I have never seen a fat chick in one of those ads.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Yep. Just looked at REI: Of the seven ads with photos, all were of black folks. I go to the REI in Oklahoma City quite regularly. All the employees are white folks.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

stop shopping there.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

No. Stop giving unsolicited advice to people you don’t know. (And yes, I just gave you advice.) I’ve been a member of the REI co-op for 40 years. REI has outfitted me for 12 years for backpacking clubs I had in Costa Rica and Argentina. The gear I bought there has saved my life many times in the Andes and in jungles: crossing the Darien from Panama to Colombia; solo backpacking to Machu Picchu, Choquequirao, Gran Vilaya and the Colca and Cotahuasi Canyons; spending months alone in the Argentine and Chilean Andes.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

They’ll take your business but they’re ashamed of your face. Fuck ‘em imo.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

grrrr you are so cute when you pretend you’re tough 😛

and no, i wasn’t giving advice, i was highlighting your uselessness to anything related to fixing America. but you keep kamping kiddo, that’s what’s really important!

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Well “Karl”—or whatever your name is—let’s see: I spent 4 years as a medic in the USAF; got two college degrees; chased through the jungles by the Panamanian and Honduran armies and by several Indigenous tribes; been around civil wars in Guatemala, Peru, El Salvador and Honduras; traveled with the Sandinista Army during the Nicaraguan Revolution; lived with the Cuna and Choco Indians; kidnapped by Guatemalan guerillas; taken prisoner by the Chilean military; am proficient in a number of firearms and the Kalashnikov; been attacked by a number of wild animals; and am astoundingly handsome.

Feel better now?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

what a surprise, you’re a tax eater. you sound like a hysterical school girl, in spite of all your self proclaimed heroics. did i mention i can fly, unaided? yep. can lift a 1000 pound bould with one arm, too.

any relation to steve austin?

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Careful “Karl”, Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

You and the other commenters here can check out my website for confirmation on what I have done.

Oh…I forgot a few things: shipwrecked off the Miskito Coast Of Honduras; spent a great deal of time looking for gold mines and lost cities—La Ciudad Blanca—in Honduras.

You seem to be living confirmation of what Thoreau wrote: ““The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Due to consolidation, there isn’t a lot of choice for the kinds of things REI sells. Sometimes you have to buy from Globohomo.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

That horn’s not going to blow itself!

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Karl and Mike. Why are you fighting over piddly shit when you probably agree on 95%? No friendly fire!

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Dear “Spingehra”: A “trust funder”? Hardly. I went to work at 9 years of age working in the fields picking fruit. Then on to a paper route, car washing, dish washing and working janitorial in an Osteopathic hospital. Then the USAF, bartending, apartment managing, and then 27 years spent teaching in 3 countries.

David Wright
Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

Very cool Mike, glad to have our own Indiana Jones on the site. Friend of mine did some jungle exploring in Costa Rica and came back sicker than hell for weeks.
I’m not intrepid enough for that.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

Must be a trust funder.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

Oh my word have I been sick while traipsing around Latin America! Look up histoplasmosis. Yikes! My website has lots of photos of my 14 years solo backpacking in Latin America. No photos of black guys or fat chicks though.

Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

It’s hard to imagine a company more converged than REI. Having said that, I’ve been a member for a very long time and have spent a lot of money there, but whenever possible I’ll shop at the locally owned outfitter. They are probably just as converged, but at least my money stays more local, and I can live with that. I used to use Patagonia gear quite a bit as well, until Trump got elected and they decided to call all his supporters bad names. Look, I honestly don’t care what a company’s owners and/or employees personal political views are,… Read more »

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

You are spot on about REI as a company—so converged as to be laughable.. As for the employees, I have found them friendly, knowledgeable and extremely helpful. They have never refused me a favor. Of course, they have no idea about my politics. But then again, I do not broadcast them in public. I supported Trump and have lots of guns and ammo.

Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

Same with Lululemon. Their local store is as white as an albino who bleaches his skin, but their website models are diversity with HIV. I would boycott, but they make damn good shirts. And as Wolf Barney says, if you boycott all of globohomo, there isn’t much left. But more power to those who do!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I routinely fish and camp. Skin tones look like a wedding gown in a blizzard, with a few flecks of brown here and there. Black is nowhere to be found and this is near an area north of thirty percent sub-Saharan, so, yep. Which makes it all the more ironic that, while it now has been memoryholed, there was an all-out effort to label camping and fishing and the Great Outdoors as “racist” just three or four years ago. The National Park Service responded with glossy brochures of Dindus gathered around campfires in Yellowstone due to fear of budget cuts.… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

All those trees…. it’s just too easy to get lynched

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

From my experience, if you head into a campground after the non-whites have been there, you better be prepared to clean up a lot of litter.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I shop on Zappos and all the models are non white now. Same with catalogs. It’s very noticeable. Only the most woke whites are not going to be repelled.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Mike, Karl may have been douchy in his response but certainly you can get the same stuff you need from a place that is not ashamed to show people of your skin color in their advertisements (especially since that skin color is the only one that buys their stuff)..

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  vmax71
2 years ago

I call it eBay.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  vmax71
2 years ago

Certainly I could if I lived in places like Colorado or Utah. But I live in Oklahoma City. Not much here other than Cabela’s—which is a fine outfitters but has little to offer serious backpackers and bikepackers.. REI offers the finest selection of quality gear in the state, plus superb service and a one year guarantee on all gear. And I earn a 10 percent member award every year. If I only shopped at stores that agreed with my politics, I would have no bicycles or backpacking gear or phone service or internet or books or hi-end audio gear. The… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago
The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  plato_spaghetti
2 years ago

Delicious! Are they already handing out credit applications in de hood?

Let me know as SOON as they do that.

Reply to  plato_spaghetti
2 years ago

Ah, I wonder what happened there. All of a sudden the catalog is chock-a-block with negro trout fishermen and such.

Come to think of it, recently their offerings changed, and they were all about saving the planet through synthetic fibers.

Well, whaddya know. I thought that the DIE crowd had just gotten to them, but it turns out that this is a self-inflicted wound after all. I guess, being Vermonters, the heirs were predisposed to this nowadays. What a waste.

Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

I often joke that I must be part black- my future time orientation is not all that good, I love big American cars, like Caddies, Continentals, and of course the Buick Electra 225, and I hate camping.

Reply to  Ganderson
2 years ago

My 23&me profile came back showing that, in addition to my mostly western European with a smattering of Scandanavian, I also have 0.5% — 1/2 of one percent— West African genes, entering my bloodline 5-8 generations back. Most likely a Black slave who had a child by her White master, the child also mated with a White man, and so on until the offspring could “pass”. My ancestors on my mother’s side were from the South, so it makes sense. My Black friends at the homeless shelter where I worked at the time got a big kick when I showed… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

They just do that to mess with White people.

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Did you at least get the fast twitch muscle from your 0.5%?

Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

Unfortunately, no….

Nor did I get the humongous talkeywhacker….

I do, however, tend to spend Friday’s paycheck long before Monday rolls around…..

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Those analyses are NOT from sequencing. (That will cost you a lot more.) Small signals are for entertainment value only. It means nothing.

Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

Do you know which ones are the best?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Sorry to bust your balloon, but DNA values below 5% are meaningless.

“My ancestors on my mother’s side were from the South, so it makes sense.”

Comment would be superfluous.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Family Tree DNA in Houston (Rice U., I *think*), is the Real McCoy.

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

My wife’s test came back 1% Congolese, while mine was all English, Irish, German and Dutch. She just loves it when I say, “that must be the negro in you.” Almost makes up for stupidly paying to give the government our DNA samples.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

Another place you never see black people: Those outdoor art shows. Come to think of it, you don’t see many black artists.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

That is, unless you include scam artists…. “The Reverend” Al Sharpton is surely without parallel….

