Me In Taki

Imagine it is the 1980s and a collection of mad scientists searching for the secret of eternal life put a typical progressive into a cryogenic state. The lefty does not want to wait for the glorious revolution, and she wants to be young enough to enjoy the paradise the prophets of her faith have promised. One thing leads to another, and she remains an unsavory popsicle until she is thawed out in the current year.

The first thing our defrosted lefty would note is that the modern aesthetic is something like 1950s East Berlin. Modern America is an ugly place. The most popular car colors are black, gray, and white. They all look the same, too. An American parking lot in the 1980s was a circus of colors and shapes. Today, it is row after row of the best ideas from the worst people, all in the name of efficiency and utility.

Our proletarian popsicle would probably assume the communists won the Cold War and imposed their aesthetic on America. After all, the main selling point against communism was the freedom and creativity of the capitalist West. In America, you could let your freak flag fly, and no one could tell you otherwise. The dreary sameness of modern America could only be the result of losing the Cold War to the communists….

Read the rest here.

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3 years ago

Even as a kid I had the feeling that things were going off the rails without a rival to check the excesses of our system.

As an adult, I’m trying really hard to not conclude that Satan was liberal democracy’s secret all along.

It was a war, after all, so things were bound to get dirty, but to unleash all sorts of degeneracy in the effort… I mean, trans-everything and pedophilia? It’s over, for God’s sake. Call off the hounds!

What kind of world is this where this is how we make war?

vt erranova
vt erranova
3 years ago

Here’s a serious comment from David Gordon that I believe deserves a response from you due to the number of credible points he raises. You can answer him directly. His contact is at the bottom of his post. Adventures in Z Land David Gordon In “The Defrosted Progressive,” an article published in Taki’s Magazine, July 5, 2021, “The Z Man” is less than enthusiastic about the Mises Institute. He says that “so-called conservatives” embrace “libertine culture and libertarian economics.” This, the Z Man tells us, “was what left-wing deviationists were pushing at the end of the Cold War.” Now, “National… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  vt erranova
3 years ago

Informational asymmetry, which is as Z notes important, does not alter the essential choice, capitalism or socialism, and if Z thinks there is another alternative, he is mistaken. Where in Hades do these spergs cum from? The Frankfurt School sanheder-ette, Alisa Rosenbaum, sure did stumble upon some outstanding algorithms for controlling their behavior. It’s as though spergtardery were a form of Insula-dominance crossed with mathematical idiot-savantry. Which, cum to think of it, might explain the phenomenon of the Northern German Lutheran personality. [In which case, the tl;dr would be that Martin Luther deserved far better followers than his legacy has… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  vt erranova
3 years ago

Lighten up Francis, it was a fucking joke and a play on the concept not the –literal– place FFS. And tell David Gordon to lighten up to clearly this zoomed directly over his head as well. And even if it had been serious, the rebuttal is somewhat absurd. (And honestly is so typically lolbertarian that perhaps the statement wasn’t made in jest at all.) This is far more than ‘informational asymmetry’ and is typically Libertarian mewling for ‘muh market forces’. This is FULL SPECTRUM information warfare and domination. One side controls it fully the other side is barely hanging on… Read more »

Reply to  vt erranova
3 years ago

“Z Man knows nothing about the Mises Institute.” Evidence? “His article contains so many weird remarks that he ought to have adopted the pseudonym “The LSD Man.”” This is an opinion & ad hominem attack, not a criticism. “Z thinks that capitalism is outmoded.” Not so. Zman thinks corporate global crony capitalism is a cancer destroying small business & the associated social capital that unites & sustains communities. And like all cancers, if left unchecked, will eventually kill the host. “If the global financial system is just an endless stream of information, where does money come in at all?” Fiat… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  vt erranova
3 years ago

I suppose Gordon thinks that an Amazon, a Google, a Facebook, etc. are marvelous examples of capitalism, not monopolies in the slightest, and the 21st century descendants of the yeoman farmer or the town merchant of two centuries ago 🤣 I still call myself a libertarian in most matters, but even our own nation’s history shows us that capitalism run riot can be nearly as bad as anything the Soviets did. A little hike through America’s economic history will tell you the unhappy facts about company towns, coal miners, sharecroppers, as well as the monopolies that existed in Railroads, Oil… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Our resurrected Lefty might not be a true Communist, but she’d be surprised too, that Russia was not losing its former component States because NATO invaded, but because the former States had joined NATO. The de facto oligarchy of Silicon Valley over much of the world’s retail commerce, telecomms and general information processing, she’d probably consider as Capitalism having taken over the proletariat, both East and West. Instead of Socialism conquering Capitalism, it would seem that the Capitalists had grown their own variant, which then proceeded to take over the host. Most peculiar! She’d be bemused by the wars we’d… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Of course she would have heard of biological warfare but it was supposed to have been dismantled in the 1960s right? That was Michael Crichton’s breakthrough hit, first published by Knopf on May 12, 1969. We are so very very lucky that his genius was wasted on only four years of Medical Skrewl. 1969 was also the year that “they” were “supposed” to have shut down biological warfare research at Plum Island [just off the North Fork of Long Island, to the starboard side if you’re taking the Cross Sound Ferry via an origin of Orient, NY]. Although apparently… Read more »

Fweedom Fries
Fweedom Fries
3 years ago

The Long March to the golden workers utopia is just another crappy Eastern Bloc Zil Trabant boot to the face dystopian hellhole with a grubby Karen STASI of concern troll cancel scolds.
Purple haired faculty lounge freaks will probably cheer when CCP launches the hostile takeover but hey at least the Bidens and other enlightened evolved utopia building beings will have their pot of gold.

