The Antiracist White Nationalist

Note: Behind the green door is a post about the rise and fall of Nick Fuentes, a review of the classic buddy comedy Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and the Sunday podcast. You can sign up for a green door account at SubscribeStar or Substack.

With some obvious exceptions, the people who use the term “white nationalist” use it to mean “people they do not like.” These are people who imbue their language with emotional meaning, rather than descriptive meaning. Just as Eskimos supposedly have a long list of ways to describe snow, the people fond of using the term “white nationalist” have a long list of words for people outside of their cult. The term has no meaning other than “danger! danger!” to the rest of the cult.

Before the term became a cult signal, it used to have meaning. A white nationalist is an American term for a white person who wants to live in communities free of nonwhites, especially black people. Having lost the fight over “civil rights” in the middle of the last century, and not understanding the implications of it, these people organized around the idea of separate lands for people of European descent. They want intentional communities organized around race.

Of course, the people who use the term “white nationalist” as a slur acknowledge that the people calling themselves white nationalists primarily want a white homeland exclusively for white people, but they also claim the reason for this desire is an irrational hatred of nonwhites, especially blacks and Jews. In this way, the term “white nationalists” is shorthand for people who hate nonwhites. It is why you can be a nonwhite white nationalist now.

Putting aside the bizarre claims by the usual suspects, if we assume that white nationalists want to live away from nonwhites, then it makes sense that the areas with the least number of nonwhites are the areas with the greatest number of white nationalists or at least white nationalist sympathies. In fact, this assumption is a cornerstone of civil rights law. Diversity is a moral good, so it is the standard against which people and organizations are judged.

For example, if you want to find the state that like black people the least, you will look for the state with the smallest black population. A state with few black people is, at the minimum, unwelcoming to black people, so they do not move there. The most likely reason for the unwelcome mat is the locals do not like black people. By this reasoning, Montana is the most racist state in America. Look at this map and you see ten states that have a black population below three percent.

Interestingly, half of those states voted for Joe Biden in the last election and half voted for Donald Trump. Eight of the ten states with the highest black population voted for Donald Trump and are reliably Republican. This is often pointed to as proof that white nationalism is all about hating blacks, because these states are where we tend to find people who call themselves white nationalists. They say familiarity breeds contempt, but it may also breed white nationalism.

A more granular way of looking at this is by congressional district. The most far-left district in the country is New York’s 15th Congressional District. It is ninety-seven percent diverse, but the largest group is Hispanic. The second most left-wing district is New York’s 13th Congressional District, which is fourteen percent white. Number nine on the list is Nancy Pelosi’s old haunt. It is just four percent diverse. There are many such examples on the top-50 antiracist congressional districts.

Interestingly, when you do the same exercise for Jews, you find that the states with the smallest Jewish population vote Republican. The one exception is Florida which is number eight on the list, but trends Republican. That said, there are many solidly Democratic states that have a tiny Jewish populations. Outside of a few states, the Jewish population is so small that they go unnoticed. You are more likely to meet an alien abductee in Oklahoma than meet a Jewish person.

What this tells us is that if you are a white nationalist, you want to move to Montana, Wyoming, or Utah. These three states are in the bottom ten in terms of black population and Jewish population. Mitt Romney is the face of white nationalism. Of course, if you set the Jewish threshold at one percent, then the world is your oyster, as long as you do not mind the daily antiracist lectures from your all-white neighbors in places like Oregon, Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire.

This runs counter to the official narrative, but it is something people have observed for generations with regards to antiracism. The higher the percentage of blacks in any given area, the lower the percentage of antiracists and the higher the percentage of accused white nationalists. On the other hand, the lower the percentage of black people, the higher the percentage of white antiracists. If you want to live like a white nationalist but sound like an antiracist, move to Oregon.

When you look at the data, something else becomes clear. The states that are most reliably Republican are those with the highest black populations. It speaks to the racialization of white politics. If you are black, you vote Democratic no matter where you live or how you live. Whites, in contrast, vote Republican if they are in close proximity to enough blacks to form a community. Maryland and Delaware are the exceptions, but there are larger factors at play in both states.

This is something that drove the flight of white people from the cities into the suburbs in the last century. As black populations grew in American cities, there reached a tipping point where whites began to abandon the city altogether. The legendary quantitative blogger La Griffe du Lion analyzed this with regards to urban crime. Once the black population in a city reached twenty percent, white crime victimization soared and white flight to the suburbs soon followed.

The great paleoconservative writer Joe Sobran said, “In their mating and migratory habits, liberals are indistinguishable from members of the Ku Klux Klan.” This was true in the sense that they talk like MLK but live like the KKK. The thing is though, the people labeled as the KKK tend to live closer to the antiracist ideal. The typical “white nationalist” will meet more black people at her grocery store than the typical antiracist will meet in his lifetime.

What all this tells us is that the racialization of politics has resulted in a bizarre cognitive dissonance among the most active participants. The most race aware white people live in the most diverse places. The most antiracist white people live in places that are so white they glow in the dark. What this suggests if you are worried about becoming a white nationalist is you should move to Oregon or Vermont. The surest way to not become a white nationalist is never meet a black person.

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11 months ago

“White nationalist” is not used in good faith by far left pod persons, is used purely as a rhetorical device to reinforce their moral dominance over the accused. Like many accusations hurled around (racist, sexist, homo/trans phobe, white supremacist just to name the more common ones,) it is pure rhetoric. See, to a typical lefty, they consider themselves the Anointed, the enlightened and morally virtuous crusader who can fix all that ails the world (Sowell’s book Visions of the Anointed really should be required reading.) This is why terms like “fascist” and “racist” get thrown around so much. The Anointed… Read more »

Desert Flower
Desert Flower
11 months ago

“You are more likely to meet an alien abductee in Oklahoma than meet a Jewish person.”

Oklahoma sounds like heaven now.

11 months ago

And tucker is rolling hard with Ice Tea. Maybe Fuentes is on to something. Couldn’t resist. I know, I know. It is what it’s not. I mean is. Good one Zman

11 months ago

A few minutes ago, I took a break.from my patent application scrivening and trial brief writing. I shopped fresh herbs for a salad and walked back for the office in a suit. A latino chica, with a brood of three with one boy lagging, passed by me. This reckless kid was running zig zags antil he collided with my leg and grocery bag. A minute later, I heard a heavily accented voice, ” sir, you hit my kid, sir, you ran into my child, sir …” — this repeated for the quarter mile with this latina stalking mae and leaving… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  DaBears
11 months ago

at least she called you sir and not yo homie

Reply to  DaBears
11 months ago

I had one say the kid tripped as he got off the elevator last month, she filled a report with the city, the management company, and my outfit. Law states if someone trips exiting an elevator you have to red tag it ( shut it off with a lock) until the city inspector can inspect it. The first appointment available is august 12 th. It’s only 6 floors with very old people and 2 wheelchair bound tenants. She changed her story very fast. Too late for that now. You wanted it, now you’re going to get it. See ya on… Read more »

Reply to  Panzernutter
11 months ago

They love using their spawn as ways to get money. I’ve noticed the latina offramp beggars always bring their children with them to sit in the hot sun all afternoon and garner sympathy.

Ah well, I guess if one gets cooked she can squeeze another one out in short order. They’re like tribbles.

11 months ago

“What is the penalty for being late?”


“What is the penalty for rebellion?”


So began the Dazexiang Uprising in China leading to 3 years of chaos and death resulting in the end of the Qin Dynasty.

Call someone a “racist” or a “white nationalist” no matter what they do, and at some point zero fudges are given.

Reply to  ProZNoV
11 months ago

ProZNoV: “So began the Dazexiang Uprising in China leading to 3 years of chaos and death resulting in the end of the Qin Dynasty.” About a year ago, an NIH-funded study proved that human vaccines could be delivered via mosquitoes: If they can implant tailor-made MRNA into the mosquitoes, then they can use the mosquitoes to kill pretty much anyone they want to kill. Compare Bobby Kennedy Jr’s warnings about ethnic targetting of v@xxines. We’d all have to move to Death Valley or the Sahara Desert in order to escape from the mosquitoes. This stuff isn’t science fiction anymore.… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
11 months ago

They have to get it in the water/food supply and in a form that won’t be destroyed by stomach acid. The mosquito thing isn’t practical. How many millions or billions of mosquitoes would they have to get that stuff into just to have a hope of injecting a few hundred or few thousand people? And how many of the mrna mosquitoes would die before they ever got a chance to bite anybody? The average adult mosquito only lives for a week or two.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

JZ, I appreciate your optimism, but I suspect we misunderestimate the determination of Bill Gates & Warren Buffett & Albert Bourla & Robert Langer at our own peril.

