Left-Wing Grifters

Note: The regular Monday Taki post is up. This week I have some comparisons of our present state to the old Soviet Union. Behind the green door is the Sunday podcast and two movie reviews. If you are a subscriber, thank you for your support. If not, may Allah send the fleas of a thousand camels to nest in your groin.

A popular topic on this side of the great divide is who is and who is not a grifter, a shill or controlled opposition. The general assumption is that the people with perches in Conservative Inc. are working some sort of con. Maybe their racket is to keep people from looking over the great divide. These are the gatekeepers. Others may co-opt a dissident idea and then neuter it. They say things like Critical Race Theory is actually an attack on nonwhites so white people can oppose it.

Often forgotten is that the other side has their fair share of grifters who make a comfortable living working the true believers. Here is an example from the Daily Beast of what can be called woo-woo for the wokies. The writer is telling them that their newly minted hero, Liz Cheney, and an old has-been named Chris Christie, will give Trump a run for his money in the 2024 Republican primary. The Twitter thread on this topic is an amusing window into political mental illness.

The writer is someone calling himself Matt Lewis. He used to play the role of snarky conservative, but that was just an act. At a young age he was harvested and cultivated by the neoconservatives. When the fortunes of the neocons faded, he did what all rats do on a sinking ship. He now peddles his wares as a reformed conservative to a gullible audience at the Daily Beast. It is a trip that so many have made that it has become a stock figure in the American political drama.

As you see with the grifters of Conservative Inc., the left-wing variety sells the true believers the latest items from the one true faith. In this case the item for sale is that Liz Cheney is a folk hero for finking on her party and her voters. She has signed onto the Stalin-esque show trial called the January 6 Commission. This is where the Left gets to claim that normal white people exercising their ancient rights are white supremacist insurrectionists and a threat to “our democracy”.

The main difference between the woke grifters and the conservative grifters is the former works in a world of pure imagination. Say what you want about Ben Shapiro, but he is not wrong about the “constitutional principle” business. If we had a ruling class that enforced the old rules, things would be better for everyone. His grift lies in convincing people that it is still possible with this ruling class. He turns a virtue into the vice of defending the enemies of the people.

Because the left-wing grifter operates in the world of fantasy, he has an easier time of it, but is barred from factual reality. At some level, they must believe the same nonsense as their intended suckers. In the case of neocons like Matt Lewis, he harbors the same hatred for the white people as the true believers. The neocons may be driven by hyperviolent fantasies about world conquest, but they also detest the heritage population every bit as much as the wokest wokie.

It is that blind hatred that allows the crazies to now embrace Liz Cheney. You have to admire the skill with which the neocons have ingratiated themselves with their old friends on the Left. Not long ago the name “Cheney” was spelled H-i-t-l-e-r by the readers of the Daily Beast. He was the master of the Haliburton Hurricane Machine that devastated New Orleans and unleashed hell on the Arabs. It requires a special brand of crazy to do a heel turn like that in such a short time.

Of course, what wads a lot of this together into a slimy ball of hatred for the average American is a sense of class consciousness. The new religion is the religion of the new class, the managerial class that now commands the high ground. The middling celebrities of the commentariat are driven as much by their duty to their own class as they are by genuine belief. To people like Matt Lewis, those Trump voters outside the hive walls are a threat to his people.

It is completely bonkers that anyone would think that Liz Cheney has a future in Republican politics. That is one of those bits of good news, a little green shoot, that should give the good guys a little hope. The people on the other side are increasingly driven mad by the contradictions of their new religion. If the good guys could create and insert chaos agents into the system, Liz Cheney would be a good example. Every time she speaks in public, another dissident is born.

Another bit of good news in stories like this is that the neoconservatives have really fallen on hard times. That cabal now exists on an island off the coasty of crazy-ville, supported by a billionaire Persian who thinks he may be Cyrus the Great. The second generation of neocons squandered the tribal fortune and the third generation makes the Kennedy gene pool like deep. Like so much of the managerial class, neoconservatism now reeks of its own decay.

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

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2 years ago

In my lived experience (aka MyTruth) these execrable grifters of both species are wispy dimorphs driven largely by a single engine, the ancient desire for the one thing more tasty than money—and that is, fame. People love to be known even more than they love to be admired, or to be wealthy. This is why the ubiquity of Social Media (especially after the ‘LIKE ME PLEASE!’ features were activated) became so venomous for psychological health. Recognition over Cash. The latter often accompanies the former, and is a fine recompense, but it is the public recognition of one’s power and glory… Read more »

2 years ago

Re the Soviet Union, the rot was apparent by 1981 and the Pushkin Airfield disaster, where almost all of the Soviet Pacific Fleet Admirals and their staff were killed in the crash. Cause? The plane was overloaded with consumer goods including washing machines and a giant roll of newsprint. Which caused it to pitch upwards, stall, and crash. Gorbachev tried to reform the system hit by an inability to pay people but failed. By the time of the 1991 Coup, the military had not been paid for three years and the security services for one. The geriatric leadership could not… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

And your last paragraph is entirely the point of their activities.

It is their goal to reduce unto ruin the western nations simply because their very existence lays out the paucity of the other cultures.

