Russia – Ukraine

One of the interesting sidelights to the crisis in Ukraine is the hyper-reaction of the American media. It has been a blend of foaming at the mouth jingoism, unhinged hysteria and absolute nonsense. Since the rest of the English-speaking world follows the lead of the American media, the world has been flooded with what probably sounds like a tidal wave of craziness. The start of actual fighting in Ukraine has made the situation worse in the information space.

As is so often the case, the one place you must avoid if you want to know what is happening in Europe right now is the American media. They have fallen for at least one Sam Hyde gag. They have been caught using old pictures from different events and screenshots from movies. They seem to be willing to believe the most outlandish nonsense about both sides. Of course, the Ukrainians are the Spartans at Thermopylae and the Russians are bloodthirsty Nazis.

What we know so far is that there has been some contact between Ukrainian forces and Russian forces. We also know the Russians are now staged in-country, outside various cities and strategically important spots. We also know that the Ukrainians have been willing to talk, after initially refusing peace talks. The first round happened a couple of days ago and another round is scheduled this week. We also have not seen much in the way of reliable footage indicating heavy combat.

Taken as a whole, with the understanding that lots of pieces of the puzzle are missing, the most likely situation right now is not much is happening. The Russians swept in but stopped short of going into major cites. They have most certainly occupied the disputed provinces in the east and have liquidated the Ukrainian irregulars. Otherwise, the lack of images is the result of two armies in a stand-off as the political and psychological war rages around them.

For their part, the Ukrainians have no reason to engage the Russian army directly, as they would eventually lose. It may take a few weeks, but the outcome is certain and the price to the civilian population would be high. They have the backing of the West to a point and the longer their army is in the field and functioning, they have a chance to cut a deal with the Russians. For Zelensky, his army and his cities are chips he will play over the next weeks to make a deal for himself.

Interestingly, the Russians may have a similar calculus. As long as their army is camped outside Kiev, they have options they did not have last week. For example, they can settle the question of the eastern provinces now. The facts on the ground matter and those two provinces no longer belong to Ukraine. They can also force NATO to discuss their security concerns in a serious way. The longer their army is in the field the more willing the West is to cut a deal with them.

That is where the Ukrainian and Russian similarities end. Zelensky agreed to talks because he knows the other option is he becomes a CNN anchor. If the press reports were true and the heroic Ukrainian army was fighting the Reds to a standstill, his position would be simple. Russia leaves or else. He is at the table to buy time and avoid being run out of his own country. He is looking for a face-saving deal that leaves him in power and in good standing with the West.

The Russians want what they have plus two more things. They have the provinces and they are not going back to Ukrainians control. What they want from the peace talks is agreement from Zelensky on this fact. That becomes an endorsement of the deal and thus strips the West of claims to the contrary. They also want an end to discussions about Ukraine joining NATO or the EU. If this comes from the Western puppet government, it basically comes from Washington.

A wildcard in all of this is time. It is assumed the Russians wanted to quickly knock out the Ukrainians, but that appears to be false. They want a deal with this Ukrainian government, not one they install. That means they came into this with a much longer timeline than has been suggested. How long they are willing or able to keep their army in the field is unknown, but it is probably months, maybe longer. All we know is we do not know their timeline for ending this.

For now, the Ukrainians have all the time in the world. The West is waving around their flag on social media and promising support. They know this is mostly public relations and that eventually, the West will move into other issues. For now, they have no reason to cut a deal with the Russians. They have every reason to stall for time and hope some miracle happens that causes the Russians to change their position. Like the Russians, they have months, maybe longer to wait.

Another wildcard in all of this is economics. Ukraine and Russia ship a lot of food and energy to the MENA countries. The reason that region was convulsed by revolts ten years ago was food and fuel prices spiked. In a world already suffering double-digit retail inflation and supply chain problems, another factor driving up prices for essentials could create massive headaches for everyone. It is not as if the Western countries are in peace and harmony right now either.

That brings in the other wildcard. Another wave of migrants from the south could easily swamp Europe this spring. What keeps the waves of migrants from flooding Europe are countries like Syria and Turkey. The former is a Russian client state and the later has a lot of axes to grind with the Europeans. Turkey has been in economic crisis for months, so opening up the migrant valve could be a useful way to lower the temperature domestically, especially if there are food shortages.

What all of this means is this conflict could stagger on for a long time before the parties decided they have to settle things. It also means the geniuses in Washington who instigated this did not anticipate any of what is happening. That will surely cause problems in trying to reach a deal. They have backed themselves into a corner and cannot sign off on any deal right now. That will drag out whatever negotiations are happening between Ukraine and Russia.

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2 years ago

[…] March 1, 2022 […]

2 years ago

i have a question unrelated to the topic, but related to you personally: what prompted you to allow your articles to appear on a LIBERTARIAN site given your animus toward libertarians, amply exhibited at your site?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

this is the guy trying to dra west into a new world war:

zelensky in just bout the gayest dance routine ever.

Anson Rhodes
Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

Best analysis I’ve read anywhere so far, but I think I can improve it with a bit of psychology. Russia is clearly motivated by insecurity as much as by pride. How would England feel if Scotland declared independence and then joined a military alliance with Russia against England? That would be intolerable and England would certainly use force against Scotland if the sense of threat became strong enough. (Btw, it’s quite a paradox that the west, with their newfound adulation of “feelings”, has completely failed to understand how their ceaseless vilification campaign has made Russia feel insecure and done much… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

Good addition.

Good comment. Let me add something as well: Putin miscalculated how utterly unhinged the Ruling Class in the United States has become, and how easily social media can be used to manipulate and work into a moral panic Westerners. The very real possibility of a nuclear exchange is a reality subordinate to virtue signaling and having approved opinions.

So add Western madness to Russian and Ukrainian insecurity and you have a very dangerous mix.

2 years ago

As my comment awaits moderation hell, Putin is playing a long term siege game of manpower and resources. Ukraine is filled with people who wanted to leave but could not, the likely event of Kiev being leveled is most just leave. The fantasy of a repeat of Afghanistan with a bunch of city dwellers yelling “Wolverines” in Ukranian and unleashing hell from an assault rifle is just that, fantasy. It takes months of training and discipline to make young adult males into soldiers, and the terrain in Ukraine is dead flat and not suitable for ambush-hit-and-run tactics. Most Ukranians wanted… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

The demographics of Ukraine are horrendous. Russia had a demographic crisis in the early 2000s but under Putin’s demographic program, the birth rate has increased significantly – and not just for Muslims and Gypsies, but also for Russians. Ukraine’s hasn’t. They’ve had mass emigration to the EU, and mass emigration of Russians back to Russia. It’s really a joke of a country demographically and will die out very quickly. If Ukraine joins the EU the number of fighting age males will collapse as the few remaining young people – those not bright or motivated enough to emigrate before – will… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I can’t see Putin wanting this on his border.

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

SOTU: “Putin may surround Kiev with tanks, but he’ll never get the hearts of the Iranian people” – Joe Biden WTF?

Reply to  RoBG
2 years ago

he mixed up Ukrainian & Iranian. I was trolling to check the news to see if they would have mentioned it, not a peep. Go figure.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

This is consonant with Armstrong’s “Socrates.”


The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

The Ukrainian Prosecutor uploaded a video of an hour and some minutes duration with tape-recordings of Joe Biden and Poroschennko and documents detailing the criminality of the Bidens. (But we also now know that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Mitt Romney were in on it–through their children, who were on the boards of directors of shell companies). Here’s a link to some of that: . Nancy Pelosi left the country the day after the invasion began, made a beeline for Jerusalem, addressed the Knesset, and, as of yesterday, had not returned to the country. Nobody has an explanation. But… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Does anyone care?