Reply to  Bourbon
11 months ago

If COVID proved anything, it proved propaganda is more cost-effective than mosquitos at getting vaccines into people.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

If they could get the mosquito to infect you initially, and then you, when symptomatic, could then infect other people, that’d work for Gates and his fellow travellers.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Zika sez hello!

Thing is, they’ve been trying hard for over sixty years at the black budget level.

Other efforts go back over a century.

Tenpenny: “The vaccine industry is the driver of the entire sickness care system.”

And yup- Every Single Time drives the vaccine industry.

Reply to  Bourbon
11 months ago

Kennedy is old enough that to him the “ethnically targeted bio-weapons” thing is a lib commonplace and he’d think nothing of saying it. During Fauci’s first go-round, the left’s contention (supplied to them by the USSR) was that HIV was a Pentagon-made black genocide virus that used gay sex as a vector because black men are somewhat more likely to do it. Incidentally killing a bunch of gay dudes was a flourish that pleased Reagan. More serious leftists would point out that the Pentagon’s *publicly acknowledged* experiments with race-specific bacterial weapons extended back to the ’60s—and were probably first okayed… Read more »

11 months ago

The fewer blacks someone interacts with is inversely proportional to the level of anti racist idealism. That’s exactly right. The less they know, they they fill in the blanks of actual experience with ideological platitudes.

Reply to  Amedievalman
11 months ago

That’s a great insight, thanks.

Reply to  Amedievalman
11 months ago

Having experienced both Maryland and Oregon I can attest to the truths expressed here. Marylanders tended to be “liberal” even when I was growing up there in the 70s and 80s but it was that old style ethnic White union liberalism. The most racist guy I ever met was a staunch union Democrat who was also a former auto mechanic and the most brilliant guy in our college physics classes. White Baltimorean’s union Democrat sympathies also didn’t prevent virtually ALL of them from decamping to Baltimore County in just about 10 years or so. My parents were among these “race-fugees”… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
11 months ago

Pozymandias: Rather than states, think counties and areas. I agree with your assessment about low population White states – in addition to being naive about race, they are vulnerable to Californication and are generally tempting targets for the feds and the NGOs when pushing population replacement and resettlement. States with larger black populations don’t attract as much notice, and said blacks are often concentrated in specific regions. These regions often cross state boundaries. So avoid even outlying suburbs of mixed cities (they tend to spread faster than most anticipate) and choose somewhere rural with solid demographics – with similar areas… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
11 months ago

I’ve found that there’s a sort of general rule in the lowland South. If a county has very low median house prices, it’s often heavily Black. No big surprise there. I’m focusing on satellite towns like Aiken, SC that seem to be strongly Republican, majority White, and yet not *too* expensive. My basic rule is Red County in Red State, preferably surrounded by other Red counties.

11 months ago

So I wonder if our host Z has finally had enough and is relocating?

Reply to  Vxxc
11 months ago

Come and listen to my story ’bout a blogger named Z
Stuck in Baltimore he yearned to breathe free
Then one day when posting at his site
He checked his bank account and he was doing alright

(PayPal, SubscribeStar)

Next thing you know old Z’s a millionaire
His readers say “Hey Z get outta there!”
He packed up the U-Haul and met a gal named Anna
And now he’s got fifty acres out in sunny Montana

(Big Sky Country, Mountains)

Anyone know how to play banjo so we can set that to music? 🤠

Reply to  mmack
11 months ago

Vxxc: “Anyone know how to play banjo so we can set that to music?”

I don’t whether we have the necessary redneck-i-tude anymoar.

[Is there anything moar depressing than attending an ostensible bluegrass festival only to be inundated in that G0d-awful I-IV-I-V-IV-I “twelve bar blues” abomination?]

11 months ago

Moved to SD a couple years ago from a much more diverse area. Now, when I see a black, I do a double take to confirm – so unusual is the event. Of course, we have the ‘groids of the Plains out here: the Indians. No escape.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Eloi
11 months ago

Anywhere in AINO that you move to will, in a short time, be demographically different from when you arrived. The Biden vibrancy cleansing is spreading out everywhere, systematically. I live in a state that is officially 3% mestizo, or just 2 or 3 years ago was, but I’m sure it’s higher than that now, because I see them every time I go out, and just a year or so ago I didn’t. It doesn’t take a whole lot of imported vibrancy to flip a low population state like Wyoming or South Dakota from red to blue. I hesitate to call… Read more »

Reply to  Eloi
11 months ago

This is the problem with red state crime data. Almost every one of them has either a big city filled with violent POCs, or Native American reservations filled with… violent POCs. Alaska has a very high rape rate, which doesn’t make sense, until you see it’s all Eskimo on Eskimo.

11 months ago

Well, I suppose congratulations are in order to Steve Sailer for becoming the new proprietor of the Z Blog.

Reply to  Andrew
11 months ago

Well “Z” hasn’t posted about
– Golf course architecture
– Raj Chetty
– Diverse people’s hair
– Statistics on A Certain Demographic’s increase in crime since May 2020

I’m pretty sure Z still owns the joint.

But if there’s a post on baseball stats tomorrow. . . . .

11 months ago

“Before the term became a cult signal, it used to have meaning. A white nationalist is an American term for a white person who wants to live in communities free of nonwhites…” ———————— Hmmmmmm. Up here in the liberal hive – having come from a shitlib public schoo (most of them are up here) – nationalism was always synonomous with fascism. Up here, a nationalist is someone who believes his gubbimint is always right and never wrong (like the average shitlib is with their preferred candidates) – and will happily commit atrocities as long as their govt approved of it.… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
11 months ago

Reminds me of high school and the entire history class curriculum being photocopy packets from Howard Zinn’s “People’s History of the USSA and How We Waz Kangs an Sheeit”

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

White nationalist, as we have come to know the term, is, like so much of Clown World AINO*, a product of TDS. It was a term you almost never used to hear in mainstream media or popular discourse before 2016. In CWA, it just means Trump voter. Weighted with every negative stereotype the shitlib holds about the Trump voter. Whatever meaning it used to have pre 2016 is no longer all that applicable. It has lost that meaning just as the words racist, nazi, and fascist have lost their former meanings through overuse. Like those words, white nationalist now just… Read more »

11 months ago

I find it hard to believe that Oregon is in any way the whiteopia that it used to be. On an average trip to the grocery store I’ll see every kind of brown land-ape clucking in their barnyard languages. And among the sea of pajeets, taco-americans, and joggers you see the occasional white–from California. Waddling about the store in a pink shirt: pear-shaped, bald, soyjack faced, lisping. Problem is I can only get a 18 oz package of blueberries for $2 at Winco, which is the grocery chain all the welfare people go to. The fanciness of the grocery store… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

I take it you live much closer to Portland than Baker City.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Just outside the event horizon.

Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

I live in Medford, which is about 45 minutes north of the California border. I am 52 and grew up here. Back in the 80’s I could go for literally years without seeing a black person, now it’s pretty much guaranteed every time I leave the house. It is still a fairly white area, but the change is rather stark. I too go to Winco because I don’t see the point of paying more than is necessary, and I am upper middle class. What is really strange is going to Costco. I see so many mystery meat Asians and hear… Read more »

Reply to  Cussy
11 months ago

Ah yes, the Costco asians. The ability of a single Chinese woman to block a ten foot wide aisle is truly incredible.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

Grocery shopping can be a bloody frustrating enterprise, even without PoC hanging about. Don’t know how many times I’ve gone into the store to buy a single product and the only other customer in the joint is parked right in front of what I want. And inevitably, they put down roots and contemplate their purchase as if it were a proposition by Alexius Meinong.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

They usually run away if you yell “DON’T JUST STARE AT IT, EAT IT”.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

there seems something unnatural about grocery shopping. Like why do we need this giant store with the giant parking lot that takes a lot of walking to actually get into the store and where getting out of the parking lot can be difficult.