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

“Or will they YOLO and just go for it — kick off what they’ve been dreaming of since Pol Pot? Or will events out-run them?” Part of me hopes they do. After this fool Biden and his party have exposed themselves as dangerous authoritarian racists who threaten the stability of the country with their rhetoric and actions (some of which are blatantly despotic), a coup attempt by the democrats following an election loss would put them at an extreme disadvantage relative to any other point in recent history and might just kick off our own Thermidorian Reaction. Are the democrats… Read more »

2 years ago

Highly recommend listening to the recent AR speech by Ruuben Kaalep regarding the monumental progress in Estonia. The video he shared of the crowds of Estonians who are fighting back is remarkable and compelling. They march annually on the night before Estonia’s independence day and each year the numbers are growing tremendously. The Blue Awakening is awe-inspiring.
As disheartening as it is to see so many in the U.S who are obviously unaware, it brings solace to know that there are many in other countries who are resisting with a clear and pure vision.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

It was my first time. The best speaker was the first guy who discussed envy. I think this is a nuclear weapon of a topic that can crack normie.

Everyone experiences envy, and I think it can really be exploited to show, naturally, and with no leaps of logic, that groups experience it too.

This is a fascinating topic

2 years ago

[…] ZMan is not deceived. […]

2 years ago

Totally off topic: Just got results of my blood test from doctor’s office. While having not had the vax or even the sniffles in 2 years, I have covid antibodies of over 1000. Nurse said that no standard range has been established, but highest she’s seen is 2500 (no clue if that was someone who had it and got well or had vax or whatever). So either I’m physically superior (at almost 63 and overweight) or it’s all a hoax. But don’t tell the morons.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

If we only knew how much disease and bacteria and traces of former flus and colds are in our body we’d probably puke at the sight of it if it could be put into pictures That’s why the cycles on these covid tests are so important for the regime, because each time they run a cycle it’s like sending in one more kid to look for the hidden Easter egg in the house, and eventually they’re going to find it after 50 of them have each had a chance to look under and behind everything and hit every closet. Eventually… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

One clear sign of the duplicity involved has been the failure to conduct widespread antibodies tests. The physicians with whom I have mentioned this offer what are at best speculation.

If someone has had Covid, and then vaccines and boosters, this would seem to heighten the clot risk and other problems. Yet we do no not antibodies test as readily available as the vaccines.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Falcone: Just to clarify, this was a general blood test checking for other things, and then they checked for covid antibodies. When you’re referring to cycles you’re referring to their nasal swab test, which I have not had and will not have.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

What I find telling is that no one in authority is being transparent of what the covid test entails, getting a swab jammed up your nostril

They made it sound like getting a test was just as simple as spitting in a cup at Walgreens

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

The coof just went through my house. It was introduced by my 78 year old, fully vexxed mom (who lives with us). She had a miserable few days, but wasn’t bed ridden or anything. Next my wife got it, she spent her week off work sleeping quite a bit. She had some cough and some brain fog but recovered very quickly. She’s 46 and unjabbed. Then our 7 year old daughter spent several days exhibiting signs of a respiratory illness. Nothing serious, but it lasted a couple days longer than a typical childhood cold. I didn’t have her tested but… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

KGB: Not to minimize anyone’s illness, but somehow I’ve yet to find anyone I know who’s both had covid and the flu and can offer me a comparison. I had a bad case of the flu in college in 1978 or 1979 and then again in Texas in 1996 or 1997. When I hear complaints about a high fever or body aches or respiratory problems or digestive upsets, I just think “Yeah. Sounds familiar.” Difference is I didn’t then get bacterial pneumonia, but that’s not caused by a virus but by the body’s weakened immune system succumbing to a bacterium… Read more »

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I know one person who died of Covid, strangely he caught it from his mother who is in her 70s, she was fine but he died at 46, to balance things out I work with someone who died from the vaccine, just dropped dead at age 32, crazy, some are saying heart attack, possible of course. but some of the pro vaxxers at work are now worried, many don’t want the booster shot If the covid was as dangerous as they claim then by now I would have expected some of my older relatives to have died from it by… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Regarding pneumonia, what you described is exactly what happened to me while living in a ratty Seoul yogwan in 1996. I came down with something quite nasty that resulted in a high fever and all the flu symptoms. Fortunately, I was 25 years old and in good health and I knocked it back reasonably quickly. But a few days later, I started having stabbing pains in my lung while lying down. Turned out to be bacterial pneumonia. I sometimes wonder, though, if that episode didn’t give my immune system the tools to fight off the Holocough. My office-mate’s wife had… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Huh. Late comment- I had a bad flu in 1996 too, guess what it was called?

The Wuhan-A strain.

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

I’m convinced a major factor for virus resistance is attitude/mindset. I used to take vitamin c powder, then echinacea, then grapefruit seed extract. Almost always stopped a cold in its tracks. Of course I noticed these remedies all provided an intense shocking taste which probably helped provide an enhanced placebo effect. One night I went into a CVS and asked a worker for something to give me that effect. He knew what I was saying and told me that he himself had stopped taking placebos and just willed his body into action. Ever since I’ve done it this way and… Read more »

Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

This. 1000x this. The only people I know who have gotten Covid are the people who are deathly afraid of getting Covid. I’m sure lots of people I know had it, including lots who had that mysterious nasty cough around November of 2019 that the ever-reliable Chinese government categorically asserts, and “our” even more honest and upright government confirms, was NOT covid, no siree bob, no way no how. Since I was around those people all the time, I assume I’ve either had it and didn’t know it, or had enough natural immunity to fight it off, and either way… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Severian: Well said. I was discussing various covid and health issues with my son and daughter-in-law (she’s being red-pilled by him but still naturally reverts to trust documented authority and her own nutritional education). And when I said I didn’t trust the official numbers re SIDS or various infant recommendations, or doctors in general, she asked what I would do if I got cancer. I responded “I suppose I’ll die. I’m not going to subject myself to poison (chemo) in a desperate attempt to survive a few more years.” She was literally shocked speechless. Again, I harbor no death wish,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

My wife and I are vehement anti-vaxxers and resolute rejecters of the Karen Kloth. My BIL, SIL and niece are vaxxed and jabbed to the hilt and scrupulous followers of every insipid Kovid diktat the Power Structure issues. We haven’t gotten a touch of the Kovid, while the above-mentioned relatives all came down with it a few weeks ago. There is this thing known as schadenfreude…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

It would be logical to assume that there is a reverse placebo effect in operation.

