Another Shoe Drops

Note: The Sunday podcast is back as a morning performance this week, but could shift back to evenings as needed until I get settled in the new place. There is a post about the classic film The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and a post about time. Subscribe here or here.

The weekend brought news that the employment level in the imperial capital took a hit when Ron DeSantis ended his campaign for the Republican nomination. The army of Washington insiders DeSantis hired to run his campaign will now have to get working on the next bit of shenanigans to thwart Donald Trump. Similarly, his online surrogates will have to find a new way to pretend they are important influencers, but without the large financial cushion of the Republican donor class.

DeSantis suffered the same problem as Scott Walker in 2016 in that he is a competent administrator with a solid record as a governor, who could be relied upon as president to not go into the street and scare the horses. By objective measures, he ticks all the boxes you want for the job, regardless of his party. Like Walker, he is a man perfectly suited for the Cold War consensus. The trouble is the Cold War consensus is long gone, so men like this are an anachronism.

DeSantis also suffered from the fact that we live in a whirlwind of media bombardment with an increasingly stupid voting base. Part of the latter problem is demographics, but a big part is the internet. People lack the ability to pay attention for more than a few minutes so they make judgements on memes and hot takes. A boring guy who looks like he is passing a stone when tries to tell a joke is never going to go over well with a voting base that thinks Sean Hannity is brilliant.

There is an interesting contrast here between DeSantis and Ramaswamy, who also dropped out of the race. The former tried hard to be a pebble in Trump’s shoe, while the latter carefully avoided upsetting the guy who he clearly admired. Given his resources and experience, one has to wonder if DeSantis would not have been wise to follow the Ramaswamy plan, instead of the Bill Kristol plan. It suggests something about DeSantis that this was not obvious to him.

Putting that aside, the important bit in all this is that DeSantis immediately endorsed Trump, which is a bit of surprise. He also bashed Haley a bit, which is probably a bigger surprise, given their backers. If you listen to his speech, it is clear he is more cross with her than with Trump, who spent the last year mocking him. The reason is that Haley hoovered up his donors in the last few months of 2023, which meant she got the media attention and that sucked all the air out of his campaign.

That brings us to his endorsement of Trump. Clearly DeSantis knows the regime hates Trump and will not stop until he is dead or in prison. After all, the reason DeSantis decided to run was that he was told by regime members that Trump would be forced out of the race, so the field was open. Several of the other candidates blurted this out at various times and DeSantis people hinted at it as well. It seems odd that DeSantis would then endorse Trump on the way out of the race.

One way to read this is that the plan to remove Trump is still active, but that DeSantis will not be the guy they pick as a replacement. Like a ball coach who removes his name from consideration, when it becomes clear he is not going to get the job, DeSantis is salvaging what he can from the situation by endorsing Trump. In a few years maybe he can use this to tap into an even angrier voting bloc. If by some miracle Trump wins, then he can get a job in the administration.

Another way of reading this is that this is just one more bit of evidence that behind the scenes the regime is about to abandon their plan to remove Trump. The narrative said that by now a viable alternative would have risen up in the primary as Trump’s support fell after all of the indictments. Jack Smith planned to be preparing for a March trial at this point, so that would be the news. Instead, Trump is rolling through the early primaries and the only opponent is Haley.

There are other signs that the regime is losing faith in their narrative, so on the surface the DeSantis endorsement fits in here. The trouble is the court cases are still active and there is no clear way to pull the plug on them. The thing about this regime is they never give up on their narratives once they adopt them. Bill Kristol thinks we should still be occupying Iraq preparing for an invasion of Iran. It is unlikely that the regime will reverse course on the lawfare against Trump.

All of this seems to be pointing to a clash of visions in the summer. On the one hand Trump is rolling through the primaries on the assumption he will be the nominee, while on the other hand the narrative still says he will be removed. Imagine a scenario in which Trump is convicted in the summer, after he locked up the nomination, but before the convention makes it official. Imagine if it happens after the convention. Will the party be forced to remove him at that late date?

Back when Trump came down the escalator, brilliant observers noted that he was like the Mule from the Asimov novels. The logic of managerialism says that political forces like that which Trump represents are impossible. The days of the populist hero are gone, replaced with the expertise of the managerial class. Trump’s existence causes chaos because it contradicts the fundamental logic of the system. It is not what Trump says but that he exists is the issue for the regime.

This conflict ends one or both sides are destroyed in the conflict. The regime can never accommodate itself to Trump and what he represents. What he represents is the result of a system that is at war with the people over whom it rules. It is an irreconcilable difference in design and purpose. It is why old fashion politicians like DeSantis have no place in this age. In a time when compromise is impossible, there can be no room for those who seek compromise. This is the age of conflict.

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8 months ago

I’ve been calling DeSantis Bush 2.0 since Spring and that his arc would be the same: a $100M candidate out after Iowa, maybe even before. His competent administrator schtick was a bunch of anti-woke agenda crap designed to make the base thing he’s MAGA. Props to him on his hurricane relief efforts. He’s not a terrible governor. But he shoulda sat this one out. When his handlers told him to hide in the bunker for a week after the smash and grab robbery at MAL, and then release a tepid statement on his person Twitter account, he was TOAST. That… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 months ago

All good.


For Heaven’s sake.

Desantis is not a Bush.

Reply to  WCiv911
8 months ago

I didn’t say that. I said he was Bush 2.0. The juggernaut, heavily funded, candidate who would win the nomination.

I can’t tell you how many beers I won in 2015 and early 16 when I said Bush would be out early. (I thought Thanksgiving, but everyone I knew said he would win by Super Tuesday.

CTH did a pretty good summation on DeSantis last night. Including something I’ve pointed out for years. There was no “blue wave” in 2018. The house was thrown to Pelosi to impeach Trump.

Who was one of those House members that resigned?

Ron DeSantis.

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 months ago

The Bushes were much worse than DeSantes on immigration, the culture wars, and the economy. DeSantes is a veteran, smarter and talks in complete sentences. Bush would never have sent illegals to Martha’s Vineyard. DeSantes is the best of 50 governors.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  WCiv911
8 months ago

DeSantes is the best of 50 governors

Tallest pygmy.

Reply to  WCiv911
8 months ago

DeSantis is an empty suit. His entire campaign was carefully constructed to get you to think that. They hid EVERYTHING from you that would have tipped you off. I fell for it, too. But the MAL raid was when his bribe payment got called in. He hid in his bunker because he knew the raid was coming, and he had been promised that Trump would be taken out. It was all for show. All the Disney stuff? For show. Notice how everything was tailored for Rube consumption. Ukraine? Israel? Even COVID? He avoided this stuff because it was off limits… Read more »

8 months ago

I see SCROTUS (traitorous bastards/bastardettes) just decided to allow the feds to cut down the razor/barbed wire barrier put up by Texas and defended by the national guard in a portion of the invaded border. The usual suspects including Roberts approved. What should happen is for the guard to face them down and dare them to try it. Of course it won’t happen in this pathetic cuck country, but a shoot out at Eagle Pass might have gone down in the future history books as the 21st century Fort Sumter…

Reply to  usNthem
8 months ago

I wasn’t surprised after seeing the photo of roberts and Gislain maxwell all cozy sitting next to each other smiling like they are having a great time.

Reply to  Modpfw
8 months ago

Can you post a link to that? It would explain a lot…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

The one on the love seat, I don’t think it’s him. The one in the water, maybe, maybe not. Not exactly conclusive. Not that it would surprise me if true.

8 months ago

I think, US Swamp and Global Elite suffer same problem what we had in the Soviet Union back in the end of 1980thies. Widespread dissatisfaction inside the system. Soviet hardliners faced the problem that a lot of insiders also thought that system needs serious reforms and going back to the comfortable stagnated Brezhnev era is not a solution whatsoever. Well, they remove Trump and then what ? Like bidenocracy, everything goes downhill with no end in sight. Nobody never explained when they remove Trump, what will gonna happen ? Just sit and watch how everything around is collapsing ? Now,… Read more »

Reply to  Juri
8 months ago

In the Soviet Union when the geriatrics with a lock on power died off, there was nobody left but younger “reformers” like Gorbachev.

That is not the situation we are in…when Biden dies off, the younger Democrats like Newsom, Harris, Whitmer and Hochul are more fanatical than the Biden-era grifters, who are mere bullshitters and, as we have seen, can actually be bought.

