Whither Ukraine?

For close to two years, Project Ukraine has been the fashion statement for all of the best people in the American empire. Celebrities from all over the West have made the trip to Kiev to be seen with Zelensky and Zelensky has toured the world to be seen with the most important people and ask them for money. Now all of a sudden Zelensky is finding it hard to get anyone to take his calls, much less visit. The war in the Levant has made him and Project Ukraine last year’s fashion.

This may be difficult for Zelensky personally, but it is probably for the best in terms of present politics, as things are not going well for Ukraine. The long-promised offensive that kicked off in the summer has ground to an ignominious halt. Ukraine lost most of the equipment sent from the West and tens of thousands of men in order to capture a few square kilometers of land. Russia actually captured more territory overall than the Ukrainians during the Ukrainian offensive.

Now the war is about to enter a new phase. With Ukraine having lost much of its offensive potential in the counter-offensive, it will have little choice but to settle back into defensive lines and hope for the best. It is hard to know how many men Ukraine has in its army, but even if the high estimates for losses are correct, they probably have a force of about 150,000. They also have to conserve ammunition and equipment as shipments from the West are slowing.

In the south, the line of contact changed very little. This is where the Ukrainians ran into the massive Russian defenses during the offensive. There is some speculation that the Russians could stage a winter breakout from this area, like they did against the Germans in the battle of Kursk. This is where the Red Army withstood a massive German offensive and then launched a counter-offensive, defeating the Germans in one of the biggest tank battles in history.

There is no evidence to suggest the Russians have such a plan. Instead, they appear to be content to reduce their losses to the absolute minimum by grinding down the Ukrainians with superior artillery and air power. The one exception is a heavily fortified town in Donetsk called Avdiivka. The Russians are executing an encircling operation against some of the best Ukrainian units. This is one of those key strongholds along the line of contact that Ukraine will defend to the last man.

Where things have changed the most over the last several months is in the north where the Russians have made big gains. The Ukrainians stripped these lines for the offensive in the south, which allowed the Russians to break through to a city called Kupiansk, a key logistic hub for the Ukrainians. If the Russians are able to secure this city over the winter, it sets them up to move south towards Izyum and Kramatorsk, where the command and control of the Ukraine army is located.

In a war of attrition, however, territory is secondary. The game is to kill as many opposing men as possible while losing as few men as possible. The same logic holds for equipment, logistics and industrial capacity. This is the game the Russians have been playing for over a year now. As a result, their casualties have fallen sharply since the early days of the war. Ukraine, in contrast, has been trying to take territory, which has resulted in huge losses in men and material.

This is going to be the story for 2024. The Russians have been slowly building their forces over the last year. They probably have three quarters of a million men in and around the front. Ukraine is probably down to 150,000. The Russians are also well supplied with ammunition and an increasing variety of weapons with which they can strike Ukraine from a distance. The Russian air force is now operating with little resistance over the entire battle space.

This means there is one very large, well-supplied army on one side, content to pound away at a smaller army from a distance. That smaller army is also finding it difficult to maintain its supply lines and keep its suppliers happy. This rather frank story from Time hints that the army is no longer following orders from the government. Add in the sudden disinterest from Washington and things look bleak for Ukraine. They are facing a slow death at the hands of a superior army.

This is where things get interesting. If victory is off the table and stalemate unlikely, that leaves one option for the West. The problem is Washington has boxed itself in with its rhetoric and actions. This may not be an accident. If in the end Ukraine collapses and Russia installs a new government, Washington will declare it all illegal and refuse to recognize the new government. They will treat Ukraine like North Korea and shift to a law-grade war to keep the place in chaos.

Ukraine has no good options. Zelensky may have gone mad under the pressure of the last two years. Regardless, it is unlikely the Russians will agree to deal with him in a peace settlement. Of course, if he reaches out to Moscow, his own people will kill him, probably at the request of the CIA. On the other hand, if they fight to the last Ukrainian, the army will eventually revolt and kill the political leadership. The only hope is some new event forces the Russians to end the war on their own.

As for Russia, the war is just one part of a larger geopolitical strategy that looks far past the Ukraine situation. The cost of the war in terms of men and material is manageable so they can continue it as long as needed. They see the impact it is having on the European political class and their relationship with Washington. It is also slowly draining the EU economically. For now, the best option for Russia is to keep doing what they are doing and prepare for the inevitable breaks in the opposition.

What this means for Ukraine is it becomes something of a tar baby. With a presidential election coming up in 2024, Washington is trying to flick the Ukraine problem off, hoping it sticks to the Europeans. The Europeans are noticing this and are starting to look for a way to avoid having Ukraine stick to them. Russia is not about to help and allow the fate of Ukraine to become their problem, at least not yet. The result is Ukraine becomes an economic, demographic, and social catastrophe.

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8 months ago

The red link under “casualties” goes to an ant-Putin site that, tellingly, does not appear to maintain a count of Ukrainian casualties to compare it with. I suppose you linked to it for the bar graph of monthly Russian casualties but is there any reason to take that graph seriously?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
8 months ago


So, after seeing the airport psy-op go down in Dagestan, I did a 5 minute Wiki search about this obscure region of the globe:


Here is the money quote from Wiki:

“With 14 official languages, and 12 ethnic groups each constituting more than 1% of its total population, the republic is one of Russia’s most linguistically and ethnically diverse, and one of the most heterogeneous administrative divisions in the world.”

This should make it crystal clear that the controllers do not seriously believe that DIE-versity is any kind of strength.