If your belief in an intervention can improve your disease outcome, why would a belief that getting a cold or flu with non specific symptoms is really a death sentence not work that way round?

Its an interesting experiment in can you persuade the most stupid to will themselves to death.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

There is the placebo effect and also the nocebo effect. The little engine that think he can and the one one who thinks he can’t are both right.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

A rapidly emerging ‘tell’ as to the origins and nature of this plandemic is just that Ostei; the pureblood control group is vexxing to the cultists. Not only is this not about Public Health, but actual public health is the greatest threat to Public Health. Our very existence has gone from annoying to dangerous. To the point that in their hivemind: we are now the disease that must be eradicated. At first it was our immunity to the righteous fear. Why were we not properly afraid? Then it was our immunity to righteous submission. Why were we not properly obeying… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

I love the “pureblood” thing; I think it has the potential to be a rhetorical killshot. Right now I’m only using it as a joke among based friends — “that’s right, man, I’m just like my hotep brothers down in the ‘hood, trying to keep my blood pure of the White man’s poison.” Should be a hoot.

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

Screwtape: Truth. They hate us because our very existence denies everything they claim to believe And, just as charity gets you not thanks but angry resentment, in this case remaining healthy gets you labeled a public danger. They project, as the left always does, and their fear of the disease and the haunting truth of the poison vax and public opprobrium is all spewed out as anger at the unclean unvaxxed. That is why they are locking them (us) away in Australia or Austria. And for those who think it won’t happen here, I disagree. Right now they’re a bit… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

That’s what ticks me off is I had Covid and my orange juice tasted like limes for a few days and I had zero energy but recovered in 3 or 4 days fully.

And for this they turned the world upside down. It’s infuriating. I still get mad if I’m around friends and someone brings up Covid and I have to bite my tongue hard and stew in silence.

I have to wonder when the tempers really start to flare out there. If they haven’t already and isn’t making the news

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

My wife has yet to tell her family overseas that she recently had it. I suspect because they’d flip out, despite the fact that it really didn’t amount to much and that she’s fully recovered. Earlier this summer when we shared photos of our daughter going fossil hunting outdoors with two school friends, my wife’s oldest sister shrieked over the fact that none of us were wearing a fag rag. She called it “super frightening”. You can’t have a rational conversation with those people. Interestingly, her husband recently had something very strange develop with his left arm. It deeply discolored… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

Well if the 5 years included the Fart East of North Carolina in 2015 you might have walked past the Lab that developed the coof.
That’s the latest theory.

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

This may be of some use to use to you. After 11/21, all foreigners entering the U.S. are required to be “fully vaxed”. As of 11/10/21 the FDA approved, in addition the experimental mRNA shots, 2 conventional whole virus vaccines from abroad. They are the Chinese Sinovac company called Coronavac and the Indian made Covaxin. The Coronavac is available in Mexico. The last time I checked websites in Mexico City (population 9 million) there were multiple pharmacies offering this. For a more extensive discussion, visit the blog wmbriggs.com 10/28/21. It seems to me that one could argue to one’s employer… Read more »

Reply to  NoIdentifyingMarks
2 years ago

I’m still waiting for the Novavax version. I’d be much more comfortable taking that one instead of the clot-shots that are in circulation right now.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Novavax works by embedding the spike protein in a lipophilic nanoparticle. The spike protein itself is the pathogen and causes vasculopathy when it binds to ACE2 receptors. By definition, lipophilic particles like tissues with lots of fat cells, such as the brain and spinal cord. I am planning on passing on this one. There is another killed virus vaccine that just finished Phase III trials and the release date is planned for 1/22. This is made by Valneva which is a French company manufacturing in Scotlant. This is the one I, personally, am waiting for. Vive la France!

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

The morons wouldn’t be capable of understanding. It’s not even worth telling them.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

3g, shhhh! Soon they’ll be hunting you down for a vial of your blood.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

First day back at the MIC after a week off. Got the expected Vax mandate information I’m going to apply for an exemption due to having had and recovered, & got a positive antibody test result. Not going to try claiming religious reason only the fact that as an essential worker I was required to be exposed before any vaccine was available and that was when I contracted it. 13 months ago now. My sense of smell & taste have never fully returned. I may become unemployed soon. I never have collected unenjoyment or had any L&I claim despite getting… Read more »

Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Spingehra: Sorry to hear of your possible work issues. Hope and pray things work out for you.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

well if you never collected unemployment you were never unemployed. and yet you still complain, try to make yourself a victim.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Your situation is not unusual. I am a physician at a regional medical center. COVID-19 is a real disease that kills and disables people who are either very old with comorbities or have probable unfortunate genetics that makes them susceptible. However, multiple of my fellow health-care providers have had their antibodies tested and come back positive when they never had any symptoms of illness. This is in the setting of having multiple daily exposures to patients with proven COVID illness over the course of the last nearly two years. But, congratulations! The medical literature indicates that you have long lasting… Read more »

Reply to  NoIdentifyingMarks
2 years ago

Its a pity your entire profession have turned into emasculated liars.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

so, you won’t be going to see doctors any longer? where’s the profit in shitting — gratuitously — on someone that is on your side politically? what a jabroni.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

OT: Zman, do you think the rittenhouse trial could turn into the USA’s version of the Dreyfus Affair (with all that implies)?