Seems like this is the tree falling in the forest question.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Everyone who cares already knows that the GAE is (as Putin aptly called it) the Empire of Lies. Everyone who doesn’t care won’t know or won’t care

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  NoOneAtAll
2 years ago

I’ve started calling it the Empire of 4Fs

Fat, Fearful, Flaccid, Fairies.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Paul Craig Roberts understands a lot of (((things))) and says so.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

” … Fox News, the Drudge report, YouTube vids; … .”

You can get *accurate* news *and* analysis* from The Saker; from Martyanov’s blog; from Armstrong Economics Blog; and, with some reservations, from Paul Craig Roberts, who, incidentally, understands (((a lot of things))) and says so.

2 years ago

Twitter was the worst thing to happen to the Western World. Scholze wanted to beg off open confrontation with Russia but got rolled by emotional appeals on Twitter and Kim Kardashian putting a Ukranian flag on her Twitter account. Now he will pay the price along with Europe for open warfare with Russia. True Russia has stalled in Kiev but that’s a fault of manpower — not enough young Russian men to keep equipment running and supplies moving forward. Ukraine is even worse, decades of rotating oligarchs stealing everything have made patriotism dead there, the TFR is something like 1.1,… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

True Russia has stalled in Kiev but that’s a fault of manpower — not enough young Russian men to keep equipment running and supplies moving forward. There’s still lots of weirdness going on. Like reports of conscripts in and even abandoning top-tier tanks like the T-90. Russia’s Air Force and drones are still AWOL. Ukraine seems to have gotten of few of their Turkish units up. Putin still hasn’t committed everything he has in theater. The only frontline troops I’ve heard about are the VDV airborne. Qatar can increase gas production maybe 10%, that is not enough to fill the… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

One wonders if Putin is intentionally losing, or allowing the economic sanctions to create a new iron curtain.

A humiliation for the person many see as the last anti-globohomo standout is going to be disappointing.

Getting financially ruined and still supplying energy to the people doing it seems a bizarre strategy.

All seems very strange.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

A truism if ever there was one.

The military stuff I agree is a joke in its reporting so who knows what is going on there. The absence of any real footage is also odd.

The financial ruination is not a fantasy.
Central bank embargoes, all large russian companies sanctioned in the west for all counterparties and embargoing oil in the spot market is getting ugly.

Keeping supplying the people doing it and grandstanding about supplying weapons to your enemy seems weirdly passive.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Do we know if Xi has staked Putin with all those agreements announced before the Olympics?

If this attempt at a financial shock-and-awe fails to collapse the Russian government, the counter-measures are going to be interesting.

How many days can Germany run without Russian energy?

Such a move could split the Europeans further from their governments, and their governments from the US.

First round of French elections are in six weeks.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I agree. Basically all the ADRs for pretty much every large Russian company on every market in Europe were halted today almost in tandem. The ruble is impossible for the central bank to affect in the FX market due to restrictions. The Treasury put out SDNs on lots of Russian companies, and Sberbank’s main subsidiaries in Europe were closed by the regulators as they failed their capital limits. VTB had all its assets frozen in the UK and lots of other stuff. Sure seems real. You would expect some response, even as a temporary measure. As I said strange. Also… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Your post would be a lot easier to read if you divided it up into smaller, spaced paragraphs. Some of us don’t have the best eyes for reading large blocks of text on a screen.

2 years ago

One thing that concerns me in this is that if you read the financial press a lot of the talk is about the embargo of Russian oil and finances and how this is going to skyrocket oil prices. The second part of that, and this worries me, is that I have read multiple times that the solution to this is we “will need massive demand destruction” to prevent runaway Oil costs. They seem to have a position that they need to wreck the west in order to keep inflation down, and it appears a common enough thought in those areas… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Good piece.

I read his stuff some times and this extends his earlier work around Berezovsky and the general run up.

2 years ago

This article sums it up nicely how a buffer country like Ukraine played the geopolitical game of poker without knowing who the sucker was at the table.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  ArthurinCali
2 years ago

Guess they didn’t realize they were the chip😅

Reply to  ArthurinCali
2 years ago

Good summary indeed. And one of the few articles from the pro-Israel Tablet that doesn’t solely blame Russia. “[Israel acquired nuclear weapons, which is why] Israel is no longer a stomping ground for empires. Conversely, Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in 1994 in exchange for U.S. security guarantees in the event its neighbors, Russia in particular, turned hostile. What kind of strategy dictates that a state hand over its security vis-a-vis local actors to a country half the world away? No strategy at all. Ukraine was not able to transcend its natural geography as a buffer state—and worse, a… Read more »

Nikolai Vladivostok
Reply to  ArthurinCali
2 years ago

I agree, excellent article. Send it to normies and tell them they’re antisemitic if they refuse to read it.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Here’s how I figure: Our main enemy, Globohomo. Our second worst enemy, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Globohomo is selfexplanatory here. But the CCP are racist (which is a problem b/c we’re an outgroup to their Han obsessions, not because ‘racism is baaad’). And they want to be the all-dominating group in the world. There are others like Islam that are enemies. But they can only conquer weakness. Weakness that that Globohomo ensures we suffer from. Ukraine is allied with Globohomo. So I see no reason to root for the ‘right’ of Ukranian teens selling nudes on OnlyFans. But Putin… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

I am not sure about the Chinese in that respect.

They have never really been expansionist, or even that exploratory outside the main body of China.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

You have a weakness there buddy. They are now, and they are your enemy. You’ll see it in time.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

My enemy is my own govt genociding my own race and the millions of invaders.

The Chinese are down on the list below the gas prices.

When they show up to haul me off for speaking forbidden words, like my own police, then I’ll worry about it.

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

+100 I just said this to a normie friend yesterday. Know where the real threat is coming from.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Everytime I say the Chinese are an enemy, you go out of your way to say they are not. We’re losing because everyone thinks they’re ‘geniuses’ here. We need hierachy and until we have it, we’re nothing but fish bait.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

@moran. Look, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think the Chinese are any kind of beneficial force. However, as far as I can see they are interested int he South China sea and a few areas around there and they are welcome to it. It’s none of my business. I don’t see them marching over into Europe any time soon, and their impact on my life is minimal to say the least. Its ridiculous to build them up as a great enemy when they are about as real a threat as the Klingon empire on a day to day basis.… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

There’s more to being an enemy than opening kebab shops at the end of your street. The Chinese view non-Chinese as animals, they are completely unsentimental, even about their own kind, have a ‘master race’ complex far surpassing anything the Germans or Japanese ever developed. They are buying up politicians, agricultural lands and resources across the West, they are the greatest tech theft problem the West has ever had, they are trying to destroy manufacture in the West with subsidies and cheating, they are deliberately flooding the US w fentanyl to crash white American culture. They want you dead, and… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

But the Chinese ate pushing that indirectly by funding our internal enemas/enemies

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

@moran You are a smart guy. I just don’t agree. So the Chinese are race centric for themselves, so what? so should we be. IDGAF what their sentimentality or lack of it is. Its their country. If they want to be brutal, I don’t care. I am not trying to save the planet from unsentimental men. European’s are missing the unsentimental power projection they had for generations, and its turned into whining cucks about morality. . The only reason they have any tech at all is because the west traitors strip mined the native manufacturing and shipped it there. If… Read more »

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

China is a major subversive force that is financially and otherwise, supporting the Woke ideology that has infected our schools, media, sports, and political world. Where did the China flu come from?

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

“They have never really been expansionist, or even that exploratory outside the main body of China.”

That was then. This is now.

Watch the opening to the 2008 Olympics. You remember. The one that scared the crap out of everyone. The one that was the greatest human performance in the planet’s history. (Not exaggerating).

