Managerial Menticide

Note: The Monday Taki post is up. The subject of it and today’s post is the new way to look at the system ruling over us. Of course, Sunday Thoughts is up behind the green door for those needing audio stimulation. Much of it is about the situation in Europe and the evolving Canadian dictatorship.

One of the problems with the Opposite Rule of Liberalism is that it relies on the old Left-Right dichotomy of American politics. This framing persists despite the fact that it is a vestige of a bygone era that no longer works today. The political divide is now between those who adhere to the basket of ideas called Western liberalism and those who defend the post-Marxist managerial state. The latter group is made up almost entirely of members of the ruling class.

In other words, we now live in a world divided by those in the system of control that hovers over the West and those who live under it. The Dirt People versus Cloud People framing is a much more honest, if a bit sarcastic, framework for the world. The ruling system is like a miasma that hangs over society, infecting the minds of the people and their relations with one another. We can see the elites at the top, just barely, but the system they control is all around us.

A big part of what ails society is this sense that things are not as they seem, but it is hard to get a read on why. That noxious miasma that lingers in every aspect of society often leads people to doubt their own senses. Their experience tells them things about the world and people in it, but everywhere they look they are getting messages telling them that what they think they see is not true. Instead, they are to believe something that is often the opposite of what they experience.

This is where the Opposite Rule continues to work. Those who are aware of the contradictions of daily existence can apply the rule to the information stream that comes from the system, filling the area around them. Whatever is in the air at the moment, start from some version of the opposite, and the truth will be near. The Opposite Rule of Liberalism is best restated as the Opposite Rule of Managerialism. This organic, self-aware system that rules over us is the opposite of truth.

A useful example comes from the daily barrage of “information” from the system about the crisis in Ukraine. Here is a story from the New York Times headlined, “Russia has been laying groundwork online for a ‘false flag’ operation, misinformation researchers say.” Note that this story is not behind the usual paywall, as they want wide circulation of it. Note also that the writer is one of the infants they employ to copy and paste material into “news reports.”

This news report starts with a news report from a European based group called European Expert Association, which is described as “a research group that focuses on security in Ukraine.” When you take a look at who these people are, it becomes obvious that they are Ukrainian activists. These are not neutral observers searching for the truth about the crisis. More important, when you look at their resumes you see all the familiar NGO’s that are pushing for war with Russia.

Of course, this is the New York Times, the first draft of history and the leader in the American news media. They do not just take this at face value. They hand it to a group called the Global Disinformation Index, a nonprofit “research” group. These are the go-to guys for the Times reports on misinformation and disinformation. To the shock of no one in the Times offices, the researchers at Global Disinformation Index confirmed everything said the European Expert Association.

The reason the Times was not surprised by what they heard back from the Global Disinformation Index is the person running it is Anne Applebaum. She is a notorious warmonger and neoconservative. Here she is advocating for the liquidation of the Afghanis and the Syrians as a “solution” to those problems. Applebaum is a big believer in what Stalin supposedly said about people causing problems for the regime. No man, no problem. Applebaum just scales it up.

Her partner in this enterprise is a Ukrainian activist named Peter Pomerantsev, who is probably on the payroll of a Western intelligence service. His biography does not pass the laugh test. His role in life has been to seed Western media with anti-Russian information dressed up as Ukrainian nationalism. The rest of the staff of the Global Disinformation Index all have an axe to grind with some enemy of the neocons, past, present or in the future.

The point of this walk through the swamps behind the ministry of disinformation is to illustrate how the new rule works. If a media outlet is claiming to root out disinformation, you can be sure they are not doing that. Instead, start with the assumption that they are waging a disinformation campaign. That is what you see in the New York Times story and any story containing the words “Global Disinformation Index.” Then you can begin to figure out what is really going on with the story.

Of course, the entirely new obsession with misinformation and disinformation by government and mass media is a big lie. Since forever, people have known that governments lie all the time. They have known that the media is partisan, a form of activism more often than not. Yet suddenly we are being told that the media and the government are now declaring war in false information. Since they are the only possible source of disinformation, this means war on themselves.

The big lie, for those unfamiliar, is a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. This is now the default tactic of the managerial state. They tell us that Eskimo truckers protesting vaccine rules are white supremacists. Then they bring in a “hate expert” to claim that freedom is a form of violence. These outlandish whoppers are then signed off on by new experts who sagely tell us the moon is made of cheese.

Unlike normal propaganda techniques, this new tactic is not to further a cause, although it can be used that way as we see with Ukraine. The neocons are simply taking advantage of a defense mechanism that has evolved since the Cold War. By flooding the zone with outlandish nonsense, the system prevents cogent analysis of what it is doing or contradicting it in any way. It is a form of menticide to paralyze the people by suspending them in a solution of false narratives.

This is the utility of the Opposite Rule. It helps clarify the new relationship between the leviathan and the people. Instead of viewing society as a hierarchical structure that is responsive to the will of the people, you see that it is an adversarial relationship between a ruling organism and the people. This ruling organism is the vast administrative state made up of government, corporations, the academy, non-profits and the mass media. It is a fully integrated organism.

The endless waves of information, mostly false information, is its primary defense mechanism against what it sees as a threat. That threat is the people over whom it hovers like a noxious cloud. The point of the false information is to keep the people in a fog of confusion about who really rules over them. You cannot rebel against that which you are not even sure exists. Menticide is the primary defense mechanism of this system of social control we call managerialism.

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3 years ago

“The three “journalists” were given a story by the State Department that claims Putin is organizing death squads for after the invasion. He plans to unleash these death squads on the LGBTQI+ community in Ukraine.”

If only.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

There isn’t an invasion.

FFS there is an 8 year civil war going in the Ukraine and thousands of Russian troops have been in the Donbas since 2014.

The situation today is no different than yesterday.

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

I was merely pining for the death squads against LBGTQI+. I know there’s no invasion.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I realize you were joking, I was just pointing out the framing is complete BS. The place is ongoing 8 year warzone, not some gay version of switzerland.

Still, stuff like that never got in the way of the fuckwits in the US press.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

RWDS.!!! Be still my beating heart, Where do I sign?