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I’m on pins and needles

In fact my nervousness manifests itself in a flurry of commenting

I usually comment when I’m trying to avoid work, which today in fact I am, or when half brain dead from a prior night of drinking, which today I’m not, but I’m also not feeling good about Kyle. Man I hope I’m wrong.

2 years ago

Re Taki: It’s clear Americans will tolerate oppression as long as the food flows and the internet works and their homes stay HVACed. This may not be the case for long! But I don’t know how you could say this may be the end of Western civ. I consider the West to extend back into antiquity, starting in Rome and Greece and maybe even before then. Atlantis, anyone? Hyperborea? Do Nero play the soundtrack to the destruction of the West? No, we’re seeing a big shakeup and things may never be the same but the West doesn’t die until the… Read more »

Carthāgō dēlenda est
Carthāgō dēlenda est
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

Part of the reason why it could be the end of Western Civilization is that the people who are waging war on the American populace (and Western Europe and Canada and Australia, etc.) want it to be the end of Western Civilization. Extinction of Whiteness is the rallying cry and the goal. Kendi says he is willing to settle for white bodies with any Whiteness in them. This is no different than any warring tribe seeking the eradication of a people and being willing to settle for slaves and war brides. When they say that Carthage (the West) must die,… Read more »

Carthāgō dēlenda est
Carthāgō dēlenda est
Reply to  Carthāgō dēlenda est
2 years ago

Edit: white bodies without any Whiteness in them

Reply to  Carthāgō dēlenda est
2 years ago

The meme about the demise of the Caucasian race is just defeatist porn and part of the ongoing campaign to sow despair within our ranks. The island that was Germany was grievously wounded at the end of WWI and then within two decades was reborn and conquered Europe in a few months. And it was largely accomplished by “thinking outside the box”, e.g. blitzkrieg warfare. That observation is not an endorsement of Nazism, but simply an historical fact. What tyrants fear most is the next blitzkrieg-type innovation (the proverbial bolt from the blue).

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Yes this is my feeling. The White race is the best race ever to walk the earth, as the song says. We are in danger, sure, but we haven’t even started fighting back yet. As soon as the race as a whole kicks into survival mode we will sweep our lands. There are so many scenarios in which we win. At some point the population of productive whites would become so small that collapse is inevitable. The tropical peoples will be forced to flee homeward when white people stop providing them with food and heating. These are people who are… Read more »

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

White men CAN wake up and take control first of their women, then minorities

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

All this doomer porn is a psyop, as you pointed out, Tom. Remember team, all we need are a few Whites to catalyze mayhem and win the day. It’s what we do. Can’t stop our signal.

Reply to  Moss
2 years ago

Love the Serenity reference. They killed Firefly precisely because it was working to revive the ancient spirit of mankind. The waiting is indeed hard to stomach, but when the clarion sounds, the pent up energy will be something to behold.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Agreed, total psyop. In 1970, America has a total fertility rate of 1.9. Bangladesh was 7, Mexico was 6, India was 6, China was 4. Today, European and European America fertility is 1.5. China is 1.3, S. Korea is 0.8, Bangladesh is 2, Mexico is 1.9. Iran is 1.5, India is 2.1. based on the current trends the “white people are being outbred” is a total lie, just a statistical falsehood in 2021. The problem is open borders, not birth rates. Another threat is race mixing which is why it’s important to have white children and stress to them the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Carthāgō dēlenda est
2 years ago

Way back in the 80s Jesse Jackson led Stanford students in a chant of, “Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Western civ has got to go!” The drive to kill off white civilization actually dates back to the mid-60s. What we’re seeing is nothing new under the sun; it’s just a more widespread and slightly more brazen instantiation.

Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

Here’s a fun question for people who make a point of denigrating normal people: if you’re being fed and entertained, are you actually being oppressed?

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Drew: Depends on your view as to the purpose and meaning of human life. I don’t consider ‘having fun’ or being taken care by others’ time and money of to be of lasting worth. Struggle and labor leading to learning and success to build something lasting (learning a trade, creating a work of art, improving others’ lives, building a family) are what make life meaningful. The freedom to decide things for myself, even if I choose wrongly. The freedom to fail. People are not puppy dogs. But since too many normers replace children with dogs, they wouldn’t know.

2 years ago

One minor quibble. From the perspective of The Daily Beast crowd, Liz Cheney executed a (baby)face turn, not a heel turn.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

For the same reason that there are 200 cable TV channels plus a bunch of Youtube channels, there has been a proliferation of Grifters of all political persuasions. As TomA says, the money is flowing, so these Grifters emerge to occupy “shelf space” in the media ecosystem. Most come right out of “central casting”. They are tailor-made to appeal to their micro-demographic. It’s no different than the bowhunter show on Outdoor channel or some eco-tourism travel TV show. Because the Leftist movement is a secular religion, it’s going to operate in the real of “pure imagination” as Zman states. But… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

A sign of the grift is the types and number of ads on their websites Ironically enough, this website being donations accepted is more like PBS when it was good. We’ve come full circle. Or when churches went from being shy about asking for money when the churches were more down to earth to the big tv churches that operated like a for-profit. You touch on something important by sensing a kinship between the churches and the cottage industries that sprang from the reformation. Politics is supposed to have a religious seriousness about it, and even though that seriousness is… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

If a church has a smoke machine, it’s a grift.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Moss
2 years ago

like those little smokey things catholics swing around in church (on the end of a chain)?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

they might not have their Jim Bakker, but they have their Jesus, in Che G. (no relation to Kenny G).

