Trotsky’s Revenge

One of the interesting revelations in Tucker Carlson’s book, Ship of Fools, is that Bill Kristol said privately what he denied publicly about the Iraq war. That is, the war was about Israel and not American security. Saddam was never a threat to American interests in the region but taking him out was good for Israel. The neocons have always denied this, usually claiming it is anti-Semitic to suggest it, but every time they get caught in a lie they squeal “anti-Semitism” so this is not new.

The thing is though, a schemer like Kristol could have been lying to Carlson, hoping he stepped on the same landmines as Pat Buchanan. Carlson was always a war skeptic and a natural conservative, so Bill Kristol would have seen him as a threat. The main play of the second generation neocons has always been the Hitler card. They look for some way to accuse their opponents of being anti-Semites, so that the focus shifts from the neocon schemers and onto the accusers.

Putting that aside, subsequent events suggest that the crusade against Islam launched in the Bush years was never about Israel. The real target for the neocons was the ancient enemy in the east, Russia. Neoconservatism, after all, was born out of a hatred for Russia during the Cold War. The cover story was that these radicals had turned on communism, but in reality, they were reacting to what was happening on the Left with regards to relations with the Soviet Union.

Soon after the fall of the Cold War, the neocons running foreign policy under the first George Bush engineered the first Gulf War. They did this by baiting Saddam Hussein into invading Kuwait. The American ambassador to Iraq at the time was April Glaspie, who met with Saddam before he launched his invasion. It is clear from the notes that he was not committed to war. It is also clear that Glaspie gave him the impression that America was not committed to defending Kuwait.

Why would the neocons want a war with Iraq? It seems like a lifetime ago, but Iraq was a longtime client of the Soviet Union. Once the Soviet Union fell, the Russians were in no condition to help her allies as in the past. This made it a perfect time to take this piece of the board. Given the behavior of the neocons in Ukraine over the last decade, it is not a stretch to think they baited Saddam into war. After all, they have been trying to bait Russian into invading Ukraine.

If we look at the crusade against Islam as a proxy war against Russia, the last thirty years of foreign policy adventures makes more sense. The second war with Iraq was about finishing the job and preparing for the planned attack on Iran, which so happens to be a Russia ally. The creation of ISIS as a weapon against Syria, another ally of Russia, now also makes sense. The occupation of Afghanistan never made sense as a response to 9/11, but it did make a nice forward operating base.

Long forgotten in all of this is how the neocons pushed the Clinton administration into bombing Serbia during the Balkan war. The Balkans have always been a mess, so there was never a reason for America to take sides. This should have been a European matter, worked out in endless meetings, like everything else in Europe. Instead, the neocons pushed for an aggressive stance toward Serbia, which so happens to be a longtime Russian ally. There is a pattern here.

Fast forward to the present and the pattern is clear. The neocons started the Russo-Georgian war by trying to bring Georgia into NATO. Give or take, Georgia is about 3,000 miles from the North Atlantic, thus making her an odd fit for a military alliance based in the North Atlantic. That was never the point, of course. The point was to pick away at the borders with the ancient enemy. NATO expansion has never been about defense, but always about offense.

In more recent times, the neocons have tried to color revolution Belarus, they have stirred up trouble in Kazakhstan and they are probably involved in the tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Then there is the Ukraine situation. Half of Washington has been taking bribes from Ukrainian oligarchs, which has concealed the fact that the neocons have been plotting trouble there for over a decade. The same people behind the color revolution in the Obama years are in charge now.

The point of all of this has been to weaken Russia by nibbling away at her border, forcing her to commit resources to all of these different conflicts. At some point, the current government becomes too weak to defend itself. Maybe with some outside help, the government falls. This opens the door for regime change and the long dreamed of break up of Russia. This is not idle speculation. A few years ago, the Rand Corporation provide the playbook for those interested.

The old line about the neocons being Trotskyites was mostly a way to point out that they were not conservatives in the traditional sense. Many were communist in the middle of the last century. Their “conversion” was never about the things that had long defined conservatism, but rather the temporary needs of the moment. They cared more about beating Russia in the Cold War than anything else. They simply embraced the rest of the conservative program as a means to an end.

One of the underappreciated aspects of the last five years is the exit of the neocons from Buckley conservatism. They have their own publications and regularly attack their old friends on the Right. Of course, they were outlandishly opposed to trump and the pro-American sentiments he embodied. Their primary complain was that he was soft on Russia and Russian allies. This transformation suggest the paleocons were right about the neocon conversion being less than genuine.

There may have been more to the Trotsky line. In radical politics, it was long held that the Bolshevik revolution was hijacked by Stalin. The Trotsky wing never forgave the Russians for allowing the revolution to turn into Tsarism. This fueled the deep hatred for Russia among Trotskyites of a certain persuasion. The neoconservative persuasion was driven by this animus in the Cold War. After the Cold War, it has driven by the berserk obsession for Russia by the second wave of neocons.

What America, and by extension the West, has been experiencing over the last thirty years is Trotsky’s revenge. Resentment at the failure of his faction in the revolution was probably the second to last thing that went through his head. His followers, however, have had it in the forefront of their minds. The current generation of neocons, lacking the intelligence to understand any of this, are simply left with a seething hatred of Russia that has driven America foreign policy for a generation.

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2 years ago

Completely OT: Can somebody explain to me why diesel is more expensive than gas?

40 Lashes Less One
40 Lashes Less One
2 years ago

Carlson was originally in favor of the Iraq War.

Reply to  40 Lashes Less One
2 years ago

And it’s his biggest regret

2 years ago

Really? It’s about resentful partisans of a century old revolution? Not Eastern Jews hating Russians?

2 years ago

“Resentment at the failure of his faction in the revolution was probably the second to last thing that went through his head.”

I’m dying! LOL. Penultimate.

Reply to  Cloudswrest
2 years ago

Sounds suspicious.

Someone had an axe to grind.

Reply to  BeAprepper
2 years ago

It was actually an ice pick.

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Reply to  KJ
2 years ago

Ice axe. So the original joke still works.

2 years ago

I think keeping Saddam was clearly the better option for Israel, judging by how they immediately started funding ISIS after he was strung up.

The 2003 Iraq war mostly empowered Iran and Syria’s Assad, so: Complete flop by that Zio-metric.

The neo’s are such stupid goldbrickers that I’d expect them to undermine the Old Country eventually. You have people like the Feith brothers and Richard Perle. You don’t want these cats as your allies and managers. Without the American university credentialing scam we’d probably never have heard of any of them.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  WoodweirdBerenstain
2 years ago

That was the weird thing with both Gulf Wars as, at least as the story went, the Israeli governments at the time weren’t too keen on their Jewish betters within GAE shaking up the mideast snow globe. Bibi was able to parlay their fumbling in to a short term success, long term though, with a now weakened and bankrupt GAE and surrounded by unstable, hungry enemies, it ain’t looking too good.