Why not just have a bodega and call it that?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Bigger is better, they say. Clown World is ackshully Cancer World.

Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

Ploppy: One of the very few things I miss about DFW is the availability of inexpensive groceries, due to the plethora of stores and competition. There was a Winco about 20 minutes away by highway, and I loved it because there were almost no pajeets or Han. If I went in the morning there were fewer mestizos, too. Many of the White libs in DFW have never heard of Winco, so the customer base is from outlying rural areas. The local Trader Joe’s was always packed with shitlib Whites, pajeets, and Han – with only a sprinkling of blaqs. Now… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

Well, give OR for something: way back in frontier days, if I recall correctly, early in Oregon’s history they officially ordered Negroes to vacate the territory/state. Whether that was ever enforced, I don’t know. Surely a badge of shame for the present rulers, who, as with a long list of other inconvenient topics, would rather pretend it doesn’t exist, rather than have to discuss the origins or implications.

“Daddy, if Blacks are just the same as whites, then why long ago were there laws to keep them separated from us?”

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

Yes, the local shitlibs will ALWAYS mention the Great Banishment of the Negros to anyone from the outside and then they will cut open a large onion, place it on their face, and cry weepy fake tears over how raciss those old dead frontier Whites were and how much better Oregon is now. In other words – did it ever even happen? Who knows. It sounds to me like a post-hoc story made up to explain the fact that just getting to Oregon a long time ago was quite a hassle (Blacks aren’t known for perseverance) and the reward was… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
11 months ago

Move to the east side of the Cascades. The weather is much better there.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

There really weren’t any blacks here to speak of until WW2 when they were brought by Kaiser (of Kaiser Permanente) to work in the shipyards. I think they originally lived in Vanport (which flooded in 1948 and looks somewhat like the Dead Marshes from Lord of the Rings now: there are faces, black faces in the water! Yes precious, all dead, all rotten. Orcses, orcses, and more orcses…)

Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

In Montana, there was an abrupt increase in apartment house construction during the Oblabla years, and now black people are much more common. It was like there was a gold rush – Missoula’s city population may well have doubled. Rents about doubled over the same time-span, as cheap housing was replaced with subsidized housing – which is great for the freeloader class that get subsidized, and sucks for working class.

A major seldom stated impetus for leftist love of immigrants is their desire to drive blacks away from the big cities. Hispanics fight back and drive blacks away.

Reply to  joe
11 months ago

3 step process to demonstrate the damage blacks do to a community: (1) search for rental properties online, screening for those that are the cheapest per unit. (2) use or similar to investigate the demographics in the areas. Most all will have a high percentage of blacks, the bargains will seem incredible. (3)using google maps, scan through the area counting collapsed roofs. This shows that owners of properties in these areas do not rebuild, even though property values in nearby areas may be very high, the black areas aren’t worth developing – unless you have some kind of gangster… Read more »

Reply to  joe
11 months ago

Thanks for the link to! Very informative and seems to be well coded without the JavaScript glitches you often get with interactive maps.

Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

I’m one of the last normal White people in my neighborhood and this is just in the last 8 years. It’s now about 50% Pajeet, with the rest being various Asians, Beaners, and “people of a terrorist persuasion”. The remaining Whites are ALL gender fluid potheads. It’s very lonely here.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

As today’s essay illustrates between the lines, not everyone who’s skin to me is kin to me, as the brothers say. There are far, far too many whites whom I would not want to share a nation with. Hence, White Nationalism is a nonstarter.

The fundamental problem is not with people of other races, it is with a century of federal overreach imposing its procrustean bed upon all manner of social intercourse.

Don’t fall for the race-bait. Your beef is with Leviathan.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

ID, with respect, is your hope to convince the current occupants of our country that they really want small government?

At least so far, small government has only appealed to a subset of white men and no one else, with only a few exceptions. Do you disagree?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

The non whiteness does not know what government is…

Never mind small

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

Thank you for asking, LineInTheSand. I’m not actually a proponent of libertarian small government per se, but rather of subsidiary government, meaning that everything should be handled at lowest compatible level of autonomy. There are large things (like making war and defending the homeland) that can only be organized by nations, and there are lower degrees of action that can be handled by states, counties, cities, and all the way down to your local HOA and schoolboard. The old feudal system, with its great chain of being with the king at the top, his barons beneath him, and fading through… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

I invite you to do some background reading on such diverse (pardon the term) topics as anthropology, especially how varying races had dramatically distinct cultures and technological accomplishments. The various races have dramatically different norms in not only physical traits, but also strength, mental ability and so forth. Quite frankly, your use of the term “pseudoscience” is an insult to the above, and many other, fields that are established branches of science. I’m surprised to hear such from you, because you’re a regular here. Just because you want 2 + 2 to equal 5 doesn’t make the answer (4) any… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

Mainstream conservatism is waking up at the margins to the fact that the “Civil Rights” regime is a parallel constitution, a second founding that swapped out the very guts of the American legal system, and consequently took over the education system and now corporate business slowly but almost inevitably given the power of federal funding and legal liability respectively. It’s actually surprising how far a place like Claremont Institute now allows their writers to go in pointing this out. The Overton Window has shifted, and Dasein articulated this awakened sort of conservatism well but here’s the thing….the realization has come… Read more »

Reply to  bankster
11 months ago

*“if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?”. Quite a lot of internet warriors out there are elitists with nothing to be elitist about.*

Money is not totally unrelated but defintely not synonymous with elite, even in the most vulgar american sense of the word elite

Reminded of the mathematician who was known to reply “if youre so rich why arent you smart?”

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

Leviathan certainly encourages their actions, but Shaneequa is the one treating me horribly at the DMV, and Shitavious is the one trying to steal my car while I’m trying to get his baby mama to register it. You can and should be able to hate the State and its pet. Is your argument that Shaneequa and Shitavious are without agency due to lack of intelligence and impulse control and they are simply manipulated by Leviathan?

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

I believe black people have full and entire human agency and should be held accountable for their crimes, which seems to put me at odds with the HBD crowd, whose biologism and materialism imply otherwise (even if they don’t draw the proper conclusions from their own bad arguments).

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

ID, you don’t know what you are talking about. I know of no one in the HBD crowd that don’t/won’t hold folks of any race morally or criminally accountable for their actions—that’s your conclusion. You assume that racial behavioral propensities show by HBD science and which result in what we in this country consider crime in some way must remove agency and therefore absolve the perpetrator. Nonsense. As a matter of fact it is precisely the opposite. What is believed is that as long as such divergent races are forced to cohabitate, we will be plagued by heightened conflict and… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

Free willl, being responsible for one’s actions, and all that: Since that is a current topic, here is a bit more opinion. In lieu of truth, I offer ambiguity. Of course, that is an ancient philosophical debate: Does free will exist? Or is all predestination? This is a supremely important question, for example with religious doctrine. At least in the case of Christianity, free will must exist, otherwise man could not be punished or rewarded for his choice to obey God’s law. But just a minute — who said that only the two polar opposites must exist, like good vs.… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

Of course, that is an ancient philosophical debate: Does free will exist? Or is all predestination? This is a supremely important question, for example with religious doctrine. At least in the case of Christianity, free will must exist, otherwise man could not be punished or rewarded for his choice to obey God’s law. What you say of Christianity simply is not true. Neither do you appear to know very much about philosophy. This is why I really hate it when people who are basically shallow, materialistic, atheistic, postmodern dung-buckets, devoid of all history and religion, presume to lecture the rest… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Personally, I wouldn’t squall and bawl too much about a rightwing, explicitly pro-white Leviathan. In other words, demographics, not government, is prime.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

Clearly, we don’t want to share a nation with white race traitors. That is why we shall exclude them. Let them live with their diversity until they die from it.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Ostei Kozelskii: “Clearly, we don’t want to share a nation with white race traitors.” I’m slowly but surely coming around to Fast Eddie’s point of view, which is that moast all White sh!tlibs are supreme racists in disguise. Fast Eddie’s observation was that precisely 0% of the wealthy White sh!tlib chicks whom he knew had ever ackshually mudsh@rked themselves. Point being that if I had to choose between a GOP chick who had mudsh@rked herself [such as, for instance, an Ann Coulter], versus a DEM chick who had not mudsh@rked herself [such as, for instance, a Jody Foster], then I… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