3 years ago

Great Article Z-Man. One quibble and also a major agreement. The ruling class loves disorder, and in fact promotes wherever they go, in service of their place in the social hierarchy, or advancement in the hierarchy. No one loves credentials, hierarchy, titles, like the ruling class: “Senator Ma’am.” Or Dr. Jill. And no one loves disorder more than they: statues being pulled down, monuments blasted, cities looted, flags and anthems changed (this is likely the last Fourth with Old Glory — already the push for the rainbow/BLM flag is coming). Along with a general war against Whites. But as you… Read more »

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

I had previously said that it’s better to work with foreign organizations than national ones in activism because elites hate their own people and allow corrupt feds to infiltrate domestic dissident organizations and encourage criminal activity to justify their otherwise pointless government jobs (fake opposition to fake resistance), because constructive criticism is an oxymoron as far as government goes. Doing that to a foreign organization is risking an international incident. Third party countries, which actually matter unlike third party political organizations, can be offended so much that they can take their business to China, Russia, Israel, etc. The fake opposition… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Anonymous Fake
3 years ago

Or even white conquistadors, when you think about it. Figures. It’s possible that there are people in the DR who never got a chance to see Mel Gibson’s [already now utterly forgotten] masterpiece, Apocalypto. If you’ve haven’t seen it, then it’s worth hunting down a copy of the DVD, ripping it to an MP4, and burning it to as many thumb drives as you can afford, and then mailing one of those thumb drives to each person in your family. Or you could venture on over to the Dark Web, and see whether you could bittorrent the thing,… Read more »

3 years ago

On the Culture War .. The Right Intellectuals Latest Grift…they promise of course a Long War…..reminds me of Condi Rice… The Culture War is a Long War…..and the Long Grift. Enough. The Right speaks of Liberty and Prosperity, infuriates our enemies, then delivers us to them in rags and chains. Enough. We listened to Scholars and Intellectuals and got out our Bibles and Checkbooks. When they mentioned culture we should have reached for our pistols. You intellectuals taunt and infuriate our foes then leave us to their ruining of us. Trump was the Usher of the Republic’s Funeral. If… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Go see your rich men, go to Mar Al Lago. Maybe there’s a play on words there, involving Mar-a-Lago, which flew right over my head [the play on words, not Mar-a-Lago itself]. But if you’re talking about The Donald, then I think the poor fellow bequeathed us about as much as one could expect from a Boomer Civnat. And, in retrospect, what he accomplished was simply miraculous: He lifted the veil from our eyes, he smashed the rose-colored glasses, and [perhaps unbeknownst even to himself?] he utterly destroyed all the pagan shibboleths of Civ-nattery. Honestly, we can’t acks for anything… Read more »

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Free? The Republic has fallen, the elites ascendency rules all. The truth is we are crushed.

Flyover country requests a cease fire, please do not mention us, it only makes us targets.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

The truth is we are crushed.


I know they don’t teach any of this stuff in hebrew day skrewl, but good grief, pretend to learn some Presbyterian-American history, dadgummit:

3 years ago

Here’s a white pill for those interested in such

To everyone else, don’t mean to rain on your pessimism parade.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Strangely I had just replied to him. The Long War Greer speaks of is the Long Grift. I’ll repost my answer to Greer. ——————————————————————– The Culture War is a Long War…..and the Long Grift. Enough. The Right speaks of Liberty and Prosperity, infuriates our enemies, then delivers us to them in rags and chains. Enough. We listened to Scholars and Intellectuals and got out our Bibles and Checkbooks. When they mentioned culture we should have reached for our pistols. You intellectuals taunt and infuriate our foes then leave us to their ruining of us. Trump was the Usher of the… Read more »

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Me thinks you did not read or understand the article.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

I didn’t read it because I’m through with words. More words? No more words. I’ve had enough.

Reply to  Semi-Hemi
3 years ago

What we need are Mutes that Shoot.

Reply to  Semi-Hemi
3 years ago

Incoherent screeching is definitely a winning tactic.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Oh I certainly did. Mind you when I read “Long Struggle …” I saw LONG GRIFT staring at me from the page. Now to my words, as I read yours and his; Dear Right Wing Talkers; Stop “protecting “ us. All you do is make we the commons TARGETS for entirely one way retaliation. Ye speak of Liberty and Prosperity, and deliver us to our enemies in rags and chains. As to the “culture wars” please tell every right wing pub, pundit, and especially intellectual to NOT mention Culture, NOT mention the FAMILY. Because that just flags them as priority… Read more »

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Z exempted,

Cuz he just talks – vaguely- about racial solidarity.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

As indicated by your handle you come to mislead and dox us, begone.

We don’t need coherence, we need action.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

Great post. Nothing to add.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“This July 4th, America finds itself in the middle of a great interregnum, a transition period between the old order and the new order.” The Cold Civil War – as Derbyshire calls it – is coming to a close. The Goodwhites won. Starting around 50 or 60 years ago, the Goodwhites teamed up with the usual suspects, who were fighting their own war against all whites so were natural allies (for the time being), to finally beat the Badwhites. They opened a two-front campaign. First, they would attack Badwhites culturally through the media and academia. Second, they would import mercenaries… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The usual suspects are sorcerers apprentices, HofJuden in the Lords seat and are shitting their pants, even trying to defect. Sorcerer’s apprentices play with WASP spells, chaos ensues. The Blacks….meh. Most of them just go with the lowest common denominator flow. Honestly if Blacks are your number one problem you really have to up your game. The Hispanics can’t be lumped in with the Blacks, unless you want a pile of corpses, probably black. Now I would applaud Z’s formula even though I don’t objectively agree with it – Z’s formula is race – but I can’t. Because whites don’t… Read more »

Ede Wolf
Ede Wolf
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

It’s shtetl. Shtetl Whites…

Reply to  Ede Wolf
3 years ago

Oh I say that in despair.