3 years ago

The solution to the current situation is simple, obvious, and unspeakable.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

This is all true and there’s a feel of mania and desperation to it. Like we’re heading for some kind of waterfall.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Now we know what it’s like to be inside the mind of a woman whose biological clock is ticking I attribute 90% or more perhaps to this manic feeling to the simple fact that women dominate the airwaves and culture and that same sensation and feeling that’s inside them as they get older and older and no one will make a kid with them. Time running out. They become ever more frantic. And I mean this not saying they wanted kids, but that there is this built in clock that finds expression somehow, some way. It manifests. On top of… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I think you’re hitting on something here. All kinds of emotions from these people are coming to a head. Especially with the boomers in charge. There’s a dichotomy. On the one hand they were terrified of the virus, of an existential end, literally stopping the world in an attempt to save themselves, yet on the other hand knowing that the end is near for them, and so horrified that the world will exist without “moi,” they would smash it all to pieces and turn it into a radioactive wasteland. It has the feel of a faithless people who are angry… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

To paraphrase Terry Pratchett:

You search for spells and amulets to hold off aging, partake in rituals, spend endless money on anti-aging medicine and seal yourself in a room covered with mystic symbols and Kabala writings.

You lie back on your bed to sleep and Death says in your ear: “Dark in here isn’t it”.

3 years ago

FWIW, Lawrence Tribe is on Twitter calling for the arrest of Carlson and Republicans, most of Fox News for “treason” and “insurrection” given Putin’s moves “against our ally Ukraine.” So there is that. And Trudeau is going to be selling off the seized trucks and campers and personal property of the protesters, with reportedly plans to seize the real estate, personal property, cars/trucks etc. of all the donors. So its escalating. And in such escalation charisma and leadership matter. Who looks at Trudeau, Ardern (“the lockdowns will like my mental illness never end!”), Scholz, Macron, Biden, Johnson, etc. as a… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

“Lawrence Tribe is on Twitter calling for the arrest of Carlson and Republicans, most of Fox News for “treason” and “insurrection” given Putin’s moves “against our ally Ukraine.” ”

And just think about that. Tribe, that moron, is considered an intellectual heavyweight by the Cloud People.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

The world’s widest gap is between Tribe’s old reputation as an intellectual giant and the Koko-like IQ that Twitter has revealed him to possess.

His career is inexplicable (…almost).

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago


Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Donald Trump pretended to be that in 2016.

And got his head handed to him for his trouble.

He’s only a few years older than me, and man, it’s hard to do a big paradigm shift at our age. But maybe the horse will learn to sing…

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

I watched a video of Klaus at some WEF function where Trudeau was the featured speaker. Klaus was on one side of the stage at a lectern, and Trudeau off to the other side in a sofa chair with, I believe, farid zakaria sitting opposite a coffee table. The way Klaus talked about Trudeau was much like how a sports ball team owner talks about a great new draftee. But you should have seen Trudeau, sitting there, and what came across loud and clear was that here was man with daddy issues. A young man desperate for a father’s approval.… Read more »

3 years ago

Speaking of front groups, behind Big Vaxx are government service providers:
(Link for brevity)

These companies(?) are on contract, and will fullfill their duration- so no “will of the people”, or politicians, or social results will stop the process.

I don’t know how to describe this strata, except as a segregate culture and economy running in parallel with peoples’ economies. They have no visible product. We have no input or points of connection.

How then, does the Dirt fight…a Cloud?

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

(PS- responding to a comment below, the small hats led the way and built the church, but now the Church of Big Lies is very, err, inclusive.

It’s not just small hats any more, not by a long shot. Far too many joined the self-contained career ladder following the squeaky wheel.

The Prince of Darkness has found many hosts on His frequency, and is making more. The bacteria have found the sugar in the Petri dish.)

3 years ago

One does not need to posses extraordinary levels of prediction when your enemies trumpet what they are doing. Calls to arrest on “insurrection” various Republicans have been going on for almost six months from the Atlantic, Huffpost, the usual suspects. There is an attempt to disqualify one Republican in North Carolina on that matter. Those efforts are too sporadic and lack the scale and scope of national arrests required to keep the fig leaf of Democrats in Congress to rubber stamp the Brandon Regime’s plans. So it will be national, and the massive attempt to create a land war with… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Someone else who’s seen The Lives of Others. That is a great flick.

3 years ago

Thanks for introducing me to Joe Sobran, Z-man. I knew of him but never read any of his articles. He was an awesome writer and I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.

3 years ago

You want some Big Picture? The first priority of the bloodsucker (really it’s an imperative) is to remain attached to the host. If the host gets pissed one day and rips it off, throws on the concrete, and stomps its guts out; then that is the end of the bloodsucker. The second priority is to persuade some misguided alphas to hold the host’s arms behind his back so he can’t rip off the bloodsucker. Or alternately threaten the host with severe harm is he even thinks of ripping off the bloodsucker. The third priority is all about jockeying for the… Read more »

3 years ago

“What do the Borg have to fear from the people?” Exactly nothing, as far as I can see. Elections are frauds and any protestors can be cancelled/jailed/deplatformed/debanked. Borg hold all the cards on use of physical and non-physical force and coercion. Dissidents are disorganized and have no leadership or organization. They have no way to really inflict PAIN on the individuals who rule and the cops who enforce that corrupt rule. The truckers inflicted economic pain and some media pain, but there is nothing to stop them from being crushed and thrown down the memory hole. The dissidents/protestors are too… Read more »

Omegatron Variant
Omegatron Variant
Reply to  fakeemail
3 years ago

This is why I’ve supported secession all these years. I knew the other side was simply too strong to defeat conventionally. This was always inevitable. I told everyone and no one listened. Of course, I was opposed in these efforts by a gaggle of boomers who merely want to die in their old age with the delusion they were going to take ‘Merica back any time — that when the shooting started the good guys would win because “we have all the guns.” Or that the military would protect us. Nope. Organization and commitment, and having the institutional high ground,… Read more »

Reply to  Omegatron Variant
3 years ago

He has a massive majority government, you just can’t see the real party structure from the outside.

Reply to  Omegatron Variant
3 years ago

There’s just no way to HURT the people in charge PERSONALLY and they have so many ways to personally hurt the little people who may oppose them and prove themselves minor nuisances from time to time.