Reply to  WoodweirdBerenstain
2 years ago

Hey, Perle got among other things a villa in Provence (Les Baux) for his efforts, and Wolfowitz ‘ golden parachute after he beclowned himself at the World Bank was said to be massive. If this is failure, what must success look like?

2 years ago

The only thing I can add to Z’s tour de force is that after the Soviet Union had its unexpected (why do we pay the CIA?) demise there were a LOT of cloud people in the State Department and elsewhere who had devoted their careers to being “Russia Experts”. You didn’t expect all those very important people to just fade away now did you?

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Neon_Bluebeard
2 years ago

My father worked his entire career for the US department of defense. After the Rooskies went under, his group spend some time dismantling no longer needed solid fuel ICBM’s. Most of his time was bickering with and firing surplus staff pretending to do something. He took early retirement.

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Reply to  Neon_Bluebeard
2 years ago

When a carpenter’s only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a protruding nail.

2 years ago

What happened to the people that were in the antiwar movement 50 years ago? Did they all end up becoming neoliberals?

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Well, a lot of them probably wound up as adherents to the Kult of Kovid. Not me, bro, I am entirely too ornery for Covid. Now observing my poor wife going through her 2nd bout, the first one back in January 2020, and the second one after having to take a knee to pressure via her employer to vax, and then boost, going on right now. And me, almost 70 and with asthma, hangin’ tough and unvaxxed. Supplementing with zinc, vitamin C, B complex vitamins, vitamin D3, and eating apples for the quercetin that helps with uptake of the zinc… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

My wife and I have been doing the quercetin, zinc, vit. D and C thing for about a year now, and haven’t even had a cold. So far I’m a believer.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

Likewise for the last 2 years, and probably naturally immune to begin with, but C, D3, and zinc are good all the time…

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

And should you feel the need these guys can get you
What you need.
I hear that
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) – Take one 200mg tablet daily for 5 days with food, then take one tablet weekly. If you are taking hydroxychloroquine, take a 50mg or more zinc sulfate supplement daily.

Ivermectin (IVM) – Take one 12mg tablet daily for 5 days with food, then take one tablet weekly. Also take a daily zinc supplement.

Is effective.

Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

Thank you, Bilejones, this is good to know should the need arise.

Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

And speaking of Ivermectin, Dr. Pierre Kory runs down the boogie on a flawed (deliberately so) study on the efficacy of Ivermectin in the NEJM.

Now, of course, so Pfizer can make bank on Paxlovid, which has a large number of drug interactions, in marked contrast to Ivermectin, for which auch interactions are a non-factor.

Still with the bullshit.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

They weren’t anti-war, they were just on the other side.

2 years ago

I always find these posts thought provoking. I am out of my depth in these matters but have an interest. 1. Was the ’88 – ?? Middle East meddling in some way related to the Greater Israel project? (assuming that is a real thing) 2. Suppose the neo-cons get Russian regime change. Is it plausible that they can install a vassal, their vassal specifically, and have that be a durable and viable long term arrangement? 3. What and whom are their allies in this project? Who are their patrons and to whom do they pay patronage? Have Normal American’s completely… Read more »

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

One more time:
These people have no place in the West.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

Thats an interesting thought: the neocons are private equity pirates who spotted an asset-rich entity (US MIL), did a hostile takeover, spun off the income producing assets (bioresearch in Ukraine, “rebuilding infrastructure” in Afghanistan, MIC contracts), then saddled the tattered remnants with the underwater assets (F35 anyone?) and debt and rammed it into bankruptcy (WW3).
The financialization of the military: literally nothing can escape these financial bankster vultures’ claws.

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
2 years ago

Ha! Ha! That is an interesting take. Nice!

2 years ago

@Zman you must have seen George W Bush say the “The result is the absence of checks and balances in Russia and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.”

Bush admitted the truth about Iraq after all this time. The spawn of Satan Liz Cheney and her horrible father that the media now LOVES all of a sudden. Bill Kristol too, the author of the Iraq War strategy.

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

What doesn’t make sense is why supposed crypto-Trotskyites (neocons) would support the Stalinist USSR all the way into the 1970s, only to pull a volte face after all those years. If they really were Trotskyites holding a grudge, they wouldn’t have functioned as mainline communists for four-plus decades.

The more plausible explanation for why the neocons have declared war against Russia is that, like all supposed conservatives, they have lurched leftward as a part of the Power Structure, and like all good anti-white Leftists, despise Russia because it is unapologetically, even proudly, white.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

You could be right, Mr. Kozelskii. The Trotskyists I was closely acquainted with (or Trotskyites–l can’t remember the approved term–it’s a period of my life I tried to forget) were big on “tactical” moves, making alliances with this group or that when it suited their agenda. At the same time, they considered themselves and their motives to be the purest of the pure.

I don’t know if this filtered down to their Neocon descendants or not. I do believe their anti-whiteness certainly did.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

It’s kosher theatre. No different than republican vs. democrat. A scripted, rigged , mindfuck on the goyim. Steal the last sheckel. Poison em, rob em, bankrupt em, starve em…just like 1917 Russia, oy veh, the fuckin irony.

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Except Ukraine is the side with neo-Nazis and Russia has no problem with its Eurasian subjects serving alongside Slavs in its ranks.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

For the Russians, the attack on Serbia was the big game changer. It was basically “okay…we get it now.” And they weren’t wrong. I always thought at least half of the Balkan conflict was the Clintons, at the time, attempting to deflect from the Lewinsky news. If I recall correctly. a lot of Serbian civilians joined hands across a medieval bridge as it was important to them. We bombed it anyway of course. For some reason it stuck with me. My eyes were already opening in my 20’s as to our foreign policy. We have no problem obliterating other countries… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

In a reply to Felix below, I mentioned that one of the saddest images in recent history was Russian tanks speeding into Serbia–to do nothing. It was a turning point for them when their ancient ally/protectorate was bombed criminally. I had forgotten the bridge incident, which was a blatant American war crime.