So excuse the spelling.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Please expound upon this idea of lumping Hispanics with Blacks, please. 😈

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago


Not the same.

But the results I mention are.

No need to expound, they have no neurotic white guilt, they just clean up.

Listen its like the old Italians, no offense. Or the Irish in Boston. Maybe its a Catholic thing.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

It’s unclear what the Goodwhites think they’re getting out of this deal. The “smart fraction” POC who are aspiring Goodwhites are now pulled back down by the masses, for being “whitewashed”. The Goodwhite areas in cities get a little less white every year. Eventually they get run out completely. As happened in Detroit, and Baltimore will face this pretty soon. Best case scenario? Probably Goodwhites become mixed with Asians/higher tier Hispanics. POC males have an incessant desire for white women, and Goodwhite males seem to have no problem dating mud people either, ie. AOC’s boyfriend. What happens to the Badwhites… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

“I don’t see the current setup working though. Goodwhites are way too neurotic, awkward, and insane to ever be able to manage non whites. They’re very stupid and naive too“. Unless you have been to DC you have no idea of how extreme their defects are and how out of touch they are with reality. I don’t see them keeping a handle on anything- nor do they. At the top they don’t want Brazil America. They want Syria, I mean the war. This isn’t senseless. If they stay in power that’s all that matters to them. The hatred of us… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

It’s possible a Mideast future awaits. Rather than splitting into smaller, relatively peaceable countries, probably a large “country” but with may no-go areas is more likely. In many parts of the world, such as the Mideast, for decades there have been neighborhoods, enclaves, entire sections of large cities, segregated largely by religion, perhaps ethnicity too. They are patrolled by armed militia and if you don’t belong there, you’re quickly dead. Of course, all these “nations” feature weak government. The USA still has a strong one, but signs aren’t encouraging. Needless to say, in such a feudal future, you definitely won’t… Read more »

3 years ago

Z – have you ever considered doing a retrospective of COVID. You should do a reply to this podcast:

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Near the top of the comment thread is a link to Forbes Magazine memory-holing a story that dared wonder if Biden should have a cognitive exam.

He isn’t getting any better…

3 years ago

Friday’s Zcast talked about procrastination and efficiency. Getting things done around the house and in your life. I’d like to add the importance of utilizing energy when you have it. For those of us who struggle with depletion, this is key. Like flash storm showers, energy comes in short bursts throughout the day. It’s tempting during those times to do something fun. Because with energy comes good mood. So you want to mess around with pleasing stuff. Instead, use these bursts to get the tedious and important stuff done. This is standard M.O. for people who have their shit together.… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

It’s even worse than it seems.

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
3 years ago

Ok was my last post deleted for being too off topic or too on topic? 🙁

My idea that the local demographics of DC and the key capital cities is what matters, and national flyover demographics don’t matter, but that this could change with a change in consciousness, fits our situation perfectly. The urban hypothesis, after all, is how Zion stands against all of the Arab world…

Glenn Gallup
3 years ago

When I moved to the Central Valley city where I have spent my adult life the population was (round numbers) 80% white, 10% Brown and 10% Black. We became a plurality city 30 years later. Stockton was always a tough blue collar town, but nobody got shot. Well almost nobody. Now it’s 20% White, 40% Brown 10% Black and 30% a mix of various persuasions. SE Asian, East Indian etc. We’ve become one of the most dangerous cities in the country and the rot is spreading. Where the race of the perp is known 85% of the violent crime is… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Glenn Gallup
3 years ago

People from outside the state/ area don’t tend to realize that the coastal elites turned the central valley into as much a dump as any midwestern town they also hollowed out. Its sad.

3 years ago

yeah what happened to wing tails?

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
3 years ago

“Therein lies the reason to celebrate. The current crisis environment is a transitory state. It cannot last and everything that cannot last eventually comes to an end, usually sooner than anyone expects.”

I am not comforted by this. I learned a long time ago that, “It can always get worse!” Whatever “is” will be replaced by something. Hoping a new golden age is just around the corner will not make it happen. Just whistling past the graveyard.

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

While the ideological differences between 1981 and 2021 are very interesting, I think the aesthetic differences are even more so. Z-Man is right to mention the numbingly dull homogeneity (a lack of diversity!) in today’s automobiles, but additionally, AINO’s general aesthetics are a frontal assault on all good taste. Television and film are gratuitous offenses against decorum and dignity totally unrelieved by genuine humor and intelligence, and “music,” beginning with the advent of rap ca. 1980, is insanely rebarbative and primitive. The explanation for much of this is not far to seek. Poststructuralism, beginning in the second half of the… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

It just means an opportunity for a classicist

It will come back

In fact, short ugliness and long beauty if you have a 5-15 year investment horizon

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I don’t know about that. As mentioned above, “it can always get worse.”

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

It may be years before it becomes mainstream but it will happen soon enough because there is a huge void there and opportunity. And there are enough rich people willing to support it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Beauty will return when white men regain their balls and white women regain their sanity. Of course, that also means that whites, somewhere somehow, will create an ethnostate. These sorts of things are very much interrelated.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Hungary? Slovenia? Poland? Slovakia? Czechia? No?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

Almost entirely white, but not quite white by definition. At some point a true white homeland must be created. It will have to be utterly impervious to dieversity.