The politicians and the controllers are totally protected and hold all the levers of power. The only way to get to them would have be highly illegal, paramilitary, mafia-like tactics.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  fakeemail
3 years ago

Khazakstan proves you wrong, it just takes balls. They fucked those dudes up, burnt their houses down. Next thing you know, rich fucks are running to the airport. That’s coming here, sooner than you think.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Hate to say it, but the only way is of 1m+ show up armed and ready to open fire. I don’t see any other way.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Where there is a will there are many ways.
Haji won.

3 years ago

This is why I think environmentalism— as distinct from archaic John Muir “naturalism” or whatever— caught on in the control-freak post-60s Left coalition (which of course inherited a lot of guilty white Rockefeller Republican types), replacing 1930s prog enthusiasm for futurist gears and smokestacks. These are folks who don’t necessarily like going outside much, rarely to leave their urban theme parks, but it’s a romance of an idea: something happening far away from you not only affects you in some concrete sense, but in fact is a challenge to take up. Politically this works only so far, because average people… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  ExpertTexpert
3 years ago

“but it’s a romance of an idea: something happening far away from you not only affects you in some concrete sense, but in fact is a challenge to take up.” This is the entire crux for the leaders of leftist philosophy (Not the mindless rabble, mind you. Just their demographic base). Pick a problem nowhere near you. Attach preening, self-righteous moralism to it. Manufacturer a date somewhere in the future (preferably a generation or two away so no one remembers the date decided on) by which something MUST be done about it, and voilà, you have created the thesis that… Read more »

3 years ago

Looks like some of Whiskey’s predictions are coming true. “Calls have emerged” [from whom?] to arrest anti lockdown MPP Randy Hillier. He was already expelled from the Conservative Party. In the federal House of Commons, the “debate” on keeping the Emergency Measures is currently taking place. Trudeau has painted anybody who votes against the extension as an “enemy of democracy”.

Looks like they might just arrest the entire (completely anemic and useless) Conservative Party to ensure Trudeau’s bills pass. Whiskey has been saying that they’re going to arrest Republican politicians in DC.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Hopefully those Republicans will get the death penalty, so that there’s no chance for them to betray their base every again. I couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of people.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

B125: I’m so terribly sorry to see what White Canadians are having to go through. Hopefully more of them are learning, albeit far too late, that they cannot trust ‘their’ government and particularly not any of their LEOs. Breaking away from patriotism and love and trust of one’s country is extremely painful, and all of us here have gone through it. Once free, however, the pain is replaced by black amusement. I hate to say the truckers were naive, but they’re being taught a brutal but vital lesson.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

If they are lucky they might even learn from it.

Unfortunately, given the interviews I saw its not looking hopeful for most.

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

they keep playing the victim card

spoiler alert, nobody cares. you either give the bully a bloody nose or he will keep beating you

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I hope they’re learning, too. The police bootlicking and “Back the Blue” were common themes during the whole protest. I tried telling several different groups of people that the Blue are the State thugs – NOT the upholders of justice – and all I got were blank stares and uncomfortable fidgeting. Does not compute for most people apparently. These people still think (thought?) that the system considers them people. But actually, as a white person, your only duty is to line up willingly to be exterminated. The system is not ours anymore and we are not part of their future… Read more »

Mark Moncrieff
3 years ago

Zman you must know very different white nationalists to me, Liberalism comes in a distant second place behind the tiny hat wearers. Also how can we be post-Marxist when we were never Marxist?

Blaming Marxism and not Liberalism is an old paleo-con perspective, which it seems is what you really are.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

it didn’t do the paleocons much good.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
3 years ago

Maybe the paleos are the heirs of Cassandra?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

But he was on the right side of history, as of this writing; “And knowing is half the battle” (Oberlin College motto)

3 years ago

Off topic but pretty cool Ed Dutton pice on Louis Theroux.

Reply to  Panzernutter
3 years ago

Every Ed Dutton piece is pretty cool. He sometimes spreads the autism definition outward in too many directions (For example, I heard him speculate that Margaret Thatcher was autistic. No, she only had a very logical mind and preferred the company of men as her advisors without all the female drama. Can’t blame her for that.) But otherwise, he is able to explain so much of our present state from a biological/evolutionary vantage that makes sense and, unfortunately, makes this mess seem inevitable.

3 years ago

My opinion is that we’ve been living in a dictatorship for a long time, that’s masquerading as “liberal democracy”. They simply had no need to use force or vote rigging during the 1945-2020 period. TV and print media had a stranglehold on public opinion, and life was good – even with the worst event, demographic change of major cities, the vast majority of whites were able to pack up and move unharmed into the suburbs. There was also Vietnam, but, again, none of the events seriously threatened the legitimacy and control of the false left-right liberal democratic system. Today we… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

“My opinion is that we’ve been living in a dictatorship for a long time, that’s masquerading as “liberal democracy”.” I sometimes play a mental game and try to pinpoint the date of the transition to full-blown dictatorship. The end of the Second World War is a pretty good guess but I suspect it really started with widespread broadcasting, which was quickly controlled via licensing to use as propaganda, so around the previous world war is my starting point. The inability to control the narrative and the widespread dismissal of the State’s propaganda has it on edge (Zelensky certainly is thinking,… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Oh, and one more thing. Don’t be surprised at the state’s escalation. They will escalate up to and including shooting all white dissidents on sight

mr mittens
mr mittens
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

IMO, low tech pushback will be more effective because it causes constant irritation that leads to capitulation, like the water dripping on stone method employed by 5 year olds wanting to go to Disneyland, repetitive irritations frequently end with, OK fine, ask you father, if its ok with him its ok with me. What if the food supply contracts for feeding government military suddenly ended, what if all restaurants were closed (note I said all), what if there were no tires available nor service technicians to change them, etc. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the pebble in… Read more »

Reply to  mr mittens
3 years ago

Parents tend not to imprison their children and shoot them in the head after too much complaining.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

Both the US and Canada are well armed. Neither are ready to start shooting and take power but remember even Jews fought back .

Bad Whites aren’t as prone to going Masada either and don’t value martyrdom.

However going from rioting to civil war is not an easy choice to make. Its not there yet though Trudeau might push Canada there.