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

We had also young fanatics. They formed even thousands strong street fighting commandos something what may called Super Antifa. But that was not enough. Of course you have also bunch of similar people. But are they strong enough and wise enough to save the system ? Million freaks can not do anything when 300 million people say no. Our tens of thousands fanatics failed just like this. Fanatism is worthless when you have no brain. Ok, Kamala comes to power, laughs and then what ? Economy will fix itself, Putin gives Ukraine back, inflation vanishes, Trump supporters fly to space,… Read more »

8 months ago

I’d just like to see the regime or GOPe try and deep six Trump after he’s run the primary table – I don’t think the bogus “legal” approach is going to fly. Unless they actually try or succeed in bumping him off, the Trump wrecking ball 2.0 has begun its return swing. It’ll likely be an entertaining 10 months.

8 months ago

Anyone following the developments at revolver? They seem to be getting close to the truth about what happened at j6.

What is your theory of the case? Mine is that they planted a pipe bomb so that the capitol police could be diverted away and that the entrapment could sort of happen.

But the real question though is who was behind this? Are there any big names who were involved in this?

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
8 months ago

It might have been the largest legitimate, self-orchestrating, actual “people’s” protest in world history…and it happened at the intersection of so many fed ops* that it’ll never make sense to anybody. Half the people who did it don’t know what they did. The timer bombs, specifically, seem like a hoax hoax, placed as a contingency for something that didn’t happen. If I were writing the novel: Some faction of the feds/etc.—most visibly the cops grenading and beating the crowd without/as provocation—were tasked with goading the “riot” into a *violent* occupation of the Capitol, as a similarly goaded antifa/BLM crowd would… Read more »

8 months ago

Is it just me or is there anyone else who realizes that “voting” is simply ones and zeros in some sort of Excel database? You know … computers. Anyone? … Beuller?

8 months ago

Tribe Up or Die in the Age of Conflict …

Reply to  Lineman
8 months ago

Lineman: It really is as simple as that. Zman has correctly noted for years now that we are in the demographic age, no longer an ideological one. Yet still people endlessly debate electoral politics and the pros and cons of this or that candidate. Joe Normal is still wearing his favorite sportsball player’s jersey and remains convinced that Trump 2024 will set everything right. And that Vivek guy – why he’s pro-White! Immigrants are naturally more patriotic! Trump/ramaswamy 2024 – make AINO great again.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

If we don’t change our ideology of isolation we will go the way of the dodo bird… Sad that our side has been brainwashed into atomization and will actively fight against anything that would bring about Community IRL…

Reply to  Lineman
8 months ago

Yep, agree with you. tribe requires a lot of work takes time.seperating wheat from chaff not so easy
dot mil has defined structure,
dotciv not so much. Hearding cats,

8 months ago

As I understand the theory of managerialism Z-man is laying out the power centers went from

1) landed aristocracy and kings – 1700s
2) capitalists and merchants – 1800s
3) the managerial class – 1900s

If this is true then how to describe the power in america between 1776 and 1865? There were no kings or aristocrats, but the theory would say that George Washington and Jefferson were a kind of crypto-monarchy/aristocracy.

Reply to  BasedTeuton
8 months ago

In the South, there was a large scale agricultural class who chafed at the clear desire by the Yankees to make them captive to the capitalist/industrialist plans. The Southern agriculturists wanted to be able to sell to the European textile manufacturers as a hedge once cotton cultivation hit its stride. It particularly chapped the asses of these Southern agriculturalists that they were underwriting the growth of the very same federal would-be leviathan which was aiming toward taking them captive. So, when they wanted to leave the Union, they had to be brought to heel, slavery or not, and Dishonest Abe… Read more »

Reply to  BasedTeuton
8 months ago

Apologies if this double posts, but my comment did not appear after I tried to post it, with no notification that it was being moderated. So here we go again… In the South, there was a large scale agricultural class who chafed at the clear desire by the Yankees to make them captive to the capitalist/industrialist plans. The Southern agriculturists wanted to be able to sell to the European textile manufacturers as a hedge once cotton cultivation hit its stride. It particularly chapped the asses of these Southern agriculturalists that they were underwriting the growth of the very same federal… Read more »

Reply to  BasedTeuton
8 months ago

The American Revolution occurred because the people who colonized the New World were far enough away from the monarchy that the New England merchants and Southern plantation owners built themselves up into a counter elite. 1776 was where the power center shifted and all the Enlightenment justification was simply their version of “Our Democracy TM”.

Reply to  BasedTeuton
8 months ago

Unique circumstances, unlikely to ever be repeated.

Unless Musk manages to mass transport to Mars with ambitious, smart men who aren’t afraid to pillage the natives.

In a nod to Zman’s “The Mule” reference (obvious immediately to anyone who read The Foundation series):

We’re Moties (The Mote in God’s Eye).

Plato had this figured out thousands of years ago. Only the myths change.

Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

Foundation trilogy.
IMO hands down goat sci-fi

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
8 months ago

There are always other plans. The Soros spawn tweeted out a photo of a bullet hole and a handful of money totaling $47. Expect one or more of their street creatures to follow through.

Reply to  Major Hoople
8 months ago

So they must think that he is going to win otherwise wouldn’t that be 45 dollars?

Reply to  Major Hoople
8 months ago

That comes to pass red America just might realize its got nothing to lose.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

“Will the party be forced to remove him at that late date?” This would be a huge win for the GOP. They like being the opposition far more than governing. They can pretend they care about the voters. They can pretend they care about the border. They can pretend they care about the budget being “balanced.” They can even pretend they don’t hate their own constituents. Being in the minority means they can vote against bills unpopular with their constituents knowing the ruling party has enough votes to pass the bill. Fundraising is best when you are out of power… Read more »

8 months ago

Please note the following. Z is now leaving Lagos and moving to a mountain retreat deep in the West Virginia woods. What does that tell you? It’s not too late to do likewise. Get out of the city if you can. This is the only tangible thing that anyone can do in the present in order to become part of the eventual solution. Your mission is to survive the interregnum and be available when duty calls. And no matter what your current physical condition is, you can always improve it. Begin today. Ideally, you want to become the nobody that… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TomA
8 months ago

Older automobiles are of limited benefit. License plate reading cameras everywhere, and more all the time. But I figure I should buy a new car before the govt mandated kill switch goes in.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

A lot of cars already have them, not to mention real time GPS available remotely. While it is a good point about the license plate readers, really nothing compares to the black box (not to mention they phone home) of a car these days. These things even record what time it was and where the car was when the trunk opens. For more insanity, check out this video: You should definitely buy small appliances at the thrift store. Almost all new appliances have the ability to build ad-hoc networks and then use an internet router or internet enabled appliance… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

There is a way around, buy the cheapest one possible. I got a coffeemaker for $15 and there’s simply nothing on it that could work as a spy device because it doesn’t have anything other than a clock and a heating element.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
8 months ago

Indeed. And who needs all that extraneous shit, anyway? Get a coffee maker that does nothing but make coffee. What a friggin’ concept!

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ploppy
8 months ago

Yeah, I bought my coffee maker at Fambly Dolla for like 15 Dollars. IIRC, it’s a Black and Decker. Coffee makers are one thing I wouldn’t buy in a thrift store because nobody ever donates one that works well. Plus, the bubble pumps get full of crap. But I have a 40 year can opener. My toaster is from the 90s, but I’ve been on the lookout for a 1950s chrome model. Been on the lookout for a Kitchenaid. You can get parts for every model ever made. I bake bread and it would be a lot less work with… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Ploppy
8 months ago

Ploppy – a clock?! I spent 15$ and didn’t even get a clock.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

Frustrating the appliances I intentionally want to connect to the net, don’t; and the ones I don’t even know about can.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

License plate readers?
Plates? What plates we ain’t got no plates!
We don’t have to show you no stinking plates!
Use your imagination

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Speaking of government mandated “kill switches” how about the “drunk test” sensor? If these possess the same reliability of our current Check Engine and low tire warning lights, we’re in deep doo-doo! Can you imagine a big game hunter, deep in the Rocky Mountain wilderness, out of cellphone range, having just killed the trophy bull elk of a lifetime, and having finally packed the meat in his truck, only to have his shiny new truck accuse him of being drunk and refusing to start?

Reply to  TomA
8 months ago

Going gray-man may be a solution. But what do you lose in that time? My guess is that there will be no cooperative enterprise amongst dissidents, and it will amount to what you see now where time and events whittle down the few stragglers. Its frightfully difficult to educate children in the gray and to keep the state out of their minds.

My primary complaint with Z man is that despite accurately cataloguing and comprehending the decline, no solution is elaborated.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  southpoll
8 months ago

In a forum like this there are only 3 options: fed poast, vote harder, or complain

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Lol it seems so.
It only takes a few.
Definitely be gray dough.