Well, yes and no. As Zman says, if left to their own devices, 99% would self segregate and obviate most of our problems. So while Leviathan is our problem in the sense it is the one stoking the fire, the fire is there to be stoked. Not so much as “hatred” for the other, but a preference for one’s own which is forcibly denied. Given that racial/ethnic infusion into the GAE is a given, water under the bridge, etc., the salient question is where to from here. Weakening the GAE Leviathan so that it is more impotent in carrying out… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

Hummm. Perhaps. I never argue with taking. “30,000 foot view” of a situation. On the other hand, if I come home from the doctor and he has informed me that my three pack a day cigarette habit has resulted in a diagnosis of lung cancer, I’m not inclined to spend much time petitioning Congress to ban cigarettes, but rather find out about the best treatment regime currently known to fight lung cancer and whom to contact for such treatment. I really can’t fault folks for handling their immediate problem of intimate contact with feral Blacks. And yes, skin color is… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
11 months ago

“The surest way to not become a White Nationalist, is to never meet a black person”.

Truer words were never spoken.

Imagine the drama and issues we wouldn’t need to deal with.

A boy can dream, can’t he?

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
11 months ago

White nationalism is not about hating blacks; it’s about hating people who think white nationalism is about hating blacks or other non-whites.

Got that, libtards!

11 months ago

“…but they also claim the reason for this desire is an irrational hatred of nonwhites, especially blacks and Jews.”

The opposite of “love” isn’t “hate”, it’s “indifference”. Hate is not just a negative emotion, it’s counterproductive. I refuse to let Blacks, Jews, and other miscreants live in my head “rent free”. Separation in body *and* mind is the solution.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The modern leviathan state has distorted relationships to the point where it can be argued that, “love,” is equally counterproductive at present.

11 months ago

“The surest way to not become a white nationalist is never meet a black person.”


11 months ago

A lot of this “antiracist” crap is just class warfare using race as a proxy and it has been going on for a long time. My grandparents were the children of Polish immigrants and my wife’s grandparents were Italian immigrants. Both sides were proletarian working-class. Way back in the 1960s and 1970s these ethnic immigrants were racist as hell, because they lived in ethnic enclaves and worked like dogs for everything they had. They planted flowers and had Madonnas and pink flamingos on the lawn and not a single blade of grass or was out of order or a single… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

Likewise…I grew up in a rather remote white suburb built after WW2, with zero blacks, and only a handful of asians…It was middle class heaven, with zero violent crime…About 30 years later, the Nixon admin started lending money to blacks to buy cheap houses nearby with 5% down..Within 10 years, crime was increasing, and drugs started to be sold..Shortly after, there started to be murders. Now the whole area is a wreck….

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

Compliant and docile negr0s.
Or as I like to refer to them, Magic Negr0s.

Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

“A lot of this “antiracist” crap is just class warfare using race as a proxy.”

Yes, this. It’s all about money and power; never had anything to do with so-called morality. It is a weapon of war.

Reply to  fakeemail
11 months ago

Okay Sean Hannity, what are you doing posting here? Have you never read a word our host has written? These people BELIEVE this shit. It is a religion.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

They think they believe it and certainly have been conditioned to do so. But if you scratch even just a little under the surface, the true unconscious motivation is pure malice.

Their joy doesn’t come from “doing good”, but from having a weapon to harm others.

Don’t listen to their words; look at their actions; look at their face!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

By your fruits you shall know them – how many actually live in the hood, or marry into the feral families? Vanishingly few (and I do mean vanishingly). Heck even the POC hucksters marry White or (((Amish))). They know.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

One quibble with this post. Academia is hardly a place bereft of racism. Contrariwise, it is the very engine of anti-white racism and has been for about half a century.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Ignorant rube, only whites can be racist as they hold all the institutional power.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Eloi
11 months ago

They’re losing that. Appeasing socially maladjusted people for short-term political gain does not make for a stable society.

11 months ago

Battle Beagle:
“Maybe we’ll get a chance to see how strong our “Proposition Nation” really is when the lights go out?”

Proposition nation? Everybody knows if you move to Israel you become a Jevvish citizen.

And if you’re Ethiopian, you become white too!
Just think. Someday, everyone in D.C. and Midtown Manhatten will be white people with black skin!

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

” Everybody knows if you move to Israel you become a Jevvish citizen.”

Priceless and brilliant.

And given the current government there, the propaganda legacy diversity is about to get it good and hard, too.

11 months ago

My state has a mercifully small % of joggers and the vast majority live the two largest cites – so it’s kind of jarring when you bump into some out in the boonies. Last year we visited a couple of small mining towns and actually saw two – and one was a semi-feral looking simian. There’s practically nowhere on this landmass not suffering from some level of infestation.

Reply to  usNthem
11 months ago

My State, AZ, has perhaps that magic 3% or so Blacks. However, it’s at least 40% Hispanic and growing! Now that’s a Faustian bargain if there ever was one. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Well, there is that. While it’s certainly far from ideal, I’ll take 40% bean over 40% jogger any day…

Reply to  usNthem
11 months ago

usNthem: Honestly don’t mean to be pedantic – I understand your intent – but that’s akin to voting for the evil of two lessers. That’s like me trying to decide, if I had to choose AINO free of pajeet or han. As Compsci said, these are all Faustian bargains.

I refuse to ‘choose’ any of the various immivader ethnicities, even over the ferals. My choice is ‘none of the above.’

Reply to  3g4me
11 months ago

Agreed. I’d absolutely have neither or any other shade of mud, but we usually don’t have that choice, so if it’s one or the other, I’ll take the likely lesser of two evils. It’s a poor choice all the way around.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
11 months ago

Just so. If a Messkin family moves in across the street, I may not be thrilled about it, but I won’t put up a For Sale sign, either. Directly a Hutu pack moves in, I’m on the blower to my realtor.

Quantrel Marcus Carlton
Quantrel Marcus Carlton
11 months ago

The word “antiracist” is akin to the word “transgender.” Both are words that have no real meaning because the conditions they describe don’t exist. That is, words that are rubbish or baloney, hogwash, drivel, gobbledygook, tripe. Et cetera.

11 months ago

A few years ago, Z Man discouraged calling yourself a white nationalist because, like the British Redcoats in the New England forest, it makes you an easy target. Today, the only people that I am aware of who still call themselves white nationalists are Greg Johnson/Counter Currents and TRS/NJP. American Renaissance and VDare abandoned the term decades ago. I still call myself this because I believe that, in the long run, it is best to speak clearly. Further, the media has the power to quickly poison any new clever term that we may adopt, like “dissident right,” “America first,” “alt… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

I’m anti-anti-White. Pro-White, if you will. There is plenty to go by in those terms. The press and the larger culture have become extremely anti-White. Hatred of White people has become very mainstream.

Some people may think this is a rhetorical game, but beyond the optics there is reality to the anti-Whites. The most virulent anti-Whites are themselves either White or “White presenting” non-whites. Whatever group I’m in doesn’t include them.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

Good comment, which reminded me that Jared adopted “white advocate” after “white nationalist.” Excuse me, “huwhite advocate.”

Does “pro-white” or “white advocate” avoid some of the problems that come with “white nationalist?” I don’t know.

I’m not committed to the WN term but I do have an aversion to changing my label every few years to stay ahead of the ADL.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

Well, one problem is that it doesn’t have much purchase even among White people. I’ve never called myself a White nationalist, so it’s pretty easy for me to not use it.

I agree with you that it’s a losing game to try and stay ahead of the ADL by changing labels every few years. We could call ourselves “The Good Guys” and they would turn it into a slur.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

“WN” comes out of silly DR3 nonsense from the 80s. Like the “NAAWP”, “WN” was just a play on black nationalism. If BN is OK, then your a hypocrite and the real racist if you oppose WN!
Its goofy and doesnt work.

