The Internet Of Reality

Note: As everyone probably knows, VDare has been under assault by the regime for years and may finally be forced to close down. They have been de-banked so the only way to send them money at the moment is GiveSendGo. If you can spare a few bucks, they could sure use it.

In the early days of the internet, the public places were mostly populated by people who assumed wide open was the natural order. As opposed to the real world with its silos and private spaces, the internet would be wide open. Everyone could go into this new public square and say and hear what they liked. That is why the first public forums were wide open and comprehensive. The idea was that you had one big forum, and everyone could pile in and have their say.

It did not take long for that to fail. The early forums quickly splintered as factions that would develop and soon the forums were a riot of antagonistic posting. This was long before the smart people made it easy for the progressive kooks to get online, but even in a world of smart, tech savvy people, factionalism was an issue. Bulletin boards then UseNet and then message boards followed this pattern. They started centralized and open and soon balkanized into private platforms.

Once the internet was made accessible to the midwit progressive, this pattern became more toxic and nastier. Instead of college football forums unable to maintain civility amongst rival fans, it was the tone police and moral scolds creating dissention and demanding their rivals be censored. They worked to gain control of the platforms and then set about driving off their bogeymen. This led to alternative forums for the people who had been purged from the main platforms.

Another aspect of this new version of the old pattern is that the progressive kooks are unable to start their own forums, so they must infiltrate and co-opt existing platforms, which is why we have a censorious atmosphere online. It was not enough for the kooks to gain control of Twitter, for example, they also had to attack any alternative sites that sprang up in response. In other words, the kooks were threatening the normal balkanization dynamic that had existed since the start.

The point of all this is the last half century of the internet demonstrates the reality of large societies, whether they are digital or analog. Once a society gets to a certain size factionalism is inevitable. The message board experience is the best example, as these platforms created lots of tools to allow people to exist on the same platform but ignore the people from factions they did not like. It never worked. The only solution was peaceful separation in the form of separate private platforms.

This makes perfect sense when you learn about the Dunbar number. This is the number of stable relationships people are cognitively able to maintain at once. The generally agreed upon number is one-hundred-and-fifty. For many people, the number is much lower, so this means in any large group, the typical person will have a sense of belonging with a minority of the people. Consequently, they will be alienated from the rest and there is a short trip from alienation to hostility.

This explains the general sense of unhappiness in modern America. The mass media age has not brought people together as our politicians endless blather on about all the time, but rather increased the sense of alienation. The normal person is now bombarded with the presence of alien, perhaps hostile strangers. Every online experience comes with someone trying to scold you, lecture you, harass you or they are simply outside what you consider to be normal and acceptable.

Digital life is making analog life less tolerable. Of course, this is compounded by the fact that it is now impossible to avoid the scold. In the analog world you can easily spot the scold and avoid her. They have a look about them that is easy to recognize. If you knew nothing about Kate Starbird you would take one look at her and know she is someone who should be avoided. Online, there is no way to spot these spiteful mutants until they begin to immiserate you.

Here is where we see the horrors of the virtual world jumping into the analog world, as these people now do to our institutions what they did to the internet. For example, spiteful mutants have taken over the court system in New York. Just as we saw with social media, they are using their power to harass normal people. They have litigated VDare into closure simply because they can. This is not much different from what the scolds did to social media platforms with moderation.

New York is like Twitter before Musk. They have law-fared the NRA into bankruptcy, charged Trump with various invented crimes, levied a fine on Trump for denying he committed a crime that has never been demonstrated, litigated VDare out of existence despite never alleging any wrongdoing and sent a growing number of innocent white men to prison for the crime of being white men. Douglas Mackey is the most famous, but there are others like Maxwell Hare and John Kinsman.

It is clear that kooks in other states are looking to follow the lead of New York, much like we saw with the internet. One site would be subverted by kooks and before long the other sites followed their actions. The peak of this mania was when every internet platform banned Alex Jones on the same day. Even obscure sites like Roku banned him in the rush to anathematize the man. The dream was to bring back internal banishment through de-platforming.

There is another important lesson here, a scary one too. The internet has proven too big to control in this way. The scolds got the upper hand for a while, but the cost of endless policing exceeded the carrying capacity. People forget, but the reason Musk was able to buy Twitter is they were in serious financial trouble. He fired over two-thirds of the staff, the scolds, and harpies, because these people did nothing but immiserate the people who kept the site running.

This will apply even more to a continent sized country. New York can make itself hostile to normal people, but normal people can leave. After what New York has done to VDare, every reformer now knows they have to shop for safe jurisdictions to avoid this sort of problem. The same will be true for industries that know they are threatened by the kook squads. The gun makers are fleeing the Northeast because they know better than anyone that there is no reasoning with fanatics.

The point here is that we will see in the analog world what we have seen in the digital world for the last decades. A great disaggregation is unfolding in which normal people seek refuge from the areas now controlled by the fanatics. Further, the social media experience has shown that you cannot last long when you are overrun by fanatics, even when you are systematically robbing them. Even if peaceful separation is not possible, people will seek it anyway.

In the end, this is the reason to be optimistic. A society in which people like Fani Willis and Letitia James are doing anything more than pulling a cart is a society that will eventually destroy itself. For any human organization to survive it must be run for the interest of normal by the sober minded and talented. This is true for a social media platform, and it is true for a country. Nature cannot long tolerate the unfit and human nature will be compelled to do the same eventually.

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6 months ago

@ChrisZ, you thought maybe you were misunderstood, and maybe that’s true. I was not thinking you meant reform of the miscreants. I thought you meant reform of the system. My position is that I want to know what kind of system reforms you intend to put in place. If it’s just going back to Muh Constitution, how do you intend to keep it from morphing back to what it is? Constitutional Amendments? How well has scribbles on paper worked so far? Furthermore, before I sign onto your program, I need to know specifically your vision of the future world you… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
6 months ago

shopping for a messiah?

Reply to  Steve
6 months ago

Hi Steve. Thanks for your reply to my original comment and to what I wrote to commenter RealityRules. You keep talking about a “program” to enact. But I think it’s pretty obvious that my original post was about one matter only: namely the need to punish the forces and actors who currently use power to wreak havoc on the lives of decent people. A 50-word comment is no place to describe, or ask anyone to sign onto, some “plan for the future,” and I don’t know why you thought that. But in general, my position is that the Enlightenment project… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  ChrisZ
6 months ago

>>>”Like our First Parents, we are…”

It looks like you missed his comment last week in “Illiberal Multiracialism”. He stood against Ben Shapiro inserting his [alleged] ancestors into the family trees of other people. It’s also NOT too soon to think about what comes next, or at least what ought not to come next. Every parent, aunt, uncle, and grandparent needs to do so.

Reply to  ChrisZ
6 months ago

OK, to some extent. I don’t see much of a way to get there if we refuse to have anything to do with anyone not sufficiently race realist. Call them allies of convenience or whatever you like, but the few hundred/thousand/whatever are not enough to make a difference. Heck, there are probably fewer DR and DR-adjacent than daily border jumpers. I just think it’s important to be grounded in reality. Like it or not, it is also important to be able to explain a vision of the future. That’s where the commies and socialists run roughshod over us. They paint… Read more »

6 months ago

Most people won’t see this until tomorrow when they will be reading Z’s newest post. But someone posted something interesting in the comments section of occidental dissent last year. “for this [Merrick] Garland, I see above all a weakling, terrified and humiliated by women (it would be interesting to know his relationship with his mother: was she of the well-known j–ish abusive mother type? ), he looks like a frightened rabbit taking revenge for his humiliations on the go–m.” Regardless of someone’s ethnic background – is the biggest danger in society the frightened, paranoid weakling type who feels they are… Read more »

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
6 months ago

No. Not when it is an entire tribe of frightened, paranoid weakling types who’s MO is to cry out that they are acting defensively when they strike you.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
6 months ago

They are shoving strangers from the other side of the world in your face, they are legally discriminating against you with John Snow, they are harassing you with harps and hags, they are destroying your children and your marriage, filling you with poisons, monitoring and registration everything you do, ordaining rules and regulations that favor Amazon and Starbucks over mom and pop stores, imprisoning you for imaginary crimes while letting murderers and rapists go. And many other things in the same vein.

