The Closed Society

To the Western ear, the phrase “closed society” brings to mind hermit kingdoms like North Korea or totalitarian societies like the old Soviet Union. That is because the ideology of the American empire is the open society. The open society is tolerant and open to minorities while the closed society is intolerant. The former is always good while the latter is always bad, very very bad.

The open society is not the norm for human organization. In fact, the very idea of human organization requires both discrimination and intolerance. All human organizations must have rules to determine who is outside the group, who is inside the group and how this is enforced. An organization where anyone can come or go as they please is just an ad hoc mob, not an organization.

Therein lies the debilitating contradiction in the open society. If the goal is a society where all opinions are tolerated and given a fair hearing, it means tolerating ideas that run counter to the open society ideal. This is where Karl Popper’s famous phrase, “the paradox of tolerance”, comes into the conversation. In order to maintain the tolerant society, you must be intolerant of intolerance.

Of course, this is an unresolvable paradox, which is why our open and tolerant society increasing looks like a theocracy. It turns out that diversity is the bane of human organization because it multiplies the number of people who must be coerced in order to maintain the illusion of consensus. America is looking like a prison yard run by clerics because that is the only way to govern an open society.

It is a very big topic, but the show this week takes a swim in the shallow end of the pool, starting with George Soros and a little bit of Karl Popper. Soros deserves at least one show of his own, as he is one of the most consequential men of the late 20th century and now the first part of the 21st century. Perhaps a show on Yuri Slezkine’s book would be a good basis for exploring the life of George Soros.

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This Week’s Show


  • The Point of Society
  • The Open Society
    • Soros Profile (Link)
    • Soros Plan (Link)
  • The Limits Of Tolerance (Link)
  • The Problems With Open Society
  • The Closed Society

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1 year ago

Outstanding as usual, Z. I admit Soros is not somebody I would ordinarily take pains to listen to or understand. He sounds much like the denizens of the shitlib hive I grew up in and eventually rejected. You put my objections to all that into coherent verbiage. The bigger question is – how do we use it? The people arrayed against us will say “diversity is our strength” and it’s end of story, full stop. If you try to have a rational conversation with them you get ostracized or dismissed. On the other hand…I see that antisemitism is showing signs… Read more »

Andy Texan
1 year ago

Very interesting show. Excellent.

1 year ago

The observation about the (White) wealthy doing good works for (White) society in past times (even if it stroked their ego) as well as (White) society’s concrete recognition of those works and its (White) heroes and champions (military or other) struck a nerve. When thinking about where we are today, and frankly the past 60 odd years, who the hell would we honor with statues or buildings or parks or mountains or cities or streets? Oh, that’s right, a career nigro criminal who OD’d while in a White cop’s custody. As things stand currently, degradation, deracination and corruption rule the… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

A few of the ex-Soviet states celebrated the end of their occupation by tearing down statues of Lenin and Stalin and replacing them with Lou Reed and Frank Zappa, who’d been symbols of resistance/liberty for the bohemian boomers who inherited those countries’ leadership. It seemed ludicrous at the time, and it’s become more so ever since—but then look at us. Prince (the musician) is the only admirable person who’s been given an official statue since…fifty years ago? The MLK statue is just some Chinese guy.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hemid
1 year ago

I would erect a statue to Public Enemy–seriously. Assuming the Country Once Known as the United States even exists in five or so years–big assumption, no other musical group presaged present day Banana Empire better. Shithole of a joke and police state boxes–all checked!

Totally prescient.


The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Public Enemy did indeed warn us about the Fear of a Black Planet.

Ice-T also explained the globalist plan in, “There Goes the Neighborhood,” but most read that cut in a tongue and cheek way.

Derecha Disidente
Derecha Disidente
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

I’ve also noticed our new elites not only lack decorum, but seemingly any self-awareness regarding decorum. I recently became aware of Marc Benioff’s “Benioff Children’s Hospital” in San Francisco.

A blue blood “robber baron” of a century ago would never have been so gauche to put his name on an institution. Their reputation for social inelegance preceded their rise, and obviously for good reason.

Reply to  Derecha Disidente
1 year ago

“our new elites” Bobby Jr went THERE. “I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Derecha Disidente
1 year ago

Trump is the poster child for slapping his name on every monstrous building he erects. He has done a couple of good things, but he’s also the last name in crass and gauche.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Yes, Trump lacks “class.”. And I love the fact it drives the people who think they have ” class” crazy.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Derecha Disidente
1 year ago

Carnegie Hall, Rockefeller Center, Stanford University…. I could go on…. maybe you meant even longer ago

1 year ago

Do a show on this Filmer character.

No one knows who he is or what you are talking about.

joey jünger
joey jünger
1 year ago

Went looking for Zman’s most recent interview wit El Niño Speaks and accidentally stumbled on one he did with the guy last year, just in case anyone wants it:

I’ll probably listen to it, since Z’s hours are one of the few podcasts I bother with. The kids like Fuentes with their five hours of talk bracketed by vapor wave and hip-hop music just does not do it for me.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

Highly recommend the weekly roundup with Mark Weber on Guide To Kulchur. Excellent discussion of current events, they stick to one hour and no rap music.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

Rap is not music.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

“The kids like Fuentes with their five hours of talk bracketed by vapor wave and hip-hop music just does not do it for me.”

