A Warning From The Past

On August 30, 1918, Vladimir Lenin had just given a speech at the Hammer and Sickle arms manufacturing facility in Moscow. As he was leaving, a woman called out his name and he stopped to see who was calling to him. Why he would have done this is unclear, as by this point Lenin was the most important man in Russia. He had lots of people who wanted a minute of his time. Nonetheless, he stopped to address the woman, who produced a pistol and shot Lenin three times.

The woman was not just any woman. She was Fanny Kaplan, who had been involved in radical politics since she was a teenager. She was a member of the SR’s, a very radical group that had been aligned with the Bolsheviks at times. She had spent time in a Siberian labor camp for having taken part in terrorist bombing attacks in Kiev, as well as other activities. She had been released by the Bolsheviks after the February revolution and gone right back to radical politics.

Lenin survived the assassination attempt, although he was never quite the same physically or psychologically. This was terrifying to Lenin and his inner circle not just due to the attack itself, but what it represented. The Bolsheviks were no longer the revolutionary force from the left, but the established order that had to contend with threats from all corners of the political space. The Bolsheviks had real power so that meant wielding that power to maintain that power.

There was also the issue of how Kaplan was able to get so close to Lenin in order to take a shot at him. Lenin had security, but it became clear that the SR radicals had friends and sympathizers in the security apparatus. The Cheka was filled with people who were not entirely loyal to the Bolsheviks. Many had been aligned with coalition partners, like the SR’s. If revolution was going to stay alive, it meant the system had to be purged and that meant unleashing political terror.

This was an important step, especially given the fact that Lenin and the Bolsheviks were students of the French Revolution. They knew how the terror worked out for the Jacobins and they were determined to avoid the same fate. Yet from the perspective of Lenin lying in a bed with a hole in his neck and a bullet in his shoulder, the only logical path forward was to unleash the forces of political terror. The same logic would eventually motivate Stalin to follow the same course.

The reason this matters at all to those living in this spot on the space-time continuum is that the people in charge of the empire are facing similar choices. In fact, they have been in this spot since the 2020 coup. In the fullness of time, that election will probably be looked at the same way as other radical coups in revolutionary times. Maybe Trump is actually our version of Kerensky, the radical liberal reformer who tried to head off the radical socialists but was eventually defeated by them.

Putting that aside, what mattered to Lenin as doctors patched him up was his perspective on the situation. The same can be said of the regime in the aftermath of the January 6th protests. Like Lenin and the Bolsheviks, the people who engineered Biden into the White House suffered from a similar lack of confidence. They had pulled off the great coup, but they were still unsure of their position. People climbing barricades brought to mind people more radical than themselves.

In other words, the people now in charge of the system see themselves as radicals, facing threats from all sides as they seek to consolidate power. This may sound a bit nuts but radicalism is powered by strong belief. Even when they have total control of the state, radicals will believe themselves to be the underdog, fighting a much more powerful enemy. You see that in this advertisement  by a former J6 prosecutor, who seems to think he is David facing the Goliath of MAGA.

Mr. Rollins sounds deranged and delusional, but he believes what he is saying not because the facts support those beliefs. He believes because there are no better beliefs for him to hold at the moment. That is one of those things about political believers that normal people struggle to grasp. These people genuinely believe what they say, and they will not drop those beliefs when you present facts and reason. They will only abandon those beliefs in favor of better beliefs.

This is why it is foolish to think that the people we call the Left are running out of juice or having second thoughts. This is not how the revolutionary mind works. Those polls we now see showing Biden losing to Trump in the key states are not intended to boost your spirits, but to terrify the radicals. It is a reminder that there is always a Kerensky, or a Trump in this case. More importantly, there is always a Fanny Kaplan, so the radicals better not lose focus or let down their guard.

This is why they continue to persecute the J6 people. Almost three years on and they are still hunting for new victims. It is why there will be renewed efforts to eliminate Trump from the ballot. The bizarreness of the New York court case against Trump should be a reminder that that the radicals will never let something as petty as facts or the law get in the way of their efforts. Every setback is a reminder that they must renew their efforts to complete the revolution.

The regime is Lenin, lying on a couch with two holes put there by someone with help from the inside. The reality of that thinking is not important. What matters is the belief that the revolution is in mortal danger. Our revolutionaries are just as aware of the past as the prior revolutionaries, but they are just as trapped by the dynamics of revolution, so they will be compelled to follow the same path. What lies ahead is not a break from the madness, but a renewed assault by the radicals.

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11 months ago

Even when they have total control of the state, radicals will believe themselves to be the underdog, fighting a much more powerful enemy. This is true. I was with a bunch of center-leftists over the weekend and whenever I said that Trump would be thrown in jail before being allowed to run for president, they almost always said, “Good.” If pressed, they think Trump and MAGA is a great threat…or at the very least, they think the Republican party is held hostage by Trump loyalists, and that Trump himself is some kind of regime figurehead, as opposed to the pariah… Read more »

Clowney Seymour
Clowney Seymour
11 months ago

Not one word about the jews – or very little – punk

11 months ago

May be a bit of over analysis, sir. Rolllins is running against Southern California incumbent congressman, Ken Calvert. Ken Calvert isn’t Maga at all. Since the candidate has outed himself, I would rather look at this from the standpoint of the typical aggression that you find in queers who are politicized. The most dangerous animal on the Earth is probably a scorned and angry queer. They will stop at nothing.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Retired
11 months ago

Sorry, but I beg to differ. The most dangerous and destructive force on earth is still the kneegrow. Then comes nuclear weapons, then comes politicized queers.

11 months ago

Yo Z-Man. I saw some video yesterday from Israel. It was the second time I have seen a heavily produced and organized music concert. This one they created some elaborate light show with one light for every hostage and had some pop star right and sing a brand new song as the hostage family members walked across stage. It is an interesting and new aspect of warfare. It is also a bad look in my opinion. The person who showed it to me thought I would be impressed. On the contrary, my first thought was, ‘If you are suffering a… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

write and sing .. no edit and free flow not a tard I swear. filler filler filler filler

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

All that’s missing is a tweet about how Gaza is the Death Star and Lisa Franchetti is Admiral Ackbar

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

I nominate Ben Shapiro’s sister to be Princess Leia. Hear me out on this one…

I saw the original Star Wars in the theater but it was before puberty had hit. Today, I have heard that Carrie Fisher was asked not to wear a bra in the movie, and I was young enough not to notice! Now re-read my first sentence.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

That is one nicely formed rack.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
11 months ago

Beware the Khazar Milkers, they will get you everytime. And just like our good friend Admiral Ak’bar told us in the same said film– “It’s a trap!” 😎

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
11 months ago

The khazar milkers lol They may have the regime power but the humor is better on this side.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

They asked her not to wear a bra in the first movies? For the new ones it looks like they asked her not to wear her false teeth.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

I’ve seen our guys mock Israel for putting out a bunch of soy-brained propaganda ads aimed at America and Europe, using the “iconography” of Star Wars, Marvel, etc., to cast Israel as the superheroic savior the West hasn’t proven itself good enough to deserve. Like America’s, Israel’s is a regime that believes its own “social media metrics”—which are almost entirely the product of censorship, bots, and propaganda ops. It’s like they made Reddit into a country. Just a few years ago Israel’s PR personification was something like a religious scholar who has you in a headlock (gaudy gold bracelet cutting… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

If those states that disqualify Trump if he’s convicted by Fulton County, are write-in ballots still valid?

Reply to  YourAverageJoe
11 months ago

Disqualified means DISQUALIFIED. If you write in Trump, your ballot will be discarded and not counted.

11 months ago

Just remember no bad optics.
And don’t organize because everyone’s a Fed.
And BTC will save you…

>>No one is coming to save you because you wouldn’t risk anything for anyone else. <>But the main point stands. <<

11 months ago

The attempted assassination of Lenin by Fanny Kaplan brings to mind an old joke:
“Russian people have 2 reasons to hate the Jews: 1) The Jewess shot our beloved leader, 2) She did not finish the job”

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

The comments section of the Z blog often has a white pilling effect on me. To all you, including our host, thanks for that. Okay, no more sobbing emotions. Back to business.

