The End Of the Line

In his farewell address, George Washington cautioned against the habitual hatred or the habitual fondness toward other nations. The former is easily understood, as hatred for other countries can lead to wars that are against the interest of the people. The latter is less well understood. Having strong relations with another country seems like a good thing, but if taken too far it can easily lead to compromises that harm the people and also create animosities with other countries.

If your country is predisposed to trade with Country A under favorable terms, but not with Country B, the latter is going to assume this is due to some animosity and maybe consider you to be a hostile adversary. On the other hand, the friends of Country A will naturally assume they deserve the same consideration as Country A. The adversaries of Country A, of course, will naturally assume you to be their enemy. When a country makes an ally, it assumes the ally’s enemies.

This was the crux of Washington’s message. relations with other countries must always be measured against the yardstick of national interest. A temporary alliance with another country is good business if it is good for the people and it does not bring with it long term complications with other countries. Open-ended alliance by definition will bring long term complications, which is why they must be avoided. This is where the phrase “entangling alliances” originates.

We may be seeing this play out with the open-ended relations America has had with Israel for the last half century. Both political factions in Washington find themselves lashed to an Israel government committed to a policy in Gaza that most of the world sees as a genocide of the Palestinians. The defenders of Israel will dispute this, but that does not alter the political problem for Washington. Most of the world opposes American support for Israel’s continued attacks on Gaza.

Last October, both factions in Washington were tripping over one another to show limitless support for Israel. Then the growing Muslim population in the United States, imported by the two factions in Washington, started to rebel against the Democrat side with protests and boycotts. The Republican side found that their voters were not all that interested in this project. In fact, there is a growing anti-Israel faction developing within the populist grassroots of the Republican coalition.

That may be why Chuck Schumer just gave a speech condemning Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, demanding new elections in Israel. This is something that was thought impossible six months ago. The Israel lobby’s lock on both parties is such that no one would have dared speak out this way. Clearly, concerns about the impact on the coming election in places like Michigan is part of it. Schumer is trying to split the Israel lobby by isolating and attacking Netanyahu.

Joe Lieberman was quick to condemn Schumer for his “attacks” on Israel. Amusingly, Lieberman is defending the grotesque double standard applied in favor of Israel by claiming that Schumer is not applying the same standard to other countries like Ukraine and Britain that he is applying Israel. Of course, Donald Trump, hopelessly trapped in the last century, is attacking Schumer thinking this pleases his base and it will get Israel money flowing his way.

The trouble for both sides of the political class is exactly what Washington warned against in his farewell address. This open-ended commitment to Israel creates unnecessary enemies and strains necessary alliances. The most important country in the region is not Israel, but Saudi Arabia. Support for Israel in this war in Gaza may be the final nail in the coffin for this long profitable relationship. The petrodollar is the cornerstone of American hegemony around the world.

For a long time, this open-ended relationship with Israel was sustainable because the United States was the lone superpower. Everyone had to do business with the Americans, even if they did not like it. The Saudis needed American protection and financial support, so they had to turn a blind eye to the Israel problem. The rest of the Arab world saw what American power could do in Iraq and to Iran and wanted no part of that, so they looked the other way as well.

The world is quickly changing, and this open-ended relationship is now becoming another liability for the American empire. In fact, Israel is making Washington look feeble by refusing to back off their war in Gaza. The rest of the world sees a pipsqueak country leading a supposed superpower around by the nose. In other words, this is not just bad for business in the Middle East. Washington’s Israel problem is becoming a global embarrassment for the American empire.

This is the problem with empire. Empires function as protection rackets, which means defending weaker powers. Those weaker powers, however, must be tightly controlled or otherwise they will pick fights that must be fought by the empire. We got the Second World War largely due to Britain making an open-ended commitment to Poland, which went out of its way to pick fights with Russia and Germany. Israel is now threatening to start a wider war unless it is allowed to wipe out Gaza.

It is also a great example of what Washington warned against. The habitual fondness for Israel has made America a slave to the policy preferences of Israel. Worse yet, it has institutionalized foreign lobbying in Washington. One reason politicians care more about foreign countries than America is it is far more lucrative. Our “friend” Israel is happy to shower your representative with cash if he puts the interests of Israel ahead of the interests of you and your community.

Washington wrote, “The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave.” America has been a slave to Israel for a long time, but even a slave will revolt when his survival is at stake. That may be what we are seeing with the Schumer speech. This open-ended relationship with Israel is threatening American hegemony in the world. Having the most Jewish man in America give this speech was a signal that the slaves are about to revolt.

In the end, this Gaza affair may be the bridge too far. Americans are sickened by the footage and offended by the defense of it. Now the elites are fearing that this affair could undermine their position. Once the politicians see that there is no penalty for opposing this stuff, then the whole arrangement will begin to unravel. Israel’s control over Washington and the public debate over this relationship may have reached a tipping point and may no longer be tolerable.

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10 months ago

I don’t think the petrodollar is as important as it once was. It was the corner stone but now the structure is built. SWIFT is up and the dollar is ubiquitous. We don’t need Saudi Arabia to force the world to use dollars. They use dollars because all the systems are there to perform the functions they need to perform in dollars, and no other currency can do that job. The question is; what are going to do to screw that up? However, there is another consideration. The needs of Americans do not necessarily align with the needs of the… Read more »

10 months ago

Z; I have deployed 0 zero times for Israel, I deployed at least Twice for Saudi Arabia, aka Desert Storm and OIF (Iraqi Freedom). The 🇺🇸🩸 was for oil, not Jews. The official US Foreign Policy for Israel since last April is One State Solution, here’s Foreign Policy the magazine for the CFR / Council on Foreign Relations telling Israel to give the Palestinians the Vote last April. That’s Israel’s destruction ala South Africa, although it would really be the Belgian Congo. Israel is supposed to DIE. Bibi is just refusing. So are the Israelis. This is the real Israel… Read more »

10 months ago

Important to keep in mind the big political realignment that is going on, and that accelerated in 2016. Democrats are the brown party. The geezers are barely holding on at this point. As they die off, the next gen is browner and much more stupid. That is going to further cleave the country on racial lines. So-called Hispanics are slowly assimilating, and they are evolving in ways Democrats did not expect. Hence the panic waves of illegals to try and overwhelm the system. If allowed to assimilate gradually, they’ll break 50-50. The GOP has a worse problem. Their rejection by… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hokkoda
10 months ago

The white exodus from blue states is real. That’s why the illegals are mostly being settled in blue states. So they don’t lose their house representation and electoral college votes. They already cheated on the 2020 census, NY and IL are overrepresented and FL and TX under. But with the influx of illegals the false numbers are made true.

Some percentage of the post Trump invasion ramp-up is motivated by TDS. Because the Orange Hitler is against illegal immigration, turning it up to 11 must be the moral and right thing to do.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

I don’t think it has anything to do with democrats thinking it’s the moral or the right thing to do, it’s just petty and childish spite and revenge and of course what they see as sticking it to republicans and white pepo.

And the grift of course. 10% to the big girl?
NY officials allegedly eye seizure of Trump Tower for affordable illegal immigrant housing project

10 months ago

A reply to daBears and Wolf Barney below, re daBears “Despite the massive imbalance of forces in Israel’s favor, heritage Americans believe the Israelis are the under dogs.” In 1967, despite the triumph of a successful bear-baiting and subsequent attack and defeat of their Arab neighbors, the world wasn’t loving Israel enough. How to win the love of the U.S.? A New York public relations firm was hired for $10 million; after a year of surveys and research, the answer came back: America loves plucky underdogs. Therefore, Israel, you must become the plucky underdog, the beaten-down victim, and not the… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
10 months ago

No, no, I take this back somewhat; the p.r. firm was hired by the Arab League, and the Palestine Liberation Organization was born with Soviet-trained Yasir Arafat as its spokesman. Forgive me, my bias is speaking; a plague on both their houses. Although the Israel statements are true, the Palestinians were also told that they, too, must be a plucky underdog to win sympathies within the Soviet UN bloc and anti-war Europeans. Both were engaged in invoking different versions of the same story, I don’t know which jumped the lede first. Either that was a case of opportunistic double-billing by… Read more »

10 months ago

I hope I am wrong, but I am pretty sure Zman is underestimating how important Israel is to ‘American’ jews.