Do you know how to work a mouse?

1 year ago

As pessimistic as I can be I do see signs lefty can’t keep all these plates spinning. I also suspect a lot of normies/lefties are beginning to get nervous as well. I think that’s one reason we’ve seen mass migration throughout the States, people escaping diversity under the guise of taxes or “more freedom” or some shit. The future is likely to be soft separation and regionalism. And if we could only get whites to actually reproduce it could look pretty bright indeed.

Reply to  RedBeard
1 year ago

There’s still a few men out there like Z and I who haven’t fled, holding down the rearguard action 🙂

But yes. I agree with the comment and I would have fled too if not for certain specific (positive) things keeping me in one place.

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

And like Z I will probably eventually pull up the stakes at some point. Only so much one person can do.

Reply to  RedBeard
1 year ago

Related – Cities emptying all over globe. The rent is too damn high !! London will become “less vibrant and culturally enriched”

If it takes autogenocide, a Hitler in every country, nuclear war, a dozen more plagues of dubious origin GET OUT, what DON’T you understand?

Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

This is paywalled.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RedBeard
1 year ago

” The future is likely to be soft separation and regionalism”

That is the present. I’m as blackpilled as the next but it is blatantly obvious where this is going, hopefully peacefully but the Woke religious fanatics run the show in their shitholes.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago


In our west suburban Chicago community, we certainly see soft separation.

We’ve friends who are to the right, but certainly not based, that have openly said they moved to a different neighborhood because their old one was too full of Indians.

We practically have a subculture within our Catholic school & parish community, separate from the rest.

People are self-segregating. I like it. Hopefully the next step will be open free-association and accompanying discrimination.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
1 year ago

I consider the Great Sorting to be the most significant phenomenon of the last fifty years, and suspect that if any historians survive they will agree.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
1 year ago


Thank you for your comment. It made me smile and gave me a hint of hope for the future.

1 year ago

For a long time, many members of the elite professional/managerial class lived as though it was the 1950s. They met their spouse young, bought a house in the suburbs (or an expensive part of a city), and raised the family together. Divorce was relatively rare for this cohort and they demanded good schools and high standards from the services they consumed. In a lot of ways they lived in a sort of closed society, walled off from the insanity that your supported policies created. Other people paid the price for them and you got to feel good about it. imposing… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

“this is the natural end result of any multicultural society, as you cannot hold together a society full of people who hold different values through any means other than force.”


It has never worked, will never work and can’t be made to work. The experiment has failed and it has failed hard.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

Z: “It turns out that diversity is the bane of human organization because it multiplies the number of people who must be coerced in order to maintain the illusion of consensus.” The existential meta-traitor, Robert Putnam, was seeing all of this in his research on die-versititty, but sat on the data, and refused to publicize it, for something like a decade or more. Meanwhile, in his private life, Putnam walked away from Christianity [if you can even consider wesleyanism to be “Christianity” in the first place], joined his wife’s synagogue and formally became a j00. There’s a special place… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

He went to Swarthmore …. what do you expect?

Kinda like an Ivy League school, just a more “effete” student body.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  PrimiPilus
1 year ago

Didn’t Mike Ditka attend Swarthmore?

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

But there’s still so much failure left to do!

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

“Maybe this is why we are seeing full-on totalitarianism from the government now – this is the natural end result of any multicultural society, as you cannot hold together a society full of people who hold different values through any means other than force.” There are several factors, but this looms large. The interesting aspect is that the more totalitarian the United States becomes, the less it seeks to keep it hidden. All totalitarian societies prior to this one had a great deal of buy-in or eventual buy-in, though. Bloomberg was roasted when he noted that the CCP required popular… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Jack Dodson: “The folks inside the Imperial Capitol seem blissfully unaware of all of it.”


Tucker: “Where’s the concern for the United States in that?”

Cuckpence: “Oh, that’s not my concern…”

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Holee F**k! Talk about tone deaf. That ass doesn’t deserve to be elected dog catcher. He’s giving Quayle a leg up in the “history remembers failed Vice Presidents” category.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Maus
1 year ago

It is truly amazing.

I’ve long attributed the detachment to lies and obscuration. But, no, most of them truly believe it.

It ends, most likely, in a fire, as we cuckishly warned.

As always.

Buy iodine.

Reply to  Maus
1 year ago

As to what electoral post for which Pence is most qualified, there is a Firesign Theatre bit in which a son enthusiastically tells his bloodless father that he is a shoe in for Dog Killer, because he’s a natural.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

So an asswipe who wants to be “President”, states that said country he wants to be “President” of, is not his concern?

I don’t get it.

Is he retarded?