Is there any way to stop this short of collapse? Collapse would be hell. But what is this?

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 months ago

“Is there any way to stop this short of collapse?”

Probably not.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 months ago

Moran ya Simba: “Is there any way to stop this short of collapse? Collapse would be hell. But what is this?”


There is now statistically significant evidence that the most toxic of the MRNA v@xxine batches were shipped to Red States:

Reports of COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events in Predominantly Republican vs Democratic States
March 29, 2024

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

I think it is important to monitor the unfolding vaxx situation. The field is full of lies and deceit. Not every initial rumor pans out but some of the worse ones seem to. Different batches of different lethality to different places may or may not hold. One thing to look at is how increased working age mortality rose in different places. Is it up more in red states or alternatively it also rose despite lower vaxx rates?? I don’t know the answers yet

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

This is a bit of a bombshell. Having just browsed it, they report far more adverse effects associated with the vaxx in areas more likely to vote Republican. Of course they speculate that this may be due to conservatives being faster to report an adverse effect. Which is of course a stupid way to avoid the hypothesis you suggest and which is certainly a possibility. One that would incidentally prove nefarious motive for the vaxx. I believe the vaxx drama has only just begun

Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

Briggs reviewed this today. He does not concur.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 months ago

I doubt it.

If things were bad as Mexico?

Still no.

White People here NEED to have it forced on them.

Otherwise, they’ll never get off the couch.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
6 months ago

I remember a couple of the vintage internet people I know as being the slowest to understand what was going on when Anglin got cancelled and the purges started. I think they were in denial.

Otherwise smart guys kept saying “Impossible” and “But they can’t do that!” even after it had become clear that “they” could and would.

Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
6 months ago

If “business” is economic behavior, at the very least that means it’s subject to economic laws, incentives, competition. Internet business—business at the speed of computation + instant global communication—was to be *even more economic*, hyper-responsive and -efficient, undistortable by politics, etc. Years before the unpersonings began—Anglin being a great escalation in that, the first guy corporations colluded to *brag about* censoring—there was a day when Google’s autocomplete function stopped working. One day, I think it was in 2008, typing “black people” in the search field offered you a list of black people’s characteristics that those who came before you had… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
6 months ago

And on that day, libertarianism was refuted.

I’ll bite. How so?

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
Reply to  Hemid
6 months ago

I think you nailed it. The guys I am talking about were older GenXers who were not self-proclaimed libertarians but tended left — one might have even have called himself a Marxist — but I can see now that they were all really in the libertarian headspace and absolute when it came to things like free speech and what they would have called personal or bodily autonomy. I think this might have been a generational thing. If I understand you correctly, I wonder if OG Marxism might have been also refuted for the 6 millionth time on that day, at… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
6 months ago

You aren’t committing the fallacy of thinking that “economic” means “money”, are you? Economics is just the study of how people allocate scarce resources. Money is one such, sure, but by far the most limited is time. You only have 24 hours to spend each day. Will you spend them at work earning money? Spend them at the bar with your friends spending money in exchange for experiences and memories? Sitting at home reading a book? The last has absolutely nothing to do with money. Similarly, wiping out the “accumulated wisdom of past searches” appears to be of more value… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
6 months ago

The problem is that Western systems of governance rely on a population where 99% of the members always operate in good faith and follow the rules.

Commies, who always operate in bad faith, have realize that feature of Western systems is a highly exploitable weakness that helps them achieve their ends.

6 months ago

Disagree, the crazies can remain crazier a lot longer than you can stay alive. Case in point, Disney. Big Shareholders don’t care about money, merely DEI. Or China, until Xi was brought in to deal with the issue. China’s issue was that the CCP had inevitably become ridden with mini-family dynasties. “I am the son of … ” was the cry of princelings arrested for things like running over pedestrians in Ferraris. Of particular concern as Bo Xilai, who threatened another Cultural Revolution out of Shanghai. That was the cue for the traditional solution to families colonizing big bureaucracies …… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
6 months ago

All good. But Bo Xilai and wifey ran Chongqing, not Shanghai. In the late Oughts before Xi Jinping was a thing, I knew a Hong Kong Chinese asshole with ill-gotten starter wealth who was contemplating a strategic marriage to grow the money tree. He almost married into a family which ran a fiefdom in the PRC Customs Administration but decided instead to marry into the extended family of someone fairly high up in the Shanghai Party mafia because that looked like the best bet for going stratospheric. The unexpected rise of Xi who clipped the wings of all these factions… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
6 months ago

AB InBev logo AB InBevAB InBev 9 yrs9 yrs Vice President, Bud Light Vice President, Bud Light Full-timeFull-time Aug 2022 – Nov 2023 · 1 yr 4 mosAug 2022 – Nov 2023 · 1 yr 4 mos New York, United StatesNew York, United States First woman selected to lead the largest beer brand in the world. I ran Bud Light, a multi-billion dollar business with a 9 figure media budget and a team of 75 people. I conceived of and executed the strategy to redefine our brand positioning, hone creative decisions around media, content, PR, partnerships and build system belief… Read more »

6 months ago

Ummm, Roku isn’t exactly obscure. I think Roku has something like 80 million active accounts and 100 hours of streaming per week.

Great place if you’re too cheap for a cable or Netflix subscription. Also, Pluto and Tubi are my favorites.

I’m a late adopter, but this is the best thing since sliced bread.

Reply to  TempoNick
6 months ago

100 million streaming hours. I wish we had an edit button.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  TempoNick
6 months ago

As far as a political broadcasting platform it wouldn’t rank very high. The thing was their ban would be like Google banning certain websites from Chrome, which I’m frankly surprised they haven’t done yet.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
6 months ago

It depends if you had to rely only on a Roku app to get to it, or were they actually had presents on the Roku page and live channel guide. If they were given space on the Roku page, they may have gotten a lot of traffic just from that alone.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
6 months ago

Along the lines of internet Forums, there used to be all kinds of unique forums managed by all kinds of affinity groups; automotive, outdoors, bee keeping, sewing, model trains, etc. Just about anything people were into, they could find a Forum of like minded people and share their own interests. A good example is the automotive Forum. I’ve been involved with a few here in Germany and each has its own distinct personality, their own rules, and members can say pretty much whatever they want. The Forum might have been run by one person on their personal server, or they… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
6 months ago

Hail! Hail the free market!


Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
6 months ago

There was a video put out years ago that (among its other points) noted that a game like World of Tanks, which is lacking in a lot of ways, only has to be “good enough” in order to make sure enough oxygen is stolen to prevent any challengers from springing up.

(The thing I always keep in mind though is that Yahoo had a death grip on informal online groups, until Facebook stole it all. Even for the farce that Gab is becoming, it’s group feature is something that no one but Facebook has).

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
6 months ago

Karl Horst – perhaps because ‘strut’ sounds too close to ‘slut’.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
6 months ago

SinSL – Not the words, the images.

Their system scans uploaded images and somehow determines whether or not images are inappropriate.