At least watch from the 11 min mark to 15 min mark. And tell me this isn’t a people hellbent on world domination. Financially now. Later, complete. Complete as in they’re going to change the name of the Earth to China.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Looks oddly like a Mexican standoff: Russia has resources CCP/Globohomo need, CCP has economic muscle/clout Russia needs, Globohomo has markets/innovation CCP needs.

2 years ago

Implied in all of this is that lib whites never truly believed the black man could save them from a determined white foe, because if they truly believed in the supremacy and strength of the black man they would be resting easy right now, knowing that our millions of black men will protect them from some stupid short white guy who rides horses bare chested. “What a joke he is !! And wow, look at Le Bron dunk the ball on that white dude. Ha ha.”

But they are scared literally shitless.

Math isn’t adding up, is it?

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

“But they are scared literally shitless.” Literally? You’ve verified this? Does shitless mean they’re so scared they can’t poop? Or they’re so scared they pooped all over the place and have no more poop to give.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
2 years ago

Gee, since all this Russia vs Ukraine stuff started, I haven’t even once thought of the Durham Report, skyrocketing inflation, the runaway black crime wave, open borders/Great Replacement, white supremacy, Hunter Biden, or much of anything else!
Feels great! Boo on Putin!

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  I.M. Brute
2 years ago

Gee, since all this Russia vs Ukraine stuff started, I haven’t even once thought of [a lot of stuff.]”

And *that* us one of *several* reasons this is happening.

2 years ago

Reading that mayor of Kiev just banned sale of alcohol. I suppose he is doing so under a type of martial law. So contrast these powers under an actual war and military threat against what Trudeau did from threat of a trucker protest. So we are to believe that the threat levels are equal and martial law justifiable in both cases? Is Trudeau and the feminine west trying to tell us that a trucker protest is the same level fo threat? Just unbelievable. One thing though, this Ukraine affair has brought a lot of needed clarity to what is and… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Banning alcohol in the Ukraine? I guess he just wants to surrender. God knows how the Ukrainians are going to fight without liquid courage.

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

On a somewhat related note I respond with a rhetorical question:

Has any living man had his buttocks kissed as often or as intensely as Zelensky ?
I actually feel sorry for these suck-ups. I’m 56 years old and I’ve never seen anything like it. Fox News, the Drudge report, YouTube vids; he’s the greatest human ever. Ugh. What does his butt taste like, fellas?

Reply to  Strike Three
2 years ago

Same here (I am a few years older and wiser than you) – and Jordan Petersen has an excellent podcast up that the stronger stomachs of the Dissidents would appreciate.

He interviewed an establishment hack who is definitely from the managerial class of Globohomo and he is a viable foundation for the Dissident ideologies. He accuses his rivals of what he himself is doing; he states what his goals and aims are and breezily does the opposite; he whines about Russian astroturfing as he does the exact same thing.

Reply to  Strike Three
2 years ago

The butt kissing is sorta of a cope, that these people know they screwed up royally, are finding it difficult to express themselves and their cauldron of emotions, and are hoping for a savior in Zelenksy to make everything back to being right in their world.

He is their last hope

These people are nuts

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

He better get that lightsabre dusted off then.

Reply to  Strike Three
2 years ago

That and he looks ridiculous in the army uniform. Expect him to show up in Israel anytime now.

Reply to  Strike Three
2 years ago

Its just a script, which its why its over the top.

Imagine an ad campaign 24×7 for a new product. Its just tha, which is why it comes off as unhinged.

Everyone in power has become a fag or is female, so the symbolic gesture stuff popular with children and women is wall to wall.

They seem to mistake it for content.

Reply to  Strike Three
2 years ago

They are setting him up for a heroic death.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

The entire Canadian gov’t is basically illegitimate, right across the board. The conservatives cucked on the Turdo power grab as did the NDP – who posture as ‘the working man’s party’.

I used to disagree vehemently with our blog host about voting and argued strongly for it… but admit now he got the better of me. Voting will not change what is coming or what has to be done about it…

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Maybe he is apprehensive that, having been handing out military-grade long guns willy-nilly, that having them in the hands of juiced-up idiots might be a problem all by itself.

2 years ago

I love the whole “end of the world” narrative regarding the use of nuclear force.
After all, isn’t Hiroshima still an uninhabitable wasteland full of mutants and zombies?


Reply to  mderpelding
2 years ago

The coming months, years, is going to involve a lot of regular men talking women off the ledge because both covid and fears of war have utterly broken them mentally. They can’t handle this kind of incessant psychological pressure. They’re cracking. To me it’s a day in the park, and I am no one special, so just goes to show that women just aren’t cut out for things like this. For war, real pressure, and so on. Silver lining may be that they realize it and say screw it, I want out of this man’s world and am going back… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Yep unfortunately I know many women, including family members, who are now depressed, anxious and dysfunctional wrecks after follow the health guidelines of the past 2 years. Here are some things they’ve done/said: – Screaming, sobbing and swearing at me because I said “no” to getting the COVID vax – Afraid to go to a restaurant, thinks she will die if she goes, despite being triple vaxxed and masked – “I’m so disappointed in Canada, I thought we were better than [the trucker convoy]”. – “Things like that [trucker convoy and riot police] only happen in other countries, not here.… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

My wife flipped out on me in a CVS parking lot. “I’m sick of this biweekly testing shit! Just get the fucking vaccine!” I was calm up until that point, but I couldn’t take the bitching anymore. “NEVER!” I screamed. ” I will never!” My wife responded that she’d have to reevaluate my relationship with our child. I told her told her that she can do what she’d like. Feel free to join forces with the benevolent state. She never brought it up again It was all a femoid freakout-bluff, of course. But if the state did pressure her… I… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

there are lots of studies showing that the best way to re-pattern people’s thoughts is to induce and maintain a trauma state, then it allows a new pattern to be implanted. You see it in torture techniques all the time. You can obviously repeat this over and over without giving people time to pause. Works best on those that start from a high anxiety level, and given a sizeable proportion of women seem to be on anxiety meds one way or another, it hits the mark each time. I do wonder what the endgame is for this though. Constant hysteria?… Read more »

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I can see how this works in prison camps or cults where you are able to manage the victim’s suffering and then, just at the breaking point, insert a “savior” who comes along and does the re-patterning. This is the ultimate in good cop/bad cop gaming. But this endless cycling of apocalyptic fear and hatred? Four years of TDS, then two of Covidism and now WWIII? It’s an uncontrolled experiment. You don’t know precisely when each victim can be re-patterned. She might just become a devout (and fanatical) religious believer if the right missionary knock on the door just as… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
2 years ago

I think rather the terror is the point.

Look at the patterning around the Ukraine, fervor and how quickly it took, after they did the same with coof..

As an old psychologist professor said to me, people in the mass are predictable, its individuals that seem different.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Yeah, total control.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Falcone: Late last year, almost as a joke, I bought some Potassium Iodide pills from Amazon. I think it was after reading/watching videos about nuclear power plants remaining in the US, where they’re located, and what might happen to them in the event of a cyber attack or power outage due to whatever, which would prevent their proper shut down (nuclear war is not something I’ve ever lost sleep over or planned for). I sorta figured what the heck, the pills don’t cost that much, I’ll buy a pack and put them in a closet. Then yesterday at a number… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Ivermectin, test kits and masks. Shortages and no travel.

Potassium Iodide, dosimeters and gas masks.Shortages and no fuel.

Why does it feel like I have seen this movie?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  mderpelding
2 years ago

Atom Bomb.

10 kiltotons


1000x as much and 3000x as many warheads

Unrestricted atomic war is survivable unrestricted H-Bomb warfare not so much.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
2 years ago

Doesn’t the H-Bomb leave much less radioactive fallout than a traditional nuke? If you can successfully hide for the drop itself, then it’s more survivable.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Neutron bomb doesn’t damage infrastructure. It’s hell on tissue however. I’m mountain folk. I’m hoping my mountains break up the shock waves.