Reply to  ronehjr
10 months ago

Many view aliya as an escape hatch to safe territory. If not here, where are they gonna go?

Left Coast Inmate
Left Coast Inmate
Reply to  DaBears
10 months ago

Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

10 months ago

Israel may be looking for ways to ditch the U.S. as a liability since U.S. hegemony is coming to an end and the dollar may soon be dethroned as king. If Israel can make itself useful to the new pan-Asian hegemon, that’s where Israel’s future may lie. The Palestinians are the darlings of progressive America and the alt-righters that have it in for the Jews, not so much Israel’s Arab neighbors who may have little desire for the Persian Shia to gain purchase, via their Hamas/Hezbollah proxy, in their contest with Arab Sunni’s. Israel can look to position itself as… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
10 months ago

with friends like israel, who needs enemies?

10 months ago

Schumer’s demand for Netanyahu’s ouster is an Israeli internecine conflict wrapped in an American delusion. It is another manifestation of the Israeli protests over the latter’s judicial reforms, as the Israeli courts are the last bastion of Ashkenazi political control in that country. American Jews in positions of power are decidedly Ashkenazi in their sensibilities. Netanyahu, despite his own background, represents the Sephardi/Mizrahi Jewish body politic. The American delusion comes into play in that faced with an unwinnable situation abroad, maybe even a defeat, the solution is always to try and overthrow the leader of your opponent, since whoever replaces… Read more »

10 months ago

It is not just Arab/Muslim voters in Michigan. It is the far-left base of the Regime. At the Gay Superbowl, producer/director Jonathon Glazer (“Zone of Interest”) in his Oscar acceptance speech blasted his own ((())) and sided with the Gazans and declared his solidarity with Gaza and called the State of ((())) evil and successors to Yatzhee. His movie btw was about a Commander and his family adjacent to the “zone of interest” and their ignoring the screams emanating from said place. Hollywood is the most anti-meritocratic place on the planet. People who consistently fail but adhere to the “message”… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
10 months ago

Disagree with the first part and agree with the second so won’t vote either way…

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

Never thought I’d read a WhisKeY poast quite like that.

And I’ve been reading WhisKeY for maybe moar than a decade.

Is The Tribe really that sociologically schizophrenic?

I know that Andrew Anglin has been pushing a theory that there are fault lines in Tribal unity which could be exploited to our advantage.

10 months ago

To control the dissent, lead the dissent.

Right from the git go, the anti gazacide protests were lead by jewish voices. Schumer has had to run out in front with his baton to lead the parade. But it’s just the old one state, two step shuffle, all the while Schumer and ilk are picking off the gazans,

and all the while we are being picked off, right now.

Reply to  Disruptor
10 months ago

I noticed there haven’t been any synagogues burned down or Jews murdered which seems odd given the number of angry mussulmen in this country. There might be something to the idea that the Jews are jumping in front to direct all the left wing outrage into impotent protests so they can feel like they did something.

Reply to  Ploppy
10 months ago

Perhaps the “angry mussulmen” trope is a function of media programming. If any synagogue should have incident, the question to ask is “Whatcha doing there rabbi?”

10 months ago

Not following the cog dis. How is it that one doesn’t care what happens over there, but also insists on calling it a genocide? Either you are indifferent or you are taking sides.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

That seems to assume that one is required to oppose genocide everywhere, whenever and wherever it happens. Like a world policeman. It is possible to recognize genocide, which is a word with a definition, without taking sides in it.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

Of passing interest is the very term did not exist until after WWII, and had difficulty being taken seriously when it referred to the slaughter of Poles, until they added in Jewish Poles.

Though I guess that would explain something else I’ve wondered about. A conquered people often adopt customs or language of their overlords.

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

The term “genocide” was coined by a Jew describing the Armenian Genocide. There were many Jewish and other witnesses to the Armenian Genocide. That event, it was actually a series of genocidal events, is where the Jews got their best material in fashioning the Holohoax. Mere pograms paled in comparison and the hymies needed additional material for their schtick.

Reply to  DaBears
10 months ago

“Well, there is no famine.”

-(((Maxim Litvinov)))***

Gareth Jones’s Diary
March, 1933


***aka Meier Henoch Wallach Finklestein, or somesuch; there’s disagreement amongst historians as to what his real name ackshually was, although there is agreement that he was born into a family of bankers in Poland.

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

The goal of the chosen for the palis is somewhere between what our ancestors did to the natives and what the painter is alleged to have done to the chosen.

Call it what you want.

Explicitly recognizing your highest loyalty clarifies these questions.

I benefited from manifest destiny and I don’t regret it in the least.

I see a similarity between my people now and the palis.

There is no inconsistency, if your highest loyalty is to your people, rather than to some universal morality. As it was for most of human history.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
10 months ago

There is no inconsistency, if your highest loyalty is to your people, rather than to some universal morality.

God, family, country. No, my highest loyalty is not to “my people.”

There is a lot between family and country, too. Community, for example. If you think I am more broken up by a death in New York than one in my own community, you are gravely mistaken, and, if it’s not the same for you, I think you need to examine your priorities.

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Only homosexuals use the word “community.”

Reply to  Mr C
10 months ago

That’s silly. Homos stole it. Community used to mean the local butcher shop who sponsored the Little League.

FWIW, I do feel sorry for those of you who have never known the meaning of “community”.

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Yep. I suppose loyalty to man takes precedence over loyalty to God.

Do you people even listen to yourselves?

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Generally speaking, the ethics of one’s deity and one’s community should not stand in opposition but rather should be a reflection of each other.

10 months ago

Democrats are in danger of losing the far left side of their base due to sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians. The Speech was intended to reduce tendencies to defection by that element while at the same time isolating Trump as a zealot in favor of unrestricted support for Israel, thus offending a significant section of his base.

Reply to  Chazz
10 months ago

The number of non-Democrat leftists is so close to zero it should never be considered, and Democrats know this. You could count them on one hand.

Their voters are voting for corruption, sadism, and death. They don’t have a “position” on Israel. The most Marxist Muslim on earth would vote for Schumer over the second most Marxist Muslim on earth.

10 months ago

The tribe is weird in the sense that the more assimilated ones are democrats while the less assimilated ones are republican. With most other groups (i.e. Hispanics) it’s the opposite

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
10 months ago

Hmmm. Kind of a sad state of affairs if “assimilated” just means “secular” or “atheist”. But maybe that’s exactly the problem.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
10 months ago

After reading this I feel awfully entangled.

Are you saying that the money I decided against giving to the pro-fellow white white whites at AmRen (and was instead going to give to Hamas) I should now just give directly to the fellow whites at AIPAC because that will give the fellow whites more power over the whites who represent the Empire which is oppressing me and thereby make the Empire collapse faster by getting us into a general war?

Mysterious Orca
Mysterious Orca
10 months ago

What I would love to see is a one-state solution, with affirmative action and reparations for the Palestinians and mandatory anti-racism training for the Israelis, combined with an open border policy to welcome in Syrian, Afghani, and Somali refugees. Hey, if Jews think that’s all so great for White Americans, it can’t help but be wonderful for them too.

Reply to  Mysterious Orca
10 months ago

I would add that we need a fleet of 767s near the southern border to fly those migrant caravans directly to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Hell, we also need planes at BWI to ferry every black welfare recipient in Baltimore and Washington there too. Minnesota and the upper Midwest can provide surly Sharia fans. It can be a 50 state project just like all those defense contracts. Everybody gets to play!