Evidently their AI can’t quite tell the difference between a picture of a penis and a picture of a sparkplug.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
6 months ago

Here’s a suggestion for reading today, so that harmony and constructive teamwork can appear years from now. Thirty-five verses. The text is also a segue to insights about a powerful enemy’s goals, ways, and means. The word heart refers to the blood pump in the chest, never the CNS. After we learned that the cardiac theory of consciousness is all wrong, people clung anyway to misleading figures of speech using the word heart. We hear them all the time, esp. when someone is making an emotional appeal. People who talk like that think that it’s broadminded not to… Read more »

6 months ago

Z’s discussion just goes to show how brilliant and perceptive James Madison was when he designed the federal system. You overcome the problem of factionalism by encouraging multiple factions, and you diffuse power across multiple, geographically limited layers of jurisdiction so that no faction can seize the reins of total power: “…The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular states, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other states: A religious sect, may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the confederacy; but the variety of sects dispersed over the… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
6 months ago

Assuming best intentions for Mr. Madison, his system was dealt a mortal wound in the Judicial Act of 1789, factionalism had taken over the system no later than 1796, and the fat lady started singing with the 1803 Marbury v. Madison decision.

That Madison did not appear to even try to fix the extant centralized factionalism in his presidency suggests to me that maybe his words were just that — words.

Reply to  Steve
6 months ago

The Jeffersonian Republic didn’t survive Jefferson. His purchase of retard inhabited swampland from the French turned the Feds into the largest land-holder and utterly destroyed the Idea of the Federal Government being a creature of the States.

Reply to  Bilejones
6 months ago

Truth, though only a negligible fraction of it was swamp. You are correct, though, that this did not count as a port, arsenal, fort, and all the other types of property explicitly named that they could own.

On the other hand, the territories were not allowed a vote until they became states, and, as a modern map shows, none of the Louisiana Purchase was not claimed by one state or another. Carving out exceptions for parks, forests, grasslands, monuments, and other federal properties would have to wait nearly 3/4 of a century to become “law of the land”.

Reply to  Bilejones
6 months ago

He acted to prevent another European power, particularly the British Empire from swooping in and taking it and both restricting any expansion to the west, and bottling up the transmontane interior of the US from free useage of riverine commerce through New Orleans. Land transport of any scale was not an option, but the Mississippi changed everything for commerce out of the interior; but it wouldn’t if the mouth of the river was under control of the British. This move made the prospects for any new western states being carved out of existing territory of the developing US at the… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
6 months ago

Indeed. One important provision of the Constitution that the framers overlooked was a provision for a state to secede. Imagine (for example) if Arkansas and Texas threatened to secede if New York didn’t stop boycotting Montana as “punishment” for not adhering to the latest ideological fad NY pushes. Much agony (perhaps even the Civil War) might have been avoided. As it stands, NY (or in our current day, blue states as a bloc) are able to bring major mayhem to bear on the entire nation (and therefore failure is the only way forward). So be it.

Reply to  AnotherAnon
6 months ago

It was assumed by everyone that the Constitution was a voluntary union, and that any State could secede…although 3 States, including New York, specifically reserved the right to secede…The New England Compact during the war of 1812 considered joint secession, and was not contradicted on that point…

Reply to  AnotherAnon
6 months ago

To extend on @pyrhhus, the founders, even Hamilton, argued that the powers listed were the only powers the federal government had. Hamilton’s Federalist #84 makes that point explicitly. Not many were like Jefferson, and saw the danger in the very first clause of Article I Section 8, that it would be construed to grant plenary power.

Point being, the federal government was not granted the power to force states to remain in the union, so, in the opinion of the founders, it did not have that power.

Reply to  Steve
6 months ago

Which is why Lincoln had to falsely characterize secession as “insurrection” and “rebellion,” thereby invoking the federal power to suppress the same in Art. 1, Sec. 8.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  AnotherAnon
6 months ago

Half a century ago (the 1970s), Mom told me that “Everything happens first in New York or California.” That seems a fair characterization. Of course, what she meant were major social trends. By the time we teens in the East Coast had shoulder length hair, were smoking pot and riding skateboards, that was passé in Cali and they’d moved on to the next hot thing. Cocaine and mountain biking, perhaps. Beyond fads and social trends, the same analysis applied to messages that Hollywood and the rest of the California entertainment industry put into its product, as well as New York’s… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
6 months ago

Fascism and Communism are the same side of the spectrum, on the Left. Not one of the economic planks of the Nazi platform could be considered remotely “centrist”. Certainly not the parts about confiscating the goods from the warehouses of the industrialists for the good of the people, or the proceeds of war profiteering, or the death penalty for people who ran pay-day loan shops.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Xman
6 months ago

Power like mass (gravity) and money, is sticky, that is it has a tendency to aggregate.

6 months ago

Societies have a funny way of evolving in unexpected directions. They’re like a slinky toy moving down a flight of stairs, being pushed by invisible hands left or right to curl their way down to an unknown landing-place.

The worst thing that can happen to a society is internal destabilization. This is when men cease to agree on common principles, and lose the will to fight for the inherited order. Like so:

Reply to  XLOVELI
6 months ago

Downvoted because you seem to be using this forum for spamming and dropping links to your site/blog.

I get a lot of value from links posted to this forum, but when a user comes here and starts posting links to the same forum every day it comes across as self-promotion of another site. I don’t appreciate that, even if that link has a comment with some merit it to it.

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

I believe we’ve been through that recently, but our previous spam troll has vanish (thankfully). I too consider it poor form to promote one’s own competitor blog via someone else’s. There are folks here who post that run their own blog. You can find such simply by clicking on their name. That is fine, especially since their postings here are on topic and useful to the conversation at hand. They simply don’t directly promote themselves.

Nikolai Vladivostok
Reply to  XLOVELI
6 months ago

The best way to spruik your blog here is to make thoughtful comments related to the post. Do so regularly and a few people will click on your bio to see what else you have to say.

6 months ago

[…] ZMan takes a look at the shit-show. […]

6 months ago

The dour counterpoint to your hope at the end is the Federal Government and managerialism’s corporate essence. The regionalism that defined “States” in “United States” has largely withered away into a generally homogenous miasma of Waffle Houses and Motel 6’s – see Travels with Charley. The tentacles of corporate America and the government’s Othello-like hands will strangle whatever refuge forms in defiance of the lawless lawfare on display.

6 months ago

Yes, factionalism seems to be an inherent part of human nature. Christian factionalism (combined with ethnic/linguistic identity) is what led the Pilgrims here (followed by the usual thieves and adventurers). One sees it with the cliques that form in early childhood – just watch the youngest children on a playground or in a playgroup. The sorting starts simultaneously with the ability to socialize, at about age three. And for those in need of a religious rationale, God never inveighs against the existence of separate tribes and nations, and scatters humanity when it attempts a global project. It is not merely… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

Nice post today. I love that you captured that even the intangible vapors of the mind, thoughts, have no refuge from the tyranny. This version of Procrustes is going to put every single thought on his bed. Except in his bed there is not cutting or stretching, just a total vanquishing if it does not fit. I think your final point is an important one as well. This phase of the project is not about some uprising – at least not some epic mass uprising. This is about building a set of geographically distributed hub and spoke redoubts. Each locale… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

Thank you for your kind words. I don’t know that I have as well-fleshed out a vision of the future as you seem to, but I generally concur. I’m not saying some sort of uprising or conflict could not occur or succeed, just that it seems unlikely at present. I like your idea of individual but loosely-linked nodes – with the caveat that building, staffing, and sustaining them will be a monumental task. As you note, any such new beginnings must be defended – for attacks will come both from without and within. The White mutant is a recurring biological… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

Those nodes are villages, towns, small cities, organized rural areas. They are staffed by virtue of the people who live there. As I wrote that, one analogous organization that came to mind was King Alfred’s invention of shire fyrds. Of course, in this conflict, the defense is going to be keeping the flag brigades out. It is tough without freedom of association and with the government paying to construct housing and subsidize settling people somewhere. We’ll see how long they can do that for and how remote those locations can be. In any case, yes, we have ample examples of… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

Rosemary Sutcliffe is good stuff for kids and teens (I enjoyed her books back in the day, too).