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

I’ve wondered if the great awokening is some kind of response to their failed project. As their End of History diverse utopia fails and gets less and less viable, they cling harder to their delusions, and lash out at the “wreckers”. Namely, the Bitter Clingers/Deplorable who caused Obama to fail and refused to give up their racism. And these Deplorables, stopped the inevitable progress of history by voting in a Bad Orange Man. So expect the wokeness to ramp up. Trudeau was lecturing Muslims opposed to LGBT brainwashing today – he said that they were being “misled” by the “American… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

Parents, or just the moms? Usually, when someone reports on drag shows at public libraries, we get images of the draggies about 95 per cent of the time. I’d like to see our citizen journalists post photographs of those in the audience whenever possible. I’d like to see just who takes their kids to these events. I suppose that there’s the occasional sperm donors who follow their wives and little Aidan or Skylar to the George Floyd branch, but I’d bet a few piasters that they are mostly single chablis moms. The draggies have been around for some time but… Read more »

Reply to  crabe-tambour
1 year ago

It’s all about public virtue signalling and desperate need for attention and approval, kinda like the little kid scribbling on the kitchen wall with crayons, or low iq fatherless teens spraying graffiti-I call them the “Mommy watch me’s!” Now I see where there are tranny summer camps which I think is actually a great idea, because once they are all there together and their pride flags and feathers and sequins are drooping and no one gives a flying fig about your defiant child syndrome, maybe they will be shocked into normalcy.

Reply to  p
1 year ago

Summer camps for trannies? That sounds like a great opportunity for introducing them to, and getting them familiar with long guns. I got to shoot a single shot 22 at a target range at my summer camp; but probably at Trannie Camp they would learn to handle an AR so they could emulate the Nashville church school murderer. Whaddya think?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

Summer Camp for Trannies sounds like a National Lampoon film starring Chevy Chase.

1 year ago

“What do you have when you have a society where everyone is tolerant except for that one group over there that non one likes and they want to get them.” (paraphrase)

You have anti-white America in 2023.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

A Theocratic prison system. Perfect description of the product of Soros’ vision.

So, either he is an intellectual failure, or this was the intended result. I doubt Alex Soros will back off and admit he is wrong as the coercion gets worse and worse. I doubt it because all of he and his fellow traveller’s have financial and controlling interest incentives to keep the project moving toward the completion of the prison it is building.

1 year ago
Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Fakeemail
1 year ago

This is what 20 plus years of nonstop brainwashing and propaganda has done! That is not a normal reaction. Nobody who hasn’t been brainwashed and primed to react like this would react this way, even if they didn’t agree. An English speaking foreigner would not react this way.

This is what we are up against.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

His knee jerk desire to call other whites racist and out the bigot is totally insane and programmed. He gleefully wants then to be racist so he can be a hero and have power over them. To call a white a racist in this society is the same as calling them subhuman. It invites the racist reaction is purports to abhor. It’s an old trick: say I’m a civnat colorblind grilled who mildly suggests that the border be controlled for the welfare of all. Screeching loons swoop in and castigate my evil racist motives and character. If I weren’t a… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Even worse look at the comment section. Either an overwhelming majority of people are equally brainwashed in the leftist religion with their “omg you hero” comments, or nearly everyone who disagrees is afraid to say anything against the comment mob’s two minutes of hate.

Imagine a moderate comes in there and says something like “Well that woman was a bit rude but the driver didn’t need to react like that.” He’d get flayed by all the bien pensants.

Reply to  Fakeemail
1 year ago

Waiting for him to show up on VDare’s whites killed by blacks in a few months or a year.

“I’m calling the cops. I’m calling the cops.” Why? Because someone was happy to see someone who looked like them and could speak English properly. Happy to see on of their kinfolk and he is offended.

If he doesn’t end up on VDare’s List, then keep his photo so when he comes to our gates, we tell him a proper and justified “f*** off”, call our cops and escort him to our border.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Fakeemail
1 year ago

To all the people commenting on the video Fakeemail posted, consider this.

The guy is a Lyft driver. There may not be a more foolish occupation on the planet. He’s really not to be taken seriously.

And I agree with the notion that this guy is gonna end up ventilated by some diverse creature. With people like that, with such a lack of self awareness and awareness of their surroundings, it’s simply a matter of time.

Reply to  Fakeemail
1 year ago

So I’m going to post something in agreement with y’all on this, with a caveat. There was nothing wrong with the woman saying something about the guy being white and speaking English. If this white guy moved to an African country and drove a Lyft in a big city, would he be offended by black passengers if they remarked that he was white? “Hello my friend, I do not meet many white Americans here in Somalia, what brings you to our country?” Would he post videos about it on YouTube to shame the Somalis? I’ll be the first to say… Read more »

Reply to  Sumguy
1 year ago

For sure, the man should have left it at that after calling the guy as asshole.

But calling him racist is an entrapment. It’s meant to enrage, scare, and rattle the person to do or say things which aren’t necessarily where the person is coming from.

The hurl “racist” is like throwing a punch. A lot of people will be thrown off and punch bag in a way that they fall into the trap.

Reply to  Fakeemail
1 year ago

2.7 million “thumbs up”. The white self-hatred is pathetic. But, so much for an open-society approach. Rules be damned, woke morality says “No Lyft for you…”

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Maus
1 year ago

Just leave. We don’t care what you think.

