The Soros Army Gets a Human Sacrifice

I predicted after Ferguson that the rational response of small cities being attacked by Soros Inc. will be human sacrifice and tribute. The city leaders will hang a few cops, preferably white ones, so everyone knows they will do what it takes to pacify the rent-a-mob Soros has gathered at the city gates. Once those ceremonies are over, the city will quietly pay money to the “community organizers” so they will shut up and go away.

The Soros Army rampaging through America right now is not all that different from pirates in the age of sail or swords-for-hire in the medieval period. Eventually, civilized men will have to crush them, but for now cities and towns will have to make due. Baltimore has decided to hang six cops today.

The state’s attorney of Baltimore, in an unexpected announcement, said Friday that she had probable cause to file homicide, manslaughter and misconduct charges against the police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, who died after sustaining a spinal cord injury while in police custody.

In a news conference Friday, the state’s attorney, Marilyn J. Mosby, said that the death of Mr. Gray had been ruled a homicide and that the police had been negligent in his death.

“We have probable cause to file criminal charges,” Ms. Mosby said. As she spoke outside the War Memorial here, dozens of police officers dressed in riot gear stood nearby.

Ms. Mosby described repeated mistreatment of Mr. Gray. She said that time and again police officers had mistreated him . She said they had arrested him with no grounds, violating police procedure by putting him in cuffs and leg cuffs in the van without seat belting him and then repeatedly failing to get him medical attention.

She said that when he was removed from the wagon, “Mr. Gray was no longer breathing at all.”

The death, Ms. Mosby said, is believed to be the result of a fatal injury to Mr. Gray while he was riding in the van without a seatbelt.

The announcement came a day after the Police Department completed its initial investigation into Mr. Gray’s death and also handed its findings to Ms Mosby’s office.

The Police Department completed its initial investigation into Mr. Gray’s death and also handed its findings to Ms Mosby’s office, on Thursday. Prosecutors added the police work to their own investigation, and Commissioner Anthony W. Batts said his department will now take direction from them about what leads to pursue.

The people in charge of the city clearly think this will get the Soros Army off their back. If the cops are white then it give the megaphone holders something to rant about for while thus shifting the focus from the chaos on the streets. With the tourist trade at grave risk, the city has to try something so they are going with a human sacrifice.

The trouble, of course, is that the cops are probably innocent. When they are not convicted, then the whole things starts over and they will be right back to having the National Guard on the streets. That’s been the lesson of Ferguson. You can only buy off the besieging hordes for so long. At some point you have to destroy them.

At some point, someone is going to realize that only when the head of George Soros is on a stake will this madness come to end.

Bitcoin: Cisgendered, Transphobic and Heteronormative

Religions only work if they saturate the life of the believers. Without universalism they lose their utility and their rationale. If you flip it around, the way to identify a religion or a theodicy is to see if it is all consuming. If the people espousing a particular point of view judge everything within the context of that point of view, then you’re dealing with a religion of some sort.

This strange article on Bitcoin is a good example.

Nathaniel Popper’s new book, Digital Gold, is as close as you can get to being the definitive account of the history of Bitcoin. As its subtitle proclaims, the book tells the story of the “misfits” (the first generation of hacker-libertarians) and “millionaires” (the second generation of Silicon Valley venture capitalists) who were responsible for building Bitcoin, mining it, hyping it, and, in at least some cases, getting rich off it.

The tale is selective, of course: not everybody involved with Bitcoin talked to Popper, and the identity of Bitcoin’s inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains a mystery. But Popper did talk to most of the important people in the cryptocurrency crowd, and he tells me that he put real effort into trying “to find a woman who was involved in some substantive way”.

The result of that search? Zero. Nothing. Zilch. Popper’s book features no female principals at all: the sole role of women in the book is as wives and girlfriends.

To a non-moonbat, this is nutty as squirrel poop. What sort of diseased mind cares about the sexual demographics of Bitcoin’s founders? The answer is the Modern American Moonbat. The MAM’s are obsessed with their crotch the crotch of everyone else. It’s all they can think about all the time.

There are nasty consequences of this. If you are a woman involved with Bitcoin, you are invariably going to get treated like an outsider. As Victoria Turk says, “it seems that the only Bitcoin community that particularly welcomes female participation is the NSFW subreddit r/GirlsGoneBitcoin”, which is basically a site where women get paid in cryptocurrency to pose nude.

I’ll just note that Bitcoin went from weird technological hobby to social statement to mass movement rather quickly. Bitcoin meetups? Bitcoin clubs? Replace Bitcoin with “small denomination bills” and you see why this is weird.

Men make up an estimated 96% of the Bitcoin community, which means that if Bitcoin does end up succeeding, as its adherents think it will, and if the people who own Bitcoin see their holdings soar in value, then all of the profits will end up going to what Brett Scott calls the “crypto-patriarchy”. Not many men, to be sure: as Charlie Stross says, the degree of inequality in the Bitcoin economy “is ghastly, and getting worse, to an extent that makes a sub-Saharan African kleptocracy look like a socialist utopia”. But it’s not many men, and effectively zero women.

That’s why the MAM’s are calling in the SJW’s to attack the cult of Bitcoin. They suspect it is a deviationist sect orchestrated by the Pale Penis People to undermine the progress of the One True Faith.