Willing Victims

Note: The regular Taki post is up. The subject is related to the post here. There was no Sunday Thoughts due to Easter. There is a post about what is happening with the conduct of the war for those interested.

Word has begun to trickle out of Ukrainian and Russian channels on-line that the Zelensky government has ordered the remaining holdouts in the city of Mariupol to fight to the last man. Many have surrendered but there is a remnant that has refused to give into the reality of their position. On Sunday, the Russians gave them one last chance to walk away alive. The word from both sides of the information war is that the Zelensky government instructed them to die with honor.

The Russians have been slow to take the necessary steps to clear this part of the city of the remaining militants. One reason is pointless slaughter is not something any professional military enjoys. The other reason is they were hoping to minimize damage to the steel works. The slow progress of the war has been due to the Russian desire to minimize infrastructure damage. Given that the Russians will have to rebuild these territories after the war, this makes sense.

The other reason is that the remaining group of fighters is composed of elite Azov soldiers, including some high level leaders. It also has a group of foreign mercenaries trained by NATO. The Russians say they have detected seven European languages in the radio traffic. There is a strong possibility there are high ranking NATO advisors in this group. The Ukrainians have made several attempts to extract people from this site, so the Russians would like that prize if possible.

This is one of those glimpses into the heart of the issue. The Ukrainian government does not care at all about the Ukrainian people. These nationalists, like the civilian population, are just low value pieces on the board. The real issue is the long running proxy war against Russia. Zelensky is just a cat’s paw for the neocons in Washington who are running this war. They back him because he does what he is told and he does what he is told because he will retire an extraordinarily rich man.

Of course, the nationalist who rushed to back the Zelensky regime now find themselves supporting a craven lunatic. This is the trouble with living in the world of abstractions and theoretical concepts. You can easily find yourself on the same side as the people who want you dead. That is where many nationalists now find themselves. They are backing Ukraine against Russia, which means they are supporting the Global America Empire, which would like to exterminate them.

This is part of the greater lesson of Ukraine. A sense of identity that is built around old grievances or opposition to some externality usually leads to disaster. The obvious lesson is Irish nationalism during The Troubles. The IRA and Sinn Féin were defined entirely by their opposition to Britain. That has led Irish nationalists to let Ireland be consumed by the EU and globalism. The Irish are now free to important as many Africans as can make it to their island.

You see the difference between positive and negative identity in the reactions of Poland and Hungary. Polish identity is strongly linked to hatred of Russians. Hungarian identity is about the uniqueness of the Hungarian people. The Polish government is going overboard to support Ukraine against Russia, while the Hungarians have chosen to stay out of the fight. The result is Poland is being used as a flophouse and launching pad by NATO, paying the cost for all of it.

The deadliest example is in Ukraine itself. If the people calling themselves nationalists actually cared about the welfare of the Ukrainian people, their history, language and culture, they would not be acting this way. Their zeal for Russian blood is destroying the things they claim to defend. Tens of thousand of Ukrainian men will die and millions of Ukrainian people will be displaced because the so-called nationalist care more about their hatreds than the Ukrainian people.

The example they should have followed was the Finns. At the start of the Second World War the Finns found themselves invaded by the Soviets. The Finns staged a heroic defense of their homeland in the Winter War. Finnish leaders, however, actually cared about the survival of the Finnish people so they struck a deal with the Soviets that cost them land and some dignity. Finnish nationalists put their people before abstract concepts and arrived at the proper decision.

This is the fundamental problem with modern nationalism. It is nothing more than a bundle of hatreds and complaints tarted up with aspirational language that has no practical application. This is why nationalist parties in Europe do poorly. They are great on the high minded concepts and critiques against globalism, but they are short on a practical agenda that promotes a positive sense of identity. Note that Le Pen has been buoyed by her focus on bread and butter issues in France.

It is why nationalists movements have done so poorly in America. The critiques against global trade and open borders go back to the 1970’s when the paleo-conservatives started making them. The fact that Pat Buchanan was right about everything thirty years ago has made no difference. Cheap consumer goods, on-demand degeneracy and powerful pharmaceuticals are not much of a culture, but they beat the lack of a positive alternative vision of life.

Of course, the main reason for this is nationalism has been defined by the enemies of it and that definition has been accepted by the nationalists. The negative identity is defined by what the enemy opposes. Therefore, nationalism has been defined by the people who oppose it, which means it is a cartoon version of the real thing. Until nationalists start with a clean sheet of paper, put their enemies out of their head and sort out what they offer, they will remain the willing victims of their enemies.

