The Naked Classroom

Most people, whether they admit it or not, accept the basic premises of what is commonly called Human Bio-Diversity. We tend to live around people who look like us and think like us. It is why after more than half a century of trying, the United States is as segregated as it was before civil rights. Humans naturally self-segregate and that is both natural and based in natural properties.

The term Human Bio-Diversity is credited to Steve Sailer, who years ago hosted an email list using that label to discuss advances in the human sciences. For a time, the HBD subculture functioned as a sort of counterculture, reacting to the dominant blank slate culture, while refuting their claims about the human condition. It has remained a gateway drug for many who end up in the dissident camp.

Thirty years ago when The Bell Curve was released, what would become the HBD world was primarily focused on intelligence. After close to a century of systematically measuring human intelligence and comparing the results to various social outcomes, science seemed to prove what people have always suspected. Intelligence is heritable and genetically determined.

Over the last thirty years, managerial culture has turned against the human sciences in an effort to defend their blank slate presuppositions. If IQ is mostly about genes and most of the rest is about home environment, which is also mostly about genes, then most of what makes up pedagogy is as empirical and tarot card reading. This is the topic of Ed Dutton’s new book The Naked Classroom.

The book sets out to do three things within the context of education. One is it explains why schools and schoolteachers tend to be far left. Dutton relies on the human sciences to explain the qualities that are selected for by schools, but also what types of people will be attracted to education. The chapter on the biological basis for homosexuality is both enlightening and disturbing in this context.

The second goal of this book is to function as a breezy summary of what we know about human cognition for the average reader. Simply knowing that intelligence can be measured is not useful without some real-world examples that show how intelligence plays a role in every aspect of life. For example, boys reach puberty later than girls, which is why they seem dumber than girls pre-teen.

The final goal of the book is to explain how intelligence and dimensions of personality, the Big Five, explain the cultural trends. People with slightly above average intelligence tend to be more compliant with social trends because they quickly see the benefit in participating in the latest thing. This explains why the woke always tend to be midwits with impressive credentials but limited practical knowledge.

For those looking for a gentle introduction to the HBD topic, then this is an excellent book to buy and read. Dutton is aiming at the general reader looking for a place to start and he is a very capable teacher. His YouTube channel is popular because he is also a highly entertaining presenter. It is a short book that covers the main topics of intelligence, personality, and human differences.

This brings up the main problem in the book. If you are a fan of the Jolly Heretic YouTube channel, then you have heard Dutton discuss the material in the book many times on his show. In fact, the book is a written summary of the last couple of years of his video work. In other words, it is not a book for those already familiar with Ed Dutton or the general ideas within the human bio-diversity subculture.

Another nit that can be picked is that Dutton hints around at the question of whether people can be trained to be logical, but he never takes it head on. This is the general flaw with the HBD space. They get to the water’s edge but never come to the inevitable conclusion that must follow their observations. If who we are is written in our code, then the liberal project is nothing more than superstition.

For example, if what science tells us about male homosexuality is largely correct, then logically we should never permit male homosexuals to be around young males without strict supervision. In fact, we should be aggressively screening out homosexuals from schools, youth groups and so forth. Of course, suggesting this means men with guns are sent to throw you into the void.

In other words, if the people with real power refuse to go where science about human nature must lead, then what is the point of knowing any of this? Further, there must be some material explanation for why people with heads full of oogily-boogily seem to rise to the top of liberal societies. Perhaps evolution does not care about empiricism as much as the fans of evolutionary biology insist.

In fairness, this is not the point of the book, so Dutton cannot be faulted for not diving into this topic. He also has to worry about being hurled into the void. In the end, the evolutionary imperative may simply shrug off liberalism like a case of fleas and it will follow other oogily-boogily into the dustbin of history. In the fullness of time, the HBD people will be proven correct about the reality of the human condition.

In the end, a book is judged by how well it achieves what the author sets out to do, not by what some crank in the critic community thinks it should have done. In his short summary of how IQ and personality shapes education in the West, Dutton ticks all of the boxes he set out to tick. The result is a great gift to the dissident curious who needs a gentle introduction to the topic as they sit by the pool this summer.

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8 months ago

It’s really too bad that the HBD crowd largely self-destructed over Covid. They did a lot of great work, but falling for that hype irreparably damaged their credibility. The story of why and how this happened would make an interesting column.