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

I am waiting to see some complaining about the world Chess Championship… a HUGE deal in most places…including the USA…interesting to see the top 7 players names…

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

Mike – amazingly, when I was a kid in the Boy Scouts, we went to trail camp jamboree for a week in the Appalachians where we encountered an all-black troop from DC led by black Scoutmasters! They were great guys, very good scouts and quite squared away. (For context, I’m a few years older than Zman and I grew up just south of the Mason-Dixon line.) Now just imagine such a thing existing today…. Yes, Biology is a thing and so is the “talented tenth”, so I understand in retrospect I had an unusual encounter. But there’s a failure of… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

I wonder if there are any Black Scout troops in DC now?

I’m inclined to doubt it….

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

“Black Scout Troops” There used to be a Scout program called ‘Scoutreach’ here in Clownifornia that went into the inner-city schools and offered Boy Scouts as an after-school program for the ‘socioeconomically disadvantaged’. Scouting is/was kind of an expensive thing and it required massive participation of parents and communities, which is often why you would see it supported by church groups. Anyway, the free, after-school program used to attract hundreds of Scouts of Color. It is now defunct – a victim of the lawsuits brought forth by the woke and the parasitic elites. They are now wholesale liquidating the assets… Read more »

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Wow. I had no idea, but I am glad to hear of it. I wish there were something like that now. Now more than ever.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

My favorite unrealistic outdoors-related ad for 2021 is the LL Bean featuring some kind of Mohammedan, his golden retriever, and white family getting ready for Christmas:

Yeah, this is about as real as Santa Claus.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Ya gotta love the black gospel singer in the background.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

It’s a Rainbow World, you guys!

I know if I ever need brain surgery I’m going to insist on a Black neurosurgeon….

Vikram Parmar
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

You would do just fine with Dr. Ben Carson…Just as lovely and pleasant in person as you see on television.
He became chairman of the department at Johns Hopkins at a time when it actually picked the most qualified person.

Reply to  Vikram Parmar
2 years ago

Yeah, he’s an amazing guy

And clearly— as with all high-achieving Blacks— part White

2 years ago

I was on a business trip to Northern VA 30 min west of DC earlier this month, 2 weeks. On the ground, at the start, hardly any masks. Then omicron propaganda started. By the end of the trip, virtually all the locals were plastered in face diapers. At home, we never wear them. The Democrat governor, when asked about mask mandates responded that the crisis is over. Going to NOVA is like landing on an alien planet. Two things happened on the trip that caught my attention, and it was the people from CO I was traveling with. They are… Read more »

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

You might appreciate this article I came across the other day. If we ever get around to burning the witches, I have a nominee.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
2 years ago

Read a few paragraphs. Yep she’s on the list.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
2 years ago

I imagine there were quite similar articles in all the Weimar rags of the day. Don’t know how things land, but she is delusional.

Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

I grew up in Northern Virginia, in McLean (before it became “prestigious”). It is truly frightening how much the area has changed: back in the day it was reliably Republican. Now you see Asian women driving $100,000 Mercedes and Muslim women in burkahs on the sidewalks. All the construction and landscape workers and State Highway Dept workers are Hispanic. As a lad I worked every summer on construction crews, an opportunity that’s gone today. I live in western Colorado now. It’s funny— or sad— both VA and CO show the same pattern: went from red to blue, due to an… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

There is a concert next summer I would love to see in Denver (I live about 7 hours away). I am hesitating to buy tickets for fear of either required masks or vaxx proof. Sigh…

Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

Yeah, I spent a weekend in Denver, didn’t see a single person not wearing a mask

Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

There is an early music ensemble based in Philadelphia that we have patronized over the years. This year was the last season for the two founders of the group, and there were additionally several programs that I wished to see. We plunked down the money for the events…and, when they arrived, lo and behold, they came with a policy statement that attendees must be proveably vaxxed. I do not recall seeing this requirement stated in the brochure. Oh, you could see the performance the next day online, but this sacrificed the room ambiance of the church, to be replaced by… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

The cold weather in Colorado will prevent a Virginification…

Reply to  vmax71
2 years ago

No, unfortunately it’s happened already: Denver, Boulder, and most of the more-populous eastern slope has become majority liberal. They pass all the laws— red flag, mag restrictions— that western Colorodans for the most part hate.