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2 years ago

[…] Quelle: “Willing Victims” von The Z Blog […]

Shnarkle Von Barkle
Shnarkle Von Barkle
2 years ago

“Cheap consumer goods, on-demand degeneracy and powerful pharmaceuticals are not much of a culture, but they beat the lack of a positive alternative vision of life.”

This is one of the most painfully perceptive observations I’ve seen in years. Now I see why there’s an option to donate gold bullion.

2 years ago

It’s one of the original Operation Gladio organizations.

I know of no reason to assume it’s no longer under CIA tutelage.

2 years ago

Z Man reports that Zelensky will “retire an extraordinarily rich man.” Maybe! That is contingent on a few possibilities I can think of: 1) He avoids death by the Russians or assassination by his fellow Ukrainians; 2) He avoids capture by the Russians, who will put him on trial, after which he will spend the rest of his miserable life in a Russian prison; 3) When things go south for the Zelensky government, as they inevitably will, alarmed American officials will just Epstein him. Zelensky might as well enjoy his brief time as an international sex symbol.

2 years ago

[…] Posted on April 18, 2022 […]

2 years ago

[…] Read the Whole Article […]

Anson Rhodes
Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

“The real issue is the long running proxy war against Russia.” Quite. I don’t believe any western politician really cares what happens to Donbas. The west is using Ukraine as a guinea pig to assess Russia’s military capability – they will be drawing fascinating strategic conclusions every day during this war, for example regarding the ease with which Russia’s tanks can be blown away or their ships can be sunk. The longer the west encourages the Ukrainians to keep the war going to the last man, the more they will learn about Russia’s weaknesses. The Ukrainians, needing only Slavic pride… Read more »

norham foul
norham foul
Reply to  Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

Indeed. This goes doubly for the Russians. Should the citizens in a land be called to get involved on the ground, The Russians and the world can see how a gay festival-like, vax-injured, flexible-standards, the obese military unit performs on the battlefield.

Identity soldiers, soldier on. My guess is they would have surrendered and been out of the steel plant 2 weeks ago.

2 years ago
2 years ago

[…] Willing Victims […]

2 years ago

Hatred certainly seems to have worked wonders for black people. As soon as they adopted it, victory after victory was won over YT. Now black people are the ruling caste, quite literally above the law, and the hereditary rulers of the US now, Whites relegated to the untouchable class. Our future is not Brazil, but India with ourselves as the Dalits and blacks as the Brahmins. Ireland and Finland did just fine when they were relatively poor, cold, nasty places to live and women had limited rights and required beta male provision. Show money and freedom and suddenly its Africans… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

is this the real whiskey? seriously, it sounds like someone trying to parody whiskey.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

You were doing stellar up until you shifted gears to Russia and started going full retard spewing MSM war propaganda like a proper Zogbot. Hence you seriously jacked up ratio. Stick to the devil you know, armchair general is not your jam…

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Thanks for the laugh. I do like well done satire.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

“Even the CCP has had to deal with angry feminists angry over lack of women represented in pictures about the Long March.”

I quite doubt the CCP has felt impotent to deal with feminist or any other criticism of any nature. Do you have a link?

Helga Weber
Helga Weber
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Why does the Ukraine need american troops if they are doing so awesome?

2 years ago

here is a post I authored on another message board (i’m the op). I might be slightly mentally off at times but I think I also sort of have a negative identity.


James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
2 years ago

“Viva la Muerte!” Right you are, Z Man. In the Empire of Lies, everything said by the govt/media is the opposite of truth. Contrary to the MSM narrative, the “bloodthirsty barbarians” aka Russians are trying to minimize casualties and preserve infrastructure. Hence, they haven’t annihilated Azovstal. By contrast, Americans would have just nuked it (remember Trump and his MOAB in Afghanistan?) The Ukonazis, OTOH, are the real barbarians. They will likely self-immolate, and have likely been spending this time rigging up the 9/11 style explosives. First, because they are a mystical death cult (look up Order of Nine Angles for… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  James J O'Meara
2 years ago

those nato officers are dead meat. they are useful to the russians alive, and the uke-nazis dead; so dead they will be. most likely after being tortured, so the outrage is increased. serves them right for sticking their noses where they don’t belong.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

The Azovs whacking the embedded NATO guys and staging it to look like the Russians did it would certainly be a very useful false flag to push for a wider war.

If those NATO guys in Azovstal want to make it out they better start going everywhere in twos and threes during the day and sleeping in shifts at night.

