One proof that the political class is well aware that their role is to provide theater for the masses is what we see happening with impeachment. The Senate is planning to wrap up the show today. They will have some manufactured drama today, but what will happen is what everyone always knew would happen. The show will close today with a vote to acquit. The actors on the Democrat side will spend the weekend talking about their performances and their next roles, but that’s it.
The reason this show had to end today is the next show has booked the political theater, so the impeachment crew has to clear out. The Democrat primary starts next week with the Iowa caucus. The inner party and their media organs want exclusive access to the audience, so it means closing down impeachment. Bug-eyed Adam Schiff will be given his award, packed off to the loony bin for some rest and the cast of election show will make their debut on Monday.
Unlike impeachment show, which was never allowed to go off script, election show is looking like an improv skit gone terribly wrong. The main star has come down with a very bad case of dementia. His understudy is an elderly Jewish man unaware of the fact the Soviet Union collapsed thirty years ago. The rest of the players look like call backs for a film student’s graduate project. What happens after the show opens next week could be some of the best unintentional comedy of the year.
Aside from the entertainment, there is a good chance this is one of those clarifying events like the 2016 election was for many conservatives. A lot of people moved into dissidents politics when they saw how the so-called conservatives responded to Donald Trump in the primary. Something similar could happen to Progressives when they see their party side with Wall Street to block Sanders. It’s possible the party could literally throw in with a billionaire to stop the Sander’s movement.
A big part of what holds Progressive whites inside the orthodoxy is their belief that they are part of a reformist movement, fighting against vested interests. If their party drops the mask and tries to rig the vote against Sanders or sides with a billionaire like Bloomberg, maintaining that delusion will be impossible for many. Dissidents could suddenly find themselves getting very different questions from their Progressive friends and family over the course of this campaign.
That’s not to say there will be a suddenly revolution on the Left, with white Progressives crossing no man’s land to embrace their brothers on this side. As with Trump, many dead end types will stay on the revolution. In every slave revolt, it is always a minority that does the revolting, while the majority play it safe. Still, it is an intriguing possibility that will offer up opportunities for dissidents. No one knows what will happen when a bunch of white Progressives get red pilled.
This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.
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This Week’s Show
- 00:00: Opening
- 02:00: The Way We Were
- 17:00: Of Primary Importance
- 27:00: The Iowa Caucus
- 37:00: The New Hampshire Primary
- 47:00: Nevada and South Carolina
- 57:00: Closing
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