Predictions for the new year are a tradition in the content creation world, but it seems like the tradition is fading. The obvious reason is the zombies in the mass media are no longer capable of independent thought. If your job is to repeat what you are told, making predictions is a very dangerous game. That and you run the risk of accidentally noticing something that is forbidden. Predictions are about trends and noticing those is a high crime these days, so predictions are frowned upon.
The other reason this tradition is fading is America is no longer an optimistic society, so making predictions is a bit grim. Predicting that Americans will reach Mars in the next decade is fun and exciting. Predicting that the economy will continue to crumble due to mass piracy by the ruling class is depressing. Even for those on this side of the divide, looking into the abyss is not a lot of fun. That said, it is a tradition and traditions must be maintained even in the worst of times.
With that in mind, let us get right into it. The economy in Europe will continue to crumble in 2023, with energy concerns reaching critical mass. They stocked up on Russian gas to make it through this winter, but that stock is gone and the replacement will be significantly more expensive going forward. The goofy oil price cap will begin to warp the market, driving prices up in Europe, but down in Asia. This will accelerate the de-industrialization of Europe creating an economic panic by the autumn.
In the U.S., inflation will remain stubbornly high, especially as de-dollarization of the energy markets picks up steam. The Fed will have no choice but to shift from the Arthur Burns strategy to the Paul Volker strategy. Higher energy costs and China’s aggressive currency policies will force the Fed to remove dollars from the system in a far more aggressive fashion than in 2022. Mortgage rates will break the nine percent barrier in the fall as the economy dips into recession…
Cozy TV gets de-platformed from the internet…
On the political front, the prosecutor assigned to investigate Trump hits him with some spurious charges, in order to keep Trump viable. The regime thinks he is their best bet at avoiding a change in figure head. The charges will lack seriousness, thus turning Trump into a martyr for the base. Meanwhile, the Republican leadership rallies around Tim Scott as their anti-Trump option. They think their voters will abandon Trump if the option is a magical black man.
As the economy gets worse, the rumblings about a primary challenge to Biden will grow louder, especially as things in Ukraine fall apart. All of the pundits will swear that Biden will choose to step aside, but instead he will announce that he intends to run for another term, even though he has no idea where he is most of the time. At this point, even the dumbest Democratic voter will start to realize that our elections are just theater and they have no bearing on public policy…
Kanye West files for bankruptcy…
The crypto market will continue to erode as it becomes clear that the novelty has passed and there will not be another rally. The fact is the only use of crypto is to get around government policy. It is simply a way to make real money disappear and then reappear somewhere else without the government knowing about it. Bitcoin will drop below $10,000 by the summer and there will be talk about the entire space returning to its roots as a tool of the underground economy…
I will finish my book…
By the late spring, it becomes clear that the Ukrainian army cannot continue and the West has run out of weapons for them. This will force the Ukrainian army to withdraw from the Donbass. Simultaneously, NATO sends “advisers” into Western Ukraine, under the pretext of stemming the flow of refugees into the rest of Europe. These “advisors” will be mostly Polish military. By autumn, the Poles will be talking about annexing Ukrainian lands that were once part of Poland.
This triggers a crisis in Europe as it will open a long suppressed discussion about the borders drawn after WW2. The Germans will start talking about lands they lost to Poland after the war. The Hungarians will make their own claims in Ukraine. Romania will make is claims on Moldova/Transnistria. Meanwhile, the Balkans will get hot as all of the old claims come to a boil. Meanwhile, the Russians will turn their newly acquired territories into a heavily fortified buffer between West and East.
All of this calls into question the trillions spent on the Military Industrial Complex over the last thirty years. People start to notice that the weapons industry has been charging billions for machines that are largely useless against an opponent that can fight back and impossible to produce in the volumes required of a real conflict. The failure in Ukraine will expose the fact that the American military machine is just another grift in a society based on the greater fool theory…
Musk turns Twitter back over to the censors and moves onto some new hobby…
Joe Biden gives a speech in favor of human sacrifice. This sounds ridiculous, but the coordinated effort by the managerial elite in favor of the mutilation of children is one small step from ritual human sacrifice. Canada is telling people to kill themselves, so that will be in America soon. Put the two together and you can see how turning euthanasia into a new right is the logical end. Given how the ruling class sacralizes their fetishes, logic says they will be promoting human sacrifice soon…
The Alex Jones case runs into an “enterprising” judge who will craft a novel way around the legal protections Jones plans to use to guard his assets. The judge will find a way for the plaintiffs to do a Tom Metzger on Jones, stripping him of all of his assets and the commercial rights to his own name. The Alex Jones show will become the property of the skeevy weirdos suing him. Jones will be made penniless and no one in the mainstream media will question it.
Meanwhile Sam Bankman-Fried will get time served and a small fine for his role in the FTX scheme. This may sound crazy, but our legal system is this corrupt. He and the rest of the perverts that ran the operation will be given a free pass, as long as they keep their mouths shut about who they bribed and for what purpose. Unlike Bernie Madoff, who robbed important people, Bankman mostly robbed Dirt People, so the important people will give him and his friends a pass…
The Oracle of Lagos will become the Oracle of Appalachia…
Happy New Year!
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