2 years ago

The Ukrainian affair is simply a proxy war being waged by the west against Russia. The next chapter of the global intimidation scenario may be coming to a place nobody knows about.

Reply to  mikey
2 years ago

Been keeping an eye on that. Mahan may be off the US Naval Academy reading listing in favor of woke shit, but I’m certain every Chinese naval officer has read it. Same reason we picked the Solomons for the opening offensive battle of the Pacific War. Smack in the middle of everything.

2 years ago

Since everyone is weighing in with links to other media, below is a new interview with Scott Ritter about the Ukraine war. It is cogent, accurate, and impactful; but more importantly, it describes the roots and consequences of US government corruption in this burgeoning conflict that could ultimately lead to an international war. We are, right now here in the US, where the Ukrainian people were last Fall before everything went to shit. In our case, an idiot dementia patient is now walking the same path that puppet Zelensky has walked over the past few months. Circle jerking in anticipation… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

I’ve seen three Scott Ritter pieces and have been impressed.
I’ve been recommending him as a source, to little avail, alas.
Those who want to know know of him. Those who don’t, won’t.

2 years ago

Related and worth a read: https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/thralldom-and-its-uses/ “We are lately in thrall to the melodrama in Ukraine, largely engineered by figures and forces in our own government and for their own ends, which look suspiciously at odds with the nation’s actual interests (the nation being us, its people). Perhaps this illustrates the widening gulf between the slouching beast government has become and the people trying to operate their lives and destinies under it. No food for you, no fertilizers for future food for you, no spare parts for you, no free speech for you, no social or economic role for you,… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

And, to those who might not have seen it (I read about it Sat):

Tell me this was not premeditated and directed by a group of someones.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

In all things, the simplest solution is usually the case. Not saying you are wrong, 3G… But another old nickel goes that you shouldn’t ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. Our managerial elite is comprised of incredibly incompetent, stupid people. Were they not propped up by Globohomo most would be on a mop in the airport or shining shoes on the street corner. We used to have checks and correction procedures that would kick in to neutralize these people before they could cause a problem… but the system now actually protects them and enables them and… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Glen: All due respect etc., but I disagree that they are merely stupid and “not really evil people.”

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

So stupid they were groomed by the WEF?

Either way, the railroad has embargoed the fertilizer plants for no reason at all.

Causing a deliberate food crisis is… stupid?

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Yeah. Maybe that was kinda dumb on my part…

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

“But another old nickel goes that you shouldn’t ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. ”
That meme is simply intellectual laziness.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Railroad classification yards have been as jammed as ports for months, just a less photogenic story than port of LA or Long Beach. And Secretary Chest-Feeder has been about as effective in helping clear them. So the news doesn’t surprise me at all. Perhaps just another example of how “just in time” collapses under any kind of disruption. And will only get worse.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I read the article. Did I miss the part where the “why” is explained?
If I did, my bad. If I didn’t, it’s like a kid who puts a fork in an outlet.

Just because he can.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I saw that, and was honestly shocked.

I have seen nothing that even approaches an attempt at any explanation. Using William of Occam’s barbering device; Genocide it is.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
2 years ago

The truth is coming out about the Azov Ukrainian soldiers terrorizing Ukrainians.

In Mariupol an independent journalist is interviewing everyone who is trying to escape, the interviews are amazing most blame Ukraine see the

VIDEO here https://youtu.be/Z1E9n2Q5AWw

2 years ago

The salient point is to formulate identity in a Moving-Towards statement, rather than a Moving-Away-From statement. As an example, an example that perhaps is bit too spicy of an example consider conceptualizations around the word “pagan.” Some people are Christians because they are all about Jesus Christ. Others formulate their Christianity around being not-pagan, about opposing daemons, fighting Luciferians, Ba’al, Molech, etc. To give a crap about Ba’al, one has to journey to a long-gone far-away place as one group of priests opposes another group of priests. Conversely there are people who can themselves “Pagan.” They just mean it to… Read more »

2 years ago

Hmmmmmm. Do you think the dissidents are getting suckered this way Z? From the ones I see on Blab and Telegram, most of them track with you word for word. Maybe I’m being overly optimistic… but Globohomo has just about killed the last of the American Patriots. Even Terrance Popp on OyTube seems to be getting seriously red pilled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu-yCgVRKBk He tells us that between 1/2 and 1/3 of American assets in Europe right now are putting in their notices that they will muster out as soon as their current tours are up. Recruitment and advancement in the military has… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago


Popp’s commentary is good news. It means physical enforcers will be at a premium for the regime.