Streets n San
Streets n San
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

We are currently transitioning from our aesthetic to the small hat aesthetic. Unless a small hat family moves into a ready-made goy home, the interior almost invariably will be Stalinist with some African tchotchkes and the customary judaicia and many framed photos depicting only their own and never a goy unless he is a particularly famous individual. They are now casting their ugly, pathological aesthetic onto our entire civilization and tearing down ours.

3 years ago

I spent a day in a tourist town a couple hours from a major west coast city to break up a longer journey. The setting is beautiful and it’s got some attraction in an ersatz sort of way. But I felt like I was in a (very) low rent version of Geneva. Anyone who has been there recently knows what I mean. Whites lumbering around in the 90 heat were a distinct, and unimpressive, minority. Variety of people has replaced variety of cars in AINO and the quality of everything has taken a nose dive including the residents. What manner… Read more »

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Ugliness is everywhere. I grew up in tampa and lived on a place called Davis Island. It was always Spanish style and traditional American homes. House sizes proportional to the yards. I was back there a few months ago and they’ve knocked down the old houses and built what to me look like steel and glass creative offices that fill up the whole yard. And reminds me that so much of the residential aesthetic is to make the house look like an office or like a vegas casino hotel inside. Nothing homey and warm about it.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I walked into one of them there office buildings/ Vegas casinos last week to do some work that required going over some straight line prints with the so called Forman. It sounded like a mariachi convention in there. I told the Forman the musics got to go before I even discuss the issues. Your kidding right ? Rolled up the prints and headed for the 20 foot glass door. Man that music went off so fast it would spin your head around. The Forman couldn’t read prints.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Although I’m not a lifelong resident, I can sympathize. I’ve seen how my home area (Northern VA) was transformed, not for the better, over a 50 year period. Back here in FL, in nearly 20 years I’ve seen similar “growth” here in East Buttplug, my psuedonymous town somewhat north of Tampa.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Isn’t it interesting that, the greater the demographic diversity, the less the intellectual diversity? Incidentally, this plays out in spades–so to speak–in academia. Back in the aughts I was a research assistant in the Princeton history department. In the faculty lounge there were two photos juxtaposed. One was of the history faculty ca. 1960. Every professor was a white man wearing a suit. Next to it was a snap of the faculty ca. 2002. It was riddled with women, non-whites and mystery meat, all bedizened in slovenly garb. The obvious subtext was that this constituted progress. The irony, however, was… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Of course.

People are tribal, everywhere and always,

But tribes can be ethnically based or ideologically based.
An ethnically diverse tribe will by necessity be an ideologically based one. Conformity being the nucleus that brings and holds them together.

How could it be otherwise?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Boiled down, what this means is that whites, and especially white men, hold many different opinions. We are the most intellectually diverse people on the planet. Modern non-whites, on the other hand, all cleave to anti-whiteness. Thus, when whites are replaced by non-whites intellectual conformity reigns. And that is particularly true in academia where the the most anti-white people of all are the white rump.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Blood has nothing to do with ideology. Blood decides who is important, and who is not.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Blood has nothing to do with ideology. Blood decides who is important, and who is not.

All ideologies of the last 600 to 800 years were psychological warfare campaigns.

[Personally I don’t know of an ideology newer than Catharism or Lollardry which was worth a d@mn.]

And the susceptiblity to brainwashing via ideology [i.e. via psychological warfare campaigns] is completely determined by Insula dominance versus Amygdala dominance.

Which, in turn, moast definitely emanates from the blood.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Genius takes on a variety of outlets. Stupidity is boringly the same. In the case of a liberal arts department in Princeton, I could imagine it populated by the new cohort/generation of “midwit” faculty as we see across academia thee days. If Dutton is correct, the effect of such would be somewhat above average (IQ ~ 115-120) intellectual mediocrities, who crave acceptance of their peers, i.e., conformity, above knowledge, truth, and even convictions. The faculty you described—White, tie and suit, male. Would be the same as I studied under. Hell, they even smoked in the classroom with the students. Those… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

I’d very much take exception with you if you consider IQ of 115-120 “mediocrity,” unless you are judging only within the cream of the crop? I’m speaking in terms of the entire bell curve. Your “midwits” are in fact at the start of “gifted” and represent at most a few percent of even Caucasian and East Asian groups, and rarer still the darker you get.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Ben, you miss the point or perhaps I’ve failed to elaborate enough to address your concerns a priori. Other’s discussing the concept/theory of midwits often rate their IQ lower–as low as 105. Since I and Dutton are speaking of the academy, I use Dutton’s range of 115-120. You probably have not viewed Dutton’s video on this phenomena nor read Woodley’s writings on midwit’s as he originally coined the term. Briefly, Dutton’s last video speaks to the phenomena of *academics* now in the academy, particularly the liberal arts. My remarks are also pointed to the academy–specifically how and why it became… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

The theory basically posed by Dutton is that there has been a general lowering of standards for the PhD, which inevitably lowered the standards of university academic departments Then your “Dutton”, whoever he is, is a fool. There has been a massive RAISING of standards in academia, to make G0d-d@mned certain that only the very moast easily & permanently brainwashable of the Insula-dominant are offered careers in academia anymoar, with the result being that the Amygdala-dominant are utterly forbidden to pursue academic careers. It’s an extremely exacting standard which the Frankfurt School enforces with an iron fist. You see it… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Compsci, thanks for the background. I’m not familiar with Dutton. I googled “define midwit” and according to some results “was coined by Vox Day to describe individuals of above average intelligence, yet not too far from average.” In contrast, Urban Dictionary gives “Someone who is around average intelligence but is so opinionated and full of themselves that they think they’re some kind of genius.” If Dutton is using the “midwit” to described the rarefied atmosphere of the academy, he’s misusing the term. Or is he? If his claim is true, that less qualified people are teaching, then yes, they will… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

a tourist town a couple hours from a major west coast city… I felt like I was in a (very) low rent version of Geneva

Much of the movie “Sideways” was filmed there.