Reply to  Pozymandias
10 months ago

I would give money for that effort…

Celt Darnell
10 months ago

The quote from Washington (which was sensible enough) would only be applicable were Washington’s heirs in charge. They are not.

Speaking of those in charge, Schumer abandon Israel or Nut and Yahoo? No. The Dems are just shoring up parts of their base who are restless in an election year.

The Israel Lobby’s grip may be slipping, but only slightly. The U.S. is a long, long way from shedding it. Unfortunately.

Mysterious Orca
Mysterious Orca
10 months ago

“The most important country in the region is not Israel, but Saudi Arabia.” As we all know, in a rational world, that would be true. But while KSA exports oil, crucial for normal American’s, Israel’s number one export is blackmail (Epstein’s honeytrap empire, Israelis buying up most of the world’s VPN companies, etc), avoiding which is more crucial for the survival of rich and powerful decision makers. As others have commented on, Zionists are the biggest block of political financial donors. Add to that them killing JFK for trying to stop their nuclear weapons program as well as threatening to… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

I’m still wrapping my head around this being official government language

I’m inclined to view Schumer’s speech and other such messaging from the “left’s” clouds merely as election year posturing, to shore up the base, that you wouldn’t see if this was an odd numbered year. Because I’m cynical. I’ve found I get closer to the truth that way.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

Stop posting pr0n JZ! Seriously, I couldn’t read past “God’s Chosen People”.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

Reading that maybe the Jews are on to something with hating Christians. That article sure made me hate Christians.

Reply to  Ploppy
10 months ago

Me, too, @Ploppy.

Well maybe not “hate” but “pity”. Possibly “repulsed” or “sickened”.

Reply to  Ploppy
10 months ago

Well, there’s definitely a “Jesus cucked for your sins” type of Christian that we would all be better off without.

Reply to  Pozymandias
10 months ago

I don’t even know what that means.

Reply to  Pozymandias
10 months ago

“Jesus is my wife’s boyfriend”

Reply to  Ploppy
10 months ago


This comment is too short.

Left Coast Inmate
Left Coast Inmate
10 months ago

The Gazans are getting what they mostly deserve, when you overwhelmingly support groups that murder, rape, and kidnap concert goers you really don’t deserve to live. There is no right to exist as a bronze age, barbaric tribe that doesn’t seem to be interested in the modern world and the world is better off without these groups existing. China is right to stick Uyghur types like these people into camps, and it’s why I always laugh at normiecons who criticize the CCP for the camps. The camps are where these people belong and where they must be deprogrammed.

Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
10 months ago

The same can be said for the average atheist in the US.

Mysterious Orca
Mysterious Orca
Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
10 months ago

“a bronze age, barbaric tribe that doesn’t seem to be interested in the modern world that murders, rapes, and kidnaps concert goers and really doesn’t deserve to live and has no right to exist”

Oh come on now, the world just wants the Israelis to stop genociding – calling for them to not exist is a little much.

Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
10 months ago

“The Gazans are getting what they mostly deserve”

I assume that you’re a white guy in LA, San Fran, or Seattle getting overrun by hispanics and replaced by asians (including indians).

Can you feel some kinship with the palis, a people who have been out-competed and made obsolete, who strike out in futility against those who will soon snuff them out?

It’s you too, my friend. I’m not saying you have to like the palis, I don’t, but you should appreciate the similar fates.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  LineInTheSand
10 months ago

What have the Palestinians done newsworthy in the last 75 years? I mean besides kidnapping, murdering, bombing, raping…

Is there any other group north of the Tropic of Cancer so recalcitrant to civilized behavior?

Besides Haitians?

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
10 months ago

Sure. I agree that they’re the worst. I hope that I never meet one.

But whites and palis share a similar fate.

We don’t have to like them to recognize that.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
10 months ago

So exactly what the Israeli Jews were doing until 1948?

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
10 months ago

Juliet – what newsworthy items have you accomplished in your miserable existence?

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Lakelander
10 months ago

You missed the point, my man. But you did make me chuckle.

The world would be a better place without the Palestinians.

[It would be a poorer, more dreary, place without me].

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
10 months ago

Getting stripped of their homes by a central European people’s because reasons seems pretty noteworthy.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
10 months ago

You are a jew. So I discount your opinion on this matter as you are hopelessly biased, and sociopathic.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  ronehjr
10 months ago

Not a jew. Just a person who values civilized people over primitive savages and their bloodthirsty folkways.

How have other civilizations dealt with these kind of primitives? Genocide and reservations.

You all just don’t GET that because you have been cossetted in a country that finished genocide of its savages 150 years ago and are blinkered by hatred of the the jew.

Left Coast Inmate
Left Coast Inmate
Reply to  LineInTheSand
10 months ago

Palestinians are frequently awful terrorists or support those types, Hispanics and Asians largely aren’t the same sort and I would oppose harming them. Shooting up an EDM concert (these are heavily Asian, particularly on the West coast) is unconscionable, and support for those sorts of acts is psychotic. However, I only see Muslims and the most unhinged Leftists (another religion) in support of these acts. Just because I don’t want to be flooded with Venezuelans, doesn’t mean I want to hurt them. The Dissident Right must understand that not all groups are equal, and some groups are so awful we… Read more »

Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
10 months ago

There is no right to exist as a bronze age, barbaric tribe that doesn’t seem to be interested in the modern world and the world is better off without these groups existing.

Who says? Provided they are isolated and don’t interfere with so-called modern people, I don’t care.

There is no right to exist as a [contemporary] age, barbaric tribe that doesn’t seem to be interested in [its past, present and future] and the world is better off without these groups existing.

See, USA and Commonwealth countries.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  DaBears
10 months ago

“Provided they are isolated and don’t interfere with so-called modern people”

Ah, there’s the rub. Assimilation and coexistence are best, but sometimes reservations and genocide are the only solution if you don’t want a hatchet in your head, or a lunatic in a powered hang-glider with an AK ruining your picnic.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
10 months ago

Or even Islamic exhortations in the heart of what was once your nation.

Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
10 months ago

The Hasbara trolls are out in full force today…

Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

They can’t help themselves…

Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
10 months ago

The truth of the matter is that the Israelis and Palestinians deserve each other. Both groups are so odious in their own way that to put them together in constant conflict on some tiny strip of desert strikes me as the ultimate form of karma. This blood libel will never end and it couldn’t happen to two more deserving groups of people.

Reply to  BerndV
10 months ago

This is where I’m at. You have two tribes that have been stuck there because no decent country really wants them. Egypt, Jordan, etc don’t want the Palis. Europe settled that question 80 years ago for the Jews. Sure, there are large outposts here, but pretty much contained to costal/urban areas. As far as Schumer goes, when are Democrats not trying to get Bibi thrown out or put in jail? It’s barely newsworthy that Schumer gave said speech. Democrats are faced with a third regional war on O’Biden’s watch. Even when they don’t say it, they say it, “ANOTHER F-king… Read more »

10 months ago

Unbelievable that a country of only 7 million has about 100 nuclear weapons with sophisticated delivery systems, won’t sign any non-proliferation treaties, and has an openly stated policy that they’ll independently trigger a extinction level global thermonuclear war if they don’t get their way…

And they’re our “greatest ally” instead of a pariah state that should be treated like a leper.

(Other than that, they’re great though)

Reply to  ProZNoV
10 months ago

Right! Seriously, what is the difference between Israel and North Korea?

Reply to  right2remainviolent
10 months ago

NK isn’t a real threat to their neighbors. Unlike Israel they don’t bomb neighbors just for sport.

Reply to  right2remainviolent
10 months ago

When Israel starts launching ballistic missiles over Europe into the North Atlantic and keeping their own people in such abject misery that the entire population is on the brink of starvation, they will have achieved North Korea status.