Also bad whites make up most of the people who operate trucks, make food and such are Bad Whites. Lefties are stupid enough to try and shoot people but that is fast track to the end of everything.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

B125: Agreed. The state cannot allow open and effective opposition to go unpunished. The Canadian truckers had too many allies and sympathizers, and took extraordinary efforts not to fall into the ‘evil notsee’ media trap. What we really need to see is sub-rosa coordination of crucial White workers (water, electric power, etc.) that would affect thousands of people. The problem is that, even if those sanding or breaking gears could trust one another not to turncoat, their own wives would never be on board. If they cannot even get police officers’ families socially isolated and shunned, there’s no way they… Read more »

Omegatron Variant
Omegatron Variant
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

That’s because the truckers made the same mistake the alt-right made: fighting the enemy on their turf. It’s an uphill battle. Ottawa is a leftist city just like Charlottesville is. All successful rebellions have a base of support where the local populace is sympathetic. Provinces like Alberta could organize their own boycotts and blockades from their side, from a position of strength where the authorities are more likely to be sympathetic to the local population. That stands a much better chance of success than a disorganized charge up the enemy’s high ground.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Omegatron Variant
3 years ago

Your comment is precisely why I think the DC convoy is already in trouble.

On top of that, their well-publicized route runs through the blue state of Colorado and blue hive of Denver. I can see the state of Colorado using their police and national guard to shut the convoy down there.

I also don’t like the fact they’re traveling through blue Illinois, even though the southern part they pass through are red counties.

Reply to  Omegatron Variant
3 years ago

It ain’t over by a Longshot, castros boy isn’t going to see the other side.

Guns or Roses
Guns or Roses
Reply to  Omegatron Variant
3 years ago

There were tons of people from out of town, the nearby rural areas, and other provinces. The city was swarmed with supporters of the convoy. A handful of counterprotesters here and there, but pathetic in their minuscule numbers and weak looking appearance soy boys and neurotic shrimpy gender studies broads, miscellaneous, all masked up and with unfunny, lame signs and chants and no Canadian flag in sight. I think the convoy succeeded much more than it is given credit for.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

B125, vote rigging is old in America. Your dating is merely acknowledging the new height it reached in the US in 2020. In 2020 it was audacious, and worse—wide spread and decentralized. My first experience with such fraud was in the1960 election between JFK and Nixon. Nixon lost Illinois thanks to mayor Daily and his machine registering cemeteries. That cost him the presidency. Daily gave Nixon Illinois in 1968 by busting heads during the DNC convention, so I guess it’s sort of a draw. As an aside here in AZ, the fraud findings are eye opening, but no takers for… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

I usually take the “opposite rule of liberalism” as a bit of tongue in cheek playfulness. But then I read stuff like this from the freedom is violence article linked above: “For many, freedom is a malleable term — one that’s open to interpretation. That flexibility, in part, has fuelled its growth among certain groups, said Barbara Perry, director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism at the Oshawa-based Ontario Tech University. “It is a term that has resonated…. You can define it and understand it and sort of manipulate it in a way that makes sense to you… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Freedom is a noun that derives from the verb “to free.” “To free” has a concrete meaning: A bird, for example, is in a cage, I open the door and free it. Nominalizations are often fuzzy words, wherein each person goes inside their head and finds their own meaning. Your freedom’s meaning is not my freedom’s meaning. Further those meanings are a combination of innate biochemistry, experience and the installation via society/media. That’s way liberty, democracy, brotherhood, salvation, etc. are very useful words, they fit just right as the size self-morphs to the beholders form.

3 years ago

It ain’t patty cake anymore. Things are about to get real. Like an innocent standing on the beach facing an oncoming tsunami, you will not be saved by an erudite understanding of the Big Picture. They want to sow despair and it’s handmaiden, surrender and subservience. But this is how you fight back. Kill your TV and stop rubbing feces into your eyes & ears. Get to a safe place and survive the coming Crazy. Wait for the fog of chaos. That is when the Jackboots will be least formidable and effective because they will be tied up quelling the… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Hear, hear! I’d love to hear from the folks that down voted this comment. You have a better plan? Vote harder? What a maroon.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Let’s start with the basics. What do you want power for?

Once you get that done, move on.

First Principles isn’t just for engineering.

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

TomA, among others, seem to be oblivious to the reality that the American empire exists because of it’s banking system, not it’s military. The jackboots of the federal government are nerds with glasses, not camo-wearing gun-toters. The real power in America is wielded by people working for the FDIC, IRS, SEC, Federal Reserve and Treasury. The way to undermine the system is not by randomly shooting LEOs, but by living without cards or checks (or, as a stretch goal, without taxable income). If you’re using a card to purchase ammo, you’ve completely misread your situation.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Who said anything about “randomly” shooting LEOs? Are you crazy? That is not the road to salvation in any scenario. If you read my prior postings, you will see that I have counseled avoiding them whenever possible. They want the plebs at the bottom of the social pyramid to fight each and die in large numbers so as to eliminate as many alphas as possible. Use your brain and you can figure where the focus properly belongs.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I am inclined to what you prescribe; already working on being less fat and more fit and thinking “sand in gears.” Forgive my ignorance and remind me again what the four “S”s are.

Reply to  Maus
3 years ago

Simple, secret, solo, and spontaneous.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Maus
3 years ago

If you want a super basic safe thing try some of those “I did this.” Biden stickers and use them. Its actually very effective money wrenching. Not destructive, not violent

Of course you’ll get permission first 😉

Omegatron Variant
Omegatron Variant
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

We wouldn’t have to run away and hide like cowards if we had supported and organized around a red state independence movement back when it had a shot at working. Of course, you were one of the main opponents here on this blog. >My solution: secede, or at least attempt it, and (maybe) live in peace. >Your solution: do nothing, run away, hope other people fight our battles for us, lose and certainly live in a tyranny for the rest of our lives. That’s why the right lost — spineless, disorganized, hyper-individualistic, unimaginative, hopelessly brainwashed with archaic dogmas. It’s honestly… Read more »

Reply to  Omegatron Variant
3 years ago

Omegatron Variant: While I share your frustration, I think you are tarring with a rather broad brush. People discussing preparing for social and economic instability, or looking to relocate to more rural areas, are not precisely ‘running away.’ It’s hard to expect a man to fight when his family is directly at risk – one of the reasons every modern TEOTWAWKI book runs with the theme that the LEOs will all be AWOL after the first few days because they’ll be off looking after their own families first. For this same reason I believe the totally social rather than legal… Read more »

Reply to  Omegatron Variant
3 years ago

“Of course, you were one of the main opponents here on this blog.”

