The White Fright

One of the features of current year America is the occurrence of panics, particularly among the managerial elite. The most recent is the White Fright, where the media is hysterically reporting every disturbance as the act of white supremacists. This panic appears to have been triggered by the El Paso shooting, but it is a manifestation of a much longer occurring paranoia among the managerial classes. It dates back to at least the last presidential election and has roots in the Obama years.

The underlying assumption of the White Fright is a belief that whites are secretly organizing to overthrow the current order and impose some sort of pale patriarchy on the country. These white supremacists are everywhere and look just like normal everyday white people, so any white person could possibly be one of them. These people can, at any moment, turn into a violent spree killer, if exposed to certain kinds of content called “hate speech” which is found on-line.

The similarities to medieval witch hunting are too obvious not to notice. The adversary is not something that appears in material form. Like Old Scratch, white supremacy is an evil spirit that works through the infected. Once under the control of white supremacy, the person no longer has agency. Not surprisingly, like the accused witches in Salem, the modern white supremacist is most likely to be someone that vexes the moral authorities, either by their presence or by their actions.

Now, many on the Right have been conditioned to look at this stuff and come up with an explanation that makes the Left seem less nutty. For example, Steve Sailer will argue it is a clever ploy to rally the coalition of the ascendant. The National Review types will claim it is a ploy to conceal the fact that Democrats are the real racists. These are conditioned responses that are not intended to explain what’s going on with the Left, but to fit it into the normal Left-Right dynamic that describes America politics.

A more nuanced explanation is that the White Fright is part of a great fear that is sweeping the managerial classes. Like that which swept France in the summer of 1789, this fear is rooted in both the economic and the social problems of society. There’s also a paranoia about the ruling class. These people are riddled with angst and fear of being dropped from the managerial class. This causes them to be highly sensitive to any disruption in society and as a result, they are prone to panics.

The media, internet censors, social justice warriors and corporate HR departments are the servants of the ruling class. As such, they are wholly dependent upon them for their status with regards to the rest of us. Unlike the commoners, who are only vaguely aware that there are powerful people behind the political theater, the managerial class is much more aware of this reality. As a result, they live like the peasants of France, keenly aware they are dependent upon people they cannot trust.

This anxiety manifests itself as panics about imaginary villains plotting to topple the existing order. The Russia hoax is a good example. It is assumed that the people peddling it did so for cynical reasons and that may be true. The people spreading and repeating it, however, were motivated by a genuine fear of dark forces working in the shadows against their interests. Marianne Williamson got a lot of attention in the last debate by mentioning “dark psychic forces.” It resonated with certain people.

Now, another possible explanation for the White Fright is that something similar to what happened in Salem is going on in current year America. At the end of the 17th century, what amounted to a Puritan theocracy, had taken root in New England. Everything about social life was controlled by the religious sensibilities of the people, mostly enforced by a narrow theocratic elite. The form and purpose of New England towns was based in the religious understanding of the people we now call Puritans.

This model, when facing the challenge of witch panics, was unable to adapt and cope with the phenomenon. The response from the religious authorities decreased public trust and eroded their authority. The trials themselves, instead of reducing fear among the panicked, increased suspicions. Before long it became obvious that the religious authorities were as much a part of the problem as the people making accusations and spreading rumors. The witch trials discredited Puritanism.

That could be what is happening in current year America. The similarities between modern Progressivism and Puritanism, in its manifestations, not theologically, is hard not to notice. Everything from vinegar drinking scolds to their effeminate male enablers are present in modern day Progressivism. Current year America is ruled by a bizarre identity cult that is every bit as superstitious as the Puritans. The White Fright may turn out to be the witch scares of late empire America.

Those are all the amusing and gratuitous explanations for what we are seeing. There is another possibility and that is a genuine fear rooted in real danger. The response by the managerial class may seem hysterical and irrational, but maybe that is just a byproduct of mass media culture. Maybe there is a real threat. The people running from the monster, shrieking like madmen, are not acting rationally, but their fear is not irrational either. The monster is real and is a real danger to them.

It should be noted that panic is not the default response to disasters or dangers. In things like fires, natural disasters and combat, panic is not typical. Instead, mutual aid is the most common response. An obvious example is the response of the people in the World Trade Center buildings during 9/11. Among the stories of great heroism were stories of incredible cooperation. People came together and helped one another get out of the buildings. Mutual aid and cooperation was the natural response.

Rather than a panic or mass hysteria, the White Fright may be a call to familiarity and mutual aid by the managerial class. The old political order is breaking down, as the inevitable consequences of multiculturalism manifest. What we could be seeing is a primal call for social re-attachment. The primary purveyors of the White Fright are white, or at least white presenting. The old good-white coalition is rallying around the fear of white supremacy, in defense of what is lurking outside the walls.

Of course, all of these possible explanations for the panics we are seeing are rooted in the general sense that society is fragmenting. That’s because current year America is fragile and possibly ready to shatter. The old political order is in decline and the rise of identity politics promises to replace it. These panics are as much about the fear of what comes next as superstition or immediate threats. The White Fright may one day be seen as the turning point in the rise of white identity politics.

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Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
4 years ago

The process of whites becoming minority-majority has been moving along without much protest. Fairly smooth sailing for the elites. Now that we’re getting closer to the 50 percent mark, more whites are waking up and many don’t like it. Whites are also increasingly noticing that identity politics are everywhere, with whites not allowed to be mentioned as a group in a positive way. Again, many don’t like it. This is where we’re entering choppy water for the elites, who would love to fast-forward past this section to quickly get to the land of a gun-less white minority.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

“…to quickly get to the land of a gun-less white minority.”

And a much-despised white minority.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I’m surprised I left that part out. Lately when I point out to normie-cons our coming minority status, I add that we and our children will be a despised minority, which usually brings a spooked, contemplative look to their faces.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

A despised minority that will still be milked as the cash cow. What a pleasant future they have planned for us.

Nice little future utopia y’all have planned there… sure would be a shame if something happened to it.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Yeah Wolf, turns out that any maths beyond muh 401k or muh home equity is hard for the normiecons to process. Even though their three kids have only produced a combined one grandkid and six grand furbabies, they can’t seem to reconcile that with their landscaper having his fifth child in a two bedroom one bath apartment. But at least all their kids went to College. IME, about half give the spooked look of having a glimpse at the demographics is destiny word problem. The other half, however, are of the ‘whites had a good long run…progress…diversity is our strength…the… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I shudder to think how precisely stupid you have to be at this point for it to be a shock that yes indeed, you will be a despised minority. It is mathematical certainty.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

For the rationality-challenged sex, I like to add that what unborn grandchildren may ever exist will curse their grandmothers’ souls for inflicting their unending miseries.

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  epistolero
4 years ago

So riddle me this, if white women are overly sensitive, driven by emotion and irrational, is referring to them with insulting terms going to get them on your side? This is some brilliant 4-d chess here. We need white women if we want a future.

Reply to  The Last Stand
4 years ago

They cannot be persuaded through logic and their overwrought emotional response will not work either. They will need to be forced – kicking and screaming if need be – to accept their proper, secondary place in the patriarchy. Fwiw, I think the brown future will do that job regardless – when enough of them stop feeling safe and entitled. I’m reminded of a line in a historical fiction/time-travel novel, where one man recognizes another is from the 20th century because she’s not afraid of men. This does NOT mean that women need to be threatened with rape or beatings (at… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

The truth is overwhelming, especially when spoken by a woman.

Whatever you may have said about the physical weakness of women, for most of us white men, our deepest desire is to win your love, trust, and respect. You are the reason that we built civilization.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

There is a simple answer to all of this, and it’s concerning not one person in this thread has grocked it. All your “solutions” are summed up in the 1st 5 books of the Bible, with elaboration and examples in the Gospels. Turning back to Godly morality and living like Jesus did would turn the tide, rapidly. No national politician seems interested in such a thing because it will mean loss of stature.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

As well we know, women can be seduced by the media. So if brains were applied to the situation, we’d be working mightily to offer alluring alternatives to the progressive entertainment. They can throw all the gay characters and feminist subplots into Downton Abbey that they want, but that’s not what interests vast numbers of women who are still mightily longing to live charmed lives at a more old-fashioned pace. Oh, maybe not to a manorial degree but at least to be free of workplace drudgery and the accompanying fatigue of holding down a job and trying to create civilized… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

So how do you “force” women in your own life to “accept their proper place in society”? Provide detailed advice, as you are an alleged man of “superior strength and ability”.

Reply to  Anti-Gnostic
4 years ago

Anti-Gnostic: I am a woman who thinks logically and acknowledges reality. I guarantee you, although I lift regularly and heavy for my age/sex, my skinny 19 year old son, who does not lift (but does do mma) could beat my backside if he ever tried. You mistake the word “force” for physical violence. Every time your wife or daughter makes a stupid statement inconsistent with reality, CORRECT them. Don’t let it stand when they claim they’re tough, or think they can move safely through life by virtue of their own strength or abilities or character. If necessary, force them to… Read more »

Reply to  The Last Stand
4 years ago

If any of the potentially “turn-able” YT normie women are out there, they need to be turned by those other of us YT women who have seen the light.
If they are overly emotional and beyond help, forget it.
Many are not worth he effort.
(Says the rare YT unmarried female in this movement…)

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

But are wars fought now with vast numbers or with brains?

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I must say I was surprised by the national “crush this evil” review take. What the hell is happening over there?

Monty James
Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

There’s no reason to pretend any longer. They’ve removed the masks and are now the submissive Quislings we knew they were all along. That, plus they publish what the people keeping the lights on tell them to publish.

Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Monty James
4 years ago

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

— President Woodrow Wilson, “The New Freedom”

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Full on libertarianism and the desire to be respected by liberals.

One of many Georges
One of many Georges
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

My parents are from tiny little towns in Wisconsin. I think people there just assumed that it would be a white place forever. Indeed in the 1980s and 1990s, I spent my summers there and never once saw a minority.