11 months ago

I do not agree that the ruling class was “frightened” they pretended to be , but the storming was a preplanned op. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/new-j6-footage-shows-ray-epps-whispering-baked-alaska-were-here-storm-capitol

Reply to  miforest
11 months ago

In Ukraine 2014 the crowd’s decision (made in America) to move from outside to inside was the signal that behind the scenes the “revolution” had been accomplished. Plausibly, some US legislators/etc. who weren’t in on the J6 joke considered the sight of some goofball from the Water Buffalo Lodge walking by to be the same sign. Sending that false signal is at least partly why “We need to go into the capitol.” On 4chan and Kiwifarms, oldfags watching the J6 streams live noticed that a couple of the same goony Ukrainians (next seen on TV as Azov heroes) were present… Read more »

11 months ago

“However, the initial rise in hospitalizations wasn’t as severe as expected. The Mercy’s crew treated about 80 people before departing in mid-May.” Anyone else here get a phone call or two from an excitable lib you knew, after Trump tested positive for the Dread Plague (October 1st was when he went into Walter Reed)? It is quite a thing to recall in my case, as my correspondent seemed to actually believe the evil one would be immobilized by the end of the month or hopefully joined the choir invisible (to mix cartoon religion metaphors). If it were just normal tacky… Read more »

Reply to  DoctorLexxus
11 months ago

I don’t get phone calls from liberals but I did have a luncheon with a medium sized group of relatives and in-laws that week. A couple of them were almost trembling with pleasure at the fact that Trump had contracted Covid. They talked about how he deserved it for not taking the virus seriously (as if!) and were like kids on Christmas Eve, awaiting even better news – from their point of view – about his health.

In retrospect, what difference would it have made if he’d actually died at that moment in time?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
11 months ago

And I think it’s safe to say BoM is vaxxed and boosted to the gills. The disease’s severity is fraudulent, but not quite so fraudulent as its supposed periapts.

Reply to  KGB
11 months ago

I had pretty much the same at a family dinner at a nephews house. During dinner, the conversation was about the vaxx, and I said my family did not do the vaxx and we never caught the covid plague.
That did not sit well with nephew, and he let me know it.
I walked up to his Alexa device and asked it: Alexa, what company paid the largest criminal fine in history?
After Alex spewed the truth, you could hear a pin drop.
Nephew’s opinion of me did not improve.

Greg Nikolic
11 months ago

I’m still surprised that no one has tried to assassinate Donald Trump. He presents a luscious fat peach of a target. He’s been the most dangerous enemy to the Left in 50 years, and why go to the ballot box when you can go to your gun box and get your bullets? Assassination has been the preferred solution for extremists since the Archduke was assassinated triggering World War I. The cascade effects of assassination are tremendous. First, you eliminate the person himself. Then, you put a dent in his ideology by marking him off as mortal. And finally, you assert… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
11 months ago

In current year it’s virtually impossible to assassinate a president. Or an ex one, evidently. This ain’t Reagan/Hinckley. The security apparatus is gargantuan by comparison. Even as a suicide mission it’s questionable.

Best attempt I can recall since Hinckley is the guy who threw the dud grenade on stage with Dubya somewhere in eastern Europe in the early aughts. And that’s no sure fire method even if it had detonated.

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
11 months ago

For our rulers, the perfect plan would be to get the FBI to agitate and assist someone who is to the right of a normie conservative to do it, perhaps because the assassin felt betrayed by Trump. So much the better if he could be framed as a white supremacist. Imagine the righteous denunciations from the normie conservatives against the MAGA extremists. Unite your allies and divide your enemies indeed.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
11 months ago

I suspect it is the same as the reason there has been no false flags (or additional false flags, if J6 was one): there is fear such an event might start a rush of non-state-sponsored assassinations and terror. Even though they are criminals, pathological liars and sociopaths (maybe BECAUSE they are those things), and, yes, also incompetent, there likely is a deep-seated and justified concern that a well-crafted state-sponsored kill or explosion might act as a spark that would endanger the people they truly do protect. Not everyone is a geriatric Boomercon who thinks their vote matters. During the Cold… Read more »

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
11 months ago

Every leader with common sense prepares plan for his incapacitation. Trump is also not in jail . So there could be serious obstacles for assassination or imprisonment.

Maybe we need to think that Donald is actually much wiser than most of us think and carefully prepared for battle for many decades.

And he may have invisible but powerful allies keeping him safe.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
11 months ago

What would assassinating Trump accomplish? He presents no real threat to the system, and provides a relief valve for disgruntled citizens. If Trump wasn’t around, they would have to create one.

On the other hand, you assassinate him and he becomes JFK. A martyr to the cause and who knows what it unleashes. No, assassinating him would be the height of stupidity. What they need/want to do is humiliate him, but that is a tough challenge.

11 months ago

I have something extremely important to share that isn’t “on topic”, but it does touch on the “revolutionary” language that leftists have indoctrinated our children with. Several months back, my 14 year old son, when asked about his interest in girls, made the statement that he thinks he is “asexual”. To be clear, my kid is perfectly normal, but he’s always been a little behind in his developmental progress compared to other boys his age. Even still, I don’t think it’s all that weird for a 14 year old boy to not have quite yet developed an interest in girls.… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Sumguy
11 months ago

Why you are not contacting other parents and standing with pitchforks and torches at the gates of every school board meeting demanding to know –what– poison is being poured into your kid’s ear on a daily basis is a mystery to me. This passive acceptance mode is what got us here and every story like this I read is another blackpill for me. You need to be a barbarian at the gate. This is your flesh and blood your son and your response is to just have a convo w/ your kid? Yeah, have that talk but then go for… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
11 months ago


Where did I mention the school board in my post? I think you read more into it than is there

Calm your tits

Reply to  Apex Predator
11 months ago

Also, Are you not likewise aware that our children are being indoctrinated? Isn’t that the point of this blog? To expose the indoctrination our world is creating for the next generation?

What are you doing about it? Other than posting on the same blog that I’m posting on?

I had a conversation with my son and we came to an understanding of how things really are. This has nothing to do with school boards.

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
Reply to  Apex Predator
11 months ago

Apex, I understand your sentiment, and school policies ARE important, but the school administrations are the smallest piece of this. For instance, I moved to a small town last year that is basically the Land that Time Forgot. When my boy got into a fight at school he was not given detention, suspended, or sent to a social worker. The vice principal, with my permission, paddled him instead! 6mo later he got in another fight and the VP said (I swear to God), “…I’m not going to paddle him hard this time. That other boy has been needing to get… Read more »

Reply to  Nicholas Name
11 months ago

Your sir, are a good Dad.

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
Reply to  YourAverageJoe
11 months ago

Thanks for that.

Reply to  Apex Predator
11 months ago

J, cμcks gonna cμck.

Just don’t let your own nordic icy-blue-eyed children miscegenate with them, and your bloodlines should be fine.

We can’t save everyone.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Sumguy
11 months ago

As my years advance, I realize and admit the truth. I have never seen women as anything other than sex objects. It has always been thus, I just used to lie about it. Even to myself I think, because I had been conditioned by society to be expected to relate to them in some other way. But why would or should I see them some other way? I was just as conditioned as your son, only subject to a different era’s conditioning, to believe that I was supposed to relate to women intellectually or emotionally (ha ha, no, really, I’m… Read more »

Reply to  Sumguy
11 months ago

Thanks for a very thoughtful post. There is also a chance that when he falls in love with a female, a stronger sex drive will kick in, which is how it should be. But a strong biological urge to procreate can lead us down an immoral path. He may lead a more healthy, balanced life than most.

Reply to  Sumguy
11 months ago

A 14 year old boy not interested in girls?