Reply to  AntiDem
8 months ago

They failed to differentiate between science in the abstract and science as actually practiced in the real world, dominated by commercial and ideological interests focused on money and power, not truth.

Reply to  Dutchboy
8 months ago

Dutchboy: “science as actually practiced in the real world, dominated by commercial and ideological interests focused on money and power“ I completely agree with what you wrote, but muh gut instinct tells me that the lust for money and power simply pales in comparison to the charismatic religious fervor which the Oligarchs bring to the cause in promulgating the Depopulationist agenda. The Oligarchs want us all dead [or at least sterilized]. Truth be told, it would be fascinating to know how many of the HBDers also want us dead. There’s likely a non-trivial intersection between the set of all HBDers… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
8 months ago

The intersection between the two is Social Darwinism. At least some HBDers would like to eliminate those they think don’t measure up to their standards (e.g., those with low IQs, handicaps or the wrong skin tone). The oligarchs would like to eliminate just about everybody but themselves. It is remarkable how riches seem to breed misanthropy, frequently disguised as philanthropy (Bill Gates being a prime example).

Reply to  Dutchboy
8 months ago

Z got Covid right. Why I first learned to respect his opinion. And why I will always be grateful to him. Not saying I agree with him on everything, especially evolution, but when the rubber hit the road he got it right.

Reply to  AntiDem
8 months ago

Anti-Dem: “It’s really too bad that the HBD crowd largely self-destructed over Covid.

They proved to have been Group Thinkers [Herd Creatures] masquerading in the psychological costumes of Free Thinkers.

There’s nothing quite like an existential crisis to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Reply to  AntiDem
8 months ago

The HBD crowd has the same worldview as the blank slate crowd. Namely, they have the same belief in the validity of science, and believe that science should shape political decision-making. The difference between the two is basically an argument over interpreting data. Thus, the HBD crowd was caught up in covid hysteria because they accept the left wing premise of science’s role in human affairs, and in this instance agreed with the official claims. These guys aren’t skeptics.

Reply to  Andrew
8 months ago

Science should shape decision-making, the emphasis on shape rather than determine. Other factors like cultural mores should, of course, play a role. One of the problems of the blank slate crowd is that they only do limited science. I have seen this from the inside and it was one of the things that redpilled me. It’s not so much a disagreement over science (observations and the meaning that can be drawn from them within the context of known natural law) as it is a belief that science must ALWAYS play a secondary role to ephemeral political considerations. The global warming… Read more »

Mike Tre
Mike Tre
Reply to  AntiDem
8 months ago

What was clear early on is that many of the mouthpieces of HBD were aging boomers (Sailer Cochran, Derb, Unz) who were simply afraid of dying. Extremely well read and researched commenters (like Hail and AE Newman) regularly took Sailer to task at the time, but Sailer’s believe in covid was/is religious. Arguing with him was like arguing with a Born Again that there is no God.

Reply to  AntiDem
8 months ago

Probably because Unz and Sailer are both boomers who were at a higher risk for the flu. My dad never got the mRNA gene therapy but all his co-maga boomer friends did.

Reply to  Davidcito
8 months ago

In my circle of acquaintances it was the Millennials and Gen X who ran out and got the jab and still test themselves for “covid” whenever they get a sniffle. But then they’re all lefties so I think that’s the common denominator. The lefties l know of all ages are also big on mandatory fluoridation because “poor people”(i.e. blacks) don’t take care of their teeth and don’t question giving their kids 36 vaccines before they turn two. Freethinkers they’re not unless it’s degenerate stuff.

Paul Gottfried
Paul Gottfried
8 months ago

“In other words, if the people with real power refuse to go where science about human nature must lead, then what is the point of knowing any of this?” I was reading another article on a separate topic and came across this – “Disease enhancement from a mismatching vaccine is a rarely discussed but well-known problem. For example, a reader and physician who worked in the NIH was assigned to study this issue from 2009-2011 and followed a cohort of vaccinated children and pregnant months over 3 flu seasons also discovered a clear trend of negative vaccine efficacy. When she… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Gottfried
8 months ago