2 years ago

Of benefit to us is that the new religion is very unappealing in and of itself. It’s also probably painful for the people forced to adhere to it. Forcing one’s mind into all those contortions has to hurt. That all works to our benefit. It has an “eat your spinach” quality that will begin losing the more independent minded adherents in short time. Then the others will be wondering why they’re eating spinach when pelosi is eating ice cream. Or blacks will start having it dawn on them that while they’ve been stuffing their mouths full of this god awful… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

One benefit of the Covid plan is that from the beginning nothing has made sense, from Fauci and the WHO initially saying masks don’t work, and politicians urging people to hug an Asian, all the way to lockdowns, masks and mandates for experimental vaccines. Only a moron at this point believes all of this is about health.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

Wolf Barney: But there are a hell of a lot of morons.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

They consider the constant confusion a feature, rather than a bug, that helps break down people’s minds to be reformed as they see fit.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

> That all works to our benefit. It has an “eat your spinach” quality that will begin losing the more independent minded adherents in short time.

The mantra is actually “Eat the bugs for the environment”, and it will work for 30% of the population. Like you said, our focus needs to be cognitive elites who don’t want to spend their lives supporting an insane system, even if they would get financially awarded for doing so.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

You’ve no doubt her one of the old variations on the Eastern European folk tale that illustrates how some of their people are perfectly fine with being miserable, so long as they can make other people *more* miserable. A typical one is a guy gets some wishes but his neighbor gets double whatever he wishes for and the punchline is typically something like “I wish you’d kill half of my cattle” or “I wish I’d lose one testicle.”

The unpleasantness of the woke religion isn’t a deterrent at all to people like that. And there are a lot of them.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

There have been sociology studies (take it with a grain of salt) that show people would prefer to be poor and more equal than richer and less equal.

It’s plausible on a survival instinct level, as wealthy translates to power and if your neighbor is far more powerful than you, it puts you at more risk.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

De Tocqueville said a long time ago that the day would come when Americans would choose equality over liberty.

2 years ago

Zman: This subject is too depressing for me to want to comment on at the moment, so let me be diction notsee – it’s ‘reek’ (stinks) not ‘wreaks’ (to cause or bring about havoc)

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Nothing wrong with pointing out mistakes Especially if you’re doing it as a friend and not a foe None of us are going to mistake you for a Karen he he In fact I was listening to Waylon over the weekend. On Tidal subscription service, so after my favorite album of his is done (This Time) it starts going off playing things at random. There was this one song she reminded me of you, or brought you to mind, something about leaving this dirty city and going to Montana, and you can keep your social security because I’m outta here.… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Did more digging.

A rendition of Merle Haggard’s song Big City but sung by a lady with more disdain

I’ll keep looking

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Here ya go, Iris Demint her name


Happy Thanksgiving ! (Almost)

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Falcone: Thank you for making me smile! I’m not the best singer (I don’t have the range, although I don’t screech like a cat and can keep the tune/key) but I certainly agree with the sentiments! We’re off to visit our land shortly, assuming we can get into it without 4 wheel drive (I swear my husband is going to get us stuck or break his ankle trying to hike the area) and imagine what we want to do and where we want to build when somehow the funds are available. It may not be Montana, but it’s high wooded… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Movin’ to Montana soon
Gonna be a dental floss tycoon…

Le Comte
Le Comte
Reply to  Ganderson
2 years ago

Wow, the original Z Man.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ganderson
2 years ago

Remember when Zappa was one of the driving forces against warning stickers on records and spoke up for free speech and free expression. That was another world. On second thought, perhaps Zappa and other leftists were only concerned with a certain type of free speech.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Ganderson
2 years ago

give my regards to Ms Humm

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Z-Man turned me onto the Highwaymen. They are one of the few bands who sound great live. I just made a cassette tape of them. I bike and I can operate the walkman blind and I can’t do that with a phone or ipod.

2 years ago

Grifters only grift as long as the paycheck cashes. Once the vig is removed, the jig is up. So the game will continue as long as the money flows. Most sane people stopped drinking the Koolaid long ago, and the remaining & dwindling audience is only partaking out of habit, not conviction. Will these vermin ever go away? When I was a youngster, I noticed that if you stomp on one cockroach, the rest will scurry away at warp speed.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

“So the game will continue as long as the money flows.”

Since money is power, there will always be something that everyone declares to be “money”. Whether it be 1’s and 0’s or something the masses can keep in their pocket, someone will control the issuance. So, in essence, the “money” will always flow and those on top will direct to whom it goes. There will always be the top tier of rulers, and the slaves that serve them will get the scraps from their table.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Myers is one of those grifters who never has held a real job. He grew up in Frederick County, a commuter town linked by a train to DC. Then college. Then typing neocon frauds.

2 years ago

Living in California long enough, I began seeing the grift from the left California has a lot of people fooled btw, fooled into thinking this is a leftist state. It is but superficially. What it really cares about are rich people and keeping them rich. But it throws bones out there to its lefty voters. Going all electric vehicle by 2030, for example. No way it’s going to happen. Same thing with the water rationing to save the planet They made a big deal about all of it, how we were going to be allotted 50 gallons per day per… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

That is a good point, the lefty elites hate their voters just like the Republicans do. The difference is the left make more token measures and does do some tangible things their voters want them to do.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

You mean like open our borders, destroy education, rape the military and elevate blacks and queers and commies to positions they neither earned nor qualify for then force us to take shots we don’t want?

Are these the “token measures” and “tangible things” the left does for their voters? Then screw’em.