3 years ago

We won’t be able to where all of this is going u til the pelosi era starts dying off. And it could happen quick

Speculation can be fun, but in meantime if you haven’t begun the move or started planning a move into a white area, then get busy

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

The last chance to get out of this easily died at Appomattox. I never used to think this way but once secession was no longer possible the North American continent was doomed to be overrun by Yankee progressivism and their culture. The usual suspects and their financial and media acumen have contributed to this run away progressive cultural rot.
There is no stopping it, there are no brakes on this train, we ride it out until whatever comes next.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Oh, it WILL stop, G. Of that there is no doubt. The only question is who will survive it when the train derails…

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

The only question is who will survive it when the train derails…

In the universe of all possible questions which could be asked, the answer to that question is the only answer which matters: Who survives and persists into the future?

And to paraphrase Saint Joseph Djugashvili, we will know with certainty who survived and persisted solely by the extent to which those survivors & persistors re-write [i.e. falsify] the history of this era.

3 years ago

For Z, Things Fall 🦧 Apart…inspired by his GAB….

What rough beast…

…stumbles towards the Mop Bucket, its impulse incontinent…

…things fall apart, the mopper cannot defend the bucket, the Golem shites before the Maker…as the inhabitants of Jerusalem West itinerant wanderings are disturbed by the sight of their Holy Objects feet 🦶🏿 of clay, and unholy vapors arise from the Knight of Saint George…

…where is our Dragon 🐉 the masses ask…better a proper monster than such low ones…

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

You sound like Resident Biden got away from the day nurse again.

bob sykes
bob sykes
3 years ago

There is no post-industrial world. Real power and wealth comes from manufacturing things. China has 28 to 30% (depending on source) of the world’s manufacturing capacity, and they are the world’s dominant power. The financial world is entirely parasitic on and subservient to the manufacturers. Financiers, in their delusions, have wrecked the US and its economy, and have immiserated the American working class, white, black, hispanic.

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

Agreed. All you have to do is imagine the financial world without their computers and networks. Very simply, it ceases to exist. The more I think about it, the more I realize that the big EMP everyone fears…they don’t fear it enough.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Outdoorspro
3 years ago

An EMP event is only one of many possible catalysts for a system breakdown. Some of them probably don’t even require a failure of technology.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
3 years ago

He’s right, money is 1s, 0s now, moreover the only “value “ it stores is Velocity. Like a shark it must keep swimming or die.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

The news suggests Buttigieg is being primed to become president, replacing Harris. But why? Rachael Levine seems a far better representative of our modern country.

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Handbags at dawn during the 2024 primary season.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

brutal hilarious prescient

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

The CIA already got it self a president, the old Bush poppy guy that could not speak in public and presented like some nerd. To conceal a black heart, revealed more by the arrogance of his bridezilla, as women have a much tougher time with persona-projecting without training as thespians.

Little Peter up the butt would be, by my count, the second CIA man as POTUS when and if they ‘insert’ him up OUR collective rectums.

Reply to  Larval
3 years ago

Barack Obama was an IC red diaper kid. His mom and grandma were agency operatives. He was literally one of them from birth.

People don’t want to accept that – even though his life and actions all fall into place with such acceptance. Maybe from s9me residual conception that the CIA are on out side or some such misconception. Or that the people in the agency are true blue capitalists – even though they’ve spent their lives in the most socialist institution in America – the federal bureaucracy.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Barack Obama was an IC red diaper kid. Bill Clinton as well. Clinton was sent over to England as a student in order to be able to report back to the IC as to American behavior amongst the children of the hoi polloi partying abroad. And it’s not a mere cohenincidence that Clinton was photographed with JFK, and that the photographer miraculously decided to keep the negative of a random redneck kid from hillbilly nowhere so that the picture could eventually be reprinted in a presidential campaign three decades later. He11, even Jimmah Cahtah was a frigging Annapolis grad working… Read more »

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 years ago

Well, they will need to get Harris out first and that might be difficult since we all kowtow to Black perceptions—and we know that it is hard to discredit any Black (see “St Floyd”). However, this is not impossible. Think back to Nixon, or rather Spiro Agnew. Nixon was in hot water and sinking, when all of a sudden Agnew was brought up on corruption charges from his time as Governor. Nearly pushed Nixon completely off the news. Anyway, lickedy split, Agnew resigned and in turn Ford was nominated by Nixon. Agnew was probably bribed to go easy into that… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
3 years ago

I am in my 50s and I still have a clear recollection of how much I actually enjoyed living in the USA up until September 11, 2001. I find it unbelievable that the people who have benefited the most from this country ( the 1%) are in the process of completely destroying it. I guess they got tired of middle class daytrippers at Aspen.

Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

This is the biggest difficulty for people of our generation to accept. Why did those who most benefitted from our prosperous, strong nation seek its destruction so vehemently? It beggars belief.

Reply to  Aghast
3 years ago

“Why did those who most benefitted from our prosperous, strong nation seek its destruction so vehemently?”