8 months ago

[…] Whither Ukraine? […]

8 months ago

As history has proven time and time again… it’s always the one last war if hubris that kills the empire. Greeks, Romans, British, Germans ad nauseum… Bye bye U.S. empire!

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
8 months ago

Wither Ukraine is the Russian strategy.

Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
8 months ago

I wonder how much time Vladimir Putin has spent studying “200 Years Together”.

Do you suppose Putin has ever watched “Fiddler on the Roof” from the beginning to the end? [Is there a DVD with Russian subtitles?]

I wonder if Putin can play a piano-two-hands version of “Anatevka” [under-worked over-fed Anatevka]?

8 months ago

“The result is Ukraine becomes an economic, demographic, and social catastrophe.“

So basically where they were before the war started, minus 500,000 of their population (dead) and quite a few more who fled the country as refugees.

It’s a shame we can’t hang the people responsible.

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 months ago

For reference, the Ukraine had a population of approximately 51MM when the Soviet Union collapsed. The most recent population estimate I have seen for the Ukraine is 23MM, and the population is heavily skewed toward the elderly. The young people have left or are dead. The Ukraine will not exist in a matter of years.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

Btw, taking a break from geopolitics, the world will probably be roughly as screwie tomorrow as it is tonight. Don’t forget to buy treats. Even here in Europe they’re celebrating Halloween tonight. And, trick or treats?? Happy Halloween 😁

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

My hopes and dreams are pinned on half price candy tomorrow morning.

Reply to  Ploppy
8 months ago

I’m stocking up on the little bags of Doritos and cheetohs. I think they’ll be currency after the collapse.

Junger Generation
Junger Generation
8 months ago

Enough of geopolitics for today. Who has a great index fund that has been doing well for the last 2 years and hasn’t declined in the last 3 months?

Reply to  Junger Generation
8 months ago

U.S.Treasury bills.

There’s money to be made lending to the government so they can charge up Shan’iqua’s EBT and fund the imperial war machine

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

Even with short term and the recent hike in interest rates, I suspect you’d be losing quite a bit to the (unofficial, actual) inflation rate.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
8 months ago

Serious question: is it possible to beat real inflation at all?

You’d probably have to make 15% on investments to stay even with real inflation. Pretty difficult in today’s environment. Probably your only two options are to get screwed dry, or screwed with lube.

Even Buffet is big on Treasuries right now.

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

My theory is: stay invested in legitimate companies that make needed things. They should eventually be able to raise prices to the new levels and their shares rise in return. McDonalds (maybe not a good example, but probably IS an inelastic commodity) just had a good quarter. Haha Its the Zman investment blog

Junger Generation
Junger Generation
Reply to  Junger Generation
8 months ago

It seems there are 3 frowns. Oh my, so sorry to upset you.

8 months ago

I think one of the most important questions The Regime must answer in regard to Ukraine is when the next Year Zero emerges what will Wikipedia and the Propaganda Ministries need to change Kiev, oops, I mean Kyiv to? Btw, does someone here know the story behind Kiev vs. Kyiv? Is this some subtle aspect of conquest related to the ethnic rivalries that have been going on there for centuries? Curious to know what this is all about. I personally don’t like the Keeeev of Kyiv. It sounds like the speaker is constipated. How about something phonetic that the New… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago

You mean something like “kay yav”?

Giorgio de Byzantine
Giorgio de Byzantine
Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago
8 months ago

All interesting theories about Ukraine and, uh, Reasons.
But The Only Thing that got us into the Ukraine, and keeps us there is Zelensky, et al blackmailing Biden and other Congressional types that they will spill the beans on all of the corruption, money and kickbacks that flowed from Ukraine to the USA if they didn’t get military aid and lots of it. It’s not about Nuland or any of those lightweight clowns and their so called statecraft. It was keeping the Ukraine money laundromat a “secret”.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Fwi
8 months ago

Biden corruption is irrelevant against a media complex that will defend him and bury it at all costs, no matter what it is. As we have seen, they will get 50 CIA people to say it is Russian disinformation, if they have to.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Which begs the question of how many women they can get to lie about some guy “sexually assaulting” them

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Except that we have myriad vidyas of Tater Joe tweaking the nipples of pre-pubescent girls prior to the emergence of ChatGPT Deep Fakes.

Heck, his own daughter admitted that her diary was real, not fake.

Although the question of the Venn Diagram intersection of pederasty and embezzlement is quite fascinating.

The two circles do seem to line up just about perfectly.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

I’m extremely cynical/pessimistic/etc., but I have only one true black-pill opinion: Nobody is blackmailed. Our leaders “betray” us because they hate us and want to hurt us. They don’t need to be extorted into it. No exceptions—because they are literally *never* accountable to us. When “our” guys like DeSantis and Rumpswabby suddenly reverse engines and go neocon, it’s not because they were shown pictures of themselves with child prostitutes. It’s because our approval of them has reached a tipping point where it becomes too disgusting for them to accept—where it so threatens their self-image as a species separate from us,… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Hemid
8 months ago

The Epstein Mossad connection seems pretty well founded. It’s ironic that your only black pill opinion as you call it, is one that probably can’t withstand scrutiny. Because there’s a lot of blackmail going around. It may not be necessary to motivate them but it is effective at controlling them.

jo. blo
jo. blo
Reply to  Fwi
8 months ago

There is only so much stupidity that can be bought from crooked politicians – who NEED some popularity to maintain their positions. Blackmail is the only explanation that makes sense at this point. Zelensky should be seriously worried about his skin at this point, and he’s crooked as hell. Putin should offer him an out: a safe place to live and a billion dollars, in return for telling the tale of how he influenced his way i into Nato support for his massively stupid war. Getting crooks to distrust each other shouldn’t be hard. Such revelations would make the idiot… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
8 months ago

Is anyone else beginning to get the feeling (or already knew?) the entire Gaza op was planned to bring the evangelicals back to the regime’s side and improve recruiting in traditional geographic areas?