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
11 months ago

Rebel, I wasn’t around then, but I doubt that William Pierce had DR3 on his mind when he called himself a WN in the 70s.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

What makes White Nationalist easy to attack stems more from the Nationalist than the White part. It has been poisoned from its association with National Socialism (a topic for another day).

Fact of the matter is you will never please the ADL no matter what term you use, so might as well stick with WN. You could call yourself a Zio Nationalist, self defining “Zio” as White, and see what the ADL does with it. That could be fun.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  thezman
11 months ago

Amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to restore freedom of association in private conduct and contract might be the one thing that could save this country. Of course it won’t happen, which is why it will eventually come to war.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

“A few years ago, Z Man discouraged calling yourself a white nationalist because, like the British Redcoats in the New England forest, it makes you an easy target.” I agree with Z-man, but perhaps disagree with the provided rationale. It’s not so much that you are an easy target, but that you’ve associated with a negative stereotype and therefore are automatically categorized and caste into the void. No further discussion/elaboration/clarification/understanding possible. I’d rather use a lessor stereotyped nomenclature, like “race realist” or any of the others mentioned. The trick is to get a person asking, “what the hell is a… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

I’ve always kind of labeled myself a “nationalist”. Meaning, I support all nationalisms up to and including American hwites. With Lefty, calling yourself a Nationalist, at least in my experience, sides me with Richard Spencer (still the cartoon Nazi in Lefty’s mind) but also with the Dalai Lama, and Ukrainians, and Scots. My favorite game is to ask them what’s the difference between whites nationalizing or American blacks, or Irish, or Quebecois. That checkmates them, as their anti-white conditioning becomes apparent. “Hitler” will often get invoked if Lefty is sufficiently agitated, or else what s/he thinks is a clever question… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

“Race Realist.” It’s right there in the term. It means you’re on the side of reality and nature, and the other side, the antiracists, believe in magical thinking, that we’re all one race, the human race and all the rest of those delusional cliches.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

You could try “Free Associationist”. Doesn’t really role off the tongue well unfortunately.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

I am an easy target from birth, being a white male from a southern state. In Clown World, the only possible redemption for me is a sex change. It matters not at all what I call myself.

Realizing this some years ago was one of my early steps toward the DR

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

Line: Very well said.

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

Just call yourself an Omni-Nationalist. I believe in Happy Homelands and a Safe Space for Every Race. And yes, TRUE diversity necessarily means separation.

11 months ago

It comes down to regional differences imo. Please excuse the oversimplification: Northeast and Midwest have been the home of religious idealists, to the point of extremism and exhaustion. South has always been race realist. West/Southwest were wild until very recently. West Coast, libertarian to the point of loopiness. Southern blacks are different from Northern blacks, because of the whites they live around. Southrons don’t dislike blacks as much as they let on, because there’s something fundamentally patient and forgiving about them. Northerners think they should love diversity, but it goes against their rather severe and industrious nature. Forcing it only… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Paintersforms
11 months ago

I think it is micro-regional.

For example, while there are many shitlibs around cities like Detroit or Chicago, there is also a hell of a lot more race realism than you’d find in Minneapolis.

Which goes to Z’s point – race realism is correlated with the level of direct contact whites have with different races.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
11 months ago

Whites in the Twin Cities are in the process of getting a race realism education. In 1978, Minnesota Twins owner Calvin Griffith explained at a speaking engagement that he moved his Washington Senators team to Minnesota in the early 1960s because there were only 15,000 blacks there at the time. (In 2020 his statue at Target Field was removed because of that remark)

Those naive, high-trust, virtue-signaling Scandinavians of Minnesota have since welcomed blacks, including many thousands of Somalians, and are now finding out what diversity means. Sometimes it means your state’s largest city gets burned down.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
11 months ago

It really, really is the question of, “Now what do we do with them?”, isn’t it.

Spitlibs are like women who want a bad, sexy-dangerous boyfriend; when the thrill wears off, they never ask themselves why they were so stupid in the first place.

(Because they’re always right, and better, and smarter than you, no matter what, is why. And how dare you question it.)

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Paintersforms
11 months ago

West/Southwest whites seem to have arrived at an accommodation with Hispanics, for whatever reason. Space? Actually getting along?

West/Southwest is an interesting thing. Part of it I venture to guess has to do with belonging. Hispanics (meaning mostly Mexicans) have as much history and tie to the land if not more so than other groups. In that sense, they do not regard themselves “other” in the sense an African dragged over through the slave trade would. Mexicans can sense the West/Southwest as “blood and soil” in a way blacks can’t.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
11 months ago

No doubt. Additionally, there is considerable genetic overlap between whites and Mestizos whereas there is practically none with whites and negroes. Mexicans don’t seem so terribly different because they’re not. Negroes strike us as utterly alien because they are.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
11 months ago

As long ago as the late 1980s, I had friends who moved from Philadelphia to Maine so “we don’t become racists”. I was tempted to say “too late”, but they were utterly serious. This was actually one of my first insights into white liberal psychology. Preserving their imaginary world view was more important than acknowledging the reality of their lived experience.

Seeing that attitude on display, and knowing how common it was among the smart set, was the first time I remember thinking we were headed for real trouble.

Neoliberal Feudalism
11 months ago

The core values underlying western civilization are Pauline-derived egalitarianism, so of course in its natural state white areas will default to it. It is only when such whites are hit in the face with the realities of diversity that their egalitarian-default values are challenged. If the core values underlying western civilization were different, the default state would also be different. i.e. see: An additional factor is that rich liberal whites and Jews view middle class whites as their biggest competition — after all, once you become really rich your instincts are to pull up the ladder, create an opportunity… Read more »

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
11 months ago

The real problem is that blacks have the vote. The Democratic Party wouldn’t care a toss about them if they couldn’t vote.

Reply to  kerdasi amaq
11 months ago

They would not care a toss about them if they (Blacks) split their vote—and at a reliable 90% for Dem’s, I suspect they are also on the short end of respect as well.

11 months ago

It creates an interesting conundrum. Say you do achieve the peaceful separation you’re looking for. What’s to prevent this new state from turning into Vermont or California in a few generations? What’s to prevent it from going full Colorado or Nevada – formerly conservative, formerly white states that turned themselves blue through big business and building suburbs? Canada, Australia, and all of Europe were much closer to an ethno state than America ever was, and yet their demographics are changing faster and are going full retard much faster, with much less resistance. It suggests that the ideological systems we currently… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  B125
11 months ago

Simply ban the Amish.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
11 months ago

When you say separation, I assume you mean the creation of a sovereign state rather than a state within a larger polity. In that scenario, the very charter of the state will be white nationalist/anti-black (or diverse), which means the entire citizenry will support maintaining overwhelmingly white demographics. Thus, in the short- to medium-term, the problem of Vermontization is obviated. The greater concern is for the long-term, and there may be no perfect solutions. However, to the extent that this new state outlaws Leftism (however defined) and persecutes any Leftists who rear their ugly heads, the chances of sustaining white… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

I agree there are no perfect solutions. Human beings are inherently unequal. This is as true as comparing two siblings as it is in considering important mean traits for racial groups. Any system that purports to treat everyone as if they were of the same physical, mental, etc. ability by definition will run into any numer of thorny issues, some of them foreseeable but many will probably be unexpected. These constraints would seem to impede the success of nearly any egalitarian scheme, whether it was “all men are created equal,” “All are equal in the eyes of God,” “one man,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

Of course, if there are no minority groups, there is no problem associated with treating different groups differently. Homogeneity is happiness. Diversity is doom.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

hoping for equal treatment under a single government? Sounds rather intractable, doesn’t it? Yet if one proposed the alternative — treating different people or groups by differing standards — that pretty much throws out any pretense of democracy. Therein lies a key – don’t differ the standards. Set up a White society with White standards, and the rest will tend to sort itself out. Will it be perfect? Of course not. But it would be a far better thing than what we have now, even if you have to tolerate a talented tenth because they will be a true talented… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

So “hate speech” laws are needed? White people didn’t invent hate speech laws. They are not a White value.

It is not immoral to Notice or to Name- whether our own or others.