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Because I’m a nerd and this fascinates me:

Cold War era engineers were able to construct tanks that were sturdy enough to survive normal atom bombs. So they improvised neutron bombs where most of the energy is released as neutrons. The neutrons pass right through the armor and kill the tank crew.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

a lot of h-bombs use a hiroshima style fission bomb as a kind of first stage?! how crazy is that shit!

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

All of them do. It’s how you get the temperature and pressure needed for fusion.

Reply to  mderpelding
2 years ago

Right. We’ve seen what happens when 20th century Japan gets nuked.

We are immeasurably less civilized than those people were. We’re about on the level of the 20th century Congo.

Whatever is broken today stays broken forever.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
2 years ago

The amazing thing is as of yet, not one leader of a NATO country has dared to suggest that maybe its a bad idea for the Ukraine to join NATO. I mean is that not worth a try, more politicians are calling for a no fly zone over the Ukraine than the idea that the Ukraine could be an independent neutral country

Total fucking clowns

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

Precisely. It also shows this was always a dangerous game and it has gotten out of control. The West dangled NATO membership out there to embolden the Ukraine against Russia and got what was wanted: Germany off Russian gas. These psychopaths are totally capable of a nuclear war. If the military was not as crazy if not more so, for the first time I would welcome a coup to keep us from becoming fried bacon, but, again, they probably are leading this.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

My take is this

If — and this is an IF — the covid vaxx truly is as deadly as it may turn out to be, the elites will have a total freakout and may be willing to go nuclear just to free themselves of the tremendous guilt

So yes, I do see the two things as being potentially interrelated

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Sociopaths don’t feel guilt.

Reply to  JeepEr
2 years ago

Everyone does, if you cut deep enough

Yes, they don’t feel guilt under normal everyday circumstances when it’s all fun and games and the consequences are minimal to non-existent.

And we should be concerned that their guilt surfaces from out under all their psychological lies and conceits they have been telling themselves as they stepped on people to get ahead and crushed people without fear of repercussions. It’s going to bubble up. I’m just saying, grab a hard hat !!

Reply to  JeepEr
2 years ago

Poor falcone, you are where I was 10 yrs ago. Internalize this; the want you, and yours, dead. They are utterly remorseless. It’s hard for a decent guy to wrap his head around these truths. Hoover said as much. Who uses sex with children as a tool? Look into the dutroux affair. Study and get back to me.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

You mean like it happened basically the week after all the mandates were dropped everywhere?

Amazing how one end of the world rolled into another in a few days with barely a pause for breath.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I guess if 100% worldwide Vax compliance didn’t materiize, nuclear war was plan B.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Falcone: The vaxx was designed to be deadly. That’s why they worked so damned hard to ensure most White people took it. The increased deaths ages 15-45 are already showing up (life insurance and mortuary stats) and all the young men getting myocarditis. Trumpton linked to a Swedish study showing it affected the kidneys of a developing fetus within 6 hours of the mother getting the vaxx. Please don’t tell me you honestly believe the elites were truly afraid of their ‘deadly’ flu? Or that they really allowed that deliberately engineered vax to be administered to them and their children?… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

The study was about the mrna being transcribed into the DNA of liver cells, which if it exhibited the same effect in the ovaries or placenta could be passed to the fetus as part of its DNA.

2 years ago

“It has been a blend of foaming at the mouth jingoism, unhinged hysteria and absolute nonsense” I’ve tried to retain some of my sanity by not watching this garbage but some of it has snuck through. My takes so far: 1) Jingoism: why this? I think degenerates know, at some level, that they are degenerates. This is perhaps why the Lefty media is now full of the kind of flag waving jingo that they made fun of until… like 6 days ago. The MSM newbots all probably spend an extra 10 minutes now each morning lisping their way through their… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
2 years ago

Some good recent footage…near the end the Russian troops talk about their attempts to minimize civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure:

John Flynt
John Flynt
2 years ago

Curious on people’s war predictions of these questions Will Russia manage to install a pro Russian government- No. Those Soros and NGO propaganda over these past years has the people really amped up. I can only imagine how the western part would react to that. The time for that was several years ago. Too late. Will Ukraines borders remain intact other than Crimea- No. Russia has to get something out of this other than military guarantees and the intense derussifiacation process no longer makes having Russians as an influence bloc a valuable asset in the country. Territory will be lost.… Read more »

Reply to  John Flynt
2 years ago

“Those Soros and NGO propaganda over these past years has the people really amped up.”

if russians managed to tame chechens, they’ll handle drunken ukrainians as well.

anyhow, russians are close to romanian border, it seems their primary focus is not regime changine, but taking control of ukraine’s borders as quickly as possible so that the ukrainians won’t get any reinforcements or supplies from new world order.

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

I’m seeing signs that the relentless media and NGO propaganda has psyoped some part of the Russia leaning population to positions that they would have scoffed at in 2014.

This isn’t surprising. People have lizard brains. If the powers that be are telling you something a segment of the pop will go along even if the overlords are oppressing and erasing you. Targeting you with hate and slurs.

Same way how there are white american loyalists who support the outrageous civil rights regime and AA that hates them.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

That’s been my biggest fear. The people in our Ruling Class are batshit crazy and have not hidden it.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Definitely getting some “Guns of August” vibes here.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Tonight Biden will take a victory lap around the House chamber and the entire (Repubs, too) Congress will stand and applaud him. I just bought gas for my car and have no money to wager!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Don’t know about nuclear winter, but the propaganda mills are pushing a Ukrainian quagmire, so my bet is that is what tptb will do their utmost to engineer.

Reply to  John Flynt
2 years ago

I think Ukraine will give guarantees to stay neutral and never apply for NATO membership.

However they will not give guarantees about not joining the EU, but I don’t think they would be allowed to join anyway (despite the current rhetoric from the EU)

Reply to  John Flynt
2 years ago

My prediction is that russia soon annihilates the “nazi” faction in the dombass and Zellensky shits his pants and begs for mercy

Until then? Probably more of the same positioning of military assets and cat and mouse along with the people of the west having a collective nervous breakdown from psyop overload

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

The problem is will the full court globohomo forces be able to blockade Russia financially enough.

Obviously its self-sufficient for the basics, but its not the 70s and its interesting how the Russians will adapt to a type of hardship existence that the older generations had under communism.

Especially with western media poisoning they have had (like us all) for the last 30 years.

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Russia had no choice but to invade. You can’t just sit there and move your king back and forth behind your pawns and and let your under pressure rook (Ukraine) deep in enemy territory get captured by the opposing team with no fight. You have to send your pieces to defend the rook even if you get other pieces captured and it hurts, other wise the position is lost and it’s a slow grueling defeat no matter what. Don’t forget the Kazahk and belarus shenanigans that happened recently. All attacks on the Russosphere. At some point you have to respond… Read more »

Reply to  John Flynt
2 years ago

Yeah I get that.

I am not president of Russia, so what do I know.

But if Putin is not going to have serious trouble at home, the people are going to have to put up with a lot of hardship while being bombarded with globohomo propaganda.

It reamins to be seen as to how much they will tolerate.

The west will I think tolerate more solely because the covid training and media control programming is much stronger.

As I was typing that I just realized that the lockdowns were a dry run for the upcoming war hardships.

2 years ago

The west shrieks in perfect unison govt, mil, media, and the brave sheeple herdered to the nonstop hate lies “Russia! Russia!”. Russia is not facing any resistance, they are accomplishing the mission while doing as little harm to civilians as possible. And the west media fantasized Russian forces bit off more than can chew. They don’t use heavy guns on civilians targets because the big armor is for act two – when one of nato members foolishly slip and “engage” in the conflict. And Russia pounds a dozen nato bases/targets to oblivion, and the world watches the limp empire that… Read more »

Reply to  Pursuvant
2 years ago

Half the country had a psychotic meltdown when Trump won the presidency after they were told that could never happen.