The bad news is that they will redouble their hysterical push for global digital ID and CBDCs, managed by an AI-algo that monitors the social credit system.

If they implement those items, the requirements for physical enforcement are greatly curtailed.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Anything is possible at this point Howard. I think you are exactly right. The tin foil hat in me wonders if that was what the covid hysteria was all about – getting intelligent people to take a vax. If they are dumb enough for that… horror scenarios like yours are entirely possible. I personally think that one would result in bloodshed… but whadda I know.

I personally don’t think people will put up with Globohomo much longer.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

The vacc was just necessary step on the road to a digital ID. Get that and a CBDC and it’s game over.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

in the event of a SuperSpyState, everyone would get a vote as to whether the CBDC, electronic ID, big data and surveillance camera system will continue to work against us. Just go outside and play with your nearest camera, fiber junction box or cellphone tower, and that’s it. Technicians are few and far between, and could be persuaded that it is not in their interest to go fix the mess. Parts are limited, very difficult to manufacture and at the end of a long supply chain. …… The electronic / electrical system is incredibly complex, artificial and therefore fragile. A… Read more »

2 years ago

At least Mannerheim was in charge of his own war. Once the Finns had inflicted nearly half a million casualties on the Soviets, he managed to negotiate ceding what the Soviets demanded at the outset and live to fight another day. Funny thing about the Continuation War (classic “enemy of my enemy”) was apparently Hitler wanted Mannerheim to close the back door on Leningrad, but Mannerheim told him he would honor his prior agreement with Stalin to respect the old Soviet border and squatted at the edge of Finnish territory. Hitler flew to Helsinki to straighten him out, but Mannerheim… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

SamlAdams: They’ve let their women and their woke lead the way, and already have problems with sub-Saharan and Afghan rapefugees. Their last couple of winning beauty queens have been been string mop heads in lieu of actual White Finns. And I know I read of some recent (i.e. last 2-5 years) change/relaxation in the personal training and/or rifle requirement in either or both Switzerland and Finland, but I cannot find anything about either. Point being, Finland is not quite on the same track as Sweden but it’s teetering on the edge of a precipice.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I believe the rearms requirement was Switzerland. Had a couple colleagues there back when you still had your battle rifle, pistol (they were both officers) AND a load out of ammunition. One commanded an anti-armor unit in his Canton and had been training to defend the same mountain passes for most of his career. Apparently the bunker systems up there rival anything in Tora Bora. I think the Finns still have universal conscription and reserve service, but have a pretty clever system to rapidly integrate to warfighting units left from the “neutrality” days. Small standing army, but very rapid mobilization.… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

SamlAdams: I can’t recall ever meeting/knowing any
Finnish men. FWIW there were a couple of Finnish women who used to frequent the Marine Bar in Moscow (early ’80s when I was there) and they were always with a black guy. And that was a whole lot less common back then than it is now.

mr mittens
mr mittens
Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

Sisu–if a man knocks you down, and you know if you get up he will knock you down again, but you get up anyway–

2 years ago

“The people running American foreign policy are Antony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, and her husband, Robert Kagan.” For them it is personal and they don’t care how many ukranian lives it costs. They have likely sunk the dollar as the reserve currency. They risk a major war with a nuclear armed power. Thus, they could care less about american lives either. I’m praying that the mid-level management of the services are still sane and can put a brake on some of the insanity. BTW, if you guys aren’t following whitney webb closely. You should.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Compounding this madness is what appears to be a schism in the Administrative State. The powerless puppets, the political front men like Biden and Klain, seem to want to avoid an escalation when they go off script. I don’t think the acceptance of a “limited incursion” and so forth was just dementia, or the Israeli prime minister’s suggestion of an immediate Ukrainian surrender just the usual Tribal suspects angling for a buck. These rational positions were quickly drawn back by those with actual power, who, at a minimum, want to bleed Russia dry and tear Ukraine asunder. If the Neocon… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

American foreign policy is the policy of a 14 year old playing Dungeons and Dragons: “Kill them all and steal their stuff”.