Reply to  Snooze
11 months ago

That’s not what my post said at all. In fact, it says that he told me he was interested in a girl in the class. What it said was, a few months ago he was struggling with understanding his lack of interest (then vs now) and that he now has found an interest in a girl in his class. It also says that he’s always been a little behind in his maturity level. No, not every boy is walking around with hormones oozing out of their ears. You see, people, this is why we have leftist bullshit ideas. People like… Read more »

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
Reply to  Sumguy
11 months ago

Sumguy, I also have a 14yo son, and I’m with you. As I tell my boy, the teenage years are where you figure out what kind of man you want to be. At 14yo, I only cared about D&D, my Ruger 10/22, and building bike ramps. By 16yo, my penis was making 90% of my bad decisions. On the other hand, my son has always been handsome and showered in female attention. But, he chooses not to date right now because, in his words, “It’s a small school and I don’t want all the cute girls to be ex-girlfriends when… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Nicholas Name
11 months ago

Only 90%?
If only…….

Reply to  Nicholas Name
11 months ago

I read these posts from very lucky fathers of very fine young men.
You have done a great job sirs!

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Snooze
11 months ago

It’s hard for us horn dogs to visualize such a thing, for instance I recall my interest in girls going from “high” to “stratospheric”, but other guys I’ve talked to their interest went from “zero” to “mild”.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
11 months ago

I bumper shined in buck 40 to a different telephone exchange just to..
Ahh forget it.

Reply to  Sumguy
11 months ago

Let’s lay off of the judgement of Sumguy. He is handling it in the way he best sees fit. We are a small pirate ship which, for now, confers no status, wealth or other benefits for people to join us. We need to lay off the judgement and either just listen or respond with some humility. As for fighting the schoolboard … … I think that is probably a waste of time. Unless you can wholesale replace the schoolboard and then replace the curriculum and do it in say a years time frame you are still only 2/3rds of the… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

One can fight the school board immediately.

It’s called “home schooling”, and I’ve told my sisters and daughters I would do anything to make that available to their kids.

Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

Respectfully, I disagree with your assessment about school board reform. The obsessive focus by the political left on the transgender/sexuality issues in schools, and especially in elementary schools and middle schools, has created a huge opportunity for our side to take over school boards and even local governments. As it turns out, not even most suburban moms want their 6-12 year old kids exposed to soft-core, gay porn in the school library or drag queen shows in the public library. Who knew? This is already happening all over the country, even in blue territory. Of course, the media portray it… Read more »

Reply to  Sumguy
11 months ago

I sympathize, Sumguy. If you have a kid a bit *different*, the society we live in is like quick sand. It will suck him down into the abyss. I was a loner too as a child, but the society I was surrounded by offered no solace in being “odd” or “strange”. You were normal or you were in essence “bullied”. Yep, bullied into some sort of societal normality. There was no movement then to niche (label) you into some category (of oddness) and then support you in such behavior. Mothers teach unrequited love. Society teaches something else entirely. I hold… Read more »

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Sumguy
11 months ago

It’s the same deal with “POC” and now “BIPOC” – smushing together ethnicities that have nothing in common with each other except that they’re non-white. Erasing distinctions and defining themselves as what they’re not.

11 months ago

Postmodernist irrationality now has Kamala’s Ethnic stepdaughter fundraising for Hamas, along with other Ethnic Democrats.

Nothing the True Believers do makes any sense. The Revolution doesn’t make any sense.

Don't mind me.
Don't mind me.
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

It doesn’t have to make any sense. The point is to subvert and replace traditional society. By whatever means necessary.

Ancient Mason
Ancient Mason
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

It makes sense once you realize that “the issue is never the issue.” The issue is revolution.

11 months ago

I believe what is to come will be quite different from the Bolshevik and Jacobin experiments. The self described “elites” who are actually very poorly/ill educated people whose only genuine attributes are arrogance , narcissism and self importance, will not in the end, prevail. In this country, we have a real history of self governance. Neither Russia nor France really ever did. Many of the readers here clearly are well informed, educated and intelligent, but have very little daily contact with real workers who as a matter of survival, have lots of common sense. The welders, shop keepers, painters, plumbers,… Read more »

Reply to  Fwi
11 months ago

I really hope that you are right.

Unfortunately, the salt of the earth people whom you referenced have their opinions circumscribed by Fox News and conservative radio hosts, who are the weaker side of the uniparty.

Until that changes, they will only vote harder for Nikki or Ron.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

Line: I don’t think my neighbors here plan on voting for Nikki or DeSantis, but they definitely plan on voting harder. I see absolutely zero sentiment for abandoning the system, let alone overturning or replacing it.

Reply to  Fwi
11 months ago

The government, at all levels, still wields enormous power through its purse strings and cadre of normies in various law enforcement organizations. The latter are largely slaves to salary/pension blackmail and will do as ordered. So fighting the “Man” is foolhardy in the present. But everything changes post-collapse. As every cop who has ever served on a riot line knows, the unknown can get you dead in a hurry and bravado is no protection. Chaos changes the battlespace fundamentally, which is why we must wait for the fog. The GAE’s most formidable enemy is not the resistance, it is the… Read more »

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
Reply to  TomA
11 months ago

100% correct. A solitary, old, and wounded lion can still kill the hyena that approaches from the front.

Reply to  TomA
11 months ago

“… we must wait for the fog. The GAE’s most formidable enemy is not the resistance, it is the collapse.”

Now that’s perhaps your shortest and best insight—and we’ve squabbled for a long time on this forum. 😉

Reply to  Fwi
11 months ago

The WEF has functional control of all of the west, where would we vevacuate them too?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  miforest
11 months ago

“The WEF has functional control of all of the west, where would we evacuate them to?”

The correct answer is “lamp posts.”

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
Reply to  Fwi
11 months ago

Your comment reminded me of a Russian proverb I came across recently. As I remember it:

“The rich can’t eat their money”

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Fwi
11 months ago

We all understand the problems with mobilizing. But the fact is, the trucker protest was successful. The regime backed down. However, Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and others are still looking at hard time. Trial delayed yet again. Was it worth it for them? Stay tuned. But I think we all know how it turns out. Examples must be made.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

The regime got to test its power to use out-of-uniform military and cops from distant cities to physically attack the people. Test passed, both practically—there are no good cops and no truly resistant citizens—and legalistically. They were somewhat unsure, hence the excess of propaganda: staged nazi flag march, adding “transphobia” to the list of truckers’ sins just because it’s on the regime’s libel-of-the-day calendar, etc. If they’re capable of learning, our rulers learned that no propaganda is necessary—that psyops and show trials aren’t persuasion but gratuitous sadism, which is so much more satisfying. The American military’s internal propaganda about the… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Hemid
11 months ago

No state AG and/or governor stood in the way of the regime’s hordes, which should tell us something about the people who run our states.

Reply to  Fwi
11 months ago

Americans continue to buy arms and ammo at a record pace, so they have a sense of this situation getting very bad….

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Fwi
11 months ago

Organization >>> weapons. If we could help blue-collar workers organize, we could play at the big table. The Canadian truckers were a highly encouraging example of this

For entirely tactical and optical reasons I think it should be strictly nonviolent. The hard part will be organizing. I could easily imagine a lot of bluecollar are more based. Literally unruined by college

Bob Alou
Bob Alou
Reply to  Fwi
11 months ago

I’m going to go ahead and agree with that.

Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

We already see the weaponization of the law and Stalinist show trials. We are dangerously close to the weaponization of psychology. How long will it be before enemies of the regime are round up and sent to psychiatric hospitals and subject to shock treatment to cure our unclean thoughts? They’ve already turned types of mental illness into normal character traits. Is the opposite of that really that unthinkable?

11 months ago

Does the j6 thing kind of make you realize that if you’re gonna do the time, you may get as well do the crime?