Expect much the same when Russia wins this Ukraine thing. Whatever “wins” looks like.

Half the US is going to freak out.

Reply to  Pursuvant
2 years ago

Putin better hopes he wins, otherwise its the Great Reset for all.

Like Covid, this just shows who is aligned int he club and who is not. And the nots are looking pretty thin on the ground.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

trumpton: Yeah, that’s what has me most bummed – the way everyone else is linking arms against Putin and proclaiming Globohomo uber alles in the best of all possible worlds. His incursion into Ukraine has really upset some folks’ plans, and they’re pulling out all the stops to ensure no one else steps out of line – the media hysteria has been so insane I cannot even look at the headline any more. Is even 10% of the White world not certifiably insane?

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Pursuvant
2 years ago

Its all kosher theatre, they all bow to their small hat masters who turn the money spigot on and off, none of this is real, my friend. We’re all getting fucked, bankrupted and sent to hell by the Termites, who see us as cattle, to be used and led to slaughter. Your being told a tale. on talmudvision, it’s all lies and deceit. They think we’re stupid, we must prove them wrong. or we’ll all be dead.

2 years ago

One thing that doesn’t get any press is that Nat Gas is the ultimate feedstock for about 90% of the worlds manufacture of fertilizer. Russia directly produces about 20% of Urea and a good proportion of the other imputs.

At some point it will dawn on Germany that they are guaranteeing themselves a cold and hungry winter of 22/23 that they’ve not seen since Eisenhower’s little genocide post WWII.

Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

“At some point it will dawn on Germany that they are guaranteeing themselves a cold and hungry winter…”

The thing is, all the smart guys in all the back rooms of all the countries are chess players. They recognize the future implications of every move and every gesture. But this got too messy and complicated even for them. One thing that they tacitly agree on is conflict is bad for business. Peaceful resolution will come sooner than expected.

(((They))) live
(((They))) live
Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

But it they were so smart why is everything going to shit. Its called clown world for a reason

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Here’s a short clip of Chechens gearing up for combat in Ukraine:

Who else wants to see soyjak and alphabet soup volunteers from Europe and the US attempt to fight these guys?

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Those guys are eager to kick ass.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Regardless of anyone’s opinion on those guys, you gotta love the camaraderie and esprit de corps

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Those are some big dudes.
I’m sure LaToilet will be their equal.
(Sarcasm off)

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Wait, what? You don’t think our tough girls and soy boys can make mincemeat out of these guys??

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

The best vid I’ve seen in a while. The Hague will probably prosecute them for the war crime of “assembling while virile.”

2 years ago

Huh — I just tried to post a comment about Ukraine and it was blocked as spam. Let’s see if this gets through.

Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

OK, let’s see if the problem was the link to Anatoly Karlin’s substack post “Regathering of the Russian Lands”. Here is the comment without the link: I think Putin is all in on Ukraine at this point — I don’t see a way out. Reading Putin’s speeches, I have no problem believing that he is (understandably!) horrified at the decadence of Western society, and is quite sincere in his desire to regather the Russian lands. There are going to be sanctions for years, no matter what Putin does, and for him to leave Ukraine without, at absolute minimum, Kiev plus… Read more »

Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

Yep, that was it. Here is the URL, let’s see if it gets through just as text:

2 years ago

“Would Tapioca Joe and the Juggalos risk cracking off a nuke to keep their gravy train running? [Shakes magic 8 ball]…. ‘all signs point to yes’, because they’re Juggalos. These are the people who think Twitter is real life; to them, going nuclear is just leveling up a sick burn or a dank meme. Putin knows this, which is why he’s ready for Armageddon. Only that kind of rhetoric can signal through all the Blue Checkmark noise.” I always read a comment first, then look to see who posted it. Just a few sentences in I knew this could only… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

People try? That’s scary. Scarier that they fail. It’s easy: historical allusion, nickname, ellipsis, dick joke. Basically what Bill Simmons used to do before he went gay for pay.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

Do a Google search for Founding Questions Blog and you’ll find his new address.

Reply to  Milestone D
2 years ago

Really appreciate that Milestone D.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Uh oh. Here come the raycissims!

You mean that our dusky brethren who “adopt” western lands as their new home won’t stay and fight for it? They flee once the going gets tough and accuse their hosts of raycissims?

Perhaps this should be considered by our rulers when they enact open borders policies. Their new pets won’t fight for them.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

It’s a good lesson for dissidents.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Was listening to, and they had heard from a supposedly inside source. According to the source, Ukraine apparently has a large human trafficking/prostitution industry run by the Nigerians. Poland didn’t want it seeping in, so they basically forbade all blacks and browns.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

C’mon man! They never intended to stay in Ukraine. They heard that the frontier to Poland is open and don’t want to miss this opportunity.

The police in Kiev formed a line blocking the trains and did not let any obviously non-Ukrainian people through. I wonder why. Do they want them as human shields? I’d have thought in a situation like this you get rid of every useless eater, like Vercingetorix at Alesia.

2 years ago

[…] ZMan is not impressed by the media. […]

The Greek
The Greek
2 years ago

Anybody else see the story that Zelenskyy was releasing prisoners to fight the Russians? You have to think that’s a test run for what the GAE dreams of doing to unleash gangbanger blacks on bad whites, especially if there were any kind of civil war or unrest.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

They release them now anyway, so who would notice?

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

It can get WAY worse. There’s more still in jail than you realize. The truly hardcore ones.

2 years ago

That’s why a few of us decided to call them Juggalos. What other name could there be for dumb, evil clowns who actually like Clown World? Tapioca Joe and the Juggalos — or TeeJay Squared, if you want to be all “hip” and “with it.”

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Sorry, this was supposed to be a reply to Valley Lurker below.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Juggalos are much better people. What we have is more like It.

2 years ago

Well done men, and some excellent speculation from our esteemed blog host. The point of entry on this issue is why, exactly, does Putin want the Ukraine? The best podcasters on this are neither pro or anti Ukraine or Russia. It takes about two hours for them to give you the ins and outs of the petro economy. Putin is not THE bad guy here – he is one of them. There are plenty of others in the Ukraine – and Z doesn’t have a blog big enough to get into the ones in Globohomo. Near as I can tell… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

They were probably mistaken for Moskals.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

For those who dabble in the market, as I do: 02/28 and 03/01 I’ve bought some beaten-down Russian stocks: OGZPY, LUKOY, and SRBCY. They have gotten slightly to greatly more beaten down since I bought them. No matter, it’s a crap shoot. Western sanctions, confiscation by either side, etc. all remain risks. But if there is any degree of normalization, these stocks may do quite well. Or I may lose it all.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

The place to be was in corn (/ZC) or wheat (/ZW) futures Friday afternoon.

The 5 day chart is just…wow…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Yeah, that was the bet.

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Tried to buy some but got the message “opening orders for this security cannot be placed at this time”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Yep, pretty much a binary bet at this point. But the odds aren’t bad. If none of this had ever started, Lukoil would probably be between $110 and $120 a share with ~8% dividend. It’s at ~$20, so ~90%+ off. So, you could be looking at a 500% to 600% return total over the next say five years, plus the dividend (at some point), so let’s say 45% annual return. If you assume a 50% it goes to zero and a 50% chance it recovers over the next five years, you’re rate of return is ~22.5% annual. Granted, there’s likely… Read more »

2 years ago

The fact that there is a lot of noise coming from many normie cons and Fox news is discouraging. It’s as if the last 20 years never happened. The lies that took us into Iraq and kept us in Afghanistan. Fake Syria chemical weapons and barrel bombs used by the “animal Assad” and everything else. Now we have the fake Snake Island heroes and the fake Ghost of Kiev and tons of other fakery, but if you read the other sites they(many normies) are eating it up. Before all this there was the Kosovo debacle and who can forget the… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  WJ0216
2 years ago

Most people were insulated from those conflicts. I think part of it is there hasn’t a been a decent slugging match between the white nations for awhile and people need to be reminded of what war actually entails.