So, No.
Leftists, liars, and lunatics need to be flagrantly, openly persecuted for their bad intentions. What needs be pointed out is the false promises, false claims, and false libels.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

Apartheid South Africa, except for one glaring flaw, was a pretty good model. Whites had free speech except that they weren’t allowed to criticize apartheid.

The flaw, of course, was trying to impose this in a 10% white/90% black country. Could have worked out a lot better if it was 100% white.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

Yeah, they’re called public decency, obscenity, and blasphemy laws. “Free speech” is nonsense, made up to make you defednd the morals of our enemies. The West, Christendom, and America have never had “Free speech,” nor would anyone want it. Do you want perverts chasing little boys in the mall, screaming lewd suggestions at them and showing them NAMBLA-themed graffic videos? Thats absolute free speech. No one wants that. Except evil.

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

“Leftists, liars, and lunatics need to be flagrantly, openly persecuted for their bad intentions. What needs be pointed out is the false promises, false claims, and false libels.”

It’s a very strange point to reach in life, to realize that Uncle Adolph may have been right all along.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

All that’s needed is some kind of system that has a big eject button for any elite that starts spouting leftism. Leftists bitch and whine about how they were supposedly persecuted in the 1950s with the anti-communist stuff, but that’s massively overexagerrated and in the end all the institutions were in fact already infested with communist sympathizers. What a successful separation should look like is that the fanatic “this is who we are” moralfagging is inverted so that the lawn sign people have to instead put up signs that say “In this house we believe that browns are illegal, white… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Ostei: Free speech, to non-Whites and anti-White Whites, is akin to democracy as defined by Erodogan – a bus you ride just until you get to your stop and then its usefulness is over. I know that ‘free speech’ is akin to a sacrament for not merely civnats but also many on this side of the divide, but I am forced to agree with another blogger who has said there has never truly been such a thing. There always will and should be controls on speech – it just depends on who is in charge. In a White polity, there… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
11 months ago

I used to be a free speech absolutist. So much so that I considered becoming a First Amendment lawyer. No more…

Reply to  3g4me
11 months ago

Somehow, Japan has no problem here. Even with Koreans in their country, there is (now anyway) no path to citizenship. I’m not very knowledgeable here, but the scientist in me would look to examples of such countries to see how they have implemented such successful exclusions. China come to mind as well.

It could be unfortunately an aspect of a racial identity as deep as their gnome that perhaps we in the West lack.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The procedures for obtaining visas and citizenship are in translated into English by the Jap immigration
authorities. Easy to find. Easy to fill out, too. Its kind an intelligence test for foreigners – from my experience theTaiwanese and white devils almost always walk in with their stuff ready to go whilst the SE Asians and everyone else only obtain and begin to work on paperwork *when they get to* the immigration office. Japanese citizenship and visas are remarkably simple to obtain procedurally, but the linchpin is – you need a recognized reason to be in Japan.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
11 months ago

“What all this tells us is that the racialization of politics has resulted in a bizarre cognitive dissonance among the most active participants. The most race aware white people live in the most diverse places. The most antiracist white people live in places that are so white they glow in the dark. What this suggests if you are worried about becoming a white nationalist is you should move to Oregon or Vermont. The surest way to not become a white nationalist is never meet a black person.” Maybe not so bizarre. The antiracist living in a a lily-white suburb is… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
11 months ago

“The antiracist living in a a lily-white suburb is antiracist in an abstract and idealistic sort of way — not in some empirical fashion.” I initially discounted dumping illegals in NYC or Chicago or Martha’s Vineyard as an empty political stunt (which of course it is), but that was woefully discounting the impact on the residents’ empty virtue signaling. It is utterly predictable that the presence of Somali rapefugees will make people in Maine and elsewhere more based, too. There isn’t a single leftwing shibboleth that they will not abandon faced with actual consequences. In this sense they are not… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Chicago denizen of several decades here. The first thing the new arrivals did was hide their free cell phones and other nice stuff and then start begging on our streets everywhere. The white, nominal Christians, and only them, swarmed the new arrivals with money, food and gifts. It would have been heartwarming if indeed these mostly brown folks trly required asylum. But you could see it in their eyes they are grifters. Our oppressive weather has forced them off the streets for now, and our winter should cull them. Whites are so bloody gullible. Stupid race for the most part,… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  DaBears
11 months ago

I have been personally panhandled by a man and woman pair of “dirty whites” who looked (and spoke) like stereotypical Gypsies. Caucasian, but dark hair/eyes. Man silent, hair covered with scarf. Woman in a long dress. Woo-man with a Slavic accent: “Will you buy me food?” This was not on a street corner. Rather, it was inside a Wal*Mart at about 9:30 PM on a Monday night. It’s worth mentioning that I live in in a relatively small town, in an exurban Florida county that is nearly an hour’s drive from the nearest major city. In our relatively mild climate,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

“I have been personally panhandled by a man and woman pair of ‘dirty whites’ who looked (and spoke) like stereotypical Gypsies.”

Sounds painful…

Art Metcalf
Art Metcalf
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Do you live in the northeast, by any chance? I’m not trying to pin down anyone’s locale, but I note with amusement your observation that “the presence of Somali rapefugees will make people in Maine and elsewhere more based, too.” Go to the white suburbs around New Haven or Bridgeport that break 65/35% for Democrats, election after election, three generations after these once-beautiful cities were destroyed and billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives thrown away over 70 years, for absolutely nothing, over “the black experiment.” For nothing. Nothing has been accomplished. It is all exponentially worse than… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Art Metcalf
11 months ago

“Go to the white suburbs around New Haven or Bridgeport that break 65/35% for Democrats, election after election, three generations after these once-beautiful cities were destroyed and billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives thrown away over 70 years, for absolutely nothing, over “the black experiment.”

Your bemusement seems justified. I am in the NE frequently but that is largely confined to NYC and NJ. Now that you mention it, the same is true of the NYC ‘burbs in NJ.

So, yeah, that probably was wrong. Some recent L.L. Bean advertisements would suggest it is even in Maine.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Maybe L.L.Bean is fishing for ESG Points. But my wife, who like me has known a few “good ones” yesterday looked up from her magazine and observed that all of the ads were populated by blacks or other non-whites. I, of course, have dripped this realization on her, sometimes reading posts or comments pointing out this over time. At work she has begun to notice – forcefully – the increasing numbers of worthless sheboons, and comments on such. She works at a NE university, so yeah, this is to be expected.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
11 months ago

I strongly believe that the short Twitter and TicToc videos that show what black people are up to on any given day is putting a dent in this. I’m able to forward these videos to very white, very sheltered friends under the guise of entertainment “wow, look what happened here.” While it is entertaining to watch the latest chimp out, I’ve been able to subtly move the needle on this issue. If everyone now has a crystal clear video recording device on their phone, suddenly they have access to ghetto images that they never would have seen. Things that can”t… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  JR Wirth
11 months ago

The ubiquitous cell phone videos are counteracting the official TV messaging about black behavior. For many years the residents of heavily White areas learned about blacks through TV, rather than experiencing real-life encounters with blacks.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Wolf Barney
11 months ago

Yes. For years this image was very carefully curated. Vanessa Huxtable would never start throwing sh t and threatening people in a Target.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
11 months ago

Irony in spades that Bill Cosby himself, the model negro, turned out to be a rapist, thus conforming to the so-called “stereotype.” Somewhat sad, though, given that Cosby was one of the few negro celebrities who occasionally hit blacks with the truth about themselves.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

The sudden downfall of Bill Cosby was far too conveniently-timed to take without a grain of salt, IMHO…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

All that metoo stuff was bullshit. In normal dating if you say “Wanna come over to my house for coffee and look at my prized collection of antique ceramic ducks?”, everyone knows that means “Wanna come over to my house so I can put my hand up your skirt?”

In fact you can see the look of confused disappointment on the woman’s face when you actually show her the ceramic duck collection and then send her on her way.

11 months ago

White people do this weird thing when they don’t live around their natural predators. Their brains fall out. Uruguay is the whitest nation in South America. Chile and Argentina actually have belts of brown people, but Uruguay is free of those concerns. Uruguay is basically San Francisco on the Rio de La Plata, it legally recognizes gays playing house and drug decriminalization.