Also as you may recall, the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was bombed, and at the time the USA claimed it was an accident. Compelling evidence surfaced in the last six or seven years that it was a deliberate act.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Sailer has a recent column about General Wesley Clark telling a British general to shoot at Russian troops. The general, Michael Jackson replies that he won’t start world war 3 for him. The tank commander, future singer James Blunt respected his general’s order to stand down.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

There will be a country, the size of a continent, that breaks up after the failure and weakening of its government and economy, not to mention the years long attacks on its borders. A Star Wars bar scene of country where everyone is an alien to everyone. Hint. It won’t be Russia.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

You don’t think when we get the feds off our backs that we don’t go back to freedom of association? The moment it happens people will in all likelihood start going their own ways, except probably the blacks who will be tagging along with whites, or trying to. I doubt Mexicans, for example, will want to be hanging around me when there is no money in it for them, write large and vice versa. Losing our government isn’t 100% bad and won’t mean the end of our lives. There can be some good in it. Perhaps a lot of good.… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Only the Blacks are existential, Hispanics and others can be dealt with. Right now I’m sitting in the dealership having the car looked after. Majority staff is Hispanic. They live on their side of town, we on the other—but we’re not at each other’s throats, nor is the staff inept. YMMV

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

That’s why as much as I get sick of California and long sometimes to be back in Florida or somewhere in the south, the fact remains that California is only like 6% black versus the south and Florida where it sometimes becomes astronomically high. Yes, when it comes down to it, the Mexicans are far preferable to the blacks. Not saying they don’t have their own problems, but if I had to choose. And that is probably also why, a hidden secret or maybe not too hidden, that the west coast will dominate economically because it has Mexican labor whereas… Read more »

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

And of course, it helps that a lot of Mexicans actually consider themselves to be White. It doesn’t serve anyone’s narrative, so it’s been flushed down the memory hole, but, in the early years of WWII, Mexico actually had a pretty large pro-Fascist movement, taking their cue from Franco’s Spain. It was large enough that both the US and Mexican governments were concerned, and had Germany won at Stalingrad, it might have turned into something. Mexico as a nation has gone back and forth between emphasizing its Indian heritage, and its Spanish influence. After WWII, and especially after the 1960’s,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Spot on. I live in a city that is about 1/3 Hispanic. There is very little racial tension between whites and Hispanics. We get along quite well. The Messkins are not brilliant people, generally speaking, but they are pretty hard working and competent. And, as a general rule, they don’t chimp out, and are not sadistic.

You can reverse everything I said about Hispanics when it comes to the nuggras. Whenever Messkins move in next door or across the street, whites don’t automatically contemplate selling their house. When Hutus do the same, you immediately start pricing real estate.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I only have one quibble with the thread above, and it’s the boomer tier line “those Muxican arrre hard workin.’ Generally, as a rule…no-they-re-f ing-not. Sure they show up and work, unlike the gringo teenage stoner or the n word, and some do really work hard. But don’t confuse showing up and doing your job with “hard work.” The Muxicans win by default because no one else has shown up on the playing field in the manuel labor category. For instance, I constantly have to remind my housekeeper to get the baseboards. My relative on the east coast, with a… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

For me, the main evidence the Latin folks are preferable is how the cholos went right after any Antifas and BLMs that tried to start mischief in their hoods during the 2020 insurrection.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Since African-Americans can only exist as obligate parasites, what you’d likely see is mass migration to the states that still persist in shitlibbery should the federal welfare programs cease.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

“Maybe I am wrong I don’t know, but I just can’t see the status quo holding for years and years.” My biggest fear regarding this is that it will just continue like this. More and more freedoms will be stripped and whites will be openly attacked and physically harmed even more than they are now. Companies are openly denying white males employment now. What is the tipping point that gets people to finally say enough is enough? What is the type of event that could finally lead to a conflict of sorts? These are questions that I find myself pondering… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

My sense of things is that whites don’t feel they are truly against the wall. It also takes two to tango, where big companies may not be hiring white guys but then white guys don’t need them and will go off and do their own thing or work for a small business and do just fine. It may be also some way for corporations to act like they aren’t the ones being rejected by talented white guys, that they are doing the rejecting. Not so sure. But I do think that if we do go to war, say by being… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Great point. Any straight white guy who is willing to go to war for this clown country is straight up crazy.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Spent 30+ yrs in or running organizations in that machine. Honestly, there are not anymore enough of the required type males to field a force capable of successfully addressing large scale conflict. I think the US military now has three primary functions: 1. Work program for excess prole population; 2. Force to stand front and center in international / global operations & conflicts as part of the grand kabuki theatre (gives the impression we folks are still involved and the old structure still lives); 3. Proving ground and manpower source for the real land power employed by the ruling class.… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Unless it is a ground war on US shores, I doubt significant numbers of US stooges will be needed. We will send $$$, weapons and tech, some advisors, and use local schlepps. Perhaps some token troops. I am not even sure how many white cis males of draft age are left in the US.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

Couple this with the dramatic lowering of testerone, and the “retirement” of males to the background of their culture, and a worrisome picture begins to form up. Is this failure of manliness a driver of this massive disaster, or a result of it? I can’t figure it out. All I know is that in this very remote area of Old Dominion I’ve been forced to inhabit once again these past seven months, the males here generally lean to an older, manly ethic, at least in their personal activities and beliefs. They hunt and fish. Few look to be top soy… Read more »

Reply to  PrimiPulus
2 years ago

@Tired Citizen “… white guy … war…clown country …” I think we WANT to be loyal. It takes a lot to make us disloyal. We have been taken advantage of, and speaking for myself the America that exists right now, is a thing that needs to die. @PrimiPulus “Good for them; bad for out nation.” I suggest ‘country’ would be a better word there. ‘Nation’ is people. ‘Country’ is the bundled political/economic/social system in which may live many nations. I think “Good for them, good for THEIR nation, and bad for the country. No sympathy for the country, which doesn’t… Read more »

Reply to  PrimiPulus
2 years ago

The exact same dynamic exists in Oklahoma. Rural white Okies are a rough bunch. The wealthy suburbs around Oklahoma City and Tulsa are a different story. You might as well be in a different country.

There are also a lot of tough whites boys in the neighborhoods of Oklahoma City and Tulsa that aren’t wealthy. And there are a lot more of those than wealthy areas.

Reply to  PrimiPulus
2 years ago

@ Horace

I paused over that country-nation divide myself in writing that. I agree with your assessment. Then problem is, that the “country” has as a primary mission set the eradication of certain subordinate “nations” …. those that do not lend a cool, ethnic flavor too the neighborhoods our administrative, elite, political and ruling classes love to frequent.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Yep, the forecast by Armstrong’s AI remains after the 2032 elections…But at this point, I’m wondering if the USA can last that long…

2 years ago

I lived with some Trotskyists back in the early-80’s in a university city. Anti-whiteness, shutting down opponents’ speech, consciousness-raising/struggle-sessions and promotion of books like Howard Zinn’s monstrosity were their regular tactics–much of what we see today with the Woke. At least one of these former roommates got embedded in influential educational positions, and he advanced much higher than those of us who escaped this cult-like group.

The destructive events of The Year of George Floyd and afterwards didn’t surprise me in the slightest degree.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  1660please
2 years ago

Those who can’t do…teach. What else were they going to do? Either teach or join a foreign policy think tank.