Reply to  southpoll
8 months ago

southpoll: So Zman is supposed to tell you what to do, lay out a step-by-step plan? He knows the secret to righting the ship but refuses to share it out of spite? There is NO solution. The decay has spread throughout every institution and the foundations are rotten. The people have largely been replaced and the parasites and grifters are busily stripping the place down, removing even the bedcurtains to hawk on the marketplace. You want to somehow retain the trappings of middle-class success – send your kids to college and continue to indulge your wife’s latte habit, because being… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

“There is NO solution.”

Preach it, sister. You beat me to the punch. It is liberating to realize this, too.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

southpoll doesn’t mention murika once. When he asked for a solution, I took it he meant a long-term solution for dissidents, not a plan to MAGA. And that question is fully justified. But it’s not one Z shows much interest in answering.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

Now the guy’s got Paulie as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with the bill?! He can go to Paulie. Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy, he can call Paulie. But now the guy’s gotta come up with Paulie’s money every week, no matter what. Business bad?! “F*ck you, pay me.” Oh, you had a fire?! “F*ck you, pay me.” Place got hit by lightning, huh?! “F*ck you, pay me.” Also, Paulie could do anything. Especially run up bills on the joint’s credit. And why not?! Nobody’s gonna pay for it anyway. And as soon as the… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

Accept that you are already dead
Fusa, stick a fork in it.
Do what you can to get your young as secure as you can they might see a new dawn.
Nobody here will.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

‘Youths oppress my people, and women rule over them’. (Isaiah 3:12)

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

You might not want to make assumptions or cast stones. In fact I do walk the walk. I made massive changes in life when my children were but babies, after the Great Recession I got out of Lagos went into Appalachia. Looking back I had much less clarity on hopelessness of the American decline, but I at least saw that there was no future. Sure I might earn a great salary but I would have the cultural and spiritual heritage ripped out from me and certainly my children. So I now live in an old farm house, well below my… Read more »

Reply to  southpoll
8 months ago

“Its frightfully difficult to educate children in the gray and to keep the state out of their minds.”

It’s not really that hard. People have been doing it for ages. But it is a level of commitment most are not ready to make. If keeping up with the Joneses is more important than raising your own kids…

Reply to  Steve
8 months ago

Again what makes you think that I don’t have that level of commitment? Have you done that? Successfully? My guess is no, because the families I know that are attempting to do so (and may share some to most of dissident right philosophies) are ALL struggling. Some have had their adult children outright abandon their parents (and no that wasn’t in college, in case you are wondering). I do note that the Amish and old order Mennonites are able to see their genetics and culture survive generations. The answer seems to lie in their community, where children grow up with… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
8 months ago

My money is on “Gain of Function” research.

Every Tom, Dick, and very Harry in a lab does this when they can; add it to their resumes like a philatelist does stamps.

Because they can, and there’s a promotion and an extra $20/hr in it for him.

Want to know why billionaires are building bunkers?

This is it. No one can stop this. No one.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
8 months ago

Lost in the DeSantis circus were the comments from Regime financiers at Davos: Steve Schwarzman (Blackstone founder/Chairman) and Jamie Dimon (JPMorganChase CEO). They both basically said Dems are on the wrong track, Trump was right about most things even though he is obnoxious/abrasive and that his policies were correct. The money men are starting to turn on Biden. DeSantis is a side show in comparison. The Elites are starting to turn on each other because Biden and his handlers are simply bad for business. I follow the money and I’m starting to think that Trump could actually “win” now. The… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Captain Willard
8 months ago

A lot of that is pillars of old Jewish power and influence feeling their grip weaken to a degree, and thinking a Great White Savior could restore what little they have so far lost. A lot of bad past behavior is coming back to bite them on the ass.

Reply to  Captain Willard
8 months ago

Same here. I also feel that they recognize he’s angry now as it’s become personal. We’ll see if he continues down that track or if Kushner & Co. get him to change his mind.

Reply to  Alex
8 months ago

Kushner and his treasonous shiksa, conveniently her daddy’s little girl. The reason to have no faith that Trump will get wise to Their insidious influence should he actually be elected…

Somebody should make a meme of the two of them boiling out of a sewer grate in Crown Heights.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
8 months ago

JerseyJeffersonian: Ivanka is busy dancing with bestie Kim Kardashian at a Bat Mitzvah. Make Murka Great Again!

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
8 months ago

Ivanka took Donnie down in round one, no question. She rapidly appropriated the WH and it was adios! Steve Bannon. I noticed a couple times during his presidency that Melania had to show Donald appropriate decorum in front of foreign heads-of-state. Donald isn’t hip enough to know that one approaches such men alone, not holding hands with the Missus like a schoolboyi. Melania even had to push his hand away once. As with Ivanka, this shows that Donald is not alpha in front of his female family members. Quite common in America for all but the lower class. Wealth is… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
8 months ago

Dimon basically gave the green light to Trump’s reinstallation. Huge, huge seachange. JPM is primary dealer bank for the Fed and Dimon is handpuppet of the Owners.

Market rallied to ATH the next day.

Reply to  Captain Willard
8 months ago

It’s not about the financiers, but a few local election officials in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Atlanta and Phoenix creating a few hundred thousand fake mail-in ballots. Jamie Dimon doesn’t impact that one way or the other.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  DLS
8 months ago

They created an election fortification monster that they can’t completely control. They can assist it or not assist it, pay it or not pay it, but to some degree it has a mind of its own. It could come under new management from a different regime faction.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  DLS
8 months ago

He does if those locals maintain bank accounts.

Reply to  Captain Willard
8 months ago

I find it surprising that the ruling class continues to fight Trump when it’s fairly obvious that he was good for their bottom line and did not actually try to send in the riot squad to stop their debauchery. He *did* oppose letting them indoctrinate Normie’s kids into some of the hard-core perversions. I guess even that was too much moral rectitude for the lower levels of the ruling class. There definitely is a highly sex-driven and very feminized outer circle of the ruling elite that uses their overt perversion as a kind of inverted virtue signal. These people think… Read more »

Marty Grove
Marty Grove
8 months ago

Ann Coulter in shambles right now.

I wonder when she will hop back on the Trump bandwagon. Last time, it was “Biden was so bad it drove me back to him”.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Marty Grove
8 months ago

Z had mentioned this but I didn’t catch on completely until he dropped out that the Desantis people bought up “influencers” because they’re so out of touch that they got the horse and cart completely backwards in thinking that the “influencers” had brought people over to Trump.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Marty Grove
8 months ago

Maybe she can find another subcontinental boyfriend to console her, or cry on Willard Romney’s shoulder. Xhe was his sycophant once.

Reply to  Marty Grove
8 months ago

Knew a guy who (briefly) dated AC.

Chain smoker. Bit of a flake.

I don’t expect either attribute has improved with time.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
8 months ago

The most fascinating thing about Trump is that his populism is fake. It’s part of an act. Trump is a circa 1990 Democrat. Yet the powers that be have spent an unlimited amount of resources to bury him as they go hysterical over “the new Hitler.” These same people should have been jumping up and down that they had a fake populist in their pockets, las he was selling out his base left and right, while the dying middle class was striving for populism. What this shows is the amount of psychological imbalance of those at the levers of the… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  JR Wirth
8 months ago

“What this shows is the amount of psychological imbalance of those at the levers of the system.”

This. It is their Achilles Heel, the impulsivity and mental unbalance. One faction could swoop in and exploit it, but that would assume there is a sane component and the evidence indicates otherwise.

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  JR Wirth
8 months ago

In the 90s I worked in Westchester county just north of NYC. I knew a lot of guys with Trump’s personality type – loud, bombastic, abrasive but they were generally good and I figured out how to work with them and I got along with them fine even though I am from the South. It makes the over the top Trump Derangement Syndrome hard for me to understand. It guess it is the constituency that he represents that drives them crazy.

Reply to  JR Wirth
8 months ago

Old guys remember that for Trump’s whole public life, “old money” and Jews have always hated him. He was loved by blacks and other Scarface-poster chumps who think that money and power come from “hustle,” chutzpah, hard work, etc., and natural spectators who think that others’ wealth is evidence of American God’s approval. Until Trump ran for president, the regime understood how to make money/propaganda with his image. Conservatives who think our elite is legitimate because it’s elite (compared to you)—that, e.g., Matt Yglesias is your rightful ruler—still think that’s what’s happening. It isn’t, because it can’t. Trump was allowed… Read more »

8 months ago

I like your first scenario except, “The regime can never accommodate itself to Trump and what he represents.” I disagree. The regime can easily manage Trump but it won’t have to as the regime has no intention of permitting Trump to be President. There are two political parties, the Uniparty and the MAGA party. The regime is going to bust the MAGA party and may run two candidates in the “election” or run a single candidate with Nikki replacing Joe. Even better, Nikki as Joe’s V.P. which solves the Kamala problem. Then Joe steps down and Nikki runs the string… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
8 months ago

The irony is that the establishment could have weathered a term or two of Trump with ease. All they had to do was stroke his ego and offer to “make deals”. Easy as that they get what they want. They’re visceral reaction to him because he’s an outsider showed how nuts they’ve become.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

This. It would have been child’s play to get Trump to do what they wanted. Tell him what a great guy he is and you have a deal. If that somehow failed you just get Ivanka to cry.