The segment of the right that considers itself a temporarily embarrassed elite has an endless, endless refrain/lament: We need to get some of the existing elite on our side to get that “cycle” going and take our rightful place at (or groveling near) the top. Here’s the problem: No wealthy man shares any understanding with any of us, and there’s no sign anywhere that they might. Thiel will pay Moldbug to say Thiel should be king, and Musk will let half of us talk half of our usual shit on Twitter (in exchange for our personally identifiable “data,” deliverable to…).… Read more »

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
Reply to  Paul Gottfried
8 months ago

Truth is not a defense if you’ve offended lefties.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Nolan Parker
8 months ago

Under some legal systems it is my understanding that one can be convicted of slander or libel even if what one is charged with saying is true. Similarly witness the German AfD fräulein convicted of hate speech for posting reportedly true facts.

Last edited 8 months ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paul Gottfried
8 months ago

ZMan: “In other words, if the people with real power refuse to go where science about human nature must lead, then what is the point of knowing any of this? Further, there must be some material explanation for why people with heads full of oogily-boogily seem to rise to the top of liberal societies. Perhaps evolution does not care about empiricism as much as the fans of evolutionary biology insist.” Paul Gottfried: “When she submitted her analysis, however, she was removed from the NIH and blacklisted from future employment (and as a result, she understandably harbors great disdain for Anthony… Read more »

Mike Tre
Mike Tre
8 months ago

“Thirty years ago when The Bell Curve was released, what would become the HBD world was primarily focused on intelligence.” But of course the focus was on intelligence because people who fancy themselves as being fucking armchair geniuses only consider that, similar to how negro social justice grifters only focus on skin color. The focus should be on behavior, not intelligence – because for example, even highly intelligent negroes are still prone to chimping out if their extremely fragile inferiority complex is triggered. Everybody lauds Sailer for his supposed genius, but I get the impression the guy wouldn’t last 3… Read more »

Reply to  Mike Tre
8 months ago

Mike Tre: You get it, but most of the newbies (and plenty of the regulars) here do not. IQ does not equal wisdom and/or common sense, let alone practicality. That is why we need White people across the IQ spectrum, not some diverse society of supposed smart people. The HBD purists are like the attendees at a Mensa meeting – high on their own supply. And – as another Sailer commenter who is wasting his time there says – Loyalty to one’s own people matters at least as much as anything else, and often a good deal more.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

IQ is fascinating to people who like to play with measurements that reduce to numbers. It correlates well with some talents and outcomes but, as you point out, not with all the attributes that matter.

Reply to  Mike Tre
8 months ago

I read the other day that IQ testing is just a measure of language intelligence. I’m going to give this some more thought, but it does lead me to think that any conclusions based on IQ are all talk.

Mike Tre
Mike Tre
Reply to  Justinian
8 months ago

Thanks. One thing that should be blindingly clear is that IQ absolutely does not automatically translate to moral or good or even loyal.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Mike Tre
8 months ago

True, but it ought to be just as clear that ethnicity doesn’t do so, either. Unqualified race chauvinism is not any better than unqualified IQ chauvinism.

Last edited 8 months ago by Matt Beck
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Unqualified is a mighty big qualifier…

Mike Tre
Mike Tre
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

That is perfectly acceptable, but people should still be free to associate with whom they choose. Forced integration is no more just and moral than forced segregation. Probably worse. Strong nations are built upon ethic homogeneity. .

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

If the purpose of education is to teach logical thinking, it is a complete and total failure. Most people do not and cannot think logically in a general way. They might be able to think perfectly logically in their own narrow specialty, but not generally. This is especially true if the consequences of logical thinking is to become an outcast.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

It seems that for many years society survived and thrived as hunter-gatherers relying on their own wits about themselves and instinct. As we evolved, structure became important and with structure logical thinking. Maybe that’s what you need to thrive within the logical box we have constructed, but it seems to me the hunter-gatherer didn’t have too much time to ponder all that.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

A variation: the dizzying, accelerating pace of technological change. Human beings are very adaptable but surely there are limits and stuff starts to break down at some point. As a recent Dark Horse podcast put it, to a large degree a child grows up in a different world from what awaits him when he reaches adulthood.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
8 months ago

My wife and I recently discussed how different life is now compared to even so short a time as thirty years ago. The internet, the cell phone and the computerization of everything have made life more dizzyingly different than our parents could have conceived. It is the only life our children have known.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Dutchboy
8 months ago

I would think the changes between 1890’s-1920’s were even more dramatic, with electrification, cars and airplanes. As it is, I’m glad I got to experience half of my life in the “before times”.