But when they started to appear you could sense people’s deep unease. Some of our people are “waking up,” but some of them do crimestop, from an unhealthy combination of cultural propaganda and their own deeply-rooted but unreciprocated decency.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

White Fright makes perfect sense. The ideological age is coming to a close. The demographic age is ascendant. The ((Left)) and its white minions have nearly achieved victory with the help of their brown hoard. But there’s a potential turd in the punch bowl: White identity. If whites join the identity politics game, the whole thing blows up. Whites are by far the most competent group, even more competent than a particularly special ((people)) who are great at scheming, but not so great at building. Without whites, the society falls apart. But racially aware and organized whites are a massive… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I’d like to amend my comment. I believe that White Fright is perfectly reasonable for the top ((globalists)). But I also believe that for the mid-level troops – the reporters, the Nice White Ladies, and leaders of the brown hoard – this is a scary specter. These people are the zealots of our Equality theocracy, so they do believe in white witches.

The top brass of our enemies see us an earthly threat, while their troops view us as ghostly eyes watching them in the dark from the trees, ready to spring at any moment.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

You do have to give the top-level “globalists” credit for creating fictions so compelling that weak-minded people take them for realities.

Countering that is the challenge we have to embrace.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Tell every white that you know in an off-handed way that their children will be not just a minority in this country but a despised minority.

This is the best recruiting tool we have at the moment. It freaks people out because they know that it’s true, but you’re not disagreeing with them on anything so they’re more open.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Except Generation Z is immune to this “threat of disease” called “being a despised minority” by virtue signaling overlords such as yourself. They are thoroughly integrated with the Jews, Chinks, and assorted darkies of the world.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

A slightly off topic reminder-Special Whites only make up 1.4-1.7% of the population in Current Year, and make up the largest ethnicity engaged in LGBTQQIAA.
They also outbreed in the 30% range, and only the Orthodox have large birth numbers.
IOW, to a large degree, they are genociding their own genetics.
Just a happy thought that cheers me up when I’m feeling down.

4 years ago

Chris Cuomo sure got unraveled yesterday. Just an example of what lies deep in these traitors and liars. Storms a comin’ they know it, and their house of cards is going with it.
Of course, that doesn’t mean our side replaces it.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

I saw that. Most of the links to the OyTube have since gone down as they try to squelch the vid. I am smelling fear on the other side of the great divide too. I think what they’re afraid of (and rightly so) – is that if the SHTF, race reality would reassert itself with a white meritocracy at the top and the marginals and more vibrant at the bottom. If that happens every last affirmative action flunky will have to get real jobs as will their enablers. (Assuming the survive what comes). What puzzles me is that they have… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Their plan is Pajeet and Chen replace Whites. We are the kulaked or given personal punishment collars and social scores determining if we eat that day. Nights under a bridge.

That’s the plan.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

The plan is weak.
Unless we’re weaker.

I think its the Spartacists and Weimar all over again.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

The problem with that plan is that Pajeet and Chen can also replace Abram and Ester. Jews are smarter and play the game better than Indians and Chinese, but Indians and Chinese are tribal.

I’ve already seen it in business. Indians and Chinese are very, very aware of Jews and view them as both something emulate and as competition. The days of playing the Washington Generals is over for the Jews.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I appreciate how coy Zman is about this, but we all know it is the Jews who are the ones who are fostering this hatred of whites. They at once claim to be us, until it is convenient to not be white. Jews are not white, and are the ones who are instigating this societal hatred. They’ve only done it 160 times before.

Reply to  Chestertonrocks
4 years ago

Contrary to popular belief, immigrants from Europe weren’t all eager and willing to become Americans when they arrived. Many were only interested in making money and some of them returned home. There was only one group, though, with an ancient grudge against people of European stock and Christianity and that was the Jews. Especially the Eastern European ones.

Since 1965, they’ve acquired allies with the influx of massive numbers of immigrants from Third-World cultures with either historic or recently whipped-up grudges against the US, the West in general, Christians and Christianity.

Reply to  Chestertonrocks
4 years ago

The liberal elite class as a whole calculate that globalism will lead them to greater profit and power, and their wealth will insulate them from its negative effects. Today’s left-liberalism justifies their pursuing it. Most of them surely earnestly believe in it, since it’s human nature to want to align the pursuit of one’s power and well-being with Justice, Truth, Good, Progress, et al. And, since they believe in it, and since it is in their class’ power/profit interests, it is broadcast downward to society via mass-media, education, think-tanks, and so on. And modern society, and modern mass man and… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

No plan, no matter how good; survives first contact with the enemy. “Their” plans and tactics will be no different. If there’s to be a “party” – and we are confident there will be; then let’s go. Last I checked, I wasn’t getting younger – and this happened on our watch. The duty falls to us.

Reply to  Grandpa
4 years ago

Things won’t be so bad that most normal people won’t be able to bear it. Anything else risks the elite class’ position. It will be a relatively slow descent, like what Zman has described. Things are noisy now because we are in a transition, but once it is accomplished, and people have accepted it as accomplished, things will calm down. As far as “let’s go” is concerned, the only way for us to effect positive change is by the spreading of ideas, in a sophisticated, factual, reasoned, self-aware fashion, preferably much better even than what I’ve been able to accomplish.… Read more »

Reply to  Prussian
4 years ago

The elites’ position is already tenuous; and they know it. I disagree also that it “won’t be so bad that most normal people won’t be able to, more or less, bear it”. That is normalcy bias; and the hope it won’t be that bad and it will happen slowly is akin to living in tornado country, sure in the knowledge that because your home has not been hit yet… I do agree that going forward, we have to affect positive change…etc. Excepting of course the fact that the “other side” is not listening – nor are they inclined to. We… Read more »

Reply to  Grandpa
4 years ago

Unless I’ve been misinformed, my understanding of Spengler is that he believed life-cycles of civilizations, like other “organisms”, can come to an early end. Do you really think Spengler’s “Caesarism”, overthrowing the elite class of Money, or anything like it, is coming to us now? My guess is he would say we are fools, me for fantasizing that there is any possibility of masses of Westerners becoming like their ancestors long ago and changing things, and perhaps nearly all of us for writing what we do, considering the technology and resources of our government, considering how it already views and… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

John Smith said: ” I saw that. Most of the links to the OyTube have since gone down as they try to squelch the vid.” I think this is the one you mean.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Trump just trolled Fredo Cuomo big time:

“Would Chris Cuomo be given a Red Flag for his recent rant? Filthy language and a total loss of control. He shouldn’t be allowed to have any weapon. He’s nuts!”

Gives me a ray of hope…

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Of course, the Leftists will use this Cuomo thing to ban all things “Fredo” on their platforms as racist (though it has nothing to do with race). This is how this works every time, something is effective against one of their wicked pets… bam. Banned.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Nah, Cuomo can’t play racism for the Italians. Accept it, you’re white like us. That said, maybe E. Michael Jones is right that there is no white, just Pole, Irish, Germans etc. Much way to navigate ourselves through all of this.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

I think Cuomo feels the need for some street cred. If only it’d been a neo-Nazi skinhead type he threatened, he’d be on top today.
But then, he wouldn’t have been as ballsy with a brawler type.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Indeed, Cuomo lost it…defending himself and his family from an agent provocateur. Perhaps you should employ your Christian sensibilities here rather than defend against a devilish ruse.

4 years ago

The Zman writes an entire essay about fear & hatred of whites, emanating from universities & media —- but never mentions Jews. Instead, he says, it’s the Puritans. I don’t buy it. The Puritans are purity-spiraling fanatics but their elite always take great care to aim their fanaticism away from themselves. That is, after all, the whole point of purity-spiraling; to say the other person is bad. In Puritan New England, the accused witches were usually marginal figures like childless old women or girls from poor families instead of the influential town leaders & their daughters. During the Civil War,… Read more »

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

The thing about the JQ is, even though it mostly is the Jews, if you only talk about the Jews, you start to look like an obsessive, a nut, even if you’re not. I think the Zman understands that.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

Sort of agree. Obama, the Black Caucus, Nation of Islam, Gore, Kerry, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Wray/most of the FBI/NSA, etc., etc., etc., are NOT Jews.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

LOL okay. If the doorman at the ADL is black, does that mean that the ADL is a black organization?

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago


Just you wait. In no time at all, Leroy is going to recruit all his boys from the hood and they will constitute a majority of the West Baltimore branch of the ADL.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

But who pays their bills, Carl? At least half the money to the Dem Party is from Jews. It’s probably more. Certainly it’s way more than half if you look at big donors, the ones every politician needs. Jews also control a huge portion of the money to the GOP. The Jews are the money men of politics in an age where money is the lifeblood of politics. They are hugely influential on Wall Street. They also control the media, which can destroy a business no matter how large, and academia, which shapes the minds of the judiciary. Every person… Read more »

Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

The Zman doesn’t just avoid “only” talking about the Jews. First, he NEVER talked about them. For a long, long time. Then, after continuous bullying from the comment section, he begrudgingly admitted that yeah, okay, the people running our universities & media maybe have something to do with the continuous anti-white hatred coming from the universities & media. But that he thought the people who focused on that were icky and low-status and anyway he has a lot of really great jewish friends that he would just love, love, love to be a part of this dissident right thing. Then… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

Agreed. I suspect that Zman is walking a fine line and playing a bit of 3D chess. He knows the score, but, as you say, to bring it up every time makes you look like a nut job. Also, Z is right that movements work best when attached to a positive identity and not a negative one. Focusing on the Jewish role in all of this falls into the negative identity camp. The truth is that Jewish power is in many ways quite fragile – and they know it which is why they freak out all the time. If we… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Talking about anti-white hatred coming from universities and media without mentioning jews isn’t “walking a fine line”… It’s “running away from the line”.
Make all the excuses for ZMan you want to. But there’s a simple, current, powerful, predictive explanation for a phenomenon. And he always chooses to give a subtle, philosophical historical explanation instead. It’s highly suspicious, at best.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

I’ll admit that Zman’s reluctance to bring up the role of Jews is odd. That said, he certainly doesn’t avoid mentioning Jews; he just doesn’t focus on them. Contrast that to the Derb – a friend of Z’s – where it’s like pulling teeth to get that guy to admit that Jews even exist as a group, much less that that might play an important role in our society.

But, yes, bringing up the current anti-white rage without mentioning the Jews hurts his credibility.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Im sooooo happy this site isnt what you wish it to be. Go over to stormfront with your aingle minded hatred.