Reply to  1660please
2 years ago

I know So much of what we are living is that the Lib Arts students are winning the fight against the business and STEM majors. It is almost like a campus turf war and feud. Seems like the business school boys have already surrendered and gone woke. Everyone always laughed at the Lib Arts crazies, never took them seriously, but they are taking them seriously now, and I hope it is not too late. Let’s see what the STEM boys can cook up. Right ow they are the last bulwark, but they don’t seem to even know they are in… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I fear STEM is also lost. The push for equality—really equity—seems to be lowering the standards even in technical fields. You would think 2+2 would always equal 4, but you’d be mistaken.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Exactly right. I’m a programmer and it is nearly impossible to hire good developers. The the pool is even smaller because we need x number of blacks and y number of alphabet people. Of course, reality sets in because quality candidates falling into those groups are unicorns.

Also, your inbox is now polluted with ridiculous emails from the female diversity officer telling you that you’re pure evil and the reason why low IQs of the criminal race aren’t succeeding.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I believe the ongoing decay in STEM is what will ultimately implode the digital surveillance panopticon they dream about.

They don’t seem to realize they need orders of magnitude more qualified engineers and energy to run the panopticon, not less.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Yes, it’s pretty bad in STEM, with women and minorities being sent to grad schools where they can’t really comprehend the advanced material..Advising them to “learn to code” is futile, because they aren’t smart enough, but can grift their way into University or corporate jobs…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Going woke is a business decision, just as becoming “ESG certified” to get unlocked from large equity investors. What this comes down to is government that’s 40% of the economy directly, altogether and another who knows how much indirectly. What we’re living through is not a woke revolution but the long, hundred year march of Marxism itself which has taken over the entire country under other brand names. Liberal arts students didn’t win, government won. I don’t want to hear a peep out of Republicans about “taking back the country.”

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

The IQ fetishists on the Right played a role, insisting not just that this or that Lib Arts idea was wrong or crazy, but that Lib Arts AS SUCH is of no value: just a bunch of losers too dumb to study physics. After decades of shaming high IQ White teens into STEM or nothing, they now discover, gosh, the Lib Arts have been taken over by our enemies. I guess that’s what happens when you steer all your own people elsewhere. And they’re also discovering that Lib Arts DO matter: as Hermann Hesse predicted (in the Glass Bead Game),… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Don’t know that the business boys surrendered so much as don’t care as long as they can make a buck. So far, the “go woke” has not led to the “go broke” for most.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  1660please
2 years ago

Just out of curiosity, how do you know they were Trotskyites as opposed to some other group of Leftist deviants? Did they have Trotsky tee-shirts? Posters of Trotsky–instead of Farrah Fawcett–laying back over the hood of a Corvette?

Not unfriendly questions. I genuinely want to know.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Oh, they freely admitted to being Trotskyists, and talked about it with me frequently, even though I wasn’t much further left at the time than being a classical liberal. It was very safe for them to do this openly in such a university environment, ca. 1983. A couple of them belonged to the Socialist Workers Party, which as I recall was one of the bigger Trotskyist parties of the time. It became too deviationist, if that’s the right word, so one of my roommates left it for a purer sect–I mean party–whose name I don’t recall. He’s the one who… Read more »

Reply to  1660please
2 years ago

Also, I think it was a badge of honor to them to openly admit their allegiance to Trotsky, Marx, etc. I guess it was a way of setting themselves apart from the benighted, which included the real working class of course, but they would find ways around that little problem of worker conservatism and patriotism. Like with the Jesuits, they had answers for everything.

Reply to  1660please
2 years ago

Well, if proletariat conservatism was your problem, them Gramsci was your man. He figured out that revolution was not coming from the masses, so the intelligentsia needed to get busy marching through the institutions so the revolution could be led from the managerial classes. Buttegieg’s father was a leading scholar of Gramsci, and whattya know, sonny boy winds up as head of the Department of Transportation where he is well positioned to exacerbate supply chain problems.

2 years ago

Z Man writes, “The occupation of Afghanistan never made sense as a response to 9/11, but it did make a nice forward operating base [for attacking Russia].”

This explanation is compelling but it’s hard to dismiss another explanation for the occupation, which is, if the USA must protect Israel at all costs, then Afghanistan is a lot closer to Israel than the USA or Western Europe as a “nice forward operating base.”

That’s fine. The occupation of Afghanistan can have multiple motivations. Both explanations assume that the USA is a golem serving the interests of a foreign people.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Afghanistan produces most of the world’s opium. Like 90% of it. With the help of US Gov and the installation of billions in modern irrigation infrastructure, Afghanistan managed to go from 74,000 hectares in 2002 (2001 was an off year due to personal US delivery of “lethal aid”) to 330,000 hectares in 2016. Given the 3 letter US agencies who’ve been up to their necks picking winners and losers (Hint: the US citizen always the loser), it’s pretty obvious that opium production was another piece of “What the heck are we doing in Afghanistan anyway?” puzzle. Afghanistan: Come for the… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Does opium mean anything in a world of Fentinal? I ask because just today, the report came out declaring my border city to be the hub of entry for this synthetic opioid. The local Congressman discussing (he’s a good guy, really) used basic economics to describe the direness of the situation: “Currently a day’s “high” costs $12, last year it sold for $120”!

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Thought much the same, but they wouldn’t keep growing it if they couldn’t sell it. Peak opium production in Afghanistan when the place was full of US NGOs and soldiers.

Now, it’s in slow decline. I’d imagine the introduction of mass produced, pharmaceutical grade fentanyl has much to do with it.

Fentanyl might be just too addictive and too cheap; kills the addict far too fast. Very surprised there’s not more of a focus on stopping it.

Then again, follow the money.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Wow, drug abuse seems to be the only thing going down in price.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Afghanistan also has a long border with Iran, likely Israel’s primary obsession, so a good place to stir shit against Iran. Also, Afghanistan borders Balochistan province in Pakistan, which is not only the locus of anti-Pakistani agitation by the Balochi separatists, but also the locus of anti-Iranian agitation by the Balochi separatists (sunni muslims) whose kinsman live also across the border in Iran. So many pots to stir, so little time.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
2 years ago

“The point of all of this has been to weaken Russia by nibbling away at her border, forcing her to commit resources to all of these different conflicts.”

A great plan, but it appears weakness is appearing more in the USA.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
2 years ago

The difference is that the USA’s weakness is largely self-inflicted.

2 years ago

“Second to last thing to go through his head.” Hehehehehehe

Reply to  RedBeard
2 years ago

That one got me too. Come for the essays, stay for the zingers.

Reply to  RedBeard
2 years ago

Style/wit is at least 50% of writing well, the other 50% is content/analysis.