A quick reminder of what North Korea looks like, flanked by China and South Korea.

comment image

PRK is a giant gulag.

We shouldn’t soft shoe that nightmare just to score points against Israel. The Israelis do plenty of things wrong in their own right.

Reply to  Hokkoda
10 months ago

When Israel starts launching ballistic missiles over Europe into the North Atlantic and keeping their own people in such abject misery that the entire population is on the brink of starvation, they will have achieved North Korea status.
Which might happen if we stopped giving them billions and sanctioned them to the hilt like we do North Korea…

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

Most of the problems over there are caused by the US State Dept.

People comparing Israel to the Norks don’t understand just how much of a nightmare the PRK is.

Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

” That may be what we are seeing with the Schumer speech.”

I don’t think so. They hate Netanyahu for partisan political reasons. They want to see a leftist in control of Israel. They aren’t saying “hey, we need to stop supporting Israel no matter what they do” or to stop funding the war, instead they are saying “hey, we need to get ‘our guy’ into office in Israel” They’ve been calling for getting rid of Netanyahu for years. It’s just the usual clown show.

Pip McGuigin
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

No sir. Some Americans are sickened by the footage… not me. Israel cannot stop their war on the Muzzies. The minute they do … it will happen again. Did Truman stop WWII because of “the footage”? Your premise is that of a loser Shame on you.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Pip McGuigin
10 months ago

I couldn’t care less what some Bronze Age peoples do to each other, but leave us out.

Enough with the “my fellow white people” schtick, McGuigin.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Without Christianity as the backbone of civilization, we’re also devolving back to less than the Bronze age.

Agreed that it’s not our problem, but it’s not because somehow either side has a moral advancement over the other. Which one is worse? An attempted genocide or hapless attempts at terrorism? Okay, no need to choose here.

Reply to  Wiffle
10 months ago

Infant baptism?

What mostt dissedents think is just more enlightenment “mere Christianity” all over again

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Pip McGuigin
10 months ago

As @citizen said, who cares? They can nuke each other off the planet for all I care. But it’s their dragging us into it that causes all the problems.

The Muslims wouldn’t be our sworn enemies without our endless support for Israel. If not for Israelis living in the US, we wouldn’t have any of them here.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

No, sorry, they would. It’s in their silly little book. The dhimmitude they have planned for us whenever allah wills it would not be my first choice.

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Steve: The Muslims have their book (Koran) and the Jews have theirs (the Talmud). Neither book offers anything more than dhimmitude/enslavement to Christians or anyone not of their ‘tribe,’ whatever it may be.

Moral equivalence? I call them as I see them.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Precisely why I said they wouldn’t be our sworn enemies as opposed to ‘they’d be our our closest ally.’

I don’t forget that one of our first wars was against Muslims thinking they had the right to impose the Jizya on us. But there is a reason France, Belgium and Belarus are not known as “The Great Satan” as we are.

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Agreed, @3g4me. Well, maybe not. I’ll have to take your word on the Talmud. I tried to slog through it years ago, and didn’t get very far. It left me feeling all slimy like when I read through that book the Moonies used to hand out at the airport. The Koran was required reading in a class at college. I’m fine with letting the tribes wipe each other out. Definitely better to kill each other off over there rather than come here and make problems. I just don’t get why DR should care any more than I do. I can’t… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Steve: I haven’t actually read it either, but I have seen numerous legitimate excerpts. Point being that it is no more relevant/applicable/beneficial to me than the Koran. Other people’s rules.

As far as caring, I’m with Citizen, and with you on this one. I am no more interested in Gaza than I am in Israel. I cannot speak for others, but my sole concern is the welfare of White people, which means I don’t want any more Israelis or Gazans in AINO. I take no side or interest in their endless quarrels.

Mysterious Orca
Mysterious Orca
Reply to  Pip McGuigin
10 months ago

“Did Truman stop WWII because of ‘the footage’?”

No, but he should have. Seems to me that anyone who still credulously believes the simple narratives about WW2 that they learned in school and Hollywood movies is still in the thrall of people we can clearly see to be non-stop liars.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Yep, the first time I saw this directly was with the Obama administration. Netanyahu was visiting and got a short “official”meeting with Obama, but then another State visitor arrived and Netanyahu was literally exited out the back door of the White House.

Lots of uproar—even from Schumer—at the time. I was confused and chalked it up to some anti-Israel sentiment of Obama. Perhaps it was more anti-Netanyahu than anti-Israel.

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

Not to worry, though. His speeches to Congress are met with multiple standing ovations from those trained seals. Disgusting.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Hamas going telegenic beginning on 10/7 thwarted an America-sponsored color revolution in progress in Israel. Globohomo was at most one election away from permanent rule there, and it’s in a hurry, because Israel’s demographic trajectory isn’t as alterable as the Anglosphere’s has been. On-the-ground events—a right-wing phenomenon—reminded even Tel Aviv shitlibs that they have enemies more immediate than the local rednecks. The Israel that owns American politicians is *American Jews*, who hate normal Israelis nearly as much as they hate you. Like Trump, Netanyahu represents a despised people—even more weakly and dishonestly than Trump, but that doesn’t matter. It is… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

“Our “friend” Israel is happy to shower your representative with cash if he puts the interests of Israel ahead of the interests of you and your community.” That’s one way of putting it. But the reality is our government is loaded with Jews with no loyalty whatsoever to the US. Saying they have dual loyalty is a compliment they don’t deserve. They are not representing any American constituency, but the state of Israel and Jews generally. Obviously this goes way further than just Jews, but they are the ones keeping the money flowing. Using their control of the banks, they… Read more »

10 months ago

Well, whilst I don’t give a cheetah’s one-hundredth and second spot about the Jewish-Islamic Desert War, the fact that you boys in the US are experiencing some diverse lobbying by Musselmen is interesting – and it’ll only get worse. This is probably why any consistent (or traditional) foreign policy for the US is going to become impossible. Can’t bomb ragheads when one has ragheads in City X. Need to be careful backing Tibetan independence when one has Chang and Chong on the board of Boeing, Airbus and IBM. What? You want to make power plays in the Niger Delta that… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
10 months ago

“ Need to be careful backing Tibetan independence…” Sadly, the above is no longer relevant because there is no longer a Tibet, or rather a Tibetan *people* that occupy the land. After the fall in 1950, the Chinese immediately began to “repopulate (?)” Tibet with ethnic Chinese. Last I read this has made the Tibetan people a *minority* in what was their country prior to the invasion. Tibet, as we have imagined it from myth, is now little more than an open air museum. Tibet is a good object lesson for Whites in this country, but we are a stupid… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

I think it’s more ignorance and laziness than it is stupidity. If Whites with a brain and a normal level of loyalty to their own kind controlled the media and academic institutions, then the White masses would be thinking and acting a lot differently. Currently, the system selects and props up the worst of our kind. Traitors and shabbos. It’s not that something is inherently wrong with Whites, it’s just all the levers of information dissemination have been usurped from us. We are social beings and most tend to follow what comes down from the top. Kevin Mcdonald is a… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

The same holds true in Xinjiang. I was there 20+ years ago and it had been severly Sinicized back then, and that was before the infamous camps came to light.

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

Tibet is a good object lesson for Whites in this country, but we are a stupid people.

We have many object lessons that we don’t pay heed too Brother, so you’re correct…I wish it wasn’t so, but it sadly is…

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

Good catch, Compsci.

I had a feeling as I typed that that I didn’t know what I was talking about!

A sad fate for a people, indeed.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
10 months ago

I did not wish to correct as much as add an important development. To this day, our media remembers and promotes the “old” Tibet. How can one be blamed when they/we assume such still exists?