Reply to  WJ0216
2 years ago

Even Tucker last night was saying anyone who supports Putin is a bad person and insane

or something to that effect. He was laying the moralizing on pretty thick

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I noticed that bit of backpedaling as well. It’s a cheap way to try to increase your credibility. Kind of like, “I’m personally opposed to abortion, but…” A good rule to remember is that anything said before “but” is meaningless.

Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

It showed me that Tucker ultimately is useless if things ever get nasty

Not saying I don’t like many of his takes on things, only noting that if push comes to shove he’s not going to stick his neck out for me and mine. His show is still pretty good. But he is what he is.

Reply to  WJ0216
2 years ago

I was feeling the same from normiecon Twitter and foxnews breitbart tier comments… but all the actual grillers I’ve talked to want nothing to do with the conflict and see the news as propaganda. So I’m not as black pilled as I was on that.

Both and consensus manufacturing and information warfare is real. Right now it feels like the campaign is to convince everyone that everyone BUT YOU want WW3 and thinks Putin is Hitler.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  NoOneAtAll
2 years ago

Spot on. The elements of the Left that believe Twitter is real and the elements of the Right that get worked up by talk radio are just a sliver of the population. Take note how quickly shaming superseded the moral panic element.

Anyone who suffered through the lead up to the Iraq War has seen this movie before, and includes some of the same crisis actors.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

There are many sites on the internet that I visit that have adopted the “Putin is Hitler!” motif. These sites usually contain useful, contrarian-to-the-MSM-blather information. It makes one suspect that much of what passes for the “right” is just part of the dialectic that has ruled the world for over a century. I believe the internet is just the latest media creation designed to keep us paralyzed with disinformation. I’m not sure that TPTB in the late 19th century knew how useful movies and radio would be in blinkering the masses, but when they saw how easy it was to… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Trump – Hitler
Trucker convoy – Nazis
“Honk Honk” – code for Heil Hitler
Trudeau – employing Hitler tactics
Antifa – Hitler brownshirts
Unvaxxed – Jews in 1939
Putin – Hitler
Ukraine – must be de-Nazified

Would be nice if we could move past 1945 lol.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

“Never forget”

Morphed into “I can’t learn anything new”

So slowly I never noticed.

Gunner Q
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

“Would be nice if we could move past 1945 lol.”

Only when the last gerontocrat dies in 2045. *sigh* Twenty-three more years of this, unless some fool invents necromancy.

a strongly worded protest
a strongly worded protest
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

turn off tv and internet, go walk outside..fill up gas tank, buy more dry and canned food..and water, lots of water..

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  a strongly worded protest
2 years ago

And some sort of water filtration system, even if rudimentary. Really, your body ejecting most of its caloric intake because you’ve got the runs sucks. Next to first aid and food provably the most important thing to have.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Forever Templar
2 years ago

Lifestraws are a simple water filtration for anyone that needs a start point.

There are also filtered water bottles but they tend to be pricey. Don’t forget extra filter elements!

Good old iodine tablets are probably the best bang for your buck. There are many brands available.

Boiling water always works if you have a heat source. There are plenty of firestarting methods, from steel wool, to magnesium blocks, to cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly.

The best are still cheap lighters and tinder. Lighters are also excellent trade goods. They were better than gold during the siege of Sarajevo.

2 years ago

Today marks the first day since Sept 2021 that we are free of vax passports in Ontario! (To all the politicians – go h*ng yourself this will not make me forgive you). There seems to be no interest in war here, either. The massive and rapidly growing “POC” population has absolutely 0 interest in a war between 2 countries of whiteys. Many Muslims are quietly sympathetic towards Russia but they aren’t going to fight either way. The types of Christians who wanted to glass the Middle East 20 years ago are tepidly pro-Ukraine but for the most part are pretty… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

“They” as in Russia, not Globohomo. Wasn’t too clear in the last sentence.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Did people in Ontario ever go through a phase where they were naming their boys Dylan? Did Hunter ever become big up there?

Laughing at the names Jayden and Brayden

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

My generation had a lot of Nikkis, and I am not looking forward to the day when we have President Nikki.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

My millennial nephew and fiancee named their now six-month-old *daughter* Dylan. Ugh.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Vajynabush
2 years ago

Vajbush: You should freak em out, tell then its not ok to lionize Dylan Roof like that… Or is it?

Reply to  Vajynabush
2 years ago

Your name makes me laugh every time lol

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

“Zelensky agreed to talks…..He is at the table to buy time and avoid being run out of his own country.”

Really, his “own country” is Israel. Hopefully Russia takes care of the Zelensky problem. Why the hell is a not-Ukranian running Ukraine? It’s clowns all the way down.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Volod has lived in Ukraine his entire life, Jew-hater.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Tribeswoman
2 years ago

Tars didn’t mention anything about hatred of Jews. You added that with your own interpretation. He just said that an ethnic Ukrainian should run Ukraine. Just as Jews should run Israel, not Arabs.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Tribeswoman
2 years ago

Maybe you think Ukrainians should be running Israel?

You are either an idiot a liar or both.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I think they’re just a civnat that got lost and ended up here. I suppose that would qualify as the former though.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

Didn’t you notice the pseudonym? Probably a very fervent nationalist. Just not for YOU, you cannot be allowed to have a nation at all.

Reply to  Tribeswoman
2 years ago

Makes no difference. Just think of him as running deep cover, and you will see what I am driving at.
Greetings to the ADL or SPLC, wherever you come from.

Reply to  Tribeswoman
2 years ago

Neither he nor his preceding 20 generations have any Ukrainian genetics, White hater.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Because he was installed during a coup in 2014 that was funded and backed by the US and Britain. That should explain everything.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

No, it was Pete Poroshenko who was installed in the 2014 coup. Volod won the 2019 election.

Israel’s not his country, he never lived there.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Tribeswoman
2 years ago

Fair enough, forgot the election a few years ago. Though I certainly doubt credibility of elections in what is admittedly one of the most corrupt countries of Europe. With that being said, Volod could have Israeli citizenship tomorrow without ever having visited there. All one needs to do is be Jewish and come on over and serve in the military. So they recognize there is something more important to being born somewhere to define ones belonging. He is not ethnically Ukrainian, which you did not deny. If you’re a strict “a country is not made of people, but ideas” I… Read more »

2 years ago

Now whenever I see Shamil Hyde a line comes back to me: “If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly.”

2 years ago

Heard report from knowledgeable colleague that the Ukrainian model posing with her weapon was actually holding an Airsoft variant. Propaganda, or “influencing”?

Caveat: Did not see image myself

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  PrimiPilus
2 years ago

You mean the one who went on Fox and openly stated, “We are fighting for the New World Order?”

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

If that’s representative of the Ukrainian model stock, Czar Vladimir can keep them for himself.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

No, it was a different one, and yes, she is about what you would expect a Ukranian female model would look like – attractive in a classy way.

2 years ago

Heh. A good piece keen to illustrate how little we know about what is actually happening in either country. I’ve not really been following it, although Covid has dropped to second tier news round here now that a New Hitler is Shutzstaffelin’ his way into town. As you mention, and as has been custom in DR circles now, we treat everything in the MSM as manipulative propaganda at best, outright lies at worst. It seems reasonable to this pleb that there is a beef between Russia and Ukraine. It also seems like it would be easy to find evidence from… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Now this was funny: “flapped their labia.”

Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

I think my 2022 forecast is going to come true!!