Reply to  george 1
8 months ago

And the sad thing about Trump is that they could still co-opt him at any time. I don’t get the impression that he’s learned a thing. They’re not going to let him be President, but if they were willing to make that sacrifice they’d get everything they wanted in exchange for letting him go on TV and brag about these wonderful deals he was making.

Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

Trump insulted the regime’s dignity and made them look ridiculous, I guess. He would’ve been easy as hell to co-opt.

Reply to  manc
8 months ago

Trump exposed Hillary as an incompetent fraud grifting off her husband’s political acumen. This was a huge threat to The Regime, because feminism is such a core belief of The System. In point of fact everything in this country was created by white men. Women are objectively not equal to white men, yet they demand an equal (or greater) share of the money and power.

There was no possibility they were ever going to try to appease Trump after he called Hillary “crooked” to her face and totally exposed her as a bitchy shrew in the debates.

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

Yeah and then ‘lock her up’ became ‘hey they’re good people’ after the inauguration.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

It is a great mystery why they did not flatter and co-opt Trump and use their propaganda organs to tame the Left. I consider Trump a watershed precisely because of the Regime’s unhinged reaction to him, regardless of the reason for it.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

One hallmark of this current crop of elites is the near total conformity of thought amongst it. In DC and the other imperial capitals, everyone basically believes the same things. In Davos, made of global elites, they’re all on the same page and basically spend a few days nodding in agreement to each other. They sum up their set of beliefs with the phrase “our democracy”, or “liberal democracy”, or what have you. Since Trump came on the scene, they started talking about “our institutions”, because those institutions are used to promulgate “liberal democracy.” While this conformity of thought and… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Mycale
8 months ago

Much of it is insanity–thank God. These are unstable people. The immediate problem is they control nuclear weapons.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mycale
8 months ago

The more immediate problem for us is that they control the military, alphabet agencies, government services, most local governments, etc. It is a very thorough infestation.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

Some specific things, in particular wars, they still can’t do without presidential approval. Moreover, they know full well what a determined and capable president can accomplish. Even though Trump isn’t that guy. They were more afraid of what he could do than what he would do. It betrays that they are people with a lot to fear and a lot to hide. Guilty consciences.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Law is no constraint on them.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Well, Trump kept the war on Yemen going, so he is not averse to war per se. He did appear less belligerent than a typical POTUS.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

Trump was the first private sector billionaire to become President. Think about that. No Vanderbilts, Morgans, Hearsts, Carnegies, Gettys or Fords (Gerald was unrelated). Best the Rockefellers could manage was horndog Nelson as (appointed) VP. Both Roosevelts were relatively impoverished aristocrats.

Aside from their visceral disdain, the managerial class does not want Trump to set a precedent, and give other oligarchs ideas, even friendly ones like Bezos and Zuckerberg. Such men cannot be financially controlled, and thus may have ideas of their own.

No risk of that with the likes of Joe Biden.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
8 months ago

Tarl Cabot: “Best the Rockefellers could manage was horndog Nelson as (appointed) VP.”

If Nelson had simply dropped a thermobaric fuel-air-bomb on Stonewall, and simply vaporized it, then he coulda been the Emperor of the Universe.

Audentis fortuna iuvat.

So many missed opportunities.

So little time remaining…

Reply to  Bourbon
8 months ago


Three s0d0mites chez Z.

Velly, velly intellesting.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Tarl Cabot
8 months ago

Some people might argue for Kennedy as an oligarch, but how that ended kind of proves my point.

Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

Wrong. They would have had to give Trump “something” of what he wanted. Which would amount to giving something that his MAGA base wanted. And that is a total no go to the regime.

Trump is an avatar of middle class, and blue collar white men. The regime wants this demographic crushed politically and economically at minimum and preferably dead!

steve w
steve w
Reply to  Vinnyvette
8 months ago

This is the simplest and best explanation for why the powers that be did not, could not and cannot adapt themselves to a Trump presidency. Hillary Clinton said it herself: We – middle America – are a ‘basket of deplorables’.* Trump is ‘our guy’. We cannot be allowed a victory anywhere, ever. Ergo: Trump is the Worst Person Ever. *I don’t recall another presidential candidate deliberately alienating half the country in a quest to be elected. At least in the Good Old Days, our rulers – say, FDR – merely looked down on us as plebs; nowadays, our rulers actively… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  steve w
8 months ago

She also told that A-hole Alberto Tomba to piss off, which made me happy at the time.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  steve w
8 months ago

She’s a 58 year old single cat mom now.

Reply to  imbroglio
8 months ago

Nikki, can’t run anything for *12* years. The 23rd Amendment says 10 max. In any event the scenarios proposed are preposterous.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Officially. If she’s Biden’s VP then she could effectively run things for 12.

8 months ago

What if, ok? Hear me out, I know this is nuts. But What. If.

What if Trump learned from the last experience and hires all the bad people he excluded from his first administration. And these people start ripping up the floor boards and burning them?

Stupid fantasy. There is no voting our way out of all this.

Reply to  btp
8 months ago

It is not stupid fantasy. At some point, given our trajectory… this is exactly what has to happen.

Trump has been given a wake up call. The regime is offering jail time and making muted assassination threats on their back channels. If Trump wants to rule and live…he’s going to have to start breaking the regime’s toys and probably a few heads as well. If he doesn’t do it… the bad guys are currently ginning themselves up to do it to us.

Reply to  Filthie
8 months ago

Trump needs people (fanatics) who will jump with him into the volcano—yes. However, he needs to understand what changes need to be worked upon to drain the swamp. Number one priority: break the civil service regulations keeping the managerial ruling class in power. He has made gestures to this understanding.

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Compsci: “He has made gestures to this understanding.”

St Joseph Djugashvili [PBUH] didn’t make gestures.

St Joseph Djugashvili made widows.


To defeat the House on the Embankment, one must empty the House on the Embankment.

Reply to  Bourbon
8 months ago

A “gesture” in my definition is people talking the talk. Action is walking the walk. Since Trump is out of power, then we wait and see.

Reply to  btp
8 months ago

Elon Musk lays wreath at Auschwitz after private tour with Ben Shapiro and European rabbi

JANUARY 22, 2024 9:16 AM

Apparently a goy needs the approval of the Council of the Sanhedrin before he can get the big shekels courtesy of the USA Federal Reserve.

A White man humiliating himself in such a fashion does not make for a pleasant spectacle.

Reply to  Bourbon
8 months ago

^^^^^And hot on the heels of that story…

X [“Twitter”] Blue users will need to send selfie, data to Israeli software company

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Bourbon
8 months ago

This is the point that I’ve been trying to make with King Cobra. Our ruling elite is fashioned like the mob back in the day. With the mob, you could only rise so far if you weren’t Sicilian. It’s the same today with Jews and the ruling elite. A goy can be president or even the richest man in the world, but you are still outside the inner circle. You are beholden to them on issues that they care about. You will never be the true holder of power. I believe that Cobra and other rising members of the ruling… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 months ago

In Steinleight’s 2001 paper he proposed that Jews divide and conquer by making deals with Asians. I think Nimrata and Vivek give us a taste of how that is going to play out. On the one hand, you have Nimrata. She has nothing on her own. She needs the system to make and enrich her. On the other hand you have Vivek R. He has his own ideas, money and ambitions and they don’t include kissing someone else’s ring. He has his own position of strength. What is a tragedy is that, until now, not a single articulate, fiery, impassioned,… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago

Cobra seems to have had a lot of dealings with the tribe in his life. He was involved in the Jewish society at Yale law, so he’s very familiar with how Jews debate and make arguments. He also got a Soros scholarship. Naturally, his dealings with Wall Street would have kept him around Jewish moneymen. Basically, this is a guy who knows Jews and Jewish organization. Now, this could mean that he’s a kept man, controlled by the tribe. Quite possible. However, there’s another possibility. He may have realized quite early who runs the show, so he decided to get… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago

Link to that paper? I agree with citizen that it seems like a mob from the outside. I personally think Jewish mobsters had the idea in the 1930s that it was far smarter to run the police than to run from it. The inside hit on “kid twist” Reles via the NYPD showed they were making real progress. From there it really took off and now they had a safe getaway on the eastern Mediterranean.