Nothing else needs to be said.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I’d like to know how we are supposed to challenge the idea of the “open society” when SJWs are propagandizing the people to react to such ideas with anger, violence, disgust, confusion etc. We have the most thorough, powerful, all encompassing system of brainwashing ever devised. Everywhere a person turns to is brainwashing propaganda. It starts at a very young age and never ends. It’s been going on a long time. The only real advantage we have is that the “open society” business requires that constant brainwashing and propaganda whereas we have the “null” position. But it’s been nonstop brainwashing… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Yes, this. Contemporary Americans should make the North Korean leadership envious. Stupid robots, for the most part, stripped and devoid of all introspection.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Honestly, there is no challenging it. In fact, it won’t be defeated. It will get worse and worse until it cannot be sustained. The entire ideology is built on ideals that directly conflict with reality. It can only be propped up for so long. None of us will live to see it fail. It may take another 100 years, who knows. The only certainty is that it will get worse and worse. America is dead, she is not being revived, she is not coming back. Leftism has destroyed her and continues to beat the corpse with a bat. Take solace… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

“how we are supposed to challenge the idea of the “open society” when SJWs are propagandizing the people?” Your question shows why I say that until the people who run the media are neutralized, we’re mostly helpless. Most people, even people with high IQs, cannot think independently. Their morality is programmed into them by the mass media. There are a few posts on this thread that blame white people most for our predicament. This is Derb’s analysis as well. But I say that most people, including most whites, literally cannot think for themselves. It’s not their fault. It’s just the… Read more »

1 year ago

I was going to do a rant on how framing goblin political goals as them being on a moral crusade is fallacious since they’re clearly operating on self-interest to secure a monopoly on ethnocentrism while denying it to the only other groups with IQs capable of threatening their power. The more I thought about it, it IS a moral crusade in their twisted little goblin minds. Right vs wrong is fundamentally defined as “good for the goblin” vs “bad for the goblin”. So when a goblin starts preaching about the open society, from his frame of reference he isn’t just… Read more »

1 year ago

It is all just a veneer for what Specter and her husband and Soros and his boys and Ignatiev and his accolytes and all of the rest of the supremacists want. They want revenge dating all the way back to Titus and Vespasian. They say it pretty clearly and openly. They want revenge, total destruction and to then rule over the world with God’s light shining through them. Who cares what they want. What do we want? It is time to look ourselves in the mirror get our confidence back and ask, “What do I want for me, my family… Read more »

1 year ago

Off topic, but God Bless Russia. Banned gender mutilation and child adoption by those with gender dysphoria.

Doug Hill
Doug Hill
1 year ago

Yes I would like more of Power Hour programs like this , in depth essay type . I have re-listened to the fascist podcast and the witch 2 hour podcast because I enjoyed them so much . Lots of meat in these podcasts that are filled with interesting connections across history . You have a talent to organize and prioritize subjects that serve whatever the theme is . Todays podcast on diversity was very cleverly done . I do enjoy your humorous reading of zirl science or other news , but a show on the news for me now is… Read more »

1 year ago

Part II of The “Gypsy” question.
If Soros is more than just the latest money launderer and a continuation of The Ford Foundation, then it’s ending, because they just raise Hell until the curtain falls like all the other times.

If he’s just like his ah ethnicity Rosencrantz and Guilderstein continued (they are) then let me hold up a mirror HAMLET, the tragedy of men who could not make up their minds.

Worry not a Fortinbrass approaches inevitably and always.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The “open society” is a complete lie. Soros’ vision of the open society is minority rule and subjugation of the majority. It’s SJW inversion. It is evil. He should be rotting in a British prison and not wrecking our societies.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

He should be rotting alright, but not in a prison…

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
1 year ago

“We’re living in a society!”

— George Costanza

Reply to  Oswald Spengler
1 year ago

There are varying degrees of closedness. Society writ large is comprised of many individual tribes, peoples, interests. Each one of those has its own mores and mysteries. While there may be a lot of movement on a national basis, there is much that gets experienced and underreported at the grassroots level. There is truth in the saying All politics is local.

1 year ago

[…] ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended. […]

1 year ago

“Who are we?” The chicken and the egg issue. “Who we are” is “Who we’ve been.” Every biological entity evolves uniqueness based upon what “works” in its local environment. Hence, all distinguishing differences in traits and behaviors are derived from environmentally driven necessity that evolved over many generations. It’s not what you choose, but what you inherit that determines who you are. And there is nothing volitional about this reality. An 18th Century Englishman arriving in the Congo is not going to thrive in that environment no matter “how much he believes in his righteous superiority.” And this is why… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

The white man goes to deepest, darkest Africa and builds Capetown. The negro moves to Detroit and creates a hellscape.

1 year ago

Below, Nick Fuentes comes up. I disagree with the Zman’s ire, here’s why. Nikki the Racist Clown is doing vaudeville, because vaudeville works. He doesn’t remember Walter Cronkite and Chet Brinkley’s “firm but fair, Father Knows Best” routine. MLK put on a suit and a tie, and look where that got us. Nick tried the public /Our/ Thing route- an informal militia!- and he got the treatment meted out to Murray, Watson, the Oathkeepers, the Jan 6 crowd. They stole $500,000 from the kid and his only success was to get Sebastian Gorka canceled. What’s a young guy born in… Read more »