That 2022 is the year when male opposition to women in politics becomes more mainstream

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

You bring up a great point. The DR should not care or favor a side. However, I can’t help but find myself cheering for Russia because it is the opposite of what the regime wants and would be a black eye to them. That is t right either though. The Ukrainian people have simply gotten played by globohomo and got caught as a pawn between two powers.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

The Greek: To be fair, based on my very sketchy knowledge, I do favour Putin because of the whole Russia vs. Woke thing. I’d love to see NATO/UN/EU/WEF and other acronym-agencies of Wokeness get a bloody nose. Problem is, there are decent folk on both sides who’ll be suffering. And that saddens me. I was really remarking how unremarkable the news of the “war” is or has been; nobody outside of the MSM is getting that ticked off about it, save the usual wackos. That said, I’m quite confused about world politics these days, and whilst it’s good to be… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

If Ukraine had a Ukranian president and prime Minister none of this would have happened. Anyone who saw Ukranians as his own people would never have lead them into this black hole.

The current guys are happy enough to fight to the last drop of russian blood with the last drop of ukranian blood… then high tail it off to Tel Aviv with the loot.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

New boss same as the old boss, mate. The lean times are already arriving, so they start a brush fire 10,000 miles away and blame the privations and shortages on that.

2 years ago

The Western propaganda blitzkrieg on MSNBC’s Morning Joe is the stuff of legends. It is astonishing. More disagreement follows. Has the Antichrist- the Judeo-Anglish Empire, implacably evil and undeniably brilliant- has the Antichrist Sun Tzu’d the Chessmaster? Appear weak when you are strong. Sloppy Joe blew Afghan, yes? No. He sacrificed 9000 Americans to create a Benghazi weapons ratline to every paramilitary in Central Asia. The Bear will have a dozen “independent” terriers harrassing its shanks. The depth of the blitzkrieg tells me Hollywood storywheels have been spinning for quite a while in preparation. It was already announced that accepting… Read more »

2 years ago

I was told these things have a five hour runtime. When does Iron-man swoop in with a pithy one liner?

This new marvel movie is weird.

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

Isn’t “iron man” a black woman these days?

Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

IDK. But the new side character “the Ghost of Kiev” is.

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

Ahem. “Ghost of Keev”.

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

The strong Black woman, a refugee from racism, known as the Ghost of Keev, goes to her shed and fires up her F-18 hobby craft once all the neighbors go to sleep. Well disguised by the darkness of the night, she flies stealthily. “Now nazis know what oppression feels like”, she breathes to herself as she shoots down yet another outdated Russian propeller plane. The racist soldier lands on the ground with a satisfying “thud” and snaps his neck. “Kill confirmed” she radioes into ground control. The IDF readies its jets, preparing for a strike on the Nazi hotspot of… Read more »

2 years ago

Globohomo doesn’t waste opportunities: in Poland, refugees start arriving, mostly blacks and arabs, obviously.
Notice in the low right corner a “solidarity with Ukraine” tv frame, which certifies this newscast report is from yesterday.

Reply to  Majorian
2 years ago

Not missing the main chance to breach the border of an EU member state, these mooks are probably now home free. They may not want to stay in Poland, but Germany, Land of Gibsmedats, is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. How convenient.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

” It also means the geniuses in Washington who instigated this did not anticipate any of what is happening.” Same old, same old. This playing out over a longer period is having unanticipated financial effects, which really were utterly predictable if someone was not retarded. It was not as if inflation and supply chain disruptions already were serious problems due to the rapidly memoryholed Greatest Plague of All Time. A secondary concern, albeit an important one, is the rubes aren’t consuming the boob bait at the usual rate. Just as the Left thinks Twitter is reality, the Right thinks yahoos… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“For every rube putting a Ukrainian flag on their social media profile, there are probably three unaware a war is underway and ten who do not care one bit about it.”

The Ukrainian flag has always been ripe and ready for Woke-isation. Think about it, it just needs a couple of other coloured horizontal stripes on top of it, and Presto! You’ve got The Fag Flag.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Good point. Zelensky might be able to rally wider support if he came out as gay.

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I hope you are right about the boobs not taking the bait, but my limited contact with normies tells me that have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

2 years ago

I think my favorite Media freakout right now is OMG, Putin put his nuclear forces on high alert!!! If true — big, big IF — that’s only because well, duh, of course he would. GloboHomo is clearly terrified. At this point, either Zelensky goes or GloboHomo goes, since if Zelensky cuts a deal and remains in power that’s a total repudiation of all the previous Deep State-instigated shenanigans. Would Tapioca Joe and the Juggalos risk cracking off a nuke to keep their gravy train running? [Shakes magic 8 ball]…. all signs point to yes, because they’re Juggalos. These are the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Not the biggest fan of Putin here, but he has solid reason not to want this batshit crazy nation having nukes in his backyard. That Magic Eight Ball has a message that reads “MEN CAN HAVE BABIES.” The Woke madness has international repercussions, too.

Zelensky had better watch his front and his back. If he cuts a deal with Russia (or releases some pretty nasty information about American and European 10 percenters), the West may do the job Russia won’t do.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

“Would Tapioca Joe and the Juggalos risk cracking off a nuke to keep their gravy train running?” That’s the truly scary part. The Left has always been filled with physically weak, passive-aggressives. In the past, that made them less likely to push us to the brink. But now they are like an angry BPD ex-spouse who will do anything to get the kids.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

They’re a death cult as they really wanted the WuFlu to bring about the end times. Robbed of that opportunity, it wouldn’t surprise anyone to see that these crazies have “nuclear war” penciled in for their 2nd or 3rd option.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

At this point actual Juggalos may be more qualified to make decisions based on common sense outcomes than our overlords.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Valley Lurker
2 years ago

Juggalos come from all walks of life. And no I’m not one.

The official shrink for that lot is Doctor Phil and I kid you not, ICP has been on his show and apparently he likes the band. A lot.

Rumor is he is a Juggalo himself

All that useless info aside, if they listen to Dr. Phil that makes them 10x saner than anyone in charge.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
2 years ago

Reminds me, I compared US politicians to reptiles today and my kid was actually offended because their cousin has reptiles and they are actually quite nice.

>And no everyone didn’t clap.

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Yeah, I was watching DW (German News- pro-Ukrainian slant, but not hysterical) Sunday, and an analyst was saying the Putin’s verbatim referred to a nuclear force alert status that does not exist. He surmised it was a play on words to tune up the Zalenskyy & the West. May be something to that view, and it worked.

Also amazing to see how fast Germany 180’d on the whole thing. Guess they figured nothing to lose as Nord Stream 2 goes south? Plus they get to act like BMOC in Europe w/ a diminished USA & UK post-Brexit.

2 years ago

I don’t think this will last months, or even weeks. The Russian army encirclement of Kiev is not for the purpose of bombardment (as promoted in Western media) , but rather siege and isolation of the inhabitants. Their wildcards are cutting off water and electrical power to the city if need be. The geopolitical calculus is over whether Russia settles for absorbing just the eastern provinces or the entire eastern half up to the Dnieper, and including Kiev. That is what Zelensky’s puppet masters must confront if they keep dragging this out. One of the interesting aspects of this conflict… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Fear not! Reddit has the situation completely under control and is sending in her best mercenaries.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

“The Russian army encirclement of Kiev is not for the purpose of bombardment (as promoted in Western media), but rather siege and isolation of the inhabitants.” This is spot-on. Why would Putin destroy the infrastructure of a city he wants to inhabit?

Carl B.
Carl B.
2 years ago

Dear God, Fox News has become the home of raving, NeoCon lunatics. Running through the electronic streets of America shouting “to arms!” ” to arms! ” at the top of their lungs. Anchors calling for air strikes on Russian columns to making comparisons to Mustache Man.