The airbridge that was immediately established to Our Greatest Ally is a sickening waste of time and resources, but you’ve got multiple preachers howling for even more.

Also, given the way the regime is flying the wings off their aircraft, I’d love to be a fly on the wall at various hangars around the empire. Aircraft maintenance has got to be an unbelievably interesting field right now.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
8 months ago

The evangelical leadership seems to revel in their support for the war. Its all black and white, “us” against terrorists and baby-killers. There are now prayers for Israel invoking the formulaic verses from the OT, candle-light vigils, and Israeli flags. Gone is any universal call to the gospel. What’s a Christian to do nowadays?

8 months ago

“ This rather frank story from Time hints that the army is no longer following orders from the government. ” This brings back memories from the Vietnam conflict. After the Tet offensive and the war dragging into the early 70’s, there were news reporters embedded who began to let the cameras role and document the *direct* disobedience of front line troops. For example, a platoon filmed openly changing/ignoring patrol orders such that they did not travel into areas they considered dangerous wrt VC forces. Of course, the media was against the war by that time, so they were happy to… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Remember who he really works for . He will retire in luxury and weatlh to his $41 million florida estate when his job of eliminating the ukrainians from ukraine is done.

Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

Only if he can prevent a coup. If the military revolts physically he could get caught up in a violent assault. If he steps aside via some incentive and backing from the US/NATO he may get a golden ticket to some spot of exile.

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

He knows too much to stay alive. Some one among his enemies, now or future, will end him. I don’t think it will be Russia doing it but it will likely be CIA or another agency or his not see buddies acting as a US surrogate or on their own.

Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

We bought him a huge place in Israel too. But, yeah, Florida is probably safer now.

jo. blo
jo. blo
Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

The defining characteristic of crooks is the willingness to kill to cover up their crimes, and their untrustworthiness. Zelensky knows too much, and has an actor’s ego. No way he can be trusted to keep his mouth shut.

8 months ago

The hardest thing for modern whites to understand is ethnic solidarity. It is utterly an alien concept to most of us. We may have had this prior to WW2, but it’s been lost because of reasons we all know well. We’re entering a phase where the sons of immigrants are taking charge. They all grew up in 80% white America, and have a chip on their shoulder; they probably have a racism story or two, either of themselves or their parents. But they don’t hate white people as I’m sure most of them had very positive experiences, and on some… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
8 months ago

We must achieve and maintain racial class consciousness as proud White people.
“Is it good for White people?” is a legitimate question.

8 months ago

A protracted war of attrition in Ukraine is in Russia’s interest as it will continue to bleed NATO of money, weapons and willpower. We have to consider that the Russians may be employing the same strategy against GloboHomoZOG as Reagan employed against them in Afghanistan. They know that the U.S.is almost $34 trillion in debt, inflation is running high, weapons reserves are running low, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is almost empty, Army recruitment is low, and the genderqueer/non-binary Navy keeps running ships aground or into each other. As BRICS abandons the petrodollar the U.S. will likely face a financial, military,… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

That sounds realistic. Although I think Putin worries about China who would be the biggest winner here. Russia and China are not the happy couple they make it seem. I think Russia is China’s only neighbor that it does not have an active border dispute with and that is only because they have agreed to out it on ice while both are being threatened by GAE.

But that is of little immediate concern to us. We are set up to be the losers.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

I think you reare correct , Xi would likd siberia for the resources and land. However , the PLA is not the red army. And beside, china is going to get north america anyway, which is better. They will buy it from the isreali’s

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

Russia is militarily uninvadable because they have probably the most advanced nuclear weapons in the world. But there is a demographic and economic Chinese invasion of Russia’s far east. And I’m pretty sure that worries Moscow.

Interested Reader
Interested Reader
Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

I don’t think there is anything to suggest that Russias goal is to bleed NATO. In fact they were likely blindsided by the western response to their initial invasion. Had Russian leadership known this was the outcome they would have probably gone for the kill in the beginning or not have done it at all. Putin is different from western leadership in that he seems to be very aware of the limits of the Russian state and its military. The Russian war strategy relies on keeping Chinese trading partners (the global south) at least agnostic, thereby allowing the Chinese room… Read more »

Reply to  Interested Reader
8 months ago

Tend to agree. A knowledgeable and caring Putin is a better depiction of the man and therefore the current situation. He’s patient and aware of the country’s innate abhorrence of war and Russian personnel loses. He’s not going to bankrupt his country in this endeavor either so he looks to the future relations with Europe and China.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Interested Reader
8 months ago

My guess is that Putin is playing a defensive game and is secretly cursing his bad luck that the West has gone certifiable. Because that means he is squeezed between a western nutjob and an ice cold cynical Beijing. Both much bigger in population and money than old mother Russia. Those scary new sarmat missiles and other hardware are ostensibly pointed at us (because our slavers are crazy). But Putin doesn’t mind that Beijing notices them as well. My $0.02 on Russian thinking

Reply to  Interested Reader
8 months ago

You’re failing to take into account that the West wanted Ukraine (and Georgia) to join NATO well before the Russian invasion. NATO has been expanding continually for the past 30 years despite the absence of the Soviet threat and in violation of the promises made to the Yeltsin-era Russian Federation. Putin was not blindsided, he knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to send a message to NATO that he would fight back against their continued aggression. I agree that he probably would have preferred a decisive victory to put some fear into NATO, but failing that his… Read more »

8 months ago

The interesting untold story of Ukraine is that expatriation is once again ramping up in a big way. When they started mobilizing women (and actually sending them to the front), this triggered another exodus wave and now there is hardly anyone left to keep their society running while the war rages. And if this winter becomes as cold and dark as expected, an uprising against the Zelensky regime is a very real possibility. In other words, we could witness the first national collapse event in Europe within a few months. And if so, this will be instructive as to how… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
8 months ago

Is it that simple?