If you had told the j6 people the day before what they would be facing, they very well might have had a “don’t lose” mindset and actually dare the capitol police to go ruby ridge on them

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
11 months ago

Not sure of Federal law, but there was one *murder* committed on Jan 6, that of protester, Ashli Babbitt. Here in my State we have felony murder laws which state that *all* participants in a crime are guilty of murder if any person is killed during the commission of the crime—even if they (the ones killed) themselves were committing said crime. I’m surprised that such charges were not leveled at those accused of entering the Capital on Jan 6. But in any event, we can see the level of tyrannical abuse the elite can yet avail themselves of as they… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Wouldn’t that reading of the murder statute require them to charge not only Michael Byrd but every other federal agent and law enforcement officer present?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

No, not at all. The Federal LEO’s were not breaking the law, they were enforcing it. 🙁 Therefore, no guilt can apply to them.

But I get your point wrt Fed’s complicity and poor response.

Greg Nikolic
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The essential point is that societies self-implode when they don’t have a safety valve. That is all.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

No…law enforcement is exempt if acting legally…

Bob Alou
Bob Alou
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
11 months ago

Ha ha ha … as I watched it unfold on national TV I couldn’t believe those people were that stupid. A drunken party that turned into “insurrection” – that was the most disorganized clusterfuck ever. And our society is rife with this kind of ignorance.

11 months ago

Aging attorney here. The Rollins advertisement was disturbing in the extreme. By any meaningful legal standards the treatment of the January 6 defendants has been a travesty of justice and a national disgrace. Any attorney who claims to be proud of his involvement as a prosecutor in that process is wholly lacking in any commitment to the principles of justice as they have been defined for centuries in the West. He is a tyrant in the making and belongs nowhere near the levers of government power. I spent a few minutes researching this aspiring tyrant and found this little nugget… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Guest
11 months ago

Yes, that restriction on the USSC is utterly lawless but how is that in any way an impediment? We are accustomed to living in rule-based society, no matter how imperfect that was. It is gone now.

“John Roberts made the law, let him now enforce it” has arrived.

Reply to  Guest
11 months ago

Term limits are fine—but seemingly impossible to implement. I’d rather we approach such from the angle of *age limits* or mandatory retirement. Folks understand such even though conflated with term limits. After Biden, Pelosi, and a score of others, capping the age for Federal office at 70 or 75 might pass. Not the ideal, but if you look at Congress and mark who’d have to leave at 70, you’d get rid of your most obnoxious a-holes—both Dem and Rep.

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

we had them in the 80’s but tom foley sued to overturn them and the supream court did

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Guest
11 months ago

The constitution is a piece of paper sitting safely tucked away in a museum that nobody cares about. AFAIK, constitutional law is not really studying the constitution so much as it is studying legal decisions that absolutely ignore what the constitution says. If anyone cared what the constitution said, we wouldn’t have entire categories of people who have been stripped of their rights for life. Police would not officially rob people and armored cars on the side of the road. “Civil Rights” law would not exist. In fact, most of the federal government would not exist. We pay lip service… Read more »

Bob Alou
Bob Alou
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

Agree with that. But we can make it – the Constitution – what we want it to be. They think they have ignored it but we will interrupt that. Won’t we?

Reply to  Guest
11 months ago

Rollins is the type of amoral scum that inhabits the DC Cabal…As an attorney, I agree, and do remember learning some of that stuff in 8th grade Civics…

11 months ago

> People climbing barricades brought to mind people more radical than themselves.

This characterization of the J6 protesters is a bit strained. Most of them were flag-waving CivNats: hardly a bunch of radicals. They engaged in minimal violence, especially compared to someone like Fanny Kaplan. Many of them were overweight boomers who could’ve used help getting up the Capitol steps.

The regime may have magnified the power and importance of these aging boomers within the regime’s reality distortion field but even so, they must realize that J6 was a hollow gesture with, at most, propaganda value for MAGAs.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Gauss
11 months ago

I think what matters is not what the J6 were but how the regime sees them. The blatant departure from both traditional rule of law and proportionality suggest the rulers were genuinely spooked

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

A big part of the regime’s reaction to January 6 is humiliation. They were made to look cowardly and ridiculous and they can’t have that.

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
Reply to  manc
11 months ago

Exactly. Just listen to the quivering voices of every congressman interviewed the evening of J6. That was genuine terror. Fat Boomers or not, if 10% didn’t leave their guns at home, it would have been a massacre for all. They know that they were only saved by the mob’s own restraint. That is why DC remained an armed camp for weeks after the inauguration.

It was a significant emotional event for the Cloud People.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Nicholas Name
11 months ago

Like I always say, if it was really an “insurrection,” then it would have succeeded. There was nothing to stop it. That’s what terrified them.

I’m cognizant that there was a setup in progress, but I don’t think most of your average congress critters were in on that plan.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  manc
11 months ago

That made me like the J6ers even more

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

This was the conjunction of effeminate cowardice and the paranoiac Jewish persecution complex. These two traits are uppermost in the Power Structure’s psyche.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Gauss
11 months ago

The Regime’s reaction to J6 rather than the event itself put it in opposition to the populace. As JR mentioned below, the plan apparently was to replace the current people with the poor, needy brown folks. To the surprise of exactly no one that is proving a dismal and catastrophic failure.

It would be no small irony if the justifiably loathed Boomers ultimately and inadvertently save their white children and grandchildren. Given the inadvertent benefits of the Trump presidency, don’t discount it.

Reply to  Gauss
11 months ago

The power of the magnifying the importance of the J6ers is it magnifies the power of those who imprison them. In reality, Beowulf was probably a local warlord of the Geats. But, to the audience who heard of his tales in Anglo-Saxon England, his struggle was against the very element of destruction and death: a dragon; his defeat, valiant but inevitable, is the same defeat that all will face in life. Which leaves a more awe inspiring impression in the mind of the audience? Symbols powerfully affect our minds. Let me put it this way: how likely is it a… Read more »

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
Reply to  Eloi
11 months ago

Great question, and I’ve thought I had the answer more than once, but this is the answer I keep coming back to: The Red Team has never been known for large-scale protest. The annual “Right to Life March” is about the closest thing to a conservative protest movement, and that was just a bunch of boomers that everyone ignored. J6 was an exception, and accomplished nothing for the Red Team, except very REAL prison sentences. No one is advocating for more of the same. I think the only large-scale, real-world, nonviolent, protest that they might get support for is a… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Gauss
11 months ago

J6 was a false flag intending to encourage real riots. Compare it to the summer of love, it was bullying with the subtle message being “what are you going to do about it?”. What most here long for is not coming back, your best bet is to let the thing fall apart and save your energy for what comes next. The best thing you can do, is not fit the narrative they are trying to sell.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. House
11 months ago

You’re exactly right. AINO will collapse in time. It is already doing so, although perhaps not as rapidly as we would like. At any rate, the wisest approach is to be patient and then strike when the beast is spent.

Having said that, there is a part of me that would dearly love to see a spate of colossal violence and destruction visited upon AINO’s Power Structure even though I know it would likely be counterproductive.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Gauss
11 months ago

I thought that was a reference to the more recent demonstrators at the WH, not the J6ers. But I could be wrong.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
11 months ago

These people have been locked in place since 1933. If you look over a list of names from the FDR Administration, some will be familiar, but more as the well heeled (multi-generational contacts bringing multi-generational ill-gotten wealth). Nearly all of the insider club can trace their political lineage to the mid-century builders of this machine. These aren’t revolutionaries, but counter-revolutionaries. Having detached themselves from the economy of the country decades ago, they’ve also detached themselves morally (these are highly moral people, you just wouldn’t want to have their morals) has led to an ultimate self classification as a Second Estate.… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  JR Wirth
11 months ago

Agreed. But it isn’t working…of course. Wile E. Coyote Has A Bad Day, Part 36,992.

Reply to  JR Wirth
11 months ago

“… they’re manically attempting to replace them with a brown version of the Third Estate, a people more docile and worthy of them. A people who don’t ask questions.”