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

The 4 JQ Circles of Defence 1) There is no Jewish influence… you are just crazy. 2) Sure, there’s Jewish influence, but it arose naturally because Jews are so smart… you’re just jealous. 3) Sure a big part of Jewish Influence arose from ethnocentric behavior that we condemn in every other group, but they use that influence ethically… you are just a hater. (You are here, Normie) 4) Sure Jews unethically use their influence to exploit & subjugate every other group, but that’s okay because of their history as a persecuted people… you are just an EVIL NAHTZEE WHO WANTS… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

And just how exactly is Observer wrong, may I ask, Mr. Normie?

Because childish ad hominem attacks and guilt by association tactics don’t cut it around here. Please do better.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Jewish power isn’t fragile when they control the MSM, academia, Wall Street and by extension the government.

They aren’t going to be brushed aside without a bloody fight.

And yeah Zman is blowing smoke putting the blame on a bunch of NE Puritans. If Z can’t admit the tribe is pushing all the anti-white hatred then he has a problem.

Reply to  Rod1963
4 years ago

The Zman doesn’t want to be Alex Jones, and thank goodness he doesn’t want to be the Federalist.

This is his hobby, not his act.


I do agree, 100%, as I don’t entirely trust the Z or others who blow smoke, yet relish their contributions.

But, the Puritans had agency. The financiers might have owned the ships, the auction blocks, and the synagogues behind those blocks, but the Puritans eagerly ran the ports, manned those ships, and shared in the profits. Just as they joined in to ramrod the peasantry, then and now.

And even the peasants are revolting.

Reply to  Rod1963
4 years ago

Fragile? Well, yes & no. Jewish power is exerted on a spectrum from merely asking from what they want to having to inflict physical violence to get what they want. In between, jews may resort to guilting, shaming, unleashing institutions on people, bribery, etc… On one end are the GOP ZioCucks who do Israel’s bidding with big drooly grins on their faces. On the other are Palestinians getting bulldozed in their own homes. The more JQ woke a population gets, the harder Jews have to work to get their way, the more resources they have to use, and the more… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen, exactly. Exactly.
The fine line is to avoid two generations of the most focused, intense brainwashing operation in history-

Yet with a subtle prod, a Z-wink, our host allows us doggos to bark freely.
Sometimes, though, you do have to tell the dogs to stop barking or the neighbors will be pissed.

And thanks, Observer, I too sometimes chafe at the leash.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I’m not a dog & I’m sad to see that you think you are one.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Pull it back, Observer. He’s making an analogy.

Here’s my best guess: Zman knows that recruitment is our most important goal at the moment. Focusing too much on the Jews turns away many people who would come to our side and see the truth eventually. So, Zman holds back.

That’s fine – as long as he doesn’t get lost in his own stories, which can happen. (Exhibit A: The Derb)

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

OK, so a nuanced conversation is not your thing, Observer, got it 😉

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

If by nuanced you mean avoiding the simplest & most factually sound explanation then yes.
Again, this is an anonymous comment section on a dissident right blog.
If we can’t say that jews in universities & media are responsible for anti white hatred coming out of universities & media HERE then what’s the point?

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

I don’t think we need to see “Jews all the way down” in every topic. Jews have benefitted from the Christian schisms (Cath/Orth, Cath/Prot) but they’re not prime movers in every dark turn. The “open source” nature of Protestantism left it especially vulnerable to “Judeo-Christian” revision but that didn’t really kick off until the Schofield Bible era. Luther himself would have made Hitler blush on the subject. Once you get to the Frankfurt School and especially the post-WWII era, you’re more on target by Noticing.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Eh. Real WASPs blame everything on Catholics. This country, except for Maryland, was founded as a refuge from RC Europe. Think of it as an Israel for Protestants.

Reply to  kleist
4 years ago

Kleist, I had a book from 1924.
“What Went Wrong With America?”
A Pilgrim, a turkey, a flag on the cover.

Why, the Catholics, it concluded.
Of course. Almost certainly pushback against the Charles Lindbergh/Henry Ford types. (Lindbergh’s son was murdered by a (((Polish))) criminal, breaking him.)

Every evangel touts America as the New Israel. They are breathless with excitement at mention of plans for the Third Temple.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Bruno Richard Hauptmann, a Lutheran German immigrant, was convicted and executed for murdering Charles Lindbergh’s son.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Thanks Ris, I see I fell for another bit of web disinfo. I stand corrected.

(There was an article making this claim, that Hauptmann was, or was paid by, a “fellow European”.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Papists (and Irish, by extension) have been shut out of a lot of things over the years.
Since we’re on the subject, there were Catholic priests in the Hollycost camps as well.

Reply to  kleist
4 years ago

Britain established its American colonies as a refuge from Catholic Europe? Why would the people of a Protestant Britain need to cross the Atlantic Ocean for refuge from Catholicism?

I get that you don’t like the Papists, but that makes no sense.

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

Maryland was started by English Catholics who also found refuge in Philadelphia.

I may be a Catholic, but I realize we have to clean up our own house today.

Reply to  The Last Stand
4 years ago

While the Gutenberg Protestants have a more comedic, literalist simplicity, Deep Catholic theosophy seems sometimes almost as weird as Hinduism.

I swear this is cultural-linguistic divergence in real time.
In 400 years, some professor will point to the chalkboard and say, “as you see, this Prot word has a Cath root. We suspect the two may have originally shared the same language.”

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

Britain was largely Catholic before Henry VIII got in there and couldn’t keep his pants on.
After that, (about 1550’s or so) everything went downhill. Churches were forcibly turned into Protestant worshipping spaces, or outright demolished. The Faith was outlawed.
Some old English homes from that era have secret hiding spaces where families risked their lives to hide a former parish priest.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Luther is a terrific example of holding an ideal image of some Other in one’s mind, before one has had the benefit of actual experience with them.

Thus, early Luther was philosemetic and looked forward to a meeting of the mind and soul with the Jews of Germany. A couple decades of experience later, having actually interacted with the Jewish community, Luther was writing _On the Jews and Their Lies_.

If conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality, an antisemite seems to be a philosemite who has been mugged by interaction with Jews.

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

Unfortunately true.

You all know it is possible to hold a macro level thought and a micro level thought at the same time, yes?

Like many of the supposed unwashed, I have long-time Jewish friends. The adjective modifies the noun and all that.

However, that doesn’t make me blind to the JQ and ((their)) existential threat to team honky. Or team ((non)) really. It is what it is.

Reply to  roo_ster
4 years ago

Can confirm – they are not in short supply in the California legal system. Although to be honest the ones I went to school with in OH mostly annoyed the hell out of my normie self even back in the day.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You are wrong. We DO need to see “Jews all the way down”. And all the way across, and all the way in & all the way through & all the way out. Because A) That’s what’s happening. and B) That’s the only way to make sure that our solution isn’t co-opted by the jews too. Our #1 problem right now is that our institutions — especially the morality & status-setting institutions of academia & media — have been infiltrated and turned against us by Jews who hate normal white Christian men. They are the ones opening our borders &… Read more »

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

No one’s going to accuse Mike Enoch of being insufficiently J-woke. I suggest you check out his occasional reminders on TDS etc as to finding a gear below 5th on the JQ, especially for the newly-J-woke. Unless someone here is actively pushing back on the JQ, proceed under the assumption they’re well aware of the nature and extent of the problem without needing strident reminders in every thread.

You’re over-preaching to the choir. Curb your enthusiasm. It feeds the straw man that everyone who’s J-woke is a monomaniac on the subject.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

What gear would you call writing an entire essay about anti-white hatred that has entered our culture via academia & media that makes NO mention at all of Jews? Our most pressing existential threat is that our nation’s institutions have been turned against normal white christian men by jewish influence. That’s what all our complaints about universities, and media, and courts, and legislatures, and Wall Street, and Big Tech censorship all boil down to. So if there’s one big problem that causes all the secondary problem, I’m going to focus on that one problem, instead of early American history about… Read more »

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

A few days of this will make most everyone who sees that “Observer” has commented scan past anything you have to say b/c “Juice guy.” Feel free to spray ammo if you like, my advice isn’t binding. But at least try to remember the old saying about how the guy who almost never says anything gets a lot of attention when he rarely does speak.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Muh optics!

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

One day has sufficed for me.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

As someone who is at best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) ‘purple’ on the JQ and still doesn’t really like it, I found this discussion between Exile and Observer really interesting. I think it is important for ppl who are really ‘woke’ on the JQ to realize that it is one of the most difficult red pills to swallow on the journey from normie land. It conjures up fears of really nasty things. On the JQ, possibly more than anything else, if you want to convince ppl before normie conditioning slams them shut, less really is… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I understand the impulse to be strategic and release information in small doses, but at the end of the day the truth is the truth.
And someone, somewhere has to just state it outright.
And if that place isn’t an anonymous message board on a dissident right blog, then where is it?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“finding a gear below 5th on the JQ”- gotta applaud that.

Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Got it. Educate on the JQ by avoiding the JQ. That should work great.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

You don’t avoid it, but you make it palatable for newbies. Is that frustrating? Yeah. (I’ve been more or less kicked off of Sailer for my views.) Do we need to be careful that we don’t forget the truth? Absolutely. Look at the Derb. He’s pointless.

I’m on your side, but I’ll give Z the benefit of the doubt – for now. If he continues to speak the truth about Jews quietly but consistently, he’s fine. If he heads down the Derb path, well, he might as well apply at the National Review.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Come on bro.
This is an anonymous comment section on a dissident right blog.
Live a little. If you see the J, say the J.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago


Jesu wept, man!

Do try to make subtlety and discipline your watch words.

You often make good points but are a bit unable to read the room on this.

I apologize for my lack of patience and don’t wish to discourage anyone, but Lord.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

I am reading the room.
It’s a bunch of people who know something, but then start getting skittish when someone actually says that something out loud.
And start muttering about strategy & optics & nuance & how we will win over the normies to think like us by never actually saying what we think.
Well, that’s one theory of how to convince people.
Here’s another: you state the truth as you see it as intelligently & plainly as you can.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

I basically agree with you, but you are strawmanning here, and this either/or autism is not a handciap when talking with anyone over the age of 30.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Although Magic Jew Theory does have some major drawbacks, Rush just mentioned something so obvious we never saw it.

The FBI is now on scene, eliminating evidence at Lolita Island. Rush said, “you know, that weird temple with blue and white stripes”.