I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I have never expressed opposition to secession. Go for it. I hope you succeed. And as to the rest of the whining about things you find disheartening, a better use of your time might be to work on a solution that you can get behind, and then spread the word.

Reply to  Omegatron Variant
3 years ago

When the state wants to destroy someone, they start by cutting him off from the financial system. Secession doesn’t address this. The root of federal power is trade in dollars. Secession without an alternative currency that blacklists trade in dollars is pointless. Until, you get off the dollar, you will be beholden to the dollar system. Secession and guns won’t do a thing for you in the meantime.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 years ago

The likely Nash Equilibrium in all this probably looks like Bartertown in “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome”. The Dirt People will achieve some stable equilibrium with the Cloud People through their control of basic yet essential thermodynamic processes: energy generation, farming and transport. It’s going to take a general strike. But the point will be made and The Cloud folks will turn their attention to inventing 24 new genders or worry about women’s rights in Uganda. Meanwhile, the “hive mind” phenomenon amongst the journalists and managerial elite has become self-organizing and “emergent”, as Zman has suggested in prior essays. Yes, there… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

“intra-elite competition…”
“has become self-organizing and “emergent””.

Comments like this are so good it makes me regret my nattering on about the immaterial, “spiritual” aspect. So not practical…yet.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

“Freedom is a form of violence.” Yes, and Liberty is racist, the statue has to go.
Maybe replace her with George Floyd?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

The Left is correct here. The driver for personal freedom over tradition and morality is what got us into this mess. Well that and the incessant lust for cheap labor

Easy Divorce, Abortion on Demand, Birth Control for the unmarried, Porn, Legal Weed, Free Speech on Campus and for under 21. All of these things made people more free but in so doing harmed society.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Triple size / ultimate whopper: your government and media are not lying to you and your best interest are foremost in mind.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Spot on as usual, SISL. Just one teency little addition – Triple size/ultimate whopper: your government and media are not lying to you and your best interests are foremost in mind, COMRADE.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Speaking of the managerial state, I’m about halfway through The Report from Iron Mountain.

This is a thin tome published in the late 60s that purports to be the output of an expert group that was asked to study the potential effects of genuine peace and disarmament on the US.

The Establishment has widely dismissed this book as a satire and a hoax.

To me it reads like a precise explanation and justification of the operating principles of the modern endless war society.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Washington (the President) warned against “foreign entanglements,” Eisenhower against the MIC. Now the US is dominated by both interests.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

By the way, Iron Mountain is a former mining town in Michigan, very close to Canada. The old mines were repurposed for records storage. (Been there, too. Nice.)

3 years ago

I’ve been currently watching the John Hurt version of Orwell’s 1984 on Hulu. 38 years ago, the ascending left was using Orwell to cast a light on the rigidity of thought that can occur when any ideology becomes orthodoxy. They were then in the “taking over the institutions” phase of the revolution, so they successfully used terms like “Newspeak” and “Thought Criminal” to convince us all that anal sex with just fine, that races that were in the stone-age a couple of centuries ago are exactly the same, and that Christians were horrible prudes. In their mind it was the… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

I strongly think that Orwell was actually writing about what was already happening around him at the time from his experience with govt and people he knew in the newspapers. How information was managed, created and redefined continually. He was good friends with David Astor, had many links to people who worked out of the SOE and later British Intel, as well as newspaper owners. He married just before he died to a woman who worked at the British Information Research Department (an information warfare part of the FO) and assigned his copyright to them just before death. As to… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

I strongly think that Orwell was actually writing about what was already happening around him at the time

Indeed – he said as much himself. I’ve heard that Orwell wanted to call the book 1948 (the year it was published) but that his editor prevailed upon him to be less on the nose.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Yep I agree,

I wonder how far the actual inner party actually goes?

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

I meant how far back?

Pre-war maybe?

I actually mean this in a real sense, not just the Fed and Wilson, but a unified intentional inner/outer party dialectic and prole management across the important areas of the west.

Felix Krull
Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

Good question. You hear all kinds of origin-points thrown around but certainly pre-war, probably pre-WWI.

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

Alexander Hamilton?

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

Milner group. RIIA.

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

That is a very interesting question. Here is a link to a post that, beyond its potential usefulness in comprehension of the political forces operant in Canada today, traces the deep connections between present trends to the intentions of elites going back as far as to the Eugenecism/World Socialism movements of the 19th and early 20th centuries. An important character in the rise of technocratic authoritarianism in Canada was Pierre Trudeau. The post necessarily gets down in the weeds because the decades long, patient infiltration of governance, academia, science, etc. was very self-consciously conspiratorial. Parallels from Pierre’s rule to today… Read more »

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

33° Masons?The Illuminati?
Look, it’s simple. Human society is hierarchical; and nobody likes being lower than the next guy. There’s a reason Hobbes’s thought experiment works and that’s because everybody draws on their own experience to grasp the war of all against all. The Arabs generalize it thusly: I against my brother; my brother and I against our cousins; our family against the tribe; our tribe against their tribe; and so on. Just like the turtles, it’s conflict all the way down.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

At least to Sargon of Akkad…

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

@maus You forgot the ancients of Mu. Waving your hands around like its natural is just stupid. We are not talking about hierarchy. We are talking about an inner set of people, in authority positions who appear to be involved in some supra-national entity, who, since at least ww2 have systematically and consistently operated to destroy the entire western world against the interests of the rest of the people in those nations. They have done this with consistently applied conditioning and redefinition of language to aid in that behavior. This is not a normal hierarchy situation and has no precedent… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

“I’ve heard that Orwell wanted to call the book 1948 (the year it was published) but that his editor prevailed upon him to be less on the nose.”

I’ve read that it was his wife. The story was that he was having trouble coming up with a name, so she suggested that he transpose the 48 to 84.