2 years ago

Remember that back in the sixties, The Socialist Workers Party (the Trots) were opposed by Progressive Labor (the Maoists) and the two never reconciled. Gus Hall, an updated William Jennings Bryan, may have been the last of the old line CPUSA. If the complement to our anti-Russian foreign policy is the willingness of the foreign policy establishment to render the USA a CCCP satrap, maybe the neocon Trots have been upstaged by the the neolib Maoists. Either way, te Bushes, Rockefellers and WASPs of the CFA weren’t about to let a bunch of (((Straussians))) into the club. So maybe the… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

From what I understand, China and Japan have deep hatreds going back and forth. If even 1/2 of what I have read about the rape of Nanjing or the medical experiments on Chinese during the war are true, cooperation will be extremely difficult. Also with the Koreans and the Japanese. No love lost there either.

George Murdock
George Murdock
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

There is a reason Japan, despite being on a demographic glide path to oblivion, allows almost no immigration, and trade with China and Korea is limited and stilted: China and Korea remember, and Japan knows they remember.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  George Murdock
2 years ago

Please. The Chinese will sell their crap to anyone; both culture and produced goods. The Japanese exist on an isolated chain of islands and evolved over a few thousand years to thrive there. As such, a more insular attitude that only comes from being in such existence with one another developed that precluded foreigners. These conditions go waaaaay back prior to WW2, again, over a few millennia.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

It’s more hatred of Japan by Chinese and Koreans, towards Japan. Japan was the aggressor. The Japanese don’t hate Korea or China…but as far as I know, they may feel superior to them, in the way the English felt superior to the squabbling Continentals. In true Asian fashion though, all hatreds end at the trade deal. Regarding Nanjing…I see a parallel there with the Holocaust. The Nanjing Massacre was a fringe issue up until Mao died, and not well-known in China. Only when Deng and his successors came on board did Nanjing get attention. More and more attention. Now it’s… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

Oh, the Japanese don’t like Koreans. Nobody in Asia general really does. The South Koreans are seen as buck-toothed hillbillies that come from a stinky, backward country that just attained civilization not too long ago. The North seems to get more respect by virtue of all the missile flinging they do, representing an actual threat. The Chinese only recognize the Koreans exist because the Americans force them to, otherwise they’d just be just another backwater peoples.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Forever Templar
2 years ago

I think a lot of that is because Japan has an incredibly rich culture with several unique institutions seen nowhere else.

Contrast that with South Korea which has kimchi, Samsung (Sony v2.0), and Kpop. Kpop only exists due to heavy Korean-American influence and some European influence.

I don’t think South Korean culture stacks up well against China either.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Forever Templar
2 years ago

Heh, yeah, true. I just got through reading the Wiki on K-pop. Kind of fascinating the mish-mash it went through to get to where it is. I don’t care for it, but it has been fairly popular here in Japan for the last 20-odd years. Nah, more an enka man, which I did know had its roots somewhat in Korean folk music. Look it up sometime. The vibes can be hauntingly transmissive despite the linguistic difference.

2 years ago

Russia isn’t our ancient enemy, but someone else’s. They hate Russians more than Hitler. The Third Reich lasted twelve years, the Pale of Settlement one hundred twenty years. Even though Stalin rescued them by defeating Hitler, they still hate him for getting rid of their boy Trotsky. After 1948, Communism wasn’t their religion anymore, and the Russia hatred became amplified.

Reply to  NateG
2 years ago

This is how it always happens. You invite them in, they ingratiate themselves with the rulers, they get hired into positions of authority, and then they get a hand at steering the ship. So they are going to get America into a war that might just end the country, we will be stuck here putting away the dead bodies while they have jetted off to somewhere else, the resentments grow and fester for decades, and voila. You got yourself a nice bottle of industrial strength Jew hatred. Never changes. But I have to wonder if they are running out of… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

They will go to China.

Reply to  Chris
2 years ago

They could try. But since they don’t look Chinese, it’ll be hard for them to pull the ol’ “Hey there, fellow Chinese people…”

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Winter
2 years ago

Give them time.

Reply to  Winter
2 years ago

Zuckerberg has made his contribution to crypsis in China.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Chris
2 years ago

Lin Yen Chanberg

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

Schlomo Wong

Moishe Peng

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Falcone, you change Jew to White, America/American to Africa/African, and you could be mistaken for some African chieftain with his seething hatred of whites and their successes.

Reply to  Anna
2 years ago

Point and sputter. Frightened shaming.

Feels good, man.

2 years ago

In the particular case of Bill Kristol, I have wondered if pressure from his wife and possibly some of their kids, to stay in the good graces of their social circle has been a subtle force in pushing him back to the left. She made a donation to Ralph Northam in 2017 when he was running against Ed Gillespie, one of the ultimate GOP establishment stooges. The kind of people they associate with in the Beltway, were fine with having Republican friends pre-Trump, but then it became a bridge too far. It would be a reasonable, straight forward explanation, fitting… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

I would have to see a picture of his wife first before being able to form an opinion as to how she might be influencing him.

But it is early and I don’t want to get sick to my stomach.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Pretty low to go after a dude’s wife. That said, she’s not physically hideous. “Matronly Jewish”. Definitely not beautiful, but I’ve seen far worse.

Reply to  Forever Templar
2 years ago

Yes, by all means. Let’s abide by the Queensbury rules even as they destroy our culture and turn our kids into trannies.

The high road — it’s littered with the corpses of our people. I, for one, am tired of taking it. They sure as heck don’t.

Reply to  Winter
2 years ago

Concur. I sometimes ask such people, “Do you want to be proper or do you want to win?”

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Kristol was never on the right

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Largely on the money, but a few corrections based on some personal knowledge, and not as detailed as I will be some day. 1. The Neocons did engineer Gulf War I but in a different way than you set forth. The United States had sided with Iraq during the Iraq-Iran War. Iran initially had great success sinking Iraqi oil tankers in the Gulf. The United States in response reflagged Kuwaiti tankers to transport Iraqi oil. Sink one of those babies and you were at war with the Empire, so Iran backed off. Money from the sale of the transported oil… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I am noticing that “Anglo-Saxon” is the pejorative that many Russians use when describing America and the west. Apparently that term means something to them though it doesn’t really register with me or I assume with most Americans. But the larger point is that, yes, they have a built in and increasing animus to a foe whom they’ve identified racially and ethnically. It is an actual thing, a real person. So when the gloves come off I bet England will be first. England will be THEIR proxy for getting at America, much as Ukraine is out proxy now at getting… Read more »

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

That analysis is pretty accurate.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I believe Saddam used the term as well, early in the Iraq war.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I 100% agree with that analysis. After breaking away and working to be a distinct nation, the US suddenly fell in love with the UK, fought in its European wars, took up Zionism and the Middle East, etc. Even Americans thinking an English accent somehow confers intelligence and sophistication, ridiculously, royal family gossip for the ladies. Just happened for no reason at all I’m sure.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Further, somebody mentioned yesterday about the pirate ethos in America. Absolutely. That was and is the British Empire imo. Just a bunch of colonies that exist to make money for the homeland.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Yep, why I say we are a glorified colonial outpost or fort that we tried to make into a real civilization. In many ways it succeeded, but when your roots are as a colonial outpost there is only so much you can do, at least in a few hundred years.