Interest rates.
Compound interest rates.

Disregarding the oogily-boogily I subscribe to, they destroy every society that grants them influence.

Is it a “one weird trick”?
Hucksters promise a something something…

Do they simply bankrupt societies?

When the compounding exceeds the liquidity, the gears of that society freeze up or grind to a halt.

Leveraging, the greatest strength of a permanent minority, may have a hard, hard limit.

Reply to  TomA
8 months ago

This war has been a well orchastrated progrom to kill off the ukrainian men , and drive the ukrainians from their farmland. It’s some of the best in the world. The added “benefit” is that it has freed up ukrainian woemen and children to be trafficked to brothels all from pakistan to Egypt. very profitable and satisifing for some. The women and children not trafficked will be spending their time in the refugee centers in europe. You know , the ones full of military age men from the middle east and africa. The primary goal was to get all the… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

The trafficking comes first. They were slavetraders and pimps before they were slum landlords.

8 months ago

And right on schedule, Poland says it will stop arming Ukraine and tend to its own defenses:


Reply to  Vizzini
8 months ago

They won’t do it. Poland was the first enemy defeated by globohomo in WW3.

Note that CNN is free (i.e., instructed) to predict an “ambiguous” upcoming election result there. Prepare your anus, Pol-bros.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Vizzini
8 months ago

Hopefully the Poles learned their lesson in 1939. They were told they would be protected if they refused to solve the Danzig problem with Germany. They believed them and got invaded from 2 different directions and suffered from that mistake for 50 years.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

That Kissinger quote again

8 months ago

If what Z says is at all accurate, it again raises the question that’s ben asked before: What’s in it for Ukraine? What was ever in it for Ukraine other than, perhaps, a vain fantasy of revenge for the Soviet treatment of the Kulaks and maybe the revanchist hopes of Ukrainian Nazis? Ukraine, no less than Poland, is a lovely East/West battleground, but the Poles, for all their troubles, haven’t volunteered to be human shields for NATO’s incursions against the “Slavic/Eurasian hordes on the modern equivalent of horseback.” Tight, highly placed cabals may be willing to sell their people for… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
8 months ago

Dude! the american state department pulled a coup on the ukrainian government in 2014. Victoria nuland and john mccain were in country personally to direct it . Everything since then has been a well orchastrated progrom to kill off the ukrainian men , and drive off the ukrainians from their farmland. It’ssome of the best in the world. the added “benefit” is that it has freed up ukrainian woemen and children to be trafficked to brothels all from pakistan to Egypt. The women and children not trafficked will be spending their time in the refugee centers in europe. You know… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

ultranationalists who are consumed by a hatred of Russia

A lesson there to be sure, and I wouldn’t even say that their hatred was “irrational” as they had very rational reasons for hating Russia, just that they hated them more than thy loved their people.

Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

Thats a good analisys of the players and priorities of the ukrainians. they were ripe for the coup. Given how many layers from the top down the corrution mus go, I don’t know who would lead a coup to clean out the rats nest. clearly the soldiers are kept under the watchful eye of the SBU. The enormous ammount of western money flowing in must have corrupted a huge part of their officer corp. so the poor ukranian grunt keep getting marched into the machine guns with a bayonnet at their backs.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  imbroglio
8 months ago

Zelinsky is not exactly a salt-of-earth Ukrainan peasant. His agenda is not their welfare. The whole point of a nation conceding defeat is to avoid the whole nation being destroyed over some territorial dispute. But, if it’s not your nation, why cut your loses? Why not just burn it all to a crisp? Zelinskys agenda is not about Ukraine and especially not about the Ukrainan people.

Felix Krull
8 months ago

One of the reasons America always has a war to fight, is that a military degrades in peacetime. Not only does the individual soldier not get any combat experience, and new weapon systems aren’t being field tested, but the institution as a whole atrophies. We see this in Israel, where thirty years of fighting teenagers with slingshots have rendered the IDF unable to even defeat Hezbollah. Apart from the short peacekeeping mission in Georgia, the Russian military haven’t really had much action since Chechnya, but now they get to train against an adversary armed with modern weapons, coms and operational… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
8 months ago

“… now they get to train against an adversary armed with modern weapons, coms and operational doctrines while the US is stuck doing special ops and fighting camel jockeys. If you were a cynic, you might suspect this to be a weighty reason for Putin to not just pull out all the stops and roll up to the Polish border.”

This! Nobody says much about it. And PCR has been raving forever about why doesn’t Putin hurry up and just win this thing.