Blue and white? Gee, whose flag is blue and white?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

“The FBI is now on scene, eliminating evidence at Lolita Island”. Exactly my thought. Couldn’t do it while he was alive, because he would know if some evidence was missed. Now if some is lost, it’s lost for good, most likely.

Ghislaine Maxwell will be the new D.B. Cooper. Which is really strange, in this day and age, when everyone’s passport is scanned in at every port of entry.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Someone missed the #MeRoo movement.

Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
4 years ago

MeRoo? My gods, they’re molesting the marsupials now?!

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago


Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Forgive me for not mentioning specific individuals, but what eventually ended the witch trails was prominent members of the community facing persecution.

Possibly the governor or his wife/daughter ? Not a historian, just too many school field trips 🙂

An up vote on the jews

c matt
c matt
4 years ago

The underlying assumption of the White Fright is a belief that whites are secretly organizing to overthrow the current order and impose some sort of pale patriarchy on the country.

A boy can dream . . . .

4 years ago

The threat of white identity politics to the political establishment is obvious. The ruling classes formulated a strategy of dealing with non-whites in the fifties. They threw white Southerners under the bus first because they were the low-hanging fruit in the effort to create new symbols of evil. By the time LBJ had finished de-constructing America, the Elites had their strategy fleshed out. They had fully destroyed the validity of rights of association. With help from the ubiquitous Frankfurt School and an obedient media class, the divisive ideologies were rolled out with little to stop them. It looked like final… Read more »

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Bingo! They didn’t foresee the internet. An underground printing press in every pocket. Our saving grace.

4 years ago

I think your 2nd to last explanation makes the most sense. I got called racist and sexist one too many times for the crime of being a white guy who believed in tabula rasa libertarianism. I then started reading badthink from ROK to counter feminism. That lead to other badthink, most notably Heartiste. Once you accept the red pill about sex, the reality of race is the next step. Leftism is a religion for the weak, deviants, and the mediocre. Because we are good natured and high trust, we are susceptible. Thus it became the dominant morality. Because it is… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I’m not sure of the basis for your statement that the witch trials discredited Puritanism. Evolved Puritanism led to the abolition movement and also Prohibition. Many commentators have said the War Between the States was the victory of New England Puritans over Virginia Cavaliers and Appalachian Scots-Irish. I wouldn’t underestimate the ability of the modern Puritans to suppress emerging White identitarianism. The fact that it may lead ultimately to their own destruction may matter less to them than suppressing yet again their hated White rivals.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

The fact that they’re willing to destroy the village in order to save it sums up the dangers of their fantacism perfectly. The modern crusades to bomb Iraq into the Liberty Age and our false-flaggotry with Iran and Venezuela b/c Judeus Vult shows they still have no self-restraint when ginned up on their own supply. The heathen American Sardaukar need to shake the opium haze & apply some social brakes to the runaway Puritan train – hopefully with better results than last time. Learning the lessons of why they won the Second Founding will help us win the Third. (((Oh… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

*judei volunt


Reply to  kleist
4 years ago

Haven’t taken Latin since high school. Pedantry is the bane of good memes. I’ve edited to further mangle the conjugation but improve poetic symmetry.

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Ignorance of the Lat is no excuse! 🙂

4 years ago

“The White Fright may one day be seen as the turning point in the rise of white identity politics.”

From your mouth to God’s ears.

Matt Bracken
4 years ago

Related: “The Left’s America-Hating Murder Pornographer” I just posted this on American Partisan. Final paragraph: We’re constantly told by leftist politicians, media and “entertainment” (sic) figures that the solution to America’s mass shootings is the elimination of the hundreds of millions of firearms already in private hands. But semi-automatic magazine-fed rifles (and pistols, revolvers and shotguns) have been available for over a century, while mass shootings are a modern phenomenon. The guns didn’t change, society did. And we can thank greedy murder pornographers like Jason Blum for helping to feed the moral depravity and stoke the fires of political… Read more »

Reply to  Matt Bracken
4 years ago

Matt’s spot on – the problem isn’t means, it’s motivation.

How do we think American kids would score on that test Brit kids just flunked with 90% saying their lives have no meaning?

Netflix’ recent “13 Reasons Why” already has a large body count – a 30% spike in teen suicides ( American kids are hanging on by such thin threads that watching a TV show can make them snap. Now Hillary Swank & Co. are gas-canning this cultural dumpster for shekels and atta-Xrls from globoshlomo.

Noticers take note – (((Blum))) worked for the (((Weinsteins))) at Miramax. OFC. EST.

Reply to  Matt Bracken
4 years ago

I never paid much attention to the Purge movies simply because the premise was inane. Good to know their agenda and the connection to The Hunt.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

This ‘White Fright’ could be projected guilt. The managerial class secretly, in the last remaining abodes of ‘normalcy’ inside them, know they have betrayed the society and group that gave them everything and allowed them to be ‘the leaders.’ Now they have to try to convince themselves that what they did was not high treason and pure evil. Like the rapist convincing himself the victim was ‘really a slut asking for it’. Someone, I forget who, said the strongest source of hatred is from someone who knows they did something wrong or evil to someone else. B/c their whole self-respect… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Moran, seems a bit too Freudian. Like they have great insight into or control of their own nature. I just think of the phrase “banality of evil” when considering these folk.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

It is not Freudian at all. The basic idea is that you did something that you basically know was not a nice thing to do. Are you going to admit that you’re immoral, possibly even evil? Or are you going to rationalize what you did to convince yourself that what you did was deserved and moral? This happens every day, perhaps most commonly in the area of infidelity. But it scales up w/o problem.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Rationalization, dissonance, projection—all terms you’ve used above were developed and first used by Freud and his acolytes. Freudian to the max.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Okay, I don’t know enough about Freud to know if that is true or not. What I know is that people will often explain away their own wrong actions by blaming the victim. And that’s not b/c Freud ‘invented it’ 🙂

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Freud invented/discovered/theorized/wrote on just about everything you’ve said as early as the 1890’s. That you believe it, or at least speak in this terminology—and I tend to do so myself—says much about Freud’s influence on Western society and thinking. Hell, such theories of Freud such as the Id/Ego/and Superego are fundamental to any number of movie plots, even to this day. Often with the main characters discussing such without the necessity of explanation to the audience of these concepts or even their validity! However, it needs to be noted that Freud never put any of his theories to scientific testing,… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I don’t give a hoot in hell what Freud wrote about. Blaming the victim is not an imaginary human behavior Freud pulled out of his anal phase. It is something humans do, on a regular basis. Did Newton invent gravity?? Did Archimedes invent density?

I admit I am speculating when I suggest that maybe the ‘elite’s’ fear of whites could be victim blaming. But your argument is like leftists saying ‘if Hitler was against unemployment it must be good’ Or JQ ppl saying ‘Oh, a Jew once said that, so…you know…can’t be true.’ I don’t CARE what Freud said.

4 years ago

Z notes that “(t)he similarities between modern Progressivism and Puritanism, in its manifestations, not theologically, is hard not to notice.” It’s crucial, and people are noticing. Counter-Currents has a book review up ( where the author examines the shared “values” of neo-liberalism’s capitalist and progressive wings. What he finds sounds to me like a “prosperity gospel” similar to both the Puritan and later WASP and evangelical belief that “Elect” status is evidenced by material success. Z’s hit on the major negative drivers of the White Fright, fearing the ooga-booga spirits outside Big Other’s tribal bounds and their literal “demonization” of… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Great, CounterCurrents does a review on a book. More talk by them, and even more talk by you. Actions matter now, not philosophical musings.

4 years ago

“The underlying assumption of the White Fright is a belief that whites are secretly organizing to overthrow the current order and impose some sort of pale patriarchy on the country”

Would that it were true

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Psychologists call that “projection”: assigning to another some personal flaw that you have.

4 years ago

A Mossad agent just spent two decades openly grooming young White girls to be raped so that Israel could blackmail American elites. And he got a free pass by every American institution because he was a Jew doing work for the Jews.
But please by all means let’s talk about the Puritans cause all our problems.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

No… lets all rant about the nameless Jews making me look in the mirror to see a failure…

Please Z stop with the different themed posts and become a jew bashing site to help people like Observer deal with his life…

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

Personal attacks & accusations of insecurity. How very, shall we say, non-Aryan. Try arguing with my ideas sometime. Here’s my thesis. 1) Jews have ALWAYS resented, feared & hated all whites for being white. 2) Whites — despite their quarrels with other whites for a variety of reasons — have NEVER hated all whites for being white. 3) By approximately the mid-1960’s Jews displaced whites in America’s elite intellectual and cultural institutions, and achieved such a formidable position of dominance in that all universities & media output was either directly Jew-created or at minimum Jew-approved. 4) Around that time, universities… Read more »

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Obs, I think you’re sick and tired of the endless blood libel, and have had enough.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

There are a lot of names associated with the Epstein incident, including former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, photographed trying to hide his face going into the Epstein house

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Dude, even uncle lampshade says turn it down man.

Start a blog and do what you want, but give Mr. Z some respect.

Reply to  Ultra-Pasteurized
4 years ago

‘Uncle lampshade’!
Perfectly said, Pasteurized. Respect the Z.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Holy moly, guys. What are you so afraid of? This isn’t your office. Or your normie facebook page.
This is an anonymous comment section on a dissident right blog.
If you can’t find your balls to speak honestly here, you don’t have any to find.
Do you really think the Puritans are more responsible for 2019’s anti-white animus or the Jews?
If you REALLY think it’s the Puritans, that’s one thing. But if you think it’s the Jews, but can’t quite bring yourself to type that out, even anonymously, to other badthinkers… that’s pretty pathetic.

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

All of the above, plus many more?

Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

It’s a mixture. Add one part Jews, add another part upper class hatred of lower class whites and a heaping of Wall Street sociopathy unrestrained. Class hatred has always been here, going well back to when the elite private boarding schools were founded in this country. You look at the horrific struggles the working class had to go through to get decent and safe working conditions when we industrialized. You can see the upper class views us as little more than cogs. Wall Streeters. The Cold War kept these Mofos in check. When the Soviets went poof!!! The Gordon Geckos… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Observer
4 years ago

Observer said: “Do you really think the Puritans are more responsible for 2019’s anti-white animus or the Jews?” Dude, your missing the point. The ” Puritans ” being discussed are millions of progressive secular gnostic fanatics who want to cast out the blue eyed devils and purify America. I’m not worried about a mob of hebrews kicking in my door.