But as it goes, Sloppy Joe sauce can think it’s genuine pasta sauce, but it never will be anything but Sloppy Joe sauce when you get down to it. Chili, on the other hand, has some potential.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Money for the Crown, or the banking houses, or the corporations, I should say. Nothing against those countries, just the bastards who run them and us.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

The English pirates/privateers learnt their trade serving with the French,primarily from Brittany. The British took the silver the Spanish were pirating from south America. The idea that the British empire was particularly extractive is just European sour grapes.Napoleon revived the idea of the evil English but surrendered twice to the English because they were the only ones he could trust not to slaughter him. It’s interesting how when it comes to the British or more specifically English all of you adopt the blood libels the Left use against white people in general. The hatred and dishonesty is why I feel… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

The British and Russians obviously were allies against Napoleon and the Kaiser, but for most of the last six hundred years have been at each other’s throats. The UK’s hatred of Russia almost is pathological. Russian opponents of the Tsars and communists, and now Putin, have tended to live in exile and plot from London, for example. You may be right about Britain being Russia’s first target when the gloves come off.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Yes, the long Great Game comes to mind, wherein the British feared that the Russians would sweep down from Central Asia and take India from them led to much conflict. There was also the Crimean War, rathen an off shoot of the Great Game where Muslim Ottomans, Catholic French, and Protestant British united to try and drive the Orthodox Russians from access to the Black Sea, and hence the Mediterranean Sea. Also, recall that the Russian Empire had established a foothold in Alaska, hemming in British Canada to a substantial degree, until it was sold to the US, a lesser… Read more »

john smith
john smith
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

Britain does not have a pathological hatred for Russia.

Britain has been an ally of Russia more times than its been an enemy.

Your knowledge of history is somewhat flawed.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Kind of odd since a century ago the king, kaiser, and tsar were cousins, or maybe not.

Wouldn’t it be fitting if family squabbling undid the West at the height of its power and glory?

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

If it weren’t for the Arabs, London would’ve been owned by Russian oligarchs by now.

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

“Russian” (((oligarchs))) are really the same people as “American” (((oligarchs)))

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Thats just what i think when i look at the power structure here in the us. Look at all those anglo-saxons

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Thanks for those “inside baseball” accounts. Very clarifying.

Also provides some insight into Saddam’s firing off Scuds at “Our Greatest Ally of All Time”, too, if (((they))) had stolen a fuck ton of money from Iraq. And parenthetically, this prior conduct comports with the current seizures of Russia’s foreign reserves under the influence of the GAE; but while Iraq was not positioned to retaliate, Russia, through their countersanctions, export restrictions, and “rubles only” policies, is capable of delivering some pain to their tormenters.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

You are quite welcome. The primary difference between stealing Iraq’s money and Russia’s is the former was done surreptitiously. Things have gotten so bad now the United States does not hide its theft, although the seizing of Russian money probably will tank the dollar in the long run because it is now correctly seen as an unsafe shelter.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Have to agree with several posters below: calling Iraq a Soviet client by 1990 is off the mark; Saddam didn’t ask Moscow for permission to invade Iraq, he asked Washington. Already in the mid-eighties Reagan had sent some neocon creep to make nice with Saddam, he even took him off the terror list. The Kosovo War is perhaps the most important war in the post-Soviet era: with one stroke Messrs. Clinton, Blair and Schröder simultaneously ripped up the UN and NATO charters, opening the way for the PNAC program of a the New World Order. The UN charter was rendered… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

That was supposed to have been a top level comment, but it fits nicely under Jack’s post.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

“The Kosovo War is perhaps the most important war in the post-Soviet era: with one stroke Messrs. Clinton, Blair and Schröder simultaneously ripped up the UN and NATO charters, opening the way for the PNAC program of a the New World Order.” All true, but I would suggest the Balkan Wars are more important because it signaled to Russia there could be no peace with the West. One of the most pathetic images imaginable was that of the Russian tanks rolling into the territory of their historic ally Serbia–and doing nothing. It was that moment that paved the way for… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

One of the most pathetic images imaginable was that of the Russian tanks rolling into the territory of their historic ally Serbia–and doing nothing.

Yes. I had forgotten that.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Everything you said. Wasn’t it also the last war before broadband, when most people still got their information from the MSM?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“Also, the United States’ carving out of the still largely unrecognized “Kosovo” was far less justified and far more outrageous than what Putin is doing in the Ukraine.”

And 25 years later we still have US troops in Kosovo, and the Christian segment of the population still hates us

2 years ago

Given the unmistakable fact that Russia has a huge nuclear inventory, you’d think our ruling class would tread carefully before putting their backs against the wall. Theodore A. Postol (PHD from MIT) worked in the Pentagon for years on missile defense, including Star Wars. In a recent interview he stated that the entire concept of a Star Wars missile defense is ridiculous, will never work, and does nothing except spur our adversaries to build more and deadlier weapons. He’s also afraid that there are plenty in the Pentagon and our ruling class who truly believe that we have some sort… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

I think it is worse: TPTB in Clown World think (a) Russia never would nuke the United States and (b) if that is wrong, the United States and importantly they would survive it. Such magical and delusional thinking is very, very dangerous.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I think what they would do in lieu of destroying America would be to destroy England. That would be like killing america’s birth mother. And it would be psychologically devastating. And America wouldn’t be able to contain herself and would go rushing out on a revenge mission over there to fight where Russia would have the upper hand, and next thing you got are a million dead American soldiers.

This is going to be nasty blood feud, I think. If it gets to that.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

“…destroying America would be to destroy England. That would be like killing america’s birth mother.”

I like the English as much as the next guy, but if they are attacked, that is their problem. More than enough Americans were killed in the 20th century fighting for Britain.

Of course, it would be a different story if the United States government sent forces to attack the UK… I might be convinced to send over some quid to fight the forces of Globopedohomo.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

If I had to wager, I bet England drags us into a war with Russia. They are already busy antagonizing the hell out of them. And it won’t be hard to motivate the Russians; just put a picture of Boris Johnson on the wall and train the boys to go sic him, and they will do it gladly. If there is any face you just want to punch, it’s Johnson’s. He is probably the absolute worst man that can be running England right now while simultaneously poking the bear. I know we say we don’t want to save the hides… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

in the end I just can’t see Americans turning their backs when merry old England is lying in a pile of smoldering ruins

You say that like “Americans” would have a say in the matter. What say did Americans have in sending $40 B to Ukraine?

john smith
john smith
Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

“I like the English as much as the next guy” LMAO.