Am I and you so much different when we refer back to our historical roots? It’s both a matter of habit and *psychological need* I feel. I was over there (UK) once in my youth and it hurts to see what now develops as much as in this country.

Best wishes—you are not alone!

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

Compsci: More than just Tibet as an example. As much as I love English culture and history, I have to admit that England is historically responsible for the spread of Africans, Indians, and Asians around the world to suit the needs of its empire. The Africans were the physically-hardier laborers, the Indians were the bureaucrats, and the Chinese were both, depending on location. Not to make a false equivalency between Tibet and Fiji, but the Fijians became a minority in what was their homeland in 1977 – with about 35% of the country Indian and the rest Chinese and mixed… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
10 months ago

Yep. Otto Skorzeny worked for Mossad:

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
10 months ago

Generational change is driving a lot of this turmoil. The founding generational leaders (and their kids) in Israel were pretty bellicose but they were a lot more pragmatic. Even Ariel Sharon understood that unlimited settlements into occupied territories were a bad long-run idea and he dismantled several on his watch to great public furor. Rabin’s assassination was really the end of pragmatism and the beginning of “maximalist” political attitudes in Israel. The Ashkenazi majority gave way to the Sephardic/religious majority and here we are. I met lots of Ashkenazi IDF veterans over the years in business and they were “two-state… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

Even many Boomers like Gerhard Schroeder, who lost his father in the war, sought good relations with Russia and wanted to make money with them.

Heh. It’s almost as though many modern leaders have never even read about what going toe-to-toe with The Bear entails.

In parallel with the decline of competence I see in the tech sector, this is mirrored most certainly by a decline in statesmanship. This used to be a serious thing, would you believe!

10 months ago

America’s alliance with.both Israel and the.Saudis is a plus. Why? Because by holding 2 adversaries by the scruff of the neck, the U.S, demonstrates its strength. A lot of the power of Empire is through weaving illusions that enhance one’s image.

Reply to  XLOVELI
10 months ago

Yeah. We are obviously holding Israel completely under our thumb.

Reply to  XLOVELI
10 months ago

Every major war the US has executed in the past 20 years has been to sow conflict, confusion, and disunion in the Middle East to benefit one country alone.

It’s not the US, either.

Divide and conquer is as old as time.

(I’m happy for them to do their thing. But do it without a big brother punching everyone else in the region in the nose)

10 months ago

The problem with the Gazacide is multi-fold. Who’ll take these “refugees?” Quick answer: Us. So we’ll transfer a Bronze Age-feud to our shores and bring these alien people who will create more Third-World hellholes in our territory, like in Dearborn, Michigan. I wish we could tell Israel to pound sand. I’m wondering that maybe this October casus belli was a setup for Israel to pursue their agenda of depopulating the Palestinian territories. There were a lot of things about the sleepy Israeli response that were eye-raising in the least. I wonder if the Grillercons who have been told Israel is… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
10 months ago

So we’ll transfer a Bronze Age-feud to our shores and bring these alien people who will create more Third-World hellholes in our territory

Why spoil the habit of a lifetime, eh?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
10 months ago

We’re just trying to close the Bronze Age feud importation gap that has opened up between the US and Canada:

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
10 months ago

“Once the politicians see that there is no penalty for opposing this stuff, then the whole arrangement will begin to unravel. Israel’s control over Washington and the public debate over this relationship may have reached a tipping point and may no longer be tolerable.” This is an overly optimistic prognosis. Note that Schumer — a Russian Jew himself — is criticizing only Netanyahu. Netanyahu’s stock in Israel is rock bottom and he’ll be ousted one way or another. Even US Jews must be having rather conflicted ideas about him and the genocide in Gaza. So Schumer has not made any… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Arshad Ali
10 months ago

I forgot to mention that the proposed ban of Tik-Tok, supported by both parties (incuding Schumer) seems to have crystallized because of “anti-semitic” content on Tik-Tok (i.e., criticism of Israeli policies in Gaza). Note that tight censorship on Facebook stops any such criticism being posted. Glenn Greenwald posted a Youtube video about this a few days back:

Further evidence (as if any were needed) on the iron grip the Israel lobby has over the USA.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
10 months ago

And this state of affairs can only continue as long as the plates keeping spinning. In other words, the puppeteers must keep the fake economy rocking along at a high standard of living so as to keep the natives from getting restless. Which they know is an impossibility long term, and so they now have to fast-track a long-planned transition via reprogramming everyone into subservient sheeple. Which is working quite well in the EU, but will likely be much more problematic in the US due to high gun ownership. A problem which cannot be easily solved via attempted confiscation. And… Read more »

10 months ago

Is there honestly no middle ground? We must either support “our greatest ally” with limitless blood and treasure, no matter if they spy on us and strafe the occasional U.S. warship, or condemn the state and demand regime change?

Personally, Israel matters to me about as much as Malta or Belgium. “Israel? Yeah, I’ve heard of it. Had a few stamps from the country in my collection when I was a boy. No, I don’t care who its enemies are. Why do you ask?”

Cymry Dragon
Cymry Dragon
Reply to  TBC
10 months ago

I honestly don’t know why “normie” continues to give a rats ass about what two Semitic tribes do to each other. As someone said prior, we managed just fine prior to the “Great Return” in 1948 made possible by GB and the US. Ever since then they have been a royal pain in the ass for every administration, D or R. They have spied on the US, fired on US ships and stolen so much secret information that everyone is sure they have nukes (although I’m not convinced). The most aggravating part to me is they have convinced low info… Read more »

10 months ago

We’re reaching a point where Americans know it won’t be Goldsteins dying for Israel, but the Smiths, Jacksons and Rodriguezes that will end up on that battlefield. Once that awakening is complete, maybe some brave politicians will stop kowtowing to the Israelis and their moneychanger cousins in the United States.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

There were a couple of brave politicians who very vocal calling out Israel power, James Traficant and Cynthia McKinney. Traficant ended up dying in a mysterious farm accident.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
10 months ago

I’m not sure I’d say Cynthia McKinney is “brave”. She’s so far on the left side of the bell curve that I doubt she understands anything except hate (fellow) whitey.

My Comment
My Comment
10 months ago

It doedn’t matter that most of the US population has no enthusiasm for slaughtering children.

What matters is the rulers are largely of the same tribe that is doing the slaughtering and will never turn against them

Washington could not foresee the US being led by a hostile tribe that hates the American heritage population. Not could he forsee that the main priority of the American government would be ensuring that the US stays a slave to the ruling tribes’ foreign country.

But that is where we are at.

Mazel Tov!

Reply to  My Comment
10 months ago

My Comment: Washington, as an educated man of his time, surely was aware of Jewish proclivities and history throughout Europe. Yet he reportedly borrowed money from them, and wrote the Jews in Rhode Island (a colony which legally legitimized uncle-niece marriage just for Jews) a letter extolling them. Highly questionable behavior, even for the “enlightenment.”

Reply to  My Comment
10 months ago

It doedn’t matter that most of the US population has no enthusiasm for slaughtering children.

I wouldn’t go that far. The US population seems to tolerate the slaughter of a million plus children every year in the name of “reproductive health”. Maybe if we could get that number down a tad I’d consider the possibility that the US might be acting on some moral principle.

10 months ago

too fucking optimistic
whole world saw US department of state speak Pro-Israel announcement
Arab nations already picked Joker card called BRICS

And America is a most unhealthy society around the world includes financial problem
Jew already had answers, it’s blaming the white card

All of this leads to white people gonna suffer regardless what they choose

Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Really? Because from what I have read about Israeli polls and recent election results, new elections in Israel would result in someone even more hardline than BB taking power. The far right there has only been gaining support. Schumer and Graham are cynical liars who work for jewish interests above all else. This is an obvious scapegoating strategy to shift blame away from jews in Israel and the diaspora in the west now that their war has devolved into a PR nightmare. Painting White neocons and BB as the drivers of foreign policy seems pretty helpful in diverting blame… Read more »

Reply to  NeoSpartan
10 months ago

Really seems like jewish interests win out above all else to me, even to the point of killing the golden goose by act of hubris.