A people who won’t be able to keep a technological, 1st world country operational nor advancing. The above was a sound strategy when everybody more or less worked the soil In subsistence farming. Today, we thrive as a society by products of the mind.

Admit the third world, become the third world (or as we are more apt to say, Brazil).

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

That ad from Will Rollins is instructive. He lays out various programs to control the flow of information on social media and TV. And take a wild guess who will be the arbiters of what are facts and what aren’t? He also attempts to link J6 with the Russians, Chinese and, even, Iranians. You can tell the ruling class truly believes that there are “traitors” within the US who are working with foreign countries, especially the mean countries. Here’s some nice quotes from his campaign website: “We should also reform and update regulations in order to break down information bubbles… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Academia has always been the epicenter of the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement against Israel, so it should come as no surprise that the universities have dragged their feet in offering the requisite condemnations of Hamas and the Palis. What’s more, academia has for many decades tolerated the most radical and offensive speech, as long as the radical offenders are attacking rightwing targets. And in academia, support for the Palis is farther to the left than supporting Jews for the simple reason that the former are PoC and Jews are seen substantially as being white. Hence academia has hesitantly supported… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

The attempts to link dissidents with Russia,China and Iran: How many of us could truly say that as it stands now, looking at Russia, would we root for them if they invaded? I honestly would, I’d be freer and safer under their thumb and truthfully since the Ukraine thing started, I’ve found a lot to be admired about the people and country.

China is a different story, they are aliens with a system that wouldn’t work for me. Not my people.

Iran is fine where they are, leave them alone and they leave us alone.

wendy forward
wendy forward
Reply to  Mike
11 months ago

Same here, I feel exactly the same about all three you mentioned. Iran I’ve had a tough time with because I had a friend who was a hostage, but they are on the team (allied with Russia) as is China so there you go.

My other country of deep connection is Turkey-my first diplomatic assignment-interesting times for them.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

This guy (link below) thinks surveillance is becoming so tight that rebellion is becoming impossible. Assassination is related to guerilla warfare as a tactic. It seems both are becoming strict suicide missions. TomA yesterday reasonably asked why people don’t act on their beliefs. I think one reason might be that one’s chances of not dying or becoming the regime’s torture pet in a concrete box, seem demoralizingly low. Most of us still have too much to lose is the honest truth Once life becomes unbearable anyway, or someone who fears they or their kid, have been slow-killed by the vaxx… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

The vaxx showed what it will take for people to push back. People felt their and their family’s lives being threatened so many just refused. Even the threat of losing their job didn’t make them do it.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Most didn’t refuse. I also think the fear that people may have been poisoned is so great that most will respond with denial. My impression is that friends and relatives reacting by lashing out angrily if you mention concerns about the vaxx being dangerous, is quite common. Ive experienced it a couple of times. People attack the messenger, not the perpetrator. But that’s probably the denial phase.

There are so many factors in play, other than that it will get sporty, i have no idea where we’re going

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

As horrified and dismayed as I was by the compliance, the resistance was substantial and shocking, too. The states and localities going their own way was the most positive element. This cannot hold.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

“… surveillance is becoming so tight that rebellion is becoming impossible.”

Not a far out thought. To this point, I ask those doubtful to examine all the modern “intelligence failures” they can think of. Were they the result of lack of information, or general incompetence to act upon the information gathered? I’d say the latter. Human error is against us, not technology to surveil. To the effect of curing human incompetence, I give you *AI*. It’s not going to get better.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Agree. I often think that hacking skills with a laptop is a far more powerful weapon of rebellion than a dozen firearms or even explosives. Without wanting to attract too much fed attention, you’d want to create a chain reaction that they have to deal with. But of course they’re aware of that so hacking the power supply or banks is not easy. And still, regardless of VPN s, encryption and various things, assume they’ll find you. It’s not encouraging

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Tight surveillance is a two-edged sword though. The more efficient and active it is, the more data is produced and has to be combed through. And the more incompetent the stasi grows, the more apportunities to work around the spying.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

I just don’t think that’s entirely true. Sure 19th century methods won’t work, but they never worked all that great to begin with if we’re being honest. Technology is a powerful force multiplier for even a faceless one-man crew and the yawning gaps in the surveillance state can be seen for anyone half-way paying attention. Additionally Floyd-Covid made this worse, for the regime, since a lot of anti-social behavior now gets ignored.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
11 months ago

Probably and hopefully you’re right. I have a hard time gauging just how tight surveillance really is. But today I do think it’s a one way mission (it probably always was, unless you were on the inside)

11 months ago

“the radicals will never let something as petty as facts or the law get in the way of their efforts”

“What lies ahead is not a break from the madness, but a renewed assault by the radicals”

About sums it up.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Can’t help but notice Mr. Rollins invoking flat earthers. The flat earth “movement” may or may not have been created by Mockingbird, but Mockingbird has doubtless worked to keep it “alive” and prominent, as it is doing right here. It’s convenient to be able to paint anyone who disagrees with you as a “flat earther.” It’s also despicable. “Anyone who isn’t on board with my program is a deranged kook who believes in the nuttiest nonsense.” Yet in the very same ad he says people should be able to hear “both sides.” (See? There are only two!) I won’t say… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

I’ve always assumed the deviancy push was simply another Leftist tool to reduce the West to rubble and thus create fertile ground for building their Utopia from the ashes. First time I enlisted in their military I had to affirm that I did not use drugs, was not a homosexual, and had never been a communist. I assumed they wanted to (rightly) make sure I wasn’t a degenerate that would be anathema to the system or be susceptible to blackmail. It seems now those same kill switches to working for the government are not only deactivated, the behaviors are now… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
11 months ago

That CIA Latina identifier was a low in their high-low pincer of the middle and traditional. The BiPOC order is a patronage network. They get a class of compliant do-nothings who hold sinecures and act as a spy class. The new JCOS has already done this with his, “diversity”, initiatives. There is now a core of, “diversity”, advocates who wear a special purple armband thingy thing and must be interspersed amongst the troops. The Bolsheviks did this – institute an ideological enforcement arm that were interspersed throughout the apparatus of governance to inform, spy and suppress internal dissent. I think… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Yep. Lenin was probably hoping to kap some fanny…

11 months ago

Just so, which is why “smarter rather than harder” should become an imperative for anyone in the DR. The idiots running DC cannot keep the plates spinning much longer; the sovereign debt is too large to rollover and printing fiat just hastens the day of reckoning. And as the collapse approaches, the temptation to go full tyranny will become immense. For that to happen, they need false-flag events to justify martial law and mass detainment of dissidents. And for this they will rely on normies in law enforcement and the national guard to follow orders. And it will become a… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  TomA
11 months ago

“The idiots running DC cannot keep the plates spinning much longer; the sovereign debt is too large to rollover and printing fiat just hastens the day of reckoning.” Their Central Bank Digital (so-called) “Currency” is precisely to obviate any kind of fiscal or financial collapse. The plan is not to let things go that far, and I don’t think we are going to see any kind of “collapse.” Not, at least, of the kind that most people expect. The transition into techno-hell will be relatively seamless. Most people (think COVID) will gladly accept the new “currency,” and won’t grasp its… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
11 months ago

I’m not following how giving the money a new name eliminates the debt or prevents a fiscal crisis. I have always believed the Great Reset is ultimately about a currency reset, but there has to be more to it than that.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
11 months ago

They are destroying the country for some reason with the open borders, and this very well could be it, but there has been zero competence illustrated to pull it off in the sense of permanent power and wealth. Covid came to an abrupt end with the Canadian truckers’ strike and some governors basically taunting the feds–and the resultant fear caused the martial law to come to a rapid close. They panic easily, which makes such an iffy proposition as a mercenary war all the more unlikely to work out. The emergence of Colony Ridges does bolster your point, and I… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
11 months ago

Connect the dots as you have presented them. The GAE imports mercenaries and stations them in sensitive locations within the interior. These mercenaries are then tasked with conducting sabotage operations, thereby triggering a demand for action by the government to quash this psuedo-insurrection. Martial law is declared and National Guard are activated to put down this terrorist threat. As with 9-11, new laws are passed eliminating Constitutional protections and imposing a de facto tyranny in the USA.