1 year ago

I collect artifacts, publications and histories of America’s now nearly extinct Military School / Academy movement. Not the service academies, (which have been wholly captured and subdued by the consensus) but the tremendous system that built up beginning mid to late 19th century for the education and character development of men, before being nearly eradicated beginning in the late ’60s. Why is this germane to a discussion of this Open Society? I give you two quotes from the 1941 Culver Military Academy Woodcraft Camp publication (summer camp for boys 9-19): “All boys must be physically able to participate in the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Meh. Sorry, but I don’t buy this notion of the so-called “open society” one bit. America/AINO has always been a closed society. Prior to the rise of the New Left, negroes, pervs, and to a lesser extent, Hispanics and Orientals, were excluded from society’s rich heart. With the rise of the New Left, however, the poles were reversed. The formerly marginalized have been placed in the center, while the white majority is now en route to second-class citizenship and marginalization. Whites are tolerated only to the extent we keep the electricity and water running, and the planes from crashing. But… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Yep. There is no “open society,” there is your society and there is my society, and whichever one we live in depends on who has the power to enforce his morals on the other. The idea of the “open society” was a leftist Trojan horse that they used against traditional America when they were the outgroup. Now that they’re in power, they slammed the door shut on us. (((Marcuse))) advocated this directly with his essay on “repressive tolerance.” The biggest problem we on the DR face, though, is the Normie Grillercon who still thinks that we live in an “open… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

No, the Normie can’t be a roadblock or a problem, nor objective. At best a resource. They are only in it for themselves, to get anything from them would require compulsion. What you call normie is indeed normal and immutable, and eternal. That is most men for all of history, it’s always only been the fighters and the leaders that count. You’re still talking democracy, as if they matter in struggle. They don’t. They are potatoes only concerned with their own plot. With rare exceptions, useless in a test. They will always back the strong horse, but their “backing” is… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

“These citizens think grilling is the peak of masculinity “.

Vxxc for the win for this weeks top line.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
1 year ago

On topic- I was laid off this week. Why? My company has been barreling headfirst with no brakes into rapidly increasing purity spirals and DEI worship. One of the main things that drew me to them was when I interviewed initially I was interviewed by 6 white men in total, two of which were wizened gray haired oldsters. This stuck out like a sore thumb, in a good way, since I’d been through dozens of interviews with other companies that had the typical United Colors of Benneton setup of diversity hires, wahmen, and people who clearly had make-work BS roles… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

Sorry to hear that AP. Sounds like it is time to set up an Apex Consulting company. Too bad Z or other dissidents don’t have some community building resources so such things could take flight. Drag some of their best customers and get the job done better. There is no shade for the white man except what he can build in the company of his people. Here is an interview with a South African talking about how he and his folk are building trenches. This guy has spent his time building, not whining. We must do the same. Condolences… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

You are a stalwart, Apex, bless you and keep you on the road ahead. I’m going homeless, because I can, and to deal with debt and everything on the plate, so I’m giving the Cali house to an older brother; he finally got a very decent gig. Doing exams for retired vets. Turns out everybody in the VA medical clinic is black. He knows more than everyone there. We’ll see. But, his clients are 98% old white guys. He’s a Christian; I told him God put him right where he needs him. His is the only white face these guys… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

I noticed that about the VA hospital when a mentor of mine died of cancer. Everyone in the hospital was black and the women were huge bitches on his deathbed. He was an Obama doner and shitlib so it was ironic he died that way.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

I am very sorry to hear about your situation. If you don’t mind me asking, what were the company’s financials actually like? When I first started reading your post, I thought you were about to tell us that the company had bankrupted itself with an abundance of diversity hires in a classic case of “get woke, go broke.” But towards the end of your post, it sounded to me like you thought they had gotten rid of you because they didn’t like your type. Is the company really “cost-cutting” and how well are they doing financially? Also, if the company… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

The EEOC would use this legal action to try to fortify the case law against white men. Administrative law is a sucking tarpit.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

My closest friend did the work of three people at his job and watched two black women get promoted in front of him. Left within six months for more money.

As blackpilling as things are, there’s still plenty of plunder, and you can choose whether to follow the hyper-competency path or taking their dumb rules to their advantage. My buddy is quarter-hispanic, but refused to milk it for all it was worth. While I respect that, fair play against morons who hate you is a losing strategy.

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

The hive is looking for jackboot fodder to fill the ranks (seems that they now anticipate an urgent need for more thugs). This is the sole remaining venue for strong white guys to prosper. Keep a low profile and infiltrate. Two can play the infection game.

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

Apex: Very sorry to hear you’ve been laid off – particularly after all you went through trying to find a job after your prior run-in with diversity and ‘our’ legal system. Especially when you were smart and thoughtful in your targeting – a family-owned company still in private hands with lots of Whites in upper management. My husband is blessed to be employed by the same, but . . . the owner has no children and really has no plan (that my husband knows of) for the company when he dies. He apparently has his bunker set up in a… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Yeah, I had to claw my way outta the pit after my last run in with “diversity” which cost me 7 of my primary earning years. I was able to turn that state sponsored tragedy into a pretty nice redemption story but then here we are again! This time, nowhere near as traumatic and far reaching and I cannot say diversity -alone- was the cause, my department really was upside down financially but cutting the most credentialed, most technically adept, competent, and well-liked resource is how things are done today, especially if White Male. I’m very tight w/ former teammates… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

Don’t worry, they can’t run 💩.

We do need to get busy though. Giving off weak doesn’t just attract predators, it turns the ordinary people into a threat because their billion year instincts evolved to eliminate weakness, a weakling is a threat to all around him. We’re not even inviting aggression, we’re by our weakness forcing self defense. Man is a pack animal, a weakling is a threat to everyone.
The only racism is Homo Sapiens defending themselves.