As Z-man is getting at, Our Thing requires a bit of racialized danger to function. Hence why all our guys flee to South America when we give up the fight.

Reply to  Tykebomb
11 months ago

Uruguay is not a white nation, nor industrial power, there’s no technological advance what so ever
Latin America is failing to become an industrial power
In historical records, few hundred Spanish guys conquered Latin America, because Latin America stay as a bronze age level civilization at that time

Interracial, LGBTQ, weird sexualization rampage on modern Brazil due to influence came from the west
That’s doesn’t mean they are biologically or culturally white

11 months ago

“By this reasoning, Montana is the most racist state in America.” During the “Summer of St. Floyd”, I was never happier to be living in Montana. Let me tell you, this is a wonderful state. I formerly lived in Oregon (East of the Cascades, which is far more tolerable than the wet 1/3 of the state), and couldn’t wait to leave. It was sad, because I loved living there, but the politics were getting unbearable. To live in a place where not only do you not have to see blacks chimping out everywhere, you don’t have to think about blacks,… Read more »

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

Been trying to figure out where to go after the career winds down. Have lived behind enemy lines for 30 years—mostly trapped by kids and job. But also reluctant to become “one of those people” that drives up local housing costs etc. Though can validate Z’s observation that nothing works like proximity to make someone a realist. And it is tiresome. Looking hard at TN & KY, mostly because I can rightfully claim that my family originally settled both states…so I’m just coming home. One thing I’ve noticed in limo leftists is most are simply innumerate. I make my living… Read more »

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

Is the Montana boom affecting life there? I know there’s lots of room, but I’m reading that prices are being driven up and there is always the impending risk of imported lifestyles. Are lefties moving in or are they normal folks seeking sanity?

FYI, I’ve not watched the popular Yellowstone show.

arthur bryant
arthur bryant
Reply to  Mr C
11 months ago

Yes, the boom is affecting life here (Bozeman). I hear a lot more Spanish around construction sites. And I am sure an official barrio and historical black district won’t be far behind.

Reply to  Mr C
11 months ago

The Boom has been horrible. Housing prices have soared, traffic is worse, etc. It’s the type of thing that makes locals every year hope for especially hard winters so that some of these people will give up and leave. Unfortunately, last winter’s -30F didn’t last long enough to have the desired effect…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

If Montana could somehow interdict the pop “culture” and the media emanating from the rest of AINO, it would be pretty close to white Xanadu, I imagine.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

Cold as f-ck! That is the main challenge for me and Montana. I drove 3,125 miles this summer across the US from the cesspool of DC westward. I stopped -just- short of Montana because I was really concerned about the brutal winters there. “20 below keeps the riff raff out”, some truth to that statement but in our modern times, not as much as it use to. Somalis are thriving in Minnesota because there is no longer a price for stupidity and lack of resources. Ants are no longer required, grasshoppers can live anywhere that White people live, they will… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Apex Predator
11 months ago


Two words with regards to the cold in Montana;

Under Armour

Reply to  Apex Predator
11 months ago

Unfortunately, it is remote work that is really hurting places like Montana. See, you are getting paid wages that are appropriate for Seattle, LA, NY, etc, but your cost of living is far lower, so moving to rural areas is far more affordable to you that it would be for a local, who makes local wages. That house that costs $500K seems unaffordable to a local, but to the guy who just sold his piece of shit condo in LA for $1 million, it’s nothing. As for the cold, the secret is to get into winter sports, so that you… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

What this tells us is that if you are a white nationalist, you want to move to Montana, Wyoming, or Utah. The amount of diversity was certainly a reason I picked WY; other factors were lack of state income tax and relatively close to family in WA without living in WA. Originally from WA, I spent 20yrs in NY/NJ for work (lived thatclose to Newark in NJ). Now remote since early 2017, I live on 20 acres in the middle of no damn where (WY), security concerns are low, deer & antelope regularly wander around, and I admire the horses… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  freddie
11 months ago

My general rule of thumb is, I don’t want to be able to see my neighbors.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
11 months ago

Bartleby: That was my husband’s number one criterion when we relocated. Initially I thought 10 or 20 acres sounded huge. But he pushed for more, and he was right to do so. We now have the space – when we have the money – for a bigger house, a greenhouse, a guest cottage, etc. Well, I can at least dream. But in the meantime, our county has a population density of 27 people per square mile (better than Utah and not much worse than Idaho), and our immediate area less than that. Unless we need to travel to town we… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

When I was in Montana on vacation, I went into a Walmart. Everything laid out the same, products pretty much the same—some liquor oddities due to local law.

Everything the same except the people. Hell, it was actually a *pleasant* experience! Here in AZ, my family will not venture into a Walmart.

Enough said. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The “People of Walmart” meme/fad of the early (compared to now) internet is what finally made me understand America.

The reason people hate going to Walmart is because it’s besieged by whatever local non-white population is most annoying, smelly, and retarded.

All but a handful of the publicly mocked People of Walmart were visibly miserable white losers with obvious medical problems.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

Summer of Floyd was a curious thing. Some areas in the South, where you would have expected such behavior, it didn’t really materialize. Our downtown buildings were boarded in plywood in anticipation of “free speech” but nothing happened. Maybe summer is just too hot down here for such physical exertion.

11 months ago

“White” is an ersatz term. Today it means people of European descent who aren’t identifiably Jewish, Hispanic, mulatto or Middle Eastern. “A state with few black people is, at the minimum, unwelcoming to black people, so they do not move there.” Not so in Vermont and New Hampshire. In fact. the inverse is true. No reason to dislike those who are too few to be a threat let alone make a ruckus, In my lily white town, the BLM signs are exclusively on affluent white lawns where there’s nary a black person in sight nor will be unless, as diversity… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
11 months ago

Same here. In Montana, we have three main locations where you see the yard signs: Whitefish, probably the single wealthiest small town in the state and oddly enough, home to Richard Spencer, so they’re probably just virtue-signaling against him. The others are Missoula and Bozeman, which are the two college towns. Go figure.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

I assume Whitefish is also the home to a fair number of National Park Service employees. For some reason, the NPS employs a lot of insane libs who love to virtue signal against the communities they get sent to. They see themselves as the equivalent of a Victorian Era missionary to the heathens.

Reply to  Barnard
11 months ago

I don’t think very many NPS employees can afford to live in Whitefish. But your point is valid. As my ‘nom de plum’ suggests, I had a long career in the outdoor recreation world. Specifically, I did pro ski patrol in the winters and hiking/rafting/glacier guiding in the summers. It was exceedingly rare to meet a fellow ‘outdoorspro’ who wasn’t completely liberal in his/her views. I think it was mostly because they were the Vermont-type people Z-man describes. It’s no secret that most blacks don’t do those types of recreation, so we encountered very few of them. The ones we… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
11 months ago

“…the NPS employs a lot of insane libs who love to virtue signal against the communities…” Tell me about it. Was in CO last week looking at the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde. The Park ranger guide started our tour with kudos to an “indigenous” Native American riding in the Tour De France (who knew or cared), then he descended into a long diatribe of how it is “insulting” to some native Americans to call these cliff dwellings “ruins”. He preferred “ancient unoccupied housing”. I shit you not! Of course, the entire Park—including roads and signs—were still labeled *ruins*. He… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Colorado is an extremely harsh environment. There are numerous ghost towns; some dirt farmers would have enough good seasons to build a village, then get wiped out just as fast by drought, hail, or a harsh winter. If you cant keep a White European settler town alive without the railroad, the injuns weren’t going to fair any better. My guess is the pueblo got hit by famine, and those who could made tracks for the south and never came back. Colorado, despite all the injun names, was uninhabited until the plains tribes got pushed southwest by canucks and white settlements… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

The very name “Whitefish” is assuredly a source of shame. Best to rename it “Saint Floyd” to try to expiate all that racial sin.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
11 months ago

Outdoorspro: From what I’ve read over the past decade or so, it seems a significant number of chosen moved into Whitefish specifically to target Spencer when he was at his most vocal and well-known. And the rest of the locals virtue-signalled along with them.

In my limited experience, it’s even harder waking people to the reality of the JQ than it is to alert them to the danger posed by ferals.