Putin is playing chess. Our side is all checkers and tic tac toe.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Felix Krull
8 months ago

America didn’t fight a war to speak of from 1972 to 1990, and yet the military did not grow soft. It learned from ‘Nam, and the debacles at Desert 1 and Granada, and was at its peak by Gulf War 1. Then, came Somalia, and Bosnia and continuing low level war in the Gulf until 911. During those nest ten years, Diversity came a-calling wearing a Monica Lewinski beret, and there was slow slide to Tranny shows and getting humiliated in Afghanistan and bumper-boat navy despite constant combat operations in every fly-blown shit hole on the planet. Peace doesn’t ruin… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
8 months ago

Fair point. But Somalia was a special ops affair and Bosnia (I assume you mean Kosovo) was just the USAF carpet bombing civilians, like the Israelis do in Gaza at the moment. The Serbs managed to extract their ground forces from Kosovo virtually unscathed, because nobody wanted to risk going low and dirty to root them out on the ground level. GW1 was a real war, done right: overwhelming superiority from the start. But whatever lesson was taken from GW1 was abolished when, in GW2, Paul Wolfowitz decided to scrap the true and tested Manual of Major Ass-Kicking with his… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
8 months ago

Got a bit side-tracked there, but whatever point I possibly was aiming for, I’m sure you get it.

8 months ago

Probably the most significant story I saw in recent days was Ramaswamy turning from a legitimate and rational beginning of the US becoming independent from Israel. He did an about face and then got on his knees and said the entire people and nation were Divine. It was disturbing. At the same time, the circles he travels in must be choking on red pills. I am sure his ire is raised to unbefore seen heights at being forced to grovel like that. My thoughts have been turning like a composting mulch bin in recent days. What will post-AINO be in… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago

The Indians will navigate the various power bases. They know that Jews have tremendous political power via donors, control the party organizations and the media. So, if they have to kowtow the Zionists, they’ll do it. But what’s different about the Indians is that they’re extremely aware that this is a transactional affair. Jews have more power than they do, so Jews get to tell them what to do. Fine, but it’s just business to them. They have no belief that the Jews should run things. The Indians will try to build their own bases of power, money, politicians and… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 months ago

The hardest thing for modern whites to understand is ethnic solidarity. It is utterly an alien concept to most of us. We may have had this prior to WW2, but it’s been lost because of reasons we all know well. We’re entering a phase where the sons of immigrants are taking charge. They all grew up in 80% white America, and have a chip on their shoulder; they probably have a racism story or two, either of themselves or their parents. But they don’t hate white people as I’m sure most of them had very positive experiences, and on some… Read more »

8 months ago

Add to this the fact that our brand spanking new Speaker of the House is a raving fundamentalist and you now see a clear path to disaster. What was the first thing out of Johnson’s mouth after he took the oath? Yep. Izruhl. We are the only nation in world history that puts the affairs of another nation ahead of ours. This is quite literally insane.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Epaminondas
8 months ago

He’s from Louisiana — the Bible Belt. I live in the Bible Belt myself and all these bible-thumpers are on the side of Israel. He has little choice but to kowtow to Israel. Take the Evangelicals out of the equation and there might be a bit more chance of an even-handed policy (though we still have to keep in mind the overwhelming financial and media power of the Israel Lobby(.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 months ago

Why could anyone downvote this? It’s in no way controverial and just a statement of fact.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Mike
8 months ago

John Hagee lurks the site as well is my guess.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mike
8 months ago

Key to a happy life; ignore people’s silly down votes 😁

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Mike
8 months ago

“Why could anyone downvote this?”

All kinds of people lurking here, mate. Some Moshes for sure. Some Evangelicals. Some G men as well, in all probability. This is a high-profile blog.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 months ago

There’s no heretics worse today than the American Evangelical heretics.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 months ago

They are all about this dispensationalist nonsense. I confront them when the opportunity happens. I don’t make many friends but that is the price of truth. I urge everyone to tell them these points.

#1. The modern nation state of Israel is not the Israel of the Bible. It holds no biblical significance today.
#2. ALL of the biblical prophecies relating to Israel have already been fulfilled. Every single one of them.
#3. There is a chosen people today. Hint: It is not those people who hate Christ.

Reply to  george 1
8 months ago

I am gratified to see the Scofield Bible and its history start to make its way into mainstream discourse. Just a coincidence that a big push was made for dispensationalism exactly at the time the Zionist movement found its wings.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  MiguelinID
8 months ago

Yes indeed. Funny that.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 months ago

I think the Israel lobby is slowly losing its grip. The ADL, perhaps the most loathsome part of it, has taken some real hits lately. The Israel lobby was a 20th century thing, slowly fading.

Our new problems, the rainbows rising, will give us some new problems

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

you sir , are not in reality. they are consolidating power and throwing away the masks they dropped becaus they no longer need to pretend that they don’t run it all.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

Maybe I’m being too optimistic. But I daresay all the pro Palestinian ruckus must have been a nasty surprise to them

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

The Big J Lobby no longer can operate effectively behind the curtain and has to come out into the open to force through the extortion du jour. They are not taking off the masks due to confidence but because of necessity.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

The Israeli lobby seems to be strong and intact, but the street demonstrations are greater than ever. This means a loss at the level of the populace. Of course, easily explained by our changing demographics. This loss will eventually make its way up the power chain and into Congress. Especially when one considers that the most supportive demographic—White Boomers—are dying off. In 20 years, I predict an end to the strangle hold of Israel on our political decisions. Israeli politics needs to adjust to this potential reality and quickly.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

A whole lot is gonna change when the boomers are gone. Loss of GAE support for Israel is just one thing, and perhaps a minor thing relative to some of the others.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Think you’re right. They’re living on borrowed time and if they don’t know it, they are realizing it now

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

That’s my take as well, Compsci. I think the ferocity of the anti-Israel protests knocked them back on their heels. It was especially unanticipated in the United States. Given how the Tribe went all-in on ethnic replacement, it’s almost an overdose of karma. I doubt the adjustment can be made in twenty years, either, because it is becoming doubtful the GAE holds on that long.