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

Damn but Enjoy your freedom and use it well.

the dry booger
the dry booger
Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

will Apu, Shaniqua and Maria all get along when there are no more white males and the actual quality work needs to get done? I will never fly again nor go into any hospital and have already located a good mechanic.

joey jünger
joey jünger
1 year ago

Years ago someone at Occidental Observer coined the neologism “Judaeforming,” to describe this process. Any organism will seek homeostasis, and where it’s not found, it will seek to make those conditions prevail. Even my terrier does this weird thing where she walks around in a circle on her blanket several times before she sits down. Jews are generally 180 degrees away from whites in America on most important issues. The gap is biggest on gun ownership and immigration (Audacious Epigone used to have great graphs on this stuff.) Whether or not you have a right to defend yourself or to… Read more »

Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

I tend to think that we have 3 problems to solve:

1. the group that can’t be named without punishment
2. whites with pathological compassion and an urge to evangelize egalitarianism. As you mention, they are often of old New England stock.
3. whites who are selfish and sociopathic and only care about their short term success. These people would kill their mother if the price was right.

My Comment
My Comment
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Good summation. Our biggest problems are from whites. It is insane what whites will tolerate and how easy it is for a foreign tribe to get whites to hate each other. University educated whites will believe in and do anything the media tells them so that they will be considered good, smart people.

I would add a 4th point: uni educated white women doing everything possible to betray white men and destroy the culture. No matter how powerful the tribe, the main reason for their success is the old WASP leadership and uni educated white women

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Don’t underestimate #3 on your list either. It’s only getting worse too. There’s been a lot made about recent polls that show how vastly different millennials and gen z are from prior generations. One that’s stuck out is how an enormous amount of them, don’t believe in any religion, do not believe in any absolute morality, and place the ultimate importance on money. I’ve seen this in a family member of my own, a person nominally of the right. He doesn’t like all the anti-white DIE/CRT stuff. However, he openly says, if they pay me enough, I’ll sit in on… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
1 year ago

Some of this might be due to fear. They see the old consensus failing and the DIE stuff spreading and realize that the only safety long term, is just being able to buy your way out of the system somehow. If you can’t rely on friends, relatives, the rule of law, or any common moral values, perhaps money will save you.

Some of the same people would probably also welcome a return to a less venal system backed by a real authority that did not play games with moral relativism.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

You don’t seem to be familiar with Irish or Scottish politics if you think the English are especially anti white. It’s also not the English running the EU. The Biden administration is the least Anglo in the history of the US. One of the odd characteristics of white people is that they really enjoy hating other white people. Working class people often hate on the basis of ethnicity while the upper classes seethe on the basis of class. You yourself like to tilt at the English in pretty much all of your contributions. As an Englishman I would love to… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Smith
1 year ago

Pull your knickers out. Joey condemned the UK MP and some old Cambridge commies, not the Brits, tout court. And, in case you hadn’t been paying attention, the posters on this site, almost without exception, heap practically nothing but vitriol and scorn upon the US, so much so that we don’t even call it by its given name. Instead, we call it AINO or the GAE.

joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  Smith
1 year ago

“You yourself like to tilt at the English in pretty much all of your contributions.”

Not really. I’ve spoken about the German self-hatred, and said good things about any Englishman who I thought was good/honorable, like Enoch Powell. You might have a point if you said I tend to talk a lot about the New English/Yankee Puritan elite in the comments, as I have been thinking about that issue a lot, lately.

What exactly would me “getting mine” for sharing my opinion on here entail? A duel at twenty paces? I’m all ears.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

It’s been my impression that the “average Scouser” is most likely a fervent supporter of the pozzing of the U.K. Am I incorrect? Just curious.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

” I’ve noticed these people (just like the English communists/Cambridge spies) come from very old, very white and Waspish families.”

Yankee Puritans were the first enemy, they are the current enemy, and they will be the last enemy unless they set the world afire first, which seems almost likely. The Evil Tribe, Joggers, trannies and the rest of the clown show will fold like a cheap suit the nanosecond the New England Brahmins are destroyed–again, if they don’t get us all killed first.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

This is true. At the top especially in Foggy Bottom it’s WASPLANDIA , and yes they are trying to destroy the world.

Their lawyers/accountants, Rosencrantz and Guilderstein, the joggers are all extras.

We are destroyed by our own.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

The thing about those Brahmins and Euro Ministers is this: Nonwhites just blithely ignore everything these church ladies say, and go on to hire their own, only applying Brahmin rules as a crowbar to the head of white folk. Nonwhites pay the Insufferably Pious no attention at all… And the Insufferably Pious ignore that, in turn. They don’t even notice what nonwhite people do, carelessly dismissing both their f**kups and their nepotism. The highbrow must look at nonwhites like dogs. You can’t teach them to drive, so why try? Just take them as they are and keep stepping on something… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

This is where Karl Popper’s famous phrase, “the paradox of tolerance”, comes into the conversation. In order to maintain the tolerant society, you must be intolerant of intolerance…Of course, this is an unresolvable paradox,… I have not listened to the show yet. I apologize for commenting before listening, but I just wanted to touch on this general subject for a moment. As I think I mentioned in a comment some weeks ago, the “paradox of tolerance,” like the barber paradox and other Russell-type paradoxes, are not really all that unresolvable, even at the level of formal logic. Formally, one need… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