3 years ago

The Hive may have replaced the Left, but the Hive’s problem is the same problem the Left has always had: They can’t see the obvious consequences of their positions. It just doesn’t compute for that fascist up in Canada, for instance, that taking away all possible means of nonviolent protest might not lead to total, docile compliance. He has asked himself “What else are they gonna do, not just stand there and have their lives ruined”? And he can’t think of an answer. The same way, Stalin’s quip about problem solving goes both ways. Should any individual cell in the… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

What if the Hive is perfectly aware of what they are doing?

What if they are simply gambling on the belief that they, rather than the protestors, have the critical mass required to impose their diktats on the populace?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

“What if they are simply gambling on the belief that they, rather than the protestors, have the critical mass required to impose their diktats on the populace?”

Sounds like the irresistible force/immovable object problem.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
3 years ago

The populace/immovable object is too busy having Super Bowl bacchanalia in every neighborhood in America. A trip to the grocery store Super Bowl Sunday morning filled me with despair at the happy chatter inevitably regarding “dip for this evening.” The worst was two little children happily announcing to all and sundry that they were “getting ready for our Super Bowl party.” All this, as Canadian truck drivers were in the brutal cold were risking their livelihoods, bank accounts, and custody of their children (I read that the government was preparing to possibly remove the truckers’ kids from their homes). Professional… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

They already have. – most truck drivers are compliant immigrant slaves. they will just import more to replace the unvaxxed drivers and “fix” the driver shortage – critical mass of voters has been reached in Canada that Trudeau will never lose another election. Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver are full of non-whites and that’s enough for him to win. He doesn’t need “your” vote. – when all else fails just fraud your candidate into office. Calgary “elected” some Punjabi commie with a mixed race trans child, that nobody voted for. Any kind of election is now meaningless. Not saying this to… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Most likely possibilites I see: 1. Overlords crush and win. They pretty much control all financial leverage and most of the violence, normy not very likely to rise off of his couch to risk life and limb. 2. Could escalate. Not much other choice for the downtrodden but to escalate at this point if they want to win. Maybe pull a reverse possum (“give up” the visible protest, and go the boycott/price-cott route and inflict pain). 3. Outside foreign intervention takes over. Having ruined any pretense of cohesion, a foreign power (or powers), if it so desired, could waltz in… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

Long-term laying low will not work if they manage to implement the digital ID and CBDCs tied to your social credit score.

They will program the CBDCs to decay at say, 5% for every day you are not actively participating in pro-regime activities.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

My guess is #1. The protests were very important and alot of fun, but didn’t really get the sense that the people there were “serious” or capable of getting “serious” (if you catch my drift). Lots of fat rednecks drinking and revving their engines. Repeatedly talking about how they’re not racist. Basically the NASCAR crowd that the regime loves to paint as the “racists”. In reality, the true, serious “real racists” are not the NASCAR crowd. Don’t know if there are enough serious people to do anything. I’m not aware of any. My guess is #1 but a temporary removal… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

That’s probably what Great Britain thought when confronted with those deplorable colonists in the 1770s. We’ve got the navy; we’ve got the redcoats; we’ve got the tea and manufactured goods. This’ll be over in a snap.
As Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke intimated in 1871, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. I suspect the Borg are in for a shock, but there’ll be plenty of pain and anguish to sober everyone involved.

3 years ago

After reading the Taki piece and media’s inability to question anything given to them by their government handlers, I thought which headline would be more believable in the real world?

1. “Russia invades country X to arrest, imprison, and execute LGBTQ+s!!!”

2. “The USA invades country X to arrest, imprison, and execute those who oppress LGBTQ+s!!!”

To ask the question is to answer it, and honestly, the US has been doing #2 for a couple decades now.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

I could believe both. The media and I would likely disagree which is the good news.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

They really appear to be going all in with, “Alphabet soup camps,” as the Ukrainian version of Iraqi WMDs.

Is it just me or are the stars nearly right?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Alphabet soup camps! I almost fell out of my chair when I heard that one. I can smell the nostalgia. Poor King Hamman is spinning in his grave. Professionals with a time machine would cap Rosseau… but a true Ascended Master would sort out Richard Kemper. (The dodgy communist lawyer at Nuremberg who claimed all the evidence for the Holy Altar Fire were unwritten conversations he overheard at Wannsee.) Jaffa posited that Lincoln was the Second Founding. We Boomers can affirm that the mythical Holy Altar Fire was the Third Founding. As Citizen said, it ruined them, even as it… Read more »

3 years ago

In the same way that those who claim to be fighting against “hate” frequently appear to be the most hateful folks alive, those who claim to oppose “disinformation” are often among its most persistent purveyors. Another Opposite Rule may be this: the more vehemently people claim to oppose some pronounced evil, the more likely they are to be guilty of committing that evil themselves. The psychological term for that phenomenon is PROJECTION.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

I doubt it’s projection, rather than very conscious and deliberate, a strategy to pre-emptively discredit any accusations. “Felix? Rape? Noooo way, he can never shut up about how much he hates rapists.”

Accusing whitey of hate and racism is a way to confuse him about the hate and racism constantly leveled at him.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

It’s a mix. Some people are undoubtedly employing deliberate deception to gaslight the normies. To one extent or another, it’s a conscious strategy to subvert civilization. Nevertheless, dysfunctional people have a habit of warring against their inner demons by externalizing and attributing those demons to society itself. They genuinely cannot face ugly truths about themselves and consequently project. Do you think that many of the Antifa goons are self-aware enough to realize that they are actual hateful little goblins merely pretending to fight against hate on behalf of some larger strategy? Seems unlikely. Most of them are probably true believers… Read more »

Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

“Most of them are probably true believers … [but] those funding Antifa [are] a different matter.”

I separate them into the cattle being stampeded and those who are consciously organizing and initiating the stampedes. Once I realized this, I found that I didn’t hate the cattle anymore. Justified hatred requires sapience. One doesn’t hate mountain lions or Ebola virus particles, in spite of the necessity to energetically ensure that they remain far away from those you love.

G Gordon Liddy
G Gordon Liddy
3 years ago

The managerial state is made up of Adam Schiff’s all the way down.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  G Gordon Liddy
3 years ago

At first reading, do I laugh, cry, or hurl?

