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2 years ago

when did youtube stop counting dislikes

2 years ago

Killing me Z. Good old shane, poor bastards in a wheelchair now from what I’m told. Did catch him when he was still on his game. I got locked up in a Barney miller type cell ( the kind in the actual office) In nyc about 40 years ago. The boys handcuffed me to the highest crossbar ( horizontal) bar in the cell so I had to tipped toed it the whole time. There was also a old teletext printout on the wall that read ( merry Christmas to all you criminals, without you our Christmas wouldn’t be possible ).… Read more »

Reply to  Panzernutter
2 years ago

So, yer sayin’ your Seasonal went more like this!


Reply to  Reziac
2 years ago

Not just that one happy to say…

2 years ago

Merry Christmas, Z Man and fellow dissidents.


2 years ago

Merry Christmas, Zman.

Just listened to the Dutton Podcast; fantastic, as always. You seem to reveal just a touch more of the real “Zedman” when interviewing with the foreigners; keep up the good work, you’re the most interesting (and prolific!) man in dissident politics.


Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Let’s look forward to as much that is truly optimistic in an ever growing and disappointing world.

Herod II seems like he wouldn’t have minded the likes of Zuckface, Joe Brandon or George Soros; there’s always reasons for hope, as difficult as the path less taken maybe.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas!

Hope you had a great year and I’m approaching 2022 with cautious optimism.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas, Z.

Deacon Blues
Deacon Blues
2 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone!

Here’s to a New Year where the lunacy has run its course, wanes, and we prevail. Skál!

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
2 years ago

Merry Christmas all! Santa was kind to me this year (technically earlier this year). I have ‘rejoined society’ after being completely erased from it for nearly 7 years for having the temerity to stand up to a brown ultra-racist (and incurring lots of BS criminal charges that kneecapped me from employment). What I mean by this is, I am fully and gainfully employed in my career of choice after a 7 year derailing for defending the White race from its unrelenting assault. Take this as both a Christmas feel good story but also a cautionary tale. Do it differently than… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Glad to here you bounced back and back in the saddle. Will make you stronger and prep you for the long haul of life.

Merry Christmas. Be good. Be strong. Be wise. Be yourself 😉

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Have written down your full story anywhere? I’ve gathered drips and drabs but would be interested in the whole, minus the doxxy stuff, of course.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Soon, 7 years is the literal ‘record clear’ for most states so I have been very cautious about releasing the mostly unredacted story. That changes in 2022 so I’ll be much more verbose. I’ve strongly considered doxxing the guy that nearly got me thrown in prison for years and took so much from me even w/o prison but to what end? “The best revenge is a life well lived.” Working on that now… Truthfully, with as much anti-White hatred as we get these days its not as spectacular of a story as it once was. I’ll put the whole thing… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Counter-currents was soliciting people’s red-pilling stories a while back. That would be a cool venue. It might not be story as jarring as some black plowing thru little girls, but I bet it would be of general interest.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Apex: Whatever you do, please don’t consider publishing it at Amren. They only want non-White voices now, anyhow – they personify what Citizen has often noted – HBD awareness is in NO way equal to pro-White.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Wear the fog and put your anger into building muscle mass and mental toughness. The future does not belong to the best yakker, but rather to the fittest survivor. And surviving often requires removing objects in your path. The latter is a skill worth honing during the interregnum.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Apex: I am so truly and deeply gratified to hear of your good fortune. You deserve full credit for keeping your sanity and not giving into utter despair during your long years of exile by an evil, anti-White system. Very best of luck in your new job. May you be blessed with happiness and prosperity both.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Merry Christmas all from Marion County Florida, horse country. Warm, pleasant and sunny.

Incidentally, for anyone interested, this area does NOT have mosquitoes. Rolling green hills, quiet, farms. Hidden gem.

God Bless all.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Marion County is still part of the South, and is still very much like South Georgia/North Florida. As long as that remains true, Marion County will retain its rural charm. Incidentally, the county is named for South Carolina’s Revolutionary War hero, Francis Marion.

Reply to  Epaminondas
2 years ago

Yes, I am learning the history. Love this place. I’m originally from Tampa which has become a nightmare but was a great place to grow up. But have to drive to Tampa in a little bit for Christmas at my parents. They are actually on Indian rocks beach. An awesome beach btw. Not crowded. Haven’t checked the gulf temps but I may be swimming in a few hours.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

So about that Florida Bros—- I am for the first time, in a LONG time, able to get away from Sodom on Potomac much as my neighbor Z is getting out of nearby Lagos. Florida is very high on my target list and I am there right now on travel, in fact. My overall perception is this so Florida folks correct me if I’m wrong- cities are like cities anywhere. Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami, etc. are blue hives full of lefties and crime. It is primarily the in-between places that are the spots to look for here. Also SW Florida, from… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Lifelong Florida resident. How nice it is depends on your $$$. SW Florida has some nice areas. Martin and Indian River are red and have nice areas if you have $$$. North Florida outside of the big metros is red but also redneck.

The panhandle also has some decent red counties.

New Port Richey north of Tampa is reputed to be a white ghetto.

Englewood south of Sarasota used to be affordable but it’s very old fart.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

For religious traditionalists the priests of FSSP say the old mass at a church in SW Ocala (forget the name).

2 years ago

Merry Christmas to all who come here. Let us break their bonds asunder and cast away their yokes from us.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas Z!

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
2 years ago

There’s a story told about a Pogues show in which the crowd was waiting for Shane to show up and take the stage, and after awhile they started getting restless. Then someone came through the front door, staggering, smelling like fusel and missing all his teeth. “They’re not gonna let him in here, are they?” someone asked. “They have to,” the homeless-looking man said, “I’m the lead singer.” After which he promptly puked, climbed onstage, and began singing. RIP to Christy MacColl, the woman singing in this video. She was killed by multimillionaire Mexican Guillermo González Nova. He paid one… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

I went to a show in the late 80’s, Shane was in pretty tough shape and had to sit down on the floor from time to time but he did give it his all when singing. “You took my dreams from me, when I first found you…”

Merry Christmas!

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

A degenerate idol for a degenerate generation.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas Z. Stay safe in Lagos and a prosperous New Year to you.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas Z!