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

They do that for themselves, not their voters who actually suffer but are too dumb to see it happening as their ability to afford a home declines, rents shoot up, everything becomes more expensive from the surges in demand with a million new mouths to feed and the big food companies pulling an OPEC to keep up prices

Meanwhile the politicians profit immensely as do the rich

Lefty voters are stupider than those on the right, on balance.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

that’s a low bar 😛

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

“But it throws bones out there to its lefty voters. Going all electric vehicle by 2030, for example. No way it’s going to happen. ”

They only think that’s a bone because they’re so incredibly stupid. That’s really more like a boot to the head. The worst possible outcome for the average person would be if they somehow made it happen.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

That’s the rub, isn’t it? I could accept living in the Third World (because I don’t have a choice), provided it was– like our most sacred natural resource — flamingly out of the closet about it. I’ve spent a fair bit of time in the Third World and while I find it exhausting (e.g. the necessity of haggling over anything and everything) it’s comprehensible. There are rules, and once you’ve got a bit of experience under your belt, you can tell when the guy is just haggling for haggling’s sake, or when he’s really looking for a payoff. Baksheesh makes… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

I’m the same way. If we’re going to be third world, let us be able to buy off the cops and local politicians. Even when I’m in Italy or France I slip people a few bucks to have them look the other way, say in a car accident. I even had a bottle of wine in my trunk and handed it to the local cop, saying looking through that bottle of wine he can’t see the dents I caused can he? Nope, and he was happy as a clam and popped open the bottle and unwrapped a sandwich and forgot… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

“There are rules, and once you’ve got a bit of experience under your belt, you can tell when the guy is just haggling for haggling’s sake, or when he’s really looking for a payoff.”

I cannot speak to other states, but this definitely is the state of practicing law in California

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

The drunk-driving lockouts for the 2026 auto model year mandated in one of the infrastructure bills will be interesting.

Expect used car prices to skyrocket if they pull it off.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

True. The virtue-signalers never think about the environmental consequences of strip mining the lithium, nickel, cobalt, etc. needed for the unrecyclable batteries that will power their electric cars. I wish I had bookmarked the link, but I remember reading that the global output for lithium in 2019 was ~7K tonnes. CA alone will require many times that just for car batteries. They know this, right? They trotted out “You’ll live in the Pod and eat bugs” too soon.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

The Golden State is aptly named. The culture has long been one of the pursuit of riches while enjoying nice weather. Great money and mid-winter tans. The place is full of invaders and goodwhite grifters in perpetual polyamorous abusive relationships in order to exact their gibs and grifts. A shrinking minority of whites are golden handcuffed to the Dream while yesterday men working in the dust and heat keep the A/C cranking. Its a big place. Still enough space to lay back and think of Reagan. While they like to believe in reality and even work to maintain it, in… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I have lived in SoCal, Northern LA County, for 22 years. Cali is run by loons but is not actually fully controlled nor populated by leftists. As soon as you can’t smell the saltwater anymore while driving inland from the lovely beaches, people start normalizing in a steady gradient that is clearly visible.
I have not worn a mask here in a year, except airports. No one has made a peep. Plenty of fools driving their Priuses, windows up, AC on, full face shield and two masks….alone. Of course.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Gman
2 years ago

trouble is, once you can’t smell the ocean, you are in a desert. 50 miles from the coast and you are in shittsville. at lest in the southern part of the state.

2 years ago

Scott Greer mentioned Matt Lewis in one his podcasts a few months ago. He said Lewis went off on someone who made a positive mention of Trump in the Daily Caller newsroom early in the 2016 primary campaign. Lewis ranted how Trump was going to ban CNN from the airwaves and this would cost him his livelihood as a CNN contributor. It sounded hilarious, I don’t how the newsroom didn’t breakout in laughter. One thing about all these online news outfits that jumps out is the low standards they have for hiring talent. I guess it may be a reflection… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

The news people certainly aren’t impressive intellectually, but mostly they’re dishonest and deceptive. I probably wouldn’t call them dunces though, since they’re just smart enough to carry out their propaganda agenda and fool a lot of people.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

They do fool a lot of people. Sadly, that just confirms a lot of people aren’t that bright

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

it’s easy to fool a fool, and the world is awash in them.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

The “talent” could easily be replaced by bots at this point if not for the fact that the skip-logic required is already pushing their quasi-AI into based magic mustache territory. Much of lefty institutions is about being a jobs program for the cloud spawn so probably a good thing they can’t so easily be replaced by bots. I was recently sent one of those “died suddenly of a pulmonary embolism” stories about some mid40’s purple-hair shrew at NPR who totally didn’t die of the vaxx. Her resume parallels the kind of planted propaganda pieces that the megaphone loves. They all… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

The problem with bots is that programming languages are inherently logical. It’s a pretty big challenge to get a bot to behave in the convincingly cognitively dissonant way that comes naturally to many humans. In a bot it just comes across as random.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Yes the CogDis language is distinctly “human” in that regard I suppose but at the same time IRL I am having more of those uncanny valley moments when the humanoids repeating the /Covid programming to me it triggers some eerie visceral disgust that has me instinctively reaching for the nearest shovel. (I have yet to build my flammenwerfer)

2 years ago

I remember a few years back when fat boy Christie came out of nowhere because he talked real tough to a few reporters. He was going to be the next big elephant – literally. He’s a poster soy boy for every GOP grifter out there. When it came to serious issues, he folded up like a jumbo sized wet paper bag. What a turd.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

That was disappointing to find out Christie was the same as the rest of them. For a brief moment he sounded like the tough guy we were waiting for. Nope.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

When he allowed himself to be filmed prancing on the Jersey Shore, singing “Stronger Than The Storm”, it was lights out. It’s like when Carmine Lupertazzi told Tony Soprano “A Don doesn’t wear shorts”. Presentation matters a great deal.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

Wolf Barney: I, too, remember the hype about Christie (hell, I remember reading hype about Biden in 1978). And that disappointment following the hype is the same way I feel about Trump. And that makes me angry at myself, for falling for the same hype. Anyone who seeks political office is out for himself, always and everywhere. They love the attention and the money. All hat and no cattle.