Reply to  Brandon Laskow
8 months ago

Cecil sharpe, the great ethnomusicologist had an assistant who makes an excellent firsthand observation of this: In the summer of 1951, with the assistance of the Library of Congress, I spent three-and-a-half weeks in the mountains of Virginia, North Carolina, a Tennessee, accompanied by Mrs. Sidney Robertson Cowell. With a tape recording machine lent by the Library we recorded ninety-one songs and instrumental tunes, of which sixty-nine were from singers who had previously sung for Cecil Sharp or from near relations of these singers. I found, as I had been led to expect, that mountain life has been complete revolutionized… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
8 months ago

Arguably, however, the profoundest change is sociological and cultural. And in that respect, America changed more from 1964 to 1969 than it did from 1970 to 2019. All of that change was for the worse, needless to say.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

Agree but nevertheless ice cream does not have bones.

8 months ago

By now, most dissidents understand that we cannot either talk or vote our way of the mess we’re in. So I ask, can we educate our way out of the mess we’re in? My answer is no, we cannot. We have passed the tipping point in which too many idiots occupy space within the borders of the USA. Ditto for Europe. This malady is a direct consequence of being too affluent for too long and the concurrent death of evolutionary culling based on fitness selection. We dissidents are now just non-conformist ping pong balls being swept down the Mississippi River.… Read more »

Paul Gottfried
Paul Gottfried
8 months ago

From now on, is Zman publication going to be delivered on weekends too?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paul Gottfried
8 months ago

Today’s post was a pleasant surprise and a nice treat.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

Z must be taking the day off for working out in the hollers. My post hasn’t been approved yet. Or maybe I’ve been a bad boy and now I need to be approved.

Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

Was there ever any doubt that you are a bad boy?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
8 months ago

If we weren’t, we wouldnt’ be here.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

Same thing happened to me. Never had a post delayed so long buffore. Oh well. It wasn’t “The Masque of the Red Death.”

8 months ago

Summary of Dissidence;

then what is the point of knowing any of this?”


8 months ago

For example, if what science tells us about male homosexuality is largely correct, then logically we should never permit male homosexuals to be around young males without strict supervision.

Is this the spiteful mutant he talks about, or the in-utero exposure to male hormones?

Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

“In other words, if the people with real power refuse to go where science about human nature must lead, then what is the point of knowing any of this? Further, there must be some material explanation for why people with heads full of oogily-boogily seem to rise to the top of liberal societies.” I think the point of knowing this is for that time when AINO and its deranged power structure no longer exist or have the power to impose their lunacy on everybody else. There’s nothing we can do about AINO. It’s psychological disorder is too profound to be… Read more »

8 months ago

You guys in these circles are fixated on IQ, but that’s only one component. Intelligence is a function of both nature and nurture. IQ without honing and training often isn’t going to test as well. Just a small example that’s not really IQ, but I think is applicable here. I took one of the graduate entrance exams. Now I’m just an immigrant kid. (Born in the USA and to legal parents, I might add.) I didn’t know all this stuff about taking review courses and any of that garbage. I just always walked into tests and did well. Not this… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

So, in a small way, this makes me suspect that a lot of the testing is biased just because people haven’t been trained in the proper skills to take these kinds of tests, including IQ tests

That’s a fair concern, but it’s also an obvious one that any honest researcher is going to have cross his mind at some point and thus there has been a lot of work done on things such as A) IQ tests that don’t depend on pre-training, so aren’t biased in favor of test-taking skills, and B) Normalizing the results based on such skills.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
8 months ago

What’s more, experience in test taking is itself likely an indicator of intelligence. The Dumbs and Very Dumbs will likely avoid tests at all cost and therefore gain no experience in this area.

Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

IQ is basically computing speed and power. It serves a purpose but is not the end all and be all of a person. I agree, there is a fixation on IQ. Among some. But if this was an after school high school club it would be the Evolution Club. I find all of that somewhat lacking but I find the people who make that an important part of their identity to be enjoyable and agreeable. So I bite my tongue sometimes.