4 years ago

A majority of school children in this country are POC. So the coming generation of white boys are going to be a minority but will be gleefully denied any privileges. All of society hates them and if they complain, they are told white men are fragile. Even their mothers buy into this white privilege nonsense. The ascendant Democrat party happily boasts they hate White Straight Men and are poised to have complete control of the federal government. This is all a recipe for genocide and not the nice, cold, gas chamber kind. Its African bush war machete kind of violence.… Read more »

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Alternative: they realize that they can only rely on each other and act accordingly.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

A majority of school children in this country are POC

This is the single-most important fact of all. What to do about that???

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

If we are nice, we could send them back with their parents.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago


the act of migrating again especially : the act of returning to one’s original or previous home after a migration

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I agree w you both. Considering how far we are from doing this, is the biggest source of black pills to me.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago


M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Treblinka 1943 v Haiti 1804, you can guess which scenario is more likely to unfold.

Reply to  M. B. Lamar
4 years ago

Treblinka 1943.

Since ground sonar to 30 feet down reveals the ground was never disturbed,

Since like Auschwitz and Baba Yar, the trees were never cut down for fuel to burn,

Since any crematoria will tell you you need a bone grinder to reduce the skeletons,

The “800,000 at Treblinka” never happened- because they aren’t there.

They made it up. It’s that simple.
They will make something up, so I vote Treblinka 1943.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

That’s the kind of comment that nukes credibility. Even IF you were or partly right, this is not a good approach. You will be alienating people you should be convincing of more pressing concerns than nasty events in 1942. A LOT of people who would be VERY receptive to things like ‘is it a good idea that whites become a minority in the US/Europe etc’, will instead be resisting your attempt to save the reputation of a version of Germany that will still be equally dead even if you did succeed in convincing ppl that it wasn’t quite as bad… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Moran, you are correct, but Alzaebo is telling us something for ourselves, a reminder that our world view is shaped by others, in the furthering of their own agendas, not ours. It is wise to look for evidence of the truth, and not simply absorb the Kiplingesque “Just So” stories that we have always been fed. When and where we share what we find is a judgement call.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Your links provides no details whatsoever, other than they’ve found some bones with cut-marks on them – because we’ve always been told how the Nazis, in their racist hate rage, hacked up the bodies before they buried them, right, so that must mean 800,000 people were murdered there. Alzaebo is right on the facts, even if you disagree with the propagandistic merit of him saying it. And it’s not about Moustache Man Bad; personally, I believe the Holocaust is a nuclear red pill waiting to go off. If Normie realizes that Nazi gas chambers is a hoax, I figure he’d… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

I believe the Holocaust is a nuclear red pill waiting to go off. Leaving aside the truth or not of the Holocaust (where we disagree), it is the wrong angle. It takes too long, it requires too much genuinely treasured sense of patriotism, narrative of ‘we are the good guys’ and such to be overcome. It is ‘burning daylight’ on a non-important position instead of going for what IS important. Even IF you guys were completely right, the way to sell it would be to frame it so that we are ‘Churchill’, NOT so that the masses of normies who… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

The revisionist sandwich: We need a handful of very good people to be attacking that Moloch directly, 24/7, with facts, logic evidence, outright denial, anything. But above all ridicule. But we need more people explaining the damages done by the Holocaust fixation to white interests, without claiming Moloch never existed, and while decrying maa murder, genocide, etc. This must be understood as a strategy. The two groups need to stay out of each other’s way, and if the latter must “disavow” the former for tactical reasons, they must demand the other’s right to speech, even if it is to voice… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

It takes too long It takes ten minutes to explain someone with basic high school chemistry why there weren’t any homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, because in the purported gas chamber, the walls contain no traces of cyanide above background level, whereas in the fumigation chamber – the facility they used for fumigating furniture and clothes with Zyklon B – the walls are visibly splotched with Prussian blue, a cyanide compound. The only possible conclusion is that the walls in the purported homicidal gas chamber were never exposed to daily doses of Zyklon B. You don’t even have to understand… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

On a personal note, Holocaust revisionism, together with the Kosovo War, was my gateway pill, maybe that’s why I believe in the power of Holocaust revisionism as a red pill delivery vehicle.

And another thing: if they really did a serious forensic excavation, like they did with mass graves in Bosnia and Rwanda, and revealed a hundred tons of human bones, I’d revise my opinion instantly.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

It was my red pill too. I thought, “if they could lie about this, what else are they lying about?”, and the breadcrumbs started piling up.

Very much appreciated, as such heresies left me a raging wreck. I can’t ever go back.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

“if they could lie about this, what else are they lying about?” Yes. That’s why I think it would be one of the swifter gateways out there. Some red pill journeys take years, diving into the Holocaust takes you there at warp speed. My dark epiphany was during the Irving vs. Lipstadt trial in 2000; for some reason this crazy British guy who thought the Holocaust never happened, was all over the media. The media had framed the issue of the trial as one about Hitler’s War, and when I looked Irving up on the internet, I noticed that Satan’s… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Whether anyone had actually been gassed or not, was immaterial. Before the Shoah Patrol jumps down my throat, that’s not entirely true. But the judge ruled that if anyone had been systematically gassed, Irving had not proven his case. Bizarrely, Justice Grey referred to an explanation Irving had given earlier, where he described how the SS, experimentally, had used gas vans to execute people, because machine-gunning unarmed civilians into trenches destroyed troop morale. Irving was reluctant to give a number, but was pressed for about 2-3,000. So Grey ruled that Irving had condemned himself on that count, rendering moot the… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

And just to round this off: The best way to introduce Normies to Holocaust is Norman Finkelstein’s “The Holocaust Industry” about the Holocaust extortion schemes. Another good book – by another Goodjew – is Show Trial, by Yoram Sheftel, a personal (and very readable) account by the lawyer who defended Ivan Demjanjuk. Both are ridiculously kosher – both authors are of Survivor stock – and both are in compliance with all Holocaust laws in Europe. While neither of them deal with the gas chambers directly or question the basic narrative, they will seriously upset your average Normie’s view about The… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Felix, Alzaebo, you are a liability to the cause of waking up whites to save themselves when you peddle your Holocaust denialism. A few hard facts of life; ppl who are strongly into Holocaust denial tend to be socially challenged loners, often a bit autistic and bitter. In other words, the worst ‘salesmen’ you could have. Your ‘chemistry analysis’ is already dead in the water. There IS cyanide ions in the ruins, in lower concentrations in the gas chambers (for humans) than in the delousing chambers (gas chambers for bugs). I never before considered that you needed lower cyanide concentrations… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

The above comment was not intended to offend or hurt. My point is this, waking up whites is effectively a different kind of ‘pick up’ problem. And Holocaust denial, while a bug lamp to angry loners, comes across as the worst you possibly can when you want to pick ppl up, for any purpose. It comes across as creepy. For all intents and purposes, in 99.9% of cases, there is a practical choice; do you want to wake normies up to white replacement (and possibly help us win eventually)? Or do you want to try to salvage the reputation of… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Felix, Alzaebo, you are a liability to the cause of waking up whites to save themselves when you peddle your Holocaust denialism. Well, it wasn’t a liability in our case, was it? I’m not saying we should make it a cause celebre, just that there are many roads leading to Rome and that it’s better to have multiple attack vectors than a coordinated effort. saving the reputation of a dead Austrian corporal. This is not about muh Adolf. As I wrote above, I think the right guys won – or at least, the right guy lost. It’s about pulling the… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Deservedly or not, the Nazis have become ‘kings of creepy’. Think of this as Bliezkrieg (or to be more correct, the indirect approach); the Holocaust is a VERY strong fortress in a strategically largely irrelevant place. Ignore it and go for what IS strategic: white replacement. Go around strong-points.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Moran – I acknowledge your point – going around strong points is sound advice – but one basis of the left’s control is their weaponizing of language. Just like “racist,” “Hitler” has become synonymous with Satan, and that must change. Not because I worship nazis (far from it, for various reasons, none of which include the holocaust industry), but because we must destroy that conditioned response to certain words. Start by explaining to people that mentally-retarded was intended as a kinder term than imbecile – hell, start with Shakespeare and the rose – but I don’t believe we can merely… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I suppose I can go along with that, and to be fair, I don’t preach about muh Holocaust very much – I sort of got it out of my system some years back, but I still think you need to lob a few mortar rounds over the walls now and then, get them riled up and frothing.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Despite the best efforts of the zookeepers some of the lions have managed to get out of their cages and more are joining them. Fright is to be expected. The managerial class will fight. Flight will become increasingly attractive to the parasitical as things become increasingly volatile. Make connections. Prepare yourself.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

What should we do? I was thinking food and gold hoarding maybe, but I am afraid to actually do it for fear that I will not ever need the gold and the food and will have wasted my cash.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  anonymous
4 years ago

Buy a fire proof safe and put in some cash money and guns & ammo. Buy at least one of those $99 food rations kits that lasts up to 25 yrs. Move to a part of the country where you can become self-sufficient and learn to grow your own food, raise chickens, and collect your own rain water.
It requires you doing whatever it takes to be anti-fragile.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
4 years ago

Buy some old silver coins as legal tender when paper money is useless. It is hard to make charge for gold coins.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  anonymous
4 years ago

The single most important thing you can do is to develop a small network of people who can rely on one another. Make contingency plans for possible breakdowns in basic services, sporadic outbreaks of violence, possible need to evacuate a locale, a region, etc….

If you don’t have a few basic handyman skills pick up a few.

Make sure the skills books are hard copy and not digital.

“Never talk about fight club.”

Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  anonymous
4 years ago

Learn hand-to-hand combat. I’m serious. A concealed weapons permit is good but a thug can be on you before you withdraw your weapon, even if he’s 21′ away. Google “Tueller distance” for more info.

People who are trained and in good shape send “Don’t mess with me” vibes that thugs pick up.

4 years ago

Here’s another possible partial explanation for the White Fright: used to be that the white working class reliably pulled the Democratic lever. Then the Dems went a bit crazy, and those folks starting voting Republican. It wasn’t that long ago that the white working class were portrayed heroically in movies — when they still voted the right way.