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Each in turn, and sometimes all at once. Honk Honk.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

> “European Expert Association”

When I first read this I thought Z Man was just being pithy and sarcastic with their organization’s name. No one could be that arrogant and out of touch, right? Then I clicked the link. Good grief.

Just like no one who has to tell everyone he is King is really king, no one who has to tell everyone he’s an expert is an expert.

David Wright
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Funding from the Human Fund.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

It recalls the old days of Marxist banana republics where every one of them had at least two of “democratic”, “people’s”, or “republic” in their name. The day the Navy SEALs start calling themselves “The Elite Navy SEALs” we will know that they are no longer elite.

3 years ago

My progressive, academic town’s online bulletin board was full of laughter and ridicule this morning at word that “some racist truckers” may be looking to replicate the lorry drivers up there in the “Great White Racst North.” One poster pointed out that “This is the USA not wimpy Canada” where an American “freedom convoy” will quckly get busted and wil be “January Sixthed”. Many online posters cheered. I don’t usually find these retainers of the managerial state so frank in their expression of contempt for the Delorables. Like the Borg of Star Trek fame, resistance to the managerial state would… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
3 years ago

Krypton. Pardon the typos.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  imbroglio
3 years ago

ask the bolsheviks at their show trials, what they had to fear. the word of the day is “internecine”.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  imbroglio
3 years ago

> One poster pointed out that “This is the USA not wimpy Canada” where an American “freedom convoy” will quckly get busted and wil be “January Sixthed”.

These jokers hide behind their zoom calls and always expect someone to do the dirty work on their behalf.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Well, they ability to terminate someone’s financial existence remotely certainly reduces the importance of doorkickers as a limiting factor in their program.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I think about the Solzhenitsyn quote a lot, to paraphrase, about what if everyone had made sure to take a couple hacks with an axe to the secret police each time they went out for the night to make their arrests, ensuring there was always the risk they too wouldn’t make it home.

How can you live up to what is a very reasonable call to defense in those circumstances, when you’re dealing with keystrokes instead of kicked in doors?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I lament that I, but alas, have only one upvote to give. The default enforcement mechanism of the managerial class isn’t force of arms but access to markets, via use of financial institutions. There are a lot of dissidents that are slow on the uptake about this, but the theater of the culture war is the marketplace and the arms are dollars. Stockpiling ammo is worthless because our rulers aren’t going to fight on that terrain. (As an aside, there are roughly 60 mil. rural Americans, but only 1.3 mil active duty Armed forces and approximately 600k LEOs. Obviously, TPTB… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
3 years ago

As noted elsewhere, the US truckers could park their rigs en masse in private lots and just not work for few weeks. Unhideable shortages appear, and they have leverage.

Instead, it looks like they’re going to go down the Canadian trucker route. Maybe softer? It’s a LARP, really.

The managerial state has made the idea of labor so toxic to normal people, the concept of a work slowdown or stoppage just never crossed their minds.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Agree in principle, but it’s far easier for morale when everyone is congregating together and holding each other accountable. That’s far harder to do in a distributed space. It’s also much better visual propaganda for the cameras.

There were some successes, the pilots sick-out being a prime example. Most right-wing organizations don’t have the cohesion to work in coordination to wreck the system in subtle, annoying ways yet though.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I agree.

I should’ve written “organized labor”, ie, unions. (Private sector).

There’s leadership, skin in the game, and accountability. There’s something the cameras can be pointed at, which is paramount.

Most importantly, they’re 100% legal, and have oceans of regulations and government agencies that exist to protect them.

Historically formed in coal country where both private companies and the federal government forces would unite to crack heads. Sound familiar?

(Not saying that they can’t be crooked as F. But leviathan ain’t going to stop without pushback, and selfies in Ottawa and swiping speaker podiums isn’t effective.)

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

True, but they should go to someplace else. Gum up a Red State capital until the squishes running that state agree to champion your demands, for example.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago


Yes, and it could be very low effort by focusing on deliveries of critical goods. Taking such non-action would eventually impose far higher costs on the Bolsheviks.

The only thing achieved in Ottawa was the perfect cover for the govt to vastly expand its emergency powers and ability to seize assets.

The MSM blackout and spin effectively limited awareness and ensured few conversions among normies.

I believe that jurisdictions that claimed to roll back restrictions are merely playing possum for now.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Not even necessarily a work stoppage. A sudden “price equalization premium” to combat White Privilege to deliver particular goods and sundries to Ottawa or other places of “White Privlege” would do the trick. Why shouldn’t a Starbucks Tall Cafe Americano cost $35 (Canadian) in Ottawa?

Stopped up toilet in an MP’s flat? $54,000.00 (Canadian). Want me to tow that truck or tractor? $459,000.00 (Canadian)(up front for government clients).

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

It strikes me as a LARP, appealing to the sort of people that attended Trump rallies and nattered on about Q. They appear to be attention-seekers and grifters, since their website claims they’re demanding an end to national state of emergency. I agree that COVID panic is well past the use-by date, but honestly federal law and regulation about COVID guidelines and restrictions are pretty much dead letter. Compliance is pretty much optional. Moreover, ending the federal guidelines won’t do anything for state guidelines, which are the ones that have more teeth. If these protestors wanted to make a point,… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

ProZNoV: Spot on. The American truckers lost me when they proudly advertised their ‘protest’ as diverse and multicultural (I don’t recall the precise terms they used but that was the very clear gist). Going to DC with its black LEOs and all the security fences is mere theater. All they really need to do to have an affect is, as you noted, park somewhere in rural America and stop delivering goods. Another benefit of this would be the ability for supporters to get them money and supplies without going through modern tech or the US mail. Everyone is fixated on… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
3 years ago

imbroglio: I may be alone in wanting to see Putin or the Norks crash our grid, but I’m utterly sincere. I honestly don’t see any other way out of Clown World for normal, decent White people.

3 years ago

Thanks for the Taki piece. Sobran’s Hive has been a particular favorite of mine and keeping the memory of Joe S. alive for the next generations is good work. Prescient guy, as are you sir!