Tje white guy you ask for, when he arrives, may have some dirty laundry. Otherwise you probably don’t stand a chance in this system

Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago


I have often heard it biiced that Putin’s reputed relationship with the WEF goes to prove that he Is One Of Them. But to my mind, as a legally trained KGB man, he was sussing them out, in a manner similar to the possible course of King Cobra. Similarly, with Putin’s supposed ties with Chabbad jevvs, find a way into their heads, let them show you who they are, and how they do business. Don’t seem to present a threat, but take notes against the day when that knowledge will equip you to strike a strategic blow.

Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago


Meyer Lansky was a bigtime supporter of Israel. Very useful to have your tribe running an extradition-proof state if you are in the business of transnational criminality. I am sure that he was not hesitant to point this out to those at the inception of that entity.

Reply to  Bourbon
8 months ago

Kind of weird how a true-red-white-and-blue apple-pie-and-baseball American boy like Ben Shapiro would take the time to fly to Poland so a bunch of prominent Jews can bring Elon Musk to heel in a public humiliation ritual. Why if I didn’t know better, he consistently puts his perceived ethnic interests over the nation he lives in!

Reply to  btp
8 months ago

First step is excluding his son-in-law. If Kushner is involved in any way, he hasn’t learned.

Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

Second step, Ivanka.

Reply to  Steve
8 months ago


8 months ago

DeSantis wants to try again in 2028. He had to endorse Trump to have any chance at all. He had no choice.

Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

Getting on board with Trump was always the only viable way forward for DeSantis, but he got greedy. His Lady Macbeth wife told him what he wanted to hear. He committed a disastrous mistake and similar to how their failed runs ruined the careers of Scott Walker, “Bobby” Jindal, etc. al., it liked killed his. It’s not the 1960’s anymore and none of these guys have Nixon’s political acumen. It is really hard to come back from this. It is too bad because he could have and should have continued to do excellent work in Florida and ran in 2028,… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
8 months ago

It’s an odd phenomenon. Post-Reagan, all the Republican governors who’ve become national names are repulsive when held up to the light—and not just politically repulsive.

Voters’ image of DeSantis wasn’t of a tiny nervous man in ladies’ boots. Why’d he campaign as one? Is that fetish his or his wife’s? Seeming sexually disturbed is a winning play for Democrats because their voters are women. Republicans who seem like creeps lose instantly.

(Trump doesn’t seem like one. People pretend he does, but we all know it’s bs.)

8 months ago

” Another way of reading this is that this is just one more bit of evidence that behind the scenes the regime is about to abandon their plan to remove Trump” So what will the cloud people do now? Trump will not be co-opted by a Democrat endorsed RINO candidate now, and FJ Biden is about as popular as tertiary syphilis, whose mental capacities and public knowledge of his crookedness are both exploding into the stratosphere. Democratic gas-lighting no longer works as well as it used to. They either have to assassinate Trump, or create a situation where it doesn’t… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Coalclinker
8 months ago

The Empire likes to present its liberal democracy sham to the rest of the world, though. People abroad are even more aware of the vicious, psychopathic nature of the Regime, but there is a lot of self-deception on that point; the Help and the Ho’s, particularly the Strong Women, are deluded enough even to believe it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Coalclinker
8 months ago

Because that is the most radical and deranged scenario imaginable, it is also the most likely.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
8 months ago

“Another way of reading this is that this is just one more bit of evidence that behind the scenes the regime is about to abandon their plan to remove Trump.” I suggested several months ago the GOP Establishment seemed to have come to terms with Trump as its nominee. There is no readily obvious reason for this. The primary reason the 2020 election was stolen–fear of an unhinged Left ready to riot and revolt–has not gone away. The Right is still seen as toothless and easily bought off/put down. Something has changed, I’m certain there, but I would be lying… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

Jack D – re: your last sentence – pleased to know I’m not the only one who’s had a similar thought pinging about in my skull. Should Trump make it to the oval office in one piece – everything from climate change to erectile disfunction will be blamed on him.
(e.d. is just hyperbole…not like it’s an actual problem personally…)

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Even if some ranking clouds have made their peace with Trump, there are too many managerial clouds and foot soldiers who will “resist” Trump to the bitter end. You can’t spend 8, going on 9 years declaring somebody to be Hitler and then one day say, oops, my bad, just kidding, he’s really Chester Arthur. The “left” is not united behind/around Biden, so that opens the door for a non-Trump R to win in November, the will of the foot soldiers of fortification to fortify for Biden in that circumstance being questionable. However, while they may not be united for… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Something I neglected to mention in the comment immediately above you is that there seem to be warring factions within the Regime, particularly on the issue of China. The Regime likely is too unstable, if that is true, to act in lockstep as it did in the past. The AGW crowd also is getting more internal pushback and there also is a gaping split on Our Greatest Ally. Living in a state in one such as this require lots of tea leaf readings and, as Z calls it, Regimeology. Unlike Kreminology, there is a much heavier element of mental illness… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

Remember: these people are NOT our Fathers and Grandfathers.
No siree…!

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Yes, but… The foot soldiers are no more tolerant of Republicans than they are of Trump. Yes, they look at the slimeballs like the last couple Speakers and laugh at how they sold out their voters, but at some point, the same old story gets passe, it doesn’t draw the crowds it used to, so that show shuts down and a new production gets underway. Incidentally, I don’t think collapse is inevitable. There’s plenty of legacy America that could easily bring back prosperity. But it will take an acknowledgement of what it is that weakens us. Diversity is not a… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Steve
8 months ago

When I say “Big Crash” I am referring specifically to the financial markets. Whether or not that leads to a “collapse” is another question.

The exalted place that “diversity” holds will not end until everyone who believes in it is dead.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Yeah, the Faque and Ghey part of the market cannot and should not be saved. FIRE are all way overpriced relative to productive assets. And you are right that will carry over into quite a few of the big corporations, even those who produce something useful like 3M. They are just over-extended on the prog agenda. But honestly, if the market were to reprice into ’80s P/Es, and especially ’80s (and before) emphasis on dividends instead of capital gains, I have no doubt America could pull out without too much of a problem, apart from those who have spent their… Read more »

8 months ago

I like that Trump retired Ron’s nickname.

Though I am continually disappointed that Trump is not the man that his enemies say he is that doesn’t change the fact that he is a unique human that stands out in stark contrast to the clones in our ruling class. I will miss him when he is gone.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Whitney
8 months ago

Nothing recommends Trump like his list of enemies. All the worst demon people in the world hate him. Like several commentators here have pointed out it is strange that they do so because he’s as open to being played as a piano. But instead they hate him. And I find it impossible not to root for someone with such an outstanding enemies list. Even knowing that he is not at all the man we need to lead (but maybe the man needed to demolish?)

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

Nothing recommends Trump like his list of enemies.

Yes, but be careful as they pulled the same stunt with W. Bush

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
8 months ago

Good point. Going back at least as far as Nixon, the Left always pegs a Republican president very high on the Hitlerometer. With Trump, the Hitlerometer simply went to 11. But his list of enemies isn’t much different from W’s, Reagan’s or Nixon’s.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
8 months ago

Here is what I see happening – All of this is nothing but theater. The left knows they can either have Trump removed by sending him to prison or just killing him. If somehow that fails, they will just fortify democracy again and no matter how many votes he gets, the senile pedophile will get more. After that, the left will use this as more justification to punish the “unpopular” opinions of normal White people even further. In 2025, I fully expect to see corporations coming right out and saying “no Whites allowed” – which will be celebrated by White,… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
8 months ago

I’m with you. I don’t think the ZMan knows half as much as he thinks he does. S**t’s going to hit the fan if Joey Magoo cheats his way to the WH again. You’re going to see the shooting start then, so keep your powder dry. Invest in precious metals, ( brass and lead)

Reply to  Buck
8 months ago

Rarely do I see Z-man argue here with his detractors—or rather those who have differing opinions than his. I think that goes to his credit. A positive and forceful statement of opinion is not representative of the arrogance one might attribute to Z-man’s missives.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Tired Citizen
8 months ago

Am convinced you’re right. They will NOT allow Trump to take office again. If Trump is inaugurated the regime is less powerful than I think it is. So we have a chance to test a theory; my regime theory says Trump will not be allowed back under any circumstances. Let reality be the judge of that theory

Reply to  Tired Citizen
8 months ago

There will be no shooting unless it’s the FBI pulling the trigger on J6ers when they kick in the door at 3 a.m. The grillers are not going to grab their Fudd shotguns that they passed an FBI NICS check to get and start shooting government agents when there’s football on the television. Recall that after World War I were a lot of guns in circulation in Russia, and a lot of guns in China during the Civil War and World War II. When the communists were successful and killed enough of their opponents and outlawed opposition parties, they rounded… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