8 months ago

Isn’t this all a scientized version of predestination ? Calvinism? Stuff like that?

if no, I’d like sincerely like to hear why not

Reply to  Falcone
8 months ago

No, he says homosexuality might be 0.3 by genetics, so at best it’s kind of a forcing. Borderline cases might be tipped one way or the other by heredity. The majority is still environment, and, though I don’t have the book yet, might have some epigenetic forcing, too. If you have several elder brothers, because of the male hormones your mom “endured” bringing them to term, you might have a higher chance of homosexuality.

Waiting to see. The studies I’ve seen to date all have Briggsian Wee Ps, but Dutton isn’t a slouch — he’d likely have recognized that.

Reply to  Steve
8 months ago

I would think homosexuality is just an oddity of our species because we can have sex any time we want it. Whereas dogs for example get a whiff and then go to work like robots. Simpler machines as it were. A lawnmower to our Lamborghini

Reply to  Steve
8 months ago

“Borderline cases might be tipped one way or the other by heredity. The majority is still environment…”

Correct. Consider, for example, the phenomenon of prison homosexuality and prison rape by men who would otherwise be attracted to women.

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

Prison data are also 90% sub Saharan African data pools, much more R selected

8 months ago

“””…In other words, if the people with real power refuse to go where science about human nature must lead….”””
At the moment, the people with real power following science and using science founding’s about human nature as a weapon against us. Someone even invented term “Anthropoligic weapon” . When you using some human group with specific characteristic as a weapon against someone.

Reply to  Juri
8 months ago

Juri: “At the moment, the people with real power following science and using science founding’s about human nature as a weapon against us.“ Any of y’all still remember this company, called “Pfizer”, which killed and/or maimed and/or sterilized millions of people via MRNA v@xxines over the course of the last two or three years? Well guess what: Pfizer’s flagship product, “Zantac”, aka “Ranitidine” is now believed to have induced cancer in countless numbers of people around the world. If you read the Wikipedia entry for “Ranitidine”, you will note that name “Pfizer” has been completely expunged from the article [even… Read more »

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
8 months ago

I think that Dutton has a tendency to assume the truth of his own conclusions.

8 months ago

Maybe the oogily-boogily rises to the surface like a multi-colored oil slick from a tanker spill. Anxious schools of minnows are scurrying around nearby while the denizens of the deep cruise below in a silent predatory manner.

Someone needs to clean up the spill. Be aware of the denizens – they strike with deadly efficiency.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Danny
8 months ago

Recalls the Stephen King short story “The Raft”. Spoiler alert. In that story it was the oil slick that cleaned up the humans. 🙁

Scot Irish
Scot Irish
Reply to  Danny
8 months ago

May I suggest “multi-cultural” oil slick? Or maybe skid mark?

8 months ago

Slightly off topic. I’ve seen studies showing gays are about 10-20x over represented as pedos. Liberals immediately start calling priests pedos in response, but I’ve never seen actual studies about clergyman and pedos. Is this just based on media? It seems being a gay childcare worker is the best predictor based on what I’ve read

Reply to  Davidcito
8 months ago

You want to find the majority of child molesters?

Easy, school teachers. Including crazy-eyed women, that appear outwardly to be somewhat attractive but are inside…..??

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Davidcito
8 months ago

Clerical pedos are, I strongly suspect, overwhelmingly heauxmeaux. At any rate, priests are not our constituency anywhere near to the extent that quiffs are to the Left.

8 months ago

There is a strong correlation between high-risk homosexual behaviors (read: bug chasing) and Toxoplasmosis infection, which begs the larger question whether some sort of parasitic infection drives homosexual behavior in general. There is no evolutionary advantage to homosexuality, so it should eventually die out, or at least become exceedingly rare, over generations. Instead, we see precisely the opposite, which indicates it is behavioral, not genetic.

Although I have to admit that the older I get I wish I were gay. Modern women are utterly impossible.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

There may not be an evolutionary advantage in the reproductive sense, but in technoclownworld, it has most definitely become a status advantage. Most AINO institutions today are more likely to hire/accept you if you are homo. Homo gets you ahead. Homo is cool. So is it any wonder the kids are turning gay?