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

My wife wanted to hit IKEA in Centennial to look at kitchen stuff. I had her check the website because I remembered they were requiring masks long after the mandate ended. They are still requiring masks to get in. So we went shopping elsewhere. I agree, Colorado is getting worse. Fortunately, I live well south and the Palmer Divide acts like a force field. Manitou Springs is ultra Leftist, and they still have big electronic billboards in the middle of the streets warning you that you’ll be fined if you don’t wear a mask inside. I didn’t know that until… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

They should’ve been drowned at birth.

2 years ago

“The revolution is people realizing that everyone else is thinking the same taboo things privately.” It’s lines and insight such as this which make the Z blog the only commentary worth reading each day. My oldest son just finished his first semester of college. (I know, but it’s a small, inexpensive Christian school and he listens daily to Fuentes, Vincent James and Patrick Casey). If he takes 30 minutes per day to read about Sports, Culture and Other Stuff and it’s comments section, he will learn more than four years of college. Thanks and Merry Christmas to the Zman and… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

Thanks. Here’s a slightly more bent holiday greetings from my favourite naughty UK cartoon site.

Disclaimer: this one has one naughty word, so the site disclaimer kinda-sorta applies.

The Greek
The Greek
2 years ago

“The ads all feature black people in unrealistic settings.” Once your eyes become opened to this, it becomes hard to unsee. I have young children, and was watching a kids show called Dino Ranch, made by the CBC. The show features a ranch with a white male husband, black female wife, a white son, a Hispanic son, and an Asian daughter. Put aside that they could never biologically produce those progeny. Let’s say they’re adopted. How many Canadian farms have anything resembling that family? Certainly single digits, if any. In their quest to represent everyone, they’re venturing into the absurd,… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

I laughed a few years back by a comment from a young woman on Twitter regarding present day commercials. She said looking at the families just doesn’t make any sense. Look deeper honey, it does.

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I still love the life insurance ads where the black guy ( I won’t say patriarch) ponders deeply and with much concern what his next step should be. Scratch offs, my man.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

I laughed so hard at this that my stomach cramped up.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I recall seeing that ad too, and being struck by it: Asian kids? Really?

Maybe what this shows is that they aren’t interested in portraying reality.
Diversity is Holy, so portraying the Ultimate Diverse Family can only be good. It’s like an icon in a church.

And only a hateful bigoted White supremacist would find it objectionable.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Quite a few Okinawans have naturally curly black hair and a sun baked complexion they could pass for halfus from a distance of yards…if you’re not focusing too hard…and the sun isn’t in your eyes…eh, I give up.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Or even NOTICE it. Let alone remark on it.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

American Express wants me to upgrade my card to the next, better color because, well, I like convenience and I like luxury, see? Also, I’ve worked really hard and deserve it. Anyway, the only people pictured in the promotional booklet are a blacks couple bicycling in Europe. He, a tame-looking fellow and she, a woman with at least two White grandparents.

Think I’ll take a pass.

Reply to  btp
2 years ago

Amex isn’t accepted in most of the places I’ve been outside the US
So yeah pitch it to blacks at 28%

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

It’s accepted more around the world now but that was just in the last fifteen years. Processing costs on the business end wasn’t worth the trouble, plus dealing with Amex the company was a perennial PITA.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  btp
2 years ago

STOP THE PRESSES! Bicycling in Europe during the chinky-pox??!!

2 years ago

Somebody once said something about teaching the Saxon to hate. IIRC he said it took a while, and on the whole wasn’t such a great idea for those who might find themselves on the receiving end. But then again, whoever said that was a dead White guy, so what could he know?

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Kipling. The wrath of the awakened Saxon
I trace lineage to the angles. Pretty close, maybe that explains my contempt & loathing for the subs and even more their enablers.
Time for coffee and a nice daydream of going to work with my kyber. rifle. Lol

Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Why, you little Beastie, you. Merry Christmas.