Tom Luongo

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

they are all jews

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I was recruited to do corporate work in Hungary in ’92, and had a similar offer in what was soon to become the Czech Republic although that one did not interest me (other than as a single young man Czech women are very, very beautiful). I turned down the job after giving it some thought; I did not speak Hungarian and back then it was rare to find anyone with a second language outside of Budapest, and it was very uncommon even there. Western business interests to a more limited extent invested and recruited citizens also to work in several… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

(meant as a reply below to 3g)

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Jack: You’re correct about not many Hungarians speaking English, about Czech women being beautiful, and Poland receiving less investment than Romania. Good question as to why. When spoken slowly, Czech and Slovak have enough similar words to Russian and Bulgarian that I could kinda sorta understand the gist of something said way back when. I found both countries fascinating and very livable – wonder how differently your life might have turned out had you accepted the job in ’92!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

” I found both countries fascinating and very livable – wonder how differently your life might have turned out had you accepted the job in ’92!” If I had an inkling how soon the United States would descend into a hellscape, I probably would have taken the job in Hungary and remained there. I had lived, studied and worked abroad throughout the mid-Eighties and early Nineties, and while the change Stateside was already quite marked in 1992, that snowballed in dizzying fashion starting just a few years later. By the end of the decade the die had been cast. Hungary… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Looking at all the dissident memes, the most positive images are bucksome young ladies in wheat fields, I would sign up for that. It’s almost dream like. Wholesome yet skanky. A nice balance. The new nation must be built around skanks running their fingers across wheat in a stunning agricultural setting.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

I put my vote for the manosphere ball-sunners that got a Tucker Carlson documentary.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Bucksome? Heh heh. That could be interpreted any number of different ways, all of them amusing.

Daniel Charles Youmans
Daniel Charles Youmans
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I think he meant “buxom” – but hey, with today’s gender politics, bucks and does are simply societally assigned, arbitrary distinctions.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Daniel Charles Youmans
2 years ago

Yes, I’m sure that’s what he meant. I certainly hope he didn’t mean those beautiful lasses would do “some” certain things for “bucks.”

2 years ago

Re: The Taki column, we have yet to see how long reality can be held at bay by the elites. The old saw about how Wall Street can stay irrational longer than you can remain solvent comes to mind. Ukraine is now yet another moral panic driven by a combination of media sensationalism and blank ignorance of the topic on the part of the populace. Remember that most of the people flying Ukraine flags in America know so little about the history of the place that they probably think that Bandera involves Dimebag Darrell. Maybe the facts don’t care about… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Alas, the Finns, along with Swedes, are being led by their lady leaders into joining NATO. Even though they will become the front lines of any war with Russia.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

In the accurate words of Turkey’s president, “democracy is like riding a train. You get off at your stop.” Everyone gets it except for the slowly dying mainstream right of the western world.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

There is a lot of value to the Finns in “strategic ambiguity”. Got them through the Cold War unmolested and intact. Particularly since they have an effective military and Swiss-like service requirement. Plus the space between St. Petersburg and Helsinki is about the worst ground in the world to fight on. Ask the Russians.

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

“Weak nations do what they must.”

100% respect the Finns for playing their weak hand magnificently during the Cold War.

Hard to believe that now, as GAE is faltering, they’re thinking about throwing that legacy of practical real politique away.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

They could play it because they punched way way above weight in the Winter and Continuation Wars.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

Or ask the Teutonic Knights. If you can find any…

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

And the Finns, who incurred heavy losses in assisting the Wehrmacht in encircling Petrograd.

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

The big advantage the Finns have is that no-one has a clue what they’d do with the country if they were given it.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

“…they fear the Finns may find their old sense…” I have relatives in Finland – and sad to say, they caught Trump Derangement Syndrome. A bad case. One that had them revealing selves as suffering from the liberal mind virus, as in blurting out anti-Trump things – as if ‘everyone’ must agree with them. Up until then I had no idea their minds were infected. We mainly exchanged children news. The latest, admittedly from the most neurotic of the husbandless 40ish female relatives, was that Finland “had to join NATO” – an email – following the launch of the Feb… Read more »

Reply to  Getthemoneyfromtheseskels
2 years ago

It’s sad to see. First intro to them was a group of guys in college that grew up on the Iron Range. Could drink anyone under a table. But tough as shit. Guy down the hall wore shorts until the temps in Chicago finally hit the low teens. He had a first name but only went by his last which I recall was “Eskola”.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Yep, Saint Petersburg is still where it always has been, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the hostiles, then Nazis, now NATO. Abandoning their prior studiously-held neutrality seems daft, particularly with the advances in weaponry since WWII; no invasion necessary to have your country gutted. And they have no Russian minority arguably being discriminated against as in the Baltic states to serve as a point of friction.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

Good points. Though inevitably, despite all the promises to the contrary, conflicts inevitably reach the “boots on the ground” stage.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Nationalism will eventually work out its kinks in Europe because that’s what human beings fall back on during tough times. It’s also easier in compact countries that don’t stretch across vastly different regions and time zones. A tough set of times is coming to the world as the neoliberal order unravels, which will include howls and shrieks about “our democracy.” The definition of nationalism is: “a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.” Now looking at the U.S. we see: A large body of people (pass) United by common… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Coming back from the Taki piece, it’s not clear to me the neocons grasp the fact that two decades of the Special Operations Olympics was poor preparation for taking on Russia’s combined arms forces.