There is a 1984 theme going on here: the inner party (oligarchs and high-level Dems) have concluded that the white working class are problem, and the outer party (managerial class) knows what is expected, and probably not at a conscious level.

Reply to  Max
4 years ago

That was the whole idea behind Marcuse et al’s break with “economic Marxism” through :cultural Marxism.” The White working class was fundamentally reactionary – look at what the Teamsters did to Antifas in Nixon’s admin. The Cult-Marx’s saw that college students were much better revo material. Turns out to have been a strong winning play, outcome still thankfully uncertain.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Yeah, the outcome is uncertain. You starting confiscating the 401Ks of these managerial class types to give to the newcomers, and suddenly Che Guevara doesn’t seem so cool.

Reply to  Max
4 years ago

100 upvotes for Max- that was the money shot, right there.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Joe the plumber won’t be on the city council anymore, but college students are groomed for that council.

So they expanded the franchise, and made a lot of money selling that student debt chain. “Buy in, join the club and get the benefits!”

Their gaseous managerial economy is indeed the new prosperity gospel.

But now it’s Sancho, not Joe, barely keeping the toilets working- and Sancho wants his slice.

The Panic is because they’re starting to miss Joe. Joe might even find a new girlfriend, while Sancho’s already started cheating on them.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Max
4 years ago

What happened to the white working class (men and women) in the 80s and 90s in the Dem Party started happening to middle and upper-middle class white men in 2000s and 2010s. Next on the chopping block are suburban white women, who will be attacked as racist and marginalized in the 2020s and 2030s.

The Dems are systematically throwing out their least reliable (and least liked by ((TPTB))) white groups as they get enough brown voters to replace them.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

They way they systematically exploit white women, most of whom are simple, nice people who just want to be liked–weaponizing them for political ends only to throw them away later, as you say–is unconscionable.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

It is seduction and then abandonment on a societal scale.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Wonder when they will throw out homosexuals?

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

They won’t throw them out, but they already kick them in the teeth now and then when it suits them — especially White, male homosexuals. They don’t care. Homosexuals are like Blacks. They aren’t going to leave the Democratic Party in large numbers, no matter how much they get shit on.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The attack on white women began in earnest with the while Barbecue Becky stuff.

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
4 years ago

It will intensify. The breaking point will happen when the average white college female no longer feels safe at her diverse college and she realizes that she is not part of the sisterhood with Shaniqua and Alejandra.

To help that along, we need to agree with and amplify the anti-white women parts of the Leftist agenda. Look up so-called “white feminism” for some helpful talking points

Carl B.
Carl B.
4 years ago

Welcome to the insane asylum that is current year America:

It is White “educated” women and their effeminate White male enablers who destroyed Trad White America.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

If the only enemy you see is, ‘White “educated” women and their effeminate White male enablers,’ you are missing at least half of our problems. We have more than one enemy and one of them incentivizes the others.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Well, White “educated” women are a major part of the problem, but it should be noted that their guru-ette Marianne Williamson is a jewess, not White.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

I refuse to believe these people are gullible or stupid. Stupid and gullible people do not end up at or near the top of a hierarchy. The true believers are always out-maneuvered by the shrewd, cynical, intelligent and ruthless.
I always thought Trump’s greatest strength was his way of speaking. His life’s path is littered with the corpses of people who thought he was just a stupid guy with a big mouth with a lot of money.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Women (not just White) are too easily led to sacrifice freedom in exchange for security and stability. That’s why they were not allowed to vote.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Except Marianne isnt a white woman, she’s a (((fellow white))) woman.

The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

There is another possibility and that is a genuine fear rooted in real danger. Well, you might put it like this: they are overreacting. White identitarians are a rather feeble, atomized, underfunded bunch, but we’re real all the same. The perverse truth is that if we were as awesomely threatening as they say, we would have won a long time ago. You might say that we trigger their immune system, and their immune system overreacts. But the thing is, we are a poisonous body in their thing. Equally, they are a poisonous body in our thing. So it all just… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

As for normies, I think the anti-white campaigns could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. More white normies will notice the intense hatred directed at them, and some will wake up and actually become the race-conscious people that, originally, they had been unfairly accused of being.

It may seem unfair that we have all this forced on us. But war is one of those bilateral events that can be unilaterally initiated. I.e., if someone makes war on you, you are at war, whether you want to be or not.

Andy Texan
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Race consciousness is increasing among the majority only not spoken of openly.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Two requirements necessarily before whites begin to fight back. 1. They, their kin, their way of life is in danger. 2. That If it comes to blows, they could lose. All that seems theoretical and distant today.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

If we were obviously wrong, they wouldn’t need to shut us up. They only need gatekeeper opposition like Charlie Kirk and Yarzony because truth leads normies to us. That’s an advantage they can never negate.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

That’s an advantage they can never negate.

Except by making us an impotent, hated minority. That’s why this is such high stakes for both, or rather all, sides.

4 years ago

Unhinged Leftie: You’re a racist!! You’re a white supremacist!!

Me: Yeah…. so ………… what’s your point?

4 years ago

“The White Fright may one day be seen as the turning point in the rise of white identity politics.” That final sentence is the kicker. Elite obsession with will-o-the-wisp white identitarianism may prove a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hitherto, that particular hobgoblin was anemic and his cudgel rather small. But as the AWRs continue their unremitting attacks on whites and plant the very notion of white supremacy in the minds of those they condemn, the concept could take root. Ergo, if it’s a choice of becoming second-class citizens–or worse–or rallying together qua whites to assert our unique interests, possibly at the expense… Read more »
4 years ago

“Of course, all of these possible explanations for the panics we are seeing are rooted in the general sense that society is fragmenting. That’s because current year America is fragile and possibly ready to shatter. The old political order is in decline and the rise of identity politics promises to replace it.” An alternate explanation, one which you didn’t really cover but is quite relevant, is that the White Fright is not a sign of elite weakness but a sign of elite STRENGTH. The weaker the white population gets, the greater and greater the demonization of the remaining white population… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

“the vibrant future they thought Obama was ushering in never materialized…”

I sense that this is indeed a source of derangement. Lefties do realize, on some level, that Obama represented the apex of their aspirations, and now that time has passed with rather less than their Utopia to show for it. That’s got to be depressing for the strongest of them; and for the more fragile it could be a doorway to irrationality.

Reply to
4 years ago

Whites are still the elites though? Thats what doesnt make sense to me. I beleive leftist truly want a multicultural society and see White Nationalism as a barrier. These people want a society that exists in wealthy parts of our country. Living in a midwest city that ranks high on all lists of high quality of life, people here genuinely want to be post racial. At least the neighbors, coworkers and friends I have. They hate Trumps race bating and White Nationalism and half voted for him! These people are moderates who vote either way… They work with POC and… Read more »

Bartholomew Ross
Bartholomew Ross
Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

The little urban pockets into which diversity has been successfully integrated (NOT assimilated->everyone is nice to you when they want something from you, especially if it’s money) have been enabled by polluting the countryside. Globo brings in 100 foreigners, 5 of them work out in shitlib areas, so they think diversity is great. The other 95 end up with us wreaking havoc in our once stable communities and shitlibs refuse to acknowledge the economic, political, and social downsides. They want their virtue-signalling utopia, and be damned to the rest of us. We either separate from these shitlib people or they… Read more »

Reply to  Bartholomew Ross
4 years ago

Pity for people who are living in some of the richest areas in the country seems weird to me… why wouldnt people try to move to those areas?

When I was young my CON friends would tell me POCs should work harder and move out of bad areas.

I wonder what ever happened to that line of thinking… now its “I’m not moving they should move.”

I honestly dont get it If you live in a bad hood, work hard and get out… maybe thats the ignorant Conservative in me again.

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

“I beleive leftist truly want a multicultural society and see White Nationalism as a barrier. These people want a society that exists in wealthy parts of our country.” Whether you believe such, or even if the Left truly believes such, means nothing. The question is, “Is this an obtainable goal?” The answer given to us via HBD science, is no. The races differ in the aggregate as to their ability and proclivity to create and thrive in such “cities on the hill”. Those are designed and built by Whites and therefore implicitly are for Whites. That you have friends and… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Long Ago, Zman pointed out that aggregates act differently than isolate individuals.

He showed that the only way for minorities to prosper is by supporting the host culture.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Excellent response man…

I personally beleive the strife isnt based on race differences but Social capital.

I think poor people of any race need someone to blame. Our politicians known that and profit off of it.

Trump tells us its the Mexicans fault Im poor and dont look like the cool happy people on TV…

Harris tells usbits the evil white man that keeps you living in the projects instead of on LSD with said white men.

Education and living in areas with each other isnwhat helped me…

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

OK, call it cultural separation. An upper middle class genteel white neighborhood is not going to ostracize a black family who moves in and mimics their behavior and social skills. But bring in the hood ratz and things will quickly go sideways. The thing is, generalizations usually have relevance. Move ten black, or Latino, or ME Muslim families into an area, and everything changes, it’s the law of averages, HBD, and the media popularized cultural cues that will encourage certain behaviors, especially from the juvenile males. Mix in numbers of fatherless families of any persuasion and things change too. Mix… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Agreed. I cant stand my old in age neighbors and wish only young couples lived on my culdisac… But we live in America and if old grouchy people want to stay here they can. I once lived next to a white trash hunter who sat outside smoking and screaming at his kid. Beat his wife once a month and was a jobless piece of sh… Do I wish a nice quiet latino couple would move in like the people next to me? Of course… but this is America and white trash scum get to live in my old neighborhood as… Read more »

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

I am shaking my head and asking you, Normie: who the _____ are you?

And why are you here?

Maybe the kind words of Mr. LineInTheSand will do it for you, but I gotta tell you: if you are so keen on Musloids, I have a nice musloid community here in The Sodom-on-the-Potomac region that you can join.
And you can even stay right here in the USSA to become more culturally enriched! No passport needed.
Take your blinders off, Pollyanna.

Reply to  Carrie
4 years ago

Why am I here? Well, I enjoy reading different opinions and hearing what people actually beleive. I wish everyone could be free to say what they actually think instead of pretending. Even my closest friends cant admit their racism… I want to known why people actually beleive what you people beleive. Question for you as an old woman: why the f…. are you here? You do known that if most of these commentors had their way your gender would be in the Handmaids tale dont you? You think youre different? That these people respect you becuase you known some cool… Read more »

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

I do like well done satire.
Please play again soon.