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Well, the Israeli rush to finish with the ethnic cleansing may be a recognition that the sugar daddy of old (or uncle sucker, if you prefer) is on his way down. Similarly with the effort to try to get ZUSA to take out Iran now before any semblance of a puissant ZUSA military is gone.

I think that they are wrong on both counts; the time has passed, and largely this is traceable to Zionist own goals, first with Russia, and lately with China.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Yes. The frogs are getting wise to the scorpions. The one thing the Neocons/Zionists did not learn is that for Israel to survive America needed to survive.

As they were destroying America they never noticed they were destroying their life support. It is now obvious that the rest of the world will not come to their aid.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

An image that has stuck with me today is Uncle Lloyd and his Mossad handler Blinken being interrupted with protests today as they put on a minstrel show for Congress. AWFL’s with placards that read “END ALL WALLS” shouted them down repeatedly.

It was a perfect tableau for today’s Israel lobby.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

Perhaps the grip is slipping a bit, but until elected officials start putting American interests first, starting with nationalizing and dismantling the Federal Reserve, the grip will still be firm.

Archie Parr
Archie Parr
Reply to  Epaminondas
8 months ago

Weirdest thing I’ve read about Johnson — well, maybe not the weirdest, but it’s up there — is how he adopted a 14-year-old black boy when he was 25 and engaged to be married.

Seriously, who does this? Is this common in Louisiana? I mean, to any sensible person, we know exactly what’s going on. But we have to pretend it’s not what it is.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Archie Parr
8 months ago

I’ll field this. When American whites are young and full of brainwashed telescopic altruism they’ll go down to the local, urban Child and Family Services office (which is only ever full of one kind of kid) and have their heartstrings pulled by the stories that are told there. It’s like…”missionary work as take-out”. But why a 14-year old?” There’s a lot of upside there as they can take care of themselves and will age out within a few years anyway in case it doesn’t work out, which it won’t. (And no, this nothing I have super-personal experience with, though I… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
8 months ago

I’m really getting sick of these evangelicals wanting Israel Jewish so they can build the Third Temple so evangelicals can get the rapture they all crave. I was hearing this crap back in the 1980s. They got some traction in the 1990s but thankfully neoconservatism and neoliberalism killed off the old Christian coalition. But now they’re back partying like it’s 1994.

Reply to  Marko
8 months ago

we catholics know there is no “rapture ” that is a protestant misreading of scripture. I was raised evangelical . .Now, if we could just get a catholic pope, it would be nice.

Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

If Cardinal Vigano were to become Pope, I would convert the next day.

Reply to  Epaminondas
8 months ago

Hear, hear! He’s no Urban II, but right now he’s the next best thing!

Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

I said, very late yesterday, that it would be divine if Armageddon applied only to the lands it was meant to.

Bibi thinks he’s the Mosiach, the anti-Christ. That is, the dark mirror Jevvish version.

The Straussians & Kagans are with him as the Elect.

If the Semites, Abraham’s seeds, destroy themselves, we can send their ancestors back to Africa and quarantine them there for a thousand years…

Voíla! World Peace!

I will not argue in the slightest if anyone says the events we witness really are…Divine.

W Wilson
W Wilson
8 months ago

I figure gay boi zelenski will start blackmailing ol pedo joe. Then the cia will take him out.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  W Wilson
8 months ago

How do uou blackmail a dementia patient, you got the dirt on him, so you cut a deal, but an hour later her forgets everything

Reply to  (((They))) Live
8 months ago

Haha! Secret Service codename, “Blackmail Insurance”!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  W Wilson
8 months ago

With everything already out there on Joe, and no consequences, with what the hell is he going to blackmail him? Cheating at cards?

8 months ago

The war in the Levant has made him and Project Ukraine last year’s fashion.

The only hope is some new event forces the Russians to end the war on their own.

Which is what worries me. These two items will be tied together via the Very Clever Boys and Girls expanding the Hatfields vs. McCoys in the Middle East outside of its current area. Let’s bomb Iran! Let’s bomb Syria!

“Hey, let’s keep poking this hornet’s nest to see what comes out!”

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
8 months ago

> The cost of the war in terms of men and material is manageable so they can continue it as long as needed

We essentially gave free training to Russian troops on modern warfare tactics, especially drones. We also gave them a leg up on ramping up war production and logistics in a nice streamlined manner. The sanctions seemed to only succeed in getting Russia to recognize some economic choke points and neutralize them. It is all pretty much an expensive but incredibly useful trial run for a real geopolitical conflict.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
8 months ago

Russia may liberate us yet.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
8 months ago

No, putin is one of the WEF’s young global leaders. Probably one of the few that doesn’t hate his own people, but one none the less.

Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

Oh ffs, get serious. You sound like James Corbett.

Do you honestly think Putin is anybody’s puppet?

Trudeau, Disco Girl in Finland, Horse Face from NZ, and all the other Young Global Dolts are controlled, because they are absolutely mediocre. They are incapable of original thought and are delighted to be taken in hand and have their tiny minds molded.

Does that honestly sound like Vlad?

He tried to court and charm the West years ago. Attending and mingling with the WEF was a part of that. He learned a lot, no doubt. And now he is using that knowledge….