They are insane.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

If they keep cranking the dial to 11, soon all they’re going to have is a deaf audience.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Deaf and dumb, to be precise.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The question is how big, and how gullible, is their audience?

Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

I also would be curious to know how many conservatards are out there relative to the larger American population. I’m sure it would be depressing, but I still get the feeling even a lot of them are having trouble these days being patriotic for blm and rainbow stuff. Or at least suppressing the knowledge that, that is in fact what American patriotism is now.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

There’s been some comeback, but Fox shed almost 40 percent of its audience after the election.

Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

I let the TV run after Tucker last night, and accidentally picked up some of Hannity’s ravings. I had not watched him in quite awhile, but he was even worse than I remembered. I also caught an internet clip of Jennifer Griffin blasting frequent Tucker guest Col. Douglas MacGregor for not towing the company line. After mentioning Putin’s actions in Georgia and Crimea in 2008-2014, she said she needed more than 10 minutes to address all of MacGregor’s falsehoods, and that MacGregor is to blame for the current conflict because he urged Trump to pull troops from Germany. I can’t… Read more »

Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

I caught a minute of Fox News on SiriusXM yesterday and heard Watters proclaiming that there is no way Russia will stop with Ukraine. He and his pea brained guest agreed that Poland and the Baltic states are next. We have absolutely zero functioning media left in this country. This must be what it was like living in the Soviet Union and reading Pravda. Everyone knows it is all lies and propaganda but it is all they have. My jaw has been so tight lately that I’m wondering if I’m overdue for a tetanus booster.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

The Europeans have made a Faustian bargain with the US. At some point, it becomes cheaper for Europe to pay for their own defense rather than hide behind the US protective umbrella. So far, we’ve given them a wave of refugees from Syria and Iraq and now another wave coming from Ukraine. We’ve jacked up their energy and food prices immensely by fomenting this NATO “yes/no” conflict in Ukraine. The current situation must cost Europe more in the long run than simply increasing their defense spending/defending themselves and regaining their economic autonomy. I’m pretty surprised that the Europeans haven’t figured… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

what protective umbrella? i suspect that president potato head has change their calculus to the point that American involvement in EU is now seen as a net negative.

Felix Krull
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

what protective umbrella? Nuclear weapons. The “bargain” – the US dictate – is that Europe don’t build nukes and in return the US would retaliate against Russia if they attack Europe. For the monies Denmark pays US defense industries, we could buy a handful of subs and arm them with nuclear cruise missiles – we’d be as inviolable as America itself. I strongly suspect much of the US hatred towards France – and De Gaulle in particular – stems from De Gaulle’s decision to build a nuclear strike force so that France would not depend on the US for their… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Edit button, please.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

That’s an excellent point. The nuclear proliferation waiting to happen is in Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. All have the capability; from what I understand, even Taiwan may. It is a very dangerous moment.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

what i meant, is, that the US guarantee of protection is worthless at this point. :). we have weapons, sure, but the military is fully pozzed and the political class is imbecilic in a way that ensures they damage all who come into contact with them.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

The US puts its own citizens last in the hierarchy of priorities. Secure borders? Infrastructure? We’ve entered the kleptocracy stage of Empire.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Shitting on France also is also just standard middle American/Conservatard virtue signaling, full of sound and fury and a lack of reading history. Yes, every country can and should be mocked, but they really get off on “owning those euro libs” or something. Same movie, different theater.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Valley Lurker
2 years ago

The handling of Vietnam round one was truly abysmal, though.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Europe with a few exceptions is not accustomed to a restive citizenry in the post-Cold War era. That’s about to change. The consequences there will be interesting.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

You might be correct that Europe would actually save money overall by defending themselves. But paying for the military comes from the government budget, while higher food and gas prices are paid by their citizens. Their leaders make the same calculations our leaders make.

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Sounds like someone figured that out. Over the weekend, the German Chancellor, during his Ukraine address, proposed increasing defense to 2% of GDP to thunderous applause in the Bundestag. To your point, while watching it I was thinking,”Didn’t you all laugh when Trump told you to do that 4 years ago?”. I guess they’re not laughing anymore.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Not sure about waves of refugees from the Ukraine making it past Poland. As someone pointed out the other day with specific reference to Sweden, the women in charge of the western EU were fine with Somalis but are not looking forward to competition with Ukrainian women.

2 years ago

“Since the rest of the English-speaking world follows the lead of the American media, the world has been flooded with what probably sounds like a tidal wave of craziness”

Oh how I wish the craziness were restricted only to the English-speaking world. Every country in the US sphere of influence is becoming progressively retarded. Even the “based” V4 countries – the Covid craze broke them and now they are just as rabidly insane as the US.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Noticed that everyone in the U.S. sphere now have the attention span of hamsters. The media saturation is not an accident. The first developed nation to limit it’s citizens use of media to an hour a day will conquer the world within ten years, for the sole fact that they can think more than a week into the future.

There’s a reason a lot of tech oligarchs who are essentially luddites when in comes their kids.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The only nation limiting their citizens use of media I am aware of is China. They are definitely doing the right thing, though only time will tell if it’s enough.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

That’s a double-edged sword, too. Constant saturation of propaganda causes attention spans to shorten to the point the Next Big Thing happens at a faster rate.

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

I think a week is giving them a lot of credit. I see people trying to drive their cars by looking through their smartphone screen almost daily.

My daughter saw one of them go right through a red light at an intersection last night- they were unaware, and would have been meat but not for the emergency braking feature.

That tells me they can’t even focus on the ‘now’ anymore.

Reply to  Howard Beale
2 years ago

Brought my sibling to the eye appt where you have to have somebody drive you home because they eff up your eyes. Sat in the parking lot overlooking a major intersection and every person that passed by was on their phone. Moving.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

It’s sadly been proven to work. Babies in incubators! WMD! And now the same neocons (who really should be ashamed to show their faces in public) are advocating for war with Russia.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

The Germans have lost their minds too, the EU is now arming the Ukraine, this pretty much makes the EU a defense pact. the up side for the US is it looks like they have divided the Germans and the Russians long term. but this only makes China stronger

This war and the western reaction to it looks like a major pivot point in history

I wonder how long before Putin cuts his oil or gas exports in response to the sanctions

May you live in interesting times

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

The EU bureaucrats would like to have a common EU military. This helps them towards that goal. It’s bad for individual EU countries.

2 years ago

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Several months ago I thought what I was going to give up for Lent this year and I decided the internet. I can’t be completely ignorant so Saturdays I am going to let myself go online and see what’s going on in the world but that’s it. Also I don’t have a TV or listen to radio and I work and live by myself so I’m going to be completely cut off. But the situation in Russia and Ukraine has exponentially upped my annoyance of the world online. The media is worse than ever but even… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

I’ve been doing that the past couple years. What I find is that when I come back months later, seems the same crap is still going on, only worse.

2 years ago

I won’t be watching the SOTU tonight but I hope I hear reports tomorrow of Biden’s eye filling with blood and he soils himself. Not because I hate Biden (how can you hate the undead?) but I really want to see how the regime ignores it.

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

Biden has to make it to year two, so Kamala can have the full ten ( 2 years the two four year terms).

No other reason this decrepit, despised wreck is still President.

2 years ago

This is probably the silliest war in the history of mankind. The Ukrainian politicians are acting like hysterical women and their President is doing what he does best, acting! It shows how low the U.S. intelligence has become when most people believe the clownish media reports coming out of that area. I believe one U.S. politician actually believed the Sam Hyde troll story.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  NateG
2 years ago

“Godspeed, Samuyil!”

Reply to  NateG
2 years ago

I wonder if Putin told Zelensky he is safe, so he can have someone to cut a deal with later. That allows Zelensky to run around acting brave without fear of actual consequences. The whole “I need ammo not a lift” line was a bit much.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

As a Jewish comedian I could see that line being authentic even if a bit much.