Reply to  YMAN
10 months ago

Nonsense! Washington is in full panic. As they should be: our esteemed blog host notes, both parties eagerly imported swarms of violent, stupid moslems to signal their virtue and import votes. It was inevitable that it would come around to bite them on the arse. The problem with moslems is that when they aren’t happy…they start shooting. And beheading. That’s why they’ve been at the Jews’ throats for 75 years. It’s only a matter of time before they realize that these American sellouts in the Establishment are just one caress of the trigger away from a well earned retirement. That’s… Read more »

Charred Burger
Charred Burger
10 months ago

I wonder if Trump is being allowed to win in order to have Republicans be the one to draw the heat for Supporting Israel’s warcrimes. Both factions of the uniparty support Israel and are partially responsible. However, the teaming brown masses will alway direct their hate at the occupant of the Oval Office. It must kill the plutocrats that their liberal power structure is taking the blame for the genocide when it could easily be redirected towards the Washington Generals by allowing them to win a token election. Trump has already demonstrated his that he can be controlled and contained… Read more »

Reply to  Charred Burger
10 months ago

“… Trump is being allowed to win … supporting Israel’s warcrimes.” I suspect Pres. Trump is trying to cut some kind of deal with Jewish Israel-Firsters against the Jewish internationalists. There are two considerations. First, the only ‘deal’ that matters would be complete deportation of all illegal alien invaders, not just the ones we have been infested with under Biden, resulting in a sea-change in our political and social culture. Is Pres. Trump even interested in leading this? Second, can the Jewish Israel-First faction even deliver their end on such a deal? Do they have enough power to neutralize internal… Read more »

Cymry Dragon
Cymry Dragon
10 months ago

Never, ever, ever underestimate the Jewish proposition that THEY are the “chosen people” and must survive at any cost. Don’t get me wrong, I really kind of admire that sort of self-appreciation. You can bet your ass that their schools don’t preach that there are too many “Jewish people” in their books and paintings, and Moses and Ben-Gurion will never be portrayed as negro women or trannies. The US no longer puts it’s citizen first..or second..or third for that matter. The entirety of the US citizenship (even the negroes are falling into this group) are now part of the “forgotten… Read more »

Reply to  Cymry Dragon
10 months ago

“Never, ever, ever underestimate the Jewish proposition that THEY are the “chosen people” and must survive at any cost.”

It’s not a “proposition,” it’s been the fundamental basis of their culture and their religion for 4,000 years.

Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

Not so. The break between modern Talmudic (Rabbinic) Judaeism and the religion of the Old Testament (that they dismissively call “Hebrewism”) was mostly complete 2000 years ago. Jesus even called out the difference — Pharisees were the practitioners of the new breakaway faith. There are still some remnants of Hebrewism, which is little changed since Moses. but not many. For one reason, there’s no Ark of the Covenant, so they have to pretend something else can take its place, but feel guilty about it. But if you see any references to the Talmud (~2nd Century), you are talking about the… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Perhaps, he should have said 2000 years instead of 4000 years. Perhaps he should have said for a “long time”. Whatever. They still think they are the “Chosen”.

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

Rubbish. The Book of Samuel says that Yahweh instructed the Jews to slaughter “men, women, children, infants suckling babes, camel and ass” of the Amalekites, “and spare none.”

Long before the Pharisees, the Jews regarded themselves as “The Chosen” and entitled to murder their enemies, like they’re doing today in Gaza. Not for nothing did Bibi quote the Book of Samuel a few weeks ago.

Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

Hardly the only place, though that particular story is about the Hebrews disobeying God. If BB did so, maybe that’s a sign.

Check out Joshua sometime. It alternates between the Hebrews’ obedience and disobedience, sometime sparing those God said to put to the sword.

I’m just saying that per the stereotype, modern Rabbinic Judaeism quotes the parts of the Old Testament they like, and overlook the parts they do not like. Just as Jesus said.

Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

Not only is this incorrect in terms of doctrine (see Steve – the Talmud’s earliest writings are around 500 AD), this is also incorrect in ethnicity. The Hebrews were wiped out by the Romans. The relatively new term “Jew” applies to a couple distinct ethnic groups (Ashkenazi and Sephardic).

10 months ago

Actually, there is a real question about Israel’s ability to survive, US support notwithstanding. Iran began thinking very hard about how Israel could be defeated 30 years ago, and they came up with a brilliant asymmetrical theory of warfare that is going to bleed Israel to death. Alistair Crooke describes how this works. Move the time hack to 15:40 and listen very carefully as Crooke describe Israel’s dilemma:

Reply to  Epaminondas
10 months ago

I don’t think Israel CAN survive this. Like Trump, they are locked into the last century where they just say “Boo!” and the whole Arab world flees in terror.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Israel’s power – and Jewish power in general – has been tied to US power since at least the 1960s, maybe earlier. The Israeli/Jewish lobby continues to hold power over US politics. (Indeed, I’m wondering if they have decided that Trump should be the president because he and the GOP are even more loyal to Israel than Biden and the Dems.) But, ironically mostly because of the Jews, US power is waning. Some of it is simply the result of the world moving forward. It’s not Jews’ fault that China has become an economic and, somewhat, military super-power. However, it… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Chinese are talented people, but they wouldn’t be as far along today without Wall St. greed— sorry, muh Market Forces. Sending American manufacturing and capital to China, while educating scientists and engineers for them, will go down as an historically suicidal blunder.

As will importing people from every country the US has wrecked over the last 60 years. Lines up nicely with the immigration act, doesn’t it?

This country’s been run into the ground for a long time, looted for a long time. Now that muh prosperity (looting) is running out, people are finally starting to get it.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Paintersforms
10 months ago

China would not be close to where it is today if the idiots in the US and Europe hadn’t spent the past 4 or 5 decades handing the Chinese trillions in physical plant resources, intellectual property, and favorable trade agreements.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

Yes, greedy and short-sighted political and business leaders all over the West. And not just the West. I remember back in the late 90s meeting with some Korean businessmen and they were already setting up factories in China due to the lower costs.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

I’d agree with that, but China was going to rise one way or the other. How far and how fast was up for debate but the trajectory wasn’t.

Reply to  Paintersforms
10 months ago

Largely agree, except that it was not Wall Street greed. Businesses have been greedy, like, forever, so there had to be something else that changed.

Slowly, then all at once, government no longer was a guarantor of life, liberty and property, but became an activist force usurping it.

You can see the social destruction by watching a few episodes of 3 different programs — The Honeymooners (mid ’50s), My Three Sons (early to mid ’60s) and The Brady Bunch (late ’60s). That was not the fault of Wall Street Greed.

Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

What changed imo is an internationalist spirit. Happened to the whole society, too. All at once, for no reason, I’m sure lol.

Reply to  Paintersforms
10 months ago

Maybe? The UN started in, what, ’46 or so? NATO maybe ’48? Maybe it took 20 years or so for the international spirit to build?

Still not sure, though. You can blame it in part on Balfour, maybe, but that was hardly the only internationalist intervention by the victors of The Great War. Austria-Hungary was broken up, as was the Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, and, of course, Prussia, but unlike Balfour, none of those others ever caused any problems.

Reply to  Paintersforms
10 months ago


Post-nationalist move since the end of the Cold War.

Reply to  Paintersforms
10 months ago

Big, universal. It’s the way things have been going for centuries. Nation-state bigger than kingdoms or city-states. US bigger than Confederation. Internationalism (United NATIONS) bigger than nationalism (lib dem and communism crushing fascism). Globalism bigger than internationalism (liberal democracy winning the internationalist war). Tech immortality and galactic empire if it were possible, I’m sure. Etc. The rest is labels. It’s big. Tower of Babel to Heaven, and all of that.