Now THAT is class. I must admit. It is beyond my ken, but please, apply this reasoning to the axiom that “Racism is bad, because one of the First (Trotsky) told us so.” His solution was genocide, torture, terrorism, and slavery for 60 million Orthodox Slavs, because vengeance is the Lord’s. “Our solution should be race mixing, a gentler ethnic cleansing, because racism is bad. By submitting as women, we could’ve avoided our beating.” In my clumsy way, I’m asking you to contrast the imagined Ideal to the physical Real, as you have done so finely above. The inversion or… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

That’s not low cunning, it is instead situational awareness.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

One wonders how Mr. Schwartz squares the circle of the Palestinians.

I guess the Open Society only applies to non Juice societies.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

The Open Society simply is a weapon to achieve power. We saw this with free speech.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Thus my plaint to the beleaguered Dasein.

By means high or low, by intellect or morality, Something means to reign.

I propose the White way to oppose it. Blueprints.

By knowing the engine’s design, I intend weapons.

Philosophize or moralize your way out of that, Ha Shem, He whose name may not be spoken.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Bartleby and Jack are spot on. The State of Israel is Exhibit A that the “chosen people” don’t truly believe in the Open Society. It is a means to an end.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
1 year ago

I won’t link it, but Noah Rothman over at NRO is dissing Tucker because he mentioned Zelensky is persecuting Christians in Neo-Palestine; the implication is Carlson is anti-Semitic. To belabor the obvious, if Zelensky were Orthodox and persecuting Rothman’s fellow tribesmen, there would be a different tune on replay. The ignorant cucks who still take that cuck sewer seriously are pushing back infrequently in the comments.

Things are changing, but we are ruled by sociopaths who will play fast and loose with nukes because they already have indicated that is their endgame. Let’s hope they are stopped.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

*Very infrequently. The ADL and its hos in the MIC apparently placed a phone call to the cuck
sewer because some of the better rebuttals have been deleted.

Mark it: the Carlson interviews today mark the official death of the GOP, may it burn in hell forever along with the war criminal hook-nosed whores of Satan, not they weren’t just pawns of the real enemy, the Yankee Puritans.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Regarding your point that for whites in Vermont, it’s easy to be anti-racist: A lot of the push for inclusion and diversity has to do with Telescopic Philanthropy, in which a person can accrue a massive amount of social capital in this digital age by worrying about abstractions. They don’t have to bother volunteering in Church, helping a neighbor move, or visiting some old family. The status seekers used to have to work in the community, maybe being annoying busybodies but still actually got things done. Now there’s national attention at their fingertips with the press of a button. This… Read more »

1 year ago

Accepting their frame.
That’s my beef with the One ***ish Father, everything is twisted to accept their frame that They are the first.

Good golly, that blurb on Yuri Slezkine’s book is good. On the money.
This is a division of labor problem arising from the dawn of agriculture.

Michael Hudson says the same of banking and the temples’ role in grain storage and distribution in the “water kingdoms”, where irrigation ruled.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

* First and Only

1 year ago

Maybe Soros types can come up with Open Nest academics, and let the birds tell us how that worked out.

I gots one!
Open Door Theory!

1 year ago

Popper’s paradox of tolerance demonstrates an important point: all societies suppress some ideas and people. Even societies that strive for maximum tolerance will have ideas that you are not allowed to question. When Popper said he wanted an open society, he meant a society in which no immigrants are rejected and no heretical ideas are suppressed. If you know his ethnicity, it is obvious why he advocated for this. But Popper realized that if he allowed the people who objected to his proposal to exist in his society, then those people would destabilize and possibly destroy his society. So Popper… Read more »

1 year ago

Before I start reading, a big thanks to the Zman for yesterday’s GQ

It was raucous and fun
Rock ’em Sock ’em
Even had Dasein in there throwing blows

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

So, what’s GQ and what’s the link?

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

Thank you, Templar-san, the Gypsy Question and yesterday’s article.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Shit. Should’ve made the connection. Thanks, brother.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
1 year ago

Is there a link to that interview you did, Z?

1 year ago

Great show, thanks. I’d really been looking forward to the Open Society podcast. Years ago, I worked closely with a jewish girl with whom I had very frank and honest discussions about race and crime statistics. It was refreshing to hear someone speak of these things so openly. She often compared pit bull attacks with future microbiologists. One day, she happened to make a comment about the fact that she and her family were worried about some relatives who lived in the inner city because “they are the only white people for miles”. Someone else happened to hear and quietly… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Totalitarian societies such as ours always present their quest for absolute control as a moral crusade. These types believe as much in an open society as they do in free speech and personal liberty, which is to say they don’t believe in it at all. The stated ideals simply are tools to the unspoken end of a monstrous regime led by an evil few. If anyone could time travel to the past, the first person strangled would be Rosseau, followed by Soros. The former laid the groundwork for the latter to take out humanity. He is well on his way… Read more »

1 year ago

Strikes me listening to the podcast, that a grand Open Society, at it’s most commanding heights, is an almost inviolate and indestructible Closed Society.