They no longer feel (rightly so) bound to “the nation”. They see themselves as so far above and beyond simple nations that they consider themselves untouchable.

Reply to  Aghast
3 years ago

As outdoorspro says below they see themselves as beyond America. Which is a common occurrence for an aristocracy that finds themselves in control of an Empire. The new empire provides a larger scope of enrichment than the confines of the previous state. And they lie to themselves that the empire benefits the founding society overall so their not traitors. That has happened to varying degrees with every nouveau empire, the Macedonians, the Romans, Arabs, Austrian, Russian, Spanish and British. Additionally, the end of the Cold War led to an era of no limits and no consequences for our elites. Failures… Read more »

Reply to  Aghast
3 years ago

Yeah doesn’t make sense to me either. I’m a bit younger and only remember the 00s, although even in 2001 Canada was still 87% white, and my neighborhood about 95% white.

I’ve wondered if it’s simply inevitable. The results of thousands of people making short sighted and greedy decisions.

Truth is that the guy who made a couple million bucks selling his small company to China 25 years ago is getting f*cked over just as bad as a blue collar guy is (or will be soon). You can’t outrun the diversity anymore.

Reply to  Aghast
3 years ago

No, sorry.

We are a challenge and a threat so we’ll be eliminated.

It takes Grace to rule wisely and with consent- never mind democracy, the Arab Sheik rules with consent – and these wretched 🇺🇸 Elites have none.

3 years ago

If the progressives think that the human wave moving north across the Rio Grande works in their favor they are sadly mistaken. These mestizos have their own fish to fry and couldn’t care less about the ideas of the deranged gringos. It won’t be long before a mestizo leader calls together his troops, in Spanish, and takes over perhaps a third of the country or more, through the ballot box or otherwise. BLM and reparations will disappear. The oligarchs will want to make a deal but why should the new Americano Central majority be involved in any sort of compromise?… Read more »

Leroy Johnson
Leroy Johnson
Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

You’re correct except for one detail. The leader himself will be Castizo. He may or may not have a tiny hat somewhere deep in the woodpile.

Reply to  Leroy Johnson
3 years ago

You think so? Over the years, anyone living out here is going to hear Mexicans saying, even if just to annoy people, that the New Aztlan is inevitable. In summary, that Mexicans are going to reclaim CA and the Southwest. And I’d say, ok, you outnumber the Spanish conquistadors by 1 million to 1, a few rich families control the place, and despite all your numbers and bravado you could never topple them so what makes you think you can take over the American Southwest? Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe whites will simply leave, which is already happening. And they fill… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Conquistadors were willing to shoot, slice, and trample most exuberantly.

Small souled urban bugmen & corporate nu-males? Not so much…

We are ruled by passive insects.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Bingo! Still works pretty much the same
everywhere south of the Rio Grande.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

We are ruled by the Intelligent. They are good at Tasks, especially paper tests.

To perform duties you need Virtue- courage, Rule is a duty not a task.

They have none.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

The Spaniards toppled rulers who were hated by the people they ruled. For every one of Cortiz’s men there were fifty indians who saw the Spaniards as a better option.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

Some offices. Fair number of Latino judges, sheriffs and mayors throughout the Southwest, not to mention state reps. Texas will wake up one day to be Mexico del Norte.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

In CA, Latinos offer some hope for sanity. The good-white progressives like Pelosi and Newscome are completely insane. And pushing the state towards a race war. It’s the Hispanics that are pushing back – as Anglo whites flea to some imagined refuge.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Messkins are the ultimate blue collars. By and large, they just keep their heads down and do their labor. As long as they’ve got plenty of Budweiser and beans, they’re content. And they’re certainly not interested in any sort of nonsense, including anti-white fascism. Their lack of interest in such foolishness means they are far less susceptible to the agitprop. When the reckoning comes, the Messkin factor will work to our advantage.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

And then they go back.

Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

“These mestizos have their own fish to fry..”

As in, “whassachoo!”


“No, I wass askin a qweschun!”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

I’ve a background in Spanish Lit, less so in Latin American Politics. I’ve travelled widely in the Spanish speaking nations. I can state with pretty good authority that there is not a snowball in Hell’s chance that the USA’s legal system, traditional values, etc. are fit for Latinos to operate. At best, it’ll devolve into a Brazil or a Mexico. At worst, something like they had in Argentina c. 1950-1980s. Actually, if they gain a majority, that probably hikes the odds of secession into smaller nation-states. Indeed, in the 19th century, there were at least a few visionaries (e.g. Bolivar)… Read more »

3 years ago

The underlying message embodied in the Taki article is that it’s not about ideology. A Progressive has no real allegiance to any particular set of ideas (be it socialism, communism, or corporatism). At the root, they are parasites with an existential need to feed, and can only persist in an environment over which they have complete control. Hence, the name of the game is to rule DC and use the power of the State to guarantee their preeminence and defeat all opposition by whatever means necessary. We live in a world in which one side is fighting a death match… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

O/T, but what the phuck is poar Bongino’s ethnicity?

Was his father an eggplant oil-driller, and his mother an outright sheb00n?

Wikipedia says “half Italian”, which would be consistent with that hypothesis.

Ella Fitzgerald was the daughter of a potato-kneegrow oil-driller and a sheb00n.

Ella certainly had the very best diction of any of the scat singers.

And it was a truly outstanding diction, even when singing White music, such as the Cole Porter songbook.