Reply to  Paintersforms
10 months ago

Yeah, (((Wall Street))). Outsourcing at best, shipping off entire industries to the Middle Kingdom at worst.

Reply to  Paintersforms
10 months ago

Reminds me, I used to listen to AJ daily. Years ago, for a while, he would talk about Earth as an egg wrt colonizing space iirc. We develop, consume the albumen, hatch, leave the egg.

Same thing going on with the US, as far as I can tell.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

I think at this point in time it’s just the Jewish Empire not much of America left besides grilling and sportsball…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

What is America or American anymore? I can’t think of anything. I can definitely think of regional folks, but “American”? Not really.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Yea America died a long time ago Brother…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
10 months ago

Because of open-ended alliances America’s entire credibility is tied to the defense of small, foolish nations that, because of that alliance, feel they don’t have to behave as small nations that avoid trouble. This encourages some of the baser instincts in man; the little guy with the chip on the shoulder suddenly poking a much bigger guy in the eye because he thinks he now has the cops right behind him. Because of this, to pick one example, the US is bound to defend Latvia, on pain of world war, even nuclear war, against what is probably the leading nuclear… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
10 months ago

However…it may be becoming evident that the US may not be able to come to the aid of these little piss-ant nations. Surely they noticed that NATO’s US-supplied “advanced” weapons systems were useless in Ukraine. And surely these little nations have also noticed that Yemen’s Houthi tribe have effectively closed the Suez Canal to traffic that is associated with Israel and its supporters…and that the US navy can do nothing about it.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
10 months ago

Would DC accept defeat or escalate to the nuclear level if humiliated and defeated in conventional war? Your guess is as good as mine but I’ve seen no signs of prudence, caution or just sanity in how they decide what to do next

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
10 months ago

I’d like to think so, but then again they didn’t notice the empire’s humiliating send-off in Afghanistan.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
10 months ago

Moran: Today’s UN, Wilson’s League of Nations – long and sordid history of those with high self-regard preaching One World over independent nations and people. Teddy Roosevelt equally culpable with his military adventures and saddling White Americans with non-White colonies. Who was the last president who genuinely put domestic well being over moralizing and foreign adventures?

10 months ago

So, is Schumer giving the goyim permission to actually criticize Israel? Somehow I doubt it. It’s kind of like a black “calling out” a fellow simian. I question the veracity. Further I don’t care what they think about their fellows. Let’s hear some non-jews seriously calling out our “greatest ally”. Kristi Noem sure as hell won’t.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  usNthem
10 months ago

Schumer’s speech seems like an internal dispute within the tribe. The American wing wants the Jewish wing to back off a bit. Nothing more.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

bingo. This speech was cleared by AIPAC lol

Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

Yes, it was a scripted set piece.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Yes, people seem to forget that the Jews are not a monolith of a people

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Yes, Jews are not a monolith of a people

Reply to  usNthem
10 months ago

Neither will Ron DeSantis.

Dan Doffs
Dan Doffs
Reply to  usNthem
10 months ago

Schumer’s only going after BB because BB is — to Schumer and his ilk — Trumplike and “conservative”.

Reply to  usNthem
10 months ago

Kristi’s announcement was a big disappointment. Then again, she vetoed the bill to ban trannys from girls’ sports.

Personally, my feelings towards Israel are more or less the same as the same as for Myanmar or Spain or France or Venezuela — not my monkeys. Just quit sending money all over the world and focus on America, not American “interests”, dammit.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Steve
10 months ago

You act as though there’s still an “America” in any real sense. I disagree.

Btw, you may view Israel as you would any other country, but it’s not. Jews have a lock on American politics and, in particular, American foreign policy. You can’t just ignore them.

They’re in charge. That matters.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Yea I just don’t understand how you can ignore a group that rules you but also wants you dead…The brainwashing of muh individualism has really done a number on our people and has broken them down into being a slave that doesn’t know he is enslaved…

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

That’s kind of weird. The entire world has shifted further and further away from muh individualism into muh collectivism, particularly here in the States, and things just keep getting worse.

Just a spurious correlation, I’m sure.

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

Lol…I said our side has that problem not theirs which is why it’s getting worse which you know that and are presenting your argument in bad faith because you got butthurt about what I said about being a slave…

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

No, I’m just a fan of correctly diagnosing a problem, because unless you know the cause, only blind luck would make a proposed solution work.

In this case, the problem has not been the US getting more libertarian, but rather that it’s become more commie, c.f., stakeholder capitalism.

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

The problem is pretty simple, good men failed to come together to stop evil men who collectivized…I don’t know why you are choosing not to see that but maybe it’s the old denial thing so you don’t have to face reality…I’m guessing you are of the boomer mindset so that might be a roadblock for you in diagnosing the problem…

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

good men failed to come together to stop evil men who collectivized… That’s true. As mentioned pretty much every time this comes up, a sufficient number of people chose bigger government and more collectivism at the cost of liberty. I’m kind of at a loss about what good people should have done, though. The Anti-Federalists were proven right early in Washington’s first term. Should they have hung Washington at that time? (Spoiler: Yes, they should have, but they didn’t and the rest is history.) Unquestionably, the last 3 years have ramped up the anti-white program substantially. Worse than ever in… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

Self Sacrifice, Tribe Up, and Prepare for War…

10 months ago

Well, I think the very long history on this sort of thing shows that there is really only one way out of this sort of problem. What is the number? 109? Look, These Christian nations who finally come to the same conclusion all certainly tried a reasonable approach first, you know? “Hey, guys, do you think you could stop acting like your entire existence is predicated on complete hatred for all that’s good and beautiful in the world? At least for a few years, maybe?” But the answer’s always the same. They can’t stop. I’m sure there’s some reasonable explanation… Read more »

Reply to  btp
10 months ago

I’ve experienced forty years of them up close and personal. By and large, they can only destroy ultimately.

That’s the mechanism.

Reply to  btp
10 months ago

Belloc’s book is handy because I can present it to anyone in a post WWII world. Nobody gets the impression that Belloc is somehow offering either outlandish theories or hates the group on principle. If anything he is way too apologetic about European behavior.

Belloc was first and foremost a historian, and there the book the shines.

All that said, though that his solutions in the book amount to “Please Jews, stop being so clueless!” That was not going going to work. It’s easy to see why exile ended up the preferred solution.

10 months ago

“Having the most Jewish man in America give this speech was a signal that the slaves are about to revolt.”

That’s a great punchline for this column, Zman.

It prompted me to envision Washington’s farewell address side-by-side with Chuck’s (wherever did he get that name?) senate speech. A terrible picture of decline.

Reply to  ChrisZ
10 months ago

Whatever his ethnic background, I find Schumer one of the most evil people on the planet right now. And there are so many to choose from. He has this awful reptilian look about him. An obvious psychopath.

Reply to  Robbo
10 months ago

It’s because of his ethnic background, he is the way he is…

george 1
george 1
10 months ago

This is probably a set up so that the “Congressional Angels” will save the day and come up with a plan to send the bulk of the Gazans to America and Europe. It’s for the children you see. Good old Bibi is reportedly big into the Zionist manifest destiny project. That includes the expansion of Israel. Well he understands that if that project is ever to come to pass it’s now or never. Israel could not exist without massive aid from the U.S. at all. Bibi’s problem is that the U.S. grows weaker every day. So he must get it… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  george 1
10 months ago


Lots of commentators are hypothesizing that the Gaza pier is a scam to ferry the Palestinian population into the US.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

That would surprise exactly no one if it turns out to be true

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

One need not hypothesize, it’s a rather self-evident fact at this point.

Reply to  george 1
10 months ago

The Even Greater Israel project simply won’t work. It’s as simple as that. Netanyahu has missed the bus.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Robbo
10 months ago

Probably so. Gaza is one thing, Hezbollah is entirely another.