Last edited 8 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

With respect, I disagree. Outside of certain fields (government employment, fashion, working at Google, maybe advertising?) there is no advantage to being openly gay. Many young people, especially young women, go through a phase. I’m old, and even I know the term LUG (Lesbian Until Graduation). One of my daughters experimented openly in college, claiming to be bisexual. She is through that phase now, and exclusively dating men. My brother’s daughter is still claiming to be a lesbian but she just hates men, like her bi**h mom. My comment may have been more directed at men. Male homosexuality has more… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

they tried to make it a real epidemic, but everyone knew it was all gay

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

Well, to put what you suggest more bluntly, homosexuality, particularly the male type, is a severe mental illness, and was, until fairly recently, recognized as such. This is why many heauxmeaux behaviors are completely irrational.

PS–Pomo philosopher Michel Foucault, in the early 80s, was infected with the disease later known as AIDS and he knew it. Nevertheless, he continued frequenting SF bathhouses and almost certainly infected many men with the disease, effectively sentencing them to death.

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

it’s hard to see how homosexuality could be an evolutionary advantage. But maybe it’s a case of excessive amounts of tendencies which are advantageous? male gays might be a case of excessive need to breed? Men are obviously built to be very pushy about getting laid. I would characterize the gays I’ve known as actually bi, or even “will screw anything that can’t outrun him”. Damn right they should not be allowed near boys, that’s the whole point of being anti-gay. Allowing openly gay men near boys means that boys activities will become unsafe for them – a lot like… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by jo blo
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Entire institutional sectors in America are now predominantly homosexual. And not just in “cultural” circles. If you meet someone in the US diplomatic corps, or who went to Yale, you can safely assume he’s gay.

Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

“I have to admit that the older I get I wish I were gay. Modern women are utterly impossible.”

Ummm… no.

One can be disdainful of modern woman without engaging in disgusting man-on-man anal.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

As Dutton has pointed out, ever since the Industrial Revolution, all sorts of dysgenic forces and people (the spiteful mutants, which includes pervs of every stripe) have waxed. Material largess has dampened evolutionary culling to a great degree, and this accounts for much of our current misery.

8 months ago

I feel like the Tony Soprano meme trying to read this.

This is way too fucked up for me to listen to right now.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stephanie
Reply to  Stephanie
8 months ago

1) What is “the Tony Soprano meme“?

2) Are you an ackshual XX-chromosome’d human female deploying four-lettered abbreviations for phornication?

Reply to  Stephanie
8 months ago

One does not simply make up Tony Soprano memes, to suit the whimsy of your occasion.

Reply to  Suburban_elk
8 months ago

Elk, yesterday I was hoping you would show up on this subthread.

I pondered ackshually calling you out to this subthread.

8 months ago

Dutton sure uses a lot of “scare” quotes… Finished the first chapter, not bad, but he does three things that irritate the heck out of me. First, he simply drops “Woke” in there (like the scare quotes?) with no discussion of what it is. Second, he spends too much time defending himself as not being some sort of crypto-Nazi. Why would you open that door? Maybe he will get to that later. Third, if religions are the result of adaptation, then liberalism (the people who lock shields and demand conformity) is a genetic adaptation as well. Signaling is just another… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
8 months ago

I wasn’t exactly convinced by the review that the book is worth reading or skimming, but I decided to check Amazon for an inside look anyway. Oh my. The table of contents makes the book look immediately like a syllabus of Thoughtcrime. No wonder I didn’t find it on the websites of the public libraries of NYC, Chicago, and San Fran. It could make the regime go wobbly, if only there were some critical mass of rebels who are interested in developing a replacement culture. Better culture requires resolutely condemning and turning away from the errors of ancestors and forebears.… Read more »

8 months ago

“Further, there must be some material explanation for why people with heads full of oogily-boogily seem to rise to the top of liberal societies. Perhaps evolution does not care about empiricism as much as the fans of evolutionary biology insist.”

This video does a pretty good job of answering your objection.