3 years ago

” The modern aesthetic is something like 1950s East Berlin. Modern America is an ugly place. ” You know, this quote is The Summation of Imperial Decline and eventually collapse. Few today have the common sense to realize that most things made today are total junk. For example, new furniture costing thousands are made of particle board or wood that wasn’t seasoned. The high dollar stuff will never have a drawer featuring dovetail assembly, and usually fall apart after a few years. The sad thing is, most people have no sense and don’t even care about true quality. Witness a… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Very true. Had a frying pan from the early 2000s that is one of the best nonstick I have ever used. Saw the same brand and model for a good price in the last year, so decided to buy a set (not particularly expensive). Same brand and model mind you – straight out of the box you could tell the new one was thinner, cheaper. Will probably lose its coating before the one fifteen years older.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

I have noticed that it is getting harder to find old cast iron skillets and cookware. I’m talking about the ones that are 60+ years old whose cooking surface is as smooth as glass. Even the young folks just starting their home are looking for them, and no one wants any of the new ones, where the cooking surface is just about as rough as that blacktop on the street in front of your house.

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

that goes away, after a few years. The seasoning starts to build up and smooth out. I’ve got one that is five or six years old and it’s nearly smooth. It’s the one I use to make eggs.

Reply to  DFCtomm
3 years ago

I’ve got 2 square skillets I use all the time- an 8 inch Birmingham Stove & Range and a bigger Wagner, both made around 1960. After I cleaned them and then seasoned them, then cooked what I call the first sacrificial eggs in them, they turned out to be gems. For some reason, a little bacon grease always make for fried eggs that slide across the surface and flip over with little effort.

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

I had one of those rough iron pans and took my palm sander to it and in no time it was as smooth as glass. After that I re-seasoned it and it is fantastic!

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Coalclinker: Just saw a bunch of old cast iron in pretty good condition at a junk/antique market, but for pretty hefty prices. No, I won’t say where (but they weren’t here in Texas). I didn’t buy any but may when we next visit where we were. Meanwhile, we are waiting on the sprinkler repair people because our 25+ year old controller is dead, so we can’t water our stupid lawn. And the fancy Samsung fridge ice maker stopped working after February’s power outages. Rather than having it replaced a 2nd time (started having issues with it mere months after buying… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Make sure before you buy any old skillets to check the trueness of the bottom. Most skillets are worn out in that they have warped or bowed bottoms. Take a ruler with you and lay across the bottom, and you will find out real quick if the bottoms are flat.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

In Current Year, you pay a premium to get some level of customer service to fix whatever eventually goes wrong. You simply cannot buy any big ticket item that won’t fail or break and is done right the first time.

the common denoginator
the common denoginator
Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

right, and don’t forget that anything coming from overseas was made out of the cheapest dirtiest material–fukushima steel, anyone? Look for older American made flatware and cooking utensils to be safe. Right now older American made towels, sheets, dishware, hairbrushes are going for big dollars on ebay. If you find shoes or clothing that fits good, BUY 6!!

Reply to  the common denoginator
3 years ago

LOL, all of my cookware is ancient, from the cast iron hollow ware to the Paul Revere stainless steel copper bottom pans. The china dishes were made in Japan in the 60’s. My electric coffee percolator has “1958” stamped on the bottom of it, and when I pour that 150 degree coffee from it, I think about the ditz who spilled McDonald’s coffee on her vagina, after which every coffee maker made was designed to make what I call cold coffee.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Heh. I’ve got a 1972 Corningware percolator and I love it. Accidentally scalded my schlong a time or two, but just rubbed some dirt on it and was alright.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  the common denoginator
3 years ago

Rockport loafers and K-Swiss sneakers. And, no, I don’t want to examine the companies’ stance on Burn Loot Murder. Ultimately, you do have to buy your products from some company and almost all of them are evil.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

“Same brand and model mind you…”

Posting here you must be aware that you describe the ‘wear the skinsuit’ model of the Boy Scouts, etc. etc. etc.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

The only nonstick cookware I’ve had any luck with is Bialetti. That company seems to be maintaining high standards of design and manufacture.

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

You’re on to something there. Just like the furniture, one of our newer neighbors took a perfectly good ranch house and painted the brick black, and the door flamingo pink. Then she poured these big concrete rectangles for steps, and added thin, bizarre black and white tiles to the entry. It’s right out of Beetlejuice. As for the appliances, we just replaced a $2k refrigerator that made it less than six years; died one year out of warranty. Won’t make that mistake again; buying them cheap now like the commoditized trash that they are.

No country for men
No country for men
Reply to  Howard Beale
3 years ago

Agreed. Modern tastes are appalling and the lack of appreciation for quality is dismaying. Time and tides I guess, but nothing seems to characterize our modern age than cheapness. A superficial aesthetic for a trivial people.

Re. poor quality appliances: we were assured by our stove rep that manufacturers are only required to keep parts for their 7 years as it is assumed that no one will repair or keep anything. You would think the environmentalists would be all over this, but they are the least interested in the ecological implications of tossing major appliances away every decade.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  No country for men
3 years ago

Bs. Internet is your friend, now you can get the cheap chinese parts the suppliers used to only be able to get. I just rebuilt a $2000 viking range from the late aughts for about $500 total. No, im not paying the stealership $15 a piece for m3 stainless screws.

Reply to  Howard Beale
3 years ago

Now, I’m being sarcastic, but your new Beetlejuice neighbor sounds like the kind who you could see one of these days covered in red welts, and will say something about the bugs in her bedroom that come out only at night. She’ll say something like she has no idea what they are and where they came from.
Just saying………..
Now, seriously, I have a 3 year old refrigerator that’s already having problems. But my ancient 500 lb. gas range made by Garland in the 40’s is working fine and never gives any grief.