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

Partly ahree. Schwab said as much. Now I don’t know if Putin is a defector from that club or what went wrong between them. But the larger point stands; Putin has a lot to commend him to dissident circles. He doesn’t like the overt, degeneracy and perversions of dildo racy and good for him and Russia. But he’s not one of us. I like him better than either Globohomo or the CCP, sure. A lot better in fact. But still good to be skeptical. He has his interests, we have ours

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

My impression is that Putin does what is in his best interests. At the moment, his interests and those of the Russian people align. Perhaps he is truly converted, I don’t know. But Putin being in the WEF or any other organization doesn’t really seem to mean much with him. He is far smarter and much more independent than your typical WEF “Young Leader” whore.

8 months ago

When the US stops funding Ukraine so it can fund our greatest ally, I expect the MSM and the Biden Administration to say the GOP lost Ukraine because they are pro Putin stooges.

Reply to  MikeCLT
8 months ago

“Orange Man Bad caused us to lose the war in Ukraine!”

“And Climate Change!”

Interested Reader
Interested Reader
8 months ago

This war could drag out for years at the pace it’s going. I understand the Russian aversion to casualties, and I believe they are also trying to keep other countries neutral by not going crazy with bombing civilians. Because while they have a decent industrial base, Russia is undoubtedly dependent on China for material.

With that being said though, there is something to the term letting a bad team hang around. The longer it drags out the greater the chances of the unexpected occurring. A 10 year war isn’t in the interest of russia anymore than it is for Ukraine.

Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

It remains to be seen how much that pushback actually matters. I think if they manage to send a few hundred thousand Gazans to Europe and the West, then it’s “missions accomplished” for them.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

Nikki Haley pretty much explicitly said she wants to move all of them over here.

Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

But why? The US has more Jews than Israel (I’d better fact-check that!) so if they’re so rattled by a few hundred National Justice Party members, why willingly import a couple hundred thousand potential anti-Semites? If the Jewish lobby is so strong, and certainly they’re seeing those protests in Europe, why increase that element here?

Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

Yes. You can also be sure that they have also concocted the means to get the pro-Palestinian fact back on side. There will be a massive campaign to focus on being kind and compassionate and opening the gates to them. They will turn the attention from Israel as the bad guy to the “anti-immigrant” white people as the gad guy. It will done with the greatest of ease too. The good whites will be the first with the hook in their mouth as they must not be seen as “anti-semites.” The churches will get billions to do the heavy lifting.… Read more »

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

Marko asks, “if they’re so rattled by a few hundred National Justice Party members, why willingly import a couple hundred thousand potential anti-Semites?”

Those “anti-semites” will be very useful for attacking the Main Enemy. Never lose sight of the fact that wailing about “anti-semitism” is merely a technique to destroy the cohesion and pride which used to characterize the Main Enemy.

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

The ” you will own nothing and be happy” folks have thousands of apartment units under construction in my red state town of 60,000. There is probably at least one kebab restaurant in our future.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

Yeah they want them all pushed out, it would improve their security situation, added to that there is natural gas off the coast, and the Pals have a claim so long a Gaza exists, there is also a plan to dig a canal connecting the Med to the Red Sea. sending them all to Germany would be perfect from a Jewish POV

Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

they have no fear of the muzies. why should they? they have beatn them every time and in every way. when have the muslims ever delt the isrealis a defeat?

Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

Marko: “. . . why willingly import a couple hundred thousand potential anti-Semites?” The Jews aren’t about to abandon their century-old project to destroy the US and make White people a despised and vanishing minority – particularly since the trajectory for that is already baked into the birth and death rates. They are not a people known for moderation. They hate us more than they love their own (and that’s saying something). Plus they remain convinced (yes, even still) that they can control the dusky hordes they’ve imported. They believe controlling the purse strings is sufficient – and given how… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

I admit I know only the barest details of the history, but it’s my understanding that the Palestinians are basically the Negro of the Arab world. Nobody wants them. Islamic nations are not known for taking in refugees at all, even allegedly fellow Muslims. For conjecture, let’s assume that Israel is successful in getting all the Palestinians to leave for elsewhere. That would surely help the Israelis short-term. But if USA, EU, etc. accept large numbers of them, they probably won’t be a good mix, but probably no worse than the run of the mill migrant from a shithole country.… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

It’s been miserable in Gaza for a long time without any reduction in the number of Gazans. Israel needs to fortify its southern border, in depth this time, with more than a wall and a few remote-controlled cannon, and the fact that that border takes a jog north to go around Gaza is of no consequence.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

they have beatn them every time and in every way

Last round with Hezbollah didn’t go so well for them.

Wins are dependent on US backing. Should that backing end or falter, won’t go so well for them.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

This is the Semitic version of Greg Johnson’s “slow cleanse.” He is LARPing in thinking it will happen here, but the Zionists have been doing it for almost eighty years now.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

True, but Whites are susceptible to Holohoax blackmail for some reason. Muzzies seem pretty much immune to it.

Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

As the IDF backs off from its New Dresden types to limited manhunts in the warrens, we’ll laud it for its sobriety.

Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

My truly Jew-hating friends have been giddy over recent developments, lolz. The weird spell Israelis cast seems to be broken among many. The baby-shaped bread loaf memes tell the tale.

Reply to  Interested Reader
8 months ago

No, Russia has quite a strong industrial base, and has not received a lot of resupply from China..Russia, however, is happy to buy useful military technology and resupply from Iran and North Korea, since it has a lot of other tasks for its industry…

Reply to  Interested Reader
8 months ago

Russia is thinking of more than just optics in avoiding bombing civilians. They are dealing with fellow Slavs. They see them as brothers and cousins.