WW2: you weere fighting for the French. Britain was not occupied.Majority of troops ,planes and naval craft on D-day were British imperial forces.

Keep watching those Hollywood war movies.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The simple fact of nuclear war is, regardless of who wins, everybody loses.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

But that won’t stop it, or won’t stop a few of them being used. From purely tactical perspective, there are a lot of people out there, and you need to get rid of them because they are with the enemy, and conventional weapons don’t live up to the job. A nuke eliminates a good million at a pop. And then we see who cries uncle first.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Nukes will kill directly—obviously—but more so Indirectly. Interrupt food and utilities to the big cities and you’d lose half the population in 90 days or so. But I wonder if that is the existential problem we talk of.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Doesn’t matter if it is survivable or not factually. What matters is whether the decision makers believe they can personally survive it, and the costs to everyone else are worth the gains to them.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Thomas Carlyle (I think) once said something along the lines of “No one generation can be allowed to play ducks and drakes with the fate of a nation.”

Our “elites” have no sense of responsibility or stewardship. None.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

“In a recent interview he stated that the entire concept of a Star Wars missile defense is ridiculous, will never work, and does nothing except spur our adversaries to build more and deadlier weapons.” An interesting point. We must remind ourselves that most Pride-Filled engineering/science schemes are mostly marketing; in fact, many verge on fantasy itself. But it is very easy to deceive, confuse (innocently or otherwise) a superior into believing this stuff. Science is extremely hard. Engineering is also extremely hard. Working out and maintaining efficient systems at scale is extremely hard. I am reminded of constant tropes about… Read more »

Gunner Q
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Our rulers have the ultimate missile defense: it’s not THEIR country that Russia would be nuking in retaliation.

Does Mutual Assured Destruction work on pirates?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

But it also makes their true country a perfect hostage.

2 years ago

Okay, so our neoconservative big dogs are mainly of The Name Changer Persuasion. Most of them are scions of people who got out of Russia in the 1920’s, so who were they? First, they were followers of Trotsky, and second they were Communists who were financially supported by “bankers et al.” here. And yet many refuse to talk about what Churches they of course didn’t go to. These people in their existence hide who they really are, but of course they’re owned by other Name Changers who are the ones who hide behind the curtains. But I suppose that’s what… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 years ago

“It seems like a lifetime ago, but Iraq was a longtime client of the Soviet Union. Once the Soviet Union fell, the Russians were in no condition to help her allies as in the past.” During the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s (started by Saddam), the US was feeding both satellite and signals intelligence to Iraq. When the Iraqis mistakenly shot down two US fighter aircraft, the USA said no problem, these things happen. Iraq was seen as a bulwark against the Iran of the Mullahs. This didn’t cease with the end of the Iran-Iraq war. Iraq had had good… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

The deeply ironic thing is that in the aftermath of 9/11, and Ll through 2002, Saddam was sitting next to his phone waiting for the US to call. He thought that after Islamic terrorists had attacked America we could all work together against religious fanatics like it was the Iran-Iraq war again.

Bush and Cheney were plotting to kill him.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

“I also doubt that the USA baited Iraq into invading Kuwait. ”

I can tell you as a fact it did. See my comment above.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

Saddam was either goaded into invading Kuwait or told that there would be no interference from the USA. April Glaspie’s comments are well documented and she spoke out afterwards against the idea that she had gone rogue. It was official government policy. Then came the babies tossed out of incubators. This was told to congress by a daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the USA. A woman who had not been to Kuwait in years and who was posing as a Kuwaiti refugee. Total fabrication. Other things along the way such as Saddam prepared to pull out and then we… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  WJ16
2 years ago

” … or told that there would be no interference from the USA. April Glaspie’s comments are well documented and she spoke out afterwards against the idea that she had gone rogue.”

Yes, that’s correct. Just goes to show you can’t take the word of any US diplomat of official. Incorrigible and shameless liars, the lot.

Glaspie of course would not have said what she said to Saddam without the go-ahead from Bush, Sr. Then after Saddam did go into Kuwait, the abrupt volte-face from the USA.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  WJ16
2 years ago

“It is clear that he never intended to go beyond Kuwait anyway.”

Again correct. But the US doctored some satellite images to show massed Iraqi troops near the border of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to persuade the Saudis to allow their land used to be used as a staging ground for the assault on Iraqi forces. In this the US was helped by previous crazy talk from Saddam about invading Saudi Arabia, uttered years prior.

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
2 years ago

Bravo. Excellent piece. And there’s the added frisson of Russia under Putin returning to the “Orthodoxy/Autocracy/Nationality” scheme of Pobednostev, which defines Russia as a specifically Orthodox civilization that was not corrupted by the “enlightenment.” The Russians are a people with a Christian past who define themselves by it, and that is completely unacceptable to the GAE/Trotskyites.

Russia is lucky that it has this past, with its symbols. to recover. America (outside of possibly the South) quite simply does not.

Reply to  Enoch Cade
2 years ago

Funny when you think of it that when the Soviet Union dissolved, the successor Russia adopted the pre-revolutionary tricolor flag and double-headed eagle complete with the Romanov shield, imperial crown, scepter and all.
They do however trot out the Hammer and Sickle on Victory Day.

2 years ago

None of this would be happening if our ancestors had been smart enough to restrict immigration to only European Christians.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Bill Kristol in 1999 demanded Clinton “crush Serb skulls.”

2 years ago

Is “Trotsky’s followers” some sort of code term?

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

See I fixed it for you.
You might do a search on “Stalin’s J$ws” and see who was who on that Christian murdregime regieme..

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Yeah, in case someone new here. Neocon= damned perfidious Jews. No offense to the regular Jews.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Basically, we should have kept the Benjamin Disraeli jews we inherited from England and kept out the shetle jews from the Pale of settlement.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

What is a Judeo Christian. Is that like a Judeo-Muslim?

I thought the only bible oriented Jews were the Karaites, and all modern jews follow the Talmud?

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Also its helpful to remember the two standard physiognomies generally correlate with behavior patterns. The troll morphology is chiefly concerned with wealth and satiating gluttonous desires, Harvey Weinstein being a classic example. The goblin morphology like Ben Shapiro is the real problem, since they tend to be driven by accumulated feelings of spite and possess a greater degree of cunning and +2 Dexterity.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Paul Gottfried used to say this too about himself and Pat Buchanan.