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

There are a lot of things still made by white people, mainly Europeans. So the quality is out there if someone is willing to pay. We bought a copper cookware set from France and gorgeous and built to last. Plus a few companies in France and Italy and England still make real stoves built like tanks with no computers. BlueStar from Pennsylvania looks to be high quality but I do not know people who actually own them to get a true opinion. No computers. Ranges weigh 400-600 pounds. I will be trying out a few french brands of tennis shoes,… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

“I will be trying out a few french brands of tennis shoes, supposed to be top quality. I will let everyone know how they turn out. But I will not buy shoes made in China.” Played a LOT of tennis, on the court in singles 2-3 times a week. Wore Adidas® Barricades® for some years. Eventually, I forget the version, ordered two pairs of the new model. Such crap, sent them back, never purchased another. Same for Adidas® clothing … I still wear some that is 30 years old. Recent years, not year but years, they make an ill-fitting garbage… Read more »

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Hey coalckinker, my old lady wants a sewing machine for hobby work, any suggestions ? Oldie but goodie, between 250 and 500. Thanks.

Reply to  Panzernutter
3 years ago

Any Singer made before 1964 is a dandy with the exceptions of Model 99, 27,28,127, and 128. Straight stitch models 15,66, 201, 301, and 329k are great. Zig Zag models that are great are Models 401, 403, 500, and 503. Any model numbers higher than 503 should be avoided like The Clap. The old American made White/Domestic/Kenmore machines are all straight stitch machines that are tough as nails. The motor will say “Made in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A”. They’re all great; don’t buy the ones Made in Japan. You shouldn’t have to spend that much for any of them. You ought… Read more »

Reply to  Panzernutter
3 years ago

Industrial machines like Models 16, 31, 95, and 96 are great for hobby sewers.. You should be able to find one of those for under $300. That 92 year old one I brought back to life is a Model 96-10, made on Dec. 11, 1929. It makes a good stitch and can be run as fast as a smoking hot 3450 r.p.m., if you can keep up with it, lol.

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Thank you sir. Really appreciate it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

What you say is certainly true. However, there is one exception: Bosch dishwashers. Those things are masterpieces of engineering and they go and go and go. I wouldn’t buy anything else.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Ostei – Good to know. Any problem getting parts/repairs?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I don’t know because my Bosch has never needed repair. It’s a midlevel Bosch, BTW.

David Wright
3 years ago

I started watching Amazon’s new movie the Tomorrow War last night. As I figured a tough one to get through for all the diversity and asinine content. Our future descendants come back thirty years to the present to draft soldiers to fight a losing war with alien beasts. Your Taki piece makes me think we should do the same and go back to the 80’s and get the last of the good paleos to help us fight our present progressive poz.

Of course they lost that period so maybe go back further and get Andrew Jackson types.

peasant with pitchfork
peasant with pitchfork
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

read Such Interesting Neighbors by Jack Finney, it’s in the collected short stories book titled The Third Level. Eventually everyone in the world decides to go back to a simpler time, and all development just stops, we are kinda on the edge of that now. Wish I had that option, I would go back to 1936 and start again.

Reply to  peasant with pitchfork
3 years ago

If you happen to watch anything 80’s related on Youtube, and not just music, the wistful desire of the commenters to return to that era is almost overwhelming. I understand that many people feel the same way about “their” era, but the 80s marks a very distinct fin de siècle in many respects, mostly related to technology. People who lived through the change innately understand what was lost in terms of humanity.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

It’s hard to put one’s finger on it, exactly. The 80s seemed like the last time that more people than not retained optimism for the future. There were still enough Americans who were loyal to America first that they could keep things running in a fashion that benefited ordinary Americans first & foremost. That began shifting in the 90s and only accelerated from there.

America to today’s elites is just a husk to be sucked dry.

3 years ago

I realize you couldn’t cover everything, but I bet the thing that would baffle our thawed proggie the most is the FBI worship. The same people who used to consider the FBI the CIA’s domestic mini-me — and needless to say hated the CIA with the heat of a thousand suns — are now carrying on like little boys who got a plastic Junior G Man badge in their Cracker Jacks. It’s surreal.

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Apparently that heat was envy; we just mistook it for contempt. Spoiled, petulant children hate it when someone else has the fancy toys & power they want for themselves.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Actually, it’s quite logical. Their side overthrew the Hoover establishment and thoroughly remade the FBI into a modern progressive institution. Why wouldn’t progressives worship the new G-Man who is now a Progressive enforcer? Having infiltrated and installed their people at the top of hundreds of federal bureaucracies, publicly applauding the new, woke FBI is their “coming out” party.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Derb (I think) mentioned an old Eastern Bloc joke, about how there are only two kinds of people in the world. One sees the lights burning at midnight at Secret Police headquarters and thinks “how awful, that there are secret police.” The other kind sees the same thing and thinks “how awful… but just wait until it’s OUR guys in there!”

Needless to say proggies think they’re the former but are actually the latter, because you can’t spell “liberal” without “projection.”

3 years ago

Corporatism is the defining characteristic of who ever happens to be in charge. That’s the thing about being in the ruling bureaucracy, it becomes saturated with mid-wits and it’s main goal becomes it’s position and not it’s ideology. This is the downfall of all establishments.

Andy Texan
Reply to  DFCtomm
3 years ago

Corporatism saturated with Chinese money. All the GS employees who make up the deep state appear to be rich now (on government salaries) and are buying up the multi-million dollar houses in DC.