Is this the sort of scenario that has just played out in Israel?

Bob Alou
Bob Alou
Reply to  TomA
11 months ago

Martial law is coming … it will be interesting to see where and how the people respond. The cause for it – that’s what remains to be known. I don’t think the ones “in charge” have decided what precipitate martial law. But it’s coming.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
11 months ago

Well if we learn anything from history, it’s that Nature abhors a vacuum. This System cannot stand this level of chaos and friction. Women decide elections here, to the extent that elections matter at all. The average soccer mom isn’t prepared to deal with third-world chaos and inflation in suburbia. I’m not even sure the single Bossgirls can take it anymore. Voting for it in the abstract is way different from living with it on a daily basis. Another year of this crap and Trump will look like George Washington to all the Karens. So the Oligarchs must now choose… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Captain Willard
11 months ago

Once I would have put money on a military coup.

Then I look at today’s military.

One set of oligarchs right now is finding out people are disgusted with them, and they imported lots of these enemies into their host countries. Ooops. I’m pretty certain there isn’t a faction, oligarchs and otherwise, in control now.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Probably part of why they wanted to neuter the military. A pattern I’ve also noticed in Europe is, the military is being stripped, the police is being built up.

For some reason police forces are often more loyal to regimes than militaries are. In Turkey in 2016 the army tried to coup, the police stopped it (rumors Russia tipped ergodan of, nice thick plot). I think this is a general pattern, militaries are more independent of regimes than police are. And therefore more dangerous to the rulers.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

Police are better paid, with better pensions, and there are no deployments to far away places.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

You don’t need to be deployed to a foreign place when the rulers can just turn “your” country into a foreign place.

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
Reply to  Captain Willard
11 months ago

“…giving the masses a new face and a new narrative.”
Cue Governor Hairgel for the win.
He’s young, good hair, has a cute wife who only sucked that Jewish guys dick because he was powerful but is now totally a victim…

Reply to  Mow Knowname
11 months ago

Not so sure. California, Gov. Hairgel’s stomping ground is unmistakably becoming Exhibit A of What You Will Get With Him At The Helm as CA disintegrates.

But we shall see, shan’t we?

11 months ago

I find that ad by the j6 prosecutor deeply disturbing all the way through but it get so much worse when he makes the big reveal with his “partner” Paolo and then starts talking about stuffing. Very creepy!

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

The regime now thinks showing a gay “partner” adds to this guy’s appeal. The “new normal,” included with traditional norms of liking things like stuffing and Thanksgiving. I’m picturing the classic Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving table painting re-done with the usual leftist weirdos and freaks.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Wolf Barney
11 months ago

I haven’t seen any ads like that yet for Ds running for office in Alabama or Iowa. The seat he’s chasing is inland empire, you could get the idea it’s a test case for whether it will work that far out from west LA. And expand out accordingly if it does.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

“People and getting angrier and more violent.”

You ain’t seen nothing yet sunny boy. The mistake he makes is where the violence will come from, at least initially. He may think he is on the good side but he is going to find out that he is wearing the wrong color of uniform.

I am sure that will come as a big surprise to him.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

“I find that ad by the j6 prosecutor deeply disturbing all the way through but it get so much worse when he makes the big reveal with his “partner” Paolo and then starts talking about stuffing. Very creepy!”

Thank, pal! I deliberately ignored the ad b/c I knew that whatever it was would be something I didn’t want to see or know.

11 months ago

After that Rollins ad, I had to look up the train incident. It’s pretty wacky and pretty clearly the work of one weird Hispanic guy who just snapped, not indicative of some trend in domestic terrorism.


11 months ago

Nonetheless, he stopped to address the women, who produced a pistol and shot Lenin three times.

Lenin survived. And that right there is why someone needs a magazine with a 30-round capacity!

Also, pistols have terrible “stopping power.”

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Vizzini
11 months ago

Franz Ferdinand begs to differ. But yeah, young Fanny shoulda had a grenade too.

Reply to  Vizzini
11 months ago

Not modern pistols. We’ve come a long way since the early 1900’s.

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The 9mm x 19 Parabellum cartridge, the most popular cartridge for modern pistols, was developed in 1901.

Reply to  Vizzini
11 months ago

And the 1911 in .45 was a product of the Spanish-American war. Not to mention ammunition advances in expandable bullets.

11 months ago

When you say, ” Our revolutionaries are just as aware of the past as the prior revolutionaries,” who do you have in mind? Obama and the average person in his orbit seem well on the historical ignorance end of the scale. If you said the name Georges Danton to Jen Psaki, a blank stare is most likely what you would get in response. They see themselves are resetting the entire arc of history and think nothing that happened in the past applies to them.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Barnard
11 months ago

This is exactly who they are–pablum-spouting virtue signalers with no historical memory whatsoever and no appreciation of the forces they have unleashed.

joey jünger
joey jünger
11 months ago

George Carlin used to joke that, after every mass murder, the local news people would interview the guy’s neighbors and someone would inevitably say, “It’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for.” The joke, of course, being that if some guy is standing there quietly while another guy is wielding an axe and covered in blood and jumping up and down, you’re not going to be watching out for the quiet guy. Unless, that is, you’re a crazed fanatic. Look at the footage of the “alt right shaman” that’s not regime-approved and you’ll see some goofy normie wandering… Read more »

11 months ago

“Lenin survived the assassination attempt”

Moral of the story: .32 ACP is not enough gun.

comment image

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

(((Fanny Kaplan))) … is almost like she was being prepared to come to America some day, the custom of changing names to culturally passing as chameleons is old. Another observation is that the atheist socialist religion is really demonic, is like these people want to reach their Valhalla through terrorism and political assassinations. We already had a zombie apocalypse and it is still ongoing on college campuses in the US and the US gov.

The memory of these people should be immortalized as assholes and demons.

Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

In Re Not Enough Gun. About 15 years back due to a long and weird chain of causality I found myself at midnight in an outdoor seafood restaurant in downtown Kota Kinabalu. Across the road was a typical SE Asian love hotel with blacked out street-facing windows and the median strip was being patrolled by aggressive illegal immigrant Filipino trannies. One remembers such things. Warm tropical night with all the local atmosphere you could want, and then extra. But the seafood — doubtless caught by the Sea Gypsies living in houses on stilts above the sea one saw on the… Read more »

11 months ago

I’m not so sure. Bolsheviks vs. SRs etc. was about ideology. What the idiots in the Imperial Capital have done is make it about culture, which is the same (in this case) as making it about biology. With their fumble-fingered response to the Gaza thing, they effectively published the League Table of the Progressive Stack. We all kinda sorta knew who was at the top, but so long as nobody actually said so, every group of Spiteful Mutants was able to think themselves on top, and thus keep their focus on their own special enemy. But now, not only does… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

The funniest part of all this is Jews finding out they are now just white colonizers to their enemies, but still can’t let off the anti-white bigotry.

Z as said something about negative identity being toxic to a people, and their reaction to the backlash is exhibit A.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

Netanyahoo just stated Israel, “…will control Gaza indefinitely,” after the war.

Sounds like it’s time to stock up on popcorn.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

“They make a desert and call it peace”. Some conquered Scot.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

Well, “from the river to the sea” is in their constitutional charter.

Oh no, sorry, not in the Hamas charter.
In the Likud charter. Bibi’s party.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

I thought that it was “from the Euphrates to the Nile.”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

My guess is they haven’t resorted to a false flag because it will produce a lot of the real things by folks just waiting for the first flare to go up. In days of old a Cromwell would emerge, but that requires a dominant race, ideology, religion. There is no Cromwell possible when Shitavious wants to get busy with a rent troon and Mohammed is totally opposed to all that and everyone has forgotten what The Current Thing is today. This is the first Post-Modern Revolution, and given the enemy is nature/reality, that assures it will remain permanent since the… Read more »

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
Reply to  Jack Dobson
11 months ago

The ancient Greeks had a name for the hero who arises from relative obscurity to lead in a crisis. They called him “The Gray Champion”.