4 years ago

You don’t need to go as far back as Salem. The McMartin Preschool trial is a modern day version of that. The MSM, DA, local authorities were all sure Satanic rituals and child abuse happened at the pre-school but in reality nothing did. The authorities just took the accusations of alcoholics and lunatics and ran with them. The MSM and FBI persecution of Richard Jewel and Stephan Hatfill are other classic cases That said, the managerial class is worried because they’re afraid that the raping they’ve been giving to lower class whites for the last 40 years may come back… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Rod1963
4 years ago

Rod; You are right to point to the ‘Satanic Preschool Abuse’ phenomenon of the ’90s as a parallel to the Salem Witch Trials. But literal witch-panics go back even before the Middle Ages*. Probably have always been with humanity. What the two more recent phenomena have in common is that they were kicked off by fantastic accusations by (literally) hysterical young females who were then joined by a critical mass of unmoored, virtue signaling, soft heads (‘you *must* believe the children_!’) sufficient to overcome the resistance of weak-minded local authorities. Once the ball started rolling, further accusations became a status… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

In the San Diego Dale Akiki Sunday school case, a bunch of women went after a marginal IQ beta male and put him in jail. Because they could.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Mean girls.


Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Last night the French news on the government channel (France 2) had a rather long segment on “white supremacists” in the U.S. The report started with a supposed rally in Lafayette Square by white supremacists in commemoration of the two year anniversary of Charlottesville, but all the reporter seemed to find were antifa counter demonostrators. The report had footage of Charlottesville, of “Heilgate,” and of Richard Spencer speaking at the University of Michigan to a sparse crowd of fairly seedy-looking people. It also had the obligatory photos of lynched blacks and burning crosses of KKK rallies (although even it admitted… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

It’s kind of nice to be everyone’s bogey-man without even lifting a finger.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I guess even foreign news organizations are picking up on the elites’ anxiety.

You’re thinking in terms of a bordered world. News agencies have no nationality, they’re all taking their marching orders from globohomo.

One of many Georges
One of many Georges
4 years ago

I’ve got a good sticker slogan, kind of a sequel to “It’s OK to be white”–

The Democrats hate white people.

Should give a feel people pause. And the Outrage Machine would probably help amplify it.

Reply to  One of many Georges
4 years ago

Most GOP politicians hate white people too, as evidenced by their legislation. If they aren’t traitors, they are bribed or cowards. Don’t let the GOP off the hook.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

That’s the wicked genius of it- the GOP would double down defending their Dem buddies, panting for a treat.

Reply to  One of many Georges
4 years ago

The GOP hates whites as well. Look we’re talking about the party of cheap labor, globalization, Gordon Gecko rape and pillage of America for a buck sort of people. Both Ryan and McConnell prior to Trump winning had a amnesty bill and TPP ready for Hillary to sign. That’s the real GOP. Look how little support there is among the GOP for secure borders, reversing globalization, ending H-1B visa workers, stopping the Opioid epidemic, the gutting of our heart land, etc. The only reason lower class whites supported the GOP was because they were pro 2A and tough on crime.… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
4 years ago

Rod, spot on. Some of the most heartless/mindless commentary concerning the lower classes I hear are from GOPers in the upper classes.

Reply to  Rod1963
4 years ago

“Both Ryan and McConnell prior to Trump winning had a amnesty bill and TPP ready for Hillary to sign.”

Why yes, yes they did, didn’t they?
They were drooling at the prospect.

Reply to  One of many Georges
4 years ago

I think it would probably be more effective – to print out a bumper sticker that says something along the lines of ” White People Are Evil” – and paste them onto the rear of every single car that is obviously driven by a leftie that you can find. Any car with a rainbow sticker, I’m With Her decals, etc. It’s pretty easy to figure out who the lefties are by the picture they paint on their rear bumper. If that doesn’t get the point across to the normies – I don’t know what will. Plus it avoids having YOUR… Read more »

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Odds are they would not even notice the addition to their own bumpers.

Reply to  The Last Stand
4 years ago

Yeah … so?

that’s the point.

They’ll be driving around with a “White People are Evil” bumper sticker – and they’ll leave it there.

Which means everybody else will see it. Right next to the BLM decal and the “I’m With Her” sticker.

The leftie turd in the Prius will be doing your work for you – without even knowing it.

Do you really not understand how this works?

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Yes I get it. I also get I am new commentator here and that text online loses quite a bit of context present in other forms of communication.

Reply to  One of many Georges
4 years ago

I’d say just write that statement on a bunch of post-it notes (with nitrile gloves, naturally… oh why must we be so paranoid?) and do like you’d do with “OK to be huwhyte” …. watch for cameras and stick it on the baby seats of the local grocery store’s carts.

In this climate, putting it on your car could get your window smashed up, or worse…. even if you drive an (undercover) Lesbaru, like this commenter.

4 years ago

The underlying assumption of the White Fright is a belief that whites are secretly organizing to overthrow the current order and impose some sort of pale patriarchy on the country.

But… aren’t we?

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Hahahahahah… yep.

4 years ago

I am surprised people are surprised: this is exactly what Obama meant when he said he would fundamentally change America.

4 years ago

The would-be Chinese style oligarchy, riven with illegal spying on their watch, perversion, criminality, and simple stupidity, as they try to replace us with a more pliable, poor, illegally imported population, are being called on all of it. As the curtain is pulled back and all of this is exposed, the shrieking of “white supremacy” and the sending out of street thugs to bash in the faces of anyone who might represent normal Americans come to the fore. It is a distraction play, to take attention from who they are and what they are up to. Don’t ennoble it with… Read more »

4 years ago

“White fright” is merely more BS from the leftist progressives to promote their agenda. Just as Hitler blamed the jews for all the world’s problems or Stalin blamed the Kulaks for all of the USSR’s problems, or Maduro is blaming the USA for all of Venezuela’s problems, etc. , any idiot can see is just another scam by wannabe Stalins; another tool for them to attain their goal of a marxist-leninist state here in the USA. Why anybody pays attention to the leftist media millionaires – almost all whom live in NYC or DC or Hollywood- spewing their left wing… Read more »

4 years ago

“The primary purveyors of the White Fright are white, or at least white presenting”

White Presenting….that’s Beautiful!

4 years ago

What we are seeing is an attempt to stamp out heresy by an incompletely established secular theocracy.

While it may be useful at present to pretend otherwise, the managerial class is far less monolithic in composition and outlook than many want to believe.

As things fall apart this will become clearer. And this is why some portion of the managers have to be provided the hope of a way out.

c matt
c matt
4 years ago

The difficulty for whites getting into the identity politics racket is that the two parties won’t have it. The GOP to some extent is the “default” but the eGOP consistently stabs whites in the back. Options seem to be either (1) form a third party (not much success since Bull Moose, although the oddball Libertarian has had some here or there) or (2) work a split from one of the other two. Oddly, I think splitting the Dems is the better option because (1) they have already bought into identity politics, so what is one more identity and (2) it… Read more »

Reply to  c matt
4 years ago

A third party won’t get off the ground unless it uses the major parties to leverage itself. Dems are likely more receptive to our ideas as we’re much more identitarian and collectivist than the official GOP. The GOP’s post-Boomer existence will depend entirely on its kabuki opposition role, just like Microsoft propped up Apple in its pre-IPhone days to maintain the fiction of competition. I’ve heard Striker & others argue that the GOP could maintain a genuine core by importing more selfish libertarian-inclined Pajeets and Hans, but I don’t see it. Immigrant climbers will go for the strong Left horse… Read more »

Reply to  c matt
4 years ago

not much success since including Bull Moose

Teddy Roosevelt was one of the worst Presidents we ever had. He wielded his cult of personality for progressive aims, and then he threw an election to Woodrow Wilson.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago


4 years ago

I cannot help but believe that a good part of the driving force in the White Fright is the fear on the part of the GoodWhites of being lumped in with the BadWhites by the Ascendancy. They are hushing us, admonishing us not to make trouble, lest the Ascendancy turn on them too. Their wish is to buy peace through surrender, cowards, they now that this will not work if ranks are broken. Whether you fight or surrender, the ranks must be held. That peace can be had in surrender is part fallacy, and part inconsequential – many have no… Read more »

Reply to  Epicaric
4 years ago

The connections of US Attorney General William Barr and his father to Epstein are remarkable … Barr and his father both having been CIA-intel agency officers too Bill Barr’s father Donald Barr, was born Jewish & converted to Roman Catholicisim. Don Barr worked for the CIA predecessor OSS during WW2, then became a school headmaster … who hired Jeffrey Epstein for his first job, to teach teen boys & girls at the posh NYC Dalton School, 1973-75 Donald Barr, it turns out, was fascinated by sexual enslavement as much as Jeffrey Epstein, and at the same time Barr hired Epstein,… Read more »

4 years ago

The panic is over the prospect of SpyGate/RussiaGate indictments coming from Barr/Durham in the coming weeks. Both men are Caucasian, so that may be why the meme White Fright is trending. Progressives are cowardly bullies and not well suited for prison life (see as example Jeffery Epstein). The DC Double Standard will probably keep them out of jail, but they are spooked nonetheless.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

I agree re: cause of the panic. The Epstein thing was inserted to dirty up the AG Barr-led Justice Dept., with Epstein’s ancient/not very strong connection to Trump. BTW I read somewhere that Barr’s father was part Jewish; he was also head of NYC Upper East Side Dalton (private-very Jewish-I had college classmates who went there) School and had hired Epstein for a couple of years to work at the high school, before he went to work at Bear Stearns. CIA is in there, somewhere IMO. Weird, all that. I think this is a distraction from what is coming down,… Read more »

4 years ago

Good topic.

4 years ago

This essay, like your others, offers keen insights into current day America. Brilliantly on the mark, entertaining historical anecdotes and thought provoking. I must ask, when will you put your perspectives into book form?