They really seem to believe that the US Army has WW2-style Combat Commands, or the sorts of heavy armored brigades Reagan built up in the 80s.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

a lot of equipment the eu countries do have, is not usable because they don’t maintain it properly.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

One of the Nato responses has been to announce a special Russia containment operation to be spread along all the border and near border countries. Some-one (PCR?) added up all the various units they specified and it totaled 12-15 thousand men.
There were more words in the announcement than men in the force.

Wordly wiseman
Wordly wiseman
2 years ago

US pulled their embassy staff from kiev the moment russians advanced from belarus and wanted zelensky out of the country. That implies putin and bidens staff reaching a deal before the invasion begun (likely an exchange for russian support with the iran deal).

Reply to  Wordly wiseman
2 years ago

I think it more likely that the GAE’s offer to extract Zelensky, and his public refusal, was part of their propaganda effort to buff him up as a steadfast leader.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

The propaganda about Zelensky is unreal. But I think it is meant to flatter the (((media))) class more than Zelensky himself. Early on they were saying he was the “sexiest” world leader.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

The media cabal has done wonders with Zelensky, transforming him from a fruity high-heeled dancer clad in leather fetish wear to a raspy-sounding, scraggly-bearded, no-nonsense fatigue wearing combat commander just back from killing Russians with his bare hands on the Donbas frontlines.

I particularly enjoyed his misty-eyed, raw-voiced lecture to America during the Grammys, as if he had lost his voice screaming orders over the din of Russian artillery fire in Mariupol.

2 years ago

Nuts & bolts, and in particular, the difference between enemies-in-the-abstract versus the enemy in plain sight. Yes, the GAE is using the enemy abstraction (white male privilege) to rally its base against traditional Americanism. And it’s winning this war because it owns all social & news media, and the softheads are vulnerable to mass suggestion. Even stalwarts like Bongino will now light their ass hair on fire in service to hatred of Putin and all things Russian. But that abstraction is a distraction. A lot of good men (read white guys) are dying needlessly in Ukraine; real blood and guts,… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Yep, I also see it as a “brother war”. Good example of what we speak about with great regularity here. We seem to not have the picture of the real enemy, and that enemy relishes in these brother wars, while we become weaker.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

I gather that in the old days a guy had to go to a ‘theatre’ where he’d sit in a darkened stall and continually put quarters in a coin slot to keep watching porn. This is what the DC / NATO cabal has come to – just that it’s war porn wherein property is actually destroyed, and people actually get hurt, or die. More galling is the DC / NATO fiends are using yours and my quarters to keep the peep show going – and then claim we’re bad people for wanting the show to end. I would, if I… Read more »

2 years ago

Good post, Zman, with valuable insights into current and general realities. I especially appreciate your thoughts on the two “nationalisms,” as positive and negative species observable (at the moment) through the behaviors of Hungary and Poland. Very shrewd. I wonder how much of our “heroic” mythology about the past, and the elevation of “fight to the last man” stories, could be better understood as the action of elite grifters manipulating a population to its doom? I like to think there have been meaningful, non-cynical “last stands” in history. Odds are, though, that our own age is not a conducive time… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The dirty little secret is Russian war doctrine is far more humane than American war doctrine. While the United States has largely followed the protocol of total-war, which included bombing civilian infrastructure in “Shock and awe” campaigns followed by a requirement of unconditional surrender, the Russians are proving more pragmatic and less willing for extreme measures. War is a messy business, and there has been collateral damage like every war, but imagine if Iraq had the media propaganda apparatus that the U.S. had in Iraq War II. We’d see dead Iraqi civilians lined up 24/7, and during the occupation we’d… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Most places the US bombs to smithereens it has no intention of making a part of the US community on a long term basis – its only interest is extractive, which requires some, but not a whole heck of a lot of infrastructure.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Dropping a bomb on a civilian family in Afghanistan to distract from the 18 soldiers blown up during the rout in Afghanistan, lying about it, then exonerating everyone involved for the “mistake” in the after action report tell you everything you need to know about the US State Dept and military.

In GAE, there is no such things as “civilians”. Americans fight dirty, which would be maybe ok, except they JUST CANT WIN.