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

Ann Coulter had a pussy-boner for the guy. That’s how I knew he wasn’t trustworthy.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Your imagery is certainly colorful. Could you elaborate? I’ve always found Ms. Coulter to be fairly good. To her credit she did jump off the Trump train when it became obvious he was a fraud.

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

She always struck me as a shrill, sexually frustrated, self-serving bomb-thrower. I much prefer Pat Buchanan.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

I saw her speak at a DC campus in 2005 and it was enjoyable to watch her disdainfully swat aside self-absorbed co-eds who thought they were going to be the one to make Ann squirm with a “gotcha” question.

But there’s definitely something not quite right with her.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Well, she did date Dinesh D’Souza.

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

He didn’t “come out of nowhere” though. He came out of “Tri-State Area” politics. Use your fav search engine to look up “Bridgegate” and who was behind it.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

a turd with legs. he’ll get his the fat pos.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

‘Every time she speaks in public, another dissident is born’.
Made me think of George Bailey’s daughters line at the end of “It’s a Wonderful Life”. The thought of Liz creating more dissidents when she opens her big yapper is even better when you think of it in the tone of voice delivered by the little girl in the movie.
(for the uninitiated: ‘every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings’)

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

That’s right Zuzu, er SISL. Read any good Melville letely?

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

No Melville lately, however, this disposition expressed by Ahab towards the whale: “From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee” fairly well mirrors my disposition towards the swamp denizens.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

the scene in the book where they skin the whale’s penis, and make a coat out of it was pretty funny. reminds me of hunter biden…

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

“Made me think of George Bailey’s daughters line at the end of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. ”

That shows how far we have fallen.
Liz Cheney is our Zuzu Bailey.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Federalist
2 years ago

no she isn’t, she’s just an ugly evil scissoring whoore.

2 years ago

If you want the one kernel of logic in the First Rule of Clown World (viz., that no matter how fake and gay you know it’s going to be, it’s always going to somehow be so much faker and gayer), there it is: The Left inhabits a fantasyland, completely detached from reality. No matter how goofy we try to be when imagining what they might do next, we’ll never get there, because we still have the Residue of Reality (there’s an alt-rock band name if I ever heard one) holding us back. It’s actually worse than that, because with actual… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

While scrolling through the many generally intelligent comments here, I always make sure to stop to enjoy reading after I see the name Severian.

Reply to  BeAprepper
2 years ago

Aw shucks, you make me blush.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Your web site is my morning go-to since Zman doesn’t open till about 9:30 (Philly time).

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Yes, consistently excellent. Longtime lurker, only recently commenting myself.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Democratic politics today is all costume. It’s for the women and I guess homosexuals. Glued on rhinestones and glued on beads, lots of glitter, makeup and bright stage lights. This is a product that will have the same popularity and fad arc as a drag show. Pretty soon the only ones there will be the performers and phag hags. And the only patrons the guys who own the liquor store and 24 hour diner across the street

The tide is already turning. It’s all too fake and ghey for most.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Not just spergs, which would be more on the male side, but hysterics/histrionics on the female side.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

no, spergs aren’t leftist. they are more likely to be incels. leftists are hyper social, which is 180 degrees out from spergs.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Actually, it’s the opposite. Autism has multiple spectra of brain function associated with it, one of which is the internalization of abstractions. Autists and right wingers tend to have a very low level of this, while lefties have a high level. This is why autists can draw a perfect picture of something they only saw once, and why leftists believe that symbols are reality.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Matt Lewis went to Shepherd College, which is the equivalent of being in the witness protection program.

How did some nowhere guy who went to a nowhere college burst onto the political pundit stage right out of school?

How did the groomers even find this giy?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Do you wanted the honest rated XXX version or the sanitized G version?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

My gut tells me that this Lewis guy got to be a star for the same reasons many a Hollywood actor got to be a star. People always talk about the casting couch as though it’s only women who get degraded.

My guess would be that Lewis was interning around DC during college, met the right guy (or guys), did what he felt he needed and they rewarded him.

But, who knows, maybe he’s related to someone. For his sake, I hope that it’s the latter.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

You know its the former. You really do.

2 years ago

Billionaire Persian? Who? Sorry I can’t keep up with our traitorous elite these days.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Oh, online swap meet guy.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I looked him up. Looks like mixed reviews. The Zionist appear to hate him. He supports Glenn Greenwald who I have grudgingly come to respect.

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Greenwald and Omidyar split up when Greenwald left The Intercept. Greenwald described the breakup in his substack: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/pierre-omidyars-financing-of-the Greenwald is a classical liberal so he criticizes the left quite alot these days. Since 2015 Omidyar is a neo-Soros. Its worth considering what is motivating Omidyar’s nation wrecking campaign given that he does not have the typical lefty donor background (i.e., aggrieved Jew). Like Soros, Omidyar does not like Zionists. I don’t understand Omidyar’s animus towards core America. As far as I can tell, his parents were Muslims who immigrated from Iran to France for grad school, then to the US… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I recall Omidyar being a funder, helper, of the smallhat overthrow of Ukraine in 2014. Since Cyrus is credited with helping them resettle an ancient territory, it is parallel that Omidyar facilitate them to resettle in Ukraine.

2 years ago

“It is completely bonkers that anyone would think that Liz Cheney has a future in Republican politics.”

Arggh, you’re being a hobgoblin of my little mind. Why is it bonkers? Aren’t you contrtadindicating yourself? With a few exceptions, aren’t the Pubs Dems in Elephant’s clothings?

Besides, grifters don’t hate. You’ve got to have passion and principle to hate.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

So another Evan McMullin gambit, only with 10x the amount of money?