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

thezman said: “That could be what is happening in current year America. The similarities between modern Progressivism and Puritanism, in its manifestations, not theologically, is hard not to notice. Everything from vinegar drinking scolds to their effeminate male enablers are present in modern day Progressivism. Current year America is ruled by a bizarre identity cult that is every bit as superstitious as the Puritans. The White Fright may turn out to be the witch scares of late empire America.” Oswald Spengler said: “Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.” We have to remember that the transcendent has been replaced with… Read more »

Mad Celt
Mad Celt
4 years ago

Lefties need a boogeyman to rally their low info, sloped foreheaded, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging supporters. The KKK, Russians and White Supremists. They would include Climate Deniers but their followers don’t know what climate is.

Reply to  Mad Celt
4 years ago

If you look at the exit polls most liberals are highly educated… The only group that overwhelming votes CON is high school or less white men.

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

Don’t confuse “educated” with “credentialed”. There are studies that James Thompson over on Unz has discussed indicating those with somewhat more conservative outlook/values are smarter than those with Leftist leanings. In any event, that voters with more years of Leftist indoctrination in our institutions of lower learning tend to vote Left is no great revelation. Especially given that most of them would not have been in tertiary education except for AA and government loans—and further that they graduate with no marketable skills and a whopping amount of student loan debt which they insist someone else should pay for (hence the… Read more »

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Normie is another alias for Tiny Duck or Jerry Corn.

Lance E
4 years ago

What about the more parsimonious explanation that as the ruling class becomes blacker, it starts to act blacker? Witchcraft and evil spirits factor prominently in African life.

Progressivism descends from Puritanism, but at least the witch trials were looking for actual witches, not mysterious forces that could and would be channeled, completely unconsciously, by unwilling participants who simply weren’t careful enough with their interactions and even their inner thoughts.

It’s the legacy of Puritanism, with a heaping dose of African animism.

Reply to  Lance E
4 years ago

As someone who has studied voudon, (voodoo), I’d say you’re right on target, Lance.
You nailed animism with precision.

Unfortunately, I’ve come to believe that much of what voudon says is true. Some very bad juju is coming this way.

4 years ago

The Problem with the Incessant Promotion, by the bolshevik false-jews of the Idea that all Whites are Racist/Supremacists who want to Gas Jews, Deport Mexicans, and Eliminate the ‘ghetto culture’ Blacks, is that, if at some point, Whitey says, “Hey, that’s not a Bad Idea”.
What will they think then?

Geraldo Cuckly
Geraldo Cuckly
4 years ago

What we need is a White Shaq.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

thezman said: “It should be noted that panic is not the default response to disasters or dangers. In things like fires, natural disasters and combat, panic is not typical. Instead, mutual aid is the most common response. An obvious example is the response of the people in the World Trade Center buildings during 9/11. Among the stories of great heroism were stories of incredible cooperation. People came together and helped one another get out of the buildings. Mutual aid and cooperation was the natural response.” Yes, that’s true. But there’s a big differences between an actual disaster and a shake… Read more »

4 years ago

[…] The white fright. […]

4 years ago

The comparison of puritanism and progressivism is baloney. No one knows if the witches were witches, or psychos or whatever with evil intent. it can be clearly demonstrated that white people are not inherently evil. They (white people) turned this country upside down to stupidly make minorities happy, with results being obvious.

4 years ago

Again, z’s overthinking the obvious….

Are you ready to take women’s rights away
and end ALL welfare?


Ok…get back to me when the moslems
and the commies are through fighting
and divying up the rape-slaves and war brides…
although that might be a bit late..especially if
you’re hesitating because of ‘muh principles!’

NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  NorthGunner
4 years ago

@NorthGunner said: “NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!” Yah! I love it! That’s what I need. A really snazzy ending for all of my posts.

Official Bologna Tester – The TRUTH is out there!
Official Bologna Tester – Don’t take any wooden nickels!
Official Bologna Tester – Never give a sucker an even brake!
Official Bologna Tester – Cowabunga!
Official Bologna Tester – Illegitimi non carborundum!
Official Bologna Tester – It’s Miller time!
Official Bologna Tester – Watch that first step, it’s a doozie!

4 years ago

Personally the white fright reminds me of the muslim fright after 911. Ignorant people reacting to a small minority of psycos and blaming a whole group of people. Normal White Conservatives are now going to see what it was like to be a normal Muslim living in this country…

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

And Whites will be subjected to the same propaganda treatment and domestic enforcement / entrapment mechanism that Muslims were subjected to.

Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
4 years ago

Exactly. Wrong in both cases… But ignorant people blame groups for individual actions.

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

A true believer in Islam has no place to exist in a Western country without violating their ALLEGEDLY HELD SACRED PRINCIPLES. In this country in particular – their basic beliefs are completely at odds with the founding ideals of the country – never mind the “progressive” ideals that the lefties have shoved down our throats since then. The founders of this country knew this – and I don’t recall EVER reading any defense of Islam as something that should be integrated into this country under the premise of religious freedom. Like most of what the founders wrote – their words… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

So we should be affraid of White Nationalists because according to FBI stats they have more acts of terrorism than Muslims in the 12 months? If White Nationalist shoot up another Walmart exhibiting the same behavior as the other 6 White Nationalists should people on this website be tracked through the Patriot Act? It’ll happen when Trump loses. No crying allowed when your part of terrorist group BoomerCon. The Founders of this country lived in a age completley foreign to ours, agreed… Not much of what they say should play any role in our modern society, agreed… The Conservatives took… Read more »

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

Whites may be involved in any number of the spectacular shootings, however those are not the definition currently being used for “mass shootings” that the MSM/Leftists would like you to believe. The current definition most common (that I see) is a shooting which wounds or kills 4 or more people—not including the gunman. Go over to UNZ. There is an article listing all the “four or mores” for this year. With pic’s of most perp’s. Slight edge goes to Blacks. Also, according the the FBI stat’s, less than 1% of murders by firearm are from long guns, much less assault… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

@Normie. “The Conservatives took us on the endless wars over individual terrorist actions.” Hahahaha! You haven’t been paying attention son. The Neo-Cons commenderd the Republican party years ago. And after 9/11 they had full control of the the White House and Congress. They finally had their opportunity to enact the agenda they had been working on at a think tank called ” Project for the New American Century.” The Neo-Cons aren’t Conservative. Their mostly hebrew red diaper babys. I’m surprised you don’t know any of this stuff Mr. Normal. Here’s the Wiki link to the ” Project for the New… Read more »

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Did the Conservatives vote for them and support them? Cant believe you dont remeber that….

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

I’ll give you that one.

You are correct – the vast majority of “conservatives” I know – couldn’t fall all over themselves fast enough in their rush to vote for war.

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

LOL. I have no idea what you’re talking about. The “conservatives” didn’t take us into endless wars. The Republicans became neocon/leftist/progressives – and kept up a track record that the Democrat left has been on since late in the 19th century. Last time I checked Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and the Presidents in office during Vietnam – were Democrats. Nixon got us out. And the Founders did not live in an “age completely foreign to ours”. They understood well the history that came before them – and attempted to design a political structure that would take into account the lessons of… Read more »

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

And we were proven to be right about the Muzzies. They are killing people and raping our women throughout the West on a regular basis.

Reply to  Simon
4 years ago

? We went on multiple Trillion dollar wars over that stupidity… Right about it? Not even close.

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

“Whites Fear Backlash For Tomorrow’s Mass Shooting”

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

Nobody wants immigration from foreign Muslims, but there is a fairly widespread recognition among younger people on twitter that

Whites are the new Palestinians

People here will recognize it eventually

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

Normie, you may be a troll or sincere, but I appreciate you. When I was a normie, I held out all my hope for other races to put color of skin aside for character.

The distasteful truth is that only whites, in general, are capable of race-blindness. And for their altruism, they are hated, manipulated, and overthrown. Non-whites are tribal. They want people who look like them to rule, regardless of the societal or economic consequences.

Look at the world as it exists, not at utopian theory. Sorry to break it to you.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

White men are the same way… look at who our Prez is… only an irrational person whos tribal coukd possibly vote and support this Clown.

Ben Meyers
Ben Meyers
4 years ago

Or maybe it is true

Most violence is caused by white men. I don’t why this is

Reply to  Ben Meyers
4 years ago

Huh? Not according to FBI crime stat’s. But perhaps you were just trolling—poorly.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

“Ben Myers?” It’s like the trolls are not even trying anymore. You can do better. Up your game.

Reply to  Ben Meyers
4 years ago

Troll Level: D-. Try harder next time.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

It’s hard to find good help these days.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Ben Meyers
4 years ago

One of the defining features of leftists is, they can look you right in the face and lie.

I think that’s one of the reasons they’re doing so well, to be honest. Most normies are trusting types, and aren’t trained, like long-term d-righters, to stay steely-eyed and unfazed in the face of left-wing sociopathy.

Dissident rightists are like detectives working the con-man beat. We know the con-men’s tricks, but innocent people are still out there getting conned all the time, and it’s our job to educate and protect them.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

they can look you right in the face and lie.

Can you say anti-social personality disorder, ie psychopathy??

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

The true Antifa operators can gaslight because they’re borderline or actual sociopaths or psychopaths. The second tier = Havel’s greengrocer or Winston Smith with 2+2=5 – their willingness to spit in truth’s face is their badge of Convergence.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

One of the first things people learn to do is lie and the first person they lie to is themselves. That’s how you become a good liar. It’s a convenient tool for manipulating others but you will never address your own flaws. Excellence and mastery come from brutal self-criticism and truth-seeking which few are capable of. Leadership is the application of this technique in a way that people don’t hate you and when they improve and are strengthened by it, grow to love you. Which do you think the average person chooses? This is the fundamental reason why women can’t… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  JescoWhite
4 years ago

Remember, its not a lie…if you believe it. – George Costanza

Reply to  Ben Meyers
4 years ago

You are a total bell end and spouting bollocks.
You only have to look at the news and crime stats to see that the Blacks and Muslims are inflicting daily violence against us Honkies.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Ben Meyers
4 years ago

Then the best thing is for POCs to be protected from the racist oppressive violence of white men by physical separation. That way, everyone wins.

Reply to  Ben Meyers
4 years ago

Most violence is caused by white men. I don’t why this is.

Because whites are the majority in America.

You’re welcome.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

I hear where you are coming from Felix, but if a particular minority is responsible say for 50+% of the murders on the FBI stat’s, then really one can’t expect Whites to top that—no matter how hard we try. ;-). Now that’s only one of our hard working violent minorities. We’ve got others which would be lumped together against White stat’s. Really, it’s an unfair match.