Israelis seem to view the Palestinians the way the Ukie nationalists see Russians: as Orcs. Vile and evil creatures to be eliminated from the earth.

So everything is normal and dandy in the GAE.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  pantoufle
8 months ago

Russia also seems to see the value in maintaining infrastructure in tact over territory it may soon own.

I suppose in Gaza, there is not much infrastructure worth saving.

8 months ago

“In a war of attrition, however, territory is secondary. The game is to kill as many opposing men as possible while losing as few men as possible.”

They are literally killing their own men. Both, Russians and Ukrainians are the losers here. Somebody else is winning. Guess who?

Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

And we have a winner here . you are absolutely correct Hun . the american state department coup on the ukrainian government in 2014 was to kick this off. it has has all been a well orchastrated progrom to kill off the ukrainian men , and drive the ukrainians from their farmland. It’s some of the best in the world. the added “benefit” is that it has freed up ukrainian women and children to be trafficked to brothels all from pakistan to Egypt. The women and children not trafficked will be spending their time in the refugee centers in europe.… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

Are you copy-pasting this rant? Or am I having deja vu?

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
8 months ago

“As for Russia, the war is just one part of a larger geopolitical strategy that looks far past the Ukraine situation.”

Absolutely. They see Ukraine as just one front in a developing world war. And they play the long game, with patience and with fortitude. They are not like the ADHD West that flits from one thing to another and perhaps cannot even think strategically any more (unless you count the hare-brained plans of the crazed neocons as such).

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 months ago

> part of a larger geopolitical strategy
And it’s worth asking if Russia looked around and figured out the one country that could completely distract the GAE ruling class from their Uke adventure and then set about making sure that would happen. I mean, it’s doubtful, but a masterful stroke if so.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

Serendipitous indeed. Europe and America always had different views of Israel, and the ethnic cleansing in Gaza has widened that rift. Yes, Scholz, Sunic, Macron, and Co. are averting their eyes, but lots if not most of their constituents are not (this is happening for the first time on a large scale in the United States, too, although American policymakers are autocrats unconcerned with public opinion). Given Netanyahu is committing atrocities that far exceed the purported crimes alleged in anti-Putin propaganda, the United States’ grand plans to maintain Europe as its last satrapy via war with Russia may prove a… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

If nothing else the hope will be that this will put “muh holocaust” into the grave as, even if it’s 100% true, lampshades and all, it’s kinda irrelevant when they’re doing the same thing that they accuse their enemies of.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago


E. Michael Jones has posited that the Holocaust narrative has died and this is evinced by widespread Western anger over the ethnic cleansing of Gazans. He’s something of a nutter at times but Jones may be right there.

(((They) Live
(((They) Live
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago

That was one of the things about the Ukraine that I couldn’t figure, how the hell will they just drop the Ukraine, then boom it happens, amazing, same with Covid

Reply to  (((They) Live
8 months ago

Ukrainian land will be given to ADM and Blackrock in a “rebuilding ” deal. Then they can drive the european farmers off their land and into the 15 mi cities. after that you will pay dearly for every piece of bread and bug you eat.

Reply to  (((They) Live
8 months ago

If one takes a 30k foot view of those events as *pretexts*, then all becomes understandable. But you knew that already….

Reply to  (((They) Live
8 months ago

Their plan might have been to cleanse the land of Ukrainians and it is being done to an extent. But Russia will have all the best land so Blackrock won’t have anything worthwhile except a population of crazies.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 months ago

Ukraine is both a nuisance and strategically useful, since as Z-man pointed out, it is draining both the EU and NATO in many ways…There’s a good chance many governments in the EU fall in the next couple of years as a result of mindless support for a lost cause..

8 months ago

Looks like Mearsheimer was spot on in 2015. “The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path, and the end result is that Ukraine is going to get wrecked.”

David Wright
Reply to  Q-ship
8 months ago

“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” Henry Kissinger

Reply to  David Wright
8 months ago

Every time I hear this quote, I remind myself that

“America has no greater friend than Israel.”

Then I smile, and go about my day.

Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

we think isreal is our friend , but they don’t see us as a friend. there is a diffrence.

Reply to  miforest
8 months ago

Interesting thought miforest. Does Israel consider any country its “friend”. Does it have any friends? Is there any sister country in the world for a Jewish State? I can see for example, a strong friendship between say the UK and the USA. But for Israel? Who?

Reply to  Q-ship
8 months ago

If this were a sane country, Mearsheimer would be Secretary of State or National Security Adviser. Or both.

(((They))) live
(((They))) live
Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

Yeah but he wrote that book, they hate him

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

And Col. MacGregor as Secretary of Defense, and given the range of his historical and geopolitical knowledge, perhaps also National Security Advisor.

I had the opportunity to sit and talk with him one on one for an all too brief time once maybe a year and a half ago, and the Man Knew Stuff, an informed observer of history, the rise and fall of nations, and the causes thereof.

wendy forward
wendy forward
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
8 months ago

I hate you!! Truly envious.

Reply to  wendy forward
8 months ago

An old friend of mine was also a friend of his, and the opportunity arose when he was visiting with her for me to join them. I took it up with avidity, but since he is such a busy man, the time was short to enjoy his company and his distilled life experience.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
8 months ago

His 3 part conversation with Michael Vlahos is well worth watching. His deep knowledge manifests in ways not permitted in the short-form briefings he gives on the Judge and elsewhere. He is one of the best our system has produced, so of course the trash-clowns-that-rule close ranks against him.


Reply to  Horace
8 months ago

Thank you for this link; I will peruse it at length as soon as opportunity permits.