2 years ago

Z, are you arguing that ALL nationalism is negative identitarianism? If so, then what would you call any independence or identitarian movement? I don’t know any other term better than “nationalism”.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Your point is quite correct..that is why the only kind of nationalism that has a future in America is traditional white Christian nationalism, with tolerance for other traditional (non-Globohomo infiltrated) religions…Nations with a different history might vary, but there needs to be some kind of live traditional religion, even if it’s just ancestor worship..

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I dare say 50% less is on the conservative side.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The Left used the nationalism of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party as a cudgel to give it a bad connotation.

2 years ago

The American Empire is in its final days, if not hours. It has to destroy Russia because they have now linked their currency with gold, reestablishing gold as real money and thus creating an alternative to the American Dollar. The Empire and our lives as we know it will be destroyed once other nations eschew the petrodollar. We produce NOTHING and our power stems from our military power forcing other nations to use a worthless Dollar for trade. They sell us fungible goods made from commodities for a unit of money worth less than zero, which appears to be strong.… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

> The American Empire is in its final days, if not hours. It has to destroy Russia because they have now linked their currency with gold, reestablishing gold as real money and thus creating an alternative to the American Dollar.

When you list all the nations that tried to establish a competing currency or economic model, and then make a list of all the nations America threw a color revolution on or military attack on, the realities of geopolitics become painfully clear.

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Which is why there is still some risk of WWIII and a consequent nuclear exchange..the lunatics in DC don’t have an off switch, and can’t accept the real situation…

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

For them, the “off” switch is the same as the “suicide” switch. This is like the wild ride of Mr. Toad. Hang on.

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

They appear to be moving beyond a strictly gold-backed currency schema for valuation, including also commodities in the backing of the currency. These are real-world resources, and doing so is a far more grounded approach than the current “because I said so (and We will ruin you if you don’t comply” grounding of the dollar fiat. Thus, an alternative that makes sense, and acts to undermine the blackmail currently wielded by the US.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

but why did some countries make the right choice, and others the wrong choice? was it luck, coincidence, culture? just how different is poland from hungary?

IMO nationalism is only possible when there is a homogenous population, and AINO is not that. at least not until is decomposes into smaller regional blocs, and goes through a cycle of ethnic relocation.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

To hazard a guess, Poland has a much nastier and longer adversarial relationship with Russia. While Hungary also suffered mightily under Soviet occupation, Poland has centuries of similar confrontations under its belt.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Agreed. We Americans forget the last major foreign military invasion of the the continental United States (I’ll leave out Mexico and the Texas Republic, or the Japanese invasion of the Aleutians in WW2 since neither Texas nor Alaska were states at that time) was in 1812. Russia at the time was fighting off Napoleon, and they also got Germany invading from 1914 – 18, the whole damned world (including us) milling about in their affairs until the early 1920s, and the Little Austrian Corporal from 1941 – 45. Poland, well Poland got partitioned between Austria, Germany, and Russia from the… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

A century of being the Lethal Dose-50 test subjects for every European political “-ism” will leave a mark.

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

Some fun facts from Polish history: When the country regained its independence as a result of WWII, pretty much the first thing the autocrat Pilsudski did was attack the newly formed Soviet Union, with the goal of conquering all of Ukraine. This was at a time when Ukrainian Galicia already was part of the restored Polish territory. Munich 1937 not only got Germany the ethnically German Sudetenland out of the Czech state. No, the Poles were not above of also claiming, and getting, a sliver of their Slavonic brothers’ land (presumably ethnically Polish). Just two tidbits about the eternal Polish… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The lessons of Katyn Forest and the Holodomor should never be forgotten, but they should also be properly understand. The Poles are making the same mistake the Ukrainians have made: conflating imperial ethnic Russian nationalism (and fear thereof) with the rootless cosmopolitan totalitarian internationalism of the Soviet Union. They incorrectly see the Soviet Union as a natural extension of the old Russian Empire, and the contemporary Russian Federation as a natural extension of the Soviet Union. The populations within all three polities were largely ethnic Russians, but the leadership (those with POWER) varied. Ethnic Russians ruled the Russian Empire and… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

This is an excellent comment replete with good information. Thank you.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

karl: At least back in the ’80s and ’90s, Hungary was known to be among the least ‘repressed’ countries of the old Soviet bloc (“Goulash communism”). Yes, many of them left after the 1956 uprising and experienced the West before it was thoroughly pozzed, but thereafter there was no mass exodus of young, educated Hungarians. Not to mention, Hungary had no history of centuries of conflict with Russia – their language had never been repressed, and their people had not been mass shipped to other lands. Note for Hungarian patriots here: I am NOT claiming Hungarians didn’t suffer under any… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago


Your comments jibe with what the guide on my walking tour of Budapest stated. Among the Warsaw Pact countries, Hungary was widely seen as a relatively free, enjoyable vacation destination during the height of the Cold War.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Wild Geese: While I visited Hungary in the early ’90s, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it certainly appeared to be a prosperous and peaceful European country to me at that time. While Budapest is gorgeous and rivals Vienna imho, the countryside through which we drive was also not dissimilar to certain areas of rural Austria – certainly far more orderly and wealthy than areas of Yugoslavia of the day. To my great regret we never made it to Poland – but people I knew who had been posted there (primarily in the 1980s) recalled it as being… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I was recruited to do corporate work in Hungary in ’92, and had a similar offer in what was soon to become the Czech Republic although that one did not interest me (other than as a single young man Czech women are very, very beautiful). I turned down the job after giving it some thought; I did not speak Hungarian and back then it was rare to find anyone with a second language outside of Budapest, and it was very uncommon even there. Western business interests to a more limited extent invested and recruited citizens also to work in several… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

thanks for all the good comments explaining the poland/hungary issue 🙂

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Poland’s leaders have been suborned by Globohomo, which probably has ample blackmail material on them…Poland itself still has a live religion, Catholicism, but which has also been infiltrated by the evil ones…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

Poland seems to have been singled out not to receive Western investment in the immediate collapse of the USSR. Far worse countries drew much more interest for whatever reason.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Maybe the West figured the billion dollars they poured into Solidarity was sufficient at that time?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I’m Polish. If you have any questions, I will try to respond as much as my linguistic abilities allow me.
I have to give a pre-emptive warning that some issues are hard to understand without delving into history and national mentality.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Sharp take. The cynicism is off the charts. The United States’ main objective was to divorce Europe from Russia. Mission accomplished unless autumn really is cold this year. The more I learn about Zelensky the more I agree with you about him. He is not a dupe, which I assumed, but also a cynical grifter. I’m not certain this is a quibble, but what the average Ukrainian (not the IC stooges/military foreigners/grifters) is doing–defending their homeland–is nationalism. In fact, it is the essence of blood and soil nationalism, which, of course, the globalists who engineered this war despise. That these… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

there are at least two distinct groups of ukrainians, and the ultra-hardcore ones are much more prone to harming “average” ukrainians than the russians are. the smart play would have been for the ukrainian army to have staged a coup, eliminated the ultra-nazis and zelensky, then negotiate with the russians. making the dumb play while wrapped in a flag is still making the dumb move. and reality does not reward dumb…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I wouldn’t be shocked to learn the Azov Battalion as currently constituted is a CIA front not unlike the various warlords funded over the years to “save” their countries. Even now we are getting glimpses that it is preventing a peaceful conclusion to the siege in Mariupol. It and like factions are probably foreign-financed outliers.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

A lot of those Azov guys are probably guilty of multiple atrocities and know if they surrender there will be severe repercussions. So naturally they choose to fight to the death.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Financed by Kolomisksy, I see Zelenskyy, Azov and Right Sektor as Cartel.

Cartel is Mexican through and through, yet happily accepts foreign actors, slaughters civilians, and is independent of Mexican nationalism.

Come to think of it, that describes the ruling class of the US, as well.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Edit Kolomoisky

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

It’s one of the original Operation Gladio organizations.

I know of no reason to assume it’s no longer under CIA tutelage.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

There is some suspicion that the Russians thought the same. I mean if me sitting in my chair thousands of miles away, with not even any reliable indirect information on the situation, thought that was the best play, surely the Ukes thought that too? I guess not.
Z’s take then makes the most sense in that light, that the Ukes hated Russia so much that they were willing to throw their lot in with a global empire that has spent the last twenty years trying to kill as many Ukes as possible for no other purpose than to aggravate Russia.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Jack Dobson: Agree on all points. Those who label anyone who disagrees with the media/regime barrage as a “Putin stooge” are deliberately ignoring the sorrow and hopelessness many of us feel for the actual Ukrainian people, who are being scattered and killed by American and Eu globalists, many of them repeatedly echoing. No one could fault the Ukrainians for defending their homeland against the Russians – who, despite every Western provocation and set up – cannot be seen as other than invaders. That Ukrainian lives are worthless to the major players and being used in cynical geopolitical maneuvering is disgusting… Read more »