But for whom?

1 year ago

Very pithy:

“Diversity is the bane of human organization because it multiplies the number of people who must be coerced in order to maintain the illusion of consensus. America is looking like a prison yard run by clerics because that is the only way to govern an open society.”

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

Count my vote for a show on Karl Popper and George Soros. Great show on understanding the open society concept.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
1 year ago

I’ve always thought the “open society” lot were an intolerant bunch themselves, that their ideology was a thinly veiled way to knock down those deplorables they couldn’t stand from the start. “We are going to have an open society here, real tolerant, and you people who don’t like it, we’ll, you’re going to get a nice cram down.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Major Hoople
1 year ago

Just so. The so-called “open society” is nothing more than a chimera and a shibboleth. At the end of the day it’s just a case of who/whom? Who gets to call themselves tolerant? And whom do the tolerant refuse to tolerate?

1 year ago

Speaking of tolerance, Nick Fuentes told a room full of black women that black people have lower IQ, and its genetic, with 100k watching live. They were more concerned that he said “nigg@.”

David Wright
Reply to  Davidcito
1 year ago

He’s just ignant.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago

Oh no you di int!

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Davidcito
1 year ago

Davidcito You know why they were “tolerant” of Nicks comment? It’s because, deep down, at a visceral level, they know it’s true. Why do you think the Magic One and Mike are always pouting and look like they just smelled a wet one? It’s because that after two presidencies, becoming millionaires, and having people worship them, they’re still just a couple of inferior joggers. They know it. And it galls the living shit out of them. You could make The Magic One king of the universe, and they would still be pissed off at whitey. Boy, that meandered quite a… Read more »

mr dithers
mr dithers
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

have looked up both Michelle’s and also John Lewis’s AIMs (accomplishments, innovations and merit) career stats, I find eerily similar trajectories which I suspect is the case for many affirmative action recipients. A softballed degree from a prestigious college, followed by a short stint as a do-nothing legal associate in Uncle Bubba’s “show up and get paid” private law firm, then a few years of community activism, followed by either marriage to or a campaign for “the next Governor/Senator from the great state of insert name here”.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

I disagree. It’s because the majority in the room were low IQ, and probably had no idea what IQ is, or what it’s implications are.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Why do you think he doesn’t get it?

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

By the time Nick is 50, our politicians will be youtubers and onlyfans stars

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Davidcito
1 year ago

At one time I was recommending Nick Fuentes as a smart up and coming leader, now I think he is just another immature goof ball.
What a waste of talent.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

I’m beginning to wonder if he’s even Catholic. He could’ve done very well growing a Christian nationalist movement and organizing get-togethers, online or otherwise. But he seemingly worships social validation and frivolous worldly things, and he’s certainly not glorifying Christ by going on shows populated by overweight blacks in tunics.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

I meant “leotard” not tunic

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

Its sad, even more so because he’s a spent asset that won’t be discarded. The cliché goes its better to burn out than fade away, but insgrad he flamed out and refuses to fade. I know old geezers aren’t supposed to like new stuff and young people getting approval from old geezers (the eatablishment) is a sign of conformity, but I genuinely liked the guy.

Reply to  Davidcito
1 year ago

Fuentes does have talent and seemed to have a keen understanding of paleo-conservatism at such a young age The Kanye decision was bizarre and absurd. It’s really unfortunate because he does have a tremendous following among zoomers.

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

I don’t remember if it was Z Man or someone else who said it, but I have read Fuentes has as bad or worse in person social skills than the average person his age. You get him in front of a camera and he flips a switch but he can’t communicate to people face to face.

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

The Kayne decision indicates the reason that I have trouble connecting with paleoconservatives and MAGA-types below 30: they grew up idolizing rappers.

At a formative age, they bonded with black stars and still subconsciously worship them and crave their approval.

When I deal with these guys, I think that I can feel this, and it is an unbridgeable gap between us. It’s not their fault, but it’s real.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

It’s their fault. They could have bonded with oldies and worshipped Abba.

Reply to  Hoagie
1 year ago

Your my dancing queen

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Good point. But, to a lesser extent, what you say applies to most white men who came of age in the mid-70s or later. It was at that point that America began worshiping negro sportsball players, and young white boys were hit very hard by that phenomenon. I know I was. And it took me approximately 35 years to slough off that conditioning. I imagine most never do and never will.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Good point. I’ll just add that I bonded at a formative age with some real scumbags, for example, Bon Scott of AC/DC or the guys in Kiss. My parents were distraught. But while these people were degenerates, they weren’t of a race that sees me at the enemy. (I know about the ethnicities of some of the guys in Kiss, but they anglicized their names and were white presenting.) I’ve had to go through a similar deprogramming of myself to stop subconsciously admiring those guys.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

The state of the youngish right is dire. I doubt the extent of his reach but supposedly our boys love Andrew Tate, whose message to them is that they’re losers if they’re not wiggers—and not just any wiggers, but caricatures of already caricatural blacks. Keith Woods might inspire some kids to pick up some serious books, but he himself only uses them to find convoluted ways of never fully disagreeing with the establishment. Fuentes is flagrantly homosexual, and the gang he’s assembled is a menagerie of absolute creeps and ten-time losers. Young guys interested in our thing are being taken… Read more »