But Capital R Reality would have been closer to the writings of Alfred Duggan: The Little Emperors and The Conscience of the King.

Not novels you’d want young developing minds anywhere near, but essential reading for Men.

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

As I seem to recall, Shriver has been attacked by packs of shrieking banshees during all her publicity press junkets – initially over something ridiculous – like writing about things she never experienced first-hand. (Image that as a fiction writer?!) She had another novel about the family of a school shooter that drove the left big heap mad. For an American “democrat” planted mostly in London, she’s seems to be making the best of getting repeatedly reality-punched. I last heard her expressing reasonable doubt about climate change on some BBC-type panel and was surprised she didn’t lose her column over… Read more »

Reply to  AnotherAnon
6 months ago

AnotherAnon: Yeah, my husband was reading her online info to me after I showed him the dust jacket picture. While she often (and accurately) presents both sides of an issue in “The Mandibles,” she ultimately seems to come down on the side of common sense. I wouldn’t call her a conservative nor a complete race realist, but she seems to attempt to be an accurate chronicler of what she sees.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

Unfortunately, Letitia and Fani and myriad other lesser known and smaller scale actors are instruments of centralized regime power, expressing itself through distributed jurisdictional action. Their immunity from consequence is the evidence. For the regime has “six ways from Sunday” of retaliating against any state or local official who acts in contravention of regime objectives. Which is why you don’t see red state AGs persecuting the political opposition in similar fashion. Letitia wouldn’t last 5 minutes against a regime that was opposed to her the way this regime is opposed to us. Fix the problem at the top and these… Read more »

6 months ago

Peaceful separation isn’t possible because you’re dealing with parasites. They used to be called energy vampires, or something like that, iirc. You’re their food, and they won’t starve themselves. The law says so, and the law was written for their benefit. Otoh, a couple of friends of mine went to one of those Proud Boys/Antifa happenings a number of years ago to check it out. Eventually, they made their way to the Antifa side, and one said to an Antifa guy something like, “Look at your people, they’re weaklings. You do realize if shtf you’ll get rolled, right?” The Antifa… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
6 months ago

I’d say the elites are the primary parasites, these bioleninism people are really just opportunistic scavengers that latch on to a society that’s already been drained and weakened by the big leeches.

Reply to  Ploppy
6 months ago

I’ve believed that in the past, but these days I think it’s symbiotic. For instance, a regular guy sells his labor to a company. It’s a lot easier than going solo, but it makes management and ownership bigger. Same with government: you obey the law in exchange for management and protection. Same with every institution, I imagine.

There’s a negotiation. If the little guy becomes slavish, the big guy becomes parasitic, even tyrannical. Each must mind the quality of the other, for his own sake. Weird.

Reply to  Paintersforms
6 months ago

Paintersforms – not to defend Antifa, but again please be wary of underestimating the enemy. Yes, plenty of weaklings or little rich kids – but they have been organizing, coordinating, and training. And they have both financial backers and complete legal cover by a parasitic government, Even when in economic or political distress, that government prohibits similar organizing by White dissidents and quashes any individual it feels it can make an example of.

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

If shtf, it’s law of the jungle. Clever, effete, civilized people are suddenly at a serious disadvantage. Don’t want to get too uncivilized, either. Live closer to nature, but not completely in it.

I mean, some kind of collapse seems inevitable, so we’ll get where we need to be, hopefully not too far past it, but that depends on how much people are willing to tolerate in the meantime.

Reply to  Paintersforms
6 months ago

You misunderstand the entire point of antifa. They are individually weak, true. But they are not there to fight unless they can find a lone woman or elderly person. Their purpose is flypaper. They are there to provoke you into hitting them, or provoke you into driving through their street protest and injuring some of them. You get caught doing it on camera, and then the State swings into action and tosses you in prison. Antifa are there to smoke out dissidents so they can be rounded up and imprisoned by the State. If some of them get hurt or… Read more »

6 months ago

” The gun makers are fleeing the Northeast because they know better than anyone that there is no reasoning with fanatics.” America sure is completely unable to fight any major wars due to the lack of manufacturing capability, and the reality of Remington getting the hell out of New York is positive from my viewpoint. I have no doubt we’ll be fighting the Democrats and their institutions someday, or we will end up dead. The fact that they will soon have no small arms manufacturing in their states means they will not be able to hold up their end in… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Coalclinker
6 months ago

What would be bad about a crippled, toothless MICJIMATT complex? Isn’t this a necessary goal of the civil war about which you’re fantisizing? And who is this “we” to wage war against Democrats? How could anyone doubt that millions of Republicans would stand with Democrats? You seem a little confused about who owns your body.

(J is for judicial. The lawyers established the courts, and without the courts neither the lawyers nor other partners of the complex could rule.)

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
6 months ago

When the dollar loses its reserve status, and no one can get, much less afford, the parts to keep their life running, or the power has been out 12 weeks because they don’t have the equipment to restore it, lots of shit will go down. And when people start dying because there’s no basic medicines, then the realization only sets in deeper. And somewhere in that melee, someone will decide that dead trouble makers can’t be trouble makers anymore, then lots of shit can happen. No one is going to get out of this unscathed, and the people running the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Coalclinker
6 months ago

When this all shakes out and we have our own sovereign territory, banishing Leftists tout court will be just as important as denying citizenship to Finkels and nuggras.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

All that has to be done is to forbid the Garfinkles from banking, law, government, and corporation boardrooms. They’ll simply get up and leave to other places ripe for the picking and raping.

Reply to  Coalclinker
6 months ago

Coalclinker: Further than that. Look at how France’s asylum policies helped birth so many international troublemakers. If you simply expel the opposition, they will find a home and a voice elsewhere. They need to be eliminated, not merely banished.

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

Wish I could disagree, as some of those who have to go include siblings and nieces and nephews, but much as it pains me, you are right.

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

3g, you give voice to my darkest premonitions, to what I hope is not the case…

Certainly, the idea that you suggest is what many Israelis intend for the Palis.

There seem to be cases where two peoples literally cannot coexist. What then?

I worry that there are peoples with whom traditional whites cannot share a planet with.

I tremble at the implications… But if it must be done, then do it.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 months ago

Line: I must admit that re-reading “The Mandibles,” with the US president a “Lat” and people pressing “2” for English, has me a bit depressed. But so much that the author predicted has come to pass – and so exactly – that reading of the total economic destruction of the middle class and the imposition of total government economic and social control has made me rather depressed. I’ve never been a raging optimist, but I have a particularly dreary view of the future today. Please forgive me.

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

The Democrats will sooner or later cross that line when everyone figures out they want their opposition quite very dead. Be it loss and destruction from a major war, a total economic collapse, sooner or later the United States will undergo its own Soviet Union Level Extinction Event, and that’s when the mad dog in them will come out. And the Cloud People will fight for their survival, no doubt. They are right now. The level of violence they decide to inflict on their opposition will determine the level of blowback they will get. When you start hearing Democrats pontificating… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Coalclinker
6 months ago

I think you’ve overlooked a time-honored option that doesn’t require their leaving the country, Pardner. 🤠 One that isn’t feasible in the present time, but would likely become a go-to solution if TSHTF.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
6 months ago

LOL, I live in Eastern Kentucky, the place where the concept of F.A.F.O. was perfected to a high degree.