American examples are George Washington, U.S. Grant, Robert E. Lee*, Stonewall Jackson, and Dwight Eisenhower; they were all basically nobodies before their respective wars started and assumed their roles with humility.

IF a Gray Champion is in America, by definition we haven’t heard of him yet.

*I’m aware Uncle Abe asked Lee to lead the Federal Army, but Lee wasn’t the first one he asked

Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

The “who will you vote for President” for are such obvious propaganda it’s a wonder anyone pays attention to them. Every cycle we’re cautioned “The legitimate polling companies will get serious a week or two out from election day.” (and sometimes not even then…GUARANTEED this cycle) Disappointed, but not surprised, team R is stupid enough to be crowing about how Muslims and blacks in swing states are going to embrace Trump. They know what they’re doing (instilling false hope, trying to gin up a horse race to the finish). We know what they’re doing (lying). They know we know what… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

The whole “genocide for me but not for thee” puts them in a weird place too since no one else, for as much as some people joke about it, really had that on the mind. This made disparate groups find some light common cause against the GAE regime of “Genocide Joe” since even the difference between #1 and #2 is the difference between not being bombed to death and…being bombed to death.

Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

Israel must be a pure Jewish ethnostate!
Palestine must be a pure Arab ethnostate!
Their ancient borders, soil and blood are sacred!
You must pay to defend them with your own blood and treasure!
(…but don’t YOU dare get any ideas about homogeneity and borders, you RAYCISS!!!)

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
Reply to  Jannie
11 months ago

I also marvel at the chutzpah of calling themselves part of the western civilization while behaving like cavemen. But this is an insult to cavemen that probably held less grievances and had more self awareness.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

We get polls from Europe revealing that hey, whaddaya know, the people don’t want millions of Muslims. We’ve known that for decades and near-single-issue natpop parties have been polling in the 20% range for the last 20 years – usually putting them second or third in parliamentary systems with 8-10 parties. we even get Nordic countries declaring the expulsion of illegal immigrants. That is nothing new either, it’s just being repackaged and sold as hardlinerism. European countries have never recognized that illegals have civil rights, and here in Denmark they are put in camps if they for one reason or… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago

From what I’ve seen, the prohibitions against anti-Israeli protests/rioting in France and elsewhere are not working. Shocker. Euronormie may start to realize that not only does he have no say in the state of affairs, neither does the Help ‘n Hos who supposedly run things.

The Muzzie unpleasantry seems to have rocked the Regime back on its heels somewhat. If the Euro invader ethnos changes from Middle Eastern to SubSaharan/Asian, that shock over the least shocking thing on earth will be confirmed.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobson
11 months ago

Euronormie may start to realize that not only does he have no say in the state of affairs Let’s hope so. What strikes me about the demonstrations is how peaceful they are, compared to race riots or Antifa events in Britain and America – we may conclude that the demonstrations are not a CIA operation. If the Euro invader ethnos changes from Middle Eastern to SubSaharan/Asian It’s already happening. Ten years ago, the only blacks in Copenhagen were a few prostitutes and drug dealers around the Central Station, plus a few, fully Oreo-ized adoptees here and there. Euronormie has no… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago

What strikes me about the demonstrations is how peaceful they are. I believe this is quite significant. Moslems are usually not afraid of using violence, but something is holding them back, keeping them in line. I suspect they’re getting their shit together. For the last few years, a Danish-presenting Jew named Rasmus Paludan has been touring with a Koran-burning roadshow, going around the ghettos with a hefty police escort, burning Korans and shouting stuff like “Mohammed loved to have sex with pigs and dogs.” People have been fined for much less over a FB post, but for some reason this… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago

$4-5 million range

Hold on, that’d be 40-50 mil.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago


That is fascinating. Maybe the Muzzies think this is a trap and are indeed getting their shit together.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago

Yes. They certainly seem to have spotted Paludan for an agent provocateur from the get-go and have decided not to raise to the bait. But it’s also that they don’t actually care very much what infidels do, because you can’t blaspheme if you’re not a Moslem. What people often forget about the Jyllands-Posten Mo-toon Affair (the OG Mo-toon brouhaha) is that initially nothing happened, nobody was terribly offended. It was only a few months later, when Moslem governments suddenly decided to make it an issue, that thing blew up. The same happened with Paludan, by the way. Right before Christmas,… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago

Riots in France have only been surpassed in terms of intesity and geographical scope by the BLM riots in the US in 2020.

France also has a nationwide counter-insurgency operation called Operation Sentinelle.The French government admitted that up to 70% of its army is employed on this op. France is already in a low intensity civil war.

Euronormies might want to look at France or Belgium before worrying about the US and Britain.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago

Riots in France have only been surpassed in terms of intesity and geographical scope by the BLM riots in the US in 2020.

True, and the Mo-toon riots were almost as bad. France had one of the usual riots just last year, when the cops shot a fleeing car thief or something.

And that’s what makes these Hamas-demonstrations different. The Moslems are perfectly ready to riot, but for some reason they’re not doing it this time.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago

Sand Muslims don’t pop off until they reach a certain critical mass, population wise. They wait for that safety in numbers. But when they blow, they blow.

Perhaps they don’t comprehend how weak and unwilling to use force against miscreant brown people the west really is

Reply to  Felix Krull
11 months ago

I’ve always liked the idea of implementing camps. Here, you would ideally go to a camp to await your turn in the courts for admission due to whatever BS reason you have. If you get tired of the camp, you can ask for “voluntary” deportation. My bet is that in a year, the illegal migration would dry up (we are getting some days in this sector/town over 1k) and we’d have caught up on the camp buildout. In WWII for example, we transported—and housed—hundreds of thousands of Germans in camps around the country. Nice facilities too. We literally built them… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

How are they going to get rich Jews and the POC hordes on the same side again?? I’m sure they’ll try “hate white” but like you say, they have a giant hole in their cover now.

If we don’t get swamped with millions of Palis and it doesn’t go nuclear, the lefts newest split may be good for us

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

The split is all upside. That’s insufficient on its own but a good step in the right direction.

Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

“We get polls from Europe revealing that hey, whaddaya know, the people don’t want millions of Muslims in their territory…”

Derb likes to bring up that we got more muslim immigration after 9/11 than before. When he talks about it, he always has a sense of exasperated bewilderment.

I could explain to him why it happened, but he would dismiss me.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
11 months ago

The age of walking up and shooting a guy is great political theatre, but comes at the cost of brutal repression and loss of the moral high ground. Wondering if the future or political repression is not going to be assassinations or cancelling, but inflicting psychological harm in the form of exposing them to hallucinogens, poisoning their food with weird compounds, breaking in and messing with their furniture like the East Germans used to do, etc. Basically make their enemies go insane. I’m sure there are all sorts of concoctions the CIA has come up with to make a guy… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

We are there. The enemy is reality, which assures the revolution will be permanent. For the first time I can see everything falling apart in the next few years and nothing emerging from the chaos but even more anarcho-tyranny. People who try to assume the Big Boy’s Chair will find out in short order no one wants them to have it.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
11 months ago

Their enemy is indeed reality. But Thermodynamics is undefeated. The system needs to work eventually, otherwise the EBT cards don’t work either.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Captain Willard
11 months ago

Re EBT: remember the CHAZ zone the Antifa types set up in Seattle? They planted a garden and the next day were standing around waiting for the packaged vegetables to arrive.