Our side needs to play the same game and ensure the Green Party gets in every state. The Democrats did a good job of eliminating them last round.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

President Trump will be defeated by electronic vote machine programmers, not by the female Egg Mcmuffin. That technique didn’t even work in 2016 when a lot of people were unsure about Trump. The normie conservative is stupid but not that stupid.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  vmax71
2 years ago

I suspect hordes of never Trumpers went into the voting booth and were going to vote Hillary but in the end as much as the hate Trump, the idea of the Hillary in power filled them with so much dread they said F it, Trump it is

Trump V Harris might have the same effect

From the dissident POV Trump getting screwed over would be the best outcome

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

“From the dissident POV Trump getting screwed over would be the best outcome”

Exactly. I might even vote again–for Trump–because a more covert coup is likely this time if he wins. My guess is Trump either doesn’t run or the Deep State assassinates him or makes it legally impossible for him to run, the latter of which also is a win-win. Biden has turned the country into a tinderbox, and we are too Blackpilled for the most part to appreciate that and its positive implications.

Reply to  vmax71
2 years ago

Trump will never win again because people like me who make up probably 25% to 35% of the white male vote on this one topic will never forgive him for doing nothing regarding those Jan 6 guys who are suffering in prison Unforgivable I remember when I started to actually despise GW Bush, having previously had a warm fondness for him. It was saying we were at war with jihad but meanwhile but my state’s border with Mexico was wide open, so it was impossible that we could be at war under such circumstances. And his dishonest nature was revealed… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

so much grilling on this blog, i can hardly breathe for all the smoke.

grilling and voting,
voting and grilling,
these are the things
that I find thrilling.

agree on trump, he had his chance and fukked up completely. don’t read about him, and don’t care if he runs, shits, or folds.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Does it matter at all if Trump wins, since he was so ineffective, toothless and hollow the first time around?
Four more years of mean Tweets and no action isn’t something I’m looking forward to.
The only positive to a Trump “victory” in 24 is the guarantee that it will drive the global left around the bend, thus killing, finally, the delusion for normie that we are voting our way out of this.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

no man is promised tomorrow.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Z –

Here’s my question: how did she go so loony tunes? She would stand with Nazi Pelousy before she’d stand up for Trump. How does this happen – become such a turncoat? She didn’t learn anything from the constant 24/7 drumbeat of propaganda against her father & where’s he in all this? Doesn’t he have the sense to take her aside & say “Hey – get your head outta’ your a**’

Or was he a phony too the entire time?

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Don’t forget the lesbian angle. I know Liz isn’t (openly, admittedly) playing for the other team, but her sister is, and that really sends a certain type around the bend. I never really understood the hype around that Andrew Sullivan clown, but I remember Ace of Normies freaking out about him freaking out, and that was illustrative. One has to be college girl-level solipsistic to reorient one’s entire life around one’s sexual preference, but they’re always up for the challenge. Think about how exhausting that must be — “I really want a hamburger for lunch, but is that heterosexual enough?… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The sexual confusion part is so real. I posted several days back here, talk to these “bi” girls in their later teens & 20s. After they discourse with you sufficiently on their preferences (complete with all their jargon), they launch into their mental maladies and anxiety disorders without every making a single connection between either.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

With the boomers dying off I don’t see the Trump train stwaming up again. I can see the Trump clown car revving up again. Is it confirmed he’s running? I’m overseas and live a life, so I’m not bothered being ignorant of the scene.

Reply to  Forever Templar
2 years ago

I think the lack of concern for the Jan 6 guys is not going unnoticed by a lot of men I’m a little more vocal than most and tend to be ahead of the curve as far as trends and so forth, but there is no way in hell guys aren’t asking themselves, former voters and maybe staunch supporters, how could this guy not show any care for these people? Where’s the man’s heart and soul? Trump better be careful. He went around making nice with the biker gangs and so forth, and there’s still a few real deals in… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The very name “Cheney” evokes images of a literal Rasputin who pulled the strings behind the puppet, endorsed torture, a mass surveillance state, a war that may have killed more than a million for no return, and all for personal private profits through his old business relationships.

How this woman ever shed the stink of that name to become a US Senator is beyond me.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

“How this woman ever shed the stink of that name to become a US Senator is beyond me.”

What in the world makes you think that you can be a US Senator without wallowing in “stink?”

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The Hawaiian chick is making the right noises. Tulsa Gabby?

Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

No, she’s a worthless mass immigration proponent. Being photogenic, personable and “not quite as crazy as those other weirdos” only seems like a recommendation because everyone else is even more terrible.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

That is what many said the voting machine algorithm took advantage of–every vote for a 3rd party candidate was also recorded for the democrat. With a more “popular” 3rd party candidate, this would really insure the win.

2 years ago

Bernie Sanders is one of the biggest left wing grifters of all.

It’s actually kind of sad to see so many people fall for his bullshit after selling out twice.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

What did he sell out?

Bernie Sandwiches is doing what he always has. Setting up his ground position for the payoff. He does not even try to hide it very much, so I am unsure why people think he is a sell out. He has a well trodden path and sticks to his role pretty well.

He is the Widow Twankey of the national left pantomime in the US.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Sanders used to be an immigration hawk, no open borders type. He sold out for a fucking lake house.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I’m impressed that you know about Widow Twankey. I always assumed Americans were ignorant about pantomime.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

When Bernie was mayor of Burlington he was such a skinflint that he got the Yankee vote. FFS he bought bus tickets to send the homeless miscreants south so they didn’t upset the tourists or the locals. Then he married.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

Bernie is a good reminder of the old saw:

“There is only one known cure for US Senators who have the “I want to be President” disease:

Embalming Fluid. “