2 years ago

Neocons, like all such interest groups, ascended to positions of supreme influence in DC via the tried-and-true protocol of purchasing politicians via campaign cash, covert bribery, and sexual blackmail. And these techniques are highly successful because the Stasi only uses its muscle against Dirt People while letting all the DC insiders slide on every crime imaginable (as example, see Hunter Biden). IOW, there are no Checks & Balances anymore, only Congressional show hearings which amount to little more than a magician’s act and head-faking. Joe Normie loves to be entertained by these antics too and thinks he is making a… Read more »

2 years ago

Jews hate Russia because the Tsar was conspicuously Christian and never let them worm their way into positions of power in his Empire. They’ve never let Russia off the hook for “Fiddler on the Roof” stuff that happened back in centuries long past. Yes, they finally got their dream when the Tsar and his family got Tikkun Olamed, and this turned them briefly pro-Soviet. But the further things got from the Revolution, the more the anti-Russianism was on again – all the more so after communism fell entirely (Unforgivable!), and we ended up with a new, conspicuously Christian tsar-in-all-but-name. Rich… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

When you said it that way I realized how much I love America the country and loathe America the empire.

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

I think we are all in that position

It’s just a crying shame that we love this place so much but then have a Godless freak show running it and making us hate an essential part of it

Oh well, we shall see. But if a tactical nuke or what have you falls on DC I won’t be saddened or shell shocked but popping the cork on a bottle of bubbly in celebration.

Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

Yes, the Russian aristocracy was not wrong about Hofjuden, the palace jews. We are learning this to our sorrow here. President Washington, in his letter to the jews of Rhode Island (if I recall correctly) extended them welcome, but on the condition that they would behave as members of these United States, and not as a self-dealing alien entity. Well, they ultimately slipped the leash, and here we are. (I suspect that this conditional approval was partly extended because that community was heavily involved in the Triangle Trade, importing fresh slaves into the South until the Constitutionally-mandated clock ran out… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

i always wonder why the russians just don’t exterminate pests like soros, and the neo-cons. seems easier than dealing with their mischief militarily. they have lots of muslim partners that can act as cut outs; get them to do the wet work (like that saudi journalist that got chopped up for his trouble).

(((They))) live
(((They))) live
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Don’t be lazy DIY

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Perhaps from their perspective, Soros and the neocons serve the purpose of weakening their adversaries in the West. Playing the long game, one must balance things. Also, the grotesque cultural degeneracy of the West helps Russia’s leaders draw their people together in defense of Mother Russia, so our scummy elites and their practices assist, with little effort needed, to highlight the depravity intended for them.

John Q. Publick
John Q. Publick
2 years ago

Trotsky -as the Commander of the Red Army – should have rightly executed Stalin for the failure to follow his orders during the Polish war. Stalin’s refusal to bypass Lvov left Tukhachevskii’s flank exposed. Had Stalin followed orders, Pilsudski could never have rolled the left flank, even if they were intercepting the Russian communications.

bruce g charlton
bruce g charlton
2 years ago

It is difficult to know what the intent of US foreign policy for each of the various interventions of the past few decades – but the outcome has pretty uniformly been a significant increase in violence, corruption and chaos. There is also an unreported consequence of massively reducing the Christian populations in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa (reduced by killing, ‘ethnic cleansing’, exile… from talking to someone on the ground in the Middle East it seems that hundreds of thousand of Christians disappeared in the ‘Arab Spring’ era, but nobody knows (or is telling) exactly what happened to… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  bruce g charlton
2 years ago

One of my coworkers was from Iraq, and she stated her entire home town was wiped out a couple years after Iraq War II. Saddam was a vicious guy, but he did protect religious minorities reasonably well. The power vacuum led to far worse strong-men.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

I hear the same thing from Christians from Syria with respect to Assad. Basically, he is the only thing keeping them from getting annihilated.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The Color Revolution model, alongside a compliant national media, has been an incredibly effective combination that feeds on the old American mythology of a people yearning to be freed from the yoke of an oppressive government. This only works though, when people are not wised up to the mechanisms going on behind the scenes. The Jan. 6 narrative of federal infiltration is devastating not so much just because it gives the Jan. 6 defendants a much better case, but because it lays bare the MO of our government both here and abroad for the last couple of decades. Any sort… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

I think that was Australia.

But honestly at this point just throw a dart at a map of the west and you will hit a nest of these shills dominating every govt.

Guns or Roses
Guns or Roses
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

It was in Canada too. He is a rep for the cons in Oshawa, Ontario I believe. His name escapes me at the mo

Hi ya!
Hi ya!
2 years ago

Is politics a substitute for religion? Or a way to ignore religion?

Reply to  Hi ya!
2 years ago

Since you kind of get to make up your own rules, it might fall more under the definition of idolatry. But I like your comment cause it is thought provoking. I mean it is a substitution, it’s a kind of materialism, but it ignores the real God, but it doesn’t claim a god, but it worships things like a god. Very interesting.

Reply to  Hi ya!
2 years ago

I was thinking about this just the other day while driving. I will do my best to explain, and the idea is still somewhat inchoate and being formed It came to me that a good chunk of a person’s life is in some way religious be it how he spends his time physically at a church or in some ways connected to a religious group or how he ponders what God might be in those thoughtful private moments. Be it public or private, religion and God are inescapable features of a person’s life. I sometimes like to say, when defining… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

“I am one quarter wolf, one quarter hawk, one quarter dolphin, and one quarter bear”. mescaline is a helluva drug.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Better a man be part wolf than be part tranny

Never forget that my son

Gunner Q
Reply to  Hi ya!
2 years ago

If morality doesn’t come from a god then it comes from a government. And if it comes from a government… then you have a chance to be the head of that government, putting yourself above morality.

Therefore, socialists simultaneously worship government as God and try to usurp the government in order to become God.

Reply to  Hi ya!
2 years ago

To his credit, Carlson now readily admits he was wrong in supporting the Iraq War. He has become more candid in distinguishing between conflicts in America’s defensive interest vs conflicts in the Empire’s offensive interest. At the time of the Gulf War (the prototype for so many future adventures), antiwar Libertarians were the only people vocally active and writing against the war and reporting on the gap between DC’s claims and Iraq’s actions. (Now referred to “paleo Libertarians” since the new wave of bleeding heart libertarians took over the tent.) Democrat politicians generally didn’t give a damn – certainly not… Read more »

John Q. Publick
John Q. Publick
2 years ago

“Second to last thing…”! 🤣🤣🤣

Reply to  John Q. Publick
2 years ago

“Resentment at the failure of his faction in the revolution was probably the second to last thing that went through his head.”

Z, can I axe you a question about the last thing? 😏

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

As paleos, etc., another one of our distinguishing characteristics is a sense of humor. Today, SNL is the Left’s brand and standard of “humor,” which is, at its best, juvenile and pathetic. However, we gotta give a little credit to (among the living) Chappelle, Rock, Lewis Black, and Maher although I happen to think it’s their writers who provide them with most of their material.

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

He just wanted to pick Trotsky’s brain.

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

Ice pick. Ouch!

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  John Q. Publick
2 years ago

the thing is, Trotsky thought Stalin’s boy was his barber, and his real last words were “just a little off the top”