The summary is that in the long run (mid to end of the century) liberalism is doomed


Reply to  Arlen
8 months ago

I only watched the first couple minutes, but I am formulating a fairly long comment along the same line. The entire Earth is heading toward demographic collapse as fertility rates enter freefall. Our elites know this, which is why they are supporting mass immigration. People blame fertility collapse on the elites, but I don’t buy that. Elites suffer massively in eras of population collapse. It causes asset deflation and wage inflation, massively increasing the bargaining power of the working class at the expense of the societal elite. The bubonic plague was a huge win for the peasant class, at least… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

Agreed, this is why we have to blame women lol. Every institution is behaving more erratically because we’ve shoehorned women into every major decision. Even if no women are in the board room, the men can lose half of their net worth if their business or politics don’t align with their wives hormones

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  Davidcito
8 months ago

Women’s greed drives men’s misdeeds

8 months ago

Is it available in Finno-Elvish?

8 months ago

Correction: the second largest factor contributing to the differences in most behavioral and psychological traits in adulthood are in fact not due to home environment after additive genetic factors. They are due to something we call non shared environment which compromises everything not shared within the same family, including measurement inaccuracies.

Last edited 8 months ago by Anon
Reply to  Anon
8 months ago

I’ve seen a lot of the same conclusions. I’ve seen as much as 60% is determined by peer group. Which might be why @Zman said if the science was understood, you would never let gays, trannies, pedos, etc., within a gazillion miles of adolescents and pre-adolescents, because they will influence your kids.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Steve
8 months ago

Here in clown world there seems to be a sizable constituency that sincerely wants homos to influence their kids. Knowing the science would possibly only encourage them more.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
8 months ago

And what, pray tell, is the most powerful tool in creating that shred environment? The West’s vast propaganda apparatus. In theory, you can keep your kids away from the diverse and perverse, but you can’t shield them entirely from the messaging that the undesirables are actually the pinnacle of humanity.

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  Steve
8 months ago

I just hope that, come the revolution, the young people who will do most of the fighting will stick their knives into those who truly deserve it.

Reply to  Anon
8 months ago


To redeem the public schools I’d take every second “public educator” and publicly hang them as a warning to the others. Or I’d just skip to burning public schools down to the ground with the teachers locked inside. Public schools are hot houses for drugs, promiscuity and faggotry as well as toxic politics.

Reply to  Filthie
8 months ago

Gentle there, muh Bro.

We must be very very careful about pushing the envelope concerning teh Phed P0asting.

That’s what cratered He@rtiste.

W0rdpre$$ yanked his licen$e.

8 months ago

[…] ZMan rips off the bandage. […]

8 months ago

If one will not be the men with the guns, then abandon politics oogily-boogily for the ashbin of …life… for politics is eternally power and eternally violence.

Just sit by the pool and read… books about plants or something harmless.
Or geology, avoiding volcanic activity and that sort of thing.
A gentle life…

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Vxxc
8 months ago

Still waiting for you to disclose what you’ve gotten up to recently. Beaten down any minorities. Kidnapped an illegal beaner into the trunk of your car and took him back over the Rio Grande? Lullabied any LEOs / enforcers? No, nothing?

Just pecking away at the keyboard still innit? Waiting for everyone else to do something. Stop talking, you are a poser and a provocateur and I tire of your lame “do something” shtick while you comfortably sit your flabby ass in front of a screen.

Reply to  Apex Predator
8 months ago

You should tell him the story about the one time you tried to be a man, and got your rear-end pounded out in prison. How it made you the docile, compliant fem you now are.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Humans naturally self-segregate and that is both natural and based in natural properties. And this, of course, is manifest and rudimentarily demonstrable malarky, and the fact that it is so simply disposed of pretty much illustrates the caliber of the soi-disant intellectuals in the HBD-osphere. It is a fact universally acknowledged (my apologies, Ms. Austen) that wherever the male sex has sojourned in this world, he has put all his earnest efforts into consorting with the local females (of whom a few willing members could always be found), whatever race or color they happened to be. Thus, when it comes… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Just because you go for a bit of native tail doesn’t mean you want hordes of Mau Maus and wogs shacking up next to you in Knightsbridge or the 5th arrondissement.

Kanye White
Kanye White
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

I ain’t saying he’s a coal burner
But he ain’t going with a blond Werner.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Kanye White
8 months ago

Chasing tail and/or “making do” with what is available is a far different thing than an intentional commitment when options are available. The data available from dating apps shows strong in-race preferences across all groups although some are stronger than others.

Simply observing your environs displays a similar selection bias. That the rare adventurous explorers were adventurous in other aspects is hardly surprising. And they remain the exception rather than the rule.