Mark Moncrieff
3 years ago

Zman normally your on the ball but this has to be the strangest thing you’ve ever written. ‘The political divide is now between those who adhere to the basket of ideas called Western liberalism and those who defend the post-Marxist managerial state.’ In the English speaking world the political philosophy that rules our life, our parents and their parents going all the way back to the Glorious Revolution of 1688, is Liberalism. As it is a progressive ideology it keeps changing because variety or change is a defining feature of our civilization. . The managerial state is the outgrowth of… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I’ll say it again: thank you for pushing back against this narrative. These crypto-commies that hide behind pro-white ideology are pushing hard on this false dialectic. Just as they did in the early days of the Holocough these guys are saying that natural rights and liberties are a bad thing. And just as our rulers are grabbing naked and total power… weird, it’s almost like they serve the interests of our enemies!

I wonder if there is a WEF for wignats.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The reason it is a post liberal society is at least partly because certain of its pillars turned out to be its greatest weaknesses. At this point Liberalism is a proven failure. Even if restoring various aspects of it were possible the attempt would be irrational and indulging in nostalgia.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Patrick Deneen, who is a catholic integralist not a white nationalist, argues that Liberalism is a death spiral that inevitably challenges first Authority, then Tradition, and finally Nature itself. That’s how you get from Locke to Marcuse. I think it’s a compelling argument, but personally, I would prefer less St. Benedict and more Deus Vult.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
3 years ago

Locke never envisioned his philosophy implemented with decaying property rights. That’s why there is no direct line. He probably also never thought about the nuking of freedom of association. And while we’re at it, he damn sure didn’t contemplate legalized homosexual marriage or turning a blind eye towards transsexual government clerks who like to have sex with puppies.

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Mark Moncrieff
3 years ago

I had to re-read that line and think about it for a second. Agree with Z’s response. However, these hyphenated and compound-word descriptors are always a bit loose and generally require some foundational knowledge. I’ll admit to have to think on these sometimes.

3 years ago

Is this the creature?

The Next Step for the World Economic Forum

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  houska
3 years ago

It won’t just be subscription-based immunity.

It will be every single aspect of your life.

Reply to  houska
3 years ago

Even Microsoft Word is sold via subscription. Despite the fact that a word processor does about as much as it did back on 7 MHz computers with 9 inch black and white screens thirty years ago.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

“European Expert Association” Here’s how to tell the IC focus group-tested this name: the world “expert.” This is meant to appeal directly to the NPC’s who lap up everything that connotes expertise in an area in which they are woefully ignorant. It flatters them to believe they are insiders because they know full well the experts always are right. As to the Ukraine, I actually detect quite a bit of frustration that the cucks have not been whipped into a war frenzy. All of official D.C. is onboard with a mass murder, of course, but the dupes who normally fight… Read more »

3 years ago

[…] ZMan does a paradigm shift. […]

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
3 years ago

From today’s WSJ headlines:
“Freedom Convoy Leaves Ottawa, Quiet Returns”

Opposite headline:
“Erie Quiet Descends on Ottawa as State Security Forces Crush Citizens Peacefully Protesting Government Tyranny”

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Mow Noname
3 years ago

Is an Erie silence different from a Poughkeepsie silence?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
3 years ago

only when you’re picking your toes :p

Reply to  Mow Noname
3 years ago

Kneeing handcuffed people in the ribs is a great way to stop the spread!

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
3 years ago

like any parasite, the ruling class is dependent on the host organism. and they are actively damaging that host, without realizing they are dooming themselves in the process. just watch all sorts of wars start breaking out, as non-democratic states go after one another, like one group of looters attacking another group, to get their ill gotten gains for themselves. it’s going to be all against all in a kaleidoscope of mayhem. and all the managerial cadres will be so surprised when they start being persecuted too. and they start going hungry and without power. just like in every other… Read more »

Reply to  karl von hungus
3 years ago

Parasitical is the only real analogy. Take the sacculina parasite in crabs. It invades the host, then forms a central body in the organism. It then extends tendrils into the crab’s brain, nervous system, gut, reproductive system. It entirely controls the crab through chemical releases into the nervous system and hijacking the crab’s own systems. All of the crab’s activities are used for energy to feed the parasite and enable it to replicate to find other crabs. The crab itself is a hollowed out zombie, but is completely unaware it is not directing its own behaviors. The parasites impulses have… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

A crab *and* a hollowed-out zombie”?

Do you mean Maxine Waters?

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
3 years ago

Infant Phenom: it’s still early, but likely the pithy comment of the day

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

Trumpton, that was a brilliant comment! But I must say, I’m happy I didn’t eat breakfast this morning.

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

There are parasites that affect human psychology too, though humans aren’t necessarily their primary host. T. gondii is the classic example. I have to wonder if the real reason they’re so hysterical about Iver and HCQ is that they’re protecting a “useful” parasite. Could just be professional courtesy though.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
3 years ago

The parasites could never quite understand the fable of the goose that laid the golden egg.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Parasites like this always kill the host. They can’t do anything else.

Its what they do. Its doable while the hosts outnumber them.

3 years ago

My baseline is anything out of the media or government (one and the same) is a lie and/or extreme exaggeration, so I can sort of see through the fog. The problem is, we’re bombarded with it 24/7/365 and it’s tough to tune it all out. Further, the lies are continually told in oh so serious tones and with somber faces. It’s utterly laughable these idiots can keep it up, but they’re all just bees in the hive and seemingly have no self awareness (as Z posits in his Taki piece). Another prime example is the Covid hoax, which seems to… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Now that the Covid19(84) thing has run its course, they’re now claiming that the fowl flu has reemerged in NYC. When does it end?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Maniac
3 years ago

I’d argue that the returning Olympic athletes may have been infected or had something planted in their luggage.

I mean, what a perfect opportunity to rapidly spread a pathogen to over one hundred nations.

Oh wait…that argument is rayciss!!

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

A similar plot using attractive young women with allergies from all over the world was foiled by the British Secret Service in 1969.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

Tom Clancy expanded the concept to all Olympic attendees in his Crichton-esque novel, Rainbow Six.

Also, consider the extreme measures imposed on the 2022 athletes as a beta-test for sleeping in the pods and eating the bugs.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

its interesting how you use the word “covid hoax”. Obviously the virus exists – but the way the media and government has behaved has made it so that it might as well be a hoax.