Reply to  imbroglio
11 months ago

You’ve really nailed at least one aspect of the problem: So many shitlibs only see the Oreos. Sasqueetchia X down in the African-American Studies Department might have all kinds of radical revolutionary crap posted on her office door, and she talks a good game with her dashiki and dreadlocks, but in her personal life she’s as White as Taylor Swift in a vat of mayonnaise. (Given that the academic version is almost guaranteed to be a lesbian, her LARPing housemate is probably a real White, too). It’s the worst of both worlds — they think they know the real blacks,… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

I doubt they really believe BLM is harmless. They are just shameless hypocrites and don’t have to live the consequences directly (yet).

Reply to  c matt
11 months ago

Yeah, “harmless” is probably the wrong word there. But I can’t think of a better one, because the idea of violence — being committed by someone else, somewhere over the horizon — gets these people’s panties wet. So yeah, BLM is violent… but it’s good that they are, because those on the receiving end — who are not us, and will never be known to us, and never be seen by us — deserve it.

No one is more bloodthirsty than your average soy-faced egghead who cries when the faculty lounge fridge is out of almond milk.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

Ironically, those most likely to be on the receiving end of BLM violence are corporations, which are controlled by people whose views accord precisely with the Cornell sociology department.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

The wife really couldn’t understand why I avoid places where blacks congregate. Her exposure to them was in a very white liberal town in coastal California. She had a number of older black female friends.. all middle class “bourgey black” government and NGO workers. I grew up in a Southern town with a high population of impoverished blacks, then got my fill with more of the same in the Army. She used to be upset when she could tell I would avoid them or be on high vigilance when unable to. Really had no frame of reference in her upbringing.… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
11 months ago

This is exactly what I have going on with my wife. She doesn’t understand why “I am so racist.” Even though I treat everyone with respect until they give me reason not to. She does trust my instincts though and if we are in an area and I say “we need to leave” she won’t fight me on it.

Moe Gibbs
Moe Gibbs
Reply to  Penitent Man
11 months ago

Proximity bias. I tried for ages to clue my liberal wife in to what I KNOW to be true through much unfortunate lived experience. But there was precisely one black in her hometown growing up, an African immigrant girl who everyone wanted to friend up to showcase their non-racist bona fides. Wife dismissed my “knee-jerk racism” as deliberate meanness, instead of the voice of experience. Until…she worked in healthcare and ran across something unspeakably evil and awful known as “Haitians”. She will still cringe and call out my “racism” whenever I unleash a little n-word venom. But clams up most… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Moe Gibbs
11 months ago

Whatever works for you and your ladies. But maybe consider they don’t need to be informed or involved in your role of dealing with the darker things in this life. They may be content to partake of the steak but they don’t need to be reminded how it was made. If you have that perfect simpatico relationship, great. Most don’t. I don’t use any salty language around the wife and I no longer discuss the “whys” of my reasoning in this matter. It isn’t worth it. (Most) women simply cannot exist in a world where harsh truths cannot be sugar… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
11 months ago

Sasqueetchia IS a BLM goon, albeit with a slightly higher IQ and a faux Ph.D. She will march with BLM and lustily brandish an anti-white sign, but will peel off into the nearest Starbucks the moment her fellow goons begin burning and looting. There’s that tenure review coming up to consider, dontchaknow…

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  imbroglio
11 months ago

The double bank shot is to live in a place that has neither diversity nor the type of white people you describe. Those meccas largely are confined to states with one or two black-infested cities surrounded by vast all-white rural areas and smaller urban centers. The white people in the latter enclaves are familiar just enough with diversity not to celebrate it. This once also was the case in all-white neighborhoods in major cities with huge non-white populations, but those urban whites now hail diversity either as a survival technique or due to sincerely held beliefs.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Just so, Jack. And I’m very fortunate to live in one of those small urban centers. We have plenty of Messkins, but are on pretty good terms with them. Few negroes, and neither the whites nor the Messkins celebrate those negroes with which we are cursed.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Fortunate indeed. Another upside is that the Blue locusts tend to avoid those decent places, too. They prefer Raleigh or Nashville or Austin or Salt Lake City and thinking they are really based to live in such places.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  imbroglio
11 months ago

By Hispanic, you are better served simply saying mestizo. Just as two Nigerians moving to Germany does not make their offspring German, two Germans moving to Brazil does not make their offspring Brazilian/Hispanic.

Reply to  c matt
11 months ago

Correct. The mestizo classification becomes highly apparent when you meet a MX of strong Spanish descent. They are around, but fewer in number and usually in high level positions.

11 months ago

When you look at the bottom ten states in black population, you also have to factor in refugee resettlement that has been forced on them. Plus they all have low populations to begin with, so dumping 10,000 people from the Horn of Africa in a state can really push the percentage up quickly. In the lower population states, blacks tend to be concentrated in the largest city. North Dakota has been pushed up to 3.67%, but they are almost all refugees living in Fargo. As a result, they have some bad neighborhoods while other areas across the state are still… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
11 months ago

Don’t know if you saw this noose hoax from Billings, Montana, but I think the guilty party is the anti racist woman interviewed in the video. At least she went to the trouble of making an actual noose and didn’t just a tie a knot in a rope. I am assuming she is fishing for donations from good whites nationally because not many people in Billings are interested in what she is peddling. Funny that Lyle Lovett is the biggest name she could tie to this in order to get some attention.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  thezman
11 months ago

You know DiAngelo almost certainly did detailed research before she purchased property to give her both the cover of living adjacent to diversity and also being in a very safe place just far enough away from it.

“Distance is our strength,” really.

Reply to  thezman
11 months ago

Poor affluent white people. I was walking in my gentrified white neighborhood on the edge of a black run city with an adventurous (sarcasm) white woman who had moved from the truly rich suburb of town, I guess to be closer to diversity. We were walking down a street with beautiful old 1920’s homes when we met a black woman walking her dog. My walking companion was obviously very pleased and asked the woman “do you live on this street?” Yikes. I knew that meant trouble, and I had to work hard to steer the conversation away from that question,… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Lettie
11 months ago

“Weird that it was me, the race realist who knew what to say and not say, and it was the anti-racist who stuck her foot in it.”

Utterly predictable, actually. There is a good reason you are a race realist.

george 1
george 1
11 months ago

In light of the racial facts regarding crime, I prefer the Scott Adams solution.

Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

You can’t avoid them in many cases. Some examples from my neighborhood and experience. Very upper class primarily White neighborhood, but most all the maintenance done by Hispanics. Every so often, one of the daily Hispanic pickup workers will take a lunchtime stroll and burgle a home. Not common, but has happened. Lock your doors and especially your garage and out buildings. Another example. Many years ago I sat on a grand jury for several months hearing long duration cases. In one case, this drug ring would collect dead beat clients, but instead of beating the cash out of them… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

I’ve posted before about the farm that is still in my family, that I could have if I wanted, that is way out in the sticks, 20 miles from the nearest small town hospital or Wal Mart. Sounds idyllic right?

Even though it’s probably a dozen miles to the nearest black person, there is no shortage of meth/opiod activity out there.

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The lawn maintenance guys can really make me nervous, especially the ones staffed by mestizos. That right there is a job that is perfect for casing homes and learning all about the occupants. Fortunately, in my neighborhood, most of the staffers are nice and white. Hell, there are even some pretty hot young women on the riding mowers!

joey jünger
joey jünger
11 months ago

I heard someone once describe black people as being like lava: dangerous, but not something you have to think about much if you’re not around them. Antiracist whites and Jews with smoldering idée fixe can make your life miserable half a continent away, or one-hundred or even two hundred years after their death. That’s a different kind of danger, someone who can reach out and touch you (or mutilate your kids’ minds and bodies) across the chasm of time. The ridiculousness of worrying about a “black uprising” or “black nationalism” is something the “antiracists” understand much better than the “white… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  joey jünger
11 months ago

“Pink-haired professors, Karine Jean-Pierre, Robin D’Angelo, everyone around Joe Biden. These are some of our recruiters.”

Realtors in New England, the Northwest, and most rural areas should pay them reparations in the form of shared commissions.

11 months ago

[…] ZMan looks at a world turned upside down. […]