6 months ago

In response to the article and to ChrisZ. In this physical separation there will have to be lines drawn. Go to the capital of South Dakota and see the Sodomite-Catamite-Nation flag all over downtown and little Mogadishu and various other heretofore unknown African shtetls. It is conquered, colonized. You cannot let that in or your separation will be temporary and for naught. There will have to be redoubts. It will be very difficult to create and maintain them. The Regime is doing a full court press. On every screen, on every aisle the stranger, the one who is not you… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

Your comment reminded me of this very long (but very readable) post:
TDLR: you’re still thinking too big. After “The Event”, the locus of control where you live will probably not be much beyond the distance that you can walk in a day.

(The digital equivalent of this would be everyone running their own Fedi servers for their own small-ish group).

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

Well said! Either we take a stand or have our descendants hate us.

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

Solid rant! But the only way you are getting what you propose is via flying metal!
That’s it! And you won’t have a choice because your enemy controls the LEO’s and the military and they will be using them to enforce their will on you / us. You’re are going to fight, literally, or they will own your ass… Period!

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

Hi Reality. I think we’ve corresponded before here, and I think we’re in general agreement on matters. It’s been gratifying to get a lot of replies to my earlier comment. But I’ve been baffled by a few of them, as if there was some misreading or miscommunication. Your thoughtful comment (with which I largely agree) makes me wonder whether I was careless in my suggested “motto” of “First reprisal, then reform.” I thought my meaning was succinct and clear: first you punish the mutants, extract them entirely from the societal equation. Only then can you begin the work of repair… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
6 months ago

“ People forget, but the reason Musk was able to buy Twitter is they were in serious financial trouble.” If one were conspiracy-minded (which I’m not), one could potentially read this as the Deep State petitioning one of its assets to bail out another one. Utilizing the deep-pocked Musk to rescue Twitter, removing some of its harder Woke edges but leaving the previous superstructure more or less intact, would have been a decent play from their perspective. Musk has made a fortune being a government grifter. The Green Energy agenda is a collective psychosis by which people believe they can… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
6 months ago

I don’t trust Musk either, but the fact is, I see a load of anti-Deep State stuff on X that wouldn’t have been allowed 2 years ago.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Robbo
6 months ago

One is reminded of the saying attributed to Mao, or perhaps just a humorous cynical reworking to tell how real-world Communism works: “Let a thousand flowers bloom…and get their names.”

The Deep State can and does collect detailed dossiers on anyone they choose. Heck, in many cases they (apparently) don’t even need any search warrant type authority — a lot of stuff you’d think would be private data is sold to any willing buyer, e.g. your search history, your mobile’s location data, and probably much more besides.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
6 months ago

Musk was acting as an agent of the Department of Defense in purchasing Twitter. Twitter was founded as a global propaganda and electronic surveillance network. Prior to the purchase, Twitter was effectively controlled by the State Department (Elon Musk is on record admitting this) which is, in turn, controlled by the neocons and affiliated three-letter intelligence agencies. Twitter was the vehicle through which the State Department established the narrative(s) necessary to support their color revolutions around the globe, suppressed any dialogue opposed to their narrative, and spied on their opposition. The Ukraine fiasco changed everything. There are still a few… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
6 months ago

Musk is not controlled opposition. You freaking ppl. Everyone with an ounce of political / financial power or who has access to the megaphone is NOT controlled opposition.

Get a grip!

Reply to  Vinnyvette
6 months ago

Please identify in that comment precisely where I wrote that Musk was controlled opposition? You can’t, because I didn’t. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

The US government has numerous competing power centers. The DoD is one. The State Department is a separate one.

Get a clue!

Reply to  Guest
6 months ago

“Musk was acting as an agent of the Department of Defense in purchasing Twitter.”

Read it and weep!

Reply to  Guest
6 months ago

Guest: “The Ukraine fiasco changed everything.”

The London Crier: Zelenskyy acquires Highgrove House, Former Residence of King Charles, for £20M

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
6 months ago

Not a particular fan of Elon Musk, but yet must consider him an exceptional individual in the whole. Your understanding of Musk is, it appears, quite limited. Musk made his initial fortune in Silicon Valley with the invention of “PayPal”, albeit not known as PayPal when he and partners sold out. His share to the amount of $400M. Nothing was subsidized by the government. Musk then *did* jump early on wrt electric cars and Green Energy initiatives. And yes, received and paid back government loans—not the norm from the Obama years. Government subsidies helped sell the industry and as those… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

The bright side of this whole EV thing is that the powers that be are pushing it too soon. Had they waited for battery technology to develop, they likely could have had complete control over everyone. Seriously, if Musk could send out a command to allow EVs to go an additional 100 miles, why couldn’t a command be sent out to allow it to go 0 miles? The GPS is capable of logging everywhere you go, how you drive, what your media player has on it, and how often each plays, even what is said in “your” car. Their vision… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
6 months ago

Yep, you don’t need to buy an EV to see this happening. The technology in the EV is *not* restricted to EV’s. It is in *every* new car—ICE or EV or Hybrid! In the last funding act, there is a clause in it for even more draconian control. All models after a couple years must include “impaired” drive monitoring and vehicle disabling (as noted above). Of course, the technology to be used only by LEO’s in the line of duty….. My new Ford EV has a “backward” looking camera facing the driver. My every trip is being filmed/monitored by my… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

True. At the moment, there are still a lot of cars that can use a modified ECU from an older car, so long as you have a scan tool that lets you write the VIN of your vehicle into the ECU so it matches. Up through 2014 or so, the VIN didn’t even have to match. At least I’ve successfully done that in a 2014. But, yeah, “kill switches” will soon be a thing in all vehicles, at least until your friends in the computer world figure out a way to strip that command out of what is probably an… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Fail on the EV brother.,, They are not “viable.” Mercede’s Audi, Toyota, Mopar and your beloved Ford and a few others have publicly announced they are backing off on the EV pipe dream because… NOBODY WANTS EM! Except… Well you know… 😉 Go check out Eric Peter’s the car guys blog who is all over this, Wrote for Wall st Journal, American Spectator and Wapo. He’s a pro car expert / writer. As well as Zero Hedge. “Don’t take my word for it,” Hope you park on the street and not in the garage so your house doesn’t burn down… Read more »

Reply to  Vinnyvette
6 months ago

The EV cars don’t sell for three reasons: charging, range, and cost. Cost is not really that bad compared to how damn bad all car costs are across the board. They all are too expensive at 7% borrowing rates. The first to adopt were the rich f**ks. They now have their EV’s and the market saturated for them. Charging is a big one and is correlated with range. If you are a home owner, you are probably good with installation of a type 2 charger. I installed one myself for about $500 in materials. Overnight recharges the batteries easily. Hell,… Read more »

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
Reply to  Vinnyvette
6 months ago

No sane person wanted to ban the incandescent lightbulb, yet here we are.

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

“Should Steve Jobs and Apple be pilloried for unleashing the iPhone 10+ years ago on a naive public and causing an epidemic of stupid people and social media zombies?”

Pilloried? How about keelhauled?
The first gen iPhone was dropped in 2007, if I recall, which, – rounding up – means…?

Reply to  rasqball
6 months ago

Means nothing to the point made. The point was that such psychological susceptibility was not known nor thought about at the time and could not be anticipated—especially when much of the enabling social media software was yet to be developed and adapted for devices like the IPhone.