The only thing that sets us apart is the 2A. And I don’t say that as some moony-eyed normie con who thinks muh Constitution will save us. What I mean is that there are a lot of people out there that believe the second amendment was handed down from God on tablets of stone to James Madison. The people that won’t give up on voting harder because they believe the system can still work are the same people who will refuse to accept the destruction of the “sacred” tenets of the Bill of Rights. I don’t think the Brits or… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
8 months ago

I don’t disagree with you at all but objectively speaking, the last time whites grabbed their guns for Madisonian purposes was 1861 and the Yankees kicked their asses. Ever since, whites have been co-opted by the GAE, as in “Hey Cleetus, ya like to shoot guns? Joint the Marine Corps and we’ll send you to shoot ____ (Huns, Zips, Gooks, Ragheads… fill in the blank) and we’ll give ya all the ammo you want!” Practically speaking, only the Negroes have demonstrated a willingness to pop off against The Man but they do it in a spastic, low-impulse way with no… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

“The grillers are not going to grab their Fudd shotguns that they passed an FBI NICS check to get and start shooting government agents when there’s football on the television.”
Big smile…well stated…

Celt Darnell
8 months ago

DeSantis needed to read the room. This was always going to be the year of the Trump revenge tour.

He needed to sit it out and continue building his reputation as a solid governor who could fuck over the Woke (see, the Disney Corp).

His running was a big mistake.

FYI — I wouldn’t rule out Trump being assassinated at this stage. It just depends how desperate they get.

Reply to  Celt Darnell
8 months ago

Celt Darnell: “I wouldn’t rule out Trump being assassinated at this stage.”

The Deep State is certainly refusing to offer Secret Service protection to Bobby Jr.

I can’t seem to find it right now, but there was a recent poll wherein a Donald/BobbyJr ticket was trouncing Biden/Harris.

And like clockwork, there’s a new story this moarning [over at the NYPoast] about BobbyJr partying with Epstein & Maxwell.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
8 months ago

There is so, so much dirt on RFKJ. They must not consider him a threat, because if they did it would all be front and center.

8 months ago

They’ve had 4 years to up the rigging game, import new voters, or get him in jail. It’s very unlikely he becomes president again, nor would it do much if anything to stem the tide. Still, it would be nice to get some new liberal meltdown memes.

John Q. Publicke
John Q. Publicke
8 months ago

“…(b)rilliant observers noted that he was like the Mule…” take a victory lap, Z! 😎 I remember that post; and please note that at least one brilliant reader shook his head in agreement!

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
Reply to  John Q. Publicke
8 months ago

The fact that we are here proves we all are Brilliant Observers. I hovered over the link and chuckled.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
8 months ago

The primary has been educational in that it features the past (DeSantis), the present (Trump) and the future (King Cobra). DeSantis lives in a long-dead age. As Z notes, he’s the right candidate for 1996 or 2000 when we still lived under the political culture shaped by the Cold War, no internet and different demographics. That DeSantis didn’t understand that world has changed says something about him. Sure, he thought the path would be opened for him, but even with Trump eliminated, he needed to connect with Trump’s voters, and he simply couldn’t because he wants to work with the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 months ago

Excellent comment. One qualification: Vivek did not make his money through “weird hedge fund stuff”. He made it through a straightforward stock fraud pump and dump scam. His company bought the rights to a drug that had been abandoned by big pharma because it failed clinical trials. Then he hired his mother (a doctor) to supervise new clinical trials for the drug. They lied about the progress of the clinical trials, pumping the stock up to dramatic heights, then sold. When the drug failed, the stock collapsed to pennies in a matter of an hour or two, leaving other investors… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

Got it. Sounds like something the Cobra would do. As to being an asset, maybe. Or maybe, he got his money and ran. I’m not trying to make Cobra out to be some sort of hero. He’s a high-IQ grifter. My point is that he views the ruling elite with zero respect because he knows that they’re high-IQ grifters as well. The Indians lack the organization and muscle (Mossad) of the Jews, but the Indians aren’t afraid of them either. They view Jews as a template. King Cobra isn’t out to save whites. He’s out to create his own kingdom… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 months ago

“King Cobra isn’t out to save whites. He’s out to create his own kingdom and views whites as a tool to get it.”

Agreed. While the Han certainly do not share our cultural norms, they do follow business practices to establish brand equity and loyalty, for example. The Subcons are far more foreign to us in that regard and think in terms of immediate wealth. Their (initially) obsequious nature fools us in that regard. Vivek likely would try to establish a Hindu theocracy with himself at the helm.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 months ago

The juicers muscle is not mossad, it’s FBI, CIA, SEC, etc.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  c matt
8 months ago

It’s all of them. Correct. But I suspect that Mossad plays a special role.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  c matt
8 months ago

Exactly. When you see one of those groups get sideways with another, CIA vs. FBI, for example, it means a new group is ascendant and has made an ally. I suspect that may happen soon, too, possibly over Gaza. I mention that as a possibility/likelihood given most of the IC guys have connections to the Ivies and what passes as elite, and hence are pro-Palestinian, and the FBI is uber Shabbos goy and hated by pretty much everyone who is not. But at present, yeah, all these groups mostly are goons for the Tribe, although you get inklings of that… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  thezman
8 months ago


Vivek was all into the DEI stuff, too, and thick as thieves with Blackrock. He’s either a fallen angel who has seen the light or he has been co-opted. I tend to think the latter but the truth-telling about the MIC and Ukraine, and a loud silence about Our Greatest Ally, usually would not be permitted.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

The drug was RVT-3101, which was designed to treat a gastric disease (IBS, I think).

Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

Jack: I read about his drug money months ago but cannot recall where. He’s as slimy and coopted as they come – he wants to sit at the head of the table. All his supposedly pro-White pronouncements are a sop to the mass of civic nationalists who are desperate for a non-White hero to tell them they’re not evil raycissts and who will make watching sportsball great again. Cannot overemphasize how much I despise him, and those who do not see clearly what a grifter he is. And even in the 1/1000000 chance that a subcon is an honest man,… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

3g4me. Yep, Vivek a smooth talker. As I’ve said before, we (Whites) allow our virtues to be weaponized against us. In this case, we take others (non-Whites) at their word and tend not to be suspicious as to whether what we hear is truthful—especially when such words address our own concerns and biases.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago


Take note how little media attention his corruption got. He’s quite intertwined with some of the Regime’s heavyweights. Again, though, he went off the reservation, pardon the pun, on some key planks. Maybe that was permitted? Lights were flashing all around King Cobra.

As an aside, I haven’t seen a comment from B1 in a long time, but his Canadian experience with the Subcons always was interesting. They may be Not Us the most.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

If this is correct, then he is an asset. Blackmail built in.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Guest
8 months ago

Given what you say is true, this displays the remarkable tunnel vision of the ruling class. If they wanted to eliminate king cobra early on, the media could’ve done it very, very simply with this story. Your tale is a very simple narrative that anyone could follow. This must not have been a secret; why did they choose instead to smear him as some kind of Trump mini – me? The only answer that comes to mind is the white supremacy angle is so much sexier. As I recall, he was, in fact, accused of being a white supremacist, yes?

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Geo. Orwell
8 months ago

Members of the Regime, big ones like Blackrock, also got their beaks wet with King Cobra’s Magic Elixer Potion. Their propaganda organs probably were well aware of the implications of exploiting this story. I suspect Vivek is coopted totally and represents a strong and growing faction in the Regime. To my knowledge he did not drop to his knees for Israel, which is a requisite for a Republican, and that pinged my radar quite hard.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Geo. Orwell
8 months ago

If he is an asset, then I would think the smart fellas in control of him wouldn’t burn him until necessary.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 months ago

Oh gawd. I just had visions of our esteemed blog host as Ebeneezer Scrooge, being tormented by political spirits and goblins!

😂👍 (The spooks would get the worst of it I suppose).

I may be imagining it … but I smell peasant revolt on the winds. Amazingly it’s even more fragrant up here in Canada. Turdo can’t go out in public without a phalanx of body guards. FJT is more popular than the national anthem at sportzball events. I personally think that if he wins another term things will get spicy…but whadda I know?

Good poasts you guys.👍

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 months ago

“The future is both the Dirt People and even members of the elite no longer viewing the system as anything other than a corrupt apparatus with no moral authority that deserve neither respect nor loyalty.”

That’s the present, complete with the Apparat able to put down and destroy any resistance. The future is when it no longer can do the latter.