11 months ago

The commies had relatively clear goals that were known to them and to their enemies.
However, I am not sure what are the real goals of the current revolutionaries and I don’t see anybody else describing their goals in a way that makes sense.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hun
11 months ago

The goal is The Current Thing, which changes hourly. Anarcho-tyranny is effective as a technique but doesn’t cut it as an endpoint.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
11 months ago

Progressivism itself is perpetual revolution, as its primary mandate is to Agitate. There is no end point to progressivism. It always agitates. It must find or create the new injustice to eradicate. Which is how we get transgenderism as a major political movement. 10 years ago nobody could have imagined.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
11 months ago

The Current Thing is the means, not the goal. The goal is to feel morally superior to the masses. Since the wisdom of crowds ensures the masses trend toward reality, ever more insanity is needed for contrast.

Reply to  Hun
11 months ago

“I am not sure what are the real goals of the current revolutionaries” 1. Vanquish and subdue traditional whites 2. … 3. Paradise on earth! Hun, while what I’m about to say may not apply to you, I guess that when many people on the right say that they can’t see the goals or the plans of the left, they are saying that they can’t categorize the goals of the left as economic, ideological, or based in greed. Put simply, if they can’t call it communism or self-interest then they don’t understand it at all. We are engaged in tribal… Read more »

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Hun
11 months ago

>>>I am not sure what are the real goals of the current revolutionaries

As in much of life, those who know don’t talk, and those who talk don’t know.

11 months ago

“At the end of the day, I think most Americans are like me and my partner Paulo”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  CFOMally
11 months ago

Perfect encapsulation there.

Reply to  CFOMally
11 months ago

Hahaha! Man, does that bring the message home!
Outta the park!
Pitch me, baby!

Swingin’ for da fences, that one is,
A real straight shooter!

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
11 months ago

“Our revolutionaries are just as aware of the past as the prior revolutionaries, but they are just as trapped by the dynamics of revolution, so they will be compelled to follow the same path. What lies ahead is not a break from the madness, but a renewed assault by the radicals.” The Bolsheviks and Jacobins were insane but highly intelligent. These people, to put it mildly, are not that bright. Our radicals also are far softer people who are used to abundance. They never have missed a meal unless they were dieting, never have slept in the cold unless it… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Oh, there’s a Lenin alright you just haven’t seen him yet.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Hoagie
11 months ago

A Lenin isn’t even possible when The Current Thing changes daily and the coalition is ready to kill one another 24/7. Lenin himself got off on the PoMo chaos but near his end had to embrace an abbreviated version of Grillerism hawked as The New Economic Plan.

There may be a Cromwell out there, but he’ll face the same chaos.

Reply to  Hoagie
11 months ago

There is a yet to emerge Lenin, but also a Mussolini. Who gets there first is uncertain.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

I don’t think our society is capable of producing a Lenin or Stalin, let alone a Cromwell or an Augustus Caesar.

Me, I’m holding out for a Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Jack, you see nihilism in our leaders but I don’t. I see nihilism in the poor guys killing themselves with fent, but our elites seem to really believe that the world will be a much better place when traditional whites are vanquished and subdued. Can our elites be a nihilists when they hold strong beliefs and a vision for the future?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

They started out with a plan to replace whites and that remains a goal, but, yes, it has degenerated into nihilism. I disagree with Z quite a bit on the concept of emergent behavior as being the only or a primary factor, but it does happen and that applies here. The benefits of chaos are diminishing rapidly, whites remain the dominant racial group, yet their foot remains on the gas pedal. A good example is the inability to maintain support for any length of time for lucrative wars. Yes, they happen but that has become far more different. They also… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
11 months ago

tl;dr: There is no Lenin, and cannot be one due to distrust, so a well-constructed goal and plan has fallen into utter disarray. Some time ago I predicted this year may see the first Cloud on Cloud hit and that seems likely now.

11 months ago

The problem they’ve got is the same as the one they have in Ukraine. It’s all fakery and narrative. They have a set of beliefs with no core. It is merely people chanting the same mantras to each other with nothing beneath. What is the desired end state here? Their animating principle seems to be total societal collapse and mutually assisted suicide. How do you gain and retain power when your beliefs demand anarchy? No borders, no energy, no economy, no sexes, and they genuine seem to want everyone who isn’t them dead. In the meantime, as in Ukraine, the… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Hokkoda
11 months ago

The debit cards and cell phones were supposed to prevent the border jumpers and aliens from getting out of line. Yeah, true genius there.

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

At least twice a month I am in Ross and TJ Maxx clothing stores when out with my wife on Saturdays. For the last year or more these stores have been overrun with our replacement population spending money like there was no tomorrow. These people are spending $400 or $500 at a time. Carts overflowing with clothes and jackets for northern latitude winters, buying 3 or 4 pairs of shoes at time. I was looking for debit cards but these people seem to have pocket fulls of new, crisp $100 dollar bills and zero concern about spending it like there… Read more »

Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
11 months ago

That was another, “prediction”, clearly stated in the George Friedman book, “The Next 100 Years.” He, “predicted”, we’ll be so desperate for labor that we’ll be paying the world to come to America.

Uh, how dumb do you think your readers are George? If they come and have a job, they will be getting paid to come. But, no, they are getting paid fiat shopping mall scrip to come and be replacements.

Thanks for sharing an anecdote from the ground.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Hokkoda
11 months ago

The goal is The Current Thing. Anarcho-tyranny is an effective technique but as an endpoint? Yeah, The Eternal Chaos is what you get.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Anarcho-tyranny eventually leads to all the anarchists killing each other. It burns itself out. Most people want ORDER. They’ll tolerate a level of oppression if it means order. The disorder we’re living with today will give way to order. Whether it’s the kind of order we can tolerate or not remains to be seen. The Government Party’s vision of order is gagged opposition at home, enforced by goon squads at DOJ and BLM, and wars abroad fought by mercenaries using expensive military hardware. Even the brutally repressive Soviets couldn’t sustain an unpopular war in Afghanistan. The TN shooter’s manifesto represents… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hokkoda
11 months ago

The Tennessee shooter’s manifesto regurgitated a combination of Current Things but it represents the problem of lack of coordination, goals, structure to take advantage of a revolution. She was an atomized psychopath who mouthed a variety of slogans and acted as a lone wolf who achieved nothing useful for the wannabe revolutionaries other than make them more hated.

It will take a Cromwell because Stalin only was possible with a Lenin. I don’t see such an individual or group.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
11 months ago

“She was an atomized psychopath who mouthed a variety of slogans and acted as a lone wolf who achieved nothing useful for the wannabe revolutionaries other than make them more hated.“

Yep, and that’s why they hid her writings. Because if you read that stuff, she’s no different than the base of the Democrat party, minus the shooting spree.

Any belief system built on a narrative is going to collapse into a bloody horror show.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Hokkoda
11 months ago

They’ve imported millions of lunatics. An Army of future domestic Hamas terrorists marched on DC last weekend. Those people have NO PROBLEM killing Government Party members who get in their way.

Once again, immigrants doing the jobs Americans refuse to do.

David Wright
11 months ago

Interesting. Who will be our Stalin to replace Biden? Republican or Democrat, it’s all the same. You mentioned Neocon Nimrata or maybe Governor Hair Gel. No matter, it’s the ruling elite and permanent ruling state that we have to endure.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  David Wright
11 months ago

There is no Lenin let alone a Stalin. Nihilism seems ready to consume the state.

David Wright
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

I think you’re right, reading your persuasive post reminds me of what we are dealing with today.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  David Wright
11 months ago

It may in fact be the first Post-Modern revolution. The first years of the Bolshevik Revolution were, complete with the deviancy, but that died out quickly. This one is getting more intensely nihilistic.

Reply to  David Wright
11 months ago

Biden isn’t Lenin. Biden is the Tsarist system trying to maintain its hold on the status quo. The closest thing we have to the revolutionary is – God save us – Trump. Because he is explicitly campaigning on an overthrow of the established order. Lenin was arrested and exiled to Siberia for sedition, no less. If by some miracle Trump gets elected, meaning they haven’t jailed and killed him by next Fall, what comes next, what will be needed, is something akin to Stalin. Massive government party purges. There’s a way to do this without the murdering, but a whole… Read more »