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Good article explaining how EVs are a less efficient transportation and that in no time in history has a less efficient replaced a more efficient option

Reply to  RJLJR
6 months ago

Not pertinent to the long term adoption of such a vehicle technology. Remember when the first cars came about. There was not one that replaced the functionality of a good horse and buggy. You had basically no paved roads and the auto’s could not travel on most after a rain. Gasoline was bought in cans from a supply store or even a drug store. The reliability of the auto was extremely poor and even starting it was dangerous. The electronic starter invention was a life saver. Yet here we are today. And so, 10-20 years after today, we will most… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

I do like satire, keep it up The bad old days for electrics were 120 years ago when they lost to the IC Engine. What we have know are the Worse days of the EV. The EV scam’s falling apart. Fisker slashes EV prices amid bankruptcy fears, Tesla faces bearish sentiment in Q1. Fisker lowered the MSRP for the 2023 Ocean Extreme trim from $61,499 to $37,499, the company said Wednesday. The 2023 Ultra trim will be priced at $34,999, down from $52,999, and the 2023 Sport will be priced at $24,999, down from $38,999, according to the automaker. I… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Whiskey, none of this is relevant. It’s a bubble and has burst, however that will not continue indefinitely.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
6 months ago

To hail Musk or inhale musk, that is the question…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Really, I don’t think it’s all or nothing. We have a problem here in the group with polarization wrt people. Life is not so clear cut. It’s more nuanced. Musk is such a person. For example, from a Christian perspective, I believe he’s been married what, 6 times? He’s got 6 or 7 children by these wives. That’s not my concept of morality, nor what I’d want to be the norm in a White ethnostate, but then again I was not commenting on this aspect of Musk, nor did it seem any others here.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

I wasn’t making a declarative statement about Musk–or even musk–just making a play on words, as is my wont.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Got it…finally…sigh. Too damn old…

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Ostei – carry on with your wonts!

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Lmao “Stetson?”
No wait… English Leather? 😂

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
6 months ago

Musk strikes me as an Aqua Velva man.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

There’s something about him…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

😂 Brute! Soap on a rope!

N.S. Palmer
6 months ago

Along the same lines, I wrote in 2019:

“The real internet wasn’t available to everyone. Even if you had an account, the skills barrier made it almost like an IQ test. That limited the size of the user population. Even with total freedom of speech, there weren’t enough susceptible people to whip up a Twitter-style mob or harassment campaign.

Make the internet harder to use, so that most people will flock to easier social media sites or reborn online services. Most e-commerce should be there.”

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  N.S. Palmer
6 months ago

Graphic user interfaces was the beginning of the end of the meritocracy.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
6 months ago

I still remember the day or at least the week AOL started offering a GUI to the newsgroups. Around the same time they started getting overwhelmed with spam advertisements. The spammers would start scouring the newsgroups for email addresses and them spamming the hell out of our email.

David Wright
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
6 months ago

I’ll never abandon DOS.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  David Wright
6 months ago

I lived that motto for a long time. But eventually I got tired of it, particularly either typing out long file names or doing the whole ~ thing.

I wish I could remember the name of it, but there was a bootable dos disk image with a TCP/IP stack and a browser. The downside was it was a walled garden. You couldn’t run other dos apps, only what was in the image. All you really got was the browser. No telnet client, no FTP client etc.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
6 months ago

Not sure I agree. Graphic user interfaces (IMO) have little to do with meritocracy. I was in the business before such things came about. Command line typing, verses touching an icon, or using a few clicks of a mouse on an icon is not the difference between mediocrity and meritocracy. It’s the functionality that lies behind the icon activation that is the problem. Indeed, we used to save bundles of code and call them up when needed with a short command line. Now we can create little icons and click on them. The primary aspect of such inventions was efficiency… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

I suspect that our man Daesin was being mildly facetious: his quip was meant as a “modest proposal,” if you will.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RasQball
6 months ago

Isn’t Daesin Dasein’s Korean cousin?

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

All I can write in response is:

…and my car still goes 37 furlongs to the hogshead.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  N.S. Palmer
6 months ago

A lot of the old-school guys are going to Urbit. It has just enough of a tech overhead that it keeps out the retards. It is also theoretically uncancelable.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  N.S. Palmer
6 months ago

An IQ requirement of at least 115 to access the Internet. 80% of people currently using it would vanish.

Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

At least online there are a limited number of ways they can hurt you. In real life, they can send you to prison, bankrupt you or worse.

Things will continue to get worse until somebody stops them. They have no internal ability to control themselves. There is no line that it is unthinkable to cross.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

All true, and the wildest part is they will fold and curl up into a fetal position the moment the violence is reciprocated. A feminized society becomes a subservient one the nanosecond Daddy uses the pimp hand.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Yep, and as a result, the only thing that’s likely to stop them is Stein’s Law.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

Already speculated upon: there are competing power centers, factions, within the [Deep State] government. Of course most of the time these are off-the-record, existing in the background. Even in the best of times, there exists an uneasy truce. Everybody is happy – or at least temporarily satisfied – as long as they get their cut of the appropriations pie and their fiefdom is not threatened. Major problem: “best of times” never lasts forever; crises come and go. Sometimes a bad one comes and stays. Perhaps even blowback from an ill-considered action from one of their own. When the chips are… Read more »

6 months ago

It’s an awful thing that is happening to VDare. Double-plus awful that so-called free speech enjoyers (like the ACLU or the GOP) are doing nothing. Which brings me to an uncomfortable conclusion. VDare has only raised $5K and change out of an asked-for $100K. Will they get their money or will people flee that sinking ship? I’ve been checking in on VDare for years, and they are always raising money. They apparently need all kinds of moneys for publications and castles and lawyers and it just seems so…old-fashioned to me, and a waste of money and resources that would go… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

I made the mistake of donating once to them. They put me on a daily mailing list. No amount of pleading will make them stop emailing me or getting off their stupid list. My interacting with a website is not an invitation to spam me nonstop for YEARS.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago


I ordered from one of the big prepper sites and they did the same thing with regard to spam.

All you can really do is filter/redirect those mails to a Junk folder.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

You’ve never donated blood? They harass you for years-

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  p
6 months ago

I’ve never given them an email address. I hate getting spam in the regular mail as well, but it costs a decent amount of money to do it. If they sent a quarterly reminder email and let me opt out of the email, I would be OK with it. It’s the fact that I tried to help them and then they repaid me by treating me like a sucker. The same thing happened with Wikipedia. I donated to them a long time ago before it was taken over by SJWs. Same damned thing, though at least they gave up a… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

Yep. And it’s not just VDare. Lots of charities do the same, that’s pretty much why I’ve given up on them. It’s not simply that they are naive either. Hell, I’ve had charities dare to call me on the phone to talk about “our past relationship” and their new needs for whatever current drive they are leading. This when I’ve never given them my phone number nor allowed such contact. I ask them how they got my number. They have a “service” that provides such info to attach to their donor list.

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

I’ve learned to use my attorney as a cut-out. He knows exactly the right words to say to make them never call again. Under any circumstances.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

As to the selling of personal info and pestering you forever, the main reason is we have no law wrt who owns *your* data. I understand the EU has passed such law/rules?

In any event, a simple law that you, yourself, own your data and its derivatives, and further you must agree to its use would go a long way to enhance privacy, albeit you’d have to pay for a lot more of your Internet goodies.

David Wright
Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

Most of it is Peter’s salary.

Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

The law doesn’t apply to everyone of course, but, for certain kinds of corporate entities, to end doing business in New York—by closing, becoming another entity, or reincorporating elsewhere—without the state’s permission is in fact illegal/impossible. Vdare wouldn’t have weighed that when considering where to incorporate, because such law was only applied to *criminal* businesses, as an extortionary assist in their prosecutions. Hold your laughter. The excuse I’ve heard from Brimelow for their decision to be a New York business, despite doing no business there, is that New York is where the lawyers are. I think what they wanted was… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Hemid
6 months ago

You can’t swing a cat anywhere in the ZOG without hitting a lawyer, and usually three.

Reply to  Hemid
6 months ago

I would think “it’s where the lawyers are” is a good reason to stay away.

Charlotte Allen
Charlotte Allen
Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

VDARE jumped the shark when on Good Friday it decided it was Christ on the cross, declaring, “It is finished” a la our Savior and draping its deer mascot with a crown of thorns. I’m supposed to donate to THAT? My advice to Brimelow: Unload that money-pit of a “castle” and spend the proceeds to protect the anonymity of your writers via the name-redaction for the subpoena compliance that you say you can’t afford. Brimelow may think he is hanging on a cross like Jesus, but the people who are actually being crucified are the fools who agreed to write… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

I’ve donated to VDARE many times and am happy to do it. I have great admiration for the Brimelows. They have done as much as anyone to fight against mass immigration, and have been as effective as any organization. If I am wrong about that, please tell me who or what has done better.

As far as donating your money, support individuals who are giving voice to opinions you favor: Z-man, Sailer, Derb, Am-Ren.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
6 months ago

I would argue that VDare has done nothing of value, other than enrage and/or depress its readership, if you’d call that value. All VDare can do is help your uncle at Thanksgiving to own a lib at the dinner table, Sailer-style. VDare chose to play the game and they’re being hammered for it. They wanted to be an august publication and get donors and form a kind of far-right think-tank, like it was 1994 or something and presumed we had a free exchange of ideas and a rigorous debate among serious men in New York and elsewhere. We all know… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

He may have been registered in NY, but I sent him a small donation around fifteen years ago for something like $25.00. I got a return email from him personally and in it he mentioned a few things about his home in CT. So again, I’m not sure why James is able to do this to him. As for why Brimelow is running things the way he is, his age might have something to do with it. I’ll use myself as an example. My current vehicle has a whole slew of electro-gadgets that I neither need, nor want, but if… Read more »

Nikolai Vladivostok
Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

I’ve been thinking the same thing myself. Modern dissident organisations shouldn’t even have a PO box, let alone a street address. You should be contactable by protonmail and make a bit of beer money through ebook sales. You should expect to be shitcanned by each platform in turn and have your mirror site ready to go for when that happens.
An IRL castle is asking for trouble.

6 months ago

A bit off topic but why does NY have jurisdiction over VDare in WV?

Did they used to be in NY?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  MikeCLT
6 months ago

Yes, VDare was once incorporated or somehow otherwise legally organized in NY, and in that legal sense NY won’t let them leave

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

Thanks. Then that is a serious problem for any state, even red states, with a blue city. Look at Willis in GA.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

Louis Rossman has some YouTube videos posted that cover how awful NY state is to deal with for small businessmen in excruciating detail.

6 months ago

We can watch the decline from the sidelines, or we can act. The latter is our evolutionary inheritance; we were built to move, not be passive witnesses to our own destruction. As always, “what to do” is the seminal question. What gets the most bang for the buck? Yes, the Karens are proliferating at an alarming rate and there is no end to the harm they can do. No societal checks and balances exist anymore. We are all riding on a freight train headed toward the washed out bridge, and whining, bitching, debating, and shrieking won’t defeat gravity in the… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
6 months ago

I think history has shown us that there is really only one way to deal with these types of people, especially when their numbers have grown so big that they have no fear of those they are working to destroy. There is a tipping point that has to be reached for definitive action to begin, and we clearly are not there yet. Right now, we are still at the “It surely can’t happen to me…” phase. There are two possible historical outcomes from this phase. Either the rise of someone like Mustache Man and his party, or, the rise of… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
6 months ago

Strange New Respect for Saint Joseph Djugashvili…

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Outdoorspro
6 months ago

Or, unfortunately the more likely, nothing happens at all and people just accept it.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
6 months ago

That’s how we end up with a Stalin-type situation. The people accept the way things are in the hope that the “powers” will leave them alone. We all know how that turned out.

Reply to  TomA
6 months ago

“Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split…”

Robert E. Howard, the creator of Conan, was surprisingly deep and wrote lots of other works. An example that takes a half hour to listen to

Reply to  TomA
6 months ago

The Chinese concept (and implementation) of a “social credit score” comes to mind. Of course, the question then becomes who sets the rules for what raises or lowers your score and how it may be used in social interactions.

But the concept, and technology are here and available.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TomA
6 months ago

To rework a frequent TomA metaphor: The problem is how to create viable antibodies without unwanted side effects, like 24-inch long amyloid clots in major arteries.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
6 months ago

Yeah, gummy worms are a bitch.

That’s why we’re so fortunate that we can pretend magic all of this away by endlessly screeching “conspiracy theories” and “medical misinformation” over and over again, and otherwise REEEEE away at 120 decibels, and without ever a pause.

Then there are no 24-inch long amyloid clots in major arteries any more. That’ll show them!!!

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
6 months ago

Be optimistic all you want. Just don’t think it won’t come to blood.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
6 months ago

At the risk of Ph3d P0asting, that would ackshually be the very best possible outcome…

6 months ago

This is a solid column and worthy response to what’s being done to Brimelow and other heroes. I don’t know if sober, talented, normal people will ever be in a position of power again. But if it happens, the first priority must be to mete out punishment on the mutants who have foisted their irrational misery onto the social order. There can be no succumbing to the white-shoe platitudes of “nobless oblige,” or “moving on.” The motto must be: “First reprisal, then reform.” The corrupt mutants are the ones who unleashed the coercive power of the state on normal people,… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  ChrisZ
6 months ago

The only way to make the retribution worthwhile is to make it twice as harsh as the offenses brought on by the mutants. No mercy whatsoever should be given no matter how loud or shrieking the cries may be.

It is the only way…

Reply to  Tired Citizen
6 months ago

Agreed. Why in the world would anyone show mercy to someone is completely fanatical in their desire and actions to kill you, rape your children and destroy your world? They will only bide their time until they can try again.

Reply to  ChrisZ
6 months ago

ChrisZ: “But if it happens, the first priority must be to mete out punishment on the mutants who have foisted their irrational misery onto the social order.” I would urge you to take a few steps backwards, and axe yourself, “Why do the mutants exist in the first place, what is their purpose in existing, and how do their bl00dlines profit by existing?” Hint: Double Hint: Note that Wikipedia is now very subtly DOWNGRADING the phenomenon, from a full-blown Personality Disorder, to merely a “behavior” [and its spelling is not even fully capitalized anymoar]… PS: Just down below here,… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

The Passive Aggressives are so brutally nihilistic that they have removed the concept of “Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder” from the DSM, and swept it right under the fabric of society. Ergo you can’t even say that they’re there. And if you try to say that they’re there, then the local constabulatory SWAT team will knock down your front door, drag you out of your house, and lock you up in the psych ward, for 18 months of Thorazine. Sadly, I’m not kidding here: “The DSM-5 no longer uses this phrase or label, and it is not one of the ten… Read more »

Reply to  ChrisZ
6 months ago

“I don’t know if sober, talented, normal people will ever be in a position of power again….” —– Well I would argue that it is inevitable. Kooks cannot run social platforms as our host stated. In fact… when they take over, they eventually ruin the space for everyone including themselves and the space dies. Gays are champing at the bit to brag about how many churches they’ve taken over; they go quiet as church mice when it comes to how many of those churches have since closed their doors. The NYT and other lame stream media outlets are in full… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
6 months ago

“The situation will be such that they either go quietly and peacefully, or they go the hard way.”