8 months ago

I’m not voting, and don’t believe anything substantive will change regardless of who ‘wins’ in November, but will admit I was surprised by DeSantis endorsing Trump. Meanwhile, headlines indicate Trump’s ‘inner circle’ strongly favor Ramaswarthy as VP pick. So it’s same old same old, color-blind civic nationalism, with wimpy whites looking for a brown to stand up on their behalf. And all the online comments about anything scold ‘divisiveness’ and insist ‘we’re ALL Americans.” May I please be excused? That which is unnaturally linked is . . . unnatural. And I won’t be celebrating our next and duskier group of… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

Consider this strategy: the numbers for Trump are so large either he wins the EC and we can start the process of creative destruction, or the Leftist regime has to cheat on such a scale it suffers a catastrophic loss of credibility (same result). So that is why you should vote and vote for Trump. There is also the possibility that in these unprecedented soft times a solid majority of the people are Swedish social democrats at this point. DeSantis was not just competent but a very good governor by the way. One of his best achievements was cleaning up… Read more »

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

Desantis didn’t just endorse Trump, he called out Rimrata as,
“the old Republican guard of yesteryear, a repackaged form of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents.”

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
8 months ago

I’m still amused that none of the contenders took issue with Trump playing an active part in unleashing a black crime wave upon the nation; I mean Trump Tweeting “Law and Order” was incredibly lame, but his opponents couldn’t even muster that.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
8 months ago

Those contenders are too pussy to point out any negatives about “black” anything. A genuine race realist candidate remains unfathomable at this juncture.

Reply to  Wkathman
8 months ago

Yeah, but we’re getting there. The Overton Window has moved. DIE is the cause. Lots of folk discussing affirmative action and lowering of standards and promotion due to “check boxes”. Of course, they’ll mumble platitudes about the “good Blacks” being short changed and disrespected (the implication of incompetence due to DIE). Nonetheless, folks hearing this are beginning to put 2 and 2 together. Seems that the overwhelming negative instances are becoming blatant and can no longer be ignored/denied.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Maybe Sa’ssQueetcha and MikTa’vius flying a 747 with 300 passengers into a bowling alley in Topeka rather than its intended destination of LAX will be what finally smartens up all the muleheaded Grillers.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
8 months ago

I’m guessing downvoters don’t remember Trump being pardon-crazy for black felons while he left his supporters to rot in the gulag.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
8 months ago

Most famously he pardoned a rapper who had a music video where a MAGA grandpa was stomped to death. He also supported an earlier, less obviously insane iteration of the general decriminalization of black crime—because some rappers’ and athletes’ wives endorsed it. Prior to Trump’s becoming a politician, black celebrities were the most visible constituency for his “brand.” He belatedly, longingly reciprocated that long-lost loyalty. His love for the gays/etc. is the same kind of thing. Until the TV told them to hate him, he was a Liberace-like camp hero to them. He sympathizes with normal people because he thinks… Read more »

8 months ago

I think I’ve come around on all this election buffoonery and I am rooting for Donald Trump. I won’t vote for the man (voting is for saps). However, progressives are obnoxious people who deserve to feel pain, even if that pain is wholly unwarranted — another Trump victory won’t fundamentally alter the system as the president is a mere figurehead; therefore, nobody should be too happy or too devastated if he ends up back in there. But there’s something to be said for well-earned spite. I want to see progressives, particularly White progressives, suffer.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Wkathman
8 months ago

“…another Trump victory won’t fundamentally alter the system as the president is a mere figurehead; therefore, nobody should be too happy or too devastated if he ends up back in there.” I have been saying for a long while now that I only care about a Trump win because it will cause a complete unraveling of our system. The left will absolutely lose their minds to the point of no return. The black orcs will burn down all of the homes in the cities, and they will feel emboldened to attack Whites in the suburbs – and that is when… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
8 months ago

I doubt the “black orcs” hate Trump as much as you think. After all, they didn’t start burning shit down last time Trump was in until Saint George Floyd (praise be upon him) became the modern-day Jesus Christ. Feminists, on the other hand, will lose their minds if the pussy-grabber-in-chief prevails again. Because women are all-talk, those feminists won’t do much but kvetch endlessly about the situation, yet their hysteria will be worth much more than the price of admission. And other prominent figures in this degenerate system will likewise whine their eyes out if The Donald seals the deal.… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Wkathman
8 months ago

“But will the system unravel entirely? I doubt it.”

One can dream, right?

I don’t subscribe to this nonsense that the “black vote” is swaying towards Trump. black people will never vote this way – ever. They’re still as envious and angry as ever, and even more retarded and violent than ever.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
8 months ago

The idea that blacks will support ANY Republican (even a BLACK Republican) in substantial numbers is one of those mainstream conservative dreams that inexplicably has yet to come true. But I’m sure the next election will be different. [SARC]

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wkathman
8 months ago

Some truth there. Plenty of male nuggras secretly–or not so secretly–admire Donald’s bravado and ostentation. They may not vote for him, but they don’t hate him, either.

As to potential unraveling, if Trump wins it will be interesting to see what happens in California. They’ve rumbled about secession before. Perhaps this time they make good on their promise. Of course, AINO’s electoral demographics are so blotto that even the loss of California would only be a speedbump for the Left.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Wkathman
8 months ago

I’d suggest making a protest vote by voting for Benedict Arnold’s ghost as a write-in.

That would be the best way of not playing their two-party scam.

Reply to  kerdasi amaq
8 months ago

Protest votes are lame. The jackals who run things do not care a whit if you write something silly in. Just stay home on Election Day. Don’t play a rigged game.

Mr C
Mr C
8 months ago

I mostly agree, but the “regime” is not giving up. Every single one of us has a lot of crow to eat if Trump actually wins in November. I just don’t see how it’s possible for a 2020 steal and a 2024 win to both be possible. Trump winning in 2024 shows the system still kind of works even though he’s a vote against the system, ironically. Biden winning confirms nothing.

That being said, a hypothetical Trump win still will not bring about what is necessary to restore a nation.

Reply to  Mr C
8 months ago

I’ll eat the crow, but a Trump win is the biggest, riskiest rope a dope, which they might be attempting. Doubt it works either way, and Our Democracy is outed. Things keep accelerating.

Reply to  Mr C
8 months ago

“ That being said, a hypothetical Trump win still will not bring about what is necessary to restore a nation.”

Likely, true. However, the process of change (without collapse) must necessarily be a long one. As Trump exposed the swamp and managerial class, what possibly will a second election expose now that the “sides” have firmed up? That’s the only reason I would go to the polls and vote Trump this election.

Baby steps.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

A Trump win would not be a baby-step. There will be riots and burning before dawn. Remember the summer of 2020? Multiply. And the Establishment stands down to let it happen. It’s gonna be wild. It’s gonna be so wild it almost makes a normal person want to vote for Nikki.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
8 months ago

After the Fortification of Democracy triumphs and Biden’s corpse is sworn into office (the first Undead President), will the regime get bored with Trump? After all, Eugene V. Debs ran for President while in jail. So do they relent, let him rot there or go Full Epstein? Smart move is to have Biden’s corpse pardon him and everyone who counts, like Hunter et al., allowing us to Move On. However, they are not smart. Probably they will impeach him a third time, just for laughs. If they have the time and money for all this lawfare, why stop with prison?… Read more »

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
8 months ago

There is nothing to legally prevent Trump from running for President, and winning, while in jail…Of course, he probably will not physically be in jail…But if he wins, he can pardon himself..

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  pyrrhus
8 months ago

The great irony is a president pardoning himself usually entails the president in engaging in Banana Republic shenanigans, but in this case it would be restoring sanity.

You could argue it goes against Republican Virtue, and Trump should go to jail to maintain the integrity of the Republic, like the Roman Emperor who let his son be executed. At an earlier time that might be admirable, but that ship has ailed.

At this point, hoping for it just for the lols.

Reply to  pyrrhus
8 months ago

A a former president, he has a secret service team protecting him at all times. Wouldn’t that be interesting? I guess they would have to live in the cell with him, and follow him to the mess hall and showers.