Dan Doffs
Dan Doffs
Reply to  george 1
10 months ago

“So they don’t really care about some Palestinian kids being blown to pieces with IDF soldiers making videos of themselves laughing about it.”

Do you have a link to those videos — can’t find ’em — thanks.

Reply to  Dan Doffs
10 months ago

Would you be surprised if links to those videos has been comprehensively supressed?

10 months ago

Well said. The unquestioning support for Israel even among otherwise reasonable people I know is something to behold.

It helps that they don’t know any history so things like the King David Hotel bombing mean nothing to them. They are convinced that the Israelis are always the good guys and Palestinians always the bad guys – end of story.

Reply to  Maxda
10 months ago

American culture favors the perceived under dog. Despite the massive imbalance of forces in Israel’s favor, heritage Americans believe the Israelis are the under dogs. Majority of Americans self-identify as Christians. They believe that if Muslims were to prevail in the Holy Land then the religious sites of Christians would be obliterated or at least defaced. Americans also want the world’s unpleasant realities to just go away so they can return to grillin’ and chillin’ over joggerball. They’ll never wisen up voluntarily.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  DaBears
10 months ago

Yes, the “plucky underdog” thinking explains a lot about Americans’ opinion of Israel. Also “they’re the only democracy surrounded by Muslims in the Middle East.” Most Americans really don’t think about further than that. Democracy good, Islam bad….good guys and bad guys….

Reply to  DaBears
10 months ago

I had this very conversation with a normie recently. I pointed out that the Christian holy sites survived for the almost 2000 years prior to 1947. Bethlehem is in the West Bank. A muslim family has the keys to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and is responsible for opening it each morning. These sites will do just fine without Jews.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Maxda
10 months ago

That and many subscribe to the Schofield interpretation of the bible.
The brainwashing works.

Reply to  george 1
10 months ago

Ding ding ding…
I wonder if they will ever break out of their cog dis about blessing those who continue to curse and bring chaos to your life…

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

Never understood that nonsense – or the contradictions with Apostolic letters.

Reply to  Lineman
10 months ago

Lineman: Don’t hold your breath. Someone else brought up the same subject in Bible Study this past Sunday, and the study-leader trotted out “bless those who bless you, curse those who curse you.” I tried – very carefully – to add a bit of nuance. It was obvious many individuals were not onboard with the unquestioning support of Israel, but official doctrine has not changed at all.

Reply to  george 1
10 months ago

I’d like to get a Schofield Bible just to see first-hand what it says but I refuse to pay for one. As far as I know, I’ve never read from one but evangelical churches seem it follow it even though they don’t use it.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Mike
10 months ago

It is not so much their Bible as it is their interpretations of Scripture. They believe many scriptures describe things that are still in the future when, in fact, they speak of things that have already been fulfilled.

Reply to  george 1
10 months ago

That’s possible, @george 1, but most mainstream sects think that Jesus has not yet returned, so the creeds speak of “He will come again…” Yes, Revelation might have been speaking of the fall of the temple in 70 AD, but it’s not just Schofield that is the issue then. @Mike, what people are referring to is that Schofield consolidated Darby’s argument that there would be a Pre-tribulation Rapture, that whole, “one is taken, one is left” thing. Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth is probably free download somewhere, and does a decent job covering it, IIRC. Don’t remember exactly. Been… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
10 months ago

Or Chuckie could simply be doing a part in a dog and pony show. See, we don’t like what the Beanies are doing.(while the money keeps flowing).

10 months ago

“In the end, this Gaza affair may be the bridge too far. Americans are sickened by the footage and offended by the defense of it.” I encounter the strongest holdouts in normiecon circles. I’ve seen literal calls for genocide on “conservative” comment threads, with no apparent sense of irony. I refuse to weigh on on who is right and who is wrong in the conflict, as if it can be boiled down to something so black and white. My bottom line is that this isn’t the US’s conflict so we should stay out of it. Of course, to both sides,… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
10 months ago

“I’m on the side of my people, who in no way benefit from participation in this war.

We should stop funding chaos around the globe.”

I agree 100%.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

I think that Jews realize this. They’ve always assumed that we’re just one economic crisis away from their khaki-wearing neighbors putting them onto trains to camps in Ohio. (I actually had Jews say “camps in Ohio” to me once.) But this fear will only makes them more paranoid and defensive. It’s why they make so many states pass laws against criticism. Like in the past, they’re using the aristocracy to keep down the peasants. However, like in the past, the king and the nobles had no love for the Jews. It was just a useful arrangement. If the peasants ever… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Sorry, I had one Jew say “camps in Ohio” not multiple Jews.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Citizen, you’d be surprised at how many of us Jews hate what Israel is doing and want to see Netanyahu hang. We can do as much about it as you can about the current Bolshevik takeover in the US.

Reply to  Robbo
10 months ago

Robbo, history shows that your people seem unable to stop themselves from pushing too far. (I’m going to say “you” to refer to your people, although I’m perfectly happy to assume that you’re a cool guy.) In spite of your small numbers, your energy and intelligence allow you to prosper in a foreign land, to the point of domination. Again and again. A people like the Chinese would be content with that achievement and not rub the natives’ faces in their loss. But your greater sexual perversion, relative to whites, and your suspicion and hatred of the goyem, compel you… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Only slightly less traumatic for smollhats than being sent to Ohio in cattle cars is having to move to Ohio (or any flyover state) due to economic circumstances. “Oh My ducats…Ohmy daughter’s nose job?!”

Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

It really is a masterclass having the psychopathic zionist on one hand, and the religous jew on the other (horrified at what is happening in gaza) that balances the messaging. no matter what criticism one might have on the situation, there is a moral/immoral faction in israel that agrees. the confusion makes it hard to completely condemn them. slow clap for the successful narrative control or just plain gaslighting?

10 months ago

“Israel’s control over Washington and the public debate over this relationship may have reached a tipping point and may no longer be tolerable.”

From your mountain lair to God’s ear.

10 months ago

Israel’s main concern is survival in a hostile neighborhood. When, not if, America loses its patience with Israel, and removes American subsidies, the Israelis will ally with another great power. Israel will put their own survival first.

Reply to  FNC1A1
10 months ago

Fine. Let’s see how much China wants to entangle itself in that mess. They are a very pragmatic people. As for Russia, they’d probably be a greatly moderating influence on Israel, as they already have good relations with so many Muslim countries, and they don’t currently have the luxury of being able to shower Israel with billions of dollars.

Reply to  FNC1A1
10 months ago

Who’s left for Israel to suck up to in that scenario? Russia maybe, but I think Russia is smarter than that. Israel is like the kid in school no one really likes but who’s just tolerated as long as it’s easy yo ignore. Now they’re not so easy to ignore and they’ve shown their real face to the world and it’s that of a monster. I think most of the world now is pretty ambivalent about their survival. The only non-Jewish support they have is evangelicals mostly in thos country and they lose more and more of them with every… Read more »

Reply to  FNC1A1
10 months ago

Who? I think China, Russia and India would prefer smooth relations with the oil producing states to relations with Israel. China and India do not have a lot of Jews so no domestic concerns. Perhaps they would value our most valuable ally’s spying operations in the US, but I doubt they would value it over oil. Russia has an influential Jewish population but Putin has mostly leashed them.

Reply to  MikeCLT
10 months ago

“Russia has an influential Jewish population but Putin has mostly leashed them.” Leaders in Russia/China/India already skim from their treasury, so they don’t need the bribes that Jews shower on US politicians.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

What’s funny is that the Arab countries want to work with Israel. They want to move on. It’s the Israelis who don’t.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

“Arab countries want to work with Israel.”

Maybe. But Hamas and the Palestinians don’t. They want to kill as many Jews as they can.