I think the best possible outcome will be for a significant number to go the hard way (please let that happen!) to set a strong example. That may be enough to convince the rest of them to go quietly. Honestly though, if/when the “hard way” begins, some of us might not be too keen to let very many of them go quietly. They have done far too much personal damage to far too many people to just let them go quietly.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  ChrisZ
6 months ago

We need to stop funding them. Most of these leftist people are benefiting from government money.

This is the problem with American politics. We get hell under the progressives. They expand their opportunities at every opportunity. Then the cucks get into power and we get peace, but no reversals. Every new progressive intervention is maintained regardless of which party is in power at the time. We need a team that when they win will severely punish their enemies and reward their friends.

Reply to  ChrisZ
6 months ago

@ChrisZ, The motto must be: “First reprisal, then reform.”

How is that different than, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it”?

Sorry, I’m not signing any blank checks. Particularly not with the blood of my kids and imminent grandkid, and whatever else the future holds.

I don’t want to be defined in terms of what I oppose, but rather what I support. Tell me exactly what you plan to replace the extant order with, or I’m inclined to let you and him fight.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Steve
6 months ago

This is a reasonable point. We are all unified on how much we hate what we call the left. We don’t have real solutions though.

Nicholas Name
Nicholas Name
6 months ago

“progressive kooks are unable to start their own forums, so they must infiltrate and co-opt existing platforms…”

Excellent point. This is why I characterize progressives as aggressive parasites. It is also why my skin crawls whenever I hear them say “we have to…”, because “we” is a parasite referring to themselves and the host.

Reply to  Nicholas Name
6 months ago

I love this; much more intelligent that my middle school come back.

“We have to…”
“We? Waddya mean we? Ya got a turn in your pocket?”

joey jünger
joey jünger
6 months ago

It’s an old rule of combat that you “never let a dead man kill you.” Meaning if your enemy is on a sinking ship, inside a burning building with no exit, or in a thicket of woods on fire, you might be better served by falling back rather than trading shots with him. It’s for this reason that ignoring America makes more sense than confronting us. That a goodly number of American people finally hate their rulers as much as their rulers hate them also means there’s not much reason for a Russian or Chinese psyop via Tiktok or Facebook… Read more »

Reply to  joey jünger
6 months ago

joey jünger: “a goodly number of American people finally hate their rulers as much as their rulers hate them”.

Eisenhower certainly hated Amurrikkkuh:

comment image

6 months ago

“A society in which people like Fani Willis and Letitia James are doing anything more than pulling a cart is a society that will eventually destroy itself.”


Double ouch.

Reply to  JG
6 months ago

Prosecutorial immunity and no practical mechanism to remove (and and disbar..then imprision) lawyers and judges is a huge problem.

The Trump half billion dollar fine is an obvious example, but watching Peter Brimelow go down feels far, far more personal.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  ProZNoV
6 months ago

Trump and his supporters fetishize the police, so the persecution is a beautiful irony. Brimelow’s experience, too, is worthy of an Aesopian fable. In the latter case, there’s a lesson about what can happen to clumsy, rigid traditionalists who revere and preach loyalty to bad ideas, bad traditions, and bad systems. He made hisself an obvious target and even picked an ironic name for his operation. Anyone with eyes to see ten years ago could know what end was was most likely.

Reply to  JG
6 months ago

I’d still send someone to check on them.

Paul Gottfried
Paul Gottfried
6 months ago

“The generally agreed upon number is one-hundred-and-fifty.”

Is the country going to split into 2-3 million warring tribes of size ~150 after the revolution? Even increasing the tribe size by 10-fold, we expect 200K small and hostile groups. Is that the long-term future?

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  thezman
6 months ago

This is fantastic. Thanks for posting that. The things I learn about here…

Paul Gottfried
Paul Gottfried
Reply to  thezman
6 months ago

How do you expect the tribe boundaries to be formed? Physical characteristics (race, color) are not going to work, because many lunatics look no different from those grounded in reality. In the past, you could trust the educated people to be more rational, but more educated equals more irrational now. In the last few years, I have seen others I thought sane to complete lose their senses after the vaccine, or Russia war or even Israel-Gaza.

Reply to  Paul Gottfried
6 months ago

When the time comes, we will need to differentiate those who are just the sheep who went along with the crowd, and those who happily led the crowd. As for the sheep, they will always be sheep, with the few exceptions who have the ability to learn as they age. For the leaders of the flock, there are trees and ropes, some assembly required.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Paul Gottfried
6 months ago

It is a puzzlement. For example, while I could go the rest of my life perfectly happy if I never see a black person ever again, the small, small number of blacks living with us out in the sticks care far more about defending “the sticks” than a huge slice of the White bugmen out here. I suppose that’s because they know more than anyone what’s at stake.

I just try to remember the Vlad Putin theory of diplomacy: we have more than enough enemies as it is, so don’t go making more enemies where there are none.

Reply to  thezman
6 months ago

Was La Griffe ever unmasked?

Reply to  thezman
6 months ago

Hmmmmmm. You’re not wrong. But…that assumes a compliant, docile white population that in my opinion is beginning to evaporate. When Whitey has finally had enough of black claptrap and misbehaviour the teeth and claws come out. If or when that happens… a handful of whites can effectively control a multitude of black. We saw this in South Africa and pretty much all of the white imperialist colonies I believe the Dissidents are flat out wrong about this. Black problems plague us because we tolerate it and even enable or encourage it in cities like New York, Chicago, Detroit, etc. The… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Filthie
6 months ago

That is precisely what the vast majority of Dissidents believe.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Not what the most vocal believe, then? Or am reading too much into what’s being said about group identities and genetics upstream from culture etc.

Reply to  Filthie
6 months ago

Apologies. When the subject comes up it seems that the dissidents I listen to say that genetics are real and think that nothing can trump them. Behaviour modification works wonders and proper techniques (like our ancestors used) would be enormously helpful. Just as black genetics are different, so is their justice. Black justice must be fast, simple, fair…and flat out brutal to have an effect. Current practices simply make them more feral and cunning – hence the need to be brutally strict with them. You can show a white man mercy and he will usually see it for what it… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Filthie
6 months ago

OK. I see what you’re saying. Even still, I don’t think most DRs would dispute what you’re saying. And, of course, it’s not an either/or situation. Yes, genetics is prime. Definitely a DR tenet. But I think most of us would agree that sure, swift and harsh law worked against the negro would produce much better results than treating them like whites–or East Asians, for the matter of it. Problem is, at some point whites would lose the will to treat negroes like the negroes they are, and we would be back on the via dolorosa. The only sure solution… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 months ago

It was good for business. Cheap factory labor, and burbs to sell. If black criminality accelerated it, well, let’s boom!

Reply to  Paul Gottfried
6 months ago

That’s the beauty of a representative republic, though I think instead of winner-take-all elections, it has to be more like extending a limited power of attorney to your representative(s). (There’s no reason you can’t choose different people as your agent for different matters.) Even if limited to just Dunbar number, 150 representatives each representing 150 people would be around 14,000 such groups. Still unwieldy, I agree, but as an representative became more well-known, at least a couple orders of magnitude more than 150 people could select him as their agent. That is still less than the Constitution’s limit of 30,000… Read more »