Reply to  DLS
8 months ago

Trump also had his own security team to protect him from the Secret service.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  DLS
8 months ago

I can think of a few adjectives more apposite than “interesting” for having to watch the Donald lather up in a hoosegow shower with a bar of Lava…

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  pyrrhus
8 months ago

It’s amusing to ponder… Let’s suppose Trump wins, and perhaps the state prosecutor in the Georgia court later secures a conviction. How does a state go about apprehending and jailing a sitting president? Georgia state police have no jurisdiction in DC, and the case in Georgia is a state case, not federal. Does the US Marshal service try to arrest their own boss? Trump can order them to stand down. Who might obey Trump? Will the Secret Service protect him? Who has authority here when all executive power lies exclusively and ultimately with the president? Would Georgia be in open… Read more »

Reply to  pyrrhus
8 months ago

Two questions need settling. First Trump pardoning himself will inevitably run through SCOTUS. It will not be unchallenged. And it could (remotely possible) bring a successful impeachment in Congress. Second Trump can not pardon State crimes he’s convicted of.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Yes, the state crime thing is the rub. If we interpret our “constitution” to mean *any* state court can convict a sitting president of any state’s crime, and then jail him, then we have a system where the will of the voters in our only national election can be thwarted by any ambitious DA in Bumfuck, Everystate USA, supported by a ruthless political machine. This is why a successful impeachment and conviction in a Senate trial must be the only remedy to remove a president. Only then should other prosecutions take shape. SCOTUS needs to adjudicate this, but won’t. Well,… Read more »

8 months ago

DiSantis is interesting. I read the book that he wrote back when he was in Congress. It was a statesman’s warning that the Obama Regime was anti-American – a violation of our nation’s entire governing philosophy and a revolution. I don’t recall if he addressed the race issues, that Obama hinted at agitating in his Dreams book and then fully agitated with salt on open scabs between when he and Holder chose the path of martyring criminal scum. DiSantis has a problem now and for the future. When he went overseas to sign away free speech he forfeited his legitimacy… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago

Agreed. Someone like Matt Gaetz will be the new DeSantis. But he will also walk the line of placating the regime, so will fail as well. It’s only when someone revolts and means it that anything will change.

Reply to  DLS
8 months ago

Gaetz just said something like, “we can replace the votes of any Karens we lose with Javiers.” Or something to that effect. I wouldn’t count on him either. There really aren’t any good ones.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago

DeSantis commited treason by doing the golem shuffle in occupied Jerusalem.

It should be hung around his neck like a swung chicken until he is tried for it.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
8 months ago

Someone needs to do a meme of DeSantis in Hassidic garb swinging a 🐔 labeled “free speech” and holding a book labeled “anti- BDS Law”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
8 months ago

Ha ha ha. The golem shuffle…

8 months ago

I was also surprised that DeSantis did not follow the Ramaswamy plan – essentially running for VP unless Trump really was taken out. Promising pardons for Trump if that was the case.

Early on DeSantis famously switched his stance on the Ukraine War at the behest of his donors (which cost him a lot of support on the right). I bet much of his campaign strategy was set by the same donors, which is why he was like a man set free once he did drop.

Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

There is no reason for DeSantis to leave Florida to be VP. Like ZMan and many others have said, there was no reason to run at all unless he was promised Trump was getting removed from the process. That he believed the idiots telling him that is to his discredit. He is young enough to wait for 2028 and would have been the defacto front runner then. Once I heard he had Jeb on stage with him at his second inauguration I got skeptical fast.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

This is the interesting point, and why I think this is the end of the long con the GOP has run. You supposedly cannot win without billions of dollars, and people who fork that over want things totally at odds with their supposed electorate. The same happens with the Democrats but they do manage to throw a few crumbs toward their vibrant voters. It is all a fraud and not sustainable. Hence the never-ending quest for total censorship.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

Seems the Dem’s donors are more aligned with their electorate, at least as to means. They both want gibs and immigration albeit for possibly different reasons.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Maxda
8 months ago

DeSantis would not have been a good strategic choice for vp. Florida is about as much a lock for the GOP as you can get. The GOP needs a mate who can pull voters in contested states. Don’t think DeSantis would have been that guy.

Reply to  c matt
8 months ago

DeSantis carries a lot of disaffected Trump voters who want MAGA without Trump.
DeSantis will be VP.
Trump the salesman at the bully pulpit, distracting the swamp and the media with his very presence. DeSantis is a solid nuts and bolts policy guy.
They would compliment each other well.

8 months ago

This is a sharp analysis by Zman about how 2024 is shaping up. But I strongly encourage readers to follow the link in the second to last paragraph, attached to the words “brilliant observers.” It leads to a Zman article from October 2016, just after a Presidential debate where Trump had been set up for a fall, and refused to go down. It reawakened my own thoughts from that time, and is still a great reminder of why we hold the ruling class in such contempt. Here’s a sample: “Last night, I was reminded of why Trump was able to… Read more »

8 months ago

Since this conflict is an irreconcilable difference, a WAR, someone please answer me this: what possibly can Trump do? They stole it in front of his face in 2020. They totally tied him up in knots when he was in office, scared him to Fauci ultimate power, and brought a mostly peaceful POCs to his doorsteps. Nothing has changed. So even if Trump is allowed to take office and isn’t interested in doing more platinum plans. . .so what? He’s just one man. HE HAS NO ARMY, nor organization behind him. The other side does has SEVERAL armies. To me,… Read more »

Reply to  fakeemail
8 months ago

Trump accomplished one major thing…He refused to go to war, and specifically war on Iran…and they hate him with a passion for that….

Reply to  pyrrhus
8 months ago

He also pulled back the curtain and let us see the wizard working all the gears. That was probably unintentional, but a huge accomplishment nonetheless.

Reply to  fakeemail
8 months ago

The 2020 steal had an ad hoc, desperate feel to it. They’ve (R and D) has had 4 years to prepare. There’s not going to be any midnight vote counting stops this time, only to break uniformly in one direction at the last second. It’s going to be smooth like butter. Anyone really think there aren’t already oceans of meticulously filled out ballots, impossible to prove as forged, already sitting in secure locations already? There won’t be any “leaky pipes”, or windows getting papered over, or computerized ballot machines being proved hackable. It won’t be necessary …. You can be… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

They already did this in 2022. The fake votes were pumped in at the beginning. I remember Kari Lake, after being up 10 points in the pre-election polls, started out with a huge deficit and was scrambling all night just to make it close.

Reply to  DLS
8 months ago

That’s the nice thing about mail-in ballots being counted as they arrive. You know how many you need by Election Day and therefore have prep time to make things look on the up and up! ;-).

And yes, AZ as a State had this problem a couple of decade ago at least. Turns out one of the IT staff was leaking the preliminary counts to the opposition and confessed. Nothing came of it however.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  fakeemail
8 months ago

It is even worse: it is a no-confidence vote in the Regime. It is shocking that still is allowed.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  fakeemail
8 months ago

The only real life consequence I can forsee, with or without a Trump victory (and more likely without), is a collapse of the ZOG military. They are already having recruiting and retention issues, and fighting for Israel has lost what little appeal it ever had.

So if a war happens the ZOG will be hard pressed to man it.

Reply to  fakeemail
8 months ago

Get your eyes examined.

8 months ago

[…] ZMan is engagingly dyspeptic today. […]

8 months ago

Look at our history, conflict suits us. We might even need it to keep from becoming slobs. This is probably good news in the long run.

Reply to  Paintersforms
8 months ago

Credit to DeSantis for endorsing Trump. It’s probably the play he should’ve made at the beginning.

Reply to  Paintersforms
8 months ago

DeSantis should have endorsed Trump and never been a candidate…That way, he would have been a logical pick in 2028…Running this time was extremely dumb, as was his homage to Israel….

Reply to  pyrrhus
8 months ago

You’re correct. DeSantis could have made his position as “backup to Trump” simply by campaigning for Trump and outdoing him on positions. DeSantis bought into the lie that Trump was weak, would be knocked out early, and the public was looking to settle for a “Trump light”.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
8 months ago

One of the funniest moments of the 2016 election was when Donald Trump implied Ted Cruz’s dad helped kill JFK, and Ted looked on the verge of doing a political hit job of his own. Some months later, he endorsed Trump.

There were probably several phone exchanges between the Trump and Desantis camp before the endorsement, and Trump made some promises. While Trump’s loyalty is spotty at best, he knew his chances there were better than with the snakes in the Washington D.C. class.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
8 months ago

“Another way of reading this is that this is just one more bit of evidence that behind the scenes the regime is about to abandon their plan to remove Trump.”

Never. The only scenario where this would make sense would be one where Trump made a Faustian pact with the forces of darkness and agreed to be co-opted. I think that is unlikely. The forces of darkness will exert all their might and main to remove Trump. And this will be an exertion with no holds barred. Literally.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 months ago

The Rs finally realized there are more Trump supporters than R supporters, and removing him from the ballot would lead to a landslide against them across the board. The only options left are Epsteining and cheating. Given how well they have rigged the voting process, Epsteining is unnecessary and against their future interests, but they might not be able to help themselves.

Reply to  DLS
8 months ago

As much as I like Trump, I’d have to say both your scenarios are a win for the DR. Given that view, I’m content with either outcome.